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North Suburban Republican Forum: August, 2010

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North Suburban Republican Forum

August, 2010

Key Dates for Election Year 2010

October 4: Last day to register to vote in the November general election.
October 18: Early voting begins
October 26: Last day to apply for a mail-in ballot
November 2: General election. 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Get Out The Vote, Colorado Republicans!!!!

To register to vote or confirm you are a registered Colorado voter, go to:

Our next meeting is from 9:15-10:15 am, Saturday morning, August 14th featuring a recap
and discussion of the Colorado Primary Election results along with what they mean to
you. Remember to invite somebody new to the NSRF as we discuss politics for the Denver
North Metro area. Please forward this newsletter to other like-minded individuals. We
need to be activists to regain our county and country from progressive minded Liberals.

Can you spare just a few hours a week? Or maybe a few hours every 2-3 weeks? Once a
month? Your participation will help to insure a conservative Victory in 2010!
Please support your local VICTORY OFFICE, no matter what county you reside in. Below
is an important update regarding VICTORY for those of you in ADAMS/BROOMFIELD
County. If you reside in another county, please contact your local county Republican
office for more info. For those of you in Adams County that are receiving this, we need
you NOW! The primaries are over and it's time to get behind ALL our candidates to
And please, it will save us much needed time if you can respond and get
signed up for VICTORY without your County volunteers having to call ~ of
course, we would love to get better acquainted, but would rather do that AT
Victory. Being proactive will make a difference long-term, and actually feels better
than throwing things at the TV! Together, we CAN and WILL WIN.
Kim Gillan
We have another Super weekend just around the corner. The weekend of August 20th-22nd, Victory
will be having its 2nd Super weekend of the election cycle and we need everyone’s help to pull it off!
It will be post-primary so we hope that you all will be able to get out and support ALL of the
Republicans on the ticket for November. This is an extremely important election year and we need
every able bodied person to get out and show the Democrats what the American People are all
about and to send a resonating “ENOUGH” to President Obama and Nancy Pelosi!

Here are Victory’s goals:

Our goal is to contact 12,000 voters in Adams and Broomfield Counties through both phone
calling and door knocking. To accomplish this we need 150 phone volunteers over the
course of the three days, and 45 door knockers for a total of 195 volunteers. This a very big
goal, but not one that Adams/Broomfield cannot accomplish (and as Jefferson and solid-blue

Denver both blew us out of the water last time, Victory would love nothing more than to make a
huge comeback and show them who’s boss!).

Here are Victory’s needs:

Again, we need 195 volunteers at a minimum to achieve our goals of voter contact. I need you to
sign up for one of the following shifts by either sending me an email with the day and shift you want
to work or giving me a call. You’ll need to tell if you would prefer to work the phones or knock
doors, or if you do not care which one you do, you will not need to designate specifically.
E-mail: Office Phone: 303-452-1780 Cell Phone: 720-318-7084


Friday: 9am-12pm 12pm-3pm 3-6pm 6-9pm
Saturday: 9am-12pm 12pm-3pm 3-6pm 6-9pm
Sunday: 12pm-3pm 3-6pm 6-9pm

This is a big effort, and one that Republicans need to succeed at if we have any hopes of winning
this November! As you are all aware this is not going to be an easy election, but Republicans have
the momentum this time around, and the AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE THE WILL TO FIGHT!!! The
Democrats are not going to give up and the nation is looking to Colorado: Colorado is on the front-
lines of the battlefield and it is vital that we not lose an inch, rather that we TAKE BACK OUR

Please join us in our efforts to win back seats for our Republican candidates!

"If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we
have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we
have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the
glorious object of our contest shall be obtained—we must fight!" Patrick Henry

Thanks for your help!

