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Griliches (1976) - Wages of Very Young Men

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The paper studies the returns to schooling and how they are impacted by individual differences in ability using data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men. It aims to replicate the results of an earlier study on this topic.

The paper aims to replicate the results of an earlier study estimating the economic returns to schooling while accounting for factors like ability, family background, discrimination, and nepotism using a new data set.

The author uses data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Men, which includes information on earnings, schooling, IQ scores, and test scores measuring knowledge of the world of work among other individual characteristics.

Wages of Very Young Men

Author(s): Zvi Griliches

Source: Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 84, No. 4, Part 2: Essays in Labor Economics in
Honor of H. Gregg Lewis (Aug., 1976), pp. S69-S86
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
Stable URL:
Accessed: 10-10-2016 09:20 UTC

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Journal of Political Economy

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Wages of Very Young Men

Zvi Griliches
Harvard University

I. Introduction

Over the past decade there has been much interest in and a large amount
of work done on estimating the economic returns to formal schooling and
on trying to untangle such returns from the contributions of native
ability, family background, discrimination, and nepotism. The rather
large literature that has emerged has been discussed and surveyed by a
number of authors (Jencks 1972; Welch 1975; Griliches 1975a; Rosen
1975; among others). Different methodologies and different sets of data
have produced very little agreement. It is not the purpose of this paper to
review and revive all the debates again. Instead, it will attempt to repli-
cate the results of an earlier study of "Education, Income, and Ability"
(Griliches and Mason 1972) on a new set of data, the National Longi-
tudinal Survey of Young Men, focusing on the estimation of the economic
returns to schooling in the presence of individual differences in ability.
The NLS data base is of interest because it is the most representative
data set combining information on earnings, schooling, and measures of
ability. It contains data on two measures of ability: IQ scores collected
from the high schools attended by the respondents and scores on a test of
"knowledge of the world of work" (KWW) administered at the time of
the initial interview in 1966. Data were also collected on parental back-
ground, wage rates (rather than just total income or earnings), and work
experience. These data are also of interest because of the availability of
repeated observations on the same individuals and the ability to match
family members across surveys. I shall not pursue, however, the last two

This is an abridged and extensively revised version of an earlier paper (1974). This work
has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Education (NE-6-00-3-020)
and NSF (SOC73-05374-AO1). I am indebted to Bronwyn Hall, Ruth Helpman, and
Stephen Messner for research assistance.
[Journal of Political Economy, 1976, vol. 84, no. 4, pt. 2]
(? 1976 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.


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topics here; instead, I shall concentrate on the replication of the

Griliches and Mason (1972) study as a way of entering and reconnoitering
this new and rather large body of data.'
No data set is perfect, and this one has at least two major shortcomings:
many data are missing (IQscores were collected for only 65 percent of the
respondents), and the respondents are very young. In the nonenrolled
portion of our sample, the average age is only 22 in 1969, though the range
is from 17 through 27. It is well known that the full effects of schooling or
ability are not easily observable at this early an age. There are intimations
of the individual futures to come but far from a clear reading of them.
Also, much of the labor force behavior of youths in the earlier part of this
age range is characterized by search, experimentation, and often a lack
of "seriousness." Thus, observations on their encounters with the labor
market during these early years cannot be taken as reflecting unequiv-
ocally their underlying potential. Nevertheless, a glimmer of it is there,
and that is what I will be analyzing.

II. The Model

The theoretical and statistical problems of simultaneously estimating the

net effects of both schooling and ability are discussed in some detail in
Griliches and Mason (1972) and Griliches (1975b). A brief recapitulation
will suffice here. We are interested in estimating the following equation:

Yl = LW= a, + flS + ylA + X61 + el, (1)

where L W is the logarithm of the wage rate, S is schooling, A is a measure
of ability, X is a vector of other wage determining variables such as ex-
perience, region, and city size, and e is a disturbance summarizing the
effects of other, hopefully random, sources of differences in wage rates.
The issue in Griliches and Mason (1972) and in much of the rest of the
literature is focused on the "importance" of A and the bias introduced into
our estimates of f3, by ignoring it. The analysis proceeds by finding mea-
sures of A, introducing them into (1), and seeing how much the estimate
of fl,1 is changed thereby.: A number of issues arise immediately: (1) Since
we have two measures of ability, KWW and IQ, which should be used?
(2) What if these measures are subject to error? (3) Can one take school-
ing as predetermined and error free? We shall explore these issues in turn.
The bias in the estimated schooling coefficient due to the omission of
the ability dimension is given by y, bAS.x, where y, is the true net coe
cient of ability, while bAs.x is the auxiliary regression coefficient of the
left-out ability measure on schooling, holding the other variables in the
model (X) constant. Even if one is willing to assume the constancy of

' Additional analyses of these data are presented in Griliches (1975b).

