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Evaluation of Functional Properties and Microstructure of Mozzarella Cheese, and Their Correlation

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Evaluation of Functional Properties
and Microstructure of Mozzarella
Cheese, and their Correlation

Xixiu Ma

A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of

Philosophy in Chemical and Materials Engineering, The University of Auckland,
To everyone who has a dream,

Keep studying, and every day in your life will be an adventure

Keep trying, and one small step for today can make a big difference for future

Keep dreaming, and one day your beautiful dream will finally come true

Life is a blessing, be true to yourself


As Mozzarella cheese is usually consumed as a pizza topping, its melted properties

are more important than its unmelted properties. Because of the sensory requirements
of consumers, the functional properties of Mozzarella, including meltability, free oil,
viscoelasticity and stretchability when melted, are of great importance. Changing the
production process (processing conditions etc.) during Mozzarella manufacture
usually produces cheese with different functional properties, because production
processes influence both the composition and the microstructure of cheese. This
relationship between cheese properties, processing and structure has frequently been
studied empirically, often because of the limited number of production processes that
are used to produce samples, which potentially produces biased results. Therefore, we
aimed to objectively investigate the complex correlations between the production
processes, composition, microstructure and functional properties of Mozzarella

Objective methods for evaluating the functional properties of Mozzarella cheese are
essential initially before further investigation. Stretchability is one of the most
important functional properties of Mozzarella cheese, but there is no objective and
widely accepted evaluation technique. Therefore, a novel and relatively simple
technique for evaluating stretchability was developed and tested for repeatability.

Mozzarella cheese has a specific stretching process during manufacture, which

contributes to its great stretchability; most other cheeses have poor stretchability. The
pizza baking performances (especially blistering and browning) of cheeses are
different, which may be related to their different functional properties. To investigate
how cheeses act when baked on pizzas, methods for evaluating the pizza baking
performances of cheeses (mainly image acquisition and analysis) were developed.

To further investigate how the functional properties of Mozzarella cheese influence

the formation of blisters during baking on pizzas, we investigated Mozzarella cheeses
made with different starter cultures. We found that different amounts of free oil were
released from the cheeses, which affected the number of blisters. Mozzarella cheeses
with different salt and moisture contents were also investigated; the results indicate
that the elastic and the stretching parameters of the melted cheese determined the size

of the blisters, whereas free oil had no obvious effect on their blistering behaviour.
However, free oil was still the determining attribute, if all these two groups of
samples were counted. The investigations confirmed the complex correlations
between the production processes, functional properties and pizza baking
performances of Mozzarella cheese.

Finally, to investigate these complex correlations, Mozzarella cheeses were

manufactured using a range of production processes to produce three groups of
cheeses, with different fat contents, draining pH or calcium contents and stretching
conditions. Principal Component Analysis was used to analyse the correlations within
each group, to find correlations that were common to the three groups, which showed
that stretchability, meltability and free oil were correlated with the protein content
and the size of the fat globules.


Firstly, I would like to express my thanks to my supervisors: Dr. Bryony James (at
the University of Auckland), Dr. Emma Patterson (was at the University of Auckland,
but moved to England a year ago) and Dr. Lu Zhang (at Fonterra Research and
Development Centre) for their supports and guidance throughout my PhD research.
Their suggestions and comments are essential to my study, and without them, I
cannot have successfully finished my research. Special thanks to Dr. Bryony James,
who has spent many hours on my journal papers and thesis chapters, to make sure
they are in high standard. And Dr. Emma Patterson, who always taught me PhD is a
learning process, and encouraged me to do more and think more. Dr. Lu Zhang, who
is a mentor and friend for me, and she helped me to start my wonderful journey in
New Zealand, and in this research field. I have a dream to work with food, and she
was the one who made it come true.

Sincere thanks to Prof. Murat Balaban, who just moved to the University of
Auckland last year, but have given me massive suggestions and supports. His
wonderful Machine Vision System and LensEye software are very helpful to my
research. Also help and suggestions from Dr. Zayde Aliek are appreciated.

I gratefully acknowledge Fonterra Research and Development Centre for the cheese
making and chemistry analysis. I appreciate the technical assistance of Raymond
Hoffman, Hilary Holloway, and Xudong Feng at the University of Auckland, and
Andrew Huxford, Bruce Allen, Elizabeth Nickless, and Errol Conaghan at Fonterra
Research and Development Centre. Also, I would like to express my thanks to
Christina Coker, who guarantees that the project was going on, and Claire Woodhall,
who did proofreading for this thesis. I acknowledge the financial support from
Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited and Chinese Scholarship Council.

At last, I must thank my dearest friends and family for their continuous
encouragements and supports. Happiness and hope with you forever.

Table of contents

Abstract ...........................................................................................................................i
Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................ iii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................ viii
Chapter 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Objectives................................................................................................. 3
Chapter 2. Literature Review ......................................................................................5
2.1 Cheese production .................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Production procedure ........................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Cheese structure ................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Correlation between cheese production and structure ......................... 7
2.2 Manufacture of Mozzarella cheese .......................................................... 7
2.3 Functional properties of Mozzarella cheese ........................................... 10
2.3.1 Viscoelasticity .................................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Stretchability ...................................................................................... 12
2.3.3 Meltability and activation energy....................................................... 13
2.3.4 Free oil formation............................................................................... 14
2.3.5 Browning and blistering ..................................................................... 15
2.3.6 Microstructure .................................................................................... 17
2.4 Factors affecting cheese properties ........................................................ 18
2.4.1 Fat....................................................................................................... 18
2.4.2 Moisture content and water activity ................................................... 19
2.4.3 Calcium content and pH ..................................................................... 20
2.4.4 Stretching process .............................................................................. 20
2.4.5 Starter cultures ................................................................................... 21
2.4.6 Salting and salt content ...................................................................... 22
2.4.7 Aging and heating .............................................................................. 22
2.5 Studies on various cheese samples......................................................... 23
Chapter 3. Evaluation of Cheese Stretchability ........................................................ 24
3.1 Commentary ........................................................................................... 24
3.2 Abstract .................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Introduction ............................................................................................ 25
3.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................... 28
3.4.1 Modified 3-prong hook test................................................................ 28
3.4.2 Stretch profile ..................................................................................... 29
3.4.3 Microstructure .................................................................................... 30
3.4.4 Manufacture and analysis of samples ................................................ 31
3.4.5 Statistical analysis .............................................................................. 32
3.5 Results .................................................................................................... 32
3.5.1 Stretching test with and without an oil bath ....................................... 32
3.5.2 Stretch profiles of Mozzarella cheese samples .................................. 33
3.6 Discussion .............................................................................................. 37
3.6.1 Modified stretching test ..................................................................... 37
3.6.2 Stretchability of Mozzarella cheese samples ..................................... 37
3.7 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 39

Chapter 4. Quantifying Colour and Colour Uniformity of cheeses after baking ......40
4.1 Commentary ........................................................................................... 40
4.2 Abstract .................................................................................................. 40
4.3 Introduction ............................................................................................ 41
4.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................... 42
4.4.1 Cheese preparation and pizza baking ................................................. 42
4.4.2 Image acquisition ............................................................................... 42
4.4.3 Colour evaluation ............................................................................... 43
4.4.4 Colour uniformity .............................................................................. 43
4.4.5 Browning area .................................................................................... 44
4.4.6 Cheese attributes evaluation............................................................... 44
4.4.7 Statistical analysis .............................................................................. 46
4.5 Results and discussion ........................................................................... 47
4.5.1 Appearances of pizzas ........................................................................ 47
4.5.2 Cheese attributes and their effects on pizza appearance .................... 49
4.5.3 Classification of cheeses .................................................................... 55
4.6 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 57
Chapter 5. Blistering and Browning of Mozzarella Made with Different Starter
Cultures .................................................................................................................58
5.1 Commentary ........................................................................................... 58
5.2 Abstract .................................................................................................. 58
5.3 Introduction ............................................................................................ 59
5.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................... 61
5.4.1 Cheese manufacturing ........................................................................ 61
5.4.2 Chemistry analysis ............................................................................. 62
5.4.3 Pizza baking test................................................................................. 62
5.4.4 Evaluation of cheese properties ......................................................... 63
5.4.5 Statistical analysis .............................................................................. 65
5.5 Results and discussion ........................................................................... 65
5.5.1 Cheese chemistry ............................................................................... 65
5.5.2 Cheese browning and blistering after baking ..................................... 66
5.5.3 Other functional properties of cheeses ............................................... 67
5.6 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 70
Chapter 6. Blistering and Browning of Mozzarella with Different Salt and Moisture
contents .................................................................................................................72
6.1 Commentary ........................................................................................... 72
6.2 Abstract .................................................................................................. 72
6.3 Introduction ............................................................................................ 73
6.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................... 74
6.4.1 Manufacture and analysis of Mozzarella samples ............................. 74
6.4.2 Evaluation of blistering, browning and other properties .................... 75
6.4.3 Statistical analysis .............................................................................. 76
6.5 Results and discussion ........................................................................... 76
6.5.1 Cheese chemistry ............................................................................... 76
6.5.2 Cheese browning and blistering after baking ..................................... 77
6.5.3 Other functional properties of cheeses ............................................... 78
6.5.4 Mechanism of blister formation ......................................................... 83
6.6 Conclusions ............................................................................................ 84
Chapter 7. Correlation between Properties, Microstructure and Production
Processes of Mozzarella Cheese ..................................................................................85

7.1 Commentary ........................................................................................... 85
7.2 Abstract .................................................................................................. 85
7.3 Introduction ............................................................................................ 86
7.4 Materials and methods ........................................................................... 88
7.4.1 Sample manufacture and chemistry ................................................... 88
7.4.2 Property evaluation ............................................................................ 90
7.4.3 Statistical analysis .............................................................................. 92
7.5 Results and discussion ........................................................................... 92
7.5.1 Property analysis ................................................................................ 92
7.5.2 Correlation between cheese properties and production processes ... 100
7.6 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 104
Chapter 8. Conclusions ........................................................................................... 106
Appendix A. Small Amplitude Oscillation Shear test ................................................108
Appendix B: Microscopy ........................................................................................... 112
B.1 Light microscopy ........................................................................................ 112
B.2 ESEM ......................................................................................................... 114
Appendix C: Stretching test ....................................................................................... 115
Appendix D: Statistical Analysis ............................................................................... 118
D.1 One-way analysis of variance .................................................................... 118
D.2 Principal Component Analysis ................................................................... 119
References ..................................................................................................................120

List of Tables

Table 2-1. Types of rheometers ............................................................................ 11

Table 2-2. Experimental design and photographs from different cheese baking
tests............................................................................................................... 16
Table 3-1. Stretching test methods ....................................................................... 27
Table 3-2. Repeatability of stretchability test for Mozzarella under different test
conditions ..................................................................................................... 33
Table 4-1. Appearances of cheeses on pizza after baking .................................... 47
Table 5-1. Chemistry parameters of different Mozzarella cheese samples .......... 66
Table 5-2. Average browning and blistering parameters of different Mozzarella
cheese samples standard deviations .......................................................... 66
Table 5-3. Average parameters evaluating Mozzarella cheese properties
standard deviations ....................................................................................... 68
Table 6-1. Chemistry parameters of different Mozzarella cheese samples .......... 77
Table 6-2. Average browning and blistering parameters of different Mozzarella
cheese samples standard deviations .......................................................... 78
Table 6-3. Average parameters evaluating Mozzarella cheese properties
standard deviations ....................................................................................... 79
Table 7-1. Summary of sample production processes .......................................... 88
Table 7-2. Average values of chemical and microstructure variables determined
in Mozzarella cheese samples with different production processes ............. 89

Table B- 1. Variety of microscopy techniques ................................................... 112

List of Figures

Figure 1-1. New Zealand cheese production (USDA 2012) ................................. 1

Figure 1-2. Cheese production by variety in 2011 (USDA 2012) ......................... 1
Figure 2-1. Schematic diagram of the microstructure of cheese ........................... 6
Figure 2-2. Schematic diagram of the structure of pasta filata cheese ................. 8
Figure 2-3. Flow diagram of the main steps in the manufacture of Mozzarella ... 9
Figure 3-1. Modified 3-prong hook stretching test ............................................. 29
Figure 3-2. Parameters to evaluate the stretch profile of cheese......................... 30
Figure 3-3. CLSM microstructures of standard Mozzarella cheese during a
stretching test at extensions of (a) 100 mm, (b) 150 mm, (c) 200 mm, and
(d) 300 mm (fat in green and protein in red) ............................................... 33
Figure 3-4. Stretch profiles of Mozzarella cheese samples manufactured using
different processing conditions: CT, control processing conditions; TM,
longer screw time; SPD, higher screw speed; TMP, higher screw
temperature; ST, higher screw speed and higher screw temperature; LPH,
lower draining pH; HPH, higher draining pH; HCA, higher calcium content;
HFT, high fat content; LFT, low fat content. .............................................. 35
Figure 3-5. Yield load of Mozzarella cheese samples manufactured using
different processing conditions (The error bars represent SD, and the values
with different letters are significantly different, p < 0.05, n=3) ................. 36
Figure 3-6. Unstable deformation gradient of Mozzarella cheese samples (The
error bars represent SD, and the values with different letters are
significantly different, p < 0.05, n=3) ......................................................... 36
Figure 3-7. Inversion point extension of Mozzarella cheese samples (The error
bars represent SD, and the values with different letters are significantly
different, p < 0.05, n=3) .............................................................................. 37
Figure 4-1. Colour primitive analysis on pizzas with different cheeses ............. 48
Figure 4-2. Browning of pizzas with Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Edam,
Emmental, Gruyere, and Provolone (brown areas were green outlined) .... 49
Figure 4-3. (a) Water activity: aw and (b) moisture contents of cheeses ............. 50
Figure 4-4. Rheological parameters of cheeses: (a) Elastic modulus: G and (b)
Viscous modulus: G ................................................................................ 51
Figure 4-5. (a) Transition temperatures and (b) Temperature profiles of cheeses
..................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4-6. Linear fittings between (a) transition temperatures and aw (R2 =
0.977, p < 0.05) and between (b) Colour change index values and transition
temperatures of non-stretchy cheeses (R2 = 0.948, p < 0.05) ..................... 53
Figure 4-7. (a) Activation energy and (b) free oil of cheeses.............................. 54
Figure 4-8. Microstructure of cheeses: (a) Mozzarella, (b) Cheddar, (c) Colby, (d)
Edam, (e) Emmental, (f) Gruyere and (g) Provolone (fat is shown in green
and protein is in red) ................................................................................... 55
Figure 4-9. Schematic diagrams of blister formation and performance of
different cheeses .......................................................................................... 56
Figure 5-1. Appearance of pizzas baked with different cheeses ......................... 66
Figure 5-2. Correlation between L* and residual sugar (galactose and glucose) in
Mozzarella cheese (R2 = 0.913) .................................................................. 67

Figure 5-3. (a) Elastic modulus values (error bars = standard deviations) and (b)
stretching profiles of Mozzarella cheese samples ....................................... 68
Figure 5-4. Correlation between browning and meltability of Mozzarella cheese
samples (R2 = 0.980) ................................................................................ 69
Figure 5-5. Correlation between the number of blisters and free oil release from
Mozzarella cheese samples (R2 = 0.822) .................................................... 69
Figure 5-6. CLSM images of Mozzarella cheese samples (fat in green, protein in
red) .............................................................................................................. 70
Figure 6-1. Processing procedure for Mozzarella cheese samples ..................... 75
Figure 6-2. Photographs of pizzas baked with different Mozzarella cheese
samples ........................................................................................................ 77
Figure 6-3. Correlation between average blistering diameter and moisture
content of Mozzarella cheese samples (R2 = 0.819) ................................... 78
Figure 6-4. Elastic modulus of Mozzarella cheese samples (error bars = standard
deviations) ................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6-5. Correlations between the diameter of the blisters and (a) the elastic
modulus at 70 C (R2 = 0.823) and (b) the IPE (R2 = 0.800) ...................... 80
Figure 6-6. Correlations between the transition temperature and (a) the water
activity of Mozzarella cheese samples (R2 = 0.894) and (b) the average
diameter of blisters on pizzas (R2 = 0.920) ................................................. 81
Figure 6-7. (a) CLSM images of Mozzarella cheese samples (fat in green,
protein in red), (b) correlation between the diameter of fat globules and salt
content (R2 = 0.648), and (c) correlation between the water activity and the
diameter of fat globules (R2 = 0.803) .......................................................... 83
Figure 6-8. Schematic diagram of the formation of a blister .............................. 84
Figure 7-1. Mozzarella cheese manufacturing process ....................................... 89
Figure 7-2. (a~i) Temperature sweep dynamic shear profiles and (j) transition
temperature of samples (error bars = standard deviations) ......................... 96
Figure 7-3. Arrhenius plots of viscous flow for Mozzarella samples with
different (a) fat contents, (b) pH and calcium contents, and (c) stretching
conditions (error bars = standard deviations) .............................................. 97
Figure 7-4. Activation energy of flow for Mozzarella samples (error bars =
standard deviations) .................................................................................... 98
Figure 7-5. Meltability test result for Mozzarella samples (error bars = standard
deviations) ................................................................................................... 99
Figure 7-6. Free oil test result for Mozzarella samples (error bars = standard
deviations) ................................................................................................... 99
Figure 7-7. CLSM images for Mozzarella samples with 50 m scale bars (fat
shown in green and protein in red)............................................................ 100
Figure 7-8. Loadings of variables of cheese samples for principal components:
PC1 and PC2 with different fat contents (Feret: Ferets diameter of fat
globules, Circularity: circularity of fat globules, S/M: salt/moisture ratio,
NCN: non-casein Nitrogen, YL: Yield load, IPE: Inversion point extension,
FO: free oil ratio) ...................................................................................... 101
Figure 7-9. Loadings of variables of cheese samples for principal components:
PC1 and PC2 with different draining pH or calcium contents (Feret: Ferets
diameter of fat globules, Circularity: circularity of fat globules, S/M:
salt/moisture ratio, NCN: non-casein Nitrogen, YL: Yield load, IPE:
Inversion point extension, FO: free oil ratio, Ttr: transition temperature) 102
Figure 7-10. Loadings of variables of cheese samples for principal components:

PC1 and PC2 with different stretching conditions (Feret: Ferets diameter
of fat globules, Circularity: circularity of fat globules, S/M: salt/moisture
ratio, NCN: non-casein Nitrogen, YL: Yield load, IPE: Inversion point
extension, FO: free oil ratio, SS: stretching speed, ST: stretching
temperature, Ttr: transition temperature) .................................................. 103

Figure A- 1. Strain sweeps at different temperatures (from top to bottom:

10 C, 100 rad/s; 10 C, 10 rad/s; 20 C, 100 rad/s; 30 C, 100 rad/s;
40 C, 100 rad/s; 60 C, 100 rad/s; 70 C, 100 rad/s ................. 109
Figure A- 2. Frequency sweeps at 50 C and 23 C ...................................... 110
Figure A- 3. Temperature sweep of two specimens with different fat contents
(lower fat and higher fat) ....................................................................... 111
Figure B- 1. Mozzarella cheese sliced into 30m thick, stained with Sudan 7B
for 2 hr. Scale bar: 25m........................................................................... 113
Figure B- 2. Mozzarella cheese sliced vertically and parallel into 30m thick,
stained with Rhodamine B. Scale bar: 25m. Protein was stained red. .... 113
Figure B- 3. Mozzarella cheese sliced vertically and parallel into 30m thick,
stained with Sudan 7B. Scale bar: 25m. Fat was stained red.................. 113
Figure B- 4. Mozzarella cheese, 2 C, 5.5 Torr................................................. 114
Figure C- 1. Stretching test equipment ............................................................. 115

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1 Background
Cheese is a group of dairy products, and is made by coagulating the protein in milk.
There are hundreds of types of cheese with different styles, textures and flavours,
depending on the milk type, the species of bacteria, the manufacturing procedure etc.
The largest producer is the United States, which produces around 30% of the worlds
production. As shown in Figure 1-1, cheese production in New Zealand increased
gradually from the year of 1964 to 1993. The number dramatically increased from
1994 to 2000, and then remained stable. Figure 1-2 shows that Mozzarella is the most
produced cheese, and accounted for more than one-third of the total cheese
production in 2011 (USDA 2012).

Figure 1-1. New Zealand cheese production (USDA 2012)

Figure 1-2. Cheese production by variety in 2011 (USDA 2012)

Chapter 1 Introduction

Mozzarella is a favourite cheese worldwide and accounts for nearly one-third of total
cheese consumption; it is used mainly as a pizza topping. Mozzarella cheese was
invented in Italy during ancient Roman times and was made from buffalo milk. It has
a smooth, mild and slightly sweet-and-sour taste and is creamy and soft. However,
buffalo milk Mozzarella has a short shelf life and has to be kept in brine. It is still
available, but Mozzarella is now made mainly from cows milk. Cows milk
Mozzarella has a quite different texture and flavour from buffalo Mozzarella; it is
harder, drier and less flavourful, with a rubbery texture and a longer shelf life.
Furthermore, it melts easily and has great stretchability, and hence is often used as a
melted topping and in baked dishes, especially pizzas. This study focused on this type
of Mozzarella.

As Mozzarella is usually consumed melted, its melted properties are more important
than its unmelted properties. The unmelted properties of cheese refer mainly to its
appearance and performance without heating. The melted properties include the
meltability, viscoelasticity and stretchability of the cheese when heated, which are the
functional properties of Mozzarella. Stretchability is defined as the tendency for the
heated cheese to form strings when extended; meltability is defined as the tendency
for the cheese to soften upon heating (Kapoor and Metzger 2008). To evaluate these
properties of Mozzarella cheese, methods including rheology tests and mechanical
tests were applied in this study. In addition, blistering, browning and free oil tests
were used to investigate how Mozzarella cheese acts during pizza baking.

