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Age of The Earth - Creation

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Age of the earth View in:

gjuhn shqipe,
101 evidences for a young age of the earth and the universe franais, ,

by Don Batten

Published: 4 June 2009 (GMT+10)

Can science prove the age of the earth?

No scientific method can prove the age of the earth and the universe, and that
includes the ones we have listed here. Although age indicators are called clocks they
arent, because all ages result from calculations that necessarily involve making
assumptions about the past. Always the starting time of the clock has to be assumed
as well as the way in which the speed of the clock has varied over time. Further, it has
to be assumed that the clock was never disturbed.

There is no independent natural clock against which those assumptions can be tested.
For example, the amount of cratering on the moon, based on currently observed
cratering rates, would suggest that the moon is quite old. However, to draw this
There are many categories of evidence for
conclusion we have to assume that the rate of cratering has been the same in the past the age of the earth and the cosmos that
as it is now. And there are now good reasons for thinking that it might have been indicate they are much younger than is
generally asserted today.
quite intense in the past, in which case the craters do not indicate an old age at all
(see below).

Ages of millions of years are all calculated by assuming the rates of change of processes
in the past were the same as we observe todaycalled the principle of uniformitarianism.
No scientific method can If the age calculated from such assumptions disagrees with what they think the age
prove the age of the earth should be, they conclude that their assumptions did not apply in this case, and adjust 1/31
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or the universe, and that them accordingly. If the calculated result gives an acceptable age, the investigators
includes the ones we have
publish it.
listed here.
Examples of young ages listed here are also obtained by applying the same principle of
uniformitarianism. Long-age proponents will dismiss this sort of evidence for a young age
of the earth by arguing that the assumptions about the past do not apply in these cases. In other words, age is not
really a matter of scientific observation but an argument about our assumptions about the unobserved past.

The assumptions behind the evidences presented here cannot be proved, but the fact that such a wide range of
different phenomena all suggest much younger ages than are currently generally accepted, provides a strong case for
questioning those accepted ages (currently 13.77 billion years for the universe and 4.543 billion years for the solar

Also, a number of the evidences, rather than giving any estimate of age, challenge the assumption of slow-and-gradual
uniformitarianism, upon which all deep-time dating methods depend.

Many of these indicators for younger ages were discovered when creationist scientists
started researching things that were supposed to prove long ages. The lesson here is
clear: when the evolutionists throw up some new challenge to the Bibles timeline, dont When the evolutionists
fret over it. Sooner or later that supposed evidence will be turned on its head and will throw up some new
challenge to the Bibles
even be added to this list of evidences for a younger age of the earth. On the other hand,
timeline, dont fret over
some of the evidences listed here might turn out to be ill-founded with further research it. Sooner or later that
and will need to be modified. Such is the nature of science, especially historical science, supposed evidence will be
because we cannot do experiments on past events (see Its not science). turned on its head and will
even be added to this list
of evidences for a young
Science is based on observation, and the only reliable means of telling the age of
age of the earth.
anything is by the testimony of a reliable witness who observed the events. The Bible
claims to be the communication of the only One who witnessed the events of Creation:
the Creator himself. As such, the Bible is the only reliable means of knowing the age of the earth and the cosmos. See
The Universes Birth Certificate and Biblical chronogenealogies (technical). In the end we believe that the Bible will
stand vindicated and those who deny its testimony will be confounded.

Biological evidence for a young age of the earth

1. DNA in ancient fossils. DNA extracted from bacteria that are supposed to
Image: Dr Mary Schweitzer
be 425 million years old brings into question that age, because DNA could
not last more than thousands of years.
2. Lazarus bacteriabacteria revived from salt inclusions supposedly 250
million years old, suggest the salt is not millions of years old. See also
Salty saga.
3. The decay in the human genome due to multiple slightly deleterious
mutations each generation is consistent with an origin several thousand
years ago. Sanford, J., Genetic entropy and the mystery of the genome,
Ivan Press, 2005; see review of the book and the interview with the author
in Creation 30(4):4547,September 2008. This has been confirmed by
realistic modelling of population genetics, which shows that genomes are The finding of pliable blood vessels, blood cells and
young, in the order of thousands of years. See Sanford, J., Baumgardner, proteins in dinosaur bone is consistent with an age of
thousands of years for the fossils, not the 65+ million
J., Brewer, W., Gibson, P. and Remine, W., Mendels Accountant: A years claimed by the paleontologists.
biologically realistic forward-time population genetics program, SCPE
8(2):147165, 2007.
4. The data for mitochondrial Eve are consistent with a common origin of all humans several thousand years ago.
5. Very limited variation in the DNA sequence on the human Y-chromosome around the world is consistent with a
recent origin of mankind, thousands not millions of years.
6. Many fossil bones dated at many millions of years old are hardly mineralized, if at all. This contradicts the widely
believed old age of the earth. See, for example, Dinosaur bones just how old are they really? Tubes of marine
worms, dated at 550 million years old, that are soft and flexible and apparently composed of the original organic
compounds hold the record (original paper). 2/31
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7. Dinosaur blood cells, blood vessels, proteins (hemoglobin, osteocalcin, collagen, histones) and DNA are not
consistent with their supposed more than 65-million-year age, but make more sense if the remains are thousands
of years old (at most).
8. Lack of 50:50 racemization of amino acids in fossils dated at millions of years old, whereas complete racemization
would occur in thousands of years.
9. Living fossilsjellyfish, graptolites, coelacanth, stromatolites, Wollemi pine and hundreds more. That many
hundreds of species could remain so unchanged, for even up to billions of years in the case of stromatolites,
speaks against the millions and billions of years being real.
10. Discontinuous fossil sequences. E.g. Coelacanth, Wollemi pine and various index fossils, which are present in
supposedly ancient strata, missing in strata representing many millions of years since, but still living today. Such
discontinuities speak against the interpretation of the rock formations as vast geological ageshow could
Coelacanths have avoided being fossilized for 65 million years, for example? See The Lazarus effect: rodent
11. The ages of the worlds oldest living organisms, trees, are consistent with an age of the earth of thousands of

Geological evidence for a young age of the earth

12. Scarcity of plant fossils in many formations containing abundant animal /
Photo by Don Batten
herbivore fossils. E.g., the Morrison Formation (Jurassic) in Montana. See
Origins 21(1):5156, 1994. Also the Coconino sandstone in the Grand
Canyon has many track-ways (animals), but is almost devoid of plants.
Implication: these rocks are not ecosystems of an era buried in situ over
eons of time as evolutionists claim. The evidence is more consistent with
catastrophic transport then burial during the massive global Flood of
Noahs day. This eliminates supposed evidence for millions of years.
13. Thick, tightly bent strata without sign of melting or fracturing. E.g. the
Kaibab upwarp in Grand Canyon indicates rapid folding before the Radical folding at Eastern Beach, near Auckland in
New Zealand, indicates that the sediments were soft
sediments had time to solidify (the sand grains were not elongated under and pliable when folded, inconsistent with a long time
stress as would be expected if the rock had hardened). This wipes out for their formation. Such folding can be seen world-
wide and is consistent with a young age of the earth.
hundreds of millions of years of time and is consistent with extremely rapid
formation during the biblical Flood. See Warped earth (written by a
14. Polystrate fossilstree trunks in coal (Araucaria spp. king billy pines, celery top pines, in southern hemisphere
coal). There are also polystrate tree trunks in the Yellowstone fossilized forests and Joggins, Nova Scotia and in
many other places. Polystrate fossilized lycopod trunks occur in northern hemisphere coal, again indicating rapid
burial / formation of the organic material that became coal.
15. Experiments show that with conditions mimicking natural forces, coal forms quickly; in weeks for brown coal to
months for black coal. It does not need millions of years. Furthermore, long time periods could be an impediment
to coal formation because of the increased likelihood of the permineralization of the wood, which would hinder
16. Experiments show that with conditions mimicking natural forces, oil forms quickly; it does not need millions of
years, consistent with an age of thousands of years.
17. Experiments show that with conditions mimicking natural forces, opals form quickly, in a matter of weeks, not
millions of years, as had been claimed.
18. Evidence for rapid, catastrophic formation of coal beds speaks against the hundreds of millions of years normally
claimed for this, including Z-shaped seams that point to a single depositional event producing these layers.
19. Evidence for rapid petrifaction of wood speaks against the need for long periods of time and is consistent with an
age of thousands of years.
20. Clastic dykes and pipes (intrusion of sediment through overlying sedimentary rock) show that the overlying rock
strata were still soft when they formed. This drastically compresses the time scale for the deposition of the
penetrated rock strata. See, Walker, T., Fluidisation pipes: Evidence of large-scale watery catastrophe, Journal of
Creation (TJ) 14(3):89, 2000.
21. Para(pseudo)conformitieswhere one rock stratum sits on top of another rock stratum but with supposedly
millions of years of geological time missing, yet the contact plane lacks any significant erosion; that is, it is a flat
gap. E.g. Coconino sandstone / Hermit shale in the Grand Canyon (supposedly a 10 million year gap in time). The
thick Schnebly Hill Formation (sandstone) lies between the Coconino and Hermit in central Arizona. See Austin, 3/31
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S.A., Grand Canyon, monument to catastrophe, ICR, Santee, CA, USA, 1994 and Snelling, A., The case of the
missing geologic time, Creation 14(3):3135, 1992.
22. The presence of ephemeral markings (raindrop marks, ripple marks, animal tracks) at the boundaries of
paraconformities show that the upper rock layer has been deposited immediately after the lower one, eliminating
many millions of years of gap time. See references in Para(pseudo)conformities.
23. Inter-tonguing of adjacent strata that are supposedly separated by millions of years also eliminates many millions
of years of supposed geologic time. The case of the missing geologic time; Mississippian and Cambrian strata
interbedding: 200 million years hiatus in question, CRSQ 23(4):160167.
24. The lack of bioturbation (worm holes, root growth) at paraconformities (flat gaps) reinforces the lack of time
involved where evolutionary geologists insert many millions of years to force the rocks to conform with the given
timescale of billions of years.
25. The almost complete lack of clearly recognizable soil layers anywhere in the geologic column. Geologists do claim
to have found lots of fossil soils (paleosols), but these are quite different to soils today, lacking the features that
characterize soil horizons; features that are used in classifying different soils. Every one that has been investigated
thoroughly proves to lack the characteristics of proper soil. If deep time were correct, with hundreds of millions of
years of abundant life on the earth, there should have been ample opportunities many times over for soil
formation. See Klevberg, P. and Bandy, R., CRSQ 39:25268; CRSQ 40:99116, 2003; Walker, T., Paleosols:
digging deeper buries challenge to Flood geology, Journal of Creation 17(3):2834, 2003.
26. Limited extent of unconformities (unconformity: a surface of erosion that separates younger strata from older
rocks). Surfaces erode quickly (e.g. Badlands, South Dakota), but there are very limited unconformities. There is
the great unconformity at the base of the Grand Canyon, but otherwise there are supposedly ~300 million years
of strata deposited on top without any significant unconformity. This is again consistent with a much shorter time
of deposition of these strata. See Para(pseudo)conformities.
27. The amount of salt in the worlds oldest lake contradicts its supposed age and suggests an age more consistent
with its formation after Noahs Flood, which is consistent with a young age of the earth.
28. The discovery that underwater landslides (turbidity currents) travelling at some 50 km/h can create huge areas of
sediment in a matter of hours (Press, F., and Siever, R., Earth, 4th ed., Freeman & Co., NY, USA, 1986). Sediments
thought to have formed slowly over eons of time are now becoming recognized as having formed extremely
rapidly. See for example, A classic tillite reclassified as a submarine debris flow (Technical).
29. Flume tank research with sediment of different particle sizes show that layered rock strata that were thought to
have formed over huge periods of time in lake beds actually formed very quickly. Even the precise layer
thicknesses of rocks were duplicated after they were ground into their sedimentary particles and run through the
flume. See Experiments in stratification of heterogeneous sand mixtures, Sedimentation Experiments: Nature
finally catches up! and Sandy Stripes Do many layers mean many years?
30. Observed examples of rapid canyon formation; for example, Providence Canyon in southwest Georgia, Burlingame
Canyon near Walla Walla, Washington, and Lower Loowit Canyon near Mount St Helens. The rapidity of the
formation of these canyons, which look similar to other canyons that supposedly took many millions of years to
form, brings into question the supposed age of the canyons that no one saw form.
31. Observed examples of rapid island formation and maturation, such as Surtsey, which confound the notion that
such islands take long periods of time to form. See also, TulumanA Test of Time.
32. Rate of erosion of coastlines, horizontally. E.g. Beachy Head, UK, loses a metre of coast to the sea every six years.
33. Rate of erosion of continents vertically is not consistent with the assumed old age of the earth. See Creation
34. Existence of significant flat plateaux that are dated at many millions of years old (elevated paleoplains). An
example is Kangaroo Island (Australia). C.R. Twidale, a famous Australian physical geographer wrote: the survival
of these paleoforms is in some degree an embarrassment to all the commonly accepted models of landscape
development. Twidale, C.R. On the survival of paleoforms, American Journal of Science 5(276):7795, 1976
(quote on p. 81). See Austin, S.A., Did landscapes evolve? Impact 118, April 1983.
35. The recent and almost simultaneous origin of all the high mountain ranges around the worldincluding the
Himalayas, the Alps, the Andes, and the Rockieswhich have undergone most of the uplift to their present
elevations beginning five million years ago, whereas mountain building processes have supposedly been around
for up to billions of years. See Baumgardner, J., Recent uplift of todays mountains. Impact 381, March 2005.
36. Water gaps. These are gorges cut through mountain ranges where rivers run. They occur worldwide and are part of
what evolutionary geologists call discordant drainage systems. They are discordant because they dont fit the
deep time belief system. The evidence fits them forming rapidly in a much younger age framework where the
gorges were cut in the recessive stage / dispersive phase of the global Flood of Noahs day. See Oard, M., Do rivers
erode through mountains? Water gaps are strong evidence for the Genesis Flood, Creation 29(3):1823, 2007. 4/31
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37. Erosion at Niagara Falls and other such places is consistent with just a few thousand years
since the biblical Flood. However, much of the Niagara Gorge likely formed very rapidly with
the catastrophic drainage of glacial Lake Agassiz; see: Climate change, Niagara and
38. River delta growth rate is consistent with thousands of years since the biblical Flood, not
vast periods of time. The argument goes back to Mark Twain. E.g. 1. MississippiCreation
Research Quarterly (CRSQ) 9:96114, 1992; CRSQ 14:77; CRSQ 25:121123. E.g. 2 Erosion rates at places like
TigrisEuphrates: CRSQ 14:87, 1977. Niagara Falls are consistent
with a time frame of several
39. Underfit streams. River valleys are too large for the streams they contain. Dury speaks of thousand years since Noahs
the continent-wide distribution of underfit streams. Using channel meander Flood.

