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Aih Enrolment Form New-V15

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Have you previously studied at What is your highest completed Year 10
AIH Higher Education? Yes No secondary school level? Year 12 Year 11 or lower

If yes, when did you leave AIH What was your Have you completed any post
Higher Education? student ID? secondary study? Yes No

Completed Year
Family Name:
Certificate IV or Foundation
Given Name: MUHAMMAD KAREEM Studies
Gender: Male Female Diploma or Advanced
Date of Birth: 04 FEB 1999 Undergraduate Degree YES 2015
Passport Number: BY5771842 Postgraduate Degree
Visa Type: Student Tourist Other
Email address: Do you wish to apply for
Advanced Standing
Yes No
Permanent Home Address: Near Umer-e-Farooq masjid, House No. P-129
(Please provide your original or verified academic transcripts for assessment)
Street No.38 Mohalal Ravi Tehsil Samundri Dist. Faisalabad, Pakistan
Address while Studying in
N/A Please indicate which of the following English Language Tests you have taken


Phone (with area code): N/A Result: 6.5 Year: 2016
Mobile: 00 92 333 6247640 Students who have not attained the required English Language entry requirement
DIBP Office: may study an IELTS Preparation or English for Academic Purposes program with an
ISLAMABAD ELICOS provider. Admission will only be granted when students have demonstrated
the required English language proficiency of IELTS 6.0 (Academic) or equivalent.
ENROLMENT DETAILS (enrollment fee $200 non-refundable)
Do you have a disability,
impairment or long term medical CRICOS
Yes No
condition which may affect your Code Duration Semester Fee
Bachelor of Accounting 069573C 3 years $7,600
Hearing Vision Learning
If yes, please indicate the areas
of impairment: Bachelor of Business 069532B 3 years $7,600
Mobility Medical

If you have special needs, would Diploma of Business

083129G 1 year $7,600
you like to receive advice on Information Systems
Yes No
support services, equipment and Associate Degree in Business
facilities which may assist you? 083130C 2 years $7,600
Information Systems


083131B 3 years $7,600
Information Systems
Would you like us to arrange
health cover for you? Yes No INTAKE DATES
If yes, which type of cover would 5 December 2016 # 6 March 2017 31 July 2017
you like? Single Couple Family
27 November 2017 # 5 March 2018 30 July 2018
To obtain a quote for OSHC premiums, please go to
26 November 2018 # # student to commence in summer program
(you will be required to hold OSHC for the duration of your intended visa)


Enrollment fee

Tuition fee

OSHC ( years, months)

Other Student Signature:

Total Date 06/05/2017

The Australian Institute of Higher Education is listed as a Higher Education Provider on the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agencys National Register of Higher
Education Providers, provider number (PRV12013). ABN 701173349256. CRICOS Provider No. 03147A.
Australian Institute of Higher Education
Level 4, 451 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Ph: +61 2 9020 8050 | Fax: +61 2 8004 9286
Australian Institute of Higher Education
Level 4, 451 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9020 8050 Fax: +61 2 8004 9286
Email: Web:
CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A

Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

Privacy Statement - If a student's visa has been rejected, all course fees paid such as tuition fees and the
The information collected in this form is required to facilitate your enrolment and will be handled and stored in line with the Student Health Cover (OSHC) will be refunded in full provided certified evidence of DIBP is
AIH Higher Education Privacy and Personal Information Procedures. AIH reserves the right to verify any of the details you supplied.
have provided on this form in order to assess your application. - If a notice of claim is received 27 days or fewer before the course commencement date, 50%
of the tuition fees will be refunded if 4 units of tuition fees are already received by AIH.
Personal and Contact Details - If a notice of claim is received 28 days or more before the course commencement date, 70%
Students have an obligation to notify AIH Higher Education as soon as practicable of a change of address while enrolled in a of the tuition fees will be refunded if 4 units of tuition fees are already received by AIH.
course at AIH Higher Education. Personal information about international students studying with AIH Higher Education may 4. If a student has been reported to DIBP for breaching AIH's rules or visa conditions, such as unsatisfactory course
be shared with the Australian Government and designated authorities, including the Tuition Protection Service (TPS). This progress, no refund will be provided.
information includes personal and contact details, course enrolment details and changes, and the circumstance of any 5. Enrolment fees are non refundable under any circumstances.
possible breach of a student's visa condition. Please refer to the AIH Management of Personal Information Policy on the AIH 6. AIH will not authorise tuition fee transfers to any other institution or to other students.
Higher Education website for further information. 7. If AIH is unable to run an advertised course for any reason, students can transfer to another AIH course or
alternatively will receive a 100% refund of unexpended amount. Refunds made in these circumstances will be paid
Expulsion within 14 days of the provider default in line with ESOS requirements.
The Institute reserves the right to expel students for any serious breaches of the conditions of student visa conditions, 8. A letter will be provided to each student who requests a refund showing how the refund amount has been
academic misconduct, and/ or non-academic misconduct. calculated.
9. AIH reserves the right to not process / issue any student's requests including statements of results or any other
Fees, Course and Timetables documents on the basis of outstanding fees.
1. The Institute reserves the right to vary its fees at any time. Please note: fees paid for COE issuance comprising tuition fees for 2 units is non-refundable except in the case of
2. Timetables are subject to change. Students are enrolled into their units each semester according to their course visa rejection. There is also no refund of fees if the visa is rejected on the basis of fraud as determined by the
sequence, course structure, prerequisites, and advanced standing awarded. This may entail different number of days and Department of Immigration and Border Protection.
times they have to be on campus each semester according to each semester's timetable.
3. Students who meet course entry requirements are not allowed to defer to undertake another course at another institution Advanced Standing
once the semester has commenced. AIH has an accessible process for the granting of Advanced Standing with respect to specific units on the basis of
4. In relation to suspension, once a semester has commenced, any suspensions will require a payment of tuition fees for 4 prior formal studies, professional work or life experience and in line with the Australian Qualifications Framework.
units, and no tuition fees will be credited toward the following semester. The student then has to pay another 2 units of fees Please refer to the AIH Advanced Standing Policy and Procedure on the AIH website for further details.
in order to commence the following semester. However, if AIH is notified in writing and a Suspension Application Form is
filled in before the semester commences 2 units' fees have to be paid and credited toward the following semester. Grievance Procedure
5. Continuing students who wish to terminate must submit their application before the semester has commenced. Continuing Students are entitled to have a personal representative present at any stage during the grievance procedure. If the
students who apply to terminate their course after the semester has commenced is liable for the whole semester's fee. student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the AIH Higher Education grievance resolution procedure (internal appeal),
6. All requests for deferrals, suspensions and terminations have to be approved by AIH Senior Management. then they can access an external appeal process through the OVERSEAS STUDENTS OMBUDSMAN or any other
external agency to express their concern. Please visit the following website to access the OVERSEAS STUDENTS
Course Requirements and Payment Policy OMBUDSMAN's external review process:
1. Prospective students must provide evidence of 6.0 IELTS (Academic) or equivalent to commence their principal course
(please refer to section 8.1 Entry Requirements, AIH Student Admission Policy), as well as the academic entry requirements. This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes do not remove the right of the student to
2. Change of course incurs a $100 administration fee and must be requested before the semester commences (before or take action under Australia's consumer protection laws.
during orientation).
3. Commencing students must complete and pay a minimum of 4 units of the principal course before applying to transfer to Conditions to Defer Commencement of a Course
another provider. Students are allowed to defer the commencement of a course on medical grounds or other exceptional