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YV, the second component

in the sample between ability and schooling and reflects the "selectivity"
of the particular schooling system, time, and place, need not be constant
across samples, subsamples, and time periods. Thus, there is no good
reason to expect that any particular study can answer this question
definitively for all other past and future studies. Moreover, fl1 itself is
unlikely to be constant in the face of different X's. For example, in this
age range it matters greatly whether the effect of schooling is estimated
holding age or experience constant. The former procedure leads to a
significantly lower estimate of fl1. Hence, the same estimate of absolute
"ability bias" may imply different estimates of relative (percentage) bias.
Also, given that we do not have a direct measure of the output of schooling
but only a measure of the years spent (input) in schools, we cannot really
interpret the estimated IQ coefficients as reflecting solely the net effects
of early ability. The missing component of school quality and individual
input into the schooling process during those years is hopelessly con-
founded with the measured IQscores and ajfortiori with the KWW scores.
Recognizing that years of schooling are not an error-free measure of
"education achieved" implies that the reported ability coefficients and
associated estimates of bias in the schooling coefficients may themselves
be biased upward.
Since the KWW test cannot be taken as independent of schooling, we
describe its relationship to schooling by2

Y2 = KWW = 92 + f2S + y2A + X32 + e2. (2)

To represent the dependence of schooling on ability, we write

y3 = S = L3 + y3A + X63 + e3, (3)

and to allow for the possibility that IQ may not be a perfect measure of
the relevant ability concept, we define

y4 = IQ= a4 + A + e4. (4)

Assuming that either IQor KWW are errorless measures of the relevant
concepts amounts to assuming that e2 and e4 have zero variance. If one
were to use KWW as a measure of ability, one would get .(substituting
[2] in [1] and ignoring constant terms)

LW = (fil -,f2/y2)S + V1/V2 KWW + X(31 -321V2) + el - yl/ye2.


2 Actually, KWW depends on schooling in 1966 (SC66) rather than on SC69. But
in the not-enrolled portion of our sample, SC66 and SC69 are too closely intercorrelated
to distinguish between them. In a separate study using expectational variables for income
and schooling, this distinction is made (see Griliches 1975b).

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Thus, unless schooling does not affect KWW (/2 = 0), introducing
KWW into the wage equation will eliminate some of the "ability bias" in
the schooling coefficient but in its turn introduce another downward
bias (-f62/72) into the estimated schooling coefficient. If KWW i
subject to error of measurement (o2 # 0), the above conclusion will be
attenuated but will retain its qualitative implications. If both IQ and
KWW are subject to independent measurement error, equation (1) can
be estimated using instrumental variable methods. If one considers the
possibility that schooling itself may be determined on the basis of expected
income and that it too may be measured with error, this would imply a
correlation of e1 with S and suggest the use of instrumental variables for
it too.
Note that I have not discussed family background variables explicitly.
They are contained in the definition of X and allowed to be correlated with
the true A. In what follows I shall assume, for the most part, that family
background variables such as mother's education or father's occupation
do not affect wages directly (i.e., do not enter eq. [1] separately) but only
indirectly via their effects on ability and schooling. This is a testable
restriction on the model. For some purposes, however, one is more inter-
ested in the "total" effect of family background or ability on wages and
then in their "net" effects holding schooling constant. Such "total" effects
can be discerned from the reduced-form version of (1), derived by sub-
stituting (3) into it:

LW = (y, + 3173)A + X(61 + /3153) + e, + file3. (6)

In the following sections, I will concentrate first on estimating equation
(1), assuming that IQ and KWW are error-free measures. This is most
comparable to our earlier study (Griliches and Mason 1972) and to most
of the other work in this area. Two-stage least-squares estimates of the
wage equation which allow for errors of measurement in IQ (or KWW)
and for the endogeneity of schooling and experience will be presented
briefly toward the end of the paper.3

III. Data, Major Variables, and Problems

The data used in this study are based on a national sample of the civilian
noninstitutional population of males who were 14-24 years old in 1966.4
Blacks were oversampled in a 3:1 ratio. The original sample consisted of
5,225 individuals of whom 3,734 were white. By 1969 about 23 percent of
the original sample was lost, 13 percent of it only temporarily (to the
army). Data are currently available from the 1966-69 surveys of these

3For a more detailed discussion and modeling of such a system of equations, see
Griliches (1975b) and Chamberlain (1976).
4 See U.S. Department of Labor (1970-74, vols. 1-4) for more details on the sample.

