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Geometry PDF

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August 2011

Suggested Sequence:

1. Tools of Geometry
2. Reasoning and Proof
3. Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
4. Congruent Triangles
5. Relationships Within Triangles
6. Polygons and Quadrilaterals
7. Similarity
8. Right Triangles and Trigonometry
9. Transformations
10. Area
11. Surface Area and Volume
12. Circles

Prioritized Curriculum

CSOs Essential Important Need to Know

M.O.G.3.1 X
M.O.G.3.2 X
M.O.G.3.3 X
M.O.G.3.4 X
M.O.G.3.5 X
M.O.G.3.6 X
M.O.G.3.7 X
M.O.G.3.8 X
M.O.G.3.9 X
M.O.G.3.10 X
M.O.G.3.11 X
M.O.G.3.12 X
M.O.G.3.13 X
M.O.G.3.14 X
M.O.G.3.15 X
M.O.G.3.16 X
M.O.G.3.17 X
M.O.G.3.18 X
M.O.G.3.19 X
M.O.G.3.20 X
M.O.G.3.21 X
Tools of Geometry
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

Nets and Drawings for CSOs: G.3.1, G.3.8, G.3.17, Acute, right, obtuse, straight
Visualizing Geometry angles
Adjacent angles
Points, Lines, and Planes
Estimated days to complete: 8 Angle bisector
Measuring Segments Collinear points, coplanar
Measuring Angles Enduring Understanding: points
Exploring Angle Pairs Complementary and
Students will be introduced to
Basic Constructions supplementary angles
various topics in the study of Congruent angles
Midpoint and Distance in
geometry. Congruent segments
the Coordinate Plane
Perimeter, Circumference, Essential Question(s):
Linear pair
and Area Measure of an angle
How can you represent a
three-dimensional figure
Perpendicular bisector
with a two-dimensional
Perpendicular lines
drawing? Point, line, plane
What are the building Postulate, axiom
blocks of geometry? Ray, opposite rays
How can you describe the Segment
attributes of a segment or Segment bisector
angle? Vertex of an angle
Vertical angles
Reasoning and Proof
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

Patterns and Inductive CSOs: G.3.2, G.3.3, G.3.4, G.3.5, Biconditional

Reasoning Conclusion
Conditional Statements
Estimated days to complete: 5 Conjecture
Biconditionals and
Definitions Enduring Understanding: Converse
Deductive Reasoning Counterexample
Students will be introduced to
Reasoning in Algebra and Deductive reasoning
topics related to reasoning
Geometry Equivalent statements
including deductive and inductive Hypothesis
Proving Angles Congruent
reasoning. Inductive reasoning
Essential Question(s):
Law of detachment
How can you make a Law of syllogism
conjecture and prove that
Paragraph proof
it is true?
Truth value
Two-column proof
Parallel and Perpendicular
Key Concepts: Lines Key Vocabulary:

Lines and Angles CSOs: G.3.1, G.3.4, G.3.5, G.3.6, Alternate exterior angles
Properties of Parallel Lines G.3.14, G.3.19, G.3.20 Alternate interior angles
Auxiliary line
Proving Lines Parallel Estimated days to complete: 8 Corresponding angles
Parallel and Perpendicular Exterior angle of a polygon
Lines Enduring Understanding:
Flow proof
Parallel Lines and Triangles Students will expand upon their Parallel lines
Constructing Parallel and understanding of skills related to Parallel planes
Perpendicular Lines parallel and perpendicular lines. Point-slope form
Remote interior angles
Equations of Lines in the
Essential Question(s): Same-side interior angles
Coordinate Plane
Skew lines
Slopes of Parallel and How do you prove that Slope
Perpendicular two lines are parallel or Slope-intercept form
perpendicular? Transversal
What is the sum of the
measures of the angles of
a triangle?
How do you write an
equation of a line in the
coordinate plane?
Congruent Triangles
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

Congruent Figures CSOs: G.3.5, G.3.7 Base angles of an isosceles

Triangle Congruence by triangle
Estimated days to complete: 7 Base of an isosceles triangle
Congruent polygons
Triangle Congruence by Enduring Understanding: Corollary
ASA and AAS Hypotenuse
Students will build upon their
Using Corresponding Parts Legs of an isosceles triangle
understanding and skills related
of Congruent Triangles Legs of a right triangle
to angles and triangles. Vertex angles of an isosceles
Isosceles and Equilateral
Triangles Essential Question(s):
Congruence in Right
How do you identify
corresponding parts of
Congruence in Overlapping
congruent triangles?
How do you show that two
triangles are congruent?
How can you tell whether
a triangle is isosceles or
Relationships Within
Key Concepts: Triangles Key Vocabulary:

Midsegments of Triangles Altitude of a triangle

Perpendicular and Angle Centroid of a triangle
CSOs: G.3.5, G.3.10, G.3.18
Circumcenter of a triangle
Estimated days to complete: 6 Circumscribed about
Bisectors in Triangles
Medians and Altitudes Enduring Understanding: Distance from a point to a line
Indirect Proof Equidistant
Students will identify the unique
Inequalities in One Triangle Incenter of a triangle
properties of triangles. Indirect proof
Inequalities in Two
Indirect reasoning
Triangles Essential Question(s):
How do you use Median of a triangle
coordinate geometry to Midsegment of a triangle
Orthocenter of a triangle
find relationships within
Point of concurrency
How do you solve
problems that involve
measurements of
How do you write indirect
Polygons and Quadrilaterals
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