Rheology tests are useful for determining the viscoelasticity of cheese, which
describes the relationship between force, deformation and time. Materials can be
classified as viscous liquids, elastic solids and viscoelastic materials. Cheese is a type
of viscoelastic material, i.e. it behaves both as an elastic solid and as a viscous liquid
under a wide range of conditions. The elastic property of cheese is primarily due to
the proteinprotein bonds, and the viscous property is generally a result of the
viscous properties of the protein matrix and the fraction between components, i.e. the
fraction between fat globules and the protein matrix, and between the protein matrix
and the liquid (serum) (Luyten et al. 1991). Details are be shown in section 2.3.1

Chapter 1 Introduction

Mechanical tests, including bending, compression, torsion, stretching etc., can be

applied to investigate the mechanical properties of cheese. For Mozzarella, the most
significant mechanical property is its stretchability when melted. Traditional methods
for evaluating the stretching properties of a material, which would apply to cheese
because it is a complex material, use a tensile tester with the need to grip the
specimen (Charalambides et al. 1995). However, these traditional stretching tests
cannot be applied to Mozzarella because the cheese specimen would be melted
initially and would be almost impossible to grip. Therefore, to improve previous test
methods, an appropriate method for evaluating the stretchability of Mozzarella was
developed. Chapter 3 focuses on the protocol of the stretching test and the
repeatability evaluation.

Browning and blistering occur and free oil is released when Mozzarella is baked
(Rudan and Barbano 1998). Browning is a result of the interaction between lactose
and amino acids; light browning is desirable for baked cheese whereas excessive
browning is unacceptable. During baking, fat in the cheese is melted and leaves the
protein matrix, forming free oil. Free oil can prevent the dehydration of melted
cheese, but excessive oil detracts from its appearance. The colour of the cheese and
the size and shape of the blisters can be measured by using image analysis of pizzas
baked with Mozzarella. Detailed image acquisition and image analysis methods are
described in Chapter 4, not only for Mozzarella but also for other types of cheese for

Cheeses made with some typical starter cultures have been reported to have excessive
browning upon heating. The blistering performance and the mechanism of the blister
formation of Mozzarella made with these starter cultures were investigated, as
described in Chapter 5. In addition, the influence of salt content and moisture content
on blistering, browning and other functional properties of Mozzarella cheese is
presented in Chapter 6.

1.2 Objectives
This thesis aimed to correlate the functional properties of Mozzarella with its
production processes and microstructure. The specific objectives were as follows:

Chapter 1 Introduction

1. To develop a modified three-prong-hook stretching test to evaluate the

stretchability of Mozzarella cheese and test its repeatability (Chapter 3, published
in the Journal of Dairy Science (Ma et al. 2012)).

2. To develop methods of image acquisition and analysis to evaluate the pizza

baking performance of cheese, and to examine the differences between cheeses
(Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Emmental, Gruyere and Provolone)
(Chapter 4, submitted to the Computers and Electronics in Agriculture).

3. To evaluate the size and the shape of the blisters of Mozzarella using image
analysis, and to investigate the effects of functional properties on blistering
(Chapter 5, in press of Food Research International (Ma et al. 2013a)).

4. To determine the impact of the functional properties of Mozzarella on blistering,

i.e. how the meltability, elasticity and stretchability contribute to the formation of
blisters (Chapter 6, in press of Food Research International (Ma et al. 2013b)).

5. To investigate the correlation between the functional properties, microstructure

and composition of Mozzarella samples made using a wide range of production
processes (Chapter 7, published in the Journal of Food Engineering (Ma et al.

Chapter 2 Literature review

Chapter 2. Literature Review

In this chapter, firstly, the cheese making procedure, the interaction of ingredients
(protein, fat and water) and how factors influence the production of cheese are
discussed. Secondly, the functional properties (meltability, stretchability and
viscoelasticity) and other properties (free oil formation, blistering and browning) of
Mozzarella are discussed. Thirdly, methods for evaluating these properties, especially
focusing on rheology tests, are introduced, and how rheology correlates with cheese
production is discussed. The last part of this chapter focuses on how ingredients,
cooking conditions and post-manufacturing conditions affect the functional

2.1 Cheese production

Milk is an emulsion with fat droplets dispersed in an aqueous phase containing
protein. The protein is mainly in the form of casein micelles, with some whey protein
(serum protein) in the serum. Casein is composed of s1-casein, s2-casein, -casein
and -casein in the ratio 4:1:4:1.6.

The formation of milk-based products results from either the destabilization of the
dispersed-phase fat droplets (as in butter, ice cream etc.) or the destabilization of the
dispersed aqueous phase proteins (as in cheese) (Euston 2008).

2.1.1 Production procedure

In general, the processing of hard cheese involves: (1) lactose fermentation of milk
by starter cultures to produce lactic acid; (2) casein coagulation by rennet and acid;
(3) continuous protein network formation, entrapping fat droplets; (4) curd
manipulation (cutting, whey draining, stretching, salting etc.); (5) ripening, mainly
proteolysis and lipolysis (proteolysis is the directed degradation of proteins by
cellular enzymes and lipolysis is the hydrolysis of lipids) (Aguilera and Stanley

Chapter 2 Literature review

Through milk coagulation and whey drainage, a casein matrix is formed from a
combination of casein micelles and colloidal calcium phosphate (CCP), and fat
globules are entrapped within the matrix. The loss of macropeptide from -casein
during the coagulation process changes the balance between the casein micelles,
causing their aggregation and resulting in the casein matrix (Lucey and McClements

2.1.2 Cheese structure

As shown in Figure 2-1, casein plays the most significant role in the formation of the
cheese structure; fat globules act as fillers in the casein matrix. Calcium is bound to
casein micelles in the form of CCP, which acts as a cementing agent that holds the
sub-micelles together to form casein micelles (Schmidt 1982).

Figure 2-1. Schematic diagram of the microstructure of cheese

The fat globules in full fat cheese and low fat cheese have different sizes and
distributions. Full fat cheese has parallel casein strands interspersed with channels
containing various sizes and shapes of fat globules, whereas low fat cheese has a
dense casein network with fewer channels containing smaller and fewer fat globules,
forming a firm and rubbery body (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).

Water is bound to the casein and fills the interstices of the casein matrix. It plays an
important role in the manufacture of cheese, in particular because of its interaction
with protein. Cheeses with higher moisture content have lower concentrations of both
proteins and emulsifying salts in the aqueous phase, resulting in less efficient
emulsification. Also, water increases the coalescence of the dispersed fat (Hennelly et
al. 2005).

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.1.3 Correlation between cheese production and structure

The role of pH is particularly important, because changes in pH are directly related to

changes in the protein network of the curd (Pagliarini et al. 1997). As increasing the
pH during manufacture usually decreases the loss of calcium, more calcium is bound
to casein micelles in the form of CCP, which increases the strength of the casein
structure (Yazici and Akbulut 2007).

Fat is important for retaining moisture in cheese and also has a protective and
lubricating effect when cheese is heated. Guinee et al. (2000) found that lowering the
fat content increases the moisture and casein contents, which decrease the extent of
fat globule coalescence (heated or unheated). They also demonstrated that high
pressure homogenization of the cheese milk not only slightly affected the
composition but also significantly influenced the microstructure, forming a more
evenly distributed protein phase. A high shear rate leads to faster and more extensive
disruption of the rennet casein particles and to a greater probability of
proteinsolvent interactions (Guinee et al. 2000). A lower screw speed in the
stretching process was found to decrease the protein content and increase the
moisture content and fat content on a dry weight basis, and it may also affect the fat
dispersion characteristics by changing the heat transfer of cheese during stretching
process (Renda et al. 1997a).

Salted cheeses have smaller protein aggregates and a more hydrated protein matrix
(Paulson et al. 1998), and the concentration of salt greatly influences the hydrolysis
of s1-casein by milk clotting enzymes (Guinee and Fox 1993). The salt content has
been reported to control the activity of starter cultures and enzymes in cheese and
influences the protein solubility and conformation (Everett et al. 2004; Guinee and
Fox 1993). In addition, the state of the water held in the cheese structure and the
resulting water-holding capacity are influenced by the salt content.

2.2 Manufacture of Mozzarella cheese

Mozzarella was invented in Italy during ancient Roman times and was made from
buffalo milk; it has a smooth, mild and slightly sweet-and-sour taste and its texture is

Chapter 2 Literature review

more creamy and softer than that of todays mass-processed Mozzarella. However,
buffalo Mozzarella has a short shelf life, and must be kept in brine, whey or water
solution. Mozzarella is now made mainly from cows milk. Fresh Mozzarella is still
available but the main type of Mozzarella on sale today is harder with a longer shelf
life. This mass-produced Mozzarella has a quite different texture and flavour from
fresh Mozzarella; it is drier and less flavourful, with a rubbery texture. As it melts
easily and has great stretchability, it is often used as a melted topping and in baked
dishes. It is also often sold pre-sliced or shredded. This study focused on this hard
type of Mozzarella.

The manufacture of Mozzarella undergoes similar procedures to that of Cheddar

cheese except the stretching process. For both cheeses, milk is firstly inoculated with
starter cultures and then coagulated with rennet (coagulant), followed by cutting,
draining, stirring, and milling.

Mozzarella undergoes a special manufacturing procedure, i.e. stretching of the curds

in hot water. Cheeses, including Mozzarella, that undergo a curd stretching procedure
are called pasta filata cheeses. It is this specific manufacturing procedure that
differentiates Mozzarella cheese from Cheddar cheese. Similar to Cheddar,
Mozzarella is made by industrial manufacturers using equipment that includes
enclosed vats for coagulating the milk and cooking the curd and large enclosed
conveyor belt systems for draining and matting the curd and developing the proper
acidity (Marcos et al. 1981).

Most cheeses have spherical fat globules. However, as shown in Figure 2-2, in
Mozzarella manufacture, the fat globules are damaged and extensive coalescence
occurs. Mozzarella therefore has a fibrous structure with water and fat pools (forming
expressible serum), which decrease with age because of proteolysis and a shift from
insoluble calcium to soluble calcium (Guo and Kindstedt 1995).

Figure 2-2. Schematic diagram of the structure of pasta filata cheese

Chapter 2 Literature review

A flow diagram for the manufacture of Mozzarella is given in Figure 2-3. In the first
step, the pasteurized milk (heated at 72 C for 15 s) is usually standardized to a
specific protein-to-fat ratio by adding skim milk powder or cream. Starter cultures are
added to the milk, while different starter cultures can be used to influence the cheese
properties, which are described in detail in Chapter 5. Coagulant, mainly chymosin, is
also added to the milk to initiate its coagulation. After a period, the gel in the vat is
cut with sets of horizontal and vertical wires in a metal frame. The curds in whey that
are formed are stirred and, when the pH of curds meets the designed draining pH, the
whey is drained and the curds are matted together. The matted curd is cut into small
slabs before being milled into small strips and salted (the effect of salting is described
in detail in Chapter 6). The strips are heated in hot water at 50~60 C and stretched
with screws. The gel cutting, whey draining and curd milling are controlled by the pH
of the curd; the effect of a change in the whey draining pH is described in Chapter 7.
The cheese is packed into moulds, pressed overnight before vacuum bagging and
stored at 4 C.

Figure 2-3. Flow diagram of the main steps in the manufacture of Mozzarella

Chapter 2 Literature review

The composition of cheese may be affected by different manufacture, and the

cooking, draining or milling processes are usually controlled to obtain proper
moisture content and calcium content. Lower temperatures during cooking or milling
processes decrease the amount of drained whey, which result in higher moisture
content in cheese. However, the acid production by starter culture may be slowed
down, and thus the total draining time may be increased to meet a proper acidity,
which may also increase the amount of drained whey. A proper pH at draining is thus
important to maintain the moisture content of cheese (Kindstedt et al. 2010).

The screw speed and the temperature of water during stretching process have to be
balanced to avoid substantial fat and moisture losses. When the screw speed is too
high and the temperature of water is too low, the curd temperature is low and it will
tear and lose fat or even moisture (Renda et al. 1997a). Too low screw speed at too
hot water may also result in fat losses.

2.3 Functional properties of Mozzarella cheese

In this section, the functional properties of Mozzarella, including viscoelasticity,
stretchability, meltability, free oil formation, blistering and browning are introduced.
The measurement of each functional property is also reviewed.

2.3.1 Viscoelasticity
Viscoelasticity is a property of materials that exhibit both viscous and elastic
characteristics when deformation is performed. Viscosity is the physical property of a
fluid that resists the force tending to cause the fluid to flow; elasticity is the physical
property of a material that returns to its original shape after the stress that made it
deform is removed.

Rheology is the science of the deformation of matter, and describes the interrelation
between force, deformation and time, which can be used to predict changes in
properties. Food rheology is the study of the deformation and flow of foods under
well-defined conditions reflecting those experienced by foods during subsequent use
(McKenna and Lyng 2001). It can also be used under conditions reflecting the real

Chapter 2 Literature review

cooking to imitate the cooking processes. Food rheology has several applications
(Steffe 1996):

process engineering calculations, including heat or mass transfer

calculations, under the same conditions as those exist in the studied system;
determination of the functionality of the ingredients, by measuring the
rheological characteristics of food using these ingredients;
quality control, including both the final product and the intermediate
product, by correlating rheological measurements to the quality attributes of
shelf life testing by quantifying food rheology during storage;
sensory evaluation as the quantitative measurement of customer-determined
quality attributes, by correlating rheology measurement with sensory data.
The various types of rheometers, which are defined as rheology test tools, are shown
in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Types of rheometers

Type Scope of application Limitation/beyond the scope

Capillary viscometers Newtonian fluids Non-Newtonian fluids

Rotary viscometers Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids Viscoelastic properties

Empirical Non-homogeneous and complex structures Arbitrary, poorly defined

Dynamic rheology Storage modulus (G), loss modulus (G) and Applied stress cannot exceed
loss tangent (tan ) for viscoelasticity yield stress

As shown in Table 2-1, instrumental food rheology measurement systems can be

broadly categorized into fundamental tests and empirical tests. Fundamental methods
are conducted on a material by imposing a well-defined stress and measuring the
resulting strain, or vice versa. Empirical methods give rapid results, but are arbitrary,
are poorly defined, have no absolute standard and are effective only for some foods
with non-homogeneous complex structures (McKenna and Lyng 2001).

The rheological property of cheese is its viscoelasticity. In this study, dynamic

rheology tests were used to evaluate the viscoelastic properties of cheese, i.e. to
obtain the storage modulus (G) and the loss modulus (G).

Chapter 2 Literature review

Dynamic rheology has the same geometries of application as rotary rheometers.

However, whereas rotary rheometers subject the sample to an applied rotary motion,
in dynamic rheology, samples are subjected to small sinusoidally varying loads with
controlled shear stress or strain (McKenna and Lyng 2001). The storage modulus (G)
and the loss modulus (G) can be calculated from the recorded sinusoidal curve (refer
to Appendix A. Small Amplitude Oscillation Shear test).

There are four major experimental variables in a dynamic rheology test: strain (or
stress), frequency, temperature and time. Different types of dynamic test can be set
up by changing one or more of these experimental variables. The common tests are
strain (or stress) sweep, frequency sweep, temperature sweep and time sweep
respectively to achieve a specific objective (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).

Cheese is considered to be viscoelastic, if part of the mechanical energy is stored in it

and part is dissipated during and after deformation, and because the ratio between
dissipated energy and stored energy depends on the time scale of deformation, the
viscoelastic property of cheese is time-dependent (Lucey et al. 2003). The elastic
property of cheese is primarily due to the proteinprotein bonds, caused by the
physical interactions between casein particles, whereas the viscous dissipation in
cheese could be the result of the flow of the matrix material (protein), the flow of
liquid and fat globules through the matrix etc., causing friction (Luyten et al. 1991).

More specifically for Mozzarella, the protein fibres are aligned because the cheese
has been stretched and moulded during manufacture; as a result, it has less
pronounced decreases in G' and G'' with increasing temperature than other cheeses,
excluding pasta filata varieties, and smaller values of tan (Reparet and Noel 2003).

2.3.2 Stretchability
Stretchability is a property that is unique to Mozzarella and other pasta filata cheeses;
it allows them to form strands when stretched in a melting state. The stretching
property is the result of the high content of large peptides and intact casein
(McMahon et al. 1993). Stretchability has been defined as the ease and extent to
which melted Mozzarella can be drawn to form strings (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).

Chapter 2 Literature review

Commonly, there are two types of stretching method: objective methods and
empirical methods. More detail is given in Chapter 3, in which Table 3-1 shows the
methods developed by previous researchers. Empirical methods are commonly used,
mainly on a pizza crust with or without tomato sauce, to obtain stretching profiles
simply and rapidly. There are three types of empirical test: fork test,
three-pronged-hook probe tensile test and imitative tensile stretch test. However,
these methods have the disadvantage of poor reproducibility, because the samples are
exposed to ambient conditions, and there is no temperature or moisture loss control
during the tests.

Objective methods, mainly derived from polymer methods, are thought to be better
methods for quantifying the stretchability of molten cheese. These methods include
piston-type capillary rheometer (Cavella et al. 1992), vertical uniaxial extension
apparatus (Ak and Gunasekaran 1995), ring-and-ball method used to obtain softening
point of polymers (Hicsasmaz et al. 2004), etc., and the measurements and remarks
are shown in Table 3-1. Unlike empirical methods, objective methods differ from
each other, beginning at a fundamental level. Therefore, the results of these different
methods may not be in agreement; selection of the sample and the setting up of the
experimental conditions may present problems.

2.3.3 Meltability and activation energy

Meltability can be defined as the ease and extent to which cheese will melt and
spread upon heating (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). The meltability of cheese relates
both to the heat transfer and thermal phase change of the solid cheese and to the
rheological properties of the melt flow (Park et al. 1984).

The meltability of Mozzarella depends mainly on the content of active water (water
entrapped by the protein matrix), which determines its water-binding capacity. Low
fat cheeses form a dry skin when heated, which limits their meltability. In contrast,
when full fat cheeses are heated, the fat globules agglomerate into larger particles,
resulting in an increase in meltability (Paquet and Kalab 1988). Mozzarella melts
poorly after manufacture and a ripening period of 1~3 weeks is required, during
which significant proteolysis occurs (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).

Chapter 2 Literature review

The meltabilities of pasta filata cheeses are often measured by the Arnott test and the
Schreiber test. The Arnott test exposes a standard cylinder of cheese to 100 C for 15
min, and the melting quality is determined as the percentage of height decrease after
heat treatment (Arnott et al. 1957). In the Schreiber test, a cheese disk is melted in a
convection oven at 232 C for 5 min and the change in diameter after heating
quantifies the meltability (Kosikowski and Vikram 1977), which is called the disk
meltability (Kindstedt 1993). Little correlation between these two methods has been
found, because the results were affected by both the oven temperature and the heating
time. They further suggested that the rheological aspects and the thermal aspects
should be considered equally in the quantification of meltability (Park et al. 1984).

Activation energy of cheese is one of the major aspects of meltability, and the
activation energy of flow between 30 and 44 C has been shown to quantify the flow
of cheese during heating; it can be obtained by performing small amplitude
oscillatory shear temperature sweeps and calculating from the resulting Arrhenius
plots (Tunick 2010). Its calculation is described in Section 4.4.6 Cheese attributes

2.3.4 Free oil formation

Free oil is formed when the melting fat leaves the protein matrix to the surface
(Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). Excessive oil formation is considered to be a defect of
melted cheese on pizzas and other foods. Aggregation of the fat globules in full fat
cheese increases the formation of free oil, and homogenization decreases the size of
the fat globules, which reduces the formation of free oil (Rudan et al. 1998; Tunick

Free oil formation is usually determined by the oil-ring test (Kindstedt et al. 1988)
and by the centrifugal free oil test (Kindstedt and Rippe 1990). In the oil-ring test,
cheese disks are melted on filter paper under defined conditions. An oil ring is
formed on the filter paper after heating, and its area is measured to quantify the
formation of free oil. In the centrifugal free oil test, a bottle with ground cheese is
immersed in boiling water to melt the cheese. Distilled hot water is added and the
bottle is centrifuged, and then aqueous methanol is added to attain a final level in the
calibrated neck. The bottle is then centrifuged to give a fat column.

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.3.5 Browning and blistering

Browning is the discolouration of cheese when heated, and is caused by the typical
Maillard browning reaction between residual sugars and amino acids (Thomas 1969).
A low fat content results in excessive browning, but can be solved by using a
hydrophobic coating (Rudan and Barbano 1998; Wadhwani et al. 2011). The
intensity of browning depends on the baking conditions cooking time, cooking
temperature and reactive amino acids and carbohydrates in the cheese (Johnson
and Olson 1985).

For bread baking, the crust browning occurs when the temperature is higher than 110
C, and it has a correlation with oven temperature and weight loss due to moisture
evaporation (Mondal and Datta 2008). Browning of cheese has been observed during
cooking and even when stored in worm climates, while dramatic browning (scorching)
only occurs when heated at a temperature higher than 160 C for Cheddar cheese
(Wang and Sun 2003).

There have been many studies on the browning appearance of cheese baked on pizzas,
as shown in Table 2-2. The browning of cheese is evaluated either on baked pizza
(Matzdorf et al. 1994) or simply on cheese heated in a water bath (McMahon et al.
1993). The colour of the cheese is measured using colorimeters or
spectrophotometers. Computer vision technology is then used to evaluate the
browning (Wang and Sun 2003).

Chapter 2 Literature review

Table 2-2. Experimental design and photographs from different cheese baking tests
Size Temp Method Equipment Photograph Reference
& Time
300 g of 232 C Actual Commercial (Rudan
shredded for 5 pizza food service and
cheese over min baking pizza oven Barbano
the sauce and (tomato 1998)
a 30-cm pizza sauce on a
crust pizza

As above 232 C Tomato Continuous (Metzger

for 5 sauce and forced-air et al. 2000)
min pizza crust commercial
food service

125 g of 296 C Tomato Conveyer (Matzdorf

shredded for 2.7 sauce and oven et al. 1994)
cheese on half min pizza crust
of 30.5-cm
pizza crust
with tomato
300 g of 232 C 150 g of Conveyer (Hong et
shredded for 5 tomato oven al. 1998)
cheese min sauce and
over the sauce pizza crust
on a 12 pizza

300 g of 232 C Tomato Conventional (Zisu and

shredded for 7 sauce and pizza oven Shah
cheese on min pizza crust 2007)
pizza base
with a thin
layer of
tomato paste

Blisters are trapped pockets of heated steam that may be preferentially scorched
during baking. Cheese shreds start to fuse and flow at around 55 to 80 C, and
blisters are formed during baking because the evaporating water is trapped under the
surface of the melting cheese; when the cheese rises, the top of the blister becomes
thinner, liquid fat at the surface flows down the sides of the blister, moisture
evaporates from the top surface and the top of the blister turns brown (Rudan and

Chapter 2 Literature review

Barbano 1998). Dramatic browning (scorching) occurs when the surface temperature
of Mozzarella reaches 100 C, which is associated with the occurrence of blisters.

