Tajuk PSM Sem1 1011
Tajuk PSM Sem1 1011
Tajuk PSM Sem1 1011
3 The effect of subcooling on single-phase To predict numerically the subcooling effect on 1. To simulate the water flow in an interrupted Pn Ernie
test-fluid on interrupted microchannel interrupted microchannel microchannel;
performance. 2. To validate the model used with experimental data
from previous researcher;
3. To predict the subcooling effect on three various
temperature difference of test fluid; and
4. To predict the friction factor, pressure drop, Reynolds
number and fluid and wall temperature.
4 The effect of single-phase test-fluid on To predict numerically the hyrodynamic analysis on 1. To simulate the water flow in an interrupted Pn Ernie
various shapes interrupted various shapes of interrupted microchannel microchannel;
microchannel performance 2. To validate the model used with experimental data
from previous researcher;
3. To predict the effect of three various shapes
(trapezoidal, rectangular and triangular) on
microchannel performance; and
4. To predict the friction factor, pressure drop, Reynolds
number and fluid and wall temperature.
5 The effect of contact angle on To predict numerically the hyrodynamic analysis on 1. To simulate the water flow in an interrupted Pn Ernie
trapezoidal-shape interrupted- various angle on trapezoidal shapes of interrupted microchannel;
microchannel performance microchannel 2. To validate the model used with experimental data
from previous researcher;
3. To predict the effect of three various contact angle in
trapezoidal-shape on interrupted-microchannel
performance; and
4. To predict the friction factor, pressure drop, Reynolds
number and fluid and wall temperature.
6 The effect of contact angle on To predict numerically the hyrodynamic analysis on 1. To simulate the water flow in an interrupted Pn Ernie
trapezoidal-shape interrupted- various angle on trapezoidal shapes of interrupted microchannel;
microchannel performance. microchannel 2. To validate the model used with experimental data
from previous researcher;
3. To predict the effect of three various angle in
trapezoidal-shape on interrupted-microchannel
performance; and
4. To predict the friction factor, pressure drop, Reynolds
number and fluid and wall temperature.
7 Study of 24 volt Foldable Electrical To study and develop a 24 volt foldable electrical Study the existing electrical scooter, develop a foldable En Safarudin
Scooter for Convenient Journey scooter. electrical scooter using 24 volt hub motor
To evaluate the performance of scooter.
8 Development of A 36 48 volt Electrical To study and develop a 36 - 48 volt foldable electrical Study the existing electrical scooter, develop a foldable En Safarudin
Scooter for Internal Campus Usage. scooter. electrical scooter using 36 - 48 volt hub motor
To evaluate the performance of scooter.
9 Study of Magnetic Motor for Supporting To study and develop a magnetic motor. Study the existing magnetic motor, develop a magnetic En Safarudin
Electrical Motor Usage. To evaluate the performance of magnetic motor. motor using neodymium magnet.
10 Study of Various Alternator Performance To study various type of alternator. Study the existing various alternator, develop a En Safarudin
based on Rotating Speed from Engine To evaluate the performance of various alternator experimental rig for running various alternator
such as output current, output voltage, and alternator
11 A Investigation of Gear Ratio on Turbo- To investigate the effect of gear ratio on turbo- Study the existing turbo-alternator mechanism, develop En Safarudin
Alternator in the Spark Ignition Engine alternator. a turbo-alternator mechanism that can run for various
To evaluate the performance of vehicle based on the gear ratio.
gear ratio on turbo-alternator.
12 Optimization of water chamber for pico 1. To study the design and function of water chamber 1. To simulate current design of water chamber using PM Juhari
hydro scheme for pico hydro turbine. CFD software.
2. To optimize the design of the water chamber for 2. To redesign the water chamber for optimization using
propeller turbine CAD software.
3. To simulate the new design using CFD software.
4. To fabricate a scaled model of the water chamber.
13 Design of movable guiding vane for 1. To study the design and function of current fixed 1. To simulate current design in CFD software. PM Juhari
propeller turbine. guiding vane of propeller turbine. 2. To design movable guiding vane in CAD software.
2. To design and fabricate movable guiding vane for 3. To simulate the vane in CFD software.
propeller turbine. 4. To fabricate and test the vane in a scaled model.
