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Development of Advanced Water Treatment Using Microbubbles - Pan Li - 2006

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Development of Advanced Water Treatment Technology

Using Microbubbles

October 2006

Pan Li

Microbubbles with diameters on the order of 10 m have their unique characteristics

which are often called size effect. Their amazing effectiveness for closed-water

purification pushes them into limelight in the field of water treatment. However, except

for the several successful cases, there is few fundamental and specific research data

reported. Moreover, the present microbubble generation methods all have their own

merits and demerits and they need to be improved to meet the requirement for water

treatment. In this study, the author firstly evaluates the characteristics of a

newly-developed microbubble generator, and then makes some attempts to improve its

microbubble generation efficiency. The improved microbubble generation system is then

introduced to the advanced water treatment processes and examined for the effectiveness.

The applications to advanced water treatment studied in the present research include air

flotation and ozone oxidation.

Air flotation is widely used as an alternative to sedimentation in the field of water

treatment to remove algae from nutrient-rich stored water or to treat low turbidity, high

colored water at low temperature. The most popular type of air flotation, Dissolved air

flotation (DAF), has its inherent disadvantages, such as high electrical power requirement,

complex system and higher service cost. The author tried three different microbubble

generation methods to develop an efficient Induce Air Flotation (IAF) system. Kaolin

suspension with low concentration was used as the model water. The best performance

occurred in the improved method where gas and water were simultaneously induced and

mixed by the pump, and dispersed through the rotating-flow microbubble generator.

Ozone is a popular oxidant and disinfectant in advanced water treatment. However, the
application of ozone has been limited by its low utilization efficiency because the ozone

mass transfer rate from the gas phase to the liquid phase is relatively low. Microbubbles,

with high specific interfacial area, large residence time and high inner pressure, are

thought to be excellent in ozone gas mass transfer. However, the lack of knowledge about

mass transfer using microbubbles causes many difficulties in the ozone reactor design.

The author evaluates the mass transfer efficiency of microbubbles under different

conditions. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient increases with increasing both

k L,O 3 a
induced-gas and water flow rates. The obtained in the present study was also

k L,O 3 a
compared to those from other researchers. A similar level of was achieved at low

gas flow rates when microbubbles were employed.

A further research on the removal of organic contaminants in water was carried out.

Demethyle Sulfoxide (DMSO) was selected as the model contaminant because it makes

much odor trouble for the traditional waste water treatment. Experimental results indicate

that the ozonation of DMSO is a first-order mass-transfer controlled reaction. Ozone

utilization ratio increases with a decrease in gas flow rate. The ratio of DMSO removed

to ozone dissolved can be raised to as high as 0.8 or higher with proper gas and water

flow rates. It was also proved that no free radicals were yield by air microbubbles in the

microbubble generation system.

It is expected that the specific data in the present study could provide valuable

information for the design of water treatment processes using microbubbles.


CHAPTER 1 .............................................................................................................

Introduction ...................................................................................................... - 5 -
1.1 Background....................................................................................................... - 5 -
1.2 Characteristics of microbubbles ......................................................................- 11 -
1.2.1 High specific interfacial area.......................................................................- 11 -

1.2.2 Slow rise velocity ........................................................................................- 11 -

1.2.3 High inner pressure..................................................................................... - 12 -

1.3 Microbubble generating methods ................................................................... - 14 -
1.3.1 Pressurization type...................................................................................... - 14 -

1.3.2 Cavitation type............................................................................................ - 15 -

1.3.3 Rotating-flow type...................................................................................... - 15 -

1.4 Applications of microbubbles......................................................................... - 20 -
1.4.1 Water and wastewater treatment................................................................. - 20 -

1.4.2 Fish and shellfish culture............................................................................ - 21 -

1.4.3 Medicine ..................................................................................................... - 21 -

1.4.4 Others ......................................................................................................... - 22 -

1.5 Purpose of the Present Study .......................................................................... - 22 -
Nomenclatures ................................................................................................. - 25 -

Literature cited.................................................................................................. - 26 -

CHAPTER 2 .............................................................................................................

Microbubble generation................................................................................. - 31 -
2.1 Background..................................................................................................... - 31 -
2.2 Microbubble generation methods ................................................................... - 33 -
2.2.1 Normal method (a): gas suction by generator ............................................ - 33 -

2.2.2 Improved method (b): gas suction by cavitation pump with generator...... - 33 -

2.2.3 Method (c) for comparison: gas suction by cavitation pump with single

dispersing nozzle .................................................................................................... - 34 -

2.3 Experimental setup ......................................................................................... - 38 -
2.4 Results and discussion .................................................................................... - 41 -
2.4.1 Microbubble generation conditions ............................................................ - 41 -

2.4.2 Comparison of microbubble size in the different generation methods....... - 41 -

2.4.3 Comparison of gas holdup in different microbubble generation methods . - 42 -

2.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................... - 44 -
Nomenclature ................................................................................................... - 52 -

Literature cited.................................................................................................. - 53 -

CHAPTER 3 .............................................................................................................

Induced air flotation using microbubbles .................................................... - 54 -

3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... - 54 -
3.1.1 Dissolved Air Flotation............................................................................... - 54 -

3.1.2 Induced Air Flotation.................................................................................. - 55 -

3.1.3 Purpose in this chapter................................................................................ - 56 -

3.2 Separated flotation system.............................................................................. - 58 -
3.2.1 Experimental setup ..................................................................................... - 58 -

3.2.2 Results and discussion ................................................................................ - 62 -

3.2.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................ - 64 -

3.3 Preliminary experiments for one-cell flotation............................................... - 70 -
3.3.1 Experimental setup ..................................................................................... - 70 -

3.3.2 Results and discussion ................................................................................ - 73 -

3.3.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................ - 73 -

3.4 One-cell flotation............................................................................................ - 78 -
3.4.1 Experimental setup ..................................................................................... - 78 -

3.4.2 Results and discussion ................................................................................ - 78 -

3.4.3 Conclusions ................................................................................................ - 82 -

Nomenclature ................................................................................................... - 89 -

Literature cited.................................................................................................. - 90 -

CHAPTER 4 .............................................................................................................

Ozone mass transfer using microbubbles ................................................... - 93 -

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... - 93 -
4.2 Experiment in mass transfer of oxygen .......................................................... - 94 -
4.2.1 Experimental apparatus .............................................................................. - 95 -

4.2.2 Results and discussion ................................................................................ - 96 -

4.3 Experiments in mass transfer of ozone........................................................... - 96 -
4.3.1 Experimental apparatus .............................................................................. - 96 -

4.3.2 Analytical method ...................................................................................... - 97 -

4.3.3 Results and discussion ................................................................................ - 99 -

4.4 Conclusions .................................................................................................. - 102 -
Nomenclature ................................................................................................. - 103 -

Literature cited................................................................................................ - 105 -

CHAPTER 5 .............................................................................................................

Ozonation of dimethyl sulfoxide in aqueous solution using microbubbles .... -

117 -
5.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................- 117 -
5.2 Experimental................................................................................................. - 120 -
5.3 Theoretical.................................................................................................... - 121 -
5.4 Results and discussion .................................................................................. - 122 -
5.4.1 Air microbubbles ...................................................................................... - 122 -

5.4.2 Ozone microbubbles................................................................................. - 123 -

5.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................. - 125 -
Nomenclature ................................................................................................. - 126 -

Literature cited................................................................................................ - 127 -

CHAPTER 6 .............................................................................................................

Summary ....................................................................................................... - 139 -

6.1 Microbubble generation................................................................................ - 139 -
6.2 Development of air Flotation using microbubbles ....................................... - 139 -
6.3 Development of ozonation using microbubbles ........................................... - 140 -
6.4 Remarks on applications of microbubbles on advanced water treatment .... - 141 -

Publication list.............................................................................................. - 143 -

Acknowledgments........................................................................................ - 145 -



1.1 Background

Along with the increase in population worldwide, the quantity of water supply for
domestic and industrial uses increases, and so does that of wastewater produced.
However, the capacity of the rivers, lakes and oceans to assimilate the waste is finite. For
this reason, water pollution occurs when the addition of contaminants to the water
excesses its capacity. In fact, it has become a serious problem in the global context,
especially in the developing countries, with the economic development.
In my mother country, China, the population has been rapidly growing from the 1950s
and now reached to about 1.3 billion, accounting for about 20% of the worlds total
( Meanwhile, the economy is also rapidly growing
and now China plays a major role in world trade. However, a harmful by-product of its
extraordinary economic growth has been severe environmental pollution problems,
including acid rain, thick smog, toxic waste, water pollution, and carbon dioxide
emissions, etc. Especially, water pollution and the consequent water shortage are critical
problems in China. Along with the economic growth in the recent decade, the production
of wastewater (industrial, municipal and agricultural) has been rapidly and steadily
increasing. The volume of wastewater increased by 27.8% from 1981 to 1995, with an
average annual increase of 1.65% (Wu et al., 1999). However, in most cities of China, the
construction of urban drainage, sewage and wastewater treatment has lagged far behind
the economic development and environmental requirements for many years. Until 1996,
only 5% of municipal wastewater and 17% of industrial discharge received any treatment
before being discharged into lakes, rivers, irrigation ditches, or the coastal waters (Wu et
al., 1999). As a result, these river systems cannot endure the overload of contaminants

and water pollution takes place. Quoting 2004 report on the state of environment from
Chinas State Environmental Protection Administration, 74.5% of river systems do not
meet Grade II requirements, which are the government standards for primary drinking
water supplies, and 27.9% of river systems are unsuitable even for agricultural purposes
( However, in fact, most
of these contaminated water systems are currently used in society as irrigation for
farmlands and personal water consumption, which has been leading to more and more
environmental and health problems. In China, liver and stomach cancer deaths have
doubled since the 1970s, and are now the leading causes of cancer mortality in the
country of China (Changhua et al., 1998). China now has the highest liver cancer death
rate in the world. These phenomenal increases are believed to have direct link with water
pollution. Meanwhile, water shortage is another critical issue resulting from water
pollution. China's per capita water reserves of 2,500 m3 are one-fourth the global average
and more than 100 of China's 660 cities are facing extreme water shortage.
Government regulations in most countries are being enhanced with the growing of
public awareness and concern for controlling water pollution. In the United States,
National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations for bacteria, turbidity, 10 inorganic
chemicals, 6 pesticides, and radionuclides became effective on June 24, 1977. It was
amended in 1977 to regulate thrihalomethanes (THMs), chlorine-disinfection by-products,
and again in 1989 to regulate additional 83 contaminants (Craun, 1991). In China, the
present drinking water standard has only 35 basic items. A new drinking water standard
which is more stringent is to be adopt in 2006. The new standard includes 106 items
mainly about organic pollutants and toxic substances.
It is clear that the traditional treatment processes cannot meet the more and more
stringent standards for drinking water and discharging wastewater. A schematic of
traditional water treatment plants is shown in Fig. 1-1(a) (Sincero, 1996). The basic
conventional treatment is performed by two unit operations, namely, settling and
filtration and the unit process of disinfection. The traditional treatment can remove almost
all of the solid material and most of dissolved materials in raw water. Fig. 1-1(b) shows a
schematic diagram of typical wastewater treatment systems (Sincero, 1996). In general,

the removal of organic pollutants may be divided into two stages: primary treatment
which involves the removal of the wastewater solids, and secondary treatment which
involves the removal of colloids and dissolved organic matter. Chorine has been widely
used as disinfectant to prevent the waterborne transmission of infectious disease in the
traditional water and wastewater treatment. However, it has been proved to be the largest
source of trihalomethanes (THMs) (Meier et al., 1986; Noot et al., 1989; Yang et al.,
2005; Hua et al., 2006). Moreover, the traditional technology seems ineffective for the
contol of micropolutants such as pesticides and other dissolved organic substances.
Advanced water treatment systems then emerged as an effective way to keep essential
resources available and suitable for use and have become an area of global focus. For
drinking water treatment, biological stabilization incorporating ozone prior to granular
activated carbon (GAC) filtration is recognized as an efficient process for dissolved
organics removal (Arslan-Alaton, 2004; Jung et al., 2004) and disinfection by-product
(DBP) control (Chaiket et al., 2002; Chang et al., 2002). For wastewater treatment, after
the primary and secondary treatments, additional treatment steps such as membrane
separation (Ray et al., 1986; Marinas, 1991), ozone oxidation (Ergas, 2006; Fontanier et
al., 2006; Jardim, 2006), denitrification (Cui and Jahng, 2004) and biological phosphorus
removal (Lopez et al., 2006), have been added to provide for removal of nutrients and
toxic materials. Fig. 1-2 shows one example for advanced water treatment, where ozone
treatment was applied as an alternative of chlorination and an oxidizer of contaminants.
As compared to the advanced water treatment technologies mentioned above,
microbubble technology is less known though promising. In fact, microbubble
technology was introduced to water and wastewater treatment in the 1920s, to take
particles away from water as used in the air flotation process (Kiuri, 2001). However, its
application had almost been restricted within the flotation separation prior to 1990. With
the recent discovery of its bioactivity in fish culture and water purification (Onari et al.,
1997, 1999, 2002a, 2002b), the microbubble technology is attracting more and more
attention due to the unique characteristics, such as slow rise velocity, negative
zeta-potential, etc. The interest in this research is its application to water and wastewater
treatment. Firstly, an introduction about characteristics, generation methods, and

applications of microbubbles will be made in the following sections 1.2 and 1.3.

(a) Traditional drinking water treatment process

(b) Traditional wastewater treatment process

Fig. 1-1 Traditional water and wastewater treatment processes (Sincero, 1996)

Raw Flocculation
Filtration Carbon Disinfection
water Sedimentation

Ozone Ozone

- 10 -
Air flotation

Fig. 1-2 Advanced water treatment processes

1.2 Characteristics of microbubbles

Microbubble is defined as an extremely small bubble, usually a few hundred

micrometers in diameters, that can be uniformly suspended in liquid such as blood (The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition, 2000)). Some
other researchers refer to bubbles with diameters on the order of 10m as microbubbles
(Ohnari, 2002a). Researchers have not reached agreement on the definition of
microbubbles. Overall, the suitable microbubble sizes are different in the various fields of
application (Tsuge and Li, 2006).
As compared to milli-bubbles which have diameters on the order of millimeters,
microbubbles have many different characteristics resulted from their small sizes:

1.2.1 High specific interfacial area

Microbubbles have very high specific interfacial area. The specific interfacial area
(interfacial surface area per unit volume of dispersion), a [m-1], for spherical bubbles is
expressed by the following equation
6 G
a= (1-1)
d b ,32
where G [-] is the gas holdup which is defined as the fraction of gas in a gas-in-liquid
dispersion and db,32 [m] is the Sauter mean bubble diameter.
For a given gas holdup, the decrease of bubble size obviously results in the increase of
specific interfacial area. For example, if there are 1.9105 milli-bubbles with the diameter
of 1mm in 1 L water with the gas holdup of 0.1, the specific interfacial area is 6.0102
m-1; If 10 m microbubbles are used, the number of bubbles increases by 106 times and a
increases to 6.0104 m-1.

1.2.2 Slow rise velocity

Terminal rise velocity of microbubbles is very slow. After formation, a bubble rapidly
accelerates to its terminal velocity, ub [m/s]. For small and spherical bubbles (Re<0.1),
the value of ub can be calculated using the Stokes law

- 11 -
ub=gdb2/18 (1-2)
where [kg/m3] is the liquid density, g [=9.8 m/s2] is the gravity acceleration, [Pas] is
the liquid viscosity. Stokes law is only applicable to small bubbles with immobile
surface. For the clear case where the bubble has a mobile surface, the following
Hadamard-Rybczynski equation is often used
ub=gdb2/12 (1-3)
A plot of the variation of rising velocity with radius for bubbles in purified and
contaminated water is shown in Fig. 1-3 (Ohnari, 2005; Takemura, 2004; Tsuge, 1982;
Ueyama and Miyamoto, 2006). The presence of contaminants e.g. surfactants makes
bubble surface immobile, which results in slower rise velocity. The terminal rise velocity,
ub, is proportional to the square of bubble diameter, db2. A microbubble with the radius of
10 m rises with the velocity of about 50 m/s, in another word, 3 mm per minute. Such
slow rising velocity leads to larger residence time and, therefore, higher gas holdup which
is associated with larger specific interfacial area. Larger bubbles have higher rise
velocities and exit as ellipsoids (1 to 10 mm) or spherical caps (>10 mm).

1.2.3 High inner pressure

The inside-outside pressure difference of a microbubble is very high.
Gas pressure inside a bubble is greater than that of outside due to the surface tension.
The magnitude of the pressure difference, P, can be predicted according to the
Young-Laplace Equation as follows,

P = 4 / d b (1-4)

where [N/m] is the surface tension of liquid. The smaller the bubble is, the higher the
pressure inside it is. For instance, the Laplace pressure of a 10 m bubble is about
2.9104 Pa at 25 C, about 0.3 times the atmospheric pressure, while for a 1 m bubble,
P is 2.9105 Pa, 3 times the atmospheric pressure.