2.3.6 Microstructure
Mozzarella cheese has protein fibres that are arranged in parallel, and fat globules
and serum are present within the protein channels. The fat globules in Mozzarella are
elongated, probably as a result of damage to the fat globule membrane during curd
manufacture, when the curd is still warm (Guinee et al. 2002). Meanwhile, because of
the salting process, the protein matrix of cheese absorbs more moisture and the
resulting more hydrated protein matrix begins to extend into the spaces between fat
globules in the serum channel (McMahon et al. 1999).

The microstructure development of Mozzarella cheese during manufacture has been

observed in former research using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)
(Auty et al. 2001). The extensive aggregation of the casein micelles at whey drainage,
the fusion of the protein during milling and salting, and the extensive linearization of
casein fibres and fat globules after stretching process were observed, as well as the
gradual swelling of the casein fibres and the disappearance of whey during storage
(Auty et al. 2001). The final microstructure of Mozzarella cheese is as shown in
Figure 2-4.

Figure 2-4. CLSM microstructure of Mozzarella cheese (protein in black, and fat globules in

It has been stated that the microstructure of cheese is closely related to its
composition, rheological properties and sensory attributes (Kalab 1995), and can be
an important criterion in the evaluation of cheese quality (Mistry and Anderson

Chapter 2 Literature review

1993). The rheological and melting properties of Mozzarella cheese are influenced by
how its microstructure develops during manufacture (Kiely et al. 1992). If the protein
matrix becomes more hydrated, the cheese flows more easily when heated, which
results in better meltability (McMahon et al. 1999).

Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy

and CLSM can be used for the evaluation of cheese microstructure (refer to
Appendix B: Microscopy). Among these techniques, CLSM is relatively popular in
cheese research. It can distinguish the spatial location of components by detecting the
fluorescence from specific dyes. Its ability to optically section means that artefacts at
the cheese surface that are caused by cutting can be avoided and a depth under the
cheese surface can be examined. By combining CLSM and image analysis, the size
of the fat globules can be measured (Everett et al. 2004), as well as the distribution of
fat and protein (Auty et al. 2001).

2.4 Factors affecting cheese properties

The production processes, including ingredients, manufacturing conditions and
post-manufacturing factors, influence the properties of cheese (Gunasekaran and Ak
2003). Milk is the main ingredient of cheese and its composition, especially its fat
and moisture contents, significantly influences the quality of cheese. The
manufacturing conditions, e.g. the type of starter cultures or coagulants and the
temperature during the cutting or stretching procedure, have a significant influence
on the functional properties of Mozzarella. Post-manufacturing processes are
necessary for some cheeses (aging for better properties, freezing for longer shelf life
etc.); they affect proteolysis and thus the properties of the cheese. Much research has
shown that these production processes greatly influence the properties of cheese
(Cavalier-Salou and Cheftel 1991; Ennis and Mulvihill 1999; Hennelly et al. 2005;
Lee et al. 2004).

2.4.1 Fat
Low fat cheeses are popular because of the increasing desire of consumers for low fat
food. However, reducing fat inevitably changes the composition of cheese, which
changes its textural and sensory attributes. Fat plays an important role in retaining

Chapter 2 Literature review

moisture in cheese (McMahon et al. 1993), and reducing fat results in a decrease in
the release of free oil (Kindstedt and Rippe 1990) and disk meltability (Rudan et al.
1999). Low fat cheeses generally have poor flavour, body and functional properties
(Mistry 2001).

For Mozzarella cheese, a reduction in its fat content tends to result in a decrease in its
quality, by decreasing its stretchability, viscoelasticity, meltability etc. High levels of
fat in the dry matter (FDM) of Mozzarella result in an increase in disk meltability
and decreases in hardness and viscoelasticity at room temperature (Tunick et al.

Low fat Mozzarella cheeses usually have low meltability and limited release of free
oil during melting, which results in excessive browning and a burnt surface of the
cheese during baking on pizzas (Rudan et al. 1998). Thus, to replace the free oil that
is released from the cheese, a hydrophobic coating has been added to low fat
Mozzarella to improve its browning appearance. Other attempts, such as increasing
the moisture content or the draining pH and changing the starter cultures, have been
made to improve the functional attributes of low fat cheese (Mistry 2001).

2.4.2 Moisture content and water activity

The water in cheese is bound to protein, entrapped within the protein matrix or
expressible by centrifugation (McMahon et al. 1999). Moisture has a marked
influence on the melting behaviour of Mozzarella, and lowering the moisture content
produces a cheese with lower disk meltability (Tunick et al. 1991). Similar to the
FDM, increasing the moisture in the non-fat substance results in an increase in disk
meltability and decreases in hardness and viscoelasticity (Tunick et al. 1993).

The water activity describes the degree of water-binding capacity and the availability
of water to be involved in physical, chemical or microbiological reactions (Duggan et
al. 2008). The water activity of cheese has been reported to be affected by its
composition, including the moisture content, the salt content and the pH (Esteban and
Marcos 1990; Marcos et al. 1981; Saurel et al. 2004), and is most commonly
determined by the salt-to-moisture ratio (S/M) (Grummer and Schoenfuss 2011). The

Chapter 2 Literature review

water activity has been found to correlate significantly with the cheese properties
(meltability etc.) (Duggan et al. 2008).

2.4.3 Calcium content and pH

Lower calcium content results in less CCP in the cheese, and thus weaker interactions
between the casein micelles. Consequently, the cheese has a more hydrated protein
structure and more emulsified fat, which results in lower viscoelasticity and higher
meltability and stretchability (McMahon et al. 2005; Pastorino et al. 2003b). Thus,
the functional properties of low fat Mozzarella cheese can be improved by decreasing
its calcium content (Sheehan and Guinee 2004).

A lower pH at coagulation and whey draining produces Mozzarella with lower

calcium content and higher disk meltability (Keller et al. 1974). Increasing the pH or
the calcium content significantly reduces the disk meltability and the stretchability of
Mozzarella cheese (Guinee et al. 2002). For reduced-fat Mozzarella, decreasing the
calcium content or the pH increases its stretchability and disk meltability (Sheehan
and Guinee 2004), and also increases the number and the size of fat globules (Joshi et
al. 2004a).

2.4.4 Stretching process

Mozzarella and other pasta filata cheeses undergo a unique stretching process, which
has a profound impact on their microstructure, composition and functional properties.
Stretching process is performed using single or twin screw mixers in temperature
controlled hot water. Curd enters the hot water and is warmed to a temperature of
50~55 C, which transforms the curd into a plastic consistency. The temperature of
the hot water ranges from 55 to 85 C, which depends on the design of the equipment
and the operating conditions, especially the design of screw speed. Then, the curd is
stretched by the screws into a parallel-aligned fibrous curd. The curd then exits the
mixer and is cut into big blocks (Kindstedt et al. 2010).

During the stretching process, the protein matrix of cheese is transformed into a
network of parallel-aligned protein fibres. The fat globules and serum accumulate in
the open channels separating the bundles of protein fibres, which results in the partial

Chapter 2 Literature review

alignment of the fat and serum phases of the cheese (Auty et al. 2001; McMahon et
al. 1993). As a result, Mozzarella has anisotropic rheological properties and samples
with parallel protein orientation have higher tensile strength than those with
perpendicular protein orientation (Ak and Gunasekaran 1997).

The balance between the stretching speed and the temperature of the stretching water
is important for preventing substantial fat and moisture loss during the stretching
process. Increasing the stretching speed at the same stretching water temperature
results in fat and moisture loss, lower disk meltability and less free oil formation, but
similar apparent viscosity of the melted Mozzarella cheese (Neto et al. 2012). If the
curd is stretched using a speed that is too fast at a temperature that is too low, it will
not deform sufficiently when the stretching commences, and it will tear and will lose
fat or even moisture to the stretching water (Renda et al. 1997a).

2.4.5 Starter cultures

Starter culture is added during the cheese making process for acid production and
proteolysis of the cheese. The proteolytic activity of the starters affects the properties
of the cheese; for example, the meltability and the stretchability of Mozzarella cheese
made with proteinase-positive culture differs from those of Mozzarella cheese made
with proteinase-negative culture (Oberg et al. 1991).

Different types of starter culture have different effects on the cheese properties.
Traditionally used starters for Mozzarella are the less heat sensitive strains, e.g.
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Unlike
Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and most strains of S. thermophilus, Lb. helveticus
ferments galactose when lactose is present, so it is used to prevent the accumulation
of galactose in cheese, and thus to limit the browning of the cheese upon baking
(Oberg et al. 1991).

More heat sensitive cultures can also ferment galactose, but are not often used in the
manufacture of Mozzarella, primarily because of their lower rate of acid production
compared with less heat sensitive cultures, unless a large inoculum of them with higher
activity are used (Kindstedt et al. 2010).

Chapter 2 Literature review

The rate of acid production determines the total manufacturing time, which
influences the amount of syneresis during manufacture and therefore the moisture
content of the cheese (Barbano et al. 1994).

2.4.6 Salting and salt content

After the brine-salting process, there is a salt gradient between the surface and the
centre of a cheese block; by altering the caseinfat interactions, the salt gradient
results in variations in the meltability and free oil formation of the cheese at different
locations (Kindstedt et al. 1992).

Contradictory effects of salt content on cheese properties have been reported by

different researchers. A higher salt content decreases the meltability of Mozzarella
(Olson 1982) but dry salting increases the meltability of non-fat Mozzarella (Rowney
et al. 2004). Furthermore, decreasing the salt content produces a softer Muenster
cheese (Pastorino et al. 2003a) but a harder model cheese (Floury et al. 2009).

2.4.7 Aging and heating

As the aging process hydrates the casein matrix (protein absorbs water from the
fatserum channel), the fat globules coalesce more easily when heated, leading to
higher meltability and more free oil formation (McMahon et al. 1999; Tunick 1994;
Tunick et al. 1993). Browning has also been found to decrease dramatically during
the first two weeks of storage, and then to increase gradually with further aging
(Oberg et al. 1992).

The heating process leads to protein degradation, which affects the melting process
(Arnott et al. 1957). It is speculated that melting of the fat is completed and the
cheese flows at around 3044 C (Tunick 2010), and that the protein network begins
to aggregate at around 6065 C (Reparet and Noel 2003). Cheese meltability
increases when the cheese is heated in an oven from 70 to 130 C, and decreases
when the cheese is heated from 130 to 200 C. In contrast, browning has a linear
relationship with heating temperature, and the intensity of browning is related to the
temperature rather than to the heating duration (Wang and Sun 2002).

Chapter 2 Literature review

2.5 Studies on various cheese samples

Cheese is a complex system, and many factors including the production, composition
and microstructure are involved in deciding its functional properties. Changing one
factor may bring changes in other factors. As a result, it is nearly impossible to draw
a conclusion by changing a single factor.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been used to explore the correlation
between cheese production processes and property characteristics. It has been found
by PCA that the viscoelasticity of various cheese samples relates to their meltability
and stretchability (Reparet and Noel 2003). This technique will be used in our study.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

Chapter 3. Evaluation of Cheese


3.1 Commentary
The objective of this study was to develop a novel and objective method for
evaluating the stretchability of Mozzarella cheese with a tensile tester using a
three-prong hook.

Through literature review, this author compared the advances and drawbacks of
different methods evaluating the stretchability of Mozzarella cheese. The 3-prong
hook test was considered to be relatively simple but with no control of ambient
conditions, so the author generated the idea to modify it by building a
temperature-controlled oil bath. The schematic diagram of water circulating system
was drawn by the author, and the appliance was built by the workshops. Samples
were first designed by the author, and Fonterra produced the samples and analysed
cheese compositions. The ideas of inversion point and method comparison were
proposed by the supervisors, and all the stretching tests were designed and executed
by the author, as well as the data analysis. The manuscript was composed by the
author and revisions were made based on the comments from supervisors.

3.2 Abstract
Stretchability is one of the most important functional properties of Mozzarella
cheese, but there is lack of an objective and widely accepted technique for evaluation,
because most of the cheese stretchability tests are influenced by the ambient
conditions. This paper demonstrates a technique, which is novel and relatively
simple, to evaluate the stretchability of Mozzarella cheese objectively. In an oil bath,
melted cheese is stretched by a hook probe, controlled by an Instron tensile tester;
cheese strands are lifted from the melted cheese reservoir to a stretch length of 300

* This chapter is based on a research paper published in the Journal of Dairy Science:
Ma, X., James, B., Zhang, L., Emanuelsson-Patterson E.A.C. (2012). The stretchability of Mozzarella cheese evaluated by a
temperature-controlled 3-prong hook test. Journal of Dairy Science 95(10), 55615568.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

mm, when the load and extension data are recorded by Instron. This test overcomes
other tests drawbacks, such as subjective stretching speeds and variations in ambient
temperature and humidity. Through the test comparison on standard Mozzarella, the
modified stretching test in an oil bath has greater repeatability than the original test
without oil bath.

From the load and extension curve, the Yield load is measured to evaluate the
stretchability. In the meantime, the Inversion point extension of necking is also
measured based on polymer study, producing more repeatable results than the yield
load. The modified 3-prong hook test was applied to Mozzarella cheese samples with
different processing conditions, including the screw conditions (screw time, speed,
and temperature), draining pH, calcium content, and fat content, and significant
differences were found between these samples and the control one.

3.3 Introduction
Mozzarella is one of the most widely sold cheeses. Its main use is as a pizza topping
because of its stretchability, meltability, and shredability. Stretchability is defined as
the ease and extent to which cheese strands are formed (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).
During manufacture, Mozzarella cheese is stretched in hot water using a mechanical
mixer with screws, which results in high stretchability because the proteins are
aligned into fibres with the fat and the serum incorporated between the fibres
(McMahon et al. 1993).

The stretching of polymers is analogous to the stretching of cheese. When some

polymers are stretched uniformly for a distance, they form a neck rather than break.
Either the neck becomes steadily thinner until it breaks, or it stabilizes at some point
and then propagates along the specimen (Vincent 1960), which is often called cold
drawing. In observation of the stretching of cheese, neck thinning is combined with
neck propagation. Factors that are related to load and deformation, before, during,
and after the formation of a stable neck, can be applied to distinguish the stretch
profiles of different cheeses, such as the Yield load.

Researchers have developed a range of techniques to evaluate the stretchability of

Mozzarella cheese (Table 3-1). At a specific time (usually 5 min) after a pizza had

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

been baked, the fork test measures the stretch length of cheese lifted by a fork until
it broke (USDA 1980). This method is fast and easily implemented, but the results
are dependent on the individuals performing the test (specifically the uncontrolled
lifting speed, load, etc.), which decreases the reproducibility. An improved method is
the tensile stretch test; this is a more objective method, in which a circular piece of
cheese is lifted vertically out of a baked cheese pizza at a constant speed
(Apostolopoulos 1994). The stretchability was defined as the point at which all
cheese strands break off the pizza. Guinee and OCallaghan (1997) cut a pizza base
into two equal halves, before covering it with shredded cheese and baking. The
cooked pizza was then placed on the platform of a stretching apparatus. The sides of
the pizza were clamped and stretched apart until the extended strings of cheese broke
completely (Guinee and O'Callaghan 1997).

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

Table 3-1. Stretching test methods

Method Measurement Remark Reference
Objective Piston-type capillary 63 C maximum Hard to adopt in an (Cavella et al.
methods rheometer used for melt strength industrial setting 1992)
polymeric materials and (Hicsasmaz et al.
2004). Exposed to
72 C maximum
ambient conditions
(Ak and Gunasekaran
Uniaxial extension in a Tensile strength, Temperature is (Ak et al.
horizontal plane, 1040C deformability relatively low. 1993)
modulus and
fracture strain
Vertical uniaxial Transient Unsteady state (Ak and
extension apparatus elongational temperature profile, Gunasekaran
viscosity and depends on 1995)
Melt in oil and then
weight and
stretch it under a constant
temperature settings
(Hicsasmaz et al.
Ring-and-ball method Stretch strength Reproducible, but (Hicsasmaz et
used to obtain softening and extensional relatively complex, al. 2004)
point of polymers viscosity and not simple to
Empirical Uniaxial extension of two Extension length Simple and rapid, but (Guinee and
methods halves of pizza base baked empirical; exposed to O'Callaghan
at 280 C for 4 min ambient conditions. 1997)
Three-pronged-hook test: Melt strength, Poorly reproducible; (Fife et al.
Pull vertically to stretch stretch length exposed to ambient 2002)
the melted cheese sample and quality conditions.
Fork test: Perform on Stretchability Lack of control of (Mizuno and
pizza 1 min after being (stretched height temperature and Lucey 2005)
baked at 232 C for 12 until break) moisture loss; exposed
min, until the strands to ambient conditions.

To prevent the problems associated with temperature, humidity, and moisture loss
and to increase the repeatability, the cheese was stretched in mineral oil using a
uniaxial horizontal extension test (Ak et al. 1993). A tensile tester stretched the
dumbbell shaped cheese sample by moving the clamp attached to the sample, at a
constant speed. The limitation with this study was that the cheese samples can be
evaluated only between 10 and 40 C, because the cheese became soft and difficult to
clamp at higher temperatures.

Instead of using clamps, Fife et al. (2002) used a 3-prong hook method to provide a
simple and objective way of measuring the stretchability of melted Mozzarella cheese
using a tensile tester. A steel cup containing Mozzarella cheese was heated in a water

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

bath and fixed on the platform of a tensile tester; once the temperature was uniform,
the hook was inserted into the sample and the cheese was pulled vertically to obtain a
loaddistance curve. The main drawback with this technique was that the results
were dependent on the environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity,
resulting in poor repeatability. To overcome the drawbacks, the present study
improved on this method by performing the tensile test in a temperature-controlled
oil bath. Oil has been used previously as a medium for the evaluation of cheese
stretchability, to maintain a uniform temperature and to prevent the cheese from
drying out (Ak et al. 1993; Hicsasmaz et al. 2004; Joshi et al. 2004b), and has been
shown not to affect the stretchability (Ak and Gunasekaran 1995).

The aim of this study was, firstly, to verify whether stretching the cheese in oil
overcomes the issue of poor reproducibility; secondly, to investigate the stretchability
of Mozzarella of different compositions and manufactured using different processing
conditions. In addition, based on this technique, parameters to evaluate the
stretchability of Mozzarella cheese were to be defined.

3.4 Materials and methods

3.4.1 Modified 3-prong hook test

A double-walled glass cylinder (Figure 3-1) was built, which allowed hot water to
circulate between the glass walls to control the temperature. The height was 350 mm
and the internal diameter was 50 mm. Plugs (21 0.3 g) cut from Mozzarella cheese
blocks were placed in separate beakers (with a diameter of 36 mm and a height of 50
mm), covered with aluminium foil to prevent water evaporation, and heated in a
water bath for 30 min at 70 or 90 C. Individually, beakers containing melted cheese
were put into the bottom of the glass cylinder, which contained the canola oil
(Homebrand, Countdown, New Zealand) already heated to the appropriate
temperature. A 3-prong hook connected to a tensile tester (Instron 5543, Norwood,
MA) was inserted into the melted cheese until it was 5 mm from the bottom of the
beaker. The probe was rotated a small turn to avoid the cut area of cheese. The hook
lifted cheese strands at a speed of 1000 mm/min to a distance of 300 mm (Fife et al.
2002). Details were shown in Appendix C.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

To test for repeatability, defined as the variation in measurements taken by the same
person or instrument on the same item and under the same conditions, 3-prong hook
tests, with and without an oil bath (at 70 or 90 C), were performed on a Mozzarella
cheese (Fonterra Brands Limited) bought from a local supermarket at each set of
conditions with 9 replications. Mozzarella cheeses with different compositions and
manufactured using different processing conditions were produced at the Fonterra
Research Centre (Palmerston North, New Zealand). Samples of these cheeses were
tested using the 3-prong hook test on triplicates, with the oil bath at 70 C.

Figure 3-1. Modified 3-prong hook stretching test

3.4.2 Stretch profile

A loadextension curve, i.e., the stretch profile, for a sample of Mozzarella cheese
is shown in Figure 3-2; it can be divided into 2 regions. In region R1, the load
increases until the hook has travelled around 10 mm and then decreases rapidly
during an unstable deformation period as the hook leaves the cheese reservoir. The
cheese finally forms a stable neck and the rate of the change in load decreases.
Region R2 starts at the inversion point (the point where the load turns stable after a

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

dramatic decrease, where the second derivative of the curve tends to zero), when the
stable neck has formed, and the load increases gradually until the end of the test.

Figure 3-2. Parameters to evaluate the stretch profile of cheese

The maximum load of the cheese stretch profile is defined as the Yield load. The
slope of the dramatic decrease in load is defined, in this study, as the unstable
deformation gradient (UDG) and relates to the rapid formation of the stable neck that
propagates in R2. This is analogous to polymer stretching, when a stable neck forms
during a tensile test after a region of rapid load or stress drop (Nazarenko et al. 1994).
The load and extension values at the inversion point provide further parameters for
quantifying stretchability.