The Polygon Angle-Sum CSOs: G.3.4, G.3.5, G.3.8, Base, base angle, and leg of a
Theorem trapezoid
G.3.14, G.3.17
Consecutive angles
Properties of Parallelogram
Estimated days to complete: 8 Coordinate proof
Proving that a Equiangular, equilateral
Quadrilateral is a Enduring Understanding: polygon
Parallelogram Isosceles trapezoid
Students will identify the unique
Properties of Rhombuses, Kits
properties of triangles. Midsegment of a trapezoid
Rectangles, and Squares
Opposite angles
Conditions for Rhombuses, Essential Question(s):
Opposite sides
Rectangles, and Squares
How do you use Parallelogram
Trapezoids and Kites Rectangle
coordinate geometry to
Polygons in the Coordinate Regular polygon
find relationships within
Plane Rhombus
Applying Coordinate Square
How do you solve trapezoid
problems that involve
Proofs Using Coordinate
measurements of
How do you write indirect
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

Ratios and Proportions CSOs: G.3.4, G.3.5, G.3.9, Extended proportion

Similar Polygons Extended ratio
G.3.11, G.3.19
Proving Triangles Similar
Estimated days to complete: 5 Geometric mean
Similarity in Right Triangles Indirect measurement
Proportions in Triangles Enduring Understanding: Means
Students will expand upon their
understanding and skills related
Scale drawings
to similarity. Scale factor
Similar figures
Essential Question(s):
Similar polygons
How do you use
proportions to find side
lengths in similar
How do you show two
triangles are similar?
How do you identify
corresponding parts of
similar triangles?
Right Triangles and
Key Concepts: Trigonometry Key Vocabulary:

The Pythagorean Theorem Angle of depression

and its Converse Angle of elevation
CSOs: G.3.11, G.3.12
Special Right Triangles
Estimated days to complete: 6 Initial point
Angles of Elevation and Enduring Understanding: Pythagorean triple
Depression Resultant
Students will explore concepts
Vectors Sine
related to right triangles, Tangent
including trigonometry. Terminal point
Trigonometric ratios
Essential Question(s):
How do you find a side
length or angle measure in
a right triangle?
How do trigonometric
ratios relate to similar right
What is a vector?
Transformations Key Vocabulary:

Key Concepts: CSOs: G.3.15, G.3.19 Center of a regular polygon

Composition of transformations
Translations Estimated days to complete: 6 Dilation
Reflections Glide reflection
Enduring Understanding:
Rotations Glide reflectional symmetry
Symmetry Students will explore the Image
Dilations concepts related to
Line symmetry
Compositions of transformations.
Reflections Reflection
Essential Question(s):
Tessellations Rotation
How can you change a figures Rotational symmetry
position without changing its Tessellation
size and shape? Transformation
How can you change a figures Translation
size without changing its Translational symmetry
How can you represent a
transformation in the
coordinate plane?
How do you recognize
symmetry in a figure?
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

Areas of Parallelograms CSOs: G.3.8, G.3.9, G.3.11, Adjacent arcs

and Triangles Altitude
Areas of Trapezoids,
Estimated days to complete: 7 Arc length
Rhombuses, and Kites
Areas of Regular Polygons Enduring Understanding: Central angle
Perimeters and Areas of Circle
Students will identify the unique
Similar Figures Circumference
properties of triangles.
Trigonometry and Area Concentric circles
Circles and Arcs Essential Question(s): Congruent arcs
Congruent circles
Areas of Circles and
How do you find the area Diameter
Sectors Geometric probability
of a polygon or find the
Geometric Probability Height
circumference and area of
Major arc
a circle?
Minor arc
How do perimeters and
areas of similar polygons Sector of a circle
compare? Segment of a circle
Surface Area and Volume
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:

Space Figures and Cross CSOs: G.3.9, G.3.16 Altitude

Sections Center of a sphere
Estimated days to complete: 8 Cone
Surface Areas of Prisms
Cross section
and Cylinders Enduring Understanding: Cylinder
Surface Areas of Pyramids Edge
Students will find surface areas
and Cones Face great circle
and volumes of solid figures.
Volumes of Prisms and Hemisphere
Cylinders Essential Question(s): Lateral area
Volumes of Pyramids and Lateral face
How can you determine Polyhedron
the intersection of a solid Prism
Surface Areas and Volumes
and a plane? Pyramid
of Spheres Right cone
How do you find the
Areas and Volumes of Right cylinder
surface area and volume of
Similar Solids Right prism
a solid?
Slant height
How do the surface areas Sphere
and volumes of similar Surface area
solids compare? volume
Key Concepts: Key Vocabulary:
Tangent Lines CSOs: G.3.13 Chord
Chords and Arcs Inscribed angle
Inscribed Angles Estimated days to complete: 5 Intercepted arc
Angle Measures and Enduring Understanding: Point of tangency
Segment Lengths
Students will explore concepts Secant
Circles in the Coordinate Standard form of an equation
related to circles.
Plane of a circle
Locus: A Set of Points Essential Question(s): Tangent to a circle

How can you prove

relationships between
angles and arcs in a circle?
When lines intersect a
circle, or within a circle,
how do you find the
measures of resulting
angles, arcs, and
How do you find the
equation of a circle in the
coordinate plane?

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