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Digital Competence 4

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Vol. 5. No. 1. January 2016 pp. 51-56 ISSN: 2254-7399 DOI: 10.7821/naer.2016.1.152


Evaluation and development of digital competence in future

primary school teachers at the University of Murcia
Isabel Gutirrez Porln1*, Jos Luis Serrano Snchez2
Dpto. Didctica y Organizacin Escolar, Universidad de Murcia, Spain {}
Dpto. Didctica y Organizacin Escolar, Universidad de Murcia, Spain {}
Received on 3 September 2015; revised on 11 September 2015; accepted on 23 September 2015; published on 15 January 2016.
DOI: 10.7821/naer.2016.1.152

The concept of competence is a complex one. It implies

RESUMEN putting into effect actions that may often be confused with
This paper presents the findings of a study carried out in the similar concepts, such as strategy, expertise and ability (Cebrin
academic year 2014-2015 at the faculty of Education of the & Junyent, 2015). One of the most complete definitions in our
University of Murcia with first year degree students in Primary opinion us that put forward by Escudero (2008) in whch
Education studying Research and ICT. The study started with the competencies are understood as descriptions of students
application of the DIGCOM questionnaire to analyze the digital learning that include multiple ingredients (cognitive resources of
competences of 134 students. The questionnaire served as an diverse nature - personal, social, values), and the capacity to
initial task to help students reflect on their digital competences. mobilize and integrate them in order to define and respond
The subject was developed around tasks which adopted a appropriately to complex situations and problems en relatively
transversal approach and used the nature of the contents itself to well defined contexts, taking into account established social and
direct and improve students digital competencies. Finally, the ethical criteria. Competencies can be many and varied (Peklaj,
initial questionnaire was reformulated and run in order to ascertain 2015). In this paper we focus on digital competence because of
the students self-perception of their improvement in these its presence and importance at all levels of education, from
competencies through the tasks they had performed. compulsory education (where it is one of the 8 basic
Below we present the tasks carried out, the organization of each competencies) through to university. We agree with Levy (2010)
subject and the most relevant data regarding the self-perception that a feature of the labor markets is that technology advances
of digital competencies of the future primary school teachers faster than personal skills, and while we may not be sure exactly
enrolled at the University of Murcia. The data reveal, on the one how it will evolve, we can be certain that computers are key
hand, that the students participating consider themselves to be technology so we must invest in developing the appropriate
competent in the most basic aspects of digital competencies and, competencies.
on the other, their perception that the work done in the subject The concept of digital competence is one of the most dealt
has helped them quite a lot in improving their competencies. with in the literature, with many authors providing compilations
and approaches (e.g., De Pablos, 2010; Fraser, Atkins, &
PALABRAS CLAVE: FUTURE TEACHERS, DIGITAL Richard, 2013; Gutirrez, 2011; Janssen, Stoyanov, Ferrari,
COMPETENCIES, DIGCOM, UNIVERSIDAD Punie, Pannekeet, & Sloep, 2013; Surez, Almerich, Gargallo, &
Aliaga, 2013; Prendes, & Gutirrez, 2013; Gutirrez, Prendes, &
1 INTRODUCTION Castaeda, 2015). We also find various national and
international bodies and institutions which have addressed the
In the last decade training through competencies has become one issue (Association of College and Research Libraries
of the essential elements at all levels of education. Competencies Information Literacy Competency Standard, 2000; CRUE-TIC
are today the backbone of educational planning and action, from & REBIUN, 2009; ISTE, 2008; Chilean Ministry of Education,
the outset through to universities and in ongoing education or 2006; OCDE, 2011; UNESCO, 2004; VOX, 2008).
workers and areas of non formal education. The current Thus paper takes as its starting point the European
Education Act in Spain establishes in its third chapter that a part Commission publication in 2013 DIGCOM: A Framework for
of the curriculum is to include: The competencies and Developing and Understanding Digital Competence in Europe,
capacities for the integral application of the contents proper to which aims to provide a framework for developing and
each teaching and education stage in order to ensure the understanding digital competence in Europe. The project took
appropriate performance of activities and the effective resolution digital competence to be users capacity to make safe, critical
of problems (LOMCE, 2013, p. 10; our translation). and creative use of ICTs to fulfill aims related to work,
employability, learning, leisure, and inclusion and/or
participation in society (Ferrari, 2013). On the basis of
To whom correspondence should be addressed: DIGCOM work has been done to create a detailed framework
for the digital competence of all citizens using a detailed
Facultad de Educacin. Campus Universitario de Espinardo.
description of the competencies that are needed to function in
Universidad de Murcia.
todays society. This set of competencies, which covers various
CP: 30100. Espinardo, Murcia, Spain.

