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The key takeaways are that Ryan is nervous about giving a speech in class but learns that with practice he can overcome his nerves.

At first, Ryan is very worried and nervous about having to give a speech in class.

Tracey advises Ryan to write down what he wants to say, practice it until he knows it well, and then practice in front of someone to get ready.



Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read the text and then answer the questions.


Mr. Larson was telling his students about their next task. Weve been talking about how
to share information in a presentation, and now youre going to get the chance to do that. I 1. Y N
want each of you to choose a book. Then, youll read that book and tell the class about the
book youve chosen.

Ryan slumped down in his seat when he heard Mr. Larson. He was really worried about 2. Y N
this assignment. He had never made a speech before, and he was very nervous about
speaking in public. He felt absolutely miserable as he left the classroom; he knew that Mr.
Larson wouldnt let him get away with not doing the assignment.
3. Y N

1. Which question about the text 4. Which is a synonym for slumped?

would help you as you monitor 4. Y N
yourreading? A slept
A Why doesn't Ryan like Mr. Larson?
B stood
B Why is Ryan nervous about making
C sank 5. Y N

aspeech? D jumped
C Why doesn't Ryan like to read?
D Why didn't Ryan hear 5. Which descriptive phrase helps the
___ / 5
theassignment? reader understand Ryan in thistext?
A absolutely miserable
2. What is the setting of this text? B next task
A the library C share information
B a store D choose a book
C Ryans home
D Ryan's classroom

3. Which two words tell you that Ryan

is not happy about the assignment?

A assignment and doing

B heard and felt
C share and presentation
D worried and nervous

Shell Education #50926180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade 63


2 Name:________________________________ Date:___________________

Directions Read the text and then answer the questions.


Ryan was very anxious about an assignment Mr. Larson had given the class. Everyone
1. Y N in the class was going to have to make a speech about a book, but Ryan had never made a
speech before. Ryans sister, Tracey, asked him what was wrong.

Ive never made a presentation before, Ryan explained. I have no idea how to do it.
2. Y N
Tracey said, Everybody gets nervous before a presentation. But you can do it. First,
you need to write down what you want to say. Then, practice until you really know it. Then,
practice in front of someone so you are really ready.
3. Y N
I guess I could try doing it that way, Ryan said doubtfully. Its better than not doing
anything and embarrassing myself.

4. Y N

1. Which is an important statement to 3. Which part of speech is nervous?

understand in this text?
A noun
5. Y N A Tracey tells Ryan to stop worrying
B adverb
and say anything he wants.
B Tracey tells Ryan to forget about
C verb
theassignment. D adjective
___ / 5 C Tracey tells Ryan to tell Mr. Larson he
cant make a speech.
D 4. Which definition of speech is used in
Tracey tells Ryan to write what he this text?
wants to say and practice.
A dialogue
B presentation
2. Who is the main character? C words
A Tracey
D language
B Mr. Larson
C Ryan
D Ryans father 5. What does the word doubtfully tell
the reader in the last paragraph?
A Ryan is not sure whether Tracy
B Ryan really wants to make a speech.
C Ryan is angry with Tracey.
D Ryan is convinced that Tracey is right.

64 #50926180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade Shell Education


Name:________________________________ Date:___________________
Directions Read the text and then answer the questions.


Ryans teacher, Mr. Larson, had assigned the class to choose a book, read it, and then
make a speech about the book. Ryan didnt want to do the assignment because he was 1. Y N
nervous. But he had to do the assignment. So he decided to take his sister Traceys
advice. After he read his book, Ryan wrote down the things he wanted to say about it.
Then, he organized what he wanted to say. Next, he started practicing. He practiced every
day. Finally, he was ready to practice his speech in front of someone. He asked Tracey if 2. Y N
she would listen to his speech. She agreed to let him practice in front of her. When Ryan
finished his speech, Tracey said, I know youre nervous about giving a speech, Ryan, but I
really think youre ready.
3. Y N

