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Bar Exam Q - Remedial Law 2005-2010

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This questionnaire consists of eighteen (18) numbers contained in ten (10)

pages. Read each question very carefully. Answer legibly, clearly and
concisely. Start each number on a separate page; an answer to a sub-
question under the same number may be written continuously on the same
and immediately succeeding pages until completed. Do not repeat the


(Sgd.) Romeo J. Callejo, Sr.

2005 Bar Examination Committee





a) Under Article 1144 of the New Civil Code, an action upon a judgment must
be brought within 10 years from the time the right of action accrues. Is this
provision applicable to an action filed in the Philippines to enforce a foreign
judgment? Explain.

b) May the aggrieved party file a petition for certiorari in the Supreme Court
under Rule 65 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure instead of filing a petition
for review on certiorari under Rule 45 thereof for the nullification of a decision
of the Court of Appeals in the exercise either of its original or appellate
jurisdiction? Explain.

c) May a private document be offered and admitted in evidence both as

documentary evidence and as object evidence? Explain.

d) Distinguish a derivative suit from a class suit.

e) When may the trial court order that the testimony of a child be taken by
live-link television? Explain. (10%)
- II -

(1.) While Marietta was in her place of work in Makati City, her estranged
husband Carlo barged into her house in Paraaque City, abducted their six-
year old son, Percival, and brought the child to his hometown in Baguio City.
Despite Mariettas pleas, Carlo refused to return their child. Marietta, through
counsel, filed a petition for habeas corpus against Carlo in the Court of
Appeals in Manila to compel him to produce their son before the court and for
her to regain custody. She alleged in the petition that despite her efforts, she
could no longer locate her son.

In his comment, Carlo alleged that the petition was erroneously filed in the
Court of Appeals as the same should have been filed in the Family Court in
Baguio City which, under Republic Act No. 8369, has exclusive jurisdiction
over the petition. Marietta replied that under Rule 102 of the Rules of Court,
as amended, the petition may be filed in the Court of Appeals and if granted,
the writ of habeas corpus shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines.

Whose contention is correct? Explain. (5%)

(2.) Under Republic Act No. 8353, one may be charged with and found guilty
of qualified rape if he knew on or before the commission of the crime that he
is afflicted with Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any other sexually transmissible disease and
the virus or disease is transmitted to the victim.

Under Section 17(a) of Republic Act No. 8504 the court may compel the
accused to submit himself to a blood test where blood samples would be
extracted from his veins to determine whether he has HIV.

a) Are the rights of the accused to be presumed innocent of the crime

charged, to privacy, and against self-incrimination violated by such
compulsory testing? Explain.

b) If the result of such test shows that he is HIV positive, and the prosecution
offers such result in evidence to prove the qualifying circumstance under the
Information for qualified rape, should the court reject such result on the
ground that it is the fruit of a poisonous tree? Explain. (8%)

- III -
Perry is a resident of Manila, while Ricky and Marvin are residents of
Batangas City. They are the co-owners of a parcel of residential land located
in Pasay City with an assessed value of P100,000.00. Perry borrowed
P100,000.00 from Ricky which he promised to pay on or before December 1,
2004. However, Perry failed to pay his loan. Perry also rejected Ricky and
Marvins proposal to partition the property.

Ricky filed a complaint against Perry and Marvin in the Regional Trial Court of
Pasay City for the partition of the property. He also incorporated in his
complaint his action against Perry for the collection of the latters
P100,000.00 loan, plus interests and attorneys fees.

State with reasons whether it was proper for Ricky to join his causes of action
in his complaint for partition against Perry and Marvin in the Regional Trial
Court of Pasay City. (5%)

- IV -

Raphael, a warehouseman, filed a complaint against V Corporation, X

Corporation and Y Corporation to compel them to interplead. He alleged
therein that the three corporations claimed title and right of possession over
the goods deposited in his warehouse and that he was uncertain which of
them was entitled to the goods. After due proceedings, judgment was
rendered by the court declaring that X Corporation was entitled to the goods.
The decision became final and executory.

Raphael filed a complaint against X Corporation for the payment of

P100,000.00 for storage charges and other advances for the goods. X
Corporation filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground of res
judicata. X Corporation alleged that Raphael should have incorporated in his
complaint for interpleader his claim for storage fees and advances and that
for his failure he was barred from interposing his claim. Raphael replied that
he could not have claimed storage fees and other advances in his complaint
for interpleader because he was not yet certain as to who was liable therefor.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)


(1.) After Lulus death, her heirs brought her last will to a lawyer to obtain their
respective shares in the estate. The lawyer prepared a deed of partition
distributing Lulus estate in accordance with the terms of her will. Is the act of
the lawyer correct? Why? (2%)
(2.) Nestor died intestate in 2003, leaving no debts. How may his estate be
settled by his heirs who are of legal age and have legal capacity? Explain.

(3.) State the rule on venue in judicial settlement of estate of deceased

persons. (2%)
- VI -

While cruising on a highway, a taxicab driven by Mans hit an electric post. As

a result thereof, its passenger, Jovy, suffered serious injuries. Mans was
subsequently charged before the Municipal Trial Court with reckless
imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries.

Thereafter, Jovy filed a civil action against Lourdes, the owner of the taxicab,
for breach of contract, and Mans for quasi-delict. Lourdes and Mans filed a
motion to dismiss the civil action on the ground of litis pendentia, that is, the
pendency of the civil action impliedly instituted in the criminal action for
reckless imprudence resulting in serious physical injuries.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)

- VII -

Katy filed an action against Tyrone for collection of the sum of P1 Million in
the Regional Trial Court, with an ex-parte application for a writ of preliminary
attachment. Upon posting of an attachment bond, the court granted the
application and issued a writ of preliminary attachment.

Apprehensive that Tyrone might withdraw his savings deposit with the bank,
the sheriff immediately served a notice of garnishment on the bank to
implement the writ of preliminary attachment. The following day, the sheriff
proceeded to Tyrones house and served him the summons, with copies of
the complaint containing the application for writ of preliminary attachment,
Katys affidavit, order of attachment, writ of preliminary attachment and
attachment bond.

Within fifteen (15) days from service of the summons, Tyrone filed a motion to
dismiss and to dissolve the writ of preliminary attachment on the following
grounds: (i) the court did not acquire jurisdiction over his person because the
writ was served ahead of the summons; (ii) the writ was improperly
implemented; and (iii) said writ was improvidently issued because the
obligation in question was already fully paid.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)

- VIII -

In a complaint for recovery of real property, the plaintiff averred, among

others, that he is the owner of the said property by virtue of a deed of sale
executed by the defendant in his favor. Copy of the deed of sale was
appended to the complaint as Annex A thereof.

In his unverified answer, the defendant denied the allegation concerning the
sale of the property in question, as well as the appended deed of sale, for
lack of knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth

Is it proper for the court to render judgment without trial? Explain. (4%)

- IX -

On May 12, 2005, the plaintiff filed a complaint in the Regional Trial Court of
Quezon City for the collection of P250,000.00. The defendant filed a motion
to dismiss the complaint on the ground that the court had no jurisdiction over
the action since the claimed amount of P250,000.00 is within the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Court of Quezon City.

Before the court could resolve the motion, the plaintiff, without leave of court,
amended his complaint to allege a new cause of action consisting in the
inclusion of an additional amount of P200,000.00, thereby increasing his total
claim to P450,000.00. The plaintiff thereafter filed his opposition to the motion
to dismiss, claiming that the Regional Trial Court had jurisdiction over his

Rule on the motion of the defendant with reasons. (4%)


A obtained a money judgment against B. After the finality of the decision, the
court issued a writ of execution for the enforcement thereof. Conformably with
the said writ, the sheriff levied upon certain properties under Bs name. C filed
a third-party claim over said properties claiming that B had already
transferred the same to him.

A moved to deny the third-party claim and to hold B and C jointly and
severally liable to him for the money judgment alleging that B had transferred
said properties to C to defraud him (A).
After due hearing, the court denied the third-party claim and rendered an
amended decision declaring B and C jointly and severally liable to A for the
money judgment.