NAER New Approaches in Educational Research 2016 | 51

Gutirrez Porln, I.; Serrano Snchez, J. L. / New Approaches in Educational Research 5(1) 2016. 51-56

levels is the starting point of our study and it has enabled us to to explore the educational possibilities Web 2.0 offers and to try
approach the digital competence knowledge of first year students to convince other teachers of the advantages of using Web 2.0.
on the primary school teaching degree course. tools. The production had to indicate the importance of Web 2.0
in the educational sphere and explain the use that could be made
2 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SUBJECT of a Web 2.0 tool that each group had been randomly assigned.
One of the possibilities of VoiceThread is tha tit allows
Our study was performed within the Research and ICT subject commentaries to be left on the publications made, so each group
first year degree course in Primary Education. The subject is had to visit and comment on the work done by at least three
worth 6 credits and it is pat of Basic Training. The subject is other groups. Students were provided with basic documentation
taught jointly by two departments, and this ICT centered on the concept of Web 2.0. Tools assigned to the groups were
experience (8 weeks) is the responsibility of the Department of Mendeley,, Unhangout, Padlet, Storify, Thinglink,
Didactics and School organization. The aim in this area of the Moovly, among others.
degree is for the students to study in depth gain the criteria for As a final product of the task each group had to include the
integrating ICTS into teaching and the methodological tools and URL of the digital artifact made in its blog along with a brief
strategies commonly used in teaching and learning, so providing description of the comments made to other groups.
them with a richer preparation as future primary school teachers.
The work was based on group tasks as this methodology has Task 3: Enriched cognitive processes with ICT.
proved to be the most suitable in recent years for developing
In this task the groups were fully committed to the integration of
students competencies (Aslan & Zhu, 2015; Maltseva, Kolomi-
ITCs in teaching-learning processes. The aim was to consider
ets, Glizerina, Kurochkina, Andreeva, & Shestakova, 2015; Lito-
how the various cognitive processes that students use when
vchin, Avilova, Podvoiska, Valeyev, Yesina, Gataullina, & Is-
learning can be enriched by ITCs.
lamova, 2015; Sanaiey, 2015; Woodruff, Martin, & OBrien,
Our starting point was a text by Prendes, Gutirrez &
2015). Thus the proposed working methodology places the
Castaeda (2015) Educacin conectada en un mundo 2.0.
students at the centre of process, making each of them an active
After reading and analyzing the text, the groups were required to
individual while attempting to act at all times as an emancipator.
select a topic from the Primary Education curriculum and study
Due to the very nature of the subject, ICTs were both an
how they would work with it with and without ICTs, indicating
object of study and a means of expression, communication and
the cognitive processes that would be set in motion in each case.
presentation of the tasks carried out, which meant that all the
They then prepared a PechaKucha (oral presentation
work performed could lead to improving the digital
accompanied by a visual presentation of 20 slides of 20 seconds
competencies as well as enabling the student to develop
duration each) which they uploaded to the Internet and presented
competencies proper to the subject itself.
in the classroom..
The tasks were designed taking into account key topics related
Apart form the base text, the students could draw on resources
to ICTs that todays primary school teacher should master.
and materials about how to design oral and visual presentations.
These included the knowledge society, Web 2.0, integrating
ITCs into the primary school classroom, Social Networks and Task 4: Dynamics for safe use of social networks.
Personal Learning Environments (PLE) for teacher training.
The work was planned so as to be carried out in groups of 3 or Students got to know social network tools and how to use them
4 students. The tasks were introduced and explained in class by safely. The task consisted of the groups designing an original
the teachers and the students were given a week and a half to dynamic for awareness, understanding and good use of social
carry out each one. They made use of class time and self-study networks with a certain group of users (4 or 5 people). The main
time, as set out in the teaching guide. Each group had to content sand concepts worked on in this task were online social
maintain a blog during the course where they periodically networks and digital identity, and students were recommended
published the results of the tasks they had performed. to look up these terms prior to designing the dynamic in reading
Below we detail the five tasks proposed and carried out by the materials provided to them (Castaeda, Gonzlez, & Serrano,
students: 2011; Castaeda, & Gutirrez, 2010).
The proposal was to have a duration of approximately 30
Task 1: Educational questions in the knowledge society minutes and instructions were printed in a poster made using an
online tool. In face to face classes the groups took turns to put
The aim of this task was for the students to learn about the
their ideas into operation, with their fellow students acting as
knowledge todays society has of ICTs and education. Students
participants and assessors, using assessment rubrics provided.
were expected to reflect on a series of educational questions
Each group had to put the poster of their dynamic on its blog
proposed by Bartolom & Gran (2013) in their article
together with the evaluation it had made of another group.
Interrogantes educativos en la sociedad del conocimiento.
Each group had to find an image (under Creative Commons Task 5: Discovering our PLE
license) that significantly illustrated and represented each
question and add a key word or idea that fostered a better The final task sought to help students to discover the concept of
reflection of the question represented. The images could be PLE and its implications in professional teacher development.
edited provided the license permitted this. To help the students Once students had been introduced to the idea through
in this task, they were given a text to work with and basic recommended texts (Castaeda & Adell, 2013), they had to
information on Creative Commons Licenses. prepare an interview in order to ascertain the PLE of one of their
classmates. When they had gathered the information on their
Task 2: Web 2.0. classmate, they then represented the person in a concept map.
Each group was required to include on their blog the interviews,
In this task the groups built a digital artifact (of 3 minutes max.)
concept maps and a reflection on the PLE of each component
using VoiceThread ( The aim here was
after seeing their own PLE drawn up by a classmate.

