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Effects of Problem Solving Approach On Mathematics Achievement of Diploma in Basic Education Distance Learners at University of Cape Coast, Ghana

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I confirm that this thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a
degree in any other university/institution for consideration. This research has
been complemented by works duly acknowledged. Where text, data, graphics,
pictures or tables have been borrowed from other works including the Internet,
the sources are specifically accredited and references cited in accordance and
in line with anti-plagiarism regulations.

Signature:. Date:
Arthur, Benjamin Eduafo

We confirm that the work reported in this thesis was carried out by the
candidate under our supervision as University supervisors.

Signature:.. Date:
Dr. Marguerite K. Miheso-OConnor
Department of Educational Communication & Technology
School of Education, Kenyatta University

Signature: . Date:
Prof. Joanna O. Masingila
Department of Mathematics and Teaching & Leadership Program
Syracuse University
Syracuse, New York USA

This study is dedicated to my wife, Araba Gyakyewa Arthur and my three

children, Felicia Efua Eduafowa Arthur, Elizabeth-Mary Ekua Gyamba Arthur

and Benjamin Eduafo Arthur Jnr. for their lovely care and support.


My warmest gratitude goes to my sponsors, Centre for Continuing Education,

University of Cape Coast, Ghana for the opportunity given to me to pursue

this PhD programme. My special thanks go to Mr. Albert Kobina Koomson,

the Director, Centre for Continuing Education of University of Cape Coast,

Ghana for the fatherly love, care, and support he gave to me during my

studies. I wish also to express my profound thanks to all staff of Centre for

Continuing Education, especially staff of the Examinations Unit, for the their

tireless support and prayers. I profoundly appreciate Dr. Marguerite K.

Miheso-OConnor and Prof. Joanna O. Masingila of Syracuse University

(USA) (my two supervisors), the Chair, Dr. M. Kiio and the entire staff of the

Department of Educational Communication and Technology for their

immense support and advice. My sincere thanks also go to Dr. S. M. Rukangu

for his hospitality and tireless support. Special thanks go to my Ghanaian

student colleagues in Kenyatta University: Mr. Siaw Frimpong, Mrs. Rebecca

Dei-Mensah, Mr. Daniel Agyirfo Sakyi, Rosemary Twum, Mr. Paul Nyagome,

Paul Agyei Mensah, P., Daisy, Nina Afriyie, Isaac Kwabena Otoo and Tahir

Ahmed Andzie whose input and critical review of my work made this write up

a success. My thanks also go to Rose for editing my work. Finally, my special

thanks go to my entire family, my in laws, and all churches of Christ brethren

both in Kenya (Kayole and Komarock) and in Ghana (Chapel Hill church of

Christ, Cape Coast) and all my close friends in Kenya and in Ghana.

May the good Lord richly bless all of you.

DECLARATION............................................................................. ii
DEDICATION............................................................................ iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................v
LISTS OF TABLES. ..................................................................... xii
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................... xiv
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMNS ...................................................xv
ABSTRACT ...................................................................... xvi
1.1 Introduction.. ................................................................................1
1.2 Background to the Study..............................................................................1
1.2.1 Rational for a Problem-solving Approach in the Teaching of ...2
Mathematics ...............................................................................2
1.2.2 Context of Teaching Mathematics for the Diploma in Basic
Education programme of UCC-CCE .........................................7
1.3 Statement of the Problem ...........................................................................12
1.4 Purpose of Study ........................................................................................15
1.5 Objectives of the Study ..............................................................................15
1.6 Research Hypotheses .................................................................................16
1.7 Significance of the Study ...........................................................................16
1.8 Delimitation and Limitation of the Study ..................................................17
1.8.1 Delimitation .............................................................................17
1.8.2 Limitation .................................................................................18
1.9 Assumptions of the Study ..........................................................................18
1.10 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks ................................................19
1.10.1 Theoretical Framework ..........................................................19
1.10.2 Constructs and Attributes of Radical and Social
constructivism Classroom .......................................................20
1.10.3 Conceptual Framework ..........................................................22

1.11 Organization of the Thesis .......................................................................24
1.12 Operational Definition of Terms ..............................................................25
1.13 Chapter Summary ....................................................................................25
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................................27
2.1 Introduction. ...................................................................................27
2.2 Distance Education ....................................................................................27
2.2.1 The Challenges of Distance Learners ......................................28
2.3 Learning Theories and Students Achievement .........................................31
2.3.1 Adult Learning Theory ............................................................31
2.3.2 Radical Constructivist Theory .................................................35
2.3.3 Social Constructivist Theory....................................................38
2.4 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning and Learners Achievement......39
2.4.1 Cooperative Learning...............................................................40
2.4.2 Collaborative Learning ............................................................42
2.5 Pre-service Teachers Knowledge about the Nature of Mathematics,
Teaching and Learning, and Knowledge for Teaching
Mathematics .............................................................................47
2.5.1 Pre-service Teachers Knowledge about the Nature of
Mathematics, and Mathematics Teaching and Learning .........47
2.5.2 Pre-service Teachers Knowledge for Mathematics Teaching
2.6 A Problem-solving Approach to Teaching and Learning Mathematics ....54
2.6.1 A Problem-Solving Approach and Mathematics Achievement
2.6.2 Developing Mathematical Understanding Through a Problem
Solving Approach ....................................................................59
2.6.3 Impact of a Problem-Solving Approach on Achievement of
Learners in Mathematics .........................................................64
2.7 Chapter Summary ......................................................................................73

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY .......................................74
3.1 Introduction.. ..................................................................................74
3.2 Research Design.........................................................................................74
3.2.1 Treatment and Control Procedures ..........................................76
3.2.2 Briefing and Debriefing for Facilitators ..................................77
3.2.3 Variables ..................................................................................79
3.3 Location of the Study .................................................................................80
3.4 Target Population .......................................................................................81
3.5 Sampling Technique and Sample Size .......................................................82
3.5.1 Sampling Techniques ...............................................................83
3.5.2 Sample Size..............................................................................84
3.6 Construction of Research Instruments .......................................................86
3.6.1 Pre-test and post-test questions ................................................86
3.6.2 Questionnaires..........................................................................87
3.6.3 Classroom and Lesson Observation Schedule .........................88
3.6.4 Written Interview Protocol ......................................................89
3.7 The Pilot Study ..........................................................................................90
3.7.1 Validity ....................................................................................91
3.7.2 Reliability.................................................................................92
3.8 Data Collection Techniques .......................................................................93
3.9 Data Analysis and Presentation .................................................................95
3.10 Logistical and Ethical Consideration .......................................................97
3.11 Chapter Summary ....................................................................................98
4.1 Introduction. ...............................................................................99
4.2 Biographic Data of Respondents ...............................................................99
4.2.1 Gender ..................................................................99
4.2.2 Learner Respondents Age .....................................................100

4.2.3 Teaching Experience..101

4.2.4 Academic Qualifications ........................................................102

4.2.5 Type of Admission .................................................................103
4.2.6 Respondents Type of School, School Section and Teaching
Class .......................................................................................104
4.2.7 Class Size ...............................................................................105
4.3 Effects of a Problem-Solving Approach on UCC-CCE DBE Distance
Learners Achievement Scores in Mathematics ....................107
4.4 Learners Perceptions before and after Learning of Mathematics ............114
through a Problem-solving Approach .....................................................114
4.4.1 Instrumentalist Driven Perceptions ........................................115 Learning Mathematics is to know the rules ........................116 Learning Mathematics means Finding Correct Answers ....117 Learning Mathematics is seeing a correct example and then
trying to do the same ..............................................................118 Learning Mathematics means to cram and practice enough
Practice Enough .....................................................................120 Learning Mathematics means to get the right answers .......121 Mathematics learning is to learn a set of algorithms and rules
that cover all possibilities.......................................................123 Mathematics learning is for the gifted ................................125 Learning Mathematics rules and methods by rote is important
................................................................................................126 Learning formal aspects of mathematics as early as possible
is important ............................................................................127 Conventional approach is the best way to teach students to
solve mathematics problems ..................................................129 Mathematics learning means giving notes to students to
copy ........................................................................................130
4.4.2 Problem-solving Perceptions (Fallibilism) ............................131

viii Mathematics learning is to understand why a method works
rather than to only learn rules ................................................133 Students should learn mathematics in groups .....................134 Students should ask questions during mathematics lessons135 A problem-solving method is the best way of teaching
mathematics........137 Students should often be confronted with novel problems .138 Mathematics learning is creation of conditions to stimulate
self- learning ..........................................................................140 Mathematics learning as use of worksheet to learn ............142 Cooperative work in groups is good for efficient learning of
mathematics ...........................................................................143 Learning mathematics means learners discovering for
4.5 Effects of a Problem-Solving Approach on Facilitators Perceptions about
Learning and Teaching of Mathematics ................................147
4.5.1 Effects of Problem-Solving Approach on Perceptions about
Learning Mathematics .........................................................147 Learning mathematics in groups .........................................148 Teachers encouraging students to ask questions .................149 Students solving problems on their own .............................150 Encouraging students to deduce general principles from
practical work.........................................................................151 .Mathematics teaching means encouraging students to discuss
their Solutions ........................................................................152 Cooperative group work and group presentation is good for
mathematics learning .............................................................154 Students learn more from problems that do not have
procedure for solution ............................................................155 It is important for students to argue out their answers ........156

ix Solving mathematical problems often entails use of
hypotheses, tests and re-evaluation ........................................158 Students learn mathematics from seeing different ways of
solving the problem................................................................159
4.5.2 Effects of Problem-Solving Approach on Respondents
Perception about Teaching of Mathematics ..........................159 Conventional approach .......................................................160 Whole class teaching by a teacher is more effective than
facilitating ..............................................................................161 Teachers ought to create an environment to stimulate students
to construct their own conceptual knowledge .......................162 Mathematics Teacher to Consciously Facilitate Problem
Solving in Class..............162 Allowing Students to Discover for Themselves Leads to ...164
Incompletion of Syllabus .......................................................164
4.6 Challenges in the Adoption of a Problem-Solving Approach in the
Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. ...............................................165
4.7 Chapter Summary ....................................................................................173

5.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................174

5.2 Summary of Main Findings .....................................................................174
5.3 Implications of the Findings ....................................................................177
5.4 Conclusions. .................................................................................179
5.5 Recommendations ....................................................................................181
5.5.1 Policy Recommendation ........................................................182 Recommendations for the Ghana Government, GES, and
TED ........................................................................................184
5.5.2 Recommendations for Further Research ...............................186
5.6 Chapter Summary ...................................................................................187
Appendix A: Three-Day Training Workshop Programme for Facilitators in
Treatment Group .....................................................................217
Appendix B: Study Locations on Ghana Map ...............................................219
Appendix C: Mathematics Intervention For First Year Diploma in Basic
Education (Pre-Intervention Test) ...........................................220
Appendix D:Mathematics Intervention for First Year Diploma in Basic
Education (Post-Intervention Test) .........................................222
Appendix E:Questionnaire for UCC-CCE Distance Learners .......................224
Appendix F:Questionnaire for UCC-CCE Mathematics Facilitators ............227
Appendix G: Classroom Observation Guide /Schedule.................................230
Appendix H:Written Interview Questionnaire for Mathematics Facilitators ......
Appendix I: Solutions and Scoring Rubrics for Pre-Intervention Test .......234
Appendix J: A Five Year Implementation Model for the use of a Problem-
solving approach in teaching distance learners mathematics in
Appendix K: Time Line ................................................................................239
Appendix L: Budget for Research ................................................................240

Table 1.1 : Mathematics Achievement of First-year and Third-year
UCC- CCE Distance Learners over a Ten year
Period, 2001-2010.. 10
Table 2.1 : Contrast between a conventional (Traditional)
Approach and learning through a problem solving
Approach. 59
Table 3.1 : Distribution of UCC-CCE Study Centres in the Ten
Regions of Ghana.. 81
Table 3.2 : Distribution of UCC-CCE Study Centres by Zones... 83
Table 3.3 : Randomly Selected Centres from Randomly Selected
Regions... 84
Table 3.4 : Percentage Distribution of Level of Cognitive
Learning Domains in Pre- intervention and Post-
intervention Test Items... 85
Table 3.5 : Summary of Sampling Technique and Sample Size... 86
Table 3.6 Percentage Distribution of Level of Cognitive
Learning Domains in Pre- intervention and Post-
intervention Test Items... 87
Table 4.1 : Respondents Type of School and Teaching Class.. 105
Table 4.2 : Respondents Type of School and School Section.. 105
Table 4.3 : Results for Knowledge (Pre-intervention and Post-
intervention. 107
Table 4.4 : Results for Comprehension (Pre-intervention and Post-
intervention) 108
Table 4.5 : Pre-intervention Test and Post-intervention Test
Scores- on Application... 109
Table 4.6 : Results on Analysis (Pre-intervention and Post
intervention) ................... 110
Table 4.7 : Pre-intervention Test Mean Scores for the Four levels
of Cognitive Learning Domains... 111
Table 4.8 : Paired Sample t-Test for the Pre-intervention Test
Scores. 112
Table 4.9 : Post-intervention test Mean Scores for Four Levels of
Cognitive Learning Domains.. 112
Table 4.10: Paired Sample t-Test for the Post- intervention Test
Scores.. 113
Table 4.11: Perceptions on Learning Mathematics are to know the
Rules 116
Table 4.12: Perceptions on Learning Mathematics Means finding
Correct Answers. 117
Table 4.13: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning Means to See a
Correct Example for Solution and then Trying to Do
the same...... 119
Table 4.14: Perceptions on Learning Mathematics Means to Cram

and Practice Enough... 120
Table 4.15: Perceptions on Learning Mathematics Means to get
Right Answers in Mathematics... 122
Table 4.16: Perception on Mathematics Learning is to Learn a Set
of Algorithms and Rules that Cover all Possibilities.. 124
Table 4.17: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning are for the
Gifted 125
Table 4.18: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learning
Rules and Methods by Rote 127
Table 4.19: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learning
Formal Aspect as Early as Possible 128
Table 4.20: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learning
through Conventional Approach. 129
Table 4.21: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Giving
Students Notes to Copy 130
Table 4.22: Perception on Mathematics Learning is to Understand
why a Method Works than to Learn Rules. 134
Table 4.23: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Students
Learning Mathematics in Groups... 135
Table 4.24: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Encouraging
Students to Ask Questions 136
Table 4.25: Perceptions on a Problem-solving Method is the Best
Way of Teaching Mathematics... 138
Table 4.26: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Confronting
Learners with Novel Problems when Learning
Mathematics 139
Table 4.27: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Teacher
Creating Conditions to Stimulate self-learning.. 141
Table 4.28: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Using of
Worksheet to Learn. 142
Table 4.29: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Cooperative
Work in Groups.. 143
Table 4.30: Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learners
Discovering for Themselves... 144

Figure 1.1 : Conceptual framework model of the study................... 23
Figure 3.1 : Nonequivalent (pre-test and post-test) Quasi
Experimental Design. 75
Figure 4.1 : Respondents by Gender 100
Figure 4.2 : Respondents by Ages 101
Figure 4.3 : Respondents on Teaching Experience 101
Figure 4.4 : Respondents on Highest Academic Qualification 102
Figure 4.5 : Respondents by Mode of Admission to UCC-CCE.. 103
Figure 4.6 : Respondents on Class Size.. 106
Figure 4.7 : Learning mathematics in groups... 148
Figure 4.8 : Using Questioning technique 149
Figure 4.9 : Students Solving Problems on their Own. 150
Figure 4.10 : Teacher to Encourage Students. 152
Figure 4.11 : Discussion of Solutions 153
Figure 4.12 : Cooperative Group Work.. 154
Figure 4.13 : No Procedure for Solution 156
Figure 4.14 : Arguing On Answers 157
Figure 4.15 : Solving Mathematical Problems... 158
Figure 4.16 : Different ways of Learning Mathematics. 159
Figure 4.17 : Conventional Approach 160
Figure 4.18 : Whole Class Teaching is Effective than Facilitating 161
Figure 4.19 : Creation of an Environment for Conceptual
understanding Construction.. 162
Figure 4.20 : Teacher to Facilitate Problem Solving in Class 163
Figure 4.21 : Students to Discover for themselves Leads to
Incompletion of syllabus... 164

Figure 4.22 : Encountering a Problem-solving Approach.. 166

Figure 4.23 : Frequency of Use of a Problem-solving Approach.. 167
Figure 4.24 : Negative Effects of a Problem-solving Approach 168
Figure 4.25 : Challenges of a Problem-solving Approach in Teaching
and Learning of Mathematics.. 171


ANOVA Analysis of Variance

CCE: Centre for Continuing Education

CLS Conceptual Learning Strategy

CM Conventional Method

DBE Diploma in Basic Education

DL Distance Learner

FTF Face to Face

GES Ghana Education Service

KNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and


PLS Procedural Learning Strategy

SCK Subject Content Knowledge

TED Teacher Education Division

TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study

UCC University of Cape Coast

UEW University of Education, Winneba

UG University of Ghana

WASSSCE West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate


The mathematics achievement of students pursuing Diploma in Basic
Education (DBE) degree in Ghanas University of Cape-Coast (UCC) distance
education programme from 2001 to present has been consistently low. This
study sought to determine the effects of a problem-solving approach
intervention on the mathematics achievement of DBE UCC distance learners
(DLs) in Ghana. The study employed a mixed research design, using a sample
of 506 DBE UCC first year DLs and eight facilitators. Study instruments
included before intervention and after intervention test items, questionnaires
and interview schedules. The study was guided by four objectives: (1) to
determine the difference a problem-solving approach made on UCC DBE DLs
achievement scores in mathematics, (2) to establish the change in DBE UCC
DLs perception about mathematics teaching and learning before and after
learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach, (3) to establish the
effects of a problem-solving approach on DBE UCC DLs mathematics
facilitators perceptions about mathematics teaching and learning and (4) to
determine the challenges faced by facilitators in adoption of a problem-solving
approach in teaching mathematics. Results for the first objective were
analyzed using mean, standard deviation and t-test statistics. It was found in
general that the experimental group performed slightly significantly above the
control group. Specifically the experimental group performed better in
knowledge and application than the control group. However, there was no
significant difference in the performance of the two groups in comprehension
and analysis. ANOVA result was used to analyze objective two. The study
found that a problem-solving approach significantly changed majority of the
pre-service prospective elementary mathematics teachers instrumentalist
driven views of mathematics teaching and learning to a problem solving
driven views or perceptions. A descriptive analysis conducted on facilitators
perceptions after learning through a problem-solving approach depicted a
multidimensional views about mathematics teaching and learning before a
three days training workshop and a problem-driven view after the training
workshop. The study discovered through descriptive analysis that the
facilitators could not fully put their developed problem solving driven view of
mathematics teaching and learning into practice as a result of several
mitigating factors including non-availability of non-routine problem solving
activity textbooks and limited teaching time. The study therefore recommends
among others a complete overhauling of Ghanas UCC-CCE mathematics
curriculum for pre-service prospective elementary teachers to include the use
of a problem-solving approach to teach mathematics, intensive retraining of
mathematics teacher trainers in UCC-CCE on the use of a problem-solving
approach in teaching mathematics and the need for a robust change of
Ghanas first and second cycle schools mathematics syllabi and textbooks to
promote and sustain the use of a problem-solving approach in teaching



1.1 Introduction

This chapter provides a background of the problem, statement of the problem,

purpose of the study, significance of the study, delimitation and limitation of the

study, and theoretical and conceptual frame-work of the study. The context of

the study is the University of Cape Coast Centre for Continuing Education

(UCC-CCE) in Ghana.

1.2 Background to the Study

Mathematics is crucial not only for success in school, but in being an informed

citizen, being productive in ones chosen career, and in personal fulfillment. In

todays technology-driven society, greater demands have been placed on

individuals to interpret and use mathematics to make sense of information and

complex situations. Raising learners achievement in mathematics has become a

matter of increased focus in recent years. Improving the quality of teaching

mathematics may likely raise students achievement in mathematics. Studies

seem to agreeably suggest those learners who receive high-quality instruction in

mathematics experience greater and more persistent achievement gains than

their peers who receive lower-quality instruction in mathematics (Rivkin,

Hanushek, & Kain, 2005). Current technology and scientific advancement being

experienced worldwide requires that Ghanaian learners must be taught to go

beyond low level comprehension and mere memorization of facts and formulae

if they are to become problem solvers of the future. Trainee teachers therefore

should be adequately equipped during initial teacher training to be able to

develop in their pupils or learners higher-level thinking skills, especially in


The Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) distance learner of Ghanas University

of Cape Coast Centre for Continuing Education (UCC-CCE), who is a basic

school teacher (Elementary and Junior High school teacher), needs a strong

mathematics subject content knowledge (SCK) base for good performance in

mathematics and also to perform effectively and confidently as a teacher of

mathematics. It is argued that teacher effects on learners achievements are

driven by teachers ability to understand and use SCK to carry the task of

teaching (Ball, 1990; Shulman, 1986). Lack of a students ability to

create/construct the needed knowledge in mathematics and apply it in both

familiar and unfamiliar situations will likely lead the student to perform below

average in mathematics. Problem solving in mathematics is one aspect of

mathematics that enables learners to apply their skills to both familiar and

unfamiliar situations, thereby giving them the ability to use tested theories and

also create their own knowledge before applying them.

1.2.1 Rational for a Problem-solving Approach in the Teaching of

In general, when researchers use the term problem solving in mathematics

they are referring to mathematical tasks that have the potential to provide

intellectual challenges that can enhance learners mathematical development

and hence improve their performance in mathematics. Such tasks also promote

learners conceptual understanding, foster their ability to reason and

communicate mathematically, capture their interests and curiosity (Hiebert &

Wearne, 1993; Marcus & Fey, 2003; National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics [NCTM], 1991; Van de Walle, 2007). Teachers' subject matter

knowledge, according to Ball (1988), interacts with their assumptions and

explicit beliefs about teaching and learning, about learners, and about context to

shape the ways in which they teach learners mathematics. A teachers

understanding of mathematics is thus a critical factor in the interplay of

interpretation and response in teaching mathematics. There is therefore the need

for an instructional approach to teaching mathematics that will enable the

prospective mathematics teacher (for the purpose of this study, the distance

learner) to develop understanding of mathematical ideas and processes by

actively doing mathematics and thereby improve performance in mathematics.

The view of mathematics instruction used in UCC-CCE mathematics

classrooms during DBE distance learners face to face sessions is like what

Masingila, Lester, and Raymond (2011) describe as an activity in which an

expert the teacher attempts to transmit the knowledge of mathematics to a

group of learners who usually sit quietly trying to make sense of what the expert

is telling them. This passive transmission view of mathematics instruction needs

to be replaced (in UCC-CCE) by a new view in which mathematics will be seen

as a cooperative venture among learners (distance learners) who will be

encouraged to explore, make and debate conjectures, build connections among

concepts, solve problems growing out of their explorations, and construct

personal meaning from all of these experiences (Masingila et al., 2011).

There are three approaches to problem solving instructions: teaching about

problem solving, teaching for problem solving, and teaching through problem

solving (a problem solving approach). Teaching about problem solving involves

teaching problem solving as a topic for study (problem solving as a context)

while teaching for problem solving indicates solving novel or non-routine

problems as an aspect of the curriculum requirement (problem solving as a


Many writers have attempted to clarify what is meant by a problem-solving

approach to teaching mathematics as the emphasis has shifted from teaching

problem solving to teaching through problem solving (Lester, Masingila, Mau,

Lambdin, dos Santos & Raymond, 1994). Making problem solving an integral

part of mathematics learning is what is often called teaching through problem

solving (NTCM, 2010). According to Lester et al. (1994), teaching mathematics

topics through a problem-solving approach is characterized by the teacher

helping learners construct a deeper understanding of mathematical ideas and

processes by engaging them in doing mathematics: creating, conjecturing,

exploring, testing, and verifying (p. 154). Specific characteristics of a problem-

solving approach include:

Interactions between learners/learners and teachers/ learners (Van Zoest,

Jones, & Thornton, 1994)

Mathematical dialogue and consensus between learners (Van Zoest et

al., 1994)

Teachers providing just enough information to establish

background/intent of the problem, and learners clarifying, interpreting,

and attempting to construct one or more solution processes (Cobb,

Wood, Yackel, Nicholls, Wheatley, Trigatti, & Perlwitz, 1991)

Teachers accepting right/wrong answers in a non-evaluative way (Cobb

et al., 1991)

Teachers guiding, coaching, asking insightful questions and sharing in

the process of solving problems (Lester et al., 1994)

Teacher knowing when it is appropriate to intervene, and when to step

back and let the pupils (learners) make their own way (Lester et al.,


This list of characteristics on teaching mathematics through a problem-solving

approach involves the learner actively learning mathematics by doing, with

teacher passively playing the supportive role of teaching by assisting the learner

to construct his/her new mathematical knowledge and understanding. It also

involves learners learning in cooperative and collaborative small groups. This

type of learning supports constructivism and social-constructivism knowing and

learning theories discussed in section 2.1.

A problem-solving approach (a learner-centered approach) involves teaching

mathematics topics through problem-solving contexts and enquiry-oriented

environments that are characterised by the teacher helping learners construct a

deeper understanding of mathematical ideas and processes by engaging them in

doing mathematics: creating, conjecturing, exploring, testing, and verifying

(Lester et al., 1994, p.154). Furthermore, Bay (2000) explains teaching via

problem solving as a method by which mathematics teachers may provide more

meaningful instruction. Advancing his argument, Bay (2000) further explains

that Teaching via problem solving (teaching through a problem-solving

approach) is teaching mathematics content in a problem-solving environment. A

problem-solving approach can be used to encourage learners to make

generalisations about rules and concepts, a process that is central to

mathematics (Evan & Lappin, 1994). It also shows an engagement in learning

that may lead to the development of higher-order cognitive skills that are rarely

developed by learners in more direct/conventional instruction, drill-and-practice

classroom activities. A problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics

defines the role of the teacher as a facilitator of learning rather than a transmitter

of knowledge and the learner, as a manager and director of their own learning.

The learners or problem solvers have to follow the framework suggested by

Polyas (1957) How to Solve It book, that are presented in four phases or

areas of problem-solving and often recommended for teaching and assessing

problem-solving skills. The four phases or steps are:

Understanding the problem

Devising a plan to solve the problem

Carrying out the plan or implementing the plan and

Looking back or reflecting on the problem.

These heuristics procedural skills, control process and awareness of ones

cognitive processes develop concurrently with the development of an

understanding of mathematical concepts (Masingila et al., 2011).

1.2.2 Context of Teaching Mathematics for the Diploma in Basic Education

programme of UCC-CCE
For the fundamental right of all people to learning to be realized, there has been

a tremendous innovation in the traditional way of educational delivery to

include open and distance learning mode of education delivery. As a force

contributing to social and economic development, open and distance learning is

fast becoming an accepted and indispensable part of the main-stream of

educational systems in both developed and developing countries, with particular

emphasis to the latter (UNESCO, 2002).

Ghana has for the past ten years embarked upon distance education programmes

in four out of its seven public universities: University of Cape Coast (UCC),

University of Ghana (UG), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and

Technology (KNUST) and University of Education, Winneba (UEW). The

mission of Ghanas distance education programme is to make quality education

at all levels more accessible and relevant to meet the learning needs of

Ghanaians so as to enhance their performance and improve the quality of their

lives. This noble mission of enhancement of performance seems to have

suffered a setback of low achievement in mathematics by distance learners in


UCC was established by an Act of Parliament in 1962 as a University College

of Education and mandated to produce graduate teachers for the 2nd Cycle

(Secondary) Schools and Teacher Training Colleges in the country. With an

initial admission of 155 learners to the Faculty of Education, the University has

grown steadily over the years to become a fully-fledged, multipurpose

institution recognized worldwide. Before the full operation of Distance

Education programmes in 2001, the University had three Faculties Education,

Social Science and Arts and four Schools Agriculture, Physical Science,

Biological Science and Business; and it now has 54 programmes with a student

population of about 15,000, (

The University has faced increasing pressure, over the years, from qualified

applicants who were seeking admission to the various programmes. In order to

provide opportunities for these applicants to pursue higher education, the UCC

established the Centre for Continuing Education (a distance education unit) in

1997 and was in full operation in 2001. The Centre has been established,

primarily among other reasons, to train more professional teachers for all levels

of Education in the Ghana Education Service (GES) (

The University of Cape Coast, Centre for Continuing Education (UCC-CCE)

has 30 study centres spread across the ten regions in Ghana (with a centre at

least in each region). The main focus of the Centre is directed at among others,

mounting a Basic Education programme leading to Diploma, Post-Diploma

Degree and Masters Degree and also to increase access to the Diploma in Basic

Education (DBE) programme to serving teachers in the Ghana Education

Service, such as certificate A, Specialists and Pupil-Teachers (untrained


The DBE programme in the centre is organized in such a way that students

attend face-to-face (FTF) sessions fortnightly and the rest of the time used by

the students to learn in the comfort of their own homes. Programme delivery is

by print mode.