3.4.3 Microstructure

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was used to examine the

microstructure of the cheese samples. Mozzarella cheese samples were sectioned into
slices 50 m thick using a cryotome (Leica CM1850, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo
Grove, IL), soaked in a 0.2% (wt/wt) Nile blue fluorescent probe (SigmaAldrich, St
Louis, MO), diluted in Citifluor to prevent photobleaching, and placed between a
slide and a cover slip overnight. Images were taken using a confocal microscope with
40 objective (Leica TCS SP2, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL). A CLSM
laser wavelength of 488 and 633 nm was used to excite the Nile blue used for fat and
protein staining, with an emission wavelength of 514 and 645 nm individually for fat
and protein. Samples from interrupted stretching tests were taken at extensions of
100, 150, 200, and 300 mm.
Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

3.4.4 Manufacture and analysis of samples

Mozzarella cheese samples were manufactured at the Fonterra Research and

Development Centre (FRDC, Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited, Palmerston
North, New Zealand) with different processing conditions. The control sample was
produced using standard processing conditions (CT); samples were also
manufactured with longer screw time (ST), higher screw speed (SPD), higher screw
temperature (TM), both higher screw speed and higher screw temperature (TMP),
lower draining pH (LPH), higher draining pH (HPH), higher calcium content
(HCA), higher fat content (HFT), and lower fat content (LFT).

Fresh milk was standardized to a protein-fat ratio of 1.31 (except 0.71 for HFT and
3.49 for LFT, 19.8 g/kg CaCl2 was added to the milk for HCA). The milk was
pasteurized, cultured, stirred, and let stand for 15 min. The curd was cut, and then
whey was drained when pH decreased to 5.9 (except 5.8 for LPH and 6.1 for HPH).
Then the curd was milled (at pH of 5.3), salted, and dry stirred. A twin screw
extruder was used to stretch the curd with a speed of 17.6 rpm (except 20.8 rpm for
SPD) in hot water at 58 C (except 68 C for TMP and ST) for 2 min (the total transit
time from the point when the curd entered the mixer to when it exited, except 10 min
for TM). Samples were vacuum-packed and stored at 4 C, and their stretchability
parameters were analysed after 12 weeks of aging.

The compositions of the cheeses were confirmed using a number of techniques. Fat
content and moisture content were determined using a FoodScan dairy analyser
(FOSS, Hillerd, Denmark). Salt content was measured using an autotitrator
(Metrohm Ltd., Herisau, Switzerland) and calcium content was measured using
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (Varian Ltd., Palo Alto,
CA). To measure Non-casein nitrogen (NCN) content, the cheese was dissolved
using 1 mL of 0.1 M NaOH, and then adding 2 mL of Acetic acid solution. Once the
filtrates were prepared, the nitrogen content was determined using the Kjeldahl
method (BOCHI Kjeldahl, BUCHI Labortechnik AG, Flawil, Switzerland). All
chemical analyses were carried out by the Analytical Services Group at the Fonterra
Research Centre.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

3.4.5 Statistical analysis

One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to investigate the significant

difference between cheese samples with different compositions and manufacturing
conditions (details are shown in Appendix D.1 One-way analysis of variance) by
Statistica 8.0 (Stat Soft. Inc, Tulsa, OK, USA) and data was graphed using by
OriginPro 8 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA).

3.5 Results

3.5.1 Stretching test with and without an oil bath

Table 3-2 shows the results for replicated trials with and without oil bath. 3
parameters of stretchability under the conditions with oil bath had obviously lower
standard deviation percentages than those without oil bath at the same temperature,
except the similar standard deviation percentages of Yield load at 70 C with and
without oil bath (detailed load-extension curves are shown in Appendix C). In
addition, for the tests with oil bath, the standard deviation percentages at 90 C were
less than those at 70 C. However, the higher temperature oil bath significantly
decreased the Yield load, which inevitably lowered the differences in Yield load
between different cheese samples. Therefore, for the investigation of Mozzarella
cheeses of different compositions and manufactured using different processing
conditions, the stretching test with the oil bath at 70 C was applied.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

Table 3-2. Repeatability of stretchability test for Mozzarella under different test conditions (n=9)
Test conditions
Without oil bath With oil bath

Parameter 70 C 90 C 70 C 90 C
Yield load (g) 298.94 82.71 146.09 68.39
SD (%) 16.1 20.4 16.3 17.0
Unstable deformation gradient (g/mm) 4.90 0.92 4.41 1.92
SD (%) 62.9 78.3 24.0 14.6
Inversion point extension (mm) 61.00 53.00 50.78 47.67
SD (%) 19.0 14.1 17.7 9.1

The microstructures of standard Mozzarella cheese samples at various extensions are

shown in Figure 3-3. It is clear that the anisotropy of the protein strands was
maintained during this extension and that there was no substantial breakdown of the

Figure 3-3. CLSM microstructures of standard Mozzarella cheese during a stretching test at
extensions of (a) 100 mm, (b) 150 mm, (c) 200 mm, and (d) 300 mm (fat in green and protein in

3.5.2 Stretch profiles of Mozzarella cheese samples

The detailed chemical composition of cheese samples are shown in Table 3-3.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

Table 3-3. Chemical compositions of Mozzarella cheese samples manufactured using different
processing conditions
Mozzarella cheese samples
Fat (%) 21.1 20.1 21.1 21.1 21.5 21.0 21.6 20.8 29.4 11.8
Moisture (%) 47.4 48.3 47.2 47.3 46.5 49.4 46.1 48.0 44.9 51.8
Protein (%) 27.0 27.3 27.3 27.1 27.7 25.5 27.7 26.8 22.0 31.9
Salt (%) 1.58 1.51 1.70 1.77 1.76 1.63 1.52 1.41 1.57 1.84
S/M (%) 3.33 3.13 3.60 3.74 3.78 3.30 3.30 2.94 3.50 3.56
Calcium (mg/g) 6.37 6.37 6.49 6.26 6.46 5.98 7.76 7.44 5.34 8.11
pH 5.50 5.54 5.49 5.48 5.46 5.55 5.56 5.64 5.52 5.51
NCN (%) 0.929 0.754 1.030 0.820 0.640 0.718 0.885 0.895 0.730 0.911
S/M = salt in moisture.
Non-casein nitrogen.

The stretch profiles of the different Mozzarella cheese samples in the 70 C oil bath
are shown in Figure 3-4, in which substantial differences between the Yield loads and
the inversion points of the different samples can be found.


Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability


Figure 3-4. Stretch profiles of Mozzarella cheese samples manufactured using different
processing conditions: CT, control processing conditions; TM, longer screw time; SPD, higher
screw speed; TMP, higher screw temperature; ST, higher screw speed and higher screw
temperature; LPH, lower draining pH; HPH, higher draining pH; HCA, higher calcium
content; HFT, high fat content; LFT, low fat content.

The parameters: Yield load, UDG, and Inversion point extension are shown in Figure
3-5, Figure 3-6, and Figure 3-7 respectively. Figure 3-5 shows that the largest
difference in Yield load was between LFT and HFT with values of 328 and 49 g
respectively, which is larger than what have been reported for non-fat and normal fat
Mozzarella samples (72~178 g) (Fife et al. 2002). HPH and HCA had similar Yield
load values (p > 0.05), and both higher than that of CT, (p < 0.05), whereas LPH had
a similar Yield load value to CT (p > 0.05). Among the samples manufactured using
different screw conditions, only SPD, with higher screw speed, had a lower Yield
load than CT (p < 0.05); TMP, TM, and ST, with higher screw temperature, longer

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

screw time, and both higher screw speed and higher screw temperature, respectively,
had increased Yield loads (p < 0.05).

Figure 3-5. Yield load of Mozzarella cheese samples manufactured using different processing
conditions (The error bars represent SD, and the values with different letters are significantly
different, p < 0.05, n=3)

Figure 3-6 shows the UDG of SPD and HFT were lower, and TMP, ST, HPH, and
LFT were higher than that of CT (p < 0.05). TM, LPH, HCA did not differ from that
of CT (p > 0.05). Figure 3-7 shows that the Inversion point extension values of all
samples were higher than CT (p < 0.05) except SPD (lower than CT, p < 0.05) and
HFT (not significantly different from CT, p > 0.05).

Figure 3-6. Unstable deformation gradient of Mozzarella cheese samples (The error bars
represent SD, and the values with different letters are significantly different, p < 0.05, n=3)

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

Figure 3-7. Inversion point extension of Mozzarella cheese samples (The error bars represent
SD, and the values with different letters are significantly different, p < 0.05, n=3)

3.6 Discussion

3.6.1 Modified stretching test

The high variability of the loadextension curves that were produced during the
stretching test without the oil bath was due to the rapid decrease in temperature and
the dramatic moisture loss of the cheese strands when stretched in air. The modified
stretching test overcomes these problems with the temperature-controlled oil bath,
which provides a uniform environment with a constant temperature, preventing
temperature decrease and moisture loss.

3.6.2 Stretchability of Mozzarella cheese samples

For the manufacturing of Mozzarella, if the curd is stretched using a too high speed at
a too low temperature, it will tear and lose fat or even moisture to the stretching water
(Renda et al. 1997a). While, the stretching speed (or temperature) used in here were
too high (or too low), and thus there was no loss of fat or moisture in the samples
(SPD and TMP).

As expected, by using milk with different protein-fat ratios, samples with extremely
different fat contents were produced (HFT and LFT). Similarly, by adding extra
calcium, high calcium sample (HCA) was manufactured. Draining pH interacts with
calcium content (Guinee et al. 2002), as a result, cheese made with higher draining

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

pH (HPH) had similar calcium content with HCA, in accordance with former
research (Yun et al. 1995).

Both the Yield load and the inversion point can be used to quantify stretchability. The
Yield load reflected the cheese viscosity and its capacity to resist deformation (Fife et
al. 2002). The inversion point indicates the extension at which a stable neck is
formed, after which the material stretches uniformly with apparent strain hardening.

Calcium acts as a cementing agent that cross links, and thus strengthens, the casein
network. A cheese with a higher calcium content has been found to require higher
loads when using a uniaxial horizontal extension test (Joshi et al. 2004b), which was
corroborated by our results. Calcium content has been found to control the
stretchability of nonfat Mozzarella cheese (McMahon et al. 2005); in the current
study, both HPH and HCA, with higher calcium content (see Table 3-3), had higher
Yield load than CT.

The high Yield load of LFT was probably due to its lower fat content and higher
protein content, in addition to its higher calcium content, compared with CT. This is
in agreement with previous literature; low fat cheese has fewer and smaller fat
globules embedded in the protein matrix than full fat cheese, and the dominating
protein matrix results in the firm texture of low fat cheese (Mistry and Anderson
1993). Even though LFT had low fat, and no butter oil was added on the surface
during heating in the water bath, surface cooling and desiccation were minimized by
its natural free oil formation, due to the aging effect (Kindstedt and Kiely 1992).

SPD was compositionally similar to CT in terms of fat, moisture, and protein

contents; this was in contrast to other research (Renda et al. 1997b), in which
differences in moisture content and protein content were related to the screw speed
(this was probably because the screw speed for SPD in the current study was only
slightly higher than that for CT). However, it should be noted that SPD had a
significantly higher NCN content, which is an index of proteolysis, indicating that
SPD had higher protein degradation than CT. As a result, SPD had a less dense
casein structure than CT, which explains its lower Yield load. Similarly, TM, TMP,
and ST, with higher NCN, had higher Yield loads than CT.

Chapter 3 Evaluation of cheese stretchability

The UDG and Inversion point extension results were similar to the Yield load results.
In addition to the stretchability of the cheese, the UDG is also affected by how much
the cheese is lifted by the hook, as indicated by the higher UDG value for HPH than
for HCA. This difference in the amount of cheese lifted by the hook resulted in
relatively high standard deviations of UDG, which is a limit to the weakness of this
parameter. The Inversion point extension results had smaller standard deviations than
the Yield load results, indicating that, compared with Yield load, the Inversion point
extension is a more repeatable parameter for the evaluation of stretchability and can
distinguish smaller differences between the stretchability of Mozzarella samples.

Consumers may have different preferences on the stretchability of Mozzarella cheese.

The higher values of Yield load and Inversion point extension respectively indicate
that it is more difficult to stretch the cheese, and it takes longer for the cheese strings
to be stable. As a result, Mozzarella samples with lower Yield load and Inversion
point extension values have greater stretchability.

3.7 Conclusions
The modified 3-prong hook stretching tests with oil bath had better repeatability than
the same tests without oil bath. Yield load was selected for the evaluation of cheese
stretchability. As a similar necking phenomenon to that observed for some polymers
occurred in the stretching test, the Inversion point extension was also measured. Both
increasing the calcium content and increasing the draining pH increased the Yield
load. Compared with a control sample, a high fat Mozzarella had around 70% the
Yield load, and a low fat Mozzarella had a Yield load 3 times higher. Mozzarella
cheeses manufactured using a longer screw time or a higher screw temperature had a
higher Yield load, and those manufactured using a higher screw speed had lower
Yield load. As the Inversion point extension and the Yield load results behaved
similarly, both parameters can be used to quantify the stretchability of cheese using
this temperature-controlled 3-prong hook test.

This stretching test described in this chapter will be used in subsequent chapters to
study the functional properties of Mozzarella cheese.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

Chapter 4. Quantifying Colour and Colour

Uniformity of cheeses after baking*

4.1 Commentary
This objective of this study is to develop methods for evaluating the pizza baking
performances of cheeses, including not only Mozzarella, but also other cheeses with
different blistering and browning behaviours.

The idea of evaluating pizza baking performance of cheeses was proposed by the
supervisors. Through literature review and method comparison, the author selected
machine vision to capture pizza images. The property analysis techniques and CLSM
were designed and executed by the author. The image analysis technique was
designed by a supervisor, and executed by the author. The manuscript was composed
by the author and revisions were made based on the comments from supervisors.

4.2 Abstract
This study quantified and differentiated the appearances of different cheeses after
pizza baking using machine vision system and image analysis techniques. The colour,
colour uniformity and browning area of different cheeses (Mozzarella, Cheddar,
Colby, Edam, Emmental, Gruyere, and Provolone) after baking were quantified, by
analysing the images of the pizzas taken by machine vision. Mozzarella was easily
distinguished from the other cheeses by its 3 times higher #Primitives and an order of
magnitude higher CCI than others. Significantly different colour, colour uniformity,
or browning area of cheeses differentiated them from each other. The correlations
between cheese appearance and attributes were also evaluated, which helped to
classify the pizza baking performance of cheeses into three groups in comparison
with Mozzarella: Group 1: Cheddar, Colby, and Edam; Groups 2: Gruyere and
Provolone; Groups 3: Emmental.

This chapter is based on a research paper submitted to the Computers and Electronics in
Ma X, Balaban MO, Zhang L, Emanuelsson-Patterson EAC, James B. 2013. Classification of cheeses
by pizza baking performance using machine vision.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

4.3 Introduction
Pizzas are usually topped with Mozzarella cheese, mainly due to its great meltability
and stretchability when heated. Mozzarella has been studied extensively in this
context. For example, pizza baking performance, including the change of colour,
surface browning, and shred fusion has been analysed for low-fat Mozzarella (Zisu
and Shah 2007), where a high moisture loss was found to lead to low meltability,
incomplete shred fusion, and a high degree of surface browning. However, the
appearance of pizza in that study was not quantitatively evaluated; instead, the
inherently non-uniform colour was measured using a chroma-meter.

Machine vision methods have been previously applied to pizza baking considering
the shape and size of the pizza base (Du and Sun 2004), the sauce spread (Du and
Sun 2005; Sun and Brosnan 2003), and the pizza toppings (Du and Sun 2005; Sun
and Brosnan 2003). However, the appearance of pizza baked with cheese (which
browns and blisters) has seldom been investigated using Machine vision. Cheeses are
frequently employed on gourmet style pizzas in combination with Mozzarella, and
to our knowledge, how these different cheeses act during pizza baking has not been

The cheese composition affects the browning behaviour during baking (Johnson and
Olson 1985) particularly through the impact of galactose. However, the aim of the
current study is to develop methods for quantifying and differentiating browning and
blistering performance of cheese. As such, producing pizzas with extremes of
appearance was key, and correlating the browning and blistering behaviour to
functional properties of cheese was a secondary aim. Hence, the composition of the
cheese was not directly considered during this study.

The aim of the current study is to develop proper methods for quantifying and
differentiating appearance of different cheeses. To achieve this aim, firstly, cheeses
including Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Emmental, Gruyere, and Provolone
were baked on pizzas and their images were captured using machine vision, and the
colour, colour uniformity and browning areas of cheeses were evaluated; then, to
further understand the pizza baking performance of cheeses, some cheese attributes
(moisture, free oil, etc.) were evaluated; at last, different cheeses were classified by
their pizza baking performance.
Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

4.4 Materials and methods

4.4.1 Cheese preparation and pizza baking

Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Emmental (all AlpineTM brand), and Gruyere
(KapitiTM) were bought from a local supermarket (Countdown, Progressive
Enterprises) and Provolone was bought from a local delicatessen (Nosh Food Market)
in Auckland, New Zealand.

Cheeses were stored at 4 C, and each type of cheese was shredded separately using a
food processor (BFP400, Kitchen Wizz, Sydney, Australia) before carrying out the
pizza baking tests. Pizza bases (~23 cm and ~1 cm thickness, Leaning TowerTM Thin)
were stored in a freezer and thawed for 3 hours before testing. A metal ring (21 cm in
diameter, 5 cm high) was placed on each pizza base, and 125 g cheese shreds were
spread evenly in the circular area, leaving ~1 cm edge uncovered. Each pizza was
baked in a convection oven (Turbofan E32D4, MOFFAT, Christchurch, New
Zealand) (preheated) at 232 C for 5 min (Rudan and Barbano 1998). The pizza was
immediately removed from the oven, and placed in a light box system. Images of the
pizzas were obtained with a digital video camera, under controlled illumination
conditions, as described below.

4.4.2 Image acquisition

A machine vision system was used for image acquisition, as previously described by
Luzuriaga et al. (1997). In summary the system was composed of a digital video
camera (DFK 31 BF03, Imaging Source, Charlotte, NC, U.S.A.) attached to a laptop
computer by a IEEE1394 cable, a lens (Tamron 12VM612) with a circular polarizing
filter (35.5 mm B+W filter, Bad Kreuznach, Germany), and a light box. The light box
used 2 fluorescent light bulbs (Lumichrome F15W1XX, colour temperature = 6500
K, colour retention index=98, Lumiram, Larchmont, N.Y., U.S.A.) emulating D65
illumination (natural daylight at noon). Diffuse light inside the box was obtained by
using a Polycast acrylic #2447 plastic sheet (Faulkner Plastics, Gainesville, FL,
U.S.A.) between the fluorescent bulbs and the sample space.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

4.4.3 Colour evaluation

Colour analysis was conducted using the software LensEye (Gainesville, Fla., USA)
to capture images and analyse their colour attributes. To represent colours the L*a*b*
model was applied: L* (from 0 to 100: black to white), a* (from -120 to 120: green to
red), and b*(from -120 to 120: blue to yellow). The L*a*b* model is device
independent, provides consistent colour regardless of the photo input or output
devices, and it has larger colour gamuts to display than other models, including RGB
model and CMYK model (Yam and Papadakis 2004).

In the software a circular region of interest (ROI) was used with each image to select
equal areas. The ROI can be moved on the image so that it can be centred on the
pizza. The circular ROI on the pizza images were selected to be the size of cheese
spread on the base, to avoid measuring the colour of the pizza base.

The colour of the each pizza was evaluated by measuring the average L*, a*, and b* of
the area selected by this circular ROI, by averaging the values of every pixel in the

4.4.4 Colour uniformity

The dark spots scattered on pizzas as a result of cheese browning and blistering
during baking are not easily quantified, so they are usually qualitatively described by
subjective terms, or even neglected, which may lead to misleading conclusions (Yam
and Papadakis 2004). This is relevant to the colour uniformity: the pizza with fewer
dark spots has more uniform colour distribution. We quantified the colour
non-uniformity of pizzas using colour primitives, in order to quantitatively analyse
the pizza appearance with respect to the dark spots.

A colour primitive is defined as a continuous area, in which the colour intensity of

any pixel is within a given threshold value range. The colour intensity difference (I)
between two pixels (Balaban 2008) is defined as:

2 2 2
I = i j i j i j (4.1)

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

Where subscripts i and j represent two pixels being compared, and R, G, and B
represent the red, green and blue components of a pixel colour. To obtain the colour
primitives of an image, LensEye calculated the colour intensity differences between a
pixel and its immediate neighbours, and continued with the immediate neighbours of
these neighbours until I exceeded the given threshold (set to 20 in this study). Then
a new primitive was started, and the process was repeated until all pixels were
processed, and all colour primitives were determined. Equivalent circles having the
same area (in pixels) as the colour primitives were calculated, and were drawn
centred at the centre of gravity of the primitive (Balaban 2008).

To evaluate the colour non-uniformity, the number of colour primitives (#Primitives)

and the colour change index (CCI) were calculated by LensEye. CCI is defined by
Balaban (2008):

I for neighbouring primitives number of neighbours 100 (4.2)
distance between each primitive object area

A high CCI value indicates more changes in the colour of an object, or less

4.4.5 Browning area

Some parts of cheese on each pizza have darker colours than their neighbours, i.e.
they have lower L* values. Pizzas made with different cheeses may have different
overall colours, and thus different threshold values to distinguish darker pixels from
the rest of each pizza. To address this issue, 95% of the average L* value of each
pizza was chosen as the threshold, and pixels with lower L* than this threshold were
highlighted as surface browning. The area% of browning was also measured.

4.4.6 Cheese attributes evaluation

The cheeses were assessed for moisture content, water activity, rheological properties
and free oil formation. No attempt to quantify composition was made as the aim of
the study was to develop tools to quantify blistering and browning. As such cheeses

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

with very different browning properties (influenced by composition) were used. The
following measurements were done on triplicates of each cheese. Moisture and water activity

Each cheese was assessed in triplicate for the water activity and moisture content.
Samples of 3 g of shredded cheese were analysed for water activity at 25 C
(Novasina LabMaster, Novasina AG, Neuheimstrasse, Lachen, Switzerland).
Moisture content of each cheese was achieved by atmospheric oven method in
accordance with AOAC method (Helrich 1990). Rheological parameters

Rheology of the cheeses was measured using a rheometer (AG-2R, TA Instruments,

New Castle, DE, USA) fitted with a serrated parallel plate (40 mm diameter- used to
prevent slippage). A constant strain of 0.05% and a constant frequency of 0.8 Hz
were set, and a temperature sweep from 10 C to 90 C was performed on each
cheese specimen (~3 mm thick, 40 mm diameter) with a temperature step gap of 5 C
and a holding time of 1.5 min at each step. Elastic Modulus (G) and Viscous
Modulus (G) were obtained at each temperature step. Transition temperatures and temperature profiles

The transition temperature of each cheese was measured as the temperature at which
G and G cross each other during the temperature sweep, and it indicates the
temperature from which cheese became more viscous than elastic
(Sutheerawattananonda and Bastian 1998). It also refers to the softening point during
heating, which indicates the ease of melting (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).

