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Understanding The Role of Snapchat in Promoting National & International Trade

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IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)

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A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X

Understanding the Role of Snapchat in

Promoting National & International Trade
Dr. Surya Rashmi Rawat1,J. Khyaati Shri2, Miriam Solomon3, Sree Tirumalapeddinti4, Ishmeet
Kaur5, Shreyashreeta Ray6

Symbiosis Law School, Pune, Symbiosis International University

Technology today has revolutionized interpersonal communication. People are more into virtual social networking than face to
face social interactions. Virtual interactions take place in the form of voice calling, video calling, texting, sharing photographs,
opinions etc. The wave of social networking which started with the WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook have simply heralded
the interactions between family and friends. Apart from the existing applications, Snapchat is an upcoming platform that is one
of the latest and most popular forms of communication enabling people to share their daily stories across the globe. A clear
sign of its popularity and extraordinary achievement in a span of only four years, is evident from the fact that there are now
over 150 million Snapchat users, who access the app. Snapchat is being used for increased engagement and creative directions.
Through this paper, the authors have made an attempt to understand the role of Snapchat in promoting national and
international trade. Primary information was collected through a questionnaire survey of 400 individuals from India (Pune,
Hyderabad, Delhi, Gwalior andOdisha) and Dubai. The secondary information was drawn from journals and business websites.

Keywords: Snapchat, Brands, Communication, Marketing, Promotion

The fast development and adoption of online digital technologies had profound impact over the social relationships
through evolution of different social networking sites like Orkut, Facebook, Instagram and now Snapchat, alongside
many others. Snapchat has rightly given meaning to the famous Englishidiom, A picture is worth a thousand words
by offering a platform to share visual stories through pictures and videos, making it a more real-time form of
communication. While it is a mostly personal platform, it also favours mass communication through options like Snap
Stories, Live Stories, Our Story, Story Explorer, Snap Map etc. These in turn enables the users to get an idea of what's
happening all around the world.


In such a world with generations who have a much shorter attention span, advertising and marketing methods should
be much smarter to grab their attention. This in turn implies that in order to get through ads require a shorter message.
This is what Snapchat took into consideration by adopting the idea of 10 second advertisements. In John Ramirezs
words (the CEO of digital marketing firm IOKON Media), If you only have a few seconds to see someones content
before its gone, youre really going to pay attention to that content[1].

It has also been observed that marketing through Snapchat has not only proven to be beneficial to marketers but also to
the consumers. Its unique features enable it to create a more authentic, truthful, honest line of communication beating
the competitors (with their provision of an illusion of perfection). As a result, it was noted that this has inculcated a
sense of brand loyalty amongst the consumers.

All of this has led to a more mobile focused marketing that ensures that the users are engaged, creative, with their
unique features and fun filters, which in turn has achieved significant growth over a period of time counting more than
100 million daily active users.

According to E.GlynnMangolda and David K. Faulsb, 2009 [2] with the advent of internet based online networking, it
is now possible for an individual to speak with a large number of other individuals about anything they wish, be it items

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 22

IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X

or organizations. This in turn has led to a multifold increase of buyer to shopper correspondence in the commercial

Jen Sanfillipos, 2016 [3]observed that the features of Snapchatlike emojis, filters, etc. helpintensify face to face
communication, alongside guiding its users and encouraging them to interact in a different manner. They have also
revolutionized the concept of communication since its launch, from a shift of intimate communication to day to day
happenings around the world.

Jason Abbruzzese, 2016 [4]inferred that the Facebook and Snapchatseem to have elder-younger sibling dynamic. Both
of them have a strong base, fast evolution and almost same demography. Facebook had a seven-year head start and in
any case, has officially experienced the vast majority of ups and downs. He also emphasizes on the evident rivalry
between the two with Snapchat going on to become their biggest competitor.

According toKurt Wagner, 2015[5]roughly 44% (of the 1117 U.S. based Snapchat users) of the millennialc
usingSnapchat to share stories with friends in the age group of 13-24 years use the Live Stories and/or Discover options
on daily basis.