Since 2001, UCC-CCE has been successfully fulfilling the objective of

increasing access to the Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) programme to

serving teachers in the Ghana Education Service, such as certificate A,

Specialists and Pupil-Teachers. By the design of the DBE programme, these

distance learners have to study mathematics every year in the three years they

spend on the DBE distance programme. The mathematics course outline for the

UCC-CCE requires that all DBE learners on the UCC-CCE distance education

programme should have a strong mathematics content knowledge base in

secondary school core mathematics and some aspects of secondary school

elective mathematics. By this design of strong content knowledge base, it is

believed that distance learners will be able to teach mathematics confidently and

competently in the various basic schools in which they will teach.

The mathematics achievement of this DBE DLs in UCC-CCE from 2001 to

present has been consistently low. That is, the majority of these DLs by this

study are scoring below a cut-off mark of 55% in Mathematics (Table 1.1)

Table 1.1 Mathematics Achievement of First-year and Third-year UCC-

CCE Distance Learners over a Ten year Period, 2001-2010.


SCORE 55% 55%
2001 36.2 16.5
2002 34.0 30.1
2003 35.4 40.6
2004 47.4 40.8
2005 37.8 55.4
2006 41.1 40.7
2007 45.9 55.7
2008 41.2 52.0
2009 47.6 N/A
2010 59.6 N/A
AVERAGE 44.0 43.0
Source: UCC-CCE Assessment Unit.

Although a 50% mark (grade letter D) by UCC-CCE standards is a pass, in this

study the bench mark for a pass is 55%, a grade letter of D+. The grading

system used in UCC-CCE is a 9-point-scale: A, 80% and above; B+, 75-79; B,

70-74; C+, 65-69; C, 60-64; D+, 55-59; D, 50-54; E, 49 and below. It is

possible that this recurring low achievement in mathematics by UCC distance

learners over the years is as a result of the same instructional approach used in

teaching the distance learners mathematics.

Teaching through a problem-solving approach is rarely seen in distance

learners (DLs) mathematics classrooms of Ghanas UCC-CCE at several study

centres during face-to-face (FTF) sessions. The teaching approach observed in

several classrooms of these study centres during mathematics lessons is

predominantly a conventional approach (a teacher-centered or directed

instructional approach).

This directed instructional approach has its foundations embedded in

behavourial learning perspective and it has been a popular technique used for

decades as an educational instructional approach in several institutions of

learning in Ghana. In this approach, the teacher basically controls the

instructional process, the content is delivered to the entire class and the teacher

tends to emphasize factual knowledge. In other words, the teacher delivers the

lecture content and the students listen to the lecture. In this approach, the

learners are passive receivers of knowledge. It has been found in most studies

that the conventional lecture approach in classroom is of limited effectiveness in

both teaching and learning and also in such a lecture students assume a purely

passive role and their concentration fades off after 15-20 minutes.

This approach to teaching of distance learners in UCC-CCE is perhaps what is

contributing to the distance learners low performance in mathematics. It is

against this background that this study was carried out with the aim of assessing

the effects a problem-solving approach can have on DBE UCC-CCE distance

learners achievement in mathematics.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

It is important that UCC-CCE distance learners perform well in mathematics

since as prospective elementary mathematics teachers, they are central to having

high-quality education in Ghana. There has been a recurring low achievement of

UCC-CCE distance learners in mathematics from the year 2001 to 2010. This

recurring low achievement of UCC-CCE distance learners calls for a concerted

effort by both mathematics educators in UCC-CCE and UCC-CCE mathematics

facilitators in adopting teaching and learning strategies that will help to improve

the situation.

Ghanas poor performance in mathematics from the results of Trends in

International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2003 in which Ghana

was ranked among the lowest in Africa and the world (Ghana was ranked 44th

out 45 participatory countries calls in 8th grade mathematics), calls for some

overhauling of the mathematics curriculum of both the Basic and Second cycle

Schools and a review of how mathematics is taught. Methods used in teaching

mathematics in the majority of schools (including teacher training colleges) in

Ghana since post-independence (1960), by observation and experience, have not

undergone significant metamorphosis. An executive summary of Ghanas vision

2020 (captioned The First Step) states in the guidelines for formulation and

implementation of policies programmes under education (Section 5.1.12) that

the vision will substitute teaching methods that promote inquiry and problem-

solving for those based on rote learning. This is one of the medium-term (1996-

2000) policies under education that is yet to materialize and is long overdue.

In UCC-CCE, several approaches have been adopted over the years to improve

learners low achievement in mathematics by administrators and UCC-CCE

mathematics educators. Some of these approaches include increased

remuneration and orientation of mathematics course facilitators, monitoring and

evaluation of facilitators during face-to-face sessions (FTFs), and increasing

FTFs contact time. Yet the low performance of learners continues to persist.

This persistence in low performance of learners may mean that the real source

and solution to the problem has not been systematically established, at least in

the context of UCC-CCE. This study contends that a possible solution to the

problem may lie in the teaching of mathematics using an appropriate teaching

approach, which is the essence of this study. The teaching approach used

predominantly by UCC-CCE mathematics facilitators over the years seems to

be addressing the lower cognitive performance levels of Blooms (1956)

Taxonomy of Learning Domains (knowledge, comprehension). The higher

levels of performance in Blooms Taxonomy of Learning Domains (application,

analysis, synthesis, evaluation) may have usually not been reached by this

teaching approach; hence, the low performance. For example, Anamuah-

Mensah, Mireku, and Asabere-Ameyaw (2004), attribute Ghanaian students

abysmal performance in mathematics to the quality of mathematics teaching.

They posit that students were able to answer questions (in TIMSS assessment,

2003 and 2007) that required recall of facts and procedures (lower levels of

cognitive learning domains) and not deep conceptual knowledge (higher levels

of cognitive learning domains) of mathematics.

The distance learners in-depth knowledge of mathematical facts,

comprehension of mathematical concepts, and ability to apply concepts and use

procedural skills in unfamiliar situations are of importance to the cognitive

levels of achievement, summative performance in mathematics, and the

teaching profession since a teachers knowledge of mathematics is crucial for

improving the quality of instruction (Ball, 1991; Ma, 1999; Sherin, 1996).

It is therefore the aim of this study to investigate whether a problem-solving

approach will be an appropriate alternative approach in teaching mathematics to

UCC-CCE distance learners so as to improve their cognitive level of

achievement and thereby improve their ultimate achievement (performance) in


1.4 Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study was to examine whether a problem-solving approach

to teaching mathematics will improve the achievement of UCC-CCE distance

learners in mathematics. The general objective of the study was to determine the

effects a problem-solving approach will have on UCC-CCE distance learners

achievement in mathematics as opposed to a conventional approach.

1.5 Objectives of the Study

The study was guided by four specific objectives. The first objective was based

on the first four cognitive domains of Blooms Taxonomy of six cognitive

domains in educational objectives (knowledge, comprehension, application,

analysis). The reason for using Blooms taxonomy is that it provides a clear

guide to use in the evaluation of both a set examination and candidates scores

in the examination. The specific objectives were as follows:

1. To determine the difference a problem-solving approach makes on UCC-

CCE DBE distance learners achievement scores in mathematics.

2. To establish the change in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions

before and after learning of mathematics through a problem-solving


3. To establish the effects of a problem-solving approach on facilitators

teaching and learning of mathematics.

4. To determine the challenges faced by facilitators in the adoption of a

problem-solving approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics.

1.6 Research Hypotheses

Based on the objectives, the study was directed by two null hypotheses as stated


1. There is no statistically significant difference that a problem-solving

approach made on the mean scores of UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

levels of cognitive learning domains in mathematics.

2. There is no statistically significant difference in UCC-CCE DBE distance

learners perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a

problem-solving approach.

1.7 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study contribute to the knowledge of literature in research

on mathematics education and more understanding on the use of a problem-

solving approach in teaching mathematics.

The findings of the study provide mathematics educators, as well as

mathematics lecturers in UCCs conventional programme, insight into the

findings of this study to improve the teaching of mathematics teaching and

learning in UCC, where mathematics teaching has been predominantly through

a conventional, lecture approach.

The findings provide UCC-CCE mathematics educators a new approach to train

mathematics teachers and even re-design all mathematics modules used by

distance learners to improve the performance of distance learners in


Distance learners who have benefited from this study may apply this approach

in teaching their pupils or learners mathematics and by so doing improve the

performance of their pupils/learners in mathematics.

Finally, the study provides mathematics curriculum developers in the Basic

Education Division, Secondary Education Division and Teacher Education

Division (TED) of the Ghana Education Service (GES) insight into the benefits

and the challenges associated with the use of a problem-solving approach and

suggests its adoption, in addition to existing pedagogy, to develop syllabi and

text books for use by basic, secondary schools and teacher training colleges in


1.8 Delimitation and Limitation of the Study

1.8.1 Delimitation

This study was limited to only the first-year Diploma Basic Education distance

learners in the UCC-CCE. This group of learners will have an additional two

years ahead of them to learn mathematics using any one of these approaches or

both depending on the outcome of the study. As a result of limited time for the

study, only one unit out of the six (6) units (thirty-six sessions) of the

mathematics module PMS101 Mathematics for Basic School Teachers 1, a

mathematics course book for first-year Diploma in Basic Education learners,

was used as an instructional manual for the study.

1.8.2 Limitation

As a result of financial and time constraints, the study was limited to the UCC-

CCE distance education programme in Ghana. An optimum sample size for the

study was chosen so that descriptive or inferential conclusions drawn from it

provide a true representation of the population. Indeed, the conclusions drawn

from the findings partially represent the effects a problem-solving or a

conventional approach will have on the teaching of mathematics in other teacher

preparation universities or colleges of education in Ghana.

1.9 Assumptions of the Study

This research was conducted on the assumptions that:

The facilitators and distance learners in both the control and treatment

groups have not been exposed to the use of a problem-solving approach to

the teaching and learning of mathematics.

The facilitators in the treatment group, after training, will be committed to

the use of a problem-solving approach in their various study centres to teach

distance learners mathematics.

The distance learners in the treatment group will actively involve

themselves in learning through a problem-solving approach.

There will be no sharing of teaching and learning by distance learners and

their facilitators in the treatment group with distance learners and their

facilitators in the control group.

1.10 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks

1.10.1 Theoretical Framework

This study drew its theoretical framework from constructivism which has two

belief systems: radical constructivism and social constructivism. Formalization

of the theory of radical constructivism, according to Von Glasersfeld (1990) is

generally attributed to Jean Piaget (1896-1980). According to Von Glasersfield

(1990), Piaget suggested that through processes of accommodation and

assimilation, individuals construct new knowledge from their experiences.

Radical constructivists view learning as a process in which the learner actively

constructs or builds new ideas or concepts based upon current and past

knowledge experience. In terms of psychology, recognition to the further

development of radical constructivism in regard to classrooms and learners can

be given to John Dewey (1859-1952), Jean Piaget (1896-1980), and Lev

Vygotsky (1896-1934). Social constructivism is considered as an extension of

the traditional focus on individual learning to addressing collaborative and

social dimensions of learning. Social constructivists posit that knowledge is

constructed when individuals engage socially in talk and activity about shared

problems or tasks (Jones, 1996), and that knowledge is interwoven with culture

and society (Ernest, 1992).

What these theories are suggesting is that a learners mind is not like an empty

vessel that has to be filled with knowledge but that a learner is an active learner

(as opposed to a passive learner) who is capable of constructing the meaning of

new knowledge from known and related experiences and also through social

interaction with other learners in a group. The implication of these to teaching is

that teaching should be learner centered rather than teacher centered, and in a

collaborative and cooperative small-group and large-group discussion

environment. According to Vygotsky (1978), learners are capable of performing

at higher intellectual levels when asked to work in collaborative situations than

when asked to work individually. The radical constructivist and social

constructivist theories of learning provide the theoretical framework upon which

this study is based.

1.10.2 Constructs and Attributes of Radical and Social Constructivism

There is great deal of overlap between a radical constructivist and social

constructivist classroom. The exception of the latter is that greater emphasis is

placed on learning through social interaction, and the value placed on cultural


The main activity in a radical constructivist classroom is student centred

problem solving. Radical constructivist learning is based on active participation

of learners in problem-solving and critical thinking. Students use inquiry

methods to ask questions, investigate a topic, and use variety of resources to

find solutions and answers. They make conjectures, explain their reasoning,

validate their assertions, and discuss questions from their own thinking and that

of others.

The role of the teacher in a radical constructivist classroom is to probe students

thinking, provide problems that can be solved in different ways, provide

problems which have the capacity to engage all students in class, and devise

situations that will challenge learners way of thinking. A teacher in this

classroom acts as a guide on side (facilitator) by providing students with

opportunities to test the adequacy of their current understanding.

In social constructivist classrooms learning is student-centred and project based.

Collaborative learning is the main process of peer interaction that is mediated

and structured by the teacher. Students learn by: developing shared meanings

through group participation, participating in system of practices that foster

group dynamics, socially sharing cognitions that promote group or community

participation, and social interaction that constructs contexts, knowledge, and


The role of the teacher in a social constructivist classroom is to set up a system

that promotes social interaction that constructs and reconstructs shared

knowledge and meaning and probe learners to go over the limit of their


The role of students in a radical constructivist learning environment is that they

play more active roles in and accept more responsibilities for their own learning,

whereas in a social constructivist learning, students are expected to cooperate

and contribute to discussions with other peers in social groups.

The aforementioned definitions and specific characteristics of a problem-

solving approach outlined in this chapter (pp.4-5) are predominantly the

constructs and attributes of radical and social constructivism theories of learning

hence justifying the suitability of the use of the two theories as theoretical

frameworks of the study.

1.10.3 Conceptual Framework

The study was modeled by a conceptual framework which depicted a

representation of dependent and independent variables and the relationships

between them as shown by arrows in Figure 1.1.

Independent Intervening Dependent
variable Variable variable

Levels of Cognitive
A problem-solving teaching learning domains

Mathematics achievement
Views about the nature of
teaching and learning of

Learning environment

Teaching and Learning


Key: = affects on = results in

Figure1.1 Conceptual Framework Model of the Study

Source: Benjamin E. Arthur (2014)

The central thesis of the study was that first, a teaching-approach (problem-

solving approach or a conventional approach) will affect distance learners

levels of cognitive domains resulting in either high or low achievements in the

lower cognitive level domains (knowledge and comprehension), and higher

level cognitive domains (application, analyses, synthesis and evaluation), and

second, a teaching-approach (a problem-solving approach or a conventional

approach) will affect UCC-CCE facilitators and distance learners views about

the nature of teaching and learning of mathematics resulting in a change in their

views about the nature of teaching and learning of mathematics. The expected

outcome in these changes in achievement levels in cognitive domain-

knowledge, views about teaching and learning of mathematics - will result in a

change in mathematical achievement of UCC-CCE distance learners. The

extraneous variables, the variables that are likely to negatively or positively

affect the outcome (achievement) of the independent variable (a problem-

solving approach), but are unknown to the study and therefore cannot be

controlled by the study, are facilitators and learners attitudes towards teaching

and learning of mathematics, respectively.

1.11 Organization of the Thesis

This thesis was organized into five chapters. Chapter One presents background

knowledge of the problem. It also displays purpose of study, objectives, and

significance of the study. Theoretical and conceptual frameworks and

operational terms have been contextually defined in this chapter. Chapter Two

presents a review of related literature relevant to the study. Chapter Three

highlights the methods that will be appropriate for the study. These methods

include the research design, study variables, location of study, target population,

sampling techniques, construction of research instruments, validity and

reliability of data, and data collection techniques. Chapter Four discusses

methods of data analysis used in the study. The results are explained and

discussions of research findings are presented in Chapter Four. Chapter Five

contains a summary of the study, conclusion, and recommendation. Implication

of findings and suggestion for additional research are outlined in Chapter Five.

1.12 Operational Definition of Terms

The following terms are used as explained below:

Achievement: Being used here to mean competence or ability or

performance score.

A Problem-solving approach: Is a learner-centered teaching approach

that engages learners actively in the learning process and encourages

them to understand concepts and develop procedural skills meaningfully.

Conventional approach: A teacher-centered teaching approach where

the learner is a passive recipient of knowledge and the teacher an active

transmitter of knowledge.

Distance Education: Type of educational system where learners learn at

a distance and pursue university education.

Distance Learners: Basic school teachers in Ghana who are in the

UCC-CCE distance education programme pursuing a Diploma in Basic

Education Degree.

Facilitators: Course tutors who teach UCC-CCE distance learners.

Low achievement: Is by this study any score below 55% including-


1.13 Chapter Summary

It has been discussed in this chapter that distance learners in UCC-CCE distance

education programme are performing below an average of 55% (a bench mark

for this study). It has also been indicated that the instructional approach most

mathematics UCC-CCE facilitators use in teaching UCC-CCE distance

learners mathematics, render the distance learners passive instead of active

learners. The statement of the studys problem has been stated and objectives

for guiding the study generated. The significance of the study has been

displayed and its purpose explained. This chapter has outlined why the study is

necessary and how it will be carried out. Theoretical models for the study have

been discussed and a proposed conceptual model developed.



2.1 Introduction

The intention of this chapter is to present a review of the literature on distance

education, and some theories of learning namely radical constructivism and

social constructivism as well as adult learning theories with special reference to

cooperative and collaborative learning through a problem-solving approach. The

literature on nature of the prospective teachers knowledge of mathematics was

also be reviewed. This chapter also includes a review of literature on: what

constitutes a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics; empirical

evidence that a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics offers

considerable promise; the barriers to a problem-solving approach; and how

classroom discourse is organized to appropriately guide learners to engage

actively in learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

2.2 Distance Education

Trends in education indicate that university distance education (DE) is fast

growing (Daniel, 1996; Jung, 2005, UNESCO, 2002) and may be viewed as an

option or a complement to the conventional on-campus university system of

education. Traditionally, university education has been conceived to take place

in conventional institutions of higher education, where learners physically

attend the institutions to study. However, due to various reasons, some people

may not be able to attend on-campus lessons despite the desire for further


There is tremendous growth of distance education programmes in several

universities around the world and student enrolments is on the ascendency in

degree level courses (Daniel, 1996). Teacher education is an important area

where distance education has been used extensively to provide pre-service

teacher preparation, upgrading of academic qualifications, and in-service

continuing professional development in particular subjects, content areas and

instructional methods. Many examples, particularly from both developing and

developed countries, show that teacher training at a distance may reach large

groups of teachers and may have profound impact on the development of

national education systems. However distance learners are faced with a lot of


2.2.1 The Challenges of Distance Learners

Distance learners find themselves lost at sea when faced with the demands of

distance education, where they have to find their own way through the subject

matter of a course that is provided in the learning materials according Marland

(1997). Using exploring a new planet as an analogy to show the experience of

new distance learners, Marland (1997) gave an example in the following


Imagine yourself on a space odyssey, about to descend on to a new

planet, with no knowledge of the topography, vegetation, flora and fauna

of that land, and charged with the responsibility of exploring and

mapping it and finding your way across and within it. That would be a

daunting task. Yet in many respects, that is similar to that task that

confronts the distance learner who enrolls in a new subject and is

expected to explore and gain mastery of it. They have to find out about

the substance and structure of the subject, the main issues it addresses.

(pp. 107-108)

Dwelling on the example, Marland (1997) further argues that:

the challenge for the distance teacher is how to assist the new

explorers find their way about the new continent of knowledge so

that they dont become lost or mired in conceptual swamps and abort the

mission, and what can be done to enable distance learners to find their

way about the new subject and fulfill their own expectations. (pp. 107-


Apart from providing the student with physical access to education, distance

education institutions have the responsibility of ensuring high achievement

among students in their respective subject areas. This high achievement in

subject content knowledge (SCK) can be ensured by providing an educational

environment that promotes deeper learning of concepts through appropriate

teaching approaches especially in the area of mathematics and science. In as

much as the responsibility to learn rests with the student, the responsibility to

enable the student to access the required subject matter squarely rests with the

distance education institutions.

Subjects such as mathematics and science, when studied in the non-traditional

higher education system, are a daunting task for some distance learners. The

experiences of some distance learners in their past school days might have

caused them to develop negative images about the learning of mathematics such

as: the subject being difficult; a subject on the mind of only the teacher;

competitive; subject for only the gifted; a subject only made up of correct

answers; among others. Their predicaments should therefore offer mathematics

teacher educators in higher education the chance to change their negative

images about learning mathematics, through the use of appropriate pedagogical

approach such as a problem-solving approach in an environment of cooperative

and collaborative learning.

Teacher education distance learners are mainly adults. Research indicates that

most adult learners are attracted to distance education programme because they

receive total support from their employers in terms of receiving pay increases

and promotions, and immediate transfer of learning from classroom to the

workplace (O Lawrence, 2007). Adult learners are believed to know their own

standards and expectation and therefore, no longer need to be told, nor do they

require approval and reward from person in authority in order to perform. The

implication of this argument is that all adult learners are self-directed. Self-

directed learning according to Knowles (1975) is the process in which

individuals take the initiative, without the help of others in planning, carrying

out, and evaluating their learning experiences. This constitutes the concept of

andragogy. In practice, not all adult learners are self-directed. How adults learn

as espoused by the concept of andragogy therefore becomes an important issue

to be looked at when thinking of employing a teaching approach that will

improve the mathematics achievements of UCC-CCE distance learners (who are


2.3 Learning Theories and Students Achievement

Several learning theories have been used to justify the use of a problem-solving

approach in improving the performance of learners in mathematics. These

theories include: adult learning, radical constructivism and social constructivism

theories of knowing and learning, respectively.

2.3.1 Adult Learning Theory

Learning is a permanent change in behaviour or knowledge that comes about

through disciplined reflection on experience. Methods used in teaching adults

are different from methods used in teaching children. In attempting to document

differences between the ways adults and children learn, Knowles (1990)

popularized the concept of andragogy (the art and science of teaching adults to

learn), contrasting it with pedagogy (the art and science of teaching children).

Knowles (1990) posits a set of assumptions about adult learners, namely, adult


move from dependency to increasing self-directedness as they mature and

can direct their own learning,

draw on accumulated reservoir of life experiences to aid learning,

are ready to learn when they assume new social or life roles,

are problem-centered and want to apply new learning immediately, and

are motivated to learn from internal, rather than external, factors.

Inherent in these assumptions are implications for practice that are suggested by

Knowles (1984) that adult educators should:

set a cooperative climate for learning in the classroom,

assess the learners specific needs and interests,

develop learning objectives based on the learners needs, interests, and

skill levels,

design sequential activities to achieve the objectives

work collaboratively with the learner to select methods, materials,

resources for instruction and

evaluate the quality of the learning experience and make adjustments, as

needed, while assessing needs for further learning.

In a submission, Speck (1996) notes that the following important points of adult

learning theory should be considered when professional development activities

are designed for educators;

Adults will commit to learning when the goals and objectives are

considered realistic and important to them. Application in the 'real world'

is important and relevant to the adult learners personal and professional


Adults want to be the origin of their own learning and will resist learning

activities they believe are an attack on their competence. Thus,

professional development needs to give participants some control over the

what, who, how, why, when, and where of their learning.

Adult learners need to see that the professional development learning and

their day-to-day activities are related and relevant.

Adult learners need direct, concrete experiences in which they apply the

learning in real work. What this may mean is that professional

development for adult learners must be structured to provide support from

peers and to reduce the fear of judgment during learning.

Adults need to receive feedback on how they are doing and the results of

their efforts. Opportunities must be built into professional development

activities that allow the learner to practice the learning and receive

structured, helpful feedback.

Adults need to participate in small-group activities during the learning to

move them beyond understanding to application, analysis, synthesis, and

evaluation. Small-group activities provide an opportunity to share, reflect,

and generalize their learning experiences.

Adult learners come to learning with a wide range of previous

experiences, knowledge, self-direction, interests, and competencies. This

diversity must be accommodated in the professional development


Transfer of learning for adults is not automatic and must be facilitated.

Coaching and other kinds of follow-up support are needed to help adult

learners transfer learning into daily practice so that it is sustained.

Having developed the adult learning style (cycle of experiential learning) model

over many years prior, Kolb (1984) published his learning styles model. Kolb's

learning theory sets out four distinct learning styles (or preferences) that are

based on a four-stage learning cycle. Typically, the model is expressed as a

four-stage cycle of learning in which immediate or concrete experiences provide

a basis for observations and reflections; observations and reflections are

assimilated and distilled into abstract concepts producing new implications for

action that can be actively tested in turn creating new experiences.

One can deduce from the ongoing discussions on adult learning that adult

learners should be seen as active learners (not as passive learners) who are

capable of constructing their understandings of knowledge through interacting

among themselves in a social learning environment, and by relying on their

experiences. This practice of adult learners learning by feeling (concrete

experience), watching (reflective observation), thinking (abstract

conceptualization), and doing (active experimentation) is lacking in UCC-CCE

DBE distance learners style of learning mathematics. Hence, the need for this

study to explore how UCC-CCE DBE distance learners may be helped to

construct their own meaning of knowledge and thereby improve their

achievement in mathematics through teaching using a problem-solving

approach that provides learning environment similar to that presented by the

adult learning theory.

2.3.2 Radical Constructivist Theory

Radical constructivism is a theory of knowledge (epistemology) that argues that

humans generate knowledge and meaning from interaction between their

experiences and their ideas. The basic idea in this theory is that learning is an

active and constructive process with the learner viewed as an information

constructor. In the constructivist classroom the teacher becomes a guide for the

learner, providing bridging or scaffolding, helping to extend the learners zone

of proximal development. The student is encouraged to develop meta-cognitive

skills such as reflective thinking and problem solving techniques. Independent

learners are intrinsically motivated to generate, discover, build and enlarge their

own frameworks of knowledge.

Researchers such as Fosnot (1989) and Brooks and Brooks (1999) suggest that a

constructivist approach to learning builds on the natural innate capabilities of

the learner. From this perspective, the learner is viewed as an active, not passive

person, actively constructing understanding through the use of authentic

resources and social interaction (Eggen & Kauchak, 2003). According to Brown

(2004), central to the notion of constructivism is the view that experience and

knowledge are filtered through the learners perceptions and personal theories.

The focus of constructivism is on cognitive development and deep

understanding in which learning is nonlinear and learners are encouraged to

freely and actively search for solutions (ingredients of a problem-solving

approach). Such an active learning coupled with deeper construction of meaning

of knowledge is likely to promote retention, comprehension and high-level

critical thinking skills which are attributes needed by the learners to improve

their performance in mathematics. It is the desire of the researcher that

mathematics educators in UCC-CCE should create a meaningful learning

experience for UCC-CCE distance learners by creating an environment which

supports investigation and problem solving through constructivist learning. It is

rightly argued by Brooks and Brooks (1999), that:

Learners control their learning. This simple truth lies at the heart of the

constructivist approach to education.... Learners must be permitted the

freedom to think, to question, to reflect, and to interact with ideas,

objects, and others in other words, to construct meaning. (cited in

Auger & Rich, 2007, pp. 40-43)

This radical constructivist learning that promotes deeper construction of

meaning of knowledge is lacking in distance learners in Ghanas UCC-CCE

during teaching and learning of mathematics. The conventional approach to

teaching used by most Ghanaian mathematics teachers (Fletcher, 2005),

including mathematics facilitators in UCC-CCE, does not offer distance

learners the opportunity to learn mathematics actively and thereby construct

their own meaning of knowledge through thinking at the higher levels of

Blooms Taxonomy of cognitive domain (application, analysis, synthesis,

evaluation), This learning gap explains the recurring low performance by the

distance learners in mathematics and therefore this study examined how this

learning gap might be filled through the use of a problem-solving approach in

teaching mathematics. Recommending constructivist paradigm in teaching and

learning mathematics, Fletcher (2005) argues that constructivist learning

paradigm should be considered as an alternative to transmission view since a

fundamental goal of mathematics instruction is to help learners build structures

that are more complex, powerful and abstract than those learners possess before

instruction (p. 31).

This radical constructivist learning paradigm suggests that distance learners who

are adult learners learn best when learning is: active, self-directed, based on

problems related to their experiences and perceived as relevant to their needs,

and intrinsically motivated. Such learning is at the roots of constructivism and

can take place in a social working environment that promotes sharing of

knowledge and experiences gained. This manner of learning is best experienced

through a problem-solving approach of learning mathematics in social groups.

2.3.3 Social Constructivist Theory

Social constructivism focuses on an individual's learning that takes place as a

result of discussions and interactions in the group and among groups. Many

studies argue that discussion plays a vital role in increasing students ability to

test their ideas, synthesize the ideas of others, and build deeper understanding of

what they are learning (Corden, 2001; Nystrand, 1996; Reznitskaya, Anderson

& Kuo, 2007; Weber, Maher, Powell & Lee, 2008). Large and small group

discussion also affords learners opportunities to exercise self-regulation, self-

determination, and a desire to persevere with tasks (Corden, 2001; Matsumara,

Slater & Crosson, 2008). Additionally, discussion increases student motivation,

collaborative skills, and the ability to problem solving (Dyson, 2004;

Matsumara, Slater & Crosson, 2008; Nystrand, 1996). Increasing learners

opportunities to talk with one another and discuss their ideas increase their

ability to support their thinking, develop reasoning skills, and to argue their

opinions persuasively and respectfully (Reznitskaya, Anderson & Kuo, 2007).

