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Climate Change and Human Health Impacts Vulnerability and Public Health

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Public Health (2006) 120, 585596


Climate change and human health: Impacts,

vulnerability and public health*
A. Hainesa,*, R.S. Kovatsa, D. Campbell-Lendrumb, C. Corvalanb
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT London, UK
World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland

Edited version presented in December 2005 by Professor Sir Andy Haines as the 102nd Harben Lecturer for the Royal
Institute of Public Health

Received 10 November 2005; accepted 10 November 2005

Available online 20 March 2006

KEYWORDS Summary It is now widely accepted that climate change is occurring as a result of
Climate change; the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere arising from the combustion
Human health; of fossil fuels. Climate change may affect health through a range of pathways, for
Vulnerability example as a result of increased frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduction in
cold related deaths, increased floods and droughts, changes in the distribution of
vector-borne diseases and effects on the risk of disasters and malnutrition. The
overall balance of effects on health is likely to be negative and populations in low-
income countries are likely to be particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects. The
experience of the 2003 heat wave in Europe shows that high-income countries may
also be adversely affected. Adaptation to climate change requires public health
strategies and improved surveillance. Mitigation of climate change by reducing the
use of fossil fuels and increasing a number of uses of the renewable energy
technologies should improve health in the near-term by reducing exposure to air
Q 2006 The Royal Institute of Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

Introduction ranging impacts on health. Increasing recognition of

the process of climate change has led to a growing
It has been known for thousands of years, at least interest by health researchers in assessing the
since the time of Hippocrates that climate has wide potential mechanisms by which changes in climate
could influence health (Fig. 1). Such health effects
will be modulated by factors such as socio-
Based on a paper presented to the World Climate economic development and by the degree to
Change Conference, Moscow, Russian Federation, September which effective adaptation measures are
29October 3, 2003 which has been updated. implemented. Although most studies have assessed
* Corresponding author. Tel.: C44 20 7927 2237; fax: C44 20
7323 4562.
the potential impacts of climate change in isolation
E-mail address: (A. Haines). from other environmental changes, in reality,

0033-3506/$ - see front matter Q 2006 The Royal Institute of Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
586 A. Haines et al.

Adverse Health Effects

Heat-Related Illnesses and

Extreme Weather - Related

Changes in Intermediate Factors Health Effects

Regional and Air Pollution Concentration Air Pollution Related Health

Natural and Climate Local Weather and Distribution Effects
Human Variability and Change
influences on Change Pollen Production Allergic Diseases
Climate Extreme Weather
Precipitation Infectious Diseases
Microbial Contamination and Water- and Food-Borne
Transmission Diseases
Vector- and Rodent-Borne

Crop Yield Malnutrition

Policies Storm Surge-Related
Change in Sea Level Coastal Flooding Drowning and Injuries

Coastal Aquifer Salinity Health Problems of Displaced



Mitigation Policies for Reduction of Modulating Influences Adaptation Measures

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Population density and growth Vaccination programmes
Energy efficiency Level of technological development Disease surveillance
Use of renewable energy sources Standard of living and local environmental conditions Protective technologies
Forest preservation and replanting Pre-existing health status Weather forecasting and warning
Quality of and access to health care systems
Public health infrastructure Emergency management and disaster
Public health education and prevention
Legislation and administration

Figure 1 Potential health effects of climate variability and change from Haines and Patz1 JAMA, 7 January 2004, Vol
291, Page 10. Copyrightq (2004) American Medical Association.

