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Plaintiff-Appel lee,

VELASCO, JR. , J, Chairperson

- versus - REYES, *
LEONEN,** and

Accused-Appellant. February 22, 2017


When the victim was alerted to the impending lethal attack due to the
preceding heated argument between him and the accused, with the latter
even uttering threats against the former, treachery cannot be appreciated as
an attendant circumstance. When the resolve to commit the cnme was
immediately followed its execution, evident premeditation cannot be
appreciated. Hence, the crime is homicide, not murder.

The Case

Rodrigo Macaspac y Isip (Macaspac) hereby seeks to reverse the

decision promulgated on April 7, 2011, 1 whereby the Court of Appeals (CA),
m CA-GR. CR HC No. 03262, affirmed with modification the decision

On leave.
In lie u of Justice Francis H . Jard e leza , who inh ibited due to prior partic ipatio n as the Solicitor General, the raffl e of February 20 , 2 01 7.
Designated as add itiona l Member of the Third Division per Special Order No. 24 I 7 dated Jan uary 4 ,
20 17.
Rollo, pp. 2- 14; penne d by Associate Justice Ricardo R. Rosario w ith Assoc iate Justice Hakim S.
Abdulwahid (retired) and Associate Justice Danton Q . Bueser concurring.
Decision 2 GR. No. 198954

rendered in Criminal Case No. C-31494 by the Regional Trial Court (RTC),
Branch 129, in Caloocan City declaring him guilty beyond reasonable doubt
of murder for the killing of Robert Jebulan y Pelaez (Jebulan). 2


The information charging Macaspac with murder filed by the Office

of the City Prosecutor of Caloocan City reads as follows:

That on or about the 7th day of July 1988, at Caloocan City,

Metro Manila and within the jurisdiction of the Honorable Court, the
above-named accused, without any justifiable cause, with deliberate
intent to kill, and with treachery and evident premeditation, did then and
there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and stab with a
kitchen knife on the vital part of his body one ROBERT JEBULAN Y
PELAEZ, thereby inflicting upon the latter serious physical injuries,
which injuries directly caused the victim's death.
Contrary to law.

The case was archived for more than 15 years becetuse Macaspac had
gone into hiding and remained at large until his arrest on July 28, 2004.
Upon his arraignment on August 31, 2004, he pleaded not guilty to the
foregoing information. 4

The Prosecution's evidence revealed that at around 8 :00 in the

evening of July 7, 1988, Macaspac was having drinks with Ricardo Surban,
Dionisio Barcomo alias Boy, Jimmy Reyes, and Jebulan on Pangako Street,
Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City. In the course of their drinking~ an argument
ensued between .M acaspac and Jebulan. It became so heated that, Macaspac
uttered to the group : Hintayin n yo aka d'yan, wawalisin ko kayo, and then
left.5 After around three minutes Macaspac retun1ed wielding a kitchen
knife. He confronted and taunted Jebulan, saying: Ano? Jebulan simply
replied: Tama na. At that point, Macaspac suddenly stabbed Jebulan on the
lower right area of his chest, and ran away. Surban and the others witnessed
the stabbing of Jebulan. The badly wounded Jebulan was rushed to the
hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival. 6

Macaspac initially invoked self-defense, testifying that he and Jebulan

had scuffled for the possession of the lmife, and that he had then stabbed
Jebulan once he seized control of the lmife, viz.:7

CA rollo, pp . 2 1-36; penned by Presiding Judge Thelma Canlas Trin idad-Pe Aguirre.
Rollo, p. 3.
ld. at 3-4.
Id. at 4 .
Id . at 5.

Decision 3 G.R. No. 198954

Atty. Sanchez

Q - And it was a lleged here in the information that on July 7, 1988

at around 8 o'clock in the evening, in the City of Caloocan you stabbed the
victim Robert Julian (Jebulan). What can you say about this?

A - We scuffled for possession for a sharp instrument and when l

was able to grab that sharp instrument, I was able to stab Robe1io
Jebulan, sir. 8

However, Macaspac later on claimed that Jebu lan had been stabbed by
accident when he fell on the knife. Macaspac denied being the person with
whom Jebulan had the argument, which he insisted had been between
Barcomo and one Danny. According to him, he tried to pacify their
argument, but his effort angered Jebu1an, who drew out the knife and tried to
stab him. He fortunately evaded the stab thrust of Jebulan, whom he struck
with a wooden chair to defend himself. The blow caused Jebulan to fall on
the knife, puncturing his chest. 9 -

On February 19, 2008, the RTC found Macaspac guilty beyond

reasonable doubt of murder, 10 disposing:

WHEREFORE, the Court finds that the killing of Robert Jehu/an

is qualified by treachery. In the absence of mitigating and aggravating
c ircumstances, the Court hereby finds the accused guilty beyond
reasonable doubt as charged, and hereby sentences him to suffer the
imprisonment of reclusion perpertua.