Furthermore, the feeling of community and collaboration in classrooms

increases through offering more chances for learners to talk together (Barab,

Dodge, Thomas, Jackson, & Tuzun, 2007; Hale & City, 2002; Weber, Maher,

Powell & Lee, 2008). Knowledge, as seen by Jaworski (2007), is socially

rooted, with individuals forming identity as part of social engagement

(engagement here denotes active participation and mental inclusion). Jarwoskis

observation suggests that learning in a social context involves active

participation and inquiry. Research on small-group learning in mathematics has

revealed some insights into how learners think and learn while interacting with

peers. These insights include cooperative and collaborative learning strategies.

These authors suggest that research should focus on the potential for small-

group work in order to develop learners mathematical thinking and problem

solving skills. This practice of learners learning in a social context

cooperatively and collaboratively is rarely seen in several study centres in

Ghanas UCC-CCE distance education programme during face-to-face sessions

in mathematics classrooms. This study intends to examine the effects social

group learning (cooperative problem solving) will have on distance learners

achievement (performance) in mathematics when they are engaged in learning

through methods that are characteristics of a problem-solving approach.

2.4 Cooperative and Collaborative Learning and Learners Achievement

Cooperative and collaborative learning are two key instructional approaches

derived from social constructivism coming out of a problem-solving approach.

These two instructional approaches contribute immensely to learners (including

adults learners) achievements in learning mathematics through a problem-

solving approach.

2.4.1 Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning involves groups of learners working to complete a

common task (Johnson, & Johnson, 1999, and Siegel, 2005). According to

Johnson, Johnson, and Holubec (1994), research provides exceptionally strong

evidence that cooperative learning result in greater effort to achieve, more

positive relationships, and greater psychological health than competitive or

individualistic learning efforts. Adding their voice to the benefits of cooperative

learning, Masingila and Prus-Wisniowska (1996), assert that, When learners

are encouraged and required to communicate mathematically with other

learners, with the teacher, and with themselves, they have opportunities to

explore, organize, and connect their thinking (p. 95). Group diversity in terms

of knowledge and experience contributes positively to the learning process. In a

similar vein, Bruner (1985) contends that cooperative learning methods improve

problem-solving strategies because the learners are confronted with different

interpretations of the given situation. In general, a review of the literature on

cooperative learning shows that learners benefit academically and socially from

cooperative, small-group learning (Cohen, 1994, Gillies, 2002; Johnson &

Johnson, 1991). Cooperative learning can produce positive effects on student

achievement (Cohen, 1994; Davidson, 1989; Devries & Slavin, 1978; Johnson,

Johnson & Stanne, 2000; Reid, 1992; Slavin, 1990). Academic benefits include

higher attainments in mathematics (Ross, 1995; Whicker, Nunnery, & Bol,

1997) and enhanced conceptual understanding and achievement in science

(Lonning, 1993; Watson, 1991). Social benefits include more on-task behaviors

and helping interactions with group members (Burron, James, & Ambrosio,

1993; Gillies & Ashman, 1998; McManus & Gettinger, 1996), higher self-

esteem, more friends, more involvement in classroom activities, and improved

attitudes toward learning (Lazarowitz, Baird, & Bolden, 1996; Lazarowitz,

Hertz-Lazarowitz, & Baird, 1994).

The research literature indicates that cooperative learning can be an effective

means of increasing learners achievements and that group goals and individual

accountability are important issues to be examined (Good, Mulryan &

McCaslin, 1992). A study examining the effects of cooperative learning on

mathematics achievement of a group of seventh grade minority learners found

that learners involved in cooperative learning performed significantly better

than learners who were not exposed to cooperative learning (Reid, 1992).

Students benefit academically and socially from cooperative, small-group

learning (Gillies, 2002). For example in a study comparing the effects of

cooperative learning to individualistic learning in a racially integrated

classroom, Johnson and Johnson (1989) report of the cooperative learning group

performing in higher academic achievement than the individualistic learning

group. This finding may mean that the intervention of a cooperative learning

improved the academic achievement of the students. In another study and using

a qualitative research method, Siegel (2005) explored an 8th-grade mathematics

teachers personal definition and enactment of cooperative learning in his

classroom. The result revealed among others that the teachers prior experiences

and teaching context influenced the implementation of cooperative learning

instruction in the classroom. Conducting an action research study in a 6th grade

mathematics classroom (of 17 students- 9 males and 8 females) about the effects

of increased student discourse and cooperative learning on the students ability

to explain and understand mathematical concepts, Leigh (2006), discovered that

increased student discourse and cooperative learning resulted in positive

changes in students attitudes about their ability to explain and understand

mathematics, as well as their actual ability to explain and understand

mathematical concepts. These few examples confirm the earlier assertion that

cooperative learning has numerous benefits in mathematics teaching and

learning. During cooperative learning students work and therefore learn

collaboratively (Davidson & Kroll, 1991).

2.4.2 Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning has been described as the use of small groups through

which learners work together to accomplish shared goals and to maximize their

own and others potential (Johnson, Johnson & Holubec, 1994; Gokhale, 1995).

In collaborative learning, Gokhale (1995) explains that the learners are

responsible for one another's learning as well as their own and that the success

of one student helps other learners to be successful. According to Johnson and

Johnson (1999), there is persuasive evidence that cooperative teams who work

collaboratively, achieve at higher levels of thought and retain information

longer than learners who work separately as individuals. For his part, Vygosky

(1978) claims that learners are capable of performing at higher intellectual

levels when asked to work in collaborative situations than when asked to work

individually. The peer support system makes it possible for the learner to

internalize both external knowledge and critical thinking skills and to convert

them into tools for intellectual functioning. Social-constructivist strategies thus

advocate instruction that emphasizes problem-solving and generative learning,

as well as reflective processes and exploratory learning. These strategies also

recommend group learning, plenty of discussion, informal and lateral thinking,

and situated learning (Handal, 2002; Murphy, 1997). For example, in a study to

examine the effectiveness of individual learning versus collaborative learning in

enhancing drill-and-practice skills and critical-thinking skills, Gokhale (1995),

found that students who participated in collaborative learning performed

significantly better on the critical-thinking test than students who studied

individually. It was also found that both groups did equally well on the drill-

and-practice test.

The research findings on cooperative learning and collaborative learning

suggest that in cooperative learning learners work together in small groups on a

structured activity, and individuals are accountable for their own learning

whereas in collaborative learning, learners in the cooperative group, team up

together to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project. In

collaborative learning, each group is accountable for its learning. There seems

to be several benefits of cooperative learning and collaborative learning aside

from its potential of developing learners into critical thinkers thereby improving

their performance. These additional benefits include: celebration of diversity,

acknowledgment of individual differences, interpersonal development, active

involvement of learners in learning, and more opportunities for personal

feedback. Today's job market and teaching profession demand people with good

interpersonal and problem-solving skills. Regular participation in cooperative

and collaborative learning activities can help learners develop and sharpen up

these skills.

However, despite the benefits of cooperative and collaborative learning there

are critics of small group learning. For example Randall (1999), cautions against

abuse and overuse of group work. According to Randall (1999), the many

benefits of cooperative learning sometimes blind teachers to its drawbacks.

Randall (1999) identifies the following practices as common weaknesses:

Making some members of the group responsible for each others

learning, and thus placing a burden on some learners, and

Encouraging only lower-level thinking and ignoring the strategies

necessary for the inclusion of critical or higher-level thought.

In a similar report, Gokhale (1995) says experience reveals group decision-

making can easily be dominated by the loudest voice or by the student who talks

the longest.

Although, Randalls (1999) and Gokhales (1995) arguments seem challenging,

there are solutions to the issues they have raised. In cooperative and

collaborative learning, assigning roles to individuals in the group is important.

In support of assigning rolls, Esmonde (2009) suggests that these roles may be

procedural (e.g., materials manager, recorder), cognitive (questioner,

summarizer), or interpersonal (example, vibe watcher, mediator) (p. 1026).

The issue here is not competition but sharing of knowledge. For instance,

Forman (1989) using Vygotskian terminology, names three conditions needed

for a Zone of Proximal Development, created by collaborating learners, to be

effective. Forman (1989) suggests that learners must have mutual respect for

each others perspective on the task, there must be an equal distribution of

knowledge, and there must be an equal distribution of power.

Writing on the provision of equitable opportunities for students to learn in

cooperative groups and dwelling on the definition of equity as a fair distribution

of opportunities to learn or opportunities to participate (Esmonde, 2007),

Esmonde (2009) emphasizes on the importance of providing all students access

to the means to construct deep mathematical ideas and positive mathematical

identities. Such roles, Esmonde (2009) continues, provide all students the

opportunity to contribute to the group's mathematical discussion, thus

preventing the discussion from being dominated by a few. The teacher therefore

takes the responsibility of educating learners on what is expected of each and

every individual in the group. The teacher should also assist the learners to set

up rules or learning norms that will guide their activities in group learning.

What seems important is to encourage low-level-thinkers to actively get

involved in the learning process instead of being passive learners. High-level

thinkers can be put into one group so that they can be assigned extension work,

and during whole group discussion given the opportunity to share their


The teacher being a facilitator in these types of learning holds it a duty to

manage the class well to ensure learning outcomes will produce the desired

result of improved academic performance. In effect, cooperative and

collaborative learning requires effective monitoring by the teacher to avoid

unproductive outcome as a results of learners engaging in unproductive

discussions rather than the task assigned them or dominancy in discussion by

one person. In a summary, the key elements in cooperative and collaborative

learning is the careful structuring of learning groups (Macaulay & Gonzalez,

1996) and providing opportunities for all students to talk, listen, read, write, and

reflect (Myres & Jones, 1993).

In the UCC-CCE distance learning programme in Ghana, distance learners are

rarely seen during mathematics lessons in small cooperative groups, sharing

knowledge constructed collaboratively and interactively. Mathematics

facilitators rarely play their role as facilitators. Teaching is predominantly

teacher-centered rather than learner-centered. This study proposes to examine

the effects the use of a problem-solving approach, an approach that is

underpinned by constructivist theories of knowing (constructivism) and learning

(social constructivism) will have on the nature of distance learners (prospective

teachers) knowledge of mathematics and hence their achievement in


2.5 Pre-service Teachers Knowledge about the Nature of Mathematics,

Teaching and Learning, and Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics
The pre-service teachers knowledge about the nature of mathematics,

mathematics learning and teaching as well as the influence of those knowledge

on a pre-service teachers instructional practices in mathematics have been

discussed directly or indirectly through a number of studies in Mathematics

education. The knowledge for teaching mathematics needed by pre-service

teachers has been discussed extensively in the literature by mathematics

educators and researchers.

2.5.1 Pre-service Teachers Knowledge about the Nature of Mathematics,

and Mathematics Teaching and Learning
A growing body of literature reveals that pre-service teachers, attending teacher

education institutions, hold sets of beliefs more traditional than progressive with

respect to the teaching of mathematics. For example, some research findings

indicate some pre-service elementary teachers thought of mathematics as a

discipline based on: rules and procedures to be memorized, that there is usually

one best way to arrive at an answer and that it is made up of completely right

or completely wrong answers (Benbow, 1993; Nisbert & Warren, 2000;

Southwell & Khamis, 1992), and that mathematics learning requires neatness

and speed, and that there is usually a best way to solve a problem (Civil, 1990);

and that ability in mathematics learning is innate (Foss & Kleinsasser, 1996).

Nisbert and Warren (2000) for instance surveyed 389 primary teachers with

regards to their views on mathematics teaching and learning. They found that

primary teachers hold limited views about what mathematics is. They found that

primary teachers hold the view of mathematics as static and mechanic, rather

than as dynamic and problem-driven.

In another development, Weldeana and Abraham (2013) investigated pre-

service learners beliefs about mathematics. The study employed pre-test and

post-test scores of 12-theme questionnaire called Prospective teachers beliefs

about mathematics learning. An intervention programme dubbed a history-

based intervention programme entailing problem-solving and writing activities

that instigate cognitive conflict was implemented. The study discovered that

many of the learners held traditional beliefs about mathematics. It was found

that majority of the learners failed to hold progressive beliefs. However, the

intervention programme helped the prospective teachers to revise and correct

their beliefs, thoughts and understanding. The implication is that if these trends

of views held by pre-service teachers about the nature of mathematics,

mathematics learning and teaching go unchanged, it may result in poor

achievement in mathematics by these prospective teacher trainnees. How can

learners achievement in mathematics be raised?

Improving learners achievement in mathematics may require quality teaching

of mathematics. The role of teacher education, as argued by Lapan and Theule-

Lubienski (1994), is to enable teachers to choose worthwhile tasks; orchestrate

classroom discourse; create a learning environment that emphasizes problem-

solving, communication, and reasoning; and develop ability to analyse their

teaching and comprehension (a practice rarely seen in the learning of

mathematics by UCC-CCE distance learners). In order for teacher education to

effectively accomplish this role, Lappan and Theule-Lubenski identify three

widely accepted domains of knowledge needed by mathematics teachers:

knowledge of mathematics, knowledge of learners, and pedagogy of

mathematics. They stress the need for teacher education to understand that

knowledge and beliefs constitute these domains and what form teacher

education programmes should take in order to educate teachers so that they can

integrate these forms of knowledge into an effective instructional programme.

Focusing on the teachers mathematical content knowledge, Ma (1999)

advocated that elementary teachers should have profound understanding of

mathematics. Teachers must know the rules and procedures in mathematics,

how they work and when and where to use them. Simply put, according to Ma

(1999), teachers who have profound understanding of fundamental mathematics

(PUFM) know how, and also know why (p. 108). Teachers should have the

subject content knowledge as well as the pedagogical content knowledge. A

profound understanding of mathematics may give teachers the confidence to

teach mathematics effectively. In order to conceptualise and clarify the domain

of teachers knowledge, Shulman (1986) classifies teachers knowledge into

seven domains namely: knowledge of subject matter, pedagogical content

knowledge, knowledge of learners, knowledge of other subject content,

knowledge of the curriculum, knowledge of the learner, knowledge of

educational aims, and general pedagogical knowledge.

Contributing to discussions on mathematics knowledge for teaching, Ernest

(1989a) proposes a detailed analytical model of the six different types and

components of knowledge of mathematics teaching which for the purposes of

this study are relevant to be examined. The different types are: subject matter

knowledge of mathematics (content knowledge of mathematics), knowledge of

other subject matter, knowledge of teaching mathematics, knowledge of

organization for teaching mathematics, knowledge of the context of teaching,

and knowledge of education. Research on mathematics teaching suggests that

many teachers do not possess the requisite subject-matter knowledge to

implement high-quality instruction (Ball, 1990; Ball & Bass, 2000; Ball &

Cohen, 1999; Hill, Schilling & Ball, 2004; Ma, 1999). What then is

mathematical knowledge for teaching?

2.5.2 Pre-service Teachers Knowledge for Mathematics Teaching

In their papers, Schoenfeld (1981), Shulman (1987) and Ball (1991) take

teachers subject-matter knowledge as mathematics teachers mathematics

achievement. Thus, subject-matter knowledge is considered as a measurable

performance indicator for assessing teachers mathematics achievement

(performance). For example, several people have a strongly held belief that

what is needed for competent teaching in any domain is a combination of

subject matter knowledge and either common sense or general pedagogical

training. (Schoenfeld, 2005, p.5)

Teachers content knowledge of mathematics is a complex conceptual structure

that is characterized by a number of factors, including its extent and depth, its

structure and unifying concepts; knowledge of procedures and strategies, and

knowledge about mathematics as a whole and its history (Ernest, 1989a). Ernest

(1989a) correctly argues that this knowledge provides an essential foundation

for teaching mathematics and that the major goal of teaching mathematics is to

facilitate the reconstruction of some portion of the teachers knowledge by the

learner. For Ernest, whatever means of instruction are adopted, the teacher

needs a substantial knowledge base of the subject in order to plan for instruction

and to understand and guide learners responses. Furthermore, he argues that the

teachers knowledge of mathematics will underpin the teachers explanations,

demonstrations, diagnosis of misconceptions, acceptance of childrens own

methods, curriculum decision (such as emphasizing central concepts), and so

on. In effect, Ernest seems to suggest that the knowledge of mathematics

provides a foundation for the teachers pedagogy since substantial knowledge of

the subject matter of mathematics is requisite to teachers confidence and

competence in teaching mathematics.

Many prospective elementary school teachers (like UCC-CCE distance

learners) often assume that their own schooling mathematics knowledge will

supply the subject matter needed to teach young children (Feiman-Nemser &

Buchmann, 1986). Unfortunately, mathematics teacher educators (like

mathematics educators in Ghanas UCC-CCE) tend to take prospective

teachers subject knowledge for granted, focusing on pedagogical knowledge

skills (Ball & Fieman-Nemser, 1988). Yet researchers have highlighted the

critical influence of teachers knowledge of the ideas about mathematics on

pedagogical orientation and decisions (e.g., Thompson, 1984). Since limited

subject matter-knowledge will influence teachers pedagogical orientation,

equal attention has to be given to prospective mathematics teachers subject

matter knowledge by mathematics educators, so that they will graduate as

effective mathematics teachers.

Providing a solution to the issue raised, Haggarty (1995) suggests that a possible

solution is one in which learners, as active learners, take full responsibility for

their own weaknesses and take appropriate action. How feasible this suggestion

would be is a question which may require research. Haggarty (1995) further

suggests that another possible solution is that tutors identify the most likely

areas of learners uncertainty and build those into programme for discussion

within the context of pedagogical content knowledge. This option, as Haggarty

(1995) rightly affirms, will pose some difficulty in identifying areas of

uncertainty for all learners.

It may, however, be helpful for mathematics teacher educators to distinguish

between what instructional approach should be used in training prospective

mathematics teachers during initial pre-service training, and in in-service

courses. Perhaps improving the pre-service or in-service teachers subject

content knowledge in mathematics may require engaging him or her in doing

mathematics using a problem-solving approach. This review on improving the

teachers content knowledge in mathematics through active learning is in line

with what this study intends to investigate. The substantial knowledge base of

the teacher, who in this study is the UCC-CCE distance learner, is weak and

therefore needs to be improved so as to improve the mathematics performance.

The suggestion by Haggarty (1995) of promoting the learner as an active learner

is a worthwhile suggestion to be investigated. There is therefore a need for an

investigation on how effective an alternative approach, such as a problem-

solving approach, will be on UCC-CCE distance learners mathematics

achievement, which is the purpose of this study.

Based on their immense experience of working in the field of mathematics

education, Thompson (1984) and Ernest (1989b) argue that any attempt in

improving the quality of mathematics teaching and learning must begin with an

understanding of the conceptions held by teachers. This argument is supported

by Lerman (1990) who argues that unless teachers knowledge about

mathematics, mathematics teaching and learning were examined, little will be

achieved in terms of development and change in the mathematics classroom

(p.54). A realization of a pedagogical knowledge such as the use of a problem-

solving approach in teaching mathematics in Ghanaian classrooms calls for

changes in mathematics teacher education prorammes. Indeed, Simon and

Schifter (1993) report that teacher education programmes in mathematics

education can help teachers develop a conception of teaching and learning that

is consistent with recent reform (such as a problem-solving approach). Also Ball

(1990) argues that mathematics methods courses, in particular, can influence

pre-service teachers knowledge, assumptions, and beliefs about mathematics.

This issue on reforms in mathematics teaching and learning requires the use of

effective teaching methods such as a problem-solving approach.

2.6 A Problem-solving Approach to Teaching and Learning Mathematics

A problem-solving approach used in mathematics textbooks is based on the

work of Polya G. (1945). Polyas problem-solving model involves four stages:

understand the problem, devise a plan for solving the problem, carry out your

plan, and look back. In this teaching approach, learners are expected to learn to

apply and adapt a variety of appropriate strategies to solve problems. These

strategies include using diagrams, looking for patterns, listing all possibilities,

trying special values or cases, working backward, guessing and checking,

creating an equivalent problem, and creating a simpler problem. Problem-

solving is crucial in mathematics education because it transcends mathematics.

By developing problem-solving skills, we learn not only how to tackle

mathematics problems, but also how to logically work our way through

problems we may face. The memorizer can only solve problems that he or she

has encountered already, but the problem solver can solve problems that he or

she has never been encountered before. According to Rav (1999), the essence of

mathematics resides in inventing methods, tools, strategies, and concepts for

problem solving. (p. 6)

2.6.1 A Problem-Solving Approach and Mathematics Achievement

Teaching mathematics through a problem-solving approach provides a learning

environment for learners on their own, to explore problems and to invent ways

to solve the problems. According to DAmbrosio (2003), proponents of teaching

mathematics through problem solving base their pedagogy on the notion that

learners who encounter problematic situations use their existing knowledge to

solve those problems, and in the process of solving the problems, they construct

new knowledge and new understanding. Furthermore, DAmbrosio (2003)

illustrates how learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach has

been put into practice with three examples: using elementary, middle, and

secondary school learners (DAmbrosio 2003). It is worth noting in the study

that learners in all the three cases had no formal instructions on how to solve the

problems; they demonstrated a high sense of mathematical thinking and

competency. Each of the examples uses the approach of confronting learners

with a real problematic situation to grapple with. In effect, the outcomes of

DAmbrosios (2003) study indicate that, teaching mathematics through a

problem-solving approach offers the promise of fostering students learning

(Schroeder & Lester, 1989). The understanding and skills demonstrated by

learners in each case of the study supports the claim that problem solving is a

vehicle for developing deeper understanding of mathematical ideas and


In teaching through a problem-solving approach, the discussion of a problem

and its alternative solutions usually takes a longer time than the demonstration

of a routine classroom activity. In a study, Hiebert and Wearne (1993) found

that classrooms with a primary focus on teaching through a problem-solving

approach used fewer problems and spent more time on each of them, compared

to those classrooms without a primary focus on problem solving. Moreover,

they point out that in a classroom using a problem-solving approach, teachers

ask more conceptually-oriented questions (example: describe a strategy or

explain underlying reasoning for getting an answer) and fewer recall questions

than teachers in the classrooms without a primary focus on problem solving.

The study by Hiebert and Wearne (1993) suggests that a judicious use of time

requires effective organization of problem-solving activities and class by the

teacher. Proposing how to organize activities in a problem-solving approach

classroom, Allevato and Onuchic (2007) suggest and explain the following

seven steps to be followed by the teacher:

Form groups and hand out the activity. The teacher presents the problem

to the learners, who, divided into small groups, read and try to interpret

and understand the problem. It should be emphasized that the

mathematical content necessary, or most appropriate, to solve the

problem has not yet been presented in class. The problem proposed to

the learners, which we call the generative problem, is what will lead to

the content that the teacher plans to construct in that lesson.

Observe and encourage. The teacher no longer has the role of transmitter

of knowledge. While learners attempt to solve the problem, the teacher

observes, analyzes learners behavior, and stimulates collaborative work.

The teacher mediates in the sense of guiding learners to think, giving

them time to think, and encouraging the exchange of ideas among


Help with secondary problems. The teacher encourages learners to use

their previous knowledge, or techniques that they already know, to solve

the problem, and stimulates them to choose different methods based on

the resources they have available. Nevertheless, it is necessary to assist

learners with their difficulties, intervening, questioning, and following

their explorations, and helping them to solve secondary problems when

necessary. These refer to doubts presented by the learners in the context

of the vocabulary present in the statement of problem; in the context of

reading and interpretation; as well as those that might arise during the

problem solving, e.g. notation, the passage from vernacular to

mathematical language, related concepts, and operational techniques, to

enable the continuation of the work.

Record solutions on the blackboard. Representatives of the groups are

invited to record solutions on the blackboard. Correct as well as

incorrect solutions, as well as those done for different processes, should

be presented for all the learners to analyze and discuss.

Plenary session. The teacher invites all learners to discuss solutions with

their colleagues, to defend their points of view and clarify doubts. The

teacher acts as a guide and mediator in the discussions, encouraging the

active and effective participation of all learners, as this is the richest

moment for learning.

Seek consensus. After addressing doubts and analyzing resolutions and

solutions obtained for the problem, the teacher attempts to arrive at a

consensus with the whole class regarding the correct result.

Formalize the content. At this moment, called formalization, the

teacher makes a formal presentation of the new concepts and contents

constructed, highlighting the different operative techniques and

properties appropriate for the subject. (p. 6)

It can be deduced in the seven outlined steps that in a problem-solving approach

of teaching mathematics, the problem is proposed to the learners before the

mathematical content necessary or most appropriate for solving it (planned by

the teacher according to the program for that grade level) is formally presented.

Thus, the teaching-learning of a mathematical topic begins with a problem that

expresses key aspects of this topic, and mathematical techniques should be

developed in the search for reasonable answers to the problem given. The steps

also define a more-challenging role for the teacher. This approach to teaching is

different from what exists in a conventional (traditional, a teacher-centered

approach) classroom. Table 2.1 shows a summary of the contrasts between a

traditional (teacher centered) approach and learning through a problem-solving

approach in mathematics.

Table 2.1 Contrast between a Conventional (Traditional) Approach and

Learning through a Problem-solving Approach

Approach to Learners Mathematics Instruction College

Conventional (Traditional) Approach A Problem Solving Approach
Teachers Role
Lectures Guides and facilitates Posses
Assigns seats challenging questions
Dispenses knowledge Helps learners share knowledge
Students Role
Works individually Works in a group (collaboration &
Learns passively Learns actively
Forms mainly weak constructions Forms mainly strong

Source: Masingila, Lester & Raymond (2011, p. 11)

The ultimate goal of a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics is to

enable learners to develop understanding of concepts and procedural skills in

mathematics, and thereby improve their academic achievement in mathematics.

2.6.2 Developing Mathematical Understanding Through a Problem Solving

It is important that all learners understand the mathematics they learn. Knowing

how to memorise and execute a procedure is not enough. To understand

something, according to Grossman (1986), means to assimilate it into an

appropriate schema (cognitive structure). This explanation means the learner is

expected to use his/her existing schema (or a network of connected ideas) to

give meaning to new experiences and new ideas.

Deep understanding of mathematical concepts must therefore be the goal of all

learners. According to Heibert and Wearne (1993), understanding something is

one of the most enjoyable and satisfying intellectual experiences one can have.

For Heibert and Wearne (1993) understanding mathematics so well that one

knows how it works confers an unparalleled sense of esteem and control (p. 4-

5). How can learners develop understanding of the mathematics that they are


A problem-solving approach, according to Davis (1992), leads to understanding.

Although a problem-solving approach is time consuming, learners who actively

engage in it develop, extend, and enrich their understanding (Heibert & Wearne

1993). For learners to develop understanding of mathematics through a

problem-solving approach, the teachers (facilitators) role in ensuring a balance

in engaging learners in solving challenging problems, examining increasing

better solution methods and providing information for learners just at the right

time is crucial (Hiebert, Carpenter, Fennema, Fuson, Human, Murray Oliver &

Wearne, 1997). The need for learners to have a deep understanding of

mathematics calls for a teacher using appropriate instructional approach and

problem solving related tasks that will arouse and sustain the interest of the

learners to develop understanding of concepts, procedure skills, and ability to

synthesis, analysis skills and evaluate competencies (the higher levels of

Blooms cognitive domains). Selecting quality and interesting problem solving

tasks is therefore required for development of understanding in learning

mathematics via a problem-solving approach.

In Selecting Quality Task for Problem Based Teaching, Marcus, and Fey

(2003), argue that designing activities that will keep learners busy throughout

the standard class period is relatively easy, but making sure such activities lead

to learning important mathematics is much more difficult (p. 55). They further

argue that finding and adapting problem tasks that engage learners and lead

them to understanding fundamental mathematical concepts and principles and to

acquiring skill in the use of basic mathematical techniques is itself a challenging

task for teachers (p. 55). To ensure selection of quality tasks for a problem-

approach teaching, Marcus and Fey (2003) suggest four questions that need to

be answered. These questions are:

Will working on tasks foster teachers understanding of important

mathematical ideas and techniques?

Will selected tasks be engaging and problematic yet accessible for many

learners target classes?

Will works on tasks help learners to develop their mathematical


Will working on the task in a curriculum builds coherent understanding

and connections among important mathematical topics? (p. 55-56)

These questions suggested by Macus and Fey (2003) seem to be calling for a

mathematics curriculum that is problem-based (task driven) and that will enable

learners to develop understanding of mathematics through the use of a problem-

solving approach.

Studying the mathematics curricula, Wu and Zhang (2006) note that

international trends in mathematics curriculum development indicate an

increase focus on problem solving and modeling in countries from the West as

well as the East (the extent that this approach has been embraced in most

African countries including Ghana is not yet known). Reflecting on curricula

development in mathematics, Anderson (2007) suggests to mathematics

curriculum developers to include problem-solving experiences in the

mathematics curriculum. Andersons convincing reasons are that problem-

solving experiences will make learners be able to use and apply mathematical

knowledge meaningfully, develop deeper understanding of mathematical ideas,

become more engaged and enthused in lessons, and finally, learners will

appreciate the relevance and usefulness of mathematics.

A good use of a problem-solving approach curricula calls for efficiently using

problems in the context that make sense to the learner: if a learner does not

have a good sense of what he or she knows, he or she may find it difficult to be

an efficient problem solver (Schoenfeld, 1987, p. 190). A problem-solving skill

entails more than drawing on ones background knowledge; instead,

information must be effectively applied to new problem situations (Fosnot,

2005; Pirie & Kieren, 1994; Thompson, 2000).