climate change will be experienced against a of diarrhoeal diseases. Climate can affect levels of
background of other global changes such as air pollutants, for example tropospheric ozone
population growth, urbanization, land use changes pollution may be higher in some areas of Europe,
and depletion of fresh water resources that and lower in others but the relationships are still
themselves have implications for health and which imperfectly understood.4 Sea level rise is likely to
could, in some instances interact with climate threaten low lying coastal populations, particularly
change to magnify the impacts. in countries where economic conditions do not allow
This article was the subject of the 2005 Harben construction of sea defences and other counter
Lecture of the Royal Institute of Public Health given measures. There are also concerns that flooding,
by one of us (AH). It covers some of the ground of drought and environmental degradation associated
previous overviews1,2 but adds discussion of adap- with climate change may lead to population
tation options and the potential use of mitigation displacement and more environmental refugees.
strategieseg, energy efficiency and renewable Research on the health impacts of climate
technologiesto contribute to near-term change addresses three main topics (Fig. 2): current
reductions in mortality. associations between climate and disease; the
There are several mechanisms by which climate effect of recent changes in climate; and the
can affect health.1 Extremes of temperature and evidence base for projecting the future impacts of
rainfall, such as heat waves, floods and drought, climate change on health. Temperatures have been
have direct immediate effects on mortality as well as increasing globally for the past two to three
longer term effects. For example, populations that decades. The detection and attribution of health
have experienced flooding may suffer from sustained effects to these changes has become a key research
increases in common mental disorders.3 Climate challenge.5 This climate warming is projected to
change is also likely to affect biodiversity and the continue and accelerate, so that by the end of this
ecosystem goods and services that we rely on for century, global mean temperature will have
human health. Changes in temperature and rainfall increased by 1.45.8 8C.6 At the upper end of the
may also affect the distribution of disease vectors, range effects are more difficult to predict and likely
e.g. those of malaria and dengue, and the incidence to be more seriously adverse.7
Climate change and health 587

Empirical studies Predictive modelling

Learn Detect Anticipate

Past Present Future

Heatwaves Enteric infections (seasonal Scenario-based modelling for, e.g.

Weather disasters pattern of summer food poisoning) Cereal grain yields
Malaria Vector-borne disease patterns Malaria
Dengue fever Impacts of extreme events (heat Dengue fever
Diarrhoeal diseases waves, floods, cyclones)

Figure 2 Three important research paths (McMichael AJ, 2002. WHO/PAHO Conference on Climate variability and
change and their health effects in the Caribbean) with examples of relevant topics. Reproduced with permission.

Has observed climate change already Where health surveillance data are available for
been affecting human health? several decades up to the present day, it may be
possible to determine whether any observed
A growing number of studies present evidence for changes in disease might be related to changes in
the effects of observed climate change on vector- climate. Interpretation is complicated by potential
borne and other infectious diseases. Although the competing explanations due to changes in import-
literature to date does not constitute strong ant health determinants over time, as well as
evidence of an impact of climate change on changes in the way in which diagnoses may be
human vector-borne diseases (such as malaria), recorded. Empirical observation of the health
there is now evidence of vector species responding consequences of recent climate change, followed
to recent climate change in Europe.8 There have by formulation, testing and then modification of
been latitudinal shifts in ticks which carry Tick- hypotheses would require long time-series (prob-
Borne Encephalitis in northern Europe9,10 but ably several decades) of careful monitoring. While
alternative explanations such as changes in con- this process may accord with the principles of
founding factors like land use or in socio-economic, empirical science, it would not provide the timely
demographic and other environmental factors information needed to inform current policy
remain plausible. decisions on GHG (greenhouse gas) emission abate-
There is some evidence for changes in frequency ment, so as to offset possible health consequences
of weather extremes over recent decades.6 Many in the future. Nor would it allow early implemen-
health outcomes are sensitive to isolated extreme tation of policies for adaptation to some level of
events (e.g. heavy rainfall and high temperatures). climate change, which is now inevitable owing to
Analyses of the 2003 heat wave in Europe have past GHG emissions. Therefore, the best estimation
concluded that it was a truly extreme event and the of the future health effects of climate change will
summer of 2003 was probably the hottest in Europe necessarily come from risk assessment based on
since 1500.11 Climatologists now consider it very current understanding of the effects of climate
likely that human influence on the global climate variation on health from observations made in the
has at least doubled the risk of a heat wave such as present and recent past, acknowledging the influ-
that experienced in 2003.12 Recent evidence has ence of a large range of modulating factors.
also emerged about a possible causal role of climate Observations of short-term variations in climate
change (and specifically the warming of sea surface or weather show that even small temperature
temperatures) in increasing the intensity of tropical increases and precipitation changes can result in
cyclones,13,14 although a single event such as measurable impacts on malaria, diarrhoeal epi-
Hurricane Katrina cannot be definitely attributed sodes, injuries related to floods, and malnutrition.
to climate change. Knowledge of these relationships allows
588 A. Haines et al.