Anna Fitzer
Victory Field Director Adams and Broomfield Counties
2200 East 104th Ave, Thornton, CO, 80229
Office Phone: (303) 452-1780
Cell Phone: (720) 318-7084

NSRF upcoming calendar in 2010/2011:

September 11th – All candidates are welcome
October 9 – Countdown to Election Day, November 2nd and how to help GOTV
November 13 – Election recap
December 11 – NSRF Board Election, special breakfast, and planning for politics in 2011
January 8 -- Colorado’s legislative upcoming 2011 session

Adams County Republican Events Director, Jerry Cunningham, needs volunteers to help with the following

Strasburg parade – Saturday, August 14th: Parade begins at 10 AM. Check-in is between 8 to 9 AM at
the Legion Hall located at the corner of Burton Street and Westview Ave in Strasburg. The parade begins at
Wagner Street and Colfax Avenue and should be over by 11:30 AM.

Westminster Faire - Saturday, August 21st: Fair is located at 105th and Sheridan Blvd and runs from 10
AM to 5 PM.

Bennett Parade - Saturday, August 28th: Line-up begins at 9:15 AM at the SE corner of Trupp Park and
runs west back along Palmer Ave in Bennett. The parade is from 9 to 11 AM and will proceed from Palmer
to 4th, 4th to Lincoln, Lincoln to 1st, 1st to Lincoln ending at Palmer heading west

Thornton Fall Festival - Saturday, September 11th: Located at the Community field at Colorado and
112th Ave from 10 AM - 5 PM.

Reagan Round-up - Saturday, September 25th: A western flavored get-together of Republicans,

Candidates and Elected Officials from 4 PM - 8 PM.

Operation Free Bird – Saturday, November 20th: Noon to 4 PM at 64th and Federal (north of Rocky's

Call or email Jerry to let him know that you can help walk with our candidates, pass out candy, hold signs and banners,
man the booth, and let the communities know the Adams County Republicans are alive, kicking and taking names. His
phone is 303-439-8228 and his email address is:

New site takes on Adams County government

July 24th, 2010

A recently launched website tackles problems in Adams County government.

Just in time for elections, a recently launched website called “Adams County News & Views Exposing
Adams County, Colorado’s Culture of Corruption” looks to shake up the county political landscape.

The site, launched by a local Republican activist, is posting stories and commentary related to issues
within Adams County government and the local Democratic party. There isn’t a lot there right now but it
is a site worth keeping an eye on.

Visit the site: Adams County News & Views

Adams County starts issuing excuses for slow election
results – before the election
August 5th, 2010

Waiting, waiting, and more waiting for Adams County election results.

Slow election results from Adams County have become the norm rather than the exception with final
results not arriving until well after polls close. Despite years of problems nothing has been done to fix the
problem and now county officials are being preemptive in issuing excuses for the 2010 elections.

Final results in the 2008 election weren’t posted by Adams County until 25 hours after polls closed. Last
year the county reported results 23 hours after polls closed taking four times as long as the next slowest
metro area county.

Adams County Clerk and Recorder Karen Long told the Denver Post today not to expect any
improvement. “We are really encouraging people to get their ballots in early. You can have all the
planning in place, but when you get buried on the last day, it delays the results,” she said.

Despite years of ineptitude counting ballots and being unable to give its citizens timely and accurate
results, the county appears to have done nothing to correct the problem. Instead, they have taken the
tact that excuses will make folks feel better about their elected officials’ inability to do the job they were
hired by the voters to do.

Looking back:

• 2009: 23 hours after polls close, Adams County finally has results

• 2009: Adams County continues to show ineptitude at counting ballots

• 2008: Adams County responds to slow election results

• 2008: Adams County ballot counting brings up the rear – again

Thornton Free BBQ and School Supply Drive

by: Thornton Family Barbershop

Thornton Family Barbershop, Starbucks, and The UPS Stores of Thornton have joined to help Adams 12 students, teacher, and staff
with school supplies for the upcoming school year.

Additionally, On Saturday August 21, 2010, all the supplies gathered will be presented at Thornton Family Barbershop and given to
Adams 12 Foundation. Thornton Family Barbershop will also host a Free Community BBQ with all donations given to Adams 12
School District.

You can drop off your donated supplies or pick up tickets to the Free BBQ at any of the locations listed below.

