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Unimod Gsm-3H: Operation Manual E130006207063

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UniMod GSM-3H

Operation Manual E130006207063

Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH
Rathsbergstr. 23
D-90411 Nrnberg

Phone: +49 (0)911 970590

Fax: +49 (0)911 9705950
Page 2 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

1. Requirements ................................................................................................... 3
2. Safety Precautions for the User...................................................................... 3
3. Power Supply Unit ........................................................................................... 3
4. Interfaces.......................................................................................................... 4
5. Display .............................................................................................................. 4
6. Installation Hints .............................................................................................. 5
7. Programming the Modem................................................................................ 6
8. Signal Quality ................................................................................................. 10
9. SMS ................................................................................................................. 11
10. Technical Data................................................................................................ 12
11. Terminal Block ............................................................................................... 13
12. Schematic Drawing........................................................................................ 14
UniMod GSM-3H Page 3 of 14
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

UniMod GSM-3H
The world-wide GSM radio networks (GSM = Global System for Mobile communication) provide
besides digital voice communication the possibility to transmit data. In that operation mode is it
possible to send fax, data (CSD: Circuit Switched Data connection), GPRS: General Packet Radio
Service) and short messages (SMS). The universal radio modem UniMod GSM-3H is supposed for
remote inquiry of measurement data of any kind, especially however for telecounting applications.
1. Requirements
The UniMod GSM-3H can be used in any GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz network with an arbitrary number
of providers. It requires however the infrastructure for operating mobile stations with 2 Watt
(EGSM900) or 1 Watt (GSM1800/1900) transmission power. The modem supports an interface for 3V
SIM cards. For communication a SIM card with call number for 9600 Baud transmission is needed.
For the UniMod GSM-3H communication modules produced by internationally renowned companies
are used. These companies update their software packages regularly and add or change features.
The software releases are continuously checked by the development department, but no responsibility
for this software releases can be take over except of warranty granted by the module producer.

2. Safety Precautions for the User

Aircraft safety
Cellular engines can interfere with an aircrafts navigation system and its cellular network. The use of
UniMod GSM-3H on board aircraft is forbidden by law. Failure to comply with this prohibition may lead
to temporary suspension or permanent cancellation of cellular engine services for the person who
infringes this prohibition and/or to legal action against said person.
Environments with explosive substances
a) Users are advised not to use the device in automotive service stations.
b) Users are reminded of the necessity to comply with restrictions regarding the use of radio devices in
fuel depots, chemicals plants and locations where explosives are ignited.
Non-ionising radiation
As is the case with other mobile radio transmitters, operating personnel are advised to use the device
in the normal operating position only in order to ensure optimum performance and safety. Avoid
touching the antenna.
Installation and repairing should be done by experienced personnel only.
Connecting to other devices
In order to connect the UniMod GSM-3H to another device please read the devices operation manual
to obtain detailed information about safety. Dont connect devices, which are not approved by
Precautions in the event of loss/theft of the Cellular Engine and the SIM card
If your UniMod GSM-3H, your SIM card or both go missing, notify your network operator immediately
in order to avoid misuse.

3. Power Supply Unit

External power supply:
12VDC, 2A

Attention: NEVER remove the interface modules or the SIM card when the device is
powered! The card and especially its contact pads can be damaged very easily
by scratches or bending. Be careful when inserting or removing it.
Page 4 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

4. Interfaces
Communication is possible with many standard protocols, like SCTM, LSV1, DLMS, IEC1107,
IEC60870 (transparent reading) etc. The following interfaces are available now:
RS232 (uses signals RxD, TxD, GND, DTR, DCD)

5. Display
Two LEDs display the current operating status of the modem and give information about the data transfer
Info-LED information: LED on: modem is ready for operation (15 to 30 sec. after Power On)
GSM-LED permanently off: power down mode
600 ms on / 600 ms off: Limited Network Service: No SIM card inserted
or no PIN entered, or network search in progress, or ongoing user authentication,
or network login in progress
75 ms on / 3 s off: IDLE mode: The mobile is logged to the network (monitoring
control channels and user interactions). No call in progress
permanently on: CSD call: Connection to remote party
UniMod GSM-3H Page 5 of 14
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

6. Installation Hints
The installation must be done in a way, that even in the case of cable break no dangerous voltages
are applied to touchable parts of the device including the antenna. This can be accomplished e.g. by
using cable ties and appropriate shortening of the cables.
For installation insert the SIM card correctly and tighten it by using the clamp of the card reader:

1. First open the cover.


2. Open the clamp by shifting the slide in the

arrows direction (OPEN). After release you
can open the lid and insert the SIM card as
shown in the picture. Please note the position
of the bevelled edge: it must point at the
lower-right side. The golden contact pads
have to point downwards.