Temperatures of each cheese, during baking on pizza bases, were measured using a
thermocouple (K type, Q1437, Dick SmithTM) with a wire probe inserted among
cheese shreds near the centre of the pizza, and the oven door was then closed with the
long wire of probe going through the door. A temperature profile curve was drawn by
recording temperature at every minute during pizza baking for 5 min. Activation energy and free oil formation

The complex modulus (G*) is obtained by G and G, and the complex viscosity (*)
which represents the resistance to flow is calculated as follows:

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

G* (G ')2 (G ")2 (4.1)

* G* (4.2)

The Arrhenius equation is:

* A exp Ea RT (4.3)

where A is the pre-exponential factor, R is the gas constant (8.314 J K-1 mol-1), and T
is the absolute temperature, so activation energy was obtained by measuring the slope
of the curve of ln * versus 1/T between 30 to 45 C (Dimitreli and Thomareis 2004;
Tunick 2010).

The method to measure free oil was modified from the oil-ring test (Kindstedt et al.
1988). A cheese cylinder (~2 mm thick, 17 mm diameter) was put in a glass Petri
dish with filter paper, and then put in an oven at 200 C for 15 min. Photos were
taken with the same machine vision setup used for pizza images. The area of free oil
was measured using image analysis software (Image Pro plus 6.0, Media Cybernetics
Inc., Bethesda, MD, USA). The ratio between free oil area on the filter paper and the
weight of sample was used to represent the free oil formation. Microstructure

CLSM was used to observe the microstructure of the cheeses, and details can be
found in Ma et al. (2012). Slices of samples 50 m thick were soaked overnight in
0.2% (wt/wt) Nile red and Fast green fluorescent probes (SigmaAldrich, St. Louis,
MO, USA). Images were taken using a confocal microscope with a 40 objective
(Leica TCS SP2, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL, USA). The average
diameter and the circularity of the fat globules were measured from the CLSM
images using Image Pro plus 6.0 (Media Cybernetics Inc., Bethesda, MD, USA).

4.4.7 Statistical analysis

One-way ANOVA was performed using Statistica 8.0 (Stat Soft. Inc, Tulsa, OK,
USA) to investigate the significant differences between cheese samples and data was
graphed using OriginPro 8 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA).

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

4.5 Results and discussion

4.5.1 Appearances of pizzas

The average L*a*b* colour, colour uniformity, and the surface browning area of the
pizzas following baking were quantified using the Machine vision system and image
analysis. By quantifying each of these factors of appearance, each cheese in this
study can be distinguished from each other (details are shown as follows). Colour of cheese

From the average L*, a* and b* values, the colours of pizzas baked with different
cheeses had different colour descriptions under the ISCC-NBS colour system (Kelly
and Judd 1976): Mozzarella, Colby, Edam, and Gruyere were described as moderate
orange yellow; Cheddar was strong orange; Emmental was light yellow; Provolone
was light orange. Table 4-1 indicates that Emmental with the highest L* and lowest a*
and Cheddar with the lowest L* and highest a* distinguished them from the other
cheeses. Besides, Provolone had the lowest b*, and Mozzarella had significantly
different a* from other cheeses. On the other hand, Colby, Edam, and Gruyere could
not be distinguished from each other based on their L*, a* or b* colours.

Table 4-1. Appearances of cheeses on pizza after baking

Cheese types
Mozzarella Cheddar Colby Edam Emmental Gruyere Provolone
L* 78.87b 72.62a 80.72b 80.61b 92.74c 79.48b 78.95b
a* 10.04b 26.28d 14.26c 14.21c -6.18a 16.07c 17.08c
b c c c b bc
b *
53.03 58.02 59.16 59.15 52.03 56.49 44.69a
#Primitives 9,758c 2,905ab 2,685a 3,413b 2,492a 2,697a 3,299b
e c a b b c
CCI 3.62 0.18 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.19 0.30d
a b c c d c
L* of browning 52.79 64.52 73.10 72.30 83.33 71.37 69.24bc
Browning area (%) 28.41c 27.74c 20.78b 18.03a 20.23b 17.47a 29.57c
Averages in a row with different superscript letters have significant differences, p < 0.05

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

Figure 4-1. Colour primitive analysis on pizzas with different cheeses Colour uniformity

Figure 4-1 shows the original photos of pizzas, calculated colour primitives, and
resulting colour circles of different cheeses. As shown in Table 4-1, Colby with the
lowest #Primitives and CCI had the highest colour uniformity. Mozzarella was easily
distinguished from the other cheeses by its extremely non-uniform colourmore
than 3 times higher #Primitives and an order of magnitude higher CCI than the other
cheeses. Browning

Figure 4-2 highlights pixels with relatively lower L* value of each cheese, and the
browning area (shown in Table 4-1), as the area% of the outlined pixels, quantifies
the overall darkening of the cheese upon baking. Edam and Gruyere had the smallest
browning area%, followed by Colby and Emmental. Mozzarella, Gruyere, and
Provolone had relatively even distribution of browning spots, while the other cheeses
mostly browned around the edge. It is noted in Figure 4-2 that Emmental had big
bubbles with only slight browning, while Mozzarella had extremely high browning.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

Figure 4-2. Browning of pizzas with Mozzarella, Cheddar, Colby, Edam, Emmental, Gruyere,
and Provolone (brown areas were green outlined)

4.5.2 Cheese attributes and their effects on pizza appearance

The different cheeses gave significantly different browning and blistering behaviour
as a result of a combination of material properties and composition. The cheese
attributes of direct relevance to browning and blistering include not only the moisture
and free oil content but also the rheological properties. Moisture

As shown in Figure 4-3, Mozzarella had the highest water activity (0.961), and
Provolone had the lowest (0.915); Mozzarella also had the highest moisture content
(49.6%), whereas Emmental had the lowest (29.5%). Gruyere and Provolone, with
similar pizza baking performance, had similar moisture contents (36.2% and 37.9%,

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

respectively). The other cheeses (Cheddar, Colby, and Edam) with relatively high
colour uniformity had a wide range of moisture contents (33.6%~39.9%).


Figure 4-3. (a) Water activity: aw and (b) moisture contents of cheeses Rheological parameters

Figure 4-4 shows that G and G of cheeses deceased with an increasing temperature,
and Mozzarella had the lowest decreasing rates. Provolone had the highest G and G
from 35 C to 85 C, and Cheddar and Colby had relatively lower G and G from
65 C to 90 C.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking


Figure 4-4. Rheological parameters of cheeses: (a) Elastic modulus: G and (b) Viscous modulus:
G Transition temperature

Comparing the transition temperatures and temperature profiles between cheeses in

Figure 4-5, we found that after 2 min of baking, all cheeses had temperatures higher
than 65 C, which were higher than their transition temperatures except Provolone;
cheeses except Provolone behaved more like viscous liquid than elastic solid for the
majority of the baking time. However, the conversion of moisture present in cheese
to steam would occur only in the last minute of baking, when the temperature of
cheese reached 100 C.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking


Figure 4-5. (a) Transition temperatures and (b) Temperature profiles of cheeses

Figure 4-6 (a) indicates that the water activity correlates with transition temperature,
which is in accordance with previous research (Duggan et al. 2008). The correlation
is linear if Mozzarella is excluded. Moreover, Figure 4-6 (b) shows there is a
significant impact of transition temperature on colour uniformity as quantified by
CCI. Higher water activity indicates that more active moisture is entrapped in the
protein matrix, which is easier to flow and thus the cheese melts easier (reflected by
lower transition temperature). Moreover, the better melting of cheese can produce
more evenly distributed melted cheese on pizza during baking, and thus more
uniform colour distribution. Mozzarella is an exception, because of its unique
blistering and browning behaviour.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking


Figure 4-6. Linear fittings between (a) transition temperatures and aw (R2 = 0.977, p < 0.05) and
between (b) Colour change index values and transition temperatures of non-stretchy cheeses (R2
= 0.948, p < 0.05) Activation energy and free oil

In Figure 4-7 (a), we found that the free oil of Edam was the lowest (1,017 mm 2/g),
Mozzarella was ~40% higher, and Cheddar, Colby, and Emmental were 150~180%
higher than Edam. Gruyere and Provolone had the highest free oil amounts4.5~5.5
times of Edam. The activation energy values of cheeses are shown in Figure 4-7 (b),
where Colby had a similar value with previous study (Tunick 2010), but Cheddar and
Mozzarella had small values than reported. Cheeses with higher activation energy
values degrade more quickly with heating, which is indicated to be related to fat
melting (Tunick 2010), but the pizza baking performance was not found to be
affected by activation energy.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking


Figure 4-7. (a) Activation energy and (b) free oil of cheeses Microstructure

The CLSM microstructures of cheeses are shown in Figure 4-8. Different from the
other cheeses, (a) Mozzarella and (g) Gruyere are pasta filata cheeses. The anisotropy
of the protein strands has been found for Mozzarella and Gruyere, in contrast to the
other cheeses.
Significant differences between the fat diameter and circularity of cheeses are
indicated in Table 4-2, while no correlation has been found between the
microstructure parameters of fat globules and the pizza baking performance or other
properties of cheeses.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

Figure 4-8. Microstructure of cheeses: (a) Mozzarella, (b) Cheddar, (c) Colby, (d) Edam, (e)
Emmental, (f) Gruyere and (g) Provolone (fat is shown in green and protein is in red)

Table 4-2. Parameters evaluating microstructure of cheeses

Cheese types
Mozzarella Cheddar Colby Edam Emmental Gruyere Provolone
Fat diameter (m) 8.34e 6.57c 6.59c 5.49b 4.89a 5.23b 7.31d
Fat circularity 0.364b 0.418d 0.424d 0.582e 0.616f 0.393c 0.195a
Averages in a row with different superscript letters have significant differences, p < 0.05

4.5.3 Classification of cheeses

In the present work, Mozzarella was found to have extremely different pizza baking
performance from the other cheeses, reflected by its lowest colour uniformity. In
comparison with Mozzarella, the other cheeses can be classified into three groups
based on their different baking performance. Cheddar, Colby, and Edam, with
relatively high colour uniformity and no evenly distributed browning spots, appeared
to have no blisters after baking. In contrast, Gruyere and Provolone blistered upon
baking, which resulted in their more evenly distributed browning spots. Gruyere had
significantly smaller browning area than Provolone, which contributed to its much
higher colour uniformity. Emmental had relatively uniform appearance, but it had big
blisters appearing upon baking, which is different from the no blistering group of
cheeses (Cheddar, Colby, and Edam); these blisters hardly browned, which makes
Emmental different from the other blistering cheeses (Mozzarella, Gruyere, and

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

To explain the mechanism of the different browning and blistering of cheeses, the top
schematic diagram in Figure 4-9 shows how a blister of cheese is formed during
baking on a pizza base. The appearance of cheese during baking is possibly a
combination result induced by heat, which involves free oil formation, moisture
evaporation, and the elastic response of the cheese. Details will be discussed in
Section 6.5.4.

Figure 4-9. Schematic diagrams of blister formation and performance of different cheeses

For the group of Cheddar, Colby, and Edam, blisters were not formed because of the
elasticity of cheese. As shown in Figure 4-9, steam bubbles of these cheeses burst at
an early stage of the formation of blisters, possibly because their limited elastic
responses cannot resist the steam forces.

For the group consisting Gruyere and Provolone, free oil is indicated to have a major
effect on the browning and blistering appearance. Sufficient amount of free oil covers
steam bubbles, which prevents rapid dehydration of cheese; hence less intensive
browning occurs on blisters. In contrast, Mozzarella has much less free oil covering
the steam bubbles, from which the moisture in cheese evaporates more easily, leaving
a burnt surface of each blister.

For Emmental, the moisture content is speculated to be responsible for its browning
and blistering behaviour. It is indicated that the steam force is related to the moisture
content, so Mozzarella generates the most steam, followed by Gruyere and
Provolone, and Emmental has the weakest steam (reflected by the number of arrows
in Figure 4-9). For Emmental, the steam force is only enough to hold fewer steam
bubbles, and each bubble is produced by the moisture from a larger area of cheese.

Chapter 4 Quantifying colour and colour uniformity of cheeses after baking

The resulting steam bubble has a larger area than other cheeses, but lower height,
hence free oil may not flow from the top of each bubble. Consequently, moisture is
less easy to evaporate from steam bubbles, and browning is hardly seen on the steam
bubbles of Emmental.

Mozzarella is widely used in making pizzas, and a mixture with other cheeses is often
adopted to satisfy different preferences of customers. In addition, the blisters of
cheese would be less burnt with more free oil, and higher colour uniformity could
also be achieved by adding other cheeses with high water activity.

4.6 Conclusions
An image analysis technique was applied to quantify the colour, colour uniformity
and browning area on the pizza photos captured by machine vision. Different cheeses
were differentiated from each other, and based on different pizza baking performance,
the investigated cheeses were classified into 3 groups in comparison with
Mozzarella Group 1: Cheddar, Colby, and Edam, more uniform appearance and no
blisters; Groups 2: Gruyere and Provolone, browning spots (blisters) with less dark
browning; Groups 3: Emmental, bigger blisters with light browning. For cheeses
other than Mozzarella, those with higher water activity had more active moisture
entrapped in protein matrix, and thus they were easier to flow and melt, and had
greater colour uniformity.

The image acquisition technique will be used in the following chapters to capture the
pizza photos using machine vision.

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

Chapter 5. Blistering and Browning of

Mozzarella Made with Different Starter

5.1 Commentary
This study aimed to evaluate the pizza baking performances of Mozzarella in more
detail, measuring the size and the shape parameters of blisters.

This idea to analyse blistering properties of Mozzarella was proposed by a supervisor,

and through literature review and method comparison, the author designed the
methodology. The author was involved in the design and production of samples at
Fonterra, and cheese compositions were analysed by Fonterra. The author designed
and executed the practical experiments, including pizza baking test, property
evaluation tests, microstructure evaluation and statistical analysis. Image analysis
techniques for the CLSM and blistering of cheese were also designed and executed
by the author. The manuscript was composed by the author and revisions were made
based on the comments from supervisors.

5.2 Abstract
An innovative and holistic approach was developed to evaluate cheese blistering and
browning properties using machine vision system and image analysis techniques. As
a novel technique for the blistering evaluation, the number, size and shape of blisters
were analysed. The techniques were applied on a range of starter cultures and the
blistering and browning properties were related to cheese composition (sugar,
moisture, etc.) and functional properties (meltability, free oil, viscoelasticity, and
stretching properties). As shown by the results, Mozzarella made with more heat
sensitive starter cultures had the least intensive browning and the smallest number of
blisters. Free oil was found to significantly affect blistering appearance by impeding

This chapter is based on a research paper in press of the Food Research International:
Ma X, James B, Balaban MO, Zhang L, Emanuelsson-Patterson EAC. Quantifying blistering and
browning properties of Mozzarella cheese. Part I: Cheese made with different starter cultures. Food
Research International.

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

the moisture loss from the cheese fewer blisters were formed on Mozzarella cheese
with more free oil.

5.3 Introduction
Mozzarella is used mainly as a pizza topping, based on its functional properties:
meltability and stretchability. When baked on pizza, the browning behaviour of the
cheese is critical, and excessive browning is a defect (Matzdorf et al. 1994; Wang and
Sun 2003). The browning of cheese on pizza is caused mainly by the Maillard
reaction, which is a heat-induced reaction between reducing sugars and free amino
groups of proteins (Thomas 1969). Galactose content is considered to be related to
the browning of cheese upon baking (Johnson and Olson 1985), and free oil is also
involved in browning properties by modulating the dehydration of cheese (Richoux et
al. 2008). Blisters are trapped pockets of heated steam that may be preferentially
scorched during baking. Cheese blistering has been indicated to be affected by cheese
meltability as observed in former research (Hong et al. 1998), however, to the best of
our knowledge, the correlations between blistering and functional properties of
cheese has not been studied.
The browning appearance of cheese has been evaluated by sensory method (Rudan
and Barbano 1998), colorimeter (Aydemir and Dervisoglu 2010) and machine vision
(Wang and Sun 2003). Compared to the other methods, machine vision is more
efficient, objective and provides more information on the colour change of cheese
(Wang & Sun, 2003). Machine vision has also been applied to evaluate the shape and
size of the pizza base (Du and Sun 2004), the sauce spread (Du and Sun 2005; Sun
and Brosnan 2003), and the pizza toppings (Du and Sun 2005; Sun and Brosnan
2003). To the best of our knowledge, cheese blistering appearance has not been
scientifically investigated using machine vision.
Starter cultures are usually used to produce acid in cheese making, and they influence
both proteolysis (Drake et al. 1996; Milesi et al. 2011) and lactose hydrolysis, which
affect the browning of Mozzarella. Starter cultures can be classified into two
groups the less heat sensitive strains and the more heat sensitive strains, with
optimum growth temperatures of around 37 and 30 C respectively (Law and Tamime
2010). Less heat sensitive cultures are Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, and L. helveticus. Galactose is catabolized from
Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

lactose by these starter cultures during cheese manufacture. As most S. thermophilus

and L. bulgaricus strains cannot metabolize galactose, excessive galactose
accumulates in cheese (Kindstedt 1993). S. thermophilus produces cheese with weak
proteolysis, whereas L. bulgaricus can liberate numerous amino acids from casein
more readily; this stimulates the growth of S. thermophilus, and S. thermophilus
strains do the same for L. bulgaricus by producing CO2 and formate (Hutkins and
Ponne 1991). As a result, these two types of starter culture are often used together in
Mozzarella manufacture. In difference, L. delbrueckii subsp. helveticus can use
galactose, which reduces the residual galactose, and thus can reduce browning (Oberg
et al. 1991; Turner and Martley 1983). These strains also influence the functional
properties of Mozzarella cheese, which may affect the browning and blistering
properties (Hong et al. 1998).
The more heat sensitive strains (i.e. Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and L. lactis
subsp. cremoris) are more likely to metabolize galactose during storage, which
prevents residual galactose from accumulating in the cheese (Law and Tamime 2010).
However, more heat sensitive strains are not often used in the manufacture of
Mozzarella, primarily because they produce acid at a lower rate than less heat
sensitive strains, and thus need longer time for cheese production (Kindstedt et al.
2010). To our knowledge, Mozzarella made with more heat sensitive strains has not
been compared with that made with less heat sensitive strains in terms of browning
and blistering.
The first and main aim of this study is to develop a novel methodology to investigate
the blistering and browning properties of Mozzarella cheese. This study will use
machine vision imaging (introduced in Chapter 4) to allow detailed analysis,
including colour for browning and the number, size and shape of the blisters. To
achieve this, five different Mozzarella samples made with different starter cultures
will be chosen as model cheeses to allow for a wide range of blistering and browning
properties to be evaluated. To further understand the correlations between cheese
blistering and browning and functional properties, the second aim is to investigate the
possibility of correlating blistering and browning properties to the functional
properties of Mozzarella cheese, including stretching evaluation as developed in
Chapter 3.

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

5.4 Materials and methods

5.4.1 Cheese manufacturing

Mozzarella samples were made with different starter cultures by the Fonterra
Research and Development Centre (FRDC, Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited,
Palmerston North, New Zealand):

SC1: control more heat sensitive strain;

SC2: Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus;

SC3: S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus;

SC4: Lb. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. salivarius subsp. thermophilus;

SC5: Lb. helveticus.

SC2 to SC5 were made with less heat sensitive strains. Even though both L.
delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and S. salivarius subsp. Thermophilus were used for
SC2 and SC4, different L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus strains were used for these
two samples.
The procedure to produce cheese in the Fonterra facilities was as follows: Fresh milk
was standardized to a protein-to-fat ratio of 1.31. The milk was pasteurized,
separately cultured with the strains listed above, stirred and set at different
temperatures (36 C for SC1 and 40 C for SC2~SC5). The pH of the milk was
adjusted with acetic acid (to 6.1 for SC1 and ~ 6.3 for SC2~SC5). The curd was cut,
and then the whey was drained when the pH had decreased to a certain value (5.9 for
SC1 and 6.1 for SC2~SC5). The remaining procedures were the same for all samples:
the curd was milled at pH 5.3, salted and dry stirred. A twin screw was used to stretch
the curd with a speed of 17.6 rpm in hot water at 58 C for 2 min.

The production processes of SC1 were as described in former research for the control
sample in Section 3.4.4. Higher draining pH was used for SC2-SC5, because these
less heat sensitive strains produce acid at a higher rate than more heat sensitive
strains (Kindstedt et al. 2010), and a higher draining pH can decrease the proteolysis

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

of cheese (Yun et al. 1995). As such, the proteolysis of samples can be kept at the
same level.

The samples were vacuum packed and stored at 4 C, and their properties were
analysed on triplicates after 1 month of aging.

5.4.2 Chemistry analysis

Fat content and moisture content were measured using a FoodScan dairy analyser
(FOSS, Hillerd, Denmark). Salt content was measured using an autotitrator
(Metrohm Ltd., Herisau, Switzerland), and calcium content was measured using
inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (Varian Ltd., Palo Alto,
CA, USA), respectively. Non-casein nitrogen (NCN) content was determined using
the Kjeldahl method (BOCHI Kjeldahl, BUCHI Labortechnik AG, Flawil,
Switzerland). Galactose was determined using high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC). The chemical analysis was carried out by the Analytical
Services Group at the FRDC. Water activity was analysed using 3 g shredded cheese
at 25 C (Novasina LabMaster, Novasina AG, Neuheimstrasse, Lachen, Switzerland).