Is the ruling of the court correct? Explain. (4%)

- XI -

Helen is the daughter of Eliza, a Filipina, and Tony, a Chinese, who is married
to another woman living in China. Her birth certificate indicates that Helen is
the legitimate child of Tony and Eliza and that she is a Chinese citizen.

Helen wants her birth certificate corrected by changing her filiation from
legitimate to illegitimate and her citizenship from Chinese to Filipino
because her parents were not married.

What petition should Helen file and what procedural requirements must be
observed? Explain. (5%)

- XII -

Mariano was convicted by the Regional Trial Court for raping Victoria and
meted the penalty of reclusion perpetua. While serving sentence at the
National Penitentiary, Mariano and Victoria were married. Mariano filed a
motion in said court for his release from the penitentiary on his claim that
under Republic Act No. 8353, his marriage to Victoria extinguished the
criminal action against him for rape, as well as the penalty imposed on him.
However, the court denied the motion on the ground that it had lost
jurisdiction over the case after its decision had become final and executory.

a) Is the ruling of the court correct? Explain.

b) What remedy/remedies should the counsel of Mariano take to secure his

proper and most expeditious release from the National Penitentiary? Explain.

- XIII -

Rodolfo is charged with possession of unlicensed firearms in an Information

filed in the Regional Trial Court. It was alleged therein that Rodolfo was in
possession of two unlicensed firearms: a .45 caliber and a .32 caliber.

Under Republic Act No. 8294, possession of an unlicensed .45 caliber gun is
punishable by prision mayor in its minimum period and a fine of P30,000.00,
while possession of an unlicensed .32 caliber gun is punishable by prision
correccional in its maximum period and a fine of not less than P15,000.00.

As counsel of the accused, you intend to file a motion to quash the

Information. What ground or grounds should you invoke? Explain. (4%)

- XIV -

Police operatives of the Western Police District, Philippine National Police,

applied for a search warrant in the Regional Trial Court for the search of the
house of Juan Santos and the seizure of an undetermined amount of shabu.

The team arrived at the house of Santos but failed to find him there. Instead,
the team found Roberto Co. The team conducted a search in the house of
Santos in the presence of Roberto Co and barangay officials and found ten
(10) grams of shabu. Roberto Co was charged in court with illegal possession
of ten grams of shabu.

Before his arraignment, Roberto Co filed a motion to quash the search

warrant on the following grounds:cralaw

(a) he was not the accused named in the search warrant; and

(b) the warrant does not describe the article to be seized with sufficient
particularity. Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)

- XV -

For the multiple stab wounds sustained by the victim, Noel was charged with
frustrated homicide in the Regional Trial Court. Upon arraignment, he entered
a plea of guilty to said crime. Neither the court nor the prosecution was aware
that the victim had died two days earlier on account of his stab wounds.

Because of his guilty plea, Noel was convicted of frustrated homicide and
meted the corresponding penalty. When the prosecution learned of the
victims death, it filed within fifteen (15) days therefrom a motion to amend the
Information to upgrade the charge from frustrated homicide to consummated
homicide. Noel opposed the motion claiming that the admission of the
amended Information would place him in double jeopardy.

Resolve the motion with reasons. (4%)

- XVI -

Dencio barged into the house of Marcela, tied her to a chair and robbed her
of assorted pieces of jewelry and money. Dencio then brought Candida,
Marcelas maid, to a bedroom where he raped her. Marcela could hear
Candida crying and pleading: Huwag! Maawa ka sa akin! After raping
Candida, Dencio fled from the house with the loot. Candida then untied
Marcela and rushed to the police station about a kilometer away and told
Police Officer Roberto Maawa that Dencio had barged into the house of
Marcela, tied the latter to a chair and robbed her of her jewelry and money.
Candida also related to the police officer that despite her pleas, Dencio had
raped her. The policeman noticed that Candida was hysterical and on the
verge of collapse. Dencio was charged with robbery with rape. During the
trial, Candida can no longer be located.

a) If the prosecution presents Police Officer Roberto Maawa to testify on what

Candida had told him, would such testimony of the policeman be hearsay?

b) If the police officer will testify that he noticed Candida to be hysterical and
on the verge of collapse, would such testimony be considered as opinion,
hence, inadmissible? Explain. (8%)

- XVII -

Explain briefly whether the Regional Trial Court may, motu proprio, take
judicial notice of the following:

a) The street name of methamphetamine hydrochloride is shabu;

b) Ordinances approved by municipalities under its territorial jurisdiction;

c) Foreign laws;

d) Rules and Regulations issued by quasi-judicial bodies implementing


e) Rape may be committed even in public places. (5%)


Regional Director AG of the Department of Public Works and Highways was

charged with violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3019 in the Office of
the Ombudsman. An administrative charge for gross misconduct arising from
the transaction subject matter of said criminal case was filed against him in
the same office. The Ombudsman assigned a team composed of
investigators from the Office of the Special Prosecutor and from the Office of
the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military to conduct a joint investigation of the
criminal case and the administrative case. The team of investigators
recommended to the Ombudsman that AG be preventively suspended for a
period not exceeding six (6) months on its finding that the evidence of guilt is
strong. The Ombudsman issued the said order as recommended by the

AG moved to reconsider the order on the following grounds: (a) the Office of
the Special Prosecutor had exclusive authority to conduct a preliminary
investigation of the criminal case; (b) the order for his preventive suspension
was premature because he had yet to file his answer to the administrative
complaint and submit countervailing evidence; and (c) he was a career
executive service officer and under Presidential Decree No. 807 (Civil Service
Law), his preventive suspension shall be for a maximum period of three

Resolve with reasons the motion of respondent AG. (5%)

24 September 2006


1 What is the concept of remedial law? 2%

2 Distinguish between substantive law and remedial law. 2%
3 How are remedial laws implemented in our system of government? 2%
4 Distinguish jurisdiction from venue? 2%
5 What do you mean by (a) real actions; and (b) personal actions? 2%

- II -

What court has jurisdiction over an action for specific performance filed by a
subdivision homeowner against a subdivision developer? Choose the correct
answer. Explain. 2.5%
1 The Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board
2 The Securities and Exchange Commission
3 The Regional Trial Court
4 The Commercial Court or the Regional Trial Court designated by the
Supreme Court to hear and decide "commercial cases.

- III -

1 What is forum shopping? 2.5%

2 Honey filed with the Regional Trial Court, Taal, Batangas a complaint for
specific performance against Bernie. For lack of a certification against
forum shopping, the judge dismissed the complaint. Honey's lawyer
filed a motion for reconsideration, attaching thereto an amended
complaint with the certification against forum shopping. If you were the
judge, how will you resolve the motion? 5%

- IV -

Jojie filed with the Regional Trial Court of Laguna a complaint for damages
against Joe. During the pre-trial, Jojie and her counsel failed to appear
despite notice to both of them. Upon oral motion of Jojie, Joe was declared as
in default and Jojie was allowed to present her evidence ex palte. Thereafter,
the court rendered its Decision in favor of Jojie.
Joe hired Jose as his counsel. What are the remedies available to him?
Explain. 5%
May Congress enact a law providing that a 5,000 square meter lot, apart of
the UST compound in Sampaloc, Manila, be expropriated for the construction
of a park in honor of former City Mayor Arsenio Lacson? As compensation to
UST, the City of Manila shall deliver its 5-hectare lot in Sta. Rosa, Laguna
originally intended as a residential subdivision for the Manila City Hall
employees. Explain. 5%

- VI -

Explain each mode of certiorari:

a As a mode of appeal from the Regional Trial Court or the Court of
Appeals to the Supreme Court. 2.5%
b As a special civil action from the Regional Trial Court or the Court of
Appeals to the Supreme Court. 2.5%
c As a mode of review of the decisions of the National Labor Relations
Commission and the Constitutional Commissions. 2.5%

- VII -

Mark filed with the Bureau of Internal Revenue a complaint for refund of taxes
paid, but it was not acted upon. So, he filed a similar complaint with the Court
of Tax Appeals raffled to one of its Divisions. Mark's complaint was dismissed.
Thus, he filed with the Court of Appeals a petition for certiorari under Rule 65.
Does the Court of Appeals have jurisdiction over Mark's petition? 2.5