Table 1 Excess mortality attributed to the 2003 hot summer or heat wave period in Europe.
Population Excess mortality (% increase) Reference
2003England and Wales 2091 deaths (17%) in heat wave period (413 August) [16]
2003Italy 3134 (15%) in all Italian capitals (1 June15 August) [17]
2003France 14,802 (60%) in heat wave (120 August) [18]
2003Portugal 1854 (40%) in August [19]
2003Spain 4151 deaths (11%) in July and August [20]
2003Switzerland 975 deaths (6.9%) in JuneSeptember period [21]
2003Netherlands 14002200 deaths (3-5%) in JuneSeptember period [22]
2003Germany 1410 deaths in heat wave (124 August) [23]

approximate estimates of the health effects of past ensure that elderly people are kept cool and well
and future climate change to be made. hydrated.
The impact of extreme summer heat on human
health may be exacerbated by increases in humid-
ity. A central question in estimating future heat-
Heat waves and cold-related mortality is the rate at which
populations will adapt to a warmer climate.
Mortality rises in hot weather, especially in elderly Populations are likely to acclimatize to warmer
people. It is very likely that climate change will be climates via a range of behavioural, physiological
associated with increases in the frequency of and technological adaptations. The initial physio-
heatwaves.15 More than 2000 excess deaths were logical acclimatization to hot environments can
reported in England and Wales16 during the major occur over a few days, but complete acclimatiz-
heat wave that affected most of western Europe in ation may take several years. The rate at which
2003 (Table 1).1623 The greatest impact on mortality changes will take place in infrastructure is likely to
occurred in France, where it was estimated that be much slower.
14,800 excess deaths occurred during the first 3
weeks of August 2003 than would be expected for
that time of year.18 Deaths in Paris increased by Floods, droughts and storms
140%.24 The sustained period of extreme high
temperatures (including the minimum temperature) Natural disasters have a variety of health
unique in the recorded history of Paris, together impacts.3,26 These range from immediate effects of
with housing designed for cooler summers, caused a physical injury and morbidity and mortality through
major public health crisis. to potentially long lasting effects on mental health.
Much of the excess mortality from heatwaves is Most flood-related deaths can be attributed to rapid
related to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and rise floods27, due to the increased risk of drowning. In
respiratory causes and is concentrated in the October 1988, a flash flood occurred in the Nimes
elderly. A proportion of these deaths occur in region of France.28 Although the homes of 45,000
susceptible people who would probably have died in people were damaged and more than 1100 vehicles
the near future but there are likely to be substantial destroyed, only nine deaths by drowning (including
numbers of potentially preventable deaths. In the two people who tried to rescue others) and three
August 2003 event, the mortality patterns indicate severe injuries were reported. In 1996, 86 people
that the contribution of short-term mortality died from a flood in the town of Biescas in Spain as a
displacement was relatively small.25 consequence of the stream of water and mud that
Urban centres are often particularly affected suddenly covered a campsite located near a channel-
because of the urban heat island affect, which ised river.29
results in the temperatures being somewhat higher Many slow-rise river flood events have also been
than the surrounding sub-urban and rural areas. Air associated with fatalities. In central Europe, in
pollution concentrations may also rise during recent years there has been flooding of the Rivers
heatwaves and may contribute to the raised death Meuse, Rhine, Elbe and Danube. In 1997, river
rates. The recent experience of the heat wave in floods in central Europe left over 200,000 people
Europe demonstrated that even in high-income homeless, and more than 100 people were killed.
countries such events can cause large numbers of Floods in Dresden, Germany, in 2002 left large parts
deaths in the absence of a coordinated response to of the city without power and freshwater for
Climate change and health 589