- 12 -
Spherical Ellipsoidal Spherical Cap

Purified water
Rising velocity ub [m/s]

Radius [m]

Fig. 1-3 Bubble rising velocity vs. bubble radius (Ohnari, 2005; Takemura, 2004; Tsuge,
1982; Ueyama and Miyamoto, 2006)

- 13 -
1.3 Microbubble generating methods

For conventional bubble generation, nozzles or orifices (Tadaki and Maeda, 1963;
Takahashi and Miyahara, 1979; Tsuge and Hibino, 1979; Tsuge, 1986; Terasaka and
Tsuge, 1990) are often used. Fine bubbles are usually produced using porous media
(Koide et al., 1968; Miyahara and Tanaka, 1997), constant flow nozzles (Terasaka and
Tsuge, 1993), membrane (Yazawa et al., 1988), or gas spargers combined with mixers e.g.
impellers (Forrester, et al., 1998; Johnson, et al., 1982). However, it is hard to generate
microbubbles using these techniques mentioned above due to the difficulty in preventing
bubble coalescence. For this reason, microbubbles are often generated by different ways
that can be divided into three types in terms of their mechanism: pressurization type,
cavitation type and rotating-flow type.

1.3.1 Pressurization type

The pressurization type of microbubble generating system is based on the Henrys law.
This physical law states that the dissolved concentration of a solute gas in a liquid at
saturation, C*, is proportional to the partial pressure of that gas above the liquid, P, at a
given temperature, provided no chemical reaction takes place between the gas and the
liquid. Following this law, much more gas can dissolve into liquid at an elevated pressure.
In the pressurization type, high pressurized water is saturated with gas and then injected
into normal environment with atmospheric pressure through a nozzle. Microbubbles are
formed during the sudden pressure drop.
This kind of microbubble generation method has been applied to water and wastewater
treatment, known as dissolved air flotation (DAF), where air is dissolved into water at
elevated pressures of 0.40.5 MPa and then released through decompression nozzles to a
flotation tank. The theoretical specific volume of released air per unit pressure difference
is listed in Table 1-1 (Tanbo et al., 1984) under varied temperatures. The pressure
difference applied in most DAF systems is at or lower than 0.4 MPa. Therefore, the
volume concentration of air microbubbles released from saturated water is restricted to be

- 14 -
lower than 1/13 at 20 C through theoretical calculation.
Measurements of bubble sizes for the pressurization type indicate that microbubbles
maintain a steady size range of 10 to 100 m with an average diameter between 40 and
80 m (Edzwald, 1995; Fukushi et al., 1998; Han et al., 2002a and 2002b; Vlyssides et
al., 2004). Moreover, the average bubble size decreases as the saturator pressure increases,
but increasing the pressure has a small effect on bubble size above 0.5 MPa (De Rijk et
al., 1994; Han et al., 2002a).

1.3.2 Cavitation type

When the local ambient pressure at a point in a liquid falls below the liquids vapor
pressure at the local ambient temperature, the liquid can undergo a phase change, creating
largely empty voids termed cavitation bubbles. Cavitaion occurs in pumps, propellers,
and impellers, which is often undesirable in those cases. However, some researchers
make use of this phenomenon to generate microbubbles. Venturi tube is one example
(Takemura, 2003; Fujiwara et al., 2003). As shown in Fig. 1-4 (a), the venturi tube has a
conic shape (Fujiwara, 2006). If a pump forces a fluid flowing into the venture tube, an
increase in velocity occurs in the constricted part simultaneously with the decrease in
pressure which leads to gases (e.g. air) being sucked in through the tube. When the
pressure recover takes places further downstream, the sucked gas bubbles collapse
yielding small bubbles as shown in Fig. 1-4 (b). However, fine bubbles are tending to
coalesce into large bubbles in the vicinity of the veturi tube. Surfactants are often used to
avoid that. Fujiwara (2006) found that bubbles generated with a venture tube by adding
pentanol at the concentration of 50 ppm have a mode diameter of about 100 m and a
sauter diameter of about 250 m.

1.3.3 Rotating-flow type

A typical design of the rotating-flow type of microbubble bubble generator is shown
Fig. 1-5(a) (Tatsumi, 2004). It also has a conic shape. Microbubble generation is initiated
by pumping water from the tangential direction into it. The fluid flows in a rotating
motion along the inner wall to form a vortex. The center of the vortex is a low-pressure
area because of centrifugal force, which makes gas (e.g. air) drawn into it. When the fluid

- 15 -
takes air out of the generator with very high rotating velocity, air can be sheared into
The rotating-flow type of microbubble generator (Fig. 1-5(b)) was improved by Ohnari
(2000) in recent years. Its inner structure is not clear but the microbubble generation
principle described by the inventor seems to be similar with that in the typical one
(Ohnari et al., 1999; Ohnari, 2000). The biggest difference between them is the relative
position of gas induction and water input points. In the new type developed by Ohnari
(2000), water input point is apart from the gas induction point while they are at the same
end of the generator in the typical one. When water flows into the one end of the
improved generator, the major part of fluid circulates inside the generator before leaving
out of it as shown in Fig. 1-5(b). Air is aspirated from the other end into the vacuum zone
along the axis. It is sheared by the rotating flow and then the input flow just before
leaving the generator, which results in better microbubble generating efficiency.

- 16 -
Table 1-1 Theoretical specific volume of released-air in water (Tanbo et al., 1984)

Density of Density air released

Temperature Henrys constant
water of air per unit pressure difference

per atm
[C] [kg/m3] [kg/m3] [atm/mole frac]
[10-3kg/m3] [m3/m3]

15 999.13 1.2255 60700 26.5 0.0216

16 998.97 1.2213 61800 26.0 0.0213

17 998.80 1.2170 62900 25.5 0.0210

18 998.62 1.2129 64100 25.0 0.0206

19 998.43 1.2087 65200 24.6 0.0204

20 998.23 1.2046 66400 24.2 0.0201

21 998.02 1.2004 67700 23.7 0.0197

22 997.80 1.1964 68700 23.3 0.0195

23 997.56 1.1923 69800 23.0 0.0193

24 997.32 1.1883 70800 22.6 0.0191

25 997.07 1.1843 72000 22.3 0.0188

- 17 -


Water Air

Fig. 1-4 Venturi tube microbubble generator (Fujihara, 2006)

- 18 -
(a) Typical one (Tatsumi, 2004)

(b) Improved one by Ohnari (2000)

Water Air Bubbly water

Fig. 1-5 Rotating flow microbubble generators

- 19 -
1.4 Applications of microbubbles

Microbubbles, due to its extremely small size and these associated characteristics, are
gaining more and more attention in various fields, such as fish and shellfish culture,
medicine, water purification, etc.

1.4.1 Water and wastewater treatment

The main applications of microbubbles in water and wastewater treatment can be
divided into two categories: air flotation and oxygen supplying.

(1) Air flotation

Flotation is a separation process where air bubbles capture partially hydrophobic solid
particles and carry them to the surface for separation or removal. The flotation separation
was applied to mineral processing in the beginning, where it enables a selective
classification of ore constituents (Kitchener, 1984), and recently it has gained attention in
water and wastewater treatment for water clarification (Kiuru, 2001; Schofield, 2001).
Air flotation is used as the alternative of sedimentation to remove particles, when
treating low turbidity, high colored water at low temperatures, or when removing algae
from nutrient-rich stored water (Edzwald et al., 1994;). It is because that in these cases,
the floc particles produced during the flocculation treatment have such low density that
they have a tendency to settle very slowly or to float in sedimentation tank. The use of
flotation is, therefore, proposed as an alternative to gravity settling in these cases.

(2) Oxygen supplying

Nutrient enrichment, elevated concentration of nitrogen and phosphorous is a serious
ecological problem, which often occurs in lakes. The overgrowth of algae and aquatic
plants as a consequence of excessive nutrient will decrease the dissolved oxygen
concentration, and even result in oxygen dead zones in the deep part of water. Some
field experiments on supplying oxygen to the deep part using microbubbles were carried

- 20 -
out (Morimoto et al., 1996; Onari et al., 1999; Mastuo et al., 2005). As referred to
Mastuo et al. (2005), dissolved oxygen concentration of the lower layer in the dam lake
rapidly increased after providing pure oxygen microbubbles. A little increase of turbidity
also occurred in the lower part, but it did not affect the turbidity in the middle and surface
layers. Yamada and Minagawa (2005) did a pilot experiment and proposed a model for
their oxygen supplying system using microbubbles. They found that the oxygen
concentration increased with decreasing bubble size.

1.4.2 Fish and shellfish culture

In recent years, the application of microbubbles to fish and shellfish culture draws
much interest (Ohanari, 1999, 2002 and 2003; Takahashi, 2004). Field experiments with
microbubbles were conducted in the oyster beds in Hiroshima as reported on Yomiuri
Shinbun issued on July 22, 1999. It was proved that microbubbles increased both the
growth rate of the cultured oysters and the size of the shucked meats. Ohnari (2002)
carried out studies on its mechanism. It seems that the increase of dissolved oxygen
concentration with the microbubble injection is playing an important role in the growth
promotion. They also showed that the mean blood flux in the heart of shellfishes
increased by 2.0-2.5 times with microbubble supply. Moreover, the Coliform bacteria
count in the body of oysters was decreased below the standard for raw eating after
blowing air microbubble for only 15 min. Generally, the oysters must be disinfected by
ozone, chloride or ultra-violet for 48 hours to meet the standard.

1.4.3 Medicine
Microbubbles have been utilized as a contrast agent, together with ultrasound, in the
field of medicine for a long time (Takegami, 2005). Some latest researches show that
microbubbles also have clinical applications, such as, targeted delivery of drugs and
genes, blusting blood clots and even noninvasive assessment of organ inflammnation
and tumors metastatic potential.

- 21 -
1.4.4 Others
There are also many other researches on microbubble application. Goto et al. (2006)
proposed a system using microbubbles to separate oil from oil-polluted soil. McCormick
and Bhattacharyya (1970) first found that the presence of microbubbles could reduce the
frictional resistance between ship and water during navigation. Weber and Agblevor
(2005) used a microbubble dispersion (MBD) generator to supply oxygen in viscous
fungal fermentation. They found that the cell mass productivity increased about twice
when MBD was used instead of the conventional sparging.

1.5 Purpose of the Present Study

Microbubbles, as small as colloid particles and cells, have their unique characteristics,
often called size effect. Their amazing effect for closed-water purification pushes them
into limelight in the field of water treatment. However, except for several successful
cases on the application for closed-water purification, there is few fundamental and
specific research data reported. Moreover, the present microbubble generation methods
all have their own merits and demerits and they need to be improved to meet the
requirement for water treatment. In this study, the author firstly evaluates the
characteristics of a newly-developed microbubble generator, and then makes some
attempts to improve its microbubble generation efficiency in CHAPTER 2.
The improved microbubble generation system is then introduced to the advanced water
treatment processes and examined for the effectiveness. The applications to advanced
water treatment studied in the present research include air flotation and ozone oxidation.
In fact, the earliest application of microbubbles on water treatment originated from air
flotation. Microbubbles in the air flotation process are produced by the way of
pressurization or cavitations. The former type of air flotation is known as dissolved air
flotation (DAF). Fine and uniform microbubbles generated in DAF can efficiently catch
fine waste particles in water. But high electrical power requirement, complex system and
higher service cost are its inherent disadvantages. Moreover, the microbubble generation
efficiency in DAF is determined by the Henrys law and therefore cannot be increased

- 22 -
over the theoretical value. On the other hand, the air flotation using the cavitation way to
produce microbubbles is called dispersed air flotation or induced air flotation (IAF). It is
usually simple and cost-effective. However, large bubbles generated in the dispersed air
flotation lead to poor bubble-particle collision efficiency which is one of the most
important factors in particle removal. Moreover, high shear in conventional mechanical
flotation cell usually results in breakage of the fragile particles (Jameson, 1999; Zabel,
1992). The author strives to develop an efficient IAF system with the improved
microbubble generation method and examine its suitability under various conditions,
which will be described in CHAPTER 3.
The rotating-flow microbubble generator is chosen for the present study due to its
simple structure and comparatively better microbubble generation efficiency. But two
problems emerge when it is applied to air flotation. One is the high turbulence during
bubble generation, and the other is insufficient microbubbles generation rate. To
overcome these problems, the author tries to separate the high-shear region where
microbubbles are generated from the flotation zone where bubble-particle agglomerates
rise to the water surface. This separated flotation system will be introduced in Section
We are not satisfied with the separated flotation system because it seems so complex
and hard to operate. Our other attempt is to design a one-cell flotation system where
microbubble generation and flotation are set in the same zone. In Section 3.3, the
preliminary experiments were carried out in order to search for an appropriate polymeric
flocculant which could produce stronger floc particles and to develop a bubble generation
method which could form microbubbles with high concentrations. After that, in Section
3.4, the properties of the developed one-cell flotation system were checked for particle
removal under various conditions.
In the last two chapters, ozonation with microbubbles is discussed. Ozone is a popular
oxidant and disinfectant in advanced water treatment. However, the application of ozone
has been limited by its low utilization efficiency because the ozone mass transfer rate
from gas phase to liquid phase is relatively low. Microbubbles, with high specific
interfacial area, large residence time and high inner pressure, are thought to be excellent

- 23 -
in ozone gas mass transfer. However, the lack of knowledge about mass transfer using
microbubbles causes many difficulties in the ozone reactor design. The author evaluates
the mass transfer efficiency of microbubbles in CHAPTER 4. The microbubble
generation system developed in CHAPTER 2 is also applied to mass transfer and
compared with the normal ones.
A further research on the removal of organic contaminants in water with ozone is
carried out in CHAPTER 5. Demethyle Sulfoxide (DMSO), which is mainly found in
the wastewater from the manufacture of semiconductors and liquid crystal displays, is
selected as the model contaminant because it makes much odor trouble for the traditional
waste water treatment. It is proved to be an effective way to oxidize DMSO with
hydroxyl radicals before the biological treatment for the control of odor problems. Firstly,
the author verifies whether air microbubbles have the ability to oxidize DMSO by
yielding free radicals through microbubble collapse. Then ozone is applied to the
oxidation of DMSO.
A summary of this study is given in CHAPTER 6. The author evaluates the
microbubble generation efficiency for the rotating-flow microbubble generator and makes
an effort to improve it. The possibility for the improved system to be applied in the
advanced water treatment is examined especially for the air flotation and gas mass

- 24 -

a specific interfacial area [m-1]

C* dissolved concentration of a solute gas in a liquid at saturation[mol/L]
db bubble diameter [m]
db,32 Sauter mean bubble diameter [m]
g gravity acceleration [m/s2]
ub bubble rise velocity [m/s]
P Pressure [Pa]
P Laplace pressure [Pa]

G gas holdup []
liquid density [kg/m3]
liquid viscosity [Pas]
surface tension of liquid [N/m]

- 25 -
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- 30 -

Microbubble generation

2.1 Background

In this study, we adopted the rotating-flow microbubble generator (RFMG) which was
developed by Ohnari (2000). This newly developed microbubble generator is very simple
and easy to operate. Its effectiveness for shellfish growth promotion (Ohnari et al., 1999)
and water purification (Ohnari, 1997) also attracted our interest.
A schematic diagram is illustrated in Fig. 2-1 and the dimensions of the two types
(M2-M and M2-LM, Nanoplanet Research Institute Co.) used in this study are also
shown in it. The generator has a cylindrical configuration with the diameter of 45~50 mm
and the height of 80~100 mm. There are only two entrances set in its each end without
any moving parts. The one in the upper part along the tangential direction is for water,
while the other one in the middle of the bottom along the axis is for gas. The exit for the
mixture of water and gas is set in the center of top.
The special inner design provides its high microbubble generation efficiency than that
of the typical one. However, when the RFMG is used under surfactant free or low solute
conditions in practice, the gas/liquid ratio for microbubble generation was found
relatively low (Okamoto et al., 2005). It is believed that both size and concentration of
microbubbles are of considerable importance in the application of microbubbles. For
example, air microbubbles generated in the air flotation have an average diameter of
40~80 m. For average bubble size of about 60 m, the typical number concentration of
air microbubbles is between 44 and 88 106 bubbles per liter and the typical volume
concentration is between 5,000 and 10,000 ppm (Haarhoff and Edzwald, 2004).
We checked the microbubble generation characteristics of the RFMG in this chapter. In
addition, a new method of using the RFMG was proposed to improve the microbubble
generation efficiency. Bubble size distribution and gas holdup were measured and used as
evaluation indexes.

- 31 -
Bubbly water



(a) Schematic diagram and flow pattern inside it


a b c
[mm] [mm] [mm]
M2-M 80 45 15
M2-LM 100 50 25

(b) Dimensions

Fig. 2-1 Schematic diagram and dimensions of rotating-flow microbubble generator

- 32 -
2.2 Microbubble generation methods

2.2.1 Normal method (a): gas suction by generator

The general method for using rotating-flow microbubble generator (RFMG) is
illustrated in Fig. 2-2(a), where the RFMG is set in a tank connected with a pump and a
gas induction pipeline. As described in Section 1.3.1, microbubble generation is started
by pumping water into the generator. A rotating flow is formed along the inner wall of the
generator, which results in a negative pressure zone along its axis. Gas is aspirated by the
negative pressure and sheared by the rotating flow. Microbubbles are generated when the
mixture of water and gas is spouted out with high rotating velocity (Onari et al., 1999;
Onari, 2000; Tsuge and Unno, 2004).