characteristics, Dury concluded that past streams frequently had 2060 times their current
discharge. This means that the river valleys would have been carved very quickly, not slowly over eons of time.
See Austin, S.A., Did landscapes evolve? Impact 118, 1983.
40. Amount of salt in the sea. Even ignoring the effect of the biblical Flood and assuming zero starting salinity and all
rates of input and removal so as to maximize the time taken to accumulate all the salt, the maximum age of the
oceans, 62 million years, is less than 1/50 of the age evolutionists claim for the oceans. This suggests that the age
of the earth is radically less also.
41. The amount of sediment on the sea floors at current rates of land erosion would accumulate in just 12 million
years; a blink of the eye compared to the supposed age of much of the ocean floor of up to 3 billion years.
Furthermore, long-age geologists reckon that higher erosion rates applied in the past, which shortens the time
frame. From a biblical point of view, at the end of Noahs Flood lots of sediment would have been added to the sea
with the water coming off the unconsolidated land, making the amount of sediment perfectly consistent with a
history of thousands of years.
42. Iron-manganese nodules (IMN) on the sea floors. The measured rates of growth of these nodules indicates an age
of only thousands of years. Lalomov, A.V., 2006. Mineral deposits as an example of geological rates. CRSQ
43. The age of placer deposits (concentrations of heavy metals such as tin in modern sediments and consolidated
sedimentary rocks). The measured rates of deposition indicate an age of thousands of years, not the assumed
millions. See Lalomov, A.V., and Tabolitch, S.E., 2000. Age determination of coastal submarine placer, Valcumey,
northern Siberia. Journal of Creation (TJ) 14(3):8390.
44. Pressure in oil / gas wells indicate the recent origin of the oil and gas. If they were many millions of years old we
would expect the pressures to equilibrate, even in low permeability rocks. Experts in petroleum prospecting note
the impossibility of creating an effective model given long and slow oil generation over millions of years (Petukhov,
2004). In their opinion, if models demand the standard multimillion-years geochronological scale, the best
exploration strategy is to drill wells on a random grid. Lalomov, A.V., 2007. Mineral deposits as an example of
geological rates. CRSQ 44(1):6466.
45. Direct evidence that oil is forming today in the Guaymas Basin and in Bass Strait is consistent with a young earth
(although not necessary for a young earth).
46. Rapid reversals in paleomagnetism undermine use of paleomagnetism in long ages dating of rocks and speak of
rapid processes, compressing the long-age time scale enormously.
47. The pattern of magnetization in the magnetic stripes where magma is welling up at the mid-ocean trenches argues
against the belief that reversals take many thousands of years and rather indicates rapid sea-floor spreading as
well as rapid magnetic reversals, consistent with a young earth (Humphreys, D.R., Has the Earths magnetic field
ever flipped? Creation Research Quarterly 25(3):130137, 1988).
48. Measured rates of stalactite and stalagmite growth in limestone caves are
consistent with a young age of several thousand years. See also articles on
limestone cave formation.
49. The decay of the earths magnetic field. Exponential decay, with fluctuations
especially during and after the Flood, is evident from historical measurements
and is consistent with the hypothesis of free decay since creation, suggesting
an age of the earth of only thousands of years. For further evidence that it
follows exponential decay with a time constant of 1611 years (10) see:
Humphreys, R., Earths magnetic field is decaying steadilywith a little rhythm,
Along the mid-ocean ridges, the detailed
CRSQ 47(3):193201; 2011. pattern of magnetic polarisation, with islands
50. Excess heat flow from the earth is consistent with a young age rather than of differing polarity, speaks of rapid changes in
direction of Earths magnetic field because of
billions of years, even taking into account heat from radioactive decay. See the rate of cooling of the lava. This is
consistent with a young Earth. 5/31
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Woodmorappe, J., 1999. Lord Kelvin revisited on the young age of the earth, Journal of Creation (TJ) 13(1):14,

Radiometric dating and the age of the earth

51. Carbon-14 in coal suggests ages of thousands of years and clearly contradict ages of millions of years.
52. Carbon-14 in oil again suggests ages of thousands, not millions, of years.
53. Carbon-14 in fossil wood also indicates ages of thousands, not millions, of years.
54. Carbon-14 in diamonds suggests ages of thousands, not billions, of years. Note that attempts to explain away
carbon-14 in diamonds, coal, etc., such as by neutrons from uranium decay converting nitrogen to C-14 do not
work. See: Objections.
55. Incongruent radioisotope dates using the same technique argue against trusting the dating methods that give
millions of years.
56. Incongruent radioisotope dates using different techniques argue against trusting the dating methods that give
millions of years (or billions of years for the age of the earth).
57. Demonstrably non-radiogenic isochrons of radioactive and non-radioactive elements undermine the assumptions
behind isochron dating that gives billions of years. False isochrons are common.
58. Different faces of the same zircon crystal and different zircons from the same rock giving different ages
undermine all dates obtained from zircons.
59. Evidence of a period of rapid radioactive decay in the recent past (lead and helium concentrations and diffusion
rates in zircons) point to a young earth explanation.
60. The amount of helium, a product of alpha-decay of radioactive elements, retained in zircons in granite is consistent
with an age of 6,0002000 years, not the supposed billions of years. See: Humphreys, D.R., Young helium
diffusion age of zircons supports accelerated nuclear decay, Chapter 2 (pages 25100) in: Vardiman, Snelling, and
Chaffin (eds.), Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: Results of a Young Earth Creationist Research Initiative,
Volume II, Institute for Creation Research and Creation Research Society, 2005.
61. Lead in zircons from deep drill cores vs. shallow ones. They are similar, but there should be less in the deep ones
due to the higher heat causing higher diffusion rates over the usual long ages supposed. If the ages are thousands
of years, there would not be expected to be much difference, which is the case (Gentry, R., et al., Differential lead
retention in zircons: Implications for nuclear waste containment, Science 216(4543):296298, 1982; DOI:
62. Pleochroic halos produced in granite by concentrated specks of short half-life elements such as polonium suggest a
period of rapid nuclear decay of the long half-life parent isotopes during the formation of the rocks and rapid
formation of the rocks, both of which speak against the usual ideas of geological deep time and a vast age of the
earth. See, Radiohalos: Startling evidence of catastrophic geologic processes, Creation 28(2):4650, 2006.
63. Squashed pleochroic halos (radiohalos) formed from decay of polonium, a very short half-life element, in coalified
wood from several geological eras suggest rapid formation of all the layers about the same time, in the same
process, consistent with the biblical young earth model rather than the millions of years claimed for these events.
64. Australias Burning Mountain speaks against radiometric dating and the millions of years belief system (according
to radiometric dating of the lava intrusion that set the coal alight, the coal in the burning mountain has been
burning for ~40 million years, but clearly this is not feasible).