several days.30 Four of the six main hospitals in spending part of their lifecycle outside the human
Dresden were sited near the River Elbe and affected body. Pathogens that are carried by insects are
by the flooding. At the time of going to press it exposed to ambient weather. Vector-borne
appears that over 1300 deaths, approximately 2000 diseases typically exhibit seasonal patterns in
injuries, and more than 1 million displaced people which the role of temperature and rainfall is well
resulted from Hurricane Katrina, which is now the documented. Some vector-borne diseases, such as
most expensive natural disaster in US history [CDC malaria, also display considerable year-to-year
web pages]. variation in some regions that can also be partly
In some cases, flooding may lead to mobilization explained by climatic factors.36
of dangerous chemicals from storage or remobilisa- Changes in climate that can affect the trans-
tion of chemicals already in the environment, e.g. mission of vector-borne infectious diseases include
pesticides. A case study of heavy metal soil temperature, humidity, altered rainfall, soil moist-
contamination after the flooding of the river ure and sea level rise. It is a complex task to
Meuse during the winter of 19931994 concluded determine how these factors may affect the risk of
there was a potential health risk for river-bank vector-borne diseases. The incidence and geo-
inhabitants as a consequence of lead and cadmium graphical distribution of vector-borne diseases are
contaminations of the floodplain soils.31 Hazards influenced by many demographic and societal, as
may be greater when industrial or agricultural land well as climatic factors. Transmission requires that
adjoining residential land is affected. However, the reservoir host, a competent vector and the
there is insufficient research on flooding that causes pathogen be present in an area at the same time,
chemical contamination to detect any causal effect and in adequate numbers to maintain transmission.
on the pattern of morbidity and mortality in the Global climate change could cause: increases or
affected populations.32 decreases in the overall incidence, and the duration
Following floods, increases in diarrhoeal and of the transmission season, in particular sites. Small
respiratory diseases are reported, in both high- and changes in seasonality may be important, as
low-income countries,3,33 transmission is increased transmission rates tend to increase non-linearly in
where there is crowding of displaced populations. In relation to the transmission season.
industrialised countries, although infections are Furthermore increases or decreases in the
much less of a problem, the impact on the local geographical distribution of disease transmission
economy may still be severe and increases in common may occur, as climate-driven changes in vectorial
mental disorders such as anxiety and depression capacity cause transmission to become unsustain-
occur. These increases are probably related to able in previously endemic areas, or sustainable in
damage to the home environment and economic previously non-endemic areas. Even small increases
losses and may persist for more than a year after in disease distributions may mean that new
flooding. populations are exposed. New populations often
Increased vulnerability of populations in low- lack acquired immunity, which can result in more
income countries may be related to the habitation serious clinical disease.
of high risk areas such as flood plains and coastal There is now a substantial body of literature on
zones, the presence of a limited public health the association between the El Nino cycle, a major
infrastructure and the substantial damage to local determinant of global weather patterns, and some
and national economies, which is proportionally infectious diseases. There is for example reasonably
much greater than in industrialised countries.34 strong evidence for an association with El Nino and
Inevitably, low-income populations are also less malaria epidemics in parts of South Asia and South
likely to be covered by insurance. America and with cholera in coastal areas of
Droughts may have wide ranging effects on Bangladesh.36
health including on nutrition, infectious diseases, The relationships between climate and disease
and on forest fires causing air pollution, particularly distribution and transmission have been investigated
in low-income countries. The number of people for many vector-borne diseases (Table 2), including
worldwide affected by drought is influenced the development of predictive models. Predictive
strongly by the El Nino cycle.35 models can be broadly classified as biological
(based on aggregating the effect of climate on the
individual components of the disease transmission
Infectious diseases cycle) or statistical (derived from direct corre-
lations between observed geographic or temporal
Transmission of many infectious disease agents is variations in climate, and associated variations in
sensitive to weather conditions, particularly those disease incidence or distribution). Most modelling of
590 A. Haines et al.