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individuals. The surveys for 1970-71 should be available in the near

future, and plans are in progress for continuing to resurvey these same
individuals at 2-year intervals in the future. In addition to the usual direct
sociodemographic interview questions, all youths who had completed
ninth grade by 1966 were asked to sign waivers letting their schools supply
the census their scores on various tests and other background materials.
The resulting School Survey yielded data on different mental ability
scores for 3,375 individuals. These were rescored at Ohio State University
into IQ equivalents.5 The availability of such scores and of scores on a
test of the Knowledge of the World of Work in the original 1966 survey
interview allows a comparison with the Griliches and Mason (1972)
study, which used Armed Forces Qualification Test scores to analyze the
earnings of 25-38-year-old veterans in 1964.
Table 1 describes the major characteristics of the samples and the main
variables used in the various analyses. Since we limit ourselves here to
those who were interviewed in 1969, we start with a sample of 4,033. Of
these, only 3,765 reported earnings in 1969, and another 300-500 observa-
tions were lost due to missing data on schooling, occupation, and parental
background variables. Given the interest in the postschooling labor force
experience, this analysis deals primarily with two subsamples of not-
enrolled youth, based on 2,062 and 1,362 individuals for the "all" not-
enrolled and "real IQ" data subsets, respectively.6 The not-enrolled
sample is somewhat older and slightly more disadvantaged relative to
those who stay on in school longer. The subsample with all "real IQs"
excludes mainly those who did not continue school past the ninth grade,
thus cutting off much of the bottom of the distribution (by economic
background and ability).
The major dependent variable (LW69) is the logarithm of the wage
rate (hourly or converted to hourly equivalent) earned in 1969 on the
current or last job.7 The major independent variables used (besides
ability and family background) were: schooling in 1969 (S69) in years, a
nonlinear function of cumulated work experience (XBT = exponent -
0.1 EXP69, EXP69 in years), time spent in the armed forces (AFEX)
in years, and a current location (CL) set, consisting of binary variables
for SMSA, current location in the South (RNS), and the interaction of
being black and currently in the South (BRNS).
Background (BKG) variables include measures of father's occupation

s U.S. Department of Labor 1970-74, vol. 4, appendix E.

6 In the earlier version of this paper (Griliches 1974) I reported similar results for
somewhat larger samples. The samples here are limited to those individuals who also
reported their expectations of educational and occupational achievement at age 30.
The expectational variables are analyzed in Griliches (1975b).
7 We also looked at the logarithm of total earnings for the previous year, with rather
similar results. To refrain from getting into issues of labor force participation, I am not
reporting them here (see Griliches 1974 for details).

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Valid IQ With Valid IQ

VARIABLE All Scores All Scores

N ......................... 4,601 3,025 2,026 1,362

Age 69 ..................... 21.2 21.5 22.2 22.3
(3.2) (3.0) (3.2) (3.2)
S69 ........................ ... ... 11.6 12.5
(2.4) (1.9)
S66 ....................... 10.7 11.5 10.8 11.6
(2.4) (1.9) (2.4) (2.0)
LW69 ..................... ... 5.60 5.68
(0.426) (0.398)
KWW ..................... 33.3 35.5 33.0 35.1
(8.6) (7.6) (9.0) (7.9)
IQ ........................ ... 101.2 ... 97.7
(15.9) (15.3)
FOMY14 .................. 5,120 5,372 4,826 5,095
(1951) (1960) (1,779) (1,777)
Black ...................... 0.27 0.17 0.28 0.19
Culture .................... 2.2 2.4 2.0 2.3
(1.01) (0.8) (1.0) (0.9)
Siblings .................... 3.3 2.9 3.6 3.1
(2.6) (2.3) (2.7) (2.4)
EXP69 ..................... ... ... 4.0 3.7

(3.1) (2.8)
XBT ...................... ... ... 0.70 0.72
(0.27) (0.18)
SMSA ..................... ... ... 0.61 0.65
RNS ....................... 0.32 0.33 0.41 0.33

NOTE.-LW69 = logarithm of hourly earnings (in cents) on the current or last job in 1969; KWW =
score on the "knowledge of the world of work" test administered in 1966; IQ = score on IQ-type tests
collected from the high school last attended by the respondent; FOMY14 = occupation of father or head of
household when respondent was 14 scaled by the median earnings of all U.S. males in this occupation in 1959;
culture = index based on the availability of newspapers, magazines, and library cards in the respondent's
home; EXP69 = postschool work experience estimated on the basis of the work record (in weeks) since
1966 and the date of first job after school and the date stopped school (in years; truncated at age 14 if re-
spondent started working earlier); XBT = e- 0. EXP69; SMSA = respondent in SMSA in 1969; and
RNS = respondent in South in 1969.

