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As the Summer is coming to a close we start making plans for the Fall, Au g u s t

but what about next year? God calls all of us to serve and to give in 2017
sacrificial ways, so let me share with you some of the ways that you Cicero United
may make a difference for the name of Jesus Christ. You may have to Methodist Church
give up one or two weeks of your vacation plans to serve and also give
P AS T O R B yr on F r itz
the money that would have been spent on a mission project. Here are
P. O. Box 617
some of the program ideas that we have for 2018 . . . 100 E. Jac k son S tr eet
Cicero, IN. 46034
Locally there is the Teter Retreat Farm: four acres of farm land
planted to help provide for local food banks. They need volunteers to
help prepare the soil, plant, weed and harvest the produce. You can Pastor 1
decide to volunteer for one day, one day a week, or a whole week.
You will be making a difference for someone in the name of Jesus General News 2-4
Prayer Requests 5
Our Mission Committee is planning to go to Indianapolis and work with
Vida Nueva United Methodist Church for one week. Each day we will Those Serving 5
drive down to West Washington Street and help with whatever projects
are needed then drive home each evening. The cost will be minimal, Lay Leader 6
but you will be making a difference in the name of Jesus Christ.
Scouts 6
We are also planning a trip to Uganda in August 2019 for about 10
days. The cost will be around $2,000 which will include air flight, Bible Readings 7
passport, medicine, meals and lodging. We will have one day with the Birthdays & 8
children of the school, see the Wabale farm, take a 2 hour trip on the Anniversaries
Nile River and worship with them on Sunday. That is all in the first few
days we are there and then in five days we will cover the school with
Just for Kids 8
stucco. You will be making a difference in the name of Jesus Christ.
Now there is an added bonus to these ministries - you will have a life Calendar 9
changing experience yourself. There is not a time in your life when
you give sacrificially that your life is not changed. Now these are only
a few areas of ministry. You could also decide to help Rainbow Would you like to stay
Promise and read a story to them once in a while, or volunteer at informed about
Hamilton Heights to help read or tutor a student. I invite you to pray Church activities?
about what purpose God has for you upon this earth. God has made
Give the Office a
you, shaped you, given you experiences that can be used for the glory
current email address
of God. It is time that you look to 2018 and ask what you can do to (
make a difference in someones life for Jesus Christ. We are the
body of Jesus Christ and Jesus does not want His body to sit idle, but Like us on Facebook
to be reaching out in joy and love.
Rev. Byron Fritz
Page 2

Prayer Breakfast
August 4, 7-8:30 am

7-7:30 Breakfast
7:30-8:30 Service
@ Hamilton Heights Primary School

Guest Speaker: Blaine Zimmerman

Blaine is an HHHS Graduate who has a remarkable
story of perseverance and the power of Faith and
Prayer to share with our community.

Philippians 4:6-7
Pray for th ENT . .
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by
e Hamilto
School Co n H eights prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your
requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of
God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard
your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

LOL Discussion
August 6th, after Service

We will meet in the Sanctuary to discuss the future direction of LOL (Living our Love), our weekly
community meal. Please plan to stay immediately after service to give us your input. See Jeannie
Ecker, Karen Mann or Chris Osborn, if you have questions or if you will be unable to attend and have
input or ideas. Thank you.

Childrens ChurchThis Fall

We are working on our schedule for Childrens
Church teachers and assistants. We need one
teacher and one assistant each Sunday morning.

If you are interested in volunteering one Sunday a month or

occasionally serving as a substitute please call Debbee Yeryar at
(765) 606-6547 or email

We hope to start back up August 13th, but may need to wait until
September 10th, depending on our volunteers availability.

Many thanks to our wonderful Childrens Church teachers and

assistants this past year, too.
Page 3

Create a friendship, Womens Emmaus Walk

Open a Heart, Sept. 14-17
Make a Difference with . . .
Racial Dialogue Circles At Christ UMC in Greenwood
Applications are in the Narthex

Do you ever wonder why Sunday is still the most Fall Church Retreat
segregated day of the week? Sat. Sept. 30th
9 am6 pm
Do you have challenges understanding people of
different racial, ethnic, or religious backgrounds?