Table 2 Examples of vector-borne diseases likely to be sensitive to climate change.

Vector Major diseases
Mosquitoes Malaria, filariasis, dengue fever, yellow fever and West Nile fever
Sandflies Leishmaniasis
Triatomines Chagas disease
Ixodes ticks Lyme disease and tick borne encephalitis
Tsetse flies African trypanosomiasis
Blackflies Onchocerciasis
Snails (intermediate host) Schistosomiasis

the effects of climate change has focused on Estimating the global burden of disease
malaria,3739 but the potential impact on the global due to climate change
distribution of dengue has been estimated.40 The
calibration and validation of global dynamic models The WHO has recently undertaken an exercise to
is difficult because the underlying systems are never estimate the global burden of disease (GBD) that
closed. The requisite historical data are not often could be due to climate change in terms of disability
available with sufficient spatial coverage. The use of adjusted life years (DALYS) lost. This measure
assumptions and simplifications potentially
makes it possible to take into account impacts
decrease the quantitative accuracy of the assess-
that do not necessarily lead to death but cause
ment. Hence, research is now focussed on the
disability. Climate scenarios are derived from the
development of regional models that can allow for
output of global climate models that are, in turn,
validation, and adequate prioritisation and esti-
driven by scenarios of future greenhouse gas
mation of risk.
emissions (Fig. 3). The attributable burden of
It is likely that additional population put at risk
climate change was estimated in relation to three
due to climate change will be in low-income
(future) climate scenarios relative to the baseline
countries, since it is generally assumed that more
climate (i.e. the average climate from 1960 to
developed countries, which currently control
1991) representing little or no anthropogenic
malaria, will remain able to do so. Malaria in poorer
climate change. Epidemiological models were
countries is currently only restricted by climate
factors in specific arid and highland regions. The used to estimate the degree to which these climatic
ability of these countries to manage any climate- changes are likely to affect a limited series of
induced increase in malaria will depend on their health outcomes (malaria, diarrhoeal disease,
capacity to develop and sustain malaria control malnutrition, flood deaths, direct effects of heat
programmes. and cold). These measures of proportional change
The effect of climate change will vary geographi- can be applied to projections of the burden of each
cally. Malaria transmission may decrease in many of these diseases in the future, to calculate the
areas where decreases in precipitation are pro- possible impacts of climate change on the overall
jected, particularly around the Amazon, and in disease burden. The methods have been described
Central America. The overwhelming majority of the more fully elsewhere.43
burden of malaria currently occurs in sub-Saharan To generate consistent estimates the analysis
Africa. Study of the effects of climate changes over attempted to account for current geographical
much of the past century suggest that areas showing variation in vulnerability to climate, where not
a statistically significant trend towards increasing already incorporated into the predictive models. It
suitability for malaria are broadly countered by also attempted to account for future changes in
areas showing a decrease.41 The most detailed disease rates due to other factors (e.g. decreasing
study, verified against a large database of historical rates of infectious disease due to technological
malaria surveillance data, suggests that climate advances or improving socio-economic status), and
change will cause a small (57%) increase in the for changes in population size and age structure
population at risk in Africa, mainly through (e.g. potentially greater proportion of older people
expansion into higher altitudes. The study indicates at higher risk of mortality related to cardiovascular
that climate change will also lengthen the trans- disease in response to thermal extremes). These
mission season in many areas, causing a 1628% potential future changes can be addressed by
increase in the total number of personmonths of applying the estimates of relative risks under
exposure.42 alternative climate change scenarios to the GBD
Climate change and health 591