Mathematics topics are interwoven. For example, knowledge about a procedure

for adding common fractions may be needed when it comes to the addition of

rational functions. It is therefore important that learners understand the topics in

mathematics relationally and not by rote. This view of why it is important for

learners to develop understanding in mathematics topics is supported by Heibert

and Carpenter (1992). They explain that understanding a mathematics topic

ensures that everything one knows about the topic will be useful. When solving

mathematical problems, learners develop a deeper understanding of

mathematics because it helps them to conceptualise the mathematics being

learnt (Schoenfeld, 1992). To sum it up, for a student to develop understanding

of mathematics through a problem-solving approach, the teachers role of

selecting quality and interesting problem-solving task is important. Also the

mathematics syllabus, which mostly drives the teaching and learning of

mathematics, should contain quality and interesting problem-solving activities.

The student should also be prepared to learning mathematics actively rather than

passively by doing, recording, and communicating mathematics.

In UCC-CCE, distance learners like most pre-service teachers learners are most

often engaged in routine mathematical activities and are not exposed to

meaningful problem-solving tasks (Boaler, 1998). Such an approach to teaching

fails to promote critical thinking skills (Brown-Lopez & Lopez, 2009).

Therefore, if learners are not exposed to effective problem-solving skills,

through a problem-solving approach, they are unlikely to demonstrate

understanding of concepts and procedural skills in the subject content

knowledge. This study will determine if through the use of a problem-solving

approach, UCC-CCE distance learners understanding of mathematical concepts

and critical thinking skills may improve (Hines, 2008) and thereby may improve

their achievement in mathematics.

2.6.3 Impact of a Problem-Solving Approach on Achievement of Learners

in Mathematics
Teaching mathematics through a problem-solving approach, according to Lester

(1994), is a relatively new idea in the history of problem solving in the

mathematics curriculum. In fact, because teaching mathematics through a

problem-solving approach is a rather new approach, it has not been the subject

of much research. Although less is known about the actual mechanisms learners

use to learn and make sense of mathematics through a problem- solving

approach, there is widespread agreement that teaching mathematics through a

problem-solving approach holds the promise of fostering student learning

(Schroeder & Lester, 1989). One key question that needs addressing when

talking about learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach is

whether learners can explore problem situations and invent ways or employ

alternative methods to solve problems.

Many researchers (e.g., Carpenter, Franke, Jacobs, Fennema, & Empson, 1998)

have investigated learners mathematical thinking. These researchers findings

indicate that learners can explore problem situations and invent ways to solve

the problems. For example, Carpenter et al. (1998) found that many first-,

second-, and third-grade learners were able to use invented strategies to solve a

problem. They also found that 65% of the learners in their research sample used

an invented strategy before standard algorithms were taught. By the end of their

study, 88% of their sample had used invented strategies at some point during

their first three years of school. They also found that learners who used invented

strategies before they learned standard algorithms demonstrated better

knowledge of base-ten number concepts and were more successful in extending

their knowledge to new situations than were learners who initially learned

standard algorithms.

Recently, researchers (e.g., Ben-Chaim, Fey, Fitzgerald, Benedetto, & Miller,

1998; Cai, 2000) have also found evidence that middle school learners are able

to use invented strategies to solve problems. For example, when U.S. and

Chinese sixth-grade learners were asked to determine if each girl or each boy

gets more pizza when seven girls share two pizzas and three boys share one

pizza equally, the learners used eight different, correct ways to justify that each

boy gets more than each girl (Cai, 2000).

Collectively, the aforementioned studies not only demonstrate that learners are

capable of inventing their own strategies to solve problems, but they also show

that it is possible to use the learners invented strategies to enhance their

understanding of mathematics and therefore their academic achievement in


One of the studies that have informed this study is the work of Kousar (2010).

In a study, Kousar sought to determine the effect of a problem-solving approach

on academic achievement (performance) of mathematics learners at the

secondary level. Secondary school learners studying mathematics were used as

the population of the study. The learners of a grade 10 class of the Government

Pakistan Girls High School Rawalpindi were selected as a sample for the study.

Using a sample size of 48 learners Kousar (2010) equally divided them into an

experimental group and a control group on the basis of an assessment he

conducted. The experimental group was then taught over a period of six weeks

based on a planned problem-solving approach, using the guideline of Sharan

(2006) and Polyas (1945) heuristic steps of a problem-solving approach. The

control group continued with the instructional approach that they had prior to

being identified as the control group. After the intervention, an assessment was

used to see the effects of the intervention. A two-tailed t-test was used to

analyze the data, which revealed that both the experimental and control groups

were almost equal in mathematics knowledge at the beginning of the

experiment. However the experimental group outscored the control group

significantly on the assessment following the intervention. Kousar concluded

that the results obtained were in line with for example those by Farooq (1980),

and Chang, Kaur, and Lee (2001), all cited in Kousar (2010).

Though the study is not about learners who are pre-service or in-service

teachers and therefore mature adults, it is worth learning from the findings.

There are several things Kousar noted that have informed this study. Kousar

claims that for authentic results, the teachers of the problem-solving approach

group should be provide training for at least one months duration. In the study,

the issue of training of the facilitators in the treatment group will be taken care

of. What seems significantly different about this study compared to Kousars is

that the analysis of performance of the learners in this study was not only

summative but this study went further to analyze the effects of a problem-

solving approach on participants cognitive domain levels: knowledge,

comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. By this

analysis, the researcher was able to assess the effects a problem-solving

approach had on both Blooms lower and higher levels of cognitive domains.

This is one area that is yet to be researched so far as studies on use of a

problem-solving approach and related teaching approaches are concerned.

In another study carried out by Adeleke (2007), the study specifically examined

the problem-solving performance of male and female learners mathematical

problem-solving performances using a Conceptual Learning Strategy (CLS) and

Procedural Learning Strategy (PLS). A sample of 124 science learners assigned

into CLS, PLS and Conventional Method (CM) groups were involved in the

study making use of pre-test post-test control group design. Findings of the

study showed a non-significant difference in the performance of boys and girls

in the two learning strategies. But a significant difference was recorded in the

performance of boys when comparing the two groups, also in the performance

of girls in the two groups. Adeleke (2007) concluded that when the training of

problem-solving is carried out in mathematics using Conceptual and Procedural

Learning Strategies, boys and girls will perform equally well without significant

difference. This conclusion perhaps needs to be tested also in different

geographical contexts (e.g., in Ghana) to enable one to generalize.

In another development, Hallagan, Rule, and Carlson (2009) investigated

elementary pre service teachers understandings of algebraic generalizations

using pre-test/intervention/post-test study of 63 elementary teachers in a

mathematics methods course. The study assessed pre-service elementary

teachers knowledge of writing and applying algebraic generalizations using

instructor-made rubrics along with analysis of work samples and reported

insights. Hallagan et al. (2009) reported that initially, although most learners

could solve a specific case, they had considerable difficulty determining an

algebraic rule. After a problem-solving based teaching intervention, learners

improved in their ability to generalize. However, they encountered more

difficulty with determining the algebraic generalization for items, arranged in

squares with additional single items as exemplified by x2+1, than with multiple

sets of items, as exemplified by 4x. Although the studys findings indicated

improvement in learners ability to generalize algebraic rules using problem

solving-based intervention, it failed to analyse learners performance in other

topics in mathematics as well as performance levels of learners cognitive

domains of learning. This gap was addressed in this study of UCC-CCE

distance learners.

A contrary result occurred when Brown-Lopez (2010) analysed the effects of a

constructivist-based mathematics problem-solving instructional program on the

achievement of grade five learners in Belize, Central America. The study

examined whether social constructivist activities can improve the mathematical

competency of grade five learners in Belize. The study employed a switching

replication design (an experimental design with treatment group and control

with parallel pre-test and post-test. The roles are then switched and the

experiment reproduced with the control becoming treatment group and the

initial treatment group becoming the control), enabling learners in the

experimental groups to be taught using social constructivist activities for 12

weeks and the learners in the control group to be exposed to similar

instructional practices from weeks 7 to 12. Learners performance was assessed

using pre-test, post-test 1 and 2. A repeated measure ANOVA revealed that

within subject analysis, there were significant differences among the pre-test

and post-test 1 and 2 results. That is, learners in the control groups, who were

instructed using a procedural approach from weeks 1 to 6, demonstrated higher

gains than the experimental groups who were immersed in social constructivist

activities. Furthermore, when the control groups became immersed in similar

activities from weeks 7 to 12, they continued to outperform the experimental

groups who were exposed to social constructivist activities alone. This contrary

finding could be as a result of the assessment not reflecting the manner in which

the learners were taught. According to Gay and Airasian (2000), a test cannot

accurately reflect students achievement if it does not measure what the student

was taught and was supposed to learn (p.163). Assessment should reflect the

purpose and objectives of instruction (Thompson & Briars, 1989). This study

therefore structured the assessment items so as to reflect the objectives of


The ongoing research findings have shown that learners are capable of inventing

problem-solving strategies or mathematical procedures in solving mathematical

problems. However, research has also shown that some invented strategies are

not necessarily efficient strategies (Cai, Moyer & Grochowski, 1999; Carpenter

et al., 1998; Resnick, 1989). For example, in a study by Cai et al. (1999), a

group of middle school learners was asked to solve a problem involving

arithmetic average: The average of Eds ten test scores is 87. The teacher

throws out the top and bottom scores, which are 55 and 95. What is the average

of the remaining set of scores? (pp. 5-6). One student came up with an unusual

strategy to solve it. In this solution, the student viewed throwing away the top

and bottom scores as taking 15 away from each of the other scores. By

inventing this approach, this student demonstrated an understanding of

averaging. However, this approach is somewhat inefficient. Clearly, invented

strategies can serve as a basis for learners understanding of mathematical ideas

and procedures but, based on their level of understanding, learners also should

be guided to develop efficient strategies.

There are a number of factors that may influence the implementation of

worthwhile problem solving tasks in the classroom. One of the predominant

factors is the amount of time allocated to solving problems and discussing

procedures (Henningsen & Stein, 1997; Perry, Vanderstoep & Yu, 1993; Stigler

& Hiebert, 1999). In teaching through problem solving, the discussion of a

problem and its alternative solutions usually takes longer than the demonstration

of a routine classroom activity.

In teaching mathematics through a problem-solving approach, the teachers role

in guiding mathematical discourse is a highly complex activity. Besides

devoting an appropriate amount of time to the discussion of problems, teachers

must also decide what aspects of a task to highlight, how to organize and

orchestrate the work of the learners, what questions to ask to challenge those

with varied levels of expertise, and how to support learners without taking over

the process of thinking for them and thus eliminating the challenge (NCTM,

2000, p. 19). In other words, it is important for teachers to provide enough

support for learners mathematical exploration, but not so much support that

will take over the process of thinking for their learners (e.g., Ball, 1993;

Hiebert, Carpenter et al., 1997; Lampert, 1985).

There are no specific, research-based guidelines that teachers can use to achieve

the appropriate balance between teacher-directed and teacher-guided instruction

and it is unlikely that research will ever be able to provide such guidelines.

Taplin (2009), throws a challenge for teachers (and perhaps mathematics

teacher educators), at all levels, to develop the process of mathematical thinking

alongside the knowledge and to seek opportunities to present even routine

mathematics tasks in problem-solving contexts. The ability to present routine

mathematics tasks in a problem-solving context and develop the process of

mathematical thinking alongside knowledge is a skill needed by mathematics

facilitators in UCC-CCE in Ghana and this study will seek to address it.

The ongoing discussions have revealed two important results: a problem-solving

approach has positive impact on learners performance in mathematics, and

empirical evidence indicates that a problem-solving approach used in teaching

mathematics has the potential of improving the achievement of learners in

mathematics. In summary, a number of studies have been carried out on the

effects a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics can have on

learners achievement in mathematics. Several of these research findings have

demonstrated that when learners have opportunities to develop their own

solution methods, they are better able to apply mathematical knowledge in new

problem situations and thereby improve their achievement in mathematics.

Central to a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics is active

learning. Most of the studies have been carried out outside Ghana and Africa.

This study will investigate the effects of teaching mathematics through a

problem-solving approach in Ghana.

2.7 Chapter Summary

The literature in this chapter has argued that a problem-solving approach to

teaching mathematics is a learner-centered approach to the teaching of

mathematics. This approach is strongly supported by how adults learn,

constructivist views of knowing and learning (radical constructivism and social

constructivism) that learners construct their own knowledge of learning by

interacting cooperatively and collaboratively in small or large social groups

through engaging actively in problem based tasks/activities. The teachers

subject content knowledge (SCK) and how it can affect the desired learners

achievement in the use of a problem-solving approach to teach mathematics has

also been discussed in-depth. Various theories and studies aimed at providing

guidelines for improving competencies and identifying that a problem-solving

approach is suitable to improving UCC-CCE distance learners performance in

mathematics have been reviewed. Instructional and learning gaps in teaching

and learning of mathematics in UCC-CCE have also been identified and

justification for the study established in this literature.



3.1 Introduction
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the methodology of the study.

Research methodology, according to Kothari (2004), is a way to systematically

solve the research problem. In this chapter, the research design, the research

variables, location of the study, the target population, sampling techniques and

sample size, construction of research instruments, pilot study to be conducted,

data collection techniques, logistical and ethical considerations for the study are


3.2 Research Design

Research design is a formal plan of action for a research project. A mixed

method design comprising both quantitative and qualitative research designs

was used for this study. According to Creswell (2009), the problems addressed

by social and health science researchers are complex, and use of either

quantitative or qualitative approaches by themselves is inadequate to address

this complexity (p.203). He further argues that there is more insight to be

gained from the combination of both quantitative and qualitative research than

by either form itself. In support of Creswells views, other researchers (e.g.

Cohen, Marion, & Morrison, 2004; Greene, Caracelli & Graham, 1989; Strauss

& Corbin, 1990) argue that use of both forms of data and data analysis allow

researchers to simultaneously make generalizations about a population from the

results of a sample and to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomena of

interest. These presentations and synthesis justify the use of both quantitative

and qualitative approaches in this study.

A quasi-experimental design (a quantitative procedure) was used to test the null

hypothesis (1) of the study. A quasi-experimental design involves a non-random

assignment of participants to two groups, experimental (treatment) and control

groups. The experimental group received the treatment (a problem-solving

teaching approach) whereas the control group did not. The control group was

used to establish a baseline for reading achievement in this study. This design

was used since the study was conducted in a classroom setting and was not

possible to assign subjects randomly to groups. In addition this design was used

to avoid the risk of harm from delivering or withholding services to someone in

the sample, Specifically a nonequivalent (pre-test and post-test) experimental

control-group design was used to investigate objective (1) of the study (Figure


RE O1 X O3

RC O2 X O4

RE = treatment group RC = control group
X = treatment (a problem-solving approach)

X = no treatment
O1 = O2 = pre-test O3 = O4 = post-test

Figure 3.1 Nonequivalent (pre-test and post-test) Quasi-Experimental


In addition to the quantitative procedures, qualitative design was used to

provide a deeper understanding and multiple realities of the phenomenon to be

studied (Gosling & Edwards, 1995; Strauss & Corbin, 1992). In so doing, the

researcher learned more about the participants and the research setting (Bogdan

& Biklen, 1998; Eisner, 1991; Patton, 1990). Questionnaires for learners, as

well as facilitators, and classroom observation guidelines were utilized to gather

multiple perspectives as they emerged (Ely, Anzul, Friedman, Garner, &

Steinmetz, 1991). The research designs for this study are discussed in detail in

two parts: the research design for learners (distance learners) and the research

design for teachers (facilitators).

3.2.1 Treatment and Control Procedures

According to Campbell and Stanley (1963), pre-test and post-test comparisons

provide robust assessment of a pedagogical intervention by detecting possible

changes before or after treatment. Control and treatment groups were used for

this study. Eight (8) out of the thirty (30) study centres were selected for this

design (details of the selection are discussed under sampling). Four of the

selected centres were assigned to the control group and the remaining four to the

treatment group. The control group was taught by their teachers using the

conventional teacher-centered approach while the treatment group was taught

by the trained teachers using a problem-solving approach (the treatment).

Each of the groups was tested before treatment (pre-test). After they were taught

for six face-to-face meetings, a minimum of 18 hours and a maximum of 24

hours using the treatments, the two groups were again tested (post-test). The

results of pre-test and post-test were compared to provide robust assessment of a

pedagogical intervention by detecting possible changes after treatment.

In addition to the above design, learners in both control and experimental

groups were observed while they engaged in learning. Also, a randomly selected

group of learners in both groups were given a researcher self-prepared

questionnaire to answer. According to Kothari (2004), the principle of

randomization provides protection, when an experiment is conducted against the

effect of extraneous factors by randomization. Kothari (2004) stated that the

principle indicates that the variation that may be caused by extraneous factors

can all be combined under the general heading of chance. By applying this

principle we can have a better estimate of the experimental error (Kothari,


3.2.2 Briefing and Debriefing for Facilitators

Teachers are often positioned as consumers of research findings that are

generated outside the context of the classroom. This study was conducted in

collaboration with teachers (facilitators), who were considered as members of

the research and development team. By this design the teachers, as well as the

researcher, were together made responsible for the quality of the learners

mathematics education.

The facilitators (tutors from UCC-CCE) who taught the treatment group

students were the facilitators who handled the four randomly selected study

centres assigned as treatment groups. These selected facilitators were invited to

attend an orientation workshop for three days (Appendix A). They were

informed about the purpose of the study and were provided with guidelines for

implementation of the study. They were also given the opportunity to discuss

the guidelines for engaging the learners in social learning groups.

These facilitators were provided with copies of a consent form that indicated

that their participation is voluntary and that they were free to withdraw from the

study at any time. Standby facilitators were provided in case an occurrence of

this nature happened. The importance of providing participants with explicit

guidelines and information on the protection of rights is consistent with Ethical

Research Principles, which denote that participants should be informed on the

purpose of the research, expected duration and procedures, rights to decline to

participate and to withdraw from the research once it has started, as well as the

anticipated consequences of doing so, and prospective research benefits

(American Psychological Association [APA], 2008).

Eight (8) mathematics course tutors who handle learners from four study centres

were invited for a three days of an intensive orientation workshop on the use of

a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics. An expert mathematics

education researcher, who is experienced in teaching mathematics through a

problem-solving approach, teamed up with the researcher as a resource person

for the workshop. Topics treated during the workshop included: Introduction to

Problem solving (Polyas strategies of problem solving), Importance of a

Problem-solving approach, Introduction to facilitators role in a problem-

solving approach, and Discussion on Cooperative Collaborative learning (the

role of an instructor and learners in problem solving). These topics treated were

interspersed with viewing and discussion of video clips of learners engaged in a

problem-solving task, as well as group activities and reporting by the

participants. The workshop offered the facilitators the opportunity to construct

their own meaning of what it means to teach and learn mathematics through a

problem-solving approach. The facilitators were made to prepare problem-

solving questions and materials, such as worksheets that they would use in

addition to pre-prepared ones during their teaching in their study centres.

The researcher kept notes of the activities as well as comments made by the

facilitators during training sessions. Two facilitators were interviewed randomly

after each orientation session. These interviews enabled the researcher to

compare and assess these participants views about teaching and learning

mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

3.2.3 Variables

The use of variables in research questions or hypotheses, according to Creswell

(2009), is typically limited to three basic approaches:

the researcher may compare an independent variable to see its impact on

a dependent variable,

the researcher or investigator may relate one or more independent

variables to one or more dependent variables, and

the researcher may describe responses to be independent, mediating, or

dependent variables. (p.133)

Most quantitative research, according to Creswell (2009), falls into one or more

of these three categories. This study used all three of the categories. The

independent variable, the variable that causes or influences or affects

outcome(s), in this study was a problem-solving approach. The dependent

variable or outcome variable was the variable that depends on the independent

variable. In this study, the dependent (outcome) variable was UCC-CCE

distance learners achievement in mathematics. This study, therefore, intended

to investigate the effect a problem-solving approach (the independent variable)

in teaching mathematics will have on UCC-CCE distance learners achievement

(dependent variable) in mathematics.

3.3 Location of the Study

The study was carried out in Ghana, specifically the University of Cape Coast

Centre for Continuing Education (UCC-CCE). UCC-CCE has currently thirty

study centres for the Diploma in Basic Education (DBE) programme. These

centres are spread throughout the ten regions in Ghana. UCC-CCE is selected

for the study because the centre is leading in the running of DBE distance

education programmes for teachers in Ghana. Table 3.1 shows the distribution

of the spread of the study centres throughout the ten regions of Ghana

(Appendix B).

Table 3.1 Distribution of UCC-CCE Study Centres in the Ten Regions of

1 Ashanti 6
2 Brong-Ahafo 4
3 Central 3
4 Eastern 3
5 Greater Accra 3
6 Northern 2
7 Upper East 1
8 Upper West 2
9 Volta 3
10 Western 3

3.4 Target Population

There are two types of population in any study, the target population and the

accessible population. According to Amedahe (2002), the target population of a

study is the aggregate of cases about which the researcher would like to make

generalizations and it is the units from which the information is required and

actually studied. In addition, Amedahe (2002) defines the accessible population

as the designated criteria that are accessible to the researcher as a pool of

subjects for a study. According to Amedahe (2002), researchers usually sample

from an accessible population and hope to generalize to a target population.

The target population for this study was UCC-CCE-DBE learners. The

accessible population was all DBE first-year learners. These first-year DBE

learners have two more years ahead of them to complete the programme and

therefore will have more time to adjust to any change in approach to teaching

them mathematics. Moreover, there is no pressure of final-year university

examination for them to write and therefore their facilitators would not rush

them through the learning process with the aim to complete the course outline.

Being first-year learners, they may see this approach as a normal approach in

teaching mathematics at the university level and may therefore not feel reluctant

to learn mathematics through the use of this approach.

3.5 Sampling Technique and Sample Size

Sampling is a procedure of using a small number of items or part of a whole

population to make conclusions about the population. Apart from the pragmatic

reasons of reduced cost and time saving, sampling enables a researcher to

estimate some unknown characteristics of the population and make

generalizations (Zikmund, 2003). In taking a sample, two major alternative

designs suffice. The first is probability sampling design that is based on random

selection where each population element is given a known non zero chance of

selection ensuring that the sample will be representative of the population

(Keppel, 1991). The second is non-probability sampling which is arbitrary (non-

random) and subjective (Cooper & Schindler, 2001). This study employed a

probability sampling design. In this design, all first-year Diploma in Basic

Education distance learners in UCC-CCE had an equal chance of being picked.

Probability sampling ensures the law of Statistical Regularity which states that

if on average the sample chosen is a random one, the sample will have the same

composition and characteristics as the universe (Kothari, 2004).

3.5.1 Sampling Techniques

To ensure even spread in the locations of the centres that the study was

conducted, the thirty study centres of UCC-CCE were grouped into three zones:

Southern, Middle, and Northern zones (Table 3.2).

Table 3.2 Distribution of UCC-CCE Study Centres by Zones


1 Southern Central, Greater Accra, &
Western 8
2 Middle Ashanti & Eastern, 10
Brong-Ahafo, Volta, Northern,
3 Northern Upper East, & Upper West 12

Based primarily on logistical reasons, two regions (Central and Western

regions) were randomly drawn from the southern zone, from which the

experimental groups were selected. Cape Coast, Obiri Yeboah and Swesbu

study centres were selected from the Central region and Takoradi study centre

was selected from Western region. Four study centres: Techiman study from

Brong-Ahafo region (Northern zone), Obuasi study centre from Ashanti region

(Middle zone), Ada study centre from Eastern region (Middle zone), and
Jasikan study centre from Volta region (Middle zone) were selected and

assigned as control groups (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3 Randomly Selected Centres from Randomly Selected Regions


UCC, Obiri
Yeboah &
Central Swesbu 1
Experimental Southern Western Takoradi
Obuasi Ada &
Middle Ashanti & Eastern Jasikan
Control Northern Brong-Ahafo & Volta Techiman

In all, eight out of thirty study centres, representing 26.7% of the study centres,

were used for the study. Four of the eight selected study centres were assigned

as treatment groups and the other four as control groups.

3.5.2 Sample Size

The sample size, according to Kothari (2004), should technically be large

enough to give a confidence interval of desired width; as such the size of the

sample must be chosen by some logical process before a sample is taken from

the population. The sample size for this study (using a finite population of 5,060

learners, calculated based on previous admission records) was determined using

(controlling any sampling error that may arise during selection) 10% of the total

population of distance learners in UCC-CCE, a percentage supported by Gay,

Mills and Airasian (2009) for a quota sampling technique. Thus, the study used

eight study centres randomly drawn from the thirty study centres (that is, three

approximated to four since equal numbers of centers are needed for the control

and treatment groups) and a sample size of 506. This sample size of 506 was

calculated from 10% of a calculated presumed population size of 5060 DBE

first year learners for the 2012-2013 academic year.

The treatment and control groups were each assigned a sample size of 253

learners. Sample size for each selected study centre was computed

proportionately using formula:

nc 253

nc sample size of students in selected centre for the study

C n number of students in a selected treatment /control study centre

Tc total number of first year students in selected treatment /control study centres

Table 3.4 summarises the obtained result for the sample.

Table 3.4 Target population and Sample Size for Selected Control and
Experimental groups

Control Group Experimental Group

Study Target Sample Study Target Sample
centre population size centre population size
Ada 116 38 Cape Coast 470 115
Jasikan 88 29 Obuasi 77 19
Obuasi 201 66 Swesbu 176 43
Techiman 360 120 Takoradi 312 76
Total 765 253 Total 1035 253

The teachers/facilitators (eight in all) who teach the DBE students in the

selected study centres for the study were considered automatic participants of

the study. Henceforth, Table 3.5 summarizes the sampling techniques and

sample size across categories

Table 3.5 Summary of Sampling Technique and Sample Size

Sampling Population Sampling Percentage Sampling

Groups Size size % Technique

Facilitators 77 8 10 Purposive

Students 5060 506 10 Random

Totals 5137 514 10

3.6 Construction of Research Instruments

The following research instruments were used for the study:

researcher made pretest and posttest content pedagogy questions,


classroom and lesson observation charts, and

interview guide.

3.6.1 Pre-test and post-test questions

Each group (control and experimental) was given a pre-intervention test or pre-

test (Appendix C) before the treatment and a post-intervention test or post-

intervention after the treatment (Appendix D). The pre-test and post-test were

each comprised of short questions that required short answers. The questions

were set with objectives based on four of the six of Blooms (1956) levels of

cognitive learning domains. Blooms hierarchy of levels in cognitive learning

domains is taxonomy of thinking commonly referenced by educators when

discussing critical thinking. A table of specification was used to this effect to

ensure proportional percentage distribution of questions over the six levels of

cognitive domains. The percentage distributions of these levels in the questions

are shown in Table 3.6. The percentage distribution was to establish whether

learners have developed deeper concepts and procedural skills across both the

low and high levels of Blooms taxonomy of cognitive domains.

Table 3.6 Percentage Distribution of Level of Cognitive Learning

Domains in Pre- intervention and Post-intervention Test Items


1 Knowledge 55.7
2 Comprehension 22.2
3 Application 16.7
4 Analysis 5.6

Equivalent mathematics achievement tests were used for pre-intervention and

post-intervention treatment. The order or sequence of numbers of questions, and

numerical figures in the questions were different for the two tests. The questions

for the pre-test and post-test were set, typed, and copies run by the researcher to

ensure security, validity and reliability of test items. Learners were instructed to

show all of their work and not to erase or black out anything that they had

written for each problem.

3.6.2 Questionnaires

A questionnaire containing mainly closed-ended items was administered to 253

distance learners (Appendix E) randomly selected in each of the control and

treatment groups as well as to all the eight mathematics facilitators (Appendix

F) in the treatment group. The responded questionnaires by the distance learners

were separately serially numbered for both experimental and control groups.

The responses of learners odd serially numbered were selected and used for

analyses of the study. The opinion type questionnaire used a four point Likert

Scale ranging from: 1 = Strongly disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Agree, 4 =

Strongly agree.

The items in the questionnaire were divided into the following three sections:

Section A: Biographic characteristics of the respondents.

Section B: Questions on facilitators and distance learners previous

knowledge and beliefs about the teaching of mathematics.

Section C: Questions on facilitators and distance learners previous

knowledge about the nature of teaching and learning of mathematics.

The same questionnaire was administered (using the same group) in the post-

test survey after the study to determine any changes the use of a problem-

solving approach in teaching and learning mathematics can have on distance

learners and facilitators perceptions about the teaching and learning of


3.6.3 Classroom and Lesson Observation Schedule

In this study, the observation method of data collection was to be used to assess

the extent of implementation of the use of a problem-solving approach in

mathematics classrooms. The classroom observation protocol used (Appendix

G) focused on the following areas:

what the facilitators and the distance learners do at the start, during and

at the end of a lesson;

the extent to which a problem-solving approach is applied/ implemented

by the facilitators; and

whether learners individually or in a group are free to express their

opinions and to interact with each other and their facilitators.