14 Design optimization of blade for 1. To study the design and function blade propeller 1. To simulate current design in CFD software. PM Juhari
propeller turbine turbine. 2. To design new blade in CAD software.
2. To optimize the blade for propeller turbine 3. To simulate the new blade design in CFD software.
4. To fabricate and test the new blade design in a scaled
15 Genetic algorithm for optimization of 1. To study the optimization methodology of 1. To study genetic algorithm programming PM Juhari
renewable hybrid system renewable hybrid system. methodology.
2. To write genetic algorithm programming for the 2. To study the sizing problem and operation strategy of
optimization of the system. renewable hybrid system.
3. To write genetic algorithm program to solve for real
time optimization of renewable energy hybrid system.
16 Optimization of renewable hybrid 1. To study the optimization methodology of 1. To study the optimization process using HOMER. PM Juhari
system using HOMER. renewable hybrid system. 2. To develop a real time system for optimization process
2. To optimize the system using optimization software using HOMER.
3. To summarize the advantage and disadvantages of
using HOMER for optimization of renewable energy
hybrid system.
19 Miniature Heat Transfer Analyzer: Design 1. To design & fabricate the miniature heat transfer En Imran
& Fabrication analyzer
2. To calibrate and test the heat transfer performance
of fluid
21 Synthesis of activated carbon from 1. To synthesis activated carbon from waste En Imran
waste raw materials materials.
2. To characterize the properties of activated carbon
prepared using analytical spectroscopy
22 Textural investigation for carbon To analyze & evaluate the texture properties of En Imran
nanotube using Nitrogen Adsorption carbon nanotube using nitrogen adsorption analysis
23 An Aerodynamics Study of FV2010 Race To study existing coefficient of drag and lift Race car of Formula Varsity 2010 En Afzanizam
Car To proposed better design of bodywork for Formula Conduct wind tunnel testing
Varsity 2010 Run computational fluid dynamic (CFD)
24 A Study of Flow Pattern in Autoclave To investigate the flow visualization in autoclave In steady state condition En Afzanizam
using Computational Fluid Dynamics Without part (mould)
(CFD) With part (mould) & additional part (optimization)
25 A Study of Heat Distribution in Autoclave To investigate the heat distribution in autoclave In steady state condition En Afzanizam
using using Computational Fluid Without part (mould)
Dynamics (CFD) With part (mould) & additional part (optimization)
26 An Aerodynamics Study of IEMA RACE To study existing coefficient of drag and lift Race car of IEMA Race 2010 En Afzanizam
Car To proposed better design of bodywork for IEMA Race Conduct wind tunnel testing
car 2010 Run computational fluid dynamic (CFD)
27 Development of Mini Bus Stop in UTeM To determine the optimum size of module for the In main campus UTeM En Afzanizam
using Off Grid Photovoltaic power required Embedded low power consumption, i.e light, ventilation
To proposed design of mini bus stop fan
Develop prototype of bus stop
28 A Study on Improving Air Circulation in a To investigate the utilization of double-layer walls and Develop an apparatus to investigate on air circulation Dr Yusmady
Confined Space: An Experimental the trapezium deflector in improving air circulation in improvement in a confined space by using double-layer
Approach a confined space. walls and trapezium deflector.
Measure air velocity and air temperature at various
points in a confined space continuously to show the
changes due air circulation enhancement.
Analyze the result obtained to show the effectiveness
of the methods in promoting the air circulation.
29 A Study on Improving Air Circulation in a To investigate the utilization of double-layer walls and Develop a model of an apparatus in CFD software to Dr Yusmady
Confined Space: A Simulation Approach the trapezium deflector in improving air circulation in investigate on air circulation improvement in a confined
a confined space by using CFD method space by using double-layer walls and trapezium
Obtain the data for air velocity, air direction and air
temperature at various points in a confined space to
explain the changes due air circulation enhancement.
Analyze the result obtained to show the effectiveness
of the methods in promoting the air circulation based on
simulation approach.
30 A Study on Performance of Diesel and To investigate the performance of a fuel spray Test the performance of fuels spray apparatus Dr Yusmady
Bio-Diesel Fuels Spray Apparatus appartus in term of spray pattern, injection timing, Obtain the data for injection timing, pressure required
pressure required and tip to surface distance for and tip to surface distance.
diesel and bio-diesel fuel Observe the spray pattern of diesel and bio-diesel fuel
for different parameter.