Astronomical evidence for a young(er) age of the earth and the universe
65. Evidence of recent volcanic activity on Earths moon is inconsistent with its
Photo by NASA
supposed vast age because it should have long since cooled if it were billions of
years old. See: Transient lunar phenomena: a permanent problem for
evolutionary models of Moon formation and Walker, T., and Catchpoole, D., Lunar
volcanoes rock long-age timeframe, Creation 31(3):18, 2009. See further
corroboration: At Long Last, Moons Core Seen;
66. Recession of the moon from the earth. Tidal friction causes the moon to recede
from the earth at 4 cm per year. It would have been greater in the past when the
moon and earth were closer together. The moon and earth would have been in
catastrophic proximity (Roche limit) at less than a quarter of their supposed age. Saturns rings are increasingly recognized as
67. The moons former magnetic field. Rocks sampled from the moons crust have being relatively short-lived rather than
essentially changeless over millions of years.
residual magnetism that indicates that the moon once had a magnetic field much 6/31
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stronger than earths magnetic field today. No plausible dynamo hypothesis could account for even a weak
magnetic field, let alone a strong one that could leave such residual magnetism in a billions-of-years time-frame.
The evidence is much more consistent with a recent creation of the moon and its magnetic field and free decay of
the magnetic field in the 6,000 years since then. Humphreys, D.R., The moons former magnetic fieldstill a huge
problem for evolutionists, Journal of Creation 26(1):56, 2012.
68. Ghost craters on the moons maria (singular mare: dark seas formed from massive lava flows) are a problem for
the assumed long ages. Enormous impacts evidently caused the large craters and lava flows within those craters,
and this lava partly buried other, smaller impact craters within the larger craters, leaving ghosts. But this means
that the smaller impacts cant have been too long after the huge ones, otherwise the lava would have flowed into
the larger craters before the smaller impacts. This suggests a very narrow time frame for all this cratering, and by
implication the other cratered bodies of our solar system. They suggest that the cratering occurred quite quickly.
See Fryman, H., Ghost craters in the sky, Creation Matters 4(1):6, 1999; A biblically based cratering theory
(Faulkner); Lunar volcanoes rock long-age timeframe.
69. The presence of a significant magnetic field around Mercury is not consistent with its supposed age of billions of
years. A planet so small should have cooled down enough so any liquid core would solidify, preventing the
evolutionists dynamo mechanism. See also, Humphreys, D.R., Mercurys magnetic field is young! Journal of
Creation 22(3):89, 2008.
70. The outer planets Uranus and Neptune have magnetic fields, but they should be long dead if they are as old as
claimed according to evolutionary long-age beliefs. Assuming a solar system age of thousands of years, physicist
Russell Humphreys successfully predicted the strengths of the magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune.
71. Jupiters larger moons, Ganymede, Io, and Europa, have magnetic fields, which they should not have if they were
billions of years old, because they have solid cores and so no dynamo could generate the magnetic fields. This is
consistent with creationist Humphreys predictions. See also, Spencer, W., Ganymede: the surprisingly magnetic
moon, Journal of Creation 23(1):89, 2009.
72. Volcanically active moons of Jupiter (Io) are consistent with youthfulness (Galileo mission recorded 80 active
volcanoes). If Io had been erupting over 4.5 billion years at even 10% of its current rate, it would have erupted its
entire mass 40 times. Io looks like a young moon and does not fit with the supposed billions of years age for the
solar system. Gravitational tugging from Jupiter and other moons accounts for only some of the excess heat
73. The surface of Jupiters moon Europa. Studies of the few craters indicated that up to 95% of small craters, and
many medium-sized ones, are formed from debris thrown up by larger impacts. This means that there have been
far fewer impacts than had been thought in the solar system and the age of other objects in the solar system,
derived from cratering levels, have to be reduced drastically (see Psarris, Spike, What you arent being told about
astronomy, volume 1: Our created solar system DVD, available from CMI).
74. Methane on Titan (Saturns largest moon)the methane should all be gone because of UV-induced breakdown. The
products of photolysis should also have produced a huge sea of heavier hydrocarbons such as ethane. An
Astrobiology item titled The missing methane cited one of the Cassini researchers, Jonathan Lunine, as saying,
If the chemistry on Titan has gone on in steady-state over the age of the solar system, then we would predict that
a layer of ethane 300 to 600 meters thick should be deposited on the surface. No such sea is seen, which is
consistent with Titan being a tiny fraction of the claimed age of the solar system (needless to say, Lunine does not
accept the obvious young age implications of these observations, so he speculates, for example, that there must
be some unknown source of methane).
75. The rate of change / disappearance of Saturns rings is inconsistent with their supposed vast age; they speak of
76. Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, looks young. Astronomers working in the billions of years mindset thought that this
moon would be cold and dead, but it is a very active moon, spewing massive jets of water vapour and icy particles
into space at supersonic speeds, consistent with a much younger age. Calculations show that the interior would
have frozen solid after 30 million years (less than 1% of its supposed age); tidal friction from Saturn does not
explain its youthful activity (Psarris, Spike, What you arent being told about astronomy, volume 1: Our created
solar system DVD; Walker, T., Enceladus: Saturns sprightly moon looks young, Creation 31(3):5455, 2009).
77. Miranda, a small moon of Uranus, should have been long since dead, if billions of years old, but its extreme surface
features suggest otherwise. See Revelations in the solar system.
78. Neptune should be long since cold, lacking strong wind movement if it were billions of years old, yet Voyager II in
1989 found it to be otherwiseit has the fastest winds in the entire solar system. This observation is consistent
with a young age, not billions of years. See Neptune: monument to creation.
79. Neptunes rings have thick regions and thin regions. This unevenness means they cannot be billions of years old,
since collisions of the ring objects would eventually make the ring very uniform. Revelations in the solar system. 7/31
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80. Young surface age of Neptunes moon, Tritonless than 10 million years, even with evolutionary assumptions on
rates of impacts (see Schenk, P.M., and Zahnle, K. On the Negligible Surface Age of Triton, Icarus 192(1):135
149, 2007. .
81. Uranus and Neptune both have magnetic fields significantly off-axis, which is an unstable situation. When this was
discovered with Uranus, it was assumed by evolutionary astronomers that Uranus must have just happened to be
going through a magnetic field reversal. However, when a similar thing was found with Neptune, this AD hoc
explanation was upset. These observations are consistent with ages of thousands of years rather than billions.
82. The orbit of Pluto is chaotic on a 20 million year time scale and affects the rest of the solar system, which would
also become unstable on that time scale, suggesting that it must be much younger. (See: Rothman, T., God takes a
nap, Scientific American 259(4):20, 1988).
83. The existence of short-period comets (orbital period less than 200 years), e.g. Halley, which have a life of less than
20,000 years, is consistent with an age of the solar system of less than 10,000 years. ad hoc hypotheses have to
be invented to circumvent this evidence (see Kuiper Belt). See Comets and the age of the solar system.
84. Near-infrared spectra of the Kuiper Belt Object, Quaoar and the suspected Kuiper Belt Object, Charon, indicate
both contain crystalline water ice and ammonia hydrate. This watery material cannot be much older than 10 million
years, which is consistent with a young solar system, not one that is 5 billion years old. See: The waters above .
85. Lifetime of long-period comets (orbital period greater than 200 years) that are sun-grazing comets or others like
Hyakutake or HaleBopp means they could not have originated with the solar system 4.5 billion years ago.
However, their existence is consistent with a young age for the solar system. Again an ad hoc Oort Cloud was
invented to try to account for these comets still being present after billions of years. See, Comets and the age of
the solar system.
86. The maximum expected lifetime of near-earth asteroids is of the order of one million years, after which they collide
with the sun. And the Yarkovsky effect moves main belt asteroids into near-earth orbits faster than had been
thought. This brings into question the origin of asteroids with the formation of the solar system (the usual
scenario), or the solar system is much younger than the 4.5 billion years claimed. Henry, J., The asteroid belt:
indications of its youth, Creation Matters 11(2):2, 2006.
87. The lifetime of binary asteroidswhere a tiny asteroid moon orbits a larger asteroid in the main belt (they
represent about 1517% of the total): tidal effects limit the life of such binary systems to about 100,000 years.
The difficulties in conceiving of any scenario for getting binaries to form in such numbers to keep up the
population, led some astronomers to doubt their existence, but space probes confirmed it (Henry, J., The asteroid
belt: indications of its youth, Creation Matters 11(2):2, 2006).
88. The observed rapid rate of change in stars contradicts the vast ages assigned to stellar evolution. For example,
Sakurais Object in Sagittarius: in 1994, this star was most likely a white dwarf in the centre of a planetary nebula;
by 1997 it had grown to a bright yellow giant, about 80 times wider than the sun (Astronomy & Astrophysics
321:L17, 1997). In 1998, it had expanded even further, to a red supergiant 150 times wider than the sun. But
then it shrank just as quickly; by 2002 the star itself was invisible even to the most powerful optical telescopes,
although it is detectable in the infrared, which shines through the dust (Muir, H., 2003, Back from the dead, New
Scientist 177(2384):2831).
89. The faint young sun paradox. According to stellar evolution theory, as the suns core transforms from hydrogen to
helium by means of nuclear fusion, the mean molecular weight increases, which would compress the suns core
increasing fusion rate. The upshot is that over several billion years, the sun ought to have brightened 40% since its
formation and 25% since the appearance of life on earth. For the latter, this translates into a 1618 C
temperature increase on the earth. The current average temperature is 15 C, so the earth ought to have had a -2
C or so temperature when life appeared. See: Faulkner, D., The young faint Sun paradox and the age of the solar
system, Journal of Creation (TJ) 15(2):34, 2001. As of 2010, the faint young sun remains a problem: Kasting,
J.F., Early Earth: Faint young Sun redux, Nature 464:687689, 1 April 2010; doi:10.1038/464687a;
90. Evidence of (very) recent geological activity (tectonic movements) on the moon is inconsistent with its supposed
age of billions of years and its hot origin. Watters, T.R., et al., Evidence of Recent Thrust Faulting on the Moon
Revealed by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, Science 329(5994):936940, 20 August 2010; DOI:
10.1126/science.1189590 (This detection, coupled with the very young apparent age of the faults, suggests
global late-stage contraction of the Moon.) NASA pictures support biblical origin for Moon.
91. The giant gas planets Jupiter and Saturn radiate more energy than they receive from the sun, suggesting a recent
origin. Jupiter radiates almost twice as much energy as it receives from the sun, indicating that it may be less than
1 % of the presumed 4.5 billion years old solar system. Saturn radiates nearly twice as much energy per unit mass
as Jupiter. See The age of the Jovian planets. 8/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

92. Speedy stars are consistent with a young age for the universe. For example, many stars in the dwarf galaxies in
the Local Group are moving away from each other at speeds estimated at to 1012 km/s. At these speeds, the
stars should have dispersed in 100 Ma, which, compared with the supposed 14,000 Ma age of the universe, is a
short time. See Fast stars challenge big bang origin for dwarf galaxies.
93. The ageing of spiral galaxies (much less than 200 million years) is not consistent with their supposed age of many
billions of years. The discovery of extremely young spiral galaxies highlights the problem of this evidence for the
evolutionary ages assumed.
94. The number of type I supernova remnants (SNRs) observable in our galaxy is consistent with an age of thousands
of years, not millions or billions. See Davies, K., Proc. 3prd ICC, pp. 175184, 1994.
95. The rate of expansion and size of supernovas indicates that all studied are young (less than 10,000 years). See
supernova remnants.

Human history is consistent with a young age of the earth

96. Human population growth. Less than 0.5% p.a. growth from six people 4,500 years ago would produce todays
population. Where are all the people? if we have been here much longer?
97. Stone age human skeletons and artefacts. There are not enough for 100,000 years of a human population of just
one million, let alone more people (10 million?). See Where are all the people?
98. Length of recorded history. Origin of various civilizations, writing, etc., all about the same time several thousand
years ago. See Evidence for a young world.
99. Languages. Similarities in languages claimed to be separated by many tens of thousands of years speaks against
the supposed ages (e.g. compare some aboriginal languages in Australia with languages in south-eastern India and
Sri Lanka). See The Tower of Babel account affirmed by linguistics.
100. Common cultural myths speak of recent separation of peoples around the world. An example of this is the
frequency of stories of an earth-destroying flood.
101. Origin of agriculture. Secular dating puts it at about 10,000 years and yet that same chronology says that modern
man has supposedly been around for at least 200,000 years. Surely someone would have worked out much sooner
how to sow seeds of plants to produce food. See: Evidence for a young world.

Last amended 8 May 2014.