(FOMY14), mother's education (MED), number of siblings, dummy

variables for observations with missing values for father's occupation
(DF014) and mother's education (DME), and a culture index based on
the availability of newspapers, magazines, and library cards in the
respondent's home.
Ability variables include IQ (as recoded at Ohio State University), a
dummy variable, DIQ, for those respondents for whom the IQ score was
missing, and KWW, the score on a Knowledge of the World of Work test
administered by the interviewers in 1966. This last test score is available

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for almost all of the sample. It is not an "intelligence test" but, rather, an
"occupational information test":

Our measure of "knowledge of world of work" is a very limited

one, consisting of three components. The first of these involves
occupational identification. Respondents were asked to select one
of three statements that best describes the duties of each of ten
occupations hospital orderly, machinist, acetylene welder,
stationary engineer, statistical clerk, fork lift operator, economist,
medical illustrator, draftsman, and social worker. The second
component involves the typical educational attainment of men
in each of these same ten occupations: "How much regular
schooling do you think hospital orderlies usually have?" Third,
respondents were asked, for each of eight pairs of occupations,
which one provides the highest average annual earnings: "Who
do you think earns more in a year, a man who is an automobile
mechanic or an electrician?" Standards for scoring the second
and third components were derived from 1960 census data on
occupation by highest year of school achieved and median
earnings by occupation.8

It is a measure that should reflect both the quantity and quality of

schooling, intelligence, and motivation (curiosity about the outside
world). The resulting score (based on all three components and running
from 0 to 56) is closely related to schooling, race, region, and city size.
Considering that the test is very short (only two pages in the original
questionnaire) and nothing like a standard IQtest, it was rather surprising
to find that it seems to perform rather similarly (and parallel) to the IQ
variable. We also use occasionally a set of current situation (CS) variables
consisting of dummy variables for marital (MRT), union, and health
status of the respondent.
More variables are available on the original survey tapes, and many
more could be constructed from them. We did experiment with some other
definitions and versions of some of the above variables, but this list should
provide an adequate description of the type of data available to us.
There are at least two serious problems in using these data: missing
data and the youngness of this sample. As noted before, IQ scores are
available only for about 65 percent of the sample, and more of them are
missing, relatively, for blacks than for whites. In addition, questions on
parental education and occupation were not answered by about 20
percent of the respondents. There are also a variety of other missing and
unreasonable entries. We have dealt with the missing data problem in

8 U.S. Department of Labor 1970-74, 1:120.

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two ways. For the major variables of interest, such as wages, schooling,
and IQ, we restricted the sample only to those for whom complete and
reasonable data were available. For variables of subsidiary interest, such
as parental background, we imputed a mean value to the missing ob-
servations and added dummy variables corresponding to each set of
missing observations for each of the independent variables.9
The youngness of the sample requires much more careful attention to
the experience variable, since there is much on-the-job training and
search at this age and, hence, the wages of different youths of the same
age cannot be taken as reflecting the same amount of human capital if
they differ in their labor market experience. In this study, we construct
the experience variable directly from the work history of the individual;
hence, it is not tautologically equal to age minus schooling.'0 Since it is
likely that on-the-job training declines with time, the functional form
chosen to represent this variable (borrowed from Mincer [1974]) reflects
this. I have also used a more general functional form (cubic) for the
experience variable, but because later on we will be examining the pos-
sibility that schooling and hence also experience should be treated as
endogenous variables in a more complete achievement model, I will
concentrate attention on a single summary measure of it (XBT).

IV. The Major Results

Table 2 summarizes the major results of applying standard least-squares

procedures to the data in the two subsamples. There are a number of
findings worth noting:
1. The treatment of experience matters. The schooling coefficients are
significantly higher and the fit is somewhat better when the experience
variables are used instead of age (compare eqq. [Al] and [A3] or [A2]
and [A4] in table 2), supporting Mincer's (1974) position on this." The
absolute value of estimated "ability bias" (using KWW) is about the same
for either comparison, about .012, but the implied relative (percentage)
"biases" differ greatly. Holding age constant results in an estimate of
relative ability bias of 35 percent. Holding experience constant, the same

9 This corresponds to a procedure that estimates jointly the mean missing value for
each of these variables. This procedure, however, is neither consistent nor fully efficient.
Because of our special interest in the IQvariable, we also tried a more complete treatment
of the missing-value problem, using a regression of observed IQ scores on all the relevant
variables (including schooling and other tests) to estimate the missing values individually.
The results were not strikingly different and are not reproduced here (see Griliches
[1974] for details). See Dagenais (1973) for a discussion of the econometrics of such
"extrapolation" procedures and references to the literature on missing observations.
IO Age and schooling account for only 80 percent of the variance in the XBT variable.
11 Age is not statistically "significant" when added on top of the experience variables.
This differs from the results reported in the earlier version of this paper, which were based
on a cruder measure of experience.