According to Christina Newberry, 2016 [6] over 38% of smartphone users in the age group of 25-34 years and 14% of
the smartphone users above 35 years of age use Snapchat. Gradually the application is becoming more popular in the
age group of 18-24 years. Its rate of penetrationfor this age group is approximately 69%. Amanda Lenhart, 2015
[7]found that according to Snapchats own figures, on an average 41% of people belonging to the age group 18-34
years seems to use the app. According to Douglas Macmillan, 2013[8] approximately 70% of Snapchat users are

Kurt Wagners 2014[9] found that the majority of college students having Snapchat accounts would prefer to open a
snap from a brand that theyve never heard of and 73% believed that they would open a Snap from a brand they would
know. This is positive news for the brands which are already users of Snapchat to engage with customers and hit shows
like HBOs Girls use the series to interact with fans.

According to Paresh Dave and David Pearson, 2015 [10], Snapchatholds a reputable position today in the marketing&
promoting of business in the international platform. The social world clearly believes that Snapchat has a very bright
future ahead. What puts the app above the rest is the fact that it has an estimated 200 million monthly active users and
100 million daily active users.

The primary objectives behind the research were:
1. To understand different modes of communication.
2. To understand the concept of Snapchat.
3. To find the current status of advertisements on Snapchat and their viability.
4. To find out the impact and role of Snapchat over national and international marketing.

The research in hand is based on both primary as well as secondary sources of information. Primary data was collected
through online questionnaire survey of 400 individuals from India (Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, GwaliorandOdisha) and
Dubai. The sample comprised of people from urban India and Dubai hailing mainly from 15 years to 25 years of age as
the literature review and pilot survey inferred that these age groups represent the most active user group of Snapchat.
But the author has also collected data from other age groups i.e., 25 to 40 years and 40 years and above for comparing
and verifying the results. Secondary information was collected from research papers, articles, journals and reference

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 23

IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X


The data analysis and interpretation of the findings have been summarized here under.


42% of the sample actively used Snapchat. Age groups of the sample were 15-25 years, 25-35 years, 35-45 years and 45
years and above respectively in the equal proportion. Reviewing data within the age group revealed that Snapchat as an
application appeals most to people belonging to the age group of 15-25 years.


The sample gave following reasons for using Snapchat.

5.2.1 Platform to share: Snapchat renders a platform to share users daily experiences in the form of pictures, videos,
music and stickers. It was noted that 63.9% of the sample used the app to share videos, pictures or music and 53.2%
also used it to share their daily experiences.

5.2.2 People look for little pleasures of life and this is something that the Snapchat filters are fulfilling through its
playful dog filters and serious Marie Curie filters on International Womens Day and is substantiated with attracting
44% of the sample group to use Snapchat and 58.3% of the same group considering these filters to be the best feature

5.2.3 Snapchat offers a blend of effective communication with fun. Survey revealed that 43.7% of the sample uses it
to stay in touch with friends and family members. 7.5% of the population preferred it because of its speed and user-
friendly features. 19.8% of the sample uses it to find information, both personal and professional. Information available
through Snapchat stories and Discover feature helps users stay updated or assists them in other activities. The
Discover feature being the most unique feature allows users to view content compiled by publishers, brands, etc.,
which means better quality content and better user experience.37.3% of the sample liked this feature the most.14.3% of
them use Snapchat like any other social media account, to get opinions on particular things.

5.2.4 12.7% of Snapchatters use it to make new friends like any other social networking site. 9.9% of the sample use it
for getting updates of others lives. 56.3% found the temporary nature of Snapchat very attractive as this helps in
keeping the privacy of an individual, making it a low stake sharing platform. Furthermore, people prefer the concept of
sharing mundane daily events that wouldnt otherwise make it to other platforms in fear of misappropriation, not
enough likes etc.


Figure 1

71% of the sample group agreed to Snapchat being an effective mode of communication, while 9.4% of them disagreed,
and the rest 19.8% took a neutral stand (Figure 1).

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 24

IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X

This can be substantiated by taking into account that it has a good network to be used to share experiences, photos,
videos with friends and family, being inexpensive, modern and fast in terms of communication, providing a chance to
be up to date with the happenings around the world and being creative with their communication. It does not replace
any other application, and is unique, which adds to its benefit.
From the sample group, 71.7% considered that social-life communication was strongly affected by Snapchat, whereas
9.2% did not agree with the same. The remaining 19.1% chose to remain neutral.