5.4.3 Pizza baking test Image acquisition

Shredded Mozzarella (125 g) was spread evenly on to a ~ 23 cm pizza base using a

21 cm ring, and the pizza was then baked in a convection oven (Turbofan E32D4,
MOFFAT, Christchurch, New Zealand) at 232 C for 5 min. Each pizza was
immediately removed from the oven and placed in a light box system (Luzuriaga et
al. 1997). A photograph of each pizza was taken using a machine vision system, as
described in detail elsewhere (Luzuriaga et al. 1997). The machine vision system was
composed of a digital video camera (DFK 31 BF03, Imaging Source, Charlotte, NC,
USA) connected to a laptop by a cable, a lens (Tamron 12VM612) with a circular
polarizing filter (35.5 mm B+W filter, Bad Kreuznach, Germany) and a light box.
The light box used two fluorescent light bulbs (Lumichrome F15W1XX, colour
temperature = 6500 K, colour retention index = 98, Lumiram, Larchmont, NY,
USA) emulating D65 illumination. Diffuse light inside the box was obtained using a

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

Polycast acrylic #2447 plastic sheet (Faulkner Plastics, Gainesville, FL, USA)
between the fluorescent bulbs and the sample space. Colour evaluation

Colour analysis was conducted using the software LensEye (Gainesville, FL, USA).
To represent colours, the L*a*b* model with three components was applied: L* (from
0 to 100, black to white), a* (from 120 to 120, green to red) and b*(from 120 to
120, blue to yellow). The colour of each pizza was evaluated by measuring the
average L*, a* and b* values of the area selected by the same circular region of
interest. Cheese with lower L* has more intensive browning. Blistering evaluation

The total percentage blister area and the number of blisters on each pizza were
analysed by LensEye (Gainesville, FL, USA). The average diameter and the
circularity (how much a feature can approach a perfect circle) of the blisters on the
pizzas were measured using image analysis software (Image Pro plus 6.0, Media
Cybernetics Inc., Bethesda, MD, USA). Overlapping blisters were split using a
watershed split technique, which eroded the objects until they disappeared and then
dilated them such that they did not touch.

5.4.4 Evaluation of cheese properties

Viscoelasticity, stretchability, meltability and free oil formation were evaluated on

triplicate Mozzarella samples using the following methods. Viscoelasticity, transition temperature and activation energy

A serrated parallel plate (40 mm diameter) was used to prevent slippage and was
attached to the rheometer (AG-2R, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA). At a
strain of 0.05% and a frequency of 0.8 Hz, a temperature sweep from 10 to 90 C was
performed on each sample (~ 3 mm thick, 40 mm diameter) with a temperature step
gap of 5 C for 1.5 min at each step. The elastic modulus G and the viscous modulus
G were obtained at each temperature step.

The transition temperature of each cheese was measured as the temperature at which
G and G crossed during the temperature sweep and indicated the ease of melting

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

(Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). The activation energy was obtained by measuring the
slope of the curve of ln * versus 1/T between 30 to 45 C of each cheese, as
described in Section Stretchability

A modified three-prong-hook test was applied to evaluate the stretchability of

Mozzarella (Ma et al. 2012). Plugs (21 0.3 g) of sample were placed in separate
beakers, covered with aluminium foil and heated in a 70 C water bath for 30 min.
The beaker was then placed into the bottom of a glass cylinder, which contained the
oil already heated to 70 C. A three-prong hook connected to a tensile tester (Instron
5543, Norwood, MA, USA) was inserted into the melted cheese to ~5 mm from the
bottom of the beaker. The hook lifted cheese strands at a speed of 1000 mm/min until
a distance of 300 mm had been reached. Inversion point extension (IPE; the extension
at which the load measured started to increase gradually) values were measured from
the loadextension curve to evaluate stretchability. A lower IPE indicates that the
cheese can be stretched more easily, i.e. it has higher stretchability. Meltability and free oil release

A test modified from the Schreiber test (Kindstedt et al. 1988) was applied; a cheese
cylinder (~ 2 mm thick, 17 mm diameter) was weighed, placed on a filter paper in a
glass Petri dish and then put in an oven at 200 C for 1 h. Then the Petri dishes were
taken from the oven, and photographs were taken using the machine vision system
described in Section 5.4.3 Pizza baking test. The areas of melted cheese and free oil
were measured using Image Pro plus 6.0 software (Media Cybernetics Inc., Bethesda,
MD, USA). The ratio between the melting area and the initial weight of each sample
was calculated to evaluate meltability, and the ratio between the free oil area and the
weight of sample was used to represent the free oil release. Microstructure evaluation

CLSM was used to examine the microstructure of the cheese samples. Slices of
samples 50 m thick were soaked overnight in 0.2% (wt/wt) Nile red and Fast green
fluorescent probes (SigmaAldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Images were taken using a
confocal microscope with a 40 objective (Leica TCS SP2, Leica Microsystems,
Buffalo Grove, IL, USA). Details can be found in Ma et al. (2012). The average

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

diameter and the circularity of the fat globules were measured from the CLSM
images using Image Pro plus 6.0 software (Media Cybernetics Inc., Bethesda, MD,

5.4.5 Statistical analysis

One-way ANOVA was performed using Statistica 8.0 (Stat Soft. Inc, Tulsa, OK,
USA) to investigate the significant differences between cheese samples and data was
graphed using OriginPro 8 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA).

5.5 Results and discussion

5.5.1 Cheese chemistry

The compositions of the samples are shown in Table 5-1, with the most significant
differences between the samples being for the galactose content; cheeses made with
less heat sensitive starter cultures (SC2, SC3, SC4 and SC5) had more than 25 times
higher galactose content than cheese made with the more heat sensitive starter culture
(SC1), which is consistent with former research (Law and Tamime 2010). The higher
moisture content and the lower calcium content of SC1 were caused mainly by its
lower draining pH during manufacture. The differences in water activity resulted
mainly from different S/M values of these samples, which is consistent with previous
research (Imm et al. 2003). The moisture and fat contents of the samples made with
the different less heat sensitive strains (SC2~SC5) were not significantly different, i.e.
if they had different browning performances, their different sugar contents would
possibly be responsible (Matzdorf et al. 1994).

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

Table 5-1. Chemistry parameters of different Mozzarella cheese samples

Mozzarella samples
Galactose (%w/w) 0.02a 0.76c 0.71c 0.54b 0.91d
Glucose (%w/w) 0.02a 0.25b 0.16b 0.03a 0.08a
b a a
Moisture (%w/w) 51.0 46.2 47.1 46.6a 46.4a
Ca (g/kg) 6.23a 7.60c 7.55c 7.62c 7.38b
a b b
Fat (%w/w) 20.1 22.1 21.7 22.1b 21.9b
b a c
Salt (%w/w) 1.26 1.14 1.39 1.38c 1.47a
a a b
S/M 1 (%w/w) 2.471 2.468 2.951 2.961b 3.168c
pH 5.56c 5.57c 5.36b 5.25a 5.38b
2 b b a
NCN (%w/w) 1.17 1.20 0.98 1.13b 0.94a
Water activity 0.9615c 0.9617c 0.9590b 0.9580a 0.9590b
S/M = salt in moisture.
NCN = non-casein nitrogen.
Parameters with different superscript letters have significant differences (p < 0.05).

5.5.2 Cheese browning and blistering after baking

Figure 5-1 shows the appearance of pizzas baked with different Mozzarella samples,
and Table 5-2 gives the colour (L*, a*, b*) results and the blistering parameters (total
percentage area, number, average diameter and circularity of blisters). SC2 had the
lowest L*, and SC1 had the highest L*, among all pizzas, i.e. SC2 had the most
intensive browning and SC1 had the least intensive browning.

Figure 5-1. Appearance of pizzas baked with different cheeses

Table 5-2. Average browning and blistering parameters of different Mozzarella cheese samples
standard deviations
Parameters Mozzarella samples
L *
65.59 2.41
33.16 1.73
39.16 2.23
44.48b3.12 40.39b2.08
Browning a* 17.89 0.47
28.21 0.62
27.03 0.58
30.15c0.62 27.26b0.59
b *
47.19 0.91
31.84 0.85
34.54 0.76
39.12c0.86 34.93b0.97
Area percentage (%) 16.91a0.58 65.63d1.59 56.02c1.24 47.37b0.67 53.93c0.88
Blistering Total number 171a6 282c8 297c11 240b9 224b8
Diameter (mm) 6.31 0.02
7.06 0.03
6.79 0.02
7.48d0.03 7.83e0.03
Circularity 0.741 0.012 0.675 0.010 0.664 0.005 0.657a0.009
b a a
Parameters with different superscript letters in a row have significant differences (p < 0.05).

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

The browning (represented by L*) after baking was found to be negatively affected by
the residual sugar, galactose plus glucose, as shown in Figure 5-2, which is consistent
with former research (Johnson and Olson 1985). The total percentage blistering area
was affected by the size and the number of blisters. SC1 had the smallest and fewest
blisters, which resulted in the smallest blistering area.

Figure 5-2. Correlation between L* and residual sugar (galactose and glucose) in Mozzarella
cheese (R2 = 0.913)

5.5.3 Other functional properties of cheeses

The elasticity evaluation of the Mozzarella cheese samples is shown in Figure 5-3 (a).
SC2 and SC3, and SC4 and SC5 had similar elastic modulus (G) values. In contrast,
the G of SC1 increased from 80 to 90 C. The stretching profiles are shown in Figure
5-3 (b).


Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

Figure 5-3. (a) Elastic modulus values (error bars = standard deviations) and (b) stretching
profiles of Mozzarella cheese samples

Based on the transition temperature, stretchability evaluation (Yield load, IPE from
stretching profiles), activation energy, meltability and free oil results shown in Table
5-3, only a negative correlation between browning and meltability was found (Figure

Table 5-3. Average parameters evaluating Mozzarella cheese properties standard deviations
Mozzarella samples
Transition temperature (C) 56.10a 0.38 60.20b 0.57 59.70b 0.44 56.60a 0.36 56.50a 0.42
Yield load (g) 59.45a 0.95 109.34b 16.15 201.47d 27.82 160.51c 18.27 152.46c 8.95
IPE (mm) 30.83a 1.18 37.50b 1.18 47.50c 5.89 50.83c 3.54 45.83c 3.54
Activation energy (KJ/mol) 65.39 8.31
50.72 4.46
64.48 6.43
82.00d 3.99 74.05c 4.89
Meltability ratio (mm2/g) 320.6c 7.43 237.5a 6.82 260.5b 4.36 264.64b 2.40 261.3b 3.51
2294.2 16.9 1666.4 29.7 1549.0 52.7 1635.9b 28.9 1787.9c 38.3
2 d b a
Free oil ratio (mm /g)
Fat diameter (m) 7.725b 0.148 7.786b 0.056 6.999a 0.459 7.747b 0.269 7.621b 0.437
Fat circularity 0.353 0.029 0.312 0.028
bc a
0.407 0.021
0.346ab 0.021 0.387cd 0.014
Parameters with different superscript letters in a row have significant differences (p < 0.05).

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

Figure 5-4. Correlation between browning and meltability of Mozzarella cheese samples
(R2 = 0.980)

Cheese with lower meltability had a larger number of blisters, resulting in a lower L*
value (i.e. more intensive browning), which is consistent with an earlier study (Hong
et al. 1998). However, in contrast to that study, the size of the blisters was not found
to be significantly affected by meltability or free oil, but the number of blisters was
found to be negatively influenced by free oil (Figure 5-5) more blisters were
produced by cheese with less free oil. For cheese samples with less free oil released,
blisters will occur earlier and will continue to grow, and there will be a greater
probability of burnt blisters than for cheese with less free oil. Thus, more blisters
were formed on Mozzarella samples with less free oil released.

Figure 5-5. Correlation between the number of blisters and free oil release from Mozzarella
cheese samples (R2 = 0.822)

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

Table 5-3 also gives the average diameter and the circularity of the fat globules of the
Mozzarella samples, measured from the CLSM images shown in Figure 5-6.
However, no effects of the size or shape of fat globules have been found on the
blistering, browning or other properties of cheese.

Figure 5-6. CLSM images of Mozzarella cheese samples (fat in green, protein in red)

5.6 Conclusions
Techniques to evaluate the holistic blistering and browning properties of cheese were
developed in this study using machine vision and image analysis, in which the
number, size and shape of cheese blisters were measured in addition to the
conventional colour measurement. Machine vision captured photos of pizzas directly
after baking, providing sufficient information on the appearance of cheese, and the
blistering properties of cheese were holistically investigated by image analysis.

Chapter 5 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella made with different starter cultures

A range of blistering and browning properties were obtained by applying these

techniques to Mozzarella made with different starter cultures. Mozzarella made with
more heat sensitive starter cultures had the least intensive browning and the smallest
number of blisters. It was also found that the residual sugar content affected cheese
browning, while free oil influenced cheese blistering properties more blisters were
formed on Mozzarella cheese with less free oil.

These blistering and browning evaluation techniques will be applied to Mozzarella

with different compositions, continuing to correlate the composition and the
functional properties to browning and blistering in Chapter 6. The mechanism of
blistering will also be investigated in Chapter 6.

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

Chapter 6. Blistering and Browning of

Mozzarella with Different Salt and
Moisture contents*

6.1 Commentary
This study aimed to investigate the influences of the functional properties,
microstructure and composition of Mozzarella cheese on the blistering and browning

Based on the idea of cheese blistering evaluation from the supervisor, the author
found a research gap and had an idea of the sample design. Samples were first
designed by the author, and Fonterra helped to produce the samples and analyse
cheese chemistry. The author designed and executed all the other practical
experiments, image analysis and data analysis. The manuscript was composed by the
author and revisions were made based on the comments from supervisors.

6.2 Abstract
Blistering and browning are two important properties when baking Mozzarella cheese
on pizza. In this study, the blistering and browning of five Mozzarella cheeses with
different salt and moisture contents were evaluated using machine vision and image
analysis techniques. Cheese attributes, including meltability, free oil, elasticity and
stretching properties, composition, water activity and microstructure, were also

All Mozzarella samples had similar browning appearances, due to their similar
galactose contents. Mozzarella cheeses with higher salt concentration had relatively
smaller fat globules and lower water activity, thus higher transition temperature,
elastic and stretching resistances which resulted in smaller blisters on the pizza. It
was proposed that cheese with higher transition temperature had shorter time to flow,

This chapter is based on a research paper in press of the Food Research International:
Ma X, James B, Balaban MO, Zhang L, Emanuelsson-Patterson EAC. Quantifying blistering and
browning properties of Mozzarella cheese. Part II: Cheese with different salt and moisture contents.
Food Research International.

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

and the elastic and stretching resistances of the melted cheese restrained the size of
the blisters and impeded the growth of the blisters during heating.

6.3 Introduction
Blistering and browning are essential attributes of the pizza baking performance of
Mozzarella cheese. Blisters are trapped pockets of steam that may be preferentially
scorched during baking. Browning property is the overall colour evaluation of the
cheese after pizza baking. Free oil may modulate cheese dehydration and affect
cheese browning during baking (Richoux et al. 2008), and different amounts of free
oil may be produced by Mozzarella made with different starter cultures, which affect
browning (Chapter 5).

The moisture content of low fat Mozzarella has usually been increased to improve its
meltability and to prevent undesirable scorching or browning (Broadbent et al. 2001;
Fife et al. 1996; McMahon et al. 1999). In difference, it has also been reported that
increasing the moisture content of non-fat Mozzarella does not increase its
meltability (McMahon et al. 2005). Salt is an important factor that affects the overall
quality of cheese, including textural properties and cooking performance (Guinee
2004). However, contradictory results on the effect of salt content on the meltability
of cheese have also been reported; increasing salt content decreased the meltability of
Mozzarella cheese (Olson 1982), but increased the meltability of non-fat Mozzarella
cheese (Rowney et al. 2004).

Other than fat content and free oil, how the other properties of Mozzarella affect its
pizza baking performance has seldom been studied. In addition, the blistering of
cheese, especially the size of discrete blisters, has not been studied, and there is a lack
of scientific quantification of the blistering of cheese and its mechanism.

The aim of this study was to investigate the blistering and browning of Mozzarella
with different moisture and salt contents, in relation to a number of material
properties of the cheese including viscoelasticity, stretchability, meltability and free
oil release, and the influence of these attributes on the pizza baking performance. The
blistering of these Mozzarella samples was evaluated by measuring the size and the
shape of cheese blisters on pizza, and their browning was quantified using the L*a*b*

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

colour space. Statistical correlations between the pizza baking performance and the
functional properties of Mozzarella (meltability, free oil, viscoelasticity, and
stretching properties) were investigated.

6.4 Materials and methods

6.4.1 Manufacture and analysis of Mozzarella samples

Mozzarella samples were made by the FRDC (Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited,
Palmerston North, New Zealand) using control more heat sensitive strains. Figure 6-1
shows the processing procedure for making the five different samples grouped as

Control (CT: 23.5 g/kg salting, whey draining pH: 5.9, 1 dry stir);

Different salt levels (ST1: 30 g/kg salting, ST2: 17 g/kg salting);

Different moisture levels (MP1: whey draining pH: 5.92, no dry stir; MP2: whey
draining pH: 5.85, 2 dry stir).

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

Figure 6-1. Processing procedure for Mozzarella cheese samples

These samples were vacuum packaged and stored at 4 C, and all testing was done on
triplicates at day 30 2. The chemistry tests were done with the methods described in
Section 5.4.2 Chemistry analysis.

6.4.2 Evaluation of blistering, browning and other


The blistering and browning properties and the viscoelasticity, transition temperature,
stretchability, activation energy, meltability, free oil release and microstructure were
quantified using the methods described in Section 5.4.

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

6.4.3 Statistical analysis

One-way ANOVA was performed using Statistica 8.0 (Stat Soft. Inc, Tulsa, OK,
USA) to investigate the significant differences between cheese samples and data was
graphed using OriginPro 8 (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA).

6.5 Results and discussion

6.5.1 Cheese chemistry

Table 6-1 shows the compositional parameters of the samples. As expected, MP1 had
the highest moisture content (51.4%) and MP2 had the lowest moisture content
(48.7%); ST1 and ST2 had salt contents of 1.29% and 1.07% respectively. The
moisture and salt relevant parameters (i.e. salt and moisture contents,
moisture-to-protein ratio, and salt in moisture) were significantly different; the
galactose contents of samples were the same; other compositional parameters were
kept in a relatively small range. The different water activity values resulted mainly
from the different S/M values of these samples.

Because of salting, the curd matrix interacts more strongly with moisture, resulting in
more hydration and absorption of serum pockets into protein matrix (Guo et al. 1997),
and thus ST1 had higher moisture content than CT and ST2. On the other hand, more
whey was drained at a lower draining pH, resulting in the lowest moisture content of
MP2, and oppositely for MP1. Besides, the dry stir process removed extra water from
the curd, causing more moisture loss of MP2. Consequently, the composition of
cheese samples was in accordance with what was expected.

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

Table 6-1. Chemistry parameters of different Mozzarella cheese samples

ab a b a
Fat (%w/w) 20.4 19.8 20.7 19.7 20.9b
Moisture (%w/w) 49.5b 50.3c 49.1ab 51.4d 48.7a
Protein (%w/w) 26.0b 25.8b 26.2b 24.8a 25.8b
b b a
Salt (%w/w) 1.29 1.29 1.07 1.29b 1.60c
Ca (g/kg) 6.60c 6.50b 6.60c 6.25a 6.46b
1 c bc a
S/M (%w/w) 2.606 2.565 2.179 2.510b 3.285d
Galactose (%w/w) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
pH 5.47b 5.53c 5.48b 5.39a 5.46b
NCN2 (%w/w) 1.03b 1.01b 1.21c 1.04b 0.989a
b c c
Water activity 0.959 0.961 0.962 0.961c 0.957a
S/M = salt in moisture.
NCN = non-casein nitrogen.
Parameters with different superscript letters have significant differences (p < 0.05).

6.5.2 Cheese browning and blistering after baking

Figure 6-2 shows pizzas baked with the five different Mozzarella samples, and Table
6-2 shows that the browning parameters: L* (whiteness), a* (redness) and b*
(yellowness) values had no significant difference. As galactose is responsible for
browning of the cheese upon baking (Johnson and Olson 1985), the similar galactose
contents of these samples led to their similar browning appearances.

Figure 6-2. Photographs of pizzas baked with different Mozzarella cheese samples

The blistering area (%) of these samples did not differ significantly. In contrast, the
average sizes of the blisters were significantly different (p < 0.05). Table 6-2
indicates that cheese with the highest moisture content (MP1) had the biggest blisters,
and that with the lowest moisture content (MP2) had the smallest blisters. Bigger
blisters were produced as the moisture content of the Mozzarella increased (Figure
6-3). Mozzarella with higher moisture content may produce more steam during

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

heating, resulting in bigger blisters. As also indicated in Table 6-2, bigger blisters
were usually less circular for these samples.

Table 6-2. Average browning and blistering parameters of different Mozzarella cheese samples
standard deviations
Parameters Samples
L* 59.031.59 59.821.67 58.821.83 61.301.83 62.722.08
Browning a* 21.821.45 20.320.64 20.810.57 20.200.54 19.780.59
b* 44.700.76 44.900.86 44.640.88 45.770.62 46.380.97
Area (%) 25.27 0.62
24.37 0.98
25.23 0.76
24.01 1.24
Blistering Diameter (mm) 6.376b0.018 6.748c0.026 7.016d0.035 7.653e0.020 5.745a0.018
Circularity 0.759c0.012 0.733b0.006 0.724ab0.008 0.716a0.006 0.743bc0.005
Parameters with different superscript letters in a row have significant differences (p < 0.05).

Figure 6-3. Correlation between average blistering diameter and moisture content of Mozzarella
cheese samples (R2 = 0.819)

6.5.3 Other functional properties of cheeses Elasticity and stretchability

The elastic modulus (G) values of the Mozzarella cheese samples are shown in
Figure 6-4. . The diffusion of salt into cheese affects the charges which changes the
strength of casein molecules, and thus affect cheese properties. The impact of the
diffusion of salt is complex and depends on multiple factors, including salt and
moisture content (Lucey et al. 2003). The G value at 70 C (Table 6-3) was found to
have a negative effect on the blistering diameter (Figure 6-5 (a)), and the IPE also
had a similar effect (Figure 6-5 (b)). Cheese samples were already melted and started

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

to blister at 70 C as we observed, and these correlations indicate that Mozzarella

with a lower elastic or stretching resistance can form bigger blisters. These
correlations have not been shown in previous studies.