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Refuting EvolutionChapter 8
Radiometric dating and the age of the Earth
The glasses of deep time
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BioLogos and the age of the earth: Pushing an anti-biblical doctrine
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Evidence for young-earth creationism
How to think (not what to think)

Further Reading

A Christian response to radiometric dating

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appropriate for anyone - a supporting a young earth! evidence of catastrophic
response to Bill Nye geologic processes on a
young earth

Noah's Flood: Key to What the Science says about Scientific evidence for a
Understanding the Age of the the Age of the Earth recent creation -- Creation
Earth (Part 2) Magazine LIVE! (2-05)

What the Science says about What the Bible says about
the Age of the Earth the Age of the Earth reaches millions of people each yearmany of these aren't believers in our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. How will we
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Readers comments

Anthony T., United States, 29 November 2012

I spent an hour or more reading through this with my wife. And I have to say well done!

I was once brainwashed up until about 6 years ago. Going through high school my science teacher tried telling
me that we were once rats living in bushes! I KNEW that was just crazy.. but where they got me was with how
old the earth is. Up until 6 years ago when i met my wife, I just naturaly thought the earth was millions of yrs
old. And dinosaurs were just as old. It scares me thinking back to that!

..But I do have a question.

I recently found out about this site/tomb they are digging up in between SYRIA and TURKEY that's "supposed"
to re-write our history books. Its on a mountain and its called GOBEKLI TEPE. Its said to be no more than
12,000 yrs old. 10/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

Could you give you're opinion on it? Do you think the dating may be off?

Thank you guys for putting so much work into this site! The world needs it!

Don Batten responds

Regarding Gbekli Tepe, always check using the search engine. Here is an article about it:
How does Gbekli Tepe fit with biblical history? I trust it answers your questions (as much as it is
possible to do so with interpreting something from the past like this).

Ross S., United States, 28 November 2012

I believe in God, but earth is 6,000 years old? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Don Batten responds

The devil also believes in God. You might believe in 'God', but clearly you don't believe God (Exodus

Laughter is not an argument.

Brian H., Canada, 26 November 2012

As I see it,just about all the churches in North America are heated either oil or natural gas which has been
found by companies using evolutionary concepts. If those who support the creation ideas feel that they have a
better understanding of how oil and gas form, then they should form a company to look for such commodities
using their ideas. 'Do not hide your light under a bushel'! So far as I know, there is no law that restricts oil and
gas exploration to those who believe in evolution. Go ahead and form a company that includes in its charter a
statement that money raised will be used to apply creatist principles to oil and gas exploration. Believers should
subscribe with alacrity. I look forward to reading the annual reports.

Don Batten responds

You are mistaken about oil or gas exploration depending on evolutionary notions and that these ideas
actually help in finding oil and gas: see what geologist Dr John Morris said. As Dr Morris recounts, he
attempted to do something similar to what you suggest. However, when an idea is entrenched to the
point that nearly everyone accepts it without even a moment's thought that it might be entirely wrong,
then you have little chance of getting any alternative proposal accepted, even a modest one. And it
would take an huge amount of money to float a new company to do oil exploration using a creationist
approach to geology, money that I would think most Christians would be better spent elsewhere.

Evidence of very recent or even present formation of oil is consistent with a young earth.

Coal is a powerful evidence for Noah's Flood; the evolutionary story of it forming from material laid
down in peat bog swamps over eons of time just does not stack up.

Douglas F., United States, 21 November 2012

Many science articles mention stars that are millions (or billions) of light-years away. How can this be if the age
of the universe is only in the thousands of years?

Don Batten responds

See Chapter 5 of the Answers Book and

How can we see light from stars millions of light years away?

(Searching for 'starlight time' would have found these answers.) 11/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

Brian F., United States, 19 November 2012

The author's doctorate in science is often used to defend the veracity of the "101 evidences." However, a degree
in plant science earned through the study of the mung bean would hardly give him the authority or expertise
required to fully comprehend the evidence used in the Geological, Radiometrical, Astronomical, and Historical
subsections which make up 90 of the 101 evidences.

Additionally, I followed the link for the first claim, that the presence of DNA in 'ancient samples' refuted the
samples' supposed age. However, the 4th reference of that article, the one you claim proves that DNA cannot
last for millions of years never makes this claim. It only speaks of ways in which DNA is damaged in living cells -
(which fossils are clearly not). In fact, it mentions an experiment in which DNA from a sample millions of years
old was extracted successfully.

Don Batten responds

The only comment that remotely resembles your first complaint is a response to a fact-free rant by a
Paul C., from the USA, where Paul C. made unsupported charges about the article being "an insult to
real science". In response, Dr Sarfati, a physical chemist, pointed out that the author is a real scientist.

Your approach is to 'shoot the messenger' (an informal fallacy), which is commonly done to avoid
engaging the actual arguments.

But just who would be qualified to write such an article? Because of this, various specialists in different
fields were asked to check areas where they had expertise. Note that several of the responses to
comments are by a physical chemist and a geologist. An astronomer, a cosmologist and a physicist have
also been consulted. Furthermore, in most cases I am citing work by specialists in their fields.

Regarding your claim about Lindahl's paper that I cited, note the introductory summary statement to
the paper:

"The spontaneous decay of DNA is likely to be a major factor in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and
ageing, and also sets limits for the recovery of DNA fragments from fossils." [my emphasis] That is, the
context of Lindahl's paper is at least partly to look at how long DNA could last in fossils. Then, after
exploring various ways in which DNA degrades , even in vivo, under the heading "Ancient DNA" (p.713),
he comments on what it means for the recovery of DNA from fossils:

"Thus, in connection with favourable preservation conditions, it seems feasible that useful DNA
sequences tens of thousands of years old could be recovered, particularly if the fossil has been retained
at low temperature." He suggests that partial dehydration of DNA, as in bacterial spores, could extend
this ("further increased stabilization"). However, he says that air-dried tissues remain partly hydrated
and susceptible to decay and that dessicated DNA, where the water in the grooves of the DNA double
helix is removed, is susceptible to accelerated damage.

So, I stand by my characterization of this work that it argues against DNA lasting for millions of years.

Furthermore, with the experiment you claim he cites that shows a "sample millions of years old was
extracted successfully", while acknowledging the authors' care in doing the experiment, consistent with
his scepticism over DNA being extracted from fossils millions of years old Lindahl casts doubt on their
findings (p. 714):

1. Lindahl says that the DNA not rejected as contamination, was "somewhat arbitrarily assigned as
being representative of the [termite] fossil".

2. Lindahl: "It will now be important to assess the reproducibility of such findings."

He then goes on to criticize another claim of DNA found in a magnolia leaf said to be 20 million years
old. 12/31
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martin H., United Kingdom, 19 November 2012

If what you claim in point 16 about oil being formed quickly then why don't you start making it and prove your
point..i'll tell you why because you can't.If this was possible don't you think the oil companies would be
producing it to make money!!!!The same goes for coal too if there's money to be made it would happen.

Don Batten responds

If you read the linked papers you would find that the claims come from mainstream peer-reviewed
research; we did not make this up.

You would also have seen that with the main paper cited about oil, simulating assumed natural
conditions, it took six years to produce oil, which would hardly be an economically viable way of
producing oil to sell.

The economic viability of producing coal and oil depends on many things and is quite irrelevant to the
matter of experiments that have shown how quickly coal and oil can form (it does not need millions of

Renee C., Philippines, 3 November 2012

I am considering your proofs, by the way. However, there is one thing that I want to argue with you: the origin
of agriculture.

"Secular dating puts it at about 10,000 years and yet that same chronology says that modern man has
supposedly been around for at least 200,000 years. Surely someone would have worked out much sooner how
to sow seeds of plants to produce food."

Yes, you are absolutely right. Someone DID work out that when seeds are planted, sprouts grow, and they
would produce something edible. However, it boils down to how they are motivated to do so.

10,000 years before, humans lived by either (a) fishing, or (b) hunting. And they're satisfied with that because
they already have an easily-accessible and stable food source that is not going to kill them. Since it is easy to
fish and hunt with sticks and stones, they'd have more time for leisure, entertainment, music, arts, etc.

Whilst agriculture, it demands more time, more effort, the domestication of animals, and producing food that
will probably be eaten by someone else that is not you. It is also the same reason why roads are only built when
they started to think that it is better to live for everyone else than just for yourself.

And some even speculate that agriculture was an accident. It was invented because, maybe, the population
started growing and demand more food, so they have no choice but to start living for... not only themselves.

So, even though they knew the science of plants way back, it boils down to their decisions if they want to be
giving and generous, and given the intense competition for life back then, it isn't surprising that they decide to
just become selfish and live for themselves.

Don Batten responds

"Proofs"? In the introduction to the article I was at pains to make it clear that my list is one of
evidences, not proofs. There is no 'proof' when it comes to the age of something, unless of course we
have reliable eyewitnesses, such as God, and documents, such as a birth certificate; like the universe's
birth certificate.

As for the origin of agriculture and other such things, one can always dream up scenarios to rescue the
deep-time evolutionary worldview from the evidence, just like Dr Walker illustrates with dating
methods; see How dating methods work. 13/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

200,000 years is a long time for it to take for someone to see the utility of actually planting edible
plants (agriculture). While growing rice and wheat are labour intensive and a hunter-gatherer existence
might look more attractive, there are many easier crops to grow (e.g. potatoes, sweet potato, yams,
many fruit trees) where there is not a lot of work involved and the harvest provides almost instant
gratification. 200,000 years is also an incredibly long time for the population in all locations to remain
low enough to be sustained by a hunter-gatherer existence and thus not force the adoption of

Stephen C., United States, 16 October 2012

As a former-Satanist-now-Christian, I can understand why these people, dispite mountains of evidence for a
young-earth and a young universe, would continue to reject it still, especially with a mind so closed that they
won't even read through any of it: They don't want to admit that creationism has more scientific merit than any
other worldview because if they did, their ego would be damaged, which is something that really hurts for them.
They'd rather react violently then have to swallow their pride and be rational and admit to making errors. They
hate the feeling of having to be held accountable for the things that they do. My exprience(verified by the Bible
(Romans 1:18-21; Psalm 14:1)) has taught me that with them, the foundations for their mentality lie not in a
misinterpretation of facts, but a dislike/hatred for Christianity. And since creationism argues for a young earth
and a young universe (just as the Bible claims) then it's only natural that they're going to hate creationism too.

Don Batten responds

Thanks for sharing, Stephen. Yes, there is hatred of God. The infamous atheist Christopher Hitchens
admitted he was a misotheist ('god-hater'). See Why do atheists hate God?

Gavin G., United States, 9 October 2012

Thank you CMI for continuing encouragement, and especially for enabling the comments. It shows a level of
transparency that is refreshing. Being a student at a secular university these rebuttals give me a great deal of
confidence because I now know what will be thrown at me, and how to refute it.

Niels O., Denmark, 18 September 2012

As an atheist and a firm beleiver of the scientific method I was intrigued to find this page claiming to have
scientific proof of a young earth (ie. one created about 6000 years ago). I was overwhelmed by the very long
list of evidences. I decided to check out one of the evidences and randomly picked no. 49 about the earths
magnetic field. I followed the link and found an article containing a critisism of the traditional scientific
explanation and the creationist explanation. Reading this article I quickly found a contradiction: the article
claims that if the exponential decay of the earths magnetic field was extended back in time it would have been
ridicoulusly strong if we go back more than 10,000 years and that the earth therefore could be no older than
10,000 years. This argument assumes that what we have observed the last 1,000 years can be freely extended
back in time. This is what the main article calls uniformitarianism and critizises traditional science of using
indiscriminately. So creationism are allowed to use uniformism while traditional science is not. This is clearly not
a sound scientific line of argument.