2.2.2 Improved method (b): gas suction by cavitation pump with generator
Fig. 2-2(b) shows an improved method where, by contrast, gas suction by the generator
is stopped. A centrifugal pump (20KED04s, Nikuni Co.) is used to induce gas instead.
Generally, gas ingestion into the suction pipe connected with a centrifugal pump is
detrimental because the consequent cavitations can degrade its performance and even
destruct pumps internal components. However, the kind of centrifugal pump used in this
study is especially designed for the operation under cavitations. A normal centrifugal
pump can handle only 0.5% gas by volume, while the specially-designed cavitation pump
can operate under the gas/liquid ratio of 1/10.
The cavitation pump was originally developed for gas dissolution in the dissolved air
flotation systems. As shown in Fig. 2-3, gas and liquid are simultaneously induced by the
pump and mixed in it. The mixture of gas and liquid is pumped into a saturation tank
where liquid is saturated with gas at about 0.4 MPa and the excess air is released out. It
can be seen that the system is complicated. Moreover, if the gas to be dissolved is toxic
or expensive, the excess gas from the separator should be recycled instead of being
released to the environment. In this study, we simplified the system as shown in Fig. 2-3
by eliminating the air separator tank which often takes large place. In addition, the

- 33 -
RFMG was set in the outflow line as shown in Fig. 2-2(b).

2.2.3 Method (c) for comparison: gas suction by cavitation pump with single
dispersing nozzle
Additionally, the RFMG in the improved method (b) was replaced with a single
dispersing nozzle (see Fig. 2-2(c)). Fig. 2-4 is a schematic diagram of the single
dispersing nozzle which has an inner diameter of 16 mm. There are 8 dispersing orifice
with the diameter of 5 mm distributed the nozzle. We will compare method (c) with (b) to
check whether the generator in the method (b) has an effect on bubble generation or not.

- 34 -

(a) Normal method




(b) Improved method (c) Method for comparison

Rotating-flow microbubble generator

Single dispersing nozzle

Fig. 2-2 Microbubble generation methods

- 35 -

Gas pressure


Fig. 2-3 Dissolved air flotation system using the cavitation pump

- 36 -

Fig. 2-4

2 2


0-0 1-1

- 37 -

0 16 0
30 85 Mixture of
44 water and air

A schematic diagram and a picture of the single nozzle used in method (c)

Fig. 2-4 A schematic diagram and a picture of the single nozzle used in method (c)
2.3 Experimental setup

Fig. 2-5 shows the experimental setup which consists of a bubble generation system, a
size measurement system and a gas holdup measurement system.
The main part of the bubble generation system is a cylindrical bubble column which is
made of acrylic resin with an inner diameter of 0.20m. The rotating-flow microbubble
generator (M2-M, Nanoplanet Research Institute Co.) or the dispersing single nozzle was
set in the middle of column bottom. Gas was allowed to be induced either by the
generator or by the centrifugal pump. A backflow prevention valve was connected
between the gas flow meter 8 and the valve 10 or 11.
The bubble size measurement system includes a viewing chamber, a microscope, a
high-speed camera, and a monitor. Microbubbles were generated in a bubble column with
a height of 60 cm under a flow-through pattern. Bubbly water in the bubble column was
introduced through an adjustable valve 14 into the rectangular viewing chamber of
1m100mm250mm (height). The high-speed camera (Motionscope8000, NIPPON
ROPER Co., Ltd.) was equipped with a VH-Z450 macro lens (KEYENCE, Co.), an X-Y-Z

positioning stage and a 12V/100W halogen light source. A micrometer scale with the
accuracy of 1 m was used as a standard scale. The recorded video was reproduced and
captured into images with free software named AVI cutter (Version 0.4.2, MTD). Size of
microbubbles was obtained by processing the images with PopImaging (Version,
Digital being kids Co., Ltd). It took us much time to get a size distribution at one
condition because not fewer than 300 microbubbles were measured. Therefore, we
searched for another time-efficiency measurement technique, that is, laser diffraction
particle size analyzer. Sato (2005) compared bubble size distributions obtained from the
particle size analyzer (LS230, Beckman Counter, Inc.) with that from the image analysis.
She found that they agreed with each other very well with a deviation less than 10 m. In
the method with the laser size analyzer, microbubble sample was taken by a beaker. A
surfactant, sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate solution was added into the sample and
quietly mixed with a glass rod. Sato (2005) found that the surfactant addition into

- 38 -
samples make the analysis results more stable. After surfactant addition, samples were
poured slowly into the measuring cell where 750nm laser was irradiated and the strength
of diffracted/scattered laser was measured. Microbubble size was calculated with an
optical module based on both the Fraunhofer and Mie theories of light scattering. The real
part of refraction ratio used in the optical module was 1.0 while the imaginary part of it
was zero.
Gas holdup was measured to evaluate overall bubble volume concentration.
Microbubbles were generated in a bubble column with a height of 1.15m under a
circulation pattern. During gas holdup measurement, water circulation was firstly started
by switching on the pump without any air suction. After the water surface height got
stable, the valve 10 or 11 in the air suction line was then opened and microbubbles were
generated. The water surface heights before and during microbubble generation were
online measured every 10 seconds with an ultrasonic displacement sensor (UC-500,
Keyence Co.), and used to calculate the gas holdup, G, by the following expression,

H 2 H1
G =
H2 (2-1)

where H1 is the average of stable liquid surface heights [m] before bubbling and H2 is the
average of liquid surface heights [m] in the last 5 minutes of 15 minutes bubbling.
In general, flow regimes in bubble columns can be divided into homogeneous flow and
heterogeneous flow depending on the gas flow rate (Schumpe and Grund, 1986; Deckwer,
1992). At low gas velocities homogeneous flow prevails, i.e. the bubbles have almost
uniform small sizes and rise velocities. At higher gas throughputs bubbles coalesce and
large bubbles with higher rise velocity than small bubbles are also formed. This flow
regime is termed heterogeneous referring to the much different bubble sizes. It is found
that the flow regime in bubble columns has a great effect on the gas/liquid mass transfer
in chemical industries. Therefore, the flow regime in the bubble column using
microbubbles was investigated when gas and water flow rates were changed in wide
Tap water and air were used as the liquid phase and the dissolving gas, respectively, in
all the experiments of this chapter. Water temperature was about 19~25.

- 39 -

20 21

16 17

6 12 14 15
1 2 3 4 13

7 8 9 11 Water

1. Buffer tank 15. Viewing cell

2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20. Valves 16. Microscope
3. Gas flow meter 17. High-speed video camera
4. Centrifugal pump 18. Video recorder
5. Pressure gauge 19. Bubble column
8. Gas flow meter 21. Ultrasonic displacement sensor
9. Backflow prevention valve 22. PC
12. Microbubble generator or dispersing nozzle

Fig. 2-5 Experimental setup of bubble generation system

- 40 -
2.4 Results and discussion

2.4.1 Microbubble generation conditions

Bubble generation conditions for Type M2-M are illustrated in Fig. 2-6 where the
normal method (a) (Fig. 2-2(a)) was employed (Sato, 2005). At lower gas flow rate, there
were only microbubbles generated and water in the bubble column looks like milk; With
increasing the gas flow rate, a little amount of milli-bubbles were seen rising to the water
surface of bubble column, though they could not be seen from the side of the bubble
column; A further increase in gas flow rate resulted in more milli-bubbles which coalesce
with microbubbles leading to the increase of transparence in the bubble column, therefore,
milli-bubbles could be seen from the side of the bubble column; Much more increase in
gas flow rate just increase the quantity of milli-bubbles generated. Water in the bubble
column became almost transparent and milli-bubbles were seen jetted from the generator.
As compared with water flow rate, air flow rate seems a little more important for
microbubble generation. At the water flow rate, QW, of 13.6 L/min, air flow rate, QA,
should be controlled at least lower than about 0.3 L/min in order to obtain only
microbubbles. Microbubbles prevail until the air flow rate reaches 0.7 L/min. On the
other hand, for the air flow rate of 0.5 L/min, microbubbles are mainly generated as long
as the water flow rate is controlled to be higher than 10 L/min.
Based on these observations, the author concludes that making gas flow rate lower or
water flow rate higher than a critical value is necessary for microbubble generation.
However, the decrease of gas flow rate results in low microbubble concentration.
Meanwhile, it is not recommended to increase the water flow rate too high for yielding
fine microbubbles from the view of running cost.

2.4.2 Comparison of microbubble size in the different generation methods

The size distributions of microbubbles produced by the three methods are compared in

- 41 -
Fig. 2-7 at the gas flow rate of 0.5L/min and the water flow rate of 12L/min. Fig. 2-7(a)
shows the volumetric frequency at each diameter range while Fig. 2-7(b) shows the
numerical one. Bubble generated by three methods under the present condition were
mainly distributed in the range of 20~200 m. Much smaller microbubbles were formed
by the improved method (b) as compared to the normal method (a). Microbubbles
generated by the method (c) have the broadest distribution and the largest mode diameter.
The average diameter and standard deviation are listed in Table 2-1. Microbubbles
generated in the improved method (b) have the smallest average diameter of 50 m and
standard deviation of 23m. The average diameters in method (a) and (c) are 55 m and
67 m, respectively.

2.4.3 Comparison of gas holdup in different microbubble generation methods

The variation of water surface height is shown in Fig. 2-8 where microbubbles were
generated with the normal method (a) at different gas flow rates. Water circulation was
started at t=0 but no air was drawn in, therefore, the water surface level kept constant in
the first few minutes. When the valve in the air suction line was opened, a sudden rise in
the water surface height was observed at each gas flow rate. After that, the water surface
approximately approached at a constant level. When the pump was switched off with
cutting off air suction at the same time, microbubble generation was finished. After that,
the water level dropped because of the disengagement of bubbles remaining in the bubble
column. The disengagement profiles at different gas flow rates were obviously different.
The water level gradually dropped after stopping bubble generation at the gas flow rate
of 0.5 L/min (Fig. 2-8(a)). On the other hand, at higher gas flow rates of 1.0 and 1.5
L/min, the drops of the water surface height were very fast right after stopping bubble
generation, and then became slow as shown in Fig. 2-8 (b) and (c).
Because bubble rise velocity depends on bubble size (Fig. 1-3), the dropping rate of
water surface height is also determined by the bubble size. Therefore, the characteristics
of disengagement indicated that bubbles generated at QA=0.5 L/min had uniform and
small bubble size while those at QA=1.0 L/min and QA=1.5 L/min have two distinct size
classes, that is milli-bubbles and microbubbles. The bubble generation conditions as

- 42 -
shown in Fig. 2-6 agree with the information obtained from the gas holdup as well.
Fig. 2-9 shows the change of water surface heights with time in the improved method (b).
As same as that observed in the method (a), the water level raised fast till it reached an
almost constant value. However, the water level suddenly went up rather than dropped
down right after stopping microbubble generation. After arriving at a peak, the water
surface went down with a gradually decreasing rate. The increase of water surface height
after stopping microbubble generation was due to the sudden pressure drop in the pump.
During microbubble generation, air was pressurized and partly dissolved into water by
the pump. The volume of air was recovered after being released from the generator due to
its compressibility, which resulted in the increase of water surface height after switch off
the pump.
Fig. 2-10 shows how the water level varied in the method (c). As compared to the
method (b), the water surface height fluctuated more intensely. It was investigated that
many milli-bubbles were formed during bubble generation and their burst on the water
surface made the surface fluctuate much more. The comparison of disengagement profile
with method (b) shows that water levels dropped more quickly in method (c) after
stopping bubble generation, which suggests that bubbles generated in method (c) had
larger size than that in method (b).
The gas holdups obtained in three methods are calculated using Eq. (2-1) and
compared in Fig. 2-11. The highest gas holdup was achieved for the method (b), where
gas is aspirated by the pump with the microbubble generator. However, when the gas was
allowed to be induced by the generator (Fig. 2-2 (a)) or the generator was changed to the
dispersing nozzle (Fig. 2-2 (c)), the gas holdup greatly decreased by 30-60%. Water in
the bubble column seemed like milk during microbubble generation by the method (b),
while it was almost transparent and milli-bubbles were investigated when methods (a)
and (c) were applied.
It is suggested that the rotating-flow microbubble generator in the improved method
(b) play an important role, that is, the prevention of microbubble coalescence. As the
microbubble generator is not allowed to induce gas, it just works like an injection nozzle.
When water is pumped into it, a two-phase flow with very high rotation velocity occurs,

- 43 -
which prevents the released bubbles from coalescing. On the other hand, the undissolved
part of induced air is sheared by the rotating flow and spouted out as microbubbles.
Therefore, much more microbubbles can be generated in the method (b).

2.5 Conclusions

Smaller microbubbles and higher gas holdup relating higher microbubble volume
concentration were achieved in the improved method (b), where the rotating-flow
microbubble generation was combined with the cavitation pump. It is expected that the
novel microbubble generation system could show good performance when applied to the
advanced water and wastewater treatment. The following three chapters will give some
discussion on its applications.

- 44 -
A: only microbubbles
15 B: microbubbles and millibubbles in small amounts
C: millibubbles and microbubbles in small amounts
14 D: millibubbles


Wate flow rate [L/min]



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6

Gas flow rate [L/min]

Fig. 2-6 Bubble generating conditions of the rotating-flow microbubble generator

M2-M (Sato, 2005)

- 45 -
14 (a) Gas suction by generator
(b) Gas suction by pump with generator

12 (c) Gas suction by pump with dispersing nozzle

Frequency [Vol.%]

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Bubble size [um]

(a) Gas suction by generator
(b) Gas suction by pump with generator
10 (c) Gas suction by pump with dispersing nozzle

Frequency [Num.%]

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Bubble size [um]

Fig. 2-7 Comparison of microbubble size distributions in different generation methods
(M2-M; QW: 12L/min; QA: 0.5L/min)

- 46 -
Table 2-1 Comparison of microbubbles generated in different methods

Method Average diameter Standard deviation

m m
(a) 55 26
(b) 50 23
(c) 67 29

- 47 -

Height [mm]


0 500 1000
Time [s]
(a) QW: 12 L/min QA: 0.5L/min

998 998

997 997
Height [mm]
Height [mm]

996 996

995 995

994 994

993 993
0 500 1000 0 500 1000
Time [s] Time [s]
(b) QW: 12 L/min QA: 1.0 L/min (c) QW: 12 L/min QA: 1.5L/min

Fig. 2-8 Variation of water surface height in the normal method (a)
(Gas suction by generator)

- 48 -

Water surface height [mm]

0 500 1000 1500
Time [s]
(a) QW: 12 L/min QA: 0.5L/min

1005 1001
1004 1000
Water surface height [mm]

Water surface height [mm]

1003 999
1002 998
998 993
997 992
996 991
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Time [s] Time [s]
(b) QW: 12 L/min QA: 1.0 L/min (c) QW: 12 L/min QA: 1.5L/min

Fig. 2-9 Variation of water surface height in the normal method (b)
(Gas suction by pump through generator)

- 49 -

Water surface height [mm]

0 500 1000 1500
Time [s]

(a) QW: 12 L/min QA: 0.5L/min

1015 1016

1014 1015
Water surface height [mm]
Water surface height [mm]

1013 1014
1012 1013
1007 1009

1006 1008
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
Time [s] Time [s]

(a) QW: 12 L/min QA: 1.0 L/min (c) QW: 12 L/min QA: 1.5L/min

Fig. 2-10 Variation of water surface height in the normal method (c)
(Gas suction by pump through dispersing nozzle)

- 50 -


Gas holdup [-]



(a) Gas suction by generator

(b) Gas suction by pump with generator
(c) Gas suction by pump with dispersing nozzle
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Gas flow rate [L/min]

Fig. 2-11 Effect of microbubble generating method on gas holdup

(QW: 12L/min)

- 51 -

H1 average of stable liquid surface heights before bubbling [m]

H2 average of liquid surface heights in the last 5 minutes of 15 minutes bubbling
QA air flow rate [L/min]
QW water flow rate [L/min]
t time [min]
G gas holdup []

- 52 -
Literature cited

Deckwer, W. D.; Bubble Column Reactors, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, West Sussex,
England, pp.3-4 (1992)
Haarhoff, J. and J. K. Edzwald; Dissolved Air Flotation Modelling: Insights and
Shortcomings, J. Water Supply: Research & Technology-AQUA, 53, 127-150
Okamoto, R., H. Takeda, H. Shakutsui and H. Ohnari; Performance of Micro-Bubble
Generators, Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan,
August (2005) (in Japanese)
Ohnari, H., T. Saga, K. Watanabe, K. Maeda and K. Matsuo; High Functional
Characteristics of Micro-bubbles and Water Purification, Resources Processing,
46, 238-244 (1999) (in Japanese)
Ohnari, H.; Swirling Type Micro-Bubble Generating System, Japanese Patent,
2000-618002 (2002)
Sato, U.; Effects of factors on microbubble generation, Bachelors thesis, Keio
University, pp.35 (2005) (In Japanese)
Schumpe, A. and G. Grund; The Gas Disengagement Technique for Studying Gas
Holdup Structure in Bubble Columns, Can. J. Chem. Eng., 64, 891-896 (1986)

- 53 -

Induced air flotation using microbubbles

3.1 Introduction

As introduced in Section 1.4.1, the flotation recently gains much interest in water and
wastewater treatment due to its high throughput and efficiency. The general process of
flotation separation can be divided into two types in terms of bubble generation methods,
that is, Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF), and dispersed air flotation which is often known
as Induced Air Flotation (IAF).