Figure 6-4. Elastic modulus of Mozzarella cheese samples (error bars = standard deviations)

Table 6-3. Average parameters evaluating Mozzarella cheese properties standard deviations
G at 70 C (Pa) 802.8 72.3
805.7 52.7 608.8 60.6 655.6 65.6 990.2c 104.9
b a a

Yield load (g) 115.03 2.51 155.41b 6.82 27.43a 1.32 27.95a 7.45 148.10c 9.30

IPE (mm) 50.83c 1.18 55.00d 2.14 35.83b 1.18 30.83a 1.18 57.50d 2.68
Transition temperature (C) 56.75 0.33
55.75b 0.45 54.75a 0.36 54.80a 0.44 57.90d 0.51
Activation energy (KJ/mol) 64.21 4.68
53.51 5.40
68.41 5.48 58.20 6.39 64.21bc 4.68
c ab

Meltability ratio (mm2/g) 228.0a 11.4 287.9c 8.4 309.7d 12.8 273.6b 5.6 293.9cd 14.5
Free oil (mm /g) 974.7 52.5
1623.9 81.1 1993.3 77.0 1379.3 40.7 2014.3d 39.1
c d b

Fat diameter (m) 7.185b 0.013 7.632d 0.148 7.702d 0.205 7.317c 0.117 6.940a 0.007
Fat circularity 0.333a 0.015 0.368b 0.018 0.419c 0.007 0.421c 0.035 0.418c 0.004
Parameters with different superscript letters within the same row have significant differences (p <


Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

Figure 6-5. Correlations between the diameter of the blisters and (a) the elastic modulus at 70 C
(R2 = 0.823) and (b) the IPE (R2 = 0.800) Transition temperature and activation energy

Transition temperature indicates the softening point and the ease of melting
(Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). The transition temperature was found to be negatively
influenced by the water activity (Figure 6-6 (a)), which is in accordance with
previous research (Duggan et al. 2008). The transition temperature was also found to
negatively influence the blistering diameter (Figure 6-6 (b)), because cheese that
melts at a lower transition temperature has a longer time to flow and form blisters on
pizza, and thus bigger blisters can be produced. This correlation has not been
established in previous studies. Activation energy, on the other hand, was not found
to correlate with blister and browning properties of Mozzarella, indicating that the
degrading rate of fat at 30~45 C is less significant than the phase transition from
elastic-like to viscous-like at ~55C.

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents


Figure 6-6. Correlations between the transition temperature and (a) the water activity of
Mozzarella cheese samples (R2 = 0.894) and (b) the average diameter of blisters on pizzas (R2 =
0.920) Meltability and free oil

The meltability and free oil parameters are shown in Table 6-3, which represent the
extent of melting and the formation of free oil respectively. In accordance with
former study, no correlation was found between salt and free oil (Rowney et al. 2004).
Besides, no correlation was found between these results and the blistering or
browning properties of the Mozzarella samples. Insufficient meltability and
insufficient free oil of low fat cheese usually cause the intensive browning of the
cheese after pizza baking (Rudan et al. 1999); however, it was not a problem here
because all samples had sufficient melting and free oil.

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents Microstructure

Table 6-3 also gives the average diameter and the circularity of the fat globules of the
Mozzarella samples, measured from the CLSM images shown in Figure 6-7 (a). It
was found that salt content negatively affected the diameter of fat globules Figure 6-7
(b), and a positive correlation was found between the diameter of the fat globules and
the water activity Figure 6-7 (c). Salting has been proved to produce more hydrated
protein matrix in cheese, which has higher water-binding capacity (Cervantes et al.
1983; Guo and Kindstedt 1995). In this study, we found that Mozzarella with higher
salt content tends to have smaller fat globules, which is in agreement with former
researchers, who found salted cheese has more homogeneous protein matrix
occupying more area than unsalted cheese (El-Bakry et al. 2011; McMahon et al.
2005; Paulson et al. 1998). Smaller fat globules are produced during the stretching
process of Mozzarella manufacturing, when more hydrated protein matrix is formed
in higher salted cheese, which decreases the water activity. Combining with the
results in Section, the higher salted cheese had higher transition temperature,
and thus smaller blisters formed.


Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents


Figure 6-7. (a) CLSM images of Mozzarella cheese samples (fat in green, protein in red), (b)
correlation between the diameter of fat globules and salt content (R2 = 0.648), and (c) correlation
between the water activity and the diameter of fat globules (R2 = 0.803)

6.5.4 Mechanism of blister formation

When shredded Mozzarella cheese is baked on a pizza base, the shreds are melted
and fuse with each other. Before the temperature of cheese reaches 100 C, the
protein matrix collapses and the fat globules melt to form free oil, which is released
from the cheese and impedes moisture loss. The pressure of the heated air competes
with the internal elastic and stretching resistances of cheese to form gas bubbles, and
the cheese on top of the bubbles has more dehydration than the cheese on bottom.
After the temperature meets 100 C, moisture in the cheese and pizza base is
transferred into steam by heat, and the steam force joins the heated air to lift the

Chapter 6 Blistering and browning of Mozzarella with different salt and moisture contents

cheese. The force of the steam increases as more water evaporates, while the elastic
and stretching resistances (represented by G and IPE) decrease as the temperature
increases. As a result, a force balance is achieved for a cheese blister, and its size
stays stable (Figure 6-8). Since the force of the steam has to overcome the elastic and
stretching resistances of the cheese, smaller bubbles are formed for cheese with
higher G and IPE, or lower moisture content.

Figure 6-8. Schematic diagram of the formation of a blister

6.6 Conclusions
Mozzarella samples with different salt or moisture contents had similar browning, but
significantly different blistering performance. Samples with higher salt content or
salt/moisture ratio had smaller fat globules, and lower water activity. Water activity
influenced transition temperature, which further affected blistering. The elastic and
stretching resistances prevent blisters from growing, resulting in smaller blisters on
the pizzas after baking. Based on these results, the mechanism of blistering of
Mozzarella cheese was explored.

Different influences of the functional properties of Mozzarella on blistering were

found in Chapter 5 and 6, which indicates the complexity of the correlations between
functional properties. These correlations will be investigated in the next chapter.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Chapter 7. Correlation between Properties,

Microstructure and Production Processes
of Mozzarella Cheese*

7.1 Commentary
This objective of this study was to investigate the correlation between the functional
properties and production processes of Mozzarella samples.

This author first had an idea to apply Principal Component Analysis to a range of
Mozzarella samples, through reading statistics books. Samples were first designed by
the author, and Fonterra helped to produce the samples and analyse cheese
compositions. The property analysis techniques were designed and executed by the
author, as well as the measurements of parameters evaluating the properties and
Principal Component Analysis. The manuscript was composed by the author and
revisions were made based on the comments from supervisors.

7.2 Abstract
Production processes influence both the composition and microstructure of
cheese. Frequently the relationship between property, processing and structure has
been studied empirically and the complex interactions between all parameters have
not been quantified. This is often due to the limited number of production processes
used to produce samples which may potentially produce biased correlations. In this
study Mozzarella cheeses were manufactured with a range of compositions and
production processes to give three groups of cheeses with different fat contents,
draining pH or calcium contents, and stretching conditions, i.e. stretching temperature
and speed. Principal Component Analysis was applied to the analysis of correlations
within each group of cheese samples. In this study, we found that a positive
correlation exists between the diameter of fat globules and meltability, as well as free

This chapter is based on a research paper published in the Journal of Food Engineering:
Ma X, James B, Zhang L, Emanuelsson-Patterson EAC. 2013. Correlating mozzarella cheese
properties to its production processes and microstructure quantification. Journal of Food Engineering
115(2), 154163.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

oil. In addition, we also found a positive correlation between the protein content and
stretching parameters.

7.3 Introduction
Desirable physical properties of Mozzarella cheese include meltability and
stretchability when heated. Over several decades researchers have attempted to relate
these properties to the microbiology, chemistry, and composition of cheese. More
recently it has been recognized in processed cheese products that these parameters are
influenced by processing conditions (Guinee 2011). However, the influence of
processing conditions on natural cheese products has usually been treated empirically
by manufacturers and has been analysed on limited types of processing conditions,
which may produce biased conclusions.

Relevant recent research has focused on the influence of cheese chemistry and
composition on these properties. Meltability of cheese has been found to be
determined by its moisture content, pH, and fat content (Gunasekaran et al. 1998).
High fat cheese has significantly higher meltability than low fat cheese
(Cais-Sokolinska and Pikul 2009). Calcium content and nitrogen fractions are also
important parameters for meltability (Frohlich-Wyder et al. 2009; Guinee et al.
2002); low calcium content in cheese results in a homogenous and less dense protein
structure than normal calcium content, thus producing a softer cheese with an
increased meltability, independent of pH and moisture content (McMahon et al.

Since there is no formal definition of stretchability of cheese, the ability to elongate

under load at temperature is a recognized desirable attribute of Mozzarella and is
often coupled with the ability of the melt to form strings (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003).
Reducing the calcium content (21.8 mg/g) has been shown to give high stretchability,
as well as high meltability and low elasticity, giving the same results as reducing pH
(5.58) (Floury et al. 2009; Guinee et al. 2002). Stretchability is difficult to measure,
and there is, as yet, no universally accepted standard test for its quantification. There
are many empirical methods including the fork test (USDA 1980), the imitative
tensile stretch test (Apostolopoulos 1994), and the 3-pronged hook stretch test (Fife
et al. 2002). These are simple and rapid methods, but generally have the disadvantage

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

of poor reproducibility due to lack of temperature control and prevention of moisture

loss. There are also several objective methods (Ak et al. 1993; Ak and Gunasekaran
1995; Cavella et al. 1992; Guinee and O'Callaghan 1997; Hicsasmaz et al. 2004), but
these have complex experimental setups and often do not accord with each other. In
the current study a modified technique has been developed in Chapter 3 based on the
3-pronged hook stretch test with the addition of a temperature controlled oil bath to
solve the problems of moisture loss and temperature control.

For Mozzarella, it has been reported that its properties are affected by the production
processes, including ingredients (milk composition), manufacturing conditions (such
as draining pH and stretching conditions), and post-manufacturing conditions
(storage, etc.), (Cavalier-Salou and Cheftel 1991; Ennis and Mulvihill 1999;
Hennelly et al. 2005; Lee et al. 2004). Besides, it was indicated in Chapter 5 and
Chapter 6 that different production processes resulted in the different functional
properties of Mozzarella samples, which further impacted their pizza baking
performance. However, the various composition and processing parameters are not
independent of each other and have complex interactions (Gunasekaran and Ak
2003). Changing any aspect of composition (e.g. fat content of milk) inevitably
changes others (e.g. moisture content). In addition, changes of processing conditions
(e.g. draining pH) interact with composition changes (e.g. calcium content of milk),
having a combined and complex effect on the final cheese properties (Floury et al.
2009; Guinee et al. 2002).

In the current study, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been used to explore
the correlation between cheese production processes and property characteristics
(details are shown in D.2 Principal Component Analysis). PCA has previously been
applied to cheese samples to find their viscoelasticity (measured by temperature
sweep from 20 C to 90 C) was related to meltability and stretchability (evaluated
with empirical tests) (Reparet and Noel 2003). In that study the cheese samples used
were purchased from the local supermarket with little knowledge, and no control, of
the production processes. As such, those authors cannot study the correlation between
processing parameters and properties of cheese. In this current study, in contrast,
Mozzarella was manufactured using a range of production processes with specific
control of fat content, draining pH, calcium content and stretching conditions
(stretching speed and temperature during Mozzarella processing). The aim of this

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

research was to relate these processing parameters to viscoelasticity, meltability and

stretchability, as well as microstructure quantification.

7.4 Materials and methods

7.4.1 Sample manufacture and chemistry

Mozzarella samples were manufactured with different processing conditions at

Fonterra Research and Development Centre (FRDC, Fonterra Co-operative Group
Limited, Palmerston North, New Zealand). Samples were manufactured with process
conditions varying from a control cheese as summarized in Table 7-1.

These production processes were selected because fat content is a common concern
for cheese, draining pH and calcium content have an interaction between each other,
and stretching process is a unique manufacturing process for Mozzarella. The
manufacturing process is shown in Figure 7-1; milk was standardized to a protein-fat
ratio of 1.31 (except 0.71 for HF and 3.49 for LF, 19.8 g/kg CaCl2 was added to the
milk for HC). The whey was drained when the pH decreased to 5.9 (except 5.8 for LP
and 6.1 for HP). Twin screw was used to stretch the curd with a speed of 17.6 rpm
(except 20.8 rpm for SS and SST) in hot water at 58 C (except 68 C for ST and
SST). Samples were vacuum-packed and stored at 4 C.

Table 7-1. Summary of sample production processes

Sample Stretching Stretching Draining
Protein/fat ratio in
(difference from Code speed temperature pH
control) (rpm) (C)
Control CT 17.6 58 5.9 1.31
Higher stretching speed SS 20.8 58 5.9 1.31
Higher stretching
ST 17.6 68 5.9 1.31
Higher stretching speed
SST 20.8 68 5.9 1.31
and temperature
Lower draining pH LP 17.6 58 5.8 1.31
Higher draining pH HP 17.6 58 6.1 1.31
Higher calcium content HC 17.6 58 5.9 +19.8 g/kg CaCl2
added to milk
Higher fat content HF 17.6 58 5.9 0.71
Lower fat content LF 17.6 58 5.9 3.49

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Figure 7-1. Mozzarella cheese manufacturing process

The chemical analysis was carried out by the Analytical Services Group at FRDC,
with methods described in Ma et al. (2012) (results are shown in Table 7-2).

Table 7-2. Average values of chemical and microstructure variables determined in Mozzarella
cheese samples with different production processes
Mozzarella samples
b b b b b b a c
Fat (%) 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.5 19.5 20.0 27.3 11.4 20.8b
Moisture (%) 47.4b 47.2b 47.3b 46.5b 50.9a 47.0b 45.7c 52.0a 48.0b
Protein (%) 27.0b 27.3b 27.1b 27.7b 25.5b 27.7b 22.0c 31.9a 26.8b
S/M1 (%) 3.33a 3.60b 3.74c 3.78c 3.30a 3.30a 3.50b 3.55b 3.94c
Calcium (g/kg) 6.37b 6.49b 6.26b 6.46b 5.98c 7.76a 5.34c 8.11a 7.44a
pH 5.43 5.41 5.41 5.39 5.45 5.49 5.46 5.42 5.51
2 b b b b a a b b
NCN 1.20 1.25 1.20 1.17 1.07 0.947 1.17 1.20 1.22b
Diameter of fat (m) 8.36b 8.37b 9.44d 6.59a 8.83cd 7.75b 9.24d 6.64a 8.73c
Circularity of fat 0.49a 0.58b 0.52a 0.63c 0.61bc 0.51a 0.54ab 0.65d 0.49a
Variable values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly (p < 0.05).
S/M = salt in moisture.
NCN = non-casein nitrogen.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

7.4.2 Property evaluation

Among the properties of cheese, elasticity is defined as the ease and extent to which
cheese returns to its original shape after the deformation stress is removed,
stretchability is the ease and extent to which melted cheese can be drawn to form
strings, meltability is the ease and extent to which cheese melts and spreads upon
heating, and free oil is amount of oil formed by the melting fat, which leaves the
protein matrix upon heating (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). Samples were stored for 1
month prior to testing, and all the tests were done on triplicates from different parts of
each Mozzarella sample. Viscoelasticity and Transition temperature

Each specimen (3 mm thick) was sliced from a cheese block and cut into a circle with
40 mm in diameter. A serrated parallel plate (40 mm in diameter) was used to prevent
slippage, attached to the rheometer (AG-2R, TA Instruments, New Castle, DE, USA).
A temperature sweep from 10 C to 90 C was performed with a temperature step gap
of 5 C and a holding time of 1.5 min at each step. Measurements were performed at
a constant strain of 0.05% and a constant frequency of 0.8 Hz, which ensured a linear
viscoelastic range. The storage modulus (G), loss modulus (G), and phase angle ()
versus temperature curves were plotted to evaluate viscoelasticity.

The transition temperature of each cheese was measured as the temperature at which
G and G crossed during the temperature sweep and indicated the ease of melting
(Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). Activation energy

The activation energy (Ea) of cheese was evaluated using temperature sweep. The
complex modulus (G*) is obtained by G and G, and the complex viscosity (*)
which represents the resistance to flow is calculated as follows:

G* (G ')2 (G ")2 (7.1)

* G* (7.2)

The Arrhenius equation is:

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

* A exp Ea RT (7.3)

where A is the pre-exponential factor, R is the gas constant (8.314 J K-1 mol-1), and T
is the absolute temperature, so activation energy (Ea) was obtained by measuring the
slope of the curve of ln * versus 1/T between 30 to 45 C (Dimitreli and Thomareis
2004; Tunick 2010). Meltability and Free oil release

A test modified from the Schreiber test (Kindstedt et al. 1988) was used, in which a
cheese cylinder (~ 2 mm thick, 17 mm diameter) was put in a glass Petri dish with
filter paper, and then put in an oven at 200 C for 15 min. The heating process was
recorded by high temperature borescope attached through the oven ceiling. The area
of melted cheese and free oil were measured using image analysis software (Image
Pro plus 6.0, Media Cybernetics Inc., Bethesda, MD, USA). The ratio between
melting area and the initial weight of cheese sample was calculated to evaluate
cheese meltability, and the ratio between free oil area on the filter paper and the
weight of sample was used to represent the free oil release. Stretchability

A modified 3-prong hook test was applied to evaluate the stretchability of

Mozzarella. Plugs (21 0.3 g) cut from samples were placed in separate beakers, and
heated in a water bath for 30 min at 70 C. Each beaker containing melted cheese was
placed into the bottom of the glass cylinder, which contained the oil already heated to
70 C. A hook connected to a tensile tester (Instron 5543, Norwood, MA) lifted
cheese strands at a speed of 1000 mm/min until it reached a distance of 300 mm.
Yield load (YL: maximum load during test) and Inversion point extension (IPE:
extension at which load started to increase gradually) were measured to evaluate
stretchability. The lower YL and IPE indicate the cheese is easier to be stretched, i.e.
it has higher stretchability. This work was described in detail in Chapter 3. Microstructure

Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was used to examine the microstructure
of the cheese samples. 50 m thick slices were cut from samples using a cryotome
(Leica CM1850, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL), and then soaked in a 0.2%
(wt/wt) Nile blue fluorescent probe (SigmaAldrich, St Louis, MO) overnight.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Images were taken using a confocal microscope with 40 objective (Leica TCS SP2,
Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL). CLSM laser with wavelength of 488 and
633 nm was used to excite the Nile blue, with emission wavelength of 514 and 645
nm individually for fat and protein.

From the CLSM images, the average Ferets diameter (the longest distance between
any two points along the boundary) and circularity (how much a feature can approach
a perfect circle) of fat globules were analysed by software (Image pro plus 6.0, Media
Cybernetics Inc., Bethesda, MD, USA).

7.4.3 Statistical analysis

The data was analysed using PCA and one-way ANOVA using statistical software
(Statistica 8.0, Stat Soft. Inc, Tulsa, OK, USA) and graphed using OriginPro 8
(OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA). Details are shown in Appendix
D.2 Principal Component Analysis.

The input data for PCA included production parameters in Table 7-1, sample
chemistry and the microstructure quantification (Ferets diameter and circularity of
fat globules) in Table 7-2, and the cheese properties including G and G
(respectively at 15, 45, 75 C), Ea, stretching parameters (Yield load and Inversion
point extension results in Ma et al., (2012)), meltability and free oil ratio. Samples
grouped with different fat content, different draining pH or calcium content, and
different stretching conditions were separately analysed by PCA.

7.5 Results and discussion

7.5.1 Property analysis Viscoelasticity and Transition temperature

As shown in Figure 7-2, all Mozzarella samples except the low fat sample (LF) had
higher G than G from 10 C to 55~60 C, indicating the samples were more elastic
than viscous in this temperature range. At temperatures higher than 60 C these
samples acted more like viscous liquid, reflecting the phase transition to melted

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

cheese. Sample LF, on the other hand, had higher G than G during the whole
temperature sweep, i.e. no transition temperature, and the highest G and G out of all
samples. Moisture softens cheese and fat retains moisture in cheese during heating
(Das and Dave 2004). Thus the limited fat in LF was unable to prevent moisture loss
as it was heated, and it was interesting to note the recovery of G from 55 C to 90 C
of LF, possibly due to this mechanism. Comparing the G of samples with higher
calcium (HC and HP) and lower calcium (LP) at 50 C to 90 C, the higher calcium
significantly increased the elasticity of melted cheese from around 10% to 170%,
consistent with similar studies (Guinee et al. 2002).



Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese




Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese




Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese


Figure 7-2. (a~i) Temperature sweep dynamic shear profiles and (j) transition temperature of
samples (error bars = standard deviations) Arrhenius plot and activation energy

Figure 7-3 (a) shows that CT had an approximately linear Arrhenius plot over the
whole temperature range, while HF and LF had linear curves only at temperatures
higher than 45 C and lower than 50 C, respectively. The nonlinear decrease of HF
between 10 C to 45 C was caused by its fat content of 27.3% (higher than 20% of
CT and 11.4% of LF), thus more fat was melted resulting in lower complex viscosity.
Similarity between the Arrhenius plots of HP and HC was found from Figure 7-3 (b),
because less calcium is removed during draining of the whey at higher draining pH,
and more calcium is retained in the cheese (Kindstedt 1993). Figure 7-3 (c) shows no
significant difference between samples with different stretching conditions, possibly
due to the limited compositional difference between these samples.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Figure 7-3. Arrhenius plots of viscous flow for Mozzarella samples with different (a) fat
contents, (b) pH and calcium contents, and (c) stretching conditions (error bars = standard

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Tunick (2010) stated that cheeses with higher Ea values degrade more quickly with
heating. Fat melting dominates the degradation of cheese during the temperature
range (30~45 C) at which Ea was measured, and thus fat content played an important
role in the activation energy; the sample with high fat content (HF) had the highest
Ea, while low fat cheese (LF) had the lowest (Figure 7-4). No significant difference
was found between the other samples, and the values were in the same order of
magnitude as the previously reported values (100~115 kJ/mol) (Tunick 2010), but a
bit higher due to different sampling and rheology measurements.