I then read on. It quickly became obvious that the main scientific source for the creationist explanation was an
article by Russell Humphrey. This article is also based on the exponential decay explanation and addresses the,
rather annoying, fact that there has been many reversals in the earths magnetic field, as observed in sea bed
sediments. These reversals are of course not consistent with the decay theory and have to be explained. The
explanation is found in a book by Merrill, R. T. and M. W. McElhinney documenting a series of reversals in the
magnetic field during the third millenium BC, at time the flood is supposed to have happened. A search for this
book led me to an article [url removed as per feedback rules] commenting on the book and on the theory. The
evidence for these reversals is a number of observations from aboriginal sites, that is, only from Australia, not
the whole world. Further does the data in the book not show reversals at all, thus falsifying the argument.

All in all my investigation of a random evidence among the 101 listed took about 20 minutes and revealed that: 14/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

- The argumentation was inconsistent and not scientifically sound, and

- The theory was based on false evidence

I guess similar investigations could be made for the remaining evidences with similar results and I urge others
to do so. Any theory claiming to be scientific should be able to withstand such scrutiny.

Don Batten responds

"As an atheist and a firm believer of the scientific method"? You seem to be confusing the scientific
method with philosophical naturalism. The Christian founders of modern science had no such confusion.

Furthermore, the Baconian scientific method does not help much when it comes to matters of history,
which is what you are objecting to here. See "It's not science!" (the link was provided in the

You say that this page claims "scientific proof of a young earth". Clearly you have not even begun to
read the introduction, choosing rather to cherry pick something to have a go at. Indeed, the first
sentence says: "No scientific method can prove the age of the earth and the universe, and that includes
the ones we have listed here." I also made the point of uniformitarian assumptions applying to all
dating methods! However, the amount of extrapolation for the evidences for a young creation is trivial
compared to the extrapolations for the deep-time dating methods (for example, the decay rates of the
Uranium-lead series have been measured for less than 100 years, and yet the dating is extrapolated to
billions of years, which is five orders of magnitude more than Dr Humphreys' extrapolation!).

As for your attempted refutation of the evidence regarding the decay in the energy of earth's magnetic
field, it seems that your checking seems to have been about as superficial as your reading of the
introduction to the article. Indeed the article by Dr Sarfati that I linked to covers the reversals of Earth's
magnetic field and links to papers by Dr Humphreys (note spelling) that deal with this in detail. Not only
are magnetic reversals accounted for in Dr Humphreys' papers, but he successfully predicted evidence
for rapid reversals, which was found three years later (contrary to expections based on the usual
secular deep-time dynamo-model thinking). So, not only are reversals not "annoying", they are a nice
confirmation of Dr Humphreys' model.

Furthermore, if you had actually done any of your own research, rather than just Googling for an
Internet blogger's 'refutation' you would know that the evidence for rapid reversals was found in lava
flows at Steens Mountain in southern Oregon, USA; not "from aboriginal sites, that is, only from
Australia", etc.

Furthermore (again!), sea-floor magnetic striations are actually evidence for a young-Earth time-frame
(you would also know this if you had read the linked article).

You have not even read the linked article, let alone the papers that Dr Humphreys has published (your
boast that you did your 'research' in a mere 20 minutes shows that you did not even read and digest
the papers that are readily available on the Internet, let alone the ones that might take a visit to a

You commented, "I was overwhelmed by the very long list of evidences." Yes, and the one you cherry-
picked to criticize remains intact.

Gabriel L., Brazil, 12 September 2012

I'm a brazilian Physics student who already participated in the World Physics Olympiad and I made research in
Dark Matter at Weizmann. I loved this article and I'm translating to portuguese to use here in Brazil (with your

Don Batten responds 15/31
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Thanks for getting involved to help, Gabriel. Be aware that this article is not static. As knowledge
increases, some arguments strengthen and some weaken, and stronger arguments come along that can
replace weaker arguments. That is the nature of this topic. So it is always a 'work in progress'. Look for
the "Last updated" date just before the readers' comments.

Matt S., United Kingdom, 10 September 2012

This is hilarious. No peer reviews at all, and full of pseudo-science. I won't bother trying to post links to disprove
this, anyone who reads this and believes it does so because they want to believe it, not because of your
'scientific evidence'. I have book-marked this to show my nerdier friends. Thanks for the laughs!

Don Batten responds

"Hilarious"? Thomas Jefferson: "Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us."

"No peer reviews at all"? This is what boxers call "Leading with your chin." You did not read very far did
you? The very first evidence listed is squarely based upon this mainstream, peer-reviewed paper: Fish,
S.A., et al., Recovery of 16S ribosomal RNA gene fragments from ancient halite, Nature
417(6887):432436, 2002 (and there are other peer-reviewed papers cited). If you care to read the
other articles linked, you will find that probably every one of them references 'peer-reviewed' articles as
their basis (not that this is a guarantee of scientific rigour, as numerous examples of scientific fraud,
especially in evolutionary papers, demonstrate).

"I won't bother trying to post links to disprove this"; IOW, you can't disprove any of it, so you will resort
to bluff (and please don't send a link to a gutter atheist website; you will have to show some personal
effort to engage the arguments to merit posting).

It is the very nature of such a compilation of evidence that it is not peer reviewed as such, but each of
the points is clearly based on peer-reviewed work.

" ... anyone who reads this and believes it does so because they want to believe it". Perhaps you are
not open to the strong evidence here because you don't want to believe it? (it cuts both ways). Whether
you or anyone else believes it or not is beside the point; the important question is, 'Is it true?'

"I have book-marked this to show my nerdier friends. Thanks for the laughs!" Perhaps your "nerdier
friends" will be more open to engage the evidence than you are; be careful!

Andrew B., United Kingdom, 7 September 2012

It seems no matter how much evidence of a young earth you throw at some people, they will stick dogmatically
to their arbitary belief in billions of years. The ever increasing rescue devices of assumption piled onto
assumption in order to keep this myth alive is becoming untenable.

R. D., United Kingdom, 6 September 2012

This is a very useful article to use as a reference point for refuting interpretations of evidence for an ancient
Earth \ Darwinism, but I have to say I'm not quite in agreeance with the subtitle. Most of the examples given
are not "evidences for a young Earth", just evidence against the naturalistic stories which are routinely peddled
to prove an ancient Earth and corrsponding Darwinism. DNA in dinosaur fossils, for example - all this
demonstrates is that the fossils are not ancient (i.e., questions the interpretation of the geological column), it
says nothing about the age of the Earth. Oil and opals forming quickly; this just shows that the deposits are not
necessarily as ancient as the naturalists' story-telling presumes. Radiocarbon in "ancient" coal, wood and
diamonds merely disproves the nonsense that these particular things are even 1\20th of a million years old,
never mind over a billion in some cases.

We can use known facts of science to debunk the nonsense of the Theory of Evolution (Law of Biogenesis,
mutations being unable to generate new genetic information, etc.), and we can also use the fossil record for this 16/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

purpose. But I contend that we cannot use any form of science to say anything much about the age of the
Earth. But for the chronogeneologies recorded in Genesis (particularly 5 and 11), no-one, Bible-believer or
otherwise, would have the foggiest idea how old the Earth was. Uniformitarian assumptions can always be
disproved - using both naturalistic and supernaturalistic starting axioms. But ultimately, the Bible is the only
conclusive means of knowing the age of the Earth, and most of the pieces collated by this article are not aimed
at proving a young Earth scientifically, but at debunking contra-Bible, naturalism-based claims.

I feel a more appropriate subtitle would be "101 reasons to accept the Biblical account of the age of the Earth".

Don Batten responds

I agree. These points were actually made in the introduction:

"Also, a number of the evidences, rather than giving any estimate of age, challenge the assumption of
slow-and-gradual uniformitarianism, upon which all deep-time dating methods depend."


"Science is based on observation, and the only reliable means of telling the age of anything is by the
testimony of a reliable witness who observed the events. The Bible claims to be the communication of
the only One who witnessed the events of Creation: the Creator himself. As such, the Bible is the only
reliable means of knowing the age of the earth and the cosmos. See The Universes Birth Certificate and
Biblical chronogenealogies (technical). In the end we believe that the Bible will stand vindicated and
those who deny its testimony will be confounded."

In this Internet era, where we are trying to maximize the number of people who find an article, titles
are chosen with this in mind (so we use words in the title/subtitle that people will be searching for).

Dave C., United States, 5 September 2012

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this page...It is refreshing to see this information in a manner in which it can be understood,
and I especially love the Witty rebuttals to refutations.

ian S., United Kingdom, 5 September 2012

i find it funny that people are blaming you for doing exactly what the evolution lie has been doing from the
start. they have created time scale, tables and charts to suit their opinion, and have also constantly adjusted
these, proving there is zero science in these Theories. evolution is just a religion for those who choose not to
believe in a creator. the Word of God has NEVER changed, and is still being proved right by real science today!!!

Denis W., Australia, 5 September 2012

I too like Ryland R. am gobsmacked by the weight of evidence supplied in your articles, and find it hard to take
it all in, but am happy that it is available to the most intellectual of readers. I read recently Christopher
Hitchens, leading but now deceased atheist, expressed one of his greatest concerns was that so many even
more intellectual people than him believe in a supreme creator, our one and only God, something that also
worries Dawkins and Hawking.

Guy W., United States, 4 September 2012

Why doesn't God just tell us in person?

Don Batten responds

If a company boss issued written instructions about something and an employee refused to believe it
unless the boss came in person to tell him/her, what would you think of that? What would the boss
think? 17/31
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But God has told us 'in person' when he came as Jesus Christ, as a man, and you can find the written
record of what he said in the New Testament part of the Bible. Jesus authenticated the Old Testament
as God-inspired and from there we can ascertain the age of creation, by the historical method.

Hebrews 1:2-3 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all
things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact
imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification
for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,...

We are called to follow Him.

Rylan R., United States, 4 September 2012

I love your witty and logical answers to the ninnies who are hoping evolution is true so they don't have to face
God when they died. Most of what was said in the article was above my head. My most convincing argument
that evolution is false is because God changed my life completely. He took away the hate and gave me love. He
took away the guilt and gave me peace.

Mat H., United Kingdom, 31 August 2012

Hi, I understand that if you're not a scientist then it's diffficut to differentiate the good and bad models. The
dynamo is the best model for the core, which is basically a conducting fluid, so it makes sense to model it as
such. So we are left with looking at magnetohydrodynamics (MHD).

Barnes model used an obsolute model for the core of the Earth and has not stood the test of time, so from the
very basic pronciples of his models.

So you to your claim that dynamo theory is "as old as the hills" is incorrect and flies in the face of current
scientific research.

For some more reading on the whole physics of the Earth's core is "An introduction to magnetohydrodynamics"
by P.A. Davidson where he has a whole chapter on geo-magnetism.

Don Batten responds

Dynamo theory goes back to at least 1919 (Lamor), so I stand by my hyperbole "as old as the hills".

Dynamo theory is not just about the core being a conducting fluid (actually the outer core only), but
that the rotation of Earth imparts kinetic energy to the fluid, and combined with complex convection
currents maintains an electric current and so a magnetic field over billions of years (with cyclic

This is "the best model"? It is the only model that has any hope of explaining a long-term magnetic
field, so this reasoning is circular (assuming the long ages, the dynamo model is 'best'). However, even
today it has not been numerically modelled successfully.

The work referred to here was done by physicist Dr Russell Humphreys, who has developed Barnes'
model. Details of the latest work can be found here: Earths Magnetic Field Is Decaying Steadilywith a
Little Rhythm. All measurements of Earth's magnetic field fit with a rapid decay that suggests a young
age for the earth.