3.1.1 Dissolved Air Flotation

The schematic diagram of a water treatment system using Dissolved Air flotation
(DAF) is shown in Fig. 3-1. Raw water is introduced into the water treatment plant. The
fine particles in raw water are flocculated producing flocs in the pretreatment process
which involves two steps: particle destabilization and particle flocculation. Particle
destabilization takes place after dosing chemical coagulant in the flash mixer, where the
coagulant is dispersed uniformly and quickly by a high-speed stirrer. On the other hand,
particle flocculation and growth of aggregates occur during the slow mixing stage in the
In the major component of DAF process, part of purified water is recycled and
saturated up to 70~80% with air at elevated pressure in the range of 0.4~0.5MPa. The
pressurized water is then decompressed via injection nozzles in the flotation cell. The
released gas bubbles readily adhere to the surface of floc particles forming
bubble-particle agglomerates and rise to the liquid surface where a layer of sludge forms,
which can be removed over a beach (Zlokarnik, 1998; Jameson, 1999; Shawwa and
Smith, 2000).

- 54 -
Microbubbles in DAF has an average diameter db of 40-80m (Han et al., 2002b;
Haarhoff and Edzwald, 2004). The use of such small bubbles improves the
bubble-particle collision efficiency which is one of the most important factors in particle
removal. However, the DAF process has a number of inherent disadvantages, that is, high
electrical power requirement, complex system including a compressor, a saturator and a
separate flotation tank and higher service costs (Schofield, 2001). Moreover, because the
bubble generation principle in DAF is based on the Henrys law, the amount of air
dissolved into water at a given pressure and temperature is limited and relatively low. The
maximum value of air/water ratio is about 1/17-1/13 under normal conditions, as
mentioned in Chapter 1.

3.1.2 Induced Air Flotation

Induce Air Flotation (IAF) is occasionally found in wastewater treatment, where

relatively large bubbles with diameters of several hundreds micrometers are formed by
mechanical agitation or sparger air injection (Evans et al., 1992; Heindel and Bloom,
2002). Many researchers suggested that the large bubbles in IAF have correspondingly
large terminal velocities leading to much more compact flotation systems. They tried to
use the IAF as an alternative to the DAF in water treatment. Zlokarnik (1982 and 1998)
developed IAF with a specially designed self-aspirating and radically discharging
funnel-shaped nozzle. Jameson (1999), Yan and Jameson (2004) utilized a confined
plunging jet flotation cell, also known as a Jameson cell, to remove oils and fats from
dairy and abattoir wastes, and blue-green algae from natural waters and maturation
However, the bubble size also has an effect on the efficiency of bubble-particle
collision. Large bubbles lead to poor collision efficiency (Shawwa et al., 2000).
Moreover, high shear in conventional mechanical flotation cell usually results in breakage
of the fragile particles (Jameson, 1999; Zabel, 1992). These disadvantages are usually
overcome by dosing some surfactants to produce smaller bubble and impart
hydrophobicity to hydrophilic flocs (Jameson, 1999). The addition of surfactant is
obviously not a good idea, because that will cause additional treatment for the sludge and

- 55 -
complex operation system.

3.1.3 Purpose in this chapter

It is necessary to search for a simple and energy saving method which can successfully
generate numerous microbubbles, and meanwhile will avoid high shear rates to obviate
the destruction of the aggregates.
In this chapter, we focused on developing a new form of IAF with the rotating-flow
microbubble generator for water treatment. To approach to the goal, we have to overcome
its disadvantages, that is, high turbulence during microbubble generation and low
microbubble concentration. In the preliminary stage, we attempted designing a separated
flotation system in Section 3.2. The high-shear region in the liquid where microbubbles
are produced is separated from the relatively quiescent zone where flotation takes place
in the separated flotation system. After that, we tried to develop a more simple system,
one-cell flotation system, in Section 3.4 by searching for an appropriate polymeric
flocculant and increasing the microbubble concentration with the improved microbubble
generation system.

- 56 -
Raw water
Treated water
Flash mixer Flocculator Flotation tank Filter


- 57 -
Saturator Compressor

Fig. 3-1 Schematic diagram of dissolved air flotation (DAF) process

3.2 Separated flotation system

3.2.1 Experimental setup

The experimental setup as shown in Fig. 3-2 consists of three units: microbubble
generation unit, batch flotation unit and bubble size measurement unit. The objects that
we separate the microbubble generation zone from the flotation zone are: (1) to avoid the
destruction of fragile flocs by the turbulent during bubble generation; (2) to obtain a
stable and high microbubble concentration.
The normal method (Fig. 2-2(a)) was employed in the microbubble generation unit,
where a rotating-flow microbubble generator (M2-M, Nanoplanet Research Institute Co.)
was set in the middle of a cylindrical acrylic tank with the dimensions of 2055 cm
(height). Tap water in the buffer tank was pumped by a centrifugal pump (WPS401,
Iwaya Electric MFG Co., Ltd.) to the microbubble generator by which gas, at the same
time, was aspirated. The tap water used to generate microbubbles is called as recycle
water, because in water treatment plant it is recycled from the treated water as shown in
Fig. 3-1.
Kaolin suspension (10 mg kaolin in 1 L tap water) was prepared as simulated raw
water because such kind of suspended matters as kaolin are the major impurities in water
and wastewater. The initial turbidity of the sample water was maintained near 8 NTU in
each experiment.
Kaolin particles in water are characteristically very small and they tend to suspend in
water due to both their small size and to the electrical charge between particles (typically
negative). Coagulants are always used to neutralize the repulsive electrical charges
surrounding particles allowing them to stick together creating flocs. Alum (Al2(SO4)3)
is the most common coagulant used in water treatment, and it was utilized in the present
experiments in Section 3.2. Standard jar testers using different alum dosages and
flocculation times were carried out to determine the optimum flocculation conditions.
The main part in the batch flotation unit is the flotation tank which is a cylinder made

- 58 -
of acrylic resin, whose inner diameter was 10cm with the height of 26cm.
The flotation experimental procedures are as follows: (1) kaolin suspension with
volume of V0 was filled into the flotation tank; (2) alum was injected into the kaolin
suspension and rapidly mixed with it for 5min at a rotating rate of 150rpm so that it was
distributed as evenly as possible in the suspension; (3) then the rotating rate was slowed
down to 40 rpm in order to enhance contact between floc particles and colloidal particles
as well as floc particles themselves, which allowed the floc particles to grow up in size.
The time for slow mixing which was called flocculation time was varied in the range of
0~20 minutes; (4) after the slow mixing was finished, bubbly water (volume Vr) in the
microbubble generation tank was induced into the flotation tank; (5) microbubbles
collided with the kaolin particles and carried them to the surface without any mixing.
During this flotation period, samples were taken from the bottom every 5 minutes for 20
minutes; (6) turbidities of samples were measured with a turbidimeter (TN-100, Eutech
Instruments Pte. Ltd.) to examine the weight concentration of kaolin particles and video
images were taken with a high-speed video camera (Motionscope800, Nipponpoper Co.,
Ltd.) to study the attachment of bubbles and floc particles. The pH (HM-40S, DKK-TOA
Co.) of the initial sample water was 7.51~7.60 and subsequently varied in the range of
6.90~7.11 after the addition of the coagulant.
As the bubbly water was added into the flotation tank, the kaolin suspension was
diluted according the dilution ratio, r(=Vr/V0). Therefore, the initial concentration of
kaolin should be revised as follows,
C0V0 + CrVr C0 + Cr (Vr / V0 ) C0 + r Cr
C0' = = = (3- 1)
V0 + Vr 1 + Vr / V0 1+ r
where C0 is the turbidity of raw kaolin suspension [NTU], Cr is the turbidity of bubbly
water from the microbubble generation tank, r is the dilution ratio which is also referred
to as recycle ratio ( r was kept 10% in all experiments in Section 3.2). Because the tap
water with a turbidity of zero was used to generate microbubbles (Cr=0), the revised
initial concentration can be reduced to,
C0' = (3- 2)
1+ r
The particle removal efficiency, R [%], in the batch flotation experiments is defined by
the following equation,

- 59 -
C0' C
R= 100 (3- 3)

where C is the turbidity of treated kaolin suspension [NTU]. Substituting Eq. (3-2) into
Eq. (3-3) gives the expression of the particle removal efficiency, R, as follows,
C0 (1 + r ) C
R= 100 (3- 4)
It has been found that the most important parameter in the air flotation system is the
surface characteristics (zeta potential) of both bubbles and particles, and the next is the
sizes of the bubbles and the particles (Han, 2002b). In the present experiments, the size
and zeta potential of floc particles were varied by changing the flocculation time and
coagulant dosage. The sizes of microbubbles were controlled by changing flow rates of
recycle water and induced air, while the zeta potential of microbubbles was not

- 60 -


Monitor and controller Gas flow meter

Microscope Microbubble generation tank
CCD Camera Microbubble generator
Adjustable microscope support Variable speed Motor
Viewing chamber Impellor
Buffer tank Sampling tap
Pump Flotation tank
Water flow meter Valve

Fig. 3-2 Experimental setup for separate flotation

- 61 -
3.2.2 Results and discussion

(1) Effect of coagulant dosage on particle removal efficiency

The effect of alum dosage on the particle removal efficiency is illustrated in Fig. 3-3
(a) and (b). Flotation time, that is, sampling time, means the period when microbubbles
adhered to floc particles and carried them to the water surface. The alum dosage was
varied from 0.56mg/L to 4.0mg/L and the flocculation time was kept 10 minutes.
Microbubbles were generated under the water flow rate of 6.67 L/min and the induced air
flow rate of 0.6 L/min.
The removal efficiency increased when the flotation time increased from 0-15 minutes,
but did not change so much when it got longer than 15 minutes as shown in Fig. 3-3(a).
When the alum dosage increased from 0.56 mg-Al/L to 1.0 mg-Al/L, the particle removal
efficiency after 15 minutes flotation increased from 52% to 85%. However, it gradually
decreased when the alum dosage was over 2.5 mg-Al/L as shown in Fig. 3-3(b). The
optimum dosage range of alum is between 1.0 to 2.5 mg-Al/L.
Air bubbles are negatively charged the same as kaolin suspension (Okada and Akagi,
1987; Okada et al., 1990). The kaolin zeta potential becomes less negative with the
addition of alum, and reaches zero and even positive as the dosage increases (Han et al.,
1999; Han et al., 2001). Therefore, the collision between the negatively charged bubbles
and the floc particles become much better as the zeta potential of floc particles increases
linearly with alum dosage. As a result, higher removal efficiency occurs when the
magnitude of positive charge is greater. However, too much over dosage will decrease the
zeta potential of floc particles as referred by Han et al. (1999), therefore, the particle
removal efficiency decreased.

(2) Effect of flocculation time on particle removal efficiency

Fig. 3-4 (a) and (b) show the particle removal efficiency at various flocculation times.
Flocculation time is the slow mixing time after the addition of alum. Fine kaolin particles

- 62 -
grow up to flocs during the slow mixing. Microbubbles were generated at the water flow
rate of 13.7 L/min and the induced air flow rate of 0.6 L/min. The alum dosage was 1.0
mg-Al/L, while flocculation time, slow mixing time after initial rapid mixing, was varied
from 5 min to 20 minutes.
When the flocculation time was zero, that is to say, no slow mixing was performed, the
particle removal efficiency is as low as about 15% as shown in Fig. 3-4 (a). As it was
increased to 5 minutes, the removal efficiency increased suddenly. After that, the highest
removal occurred when the flocculation time exceeded 10 minutes as shown in Fig. 3-4
The flocs gradually grew up during the slow mixing. For the sedimentation process
large flocs are required. But flotation does not require large floc particles. In fact, floc
particle densities less than water are required and are achieved by attachment of air
bubbles to floc particles. Consequently, the use of longer flocculation times is not
economically feasible in practice. This result coincides with the design and operation of
DAF, where shorter flocculation times are preferred.

(3) Effect of air flow rate on particle removal efficiency

Fig. 3-5 (a) and (b) show the effect of flow rate of induced air on the particle removal
efficiency. Microbubbles were generated under the water flow rate of 13.6 L/min and the
induced air flow rate of 0.38 L/min, 0.60 L/min, 0.72 L/min and 0.95 L/min. The alum
dosage was 1.0 mg/L and the flocculation time after rapid mixing was 10 minutes. Better
particle removal efficiency was achieved at lower air flow rate as shown in Fig. 3-5 (b).
From the bubble generation map in Fig. 2-6, we can see that much more microbubbles
are generated at low gas flow rate for a given water flow rate. The occurrence of
milli-bubbles at high gas flow rats leads to the bubble coalescence which results in the
decrease of microbubble concentration in the generation tank. Therefore, the particle
removal efficiency was decreased with increasing the air flow rate.

(4) Effect of recycle water flow rate on particle removal efficiency

- 63 -
Fig. 3-6 (a) and (b) show the effect of water flow rate on particle removal efficiency. The
alum dosage was 1.0mg/L and the flocculation time was 10min. The water flow rate
during microbubble generation was varied to be 6.7L/min, 10.0L/min, and 13.7 L/min,
and the induced air flow rate was at a constant value of 0.60 L/min. The particle removal
efficiency at various water flow rates reaches to a similar level as shown in Fig. 3-6 (b).
However, the removal efficiency reached 76% right after 5 minutes flotation at the water
flow rate of 6.7 L/min, while it was only 40% obtained at QW=13.6 L/min.
It has been proved that the bubble size decreases with the increase of water flow rate
(Sato, 2006). Smaller microbubbles generated at QW=13.6 L/min have low rise velocity.
Therefore, it took much longer time for these smaller bubbles to carry the flocs to the
water surface.

3.2.3 Conclusions

A separated Induced Air Flotation (IAF) system was developed in this section, where
the bubble generation zone was separated from the flotation. Microbubbles generated in
the IAF are distributed in the size range of 20200 m and the average size is around 70
m. To examine its suitability for removal of particles from water, the particle removal
efficiency at various operational conditions was measured in batch IAF experiments of a
kaolin suspension system. The IAF has the ability to remove particles by 80~90% from
water with kaolin particles at the concentration of 10 mg/L.
The results of removal efficiency in the batch experiments also show that the chemical
pretreatment is critical to IAF performance. Lower flocculation time and alum dosage
could be employed in IAF. Microbubbles were generated at various flow rates of recycle
water and induced air. Low air flow rates performed a little better particle removal,
because more microbubbles were generated at low air flow rate. On the other hand, low
water flow rates shortened the flotation time, because big microbubbles generated at low
water flow rates could rise more quickly. In another word, not only the microbubble
concentration but also the bubble size is very importance for the IAF.
The results from the batch experiments in the separate flotation system give valuable
basic knowledge. But the separate flotation system seems too complex to be used in

- 64 -
practice. Much simpler system should be developed.

- 65 -


Particle removal efficiency[%]



Alum dosage
40 0.56mg-Al/L

10 4.00mg-Al/L
0 5 10 15 20 25
Flotation time [min]




Removal efficiency [%]



40 Flotation time
30 5min
20 15min
10 20min

0 1 2 3 4 5

Alum dosage [mg/L]


Fig. 3-3 Effect of alum dosage on particle removal efficiency

- 66 -



70 Flocculation time
Removal Efficiency [%]

40 15min



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Flotation Time [min]





Removal efficiency [%]


Flotation time
30 10min
20 20min

0 5 10 15 20 25
Flocculation time [min]

Fig. 3-4 Effect of flocculation time on particle removal efficiency

- 67 -


Removal efficiency [%]



Air flow rate

30 0.60L/min
20 0.95L/min


0 5 10 15 20 25
Flotation time [min]
Flotation time
90 5min
Removal efficiency [%]





0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9
Air flow rate [L/min]


Fig. 3-5 Effect of air flow rate on particle removal efficiency

- 68 -


Removal Efficiency [%]


60 Water flow rate

50 10.0L/min

0 5 10 15 20 25
Flotation time [min]



Removal efficiency [%]


60 Flotation time
50 10min

5 7.5 10 12.5 15
Water flow rate [L/min]

Fig. 3-6 Effect of water flow rate on particle removal efficiency

- 69 -
3.3 Preliminary experiments for one-cell flotation

When we set the microbubble generation zone with the flotation zone in one-cell
flotation system, there are two problems: the turbulence during bubble generation and the
low microbubble concentration. In the preliminary experiments for the one-cell flotation,
we will search for an appropriate polymeric flocculant to produce stronger flocs and
develop a microbubble generating method to obtain microbubbles with higher

3.3.1 Experimental setup

The experimental setup for one-cell flotation is shown in Fig. 3-7. The rotating-type
microbubble generator (M2-M/PVC, Nanoplanet Research Institute Co.) is directly set at
the middle of the bottom of the flotation tank which was a cylinder made of acrylic resin
and has an inner diameter of 20cm and a height of 100cm.
Kaolin suspension (10mg kaolin in 1L tap water) was prepared as the raw water, and
the initial turbidity was maintained near 8 NTU in each experiment.
For the coagulant, polyhydroxy aluminum chloride (Al13(OH)20(SO4)2Cl15, PAC) was
used and compared with aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3, alum). PAC is a partially
hydrolyzed aluminum chloride solution which has been reported to provide stronger flocs
than alum (Gregory and Rossi, 2001; McCurdy et al., 2004; Zouboulis and Traskas,
2005). Edzwald et al. (1994) also reported that PAC was quicker to react than alum,
especially in cold waters and required shorter flocculation times. A decade of large scale
experience in dissolved air flotation reported by Kempeneers et al. (2001) indicates that
when using PAC the aluminum dosage could be halved as compared to alum while
maintaining a similar effluent turbidity.
For the microbubble generation, we applied the centrifugal pump (20KED04s, Nikuni
Co., Ltd.) which can be operated under cavitation conditions. The maximum gas/liquid
ratio is supposed to be 1/10. During microbubble generation, air is aspirated by the pump

- 70 -
and the generator simultaneously. Backflow prevention valves are installed in the gas
pipe lines, connecting the pump or the generator with the gas flow meters.
Kaolin suspension (10mg kaolin in 1L tap water) was mixed rapidly for 5min at a
rotating rate of 300rpm after the coagulant injection, and then mixed slowly at a rotating
rate of 70 rpm for 15 minutes. Microbubbles were directly produced in the flotation tank
by pumping water into the generator and inducing air from the pump and the generator
simultaneously. Microbubbles were allowed to collide with the kaolin particles and to
carry them to the surface without any mixing. During this period, samples were taken
from the bottom every 5 minutes for 20 minutes. Turbidities of the treated water were
measured to calculate the particle removal efficiency with Eq. (3-1). Water flow rate
during microbubble generation was 12 L/min while flow rates of air induced by the pump,
QA1, and generator, QA2, were controlled in the range of 0.17~0.60 L/min.