4. If the student has nominated an authorised agent, AIH Higher Education will honour that agent until the completion of the compassionate circumstances. Please refer to the International Student Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation of
enrolled course. Study Policy and Procedure on the AIH Higher Education website for further details.
5. Tuition fees are to be paid in accordance with the payment schedule as set out in the Letter of Offer and Acceptance. 1. If a student defers to remain with a "Preferred Provider", the student pays a 50% deposit. If the student changes to
6. COEs will only be issued once payment has been cleared and appears in AIH's bank account. a non "Preferred Provider" the student has to pay 100% of the next semester's fees.
7. Students have to commence their course within the agreed starting date as entered in their COE's or the Australian 2. If the student defers with the "Preferred Provider" for the first time, there is the same 50% deposit; 2nd deferral is
government may be notified of the student's default. 100%, and 3rd or more deferral will result in cancellation of CoE.
8. A student's enrolment can be cancelled due to unsatisfactory course progress, non-attendance, academic misconduct or
non-academic misconduct. AIH Higher Education Policies (please refer to the AIH website for further details)
9. Debt collectors may be engaged to recover any unpaid fees. Credit assessment agencies may be notified.
Student Admission Policy International Student Transfer Student Consultation Policy Student Assessment Policy
10. Students who have not paid the required tuition fees by the due date will be sent a letter warning them of their non-
financial status. If the student does not pay by the specified date, their enrolment will be cancelled and the student may be
International Student Deferment Student Progression, Exclusion
reported to DIBP for "non-payment of fees". Suspension and Cancellation of Study and Graduation Policy and
Management of Personal Advanced Standing Policy and
Information Policy Procedure
11. Students may apply for a reinstatement of enrolment subject to the approval of AIH. A reinstatement fee will apply. Policy and Procedure Procedure
* DIBP = Department of Immigration and Border Protection
ESOS Compliance Framework Policy Cirtical Incident Management Plan Scholarly Activity Policy Intellectual Property Policy
Not Meeting the Conditional Offer Requirements
Ethical Conduct Policy Academic Misconduct Policy Refund Policy
When a prospective international student receives an AIH Higher Education Conditional Offer based on providing evidence
of educational and/or English entry requirements and has been unable to provide evidence by the scheduled intake date, the Student Grievance Handling and
Maintstreaming Communication Quality Management and
Policy Continuous Improvement Policy
following will occur: Resolution Policy and Procedure
and Procedure
1. The prospective international student's original course intake date may be deferred to the next semester's intake date
provided that the required evidence of educational entry requirements are submitted prior to the semester's intake date. In Indemnity Declaration
this instance, all prepaid student fees for the AIH Higher Education course will be transferred to the new intake start date and By signing this declaration, the student agrees that the Australian Institute of Higher Education Pty Ltd, its officers,
students will be required to extend their student visa to accommodate the revised end date of their studies. teachers, employees, representatives and agents shall not be held responsible and/or be under any liability as far as
2. If after one semester of deferment, the prospective student has still not achieved the required educational entry permitted by the laws of Australia and/or will not make any claim against them for the student's death, bodily
requirements, AIH Higher Education may withdraw the Conditional Offer and provide students with a refund of all fees injury,disability, loss,damages and/or property damage which may be sustained by the student and /or which may be
except the enrolment fee (please refer to the below). This will allow the student to find alternative study arrangement wuith caused by attendance at any premises owned/leased, operated or controlled by the Australian Institute of Higher
the conditions of the AIH Refund Policy implemented. AIH may also defer the student for another semester with a Education, the student attending activities and/or excursions and/or in any accommodation arranged for the student.
prepayment of 4 units of tuition fees which will be fully credited to the semester when the student commences. Furthermore, the student agrees to pay for any excursions or activities organised by or on behalf of the Australian
Refund Policy Institute of Higher Education.
1. All applications for refunds must be made using the AIH Refund Request Form, and submitted to Accounts for processing.
2. No refund on tuition fees will be made to students who cancel / terminate the course after it has commenced. I declare that all of the information given is current, correct and accurate. I have read and accepted the Terms and
3. All refunds will be paid within 28 days from the date of receipt of the written claim by the student or parent or guardian of Conditions and agree to be bound by them. I hereby apply for enrolment into AIH Higher Education and declare that
student under 18 years of age as detailed below: the information I have provided in this form is correct. I understand that information about me and the study I
undertake may be dislcosed as described in the Privacy Statement or otherwise as required by law.

Enrollment form completed I agree for AIH to use my name and/or image for possible use in educational related marketing and promotional
English Requirements Checked

Academic Requirement Checked

Admissions Office Student Signature:
Agent Valid
Use Only Date Assessed Date:
Assessed by
Agent Company Name:
Offer Category Issued
Counsellor Name:
Revision: 14 Effective Date: 1 September 2016
Agent Email:
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