The Barnes/Humphreys model also provided accurate predictions of other planetary magnetic fields; the
dynamo model did not (the dynamo model cannot explain the presence of magnetic fields in 'cold'
moons and planets lacking a fluid core). It also provided the basis for predicting rapid localized
reversals (unlike dynamo theory).

I suggest that if you think you know more about the physics of planetary magnetism than Dr
Humphreys that you take it up with him. 18/31
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Mat H., United Kingdom, 31 August 2012

Regarding the magnetic field argument, you know that the current best model for the core of the is that of a
dynamo and with that, you can get the concept of a pole reversal of the magnetic field and that is what you see
with the decay of the field.

Don Batten responds

Please read the linked articles before commenting! The dynamo theory is 'as old as the hills' and does
not explain rapid reversals or rapid decay. If you had read the linked articles you would understand that
it is decay in the total energy of the magnetic field that is under discussion, which has nothing to do
with the direction of the field. Note particularly the box titled "Addendum: Answering sceptical
objections" in The earths magnetic field: evidence that the earth is young.

Jeffrey P., New Zealand, 27 August 2012

Thank you for a very enlightening article. From an early begining I was a beliver in evolution. Your articles have
continued to show that the path I now take is the correct one. Too much scientific data relies on things always
being the same and for rates of decay/erosion to have remained the same. I now can see the young age of the
Earth to be close to the truth. All of the articles you have published plus others I have had the opportunity to
read show the errors in the Earth being billions of years old. Thank you for your work.

O. O., Turkey, 10 August 2012

I will never be able to understand atheism. Even if the world is old, even if the evolution is true, you still have
the same problem: THERE IS STILL A GOD! But I can't understand how lots of scientist still defend the theory,
and say there is no god. I will never understand.

Don Batten responds

Cosmic evolution is purely materialistic; there is no need or room for the supernatural. Furthermore, it
contradicts the Bible's history, which is the basis for salvation in Jesus Christ - where Adam brought the
curse of death and suffering into the world through his sin/rebellion against God and Jesus Christ, "the
last Adam" (1 Cor. 15), overcomes sin and death through paying for the price of our sin and being
raised from the dead, demonstrating his power over sin and death.

Lynda S., United Kingdom, 9 August 2012

Thank you. I have been debating with atheists about the age of the earth and keep finding myself in a corner
because of my lack of specific knowledge in certain areas. This article is not only helpful in extending my
understanding, but also encouraging to an embattled apologist.

Rob B., Canada, 6 August 2012


SCIENTISTS WHEN THEY FIND THE TRUTH. Polonium's Halo's half life IS the smoking gun! The earth formed in
under 3 minutes with intervention. TEST AT ANY LAB ON ANY GRANITE/ROCK ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Now
try and hide that Scientific Evidence!

Don Batten responds

Polonium halos are indeed powerful evidence against old earth ideas, but research has moved the
argument on since some claimed that they were evidence of instant creation of the Earth. 'Orphan'
halos are found in granites formed during/after the Flood of Noah. They are evidence for rapid decay of
uranium to polonium as well as rapid formation of the granites. See Radiohalos: Startling evidence of
catastrophic geologic processes on a young earth. 19/31
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S. M., United States, 1 August 2012

I would like to point some of the critics to a non-believer's writings in evolutionary biology and the fallacies
contained within: Getting Over the Code Delusion. I realize that other websites are not generally posted, but
this is one that pokes massive, giant holes in both the ideology of current evolution theory as well as the
scientific community behind it.

Anyway, thanks for keeping up the good fight. It is something that the world needs more of!

Don Batten responds

This is a very interesting article that does indeed (indirectly) raise serious problems for the simplistic
evolutionist idea that mutations (accidental changes) in DNA bases ('letters') changed microbes into
microbiologists. Thanks. However, one criticism is that, as a throw-away remark, the author perpetuates
the myth that humans and chimps share 98-99% of their DNA. Not so. Proper comparison since the
publication of the chimp genome shows as much as little as 70% similarity. The April 2012 Journal of
Creation has two papers on this topic, accessible to subscribers only until April 2013.

Sarah B., United States, 24 July 2012

96. Human population growth. You are assuming that human populations should always be growing. Humans,
like other organisms, are subject to population size limits based upon carrying capacity, which is determined by
the quantity of resources available. Humans (like other relatively large mammals) would have lived at low
population densities until the agricultural revolution about 10k years ago. The increase in available food allowed
for an expansion of population size. Humans stabilized at this higher population density until the industrial
revolution in the 1800s. Since then, population size has been increasing as a result of greater availability of food
(as well as medical care). There is no reason to assume that human population size would have always been
increasing, any more than we should assume that rabbit populations have always increased. The history of
human population growth mirrors that of other species when their carrying capacity increases.

97. Where are all the people? As indicated above, there weren't that many. Moreover, the VAST majority of dead
bodies (of plants, rabbits, humans, whatever) decay rather than fossilize. You might as well ask where all the
rabbit skeletons are. Decayed. Recycled into the soil. There's no mystery here. For a dead body to fossilize, it
needs to be located in conditions that prevent rapid decay. It's more astonishing to me that we have SO MANY
well preserved members of our ancestry.

98-101. With regard to your concern about why various cultural developments ('civilization,' writing, agriculture,
etc.) appeared to occur so late in human history and to arise close to each other in time, I recommend reading
'Guns, Germs, and Steel' by Jared Diamond. It's a fascinating account of why cultural advancements occurred
when and where they did.

Evolution is beautiful. Embrace our connectedness with nature and our kinship with so many other beautiful
organisms. It doesn't mean that God doesn't exist. Millions of people who accept evolution are also devoutly

Don Batten responds


You need to actually read the linked articles, which cover your objections. For example, I did not
"assume that human population size would always have been increasing". Likewise with the humans
skeletons and artefacts.

I would not recommend Jared Diamond to anyone; as a vitriolic atheist he is hardly an impartial writer.
Indeed he uses such trickery as equivocation to hoodwink readers into agreeing with him on evolution;
see, for example: Evolution under (or wool over?) our eyes. 20/31
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"Evolution is beautiful" and compatible with being "devoutly religious"? Not according to the philosopher
of science, Professor David Hull: Evolutions God diabolical.

People can believe all sorts of contradictory things, but it is clear that it is not possible to believe the
Bible as it is meant to be understood and also evolution (which is about how everything came to be
without God, including even belief in God, according to your own Jared Diamond, even!). And I take it
that your very own unbelief drives your 'love' of evolution. See: Who's who of evolutionists.

M. L., Australia, 22 July 2012

Thanks for the info! Really helpful. Glory to God.

Also, does anyone else think that the world just doesn't look millions of years old?

Jonathan Sarfati responds

Indeed, see The earth: how old does it look? Even many of those who believe that the earth is young
think that it looks old. But does it?

Daniel H., United States, 22 July 2012

I agree with this page, but [a gutter atheist website] has a supposed refutation if this page, would you shed
some light on it? They make the claims that you "quote mine" information on some of the examples.

Don Batten responds

Quote mining is a common resort of God-haters when they have no argument. If you have an example
that you have investigated where you agree that we have misrepresented someone in the way we have
quoted their work, then please give me the details of this. I can then check that particular example and
fix it if necessary. We do not wish to misrepresent anyone (what would be the point of that?). There is
plenty of good evidence for a young world/universe without resorting to deceit (and the Bible enjoins
Christians to be truthful whereas there is no compelling reason for atheists not to tell lies as there is no
objective moral code in atheism). For more on the way God-haters use the ruse of quote mining, see
Objection 5 in 15 QuestionsResponse 1.

eric R., United Kingdom, 15 July 2012

The currently accepted calculation of the solar systems age is derived from comparing lead-206, a daughter
isotope of uranium-238, to lead-207, a daughter isotope of uranium-235. This is the current wisdom used by
the science community, from which we can then derive the age of the Earth. These calculations can not be taken
in isolation as they supported by other known principals.

You on the other hand appear to use as your source a book that was written around 2000 years ago describing
events surrounding a man for which there is little or no contemporary evidence, with most of the 'evidence' for
the events described in the bible all being written many years after the events took place,. Even accepting the
events happened as written there is no proof that the man in question, Jesus, was any more the son of god as
my next door neighbour.

It is extraordinary that every university in the world other than those that are faith based, that run courses on
cosmology and evolutionary biology are all in agreement on two key points. They all agree on how we evolved
from an ancestor that was common to both humans and modern apes and they all agree that the earth is
around 4.7 bn years old.

If you were able to forget for a few moments who you were and conducted a thought experiment and carefully
considered the evidence I wonder what conclusion you would really reach?

Tas Walker responds 21/31
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All age calculations are based on assumptions and you can get any age you like depending on the
assumptions you make. Find the review of "The Dating Game" (by Cherry Lewis) on to see
how ages are chosen to agree with the philosophy of the researchers.

Your comment about every university simply shows that they are all working according to the same
philosophy (all are "faith based", just different faiths). You owe it to yourself to break free from the one-
sided approach you have been fed. It has huge implications for your view of your life, why you are here,
and how you should live.

Regarding Jesus, there is abundant evidence that he was/is the Son of God. Please see articles on the
Jesus Q&A page. (That you raise objections to Jesus here, when this article does not mention Him
specifically, underlines the fact that the age of the earth is really 'about God' for you, as it was for
Hutton and Lyell, who gave impetus to the idea of deep time).

I won't deal with the other issues you raise because there are lots of articles on this site that address
each of them. I'd encourage you to used the search box on the site with relevant key words. You will
soon discover that things are not all the way you have been told and I hope it helps you find a new
outlook on life.

Eric R., United Kingdom, 15 July 2012

Its very difficult to comment on a website like this where the underlying motive is to squeeze the square peg of
religion into the round hole of truth regarding the origins of not only the earth but the universe itself. I would
refute all of the evidence you put forward to support the notion of the earth being 6000 years old. It makes a
mockery of science. I live in Scotland where rocks are fond that show we were once joined to North America.
The rocks contain salterella that is a small shelly fossil found only in Lower Cambrian rocks in NW Scotland and
North America. We broke apart some 60 million years ago and have been drifting apart ever since. For us to
have moved 3000 miles in 6000 years just beggars belief. I think someone may have noticed the continents
moving at some 0.5 miles every year.

If we just examine for a moment the very matter that we and our earth is made from. All the elements other
than Hydrogen, Helium, some Lithium and Beryllium were produced by Nuclear reactions inside long dead
during their life cycle prior to them going super nova and spreading these elements across the cosmos forming
vast clouds of material that eventually condensed out forming our solar system. The evidence for the standard
model of the formation of our solar system is quite robust There are many pieces of evidence to support the
Nebular Hypothesis:

1. All planets lie on the same plane, and orbit the sun in the same direction

2. The outer planets are composed mostly of volatiles, ices and gases, while the inner planets are rocky

3. The solar system contains rocky asteroids and icy comets

4. disks of gas and dust, called "protoplanetary disks" have been observed around young stars.

To say all this happened some 6000 years ago is nothing short of preposterous and contradicts much of the
scientific basis of our current knowledge. The same knowledge that

recently found the Higgs particle. This was only found after years of looking for evidence to support the
standard model that predicted the existence of such a particle and has been proved to be one of the most
robust theories other than evolution. For your young earth theory to be be correct it would contradict much of
what the standard model says about the very matter we are all composed of.

I see no evidence that you have employed a robust scientific method to arrive at your conclusion. Instead you
started with an answer and you have proceeded to look for facts that you can bend to suit your views.