- 71 -


12a 12c 10

1 2 11
3 11 12e

1. Buffer tank 7. Variable speed Motor

2. Water flow meter 8. Flotation tank
3. Centrifugal pump 9. Impellor
4. Gas flow meter 10. Sampling tap
5. Pressure gauge 11. Backflow prevention valve
6. Microbubble generator or 12a-e. Valve
dispersing nozzle

Fig. 3-7 Experimental setup for one-cell flotation

- 72 -
3.3.2 Results and discussion

(1) Comparison of PAC with alum

The particle removal efficiencies using PAC and alum as the coagulant are compared
in Fig. 3-8. Water flow rate for microbubble generation was kept 13.6 L/min. Air was
induced by the pump at a flow rate of 0.5 L/min while air aspiration by the generator was
stopped. Recycle ratio was 20%. The particle removal efficiency was increased by 10%
when PAC was used as coagulant. Compared with alum, PAC has lower hydrophilicity
and is able to form stronger flocs that will resist fracture during bubble generation
(McCurdy et al., 2004; Zouboulis and Traskas, 2005).

(2) Effect of gas suction way to particle removal efficiency

Fig. 3-9 (a), (b) and (c) show the effect of flow rate of air induced by the centrifugal
pump, QA1, on particle removal efficiency. QA1 is varied for 0.28, 0.50 and 0.70 L/min,
while the flow rate of air induced by the generator, QA2, was changed for 0, 0.17 and 0.28
L/min. Water flow rate was kept at 13.6 L/min. The particle removal efficiency was
greatly increased with increasing QA1 at any QA2. The additional gas suction by the
centrifugal pump could increase the microbubble concentration.
The data in Fig. 3-9 was rearranged and shown in Fig. 3-10 (a), (b) and (c) which
show the effect of flow rate of air induced by the generator, QA2, on particle removal
efficiency. The highest particle removal efficiency was achieved when there was no air
induced by the generator (QA2=0). Increasing QA2 reduced the particle removal efficiency.
In another word, the generator should not be allowed inducing any air when the
centrifugal pump aspirates air.

3.3.3 Conclusions

There are two problems with the rotating-flow microbubble generator for the

- 73 -
application to one-cell flotation, that is, high turbulence and low microbubble
concentration during bubble generation.
To overcome the first problem, the author selected ployaluminum chloride (PAC) as
coagulant because it can produce more robust flocs. The increase of bubble removal
efficiency indicates that PAC is a suitable coagulant for the one-cell flotation.
The second problem was overcome by changing the gas suction way. The author
utilized a centrifugal pump and combined it with the rotating-flow microbubble generator.
Air was allowed to be induced both by the pump and by the generator in the improved
system. The air flow rates and water flow rate are varied and their effects on the particle
removal efficiency were examined. Experimental results show that the particle removal
efficiency increases with the increase of pump-induced air flow rate, but is inversely
proportional to the generator-induced air flow rate. Thus, it is recommended that the air
should be induced only by the centrifugal pump, but not by the generator.
In the next section, a one-cell IAF system will be proposed using the improved
microbubble generating system and compared with the normal one.

- 74 -



Removal efficiency [%]



40 PAC
30 Alum



0 5 10 15 20
Flotation time [min]

Fig. 3-8 Comparison of PAC with alum

- 75 -
90 80

80 Flotation time Flotation time

5min 5min
70 10min
60 10min
Removal efficiency [%]

Removal efficiency [%]

15min 15min

10 10

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Q A1 [L/min] Q A1 [L/min]

(a) QA2=0 L/min (b) QA2=0.17 L/min


Flotation time
Removal efficiency [%]

50 10min




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Q A1 [L/min]

(c) QA2=0.28 L/min

Fig. 3-9 Effect of flow rate of air induced by the centrifugal pump

- 76 -
60 80

Removal efficiency [%]

Removal efficiency [%]


30 Flotation time 40 Flotation time

5min 5min
20 10min 10min
15min 20 15min

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Q A2 [L/min] Q A2 [L/min]

(a) QA1=0.28 L/min (b) QA1=0.50 L/min



Removal efficiency [%]


Flotation time
40 5min
30 10min


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Q A2 [L/min]

(c) QA1=0.70 L/min

Fig. 3-10 Effect of flow rate of air induced by the generator

- 77 -
3.4 One-cell flotation

3.4.1 Experimental setup

The experimental setup for the one-cell flotation is shown in Fig. 3-7. The cylindrical
flotation tank made of acrylic resin has an inner diameter of 20 cm and a height of 65 cm.
Polyhydroxy aluminum chloride (PAC) was used as the coagulant. The batch flotation
experiments were performed by the same procedures as the preliminary experiments were
done. The experimental conditions are shown in Table 3-1. The particle removal
efficiencies were compared with regard to microbubble generation methods as shown in
Fig. 2-2.

Table 3-1 Experimental conditions in one-cell flotation

Rapid mixing rate [rpm] 200
Rapid mixing time [min] 13
Slow mixing rate [rpm] 40
Slow mixing time [min] 015
Water flow rate, QW [L/min] 1014
Flotation Air flow rate, QA [L/min] 0.501.50
Recycle ratio, r [%] 520

3.4.2 Results and discussion

(1) Comparison of microbubble generating methods

Particle removal efficiencies of the three methods were compared and results are
illustrated in Fig. 3-11. The removal efficiency significantly increases when air is
induced by the pump with the microbubble generator as shown in Fig. 2-2 (b). However,
the removal efficiency decreases as low as 50-80 %, when air is induced by the generator

- 78 -
(Fig. 2-2 (a)) or by the pump with the dispersing nozzle (Fig. 2-2 (c)). In fact,
sedimentation of flocs was observed in the methods (a) and (c), because microbubbles
were insufficient to collect all of particles.
The kinetic rate of particle removal in a batch flotation is considered to be a first-order
dN p
= kN p (3- 5)
where Np is the particle number concentration, k is the rate constant given by the
following equation (Edzwald, 1995 and 2004),

k = (3 / 2) pbT (b / d b ) (3- 6)

where pb is the particle-bubble collision efficiency which is changed through

coagulation and flocculation; T is the total single collector efficiency which is dependent
on microbubble size according to db-2 and particle size (over 1 m) according to dp2, b is
the microbubble volume concentration and db is the microbubble diameter. Consequently,
it is suggested that smaller microbubbles with higher volume concentration improve
Bubble volume concentration can also be described as gas holdup. The comparison of
gas holdups in Fig. 2-11 and bubble size distributions in Fig. 2-7 shows the smallest
microbubbles with the highest gas holdup were formed in the method (b). The smaller
and higher gas holdup relating higher microbubble volume concentration result in better
particle removal performance achieved in the method (b).

(2) Effect of flocculation and flotation conditions on particle removal in the

improved IAF system

The improved microbubble generation method was then introduced to the IAF system.
Its performance to remove particles should be examined under various conditions.

Effect of coagulant dosage

The effect of coagulant dosage on particle removal efficiency is shown in Fig. 3-12 for

- 79 -
water flow rates QW of 12 and 14 L/min. The removal efficiency increases with the
increase of PAC dosage for both water flow rates. While the jar-test-determined optimum
dosage for sedimentation was 1.5 mg-Al/L, a little overdose shows better efficiency in
IAF. This tendency agrees with that shown in the separated flotation system (Fig. 3-3).
However, too much over dosage will cause the decrease of removal efficiency.

Effect of flocculation time

In practice, flocculation time and mixing conditions are controlled to change the floc
size. The rapid mixing is to dissolve the coagulant which can destabilize kaolin particles.
The destabilized particles agglomerate together and grow up to flocs during the slow
mixing period. Their effects on the particle removal efficiency in the batch flotation
experiments are shown in Fig. 3-13. For rapid mixing of 1 minute, the removal efficiency
is only about 20-30 %. As the rapid mixing time increases to 3 min, it increases suddenly
to 80-90 %. But, much longer flocculation time just shows a little effect on the removal
efficiency. It indicates that longer flocculation time is not necessary in this IAF process,
which coincides with the design and operation of DAF, where shorter flocculation times
are preferred (Edzwald, 1995; Haarhoff and Edzwald, 2004). Actually, longer
flocculation time is not economically feasible in practice.

Effect of air and water flow rates

The effects of air and water flow rates on particle removal efficiency are illustrated in
Fig. 3-14. The removal efficiency is increased from about 85% to about 90% when water
flow rate decreases from14 L/min to 12 L/min. But it is not improved much further when
QW is decreased from 12 L/min to 10 L/min. The bubble size and bubble number
concentration for different water flow rates are shown in Table 3-2. As the water flow
rate QW increased from 12 to 14L/min, the bubble number concentration decreased from
4.6104 to 2.5104 bubbles mL-1 but the average bubble size increased from 52 to
62m. Consequently, the particle removal rate constant k in Eqs. (3-5,6) decreases with
increasing QW due to the increase of bubble size and decrease of bubble concentration.

- 80 -
Moreover, the high turbulence resulted from high water flow rate may destruct the fragile
flocs, which can further degrade the particle removal performance of the flotation.
Water flow rate was controlled by adjusting the valve 12c in Fig. 3-7 in the
experiments. Water flow rate of 14 L/min was obtained with the valve 12c full open.
Closing the valve resulted in a decrease in the water flow rate accompanied by an
increase in the pressure of the pump outflow. The pressure of the outflow then dropped
again as the fluid flowed through the generator. The lower the water flow rate, the greater
the pressure drop. When the water flow rate decreased from 14 to 12 and then 10 L/min,
the pressure drop increased from 0.3 MPa to 0.4 MPa, and much higher to 0.5 MPa. In
the dissolved air flotation, it is found that smaller bubble can be generated at higher
saturation pressure as long as the pressure is lower than a critical value (about 3.5
atmospheres) (Han et al., 2002b). Bubble size shown in Table 3-2 indicated a similar
tendency. The average size of bubbles decreased when the pressure drop increased from
0.3 MPa (at QW =14 L/min) to 0.4 MPa (at QW =12 L/min). The average size of bubbles
generated at QW = 10 L/min is almost the same as that at QW =12 L/min although the
pressure drop at QW = 10 L/min was greater that at QW =12 L/min.
On the other hand, the removal efficiency increases very slightly with the increase of
air flow rate QA, which indicates the capacity of the improved method (b) is decided by
the water flow rate, in another word, the pressure drop through the generator.

Effect of recycle ratio

Fig. 3-15 shows the effect of recycle ratio on the particle removal efficiency. The
removal efficiency increases with the increase of recycle ratio, but 15% is enough to
remove over 95% of the kaolin particles for QW of 12 L/min by dosing 1.5 mg-Al/L PAC.
The increase of recycle ratio leads to the increase of bubble number concentration, which
can improve bubble-particle collisions. However, the surface area of floc limits the
number of bubbles that can be attached (Matsui et al., 1998). Hence, much higher recycle
ratios cannot improve the performance further, but just increase the running cost.

- 81 -
3.4.3 Conclusions

The suitability of the one-cell IAF process developed with the improved microbubble
generating system was examined in batch experiments. Results indicate that both
coagulant dosage and flocculation time are vitally important. A slight overdose achieved
better removal efficiency and no or less flocculation time performed very well. Water and
air flow rates and recycle ratio were controlled to study the effects of bubble size and
bubble concentration which have a major impact on the bubble-floc collisions. Lower
water flow rate achieved better removal efficiency due to the increase of bubble
concentration and decrease of bubble size. Air flow rate shows little effect on the removal
efficiency under the present experimental conditions.

- 82 -



Removal efficiency [%]




30 (a) Gas suction by generator

(b) Gas suction by pump with generator
20 (c) Gas suction by pump with dispersing nozzle


0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60
Gas flow rate [L/min]

Fig. 3-11 Effect of microbubble generating method on removal efficiency

(PAC dosage, 1.5 mg-Al/L; flocculation time, 10 min; r, 10%; QW, 12 L/min)

- 83 -



Removal efficiecny [%]

Qw: 12L/min
Qw: 14L/min





0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
PAC dosage [mg-Al/L]

Fig. 3-12 Effect of PAC dosage on particle removal efficiency

(Flocculation time, 10 min; r, 10 %; QA, 0.5 L/min)

- 84 -



Removal efficiency [%]

Qw: 12L/min
50 Qw: 14L/min





R.M. R.M R.M. R.M.3min R.M.3min R.M.3min
1min 2min 3min S.M.5min S.M.10min S.M.15min

Fig. 3-13 Effect of mixing time on particle removal efficiency

(R.M., rapid mixing; S.M., slow mixing; PAC dosage, 1.5 mg-Al/L; r, 10 %; QA, 0.5

- 85 -



Removal efficiecny [%]

80 Qw: 10L/min
Qw: 12L/min
Qw: 14L/min




0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Gas flow rate [L/min]

Fig. 3-14 Effect of gas and water flow rates on particle removal efficiency
(PAC dosage, 1.5 mg-Al/L; Flocculation time, 10 min; r, 10 %)

- 86 -



Removal efficiency [%]

Qw: 12L/min
75 Qw: 14L/min





0 5 10 15 20 25
Recycle Ratio [%]
Fig. 3-15 Effect of recycle ratio on particle removal efficiency
(PAC dosage, 1.5 mg/L; Flocculation time, 10 min; QA, 0.5 L/min)

- 87 -
Table 3-2 Effect of water flow rate on bubble size and concentration

Pressure Standard Bubble number
QW QA diameter G
drop deviation concentration
L/min L/min MPa m - - bubbles/mL
10 0.50 0.5 53 21 3.810 4.9104
12 0.50 0.4 52 20 3.410-3 4.6104
14 0.50 0.3 62 22 3.110-3 2.5104

- 88 -

db = microbubble size [m]

dp = particle size [m]
C0 = turbidity of raw kaolin suspension [NTU]
C0 = revised turbidity of raw kaolin suspension [NTU]
C = turbidity of sample kaolin suspension [NTU]
Np = particle number concentration [mL-1]
r = dilution ratio or recycle ratio (=Vr/V0) [%]
R = particle removal efficiency defined by Eq. (3-3) [%]
QW = water flow rate [L/min]
QA = air flow rate [L/min]
QA1 = flow rate of air induced by pump [L/min]
QA2 = flow rate of air induced by generator [L/min]
V0 = volume of raw kaolin suspension [L]
Vr = volume of bubbly water [L]

pb = particle-bubble collision efficiency []

T = total single collector efficiency []
b = microbubble volume concentration []

- 89 -
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- 92 -

Ozone mass transfer using microbubbles

4.1 Introduction

Ozonation is now gaining popularity in water and wastewater treatment due to its high
efficiency for decomposition of refractory organic compounds. In drinking water
treatment, ozone has been used as a pretreatment reagent, an oxidant and a disinfectant.
For the wastewater treatment, the ozonation has been applied to the removal of soluble
organic matters and decolorization.
However, the application of ozone to water and wastewater treatment has been limited
by its low utilization efficiency, which mainly results from the low mass-transfer rate of
ozone from the gas phase to the liquid phase because the ozone concentration in the
carrier gas is relatively low.
For the most popular ozone mass transfer technique in water and wastewater treatment,
gas diffusers are used due to the effective ozone transfer and simple construction.
However, it is required that the contactor has relatively deep height and wide surface area
to achieve effective ozone transfer. Moreover, the occurrence of diffuser clogging and
bubble vertical channel can cause an efficiency decrease. Except for the conventional
bubble diffuser contactor, there are many other techniques including turbine mixers,
injectors, packed columns and spray chambers. They all have their own merits and
demerits when employed in ozone contact reactor (Bruno et al., 1991). One similarity
among all of these systems mentioned above is that bubbles all have diameters on the
order of millimeter.
The mass transfer efficiency of ozone from the gas phase to the liquid phase is always
evaluated by the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient, KLa. It is the product of the
overall mass transfer coefficient, KL, and the specific interfacial area, a. In the most ozone
contact reactor, the resistance is predominantly on the liquid side. Thus, KL is considered
to equal to the liquid phase mass transfer coefficient, kL. The kL depends on the mixing

- 93 -
characteristics of the gas-liquid contactor used and the kinetics of ozone reactions
produced, while a is determined by the number and size of ozone bubbles produced. The
smaller the bubble size is, the higher the specific interfacial area is. Additionally, smaller
bubbles are associated with larger residence time and, therefore, higher gas volume
fraction. Moreover, as introduced in Section 1.2.1, the gas pressure inside a bubble is
greater than that of outside it which is due to the surface tension. The magnitude of the
pressure difference can be predicted according to the Young-Laplace Equation (Eq. 1-4).
The smaller the bubble is, the higher the pressure inside it is. For instance, the Laplace
pressure of a 1 m bubble is about 0.29 MPa at 25, about 3 times the atmospheric
pressure. According to the Henrys law, the dissolved concentration of ozone in water at
saturation, CL*, is proportional to the partial pressure of ozone, P, at a given temperature.
Therefore, the driving force for mass transfer increases with the decrease of bubble size.
Moreover, as the ozone gas dissolves into the liquid phase, the bubble shrinks, further
increasing the Laplace pressure. Therefore, it is inferred that the effectiveness of ozone as
an oxidant can be increased by the employment of smaller bubbles.
In this chapter, the rotating-flow microbubble generator was introduced to ozone
contactor in order to improve its mass transfer to the liquid to be treated. Although this
kind of microbubble generator has been successfully applied in many fields such as
closed water purification and marine cultivation (Onari et al., 1997, 1999 and 2002),
there is no specific evaluation on the mass transfer properties of the generator. Therefore,
in the first part of this chapter, its properties for mass transfer were investigated when
oxygen was used as a model gas. Then the different handling method proposed in
CHAPTER 2 was utilized and compared with the standard one to check whether it can
improve mass transfer efficiency or not. In the last part of this chapter, the ozone
absorption efficiency were examined in a semi-batch bubble column with the
microbubble generator and compared with the reference data where milli-bubbles were

4.2 Experiment in mass transfer of oxygen

- 94 -
4.2.1 Experimental apparatus

A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus is illustrated in Fig. 4-1. The

bubble column is made of acrylic resin and has an inner diameter of 0.20m and a height
of 1.20m. Microbubble generation system consists of a rotating-flow microbubble
generator (M2-LM/PVC, Nanoplanet Research Institute Co.) and a centrifugal pump
(20KED04S, Nikuni Co., Ltd.). The generator, which has an outer diameter of 50mm and
a height of 100mm, was set in the lower part of the column.