Evaluation and development of digital competence in future primary school teachers at the University of Murcia

3 METHOD AND INSTRUMENTS When surfing the Internet for information and searching for
information online, 97% claimed they were able to do this and
The aim of our study is to ascertain the perception of first year 94% stated they were able to select appropriate information from
Primary Education degree students about their own digital that available on the Internet. In relation to this, we would
competence before and after taking the ITC subject. This overall highlight also that 91% of the students declared that they were
aim can be broken down into: able not only to select information but also to compare different
Describe the students perception of their digital sources of information.
competence as measured by the DIGCOM questionnaire As regards their confidence in the information on the Internet,
administered at the beginning of the ICT block. 91% stated that all the information found is reliable.
Furthermore, 79% were critical of the information they find and
Design and implement a series of tasks aimed at improving
stated that they were able to compare and evaluate its validity
students digital competence.
and credibility. Elsewhere, 64% of the students said they were
Ascertain the opinions of the students as to how their digital able to screen and control the information they receive. 63%
competence has changed in terms of the areas of considered themselves able to use a wide range of search
competencies considered in the DIGCOM questionnaire strategies, while 49% were able to retrieve, organize and manage
after performing the tasks. content stored by others. Finally, we found that 35% of students
Given these aims, the methodology proposed is quantitative knew who to follow in order to share information online.
and descriptive and a questionnaire is used to collect the Regarding the area of communication, almost all the students
information sought. (98.5%) stated that they were able to interact with others through
As stated earlier, two questionnaires were administered. The basic communication tools. The figure changes a little when it
first was the DIGCOM, which comprised 89 items grouped into comes to advanced functions of communication, with 86%
five categories: information, communication, creation of stating that they used them and 14% saying they did not. When
contents, safety and problem solving. asked about their use of communication tools, we found that
The second questionnaire was an adaption of the first and 93.2% of students are able to use a wide range of tools (e-mails,
included for each task, and in relation to the five blocks making chats, texts, instant messaging, blogs, social networks) and
up the DIGCOM, the following statement: Task X has helped 94,7% declared that they can participate in social networking
to improve my competence in area X. Together with the area sites and online communities and can transmit or share
indicated, we included a summary of its essential elements and knowledge, contents and information.
asked the students to review first their first reflection regarding 93.2% of the students said they can collaborate with others
their digital competence made at the time of the first using traditional technologies and 98.5% are able to share files
questionnaire. The second questionnaire comprised 25 items, and contents with others using simple technologies. The figure
with five response options: totally agree; agree; neither agree drops (85% of those who claimed they were able to) when asked
nor disagree; disagree; totally disagree. about sharing information, contents and resources actively
To facilitate the administration of the questionnaire and later through online communities, networks and collaboration
analyses, both questionnaires were administered through Google platforms.
Drive. When asked if they were able to create contents in
collaboration with others who use simple digital tools, 77%
4 RESULTS considered themselves able to do this, while 23% stated they
were not. The figures change when feeling confident about
Below we present our main findings after analyzing the data sharing information and collaborating digitally frequently, with
from the two tools used. only half of the sample stating that they collaborate with others
in the production and distribution of resources, knowledge and
4.1 Ethnographic data contents, compared to 40% who did not do this and 10% who
134 students participated in the experiment, the large majority of said they did not understand the question.
whom were female (76%). The mean age was 19 years and the One essential aspect of online communication is the capacity
youngest age was 18, as was the mode, while the maximum age to adapt the communication and the digital media to the aim
was 39. sought and to a specific audience. 64% of the students
considered they were able to do this and 89% stated they could
4.2 Questionnaire on self`-perception of digital manage the various types of communication they receive.
competence (DIGCOM) As for the rules of net etiquette and appropriate online
This questionnaire comprises 5 blocks in which students were behavior, 60% knew the basic rules of behavior when
asked about their self-perception of different aspects of their communicating with others through digital tools; 34% stated
digital competence. The blocks were: information, they did not know them, and 6% said they did not understand the
communication, creation of content, safety and problem solving.
Below we present the most significant data for each of the Although most students are aware of these basic rules, only
blocks. 26% consider themselves able to apply the various aspects of
online etiquette to the different digital communication spaces
In the area of information various aspects were rated. These
referred to access, search, management, etc. of information. 94% and 23% affirmed that they had developed strategies to discover
of the sample stated they were able to use search engines online; inappropriate behaviors online.
30% of the sample is able to create their digital identity online
97% declared that they were knew how to save and store files
and contents; and 98% were able to retrieve contents saved in and monitor their digital fingerprint, while 50% said they could
their computers. not, and 20% did not understand the question.