Figure 3 Overview of the comparative risk assessment (CRA) process for climate change and health.

projections of disease rates and population size and associated increase or decrease in disease burden.
age structure. These alternative scenarios attempt Climate change is estimated to increase the burden of
to take into account the effects of changing gross diarrhoea in regions made up mainly of developing
domestic product, human capital (as measured by countries, by approximately 25% in 2020. Richer
average years of female education), and time (to countries (GDPOUS$ 6000/year), either now or in the
account for trends such as technological develop- future, were assumed to suffer little or no additional
ment)44 on the overall envelope of cause-specific risk of diarrhoea. Much larger proportional changes
mortality and morbidity for diseases affected by are likely in the numbers of people killed in coastal
climate change. The assumptions made about floods (approximately a doubling in the former
future adaptation and vulnerability are outlined in socialist economies), and inland floods (up to five
Table 3. times greater risk in developed regions). Although the
The analyses suggested that climate change will proportional change is much larger than for other
bring some health benefits, such as lower cold- health outcomes, the baseline disease burden is much
related mortality and greater crop yields in temper- lower, so that the aggregate effect is comparatively
ate zones, but these benefits will be greatly out- small. Substantial proportional changes were esti-
weighed by increased rates of other diseases, mated in the risk of falciparum malaria in countries at
particularly infectious diseases and malnutrition in the edge of the current distribution. However, most
developing regions. A small proportional increase in of the estimated attributable disease burden is
cardiovascular disease mortality attributable to associated with small proportional increases in
climate extremes is likely in tropical regions, and a regions that already suffer heavily from malaria;
small benefit in temperate regions, caused by warmer principally through extensions in the altitudinal and
winter temperatures. Since there is evidence that latitudinal range in Africa.
some temperature attributable mortality represents On aggregate, it was estimated that climate
small displacements of deaths that would occur soon change may already (by 2000) be causing in the
in any case, no assessment was made of the region of 150,000 deaths (0.3% deaths globally each
592 A. Haines et al.

Table 3 Assumptions on adaptation and vulnerability for each health outcome, as applied in the WHO global
burden of disease exercise.43
Biologicala adaptation affecting RRs Socio-economic adaptation affecting RRs
Direct effects Yes. Temperature associated with lowest None
of heat and mortality was assumed to change directly with
cold temperature increases driven by climate
Diarrhoea None Assumed RRZ1 if GDP per capita rises above
US$ 6000/year
Malnutrition None Food-trade model assumed future increases
in crop yields from technological advances,
increased liberalization of trade, and increased
Disasters: None Model assumed the RR of deaths in floods
coastal floods decreases with GDP
Disasters: None Model assumed the RR of deaths in floods
inland floods decreases with GDP
and landslides
Vector-borne None None (for RR)
GDP, gross domestic product; RR, relative risk
Physiological, immunological and behavioural.

year) and 5.5 million lost DALYs/year (0.4% global detailed longitudinal studies of the interaction of
DALYs lost per year).45 Even taking into account climatic and non-climatic influences on health.
increasing wealth and some level of behavioural
and socio-economic adaptation, the disease burden
caused by climate change is likely to increase Climate change and public health
substantially over time. Overall, the effects are
predicted to be heavily concentrated in poorer The current state of knowledge about climate
populations at low latitudes, where the most change is such that some specific measures for
important climate-sensitive health outcomes (mal- health protection can now be recommended. The
nutrition, diarrhoea and malaria) are already summer of 2003 illustrated a lack of public health
common, and where vulnerability to climate effects capacity in Europe to deal with heat waves. A
is greatest. These diseases mainly affect younger recent WHO publication encourages public health
age groups, so that the total burden of disease due decision makers to act now in order to address
to climate change appears to be borne mainly by climate hazards, as well as address adaptation
children in developing countries. strategies in the longer term.46 Although there is
uncertainty about future climate change, failure to
Considerable uncertainties surround these esti-
invest in adaptation may leave a nation poorly
mates and the range of impacts included is not
prepared to cope with adverse changes and
comprehensive. There is for example uncertainty
increase the probability of severe consequences.47
over future climate change (particularly future
A number of important factors related to the
GHG emissions), uncertainty about the climate
design and implementation of strategies must be
health relationships, and most importantly, uncer-
considered, in the assessment of health policies,
tainties around the degree to which current measures and strategies, including:
climatehealth relationships will be modified by
socio-economic adaptation in the future. These The variation of appropriateness and effective-
uncertainties could be reduced in subsequent ness of adaptation options by region and across
studies by (i) applying projections from a range of demographic groups.
climate models and/or their probability distri- How to exploit opportunities, as well as to
butions, (ii) relating climate and disease data reduce risks.
from a wider range of climatic and socio-economic The cost of adaptation and the potential to
environments, (iii) more careful validation against exacerbate climate change (e.g. extensive use
patterns in the present or recent past, and (iv) more of air conditioning).
Climate change and health 593

