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Circumcircles and Incircles of Triangles: I. Circumcircle of A Triangle

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Circumcircles and Incircles of Triangles

I. Circumcircle of a Triangle

Theorem: All triangles are cyclic,

i.e. every triangle has a circumscribed
circle or circumcircle.

Given ABC, construct the perpendicular bisectors of
sides AB and AC.
(Recall that a perpendicular bisector is a line that
forms a right angle with one of the triangle's sides and
intersects that side at its midpoint.)

These bisectors will intersect at a point O.

So we have that OD t AB and OE t AC.

Now observe that

ODA y ODB by the Side-Angle-Side Theorem.

Thus, OA = OB being corresponding sides of congruent triangles.

It is also the case that

OEA y OEC by the Side-Angle-Side Theorem.

So OA = OC being corresponding sides of congruent triangles.

Now consider any point X on segment AE. We find from the Pythagorean Theorem that

OA = OE 2 + EA2 = OE 2 + ( EX + XA ) 2 > OE 2 + EX 2 = OX .

Therefore, OA > OX.

In a similar way, we can establish that r = OA = OB = OC is greater than the distance from O
to any other point Z on ABC.

Hence, the circle with center at O and radius r circumscribes the triangle.

The cirrcumcenterr's position depends

d on the type of triangle

i. If and
a only if a triangle is acute
(alll angles smaaller than a right
r angle),
the circumcenteer lies insidee the trianglee.

ii. If and
a only if itt is obtuse
as one angle bigger than a right anglle),
the circumcenteer lies outsidde the trianglle.

iii. Iff and only if it is a right triangle,

the circumcennter lies at thhe
ceenter of the hypotenuse.

m: The ratio that appearss in the Law of Sines is the diameter of the circum
mcircle of

a b c
d = = =
sin sin ssin

Given ABC , let O denote thhe center of its
circumcirrcle. Observ OC = 2 :BAC
ve that :BO :
due to the Inscribed and
a Central Angle Theorem.
That is,

:B BOC = 2 . (1)

Let M be
b the midpo
oint of BC.

Then BOM
C by the Side-Side-Siide

So we have that
:BOM =:COM = :BOC , (2)
since corresponding angles in congruent triangles are equal.

For the same reason, we know that

= 90 .
1 1
:OMB =:OMC = :BMC = 180
2 2

From (1) and (2) it follows immediately that :BOM = .

Now in the right triangle BOM we see that

BM 2 BM BM + MC BC a
sin = = = = = .
BO 2 BO 2r 2r d
Therefore, d = .
Hence, by applying the Law of Sines, we may conclude that

a b c
d = = = .
sin sin sin

II. Incircle of a Triangle

Theorem: A circle can be inscribed in any triangle,

i.e. every triangle has an incircle.

Given ABC , bisect the angles at the vertices
A and B. These angle bisectors must intersect at a
point, O . Locate the points D , E and F on sides
AB, BC and CA respectively so that

OD t AB, OE t BC and OF t CA.

Observe that


by the Angle-Side-Angle Theorem.

Since corresponding sides of congruent triangles are equal, we also know that

OD = OF and OD = OE.

Hence, OD = OF = OE .

Moreover, it follows from the Pythagorean Theorem, that r = OD = OF = OE is the shortest

distance from the point O to each of the sides of ABC.

So the circle with center O and radius r is an incircle for the triangle. Further, it is the only
one, since any point equidistant from segments AB and BC must necessarily lie on line OB: the
bisector of :ABC ; and similarly, any point equidistant from segments CA and AB must lie
on line OA: the bisector of :CAB . Therefore, O must be the center of the incircle for the

Consequently, the incircle for any triangle is unique.

Theorem: The radius r of the incircle for ABC is given by

2 Area ( ABC )
r = .
Perimeter ( ABC )


Given ABC with incircle having center at O, we note that

Area ( ABC ) = Area ( AOB ) + Area ( BOC ) + Area ( COA ) .

1 1 1
Area ( ABC ) = ( AB r ) + ( BC r ) + ( CA r ) .
2 2 2

That is,
Area ( ABC ) = ( AB + BC + CA ) .

Area ( ABC ) = Perimeter ( ABC ).

2 Area ( ABC )
r = .
Perimeter ( ABC )


1. Find the radii of each of the three circles in the figure below.

2. Find the radii of each of the circles in the given equilateral triangle. Take the side length to be
1 unit in each case.

a. b.

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