Dialogue Circles are a safe place for spirited Did you know that the church is not a place, but
discussions, making new friends, developing new a group of people called by God to be in
understanding, and creating a real possibility of community with each other for Gods mission
racial reconciliation in our communities. and purposes. So we are going to retreat or take
refuge from the world to get to know each other
The first Circle in our area will be in Fishers on a deeper level. It will be a day of connection,
(location TBA), 9 a.m. noon, Sat., Sept. 9, 16, spiritual reflection, and fun for all ages at the
23, and 30, 2017. Teter Retreat grounds on scenic White River in
Hamilton County. The theme of our Retreat is
Attendance for at least 3 of the 4 Saturdays is Together We are More because we are all
recommended. Facilitators trained in Racial stronger together than when we try to do life on
Dialogue Circles will use Every Day Democracys our own. Everyone is invited and childcare will
non-partisan, secular curriculum and provide be provided. Sign-up sheets will be available
workbooks for participants: beginning August 13th. A light breakfast, lunch and campfire dinner will be provided during the
retreat. There is no registration fee, but
This is a pilot initiative of our North Central District donations are always welcome. Our next retreat
of the United Methodist Churches of Indiana. planning meeting is Sun., Aug., 6th at 11:45 a.m.
after church in Room 203. All are welcome.
For more info contact Debra Jarvis: For more info contact Debra Jarvis: or 317-213-0102 or 317-213-0102

Hosting a Student RIGHT NOW TOP PICKS

Dec. 18-Jan. 5 or Mar. 3-11 Adult: Adulting
Youth: Little Angels
Would you be willing to host a student from Children: Youll Be Glad You Did
Cedarville University for a week during
Christmas Break or Spring Break while they
do service hours at Trinity Free Clinic in Cicero United Methodist Church (CUMC) subscribes
Carmel? to Right Now Media that allows access to a library
with thousands of video sessions anytime, anywhere
If so, please let Amy Roy or Angie Hilton, from a computer, smart phone or smart TV. To sign
Church Secretary, know. up contact the Church office:
Thanks! 317-984-4971, email

For more info or help using Right Now Media (for

yourself or small group) contact Debra Jarvis:
317-213-0102 or
Page 4

Missions Moment

Our August 27th Penny Raiders collection will be in support of Agape Therapeutic Riding Center. This
facility is located right here in Cicero and is one of several local programs that we support.

Agape is a unique therapeutic resource for individuals, families, schools, and medical and mental health
professionals. Through its wealth of horse-assisted programs, Agape positively impacts the physical,
mental, behavioral, and social challenges of people with special needs and at risk youth.

Our support is greatly appreciated:

"From all of us here at the barn, thank you! Your support of our mission
of unconditional love and unbridled hope goes a long way toward
creating meaningful experiences for our riders with special needs.

Thank you!
Kate Spanke, Agape Development Director

Operation Christmas Child

This year, we will be collecting items for the Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes all year! We have a
box in the narthex for donations. For the month of August, we will collect school supplies: they will be
on sale at cheapest prices of the year. No liquid glue please.
Paper Notebooks
Pens Pencils
Larger eraser Pencil sharpeners
Markers Colored pencils
Scissors Construction paper

As always, we can use any other items that are great bargains such as:
Shoes Flip Flops
Clothing Little toys

If you have any questions, please contact Laura Chambers or Jeannie Ecker.

Betty Ostrom: Wonderful decorations in Sanctuary!

Donations needed: Fish Fry Committee & Volunteers: Another successful operation!
canned meats
canned meals Susie Browning: Chairing the Fish Fry!
macaroni & cheese
spaghetti sauce Everyone who has worked hard to keep our church grounds looking great!
peanut butter
toilet tissue Those who helped with the Hamilton Heights service project!
Page 5
Prayer List policy: Those added to the prayer list will AUGUST SERVERS
remain there for at least 2 weeks. After 2 weeks they may
be deleted. Please call the church office to reinstate
1st Sunday, Aug. 6:
prayer concerns. Thank you! Hope Cluster Liturgist: Lonnie Whitehead
Russell Winders *Aroma UMC Welcome Center: Chris Osborn
Curtis Browning *Hortonville UMC Greeters & Ushers: Ed & Pat Catron,
Harlie Johnson *Sheridan UMC Marilyn Gerber, David Wallace
Bill Brown *Trinity Arcadia Sound Booth: Dan Grose
Lloyd Moore *Union UMC Nursery: Margaret & Alexandra Smith
Laura Chambers *Cicero UMC
Jennifer King (Georgannes daughter)
Butch & Myrna Watts 2nd Sunday, Aug. 13:
Harold Chattin Liturgist: John Kidwell
Mary Miller (Su Simpsons Sister) Welcome Center: Betty Ostrom
Aubrey Colburn Greeters & Ushers: Evelyn Schrumpf,
Peggy Spraker Eric, Julie & Drew Tomaszewski
Daniel Shock (Mike & Susan Murphys Sound Booth: Brent Harrison
son-in-law) Nursery: Margaret & Alexandra Smith
Bruce Turner (Butch Watts Cousin)
Jeannie Ecker
Kathy Bray 3rd Sunday, Aug. 20:
Lukas Thomas (Laura Chambers nephew) Liturgist: Paul Gibson
Terry OHara (OHaras son) Welcome Center: Lonnie Whitehead
Greeters & Ushers: Brad Hanni, Debra Jarvis,
SHUT INS Lonnie & Karen Whitehead
Sound Booth: Dennis Schrumpf
Anna Davis
Nursery: Margaret & Alexandra Smith
The Lodge, Room #31
1667 Sheridan Road
Noblesville, IN 46062
George Kanouse
4545 Merlot Ave., #125 4th Sunday, Aug. 27:
Liturgist: Brent Harrison
Grapevine, TX 76051
Welcome Center: Mary Johnson
Harold & Doris Chattin
Greeters & Ushers: Dar & Mel Gilmore,
7701 Dixon Court
Noblesville, IN 46062-7385 Keith Ecker, Darrell Troutt
Sound Booth: Dennis Schrumpf
Margaret Overdorf
Nursery: Margaret & Alexandra Smith
4537 Prunty Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32205
John Coy
1715 S. Main Street *If you cannot serve as listed,
Anderson, IN 46016 please contact the Church Secretary.
Helen Corn (Lana Oxleys Mom)
Golden Living Center
Helen Corn Room #124