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A: N = 2,062:
(Al) ......... 0.034 ... ... CL, age .356
(10.6) (0.342)
(A2) .. ..... 0.022 0.0070 ... CL, age .367
(6.1) (6.1) (0.339)
(A3) ........ 0.063 ... ... CL, cubic in EXP69, AFEX .383
(18.9) (0.335)
(A4) . ...... 0.050 0.0059 ... CL, cubic in EXP69, AFEX .391
(12.2) (5.3) (0.333)
(A5) ... ..... 0.051 0.0060 ... CL, XBT, AFEX .385
(12.5) (5.3) (0.334)
(A6) .. ..... 0.059 ... 0.0017 CL, XBT, AFEX, DIQ .380
(15.5) (2.6) (0.336)
(A7) ... ..... 0.062 ... ... CL, XBT, AFEX, CS .438
(17.0) (0.320)
(A8) . ...... 0.056 ... 0.0020 CL, XBT, AFEX, CS .442
(15.3) (3.3) (0.319)
(A9) ......... 0.056 ... 0.0016 CL, XBT, AFEX, DIQ,BKG .382
(13.6) (2.4) (0.336)
B: N = 1,362:
(Bi) ......... 0.065 ... ... CL, XBT, AFEX .309
(13.2) (0.332)
(B2) ...... 0.053 0.0054 ... CL, XBT, AFEX .316
(9.1) (3.8) (0.330)
(B3) ......... 0.059 ... 0.0019 CL, XBT, AFEX .313
(10.7) (2.8) (0.331)
(B4) ......... 0.058 ... 0.0026 CL, XBT, AFEX, black, CS .382
(11.0) (3.2) (0.315)
(B15) ......... 0.053 ... 0.0020 CL, XBT, AFEX, CS, BKG .386
(9.5) (2.8) (0.314)

NOTE.-Variables and variable sets: SC69 = schooling completed in 1969 (in years); KWW = score
on test of "knowledge of world of work"; IQ score on an IQ-type test; DIQ = dummy variables for
missing IQ score; XBT = e - o. I * EXP69 (EXP69 = cumulated work experience in 1969, in years); AFEX =
service in the armed forces (in years); DIQ = IQ missing; CL = current location: RNS, BRNS, SMSA
(RNS, region now South; BRNS, black in South now; SMSA, in SMSA in 1969); CS = current situation:
health 68, union, MRT (health 68, health impaired in 1968; union, member of a union in 1969; MRT,
married); BKG = background: black, siblings, culture, MED, DME, FOMY14, DF014 (siblings, number
of siblings; culture, index of home culture [library card, magazines, etc.]; MED, mother's education; DME,
MED missing; FOMY14, father's occupation when R14, scaled by the 1959 media earnings of males in the
particular occupation; DF014, FOMY14 missing); SEE = standard error of estimate (estimated standard
deviation of the residuals).

absolute bias is seen to be only a 21 percent relative bias. Parameteriza-

tion matters.
2. The single exponential measure of experience, XBT, appears to
provide an adequate approximation to more complex functional forms
(compare [A4] and [A5]).
3. As expected, the implied ability bias is higher when KWW is used
instead of IQ, .012 versus .006 ([A3] and [A4] or [Bl] and [B2] vs. [Bl]

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and [B3]). IQ-based estimates of the "ability bias" are only on the order
of 10 percent (holding experience constant). These estimates are robust
to the inclusion of additional variables, such as marital or union status of
the respondent.
4. The estimated schooling coefficients move between about .05 and
.06, somewhat lower than the .06-.08 reported by Mincer (1974) and
others but not out of line with other estimates limited to younger ages
and the earlier portion of the age-earnings profile. They are statistically
very significant and quite robust to the introduction or deletion of other
variables (except to the choice of age vs. experience).
5. The contribution of the ability measures (IQ or KWW) to the fit
of the various equations is miniscule. Their introduction leads to some
realignment in the estimated coefficients of schooling, but rarely does it
lead to a substantive reduction in the unexplained variation of wage
rates (though given our large samples, the actual reduction is often
"statistically" significant). The standard deviation of the residuals is
rarely changed by more than in the third decimal place, and their vari-
ance is reduced by less than 2 percent. Whatever their merit in reinter-
preting the role of schooling, the available ability measures do not
noticeably improve our ability to explain the observed dispersion in wage
rates or earnings, at least in this age group.12
6. Family background variables are not statistically significant as a
group when added on top of the schooling and ability variables. (Compare
the estimated standard errors in [A6] and [A7] or [B4] and [B5].) This
is consistent with our assumption that the background variables work
primarily via schooling and measured ability and have no substantive
direct contribution of their own in the wage equation.
7. There is little difference in the results between the larger sample and
the "real IQ only" subset. Apparently the selectivity of the missing IQ
values (concentrated among low-schooling individuals and blacks) does
not bias our results seriously.
Table 3 presents all the coefficients of one of the better fitting equations
(B4) and illustrates some of the additional results of this study. Note that
the three most "significant" variables are schooling, experience, and
union membership. The first years of experience appear to be quite valu-
able, roughly on the order of the contribution of a year of schooling,
starting at .06 per year at zero experience and dropping slowly to .03
after 7 years of experience and to only .015 per additional year after 14
years of experience.
While the number of those with military service is relatively small in
this sample (about 18 percent among those not enrolled in school) and the
estimated effect therefore not very precise, it appears that a year of mil-

12 See Griliches (1974) for parallel results on earnings.

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LOG WAGE 69 EQUATION (N = 1,362)