Thornton Family Barbershop, 128th and Colorado

Starbucks, 120th & Huron
Starbucks, 120th & Colorado
Starbucks, 102nd & Grant-Thornton
Starbucks, I-25 & 120th
Starbucks, 84th & Pearl - Thornton
Starbucks, 168th & Washington - Thornton
Starbucks, 136th & I-25- Westminster
Starbucks, 136th & Colorado- Thornton
Starbucks, 144th and I-25
UPS Store, 120th & Colorado
UPS Store, Thornton Parkway & Washington
Adams 12 School District Educational Center - 128th & Claude

To RSVP or for further information you can reach Thornton Family Barbershop at 12720 E. Colorado or via phone at 303-586-6450.

What the Adams County Democrats have on their web site. Read it so you’ll understand
how misguided and wrong our opponents are.
Welcome to the Adams County Democratic Party, the party of success! Adams County has a tradition of electing strong,
principled Democratic officials and we want to continue working towards that goal.
From the ACDP Chair - June 2010

Written by Marty Wisniewski

As you probably know by now, I like to relate history to present day, and I have never read a Texas text book. I am a firm
believer that we are doomed to live history over if we don't remember it. For you younger readers, you may want to
google this song. I took some liberties with Tennessee Ernie Ford's song "16 Tons." Tennessee Ernie Ford recorded this
song in 1955 and it reached number one on the billboard charts. It is more relevant now than ever. It is a musical story of
life as a coal miner. The chorus of "Sixteen Tons" is:
“You load sixteen tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt.
Saint Peter, don't you call me, 'cause I can't go;
I owe my soul to the Company Store.”
The line "I owe my soul to the company store" refers to debt bondage. This is where workers were paid in script (like a
company gift card), and not cash, which were redeemable only at the company store. They were kept under a system
where they were enslaved to a company because of debt.
How does this relate to today's economy? Corporations have taken control and are changing our democracy to an
oligarchy. Profit is the only driving force. They have become sentient beings according to the Supreme Court, but they
aren't held to the same laws we are. If a corporation kills people, shouldn't it get a corporate death penalty? We owe our
house payments to them; we pay our car payments to them; we even rely on them for our health care. Credit card
companies, until very recently, had no bars on how high an interest pay-ment could be---basically, legal loan sharks. In
short, we owe our souls to the "company store."
How did the early miners break their shackles? One word: "unions." Organized labor met the challenge as we must now.
We have been driven down a road where our spending dollars have fallen. Just as the miners were, we have become a
country of debtors. We don't live to work, but work to live. Most of us are two-income families, not because we want to,
but because we have to. The corporations send our jobs overseas and yet they expect us to buy their goods and services, a
situation which can only mean disaster for the middle class. The corporations are now jeopardizing their workers' safety,
as you have seen in the recent coal mine disaster, and will gladly jeopardize the environment for profit as well, like in the
recent oil spill in the Gulf Coast.
The people that have been calling for less government and say "corporations can do it better," have very short-term
memories. Has the banking industry done it better? Has oil industry done it better? Has the insurance industry done it
better? No, but the American people have done it better. In short, the government. The company store can be owned
privately, but it must be regulated by the people of the United States, "the United States government." Our elected
officials need to keep our interests and safety first when making policy. The Democratic Party has been the party of the
working people and it needs to stay that way, and to be there for us.
The words of Sixteen Tons should read:
Sixteen tons, and what do you get?
Health care, fair wages, and equal pay,
Good, safe working conditions, retirement someday.
And a government FOR the people, ain't it better this way?

912 Rally on the west steps of the Colorado State Capital
Monday, September 13th, 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Janine Turner VIP Reception

Monday, September 13, 2010 from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM (MT)
Denver, CO

Top of Form

Ticket Information

Janine Turner 129 Sep 13, $125.0 $0.0

VIP tickets 2010 0 0
Can't Attend
100 Sep 13,
but will Enter amount ($)
tickets 2010

Bottom of Form

Event Details

You are invited to The Broker Restaurant on September 13th at

2:30pm to attend an elegant VIP Reception with Janine Turner, Actress, Activist, and
Keynote Speaker at the 2010 "We ARE The People Rally".
Also Headlining is S. E. Cupp, political commentator and author of "Losing Our Religion:

The Liberal Media's Attack On Christianity."