The accused is ordered to ind emnify the victim in the amount of

.50,000.00 as moral damages.

Costs de oficio.

so ORDERED. 11

On appeal, the CA affirmed the conv1ct1on but modified the civil

liability by imposing civil indemnity of PS0,000.00, exemplary damages of
~25,000.00, and temperate damages of F25,000.00, decreeing:

WHEREFORE, the appealed 19 February 2008 Decision of

Branch 129 of the Regional Trial Court of Caloocan City is AFFIRMED
with the MODIFICATIONS that appel lant, aside from the moral
damages awarded by the trial court in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos
(P-50,000.00), fa further ORDERED to pay the heirs of the victim, Robert

Id . at 8, c itin g TSN , 24 July 2007, p. 5.

Id . at 5, citing TSN , 24 July 2007, pp. 8- 14 and pp. 17-19.

CA rollo. pp. 2 1-36.
Id . at 35.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 198954

Jebulan, the amount of Fifty T housand Pesos (I!S0,000.00) as civil

indemnity, Twei1ty-Five Thousand Pesos (P25,000.00) as exemplary
damages and Twenty-Five Thousand Pesos (P.25,000.00) as temperate


Macaspac is now before the Court arguing that the CA erred in

affirming his conviction for murder on the ground that the Prosecution did
not establish his guilt for murder beyond reasonable doubt. 13

Ruling of the Court

It is settled that the assessment of the credibility of the witnesses and

their testimonies is best undertaken by the trial court because of its unique
opportunity to observe the witnesses firsthand and to note their demeanor,
conduct, and attitude under grueling examination. These factors are the most
significant in evaluating the sincerity of witnesses and in unearthing the
truth, especially in the face of conflicting testimonies. Through its personal
observations during the entire proceedings, the trial court can be expected to
determine whose testimonies to accept and which witnesses to believe.
Accordingly, the findings of the trial court on such matters will not be
disturbed on appeal unless some facts or circumstances of weight were
overlooked, misapprehended, or misinterpreted as to materially affect the
disposition of the case. 14

The Court sees no misreading by the RTC and the CA of the

credibility of the witnesses and the evidence of the parties. On the contrary,
the CA correctly observed that inconsistencies had rendered Macaspac 's
testimony doubtful as to shatter his credibility. 15 In so saying, we do not
shift the burden of proof to Macaspac but are only stressing that his initial
invocation of self-defense, being in the nature of a forthright admission of
committing the killing its.e~f, placed on him the entire burden of proving
such defense by clear and convincing evidence.

Alas, Macaspac did not discharge his burden. It is noteworthy that the
CA rejected his claim of self-defense by highlighting the fact that Jebulan
had not engaged in any unlawful aggression against him. Instead, the CA
observed that Jebulan was already running away from the scene when
Macaspac stabbed him. The CA expressed the fo llowing apt impressions of
the incident based on Macaspac's own declarations in court, viz.:

Supra note I, at 13.
1J Rollo, p. 29.
People v. Pili, G.R. No. 124739, April 15, 1998, 289 SCRA 11 8, 131.
Rollo, p. 8.

Decision 5 GR. No. 198954

xx xx
Q - How cou ld you (appellant) hit him (Jebulan) at his back when
you were facing him?

A - When I picked up the chair, when I was about to hit him with
the chair, Obet turned his back to ran (sic) from me, sir.

Q - To ran (sic) away from you?

A - Yes, sir, because he saw me, I was already holding the chair,
sir. (Emphasi s suppli ed)

Self-defense, requires three (3) elements, namely: (a) unlawful

aggression on the part of the victim; (b) reasonable necessity of the
means employed to prevent or repel the aggression; and ( c) lack of
sufficient provocation on the part of the person defending himself, must be
proved by clear and convinci ng evidence.

From the above-quoted testim ony of appellant, it is clear that even

before he stabbed Jebulan, the latter was already running away from him .
Hence, granting that Jebulan was initially the aggressor, appellant's
testimoriy shows that said unl awful aggression already ceased when
appellant stabbed him. Clearly, appellant's act of stabbing said victim
would no longer be justi fi ed as an act of self-defense. 16

Macaspac's initial claim that he and Jebul an had scuffled for the
possession of the knife, and that he had stabbed Jebulan only after grabbing
the knife from the latter became incompatible with his subsequent statement
of only striking Jebulan with the wooden chair, causing the latter to fall on
the knife. The incompatibility, let a lone the implausibility of the recantation,
manifested the lack of credibility of Macaspac as a witness.