Gutirrez Porln, I.; Serrano Snchez, J. L. / New Approaches in Educational Research 5(1) 2016. 51-56

When looking at the area creation of contents we find that in 4.3 The DIGCOM questionnaire and the tasks
general the percentages are somewhat lower than in the previous performed
First, when asked if they are able to create simple digital Below we present the results form the second questionnaire.
contents, 92% answered affirmatively. When asked about In general, the students perceived that the tasks helped to
creating contents in various forms (e.g. tables, text, images and improve their competencies in all aspects included in the
audio) 88% said they were able to. Just over half (56%) could DIGCOM questionnaire.
create contents in different formats and for different platforms Focusing on each of the areas, we find that information is the
and environments, while half declared that they can remix area in which students felt their digital competencies had
existing content elements to create new ones. The figures improved most with each if the tasks performed. In task 2
continue to fall when editing content, since just 36% said they students had to study the concept of 2.0 in depth. This was the
were able to use a variety of digital tools to create original activity that the highest number of students considered had
multimedia outputs; 43% said they could not and 21% said they improved their digital competence in information, with 94%
did not understand the question. Something similar occurs when saying they totally agreed/agreed that the task has helped them.
editing software, Almost half the students (47%) indicated that Task 4, social networks and digital identity, was also rated as
they were able to manage the simplest fuctions (apply basic having been positive highly, with 92,5% answering totally
adjustments). As for advanced modifications of configurations, agree/agree. The list continued with tasks 1 (92%), 3 (90%) and
just 20% declared that they knew how to apply them. They were 5 (86,5%), accessing, organizing, analyzing, etc digital
also asked if they were able to edit (open) programs, modify, information.
change or write source code, write code and program in various In the area of communication, students also reported a clear
languages. 30% stated that they could. improvement in their digital competence. The highest rated task
The creation and editing of contents is closely related to was for number 4, where 95% totally agreed or agreed with its
knowledge of licenses and author rights. Most students (93%) usefulness. Next was task 2 (91%), then task 3 (on integration of
said they were aware that some contents were protected by ICT tools in the classroom) with 89,5%, task 5 (on PLEs) with
copyright and authors rights, while 7% said that they were 83,5% and finally task 1, on educational issues in the society of
unaware of this. When asked about their basic knowledge of the knowledge where 77% expressed total agreement or agreement
differences between authors rights and copyright or authors that it had helped them to improve.
rights, copyleft and Creative Commons, 42% said that they were The third area had to do with creation of contents. The tasks
familiar with these differences, 55% said they were not, and 3% that most students answered totally agree or agree were 2 (94%),
did not understand the question. Finally, students were asked if 4 (91%) and 5 (90%). These were followed by task 3, with
they knew how to apply different tyoes of licenses to 89.5%, y and task 1, with 77%.
information and resources that they created and used. 26% The fourth aspect evaluated with the DIGCOM questionnaire,
answered affirmatively, 65% negatively and the remaining asked students about safety. Although the responses were fairly
students claimed not to understand the question. positive, this was, nevertheless, the area in which students felt
The fourth area in the questionnaire covered safety. When they had made least improvements. As expected, given its
asked if they were able to take basic precautions to protect their content, task 4, was the most highly rated, with 95% of the
devices, (e.g., antivirus, passwords,) 94% said that they were. students starting total agreement or agreement that the task had
Just over half (56%) knew how to protect their digital devices served to enhance their digital competence in relation to online
and how to update strategies, but only 37% actually put them safety and digital identity. Task 3, on ICT integration in the
into practice. classroom, appears as that which helped the students least, with
As for safety and privacy, 90% stated that they were aware 35% declaring neither agreement nor disagreement regarding the
that only certain types of personal information and others can be usefulness of the task. A similar situation occurs with task 5,
shared online. 62% said that they understood privacy issues and where 31% showed themselves to be indifferent.
had basic knowledge about gathering and using their data online, Finally, problem solving, which is the most crosscutting of
while 38% said they did not. 65% stated that they knew how to all the areas. As in the previous areas, the tasks were positively
avoid cyber bullying. rated, with the highest percentage of students agreeing totally or
The majority (95%) are aware that technology can affect their agreeing that the tasks that helped them with problem solving
health when used incorrectly and 87% understand the positive were tasks 4 (89.5%), 2 (89%), 3 and 5 (82%) and, finally task 1,
and negative effects of using technology for the environment. where 24% were indifferent regarding its usefulness in
The last block of the questionnaire referred to problem improving their relation with online safety.
solving and seeking help. 91% said they were able to ask for
specific help when technologies did not work or when using a 5 CONCLUSIONS
new device, program or application, and that they were also able
The results from the DIGCOM questionnaire on students
to use new technologies to solve routine tasks (92%). Almost all
perception of their digital competence reveal that they consider
the students (95.5%) are aware of their limitations when using
themselves to be competent mainly in aspects related to
new technologies.
information, communication, and problem solving. Moreover,
Elsewhere, 81% of the students said they can take decisions
they rate their competence quite highly in the most basic and
when choosing a tool for a routine practice.
general aspects (level 1) but this falls as the level of complexity
Lastly, we find that 94% of the students state they can use
increases (levels 2 and 3).
technologies to perform creative activities and solve problems.
The tasks used in this experience were rated very positively by
Moreover, 75% claim they can learn something new from them.
the students, with all the tasks helping to improve their digital
competence to a large degree. Tasks 2 and 4 (on web 2.0 and
social networks and digital identity, respectively) were