Besides a great time with Janine and S. E., the event includes Hors d'oeuvres, sweets, a
drink ticket, lively discussions with other VIP's and more.
Dress is casual as many people will be coming directly from the Rally.
This fundraiser may be THE Conservative Social Event of the year. We hope to see you

March 2010 – STEALING THE NEXT ELECTION: Amnesty, universal voter registration, felons voting,
operatives planted: Team Obama's strategy for maintaining permanent
With tens of millions of Americas furious at Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi
for unconstitutionally forcing socialized medicine down their throats, and with
congressional Democrats in danger of massive electoral losses this
November, one giant question looms large for Team Obama: How to stay in
power despite plummeting voter support?
The answer to that question can be found in the groundbreaking March issue
of Whistleblower magazine, titled "STEALING THE NEXT ELECTION."
This game-changing special report is summarized in its long subtitle:
"Amnesty, universal voter registration, felons voting, operatives planted:
Team Obama's strategy for maintaining permanent power."
"The people currently running the show in Washington," said Whistleblower
Editor David Kupelian, "come from the radical leftist world of Saul Alinsky in which everything they do – no
matter how unethical, corrupt and flat-out illegal – is morally justified if it advances their agenda. Winning votes
and elections by any means possible is their stock in trade."
"STEALING THE NEXT ELECTION" surveys the various stratagems the far left is currently developing to
consolidate power in the U.S. long-term. The list includes:
Universal voter registration: Now being secretly prepared by at least two prominent members of Congress,
this is essentially a scheme to legalize voter fraud by shifting responsibility for registering to vote from the
citizen to the government, meaning people are automatically registered to vote, based on DMV records,
income-tax returns, welfare rolls, unemployment lists and other government databases.
Illegal immigrant registration: Since government databases contain names of non-citizens, not to mention
mentally incompetent individuals and felons – factors that would ordinarily disqualify a person from voting in

most states – universal registration would open the floodgates to fraud. And since many people own property
in more than one location and pay taxes to numerous government entities, they would be afforded the
opportunity to vote in multiple locations.
Amnesty: Disguised once again by euphemisms like "comprehensive immigration reform," amnesty will create
millions of new Democrat voters. As Obama adviser and SEIU executive vice president Eliseo Medina said
recently regarding amnesty: "Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues and will be
voting? We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle."
Convicted felons voting: The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals late last year cleared the way for inmates to
vote from prison. The court overturned a Washington state law prohibiting felons from voting until they are
released and off parole, arguing state restrictions unfairly penalized minorities since they have a higher
incarceration rate. Polls show felons overwhelmingly prefer Democrats.
Planting operatives in America's statehouses: A subversive, Soros-backed group called the Secretary of
State Project is gearing up to steal the 2012 election for Obama and congressional Democrats by installing left-
wing Democrats as secretaries of state across the nation, from which posts they can help tilt the electoral
playing field.
"This is just a taste of the astonishing revelations in March's Whistleblower edition," said Kupelian. "It
gets much worse."
• "The next big gambit" by Joseph Farah
• "Democrats plan to steal the vote" by Chelsea Schilling, who warns, If you thought Obamacare was
scary, check out universal registration
• "Why Obama wants control of the census" by John Fund, on White House hopes to find "missing"
Democratic voters in the 2010 count
• "Soros group preparing to steal 2012 election" by Matthew Vadum, who shows Stalin was right in
saying, "The people who count the votes decide everything"
• "How to lock Democrats in power" by James Simpson, who exposes strategies the party is using to
engineer a new electorate
• "Voters think ACORN steals elections" – one quarter of Americans believe the disgraced group tied to
Obama affected the outcome of the 2008 election
• "Obama adviser: Amnesty will ensure 'progressive' rule" by Aaron Klein. Boasts the SEIU executive,
"Can you imagine 8 million new voters who care about our issues?"
• "The New Black Panthers and the White House" by Hans A. von Spakovsky, who asks, What did the
president's men know and when did they know it?
• "Is Obama's $789 billion buying votes instead of jobs?" by Drew Zahn, on studies showing "stimulus"
funds were spent on Democrats, not unemployment
• "Incarcerated felons have right to vote, rules court" by Art Moore, who shows that surveys show
prisoners overwhelmingly favor Democrats
• "The Democrats' technological thuggery" by Phil Elmore, on violence, abuse, libel, slander and
propaganda in the service of power
• "Don't progressives like free speech?" by John Stossel, who explains why Democrats recoil as a major
electoral advantage bites the dust
• "Are Republicans 'due'?" by Thomas Sowell, who warns the fate of America is on the line in this fall's
• "What states can do to safeguard America's election system" by Hans A. von Spakovsky, who outlines
specific actions that will assure the will of legitimate voters prevails
• "Time to 'roll back' liberalism" by Ben Shapiro, who explains that perversions of the Constitution are not
entrenched forever