- VIII -

Does the Court of Appeals have jurisdiction to review the Decisions in

criminal and administrative cases of the Ombudsman? 2.5%

- IX -
1 What are the requisites for the issuance of (a) a writ of preliminary
injunction; and (b) a final writ of injunction? 2.5%
2 Distinguish between injunction as an ancillary remedy and injunction as
a main action. 2.5%

1 Define a temporary restraining order (TRO). 2%
2 Maya Regional Trial Court issue injunction without bond? 2%
3 What is the duration of a TRO issued by the Executive Judge of a
Regional Trial Court? 2%
4 Differentiate a TRO from a status quo order. 2%
5 Maya justice of a Division of the Court of Appeals issue a TRO? 2%
- XI -

1 What is an interlocutory order?

2 What is the difference between a judgment and an opinion of the court?

- XII -

Tina Guerrero filed with the Regional Trial Court of Bifian, Laguna, a
complaint for sum of money amounting to P1 Million against Carlos Corro.
The complaint alleges, among others, that Carlos borrowed from Tina the
said amount as evidenced by a promissory note signed by Carlos and his
wife, jointly and severally. Carlos was served with summons which was
received by Linda, his secretary .However, Carlos failed to file an answer to
the complaint within the 15-day reglementary period. Hence, Tina filed with
the court a motion to declare Carlos in default and to allow her to present
evidence ex parte. Five days thereafter, Carlos filed his verified answer to the
complaint, denying under oath the genuineness and due execution of the
promissory note; and contending that he has fully paid his loan with interest at
12% per annum.
1 Was the summons validly served on Carlos? 2.5%
2 If you were the judge, will you grant Tina's motion to declare Carlos in
default? 2.5%

- XIII -

Sergio Punzalan, Filipino, 50 years old, married, and residing at Ayala

Alabang Village, Muntinlupa City , of sound and disposing mind, executed a
last will and testament in English, a language spoken and written by him
proficiently. He disposed of his estate consisting of a parcel of land in Makati
City and cash deposit at the City Bank in the , sum of P300 Million. He
bequeathed P50 Million each to his 3 sons and P150 Million to his wife. He
devised apiece of land worth P100 Million to Susan, his favorite daughter-in-
Iaw. He named his best friend, Cancio Vidal, as executor of the will without
1 Is Cancio Vidal, after learning of Sergio's death, obliged to file with the
proper court a petition for probate of the latter's last will and testament?
2 Supposing the original copy of the last will and testament was lost, can
Cancio compel Susan to produce a copy in her possession to be
submitted to the probate court? 2%
3 Can the probate court appoint the widow as executor of the will? 2%
4 Can the widow and her children settle extrajudicially among themselves
the estate of the deceased? 2%
5 Can the widow and her children initiate a separate petition for partition
of the estate pending the probate of the last will and testament by the
proper court? 2%

- XIV -

When is bail a matter of right and when is it a matter of discretion ? 5%

- XV -

Leticia was estranged from her husband Paul for more than a year due to his
suspicion that she was having an affair with Manuel, their neighbor. She was
temporarily living with her sister in Pasig City.
For unknown reasons, the house of Leticia's sister was burned, killing the
latter. Leticia survived. She saw her husband in the vicinity during the
incident. Later, he was charged with arson in an Information filed with the
Regional Trial Court, Pasig City.

During the trial, the prosecutor called Leticia to the witness stand and offered
her testimony to prove that her husband committed arson.
Can Leticia testify over the objection of her husband on the ground of martial
privilege? 5%

- XVI -

1 What are the requirements in order that an admission of guilt of an

accused during a custodial investigation be admitted in evidence? 2.5%
2 As counsel of an accused charged with homicide, you are convinced
that he can be utilized as a state witness. What procedure will you
take? Explain. 2.5%

- XVII -

In 1996, Congress passed Republic Act No.8189, otherwise known as the

Voters' Registration Act of 1996, providing for computerization of elections.
Pursuant thereto, the COMELEC approved the Voters' Registration and
Identification System (VRIS) Project. It issued invitations to pre-qualify and
bid for the project. After the public bidding, Fotokina was declared the winning
bidder with a bid of P6 Billion and was issued a Notice of Award. But
COMELEC Chairman Gener Go objected to the award on the ground that
under the Appropriations Act, the budget for the COMELEC's modernization
is only P1 Billion. He announced to the public that the VRIS project has been
set aside. Two Commissioners sided with Chairman Go, but the majority
voted to uphold the contract.
Meanwhile, Fotokina filed with the RTC a petition for mandamus to compel
the COMELEC to implement the contract. The Office of the Solicitor General
(OSG), representing Chairman Go, opposed the petition on the ground that
mandamus does not lie to enforce contractual obligations. During the
proceedings, the majority Commissioners filed a manifestation that Chairman
Go was not authorized by the COMELEC En Banc to oppose the petition.
1 May the OSG represent Chairman Go before the RTC notwithstanding
that his position is contrary to that of the majority? 5%.
2 Is a petition for mandamus an appropriate remedy to enforce
contractual obligations? 5%

23 September 2007

(Total 10%)
a What are the rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign
judgments in our courts? (6%)
b Can a foreign arbitral award be enforced in the Philippines under those
rules? Explain briefly. (2%)
c How about a global injunction issued by a foreign court to prevent
dissipation of funds against a defendant therein who has assets in the
Philippines? Explain briefly. (2%)

- II -
(Total 10%)
True or False. If the answer is false, explain your answer briefly.
a The surviving parties rule bars Maria from testifying for the claimant as
to what the deceased Jose had said to her, in a claim filed by Pedro
against the estate of Jose (3%)
b A defendant who has been declared in default can avail of a petition for
relief from the judgment subsequently rendered in the case. (3%)
c A motion is pleading. (2%)
d A counterclaim is pleading. (2%)

- III -
(Total 10%)
1 What is the hearsay rule? (5%)
2 In relation to the hearsay rule, what do the following rules of evidence
have in common? (5%)
1 The rule on statements that are part of the res gestae;
2 The rule on dying declarations;
3 The rule on admissions against interest.

- IV -
Husband H files a petition for declaration of nullity of marriage before the RTC
of Pasig City. Wife W files a petition for habeas corpus before the RTC of
Pasay City, praying for custody over their minor child. H files a motion to
dismiss the wife's petition on the ground of the pendency of the other case.
(Total 10%)

a Distinguish the effects of the filling of a demurrer to the evidence in a

criminal case and its filing in a civil case. (5%)
b What is reverse trial and when may it be resorted to? Explain briefly.

- VI -
(Total 10%)

a On his way home, a member of the Caloocan City police force

witnesses a bus robbery in Pasay City and effects the arrest of the
suspect. Can he bring the suspect to Caloocan City for booking since
that is where his station is? Explain briefly. (5%)
b In the course of serving a search warrant, the police finds an unlicensed
firearm. Can the police take the firearm even if it is not covered by the
search warrant? If the warrant is subsequently quashed, is the police
required to return the firearm? Explain briefly. (5%)

- VII -
(Total 10%)

a B files a petition for cancellation of the birth certificate of her daughter R

on the ground of falsified material entries there in made by B's husband
as the informant. The RTC sets the case for hearing and directs the
publications of the order once a week for three consecutive weeks in a
newspaper of general circulation. Summons was served on the Civil
Registrar but there was no appearance during the hearing. The RTC
granted the petition. R filed a petition for annulment of judgment before
the Court of Appeals, saying that she was not notified of the petition and
hence, the decision was issued in violation of due process. B opposed
saying that the publication of the court order was sufficient compliance
with due process. Rule. (5%)
b G files a complaint for recovery of possession and damage against F. in
the course of the trial, G marked his evidence but his counsel failed to
file a formal offer of evidence. F then presented in evidence tax
declarations in the name of his father to establish that his father is a co-
owner of the property. The court ruled in favor of F, saying that G failed
to prove sole ownership of the property in the face of F's evidence. Was
the court correct? Explain briefly. (5%)
- VIII -
(Total 10%)
a X files an unlawful detainer case against Y before the appropriate
Metropolitan Trial Court. In his answer, Y avers as a special and
affirmative defense that he is a tenant of X's deceased father in whose
name the property remains registered. What should the court do?
Explain briefly. (5%)
b The heirs of H agree among themselves that they will honor the division
of H's estate as indicated in her Last Will and Testament. To avoid the
expense of going to court in a Petition for Probate of the Will, can they
instead execute an Extrajudicial Settlement Agreement among
themselves? Explain briefly. (5%)

- IX -
L was charged with illegal possession of shabu before the RTC. Although bail
was allowable under his indictment, he could not afford to post bail, and so he
remained in detention at the City Jail. For various reasons ranging from the
promotion of the Presiding Judge, to the absence of the trial prosecutor, and
to the lack of the notice to the City Jail Warden, the arraignment of L was
postponed nineteen times over a period of two years. Twice during that
period, L's counsel filed motions to dismiss, invoking the right of the accused
to a speedy trial. Both motions were denied by the RTC. Can L file a petition
for mandamus? Reason briefly.