Both the RTC 17 and the CA 18 concluded that Macaspac had suddenly
attacked the completely unarmed and defenseless Jebulan; and that
Macaspac did not thereby give Jebulan the opportunity to retaliate, or to
defend himself, or to take fli ght, or to avoid the deadly assault.

D id the lower cou1is properly appreciate the attend ance of alevosia, or


This is where we differ from the lower courts. We cannot uphold their
conclusion on the attendance of treachery.

Id . at9- IO.
Supra note 2, at 35.
IH S upra note I , at I I .
Deci sion 6 G.R. No. 19895 4

There is treachery when the offender commits any of the crimes

against persons, employing means and methods or forms in the execution
thereof which tend to directly and specially ensure its execution, without risk
to himself arising from the defense which the offended party might make. 19
Two conditions must concur in order for treachery to be appreciated,
namely: one, the assailant employed means, methods or forms in the
execution of the criminal act which give the person attacked no opportunity
to defend himself or to retaliate; and two, said means, methods or forms of
execution were deliberately or consciously adopted by the assailant.20
Treachery, whenever alleged in the information and competently and clearly
proved, qualifies the killing and raises it to the category of rnurder. 2 1

Based on the records, Macaspac and Jebulan were out drinking along
with others when they had an argument that soon became heated, causing the
former to leave the group and punctuating his leaving with the warning that
he would be back "to sweep them," the vernacular for killing the others
(ffintayin n yo aka d'yan, wawalisin ko kayo). His utterance was a threat of
an impending attack. Shortly thereafter, Macaspac returned to the group
wielding the knife, immediately confronted and directly taunted Jebulan
(Ano?), and quickly stabbed the latter on the chest, and then fled. The attack,
even if it was sudden, .did not constitute treachery. He did not mount the
attack with surprise because the heated argument between him and the
victim and his angry threat of going back "to sweep them" had sufficiently
forewarned the latter of the impending lethal assault.

Nonetheless, the information also alleged the attendance of evident

premeditation. We now determine if the records sufficiently established this

The requisites for the appreciation of evident premeditation are: ( l)

the time when the accused determined to commit the crime; (2) an act
manifestly indicating that the accused had clung to his determination to
commit the crime; and (3) the lapse of a sufficient length of time between
the determination and execution to allow him to reflect upon the
consequences of his act. 22

Macaspac 's having suddenly left the group and his utterance of
Hintayin n yo aka d'yan, wawalisin ko kayo marked the time of his resolve
Art icle 14, paragraph 16, Revised Penal Code.
People v. Flores, G.R. N o. 137497, February 5, 2004, 422 SC RA 9 1, 97.
People v. Sarabia, GR. No. 1061 02, October 29, 1999, 3 17 SC RA 684, 694.
People v. Torpio, GR. N o. 13 89 84 , June 4, 2004, 43 1 SCRA 9, 15; People v. Delos Reyes, G. R. No .
140680, May 28, 2 004, 430 SC.RA 166, 178; People v. Factao, G. R. No. 12S966, Jan uary 13, 2004, 4 19
SC RA 38, 57; People v. Catbagan, G. R. Nos. 149430-32, February 23, 2004, 423 SCRA 53S, S6S ; People
v. Garcia, G. R. N o. I S3S9 I, Februa ry 23, 2004, 423 SCRA S83, 588; People v. Mont~jo, No. L-688S7,
Nove mber 2 1, 1988, 167 SCRA 506, S 13; People v. Diva, G. R. No. L-22946, April 29, 1968, 23 SCRA
332, 340; People v. Ardisa, No. L-293S 1, January 23, 1974, SS SCRA 24S, 259.

Decision 7 G.R. No. 198954

to commit the crime. His returning to the group with the knife manifested his
clinging to his resolve to inflict lethal harm on the others. The first and
second elements of evident premeditation were thereby established. But it is
the essence of this circumstance that the execution of the criminal act be
preceded by cool thought and reflection upon the resolve to carry out the
criminal intent during the space of time sufficient to arrive at a calm
judgment.23 Was the lapse of time between the determination and execution -
a matter of three minutes, based on the records - sufficient to allow him to
reflect upon the consequences of his act? By quickly returning to the group
with the knife, he let no appreciable time pass to allow him to reflect upon
his resolve to carry out his criminal intent. It was as if the execution
immediately followed the resolve to commit the . crime. As such, the third
requisite was absent.