Penny Raiders & Compassion: 2017 Sunday Schedule

Aug. 27 Agape Therapeutic Riding Resources, Cicero Nov. 26 Holiday Giving: Good Samaritan of Hamilton County
Sept. 24 Fletcher Place Community Center Dec. 24 Bishops Offering
Oct. 22-Operation Christmas ChildSamaritans Purse Dec. 31 TBD
Oct. 29 TBD
Did you see our Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venture Crew members carrying
the huge garrison flag in the Cicero Fourth of July Parade? What an honor! We are
so proud to be a part of America's Celebration of Liberty and we received many
positive comments and compliments on carrying this flag.
Our Cub Scouts had a great time at the Cub Adventure Camp based upon reports
that I have heard. They are already talking about going again next year. August
finds our Pack gearing up for another great year of fun and learning. They have a
great year planned and the Cubs and their families will have a lot of fun.
The Scout Troop had a great week at Summer Camp. This year they went to main camp at
Ransburg rather than running their own program at Adventure Point. The Scouts enjoyed the change
and will be deciding if that is what they want to do next year when they do their planning for 2017/2018
during August. There is even some discussion about going to a summer camp outside of our Scout
Council. We will see what happens when the planning is completed.
On Sunday, July 16 five Scouts and three leaders from our Troop - Troop 103 - left Cicero for
Cimarron, New Mexico and the Philmont Scout Ranch. They will spend 10 days hiking the mountains of
Northeast New Mexico carrying everything they need - food, tents, clothing, cooking equipment - in their
packs as they plan to hike a total of 84 miles. This premier High Adventure Base of Scouting is a
pinnacle of Scouting. We are very thankful to Mr. Joe Bounds, our former Scoutmaster who had moved
to Nashville, Tennessee because of his job, to come back and lead this adventure one more time. I can't
wait to hear the stories they will tell upon their return.
Thank you for making a difference in the lives of the young men (and women in the Venturing
Program) who are involved in our Scouting Program and for making the Pack, Troop and Crew available
by your sponsorship.

Dennis Schrumpf
Chartered Organization Representative for Pack 103, Troop 103, Crew 103

While pondering what to write for the August Newsletter, I ran across something
that appeared in a church newsletter many years ago. I think the message that
is being conveyed is still true today.

Dennis Schrumpf
Lay Leader
If you've already decided against going to church on Sunday, please check the appropriate box(es):

I'll Not Be At Church Sunday Because:

_____ I'm too tired. I need my rest.

_____ Too much work to do at home.

_____ Visitors are coming.

_____ The sermons have been boring lately.

_____ It's the only time I have for ________ (Golf, Picnicking, Reading the Sunday paper, etc.)

_____ I can pray just as easily at home.


Now, just sign your name, then tear the above from the Newsletter and mail it to God.
Page 7
1st 9th 17th 25th
2 Chronicles 30:1-31:21 Ezra 8:21-9:15 Nehemiah 12:27-13:31 Job 16:1-19:29
Romans 15:1-22 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 1 Corinthians 16:1-24
Psalm 25:1-15 Psalm 31:1-8 Psalm 35:1-16 Psalm 40:1-10
Proverbs 20:13-15 Proverbs 21:1-2 Proverbs 21:17-18 Proverbs 22:1

2nd 10th 18th 26th

2 Chronicles 32:1-33:13 Ezra 10:1-44 Esther 1:1-3:15 Job 20:1-22:30
Romans 15:23-16:9 1 Corinthians 6:1-20 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
Psalm 25:16-22 Psalm 31:9-18 Psalm 35:17-28 Psalm 40:11-17
Proverbs 20:16-18 Proverbs 21:3 Proverbs 21:19-20 Proverbs 22:2-4