Why not try looking at the evidence and in the true spirit of science question your own position rather than
cherry picking and distorting 'facts' to fit your view of the world. 22/31
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Tas Walker responds

Hi Eric. Actually, you do the same thing. Everyone does. They start with the answer and interpret the
world according to their worldview. Your surprise at the approach of this site, evident in your feedback,
is because you have not thought enough about these ideas. I suggest you search this website
( on the various issues that you have raised. Try key words such as: "plate tectonics",
"nebular hypothesis", "operation historical science", "higgs boson", and "worldview". You will discover
that some of the ideas that you have assumed to be rock solid are not that way at all. All the best.

April N., United States, 9 July 2012

It's so silly when I hear people present the same old "science" that is based off of circular reasoning and false
assumptions! If people would just take a deeper look, they will realize the belief in evolution requires a lot more
faith than the belief in the Bible. Praying that people will be un-brainwashed with this site. :)

April N., United States, 9 July 2012

Thank you for this! It's always easy to show evidence that debunks evolution, but people like to see evidence
FOR Creation as well. :) This was very good, I must send it to all my contacts!

Peter H., Canada, 5 July 2012

I am not a scientist, but as a trained geographer, (1) I believe in presentation of information based on
thoughtful and logical consideration and (2) I did an instant doubletake when I saw the location of John S. (16
June comment) given as Bouvet Island. Thank you, Dr. Batten, for not letting him get away with what he
possibly assumed that most people would not recognise as being foolish. Can he possibly think that this
foolishness would make his comment more valuable or acceptable???

But I appreciated your reply to him, especially the part about "the academic majority who are running away
from God." This is indeed fundamental to the understanding of, and reactions to, the whole question of
accepting or rejecting God's own witness about His handiwork.

Jerdan S., United States, 5 July 2012

The fact that God is evident in the way the material and responses are presented is absolutely wonderful. I also
appreciate your knowledge of the fallacies of arguing and how to structure your argument as to not invalidate it.
I pray that the Truth will prevail and I thank you CMI and it's authors for the enlightening experience. I look
forward to reading more as this "debate" develops.

Psalm 1 (NIV)

1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the
company of mockers, 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not
witherwhatever they do prospers.

Nick K., Canada, 29 June 2012

This is all well and good, but all the links and citations only direct back within this very site. Whether I, you or
anyone else believes in creationism or science or whatever is irrelevant - you need to link outside sources in
order to be credible.

A self-contained site can write anything they want, true or not, and call it a day. A site that refers to several
sources, studies, and external references is a lot more reliable.

Sorry, I can't believe in anything on this site when every link inside it goes within :/ Hopefully you
can find some objective material out there to either rationally support or disprove your theories, and then link it 23/31
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back here!

And remember, the point here isn't to find articles specifically tailored to support your claim - that gives you a
huge bias. The point is to find objective evidence of WHAT REALLY HAPPENED, creation or no :)

Thanks for the write-up, looking forward to things with more outside links!

Don Batten responds

Others have made the same point, which has been answered repeatedly (above): read the linked
articles and you will find the external sources. For example, just look at #1 in the 101: the
article linked from this has 50% of the references to outside (and secular) sources. Now look at #2; the
first linked article cites 11/11 (100%) external sources. It's hard to get more than 100%. :-) Clearly, it
does not take much effort to find the "external references".

Scott M., New Zealand, 17 June 2012


Don Batten responds

"Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us." Thomas Jefferson.

Barny S., United Kingdom, 16 June 2012

This is absolutely ridiculous. As an Oceanographer and Hydrographer I can say with 100% certainty that the
"information" contained in this web page is biased and completely misconstrued to show an unscientific view of
the world. Unless you cite PEER REVIEWED papers the scientific and educated public in general will continue to
laugh you into non existence.

Don Batten responds

1. 100% certainty? That does not sound very scientific; because of the inductive nature of science, it
can only deal with probabilities, not certainties.

2. Elephant hurling does not constitute a reasoned response, but an informal fallacy.

3. Your argument from authority is another informal fallacy. And just how many of the 101 evidences
would an oceanographer and hydrographer (someone who maps bodies of water) be qualified in

4. Peer review? Probably all the 101 points are based on peer reviewed papers at some point. If you
care to read the linked articles and note the sources you will find them. But peer review is no guarantee
of truth or an excuse for refusing to consider an argument. See: Creationism, Science and Peer Review.

5. Your ridicule is an indication of a lack of reasoned counter-argument. Resort is had to ridicule only
when reason is against us. Thomas Jefferson

John S., Bouvet Island, 16 June 2012

I'm no scientist and I'm not sure exactly how peer review works, but has an article clearly stating all of the
things stated here and drawing the same conclusions ever been published in a major independent scientific
journal? If so, which one(s) and can you provide links.

Don Batten responds

I am a scientist and I do know how peer review works and it is no guarantee of accuracy. It does ensure
that work toes the line of scientific orthodoxy, such that maverick ideas, upon which progress depends, 24/31
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are difficult to get published. This is especially so when they also point to the truthfulness of the Bible's
history. This is forbidden knowledge to the academic majority who are running away from God. This is
not the sort of catch-all review article that would be published by any peer reviewed journal, including
creationist ones such as the Journal of Creation. However, if you care to read the linked articles you will
usually find peer-reviewed sources of the information upon which the arguments are based. You just
have to exert a bit of mental effort to see if the arguments stack up. Ceding your right to think to 'peer
review' is not a sensible thing to do. See also: Creationism, Science and Peer Review.

BTW, I somehow doubt that you live on Bouvet Island (a condition of commenting is that you give a
genuine name and location).

Sean H., United Kingdom, 14 June 2012

I've rarely read anything so stupid in my life. Is it any wonder we laugh at the United States?

Absolutely idiotic.

Don Batten responds

"Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us." Thomas Jefferson.

You ridicule the article as being American, but the author is an Australian. Furthermore, the United
States leads the world by a 'country mile' in scientific output, even on a per capita basis, so maybe the
high level of belief in biblical creation there actually helps science. Indeed it was the basis for the
development of modern science. Godless thinking ultimately leads to futility (Romans 1:21).

J J., United Kingdom, 8 June 2012

In response to 98, the 'length of recorded history' may be around 5,000 years, but there is overwhelming
evidence for much earlier human existence, through stone tools, cave paintings and the like, which the linked-to
article acknowledges and does not attempt to refute. Also writing is not a necessary part of human society, and
it certainly didn't develop everywhere 'all about the same time'. The islanders of Tahiti, for example, had a
purely spoken language until they encountered Westerners in the nineteenth century. In response to 97, we
might as well ask where are all the animals from the last 5000 years? Although there have been large numbers
of burials found all over the world from about 40,000 years ago at the latest, bodies break down very quickly in
most conditions, even when buried. Even before radiocarbon dating stratigraphic evidence led to most of the
Church accepting the evidence for man's antiquity in the mid-nineteenth century. Human history is just not
consistent with a young earth.

Don Batten responds

When someone twists what was written, you know that they know that they are in a weak position. I
did not say that "writing is a necessary part of human society" or that it developed "everywhere"
about the same time.

Also, it is not just human bodies, which it was pointed out have been widely buried, unlike animals, but
also human artefacts. Did you actually read the articles, or just skim them looking for loopholes?

As for the supposed evidence for older existence of humans, that's what this article is about; lots of
evidence to the contrary. But it was not evidence that hoodwinked the 19th century churchmen, but the
ascendancy of the uniformitarian paradigm. See James Hutton and the overthrow of biblical authority.
This seems to have been presaged in 2 Peter 3 (scoffers saying "in the last days" that "all things are
continuing as they were from the beginning").

Roger S., United States, 7 June 2012 25/31
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This might possibly be the dumbest thing I've ever read. If all of this [expletive deleted] is true why can't it
stand up to peer review in the scientific community?

Don Batten responds

As I have said before (above), if you care to read the linked articles you will find the peer-reviewed
sources for nearly all of the points. But such hiding behind under skirts of peer review is really an
excuse for refusing to engage the arguments. Appealing to 'consensus science', which is effectively
what you argue with your appeal to 'peer review' impedes scientific discoveries; see: Michael Crichton
on scientific consensus. But when it comes to historical 'science', which the age of the earth is, it is
driven by philosophy, not evidence. The philosophy (of naturalism - 'no intelligence allowed') is almost
never questioned in 'mainstream' peer review. A former president of Harvard was scathing of the
approach to historical science, calling the outcome a "fantasia which is neither history nor science".

Michael M., United States, 29 May 2012

After reading the article, which I did like very much, on young earth and old earth facts, I can't help but notice
some of the comments that have been posted against the article. I have noticed, as I do my own research on
the subject, how defensive and upset people get when someone tries to argue on the subject. Those people end
up being the "Evolutionists", or people in support of an old earth. I don't think they realize the magnitude of
their argument. They want to so badly be right about their world belief, that they don't realize what is at stake
with their argument. Do they really want to be right? Do they want a world where everyone has no hope?
Where all we are, are supposed chemical accidents? Love is the greatest bond of humanity. There is no love in
primordial soup. There is only love that is created from a god that loves. Do you think man invented love?
Generally I guess people do suppress the truth in unrighteousness. Even if you do not believe, yet, read Romans
1 and try to remember that it was written approximately 2000 years ago. (Without radiocarbon testing).

Benjamin K., Norway, 15 May 2012

Great stuff! Thank you so much for all the work you are putting into this.

God bless you!

Chris M., Australia, 15 May 2012

Brilliant, love the article. What I love more is reading CMIs replies to the anti creation comments. You guys
clearly have the wisdom of God. I love your work!

Gary A., Australia, 14 May 2012

Thanks for the article, although some of the 101 facts were a bit above my understanding. I think people should
just stop and smell the roses so to speak, the wonder and beauty of the creation itself speaks of a Creator how
much more do people need to be convinced?

Jessica F., United States, 13 May 2012

Although I can say that I don't understand everything stated from this article, I do know that even as a child in
science class I was shocked to hear that the Universe and Earth were billions of years old and my closest family
member is a monkey. It is completely absurd to think that a human with all of the intricate body systems and
capabilities evolved from a line of organisms that have nothing significantly or observationally in common. I
have been researching the arguments and evidence findings of Young Earth and Old Earth scientists and the
side that I find most often leaving the topic of science and hatefully and illogically defending their point of view
are the Old earth traditional evolution believing scientists. I just took a microbiology class where in the text it
would actually have little inserts about a bacteria and fungus mutually existing and how that supports evolution
theory...WHAT? If that's the little evidence Evolutionists have to support their theory I think I will put my trust
in the Holy God who performs miracles and wonders witnessed by many each and every day. 26/31
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Daniel H., United States, 26 April 2012

Thanks for the lovely fairy tale. I hope your wonderful thinktank will soon converge the theories of santa clause
and paul bunyan so that babe the blue ox can lead santa's sleigh next christmas eve!

Don Batten responds

"Resort is had to ridicule only when reason is against us." Thomas Jefferson

Joshua F., United States, 5 April 2012

It's ironic that you accuse me of using the argument from authority, but then use the exact same argument in
support of Don Batten in your comment to Paul C.

Creationists love the argument from authority, as seen here: Creation scientists.

The argument from authority is a poor argument to support any position, however, it should speak to reason
that if 99% of scientists in biology support evolution, and 99% of physicists support radiometric dating, and
99% of geologists support an old earth, maybe that should trigger you consider why the vast majority of
scientists disagree with the creationist viewpoint. Are the thousands of scientists at hundreds of universities in
dozens of countries, having published hundreds of thousands of articles over a dozen decades, all getting
together to promote a giant conspiracy against a specific literal interpretation of an iron age origin story, or do
you think they might be on to something?