Accordingly, we cannot appreciate the attendance of evident

premeditation in the killing, for, as explained in People v. Gonzales: 24

x x x The qualifying circumstance of premeditation can be

satisfactorily established only if it could be proved that the defendant
had ample and sufficient time to allow his conscience to overcome the
determination of his will, if he had so desired, after meditation and
reflection , following his plan to commit the crime. (United States v.
Abaigar, 2 Phil., 417; United States v. Gil, 13 Phil., 530.) In other words,
the qualifying circumstan~e of premeditation can be taken into
account only when there had been a cold and deep meditation, and a
tenacious persistence in the accomplishment of the criminal act.
(United States v. Cunanan, 37 Phil. 777.) But when the determination to
commit the crime was immediately followed )Jy execution, the
circumstance of premeditation cannot be legally considered. (United
States v. Blanco, 18 Phi l. 206.) x x x (Bo ld underscoring is suppli ed for

Without the Prosecution having suffi ciently proved the attendance of

either treachery or evident premeditation, Macaspac was guilty only of
homicide for the killing of Jebulan. The penalty for homicide, based on
Article 246 of the Revised Penal Code, is reclusion temporal. Under Section
1 of the Indeterminate Sentence Law, 25 the comi, in imposing a pri son

J People v. Tagana, GR. No. 133023, March 4, 2004, 424 SCRA 620, 634; People 1~ Borbon, GR. No.
143085, March 10, 2004 , 425 SCRA 178, 189; People v. Factao, GR. No. 125966, Janu ary 13, 2004, 4 19
SCRA 38 , 57; Aquino, The Revised Penal Code, 1987 Ed., Vo l. I, p. 352, citing People v. Durante, 53 Phil.
363 (1 929); a nd People v. Camo, 9 1 Phil. 240 ( 1952).
76 Phi l. 4 73, 479 ( I 946).
Section I. Hereafter, in im pos in g a prison sentence fo r an offense punished by the Revised Penal
Code, or its amend ments, the cou rt shall sentence th e accused to an indetermi nate sentence th e maximum
term of w hi ch sha ll be th at w hi ch, in v iew of the attend ing c ircumsta nces, coul d be properly imposed under
the rul es o f the sa id Code, and the mini mu m whi ch sha ll be w ithin the range of the penalty next lower to
that prescribed by the Code fo r th e offense; a nd if the offense is punished by any other law, the court sha ll
sentence the accused to an indeterminate sentence, th e max imum term of w hich sha ll not exceed the
max im um fix ed by said la w a nd th e minimum sha ll not be less th an the minimum term prescribed by th e
same. (As amended by A ct No. 4225)
Decision 8 G.R. No. 198954

sentence for an offense punished by the Revised Penal Code, or its

amendments, is mandated to prescribe an indeterminate sentence the
maximum term of which shall be that which, in view of the attending
circumstances, could be properly imposed under the rules of the Revised
Penal Code, and the minimum term shall be within the range of the penalty
next lower to that" prescribed by the Revised Penal Code for the offense. In
the absence of aggravating or mitigating circumstances, the imposable
penalty is reclusion temporal in its medium period, or 14 years, eight
months, and one day to 17 years and four months. This is pursuant to A1iicle
64 of the Revised Penal Code. 26 It is such period that the maximum term of
the indeterminate sentence is reckoned from. On the other hand, the
minimum term of the indeterminate sentence is taken from the degree next
lower to reclusion temporal, which is prision mayor. Accordingly, Macaspac
shall suffer the indeterminate penalty of eight years of prision mayor, as
minimum, to 14 years, eight months and one day of reclusion temporal.

Anent the civil liabilities, we deem a modification to be necessary to

align with prevailing jurisprudence. 27 Hence, Macaspac shall pay to the heirs
of Jebulan the following amounts, namely: (a) PS0,000.00 as civil
indemnity; (b) PS0,000.00 as moral damages; and (c) PS0,000.00 as
temperate damages. The temperate damages are awarded because no
documentary evidence of burial or funeral expenses was presented during
the trial. 28 Moreover, Macaspac is liable for interest on all the items of
damages at the rate _of 6% per annum reckoned from the finality of this
deci sion until fully paid. 29

WHEREFORE, the Court DECLARES accused-appellant

RODRIGO MACASPAC y ISIP guilty beyond reasonable doubt of
HOMICIDE, and SENTENCES him to suffer the indeterminate penalty of
maximum; to pay to the heirs of the late Robert Jebulan: (a) PS0,000.00 as
civil indemnity; (b) PS0,000.00 as moral damages; and (c) PS0,000.00 as
temperate damages, plus interest on all damages hereby awarded at the rate
of 6% per annum from the finality of the decision until fully paid.

Article 64. Rules for the application of penalties which contain three periods. -- In cases in which the
penalties prescribed by law contain three periods, whether it be a single divisible penalty or composed of
three different penalties, each one of which forms a period in accordance with the provisions of Articles 76
and 77, the court shall observe for the ctpplication of the penalty the following rules, according to whether
th ere are or are not 111 itigating or aggravating circumstances:
I. When there arc neither aggravating nor miti gating circumst a nces, they shall impose the
p enalty prescribed by law in its medium period.
xx xx
People v. Jug ueta, GR. No. 202 124, April 5, 2016.
2s Id.
See Nacar v. Gal!e1y Frames, GR. No. 18987 1, August 13, 201 3, 703 SCRA 439, 459.