Snapchat has revolutionized modern forms of communication. Since Snapchat is short and sweet, revolving mainly
around pictures, which are the spice of social media along with encouraging non-permanence, the application is
affecting how people communicate with each other. This is further substantiated with 71.7% agreeing that Snapchat
has a substantial effect on social-life communication with only 9.2% disagreeing(Figure 2).

Figure 2


63.5% of the sample group used the Discover option on Snapchat very often, while 22.2% of them used it occasionally
and 14.3% never used it (Figure 3). Discover provides users with a user-friendly mode of being updated on news
related to the categories including fashion, food, world news, world events, etc. available on the application, which call
for a much fun and interesting way of being updated with news, hence, this increases the viewer base for this feature

Figure 3


61.7% of the sample group found the information obtained from Discover informative, whereas 11.2% did not, and
the rest 27.1% took a neutral stand (Figure 4). Considering the perspective of each user, one user may find briefpointers
of certain information to be informative as it can be interpreted easily. While on the other hand, another user may find
the same to be in extensive and detailed to be considered as informative. 61.7% of the sample group which found
Discover to be informative find it so, owing to the fact that it provides information collectively from various sources,
on varied topics ranging from celebrity gossip to tutorials to headline news, which in turn ensures that it caters to

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 25

IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X

multiple needs.

Figure 4


60% of the sample group disagreed with Snapchat advertisements influencing their buying behavior, while 16.7%
differed saying their buying behavior was influenced. The remaining 23.4% chose to remain neutral (Figure 5). This
turnout of responses can be adjudged to the fact that business houses that run advertisements on Snapchat fail to
recognize the consumer attraction need and focus only on trying to send across the idea of the product they are offering,
instead of creating a clear-cut mind for the consumers to buy the product.Further it can also be deduced by the
percentage of people who seem to be unaffected by the advertisements, do so as most consumers have an inherent
tendency to not accept being affected by advertisements and other promotional strategies.

Figure 5

Snapchats main market difference is from two features: passion and promotion. When people are passionate about a
brand that people are already drawn to, it creates a great platform to be on because people are eager to get messages
from such brands. Its unique features - sponsored filters, stories, and Snapchat Discover appeals to the users and
provides value to marketers who wish to advertise their brands due to the relative ease and accessibility of the platform
to the general public making them feel like they are connected to the entire world with a simple click of a button.

Brands have to face various challenges while promoting through Snapchat. One of its biggest weaknesses is its inability
to stand on its own. Having grown up with dynamic changes throughout their lives, the youth tend to expect such
changes which then forces brands to keep up with the user's changing wants, needs and constantly keeping in track
of what is popular. this leaves brands with more challenges in order to measure the success of their campaign. The
benefit that would be gained from using Snapchat as a marketing resource would speak volumes over the minute
struggle that would have to be overcome, in order to build community and loyalty. It is especially beneficial for fashion
brands looking to reach a young, visually-oriented audience (whose attention span is of less than 10 seconds) as well as
for the brands seeking to portray a more authentic and honest line of communication with their consumers.

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 26

IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X

The largest group of Snapchat users belong to Generation Z, and marketers can use this knowledge to appeal the
younger demographic by connecting with their interests as well as taking advantage of technology to reach them
quickly and effectively. Many businesses use Snapchat to generate a wide consumer base by appealing to the different
demographics of users and cultivating new markets from previously untapped age brackets. By using Snapchat to its
full potential, marketers are looking at a powerhouse of advertising possibilities that is easily accessible and readily
embraced by the entire world.

Partner with Influencers- The benefit of partnering with influencers is the rapid spread of awareness to a
demographic that may otherwise be hard to reach through traditional media. Many companies have already
harnessed this source via Instagram and other social channels.
Feature Your Followers- In order to ensure companies do not lose followers and become too self-involved, they
have to involve the public to create a sense of belongingness. This could be via featuring their followers, offering
them value, etc.
To illustrate, take the example of GrubHub, an online mobile food ordering brand which launched its first
Snapchat campaign in 2013. They featured their own weekly content, gathered stories from user-generated content
and sponsored giveaways and promotions.
This in turn lead to a 20% increase in their followers and was contributed to being one of the factors that
contributed to its Wall Street public offering debut.
Finding interns- Being a little tricky, this recommendation would only apply for those companies, which
encourage casual communication through the use of photos and videos.