Table 4 Summary of public health adaptation measures in relation to the health impacts of climate change
(applicable to European populations).46,47
Health outcome Public health Surveillance
Mortality and mor- Public health education Enhance health surveillance of routine data
bidity due to heat Health warning systems for early detection of heat wave effects
waves Emergency preparedness (e.g. monitoring from funeral homes, calls
to NHS direct)
Floods Public health education, boil water notices Surveillance for flood effects, with long-
Emergency preparedness term follow-up. Coordinated national
Check list for post-flood activities surveillance for flood deaths, injuries and
Air quality Warnings for high pollution days Daily air pollution measurements
Vector-borne Public education, especially to avoid Monitoring of vectors, and reservoir hosts,
diseases contact with ticks integrated surveillance for human and
animal diseases
Food borne disease Maintenance and strengthening of food Integrated surveillance for human and
hygiene measures animal diseases
Water-borne diseases Risk assessment for extreme rainfall events Increased microbiological monitoring of
Risk assessment of health effects of algal public water supplies and private wells, and
blooms enhanced surveillance during and following
heavy rainfall events

The need for adaptation to multiple factors, fold. Population growth in low and middle income
including climate change. countries will pose major challenges for green-
The systemic nature of climate impacts that house gas emissions in the future if economic
means that many sectors will need to be involved growth is based on fossil fuel use. Whilst the
to reduce public health impacts. Kyoto protocol is an important political initiative
Maladaptation, (i.e. policies that increase vul- to engage countries in developing policies to
nerability to climate change) can result in reduce greenhouse gas emissions the modest
serious negative effects. targets in the protocol would not have much
impact on some of the major adverse impacts.49
Some examples of public health adaptation For example, to keep the concentration of
strategies to climate variability and change are carbon dioxide from exceeding the doubling of
given in Table 4.46 the pre-industrial concentration of 275 ppm,
reductions of more than two thirds in emissions
Mitigation strategies and health would be needed, assuming a population of 9
billion by 2050.50 The industrialised nations,
Climate change poses a major threat to sustain- which have benefited so much from fossil fuels,
able development because adverse effects are should take the lead and their proportional
likely to be directed particularly at poor popu- reductions will need to be much greater than
lations that currently also suffer disproportio- the less developed nations in order to converge
nately from a lack of reliable energy at the level on a much lower level and more equal distri-
of the household and the community. The easy bution of emissions.
availability of cheap energy from fossil fuels has Approximately 2 billion people lack access to
underpinned the economic development of indus- electricity and suffer substantial ill health as a
trialised countries and has therefore contributed result. Around half the global population cook
substantially to the dramatic advances in health daily with traditional biomass fuels such as dung,
observed over the past century or so. With crop residues, wood and charcoal, resulting in
current energy sources, recent and continuing exposure to very high concentrations of air
patterns of economic development contribute pollutants indoors and extensive time spent in
more to climate change than population collection of wood or other fuel and the
growth.48 During the 20th century, the world attendant opportunity costs, particularly for
population grew almost fourfold, at the same women. Improved energy efficiency cook stoves
time emissions of carbon dioxide grew around 12- are becoming increasingly available in a number
594 A. Haines et al.