Decision 9 GR. No. 198954

The accused shall. further

. pay the costs of suit.




(On Leave)
Associate Justic



I attest that the conclusions in the abov ecision had been reached in
consu ltation before the case was assigned t the writer of the opinion of the
Court's Division.


Asso tate Justice


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, and the

Division Chairperson's Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to
the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.


Chief Justice
. -

31\epulllir of tIJe i)IJilippines

~upreme <!Court
;ifl!l nn i1 n




VELASCO, JR., J , Chairperson,

- versus - REYES,

Respondent. March 8 , 2017


An agreem ent to submit to voluntary arbitration fo r purposes of

vestin g jurisdicti on over a constru ction dispute in th e Construction Industry
Arbitration Commission (CIAC) need not be contained in th e construc tion
contract, or be signed by the parti es. It is enough that the agreement be in

The Case

Federal Builders Inc. (Federal) appeals to reverse the decis ion

promulgated on Au gust 12, 20 13, 1 whereby the Court of Appeals (CA)
affirmed th e adverse decision rendered on M ay 12, 20 l 0 by th e Construction
Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC) w ith mod ification of the total
amount awarded. 2

Designated as additiona l Member of the Th ird Div is ion per Spec ial Order No. 24 17 elated January 4,
20 17.
Ro/In. pp. 32-4 5; pen ned by Associate Jus tice Leonc ia R. Dimag iba and concurred in by Associate
Justice Ros mari D. C arandang and Associate Ju sti ce Ri cardo R. Rosario.
lei . at 98-128.
Deci sion 2 G.R. No. 211504


Federal was the general contractor of the Bullion Mall under a

construction agreement with Bullion Investment and Development
Corporation (BIDC). In 2004, Federal engaged respondent Power Factors
Inc. (Power) as its subcontractor for the electric works at the Bullion Mall
and the Precinct Building for Pl 8,000,000.00. 3

On February 19, 2008, Power sent a demand letter to Federal claiming

the unpaid amount of Pl 1,444,658.97 for work done by Power for the
Bullion Mall and the Precinct Building. Federal replied that its outstanding
balance under the original contract only amounted to Pl,641,513.94, and
that the demand for payment for work done by Power after June 21, 2005
should be addressed directly to BIDC. 4 Nonetheless, Power made several
demands on Federal to no avail.

On October 29, 2009, Power filed a request for arbitration in the

CIAC invoking the arbitration clause of the Contract of Service reading as

15. ARBITRATION COMMITTEE - All disputes, controversies or

differences, which may arise between the parties herein, out of or in
relation to or in connection with this Agreement, or for breach thereof
shall be settled by the Construction Industry Arbitration Commission
(ClAC) which shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over the
aforementioned disputes. 5

On November 20, 2009, Atty. Vivencio Albano, the counsel of

Federal, submitted a letter to the CIAC manifesting that Federal agreed to
arbitration and sought an extension of 15 days to file its answer, which
request the CIAC granted.

On December 16, 2009, Atty. Albano filed his withdrawal of

appearance stating that Federal had meanwhile engaged another counsel. 6

Federal, represented by new counsel (Domingo, Dizon, Leonardo and

Rodillas Law Office), moved to dismiss the case on the ground that CIAC
had no jurisdiction over the case inasmuch as the Contract of Service
between Federal and Power had been a mere draft that was never finalized or
signed by the parties. Federal contended that in the absence of the agreement
for arbitration, the CIAC had no jurisdiction to hear and decide the case. 7

Id. at 33 .
Id. at 44 .
Id. at 34-35 .
Id. at 35 .

Decision 3 G.R. No. 21 1504

On February 8, 2010, the CIAC issued an order setting the case for
hea ring, and directing that Federal 's motion to di sm iss be resolved after the
reception of evidence of the parties. 8

Federal did not thereafter participate in the proceedings until the

CIAC rendered the Fina l Award dated May 12, 2010, 9 di sposing :

In summary: Responden t Federal Builders, Inc. is hereby o rdered

to pay claimant Power Factors, Inc. the followi ng sums :

I . Unpaid balance o n the original contract f!4,276,6 I 4.75;

2. Unpaid balance o n c hange order nos. I, 2,

3, 4, 5,6, 7,8,&9 3,006,970.3 2;

3. Interest to May 13, 20 10 1,686, 149.94;

4. Attorney's Fees 250,000.00;
5. Cost o f Arbitratio n 149,503.86;


The fo regoing amount shall earn legal interest at the rate of 6% per
annum from the date of this Pinal Award unti l this award becomes final
and executory, C laimant shal l then be entitled to 12% per annum until the
e ntire amount is fully satisfi ed by Respond ent.