(1) Gas suction way

The normal microbubble system using the rotating-flow microbubble generator is

shown in Fig. 2-2(a). During bubble generation, water is pumped into the generator, and a
rotating flow is formed along the inner wall leading to a negative pressure zone along its
axis. Then air is sucked by the negative pressure zone and sheared by the rotating flow.
Microbubbles are generated when the mixture of water and air is spouted out with a very
high rotating velocity. To increase the gas/liquid ratio, G/L, the author tried to combine it
with a centrifugal pump and change the gas suction way shown in CHAPTER 2. In this
case, air is induced by the centrifugal pump instead of by the generator as shown in Fig.
2-2(b). Then water and air are simultaneously aspirated and mixed by the pump. The
pressurized mixture of air and water is then decompressed through the microbubble
generator with a high rotating velocity. The mass transfer efficiencies of these two
methods are compared by measuring the volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen.

(2) Experimental method

A dynamic oxygen stripping method was used to determine the volumetric mass
transfer coefficient of oxygen. Firstly, air was distributed until water was saturated by
oxygen. And then, oxygen microbubbles were allowed to disengage. After that, nitrogen

microbubbles were produced and the change of dissolved oxygen concentration, CO2 ,

with time, t, was measured with a DO sensor (DO-55, TOA Electronics Co., Ltd.) which

- 95 -
was set 0.70m from the bottom, nearly in the radial and axial center of the bubble
With the assumption that the liquid in the bubble column is completely mixed, because
it is circulated with a relatively high specific velocity. Then the mass transfer rate can be
given by the following equation,

C k a
ln O2 = L ,O2 t (4- 1)
C0,O 1 G

where C0,O2 is the dissolved oxygen concentration at the initial time [mg/L]; G is the

gas holdup [-]. If the gas holdup, G, is known, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient,

k L ,O2 a [s-1], can be obtained from the slope when plotting ln CO2 / C0,O2 ) against t. One

example was shown in Fig. 4-2. Oxygen concentration decreased with the injection of

nitrogen microbubbles. There is a good linear relationship between ln CO 2 / C0, O 2 ) and t.

4.2.2 Results and discussion

The oxygen volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kL,O 2 a , and the gas holdup, G, of

two kinds of microbubble generation methods at different superficial velocity are shown

in Fig. 4-3. Both kL,O 2 a and G in the method (b), where nitrogen gas is aspirated by the

pump and dispersed by the microbubble generator as shown in Fig. 2-2 (b), are higher
than those in the method (a), where the gas was induced by the generator as shown in Fig.
2-2 (a). Then it is proved that gas mass transfer efficiency of the method (b) is higher
than that of the method (a). The method (b) will be used for ozone mass transfer in the
next section.

4.3 Experiments in mass transfer of ozone

4.3.1 Experimental apparatus

- 96 -
Ozone was generated from oxygen by a corona-discharge ozone generator
(SO-03UN03, Tokyu Car Co.). Ozone concentration in the gas phase was monitored
using an UV-absorption ozone meter (EG-320, Ebara Jitsugyo Co., Ltd.). A vane pump
was used to continuously sample water to a polarographic ozone meter (ELP-100, Ebara
Jitsugyo Co., Ltd.) for the analysis of dissolved ozone concentration. The outlet gas was
fed into an ozone destructor after being analyzed by the gaseous ozone meter. The
measurement of ozone gas flow rate was made using a mass flow meter (Model-3340,
Kofloc Co.), while the water flow rate was measured with a flow meter (SP-562,
Tecflow International IR-Flow Co.). A transistor inverter (VF-nC12004P, Toshiba Co.,
Ltd) connected with the centrifugal pump was used to control the water flow rate.
Unbuffered distilled water was used in all the experiments.
The ozone contactor was operated under a semi-batch condition, with water
circulated by the centrifugal pump. The experimental system was started by switching
on the centrifugal pump and the ozone generator simultaneously. But, air instead of
ozone was induced until a stable ozone concentration and desired gas flow rate were
achieved. The increase of ozone concentrations in water and off-gas with time was
monitored during 30 minutes ozone absorption experiment.
The following parameters were varied during the experimental program: Inlet ozone
gas concentration CG,in: 10.8-28.2 g-O3/Nm3, water flow rate QW: 15.0~19.5 L/min,
induced gas flow rate QG: 0.25~1.50 NL/min and water surface height h: 0.76-1.16m.

4.3.2 Analytical method

The volumetric mass transfer coefficient of ozone, kL,O 3 a was determined from the

Boltzmann fit as referred to Bins method (Bin, 2004). Bin (2004) proposed that the
changes of dissolved ozone concentration with time could be successfully approximated
by the Boltzmann fit, which is based on the following expression,
A1 A2
C (t ) = + A2 (4- 2)
t t0
1 + exp
where A1, A2, t0 and D are the fitting parameters, C(t) is the fitted concentration [mg/L]

- 97 -
and t is time [s]. When the differentiation of C(t) with respect to t and some arrangement
are performed, the following equation is obtained from Eq. (4-2),
dC 1
= [ A1 A2 + ( A1 + A2 )C C 2 ] (4- 3)
dt D( A2 A1 )
The mass balance of ozone in the liquid phase can be expressed by the following
= kL,O 3 a(CL* CL ) + (k2CL k3CL2 ) = kL,O 3 aCL* + (k2 k L,O 3 a )CL k3CL2 (4- 4)
where CL is the dissolved ozone concentration in the liquid phase [mg/L], CL* is the

equilibrium ozone concentration in the liquid phase, k L,O 3 a is volumetric mass transfer

coefficient of ozone [s-1], k2 and k3 are the ozone decomposition rate constant, [s-1] and
[L/mgs], respectively. The similarity between Eq. (4-3) and Eq. (4-4) reveals that
Boltzmann equation Eq. (4-2) is one of solutions to Eq. (4-4), and the corresponding
terms have the same value as shown in the following equations,
A1 A2
k L ,O3 a C L* = (4- 5)
D( A2 A1 )
A1 + A2
k 2 k L ,O3 a = (4- 6)
D ( A2 A1 )
k3 = (4- 7)
D( A2 A1 )
The fitting parameters A1, A2, t0 and D are obtained by fitting Eq. (4-2) to the
experimental data with the minimum value of the sum of squares of deviations.
The equilibrium ozone concentration, CL*, is given by the Henrys law,
CL* = (4- 8)
where is the water density [kg/m3], R is the gas constant [0.08206Latm/Kmol], T is
temperature [K], M is water molecular weight [18 g/mol], CG is ozone concentration in
gas phase and H is the Henrys constant [atm/mol fraction] which can be calculated by
means of the correlation proposed by Roth and Sullivan (1981):

H = 3.84 107 [OH ]0.035 exp(2428 / T ) (4- 9)

By assuming that the inlet and outlet ozone gas has the same flow rate (QG,in=QG,out),

- 98 -
we define the ozone transfer ratio, [%], in the semi-batch ozone contactor as follows
(Hsu and Huang, 1996),

Win Wout
(t ) = 100
Qin Cin t t0 Qout Cout dt
= 100 (4- 10)
Qin Cin t
1 t
Cin t 0
= (1 Cout dt ) 100

where Win and Wout are the total input and output amounts of ozone measured in the gas
phase, respectively [g]; Cout is the ozone concentration in off-gas from the top of the
bubble column [mg/L]. Because Cout varied with time, the amount of ozone output during
a period of t can be calculated through integrating the time-depending equation of Cout
which was obtained by approximating the measured Cout.

4.3.3 Results and discussion

(1) Effect of gas flow rate on the ozone mass transfer

The dissolved ozone concentration in water is plotted against time for different
induced-gas flow rates in Fig. 4-4. The Boltzmann fit results are also illustrated as solid
lines in Fig. 4-4. The dissolved ozone concentration increases with time and reaches a
equilibrium state at last. For a constant water flow rate, the dissolved ozone concentration
gets constant more quickly as the gas flow rate increases. There is a little deviation in the
equilibrium concentration, which results from the difference of temperature in these
experiments. The change of dissolved ozone concentration with time can be expressed by
the Boltzmann fit (Eq. 4-2) very well.

The volumetric mass transfer coefficient of ozone, kL,O 3 a , obtained in the present

study, is compared to those from other researchers in Fig. 4-5. When microbubbles are

used, the kL,O 3 a reaches a similar value at lower gas flow rate as compared to


- 99 -
Fig. 4-6 shows the effect of gas flow rate on the ozone transfer ratio obtained by Eq.
(4-10). As the driving force decreases with time owing to the increase of dissolved ozone
concentration, the ozone transfer ratio also decreases with time. We can also find that the
highest ozone transfer ratio was achieved at the lowest gas flow rate, 0.25L/min.

The curve fitting results of kL,O 3 a and experimental results of G are listed in Table

4-1. The average of squares of deviations R2 is over 0.999, which indicates that
experimental data on ozone dissolution with its simultaneous decomposition can be well

fitted with the Boltzmann fit. The volumetric mass transfer coefficient of ozone, kL,O 3 a ,

increases with the feed gas flow rate due to the increase of specific area, a, which is
proportional to the gas holdup, G, and inversely proportional to the bubble diameter, d.

(2) Effect of water flow rate

The effect of water flow rates on the dissolved ozone concentration in water is
shown in Fig. 4-7. The solid lines shown in Fig. 4-7 are the Boltzmann fit results which
agree with the experimental results very well. For a constant gas flow rate and inlet ozone
gas concentration, the equilibrium ozone concentration increases slightly with the
increase of water flow rate. As the water flow rate increased from 15.0 L/min to 19.5
L/min, the head pressure also increased from 0.22 MPa to 0.38 MPa, which results in the
slight increase in the equilibrium concentration.

The kL,O 3 a increases with increasing the water flow rate, although the values of G

keep almost constant as shown in Table 4-1. The reason is that the increase of turbulent
at high water flow rate decreases the thickness of the liquid film, leading to the increase
of kL.

(3) Effect of inlet ozone concentration

Fig. 4-8(a) shows the variation of dissolved ozone concentration in water with time at
different inlet ozone concentrations using the same flow rates of water and gas. The

- 100 -
increase of inlet ozone concentration, CG,in, greatly increases the dissolved ozone
concentration in water. The reason is inferred as follows. Because the gas flow rate was
constant, the increase of CG,in led to the increase of ozone mass input. The increase in
CG,in means the increase of ozone partial pressure in the gas phase. With the partial
pressure of ozone in the gas phase increasing, the driving force for gas mass transfer
increases, which explains why high concentrations of dissolved ozone are obtained at the
same value of CG,int as shown in Fig. 4-8(b).
Fig. 4-9 shows the equilibrium ozone concentration in the liquid phase at different inlet
ozone gas concentration. Along with the increase of inlet ozone concentrations, the
concentrations of dissolved ozone in water at steady state also increased due to the
increase of the partial pressure of ozone in the gas phase.

(4) Effect of water surface height

Water surface height, namely liquid volume in the reactor was varied from 0.76 m to
1.16 m, while water and gas flow rates, and inlet ozone concentration were kept constant.
Variation with time of dissolved ozone concentration in the middle of the reactor for
different water surface heights is illustrated in Fig. 4-10(a). It is shown that concentration
of dissolved ozone decreases with increasing water surface height. Generally speaking,
the circulation pathway of microbubbles and gas/liquid contact time increase with water
surface, which lead to higher dissolved concentration for a continuous system. However,
in the semi-batch reactor, ozone dosage of unit volume increases with decreasing water
surface height, which causes the reverse trend shown in Fig. 4-10(a). So, when the
dissolved concentration in water is plotted against time/water surface height as shown in
Fig. 4-10(b), the difference found in Fig. 4-10(b) became very little.

Volumetric mass transfer coefficients, kL,O 3 a , obtained from Boltzmann fitting are

listed in Table 4-1. The kL,O 3 a has a little increase with decreasing the water surface

height. One reason is that the low liquid volume leads to high gas holdup, and the other is
that better turbulence is provided by the rotating flow at lower liquid level.

- 101 -
4.4 Conclusions

In this chapter, we developed a new gas-induced ozone contactor with the proposed
microbubble generating method. The characteristics of the gas-induced ozone contactor
with microbubbles were investigated by measuring the volumetric mass transfer
coefficient and gas holdup.
Gas induction by the centrifugal pump shows better mass transfer ratio, due to its

higher efficiency of microbubble generation. The value of kL,O 3 a increases with

increasing the induced gas flow rate and liquid flow rate, but decreasing the working
liquid level. High ozone transfer ratio was achieved at low gas flow rate, which indicates
that the gas-induced ozone contactor is a desirable device for the dissolution of high
concentration ozone gas.

- 102 -

a = specific interfacial area [m-1]

A1, A2, t0 and D= fitting parameters in Eq. (4-2) [-]
CG = ozone concentration in gas phase [mg/L]
CG,in = inlet ozone gas concentration [mg/L]
CL = dissolved ozone concentration in the liquid phase [mg/L]
CL* = equilibrium ozone concentration in the liquid phase [mg/L]
Cout = ozone concentration in off-gas [mg/L]

CO2 = dissolved oxygen concentration [mg/L]

C0,O2 = dissolved oxygen concentration at initial time [mg/L]

d = diameter of a bubble [m]

G/L = QG/QW, Gas/liquid ratio, [-]
H = Henrys constant [atm/mol fraction]
k2 and k3 = ozone decomposition rate constant [s-1] and [L/mgs]
kL = liquid phase mass transfer coefficient [m/s]

k L,O2 a = overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen [s-1]

k L,O3 a = overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient of ozone [s-1]

M = water molecular weight [g/mol]

QW = water flow rate [L/min]
QG = gas flow rate [L/min]
QG,in = inlet gas flow rate [L/min]
QG,out = outlet gas flow rate [L/min]
R = gas constant [Latm/Kmol]
R2 = average of squares of deviations during curve fitting [-]
T = temperature [K]

- 103 -
t = time [s]
Win and Wout = total input and output amounts of ozone measured in the gas phase,
respectively [g]

G = gas holdup [-]

= water density [kg/m3]
= ozone transfer ratio [%]

- 104 -
Literature cited

Bi, A. K., B. Duczmal, P. Machniewski; Hydrodynamics and Ozone Mass Transfer in

a Tall Bubble Column, Chem. Eng. Sci., 56, 6233-6240 (2001)
Bi, A. K.; Ozone Dissolution in Aqueous Systems Treatment of the Experimental
Data, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 28, 395-405 (2004)
Bruno L., A. R. David and R. B. Deborah; Ozone in Water Treatment-Application and
Engineering, Lewis Publishers, pp.120-121 (1991)
Hsu, Y. C. and C. J. Huang; Characteristics of a New Gas-Induced Reactor, AIChE J.,
42, 3146, (1996)
Okamoto, R., H. Takeda, H., Shakutsui and H. Ohnari; Performance of Micro-Bubble
Generators, Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan,
August (2005)
Ohnari H.; Waste Water Purification in Wide Water Area by Use of Micro-Bubble
Techniques, Japanese J. Mutiphase Flow, 11, 263-266 (1997)
Ohnari H., T., Saga, K. Watanabe, K. Maeda and K. Matsuo; High Functional
Characteristics of Micro-bubbles and Water Purification, Resources Processing,
46, 238-244 (1999)
Ohnari H.; Water Purification of Ocean Environment and Revival of Fisheries Cultivation
Using Micro Bubble Technology, The 21st Symposium on Multiphase Flow,
Nagoya, Japan, July 29-31 (2002)
Ohnari H.; MB Research Front Line, (2006) (in Japanese)
Roth J. A. and D. E. Sullivan; Solubility of Ozone in Water, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam.
20, 137-140 (1981)

