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Shockley S Rockets: ' by Faron Bell

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Shockleys Rockets

by Faron Bell

Early 1809, somewhere near the Spanish-Portuguese Border

Shockley paused to take a sip from his water bottle. The pre-dawn air had quite a bite
to it, but he had worked up a sweat marching across the broken terrain with his ad
hoc force. That Major Logan always saddles me with the leftovers from camp. Why do I
always draw the absolute worst missions and are given only the camp dregs to carry them out?
Rodrigo? Shockley shouted.
Yes, Tenente?
How much longer until we reach the bloody fort?
About an hour, Sir. Rodrigo said nervously. He knew that Shockley was unhappy
with their progress or, rather, lack of.
Damn. Shockley softly cursed under his breath. These Portuguese recruits are going to be
the death of me yet. They may yet become fine troops, IF I can keep them and their Lieutenant
alive long enough to train the bloody lot. The ragtag column trudged onward. Somewhere
in the blackness of a cool Peninsular evening lay an old Spanish fortress. That was the
goal and destination of the early morning march.
The day before, Major Logan, had pulled Shockley and his Sergeant, Patterson, aside
and described his latest mission.
Shockley, ole boy, I have another mission for you and your chosen men. I need to
place a garrison at the Castell de St. Pequena. The French are organizing an invasion
that may commence at any time. I must have some eyes and ears near the border, for I
must know what the French are up to! Logan pointed out the small fortress on a
large map spread out across a table.
Shockley thought to himself, Just what I bloody well need, another mission!
Guessing Shockleys thoughts, Logan continued, Ill tell you what Lieutenant, Ill
send some of our best troops to go along with you and your chosen men. Take Ensign
Mallorys Platoon and.hmmm.let me see.erruhh...oh yes, and Rodrigos
Portuguese detachment. Theyre fine fellows!
Shockley rolled his eyes. Great, Ill get to wet nurse yet another collection of misfits and raw
recruits. Why in King Georges name, they dont give me a proper command, I will never know.
By Jove, Ive earned it.
By the time Logan was finished explaining the details of the mission, Shockley
persuaded him to detach a troupe of Hussars from Belmonts Squadron so that he
could have some eyes of his own. Logan was hesitant to do so, but he had a certain
fondness for Shockley and was not totally unsympathetic to his plight.
Oh and Shockley, err.uh.take Lieutenant Trotters Rocket Battery with you as
well. You could use some artillery, just in case! Logan added.
Sir, I hardly think
Never mind what you think, Shockley. Take the damn rockets and be off with
yourself. Logan barked. Shockley knew when he had pushed the good Major to the
edge, and this was happening quite often lately. Rockets, he thought, Bloody well useless!
What in Heavens name do I need with rockets He mused to himself as Logan bid the
Riflemen a good day and excused himself.
Sergeant Patterson? Shockley blurted.
Yes, Sir! Patterson snapped.
Ready the Rifles. Were on the move again. Take the men and move up towards
this old castleerruhfort. He pointed to Logans map. You should be able to
make it by midnight, with a hard march. he continued, I doubt I can get the rest of
this rabble and especially those bloody useless rockets on the move before dark. With a
bit of luck, we may catch up to you by daybreak.
Yes, Sir Patterson eagerly replied. Shockley was a hero to the Riflemen. They had
been through many a scrap with him and he had brought them back alive in every case.
Well, most everyone, anyway.
Oh, and Patterson?
Yes, Lieutenant?
Take Margarita with you and drop her off at Villabuena. She has been wanting to
visit her mother and this will be a prime opportunity to make sure she arrives safely.
Ill guard her with me life! Patterson said sincerely.
Within a few minutes, Patterson had readied the Riflemen and set off for St.
Pequena. He gave his best girl, Margarita, a kiss on the cheek and bid her farewell.
Shockley watched as they disappeared over a gentle hill in the distance. Well, at least
Margarita is safe, he thought to himself, Ill not rest well until we are reunited
Later, as dawn broke on the following day, a French officer adjusted his eye glass.