The researcher was to sit in the participants class during their regular

mathematics time and used the observation protocol to record what was seen,

heard, and experienced during a teaching session (Gay & Airasian, 2000). There

was to be video and audio recording during teaching and learning sessions for

retrospective analysis. Unavailability of the mentioned logistics and limited

time did not allow this observation exercise to be carried out.

3.6.4 Written Interview Protocol

A closed and open-ended written interview (Appendix H), following an

interview protocol (Creswell, 2009), was used to obtain more information from

mathematics facilitators in the treatment group in all of the four sampled

treatment study centres. The written interview was done to ensure uniformity

and reliable questions and results. Additionally, the researcher could not depend

on research assistance in conducting the interviews in the desired manner and

also be at all the four places all the time. The focus of the written interview was

to explore the challenges associated with the use of a problem-solving approach

in mathematics by the facilitators and distance learners. The researcher assured

the interviewees of the confidentiality of their contributions.

3.7 The Pilot Study

The term pilot study refers to feasibility studies that are small scale version(s),

or trial run[s], done in preparation for the major study (Polit, Beck, & Hungler,

2001). One of the advantages of conducting a pilot study is that it might give

advance warning about where the main research project could fail, where

research protocols may not be followed, or whether proposed methods or

instruments are inappropriate or too complicated (van Teijlingen & Hundley,

2001). The instruments for the study, especially the questionnaires and the

pretest questions were first analysed for consistency with the help of selected

mathematics education senior members in UCC-CCE before they were piloted

in four study centres (three centres in the northern region and one centre Greater

Accra region) using four mathematics facilitators and 20 first-year-DBE

distance learners in each selected pilot study centres. The pilot study centres

were not involved in the final research study. From the feedback obtained after

piloting, the study instruments were refined. The pre-intervention and post-

intervention test questions were reduced from 50 to 20 questions and items in

the questionnaire that proved difficult for student to respond to then were

reframed to make it comprehensible. The validity and reliability of the scores

were then established.

3.7.1 Validity

Threats to internal validity, according to Trochim (2001) prevent researchers

from establishing the real causal relationships of a study. Gay and Airasian

(2000) propose that random selection of participants and random assignment to

treatment and control groups are powerful approaches to overcoming threats to

internal validity. Based on this perspective, UCC-CCE distance learners were

randomly selected from treatment and control groups to reduce threats to

internal validity. In addition to random selection, to ascertain that the observed

changes are attributed to a problem-solving approach and not by other possible

causes, threats to internal validity were also controlled: the content validity of

test items were determined by preparing a chart/table of specification (a table

used to identify the achievement domains being measured and to ensure that a

fair and representative sample of questions), and the content validity was also

checked by using correlation coefficients (a measure of the interdependence of

two random variables: a problem-solving approach and achievement, that

ranges in value from 1 to +1).

Construct validity defines how well a test or experiment measures up to its

claims. It refers to whether the operational definition of a variable actually

reflects the true theoretical meaning of a concept. The study used questionnaire,

interviews, classroom observation (triangulation), and piloting, in addition to

the randomization of the subjects to the treatment and control groups to ensure

threats to construct validity (e.g., hypothesis guessing, evaluation apprehension,

and researcher expectancies) were minimized. Patton (2002) advocates the use

of triangulation for improving validity by indicating that triangulation

strengthens a study by combining methods. Th is view is supported by

Mugenda and Mugenda (2003). They argue that the easiest way of assessing

construct validity in a study is to use two different instruments (may be a

suggestion of more than one instrument) which must measure the same concept

(p. 101).

3.7.2 Reliability

Reliability of the achievement test was measured by the Cronbachs co-efficient

Alpha () formula (a formula used for estimating reliability of test items), and

each items scores of short answer essay test items were measured as to whether

it is correlated significantly with total scores, at either the 0.01 or 0.05 levels.

Cronbachs co-efficient Alpha () formula is presented as follows:

k 1

k 1 2

where, k is the sum of variances of the

k parts (usually the items of the

test) and standarddeviation of the test.

To test for reliability, the study used the internal consistency technique by

employing Cronbachs Coefficient Alpha test for testing a research tool. Internal

consistency of data was determined by correlating the scores obtained with

scores obtained from other times in the research instruments. Cronbachs Alpha

is a coefficient of reliability. It is commonly used as a measure of the internal

consistency or reliability of a psychometric test score for a sample of


The result of correlation is Cronbachs Coefficient Alpha, which is valued from

0 and +1. According to Mugenda and Mugenda (2003), the coefficient is high

when its absolute value is greater than or equal to 0.7: otherwise it is low. A

high coefficient implies high correlation between variables indicating a high

consistency among the variables. This study will correlate items in the

instruments to determine how best they relate using a Cronbach Coefficient

Alpha of 0.8.

3.8 Data Collection Techniques

With an introductory letter from the Registrar of Kenyatta University, clearance

was taken from the Director of UCC-CCE to carry out research in UCC-CCE.

After a thorough discussion of the study and its benefits to the academic

performance UCC-CCE distance learners in mathematics, the researcher

requested the Director of UCC-CCE to invite the mathematics facilitators in the

treatment group from the four randomly selected study centres for a four-days

training and orientation on the use of a problem-solving approach in teaching

mathematics. The UCC-CCE complex office was used as the venue for the

training and orientation programme.

Since a mixed method data analysis approach was used, the study adopted data

triangulation. According to Gay and Airasian (2000), triangulation gives broad

coverage of education characteristics and allows for crosschecking of

information. The aim of triangulation is to ensure the validity and reliability of

the findings.

The pre-test and post-test questions were administered with the help of six

senior members and six senior staff members in UCC-CCE. The completed

scripts were marked by the researcher and two mathematics lecturers in UCC,

using a marking scheme (scoring rubric) prepared by the researcher (Appendix

I). The marking scheme was made of: B (factual mark), M (method mark), and

A (accuracy mark).

With the assistance of the six senior members and six senior staff members in

UCC-CCE, closed ended questionnaires were distributed to all of the

mathematics facilitators involved in the study and sample of distance learners

who took part in this study. The facilitators, as well as the sampled distance

learners spent about 20-30 minutes to complete the questionnaires immediately

after the post-test examination and handed them in. This arrangement

minimized any delay of receiving back any of the questionnaires and thereby

ensured high questionnaire return rate.

A written interview was conducted to help the researcher to get more

information. Open-end written interviews, following an interview protocol were

used to obtain information from mathematics facilitators in the treatment group

in the four sampled treatment study centres. This interview was conducted by

the researcher and his team of assistant researchers. The focus of the interview

was on UCC-CCE mathematics facilitators experiences in teaching through a

problem-solving approach and the challenges and advantages associated with it.

The written interview was conducted after the study. The researcher assured

each participant of the confidentiality of his or her contributions.

3.9 Data Analysis and Presentation

The data obtained from distance learners and mathematics facilitators through

the pre-intervention and post-intervention test, questionnaires, and interviews

from the field were organised and summarised to obtain a general sense of

information and to reflect on its overall meaning. The organized data was coded

into knowledge (K), comprehension (C), application (A) and analysis (S). The

coded data were used to generate a description of the setting or people as well as

categories or themes for analysis (Creswell, 2009). The description and themes

obtained were represented in quantitative terms and in qualitative narratives

(e.g., frequency tables showing means, standard deviations, test statistics, and

graphs). Finally, interpretations of the data were made based on literature

findings and theories. Microsoft Excel and the latest (17th) version of Statistical

Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) programme were used to assist and enhance

the analyses.

For objective 1 which sought to determine the difference a problem-solving

approach made on UCC-CCE DBE distance learners achievement scores in

mathematics, the researcher conducted a pre-test and post-test with the

experimental and control groups; the results were presented in a frequency

distribution. The pre-test and post-test scores were further analysed using a t-

test statistics to determine if the treatment had effects on the groups. This was

used to test the null hypothesis there is no difference a problem-solving

approach makes on the mean scores of UCC-CCE DBE distance learners in


Objective 2 sought to establish the change in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning of mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. The perceptions for both the experimental and control groups before

and after the problem-solving approach intervention was analysed both

descriptively using frequency tables and inferentially using Analysis of

Variance (abbreviated as ANOVA). The difference in means obtained from the

responses before and after the intervention between the control and

experimental groups was computed and its significance established using

ANOVA. The ANOVA results were used to test the null hypothesis there

were no changes in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and

after learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

Objective 3 sought to establish the effects of a problem-solving approach on

facilitators perceptions about the teaching and learning of mathematics while

Objective 4 aimed at determining the challenges faced by facilitators in the

adoption of a problem-solving approach in the teaching and learning of

mathematics. The study conducted a descriptive analysis on both objectives that

entailed frequency distribution tables, percentages and graphs. The purpose was

to observe, describe, and document aspects of situations as they naturally occur.

3.10 Logistical and Ethical Consideration

The study was carried out with the available funds and within the available

timeframe without compromising its quality. Ethical considerations included

confidentiality of information, names, and sources. The researcher encouraged

voluntary participation, arising from informed consent (Mugenda & Mugenda,

2003). To access the required information, permission from relevant bodies

such as the UCC-CCE, and Colleges of Education where several of these

facilitators teach were sought first. Special emphasis was laid on confidentiality

or anonymity of questionnaires and interviews in case of sensitive or gazette

data. Permission was also sought from both the facilitators and the subjects

(distance learners used in the study) for the use of their videos and still pictures

in the study.

3.11 Chapter Summary

This chapter has introduced the research design and described both the study

location and study population. Sampling techniques, sampling size, research

instruments and pilot study used have been described. How the data were

obtained from distance learners and mathematics facilitators through the

questionnaires, interviews and lesson observations from the field were

organised and summarised to obtain a general sense of information and overall

meaning have been dealt with. Methods that were used to ensure validity and

reliability of data have been described. The chapter ended with a presentation of

data collection procedure, how data was analysed and the ethical issues





4.1 Introduction

This chapter looks at analysis, interpretation and discussion of findings under

the following sub-headings: Respondents biographic data, difference a

problem-solving approach makes on UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

achievement scores in mathematics, comparison of UCC-CCE DBE distance

learners perceptions before and after learning of mathematics through a

problem-solving approach, effects of a problem-solving approach on facilitators

teaching and learning of mathematics, challenges faced by facilitators in the

adoption of a problem-solving approach in the teaching and learning of


4.2 Biographic Data of Respondents

Although the biographic data were not central to the study, they helped to

present information on the characteristics and entry behaviour of the learners

and also the interpretations of the findings. The biographic data in this case

included: gender, age, teaching experience, and academic qualification, type of

admission, type of school, teaching section, teaching class and class size. These

findings are presented below.

4.2.1 Gender
From Figure 4.1, the ratio of male to female learners in the control group is

approximately 3:2 and the ratio of male to female learners in the experimental

group is approximately 1:1. The ratio of males to females who answered the

questionnaire therefore stood at almost 1:1. Hence gender balance and therefore

equal representation was ensured in the study

Control Group Experimental Group

50.3 49.7
60 43.7

Male Female

Figure 4.1 Respondents by Gender

4.2.2 Learner Respondents Age

Almost all the learners (over 80%) in each of the groups (Figure 4.2) fell in the

age range of 24 35 years. This means the majority of the learners may remain

in the teaching profession for 20-30 years before reaching their retirement age.

90 83.3
2429 yrs

30-35 yrs
40 36- 41yrs

30 42 - 47yrs
20 10.7 10.7 48+
10 4 1.3 1.3 0.7 0.7
Control Group Experimental Group

Figure 4.2: Respondents by Ages

Furthermore, this age range is youthful and full of energy to work, learn and

experiment with new ideas. Therefore preparing them while young using

improved methods of teaching and learning mathematics may go a long way to

improve the mathematics achievement in pre-service teacher training and the

learners they may mentor whiles on the job.

4.2.3 Teaching Experience

60 55.3
50 44
39 < 1 year

1-5 yrs
30 6-10yrs
20 11-15 yrs
5.7 4 >15
1 0.3 0.7 1
Control Group Experimental Group

Figure 4.3 Respondents on Teaching Experience

A high percentage of the learners respondents were novice teachers. Figure 4.3

shows that majority of learners (more than 90%) in the control group and the

experimental group have taught for five years or less. It may be possible that

majority of them may have taught for only a year or less since they are first year

pre-service learners. The teaching method used in teaching these learners in the

distance programme should therefore be an additional training incentive for

these novice teacher learners to improve on their teaching competencies,

especially in the area of mathematics.

4.2.4 Academic Qualifications

Figure 4.4 shows that over 80% of the learners in the control and experimental

group have completed the West Africa Senior Secondary School Certificate

Examination (WASSSCE).

Figure 4.4: Respondents on Highest Academic Qualification

These results indicate that most of the learners have been taught mathematics in

elementary and secondary schools and therefore have views, perceptions or

images about the nature of mathematics, and mathematics teaching and

learning. Additionally, only 2% and 3% for the control and experimental

groups, respectively, hold Teachers Certificate A (are trained teachers). Thus,

their views of mathematics learning and teaching may not differ from those who

are untrained provided they were taught and learned mathematics the same way

while in elementary and secondary school.

4.2.5 Type of Admission

The UCC-CCE DBE distance learners were admitted via two methods - direct

and special entrance examination. Figure 4.5 shows that 95.3% and 96% for the

control and experimental groups, respectively, gained admission into the

distance education programme through special entrance examination (indirect


Special Entrance Exams 95.3

4 experimental
Direct 4.7 control

0 50 100


Figure 4.5 Respondents by Mode of Admission to UCC-CCE

These learners could not gain direct admission because they did not meet the

minimum entry requirement. Observation of students entry records

(certificates) shows that majority of them did not make a credit pass in either

English Language or Core Mathematics or both. The majorities of these learners

are likely to have negative views or image about the teaching and learning of

mathematics or may have mathematics phobia. The method to be used in

teaching these learners mathematics should have the potential to change their

views about nature of mathematics, and the teaching and learning of

mathematics. Such an approach should also develop and arouse their interest to

learn mathematics, since at the end of their training they are going to teach the


4.2.6 Respondents Type of School, School Section and Teaching Class

Cross tabulations were done for type of school and both teaching class and

school section respectively. Table 4.1 shows that 56% and 64% of the

respondents in the control and experimental groups, respectively, teach in

private schools whereas 44% and 36% of learners in the control and

experimental groups respectively teach in public schools.

Table 4.1 Respondents Type of School and Teaching Class

Teaching Class
Nursery Junior
and High
Kindergarten Classes Classes Secondary Total
Type of school (%) 1-3(%) 3- 6(%) (%) (%)
Experimental School Public 27.8 33.9 45.7 41.0 36.0
Type Private 72.2 66.1 54.3 59.0 64.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Control School Public 33.3 48.6 53.3 34.9 44.0
Type Private 66.7 51.4 46.7 65.1 56.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

In addition Table 4.2 shows that over 80% of the control and experimental

group respondents, respectively, teach in either the primary school or the

kindergarten, or the nursery.

Table 4.2 Respondents Type of School and School Section

School Section
Nursery Kinderg Primary Junior Total
arten High
Experimental School Public 11.8 33.9 37.4 43.6 36.0
type Private 88.2 66.1 62.6 56.4 64.0
(%) Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Control School Public 22.2 39.2 50.3 48.3 44.0
type Private 77.8 60.8 49.7 61.7 56.0
(%) Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

4.2.7 Class Size

Large class size can be frustrating and a deterrent to the practicing or

implementation of a problem-solving approach in class, especially when the

prospective teacher has not experienced such an approach while teaching or has

not been trained with such an approach to teaching. In Ghana, most private

schools have small class sizes (at most 40 pupils in a class) whereas the

majority of the public schools have large class sizes at least 40 pupils in a class

(Awuah, 2014; Kraft, 1994). Awuah (2014) for example, agreeably advocates

for reduction in class sizes in Ghana to manageable levels for efficient transfer

of knowledge to the youth. From Figure 4.6, 63% and 64% of the respondents

for control group and experimental group, respectively, teach a class of less than

40 pupils.

Figure 4.6. Respondents on Class Size

A considerable number of the respondents, 23.3% and 25% for the control and

the experimental groups, respectively, teach a class of size between 40 to 49

pupils. The importance of these statistics is that the prospective elementary

mathematics teachers need to be trained adequately and effectively with

appropriate teaching approaches taking into consideration the large class sizes

they are likely to handle.

4.3 Effects of a Problem-Solving Approach on UCC-CCE DBE Distance
Learners Achievement Scores in Mathematics
Students achievements in mathematics in most studies are usually measured in

summative form. In this study, students achievements were measured

according to Blooms first four levels of cognitive learning domains:

knowledge, comprehension, application and analysis.

Data obtained from the learners for both the pre-intervention test and post-

intervention test scores were analysed and displayed using frequency

distribution tables for each of the levels of the first four levels of cognitive

learning domains. First, the study tested learners on the knowledge level of

cognitive learning domain and the results (Table 4.3) show that

cumulatively14.6% and 15% of the learners in the control and experimental

groups, respectively, scored at least 3 out of 5 in the pre-intervention test

indicating a close performance in knowledge.

Table 4.3 Results for Knowledge (Pre-intervention and Post-intervention)

Pre-test Post-test
SCORE Control Experimental Control Experimental
0 21.7 19.0 70.1 60.1
1 43.9 38.3 22.1 25.3
2 19.8 27.3 4.7 9.1
3 9.5 9.1 3.2 5.1
4 3.5 5.1 0.0 0.6
5 1.6 0.8 0.0 0.0
Total 100.0 100 100.0 100.0

However, in the post-intervention test, 3.2% and 5.7% of the learners in the

control and experimental groups respectively scored at least 3 out of 5. These

low scores for both pre-test and post-test shows that the learners in both groups

could not recall and apply most of the mathematical facts they were taught in

Senior High School, but those from the experimental group managed a higher

score because they had learned through a problem-solving approach. Although

the same questions were set for the post-test as in the pre-test, in the post-test,

learners were required to give examples of the mathematical facts instead of

matching the facts to given examples as was in the pre-test. Therefore, this

result implies that learners thrived on guesswork in the pre-test but the

intervention did not adequately help learners change their mindset to enable

them master the mathematical facts through relational learning.

Secondly, the study tested learners on the comprehension level and the results in

Table 4.4 indicate that 49.14% and 51.1% of learners for the control and

experimental groups respectively scored 0. On the flip side are those who

were above average and it is evident that only 20.6% and 17% of learners for

the control and experimental groups respectively scored at least 3 out of 6.

Table 4.4 Results for Comprehension (Pre-intervention and Post-

Pre-test Post-test
SCORE Control Experimental Control Experimental
0 49.4 51.8 43.1 47.8
1 19.8 17.8 30.4 22.1
2 10.3 13.4 19.8 21.3
3 11.5 10.7 5.5 5.5
4 7.1 4.3 0.8 1.6
5 1.6 1.6 0.4 0.8
6 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.8
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

However, in the post-test, there were 43.1% and 47.8% of learners for the

control and experimental groups, respectively, recording a score of 0. In terms

of those who were above average, 6.7% and 8.7% of learners for the control and

experimental groups, respectively, scored at least 3out of 6. The performance of

the two groups in the post-test was not encouraging. This is a demonstration of

deficient in knowledge of the questions in the comprehension test items.

The third level was on application and the summary of the performance. Results

in Table 4.5 show that 62.8% and 55.7% of learners for the control and

experimental groups, before for the intervention, respectively, and 79.1% and

71.5% of learners for the control and experimental groups, respectively, after

the intervention, got a score of 0.

Table 4.5 Pre-intervention Test and Post-intervention Test Scores on

Pre-test Post-test
SCORE Control Experimental Control Experimental
0 62.8 55.7 79.1 71.5
1 15.0 17.0 9.1 10.7
2 3.6 5.9 2.0 2.8
3 11.9 15.0 8.7 10.3
4 5.5 4.0 1.2 3.1
5 0.8 1.6 0.0 1.6
6 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0
7 0.4 0.4 0.0 0.0
8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

In terms of those who scored above average and scored at least 5 out of 9, there

were only 1.2% and 2.4% before the intervention, for the control and

experimental groups, respectively, and 0% and 1.6% after the intervention for

the control and experimental groups, respectively.

These results again demonstrated that in both the pre-test and post-test, learners

could not apply knowledge acquired in mathematics to solve word problems.

The study concludes that a problem-solving approach used in teaching learners

in the experimental group did not affect the learners adequately enough to

enable them apply the knowledge and skills gained to solve real life or novel

problems that require the use of critical thinking to solve them.

The last category dealt with analysis level of the Blooms first four levels of

cognitive learning. Table 4.6 shows the scores for both the pre-test and post-test.

In both the pre-test and post-test, over 90% of the learners in control and

experimental groups got a score of 0. This means they scored 0 or did not

attempt the question.

Table 4.6 Results on Analysis (Pre-intervention and Post-intervention)

Pre-test Post-test
SCORE Control Experimental Control Experimental
0 97.6 98.0 98.0 96.4
1 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.6
2 1.2 0.4 0.4 0.4
3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.4
4 0.4 0.0 0.0 1.2
5 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.0
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

The post-test did not show any remarkable improvement in performance for

both the control and the experimental groups despite the fact that they were
taught mathematics through a conventional approach and a problem-solving

approach respectively. This indicates that the skills required at the analysis level

were too advanced for both sets of learners.

The study further developed the means for the scores for the control and

experimental groups in both the pre-test and post-test. The results in Table 4.7

show the mean scores for the pre-test. The values suggest there may be

differences between the pairs.

Table 4.7 Pre-intervention Tests Mean Scores for the Four Levels of
Cognitive Learning Domains
Pair Cognitive Learning Domain Group N Mean
1 Knowledge Control 253 1.3399
Experimental 253 1.4545
2 Comprehension Control 253 1.1344
Experimental 253 1.0356
3 Application Control 253 0.8656
Experimental 253 1.0198
4 Analysis Control 253 0.0474
Experimental 253 0.0316

Based on the means, the study sought to establish whether there was a

significant difference between the control and experimental groups and a paired

t-test was done. This was informed by the assumption that for an experimental

research the entry behavior for control and experimental groups ought to be the

same. The t-test results for the four pairs are as shown in Table 4.8.

Table 4.8 Paired Sample t-test for the Pre-intervention Test Scores
Cognitive Learning sig.
Domain Between Groups t df (2 tailed)
Knowledge Control - Experimental -1.113 252 0.267
Comprehension Control - Experimental 0.763 252 0.446
Application Control - Experimental -1.227 252 0.221
Analysis Control -Experimental 0.589 252 0.556

The t values -1.113, 0.763, -1.227 and 0.589 for knowledge, comprehension,

application and analysis respectively, were all not significant at P = 0.05. This

implies that there was no significant difference between the pre-intervention test

scores for the control and experimental groups. Thus the learners entry

behaviors were found to be similar before the intervention.

Similarly, the study examined the post-test means scores outlined in Table 4.9.

Table 4.9 Post-intervention test Mean Scores for Four Levels of

Cognitive Learning Domains
Pair Cognitive Learning Group N
Domain Mean
1 Knowledge Control 253 0.4111
Experimental 253 0.6047
2 Comprehension Control 253 0.9170
Experimental 253 0.9644
3 Application Control 253 0.4387
Experimental 253 0.6759
4 Analysis Control 253 0.0395
Experimental 253 0.0830

The mean scores for the four pairs showed some difference with the

experimental scores having higher scores than those for the control group. The

study was premised on the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference

between the mean scores for the control and experimental groups. The study

conducted a paired t-test to test this hypothesis and the results are shown in

Table 4.10.

Table 4.10 Paired Sample t-test for the Post-intervention Test Scores

Cognitive Learning Domain sig.

Between Groups t df (2 tailed)
Knowledge Control - Experimental -2.925 252 0.004
comprehension Control - Experimental -0.487 252 0.627
Application Control - Experimental 0.375 252 0.018
Analysis Control - Experimental 1.129 252 0.260

Based on the result (shown in Table 4.10) the t values -2.925 and 0.375 for

knowledge and application, respectively, were significant at P = 0.05. Thus, the

study concludes that the intervention of a problem-solving approach had an

impact in terms of enhancing knowledge and application. However, the t values

-0.487 and 1.129 for comprehension and analysis levels, respectively, were not

significant at P = 0.05, which implies that there was no statistical significant

difference in their means.

The study sought to investigate the effects a problem-solving approach will

have on students levels of cognitive domains namely knowledge,

comprehension, application and analysis. These four cognitive domains are the

first four of Bloom (1956) cognitive objective category of Bloom's Taxonomy

of Educational Objectives. The importance of this cognitive objective is to

inform the teacher on what to do and why to do it when preparing a lesson and

setting questions to evaluate his/her teaching and the extent to which learners

have learnt the set objectives. In general, the experimental group performed

slightly significantly above the control group. Specifically, the experimental

group performed better in knowledge and application than the control group.

However, there was no significant difference in the performance of the two

groups in comprehension and analysis. Mathematical concepts and procedural

skills were not clearly understood and mastered by the learners. Learners were

not able to apply knowledge discovered or constructed to solve practical

problems and or take risks to breakdown and strategize to find a solution to a

non-routine or real life problem. These results in learners performance in the

pre-test and post-test were consistent with that obtained by Hallagan, Rule, and

Carlson (2009). The significant changes realized in the study attest to the

argument that a problem-solving approach has the potential of fostering

learners learning and therefore improving learners performance in

mathematics (Hiebert & Wearne, 1993; Marcus & Fey, 2003; NCTM, 1991;

Van de Walle, 2007).

4.4 Learners Perceptions before and after Learning of Mathematics

through a Problem-solving Approach
The second part of this study was to compare learners perceptions about

mathematics teaching and learning before and after learning mathematics

through a problem-solving approach. Studies have shown that prospective

elementary teachers do not come to teacher education perceiving that they know

nothing about mathematics teaching (Feiman-Nemser, Mcdiarmid, Malnick, &

Parker, 1987). According to Ball (1988), long before they enroll in their first

education course or mathematics methods course, they have developed a web of

interconnected ideas about mathematics, about teaching and learning

mathematics, and about schools. Their view about mathematics, about teaching

and learning of mathematics can be categorised into instrumentalist driven

(instrumental) and problem-solving driven views. The learners questionnaires

for the control and experimental groups before intervention and after

intervention contain instrumentalist driven and problem-solving driven

perceptions of mathematics teaching and learning statements. The study

analysed the perceptions based on the instrumentalist driven perceptions and

problem solving driven perception categories.

4.4.1 Instrumentalist Driven Perceptions

Examining instrumentalist driven perceptions involves looking at learners

perceptions towards instrumentalist way of learning mathematics. Their views

were captured both before and after the intervention and there were eleven (11)

statements with responses based on a 4-point Likert scale. Each perception was

summarised in tables of percentages followed by their one-way Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) result to establish any significance difference in the

perceptions before and after the intervention. The results are summarized in

Tables 4.11 to 4.21.

115 Learning Mathematics is to know the rules

The first instrumentalist driven view the study sought to compare was the view

by learners that mathematics learning means to know rules and be able to

commit them to memory. Result in Table 4.10 shows that 88.6% and 89.3% for

the control and experimental groups, respectively, before intervention,

supported or highly supported the perception that to learn mathematics means to

know the rules and follow them strictly. This perception of mathematics

learning held by learners is likely to affect their performance if they were unable

to remember a rule to solve a particular mathematical problem. This rule-

oriented image of mathematics learning can also influence prospective teachers

and direct their teaching of mathematics. Learners might have developed this

image of learning mathematics as a result of the way they were taught


Table 4.11 Perception on Learning Mathematics is to know the Rules

Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 5.7 6.7 4.3 10.0
Disagree 5.7 4.0 6.3 16.7
Agree 39.3 43.0 40.0 30.3
Strongly Agree 49.3 46.3 49.3 43.0

F 0.245 14.607
Sig. 0.621 0.000

However, after intervention a difference between the control and experimental

groups was registered; 73.3% of the experimental group was in support or

strongly in support of the stated perception compared to 89.4% of the control

group. These scores before intervention and after intervention were subjected to

ANOVA (Table 4.11) that revealed that before intervention (F = 0.245 > 0.05)

there was no significant difference while after intervention (F = 14.607 < 0.05)

there was a significant difference at 0.05 level of significance. Therefore, the

percentage decrease in responses in support of the perception in Table 4.11 and

the ANOVA results (Table 4.11) indicate a difference resulting from the

intervention of a problem-solving approach that was used in teaching.

Therefore, on the basis of this perception the study rejected the null hypothesis

that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. Learning Mathematics means Finding Correct Answers

Table 4.12 results show that 77.7% and 78.7% of the learners in the control and

experimental groups respectively, before the intervention, agreed that learning

mathematics means finding correct answers to problems. However, after the

intervention there was slight changes in the results with 74.3% and 69.4% of the

learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, agreeing.