3. Insert the card until the lid can be closed. The slide must be movable in this position. Please
note the position of the bevelled edge. Now move the slide against the arrows direction until it
clicks into place and the lid is locked. The SIM card is now ready to use.
4. Close the cover.
5. After that connect the antenna to the UniMod GSM-3H using the FME plug.
At last (important!) connect it to the supplying power.
Page 6 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

7. Programming the Modem

Before installing the modem it has to be programmed in order to meet the demands. The baud rate
and data format for connecting the target device and the transmission mode and transmission rates
must be adjusted. On delivery the following default parameters are active:
Data rate 9600 Baud (if not differently mentioned)
Data format 7, Even, 1 (if not differently mentioned)
S0=1 This parameter setting determines the number of rings (here 1) before automatic
&D0 This parameter determines how the modem responds when circuit 108/2 (DTR) is
changed from ON to OFF during data mode. With setting 0 the modem ignores
E0 This setting determines whether or not the modem echoes characters received
from PC during command state. (0 = no echo)
Q0 V0 Information response: numeric code
+IPR=19200 Internal baud rate: dont change this value!
+CBST=7,0,1 The modem selects the bearer service with data rate 9600 Baud, asynchronous,
non-transparent mode to be used when data calls are originated.
This configuration allows for reading standard counters according to VDEW2 (IEC1107, IEC62056-
21). If you want to change this parameters, you need a PC with terminal software (e.g. Windows
HyperTerminal, Telix etc.). Moreover experiences with the Hayes AT modem command set are very

To establish connection between PC and modem you

have to use a parametering adapter with 9 pole plug
(Standard RS232, Order No.: #4301).

Now you have to set your parameterisation program UniModSet to the fixed, local data rate and data
format of the UniMod GSM-3H. (Default values: 9600 Bit/sec, 7,E,1) Use one of the AT commands
(e.g. ATS0?, ATI, AT&V) in order to check whether the modem answers. If you see the answer on the
screen, the interface is working correctly.
Note: Simply typing AT does not result in an answer, because the modem is by default programmed
not to send messages and echoes (Parameters ATQ1 and ATE0).
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Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

Following some examples of AT commands (the answers depend upon the respective firmware
Request Answer Description
AT&V ACTIVE PROFILE: Inquires current configuration
E0 Q0 V1 X4 &C1 &D2 &S0 \Q3
S0:001 S3:013 S4:010 S5:008
S6:000 S7:060 S8:000 S10:002
+CBST: 7,0,1
+CRLP: 61,61,78,6
+CR: 0
+CRC: 0
+CMGF: 1
+CSDH: 0
+CNMI: 0,0,0,0,1
+ILRR: 0
+IPR: 19200
+CMEE: 0
^SMGO: 0,0
+CSMS: 0,1,1,1
^SACM: 0,"000000","000000"
^SCKS: 0,1
+CREG: 0,1
+CLIP: 0,2
+CAOC: 0
+COPS: 0,0,"E-Plus"
ATI SIEMENS Requests product information
AT+CPIN? code SIM card inquiry
OK (code = ERROR: no/faulty SIM card
code = +CPIN: SIM PIN: waiting for PIN
code = +CPIN: READY: PIN active)
AT+CPIN="n" OK Enter PIN, switches modem active.
e.g. AT+CPIN="1234" (if PIN is 1234)
AT+CLCK= OK Disable PIN lock after power off. (n = PIN)
"SC",0,"n" e.g. AT+CLCK="SC",0,"1234"
Attention: First enter PIN using AT+CPIN.
AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,0,"Bearer" Inquire bearer service. Will be shown only,
OK when SIM card is active and antenna
AT+COPS=? +COPS: List of available bearer services.
(3,"o2 - DE",,"26207"),
(3,"T-Mobile D",,"26201"),,(0-4),(0,2)
AT+CBST=s, OK Choose transmission mode
n,e (speed s=1 for 300 Bit/sec V.21, s=2 for 1200
V.22, s=3 for 1200/75 V.23, s=4 for 2400
V.22bis, s=5 for 2400 V.26ter, s=6 for 4800
V.32, s=7 for 9600 V.32, s=65 for 300 V.110,
s=66 for 1200 V.110, s=68 for 2400 V.110,
s=70 for 4800 V.110, s=71 for 9600 V.110),
(name n=0 for asynchronous mode),
(element e=0 for transparent oder e=1 for non
transparent transmission)
e.g.. at+cbst=7,0,1 (for 9600 Bit/sec V.32,
asynchronous mode, non transparent)
Page 8 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

AT&F OK Set all parameters to factory defaults.