- 105 -
3 4

10 7

8 9

12 4
Gas 13 14

1. PC 9. Ozone destructor
2. Ultrasonic displacement sensor 10. Vane pump
3. Dehumidifier 11. Rotating-flow microbubble
4. Gas flow meter generator
5. Dissolved ozone monitor 12. Pressure gauge
6. Bubble column 13. Centrifugal pump
7. Water flow rate 14. Ozone generator
8. Gas ozone monitor 15. Oxygen cylinder

Fig. 4-1 Schematic diagram of experimental setup

- 106 -

CO2 [mg/L]

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time [s]

y = -3.21E-03x+ 7.15E-02
-0.4 R = 9.98E-01
ln(CO2/C0,O2) [-]







0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Time [s]
Fig. 4-2 Determination of the volumetric mass transfer coefficient of oxygen
(QW, 15L/min; QG, 0.5L/min; Microbubble generation method (b))

- 107 -
0.01 0.1
k La [s ]

G [-]
(a) Gas suction by generator
0.001 0.01
(b) Gas suction by pump with generator

0.0001 0.001
0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01
Superfical gas velocity [m/s]

Fig. 4-3 Comparison of kL,O 2 a and G in different microbubble generation methods

- 108 -

Ozone concentration in aqueous phase [mg/L]






0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Time [min]

Fig. 4-4 Effect of gas flow rate on the dissolved ozone concentration in liquid phase
(pH, 7.00.3; Temp., 232; CG,in, 28.2 g-O3/Nm3; QW, 15L/min; lines, Boltzmann fit)

- 109 -
present work
Bin et al., 2001
Watanabe et al., 1991

kL,O3a [s-1]


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Superficial gas flow rate [m/s]
Fig. 4-5 Comparison of kL,O3a in the improved ozone reactor with reference data
(pH,7.00.3; Temp., 232; CG,in, 28.2 g-O3/Nm3; QW, 15L/min)

- 110 -


Ozone transfer ratio [%]


50 0.50L/min
40 1.50L/min

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [min]

Fig. 4-6 Effect of gas flow rate on the ozone transfer ratio
(pH, 7.00.3; Temp., 232 ; CG,in, 28.2 g-O3/Nm3; QW, 15 L/min)

- 111 -

Ozone concentration in aqueous phase [mg/L]



5.0 Qw
4.0 17.5L/min

3.0 19.5L/min



0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [min]

Fig. 4-7 Effect of water flow rate on the dissolved ozone concentration in liquid phase
(pH, 7.00.3; Temp., 23.52 ; CG,in, 28.2 g-O3/Nm3; QG, 1.0 NL/min; h, 1.16 m;
lines, Boltzmann fit)

- 112 -
8.0 10.8mg/L

Dissolved ozone concentration [mg/L]







0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [min]

Ozone concentration in aqueous phase [mg/L]



3.0 20.6mg/L


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
CG,in *t [g/m3*min]

Fig. 4-8 Effect of inlet ozone concentration on the dissolved ozone concentration
(pH, 4.90.6, Temp., 23.62.4; QG, 0.5 NL/min; QW, 15.0L/min; h, 1.16m; lines in
(a), Boltzmann fit)

- 113 -
Dissolved ozone concentration at steady state Css [mg/L] 30





0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Inlet ozone concentration C G,in [g/Nm ]

Fig. 4-9 Effect of inlet ozone concentration on the dissolved ozone concentration at
steady state
(pH, 4.90.6; Temp., 23.62.4 ; QG, 0.5 NL/min; QW, 15.0 L/min; h, 1.16 m)

- 114 -

Ozone concentration in aqueous phase [mg/L]




4.0 0.97m


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [min]
Ozone concentration in liquid phase [mg/L



6.0 h


0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0
Time/Height [min/m]
Fig. 4-10 Effect of water surface height on the dissolved ozone concentration
(pH, 4.80.3; Temp., 21.62.3; CG,in, 28.2 g-O3/Nm3; QG, 0.5NL/min; QW,
15.0L/min; lines, Boltzmann fit)

- 115 -
Table 4-1 Effects of gas and water flow rates on k L ,O3 a and G

CG,in QG QW G/L h k L , O3 a R2 G

[g-O3/Nm3] [L/min] [L/min] [-] [m] [s-1] [-] [-]

0.25 0.017 0.00207 0.99976 0.0024
0.50 0.033 0.00274 0.99986 0.0032
1.00 0.067 0.00521 0.99962 0.0041
28.2 1.50 0.100 0.00728 0.99982 0.0051
15.0 0.067 1.16 0.00521 0.99962 0.0040
1.00 17.5 0.057 0.00550 0.99990 0.0039
19.5 0.051 0.00688 0.99993 0.0041
20.6 0.00192 0.99985 0.0032
0.50 15.0 0.033
10.8 0.00134 0.99969 0.0032
0.96 0.00357 0.99980 -
28.2 0.50 15.0 0.033
0.76 0.00402 0.99977 -

- 116 -

Ozonation of dimethyl sulfoxide in aqueous solution using


5.1 Introduction

Dimethyl sulfoxide ((CH3)2SO, DMSO), an organosulfur compound having two C-S

bonds in its molecular structure as shown in Fig. 5-1, is colorless, thermally and
chemically stable, and has excellent solvency for many organic and inorganic substances.
It is widely utilized in numerous process and product applications. For example, in the
manufacture of semiconductors and liquid crystal displays (LCD), it is used as a
detergent or a photoresist stripping solvent in the washing and rinsing processes. Then
there is a large quantity of wastewater containing DMSO produced from these processes.
The annual production of wastewater containing DMSO from industries is about 5,000
tons in Japan (Murakami et al., 2002). However, DMSO has toxic effects on many
organisms due to its high osmolarity. Discharge of DMSO to the natural water body has
led to serious environmental pollution. It is reported that DMSO plays an important role
in the formation of marine troposphere aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei (Charlson
et al., 1987; Park et al., 2001).




Fig. 5-1 Molecular structure of DMSO

- 117 -
Wastewater containing DMSO can be classified into two types according to DMSO
concentration. The first type contains DMSO at high concentrations, usually more than
1,000 mg/L, and it is mainly discharged from the photoresist stripping solvent. Generally,
this kind of wastewater is concentrated and combusted for the removal of DMSO. The
other type contains DMSO at low concentrations ranging from 10 to 1000 mg/L, and it is
mainly derived from the rinsing process in the manufacture of semiconductors and LCDs.
The amount of the second type of wastewater is large as compared with that of the first
type, and its low concentration results in low removal efficiency (Murakami et al., 2002).
Biological treatment is the most popular method for the removal of DMSO from
wastewater at a low level of concentration. Microorganisms in sewage and activated
sludge can use DMSO as a carbon and energy source and degrade it to formaldehyde and
sulfide by a pathway as shown in Fig. 5-2(a). The breakdown of 1 mole of DMSO
produces 2 moles of formaldehyde which is finally converted to carbon dioxide or used
for cell synthesis, and 1 mole of sulfide which is oxidized to sulfide in the end.
Intermediate products such as dimethyl sulfide (DMS), methyl mercaptan and hydrogen
sulfide cause odor problems, and are toxic to humans (Park et al., 2001). Glindemann et
al. (2006) carried out a field study at a sewage treatment plant of Philadelphia and found
that overlooked mg/L concentration of industrial DMSO waste residues in sewage could
cause rotten cabbage odor problems in conventional municipal wastewater treatment.
They also reported that formation of odorant DMS from DMSO often occurred under
anoxic and anaerobic conditions, such as in poorly conveyed zones in the sewers, primary
sedimentation tanks, selector zones in activated sludge systems, zones with poor mixing
performance in aeration tanks, and in secondary sedimentation.
Recently, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are applied to the biological
treatment of DMSO as a pretreatment process to overcome the odor problem.
Combinations of ozone (O3) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or UV are often utilized in the
AOPs. Park et al. (2001) suggested fenton treatment (Fe2+/H2O2) as a useful pretreatment
method for biological treatment in the case of highly concentrated DMSO. But the
production of fenton sludge is one big problem. Koito et al. (1988) showed that UV/H2O2
process could efficiently oxidize DMSO into methansulfonic acid (MSA, CHSO3H)

- 118 -
which was biodegradable without producing any reduced and harmful sulfur-containing
by-products. Shigeta (1999) proposed a treatment method concluding two steps: oxidation
of DMSO to dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2) with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ozone, and
biodegradation of DMSO2 by activated sludge. In these AOPs, hydroxyl radical OH is
assumed to be the main oxidant responsible for the decomposition of DMSO. A proposed
oxidation pathway of DMSO is shown in Fig. 5-2(b). DMSO is firstly degraded into
dimethyl sulfone (DMSO2). Secondly, DMSO2 is oxidized into MSA, and further to
sulfuric acid. Although AOPs can efficiently control formation of odorant substances, the
high costs of equipment, chemicals and electricity diminish their advantages to some
extent. Shigeta (1999) demonstrated that the further oxidation of DMSO2 to MAS was not
recommended because that would increase the consumption of oxidizers which were
always expensive.

Cell material
(a) Biological degradation (Park et al., 2001)

Oxidant Oxidant Oxidant



(b) Oxidation by O3/H2O2

Fig. 5-2 Proposed pathways of DMSO during the degradation

In the first part of experiments in CHAPTER 5, the author tried to search for a
non-chemical method to remove DMSO with microbubbles. Static pressure intensively
increases and decreases after during microbubble generation, which may result in bubble
collapse. As well known in the sonoluminescence phenomenon, the collapse of bubbles

- 119 -
produced by cavitation creates short-lived, localized hot spots (Gaitan et al., 1992). In
clouds of cavitating bubbles, these hot spots have equivalent temperatures of roughly
5000 K, pressures of about 1000 atmospheres, and heating and cooling rates about 1010
K/s (Suslick et al., 1999). Such a high-temperature and high-pressure zone can make
water molecules abound it decomposed, yielding hydroxyl radical OH. If hot spots occur
during microbubble generation in the proposed system of this study, the produced OH
can degrade DMSO to DMSO2. This hypothesis will be verified through air microbubble
generation under different conditions.
In the second part of CHAPTER 5, some experimental work on ozone oxidation of
DMSO is shown. It has been verified in CHAPTER 4 that ozone mass transfer can be
improved by the application of microbubbles. Consequently, the reaction between ozone
and organic substance is supposed to be accelerated by using microbubbles.

5.2 Experimental

The raw water was prepared by diluting DMSO reagent with distilled water. The
concentration of DMSO was kept about 10 mg/L in all experiments. 0.1M hydrochloric
acid (HCl) solution and 0.05M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution are used to adjust pH
of DMSO solution. Ionic strength of DMSO solution was varied by adding sodium
chloride (NaCl). Salt concentration was changed from 0 to 1 wt%, while pH was varied
in the range of 4.3~9.5.
The experimental apparatus was the same as that used in CHAPTER 4 as shown in Fig.
4-1. All the experiments were carried out in semi-batch mode. For the experiments in free
radical verification, air microbubbles were generated at air and water flow rates of
0.5L/min and 15.0 L/min, respectively. Samples were taken from the sampling tap in the
middle of the reactor every 5 minutes. For the experiments in ozone oxidation, ozone
microbubbles are generated at different gas and water flow rates. Ozone concentrations in
solution and inlet and outlet gases were online monitored during the whole reaction
DMSO and DMSO2 concentrations in aqueous samples were determined by GC-FID
(GC-2010, Shimazu Co.). The analysis conditions in GC method are as follows: the

- 120 -
initial temperature in DB-WAX column was 100 C and kept for 1 minute; then the
temperature was increased to 230 C at a rate of 30 C/min and maintained at the final
temperature for 6 minutes; the temperature in FID was 250 C. The detection time was
3.9 min for DMSO measurement and 5.3 min for DMSO2. Carrier gas, helium, was fed at
a flow rate of 15 mL/min.
TOC (total organic carbon) of aqueous samples was measured with SHIMAZU
TOC-5000. A pH meter (HM-40S, DKK-TOA Co.) was used to measure pH of samples.

5.3 Theoretical

In a gas-liquid system where gas dissolution is followed by a chemical reaction, two

steps control the overall reaction rate: the mass transfer from gas phase to the liquid
phase and the chemical reaction in the liquid phase (Rice and Browning, 1981; Gould and
Ulirsch, 1992). The ozone oxidation can be considered to be a mass-transfer controlled
reaction owing to the low solubility of ozone (Hsu and Huang, 1996). In such a
mass-transfer controlled reaction, the resistance of gas film diffusion is negligible as
compared with that of liquid film diffusion, and the rate of mass transfer of ozone from
gas phase into liquid phase is limited by liquid film diffusion (Kuo et al., 1977; Sotelo et
al., 1989; Gould and Ulirsch, 1992; Munter et al., 1993).
It is assumed that the ozonation of DMSO can be presented by Eq. (5-1) with a
stoichiometric ratio of b.
DMSO+bO3+H2O DMSO2+other products (5- 1)
By referring to Hsu and Huang (1996) and Saunders et al. (1983), the rate of reaction
can be defined by Eq. (5-2) with assuming that the reaction is a first-order.

dCD (k L ,O3 a ) DL , D
= k D CD = CD (5- 2)
dt DL ,O3

The terms in Eq. (5-2) are defined as follows: CD [mg/L] is the concentration of DMSO,
kD [s-1] is the reaction constant, kL,O3a [s-1] is the mass transfer coefficient of ozone, DL,D
and DL,O3 [m2/s] are the molecular diffusivity of DMSO and ozone. Assuming that the
diffusivities of ozone and DMSO in water and the quantity of kL,O3a remain constant
during the reaction, Eq. (5-3) can be obtained by integrating Eq.(5-2).

- 121 -
C D 0 (k L ,O3 a ) DL ,D
ln = t (5- 3)

The value of ln(CD,0 /CD) in a reaction can be plotted against with the reaction time. If
there is a linear relationship between them, the assumption of firs-order ozonation
kinetics of DMSO is correct and the slope of the line represents (kL,O3a) DL,D/ DL,O3.

5.4 Results and discussion

5.4.1 Air microbubbles

It has been reported in many literatures that high concentration of a solute could
prevent bubble coalescence and cause small bubbles to be formed (Hofmeir et al., 1995;
Walker et al., 2001). In this work, NaCl was added to the raw water containing DMSO.
Fig. 5-3 shows the variation of DMSO concentration, TOC and pH at different NaCl
concentrations. DMSO concentration did not decrease but slightly increased when no salt
was added. However, a little decrease in DMSO concentration was observed at salt
concentrations of both 4.0 g/L and 9.4 g/L. TOC kept almost constant at all the salt
concentrations. Changes of pH shows similar trend with that of DMSO concentration.
However, DMSO2, the expected product from DMSO oxidation by hydroxyl radicals,
was not detected at all conditions, which suggested that no free radicals were generated
during microbubble generation.
The initial pH of raw water without any adjustment was neutral. With the addition of
NaOH or HCl solutions, the initial pH was changed to basic or acid, respectively. DMSO
concentration, TOC and pH were plotted with time in Fig. 5-4. There are not any marked
tendency shown in the variation of DMSO concentration, TOC and pH. Analysis results
for DMSO2 concentration were zero at each initial pH value. Then, it is believed that
there were not free radicals produced during microbubble generation under the present

- 122 -
5.4.2 Ozone microbubbles

(1) Effect of ozone gas flow rate on DMSO oxidation

Gas flow rate of input ozone was varied from 0.25 L/min to 1.50 L/min, while water
flow rate and ozone concentration was kept 15.0 L/min and 28.2 g-O3/Nm3, respectively.
Fig. 5-5 shows the changes of TOC, DMSO and DMSO2 concentrations, and pH with
reaction time. TOC remained constant as the gas flow rate was changed. DMSO
concentrations and pH of solution decreased while the oxidation product, DMSO2,
increased with time proceeding. The oxidation rate, that is, the decrease rate of DMSO or
the increase rate of DMSO2, also increased with increasing the ozone gas flow rate. This
can be explained by the difference in aqueous ozone concentrations as shown in Fig.
5-6(a). When the input gas flow rate was increased, the concentration of ozone dissolved
in water also increased, which resulted in the increase of oxidation rate.
The change of ozone concentration in off-gas with time as shown in Fig. 5-6(b) was
used to calculate the ozone transfer ratio, [%], through the Eq. (4-10). The calculation
results are illustrated in Fig. 5-7(b). The ozone transfer ratio decreased with the increase
of ozone gas flow rate, which agrees with the results shown in Fig. 4-6.
To examine the effect of gas flow rate on the ozone utilization ratio, we divided the
quantity of ozone supplied into that of DMSO removed and plot them with gas flow rates
in Fig. 5-8(a). The amount of ozone supplied, WO3,S, and that of DMSO removed, WD,R
during a time of t are calculated by the following equations,
WO3,S = Qin Cin t; WD,R= (CD0-CD) V t (5- 4)
where V [L] is the volume of raw water in the ozone reactor. The ratio of WD,R/WO3,S
decreased with reaction time. When the ozone gas flow rate was varied from 0.25L/min
to 1.50 L/min, the value of WD,R/WO3,S at the end of reaction decreased from 0.72 to 0.31.
A part of ozone supplied into the reactor dissolved into water while the rest flowed out
with the off-gas as shown in Fig. 5-7(a). The amount of ozone dissolved into water, WO3,D,
can be calculated though the following equation,

WO3 , D = WO3 ,S WO3 ,out = Qin Cin t t0 Qout Cout dt (5- 5)

- 123 -
Therefore, it is also necessary to check how efficiently the part of ozone dissolved in
water was utilized by DMSO. Then, we divided the amount of ozone dissolved in water
into the corresponding amount of DMSO removed and illustrated the results in Fig.
5-8(b). The mass ratio of WD,R/WO3,D decreased from 0.8 to 0.4 when the gas flow rate
was varied from 0.25L/min to 1.00 L/min, but it slightly increased to 0.57 with the
further increase of gas flow rate to 1.50 L/min. However, the highest ozone utilization
ratio was obtained at the lowest gas flow rate for the present experimental conditions.
The linear relationship between ln(CD,0 /CD) and reaction time as shown in Fig. 5-9
indicates that the ozonation of DMSO is a first-order mass-transfer controlled reaction.
The reaction rate constants obtained from the slopes were listed in Fig. 5-9Table 5-1. kD
increased from 6.97 10-4 s-1 to 1.94 10-3 s-1 with the increase of gas flow rate from 0.25
L/min to 1.50 L/min.