Jonathan Sarfati responds

It would help if you actually read the article I referred to: The fallacy of arguing from authority, since
that answers your objection. Neither the Creation scientists page nor my support of Dr Batten was in
that category. Rather, as explained, these are to refute those who claim that no real scientist believes in
creation. Check out also the No True Scientist fallacy.

About trying to decide truth by majority vote, its hard to improve on Michael Crichton on consensus

It's also hard to take consensus seriously when its reached by counting heads, which themselves
reached their opinion by counting heads. When it comes to actual evidence, the trail runs cold. For
example, we see a great evolutionary paleo-ornithologist defend evolution, and instead of fossil birds,
he gives us corn changing into corn! Of course, this is just variation within a kind, as the biblical model

If you have any proof that the literal (or rather, the plain or grammatical historical) interpretation of
Genesis is wrong, lets hear it! But before you answer with some sort of post-modern nonsense, please
first check out Is biblical interpretation infallible, and does it matter?

Jennifer W., United States, 5 April 2012

If there was one article attached to any of these claims that was not linked to your own website, then your
claims might have some weight. You have one agenda, while scientists have an agenda for truth. Also, just
because the author of this article has published in peer-reviewed journals before doesn't mean that any of the
claims made here are in those journals. Why aren't they? Because they get shot down due to complete
nonsense and conjecture. If you want to make a claim that a certain method is not "the most accurate" then
make it, but it does not then cause "your idea" to be right. You have to prove "your idea" with EVIDENCE.
Remember the scientific method?

Don Batten responds 27/31
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Funny: others accuse us of 'quote mining' and you accuse us of not citing external literature! You did
not read very far if you did not find the articles from mainstream literature that are the source of much
of the evidence. Clearly the authors of many of these papers do not agree with us and were not overtly
publishing evidence for a young earth. Rather, the evidence published was inadvertant, but nevertheless

You need to deal with the evidence presented, not hide behind claims about peer review (the Journal of
Creation is peer reviewed) and unsupported abuse ("complete nonsense"), etc.

Paul C., United States, 5 April 2012

All you people are drinking from the Jim Jones punchbowl! All the scientific data listed here was compiled by
creationists for the benefit of this propaganda piece. Dinosaurs lived with people? If anyone who agrees with
this dribble can produce independently peer-reviewed data regarding the crap in this article, I wanna see it. This
is an insult to real science!

Jonathan Sarfati responds

Why would we want to drink from a punchbowl of one of your fellow atheists? Yes, Jim Jones is listed in
10 People who Give Atheism a Bad Name [
bad-name/] as one who took the church and used the church to bring people to atheism. (Also, for the
record, it was actually poisoned Flavor Aid, not Kool-Aid or punch.)

Note that the author is a real Ph.D. scientist with many publications in secular journals. See also
Creationism, Science and Peer Review.

So would you like try again, but with real arguments rather than a fact-free tirade?

Colin R., Japan, 4 April 2012

I am concerned at the misleading information and conclusions presented here. For example the speed of coastal
erosion does not support a young earth. All it shows is that the softer coastlines can erode rapidly. In fact other
areas of coast gain material and beaches are formed or become larger. And what about ancient or ice-age
coastlines for which there is huge evidence?

Tas Walker responds

Coastal erosion is an example of a geological process that is far more rapid than expected from the
slow-and-gradual geological philosophy. If you look at the map of coastal erosion in the USA in the
article on coastal erosion, virtually the entire coastline has severe or moderate erosion. Very little is
shown as stable.

The effects of changing sea level in the past mean that this method is not particularly conducive to
calculating a specific age. However, the speed of erosion graphically illustrates that the geological
processes could not have been going on for tens of millions of years, or more.

Timothy B., United States, 4 April 2012

Reading this reminds me watching kids explain something to other kids that neither of them understand.

You use a lot of science-sounding words, but you really don't have a clue about what you are talking about.

But that is ok. You gave me a good laugh.

Don Batten responds

I'm sorry that you did not understand it. Perhaps we need to write an "Age of the Earth for Dummies"
article. :-) 28/31
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Joshua F., United States, 4 April 2012

I am also a chemist, and will speak to radiocarbon dating listed here. Carbon-14 found in coal, oil, and fossil
wood may be generated by nearby uranium deposits producing carbon 14 from nitrogen 14. Thus, new carbon
14 is being formed, long after the organism has died. When measuring carbon 14 in any sample, we scientists
need to take into account any contamination the sample may have been exposed to, including uranium. Thats
why we double and triple check the age of the samples using a number of different techniques. If we suspect
uranium contamination, we can test that hypothesis, and if found, we can throw out carbon dating as a reliable
technique for dating that particular sample. Science wins on consilience, the jumping together of many
different forms of analysis, methods, techniques, and studies. If you would read the articles you cite, you would
find the authors have very good explanations for why some of the radiometric dates don't match what we think
they ought to be.

Jonathan Sarfati responds

I am a chemist too, so an argument from authoritysuch as we scientistswont work on me.

Indeed, I dealt with this very claim in my article Diamonds: a creationists best friend: Objections.

In summary, it would need a neutron flux many orders of magnitude stronger than observed today.
Even more seriously, this theory would predict a very strong correlation between nitrogen content and
14C activity, so high-N samples should be dated far younger. Indeed, this would be serious enough to
invalidate radiocarbon dating completely.

About consilience, the above 101 evidences are very consilient, I would have thought ;)

Mary D., United States, 29 March 2012

Seriously? You people obviously have access to the internet. What kind of filter are you using to eliminate actual
facts and data to this ridiculous extent?

Don Batten responds

Mary has not provided any facts or data to back up her complaint over an article that is actually replete
with them! :-)

Narindra R., Madagascar, 7 March 2012

The 1st time I read this article on November 2011 had me giving up my theistic evolutionist worldview and
thanking God for revealing me that His Word is true from the beginning to the end! I just love what you're
doing, keep up the good work!

D. W., United Kingdom, 2 March 2012

OK - I really tried to understand the argument that you guys have put forward.

I read the article that said either the earth is 6000 years old or the Christian religion is on very shakey ground,
and I followed a link here to find out why you think the earth is 'young'.

There is a huge amount of reading material here! I started with the first bullet point, which was a pretty heafty
article in itself. This passage seems to summarize the main thrust of the argument.

"To recap the cause of the conflict:

One group of chemists insists (with sound reasons) that DNA cant last millions of years.

Another group of scientists has presented solid evidence that they have found DNA in layers which
evolutionists/long-agers believe to be 425 million years old (with sound reasons that the DNA was in the layers 29/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

from the time they formed).

The obvious way to resolve these conflicting views is by realizing that the ages attributed to the layers
containing the salt crystals are in error; the crystals are only thousands of years old!

In short, the presence of DNA in this ancient salt is about as close as one can get to scientific proof that the
millions of years scenario is fiction."

So - to groups of scientists disagree about the validity of some conclusions regarding the age of some DNA, and
this is as close as you've got to a scientific proof that the earth isn't millions of years old!?

I find it a little ironic that your 'proof' that scientists are wrong about the age of the world was based on a
resolution of a conflict between scientists so that they can all be right.

It would be helpful if you highlighted your best five-or-so arguments - the ones that aren't along the lines of
"This obscure reference about something very complicated said this, but this one said this... etc".

Don Batten responds

Occam's razor: prefer the simplest solution to a conundrum. Here is a conundrum that is solved by
realizing that it it the vast ages that is the problem. Clearly DNA cannot last even 1% of that supposed

I'm sorry that you found it difficult to understand.

The best five arguments? And I guess you are asking for the easiest-to-understand ones, too. Try this
subset of 18: Evidences for a young age of the earth and universe.

However, this article (101 evidences ...) is designed to dispense with the false idea that there is not
much evidence for a young creation; there is lots of evidence from many different fields of study.

Tony H., United Kingdom.

Great infothanks, it is very helpful for those of us who are not scientists but believe in the biblical version of a
young earth.

Eric H., Canada

Thank you for the information. I am a chemist, and I can see errors in the theory of a 4.6 billion year old Earth.
Thanks again! Its hard to see geographic evidence for a young earth, or space evidence for a young earth, with
a field in chemistry. I would not be suprised that in a couple of years, evidence will greatly support Creationism
due to more evidence supporting a young earth. I hoped scientists in distantly related fields could work together
to compile evidence for a young earth. And seems like you guys have done that! :D

Joan R., Australia

Thankyou for this helpful information. I am a Christian and a Relief High School Geography Teacher. Praying for
people to give glory to God in what they see in the rocks, plants, animals and human beings.

Jennifer H., United States

This is great! A gal just commented on my blog asking if I could provide some cliff notes on the age of the
earth-this is a great page to start on Thank you! will include links on my blog too and will forward this to her!
Thank you again CMImy home page, and I go to it several times a day because it is THAT useful and
necessary in my daily lifethe CMI site and blueletterbible.

C. C., United States 30/31
8/21/2017 Age of the earth -

I, too, am a chemist, and cant comment on many of the facts you have presented. However, I can comment
on much of the chemistry evidence you have presented, which is not evidence at all, but a complete
misunderstanding of basic science. Radio carbon dating cannot date anything further than approximately 65,000
years due to a dynamic equilibrium found in organic matter. There is a small amount present, and at the
constant decay it exhibits, it can only be accurately measured up to 65,000 years. If more carbon-14 was
present, a longer dating could be measured, but we would die from that much carbon-14 being present (oops).
Furthermore, you dismiss radioisotope dating of ALL kinds UNLESS they support your claims? Thats absolute
hypocrisy and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

The author responds

If you had read any of the references given in the brief points made about carbon dating you would
have seen that there is no misunderstanding on our behalf of the process of carbon-14 dating (please
read the explanation we give here, for example, the first link given: What about carbon dating?)

You have entirely missed the point about the carbon-14 in ancient fossils, coal, etc. The problem is the
presence of carbon-14 in material that is supposedly millions of years old. If they are really millions of
year old, then they could have no carbon-14 present, because of the short half-life of carbon-14 (it
would have all decayed away, even if there were unrealistically large amounts of carbon-14 present
when the fossil formed). This has nothing to do with any dynamic equilibrium found in organic matter;
this is only present while an organism is alive; once it dies or becomes coal or whatever, the carbon-14
just decays, there is no equilibrium. But this is totally irrelevant to the argument.

If more carbon-14 was present, a longer dating could be measured, but we would die from that much
carbon-14 being present (oops). This makes the problem worse for the presence of carbon-14 in things
that are claimed to be millions of year old, if you care to think about it.

Furthermore, you dismiss radioisotope dating of ALL kinds UNLESS they support your claims? Thats
absolute hypocrisy and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Please at least try to follow the logic of the argument, which is that it is the evolutionists who pick and
choose what dating they will accept; it is the evolutionists who are inconsistent. We are not saying that
we accept carbon dates any more than we accept any radiometric date (you cannot measure the age of
something simply by measuring isotopes in the present). Please see this short article by one of our staff
geologists, which explains this: How dating methods work

Abraham S., United States

TIL When proving something I only have to cite myself as the source and not an actual scientific medium to
disprove a large population of scientists on earth. This article is ridiculous.

The author responds

Thanks for commenting, but if you care to read the articles linked from each point you will find the
peer-reviewed sources of the information cited.

Dave S., United States

As someone who was raised from my younger years on the gap theory, I enjoyed this article greatly.

Comments closed
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