Variable Coefficients t-Ratios

SC69 ...................... 0.058 11.0

IQ ........................ 0.0023 3.2
XBT ...................... -0.617 10.2
AFEX ..................... 0.016 3.5
RNS ....................... -0.061 2.7
SMSA ..................... 0.106 5.7
BRNS ..................... -0.181 4.0
Black ...................... 0.026 0.8
Health 68 .................. -0.057 2.0
Union ..................... 0.203 10.2
MRT ...................... 0.118 5.7

NOTE.-R2 = .382; SEE = 0.315.

itary service has a significantly smaller effect on wages (1.6 percent) than
a year of work experience in the civilian sector. This differs from but is
not greatly inconsistent with the results of Griliches and Mason (1972),
who found no effect of differences in the length of military service on the
income of veterans in a sample where everybody had served in the armed
Black-white wage and income differentials are not a major focus of our
analysis. They are dealt with at some length in the current work of
Freeman (1974), and I shall not poach extensively on his territory. The
following major facts do emerge though from our analysis: with slightly
over a quarter (27 percent) of our sample black, we cannot really detect
a statistically significant wage differential except for blacks still located
in the South. Holding schooling completed constant, we find no evidence
of any significant wage discrimination against young black males outside
of the South.'3 In the South there persists about a 15 percent wage
differential in favor of whites.
In general, there are rather strong regional and city size effects in the
sample. Being in a metropolitan area adds about 11 percent to one's
wage rate. Being in the South currently subtracts about 6 percent, while
not having been healthy in 1968 leads to a 6 percent lower wage rate and
up to 20 percent lower earnings in 1969. One of the "strongest" variables
in these equations (in terms of t-ratios, fi coefficients, or partial correla-
tions) is being married, which is associated with both a higher wage rate
and expanded labor force participation. Married men have about a 10
percent higher wage rate per hour and earn about a third more per year

13 These estimates are based on equations estimated across the whole sample. When
estimated separately for blacks and nonblacks, the resulting wage and income equations
appear quite similar except that blacks seem to gain more from formal schooling and
less from work experience or the sheer passage of time (age) than whites do in this same
age range.

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than unmarried men of similar background. Another "strong" variable

is belonging to a union, which raises wage rates by about 20 percent.
Besides the variables described here, several more were tried in various
forms. In particular, we divided schooling into categories and interacted
it with the IQmeasure with no discernible effect on the fit of the equation.
While one might expect that there would be a positive interaction between
schooling and IQ, we could not detect it in our data.

V. Reduced-Form Estimates

In the debates about the relative role of schooling and ability in deter-
mining the ultimate economic success of an individual, the net contribution
of ability (holding schooling constant) is often confused with its total
contribution (including that via schooling). In econometric terminology,
sometimes one is interested in the parameters of the "structural" equation
while at other times one is interested in those of the "reduced form," the
equation in which all of the other endogenous (casually subsequent)
variables have been solved out to show the total contribution of the
remaining exogenous variables.
Table 4 presents a number of estimates of such reduced- (and semi-
reduced-) form equations for the major variables of interest and for
several subsets of our sample. The first three equations deal with schooling.
Since a large fraction of our population have not yet finished their
schooling, we introduce a new variable expected ultimate level of school-
ing (EXSC) and compare it with actual schooling attained in 1969. By
and large, the results are similar: parental background, region of origin,
and IQ account for about a third of the variance of schooling. Mother's
education appears to be a somewhat stronger variable than father's
occupation but not by a great margin. Later ability, as measured by the
KWW test, is affected about equally by schooling and by early ability.
Number of siblings has a significant negative effect on late ability and on
achieved schooling. For given parental status and region of origin, black
youngsters do score lower on both early (IQ) and later (KWW) tests, on
the order of two-thirds and one-third of a standard deviation for IQ and
KWW (holding IQ scores constant), respectively. In spite of this, they
have a higher schooling attainment (on the order of half a year) than
white young men with equal parental background and test scores.
With regard to the estimated log wage equations, several important
points emerge: (1) There is a sizable net effect of schooling on wages and
income net of family background and measured IQ. (2) This effect is
significantly larger, by 50 percent or so, when we adjust for the lower
work experience of those with more schooling. (3) There are significant
though small negative effects of being black on wage rates (net of family
background, IQ, and schooling), particularly for those of southern origin