Revisiting the example of GrubHub, the company utilized Snapchat Stories and a photo slideshow of six images, with
which they explained how interested candidates could apply for an internship with a snap of their best doodle with


This study has limited itself to the educated and mostly urban population of India. Lack of awareness of the topic
among senior age groups was the major challenge before the researchers. The researchers were required to explain the
discover feature to the sample.
As in the future the competition for such sites would just increase and new problems will keep on springing up. The
research in future could include people from rural class of the society and maybe other parts of the world other than

[1]. Power, Don, Snapchat: Can Disappearing Content Really Work for Brands? SproutSocial, 2013.
[2]. E.GlynnMangolda and David K. Faulsb, Social Media: The New Hybrid Element of The Promotion Mix. Science
Direct, ScienceDirect, 2009.
[3]. Jen Sanfillipo, Snapping Through Life: How Snapchat Changes Communication, Medium, 2016.
[4]. Jason Abbrussezze, Can Snapchat Escape Facebooks Long Shadow?,Mashable, 2016.
[5]. Amanda Lenhart, Teens, Social Media, and Technology Overview, Pew Research Center, 2015.
[6]. Kurt Wagner, Snapchat is making some pretty serious money from live stories, Recode, 2015.
[7]. Christina Newberry, Top Snapchat Demographics That Matter to Social Marketers, Hootsuite, 2016.
[8]. Kurt Wagner, Study finds 77% of students use Snapchat daily, Mashable, 2014.
[9]. Paresh Dave and David Pearson, Cheap Content and growing reach make Snapchat a fast rising star, Los
Angeles Times, 2015.
[10]. Abdulla Barakji, Social Media Marketing in the Digital Age, Entrepreneur Middle East, 2015.

9.1 Other References:

Jayson DeMers, Your Guide to Using Snapchat For Marketing, Forbes, 2014.

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 27

IPASJ International Journal of Management (IIJM)
Web Site:
A Publisher for Research Motivation ........
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 ISSN 2321-645X

Michelle Castillo, Snapchat's ad rates drop as brands find problems, CNBC (Consumer News and Business
Channel), 2016
Eric Siu, 3 Ways to Use Snapchat for Marketing. Entrepreneur India, 2017.
Sujan Patel, The Quick Guide to Using Snapchat for Business in 2016, Entrepreneur India, 2016.
Brian Solomon, How to Use Snapchat: A Small Business Guide, Forbes, 2015.
AJ Agarwal, 5 Reasons Your Business Should Be on Snapchat,Forbes, 2016.
Shashwati Shankar, How Snapchat and travel brands are a marketing match made in heaven, Economic
Times Brand Equity, 2015.
Sarah Frier, Can Snapchat Show Advertisers It's More Than a Place to Experiment?, Bloomberg Technology,
Connor Blakley, How to Build a Marketing Campaign that Appeals to Generation Z, Fortune, 2016.
Alexander Rauser, Everything You Need to Know About Snapchat Marketing, Entrepreneur Middle East,
Renee Yeager, B2B Marketers, It's Time to Add Snapchat to Your Repertoire, Entrepreneur India, 2016.
Christine Soucy, 4 Ways to Build Your Snapchat Marketing Strategy.Wired Impact, 2016.
Pamella De Leon, Choosing Your Medium: Is Snapchat Right for Your Business?, Entrepreneur Middle East,

Dr. Surya Rashmi Rawat, MBA (International Business), UGC (NET), LLB, the corresponding
author is a Professor at Symbiosis Law School, Pune. The professor teaches management subjects to
students of BBALLB Hons. and holds a teaching experience of more than 14 years. The professor has
a rich research experience with many research papers published in different indexed and peer reviewed

J. KhyaatiShri, Miriam Solomon, Sree Tirumalapeddinti, Ishmeet Kaur, Shreyashreeta Ray are
BBALLB Hons.students from Symbiosis Law School, Pune. All of them have excellent research
acumen and have good drafting and academic skills.

Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2017 Page 28

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