Table 4.12 Perceptions on Learning Mathematics Means finding Correct

Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 6.0 8.6 7.0 10.0
Disagree 16.3 12.7 18.7 20.7
Agree 45.4 47.0 51.3 41.7
Strongly Agree 32.3 31.7 23.0 27.7

F 0.107 0.214
Sig. 0.743 0.644

This implies that a large number of learners view the learning of mathematics as

always finding the correct answers. In the same light, the ANOVA result

indicates the control and experimental groups before intervention (F = 0.107 >

0.05) and after intervention (F = 0.214 > 0.05), respectively, had no significant

difference at P=0.05 significance level. This result implies that the intervention

of a problem-solving approach that was used in teaching might have had no

considerable effect to warrant a significant difference in learners perceptions

on learning mathematics as finding correct answers. Therefore, on the basis of

this perception the study accepted the hypothesis that there were no differences

in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning

mathematics through a problem-solving approach. Learning Mathematics is seeing a correct example and then trying

to do the same

A majority of the learners, 85.3% and 82.6% of the learners in the control and

experimental groups, respectively - before intervention (Table 4.13) agreed that

the best way to learn mathematics is to see an example of the correct method for

solution, either on the blackboard or in a text-book, and then try to do the same

yourself. This is attributable to the fact that most learners learn mathematics by

attempting to recall rules or procedures.

Table 4.13 Perception of Learning Mathematics Means to See a Correct
Example for Solution and then Trying to do the same.
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 5.3 5.7 5.3 7.0
Disagree 9.3 11.7 7.0 14.3
Agree 37.3 36.3 40.7 31.3
Strongly Agree 48.0 46.3 47.0 47.3

F 0.446 0.268
Sig. 0.505 0.605

Students inability to recall a rule or procedure to solve a mathematical problem

makes them loose track of alternative ways of solving the problem, using

familiar ideas or procedures. After the intervention, there was a reduction of the

learners, 87.7% and 78.6%, in the control and experimental groups,

respectively, agreeing to this fact. However, upon finding out if the difference

was statistically significant, Result in Table 4.13 presents the ANOVA for both

before intervention (F = 0.446 > 0.05) and after intervention (F = 0.268 > 0.05)

that showed no significant difference in the control and experimental groups

before intervention and after intervention on the perceptions about learning

mathematics is to see an example of the correct method for solution, either on

the blackboard or in a text book, and then try to do the same yourself. Again, it

implies that the intervention of a problem-solving approach did not have a

considerable effect to warrant a significant difference. Therefore, on the basis of

this perception the study accepted the hypothesis that there were no differences

in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning

mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

119 Learning Mathematics means to cram and practice enough

Table 4.14 results show that before intervention a majority, 90.6 % and 91.3%,

of learners in the control group and the experimental group, respectively, before

intervention, perceive that if one can cram and practice enough mathematics,

one will be good at learning mathematics (instrumental view of learning

mathematics). This view of pre-service basic school mathematics teachers needs

to be changed by their mathematics teachers through the use of appropriate

alternative approach in teaching mathematics other than conventional approach

they are used to. A student teacher who holds such a view in learning

mathematics is likely to promote the same perception when he or she is teaching


Table 4.14 Perceptions on Learning Mathematics Means to Cram and

Practice Enough
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 2.7 2.7 5.7 6.0
Disagree 6.7 6.0 4.7 15.3
Agree 39.3 28.0 33.7 24.3
Strongly Agree 51.3 63.3 56.0 54.3

F 4.519 3.287
Sig. 0.034 0.070

This argument of need for change in the prospective teachers ingrained

negative perceptions is supported by Ernest (1989b) who noted that teaching

reforms cannot take place unless teachers (which may include prospective

teachers) deeply ingrained perceptions about mathematics and its teaching and

learning change. The results in Table 4.14 also show that after intervention there

were 89.7% and 78.6% of learners in both the control group and the

experimental group respectively, who held these perceptions. The increase in

difference in percentages between control and experimental groups after

intervention demonstrates the effects of the use of a problem-solving approach

in teaching mathematics in meeting their learning needs. However, to find out if

the difference was statistically significant, Table 4.14 result indicates that before

intervention (F = 4.519 < 0.05) there was significant difference in perception.

This means the learners held different levels of perceptions before the

intervention (unequal baseline established). After intervention (F = 3.287 >

0.05) however, as the result Table 4.14 indicates the change in perception

registered was not statistically significant. This implies that the intervention of a

problem-solving approach had no considerable effect to warrant a significant

difference. Therefore, on the basis of this perception the study accepted the null

hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. Learning Mathematics means to get the right answers

Writing on mathematics beliefs, Schoenfeld (1992) postulates that most learners

believe that all problems in mathematics have an answer and that there is only

one answer and one correct solution method. The question one may ask is if a

student copies and gets an answer correct, can one conclude that the student

understands mathematics? The answer to this question is emphatically No.

Similarly, the results in Table 4.15 show that 79.6% and 78.6% of learners in

the control group and experimental group, respectively, before intervention,

agreed that those who get right answers in mathematics have understood what

they have learnt in mathematics.

Table 4.15 Perceptions on Learning Mathematics Means to get Right

Answers in Mathematics
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 6.0 8.0 5.3 6.7
Disagree 14.3 13.3 13.7 23.0
Agree 37.3 38.3 45.0 31.3
Strongly Agree 42.3 40.3 36.0 39.0

F 0.460 4.554
Sig. 0.498 0.033

Learners might have developed such a view of mathematics as a result of

experiences they have had in mathematics classes and from the attitudes and

beliefs displayed by their teachers who taught them mathematics. Results in

Table 4.15 show that after intervention, 79.0% and 70.3% of learners in the

control group and experimental groups, respectively, agreed to the view that

those who get right answers in mathematics have understood what they have

learnt in mathematics. ANOVA was used to determine if there was a significant

difference between the control and experimental groups in both before and after

intervention as shown in Table 4.15. The ANOVA shows that before

intervention (F= 0.460 > 0.05), learners in the control and experimental groups

were of the same view that learning mathematics means to get right answers in

mathematics; hence, there was no statistical significance difference. However,

after intervention (F = 4.554 < 0.05) there was statistical significance. This

result implies that the intervention of a problem-solving approach that was used

in teaching had considerable effect to warrant a significant difference.

Therefore, on the basis of this perception, the study rejected the null hypothesis

that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. Mathematics learning is to learn a set of algorithms and rules that

cover all possibilities

Writing on students views about mathematics teaching and learning, Ernest

(1994) documented that a sizeable number of learners held an instrumentalist

view of learning mathematics. Similarly, Benbow (1993) outlined that pre-

service elementary teachers think of mathematics learning as a discipline based

on rules and procedures (algorithms) to be memorized, and there is usually one

best way to arrive at an answer. Table 4.16 shows that 56.7% and 58% of

learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, before

intervention, agreed that mathematics should be learned as a set of algorithms

and rules that cover all possibilities.

Table 4.16 Perception on Mathematics Learning is to learn a Set of
Algorithms and Rules that cover all Possibilities
Before Intervention After Intervention
Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 13.0 14.7 11.7 13.7
Disagree 30.3 27.3 36.0 29.3
Agree 43.0 47.3 38.7 41.0
Strongly Agree 13.7 10.7 13.7 16.0

F 0.217 0.470
Sig. 0.642 0.493

After the intervention, there were 52.4% and 57% in the control and

experimental groups, respectively, agreeing with this view of learning

mathematics. The ANOVA results (F = 0.217 > 0.05) indicate that before

intervention, there was a significant difference in learners response to the view

that learning mathematics means to learn a set of algorithms and rules that cover

all possibilities. This means learners in the control group and experimental

group entry views on this statement are not the same. After learning

mathematics through a conventional approach and a problem-solving approach

by the control and experimental groups respectively, the ANOVA results in

Table 4.16 indicate a significant difference in students views (F = 0.493 >

0.05). Therefore, on the basis of this perception the study accepted the null

hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving


124 Mathematics learning is for the gifted

With regard to the perception that mathematics learning is for the gifted, Foss

and Kleinsasser (1996) noted that the majority of pre-service elementary

teachers hold the view that ability to learn mathematics is innate. Contrary to

the above sentiments, Table 4.17 shows that only 18% and 17.4% of learners in

the control and experimental groups, respectively, before intervention agreed to

the fact that mathematics learning is for the gifted. After intervention there were

16.4% and 17.4% agreeing that mathematics learning is for the gifted. This

means for both groups, both before intervention and after intervention the

learners believed every student has the ability to do well in mathematics.

Table 4.17 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning are for the Gifted

Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 45.3 58.0 51.3 51.3
Disagree 36.7 24.7 32.3 31.3
Agree 10.7 10.7 8.7 9.7
Strongly Agree 7.3 6.7 7.7 7.7

F 3.549 0.018
Sig. 0.060 0.894

This high held view by learners that mathematics learning is not only for the

gifted provides healthy grounds for the teaching of mathematics using

appropriate teaching methods. This view held by learners about mathematics

learning shows the preparedness of learners to learn and compete equally with

each other in a co-operative and collaborative learning environment. The

ANOVA results (Table 4.17) show that there was no significant difference

before intervention (F = 3.549 > 0.05) and after intervention (F = 0.018 > 0.05)

in the perception that mathematics is for the gifted in both groups. The study

concluded that the control and experimental groups were of the same view.

There was no change in perception before intervention and after intervention.

Therefore, on the basis of this perception the study accepted the null hypothesis

that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. Learning Mathematics rules and methods by rote is important

One of the erroneous perceptions about learning mathematics is that learning

mathematics rules and methods by rote is the key to knowing and understanding

mathematics. Several studies confirm this view as one of the predominant views

held by pre-service elementary teachers about mathematics learning (Benbow,

1993; Nisbert & Warren, 2000; Southwell & Khamis, 1992). Upon this

backdrop results in Table 4.18 shows that 74.3% and 74% of learners in the

control and experimental groups, respectively, before intervention agreed to the

fact that learning mathematics rules and methods by rote is the key to knowing

and understanding mathematics. After intervention there were 72.7% and

63.6% of learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, agreeing

to this perception.

Table 4.18 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learning Rules and
Methods by Rote
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 8.0 10.3 10.0 14.0
Disagree 17.7 15.7 17.3 22.3
Agree 44.0 46.7 45.0 42.3
Strongly Agree 30.3 27.3 27.7 21.3

F 0.588 6.375
Sig. 0.444 0.012

Looking at the percentages for the control and experimental groups before

intervention and after intervention, a bigger difference between them after

intervention was realized. The informed ANOVA test before intervention (F =

0.588 > 0.05) indicates that there was no significant difference in perception

between the control group and the experimental group. However, after

intervention, the ANOVA results show that the change realized in learners

perception is statistically significant (F= 6.375 < 0.05) to warrant that the

intervention of a problem-solving approach that was used in teaching had

considerable effect on learners perception of learning mathematics. Therefore,

on the basis of this perception, the study rejected the null hypothesis that there

were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before

and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach. Learning formal aspects of mathematics as early as possible is

Pertaining to the perceptions that mathematics learning is learning formal

aspects as early as possible is important, results from Table 4.19 seem to

suggest that the majority of learners, especially those in the control group, still

hold to the instrumentalist view of learning mathematics. Before the

intervention, 75.7% and 79.7% of learners in the control and experimental

groups respectively agreed to the view that it is important to learn formal

aspects of mathematics as early as possible.

Table 4.19 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learning Formal

Aspect as Early as Possible
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 6.0 9.0 6.0 13.3
Disagree 18.3 11.3 16.3 22.3
Agree 52.0 50.0 56.0 40.3
Strongly Agree 23.7 29.7 21.7 24.0

F 1.028 6.485
Sig. 0.311 0.011

Conversely, after intervention 77.7% and 64.3% of the learners in the control

and experimental groups, respectively, agreed to the perception. The reduction

in the experimental group after the intervention necessitated further analysis.

The ANOVA results for before intervention (F = 1.028 > 0.05) show that there

is no statistical significance between the perceptions of the control and

experimental groups. After the intervention the results (F = 6.485 < 0.05)

signify a difference in learners perceptions which is attributed to the problem

solving approach intervention. Therefore, on the basis of this perception the

study rejected the null hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-CCE

DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning mathematics

through a problem-solving approach.

128 Conventional approach is the best way to teach students to solve
mathematics problems

The results in Table 4.20 show that before intervention, there were 63.3% and

64.7% of the learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, who

agreed that conventional approach is the best way to teach students to solve

mathematics problems. This perception may have developed in learners because

they might have been taught mathematics through a conventional approach (a

teacher-centered approach) during their elementary and secondary school days.

Table 4.20 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learning through

Conventional Approach
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 8.3 8.7 9.0 21.0
Disagree 28.3 26.7 28.3 30.0
Agree 45.0 44.0 39.7 35.0
Strongly Agree 18.3 20.7 23.0 14.0

F 0.222 20.388
Sig. 0.637 0.000

Conversely, after the intervention there were 61.7% and 49% of the learners in

the control and experimental groups, respectively, who agreed to the perception.

The reduction in the experimental group after the intervention necessitated

further analysis.

The ANOVA results for pre-test (F = 0.222 > 0.05) show that there is no

statistical significance between the perceptions of the control and experimental

groups. After the intervention, the results (F = 20.388 < 0.05) signify a

difference in learners perceptions that is attributed to the problem solving

approach intervention. Therefore, on the basis of this perception the study

rejected the null hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE

distance learners perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a

problem-solving approach. Mathematics learning means giving notes to students to copy

Mathematic learning is not about copying notes; mathematics ought to be taught

in a way that encourages students to use mathematical discourse to make

conjectures, talk, question, and agree or disagree about problems in order to

discover important mathematical concepts (Stein, 2007). Contrary to the above

views, the results in Table 4.21 show that before intervention there were 69%

and 71.7% of the learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively,

agreeing to the view that students should be given notes to copy when learning


Table 4.21 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Giving Students

Notes to Copy

Before Intervention After Intervention

Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 10.0 10.0 10.0 26.0
Disagree 21.0 18.3 18.3 19.3
Agree 44.0 44.7 44.7 27.7
Strongly Agree 25.0 27.0 27.0 27.0

F 0.389 18.202
Sig. 0.533 0.000

To learn mathematics is to do, talk and record. The recording in mathematics

learning is not the same as copying notes. The doing and talking promotes

learning and retention. The recording of the thinking processes and procedures

is itself copying notes for keep. After learners had learned through conventional

(for control group) and a problem-solving (for experimental group) approaches,

71.7% and 54.7% of the learners in the control and experimental groups,

respectively, agreed to the perception. The reduction in the experimental group

after the intervention necessitated further analysis. The ANOVA results for

before intervention (F = 0.389 > 0.05) show that there is no statistical

significance between the perceptions of the control and experimental groups.

After the intervention, the results (F = 18.202 < 0.05) signify a difference in

their perceptions that is attributed to the problem solving approach intervention.

Therefore on the basis of this perception the study rejected the null hypothesis

that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving


4.4.2 Problem-solving Perceptions (Fallibilism)

A problem is usually defined as a situation where a person cannot immediately

and routinely achieve his or her goals due to some kind of obstacle or challenge.

The ability to solve problems is considered to be one of the most complex and

sophisticated aspects of human cognition. In order to solve a problem,

individuals must first become aware of a difference between the current state of

affairs and the state of affairs that corresponds to the satisfaction of their goals.

In other words, they must come to an understanding of the nature of the

problem. This is also called problem finding. Individuals then need to engage

in a series of thought processes and concrete actions in order to define a set of

sub-goals and steps through which the problem may be solved (also called

planning or problem shaping), and perform the actions required to attain

those sub-goals until the situation reaches a satisfactory state. Throughout the

problem-solving activity, individuals must monitor their progress and, where

necessary, reconsider their goals and actions. For instance, individuals may face

an unexpected outcome or find themselves at an impasse. In such cases, they

may have to reconsider their understanding of the problem or the actions they

have decided to take in order to solve the problem (OECD, 2012).

The OECD (2003) defined problem solving as:

An individuals capacity to use cognitive processes to confront and

resolve real, cross-disciplinary situations where the solution is not

immediately obvious, and where the literacy domains or curricular areas

that might be applicable are not within a single domain of mathematics,

science, or reading. (p.15)

These are perceptions developed through a problem-solving (learner-centered)

ways of learning mathematics. Learners responses on these perceptions were

captured both before and after the intervention. There were 11 statements with

responses based on a 4-point Likert scale. Each perception was summarized in

percentages followed by their Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) results to

establish whether there was a statistical significance difference in the

perceptions of the control and experimental groups before and after the

intervention. Mathematics learning is to understand why a method works rather

than to only learn rules
Problem solving, as used in mathematics education literature, refers to the

process wherein students encounter a problem a question for which they have

no immediately apparent resolution, nor an algorithm that they can directly

apply to get an answer (Schoenfeld, 1992). They must then read the problem

carefully, analyze it for whatever information it has, and examine their own

mathematical knowledge to see if they can come up with a strategy that will

help them find a solution. Based on this bright backdrop the study found that for

this perception that in learning mathematics it is more important to understand

why a methods works (conceptual learning) than to learn rules by heart, there

were 73.3% and 75.6% of learners for the control group and experimental

group, respectively, before the intervention who agreed to this perception. After

the intervention, there were 65.6% and 81.3% of learners for the control group

and experimental group, respectively, who agreed (Table 4.22). The before

intervention and after intervention results indicated a difference.

Table 4.22 Perception on Mathematics Learning is to Understand why a
Method Works than to Learn Rules
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 8.3 6.7 13.3 6.7
Disagree 18.3 17.7 21.0 12.0
Agree 38.3 39.3 32.3 43.0
Strongly Agree 35.0 36.3 33.3 38.3

F 0.509 12.347
Sig. 0.476 0.000

The ANOVA results show that unlike before intervention (F = 0.509 > 0.05),

there was after intervention a significant difference (F = 12.347 < 0.05) in this

perception between control and experimental groups. The difference in number

of those agreeing with the perception in the experimental group after

intervention coupled with the significant difference in Table 4.22 suggest that a

problem-solving approach fostered conceptual learning of mathematics.

Therefore, on the basis of this perception, the study rejected the null hypothesis

that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. Students should learn mathematics in groups

Group work is deemed to be the best way of learning as it promotes individual

discovery and collective development of concepts. It also has a high retention

level because peers discuss on friendly and equal terms. The results in Table

4.23 show that 85% and 84.3% of learners in the control and experimental

groups, respectively, before the intervention, agreed that students should learn
mathematics in groups. However, after intervention 17.7% and 91.1% of

learners in both control and experimental groups, respectively, agreed. The big

percentage drop in learners in the control group response after the intervention

may be as a result that their expectation of learning in groups was not met

during their learning of mathematics.

Table 4.23 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Students Learning

Mathematics in Groups
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 5.3 5.7 38.0 2.3
Disagree 9.7 10.0 44.3 6.7
Agree 46.7 44.0 15.0 46.0
Strongly Agree 38.3 40.3 2.7 45.0

F 0.022 621.320
Sig. 0.882 0.000

The ANOVA results shown in Table 4.23 affirms that before intervention (F =

0.022 > 0.05) there was no significant difference between the control and the

experimental groups. However, after intervention the results (F = 621.32 < 0.05)

show a significant difference. Therefore, on the basis of this perception the

study rejected the null hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-CCE

DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning mathematics

through a problem-solving approach. Students should ask questions during mathematics lessons

Questioning plays an important part in learning mathematics whether in teacher-

centered or student-centered teaching. In concrete, everyday situations,

problems and problem solving often involve interaction with other individuals.
A person may be asked to solve a problem for another person and may need to

receive information or advice from another person, or may want to

communicate the solution to someone else. Communicating in spoken or written

form (e.g. comprehending instructions, asking questions or explaining) may be

one of the actions necessary to solve the problem (OECD, 2012). The results in

Table 4.24 show that 90.6% and 92.7% of learners from the control and

experimental groups, respectively, before intervention were in agreement with

the view that students should ask questions during mathematics lessons. After

the intervention, there were 64% and 92.3% of learners in the control and

experimental groups, respectively, who agreed. This indicates a decrease of

those in agreement in the control group and therefore the study sought to

establish if there was a significant difference.

Table 4.24 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Encouraging

Students to Ask Questions
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 2.7 4.3 18.3 2.7
Disagree 7.0 3.0 17.7 5.0
Agree 37.3 32.7 24.3 30.6
Strongly Agree 53.3 60.0 39.7 61.7

F 1.582 72.560
Sig. 0.209 0.000

The ANOVA results (Table 4.24) show that before intervention (F = 1.582 >

0.05) there was no statistical significance difference between the perceptions of

control and experimental groups. After the intervention, The ANOVA results (F

= 72.560 < 0.05) revealed a statistical significant difference. Therefore, on the

basis of this perception the study rejected the null hypothesis that there were no

differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after

learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach. A problem-solving method is the best way of teaching mathematics

Researchers the world over are looking for ways by which one may use problem

solving as a teaching tool. The Principles and Standards for School Mathematics

(NCTM, 2000) describes problem-solving based teaching as using interesting

and well-selected problems to launch mathematical lessons and engage students.

In this way, new ideas, techniques and mathematical relationships emerge and

become the focus of discussion. Good problems as is indicated by NCTM (2000)

can inspire the exploration of important mathematical ideas, nurture persistence,

and reinforce the need to understand and use various strategies, mathematical

properties, and relationships. In tandem with the above sentiments, the study

investigated if problem solving was the best of teaching and learning

mathematics. The results in Table 4.25 show that before intervention, there were

77% and 84% of the learners in the control and experimental groups,

respectively, who agreed. Contrary, after intervention, there were 14.3% and

47% of the learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, who

agreed. There is a noticeable change of a percentage drop in both the

experimental and control both before and after intervention. This big drop in

percent in both groups may be as a result that the learners were exposed to more

routine word problem than novel problems.

Table 4.25 Perceptions on a Problem-solving Method is the Best Way of
Teaching Mathematics
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 5.3 5.0 45.0 24.0
Disagree 17.7 11.0 40.0 29.0
Agree 47.3 51.3 9.0 26.0
Strongly Agree 29.7 32.7 5.3 21.0

F 2.438 78.305
Sig. 0.119 0.000

The ANOVA results Table 4.25 indicate that before intervention (F = 2.438 >

0.05) there was no statistical significant difference in the learners responses to

the view that effective mathematics learning is through a problem-solving

method of teaching. Learners in both the control and experimental groups were

almost of the same view before intervention that effective mathematics learning

was through a problem-solving method of teaching. After intervention, the

difference in means of responses between both groups shows a statistical

significant difference (F = 78.305 < 0.05). These ANOVA results indicated a

difference resulting from the intervention of a problem-solving approach that

was used in teaching. Therefore, on the basis of this perception, the study

rejected the null hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE

distance learners perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a

problem-solving approach. Students should often be confronted with novel problems

From a cognitive perspective, problem solving involves a complex hierarchy of

processes and skills. The core characteristic of problem solving is that it is

impossible for a person to achieve the goal through routine actions. In problem

solving, one has to reflect on the situation in order to identify the proper

arrangement of decisions and actions that may lead to a solution (OECD, 2012).

Thus, the use of a novel problem in teaching and learning mathematics through

a problem-solving approach provokes the thought processes. Results in Table

4.26 show that before intervention there were 69.3% and 66.3%% of the

learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, who agreed that

students should often be confronted with novel problems. After the intervention

there were 19.3% and 33.7% of the learners in the control and experimental

groups respectively who agreed. These drops in percentages recorded in both

cases after the intervention, confirm or support the reasons given for the drop in

percentages in Table 4.25 results within groups, above.

Table 4.26 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Confronting

Learners with Novel Problems when Learning Mathematics

Before Intervention After Intervention

Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 10.3 8.3 50.7 26.0
Disagree 20.3 25.4 30.0 40.3
Agree 52.3 47.3 14.3 16.7
Strongly Agree 17.0 19.0 5.0 17.0

F 0.021 42.579
Sig. 0.886 0.000

Indeed there is a noticeable change in both the experimental and control both

before and after intervention. The ANOVA results in Table 4.26 (F = 0.021 >

0.05) indicate that before intervention there was no statistical significant

difference between the control group and the experimental group views about

mathematics learning being effective when students are often confronted with

novel problems. This means the two groups had the same perception that

mathematics learners should often be confronted with novel problems. After

intervention, the ANOVA results (F = 42.579 < 0.05) indicate a statistical

significant difference attributable to the intervention of a problem-solving

approach that was used in teaching. Therefore, on the basis of this perception

the study rejects the null hypothesis that there were no differences in UCC-

CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning mathematics

through a problem-solving approach. Mathematics learning is creation of conditions to stimulate self-

Judicious use of time in a problem-solving approach in teaching and learning

mathematics requires effective organization of problem-solving activities and

class by the teacher (Allevato & Onuchic, 2007; Hiebert & Wearne, 1993) to

stimulate self-learning. Relating to this perception, the results in Table 4.27

show that before intervention, 76.3% and 86% of learners in the control and

experimental groups, respectively, agreed that while teaching mathematics a

teacher should create conditions to stimulate students to learn mathematics on

their own.

Table 4.27 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Teacher Creating
Conditions to Stimulate self-learning
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 7.0 6.3 41.3 30.3
Disagree 16.7 7.7 43.0 36.7
Agree 41.6 46.0 11.0 15.3
Strongly Agree 34.7 40.0 4.3 17.7

F 4.948 29.221
Sig. 0.026 0.000

However, after intervention there were 15.3% and 23% (perhaps students in

both groups were not stimulated adequately to learn mathematics own their

own) of the learners in the control and experimental groups respectively who

agreed. Looking at the differences in percentage of those in agreement for both

before intervention and after intervention, they are both large. The ANOVA

results for both before intervention (F=4.948<0.05) and after intervention

(F=29.221<0.05) show a significant difference between the control and

experimental groups for both categories. The study thus concludes that the

intervention of a problem-solving approach that was used in teaching did not

have considerable effects on this perception. Therefore, on the basis of this

perception the study accepts the null hypothesis that there were no differences

in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning

mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

141 Mathematics learning as use of worksheet to learn

The results in Table 4.28 indicate that before the intervention 82.7% and 85.3%

of learners in the control and experimental groups, respectively, agreed students

should learn mathematics by working with other students in groups using


Table 4.28 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Using of Worksheet

to Learn
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 4.3 4.0 32.3 31.0
Disagree 13.0 9.7 49.3 38.0
Agree 49.0 52.3 12.0 20.7
Strongly Agree 33.7 34.0 6.4 10.3

F 0.470 6.017
Sig. 0.493 0.014

After intervention, only 18.4% and 31% of learners in the control and

experimental groups agreed. The drop in percentages may be as a result of

worksheets not adequately used or not at all used during the intervention. It is

evident that the difference between the control and experimental groups is larger

after the intervention than before intervention, which is confirmed by the

ANOVA results. The ANOVA results before intervention (F = 0.470 > 0.05)

indicate that intervention learners in both groups had the same perception about

the use of worksheets in learning mathematics. However, after the intervention,

Table 4.28 results (F = 6.017 < 0.05) show a statistical significant difference in

their perceptions which is attributed to the problem-solving approach.

Therefore, on the basis of this perception the study rejected the null hypothesis

that there were no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners

perceptions before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving

approach. Cooperative work in groups is good for efficient learning of

Students benefit academically and socially from cooperative and small group

learning (Gillies, 2002; Masingila & Prus-Wisniowska, 1996; Siegel, 2005)

With regard to learning mathematics in groups, results in Table 4.29 show that

91% and 93% respondents in the control and experimental groups, respectively,

agreed prior to intervention. After intervention, there were only 19.7% and 28%

who agreed. The drop in percentages in both groups may be that the learners

(especially, in the experimental group) were less or not at all engaged in

cooperative working groups, during the intervention.

Table 4.29 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Cooperative Work

in Groups
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 1.7 1.0 35.3 25.7
Disagree 7.3 6.0 45.0 36.3
Agree 44.0 36.3 10.0 11.7
Strongly Agree 47.0 56.7 9.7 16.3

F 5.010 28.224
Sig. 0.026 0.000

Looking at the differences in percentage of those in agreement for both before

intervention and after intervention, those after intervention are large but this

notwithstanding the ANOVA for both before intervention (F = 5.010 < 0.05)

and after intervention (F = 28.224 < 0.05) shows a significant difference

between the control and experimental groups for both categories. The study thus
concludes that the intervention of a problem-solving approach that was used in

teaching did not have considerable effects on this perception. Therefore on the

basis of this perception the study accepted the null hypothesis that there were

no differences in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and

after learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach. Students

usually engaged in cooperative learning outside the classroom during private

studies. They might have experienced the benefits of cooperative learning

before the intervention, hence the contradicting result. Learning mathematics means learners discovering for themselves

Concerning individual discovery in learning, the study sought the perceptions of

learners in both groups. Before intervention, the learners perceived the view of

mathematics learning as a discovery process to be interesting and a good way of

learning mathematics; hence 72% and 75.3% of the learners for the control and

experimental groups respectively agreed with the perception (see Table 4.30).