Je ny crois pas! Lieutenant Goodenot barks out as he surveys the old Fort in the
dim pre-dawn light. That Shockley, he has beated me to the old Spanish fort! Once
again he is threatening to spoil my plans. Guischard, ready your Grenadiers! We have
a fortress to storm! he hesitated for a moment, Mon Dieu, but what is this? A girl
in the fortress? She almost looks likeerruhyesyes I cant believe it.Margarita
is with the fortress garrison! A smile flickered across his lips, If only I can beat
Shockley to the prize!
Shockley arrives at Castell de St. Pequea in the early morning hours. His men are tired but
encouraged due to his charismatic urgings. Much to Shockleys dismay, however, he begins to pick
out the telltale signs of an enemy force nearby. The French have arrived in the pre-dawn hours
and seem to be assembling for an assault on the fort. He makes out his riflemen atop the fortress
walls. Good! At least his Riflemen are in place. Now, if he can only motivate these Portuguese
recruits to put up a good fight. And better yet, if he can get Trotters Rocket Battery set up on
that hill off to the left.

The main British objective is to hold the fort at all cost (1VP). Lieutenant Trotter is also interested
in proving the worth of his rockets. If he can cause a casualty to the French Artillery Battery
before loosing one of his own men to canon fire, he will have proved his worth (1VP). Young Ensign
Mallory has not had confession in quite sometime. If he can move to the Church, come into base
contact with the door (simulating entry) and achieve a Task=12, then he will feel much better
about his spiritual state (1 VP). Causing more damage to the French forces than received is also
desirable (1 VP).

Characters and Forces:

Overall British Force is considered Good.

Lieutenant Shockley: Status III; Charismatic; Handsome; Strapping Fellow; Accomplished

Swordsman; Shockley may influence any groups on his side for he is the overall commander and
inspirational to all he commands. He leads a group of twelve Riflemen; Elite with Baker Rifles.

Lieutenant Trotter: Status I; Average Stamp; Leads a Heavy Rocket Battery (single Rocket model)
with five Crew. He may only influence his own men.

Tenente Rodrigo: Status I; Average Stamp; Rodrigo leads two groups, each of twelve Portuguese
Line Infantry; Regular with muskets. He may only influence the Portuguese Infantry under his

Ensign Mallory: Status II; Average Stamp; Mallory leads two groups, each of twelve British Center
Company Line Troops; Good with muskets.

Lieutenant Belmont: Status II; Average Stamp; Accomplished Horseman; Belmont leads a group of
six Hussars; Elite with Carbines.
Goodenot has been ordered to take the Spanish Fort. Soult considers the area to valuable for
staging his troops for the upcoming invasion of Portugal. To accomplish this, Goodenot has a
hastily formed force of Line troops supported by a platoon of Voltigeurs, a group of Mounted
Dragoons and also Guischards Grenadiers.

Guischard is a Pioneer Sergent-Chef and packs demolition charges to blow the main fortress gate.
If he can come into base contact with the gate and achieve a Task roll of 12, the explosives will
assumed to be planted and will destroy the main gate on the next Tiffin card (1VP). The
Grenadiers are equipped with six scaling ladders. For every two Grenadiers that are killed or lost,
remove one scaling ladder.

The main French Objective is to take the fort (1VP). If Goodenot can manage to come in to base
contact with Margarita (she is considered engaged to Shockley) and seduce her, then he will
consider this a personal victory (1VP). Sergent Delaflote, has a personal oath to fulfill. He has
sworn to plant a rose on the grave of a mysterious Spanish young lady buried within the cemetery.
To achieve this, he must achieve a Task roll of 12 which will denote him placing the rose and
kneeling for prayer (1VP). Causing more damage to the British forces than received is also
desirable (1 VP).

Characters and Forces:

Overall French Force is considered Good.

Lieutenant Goodenot: Status III; Charismatic; Handsome; Strapping Fellow; Accomplished

Swordsman; Goodenot leads two groups, each of twelve French Line Fusiliers; Good with Muskets.
He also commands a 6 pounder gun, though it is placed a fair distance from his position.

Sgt.-Chef Guischard: Status II; Strapping Fellow; Pioneer with special demolition ability (see
above); Guischard leads twelve Grenadiers; Elite, Aggressive with muskets and six scaling ladders.