(Total 10%)
a RC filed a complaint for annulment of the foreclosure sale against Bank
V. in its answer, Bank V set up a counter claim for actual damages and
litigation expenses. RC filed a motion to dismiss the counterclaim on the
ground the Bank V's Answer with Counterclaim was not accompanied
by a certification against forum shopping. Rule. (5%)
b A files a case against B. While awaiting decision on the case, A goes to
the United States to work. Upon her return to the Philippines, seven
years later, A discovers that a decision was rendered by the court in her
favor a few months after she had left. Can a file a motion for execution
of the judgment? Explain briefly. (5%)

28 September 2008


This questionnaire consists of eighteen (18) numbers contained in ten (10)

pages. Read each question very carefully. Answer legibly, clearly and
concisely. Start each number on a separate page; an answer to a sub-
question under the same number may be written continuously on the same
and immediately succeeding pages until completed. Do not repeat the


Lani filed an action for partition and accounting in the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) of Manila against her sister Mary Rose, who is a resident of Singapore
and is not found in the Philippines. Upon motion, the court ordered the
publication of the summons for three weeks in a local tabloid, Bulgar. Linda,
an OFW vacationing in the Philippines, saw the summons in Bulgar and
brought a copy of the tabloid when she returned to Singapore. Linda showed
the tabloid and the page containing the summons to Mary Rose, who said,
"Yes I know, my kumare Anita scanned and e-mailed that page of Bulgar to
Did the court acquire jurisdiction over Mary Rose? (4%)


Fe filed a suit for collection of P387,000 against Ramon in the RTC of Davao
City. Aside from alleging payment as a defense, Ramon in his answer set up
counterclaims for P100,000 as damages and P30,000 as attorney's fees as a
result of the baseless filing of the complaint, as well as for P250,000 as the
balance of the purchase price of the 30 units of air conditioners he sold to Fe.
a Does the RTC have jurisdiction over Ramon's counterclaims, and if so,
does he have to pay docket fees therefor? (3%)
b Suppose Ramon's counterclaim for the unpaid balance is P310,000,
what will happen to his counterclaims if the court dismisses the
complaint after holding a preliminary hearing on Ramon's affirmative
defenses? (3%)
c Under the same premise as paragraph (b) above, suppose that instead
of alleging payment as a defense in his answer, Ramon filed a motion
to dismiss on that ground, at the same time setting up his
counterclaims, and the court grants his motion. What will happen to his
counterclaims? (3%)


a Angela, a resident of Quezon City, sued Antonio, a resident of Makati

City before the RTC of Quezon City for the reconveyance of two parcels
of land situated in Tarlac and Nueva Ecija, respectively. May her action
prosper? (3%)
b Assuming that the action was for foreclosure on the mortgage of the
same parcels of land, what is the proper venue for the action? (3%)


Filomeno brought an action in the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC) of Pasay

City against Marcelino pleading two causes of action. The first was a demand
for the recovery of physical possession of a parcel of land situated in Pasay
City with an assessed value of P40,000; the second was a claim for damages
of P500,000 for Marcelino's unlawful retention of the property. Marcelino filed
a motion to dismiss on the ground that the total amount involved, which is
P540,000, is beyond the jurisdiction of the MeTC. Is Marcelino correct? (4%)

Within the period for filing a responsive pleading, the defendant filed a motion
for bill of particulars that he set for hearing on a certain date. However, the
defendant was surprised to find on the date set for hearing that the trial court
had already denied the motion on the day of its filing, stating that the
allegations of the complaint were sufficiently made.
a Did the judge gravely abuse his discretion in acting on the motion
without waiting for the hearing set for the motion? (3%)
b If the judge grants the motion and orders the plaintiff to file and serve
the bill of particulars, can the trial judge dismiss the case if the plaintiff
does not comply with the order? (3%)


After his properties were attached, defendant Porfirio filed a sufficient

counterbond. The trial court discharged the attachment. Nonetheless, Porfirio
suffered substantial prejudice due to the unwarranted attachment. In the end,
the trial court rendered a judgment in Porfirio's favor by ordering the plaintiff
to pay damages because the plaintiff was not entitled to the attachment.
Porfirio moved to charge the plaintiff's attachment bond. The plaintiff and his
sureties opposed the motion, claiming that the filing of the counterbond had
relieved the plaintiff's attachment bond from all liability for the damages. Rule
on Porfirio's motion. (4%)


a The writ of execution was returned unsatisfied. The judgment obligee

subsequently received information that a bank holds a substantial
deposit belonging to the judgment obligor. If you are the counsel of the
judgment obligee, what steps would you take to reach the deposit to
satisfy the judgment? (3%)
b If the bank denies holding the deposit in the name of the judgment
obligor but your client's informant is certain that the deposit belongs to
the judgment obligor under an assumed name, what is your remedy to
reach the deposit? (3%)


Bembol was charged with rape. Bembol's father, Ramil, approached Artemon,
the victim's father, during the preliminary investigation and offered P1 Million
to Artemon to settle the case. Artemon refused the offer.
a During trial, the prosecution presented Artemon to testify on Ramil's
offer and thereby establish an implied admission of guilt. Is Ramil's offer
to settle admissible in evidence? (3%)
b During the pre-trial, Bembol personally offered to settle the case for P1
Million to the private prosecutor, who immediately put the offer on
record in the presence of the trial judge. Is Bembol's offer a judicial
admission of his guilt? (3%)


The search warrant authorized the seizure of "undetermined quantity of

shabu." During the service of the search warrant, the raiding team also
recovered a kilo of dried marijuana leaves wrapped in newsprint. The
accused moved to suppress the marijuana leaves as evidence for the
violation of Section 11 of the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
since they were not covered by the search warrant. The State justified the
seizure of the marijuana leaves under the "plain view" doctrine. There was no
indication of whether the marijuana leaves were discovered and seized
before or after the seizure of the shabu. If you are the judge, how would you
rule on the motion to suppress? (4%)

Jose, Alberto and Romeo were charged with murder. Upon filing of the
information, the RTC judge issued the warrants for their arrest. Learning of
the issuance of the warrants, the three accused jointly filed a motion for
reinvestigation and for the recall of the warrants of arrest. On the date set for
hearing of their motion, none of the accused showed up in court for fear of
being arrested. The RTC judge denied their motion because the RTC did not
acquire jurisdiction over the persons of the movants. Did the RTC rule
correctly? (4%)


Arturo lent P1 Million to his friend Robert on the condition that Robert execute
a promissory note for the loan and a real estate mortgage over his property
located in Tagaytay City. Robert complied. In his promissory note dated
September 20, 2006, Robert undertook to pay the loan within a year from its
date at 12% per annum interest. In June 2007, Arturo requested Robert to
pay ahead of time but the latter refused and insisted on the agreement. Arturo
issued a demand letter and when Robert did not comply, Arturo filed an action
to foreclose the mortgage. Robert moved to dismiss the complaint for lack of
cause of action as the debt was not yet due. The resolution of the motion to
dismiss was delayed because of the retirement of the judge.
a On October 1, 2007, pending resolution of the motion to dismiss, Arturo
filed an amended complaint alleging that Robert's debt had in the
meantime become due but that Robert still refused to pay. Should the
amended complaint be allowed considering that no answer has been
filed? (3%)
b Would your answer be different had Arturo filed instead a supplemental
complaint stating that the debt became due after the filing of the original
complaint? (2%)