Table 4.30 Perceptions on Mathematics Learning as Learners

Discovering for Themselves
Before Intervention After Intervention
Responses Control Experimental Control Experimental
Strongly Disagree 8.7 8.7 26.0 32.0
Disagree 19.3 16.0 58.0 34.7
Agree 51.3 52.3 8.0 19.6
Strongly Agree 20.7 23.0 8.0 13.7

F 0.664 5.082
Sig. 0.416 0.025

After the intervention, there were 16% and 33.3% of the learners in the control

and experimental groups, respectively, who agreed that students should discover
for themselves the meanings of mathematical concepts. The drop in percentages

indicates that perhaps the learners expectation of being encouraged to learn

mathematics by discovering for themselves was not fully met during the

intervention. It is evident that the difference between the control and

experimental groups is larger after intervention than before intervention test,

which is confirmed by the ANOVA results. The ANOVA results before

intervention (F = 0.664 > 0.05) indicate that learners in both groups had the

same perception about mathematics learning as learners discovering for

themselves. However, after the intervention ANOVA result (F = 5.082 < 0.05)

shows a statistical significant difference in their perceptions, which is attributed

to the problem-solving approach. Small minority of learners demonstrated that

teachers should allow them to discover for themselves the desired conceptual

knowledge in the learning process during the learning of mathematics. This

view provides a healthy ground for teachers to develop a self-learning and a

problem-solving attitude in their learners. Therefore, on the basis of this

perception the study rejects the null hypothesis that there were no differences

in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning

mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

In summary, pre-service prospective elementary mathematics teachers are likely

to be receptive to a new teaching approach to mathematics teaching and

learning when the new approach is able to positively affect any retrogressive

perceptions about mathematics teaching and learning that they might have

developed during their elementary and secondary school days. The study

realized that before intervention, the entry perceptions of both groups were, on

the majority, the same and were of more instrumentalist driven perceptions than

problem-solving driven perceptions. After the intervention of a conventional

teaching approach for the control group, not much significant changes were

realized in their instrumentalist driven perceptions about mathematics teaching

and learning. On the other hand, the experimental group who received a

problem-solving approach intervention registered some significant changes

from instrumentalist driven perceptions to problem-solving driven perceptions.

These findings position the study to support the possibility of a problem-solving

approach to positively change the distance learners (pre-service prospective

elementary mathematics teachers) long-held, deeply rooted perceptions about

mathematic teaching and learning. Similar sentiments are shared by Thompson

(1991) who postulates that the task of modifying long-held, deeply rooted

conceptions of mathematics and its teaching in the short period of a course in

methods of teaching remains a major problem in mathematics teacher education.

The study also revealed that a problem-solving approach used could not

significantly change most of the instrumentalist view of learners about the

teaching and learning of mathematics. This result may be explained by the

aforementioned poor implementation of the intervention of a problem-solving

approach by the facilitators in the experimental group.

4.5 Effects of a Problem-Solving Approach on Facilitators Perceptions
about Learning and Teaching of Mathematics

This section focused on the effects of a problem-solving approach on

facilitators perceptions about learning and teaching of mathematics. Data for

this were obtained from facilitators responses to a 4-point Likert scale

questionnaire on both the learning and teaching effects. It was administered

before and after a training workshop on the use of a problem-solving approach.

The results are discussed based on these two categories: learning and teaching.

4.5.1 Effects of Problem-Solving Approach on Perceptions about

Learning Mathematics

It is the position of this study that a teachers perceptions about the learning of

mathematics can be a barrier to and impede acceptance of any novel ideas and

innovations from a new teaching approach such as a problem-solving approach.

For example, it has been proposed that one factor that has influenced the lack of

adoption of problem-solving approaches has been the teachers knowledge and

beliefs about mathematics teaching and learning (Stigler & Hiebert, 1999). The

ability of such a new approach to change the teachers perceptions can ensure its

full implementation in practice. Below is a discourse of the facilitator

respondents perceptions about learning of mathematics before and after

learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach.

147 Learning mathematics in groups

The NCTM (1989) asserts that small group; cooperative learning can be used to

foster effective mathematics communication, problem solving, logical reasoning

and the making of mathematical connections. Thus, the use of group work

enhances participation, research, contribution and seeking further clarification

that consequently increases retention of learned behavior.

Figure 4.7: Learning Mathematics in Groups

The study sought to investigate the respondents perceptions about learning

mathematics in groups. The results shown in Figure 4.7 indicate a change in

respondents perception to the statement that mathematics teaching should be

done in groups. Before training, 75% strongly agreed to the statement while

after training all 100% strongly agreed that learners should be taught

mathematics in groups. The opportunity offered to the respondents, during the

workshop, to engage in mathematics learning by sharing ideas in groups might

have influenced their perception, thus the change. Lester (2013) suggests that

when research concerns are with classroom instruction, we should give attention

to groups and whole classes, and that small groups can serve as an appropriate

environment for research on teaching problem solving. Teachers encouraging students to ask questions

Questioning plays an important role in mathematics teaching because it helps

teachers to listen to students mathematical thinking. This is one of the

trademarks of a reform-minded vision of mathematics teaching (Sandra, 2000).

Sound classroom discourses are orchestrated by the questions that a teacher asks

(Shephan & Whitenack, 2003). However, in a conventional teaching approach,

the teacher does more of the questioning than the learners. This study

established respondents perceptions about encouraging students to ask

questions and results shown in Figure 4.8 indicate that there were 25% and 75%

who agreed or strongly agreed for both before and after training, respectively,

that learners should be encouraged to ask questions during teaching of


Figure 4.8: Using Questioning Technique

149 Students solving problems on their own

The study established the respondents perception on whether teachers ought to

be confronting students with mathematical problems and leave them to solve

them on their own. In this light, Stanic and Kilpatrick (1989) and NCTM (1989)

note that if mathematics respondents present a problem and develop the skills

needed to solve that problem; it will be more motivational than teaching the

skills without a context. Such motivation gives problem solving special value as

a vehicle for learning new concepts and skills or the reinforcement of skills

already acquired. The results presented in Figure 4.9 indicate that before

training, 62.5% of respondents agreed to the fact that students should be

allowed to solve problems on their own. However, after the training workshop,

only 50% agreed to this perception.

Figure 4.9: Students Solving Problems on their Own

The study underscores that before training, the majority of the respondents

perceived the idea of confronting students with problems when teaching

mathematics as good and interesting. However after the training and realizing

the challenges involved in using this approach in teaching mathematics, some of

the respondents who were in agreement before intervention gave up and opted

for disagreement. This result is congruent with McIntosh and Jarretts (2000)

assertion that some teachers do not have ready attitudes to take up a problem-

solving approach to teach mathematics. Encouraging students to deduce general principles from practical

According to Resnick (1987), a problem-solving approach contributes to the

practical use of mathematics by helping people develop the facility to be

adaptable. In addition, Resnick (1987) expressed the belief that school should

focus its efforts on preparing people to be good adaptive learners, so that they

can perform effectively when situations are unpredictable and task demands

change. With regards to this background, the study established the respondents

perceptions on whether students ought to deduce principles or rules through

practical work. The results in Figure 4.10 show that before training, all the

respondents (50% agreed and 50% strongly agreed) agreed that teachers should

encourage students to deduce general principles from practical experiences.

Figure 4.10: Teacher to Encourage Students

However after the training 62.5% agreed or strongly agreed while 37.5%

disagreed or strongly disagreed. This change in percentage may be because the

respondents were made to discover mathematical rules on their own during the

workshop. This result is in agreement with Liljedahls (2005) argument that

when teachers are made to experience with mathematical discovery, it changes

their perceptions about the teaching and learning of mathematics. Mathematics teaching means encouraging students to discuss their


A central tenet of reforming pedagogy in mathematics has been that students

benefit from comparing, reflecting on, and discussing multiple solution methods

(Silver, Ghousseini, Gosen, Charalambous & Strawhun, 2005). Educational

reforms in mathematics advocate that the teacher acts more as a facilitator,

encouraging students to share and compare their own thinking and problem-

solving methods with other students (Rittle-Johnson & Star, 2007).

Accordingly, one of the facilitators roles when teaching mathematics using a

problem-solving approach is his or her ability to encourage students to discuss

their solutions with their peers during mathematics lessons. The results shown

in Figure 4.11 indicate that before the training, 87.5% of the respondents agreed

that the teacher should encourage students to discuss their solutions with their

peers during mathematics lessons.

Figure 4.11: Discussion of Solutions

After training, 100% of the respondents agreed to this perception after they had

seen the importance of allowing learners to discuss their solutions with their

peers in groups. The study attributes these results to effects of the problem-

solving approach. When learners compare and contrast alternative solution

methods side-by-side as opposed to studying multiple methods sequentially, it

leads to greater gains in procedural knowledge and flexibility. Learners benefit

from comparing and contrasting multiple solution methods. Cognitive science

research supports the value of using comparison and contrast to promote general
learning - identifying similarities and differences in multiple examples has

proven to be a critical and fundamental pathway to flexible, transferable

knowledge (Rittle-Johnson & Star, 2007). Cooperative group work and group presentation is good for

mathematics learning

The Education Alliance (2006) noted the use of cooperative learning strategies

and making of real-life connections is one of the best practices in mathematics

education. Cooperative learning is a powerful tool for learning and it is believed

that increased student discourse and cooperative learning result in positive

changes in students attitudes about their ability to explain and understand

mathematics, as well as their actual ability to explain and understand

mathematical concepts (Leigh, 2006). In the study, before training (Figure 4.12)

all the respondents (50% agreed and 50% strongly agreed) agreed that

cooperative group work and group presentation in mathematics is good for

efficient learning of mathematics.

Figure 4.12: Cooperative Group Work

However after training, 12.5% indicated disagreement to the statement. There

was also a notable increase from 50% to 75% of the respondents that strongly

agreed that cooperative group work and group presentation in mathematics is

good for efficient learning of mathematics. These finding are in line with Reid

(1992) who alleges that cooperative group work in mathematics learning goes a

long way in improving students performance in mathematics. Students learn more from problems that do not have procedure
for solution

There is a growing awareness that many students are successfully learning how

to carry out routine procedures (procedural approach) to pass examinations, but

there is a concern that the system may not be providing students with the

experiences to encourage them to be creative and reflective (Vinner, 1994).

With this backdrop, the study established that before the training 50% of the

respondents disagreed and 50% agreed that students learn more from problems

that do not have a given procedure for their solutions. Conversely, after the

training, all 100% of the respondents strongly agreed (see Figure 4.13).

Therefore, the study attributes the transition in perception to a problem-solving

solving approach intervention.

Figure 4.13: No Procedure for Solution

Star (2002) documented that a procedural approach is the traditional way in

which mathematics has been taught. It is a teacher-led, direct instruction of rules

or procedures for solving problems and it emphasizes the acquisition of basic

skills and precision, accuracy, and fluency in their execution. Typically,

students who have been taught mathematics through a procedural approach tend

to score more highly in the areas related to computation than those related to

concepts/reasoning (Quirk, 2000). It is important for students to argue out their answers

In order to reach conclusions about a students level of understanding, a teacher

must encourage students to justify what they say and do to reveal their thinking

and logic (Pirie & Kieren, 1992). In their submission, McCrone, Martin,

Dindyal, and Wallace (2002) argue that if teachers focus on the problem

structure and the justification of answers by students, their students will have a

better understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts and will develop

a better sense of the need for proving. Therefore this study sought the

respondents perception on whether it is important for students to argue out their

answers. The results presented in Figure 4.14 show that before training, 12.5%

of the facilitator respondents disagreed to the statement that it is important for a

student to argue why his or her answer in mathematics is correct while 87.5%

were in agreement. This means majority possibly perceived this practice as

important in promoting learning in class.

Figure 4.14: Arguing On Answers

After training, all of the respondents (100%) indicated that they strongly agreed

that a student should be encouraged to argue why his or her answer in

mathematics is correct. This finding is supported by Fieman-Nemser and

Featherstone, (1992) who assert that one prominent method for producing a

change in teachers is by involving them as learners of mathematics in a

constructivist environment. In a constructivist classroom or environment,

learners are required to engage more in self-directed, experiential learning;

reflect on their individual learning processes, and have more learner autonomy

(Christensen, 2003). Solving mathematical problems often entails use of hypotheses, tests

and re-evaluation
With regard to the perception that solving mathematical problems often entails

use of hypotheses, tests and re-evaluation, before training 50% of the

respondents agreed and 50% strong agreed respectively.

Figure 4.15: Solving Mathematical Problems

After training, all respondents (100%) strongly agreed with the perception as

shown in the results in Figure 4.15. The respondents experience in active

learning through mathematical discovery during the training session had

effected this change in perception. This method for producing a change in

beliefs or perception is supported by Liljedahl (2005).

158 Students learn mathematics from seeing different ways of solving
the problem

There were 62.5% of respondents who agreed and 37.5% who strongly agreed

to the perception that students learn mathematics from seeing different ways of

solving a problem before training. However, after training, all (100%)

respondents strongly agreed to the perception as shown in Figure 4.16.

Figure 4.16: Different Ways of Learning Mathematics

4.5.2 Effects of Problem-Solving Approach on Respondents Perception

about Teaching of Mathematics

A teachers approach to teaching mathematics reflects his/her beliefs about what

mathematics is as a discipline (Hersh, 1986). It is argued that broadening

teachers conceptions of the nature of problem solving and its potential as an

instructional tool require that teachers themselves engage in solving open-ended

problems (McIntosh & Jarrett, 2000). This study therefore sought to identify the

effects of a problem-solving approach on respondents perceptions about the

teaching of mathematics before and after training workshop.

159 Conventional approach

A conventional approach has been the approach that the majority of teachers use

in teaching mathematics in many Ghanaian schools and learning institutions.

However, before training, 75% of the respondents disagreed with the statement

that a conventional approach is the best way to teach students to solve

mathematical problems, while 25% agreed (see Figure 4.17).

Figure 4.17: Conventional Approach

After training, 62.5% disagreed that a conventional approach was the best.

There were 37.5% that agreed to the statement that a conventional approach is

the best way to teach students to solve mathematical problem. The result show

an increase in those agreeing to the statement that a conventional approach is

the best way to teach students to solve mathematical problem. This result

indicates that the problem-solving approach training workshop did not

completely change the respondents perceptions from a conventional approach

to a problem-solving approach; rather it strengthened their belief in

conventional approach. Whole class teaching by a teacher is more effective than facilitating

Masingila and Lester (2011) postulate that giving up an ingrained role of

transmitting knowledge to assume a role of facilitating is very challenging. In

this regard, the study established respondents perceptions that whole class

teaching is more effective than facilitating. The results shown in Figure 4.18

shows that all respondents, before and after training, had 25% and 75% agreeing

and strongly agreeing, respectively, that whole-class teaching is more effective

than facilitating.

Figure 4.18: Whole Class Teaching is Effective than Facilitating

The results show no change of perception before and after the problem solving

training with all respondents agreeing to a conventional method of whole class

teaching. This underscores that the problem-solving approach training workshop

did not change the respondents perceptions.

161 Teachers ought to create an environment to stimulate students to
construct their own conceptual knowledge

Creating an enabling environment for learning is one of the requirements for

organizing activities in a problem-solving approach classroom. As shown in

Figure 4.19, all the respondents before training agreed that teaching

mathematics means a teacher consciously creates an environment to stimulate

students to construct their own conceptual knowledge.

Figure 4.19: Creation of an Environment for Conceptual Understanding


However, after the training, there were 12.5% of the respondents who disagreed

with this position. Mathematics Teacher to Consciously Facilitate Problem Solving in

One of the characteristics of using a problem-solving approach in teaching

mathematics is the teacher facilitating learning. Facilitating is the teacher

knowing when it is appropriate to intervene, and when to step back and let
learners make their own way (Lester et al., 1994). With regard to a mathematics

teacher consciously facilitating problem solving in class, there were 62.5% of

the respondents, before training, that agreed and 37.5% that strongly agreed to

the perception that a mathematics teacher should consciously facilitate problem

solving in class. However, after training all (100%) respondents strongly agreed

to the perception as the results in Figure 4.20 show.

Figure 4.20: Teacher to Facilitate Problem Solving in Class

The results show an increase in those agreeing to the statement that a

mathematics teacher should consciously facilitate problem solving in class. This

result indicates that a problem-solving approach training workshop solidified

the respondents belief that a mathematics teacher consciously facilitates

problem solving in class.

163 Allowing Students to Discover for Themselves Leads to
Incompletion of Syllabus

A problem-solving approach is premised on the background that a mathematics

teacher ought to allow students to discover rules for themselves. Nonetheless,

the study tested respondents view on whether allowing students to discover

rules for themselves by mathematics teachers will lead to not completing the

syllabus. Results in Figure 4.21 indicate that before training, 75% of the

respondents were not of the view that teaching mathematics by allowing

students to discover rules for themselves will lead to not completing the

syllabus, while 25% of them were of a contrary thought that it would lead not

completing the syllabus.

Figure 4.21: Students to Discover for Themselves Leads to Incompletion

of Syllabus

The issue of not completing the syllabus or concern about content coverage has

been the anxiety of many mathematics teachers hence making them teach

mathematics in a way that promotes rote learning as against relational learning

(McIntosh & Jarrett, 2000). After training, the results (from Figure 4.21) show
that all the respondents agreed that allowing students to discover rules for

themselves by mathematics teachers will lead to not completing the syllabus.

4.6 Challenges in the Adoption of a Problem-Solving Approach in the

Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.
Introducing and attempting to implement any new teaching approach comes

with its own challenges. According to McIntosh and Jarrett (2000), many

teachers feel unprepared to take a problem-solving approach in teaching

mathematics because few teachers learned mathematics themselves in this way.

They further argue that even if they encountered problem solving in their

college methods courses, once in the classroom, they often conform to the

conventional methods that hold sway in most schools. McIntosh and Jarrett

noted that teachers today have failed to be agents of change because teachers are

often caught between daily pressure from colleagues, parents, and others to

uphold tradition in the classroom, and pressure from policymakers to employ

standards-based practices (with the conflicting expectation that students will

perform highly on standardized tests that measure basic skills, not performance

of standards-based material).

In this section, the study will discuss questions that focused on the negative

effects and challenges of implementing a problem-solving approach

intervention, as highlighted by the facilitators. To start with, the study

established at what level the respondents first encountered a problem-solving

approach in their academic ladder. The results in Figure 4.22 show that 87.5%

of the respondents first encounter problem solving at the college level while

12.5% encountered it at the secondary school level.




40 12.5

secondary college

Figure 4.22: Encountering a Problem-solving Approach

With a majority of the facilitators (87.5%) encountering a problem-solving

approach at the college level, it leaves many unexplained questions concerning

how they learnt mathematics in their earlier levels of education. Nonetheless,

the techniques used for teaching at the primary and secondary levels directly

impact how one perceives the teaching and learning process. If the

procedural/conventional approaches were used, learners get accustomed and it

becomes somewhat of a challenge to adapt to different approach like problem


The study went further to established how frequently the respondents used

problem solving approach and the results in Figure 4.23 indicate that 87.5%

used it at times while 12.5% used a problem-solving approach always. These

12.5% respondents claim of using a problem-solving always, depend upon their

understanding and interpretation of a problem-solving approach.

100 87.5



20 0

Never at times always

Figure 4.23: Frequency of Use of a Problem-solving Approach

This signifies that the use of a problem-solving approach has a long way to go

to take root in classrooms in a major way because teaching through problem

solving is not easy since many of were taught by remembering facts whether or

not they were related to each other, whether or not were interested in the

subject, and in some instances were taught by rote. In fact, many teachers may

say that problem solving in their particular subject area is not possible, not

helpful, or only possible in limited parts of the subject matter. For example in a

study conducted in Ethiopia, Bishaw (2011) established that teachers have low

level beliefs regarding the use of a problem-solving approach and that teachers

are employ a traditional (conventional) approach.

This study established from respondents on what they regarded as negative

effects of a problem-solving approach and these included time wasting, only

applicable to small class size, pegs high demand on the teacher, require lots of

resources and lacking in individual evaluation as shown in Figure 4.24. The

study established that 75.0% of the respondents said the approach wastes time,

only applicable to small class size and pegs high demand on the teacher

respectively, 62.5% indicated that it requires lots of resources to implement and

100% said it lacks individual evaluation.

Figure 4.24: Negative Effects of a Problem-solving Approach

With regard to time, the respondents alluded that a problem-solving approach

causes a delay in the completion of the syllabus. They felt that it takes a

considerable amount of time to cover the syllabus through a problem-solving

approach which spills out of the government stipulated school terms and thus

they were concerned that parts of the mathematics curriculum will need to be


Pertaining to class size, the respondents expressed the fear that learners have

never met open-ended problems before and with the growing class size the

facilitators will not effectively reach all the students to ensure they have

constructed their own appropriate conceptual knowledge. It is not surprising that

in more open problem-solving situations, some learners will feel insecure. They

added that traditionally, some teachers of mathematics have given learners

algorithms to practice and copy because of their inability to reach all of them in

a class lesson.

Accordingly, in relation to a problem-solving approach placing high demand on

the teacher, the respondents noted that this approach comes with lots of new

demands on the facilitator that bring about discomfort because it is new to most

of the pre-service teachers. Most pre-service teachers currently teaching have

not been students in a classroom where a problem-solving approach was part of

the mathematics teaching programme. Many of the respondents believed that it

is not possible to use this approach to teach without first experiencing the

approach as a student.

The other challenge mentioned was that this approach requires a lot of resources

to implement. The 62.5% of the respondents who agreed to this challenge noted

that a problem-solving approach requires the use of different teaching resources

to facilitate learning, which are not readily available in the study centres. Some

cited that they only have one set of reference materials (a non-activity oriented

text book or module) and varying the novel questions will be challenging

without multiple sources.

The challenge of lack of individual evaluation was reported from 100% of

respondents who noted that when most of the work is done in groups it becomes

difficult to quantify individual understanding and performance. They also said

that it kills the spirit of competition because learners work harder when they

know that when they get correct answers alone they will also do well in

summative evaluation and be ranked.

The study went further and investigated the challenges respondents encountered

while implementing the problem-solving approach in teaching and learning

mathematics. The challenges listed included: lack of time to prepare for the

lecture, the teaching module they used was not activity oriented too many

learners in a class to manage them in groups, slow method that delays

completion of the syllabus, external examination pressure, negative student

reception and rejection by fellow respondents (see Figure 4.25).



80 75

70 62.5 62.5

50 50




lacked time teaching to many slow external negative rejected by
to prepare module not learners to method that examination student colleagues
for the activity manage in delays pressure reception
lecture oriented groups completion
of syllabus

Figure 4.25: Challenges of a Problem-solving Approach in Teaching and

Learning of Mathematics

In relation to time, 50% of the respondents said they did not have enough time

to prepare for the lecture, citing the complexity involved in finding good

problems to use for different concepts.

They also mentioned the teaching modules approved by the institutions. All of

the respondents noted that the modules were not designed with activities that

promote the use of a problem solving approach. The study could not supply the

facilitators with problems as a result of limited time. However, the facilitators

were guided during the workshop to write out activity oriented problems from

the mathematics modules they have been using to teach mathematics. In

addition, they were supplied with set of hand-outs containing problems for use

during face-to-face meetings.

Class size was also a challenge with 75% of the facilitators mentioning that the

classes were too large to be managed effectively in small groups.

Negative reception of a problem-solving approach at minimal with only 37.5%

registering this concern, while 50% of the respondents noted rejection of the

approach from fellow facilitators. That is, fellow mathematics facilitators in the

same study centre they teach with refused to use the approach to teach

mathematics, therefore encouraging rote learning.

Finally 62.5% of the facilitators noted that a problem-solving method was a

slow method that delays completion of the syllabus and external examination

pressure does not allow respondents to implement it to the fullest.

The findings in the results above are in agreement with those obtained by

Anderson (2005). For example, Anderson (2005) found that teachers agreed

they needed considerable support in the form of time and resources so that they

can implement problem-solving approach in the classroom.

4.7 Chapter Summary

This chapter has considered results, interpretation and discussions. The study

found that a problem-solving approach used in teaching mathematics to pre-

service prospective elementary mathematics teachers has the potential of

positively affecting their levels of cognitive learning domains and thereby

improving their achievement in mathematics. It was also found that the views of

the pre-service prospective elementary mathematics teachers before and after

the intervention were more of instrumentalist driven than problem-solving

driven. Additionally, a problem-solving approach, if fully implemented has the

potential of changing the instrumentalist driven view of the pre-service

prospective elementary mathematics teacher to a problem-solving view. The

study also observed that before the training workshop, the facilitators who teach

pre-service prospective elementary mathematics teachers, held divided views of

what mathematics teaching and learning consists of. Their views were divided

between instrumentalist and problem-solving driven views. However, after

being immersed in teaching and learning mathematics through a problem-

solving approach during the workshop, their views became more oriented

towards a problem-solving driven view than an instrumentalist driven view of

teaching and learning mathematics. The facilitators during the implementation

stage could not fully put into practice their newly formed perceptions about

mathematics teaching and learning as a result of a number of impeding factors.

5.1 Introduction
Students achievement in mathematics is largely dependent on the instructional

approach. Therefore the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect a

problem-solving approach had on the UCC-CCE distance learners achievement

in mathematics in Ghana. The study was guided by four objectives: (1) to

determine the difference a problem-solving approach makes on UCC-CCE DBE

DLs achievement scores in mathematics, (2) to establish the change UCC-CCE

DBE DLs perceptions about mathematics teaching and learning before and

after learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach, (3) to

determine the effects of a problem-solving approach on UCC-CCE mathematics

facilitators perceptions about mathematics teaching and learning and (4) to

determine the challenges faced by facilitators in adoption of a problem-solving

approach in teaching mathematics. The data collected were analyzed, presented

and discussed based on the above objectives using Microsoft Excel and

Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) package. It also tested and

discussed two hypotheses. Therefore, this chapter summarizes the findings of

the study, draws conclusions, makes recommendations and suggests areas for

further research.

5.2 Summary of Main Findings

This section recapitulates the findings of the study thematically where each

theme represents an objective. In addition it also reviews the associated

The difference a problem-solving approach made on UCC-CCE DBE DLs

achievement scores in mathematics

The study specifically investigated the effects of a problem-solving approach on

distance learners achievement in the following cognitive levels of learning

domains: knowledge, comprehension, application, and analysis. The findings

indicated that a problem-solving approach affected learners knowledge and

application levels of cognitive learning domains, whereas comprehension and

analysis were not affected.

This objective was associated with the hypothesis: there is no statistically

significant difference that a problem-solving approach made on the mean scores

of UCC-CCE DBE distance learners levels of cognitive learning domains in

mathematics. The study further developed the means for the scores for the

control and experimental groups in both the pre-test and post-test which

suggested a differences between the pairs. For the pre-test, a paired t-test was

done premised on an assumption that for any experimental research the entry

behavior for control and experimental groups ought to be the same. The results -

1.113, 0.763, -1.227 and 0.589 for knowledge, comprehension, application and

analysis respectively, were all not significant at = 0.05. This implies that there

was no significant difference between the pre-intervention test scores for the

control and experimental groups. Thus the learners entry behaviors were found

to be similar before the intervention. The study also examined the post-

intervention test means scores which suggested some difference. The study

again conducted a paired t-test and the results -2.925 and 0.375 for knowledge

and application, respectively, were significant at = 0.05. Thus, the study

concludes that the intervention of a problem-solving approach had an impact in

terms of enhancing knowledge and application. However, the t values -0.487

and 1.129 for comprehension and analysis levels, respectively, were not

significant at P = 0.05, which implies that there was no statistical significant

difference in their means.

The change of UCC-CCE DBE DLs perceptions about mathematics teaching

and learning before and after learning mathematics through a problem-solving


The study analysed the perceptions based on the instrumentalist driven

perceptions and problem solving driven perception categories. This objective

was associated with the hypothesis: there is no statistically significant difference

in UCC-CCE DBE distance learners perceptions before and after learning

mathematics through a problem-solving approach. Each perception was

summarised in tables of percentages followed by their one-way Analysis of

Variance (ANOVA) result to establish any significance difference in the

perceptions before and after the intervention. Findings in the percentage scores

as well as ANOVA on these perceptions revealed that a problem-solving

approach significantly changed most of their instrumentalist views about the

teaching and learning of mathematics to problem-solving views.

Effects of a problem-solving approach on UCC-CCE mathematics facilitators


This objective was analysed using percentages which revealed that before the

training workshop, facilitators held divided views between instrumentalist and

problem-solving approaches of mathematics teaching and learning. However,

after being trained on the use of the intervention, their views became more

oriented towards a problem-solving view than an instrumentalist view.

Effects of a problem-solving approach on UCC-CCE mathematics facilitators

perceptions about mathematics teaching and learning

The facilitators identified that the intervention, a problem solving approach,

wastes time, the teaching modules are not activity oriented, there is the use of an

examination driven syllabus, there was a short time for professional or in-

service training programmes and there are large class sizes.

5.3 Implications of the Findings

Firstly, the findings of the study suggests that since a problem-solving

approach intervention positively affected the first year pre-service DBE

distance learners in Ghanas UCC-CCE mathematical achievement in

knowledge and application of Blooms taxonomy of cognitive learning

domains. The study foresees that with the full implementation of a problem-

solving approach, students are likely to operate on all the first four levels of

Blooms taxonomy of cognitive learning domains so as to improve their

achievement in mathematics. The fact that the implementation of a problem-

solving approach was not done well could be the reason that there was no

improvement on performance of comprehension and analysis. The

implication may be that if a problem-solving approach was fully

implemented, then improvement would be seen in all the four cognitive

learning domains.