"In this issue of Whistleblower, we are blowing the whistle on what could be the biggest political scam in history
– one that results in a virtual coup d'etat for America – one from which it unlikely ever to recover," said WND
founder and Editor Joseph Farah. "This is an issue you will want to share with your friends. This is information
vital to our national security and sovereignty. This is information that might mean the difference between
preserving American freedom and losing it forever."
Readers may also order an annual Whistleblower subscription.
NOTE: When shopping in WND's online store you have the option of paying with either a credit card or a
If you wish to order by phone, call our toll-free order line at 1-800-4WND-COM (1-800-496-3266).
The 2010 Victory Campaign is working to gain Adams/Broomfield Counties and take
back all of Colorado for Republicans this November. Our grassroots efforts focus on
phone banking and door knocking from now until election day. Your Regional Field
Director is: Anna Fitzer, 2200 E. 104th Ave., Thornton, CO. 80229 720-318-

• AUGUST 9, 2010

Why I'm Not Hiring

When you add it all up, it costs $74,000 to put $44,000 in Sally's pocket and to give her $12,000 in


With unemployment just under 10% and companies sitting on their cash, you would think that sooner or later job growth
would take off. I think it's going to be later—much later. Here's why.

Meet Sally (not her real name; details changed to preserve privacy). Sally is a terrific employee, and she happens to be
the median person in terms of base pay among the 83 people at my little company in New Jersey, where we provide
audio systems for use in educational, commercial and industrial settings. She's been with us for over 15 years. She's a
high school graduate with some specialized training. She makes $59,000 a year—on paper. In reality, she makes only
$44,000 a year because $15,000 is taken from her thanks to various deductions and taxes, all of which form the steep,
sad slope between gross and net pay.

Before that money hits her bank, it is reduced by the $2,376 she pays as her share of the medical and dental insurance
that my company provides. And then the government takes its due. She pays $126 for state unemployment insurance,
$149 for disability insurance and $856 for Medicare. That's the small stuff. New Jersey takes $1,893 in income taxes.
The federal government gets $3,661 for Social Security and another $6,250 for income tax withholding. The roughly
$13,000 taken from her by various government entities means that some 22% of her gross pay goes to Washington or
Trenton. She's lucky she doesn't live in New York City, where the toll would be even higher.Employing Sally costs
plenty too. My company has to write checks for $74,000 so Sally can receive her nominal $59,000 in base pay. Health
insurance is a big, added cost: While Sally pays nearly $2,400 for coverage, my company pays the rest—$9,561 for
employee/spouse medical and dental. We also provide company-paid life and other insurance premiums amounting to
$153. Altogether, company-paid benefits add $9,714 to the cost of employing Sally.

Then the federal and state governments want a little something extra. They take $56 for federal unemployment
coverage, $149 for disability insurance, $300 for workers' comp and $505 for state unemployment insurance. Finally,
the feds make me pay $856 for Sally's Medicare and $3,661 for her Social Security. When you add it all up, it costs
$74,000 to put $44,000 in Sally's pocket and to give her $12,000 in benefits. Bottom line: Governments impose a 33%
surtax on Sally's job each year.

Because my company has been conscripted by the government and forced to serve as a tax collector, we have lost
control of a big chunk of our cost structure. Tax increases, whether cloaked as changes in unemployment or disability
insurance, Medicare increases or in any other form can dramatically alter our financial situation. With government
spending and deficits growing as fast as they have been, you know that more tax increases are coming—for my
company, and even for Sally too.