After receiving the adverse decision rendered against his client, the
defendant, Atty. Sikat duly filed a notice of appeal. For his part, the plaintiff
timely filed a motion for partial new trial to seek an increase in the monetary
damages awarded. The RTC instead rendered an amended decision further
reducing the monetary awards. Is it necessary for Atty. Sikat to file a second
notice of appeal after receiving the amended decision? (3%)

An heir/oppositor in a probate proceeding filed a motion to remove the

administrator on the grounds of neglect of duties as administrator and
absence from the country. On his part the heir/oppositor served written
interrogatories to the administrator preparatory to presenting the latter as a
witness. The administrator objected, insisting that the modes of discovery
apply only to ordinary civil actions, not special proceedings. Rule on the
matter. (4%)


On August 15, 2008, Edgardo committed estafa against Petronilo in the

amount of P3 Million. Petronilo brought his complaint to the National Bureau
of Investigation, which found that Edgardo had visited his lawyer twice, the
first time on August 14, 2008 and the second on August 16, 2008; and that
both visits concerned the swindling of Petronilo. During the trial of Edgardo,
the RTC issued a subpoena ad testificandum to Edgardo's lawyer for him to
testify on the conversations during their first and second meetings. May the
subpoena be quashed on the ground of privileged communication? Explain
fully. (4%)


Half-brothers Roscoe and Salvio inherited from their father a vast tract of
unregistered land. Roscoe succeeded in gaining possession of the parcel of
land in its entirety and transferring the tax declaration thereon in his name.
Roscoe sold the northern half to Bono, Salvio's cousin. Upon learning of the
sale, Salvio asked Roscoe to convey the southern half to him. Roscoe
refused as he even sold one-third of the southern half along the West to
Carlo. Thereupon, Salvio filed an action for the reconveyance of the southern
half against Roscoe only. Carlo was not impleaded. After filing his answer,
Roscoe sold the middle third of the southern half to Nina. Salvio did not
amend the complaint to implead Nina.
After trial, the court rendered judgment ordering Roscoe to reconvey the
entire southern half to Salvio. The judgment became final and executory. A
writ of execution having been issued, the Sheriff required Roscoe, Carlo and
Nina to vacate the southern half and yield possession thereof to Salvio as the
prevailing party. Carlo and Nina refused, contending that they are not bound
by the judgment as they are not parties to the case. Is the contention
tenable? Explain fully. (4%)

The mutilated cadaver of a woman was discovered near a creek. Due to

witnesses attesting that he was the last person seen with the woman when
she was still alive, Carlito was arrested within five hours after the discovery of
the cadaver and brought to the police station. The crime laboratory
determined that the woman had been raped. While in police custody, Carlito
broke down in the presence of an assisting counsel and orally confessed to
the investigator that he had raped and killed the woman, detailing the acts he
had performed up to his dumping of the body near the creek. He was
genuinely remorseful. During the trial, the State presented the investigator to
testify on the oral confession of Carlito. Is the oral confession admissible as
evidence of guilt? (4%)


Ben sold a parcel of land to Del with right to repurchase within one (1) year.
Ben remained in possession of the property. When Ben failed to repurchase
the same, title was consolidated in favor of Del. Despite demand, Ben refused
to vacate the land, constraining Del to file a complaint for unlawful detainer. In
his defense, Ben averred that the case should be dismissed because Del had
never been in possession of the property. Is Ben correct? (4%)


Domenico and Gen lived without benefit of marriage for twenty years, during
which time they purchased properties together. After Domenico died without a
will, Gen filed a petition for letters of administration. Domenico's siblings
opposed the same on the ground that Gen has no legal personality. Decide.


After Alma had started serving her sentence for violation of Batas Pambansa
Blg. 22 (BP 22), she filed a petition for writ of habeas corpus, citing Vaca vs.
CA where the sentence of imprisonment of a party found guilty of violation of
BP 22 was reduced to a fine equal to double the amount of the check
involved. She prayed that her sentence be similarly modified and that she be
immediately released from detention. In the alternative, she prayed that
pending determination on whether the Vaca ruling applies to her, she be
allowed to post bail pursuant to Rule 102, Sec.14, which provides that if a
person is lawfully imprisoned or restrained on a charge of having committed
an offense not punishable by death, he may be admitted to bail in the
discretion of the court. Accordingly, the trial court allowed Alma to post bail
and then ordered her release. In your opinion, is the order of the trial court
correct -
a Under Rule 102? (2%)
b Under the Rules of Criminal Procedure? (2%)


A tugboat owned by Speedy Port Service, Inc. (SPS) sank in Manila Bay
while helping tow another vessel, drowning five (5) of the crew in the resulting
shipwreck. At the maritime board inquiry, the four (4) survivors testified. SPS
engaged Atty. Ely to defend it against potential claims and to sue the
company owning the other vessel for damages to the tug. Ely obtained signed
statements from the survivors. He also interviewed other persons, in some
instance making memoranda. The heirs of the five (5) victims filed an action
for damages against SPS.
Plaintiffs' counsel sent written interrogatories to Ely, asking whether
statements of witnesses were obtained; if written, copies were to be
furnished; if oral, the exact provisions were to be set forth in detail. Ely
refused to comply, arguing that the documents and information asked are
privileged communication. Is the contention tenable? Explain. (4%)

a Compare the certiorari jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under the
Constitution with that under Rule 65 of the Rules of Civil Procedure.
b Give at least three instances where the Court of Appeals may act as a
trial court. (3%)


TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is true, or FALSE if the
statement is false. Explain your answer in not more than two (2) sentences.
1 The Vallejo standard refers to jurisprudential norms considered by the
court in assessing the probative value of DNA evidence.
2 The One-Day Examination of Witness Rule abbreviates court
proceedings by having a witness fully examined in only one day during
3 A suit for injunction is an action in rem.
4 Under the doctrine of adoptive admission, a third partys statement
becomes the admission of the party embracing or espousing it.
5 Summons may be served by mail.


Angelina sued Armando before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Manila to
recover the ownership and possession of two parcels of land; one situated in
Pampanga, and the other in Bulacan.
1 May the action prosper? Explain. (2%)
2 Will your answer be the same if the action was for foreclosure of the
mortgage over the two parcels of land? Why or why not? (2%)

Amorsolo, a Filipino citizen permanently residing in New York City, filed with
the RTC of Lipa City a Complaint for Rescission of Contract of Sale of Land
against Brigido, a resident of Barangay San Miguel, Sto. Tomas, Batangas.
The subject property, located in Barangay Talisay, Lipa City, has an assessed
value of P19,700.00. Appended to the complaint is Amorsolos verification
and certification of non-forum shopping executed in New York City, duly
notarized by Mr. Joseph Brown, Esq., a notary public in the State of New
Brigido filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the following grounds:
1 The court cannot acquire jurisdiction over the person of Amorsolo
because he is not a resident of the Philippines; (2%)
2 The RTC does not have jurisdiction over the subject matter of the action
involving real property with an assessed value of P19,700.00; exclusive
and original jurisdiction is with the Municipal Trial Court where the
defendant resides; (3%) and
3 The verification and certification of non-forum shopping are fatally
defective because there is no accompanying certification issued by the
Philippine Consulate in New York, authenticating that Mr. Brown is duly
authorized to notarize the document. (3%)
Rule on the foregoing grounds with reasons.