31 Diesel and Bio-Diesel Fuels Deposit To study diesel and bio-diesel fuel deposit Investigate the fuel deposition on a hot surface for Dr Yusmady
Formation due to Fuel Spray development on a hot surface due to fuel droplet different type of fuel due to fuel droplet impingement.
Impingement impingement Investigate the effect of dripping interval, surface
temperature and tip to surface distance on the fuel
32 An Observation on Deposit Formation To observe and analyze the mechanism of deposit Observe the deposit formation on a hot surface for Dr Yusmady
Mechanism on a Hot Surface formation on a hot surface various types of fuel and hot surface temperature.
Analyze the deposit formation mechanism and process
POWER: 1.5 HP.
39 Experimental study on lubricity qualities i. To determine the lubricating properties of biodiesel . i. To summarize the common lubricity characteristic of biodiesel using Pn Mahanum
of alkaline based catalysts biodiesel ii. To study the safety experimental procedures of lubricity four ball wear machine.
diagnose using existing four ball wear machine. ii. To analyze the captured data base on several type of alkaline-
iii. To study the lubricity performance using four ball wear machine. catalyst
UFO biodiesel and permissible
iii. This study will determine the effect of temperature and load on
lubricity characteristics of the biodiesel.
40 Effect of temperature on tribological i. To study the biodiesel influence on tribology characteristics. i. To summarize the common tribology properties of biodiesel using Pn Mahanum
properties of UFO biodiesel. ii. To study effect of temperature on wear and friction four ball wear machine.
iii. To study the safety experimental procedures of tribology ii. To analyze the captured data base on several type of alkaline-
diagnose using existing four ball wear machine catalyst
UFO biodiesel and permissible
41 Characterization of biodiesel fuel using i. To study the analysis of biodiesel by GC based on Standard i. To study the preparation of the samples and conducting the GC runs Pn Mahanum
Gas Chromatography (GC) Methods. as given in the Standard Method (e.g: ASTM D 6584)
ii. To characterize and identify biodiesel fatty acid methyl esters ii. To measure the levels of compound in biodiesel.
(FAME) components.
iii. To improve the quality control of biodiesel over the existing
ASTM method.
42 Optimization of biodiesel production i. To optimize the biodisel apparatus in order to achieve the i. To study the biodiesel production model, process criticality and Pn Mahanum
from used frying oil optimum transesterification step for the final desired product. constrains parameters
ii. To develop a Design of Experiment (DOE) for related parameter ii. To summarize the current build of transesterification reactor,
sets during the transesterification process inclusive of its process criticality, constrain parameters and raw
iii. To execute the experiment as per experiment procedure material used of each model in order to develop comprehensive
iv. To analyze the sets of data collected from the experiment overview of biodiesel production related-matter.
iv. From the comprehensive overview, this study is extend to producing
biodiesel by using the lab-scale experimental apparatus and designing
process parameters inclusive raw material mixing ratio, catalyst
concentration, reaction temperature, and so on
43 Biodiesel production from used frying oil 1) To study the biodiesel production model, process criticality and 1) This study is extend to producing biodiesel by using the lab-scale Pn Mahanum
and coconut oil constrains parameters. experimental apparatus and designing process parameters inclusive
2) To produce the biodiesel by using current existing lab-scale raw material mixing ratio, catalyst concentration, reaction
experimental apparatus. temperature, and so on by consider the cost-effective factor and
3) To produce the used frying oil (UFO) and coconut oil (CO) meets the minimum oil required for dyno-engine testing.
biodiesel using several alkaline-base catalysts. 2) To establish the yield matrix of UFO biodiesel for each catalyst used
during the biodiesel production. The matrix will inclusive of VO
biodiesel using common catalyst, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as a
reference for comparison
44 Diesel engine and emission performance i. To study the common diesel engine performance and emission i. To summarize the common diesel engine performance and emission Pn Mahanum
using UFO and CO Biodiesel characteristics, characteristics,
dynamometer models, measurement type and common critical measurements and
parameters dynamometer type.
during engine diagnose. ii. To design the worksheet of expected data and experimental
ii. To measure the engine performance of UFO biodiesel and CO procedure, consist of predetermine parameters setup, dynamometer
biodiesel . limits and constrain, predefine load and rpm by considering safety
work procedure.
iii. to develop the standard checklist of gas measurement activity using
existing analyzer units by considering the safety and cost factor
Experimental testing on CNG To find the CNG combustion engine performance and compare to En Fadhli
combustion engine. The study of petrol combustion engine.To find the emissions rate from CNG
combustion engine
47 performance of the engine with wide
open throttle (WOT)
Experimental testing on petrol TO find the engine performance using 2 different types of fuels. To En Fadhli
combustion engine: The study of find the emissions rate for both fuels.