Companies have also been pressed into serving as providers of health insurance. In a saner world, health insurance
would be something that individuals buy for themselves and their families, just as they do with auto insurance. Now,
adding to the insanity, there is ObamaCare. Every year, we negotiate a renewal to our health coverage. This year, our
provider demanded a 28% increase in premiums—for a lesser plan. This is in part a tax increase that the federal
government has co-opted insurance providers to collect. We had never faced an increase anywhere near this large; in
each of the last two years, the increase was under 10%.

To offset tax increases and steepening rises in health-insurance premiums, my company needs sustainably higher
profits and sales—something unlikely in this "summer of recovery." We can't pass the additional costs onto our

customers, because the market is too tight and we'd lose sales. Only governments can raise prices repeatedly and
pretend there will be no consequences. And even if the economic outlook were more encouraging, increasing
revenues is always uncertain and expensive. As much as I might want to hire new salespeople, engineers and
marketing staff in an effort to grow, I would be increasing my company's vulnerability to government decisions to raise
taxes, to policies that make health insurance more expensive, and to the difficulties of this economic environment.

A life in business is filled with uncertainties, but I can be quite sure that every time I hire someone my obligations to the
government go up. From where I sit, the government's message is unmistakable: Creating a new job carries a
punishing price.

Mr. Fleischer is president of Bogen Communications Inc. in Ramsey, N.J.

• AUGUST 6, 2010

McCollum v. ObamaCare
Florida attorney general and GOP gubernatorial candidate Bill McCollum is leading the charge to
protect states from an intrusive federal government.
'The brazen nature of this administration is undermining the basic rule of law, the confidence of the public, and taking
away states' authority—creating an ever stronger federal government. My role is to make clear we're not going to put
up with this." So says Bill McCollum, Florida's attorney general, now vying to be governor of the Sunshine State. It
wasn't so very long ago that the job of a Republican governor was to promise lower spending, policies to encourage job

growth, freedom in education, tax relief. In the age of Obama, Republican governors and candidates are redefining
their role to become defenders in chief against an overweening federal government that is siphoning away states'
power and crushing them with new costs.

That's why 20 states are suing for the constitutional overthrow of ObamaCare. It's why Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal
threw in with a lawsuit to kill the federal drilling moratorium. It's why Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer is challenging federal
immigration policies. It's why 18 governors in March signed a letter demanding the Senate protect their states against
EPA climate rules. Democratic governors, too, have felt compelled to protect their citizens. The EPA letter was signed
by West Virginia's Joe Manchin and Kentucky's Steve Beshear. Oklahoma's Brad Henry is scoring the administration
for its "net neutrality" policies. Montana's Brian Schweitzer and Wyoming's Dave Freudenthal both signed laws
curtailing federal power over firearms. Mr. McCollum is perhaps the brightest example of this expansive shift in
thinking. The flighty leadership of (formerly Republican) Gov. Charlie Crist, has, over the years, cast Mr. McCollum as a
de facto head of his party's more principled wing. He was the most visible state politician, for instance, to oppose the
stimulus bill and early on he warned Congress that its health bill was likely an unconstitutional affront to the states.

When Democrats thumbed their noses, Mr. McCollum began assembling attorneys general to join him in litigation
designed to bring down the law in its totality. He filed suit minutes after the president signed the bill. Talk to Mr.
McCollum and he will reel off an exhaustive list of recent mandates and laws that are sapping state powers. In addition
to health care, Mr. McCollum has filed a brief in Arizona's immigration fight, argued against the $20 billion federal oil
fund that strips his office of its ability to work with BP on local claims, and demanded from the feds more authority to
tackle Medicaid fraud.

He's waged these fights in the

effort to preserve state officials'
ability to govern effectively,
though in the process he's
tapped into a deep voter
discontent with Washington. Mr.
McCollum is in a bitter primary
fight with Rick Scott. The
businessman has been relatively short on policy proposals, but way long on money. He's spent a record-shattering $25
million of his own running ads casting the race as an outsider versus a "career politician." The fact that Mr. McCollum is
still swinging, despite being outspent 5 to 1, is partly due to his defense of Florida against Washington. Only last week
the Florida Chamber of Commerce—representing 140,000 state businesses—endorsed Mr. McCollum; one reason was
his fight against health care. That fight has even earned the "career politician" the backing of activist groups seeking to
put on the ballot a constitutional amendment allowing Floridians to opt out the federal health law, and of tea party
leaders such as Dick Armey.