Pedrito and Tomas, Mayor and Treasurer, respectively, of the Municipality of

San Miguel, Leyte, are charged before the Sandiganbayan for violation of
Section 3 (e), Republic Act No. 3019 (Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act).
The information alleges, among others, that the two conspired in the
purchase of several units of computer through personal canvass instead of a
public bidding, causing undue injury to the municipality.
Before arraignment, the accused moved for reinvestigation of the charge,
which the court granted. After reinvestigation, the Office of the Special
Prosecutor filed an amended information duly signed and approved by the
Special Prosecutor, alleging the same delictual facts, but with an additional
allegation that the accused gave unwarranted benefits to SB Enterprises
owned by Samuel. Samuel was also indicted under the amended information.
Before Samuel was arraigned, he moved to quash the amended information
on the ground that the officer who filed the same had no authority to do so.
Resolve the motion to quash with reasons. (3%)

Frank and Gina were married on June 12, 1987 in Manila. Barely a year after
the wedding, Frank exhibited a violent temperament, forcing Gina, for
reasons of personal safety, to live with her parents. A year thereafter, Gina
found employment as a domestic helper in Singapore, where she worked for
ten consecutive years. All the time she was abroad, Gina had absolutely no
communications with Frank, nor did she hear any news about him. While in
Singapore, Gina met and fell in love with Willie.
On July 4, 2007, Gina filed a petition with the RTC of Manila to declare Frank
presumptively dead, so that she could marry Willie. The RTC granted Ginas
petition. The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) filed a Notice of Appeal
with the RTC, stating that it was appealing the decision to the Court of
Appeals on questions of fact and law.
1 Is a petition for Declaration of Presumptive Death a special proceeding?
Why or why not? (2%)
2 As the RTC judge who granted Ginas petition, will you give due course
to the OSGs Notice of Appeal? Explain. (3%)


Arrested in a buy-bust operation, Edmond was brought to the police station

where he was informed of his constitutional rights. During the investigation,
Edmond refused to give any statement. However, the arresting officer asked
Edmond to acknowledge in writing that six (6) sachets of shabu were
confiscated from him. Edmond consented and also signed a receipt for the
amount of P3,000.00, allegedly representing the purchase price of the
shabu. At the trial, the arresting officer testified and identified the documents
executed and signed by Edmond. Edmonds lawyer did not object to the
testimony. After the presentation of the testimonial evidence, the prosecutor
made a formal offer of evidence which included the documents signed by
Edmonds lawyer objected to the admissibility of the documents for being the
fruit of the poisoned tree. Resolve the objection with reasons. (3%)


Cresencio sued Dioscoro for collection of a sum of money. During the trial,
but after the presentation of plaintiffs evidence, Dioscoro died. Atty. Cruz,
Dioscoros counsel, then filed a motion to dismiss the action on the ground of
his clients death. The court denied the motion to dismiss and, instead,
directed counsel to furnish the court with the names and addresses of
Dioscoros heirs and ordered that the designated administrator of Dioscoros
estate be substituted as representative party.
After trial, the court rendered judgment in favor of Cresencio. When the
decision had become final and executory, Cresencio moved for the issuance
of a writ of execution against Dioscoros estate to enforce his judgment claim.
The court issued the writ of execution. Was the courts issuance of the writ of
execution proper? Explain. (2%)

On July 15, 2009, Atty. Manananggol was served copies of numerous

unfavorable judgments and orders. On July 29, 2009, he filed motions for
reconsideration which were denied. He received the notices of denial of the
motions for reconsideration on October 2, 2009, a Friday. He immediately
informed his clients who, in turn, uniformly instructed him to appeal. How,
when and where should he pursue the appropriate remedy for each of the
following: (10%)
1 Judgment of a Municipal Trial Court (MTC) pursuant to its delegated
jurisdiction dismissing his clients application for land registration?
2 Judgment of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) denying his clients petition
for a Writ of Habeas Data?
3 Order of a Family Court denying his clients petition for Habeas Corpus
in relation to custody of a minor child?
4 Order of the RTC denying his clients Petition for Certiorari questioning
the Metropolitan Trial Courts (MeTCs) denial of a motion to suspend
criminal proceedings?
5 Judgment of the First Division of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
affirming the RTC decision convicting his client for violation of the
National Internal Revenue Code?


Modesto sued Ernesto for a sum of money, claiming that the latter owed him
P1-million, evidenced by a promissory note, quoted and attached to the
complaint. In his answer with counterclaim, Ernesto alleged that Modesto
coerced him into signing the promissory note, but that it is Modesto who really
owes him P1.5-million. Modesto filed an answer to Ernestos counterclaim
admitting that he owed Ernesto, but only in the amount of P0.5-million. At the
pre-trial, Modesto marked and identified Ernestos promissory note. He also
marked and identified receipts covering payments he made to Ernesto, to the
extent of P0.5-million, which Ernesto did not dispute.
After pre-trial, Modesto filed a motion for judgment on the pleadings, while
Ernesto filed a motion for summary judgment on his counterclaim. Resolve
the two motions with reasons. (5%)


Upon termination of the pre-trial, the judge dictated the pre-trial order in the
presence of the parties and their counsel, reciting what had transpired and
defining three (3) issues to be tried.
1 If, immediately upon receipt of his copy of the pre-trial order, plaintiffs
counsel should move for its amendment to include a fourth (4th) triable
issue which he allegedly inadvertently failedto mention when the judge
dictated the order. Should the motion to amend be granted? Reasons.
2 Suppose trial had already commenced and after the plaintiffs second
witness had testified, the defendants counsel moves for the
amendment of the pre-trial order to include a fifth (5th) triable issue vital
to his clients defense. Should the motion be granted over the objection
of plaintiffs counsel? Reasons. (3%)

TRUE or FALSE. Answer TRUE if the statement is true, or FALSE if the
statement is false. Explain your answer in not more than two (2) sentences.
1 The accused in a criminal case has the right to avail of the various
modes of discovery.
2 The viatory right of a witness served with a subpoena ad testificandum
refers to his right not to comply with the subpoena.
3 In the exercise of its original jurisdiction, the Sandiganbayan may grant
petitions for the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus.
4 An electronic document is the equivalent of an original document under
the Best Evidence Rule if it is a printout or output readable by sight or
other means, shown to reflect the data accurately.
5 The filing of a motion for the reconsideration of the trial courts decision
results in the abandonment of a perfected appeal.


Mike was renting an apartment unit in the building owned by Jonathan. When
Mike failed to pay six months rent, Jonathan filed an ejectment suit. The
Municipal Trial Court (MTC) rendered judgment in favor of Jonathan, who
then filed a motion for the issuance of a writ of execution. The MTC issued
the writ.
1 How can Mike stay the execution of the MTC judgment? Explain. (2%)
2 Mike appealed to the Regional Trial Court (RTC), which affirmed the
MTC decision. Mike then filed a petition for review with the Court of
Appeals (CA). The CA dismissed the petition on the ground that the
sheriff had already executed the MTC decision and had ejected Mike
from the premises, thus rendering the appeal moot and academic. Is
the CA correct? Reasons. (3%)

1 Continental Chemical Corporation (CCC) filed a complaint for a sum of

money against Barstow Trading Corporation (BTC) for the latters failure
to pay for its purchases of industrial chemicals. In its answer, BTC
contended that it refused to pay because CCC misrepresented that the
products it sold belonged to a new line, when in fact they were identical
with CCCs existing products. To substantiate its defense, BTC filed a
motion to compel CCC to give a detailed list of the products ingredients
and chemical components, relying on the right to avail of the modes of
discovery allowed under Rule 27. CCC objected, invoking confidentiality
of the information sought by BTC. Resolve BTCs motion with reasons.
2 Blinded by extreme jealousy, Alberto shot his wife, Betty, in the
presence of his sister, Carla. Carla brought Betty to the hospital.
Outside the operating room, Carla told Domingo, a male nurse, that it
was Alberto who shot Betty. Betty died while undergoing emergency
surgery. At the trial of the parricide charges filed against Alberto, the
prosecutor sought to present Domingo as witness, to testify on what
Carla told him. The defense counsel objected on the ground that
Domingos testimony is inadmissible for being hearsay. Rule on the
objection with reasons. (3%)


The Republic of the Philippines, through the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH) filed with the RTC a complaint for the expropriation of the
parcel of land owned by Jovito. The land is to be used as an extension of the
national highway. Attached to the complaint is a bank certificate showing that
there is, on deposit with the Land Bank of the Philippines, an amount
equivalent to the assessed value of the property. Then DPWH filed a motion
for the issuance of a writ of possession. Jovito filed a motion to dismiss the
complaint on the ground that there are other properties which would better
serve the purpose.
1 Will Jovitos motion to dismiss prosper? Explain. (3%)
2 As judge, will you grant the writ of possession prayed for by DPWH?
Explain. (3%)