of countries and can substantially cut the use of their uptake relate particularly to the cost of
biomass fuels with subsequent health, environ- electricity generated in these ways. There is
mental and economic benefits.51 These popu- however substantial evidence that dams for the
lations would also obviously benefit from access generation of hydropower may have adverse
to affordable electricity. effects, for example by effecting the distribution
A WHO publication has demonstrated the of vector-borne diseases and displacing popu-
potential near-term benefits to health of strat- lations.55,56 The health impact assessment of
egies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions applied dams is therefore an important aspect of the
to China.52 The authors concluded that the planning process. The assessment of the impacts
benefits to human health arising from changes of the expansion of nuclear power is complex and
in energy use in the housing sector are many beyond the scope of this article. Increasing costs
times larger than those in the electric power and concerns about the security of fossil fuels
sector. Economic benefits of reducing exposure provide added impetus to seek alternatives.
to indoor air pollution were thought to be
substantially larger than the cost of reducing Conclusion
greenhouse gas emissions, particularly when this
was achieved by improving energy efficiency. The effects of climate change on health are likely
Fossil fuel combustion is a cause of both local to be predominately negative and impact most
air pollutants (especially particulates, ozone, heavily on low-income countries where capacity
methane, nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide) to adapt is weakest, but also on the most
and greenhouse gases. Policies that aim to vulnerable groups in developed countries. Adap-
address global anthropogenic climate change tation strategies should blunt some of the
can therefore also benefit health in the near- adverse impacts but will pose difficulties of
term by reducing the concentration of urban air implementation, particularly in low-income
pollutants. A recent paper demonstrates the countries. With climate change already under-
potential benefits of converting all US on-road way, there is a need to assess vulnerabilities and
vehicles to hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. Such identify cost-effective intervention/adaptation
vehicles powered by hydrogen from renewable options in the health sector and in other sectors
energy sources such as wind power could save that have direct links to human health. Early
37006400 lives annually from reduced air pol- planning can help reduce future adverse health
lution as well as benefiting climate change.53 impacts and mitigation strategies, for example
Ancillary benefits are the monetized secondary, using a number of renewable energy sources, can
or side benefits of mitigation policies on pro- improve health by reducing air pollution as well
blems such as reductions in local air pollution as addressing climate change.
associated with the reduction of fossil fuels.
Multiple, wider health ancillary benefits of
mitigation are possible by improving transport Conflict of interest statement
policies in both developed and developing
countries. Transport is projected to have fastest AH is a reviewer and RSK a participant in the UN
proportional growth in GHG emissions of any Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the
sector from 1990 to 2020, and there are direct Fourth Assessment Report. DC-L and CC declare
connections with urban air pollution (around that they have no conflict of interest.
800,000 deaths per year globally), road traffic
accidents (1.2 million deaths per year), and
physical inactivity (1.9 million deaths a year).45 Acknowledgements
There are therefore potentially major synergies
in terms of reduced GHG emissions and direct This article is based on a paper presented to the
health benefits from sustainable transport World Climate Change Conference (Moscow, Rus-
systems that make more use of public transport, sian Federation, Sept 29Oct 3, 2003), which has
walking and cyclingespecially in rapidly devel- been updated for the 2005 Harben Lecture of the
oping countries such as China and India. Royal Institute of Public Health. We thank Tony
Sources of renewable energy such as photo- McMichael for permission to use figure 2 and
voltaic, solar thermal, wave and wind power do acknowledge the contributions of many scientists
not appear to have any important adverse effects to the Comparative quantification of health risks:
on health and their overall impacts are likely to global and regional burden of disease due to
be overwhelmingly beneficial.54 The barriers to selected major risk factors report. The views
Climate change and health 595

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