Attention: Data rate and data format will be
changed to 19200 Bit/sec, 8, N, 1. Adjust
parameters of terminal program
ATS0=n OK This parameter setting determines the number
of rings (0 to 255) before automatic answering.
e.g. ATS0=1 (Modem answers after first ring)
Attention: ATS0=0 disables automatic
ATS0? 1 Returns the number of rings before automatic
OK answering.
ATE0 OK This disables the modem to send echoes of
characters received from PC during command
ATQ1 (no answer) This parameter setting disables transmission of
result codes to the PC. Information text
transmitted in response is not affected by this
AT&W (no answer because of ATQ1) Saves the current parameter setting in the user-
defined profile. This settings are active after
every resumption of power supply.
UniMod GSM-3H Page 9 of 14
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

Establish connection PC to modem (e.g. using the parametering adapter)
Insert SIM card
Switch on UniMod GSM-3H, wait 15 to 30 sec: till first LED is on
Start the UniModSet software
Read the equipment configuration

Adjust the parameter

Write the configuration
Check the signal quality: possible only by CSD-Mode
Page 10 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

Testing the connection

For easier diagnosis of connection problems it is possible to display extended result codes for
incoming call indication. In order to do this the following steps are necessary:
Activate result codes: Enter ATQ0, Modem reply: OK.
Activate extended result codes: AT+CRC=1, Modem reply: OK. (AT+CRC=0 switches the
extended codes off)
Call UniMod GSM-3H via data service (use appropriate telephone number). Watch incoming call
using terminal program. Possible messages:
+CRING: REL ASYNC incoming call has been correctly transmitted. Thats OK.
+CRING: VOICE incoming call has been transmitted via voice mode.
Call rejected by modem.
+CRING: FAX incoming call has been transmitted via fax mode.
Call rejected by modem.

Unusual reaction using "7" data bits and "Even Parity" during data retrieval.
Depending on certain circumstances (software configuration, hardware configuration of the PC,
connection of the modem to the PC, operating system,...) the communication software of your
application might issue a message like: wrong parity. In the most cases a switch of the UniMod GSM-
3H data format from "7E1" to "8N1" is able to bring fast and easy help. Using this configuration data
retrieval from most meters is possible in the format "7E1" and "8N1". If there are any further questions
we are happy to help you.

8. Signal Quality
Check the signal quality and show it by Info-LED(: LED on / : LED off):
Info-LED Description
Bad signal quality, transmission error possible;
Low signal quality;
Medium signal quality;
Good signal quality;
Very good signal quality;
Dauerlicht: Kommunikation auf der Schnittstelle, keine Anzeige der Signal-
Note: During the connection and 60 seconds after it is the signaling disabled!
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Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

9. SMS
Optional it is possible to activate SMS. This function is monitoring of on/off state changes of SMS-
Input (terminal 2 and 3).

GSM 900 / 1800

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8


9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

Note: Maximum one SMS per 10 seconds.

Page 12 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

10. Technical Data

Housing: Top hat rail installation (according to DIN EN 50022)
Degree of protection: IP20 (IEC)
Dimensions: W = 22,5 mm, H = 99 mm, D = 114,5 mm
Protection class: 2
Supply voltage: 12VDC, 2A
Power consumption: 4 VA max. (depends upon supply voltage, kind of interface module
and operating status of transmission unit)
Interfaces: Pluggable modules; available are:
- RS232 (supports signals RxD, TxD, GND, DTR, DCD)
RTS and CTS bridged
- RS485 2-wires
SMS input 3VDC
Display: 2 LEDs: GSM, Info
GSM unit: Cellular Engine Siemens MC55 with 3V SIM-Card interface
GSM band: Tri-Band EGSM900 and GSM1800/1900 (GSM Phase 2/2+)
GPRS: Multi-slot class 10: downlink 4 timeslots, uplink 2 timeslot
Transmission rate remote 9600 bit/sec (V.32 / V.110), 7 / 8 data bits, asynchronous
modem to UniMod:
Transmission rate UniMod 300 to 19200 bit/sec (fixed baud rate)
to connected device: optionally: mode B and C according IEC1107 (IEC62056-21)
Data format: 7E1, 8N1, 8E1, ...
Output power: 2W (Class 4) for EGS900 MHz
1W (Class 1) for GSM1800/1900 MHz
Sensitivity: -104 dBm (demand for normal mobile station)
Antenna jack 50 FME
Software-Interface: Hayes Standard-AT, GSM 07.07, GSM 07.05
References: European Telecommunications Standards Institute,
License: CE0682
Extent of delivery: - UniMod GSM-3H
- Standard antenna (length of cable about 2,6m)
- Operation manual
Accessories: - RS232 cable for parametering (#4301)
- Antenna for special purposes
- Additional interface modules
- Software UniModSet
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Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

11. Terminal Block

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8


9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

1 Output (+3VDC) 5 - 9 RS485: B 13 RS232: RxD

2 SMS-Input (+3VDC) 6 - 10 RS485: +A 14 RS232: DCD
3 Power supply: 0VDC (GND) 7 - 11 RS232: GND 15 RS232: TxD
4 Power supply: +12VDC 8 - 12 - 16 RS232: DTR
Page 14 of 14 UniMod GSM-3H
Operation Manual
Br Industrie-Elektronik GmbH Rathsbergstr. 23 D-90411 Nrnberg Phone +49 911 970590 Fax +49 911 9705950

12. Schematic Drawing

114,5 22. 5


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