Lieutenant Bontecou: Status II; Average Stamp; Accomplished Horseman; Bontecou leads six
Mounted Dragoons; Good with carbines.

Sergent Delaflote: Status I; Average Stamp; Delaflote commands two groups, each of twelve
Voltigeurs; Good with muskets.
Umpires Notes
The Game Map is set up and forces deployed prior to the scenario start. If the Umpire is to play,
then he/she should play the French side. The Game is designed for a 4 hour session and should
be played accordingly. Blinds may or may not be used as per the desire of the group or Umpire.

The British player should not be told of Margaritas presence, but he will probably notice her
model within the course of the game. If asked, the Umpire may reveal that Margarita elected to
accompany Patterson (forced him, actually) so that she could join Shockley at the Fortress after
discovering that her dear Mother had fled Villabuena. Shockley should adjust his plans accordingly
to protect her.

Victory Conditions:
Whichever side obtains the most Victory Points by games end will win the game. The game ends
after four hours of play.

British Objectives:
British are awarded 1VP if the French have more groups routed and/or swept from the
field at games end.
The British are awarded 1 VP for Control of the fort.
If Shockley ends the game in base contact with Margarita, the British score 1 VP.
If Trotters Rocket Battery can cause a casualty to the French Artillery Battery before
loosing one of his own men to canon fire, the British score 1 VP.
If the British capture the French Colors they are awarded 1 VP.
If Young Ensign Mallory manages a Confession, then the British are awarded 1 VP.

French Objectives:
French are awarded 1 VP if the British have more groups routed and/or swept from the
field at games end.
If Goodenot achieves a net 12 result in a Affaire de Coeur, the French score 1 VP.
The French are awarded 1 VP for Control of the fort.
If Sergent Delaflote plants his Rose within the cemetery walls by games end, the French
are awarded 1 VP.
If the French capture the British Colors they are awarded 1 VP.
If Guischard blows the main gates of the Spanish Fort they are awarded 1 VP.

Sharp Practice Deck: Add all the named Big Men detailed above, the Sharp Practice Card, Tiffin
Card, 2 x Grasp the Nettle I, 1 x Grasp the Nettle II, 1 x Grasp the Nettle III cards for each side.
Rodrigo may use the British Nettle cards.

Bonus Deck: Add Three Thin Red Line Cards, One Tally Ho! Card, One Fighting Cocks Card, Three
Pas de Charge and Three Hop To It cards to the Bonus Game Deck. The French may randomly draw
three bonus cards from the deck at game start. The British hold no bonus cards at the start of the

Special Rules:
British Colors: Any British Big Man within 12 of their sides Colors may use an extra
initiative for being inspired.

Cover: Due to the poor condition of the walls, etc., all cover except the Fortress (walls,
woods, etc.) is considered soft/light (-50% to firers dice). All walls are low. The Fortress is
considered hard/heavy cover (-75% to firers dice).

Terrain Penalties: All terrain is mild (forest, slopes, etc.) and costs -1 pip to each
movement die.

Obstacles: Walls, etc. cost 1d to cross.

See Ladder rules for scaling the Fortress walls. The Grenadiers are equipped with 6 scaling
ladders. For every two Grenadiers that are killed or lost, remove 1 scaling ladder.

Control of the fort is defined as no enemy troops located within the fortress walls at
games end.

Guischard: is a Pioneer Sergent-Chef and packs demolition charges to blow the main
fortress gate. If he can come into base contact w/ the gate and achieve a Task=12, the
explosives will assumed to be planted and will destroy the main gate on the next Tiffin

Young Ensign Mallory has not had confession in quite some time. If he can move to the
Church, come into base contact with the door (simulating entry) and achieve a Task roll of
12, then he will feel much better about his spiritual state (1 VP).

Margarita: If Goodenot can achieve a net 12 result in a Affaire de Coeur, then he wins
a VP. He must come into base contact with Margarita before he may make an attempt. She
is placed within the fort before game start and may not move, once placed, until Shockley
comes into base contact, whereupon she may move with Shockley. The British score 1 VP
at games end if Shockley ends up with her in base contact.

If you have enjoyed this scenario, why not visit Farons blog to read more of Shockleys exploits.

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