Evaluation and development of digital competence in future primary school teachers at the University of Murcia

highlighted by the students for the improvement gained in the Our study also looks at the digital competence of teachers,
five areas of digital competence. Although the design of all the given that we have worked with first year Primary Education
tasks took into account all aspects of digital competence to a degree students, in other words, future teachers.
greater or lesser degree, it is notable that tasks 2 and 4 were the The training of the teachers is a key element for the effective
most complex and complete, but at the same time the ones in development of students digital competencies that will enable
which the best results were obtained, which may account for them to use technology appropriately and effectively by adapting
their high ratings.. it to their students and to the learning they must carry out (Aslan
Special mention needs to be made regarding the area of safety & Zhu, 2015; Gisbert & Lzaro, 2015; Woodruff, Martin, &
since, in the opinion of the students this us the area in which OBrien, 2015). We agree with McClintock (2007) when he
they improved least (except in task 4 which worked specifically talks of the usefulness and importance of digital technologies in
on this content). We would highlight the transversality of this the intellectual endeavor of educators, as they are fundamental
area, which has to do with the protection of information and resources for generating, disseminating and employing
personal data, the protection of digital identity and the security knowledge, values and skills in life. Related to the above, we
measures taken, as well as the responsible use of technologies now arrive at the second part of our study in which, after
and the Internet. Although the other tasks sought to envisage all designing and applying a series of tasks directed at improving
the above, and despite a general security premise in all the students digital competence, we observe how they perceive a
subject, it is highly likely that the students did not perceive the considerable improvement in this after following the ICT block
tasks as being very useful for improvement in this sense. of the subject.
Overall, we observe that the experience was positively viewed We are aware that throughout this study we have referred to
by the students in terms of improving their digital competence. the students self-perception and not to real data about their level
Due to the complexity of the students competencies, these can of digital competence. With a view to overcoming this
only be successfully developed through experiences in which the limitation, we are working on a line of research that will enable s
student is at the center of the proces. While we are convinced to ascertain the real level of digital competence through the
that much remains to be done in this sense, this experience offers design and preparation of a certification tool (Gutirrez &
and approach to away of working that students have considered Durn, 2014)- In future courses we will be able to repeat this
to be positive. type of study but without the type of possible limitations
detected in this one.
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