Federal appealed the award to the CA insisting that th e CIAC had no

jurisdiction to hear and decide the case; and that the am ounts thereby
awarded to Power lacked legal and factua l bases.

On August 12, 2013 , the CA affirmed the CIA C's decision wi th

modification as to the amounts due to Powe r, 10 viz. :

WHEREFORE, the CIAC Final Award dated 12 May 20 I 0 in

CIJ\C Case No. 3 1-2009 is hereby AFFIRMED w ith MODIFICATION.
J\s modified, FEDERAL BUILD ERS , TNC. is o rd ered to pay POWER
FACTORS, TNC. the follow ing :

1. Unpaid balance o n the ori ginal contract f!4 ,276,6 I 4.75;

2. Unpaid balance on cha nge orde rs 2,864, 11 3.32;

3. Attorney's Fees 250,000.00;

4. Cost of J\rbitrati on 149,503.86;

~ Supra note 2.
Supra note l.
Decision 4 G.R. No. 2 11504

The interest to be imposed on the net award (unpaid balance on the

original contract and change order) amounting to P7, 140,728.07 awarded
to POWER FACTORS INC. shall be six (6%) per annum, reckoned from
4 July 2006 until this Decision becomes final and executory. Further, the
total award due to POWER FACTORS INC. shall be subjected to an
interest of twelve percent (12%) per annum computed from the time this
judgment becomes final and executory, until full satisfaction.

Anent jurisdiction, the CA explained that the CIAC Revised Rules of

Procedure stated that the agreement to arbitrate need not be signed by the
pa11ies; that the consent to submit to voluntary arbitration was not necessary
in view of the arbitration clause contained in the Contract of Service; and
that Federal 's contention that its former counsel's act of manifesting its
consent to the arbitration stipulated in the draft Contract of Service did not
bind it was inconsequential on the issue of jurisdiction. 12

Concerning the amounts awarded, the CA opined that the CIAC

should not have allowed the increase based on labor-cost escalation because
of the absence of the agreement between the parties on such escalation and
because there was no authorization in writing allowing the adjustment or
increase in the cost of materials and labor. 13

After the CA denied Federal's motion for reconsideration on February

19, 2004, 14 Federal has come to the Court on appeal.


The issues to be resolved are: (a) whether the CA erred in upholding

CIA C's jurisdiction over the present case; and (b) whether the CA erred in
holding that Federal was liable to pay Power the amount of ~7,140,728 . 07.

Ruling of the Court

The appeal is bereft of merit.

Id . at 44-45.
Id. a l 38.
Id. at 42-43.
Rollo, p. 47.

Decision 5 G.R. No. 211504

The parties had an effective agreement
to submit to voluntary arbitration;
hence, the CIAC had jurisdiction

The need to establish a proper arbitral machinery to settle disputes

expeditiously w as recognized by the Government in order to promote and
maintain the development of the country's construction industry. With such
recognition came the creation of the CIAC through Executive Order No.
1008 (E.O . No. I 008), also known as The Construction Industry Arbitration
Law. Section 4 of E.O. No. I 008 provides:

Sec. 4 . Jurisdiction. - The C IAC shall have original and

exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from, or connected with ,
contracts entered into by parties involved in construction in the
Philippines, w hether the dispute arises before or after the completi on of
the contract, or after the abandonment or breach thereof. T hese disputes
m ay involve government or pri vate contracts. For the Board to
acq uire jurisdiction, the parties to a dispute must agree to subm it the
sa me to voluntary arbitration. x x x

Under the CIAC Revised Rules of Procedure Governing Construction

Arbitration (CIAC Revised Rules), all that is required for the CIAC to
acquire jurisdiction is for the parties of any construction contract to agree to
submit the ir dispute to arbitration. 15 Also, Section 2.3 o f the CIAC Revised
Rules states that the agreement m ay be reflected in an arbitration clause in
their contract or by subsequently agreeing to submit their dispute to
voluntary arbitration . The CIAC Revised Rules clarifi es, however, th at the
agreement of the paiiies to submit their di spute to arbitration need not be
signed or be formally agreed upon in the contract because it can also be in
the form of other modes of communication in w riting, viz .:


SECTION 4 . 1. Subm ission to C IAC jurisdiction - An arbitratio n clause in

a constructi on contract or a submissio n to arbi tration o f a construction
dispute shall be deemed an agreement to submit an existing or future
controversy to CJAC jurisdiction, notwithstanding the reference to a
different a rbitration institution or arbitral body in such contract or