(2) Effect of water flow rate on DMSO oxidation

The flow rate of water circulated by the centrifugal pump was changed from 15.0
L/min to 19.5 L/min, while gas flow rate and ozone concentration was kept 1.0 L/min and
28.2 g-O3/Nm3, respectively. Fig. 5-10 (a), (b) and (c) show the effect of water flow rate
on the changes of TOC and DMSO concentrations, DMSO2 concentration, and pH with
reaction time, respectively. TOC kept constant with time as water flow rate was varied.
DMSO concentration and pH of solution decreased and DMSO2 concentration increased
with reaction time proceeding. The effect of water flow rate on the oxidation rate was
very small as compared with that of gas flow rate.
The ozone concentrations in water and off-gas were measured in the process of
ozonation and the results are shown in Fig. 5-11 (a) and (b). Both the dissolved ozone
concentration and the off-gas ozone concentration slightly increased as the water flow
rated increased. Based on the data shown in Fig. 5-11, the ozone transfer ratio was
calculated and illustrated in Fig. 5-12 (a) and (b). Water flow rate had small effect on the
ozone transfer which is of great importance for a mass-transfer controlled reaction.

- 124 -
5.5 Conclusions

In the present chapter, the author verified whether hydroxyl radical can be generated by
microbubbles or not. There were no OH detected when salt concentration and pH were
changed for wide ranges. Much more intensive changes in static pressure are necessary to
make microbubbles collapse and generate free radicals.
The oxidation of DMSO by ozone using microbubbls was investigated under different
gas and water flow rates. Experimental results indicate that the ozonation of DMSO is a
first-order mass-transfer controlled reaction. Ozone utilization ratio increases with
decrease in gas flow rate. The ratio of DMSO removed to ozone dissolved can be raised
to as high as 0.8 or higher with proper gas and water flow rates.

- 125 -

b = stoichiometric ratio in Eq. (5-1) [-]

CD = DMSO concentration [mg/L]
CD0 = DMSO concentration in raw water (at t=0min) [mg/L]
Cin = inlet ozone gas concentration [mg/L]
Cout = ozone concentration in off-gas [mg/L]
DL,D = molecular diffusivity of DMSO [m2/s]
DL,O3 = molecular diffusivity of ozone [m2/s]
kD = reaction constant of reaction in Eq. (5-1) [s-1]
kL,O3a = overall mass transfer coefficient of ozone [s-1]
QW = water flow rate [L/min]
QG = gas flow rate [L/min]
t = time [min]
WD,R = amount of DMSO removed [mol]
WO3,D = amount of ozone dissolved into water [mol]
WO3,S = amount of ozone supplied [mol]
t = time [min]
= ozone transfer ratio [%]

- 126 -
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- 128 -
14 5.0

DMSO concentration []mg/L]

TOC concentration [mg/L]

10 DMSO;NaCl=4.0g/L
NaCl=0 L
TOC; NaCl=0g/
8 NaCl=4.0g/L
TOC; NaCl=4g/L
TOC; NaCl=9.4g/L


4 3.0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [min]





pH [-]



4.0 [NaCl]=0
3.5 [NaCl]=9.4g/L

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [min]

Fig. 5-3 Effect of salt concentration
(QA: 0.50~0.54 L/min; Qw: 15.0 L/min; T: 24~25 )

- 129 -
14 6


DMSO concentration[mg/L]

TOC concentration [mg/L]

DMSO; pH=4.3
8 DMSO; pH=6.2
4 DMSO; pH=9.1
6 TOC; pH=4.3
TOC; pH=6.2
TOC; pH=9.1

0 2
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time [min]




pH [-]


2 pH=6.2


0 5 10 15
Time [min]
Fig. 5-4 Effect of initial pH
(QA: 0.5 L/min; Qw: 15.0 L/min)

- 130 -
1.0 4.0
0.8 QG=0.50L/min
0.7 DM SO/DM SO0;


TOC [mg/L]
0.5 2.0
TOC; Q G=0.25L/min
TOC; Q =0.50L/min
0.3 G
0.2 TOC; Q G=1.0L/min
TOC; Q G=1.5L/min
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20
Time [min]


11 8.0
DMSO2 concentration [mgl/L]

8 7.0

7 6.5
pH [-]

4 5.5

3 QG =0.25L/min QG=0.25L/min
QG =0.50L/min QG=0.50L/min
QG =1.00L/min 4.5 QG=1.0L/min
QG =1.50L/min QG=1.5L/min
0 4.0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Time [min] T ime [min]

(b) (c)

Fig. 5-5 Effect of gas flow rate on ozonation of DMSO

(QW, 15.0L/min; CG,in, 28.2 g-O3/m3; T, 22~26 C; pH, 5.6-7.8 (unbuffered))

- 131 -


Ozone concentration in liquid phase [mg/L]




2.0 0.25L/min

1.0 1.00L/min

0 5 10 15 20
Time [min]

Ozone concentration in off-gas [mg/L]




0 5 10 15 20
Time [min]

Fig. 5-6 Effect of gas flow rate on ozone concentrations in liquid and off-gas

- 132 -

12 Ozone dissolved
Ozone outflow
Mole of ozone [mmol] 10

0.25 0.50 1.00 1.50
Ozone gas flow rate QG [L/min]

(a) at t = 15 min

95 t=5min
ratio [%]



Ozone transfer





0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Ozone gas flow rate QG [L/min]
Fig. 5-7 Effect of gas flow rate on ozone transfer ratio

- 133 -


DMSO removed/ozone supplied [mol/mol]





0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Ozone gas flow rate QG[L/min]


DMSO removed/ozone dissolved [mol/mol]





0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00
Ozone gas flow rate QG [L/min]
Fig. 5-8 Effect of gas flow rate on the DMSO oxidation by ozone

- 134 -


ln(CD,o/CD) [-]


Q G=0.25L/min
Q G=0.50L/min

0.2 Q G=1.00L/min
Q G=1.50L/min
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time [min]

Fig. 5-9 Relationship between ln(CD,0 /CD) and time in Eq.(5-3)

Table 5-1. Effect of gas flow rate on the reaction constant of DMSO Ozonation

Gas flow rate Reaction constant

L/min min-1 s-1 -
0.25 0.0418 6.9710 0.987
0.50 0.0750 1.2510 0.973
1.00 0.0822 1.3710 0.989
1.50 0.1163 1.9410 0.995

- 135 -
1.0 4.0

0.9 DM SO/DM SO0;

0.8 Qw=15.0L/min
3.0 DM SO/DM SO0;

TOC concentration [mg/L]


0.6 2.5
0.5 2.0
TOC; Qw=15.0L/min
0.3 TOC; Qw=17.5L/min
0.5 TOC; Qw=19.5L/min
0.0 0.0
0 5 10 15 20
Time [min]


12.0 8.0
10.0 Qw=17.5L/min
DMSO2 concentration [mg/L]

pH [-]

6.0 6.0

4.0 Qw=15.0L/min
Qw=17.5L/min 5.0
2.0 Qw=19.5L/min

0.0 4.0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20

Time [min] Time [min]

(b) (c)

Fig. 5-10 Effect of water flow rate on DMSO oxidation

- 136 -

Ozone concentration in liquid phase [mg/L]





3.0 Qw=15.0L/min

0 5 10 15 20
Time [min]

Ozone concentration in off-gas [mg/L]


5.0 Qw=19.5L/min

0 5 10 15 20
Time [min]
Fig. 5-11 Effect of water flow rate on ozone concentrations in water and off-gas

- 137 -
Ozone dissolved
10 Ozone outflow

Mole of ozone [mmol] 8

15.0 17.5 19.5
Water flow rate [L/min]


90 t=10min



transfer ratio






12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Water flow rate [L/min]


Fig. 5-12 Effect of water flow rate on ozone transfer ratio

- 138 -


6.1 Microbubble generation

In this study, a newly-developed microbubble generator was applied and developed in

CHAPTER 2. The author proposed combining the cavitation pump with the rotating-flow
microbubble generator and changing the gas suction point to the pumps influx line.
Observation for microbubble generation conditions and measurements for size
distribution and gas holdup measurement showed that the combination of the cavitation
pump with the microbubble generator greatly increased the microbubble generation
efficiency (larger capacity, smaller size, higher gas holdup). In most cases of their
applications, microbubbles are expected to have smaller sizes and a large quantity.
Therefore, the improvement of microbubble generation efficiency afforded a high
potential possibility to microbubble technology when applied to water and wastewater

6.2 Development of air Flotation using microbubbles

Along with its high efficiency for particle separation, air flotation has been widely used
in water and wastewater treatment as an alternative of sedimentation, especially when
particles have too low density or too small size to settle down. In the type of dissolved air
flotation (DAF), microbubbles have enough quantity and suitable size in most cases.
However, its high electrical power requirement and complex system diminished its
advantages to a degree. On the other hand, the type of induced air flotation (IAF) is much
simpler and more cost-efficient as compared to DAF. But it is often found that bubbles in
IAF are too large and not enough to catch all the particles in water to be treated. It is
necessary to search for a simple and energy-saving method which can successfully
generate numerous microbubbles, and meanwhile will avoid high shear rates to obviate

- 139 -
the destruction of the aggregates. We made some efforts to approach this objective via
improving the microbubble generation efficiency of the rotating-flow microbubble
generator and strengthening the floc particles.
In CHAPTER 3, we firstly proposed a separated flotation system in which the
high-shear region in the liquid where microbubbles are produced is separated from the
relatively quiescent zone where flotation takes place. The results from batch flotation
experiments showed that the separated flotation system achieved particle removal
efficiency as high as 80-90% when treating water with kaolin particles at the
concentration of 10 mg/L.
However, the operation in the separated system is relatively complicated, and therefore
the author made an attempt to develop a much simpler system, one-cell flotation system
where microbubbles were directly generated in the flotation tank. Much effort was made
both to search for an appropriate polymeric flocculant and to increase the microbubble
concentration. At last, particle removal efficiency of over 90% was achieved via applying
polyaluminum chloride as the flocculant and the improved microbubble generation
system proposed in CHAPTER 2. Results of batch experiments of the one-cell flotation
also indicated that both coagulant dosage and flocculation time are vitally important. A
slight overdose achieved better removal efficiency. No or less flocculation time
performed very well. Water and air flow rates and recycle ratio were controlled to study
the effects of bubble size and bubble concentration which have a major impact on the
bubble-floc collisions. Lower water flow rate achieved better removal efficiency due to
the increase of bubble concentration and decrease of bubble size. Air flow rate showed
little effect on the removal efficiency under the present experimental conditions.

6.3 Development of ozonation using microbubbles

Microbubbles are expected to improve the ozone mass transfer from the gas phase to
the liquid phase due to its slow rise velocity, high specific surface area and inner pressure.
In CHAPTER 4, the author evaluated the mass transfer efficiency of microbubbles in a

semi-batch ozone reactor. Firstly, the overall mass transfer coefficient of oxygen, k L,O2 a ,

- 140 -
was measured to compare the improved microbubble generation system with the normal
one. Experimental results indicated that the improved one had better mass transfer ability
because of its higher efficiency in microbubble generation. And then, the overall mass

transfer coefficients of ozone, k L ,O3 a , were measured when the induced gas flow rate,

liquid flow rate, ozone gas concentration and working liquid level were varied. The

increases of k L ,O3 a were investigated when the induced gas flow rate and liquid flow

rate were increased. However, k L ,O3 a decreased with the increase of working liquid

levels. High ozone transfer ratio was also achieved at low gas flow rate, which indicates
that the gas-induced ozone contactor is a desirable device for the dissolution of high
concentration ozone gas.
The ozonation of dimethyl sulfoxide in aqueous solution using microbubbles was
examined in CHAPTER 5. Experimental results indicate that the ozonation of DMSO is a
first-order mass-transfer controlled reaction. Ozone utilization ratio increases with a
decrease in gas flow rate. The ratio of DMSO removed to ozone dissolved can be raised
to as high as 0.8 or higher with proper gas and water flow rates. It was also proved that
no free radicals were yield by air microbubbles in the microbubble generation system in
this study.

6.4 Remarks on applications of microbubbles on advanced water treatment

A rotating-flow microbubble generator (RFMG) was evaluated regarding microbubble

size and number concentration in CHAPTER 2, which provides very valuable data for its
application design. Moreover, the author developed a microbubble generation system
with the RFMG in this study, and it showed much better performance in microbubble
An induced air floatation system with microbubbles was developed in CHAPTER 3. It
has been proved that IAF using our improved microbubble generation system had the
ability to alternative the traditional dissolved air flotation.

- 141 -
Microbubble technology was applied in the ozonation process in CHAPTER 4. The
ozone reactor using the improved microbubble generation system also showed excellent
capacity for gas mass transfer. The evaluation of ozone mass transfer under various
conditions provides basics of ozone system design which were utilized in CHAPTER 5
for the design of a DMSO wastewater treatment process with ozone.

- 142 -
Publication list

Original papers (English)

1. Pan Li and Hideki Tsuge; Water Treatment by Induced Air Flotation Using
Microbubbles, J. Chemical Engineering of Japan, 39, 896-903 (2006)

2. Pan Li and Hideki Tsuge; Ozone transfer in a new gas-induced contactor with
microbubbles, J. Chemical Engineering of Japan (In press)

Summary paper (Japanese)

1. , ; ,ECO Industry,
11, 53-57 (2006)

International conference

1. Hideki Tsuge, Pan Li, and Hirofumi Ohnari; Application of Induced Air Flotation on
Water Treatment, The 10th Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering,
Kitakyushu, Japan, 1P-06-030, October, 2004 (Poster)

2. Pan Li, Hideki Tsuge, and Hirofumi Ohnari; Application of A New Kind of
Micro-Bubble Generator on Water Treatment, The 9th Asian Conference on
Fluidized-Bed and Three-Phase Reactors, Wanli, Taiwan, pp.355-360, November,
2004 (Oral presentation)

Domestic conference

1. Pan Li and Hideki Tsuge; Water Treatment by Induced Air Flotation Using

- 143 -
Microbubbles, Japanese Society for Multiphase Flow Annual Meeting, Tokyo,
Japan, pp. 343-344, August, 2005 (Oral presentation)

2. Pan Li and Hideki Tsuge; Development of an ozone oxidation reactor using

microbubbles, Society of Chemical Engineers Japan 71st Annual Meeting, Tokyo,
D316, March, 2006 (Oral presentation)

3. *, , , , , ;
,, pp. 282-283, 2006.8 (Oral

- 144 -

This dissertation and the related study were completed under the devoted guidance and
supervision of Prof. Tsuge of Keio University in Japan. First of all, I would like to
express my cordial gratitude to Prof. Tsuge for providing me the opportunity to conduct
this research work, his valuable advice, helpful instruction, and warm encouragement.
My highest appreciations are due to the remaining members of the examination
committee, Prof. Shikazono, Prof. Ueda and Prof. Hishida who have given peer reviews
and valuable comments.
I really appreciate all the kind help and valuable advice from Associate Prof. Terasaka.
I gratefully acknowledge all the members in both Tsuge and Terasaka labs for their
warm and kind help in my research work and daily life in Japan. I will never forget the
happy time I spend with them.
This study is supported in part by Grant in Aid for the 21st century center of excellence
for System Design: Paradigm Shift from Intelligence to Life from Ministry of
Education, Culture, Sport, and Technology in Japan.
I also take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to The Watanuki Scholarship
Foundation for the very valuable financial support regarding my living here in Japan, my
study and research in Keio University.
I also thank Prof. Ohnari for his kind offer of rotating-flow microbubble generators.
I acknowledge Organo Corporation for the financial support and providing me the
ozone reactor apparatus. I really appreciate Mr. Yano and Mr. Meguros help in the
analysis of DMSO and the direction of experiments.
Support from Ebara Corporation was overly generous. I would like to express my
thanks to Mr. Ohira and Mr. Nakata for their kind help and valuable advice.
I will also thanks Mrs. Miura in Physic Japan Corporation for her financial support and
apparatus providing.
Thank to Mr. Kato in Ota City Industrial Promotion Organization for providing us the

- 145 -
opportunity to get contact with Physic Japan Corporation, and for all the kind help in the
I would also like to thank Tokyo Nichigo Gakuin for offering me opportunities to learn
Japanese language and culture.
I would like to give my special thanks to Mrs. Fujioka and her family. Without their
kind help, I would not have been able to overcome the difficulties and continue my study
in Japan.
I am grateful to my husband J. Wang for many years of full support and continuous
Finally, I would like to delicate this dissertation to my parents, sister and brother for
their love and support.

- 146 -

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