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Sealand Service Inc. Vs IAC

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TRANSPO Stipulations limiting the liability of a common carrier.


COURT Date: August 31, 1987
Ponente: Narvasa, J.
Nature of the case: A petition to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.

On or about January 8, 1981, Sea-Land Service, Inc. (Sea-Land), a foreign shipping and forwarding company
licensed to do business in the Philippines, received from Seaborne Trading Company in Oakland, California a
shipment consigned to Sen Hiap Hing the business name used by Paulino Cue in the wholesale and retail trade
which he operated out of an establishment located on Borromeo and Plaridel Streets, Cebu City. The shipper did
not declare the value of the shipmen and no value was indicated in the bill of lading. The bill described the
shipment only as "8 CTNS on 2 SKIDS-FILES.
The shipment arrived in Manila on February 12, 1981, and there discharged into the custody of the arrastre
contractor and the customs and port authorities. Sometime between February 13 and 16, 1981, after the
shipment had been transferred near Warehouse 3 at Pier 3 in South Harbor, Manila, awaiting trans-shipment to
Cebu, it was stolen by pilferers and has never been recovered.
On March 10, 1981, Paulino Cue, the consignee, made formal claim upon Sea-Land for the value of the lost
shipment allegedly amounting to P179,643.48. Sea-Land offered to settle for US$4,000.00, or its then Philippine
peso equivalent of P30,600.00, asserting that said amount represented its maximum liability for the loss of the
shipment under the package limitation clause in the covering bill of lading. Cue rejected the offer and thereafter
brought suit for damages against Sea-Land in the then Court of First Instance of Cebu.
The trial court rendered judgment in favor of Cue, sentencing Sea-Land to pay him P186,048.00 representing the
Philippine currency value of the lost cargo, P55,814.00 for unrealized profit with one (1%) percent monthly
interest from the filing of the complaint until fully paid, P25,000.00 for attorney's fees and P2,000.00 as litigation
expenses. The Intermediate Appellate Court affirmed said decision.
I. Whether or not the package limitation clause, a stipulation limiting the liability of the carrier for loss and
damage to the shipment to the amount fixed in the bill of lading, is valid and binding against the shipper
and the consignee in view of the shippers failure to declare the actual value of the shipment. -YES

There is nothing in the Civil Code which absolutely prohibits agreements between shipper and carrier limiting the latter's
liability for loss of or damage to cargo shipped under contracts of carriage. The Civil Code in fact has agreements of such
character in contemplation in providing, in its Articles 1749 and 1750, that:
ART. 1749 A stipulation that the common carrier's liability is limited to the value of the goods appearing in the bill of
lading, unless the shipper or owner declares a greater value, is binding.
ART. 1750. A contract fixing the sum that may be recovered by the owner or shipper for the loss, destruction, or
deterioration of the goods is valid, if it is reasonable and just under the circumstances, and has been fairly and freely
agreed upon.
Here, the just and reasonable character of the questioned stipulation is implicit from the fact that the shipper or owner is
given the option under Article 1749 of avoiding accrual of liability limitation by simply declaring the nature and value of
the shipment in the bill of lading. Also, the shipper here did not complain of having been "rushed," imposed upon or
deceived in any significant way into agreeing to ship the cargo under a bill of lading carrying such a stipulation; therefore,
there is no ground to assume that its agreement to the said stipulation was not freely and fairly sought and given.
Furthermore, since the liability of a common carrier for loss of or damage to goods transported by it under a contract of
carriage is governed by the laws of the country of destination and the goods in question were shipped from the United
States to the Philippines, the liability of petitioner Sea-Land to the respondent consignee while governed primarily by the
Civil Code may suppletorily be governed, in all matters not determined thereby, by the Code of Commerce and special
laws. One of these suppletory special laws is the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (COGSA) and Sec. 4(5) of the said act
provides that:
Neither the carrier nor the ship shall in any event be or become liable for any loss or damage to or in connection with
the transportation of goods in an amount exceeding $500 per package lawful money of the United States, or in case of
goods not shipped in packages, per customary freight unit, or the equivalent of that sum in other currency, unless the
nature and value of such goods have been declared by the shipper before shipment and inserted in the bill of lading.
This declaration, if embodied in the bill of lading, shall be prima facie evidence, but shall not be conclusive on the
By agreement between the carrier, master, or agent of the carrier, and the shipper another maximum amount than
that mentioned in this paragraph may be fixed: Provided That such maximum shall not be less than the figure above
named. In no event shall the carrier be liable for more than the amount of damage actually sustained.
The package limitation clause of the bill of lading in question is a virtual copy of the first paragraph of the foregoing
provision. Therefore, there can be no question as to the validity of such clause for it is in conformity with the said
provision of law. Verily, nothing contained in section 4(5) of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act is repugnant to or
inconsistent with any of the just-cited provisions of the Civil Code. Said section merely gives more flesh and greater
specificity to the rather general terms of Article 1749 (without doing any violence to the plain intent thereof) and of Article
1750, to give effect to just agreements limiting carriers' liability for loss or damage which are freely and fairly entered into.
Therefore, there can be no doubt or equivocation about the validity and enforceability of freely-agreed-upon
stipulations in a contract of carriage or bill of lading limiting the liability of the carrier to an agreed valuation unless the
shipper declares a higher value and inserts it into said contract or bill. This pro position, moreover, rests upon an almost
uniform weight of authority.

WHEREFORE, the Decision of the Intermediate Appellate Court complained of is reversed and set aside. The stipulation in
the questioned bill of lading limiting Sea-Land's liability for loss of or damage to the shipment covered by said bill to
US$500.00 per package is held valid and binding on private respondent.

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