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_s 4 cs 4 Uc Ln L Ln) o c-4 dt U o cs0 Ci C, - iC CO O-C
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who stayed in the South and especially in the larger, economically poorer
sample.'4 (4) Parental background variables have little direct effect on
wages once schooling and IQ are allowed for.
One way to look at these results is to consider what they imply for two
youngsters who are 1 standard deviation apart on each of the listed family
background variables and IQ."5 Equations (1) and (5) would predict
that they would find themselves, other things equal, about 0.75 and 0.25
of a standard deviation apart on schooling and wages, respectively, imply-
ing a rather strong regression toward the mean. Now, if a youngster with
lower family background and IQ managed somehow to acquire 4 extra
years of schooling (e.g., went on to and completed college), which would
equal an additional 1.5 standard deviation units of schooling, it would
more than wipe out his original handicap (using the schooling coefficients
of eq. [6]).16 If, in fact, he had an equal IQto start with, he would need
only 2 more years of schooling to compensate him for his lower social
class start.
Thus, while schooling by itself does not appear to be a variable that
accounts for a great deal of the observed variance in wages or income, the
model does predict that in the United States in the 1960s additional
schooling could be used to overcome social class handicaps. Compen-
satory education would not eliminate much of the observed income
inequality, the residual standard errors are on the order of a third to a
half in the wage and earnings equations, respectively, and more than half
of the observed variance is left unaccounted for by our variables, but it
could be used to compensate for and eliminate some of the systematic
sources of the observed differences in wages and earnings.

14 They are larger for earnings than for wages, but much of that is due to the lower
work experience of blacks. This disagrees with Adams and Nestel (1973), who do not
find a "Southern rural origin" effect for blacks but do find a negative effect of having
grown up black in a non-South city. We tried such southern rural and northern city
origin dummies but found them not particularly statistically significant though they did
occasionally have sizable coefficients. In the various versions of our model we do get,
from time to time, sizable negative estimated effects of having grown up (residence at
14) black in the rural South but very little consistent additional effect of having done so
in a northern city. The difference in results may be due to our use of a later year, a longer
list of other included variables, and our control for experience. There is some indication
in our data that young black men of northern city origin worked 5-7 percent less in
1968-69 than those of southern rural origin. Since Adams and Nestel do not control for
migration status, their major effect might be interpreted as a premium on having moved
from the South to the metropolitan North and could be related to the selectivity of
15 Since the various family background and IQ scores are not highly intercorrelated,
being 1 standard deviation apart on each of these measures implies that they are quite
a bit farther apart on a more inclusive measure of the distribution of social and genetic
16 Since he would be predicted to have about 2 years less schooling than his more
fortunate counterpart, he would need 2 years more than was predicted for him to achieve
equal schooling and 2 additional years to wipe out the remaining family background and
IQ deficits.

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VI. Errors in Variables and the Endogeneity of Schooling1 7

One of the objections that can be raised against the results reported above
is the use of rather poor test scores as a proxy for true ability. Both the IQ
and KWW measures may be subject to significant errors, which could bias
their coefficients downward and the schooling coefficient upward. Since
we have two test scores, we can use one of them as an instrument for the
other (assuming that their errors are independent of each other) together
with the parental background variables to estimate the "true" ability
coefficient by instrumental variables (TSLS) methods. Such estimates are
presented in rows 1, 3, and 5 of table 5. They indicate that allowing for
errors in the test measures raises their coefficients significantly while
reducing the schooling coefficient only by a bit more (about another 10
percent from a level of approximately .06). The results of equations (3)
and (5) compared with table 2, equations (B2) and (B3), imply that about
half of the independent variance of IQ (or about 30 percent of the total
IQvariance) and almost 60 percent of the independent variance of KWW
(or 35 percent of the total) are due to errors of measurement.
Given such high estimates of error variances in the tests, one is hard
pressed to maintain the assumption that such "errors" are uncorrelated
with schooling or with each other. These errors are computed by finding
that part of the test score variance that is correlated jointly with the other
test, parental background, schooling, and wages. The rest is then labeled
"error." If the rest is large, it is quite likely that it may be related to suc-
cess in school (e.g., test wiseness) even if it does not contribute directly to
earnings. This would imply that schooling cannot itself be treated as
independent of the disturbance in the wage equation once an erroneous
test measure is introduced instead of the "true" underlying ability dimen-
sion. It too must be treated as endogenous.
Moreover, since the schooling decision itself is made, at least in part, in
anticipation of economic returns, the piece of the disturbance in the wage
equation which is anticipated by the individual (even though unobserv-
able to the researcher) will affect the outcome of this decision. This may
result in a correlation between the unobserved variables in the wage
equation (the disturbance) and completed schooling, suggesting again the
use of simultaneous-equation methods in estimating the schooling
coefficient.' 8

1 See Griliches (1975b) and Chamberlain (1976) for more detailed discussion of the
issues raised in this section and for additional empirical results.
58 There are three reasons why schooling might be endogenous: (1) errors of measure
ment, (2) correlation between the disturbances in the income and schooling equations
(since schooling is optimized with respect to expected income), and (3) test wiseness:
the presence of another "ability" component in the test scores which is correlated across
tests and with schooling, inducing a correlation between the "errors" in these equations.
The procedure discussed in the text and the results presented in table 5 deal more or
less adequately with reasons (1) and (2). Reason (3) would prevent us from using one of

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Other Variables in
Equations and
SC69 KWW IQ Instruments SEE