Secondly, the study has uncovered that the pre-service prospective

elementary mathematics teachers of UCC-CCE held instrumentalist views

rather than a problem-solving view about the teaching and learning of

mathematics. However, after being taught using the intervention, their views

became more oriented towards a problem-solving view than instrumentalist

view. This implies that if a problem-solving approach is reinforced in the

mathematics teaching of students pursuing DBE in Ghanas UCC-CCE

distance education programme the effects of productive change in perception

towards mathematics teaching and learning will be realized in the

classrooms. Accordingly Barkatsas and Malone (2005) say that initial teacher

education has the power to influence the teaching practices and therefore

beliefs that they previously held.

Thirdly, concerning the change in divided views between instrumentalist and

problem-solving views of mathematics teaching and learning held by the

facilitators to a predominantly a problem solving one, it implies that a

problem-solving approach has a great potential of transforming the

mathematics facilitators views about mathematics teaching and learning.

Finally, the challenges encountered in the implementation of a problem

solving approach were more perceptual (time wasting, large class size, other

teachers not embracing the approach) than structural (module lacks problem

solving activities). Therefore, the implication is that if a problem solving

approach is enforced and receives compliance, the challenges will be

surmounted. This suggests the writing of new teaching materials or modules

so that facilitators would have problem-solving activities to use with the


5.4 Conclusions

This study which was about the effects of a problem-solving approach on the

mathematics achievement of DBE distance learners at Ghanas University of

Cape Coast has resulted in four (4) main conclusions based on the findings.

Firstly, based on the findings that the first year DBE distance learner in Ghanas

UCC-CCE, after learning mathematics through a problem-solving approach (in

a short time and without non-routine activity oriented text books), performed

better in knowledge and application of Blooms taxonomy of cognitive learning

domains, the study concludes that a problem-solving approach if effectively

implemented has the potential of making learners perform better across all the

Blooms taxonomy of cognitive levels of learning domains.

In objective two the study established that the intervention of a problem-solving

approach redefined the first year DBE distance learners in UCC-CCE

instrumentalist view about teaching and learning of mathematics to a problem-

solving driven view. The study therefore concludes that a problem-solving

approach has the potential of challenging and redefining distance learners

predominant instrumentalist driven view about mathematics teaching and

learning to a problem-solving view.

Thirdly, from the findings of objective three that the facilitators, before being

trained in a problem-solving approach, held divided perceptions between

instrumentalist and problem-solving approaches of mathematics teaching and

learning, nonetheless, after being trained for three days, their perceptions

changed to predominantly problem-solving perceptions, the study concludes

that with longer and intensive training, a problem-solving approach has a great

promise of transforming or redefining the first year DBE mathematics

facilitators of UCC-CCE views about teaching and learning mathematics and

thereby changing his/her way of teaching mathematics.

Based on the findings from the fourth objective, the challenges encountered

in the implementation of a problem-solving approach by the facilitators

comprised time wasting, only applicable to small class size, puts high

demand on the teacher, requires lots of resources, difficulty of implementing

without non routine activity oriented text book, difficulty of implementing it

with an examination driven curriculum, and lacking in individual evaluation,

the study concludes that the use of a problem-solving approach in teaching

mathematics comes with many associated challenges that have to be

surmounted to ensure its adoption and effective implementation by first year

DBE mathematics facilitators in Ghanas UCC-CCE distance education

programmes as a method of instruction for teaching the first year DBE

students mathematics.

Finally, the conceptual theory of this study embodied a teaching-approach

(problem-solving approach or a conventional approach) as a key factor for

enhancing distance learners achievements across the cognitive levels of

Blooms Taxonomy. In addition, it was expected to affect DBE UCC-CCE

facilitators views about the nature of teaching and learning of mathematics.

Therefore basing on the findings of this study the study concludes that the

conceptual framework guided the study appropriately and expected outcomes of

improvement in mathematics achievement and change of perceptions from

instrumentalist based to a problem solving were achieved.

5.5 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, recommendations are made in two areas -

policy and suggestion for further research.

5.5.1 Policy Recommendation
The study, based on its findings, makes a policy recommendation into two parts:

for UCC-CCE Mathematics Teacher Educators and Administrators, and for the

Ghana government, Ghana Education Service (GES) and Teacher Education

Division (TED). Recommendations for UCC-CCE mathematics educators, and


For mathematics teacher educators in UCC-CCE, and administrators to realize

improvement in DBE distance learners who are prospective elementary

mathematics teachers academic achievement in mathematics, the study offers

the following recommendations:

i. It has been mentioned previously in this study that central to raising student

achievement in mathematics is higher quality mathematics instructional

methods of teaching mathematics. A problem-solving approach is one

instructional method that emphasizes self-discovery of knowledge by the

students. Students who receive sound and appropriate instruction acquire more

knowledge than their peers without such instruction. Therefore, the study

recommends that for UCC-CCE prospective pre-service elementary

mathematics teachers to be able to perform in both Blooms lower and higher

levels of cognitive learning domains and improve their achievement in

mathematics, all mathematics facilitators in UCC-CCE should be trained in use

of a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics and implement this

approach in teaching pre-service teachers.

ii. It has also been revealed in this study, as well as confirmed with other studies,

that like other prospective elementary teachers, UCC-CCE DBE distance

learners enter initial teacher training with perceptions about mathematics

teaching and learning that are predominantly instrumentalist driven. Since this

study found that a problem-solving approach was able to change some of their

instrumentalist driven perceptions to problem-solving driven perceptions, the

study recommends that UCC-CCE mathematics facilitators be encouraged by

UCC-CCE mathematics educators and administrators through the provision of

appropriate text-books, adequate teaching and learning resources, and financial

motivation, to enable them to fully implement whole heartedly the use of a

problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics content and pedagogy.

iii. Based on the fact that the three-day training workshop for the facilitators in a

problem-solving approach changed some of the facilitators divided view about

mathematics teaching and learning (between a instrumentalist driven view and

problem solving driven view) to more of problem-solving views, this study

recommends that professional development courses for this facilitators should

last longer so that facilitators can be totally immersed in the new teaching

approach to gain more competence and confidence in implementing their newly

formed problem solving driven views to the fullest in the classroom during FTF

sessions. Additionally, they should be supported in the implementation of a

problem-solving approach.

iv. Based on the findings that certain challenges in the implementation of a

problem-solving as identified by facilitators were more perceptual (time

wasting, large class size, other teachers not embracing the approach) than

structural (module lacks problem solving activities), the study recommends

that UCC-CCE professionals develop training programmes or workshops that

will train the mathematics facilitators in the real classroom context using

reflective practices or the use of case study. In addition, the study also

recommends that UCC-CCE mathematics educators should encourage the

mathematics facilitators to share practices in the form of anecdotes during

training workshops. This will offer opportunities for others to learn how they

can overcome challenges in implementing the teaching of mathematics through

a problem-solving approach. Facilitators should also be involved with support

groups of facilitators using a problem-solving approach so they can discuss

issues together and learn from each other.

v. The study recommends a comprehensive programme in the form of an

implementation model or road map (see Appendix J), spanning over a

period of five years to promote full compliance and implementation of a

problem-solving approach by DBE distance learners mathematics

facilitators in UCC-CCE so as to ensure greater and persistent achievement

of DBE distance learners in mathematics. Recommendations for the Ghana Government, GES, and TED

Vision 2020 of Ghana outlines that the government should substitute teaching

methods that promote inquiry and problem-solving for those based on rote

learning. It is upon this background and based on the studys findings that this

study has the following recommendations to the Ghana Education Service

(GES) and Teacher Education Division (TED):

i. The curriculum division of the GES should improve and transform the

countrys basic education and secondary mathematics curricula and

instructional tools to include a problem-solving approach in teaching

mathematics as it is enshrined in the policy statement.

ii. Focusing on teachers perceptions about mathematics teaching and learning

and encouraging them to reflect and describe what they believe may be the

first stage of changing teachers perceptions and practices. Mathematics

teacher educators in colleges of Education need to be trained by the TED to

employ new methods such as a problem-solving approach that will actively

involve pre-service teachers in learning mathematics and thereby change

their perceptions about teaching and learning of mathematics.

iii. The curriculum division of Ghanas TED needs to overhaul Ghanas

mathematics course outlines for the training of mathematics teacher

trainees in universities and teacher education colleges so that they

incorporate problem-solving tasks in content and pedagogy.

iv. Mathematics teacher educators in UCC-CCE need to put more emphasis on

students active participation to develop their competence and help them

process new information.

v. It is clear from this study that a focus is needed on teachers practice and

awareness of issues and factors that impact the implementation of a

problem-solving approach in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The

TED and mathematics educators in UCC should collaborate to give regular

in-service training courses on the use of a problem-solving approach in

teaching mathematics to teachers who teach mathematics in Ghana.

Periodic visits to schools to supervise whether the implementation is

ongoing and also to support teachers with challenging issues is highly


5.5.2 Recommendations for Further Research

The study recommends the following areas for further research:

i. Comparison of elementary school pupils achievements in mathematics

using a problem-solving driven curriculum, a traditional driven curriculum

and a blend of a problem-driven and traditional driven curriculum.

ii. Investigation of how a problem-solving approach can be used to change

the perceptions of mathematics teacher educators, mathematics teachers,

and prospective pre-service mathematics about the nature of mathematics

and its teaching and learning.

iii. Assessment of practices for promoting a problem-solving approach in all

the countys levels of education.

iv. Needs assessment for training of mathematics educators on the use of a

problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics: A case study of

University of Cape Coast.

v. Longitudinal study of the effectiveness of a problem-solving approach in

Ghanas Basic School classrooms over a period of five years.

These cited further researches can contribute in general to the literature on the

use of a problem-solving approach in teaching mathematics and specifically to

the literature on the literature of mathematics teaching and learning in Ghana.

They can also be used to support important findings in this study.

5.6 Chapter Summary

This chapter has dealt with summary of the study findings, implications of the

findings, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further research. It

has also opened a new field for the study of mathematics using a problem-

solving approach in Ghana and has provided contributions to international

literature in this area of study.


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Day One

9.00am-2.30 pm (Professor Joanna Masingila & Benjamin Arthur)

Planning of programme of activities for the training
Gathering of teaching and learning materials
photocopying of worksheets and literature materials

Day Two
9.00-9:30 am (Benjamin Arthur)
Registration, opening, Introductions, Programme Run

9.30-1045 am (Joanna Masingila)

Introduction to a Problem Solving (Polyas strategies
of problem solving)
Importance of / Rational for Problem Solving
Activity 3.1 Exploring Sets of Numbers
Debrief about learner activity during problem solving

10.45am-12pm (Benjamin Arthur)

Introduction to facilitators role in a problem-solving
Debriefing about facilitator role (Joanna & Ben) from
Activity 3.1
Watch video of facilitator introducing an activity and
facilitator group work and discuss.
12:00-1:00pm Lunch Break

1:00-2:45pm (Joanna Masingila)
Handout on cooperative learning, role of instructor
and student in problem solving
Activity 1.4 The mathematics in the pages of a
Debrief about learner and facilitator activity
Watch video of facilitator leading a class discussion

2:45-3:00 pm (Benjamin Arthur)

Day Three

9.00-11:00 am (Benjamin Arthur)

Welcome and sharing of problem solving solutions
from assignments.
11.00 am-12:00 pm (Joanna Masingila)
Watch video of facilitator wrapping up after small
group work
Discuss facilitator and student roles from video
Debrief about learner activity during problem solving
12.00-1:00 pm Lunch Break

1:00-2:30pm (Joanna Masingila & Benjamin Arthur)

Group assignment and facilitate group work
(Preparation of problem solving activities from
Mathematics module)
2:30-3.30pm (Benjamin Arthur)
Presentation of group work and discussion




1 Ashanti *Obuasi
2 Brong-Ahafo *Techiman
3 Central *Swedru, *Assin Foso, *Cape Coast
4 Eastern *Ada
5 Greater Accra Not applicable
6 Northern Not applicable
7 Upper East Not applicable
8 Upper West Not applicable
9 Volta *Jasikan
10 Western *Takoradi

*=Experimental group centre & * = Control group centre





Instructions: You will be required to answer all questions on the question

paper provided. Do and leave all workings or rough work on the paper.

Students Registered Number: Time allowed:

30 minutes

Study Centre: ..

1.1 Identify and match the property for integers that is illustrated in each example.

a. 4+0=4 k. commutative property for addition

b. 56=65 l. additive inverse

c. 51=5 m. additive identity

d. (27)5=2(75) n. multiplicative identity

e. 6+3=3+6 o. associative property for multiplication

f. 7 + -7 =0 p. distributive property

g. 56=30 q. closure for addition

h. (3+4) +9=3+ (4+9) sr. commutative property for multiplication

i. 9+7=16 s. associative property for addition

j. 7(5+2) =75+72 t. closure for multiplication

1.2 Write in your own words the meaning of the statement: the set of
natural numbers are closed under the operation multiplication.

1.3 Explain the relationship between the set of integers and the set of
rational numbers?
1.4 Why is the number 1 not a prime number?

1.5 Evaluate and give a reason for your answer to the mathematical
sentence: 14 26 2

1.6 A certain stock registered the following gains and losses in a week:
First it rose by 7 points, then it dropped 13 points, then it gained 8 Points,
then it gained another 6 points, and finally lost 8 points. Write a
mathematical expression that uses addition as the only operation, and then
find the net change in what the stock was worth during the week?

1.7 It takes Mamuna and Kojovi one-third of an hour and half an hour
respectively to walk round the school field. When will be their first time of
meeting if they should all start at 6.30 am from a starting point?
1.8 Round off the decimal fraction of to the nearest ten-thousandth
without using any calculating instrument.

1.9 Formulate a rule for finding the sum of the page numbers of a news
paper with 30 pages.




Instructions: You will be required to answer all questions on the question

paper provided. Do and leave all workings or rough work on the paper.
Students Registered Number:Time allowed: 30 minutes
Study Centre:
1.1. Write down an example for each mathematical statement illustrated
using the integers: 13, 23, and 37.

a. Commutative property for addition

b. Additive inverse
c. Additive identity
d. Multiplicative identity
e. Associative property for multiplication
f. Distributive property
g. Closure for addition
h. Commutative property for multiplication
i. Associative property for addition
j. Closure for multiplication .
1.2 Write in your own words the meaning of the statement: the set of
integers is closed under the operation multiplication.

1.3 What is the relationship between the set of integers and the set of
rational numbers?
Explain your answer.

1.4 What number can be described as an even prime? Give a reason to your

1.5 Evaluate with reasons the mathematical sentence: 14 36 2 3

1.6 A certain stock registered the following gains and losses in a week:
First it dropped by 7 points, then it rose 13 points, then it gained 8 points,
then it lost another 6 points, and finally gained 8 points. Write a
mathematical expression that uses addition as the only operation, and then
find the net change in what the stock was worth during the week?

1.7 It takes Mamuna and Kojovi one-third of an hour and half an hour
respectively to walk round the school field. When will be their first time
of meeting if they should all start at 6.30 am from a starting point?

1.8 Thirteen women shared 5 litres of oil equally. What litres of oil, to the
nearest ten-thousandth litre(s) did each get? Do not use any calculating

1.9 Formulate a rule for finding the sum of the page numbers of a news
paper with 30 pages.




1. Name of the study centre:

2. Your gender: (A) Male (B) Female

3. Age: (A) 24-29 years (B) 30-35 years (C) 36-41 years

(D) 42- 47 years (E) 48 and older

4. Experience in teaching:

(A) Less than one year (B) 1-5 years (C) 6-10 years (D) 11-15 years

(E) More than 15 years

5. Highest level of educational qualification

(1) O levels (2) SSSE (3) A Levels (4) Teacher Certificate A

(5) Any other:..

6. Admission to UCC-CCE: (A) Direct Admission (B) Entrance Exams

7. Type of School: (A) Public (B) Private

8. Section of Basic School you teach:

(A) Nursery (B) Kindergarten (C) Primary (D) Junior High School

9. Class:

10. Teaching workload (periods) per week: .

11. Average number of pupils in your class:

(A) Less than 40 (B) 41-50 (C) 51-60 (D) 61-70 (E) Above 71


Instructions: To each of the following items, focus on your knowledge about

the nature, teaching, and learning of mathematics and provide response to each
statement by using the keys provided. Key is given below.
Keys: 1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3=Agree, 4= Strongly agree
No. Items/Statements Scale
12 The most important aspect of learning mathematics is to
know the rules and to be able to follow them 1 2 3 4
13 Learning mathematics means finding correct answers to a
problem 1 2 3 4
In learning mathematics, it is more important to
14 understand why a method works than to learn rules by 1 2 3 4
heart [opposite]
The best way to learn mathematics is to see an example of
the correct method for solution, either on the blackboard
15 or in the textbook, and then to try to do the same yourself 1 2 3 4
If you cram and practice enough, you will be good at
16 learning mathematics 1 2 3 4
Those who get the right answer in mathematics have
17 understood what they have learnt in mathematics 1 2 3 4
Mathematics should be learned as a set of algorithms and
18 rules that cover all possibilities 1 2 3 4
19 Mathematics learning is for the gifted. 1 2 3 4
Learning rules and methods by rote are important in
20 mathematics. 1 2 3 4
Learning formal aspects of mathematics (e.g. the correct
21 way to write out calculations) as early as possible are 1 2 3 4
22 Learners should learn mathematics in groups 1 2 3 4
A conventional approach (teacher-centered) is the best
23 way to teach learners to solve mathematics problems. 1 2 3 4

24 Learners should ask questions during mathematics 1 2 3 4
A problem-solving method (student-centered) is effective
25 to actively involve learners in the mathematics learning 1 2 3 4
26 Learners should often be confronted with novel problems
to solve. 1 2 3 4
27 Learners should be given notes to copy when learning
mathematics. 1 2 3 4
The teacher should create conditions to stimulate learners
28 to learn mathematics on their own. 1 2 3 4
29 Learners should learn mathematics by working with other
learners using worksheet. 1 2 3 4
30 Cooperative work in groups is good for efficient learning
of mathematics. 1 2 3 4
Learners should discover for themselves, the desired
31 conceptual knowledge in the learning process during the
learning of mathematics. 1 2 3 4




1. Name of the study centre:

2. Your gender: (A) Male (B) Female

3. Age: (A) 30-35 years (B) 36-41 years (C) 42-47 years

(D) 48-53 years (E) 54 and older

4. Experience in teaching:

(A) Less than one year (B) 1-5 years 2 (C) 6-10 years (D) 11-15 years

(E) More than 15 years

5. Experience in facilitating for UCC-CCE:

(A) 1-2 years (B) 3-4 years (C) 4-5 years (D) 6-7 years

(E) More than 8 years

6. Highest Level of Education/Educational qualification/s

(1) Bachelor degree (2) Honours degree (3) Masters degree

(4) Doctors degree

7. Teaching workload per FTF session:

(A) 3 credit hours ( B) 6 credit hours

8. Average number of learners in your class:

(A) Less than 40 (B) 41-50 (C) 51-60

(D) 61-70 (E) Above 71


Instruction: To each of the following items, focus on the teaching of

mathematics and the problems lecturers experience in this regard. Key is given

Keys: 1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3=Agree, 4= Strongly agree

No. Category 1. Learners Scale

9 It is best to teach learners mathematics in small
groups. 1 2 3 4
10 Conventional approach (teacher-centered) is the best
way to teach learners to solve mathematics problems. 1 2 3 4
11 In teaching mathematics learners should be encouraged
learners to ask more questions. 1 2 3 4
12 Whole class teaching by a teacher is more effective than
teacher facilitating learning. 1 2 3 4
13 Teaching mathematics means confronting learners with
problems to solve on their own. 1 2 3 4
14 The mathematics teacher should encourage learners to
deduce general principles from practical experiences. 1 2 3 4
15 Teaching mathematics means consciously creating an
environment to stimulate learners to construct their
own conceptual knowledge. 1 2 3 4
16 Learners should be encouraged to discuss their solutions
with their peers during mathematics lessons. 1 2 3 4
17 Teaching must focus on understanding as much as
possible so that the learners can explain methods and
connections 1 2 3 4
18 Cooperative group work and presentation in
mathematics is good for efficient learning. 1 2 3 4
19 A mathematics teacher should consciously facilitate
problem solving in the mathematics class. 1 2 3 4
20 Teaching mathematics by allowing learners to discover
rules for themselves will lead to incompletion of
syllabus. 1 2 3 4


Instruction: To each of the following items, focus on the teaching of

mathematics and the problems lecturers experience in this regard. Key is given

Keys: 1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3=Agree, 4= Strongly agree

No. Category 1. Learners Scale

The pupils learn more mathematics from problems
that do not have a given procedure for solution, where
instead they have to try out solutions and evaluate
21 answers and procedures as they go 1 2 3 4
It is important to be able to argue for why the answer
22 is correct 1 2 3 4
Solving mathematical problems often entails the use
23 of hypotheses, approaches, tests, and re-evaluations 1 2 3 4
The learners learn from seeing different ways to solve
a problem, either by pupils presenting their solutions
24 or by the teacher presenting alternative solutions 1 2 3 4



Study centre:
Topic: ...
Class size:
Time: ..

1. a) Does the teacher appear prepared? Yes [ ] No [ ]

b) If yes in (a) describe the form of preparation in brief.



2. List the teaching/learning resources used in his/her delivery of


3. How does the facilitator introduce the days topic:

(i) By lecture [ ]
(ii) By demonstration [ ]
(iii)By use a story [ ]
(iv) By asking questions [ ]
(v) Any other:

4. How are the learners involved during the lesson?

(i) Seated straight individually [ ]
(ii) Working in pairs [ ]
(iii)Working in group of threes [ ]
(iv) Working in groups of fours [ ]
(v) Working in groups more than five [ ]

5. How many groups are there in all? [ ]

6. How are the learners learning in groups?
(i) Individually
(ii) Collaboratively
(iv) Interactively

7. How are the learners coping with the questions on the worksheets?
(i) Interesting
(ii) Easy
(iv) Challenging

8. Is a there any intra-group consultation? Yes [ ] No [ ]

9. What did the teacher do if the response in (8) is yes?

(i) Teacher discouraged it. [ ]
(ii) Teacher encouraged it. [ ]
(iii)Teacher intervened. [ ]
(iv) Teacher shouted on learners. [ ]

10. What role did the teacher played during the lesson? Teacher.
(i) Provided answers to problems. [ ]
(ii) Encouraged learners to solve the problems with little help.[ ]
(iii)Assisted some groups to solve the problems. [ ]
(iv) Challenged the thinking of learners in his/her rounds from group
to group by asking them questions. [ ]

11. How did the lesson end?

(i) Teacher solved all the questions for learners on the board. [ ]
(ii) Teacher solved the challenging questions for the learners.[ ]
(iii) All the groups presented all their solutions.[ ]
(iv) Groups with different approaches presented them. [ ]

Any other observation (s)?







Instructions: Please highlight in yellow the correct answer or type it in the

space provided

1. When did you first encounter the problem solving approach?

i) At basic school ii) secondary iii) teacher training college/university

2. How often have you been using the problem solving approach?
i) Never ii) at times iii) always

3. What do you consider positive contributions of a problem-solving approach

in teaching and learning of mathematics (choose all appropriate answers)
a. Promotes learning
b. Makes learners critical thinkers
c. Encourage collaborative and cooperative learning
d. Promotes student to student to student learning

4. What do you consider negative effects of a problem-solving approach in

teaching and learning of mathematics (choose all appropriate answers)
a. Time wasting
b. Only applicable to small class size
c. Places high demand on the teacher
d. Requires a lot of teaching and learning resources
e. Doesnt provide for individual learner assessment

5. Did you encounter the following problems while teaching through a
problem-solving approach (choose all appropriate answers)
a. Lacked time to prepare for the lecture
b. The teaching module we use is not activity oriented
c. To many learners to manage them in groups
d. Slow method that caused a delay in completion of the syllabus
e. External examination pressure
f. Negative student reception
g. Rejection of a problem-solving approach by colleagues

6. What are the future barriers to the use of a problem-solving approach?

7. What would you recommend that will enable other UCC-CCE mathematics
facilitators to implement a problem-solving approach in their mathematics




1.1 Identify and match the property for integers that is illustrated in each example.


a. 4+0=4 m. additive identity

b. 56=65 r. commutative property for multiplication

c. 51=5 n. multiplicative identity

d. (27)5=2(75) o. associative property for multiplication

e. 6+3=3+6 k. commutative property for addition

f. 7 + -7 =0 l. additive inverse

g. 56=30 t. closure for multiplication

h. (3+4)+9=3+(4+9) s. associative property for addition

i. 9+7=16 q. closure for addition

j. 7(5+2) =75+72 p. distributive property

SCORING RUBRICS: Award B0.5 for each correct answer,

(Total score= 5 marks)

1.2 Write in your own words the meaning of the statement: the set of natural
numbers are closed under the operation multiplication.


The product of any two or more natural numbers is also a natural number

SCORING RUBRICS: Award B1 for each correct answer,

(Total score = 1 marks)

1.3 Explain the relationship between the set of integers and the set of rational


The set of integers is a subset of the set of rational numbers

SCORING RUBRICS: Award B1 for each correct answer,

(Total score = 1 marks)

1.4 Why is the number 1 not a prime number?


The number one (1) is not a prime because it has only one factor.
A prime number has two factors, one (1) and the number itself.

SCORING RUBRICS: Award B1, B1 for each correct answer,

(Total score = 2 marks)

1.5 Evaluate and give a reason for your answer to the mathematical
sentence: 14 26 2


14 26 2 14 13 M1
27 A1

Reason: Using BODMAS, division operation must be performed first

before addition. B1

Total score = 3 marks

1.6 A certain stock registered the following gains and losses in a week:
First it rose by 7 points, then it dropped 13 points, then it gained 8 points,
then it gained another 6 points, and finally lost 8 points. Write a
mathematical expression that uses addition as the only operation, and then
find the net change in what the stock was worth during the week?


7 ( 13) 8 6 ( 8) B1
7 13 8 6 8) M1
0 A1

Total score = 3 marks

1.7 It takes Mamuna and Kojovi one-third of an hour and half an hour
respectively to walk round the school field. When will be their first time of
meeting if they should all start at 6.30 am from a starting point?


of an hour 20 mins B0.5
of an hour 30 mins B0.5

multiples of 20 20, 40, 60, 80,100,120, ..... M0.5

multiples of 30 30, 60, 90, 120,150,180, ..... M0.5
least commonmultiple of 20 and 30 60 1 hour M0.5
The first time of meeting will therefore be 7.30am A0.5

Total score = 3 marks

1.8 Round off the decimal fraction of to the nearest ten-thousandth
without using any calculating instrument.


Dividing 5 by 13using long division M1

Obtaining 0.38461 (5 decimal places) A1
Approximating his/her answer to nearest ten-thousandth B1

Total score = 3 marks

1.9 Formulate a rule for finding the sum of the page numbers of a newspaper
with 30 pages.


sum of numberson pages, S 1 2 3 ..... 30 B1

sum in the reverse, S 30 29 28 ..... 1 B1

2S 31 31 31 ..... 31 M1

2S 31 30

31 30
S M1

S 465 A1

Total score = 5 marks




Training workshop for UCC- Writing & production

CCE mathematics educators of First draft activity
Year and mathematics course writers oriented problem-
One on: 1. the use of a problem- solving modules
solving approach in teaching
mathematics, and 2. writing of
activity oriented modules

Selection of pilot study Pre-test of student in

centres (PSC) and training of pilot study centres and
selected non-selected
mathematics facilitators (F) in
pilot study centres before
these centres full implementation

Post-test of student in
Implementation of a PSCs and equivalent
problem-solving approach non-selected PSCs
by facilitators in PSCs implementation of a

Analysis of pilot Training of Implementation

study results, review mathematics and use of the
Three and final writing and facilitators in all approach in all
production of study centres study centres

Year Supervisions and seminars for review and sharing of

Four practices (success stories and challenges)

Year Impact evaluation after five years and way forward



The following schedule of activities shall be followed:

Session Activities Dates Duration

Provisional Registration
1. Fee payment 1/09/11 31/10/11 2 Months
Working on the Concept
Assignment of Supervisors
2. Preparation of proposal 1/11/11 31/03/12 5 Months
Defense of the proposal at the
Proposal approval by the
3. Graduate School 1/04/12 30/05/12 2 Months
Substantive Registration by
Graduate School
Preparation and testing of
4. instruments 1/06/12 31/08/12 3 Months
Obtaining relevant research
Piloting of instruments
Data Collection/Field work
5. 1/09/12 30/04/13 8 Months

6. Data analysis & Thesis writing 1/05/13 1/3/14 9 Months
Notice of submission

7. Submission 1/03/13 31/03/14 1 Month
8. Oral presentation / thesis 1/06/14 30/06/14 1 Months

9. Thesis editing Revision and 1/07/14 31/08/14 2 Month
submission of corrected thesis
10. Submission of final thesis 1/09/14 31/09/14 1Month
Total 34 Months



Expenditure GH GH
Transport and Travelling 1,000.00
Training programme 6,550.00
Internet Services 500.00
Stationery 500.00
Drafting Preparation 1,000.00
Communication Telephone 500.00
Printing 2,000.00
Personal Emolument for Assistance 4,000.00
4 @ GH1,000
6 Final Copies @ GH500 3,000.00 19,000.00
10% Contingencies 1,900.00
GRAND TOTAL 20,900.00


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