1 Florencio sued Guillermo for partition of a property they owned in

common. Guillermo filed a motion to dismiss the complaint because
Florencio failed to implead Hernando and Inocencio, the other co-
owners of the property. As judge, will you grant the motion to dismiss?
Explain. (3%)
2 Mariano, through his attorney-in-fact, Marcos, filed with the RTC of
Baguio City a complaint for annulment of sale against Henry. Marcos
and Henry both reside in Asin Road, Baguio City, while Mariano resides
in Davao City. Henry filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on the
ground of prematurity for failure to comply with the mandatory barangay
conciliation. Resolve the motion with reasons. (3%)


1 After the prosecution had rested and made its formal offer of evidence,
with the court admitting all of the prosecution evidence, the accused
filed a demurrer to evidence with leave of court. The prosecution was
allowed to comment thereon. Thereafter, the court granted the
demurrer, finding that the accused could not have committed the
offense charged. If the prosecution files a motion for reconsideration on
the ground that the court order granting the demurrer was not in accord
with the law and jurisprudence, will the motion prosper? Explain your
answer. (3%)
2 A criminal information is filed in court charging Anselmo with homicide.
Anselmo files a motion to quash the information on the ground that no
preliminary investigation was conducted. Will the motion be granted?
Why or why not? (3%)


Having obtained favorable judgment in his suit for a sum of money against
Patricio, Orencio sought the issuance of a writ of execution. When the writ
was issued, the sheriff levied upon a parcel of land that Patricio owns, and a
date was set for the execution sale.
1 How may Patricio prevent the sale of the property on execution? (2%)
2 If Orencio is the purchaser of the property at the execution sale, how
much does he have to pay? Explain. (2%)
3 If the property is sold to a third party at the execution sale, what can
Patricio do to recover the property? Explain. (2%)


Pinoy died without a will. His wife, Rosie, and three children executed a deed
of extrajudicial settlement of his estate. The deed was properly published and
registered with the Office of the Register of Deeds. Three years thereafter,
Suzy appeared, claiming to be the illegitimate child of Pinoy. She sought to
annul the settlement alleging that she was deprived of her rightful share in the
Rosie and the three children contended that (1) the publication of the deed
constituted constructive notice to the whole world, and should therefore bind
Suzy; and (2) Suzys action had already prescribed.
Are Rosie and the three children correct? Explain. (4%)


1 Distinguish the two (2) modes of appeal from the judgment of the
Regional Trial Court to the Court of Appeals. (3%)
2 What is the writ of amparo? How is it distinguished from the writ of
habeas corpus? (2%)
3 What is the writ of habeas data? (1%)




On March 12, 2008, Mabini was charged with Murder for fatally stabbing
Emilio. To prove the qualifying circumstance of evident premeditation, the
prosecution introduced on December 11, 2009 a text message, which
Mabinis estranged wife Gregoria had sent to Emilio on the eve of his death,
reading: Honey, pa2tayin u ni Mabini. Mtgal n nyang plano i2. Mg ingat u bka
ma tsugi k.
a A subpoena ad testificandum was served on Gregoria for her to be
presented for the purpose of identifying her cellphone and the text
message. Mabini objected to her presentation on the ground of marital
privilege. Resolve. (3%)
b Suppose Mabinis objection in question A was sustained. The
prosecution thereupon announced that it would be presenting Emilios
wife Graciana to identify Emilios cellphone bearing Gregorias text
message. Mabini objected again. Rule on the objection. (2%)
c If Mabinis objection in question B was overruled, can he object to the
presentation of the text message on the ground that it is hearsay? (2%)
d Suppose that shortly before he expired, Emilio was able to send a text
message to his wife Graciana reading Nasaksak ako. D na me
makahinga. Si Mabini ang may gawa ni2. Is this text message
admissible as a dying declaration? Explain. (3%)

On August 13, 2008, A, as shipper and consignee, loaded on the M/V Atlantis
in Legaspi City 100,000 pieces of century eggs. The shipment arrived in
Manila totally damaged on August 14, 2008. A filed before the Metropolitan
Trial Court (MeTC) of Manila a complaint against B Super Lines, Inc. (B
Lines), owner of the M/V Atlantis, for recovery of damages amounting to
P167,899. He attached to the complaint the Bill of Lading.
a B Lines filed a Motion to Dismiss upon the ground that the Regional
Trial Court has exclusive original jurisdiction over all actions in
admiralty and maritime claims. In his Reply, A contended that while the
action is indeed admiralty and maritime in nature, it is the amount of
the claim, not the nature of the action, that governs jurisdiction. Pass on
the Motion to Dismiss. (3%)
b The MeTC denied the Motion in question A. B Lines thus filed an
Answer raising the defense that under the Bill of Lading it issued to A,
its liability was limited to P10,000. At the pre-trial conference, B Lines
defined as one of the issues whether the stipulation limiting its liability to
P10,000 binds A. A countered that this was no longer in issue as B
Lines had failed to deny under oath the Bill of Lading. Which of the
parties is correct? Explain. (3%)
c On July 21, 2009, B Lines served on A a Notice to Take Deposition,
setting the deposition on July 29, 2009 at 8:30 a.m. at the office of its
counsel in Makati. A failed to appear at the deposition-taking, despite
notice. As counsel for B Lines, how would you proceed? (3%)

Anabel filed a complaint against B for unlawful detainer before the Municipal
Trial Court (MTC) of Candaba, Pampanga. After the issues had been joined,
the MTC dismissed the complaint for lack of jurisdiction after noting that the
action was one for accion publiciana.
Anabel appealed the dismissal to the RTC which affirmed it and accordingly
dismissed her appeal. She elevates the case to the Court of Appeals, which
remands the case to the RTC. Is the appellate court correct? Explain. (3%)

X was driving the dump truck of Y along Cattleya Street in Sta. Maria,
Bulacan. Due to his negligence, X hit and injured V who was crossing the
street. Lawyer L, who witnessed the incident, offered his legal services to V.
V, who suffered physical injuries including a fractured wrist bone, underwent
surgery to screw a metal plate to his wrist bone. On complaint of V, a criminal
case for Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Serious Physical Injuries was filed
against X before the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) of Sta. Maria. Atty. L, the
private prosecutor, did not reserve the filing of a separate civil action.
V subsequently filed a complaint for Damages against X and Y before the
Regional Trial Court of Pangasinan in Urdaneta where he resides. In his
Certification Against Forum Shopping, V made no mention of the pendency
of the criminal case in Sta. Maria.
a Is V guilty of forum shopping? (2%)
b Instead of filing an Answer, X and Y move to dismiss the complaint for
damages on the ground of litis pendentia. Is the motion meritorious?
Explain. (2%)
c Suppose only X was named as defendant in the complaint for
damages, may he move for the dismissal of the complaint for failure of
V to implead Y as an indispensable party? (2%)
d X moved for the suspension of the proceedings in the criminal case to
await the decision in the civil case. For his part, Y moved for the
suspension of the civil case to await the decision in the criminal case.
Which of them is correct? Explain. (2%)
e Atty. L offered in the criminal case his affidavit respecting what he
witnessed during the incident. Xs lawyer wanted to cross-examine Atty.
L who, however, objected on the ground of lawyer-client privilege. Rule
on the objection. (2%)

Charisse, alleging that she was a resident of Lapu-Lapu City, filed a complaint
for damages against Atlanta Bank before the RTC of Lapu-Lapu City,
following the dishonor of a check she drew in favor of Shirley against her
current account which she maintained in the banks local branch.
The bank filed a Motion to Dismiss the complaint on the ground that it failed
to state a cause of action, but it was denied. It thus filed an Answer.
a In the course of the trial, Charisse admitted that she was a US
citizen residing in Los Angeles, California and that she was
temporarily billeted at the Pescado Hotel in Lapu-Lapu City,
drawing the bank to file another motion to dismiss, this time
on the ground of improper venue, since Charisse is not a
resident of Lapu-Lapu City.
Charisse opposed the motion citing the omnibus motion rule.
Rule on the motion. (3%)

b Suppose Charisse did not raise the omnibus motion rule, can the
judge proceed to resolve the motion to dismiss? Explain. (3%)
c Suppose the judge correctly denied the second motion to
dismiss and rendered judgment in favor of Charisse, ordering
the bank to pay her P100,000 in damages plus legal interest.
The judgment became final and executory in 2008. To date,
Charisse has not moved to execute the judgment. The bank is
concerned that its liability will increase with the delay because
of the interest on the judgment award.
As counsel of the bank, what move should you take? (3%)