48 performance of the engine using RON
95 and RON 97
Bidang Tujahan
Simulation and
Simulation and
Simulation and
Simulation and
Simulation and
Simulation and
Advanced Material
Advanced Material
Advanced Material
Advanced Material
Advanced Material
Advanced Material
Simulation and
Simulation and
Simulation and
Simulation and
Energy management
Simulation and
Computerization. Energy
Renewable energy
Renewable energy
Renewable energy
Renewable energy
Renewable energy
4 Simulation of Side Impact on a Car 1. To investigate damage on a 1. Develop a finite element model for Mohd Adrinata
Bumper car bumper due to front/back the front/back bumper.
impact 2. Simple impact experiment on an
2. To determine an optimal aluminium sheet to verify the software.
design for the front/back bumper. 3. Perform front/back impact analysis
using software to obtain the damage
behaviour on the front/back bumper
5 Experimental Study for a Steering 1. To conduct experimental 1. EIMA RACE vehicle. Mohd Adrinata
Wheel Vibration on EIMA RACE modal analysis for EIMA RACE 2. Experimental analysis for the steering
vehicle steering wheel. wheel for free-free boundary condition
2. To study the behaviour of EIMA and constraint condition.
RACE steering wheel vibration. 3. Stationary EIMA RACE vehicle (Static).
3. To analyze the highest
vibration level for a EIMA RACE
vehicle in static condition.
12 Semi active Suspension system 1. To create a mathematical 1. The simulation is performed in Matlab En Hanif
design for heavy duty truck model of heavy duty truck Simulink
2. To simulate the model in 2. The simulation is to predict the
Matlab Simulink performance of heavy duty truck ride
3. To design a suitable controller handling
to improve ride handling
4. To compare the semi-active
suspension system with the
passive system
13 Evaluation of a Produa Kancil 1. To create a mathematical 1. The simulation is performed in Matlab En Hanif
engine mounting system model of an engine mounting Simulink
system 2. The simulation is to predict the
2. To simulate the model in performance of engine mounting system
Matlab Simulink
3. To reduce the motion of a
vehicle engine
14 Aerodynamic study of a car spoilers 1. To study the air flow at the car 1. The simulation is performed in Fluent En Hanif
in Malaysia spoilers. software
2. To select the best spoiler 2. The simulation is to choose the best
design for a car in Malaysia spoiler design
15 Study the Railway vehicle dynamics 1. To create a mathematical 1. The simulation is performed in Matlab En Hanif
performance model of railway vehicle model. Simulink
2. To simulate the model in 2. The simulation is to predict the
Matlab Simulink performance of vehicle ride handling.
3. To design a suitable controller
to improve ride handling
4. To compare the semi-active
suspension system with the
passive system
16 Performance of Semi-Active Control i. To develop a controller for i. The study uses a MATLAB-Simulink for En Hanif
of Railway Vehicle Suspension railway vehicle suspension. simulation works.
ii. To evaluate the performance ii. Developing of 3-DOF of railway
of a controller with the passive vehicle model.
system in both simulation and
experimental works.
17 Development of Portable Low Cost 1. To produce a portable and 1. Design and fabricate the wheelchair Dr Zahir
Lightweight and Comfort lightweight wheelchair for in and 2. Conduct the FEA analysis to study the
Wheelchair out patient use in hospital. structural integrity of the wheelchair
2. To reduce the cost to
manufacture the wheelchair.
18 FEA Analysis of Disc Brake using To develop an Eulerian- 1. Develop the Eulerian-Lagrangian Dr Zahir
Eulerian-Lagrangian Approach Lagrangian FE model to study model using annular ring disc and pad
using Simple Annular Ring Model the contact pressure of at the 2. To include temperature effect in the
disc-pad interaction model.