Figure 7-4. Activation energy of flow for Mozzarella samples (error bars = standard deviations) Meltability and free oil Release

Compared with CT, only LP and HF had higher meltability. Also shown in Figure
7-5, HP and HC had similar meltability, which were lower than CT. Figure 7-6 shows
the free oil release of different Mozzarella samples during heating. After heating for
15 min, significant differences were found between samples with different draining
pH, calcium contents, and especially fat contents, but not between samples with
different stretching conditions. Free oil prevents moisture loss during pizza baking,
while extensive free oil is often not accepted by consumers. As a result, neither LFs
low free oil, nor HFs high free oil is acceptable. As reported by former research, fat
and moisture play an important role in cheese melting (Lucey et al. 2003), as a result,
samples with different fat or moisture contents in this study (LP, HP, HF, LF and HC)
had different melting properties.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Figure 7-5. Meltability test result for Mozzarella samples (error bars = standard deviations)

Figure 7-6. Free oil test result for Mozzarella samples (error bars = standard deviations) Microstructure quantification

Figure 7-7 and Table 7-2 indicate that the higher stretching speed of SS and the
higher stretching temperature of ST significantly increased the circularity and the
Ferets diameter of fat globules, while SST had lower Ferets diameter and higher
circularity of fat globules than CT. Lower calcium produced significantly more
circular (less elongated) fat globules of LP, reflecting less fibrous protein phase,
which resulted in its lower elasticity (Guinee et al. 2002). Higher fat content
increased the size and number of fat globules, but had no obvious influence on the
Ferets diameter or circularity of them, which was consistent with other research
(Joshi et al. 2004b). Lower fat content resulted in much smaller and more spherical
fat globules of LF.

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Figure 7-7. CLSM images for Mozzarella samples with 50 m scale bars (fat shown in green and
protein in red)

7.5.2 Correlation between cheese properties and production


The input data of PCA captures the different production processes (Table 7-1),
chemistry and microstructure of the samples (Table 7-2), and the property
characteristics described above. Two principal components were extracted from each
group of samples, representing 83.25% and 16.75%, 57.88% and 25.04%, 60.75%
and 27.06% of the total variance of each data set, respectively. Mozzarella samples with different fat contents

A variable can have a meaningful loading on a component, if its loading is 0.50 or

greater (Jolliffe 2002). On the above basis, 19 items were found to be loaded on PC1

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

from Figure 7-8, positively for fat content, Ferets diameter of fat globules, Ea,
meltability, free oil, G and G at 15 C, and negatively for moisture, calcium, and
protein content, circularity of fat globules, milk protein to fat ratio (P/F), non-casein
Nitrogen (NCN), Yield load (YL), Inversion point extension (IPE), and G and G at
45 C and 75 C. There were 3 items loaded on PC2, positively for pH, salt/moisture
and negatively for NCN.

Figure 7-8. Loadings of variables of cheese samples for principal components: PC1 and PC2
with different fat contents (Feret: Ferets diameter of fat globules, Circularity: circularity of fat
globules, S/M: salt/moisture ratio, NCN: non-casein Nitrogen, YL: Yield load, IPE: Inversion
point extension, FO: free oil ratio)

From the variables loaded on PC1, it is clear that milk fat content plays a significant
role in both the microstructure and the property characteristics of cheese. PC1
accounted for 83.25% of the total variance, and shows that increasing fat content
decreases the protein, moisture, and calcium content, NCN, and increases meltability
and free oil, in accordance with former research (Fife et al. 1996; Rudan et al. 1999).
The fat globules are trapped in casein matrix during manufacturing, and higher fat
content results in the increase of diameter and decrease of circularity of fat globules,
as indicated by PC1. As a result, high fat cheese melts and flows quickly, indicated
by its high Ea (Tunick 2010). Fat completes its melting around 40 C, which results in
less firm structure of HF at higher temperatures, reflected by the negative loadings of
G and G at 45 C and 75 C on PC1. On the other hand, G and G at 15 C were
increased by higher fat content. The stretching characteristics, YL and IPE, were

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

decreased by higher fat content as these parameters are defined by the strength and
structure of the protein matrix. Mozzarella samples with different draining pH and calcium contents

Figure 7-9 shows that PC1 accounted for 57.88% of the total variation between
cheese samples with different draining pH and calcium contents. It is indicated by
PC1 that the two positively loaded variables: draining pH and calcium content have a
strong positive correlation between each other, and they positively influence the other
negatively loaded variables: protein content, G and G at 45 C and 75 C, transition
temperature, cheese pH, NCN, and stretching parameters (YL and IPE). Conversely,
Ea, meltability, free oil, moisture content, salt/moisture, Ferets diameter and
circularity of fat globules were negatively correlated with draining pH and calcium

Figure 7-9. Loadings of variables of cheese samples for principal components: PC1 and PC2
with different draining pH or calcium contents (Feret: Ferets diameter of fat globules,
Circularity: circularity of fat globules, S/M: salt/moisture ratio, NCN: non-casein Nitrogen, YL:
Yield load, IPE: Inversion point extension, FO: free oil ratio, Ttr: transition temperature)

The higher draining pH and calcium content significantly increased protein content,
decreased moisture content, salt/moisture, and the fat globule diameter, resulting in
the increase of viscoelasticity, transition temperature, stretching parameters, and the
decrease of meltability, free oil, and Ea, in accordance with former research (Guinee
et al. 2002).

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese Mozzarella samples with different stretching conditions

It is shown in Figure 7-10 that stretching temperature and speed, protein and fat
content, salt/moisture, circularity of fat globules, Ea, stretching parameters (YL and
IPE), transition temperature, and G at 75 C are negatively loaded on PC1. Positively
loaded variables include moisture content, Ferets diameter of fat globules, cheese
pH, NCN, meltability, free oil, G and G at 15 C and 45 C. On the other hand, as
indicated by PC2, calcium content and stretching speed are negatively correlated with
stretching temperature, Ea, stretching parameters (YL and IPE), G and G at 15 C,
and G at 75 C.

Figure 7-10. Loadings of variables of cheese samples for principal components: PC1 and PC2
with different stretching conditions (Feret: Ferets diameter of fat globules, Circularity:
circularity of fat globules, S/M: salt/moisture ratio, NCN: non-casein Nitrogen, YL: Yield load,
IPE: Inversion point extension, FO: free oil ratio, SS: stretching speed, ST: stretching
temperature, Ttr: transition temperature)

Lower stretching temperature enables enzyme and starter culture to remain active
longer, and break down the protein matrix during ripening, producing softer and more
meltable Mozzarella (Tunick and Van Hekken 2006). Conversely in our research, the
higher stretching temperature resulted in higher protein, lower NCN as an index of
proteolysis, lower moisture content, and smaller fat globules of cheese, thus
decreased meltability and free oil, and increased stretching parameters and transition
temperature. While, the higher stretching temperature also decreased pH of cheese,
which may explain the decrease of G and G at 15 C and 45 C, and the increase of

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

Ea. The effect of stretching speed was minor, partly because the compositional
differences between CT and SS were significant only in their calcium contents and
salt/moisture ratios.

In summary of the above analysis on the three groups of samples: meltability and free
oil are directly and commonly correlated with the diameter of fat globules of
Mozzarella, but not the fat or moisture content, i.e. the longer fat globules are in
Mozzarella, the higher meltability and free oil it has. The diameter of fat globules
also negatively affects stretching characteristics, YL and IPE. In accordance with
former research, the fat content is not always directly related to meltability, because
its effect may be confounded by protein or moisture; on the other hand, the
interaction of casein molecules is stated to primarily determine the functional
properties of cheese (Lucey et al. 2003). Longer fat globules result in less dense
casein structure, and thus increase cheese meltability and decrease stretching

The stretching characteristics, YL and IPE, also have a strong correlation with the
protein content, and they both negatively influence the meltability and free oil. On
the other hand, the G and G at all temperatures and Ea are not commonly correlated
with meltability or free oil. The common correlations of all samples divide
parameters into two groups: the first includes the diameter of fat globules, meltability
and free oil, and the second has the protein content and stretching parameters.
Positive correlations exist between the parameters in each group, and negative
correlations exist between the two groups.

7.6 Conclusions
Property characteristics of Mozzarella, including viscoelasticity, activation energy,
meltability, stretchability and free oil release, are dependent on production processes
due to the impact of production on microstructure and composition. In this study,
Ferets diameter and circularity of fat globules within the protein matrix of the pasta
filata structure were quantified as indices of microstructure. The highly
interdependent relationships between properties, structure and processing were
quantified using PCA. By analysing the common correlations of the three groups of
samples, the diameter of fat globules was found to positively influence the meltability

Chapter 7 Correlation between properties, microstructure and production processes of Mozzarella cheese

and free oil of cheese, and negatively influence the stretching parameters. Protein
content, on the other hand, had opposite effects on these properties.

Chapter 8 Conclusions

Chapter 8. Conclusions

Overall, it was concluded that different production processes during Mozzarella

manufacture produced cheeses with different compositions and microstructures,
which affected the functional properties, including viscoelasticity, stretchability,
meltability and free oil formation. These functional properties further affected the
blistering and browning behaviours of Mozzarella during baking on pizza. The
specific conclusions of this investigation are as follows:

1. The modified three-prong-hook stretching test with an oil bath had better
repeatability than the same test without an oil bath. Yield load and Inversion
point extension (IPE) can be measured from the loadextension curves obtained
from the stretching test (Yield load: maximum load value during stretching test;
IPE: the extension value at the inversion point, when the stable neck has formed).
As the IPE and the Yield load results behaved similarly, both parameters can be
used to quantify the stretchability of cheese using this temperature-controlled
three-prong-hook test. A higher Yield load and a higher IPE indicate lower
stretchability of Mozzarella cheese.

2. Image acquisition and analysis techniques were developed to quantify the colour,
colour uniformity and browning area on the pizza photos captured by machine
vision. Cheeses were classified into 3 groups on their different pizza baking
performance in comparison with Mozzarella, with no blister, light blisters and
bigger blisters respectively. For cheeses other than Mozzarella, those with higher
water activity had more active moisture entrapped in protein matrix, and thus
they were easier to flow and melt, and had greater colour uniformity.

3. Mozzarella cheeses made with less heat sensitive strains and more heat sensitive
strains contained different amounts of residual sugar, which played a leading role
in browning. For these Mozzarella samples, free oil was mainly responsible for
the different blistering behaviours. Mozzarella cheese made with more heat
sensitive strains had the least intensive browning and the smallest number of
blisters. Mozzarella samples with less free oil formed more and bigger blisters on
pizza, since less free oil resulted more rapid surface dehydration, which in turn
gave more surface browning.
Chapter 8 Conclusions

4. Mozzarella cheeses with higher salt had relatively smaller fat globules, lower
water activity, and thus higher transition temperature. It was indicated that
cheeses with higher transition temperatures had shorter time to flow, and their
higher elastic and stretching resistances impeded the growth of blisters, resulting
in smaller blisters on pizzas. For these high salt/moisture samples, viscoelasticity
and stretchability played the most important role in blistering. In contrast, free oil
still had the most important role in blistering behaviour when all data was used
from different starters.

5. The highly interdependent relationships between properties, microstructure, and

processing were quantified using PCA. For three groups of Mozzarella samples,
with different fat contents, draining pH or calcium contents and stretching
conditions respectively, the Ferets diameter of the fat globules was found to
positively influence the meltability and free oil of the cheese and to negatively
influence the Yield load and the IPE. In contrast, the protein content was found
to negatively influence the meltability and free oil of the cheese and to positively
influence the stretching parameters.

Future work should investigate on a huge number of Mozzarella cheese samples with
a wide range of production processes. It would be interesting to set up a mathematical
model from the experimental database and then to predict possible production
processes to produce cheese with demanding functional properties and microstructure.
Furthermore, similar methods can be used on other cheese varieties, including the
processed cheese.

Appendix A Small amplitude oscillation shear test

Appendix A. Small Amplitude Oscillation

Shear test
For SAOS experiments (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003), the material is tested a
sinusoidal shear strain with a constant amplitude 0 and frequency :


When the 0 is small, the stress response will also be sinusoidal:


Then two variables are defined as follows:



G and G are defined as Storage modulus and Loss modulus respectively, and
complex modulus is:


And Loss tangent is defined as


For an elastic solid, equals to 0, while for a viscous liquid, equals to /2. It is
worth noting that, when goes to /4, storage modulus equals to loss modulus, which
means the elasticity and viscosity of the tested material are equivalent.

The linear region is defined as the strain region, in which the modulus keeps constant,
as the amplitude of strains will not affect the results. The strain sweep curves (Figure
A- 1) of different temperatures show different linear regions, for 10 C, 10 rad/s
strain sweep, < 0.4% is the limit. In all experiments, 0.05% strain was used for other
sweep (frequency sweep and temperature sweep) to make sure in linear region, with
accordance to former study (Gunasekaran and Ak 2003). Based on the linear region

Appendix A Small amplitude oscillation shear test

obtained from strain sweep, the frequency sweep and temperature sweep can be
applied within a proper strain region.

Frequency sweep with stress oscillation frequency ranging from 10 rad/s to 100 rad/s,
with 0.05% strain was implemented at 50 C and 23 C.

Figure A- 1. Strain sweeps at different temperatures (from top to bottom: 10 C, 100 rad/s;
10 C, 10 rad/s; 20 C, 100 rad/s; 30 C, 100 rad/s; 40 C, 100 rad/s; 60 C, 100 rad/s;
70 C, 100 rad/s

As shown in Figure A- 2, these modules increase with rising frequency, and decrease
with higher temperature. It is noted that the higher frequency is, the smaller distance
between curves of two temperatures. Meanwhile, the loss tangent is much higher of
50 C than of 23 C, and the 50 C curve declines dramatically while 23 C curve
keeps nearly constant, which shows that the frequency highly affect the result of high
temperatures, but not for low temperatures. Finally, an angular frequency of 10 rad/s
was chosen for temperature sweep following the former research (Gunasekaran and
Ak 2003).

Appendix A Small amplitude oscillation shear test

Figure A- 2. Frequency sweeps at 50 C and 23 C

Two types of Mozzarella cheese were tested, with similar protein content (26.5% &
26.7%), and diverse fat content (23.4% & 19.9%). Temperature step sweeps from
10 C to 70 C, with an increasing step of 5 C (0.05% strain, 10rad/s) were used on
the basis of strain sweep and frequency sweep. Then for temperature sweep, G, G
and were measured on each temperature point, and curves were drawn as Figure A-
3. Several comparisons can be made between curves of different Mozzarella, and
there is a transition temperature defined as the temperature point at which G and G
equal with each other, which can characterize different Mozzarella.
Figure A- 3 illustrates that pizza Mozzarella cheese with higher fat content has lower
elasticity and viscosity, and has lower transition temperature (when G = G, i.e. =
/4; 47 C and 49 C for higher fat and lower fat respectively). The reduction of fat
content decreases the magnitude of the phase angle, . As the temperature increases,
G and G decreases and phase angle, , increases. The value of at 10 C is ~15,
which indicates that cheese is more elastic than viscous. While, when higher than 50
C, the cheese is more viscous than elastic (= 45~70). The changes in indicate a
phase transition from an unmelted cheese to a melted cheese (Guinee et al. 2000). G
decreases rapidly as the temperature increases from 10 C to 35 C. The softening of
the cheese is indicated by the decrease in G. A reason for this is the liquefaction of

Appendix A Small amplitude oscillation shear test

the fat phase, which is fully liquid at 35~40 C (Guinee et al. 2000). These results are
in agreement with a previous study with similar methods on Cheddar cheese (Guinee
et al. 2000) and Gaziantep cheeses (Kahyaoglu and Kaya 2003).

Figure A- 3. Temperature sweep of two specimens with different fat contents (lower fat and
higher fat)

As the temperature rises, cheese becomes more viscous-like, indicated by the

increasing Loss Tangent (tan); While, both G and G declines dramatically, as a
result of the decrease of number and strength of casein matrix bonds.

Appendix B Microscopy

Appendix B: Microscopy

The microscopy techniques are listed in Table B- 1:

Table B- 1. Variety of microscopy techniques

Type Magnification Specimen Results Disadvantages
Light < 100 2 50 Curd granule Magnification limit;
microscopy 70 mm junction patterns 2-dimention

SEM < 500,000 1 1 2 Bulk Fat globules are removed

(3000Usually mm arrangement during preparation; long time
for cheese) sample preparation causing
artifacts; only surface can be
seen; no colour

TEM (3000, 80 nm Protein-protein Air pockets maybe considered

85,000, thick arrangement as fat globules; considerable
200,000,000, sample preparation may
for cheese) increase artifacts; no colour

Confocal 1000 5 mm 5 Protein Magnification limit

Scanning Laser mm2 mm aggregation
Microscope and the formation
of gel networks

B.1 Light microscopy

In Figure B- 1, fat globules were stained red with Sudan 7B, and shows two groups of
size, bigger fat globules with a diameter >20m, and ~5m for smaller fat globules.
The anisotropy for Mozzarella cheese was studied, by slicing the samples through
both parallel and vertical directions with cheese fibres (Figure B- 2 & Figure B- 3).
While it is noted that the difference shown between images with parallel and vertical
slicing was not only a result of anisotropy of Mozzarella cheese, but also because
during the slicing process, fat globules were cut through, leaving incomplete fat
globules shown in images.

Appendix B Microscopy

Figure B- 1. Mozzarella cheese sliced into 30m thick, stained with Sudan 7B for 2 hr. Scale bar:

a. parallel sliced b. vertically sliced

Figure B- 2. Mozzarella cheese sliced vertically and parallel into 30m thick, stained with
Rhodamine B. Scale bar: 25m. Protein was stained red.

a. parallel sliced b. vertically sliced

Figure B- 3. Mozzarella cheese sliced vertically and parallel into 30m thick, stained with Sudan
7B. Scale bar: 25m. Fat was stained red.

Appendix B Microscopy

Figure B- 4 shows small fat globules on the fractured surface of higher fat Mozzarella
(protein 23.8%, fat 23.4%) and lower fat Mozzarella (protein 26.7%, fat 19.9%). But
from these images, it is impossible to distinguish between Mozzarella of different fat
content, although ESEM has the advantage of resolution and simple sample
preparation. As a result, a better method of microscopy needs to be developed.

a. higher fat b. lower fat

Figure B- 4. Mozzarella cheese, 2 C, 5.5 Torr

Appendix C Stretching test

Appendix C: Stretching test

The hook can be made by obtaining a treble fish hook, cutting the barbs off and then
welding it onto the mounting. The hook is mounted to a probe, longer than 300mm.
For the double wall glass cylinder, it does not necessarily have a specific size. While,
it has to be able to contain a beaker (36mm diameter), and it is taller than 300mm to
allow enough extension of cheese. Also, water inlet (bottom) and outlet (top) were
made to circulate water in the cylinder.

Besides, to mount the glass cylinder onto the tensile tester, some plastic parts have to
be made: a base and a lid for the cylinder. The bottom plastic base is mounted to the
tensile tester base by a screw, so that the cylinder will be stable. These plastic parts
are shown in Figure C-1. The lid is connected to a plastic ring with two screw poles,
so that the beaker (containing cheese) is firstly screwed to the ring, and then placed
into the cylinder. Then the two poles connected to the plastic base insert the two
holes in the lid, and fastened by nuts.

Figure C- 5. Stretching test equipment

To get good reproducibility, the temperature of oil and water bath has to be kept the
same, so that the melted cheese temperature will be the same. Besides, the size of
beakers and the initial position of hook in cheese may affect the result.

Appendix C Stretching test

Comparison between the stretchability tests on Mozzarella cheese with or without oil
bath is shown in Figure C-2. The load-extension curves of the tests with oil bath were
smoother than the ones without oil bath.



Appendix C Stretching test


Figure C- 2. Stretching test of Mozzarella (a) without oil bath at 70 C, (b) with oil bath at 70 C,
(c) without oil bath at 90 C, and (d) with oil bath at 90 C

Appendix D Statistical analysis

Appendix D: Statistical Analysis

D.1 One-way analysis of variance

The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used to determine whether there are
any significant differences between the means of two or more independent groups.
Six assumptions have to be met before using ANOVA, which are listed as below:

1. The dependent variables should be measured at interval or ratio level;

2. The independent variables should consist of two or more categorical groups;

3. Independent observations are required, i.e. there is no relationship between the

observations in each group or between groups;

4. There is no significant outliers (single points not of the usual pattern);

5. The dependent variables should be approximately normally distributed;

6. The variances should be homogeneous.

In this study, the first four assumptions were obviously met, and the last three
assumptions were checked respectively through Shapiro-Wilk test of normality and
Levene's test of homogeneity of variances.

The Shapiro-Wilk test is appropriate for small sample sizes (< 50 samples), and thus
it was used in this study as numerical means of assessing normality. If the p-value is
greater than the chosen level (typically 0.05), the null hypothesis that these data came
from a normally distributed population is not rejected.

Levene's test is used to assess the equality of variances for a variable calculated for
two or more groups. If the resulting p-value is greater than the chosen value
(typically 0.05), the null hypothesis of equal variances is not rejected and the
variances are homogeneous.

Appendix D Statistical analysis

D.2 Principal Component Analysis

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a mathematical procedure that is used to
convert possibly correlated variables into values of linearly uncorrelated variables
(principal components) by orthogonal transformation. The first principal component
has the largest possible variance (i.e. it accounts for as much of the variability in the
variables as possible), and then each succeeding component has the largest variance
possible, while it has to be orthogonal to the preceding components.

PCA is commonly used to only keep the variables that most closely represent the
construct, while removing the others, understand whether some variables are not
sufficiently representative of the construct. The following five assumptions have to
be met before using PCA:

1. The multiple variables should be measured at the continuous level;

2. A linear relationship between all variables;

3. Large enough sample sizes are required to produce a reliable result;

4. Adequate correlations between the variables to be reduced to a smaller number

of components;

5. There is no significant outliers (outliers have component scores > 3standard

deviations away from the mean).

In this study, the assumptions were checked respectively before analysis.


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