1. Which of these actions is not 4. Which is a synonym for advice?

included in the text? 4. Y N
A practice
A Ryan puts his speech on tape.
B organize
B Ryan writes down the things he
C speech 5. Y N
wanted to say.
C Ryan practices every day.
D suggestion
D Ryan practices in front of Tracey.
5. What does it mean to organize? ___ / 5

2. What is Ryans assignment? A practice Total

A to watch a television show B put in order

B to do a set of worksheets C write down
C to read a book and give a speech D choose
D to read a book and write a report

3. How many syllables are in the


A four syllables
B three syllables
C one syllable
D two syllables

Shell Education #50926180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade 65


45 Name:________________________________ Date:__________________

Ryans Big Speech

It was a very important day for
Ryanhe was about to make his first
public speech. His teacher, Mr. Larson,
had assigned the class to choose a
book, read it, and then make a speech
about it. Ryan had chosen a book he
liked. He had read it carefully. Then,
he had written down what he wanted
to say about the book and prepared
a speech. He had practiced his
speech many times, but he was still
nervous. Ryan didnt know whether he
would be successful. He didnt want
to embarrass himself in front of the

Finally, Mr. Larson said the words

Ryan had been dreading: Okay, Ryan,
lets hear what you have to say. Come
up and give us your presentation.
Ryan gulped a few times. He
couldnt help still feeling somewhat
anxious. Then, he gathered his notes,
straightened up and walked slowly to
the front of the room. Mr. Larson sat
down in one of the front-row seats and
gave Ryan an encouraging smile as he
nodded for him to begin. Ryan cleared
his throat, glanced at his notes, and
plunged into his presentation.

For a moment or two, Ryan still felt very nervous. But as he went through his speech, he felt
less and less like running away. He had practiced often enough so that nothing in his speech
was new to him anymore. It wasnt long before he relaxed a little and was able to almost enjoy
what he was doing. By the time Ryan finished his presentation, he felt almost comfortable.

When Ryan stopped speaking, everyone in the class applauded. Mr. Larson said, That was
a very well-prepared presentation, Ryan. You did an excellent job. Ryan thought about how
much he had practiced to get ready for his speech, and he felt proud. He still didnt like making
speeches, but now he knew he could do it.

66 #50926180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade Shell Education


Name:________________________________ Date:__________________
Directions Read Ryans Big Speech and then answer the questions.

1. How does Mr. Larson feel? 5. Which of these describes
A happy about Ryans presentation 1. Y N

B afraid of Ryanspresentation A frightening

C angry about Ryans presentation B supportive

2. Y N

D jealous of Ryans presentation C forbidding

D distracted
3. Y N
2. Which statement is accurate?
6. Who might best relate to
A Ryans classmates make fun of him. Ryansexperience?
B Ryan is too nervous to speak. 4. Y N
A a teacher getting ready to give a test
C Ryan gives a good speech. to her students
D Ryan forgets his speech. B a coach who won a big game 5. Y N
C a ballerina before a recital

3. What is the purpose for reading D a mother taking her son to the dentist
thistext? 6. Y N

A to be entertained 7. What lesson does Ryan learn?

B to learn how to give a speech A If you practice, you can succeed. 7. Y N

C to understand why a person should B Never make a speech in public.

give a speech
D C Teachers do not want you to 8. Y N
There is no purpose for reading makespeeches.
D Practicing takes too much time.

4. What makes Ryan relax while he is

giving his speech? 8. What would Ryan likely say about ___ / 8
making a speech?
A Mr. Larson smiles at him.
B A It is easy to make a speech.
He has practiced, so nothing in his
speech is new to him. B Dont make a speech in public.
C His presentation is last, so he can C Practicing is not very useful.
listen to other students.
D It takes practice, but its not so bad.
D Mr. Larson tells him that he will do a
fine job.

Shell Education #50926180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade 67


5 Name:________________________________ Date:__________________
Reread the text Ryans Big Speech. Then, read the prompt and
Directions respond on the lines below.

___ / 4
Have you ever had to do something that made you nervous? Write about what





















68 #50926180 Days of Reading for Fifth Grade Shell Education

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