4. I. I When a contract contains a clause fo r the submi ssio n of a future

controve rsy to arbitration, it is not necessary for the parti es to enter into a
submi ssion agreement before the C laimant may invoke the juri sdi ctio n of

4. 1.2 A n arbitration agreement or a submission to arbitration shall be

Rul e 4, CIAC Revised Rules; U CO MC EN. Inc. v. Foundation Specialists. Inc., GR. Nos. I 67022 &
I 69678, April 4, 20 I I , 647 SCR/\ 83, 97.
Decision 6 G.R. No. 2 11504

in writing, but it need not be signed hy the pa rties, as long as the intent
is clear that the parties agree to submit a present or future
controversy arising from a construction contract to arbitration. lt
may be in the form of exchange of letters sent by post or by telefax,
telexes, telegrams, electronic mail or any other mode of

The liberal application of procedural rules as to the form by which

the agreement is embodied is the objective of the CIAC Revised Rules.
Such I iberality conforms to the letter and spirit of E.O . No. 1008 itself
which emphasizes that the modes of voluntary dispute resolution like
arbitration are always preferred because they settle disputes in a speedy and
amicable manner. They likew ise help in alleviating or uncl ogging the
judicial dockets. Verily, E .O. No. 1008 recognizes that th e expeditious
resolution of construction disputes will promote a healthy partnership
between the Government and the private sector as well as aid in the
continuous growth of the country considering that the construction industry
provides employment to a large segment of th e national labor force aside
from its being a leading contributor to the gross national product. 16

Worthy to note is that the jurisdiction of the CIAC is over the

di spute, not over the contract between the parties. 17 Section 2. 1, Rule 2 of
the CIAC Revised Rules pa1i icul arl y specifies that the CIAC has ori ginal
and exclusive jurisdiction over construction disputes, whether such
disputes arise from or are merely connected with the construction contracts
entered into by parties, and whether such disputes arise before or after the
completion of the contracts. Accordingly, the execution of the contracts and
the effect of th e agreement to submit to arbitration are different matters,
an d the signing or non-signing of one does not necessarily affect the other.
In other words, the formalities of the contract have nothing to do with the
jurisdiction of the CIAC.

Federal contends that there was no mutual consent and no meeting of

the minds between it and Power as to the operation and binding effect of the
arbitration clause because they had rejected the draft service contract.

The contention of Federal deserves no consideration.

Under Article 131 8 of the Civil Code, a valid contract shoul d have the
fo llowing essential elements, namely: (a) consent of the contracting parties;
(b) object certain that is the subj ect matter of the contract; and (c) cause or
consideration. Moreover, a contract does not need to be in writing in order
to be obligatory and effecti ve unless the law specifically requires so.

" See perambulator")' clauses of E.O. No. 1008.
Narional frrigation Administr.:nion v. Court of Appeals, GR. No. 129169, November 17, 1999, 3 18
SC RA 255, 269.

Decision 7 G.R. No . 2 11 504

Pursuant to Article 13 56 18 and Article 1357 19 of the Civil Code, contracts

shall be obligatory in w hatever form they may have been entered into,
provided that all the essential requisites for their validity are present. Indeed,
there was a contract between Federal and Power even if the Contract of
Service was unsigned. Such contract was obligatory and binding between
them by v irtue of all the essential elements for a valid contract being present.

It clearly appears that the works prom ised to be done by Power were
alread y executed albeit sti II incomplete; that Federal p aid Power
P 1,000,000.00 representing the originally proposed down payment, and the
latter accepted the payment; and that the subject of their dispute concern ed
only the amounts still du e to Power. Th e records furth er show that Federal
admitted hav ing drafted the Contract of Serv ices containing the follo wing
clause on submi ssion to arbitration , to w it:

15. ARBITRATION COMMITTEE - All disputes, controversies or

di fferences, which may arise between the Parti es herein , out of or in
re lation to or in connection with thi s Agreement, or for breach thereof
shall be settled by the Constructi on Industry Arbitration Commission
(CIAC) which shall have original and exclusive j urisdiction over the
a .r.1orement1one
. d ct1sputes. 20

With the parties having no issues on the prov1s1o ns or parts of the

Contract of Serv ice other than th at pertaining to the downpayment that
Federal was supposed to pay, Federal could not validl y insist on the lack of a
contract in order to defeat the jurisdiction of the CIAC. As earli er pointed
out, th e CIAC Revised Rules specifically allows any written mode of
communication to show the parties' intent or agreement to submit to
arbitration th eir present or future disputes arising from or connected w ith
their contract.