3rd 11th 19th 27th

2 Chronicles 33:14- Nehemiah 1:1-3:14 Esther 4:1-7:10 Job 23:1-27:23
34:33 1 Corinthians 7:1-24 1 Corinthians 12:1-26 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11
Romans 16:10-27 Psalm 31:19-24 Psalm 36:1-12 Psalm 41:1-13
Psalm 26:1-12 Proverbs 21:4 Proverbs 21:21-22 Proverbs 22:5-6
Proverbs 20:19
12th 20th 28th
4th Nehemiah 3:15-5:13 Esther 8:1-10:3 Job 28:1-30:31
2 Chronicles 35:1-36:23 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13 2 Corinthians 2:12-17
1 Corinthians 1:1-17 Psalm 32:1-11 Psalm 37:1-11 Psalm 42:1-11
Psalm 27:1-6 Proverbs 21:5-7 Proverbs 21:23-24 Proverbs 22:7
Proverbs 20:20-21
13th 21st 29th
5th Nehemiah 5:14-7:73 Job 1:1-3:26 Job 31:1-33:33
Ezra 1:1-2:70 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 1 Corinthians 14:1-17 2 Corinthians 3:1-18
1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 Psalm 33:1-11 Psalm 37:12-29 Psalm 43:1-5
Psalm 27:7-14 Proverbs 21:8-10 Proverbs 21:25-26 Proverbs 22:8-9
Proverbs 20:22-23
14th 22nd 30th
6th Nehemiah 7:73-9:21 Job 4:1-7:21 Job 34:1-36:33
Ezra 3:1-4:23 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 1 Corinthians 14:18-40 2 Corinthians 4:1-12
1 Corinthians 2:6-3:4 Psalm 33:12-22 Psalm 37:30-40 Psalm 44:1-8
Psalm 28:1-9 Proverbs 21:11-12 Proverbs 21:27 Proverbs 22:10-12
Proverbs 20:24-25
15th 23rd 31st
7th Nehemiah 9:22-10:39 Job 8:1-11:20 Job 37:1-39:30
Ezra 4:24-6:22 1 Corinthians 9:19-10:13 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10
1 Corinthians 3:5-23 Psalm 34:1-10 Psalm 38:1-22 Psalm 44:9-26
Psalm 29:1-11 Proverbs 21:13 Proverbs 21:28-29 Proverbs 22:13
Proverbs 20:26-27
16th 24th
8th Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 Job 12:1-15:35
Ezra 7:1-8:20 1 Corinthians 10:14-33 1 Corinthians 15:29-58
1 Corinthians 4:1-21 Psalm 34:11-22 Psalm 39:1-13
Psalm 30:1-12 Proverbs 21:14-16 Proverbs 21:30-31
Proverbs 20:28-30
Page 8


*Please let the office know if you would

like to be added to the lists. Thanks!

4 Susie Browning, 14 Jeannie Ecker 5 John & Jo Kidwell

Keith Ecker, 21 David Jordan 6 Keith & Jeannie Ecker
Meghan Peterson 22 Bob Mann 12 Eric & Julie Tomaszewski
7 Betty Ostrom 24 Tracy Johnson 17 Neal & Brenda Hinz
8 Doneta Wire 27 Jenna Peterson 25 Ray & Karen Young
12 Alexandra Smith 28 Linda Neff 26 David & Tammy Baitz,
Byron & Carol Fritz
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5
Movie Night:
9 am Byron Tri-Town 5 pm Doves 6-8 pm Racial 7 am Prayer Brkfst Secret Life of Pets
Dialogue Circles @ Primary School @ Biddle Park
@ St. Lukes @ dusk (Free)
6 Flowers: Betty Ostrom 7 8 HH Start School 9 10 11 12
LOL Discussion after
Church (all welcome!) 9 am Byron Tri-Town
6:30 pm Boy Scouts 5 pm Doves
6:30 pm Narcotics Anon 8:00 pm Adult Troop 6:30 pm Cub Scouts
13 Childrens Church? 14 15 16 17 18 19
11:30 Lay Leadership Mtg
9 am Byron Tri-Town
2 pm Byron to Riverwalk 5 pm Doves
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
6:30 pm Narcotics Anon
20 21 Newsletter Info Due 22 23 24 25 26
Rainbow Promise starts 9 am Byron Tri-Town
5 pm Doves
6:30 pm Narcotics Anon 6:30 pm Boy Scouts 6:30 pm Cub Scouts
27 28 29 30
Penny Raiders: Agape
9 am Byron Tri-Town
2 pm Byron to Lodge 6:30 8 pm Boy Scout 5 pm Doves
Summer Court of Honor
6:30 pm Narcotics Anon
Cicero United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 617
100 E. Jackson Street
Cicero, IN 46034

PASTOR Byron Fritz

(317) 440-1391

Phone: (317) 984-4971


Address Service Requested

Want on or off the mailing list?

Call (317) 984-4971

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