Antique dealer Mercedes borrowed P1,000,000 from antique collector
Benjamin. Mercedes issued a postdated check in the same amount to
Benjamin to cover the debt.
On the due date of the check, Benjamin deposited it but it was dishonored. As
despite demands, Mercedes failed to make good the check, Benjamin filed in
January 2009 a complaint for collection of sum of money before the RTC of
Mercedes filed in February 2009 her Answer with Counterclaim, alleging that
before the filing of the case, she and Benjamin had entered into a dacion en
pago agreement in which her vintage P1,000,000 Rolex watch which was
taken by Benjamin for sale on commission was applied to settle her
indebtedness; and that she incurred expenses in defending what she termed
a frivolous lawsuit. She accordingly prayed for P50,000 damages.
a Benjamin soon after moved for the dismissal of the case. The trial court
accordingly dismissed the complaint. And it also dismissed the
Counterclaim. Mercedes moved for a reconsideration of the dismissal of
the Counterclaim. Pass upon Mercedes motion. (3%)
b Suppose there was no Counterclaim and Benjamins
complaint was not dismissed, and judgment was rendered
against Mercedes for P1,000,000. The judgment became final
and executory and a writ of execution was correspondingly
Since Mercedes did not have cash to settle the judgment
debt, she offered her Toyota Camry model 2008 valued at
P1.2 million. The Sheriff, however, on request of Benjamin,
seized Mercedes 17th century ivory image of the La Sagrada
Familia estimated to be worth over P1,000,000.
Was the Sheriffs action in order? (3%)


As Cicero was walking down a dark alley one midnight, he saw an owner-
type jeepney approaching him. Sensing that the occupants of the vehicle
were up to no good, he darted into a corner and ran. The occupants of the
vehicle elements from the Western Police District gave chase and
apprehended him.
The police apprehended Cicero, frisked him and found a sachet of 0.09 gram
of shabu tucked in his waist and a Swiss knife in his secret pocket, and
detained him thereafter. Is the arrest and body-search legal? (3%)

Dominique was accused of committing a violation of the Human Security Act.
He was detained incommunicado, deprived of sleep, and subjected to water
torture. He later allegedly confessed his guilt via an affidavit.
After trial, he was acquitted on the ground that his confession was obtained
through torture, hence, inadmissible as evidence.
In a subsequent criminal case for torture against those who deprived him of
sleep and subjected him to water torture, Dominique was asked to testify and
to, among other things, identify his above-said affidavit of confession. As he
was about to identify the affidavit, the defense counsel objected on the
ground that the affidavit is a fruit of a poisonous tree. Can the objection be
sustained? Explain. (3%)


In a prosecution for rape, the defense relied on Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)

evidence showing that the semen found in the private part of the victim was
not identical with that of the accuseds. As private prosecutor, how will you
dispute the veracity and accuracy of the results of the DNA evidence? (3%)

Marinella is a junior officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines who claims
to have personally witnessed the malversation of funds given by US
authorities in connection with the Balikatan exercises.
Marinella alleges that as a result of her expos, there are operatives within
the military who are out to kill her. She files a petition for the issuance of a writ
of amparo against, among others, the Chief of Staff but without alleging that
the latter ordered that she be killed.
Atty. Daro, counsel for the Chief of Staff, moves for the dismissal of the
Petition for failure to allege that his client issued any order to kill or harm
Marinella. Rule on Atty. Daros motion. Explain. (3%)

X was arrested for the alleged murder of a 6-year old lad. He was read his
Miranda rights immediately upon being apprehended.
In the course of his detention, X was subjected to three hours of non-stop
interrogation. He remained quiet until, on the 3rd hour, he answered yes to
the question of whether he prayed for forgiveness for shooting down the
boy. The trial court, interpreting Xs answer as an admission of guilt,
convicted him.
On appeal, Xs counsel faulted the trial court in its interpretation of his clients
answer, arguing that X invoked his Miranda rights when he remained quiet for
the first two hours of questioning. Rule on the assignment of error. (3%)
In a prosecution for murder, the prosecutor asks accused Darwin if he had
been previously arrested for violation of the Anti- Graft and Corrupt Practices
Act. As defense counsel, you object. The trial court asks you on what ground/
s. Respond. (3%)

Policemen brought Lorenzo to the Philippine General Hospital (PGH) and
requested one of its surgeons to immediately perform surgery on him to
retrieve a packet of 10 grams of shabu which they alleged was swallowed by
Suppose the PGH agreed to, and did perform the surgery, is the package of
shabu admissible in evidence? Explain. (3%)


Czarina died single. She left all her properties by will to her friend Duqueza.
In the will, Czarina stated that she did not recognize Marco as an adopted
son because of his disrespectful conduct towards her.
Duqueza soon instituted an action for probate of Czarinas will. Marco, on the
other hand, instituted intestate proceedings. Both actions were consolidated
before the RTC of Pasig. On motion of Marco, Duquezas petition was
ordered dismissed on the ground that the will is void for depriving him of his
legitime. Argue for Duqueza. (5%)

Pedrillo, a Fil-Am permanent resident of Los Angeles, California at the time of
his death, bequeathed to Winston a sum of money to purchase an annuity.
Upon Pedrillos demise, his will was duly probated in Los Angeles and the
specified sum in the will was in fact used to purchase an annuity with XYZ of
Hong Kong so that Winston would receive the equivalent of US$1,000 per
month for the next 15 years.
Wanting to receive the principal amount of the annuity, Winston files for the
probate of Pedrillos will in the Makati RTC. As prayed for, the court names
Winston as administrator of the estate.
Winston now files in the Makati RTC a motion to compel XYZ to account for
all sums in its possession forming part of Pedrillos estate. Rule on the
motion. (5%)

Sal Mineo died intestate, leaving a P1 billion estate. He was survived by his
wife Dayanara and their five children.
Dayanara filed a petition for the issuance of letters of administration.
Charlene, one of the children, filed an opposition to the petition, alleging that
there was neither an allegation nor genuine effort to settle the estate amicably
before the filing of the petition. Rule on the opposition. (5%)

What is res judicata in prison grey? (2%)

While window-shopping at the mall on August 4, 2008, Dante lost his
organizer including his credit card and billing statement. Two days later, upon
reporting the matter to the credit card company, he learned that a one-way
airplane ticket was purchased online using his credit card for a flight to Milan
in mid- August 2008. Upon extensive inquiry with the airline company, Dante
discovered that the plane ticket was under the name of one Dina Meril. Dante
approaches you for legal advice.
a What is the proper procedure to prevent Dina from leaving the
Philippines? (2%)
b Suppose an Information is filed against Dina on August 12, 2008 and
she is immediately arrested. What pieces of electronic evidence will
Dante have to secure in order to prove the fraudulent online
transaction? (2%)


1. Enumerate the requisites of a trial in absentia (2%) and a promulgation

of judgment in absentia (2%).
2. Name two instances where the trial court can hold the accused civilly liable
even if he is acquitted. (2%)


Azenith, the cashier of Temptation Investments, Inc. (Temptation, Inc.) with

principal offices in Cebu City, is equally hated and loved by her co-employees
because she extends cash advances or vales to her colleagues whom she
likes. One morning, Azenith discovers an anonymous letter inserted under the
door of her office threatening to kill her.
Azenith promptly reports the matter to her superior Joshua, who thereupon
conducts an internal investigation to verify the said threat.
Claiming that the threat is real, Temptation, Inc. opts to transfer Azenith to its
Palawan Office, a move she resists in view of the companys refusal to
disclose the results of its investigation.
Decrying the move as a virtual deprivation of her employment, Azenith files a
petition for the issuance of a writ of habeas data before the Regional Trial
Court (RTC) to enjoin Temptation, Inc. from transferring her on the ground
that the companys refusal to provide her with a copy of the investigation
results compromises her right to life, liberty and privacy.
Resolve the petition. Explain. (5%)


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