T he CIAC and the CA both found that the p arties had di sagreed on the
amount of the downpay ment. On its part, P ower indicated after receiving
an d reviewing th e draft of the Contract of Servi ce that it wanted 30% as th e
downpayment. Even so, Power did not modify anything else in the draft, an d
returned the draft to Federal after signing it. It was Federal that di d not sign
the draft because it was not amenable to t he amount as modified by Power.
It is notable th at the arbitration clause written in the draft of Federal was
unchallenged by the parti es until their dispute arose.
Artic le I 356. Contrac ts sha ll b e obligatory, in wh a te ve r form they may have been e nte red into,
prov ided a ll th e essentia l req u is ites for their valid ity are pres ent. However, wh en the la w requires that a
co ntract be in some form in ord er th at it m ay be va lid o r e nforceable, or that a contract be proved in a
certa in way, that requi re ment is abso lute a nd ind is pe ns abl e . In s uc h cases, the rig ht of th e parti es stated in
the fo llowi ng arti c le ca nnot be exerc ised.
Articl e I 357. Ir the law req ui res a doc ume nt or othe r s pecia l form , as in the ac ts and contracts
e num e rated in th e followin g artic le, the contracting pa rties may compe l each other to observe that form ,
o nce the con tract has bee n per fected . T h is ri ght may be ex erc ised s imultaneous ly with th e act ion upon l he
Rollo, p. 34.
Decis ion 8 G.R. No. 2 11 504

Moreover, Federal asserted the original contract to support its claim

against Power. If Federal would ins ist that the remaining amount due to
Power was only P,1,641,513.94 based on the original contract,2 1 it was really
inconsistent for Federal to rely on the draft when it is beneficial to its side,
and to reject its efficacy and existence just to to relieve itself from the
CIAC's unfavorable decision.

The agreement contemplated in the CIAC Revised Rules to vest

jurisdiction of the CIAC over the parties ' di spute is not necessarily an
arbitration clause to be contained only in a signed and finalized construction
contract. The agreement could also be in a separate agreement, or any other
form of written communication, as long as their intent to submit their dispute
to arbitration is clear. The fact that a contract was signed by both parties has
nothing to do w ith the jurisdiction of the CIAC, and this is the explanation
why the CIAC Revised Rules itself expressly provides that the written
communication or agreement need not be signed by the parties.

Although the agreement to submit to arbitration has been expressly

required to be in writing and signed by the parties therein by Section 422 of
Republic Act No. 876 (Arbitration Law),23 the requirement is conspicuously
absent from the CIAC Revised Rules, which even expressly a llows such
agreement not to be signed by the parties therein. Brushing as ide the
obvious contractual agreement in this case warranting the submi ssion to
arbi tration is surely a step backward.25 Consistent with the policy of
encouraging alternative dispute resolution methods, therefore, any doubt
should be resolved in favor of arbitration. 26 In this connection, the CA
correctly observed that the act of Atty. Albano in m anifesting that Federal
bad agreed to the form of arbitration was unnecessary and inconsequential
considering the recognition of the value of the Contract of Serv ice despite its
being an unsigned draft.

21 Id.
Secti on 4. Form of arbitration agreement. - A contract to arbitrate a controversy thereafter arising
between the parti es, as we ll as a submiss ion to arbitrate an existing controversy, shall be in wri ting and
subsc ribed by the party sought to be charged, or by his lawfu l agent.
The making of a contract or submission fo r arbitration described in section two hereof, providing for
arbitration of any controversy, shall be deemed a consent of th e parties of th e provin ce or city where any of
the parties res ides, to enforce such contract or submission.
D An Act lo Authorize the Making of Arbitration and Submission Agreements, to Provide for the
Appointment of Arbitrators and the Procedure j(Jr Arbitration in Civil Controversies, and for Other
Purposes; June 19, 1953.
Subsection 4. 1.2, Ru le 4 of the CIAC Revised Rules.
LM Power Engineering Corporation v. Capitol Industrial Construction Croups, Inc., G. R. No. 14 1833,
March 26, 2003 , 399 SCRA 562, 569.
Id . at 570.

Decision 9 GR. No. 211504

Amounts as modified by the CA are correct

We find no reversible error regarding the amounts as modified by the

CA. Power did not sufficiently establish that the change or increase of the
cost of materials and labor was to be separately determined and approved
by both parties as provided under Article 1724 of the Civil Code. As such,
Federal should not be he ld liable for the labor cost escalation.

WHEREFORE, the Court AFFIRMS the decision promulgated on

August 12, 2013; and ORDERS the petitioner to pay the costs of suit.



A s ociate Justice

L Associate Justice


l attest that the conclusions in the above D eci ~) i o had been reached
in consul tation before the case was assigned to the w iter of the opinion of
the Court's Division.


A ociate Just ice
Decision 10 GR. No. 211504


Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, and th e

Division Chairperson's Attestation, I ce1iify that the conclusions in the above
Decision had been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to
the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.


Chief Justice

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