A: N = 2,062:
1. KWW
endogenous ... 0.046 0.0086 ... CL, XBT, AFEX; 0.335
(6.4) (2.9) instruments: IQ,
BKG, age, age squared
2. KWW, SC69,
and XBT
endogenous ... 0.076 0.0044 ... Same as above 0.339
(5.7) (0.1)
B: N= 1,362:
3. IQendogenous. 0.052 ... 0.0038 CL, XBT, AFEX; 0.332
(7.0) (2.4) instruments: KWW,
BKG, age, age squared
4. IQ, SC69,
XBT endogenous 0.096 ... -0.0016 CL, XBT, AFEX; 0.339
(5.7) (0.6) instruments: BKG,
age, age squared
5. KWW
endogenous ... 0.036 0.0130 ... CL, XBT, AFEX: 0.334
(3.8) (3.6) instruments: BKG, IQ,
age, age squared
6. KWW, SC69,
XBT endogenous 0.078 0.0027 ... CL, XBT, AFEX; 0.333
(2.7) (0.4) instruments: IQ,
BKG, age, age squared

Such two-stage least-squares estimates of the wage equation, treating

both schooling and experience (XBT) as endogenous, in addition to the
test variables, are presented in table 5: rows 2, 4, and 6. Allowing for the
endogeneity of schooling raises its coefficient significantly above the orig-
inal starting point. It appears that the downward bias due to the endog-
eneity of (and possible errors in) schooling is larger than the originally
feared upward bias due to the disregard of the role of ability.'9 In any
case, there is no evidence of a "net" ability bias when the estimation
method treats schooling and experience symmetrically with test scores.

the tests as an instrument for the other. The model is still identified but not very pre-
cisely. Chamberlain and I are analyzing a mole general two-factor model, encompassing
all three reasons, using data on brothers from the same surveys. Adding information on
family structure allows one to relax and test some of the more dubious assumptions (such
as no correlation of the test errors) imposed in this paper.
19 See Griliches (1975b) for a more detailed discussion of these results. A downward
bias might arise not only from errors of measurement but also if "ability" is taken to
reflect the initial level of human capital. Then it is easy to show that the optimized
level of schooling will be related negatively to such a measure or component of ability.

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Appendix on the Literature

The studies most comparable to the results of Sections III and IV of this paper
are those of Kohen (1973), Bulcock, Fagerlind, and Emanuelsson (1974), and
Sewell and Hauser (1974). Kohen estimates a similar model based on the 1966
data for these same young men. His results are not too different, though
substantially weaker. In his equations, IQ contributes a bit more and schooling a
bit less than in ours, but schooling still outperforms IQ by a significant margin.
The main drawback, in our view, of his study is the omission of the very important
age-experience variables and the elimination of the lower quarter of the sample
due to missing IQ scores in that portion. Also, we are observing the same
individuals 3 years later, giving them a bit more time to mature and find their
way in the labor marketplace.
Another important study of the labor market success of young men is that of
Sewell and Hauser and their associates (1974) in which the 1957 cohort of
Wisconsin high school seniors has been followed for 10 years. The results of their
studies are too rich to summarize here except to note that they put more emphasis
on the effects of parental income on the subsequent success of sons and that they
get higher effects for ability and lower effects for schooling than we do. The main
drawback of their study is the restricted range of their sample. By focusing on
one cohort of high school seniors, they cut out a third or more of the total schooling
distribution and reduce the estimated effect of schooling thereby. Also, they do
not allow for the differential experience of individuals in the labor market and
underestimate thereby the ultimate effect of schooling on income.20 As a result
of this restriction of range and the omission of experience and current location
variables, the overall fit of their models is quite poor (the R2s for the income
equations are on the order of .05-.07 vs. .4-.6 for our samples and models).
Bulcock et al. (1974) have been reanalyzing the extended and updated Malmo
(Sweden) data set which had been previously analyzed by Husen (1969),
Griliches (1970), Hause (1972), and de Wolff and Slijpe (1973), among others.
The data set originates with a 1938 sample of 10-year-olds in the city of Malmo.
These have been followed up through 1972. Data are available on childhood IQ,
parental background, adult IQ (army test scores), schooling completed, and
occupation and income in 1971, for approximately 500-700 males. The main
difference between their study and ours (and the Sewell-Hauser one) is that the
Malmo respondents were significantly older in 1971 (about 43 years old). This
leads to a much higher estimated effect of "occupation" on income than was
found either by us or by Sewell and Hauser. They find a larger effect of "late
ability" measures on current income than we do, but they too do not allow for
differences in the length of work experience, which tends to result in an under-
estimate of the net effect of schooling. In spite of this, their estimated total effect
of schooling, both via occupation and the adult ability measure, is quite high.
Our study is the first, however, to deal seriously with the problem of errors,
of both measurement and concept, in the available measures of ability and

20 Given that they are following a single age cohort, they cannot really allow separately
for the effects of experience, since in their sample it is almost perfectly negatively colinear
with schooling.

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