14-25 Quiz #5
14-25 Quiz #5
14-25 Quiz #5
Under article 592 of the Civil Code, ordinary repairs are understood such as are required by the wear and tear due to the
natural use of the thing and are indispensable for its preservation
16. If the usufructuary did not share in the payment of insurance premiums, he is still entitled to the use of the usufruct to avoid
unjust enrichment.
b. According to article 608 Should the usufructuary have refused to contribute to the insurance, the owner insuring the
tenement alone, the latter shall receive the full amount of the insurance indemnity in case of loss, saving always the right
granted to the usufructuary in the preceding article.
c. If the owner redeems means he did not share in the payment of the premium, he cannot use.
d. But under 607, he will be entitled to receive interest at the legal rate of the value of the lot and materials therein
17. When the parties share in the payment of insurance premiums on the building, the naked owner must rebuild.
b. Option to rebuild is optional, if the owner does not wish to rebuild, the usufructuary shall receive the legal interest on the
insurance proceeds which will go to the owner.
18. The usufructuary may collect from the naked owner reimbursement for pending fruit upon termination of the usufruct to avoid
unjust enrichment.
b. It is not void, if it is not appraised, the usufruct shall have the right to return at the same quantity and quality, or pay their
current price at the time the usufruct ceases.
21. Upon the termination of the usufruct, the usufructuary has the right of retention for taxes and ordinary expenses
b. Upon termination of the usufruct he has the right of retention until reimbursement for the amount of taxes and for the
increase in value caused by extraordinary repairs
22. A survivorship agreement between joint depositors a bank account must be in the form of a will
b. What is a survivorship agreement?
23. A will that was impliedly revoked by a subsequent will shall be revived upon the revocation of the second will
25. Opposition to the intrinsic validity of a will cannot be entertained during probate
b. General rule, jurisdiction of the probate court is limited to
i. Extrinsic validity (Formalities)
ii. Testamentary Capacity
iii. Identity of the Will
iv. CANNOT determine intrinsic validity
c. Exception: SC held that is the will is void on its face, the probate court can rule on the intrinsic validity of the will