The McCollum stance has become so defining that in a recent debate among candidates vying to succeed him as
attorney general the fight was over who would continue his lawsuit. Mr. Scott has been forced to support the litigation.
And it has allowed both Republicans to paint Democratic candidate Alex Sink—who opposes the suit—as a
Washington handmaiden.

Democrats have in return pounded Mr. McCollum, calling his health-care suit a political stunt on the taxpayer dime.
This is somewhat amusing coming from a party whose own view of an attorney general's duties consists of legally
torpedoing companies, sharing the booty with trial lawyers, and using the recycled donation proceeds for re-election.
Mr. McCollum has brushed off the criticism of his lawsuit, noting that the cost of the handful of lawyers in the attorney
general's office working on this issue pales in comparison to the costs ObamaCare would impose on Florida.

This is in fact the heart of the McCollum argument. The federal Medicaid program, he notes, could soon be eating up
36% of Florida's budget—and that's before ObamaCare's new costs. Federal health, education, environmental and
labor mandates are chipping away at the states' ability to keep their taxes low, to grow jobs, and to devote money to
their own priorities. The backlash extends beyond Florida. A whopping 39 gubernatorial elections will be held in
November; in nearly all, candidates—and not just Republicans—are running on promises to fight the Washington
power grab. "This is a wake-up call," says Mr. McCollum. "It's a defining issue of today."

Write to

For more information on politics or The Republican Party, go to

the following web sites:



Sign up for the monthly Adams County Republicans newsletter at or
Go to the “Join Our Email List” box on the left side and input your email address.

Things to do list:
1: Throw out the trash on November 2nd
2: Jobs, jobs, jobs
3: Repeal and replace ObamaCare
4: Secure our borders
5: Quit spending and get out of debt
6: Reduce new regulations and lower the taxes on small businesses
7: Recruit, recruit, recruit

NSRF Board of Directors Email Address
John Lefebvre President 303-451-5558
Jerry Cunningham Vice President 303-439-8228
Jan Hurtt Treasurer 303-451-
Phil Mocon Secretary 303-427-5453
Wanda Barnes Planning 303-451-
Dana West Communications 303-280-
Leonard Coppes Planning 303-287-
Dick Poole Planning 303-373-1521

Join the North Suburban Republican Forum on the Internet and Facebook:


We will be at Gander Mountain, 9923 Grant Street, Thornton, CO from 9:15-10:45 a.m.
on the second Saturday of each month in the employee training room. If you live in
Adams County or Denver's northern suburbs, come join us for lively spirited debate
and to meet Republican movers and shakers. Any candidate in attendance will always
be given speaking time.

Directions to Gander Mountain:

Gander Mountain is a huge sporting goods store in the old Biggs, now Wal-Mart/Home
Depot shopping center just east of I-25 and south of 104th Ave. Just go in the front
door, turn left at the first aisle and follow it to the employee meeting room on the
far left.

Yearly membership dues are $20, while a couple is $30. Make checks payable to NSRF.
It only costs $3 per person to attend the monthly meeting and a continental breakfast
and beverage (coffee, tea, orange juice or water) is included. A membership
application is located on the last page. Fill it out and bring it along with you.

An amazing cartoon from 1878.
History, unfortunately, repeats itself. Over, and over, and over…

From the Chicago Tribune in 1934

The North Suburban
Republican Forum
1149 W 102nd Ave
Northglenn, CO 80260
Membership Application

This application is for:

Regular Membership (individual)
$20.00 fee
Regular Membership (couples)
$30.00 fee
Associate Membership
$10.00 fee

Please Print.

Last Name:_____________________________First:_________________________MI:_____

Last Name: ____________ First:__ __ MI:_____


City:___________________________________________Zip Code:____________________


E-Mail Address:_______________________________________@_____________________



Payment by: Cash Check

2nd VP Treasurer


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