3. Conduct the FEA analysis to study the
contact analysis of the system (disc-pad)
19 FEA Analysis of Disc Brake Judder To study the behavior of disc 1. Develop the Lagrangian model using Dr Zahir
brake judder using FE technique typical manufacture disc and pad
2. To include temperature effect in the
3. Conduct the FEA analysis to study the
contact analysis of the system (disc-pad)
20 FEA Analysis of Tyre using Eulerian To study analysis of road-tyre 1. Develop the Eulerian tyre model Dr Zahir
Approach. contact interaction using FE 2. To conduct the study tyre contact
technique pressure analysis
21 Development of UTeM Motocycle To design and fabricate the first 1. Design and fabricate the motorcycle Dr Zahir
Chassis UTeM motorcycle chassis. chassis
2. To conduct the study of structural
integrity of the chassis.
22 Modeling and validation of 14-dof To simulate a vehicle model in 1. Derivation and simulation of the En Fauzi
full vehicle model in longitudinal Matlab Simulink software and vehicle model
direction verified with validated vehicle 2. Validation of the model with validated
dynamic software software
3. Performance evaluation
23 Modeling and validation of 14-dof To simulate a vehicle model in 1. Derivation and simulation of the En Fauzi
full vehicle model in lateral Matlab Simulink software and vehicle model
direction verified with validated vehicle 2. Validation of the model with validated
dynamic software software
3. Performance evaluation
24 Modeling and Control of 1. To simulate a vehicle model in 1. Derivation and simulation of the En Fauzi
Pneumatically actuated active Matlab Simulink software and vehicle model
suspension system for reduce verified with validated vehicle 2. Validation of the model with validated
unwanted vehicle motion due to dynamic software. software
asymmetric road disturbance 2. To simulate the effectiveness 3. Control design by simulation and
of an active suspension by using Performance evaluation
pneumatic system
25 Design and development of 3-DOF 1. To design and development of 1. Design the motion platform by using En Fauzi
motion platform for vehicle 3-DOF motion platform for CAD software
dynamic simulator vehicle dynamic simulator by 2. Fabricate the Motion Platform
using CAD software 3. Performance evaluation of the motion
2. To fabricate and t evaluate the platform
motion platform performance
26 Modeling and simulation of 4-DOF 1. To modeling and simulate the 1. Modeling simulation and control of 4- En Fauzi
robotic manipulator 4-DOF robot manipulator in DOF robot manipulator
Matlab/Simulink software 2. Performance evaluation of the motion
27 Study on the scaled vehicle tire To determine the cornering Literature review En Mochamad
cornering stiffness stiffness of several types of Develop a cornering stiffness Safarudin
scaled vehicle tire measurement device
Experimentation to determine the
cornering stiffness
28 Small scale vehicle dynamics test To design and develop a small Literature review En Mochamad
bed scale vehicle dynamic test bed Dimensional analysis Safarudin
that can be used to study Parameter measurement (c.g location,
behavior of vehicle, vehicle mass, inertia properties), field testing
control system, autonomous
vehicle system
29 PC-based data acquisition systemTo design and implement a Literature review En Mochamad
for scaled vehicle dynamics wireless data acquisition sytem Sensor selection and installation Safarudin
navigation system for a scaled vehicle dynamics Design and develop a wireless data
platform comprises vehicle acquisition system and test the
speed and inertial measurement functionality
(lateral acc, yaw rate etc)
30 Dynamics modeling and parameter To develop, simulate and validate Literature review En Mochamad
estimation for a small scaled a 3 dof dynamic model for a Develop, simulate and validate a small Safarudin
vehicle system small scaled vehicle scaled vehicle dynamics model
To estimate several parameter Estimate parameter from experiment
from the experiment
31 Study on the heat dissipation To study the heat dissipation Literature review En Mochamad
properties of palm waste brake pad properties of palm waste brake Develop a finite element model of palm Safarudin
pad compared with the ordinary waste brake pad
brake pad Simulation and validation of finite
element model
32 Design and analysis of an efficient To design a brake system that is i) To design the brake system for specific En Fudhail
brake system for EIMA RACE vehicle efficient in terms of braking engine power.
capability and durability ii) To do analysis (static, linear,
isothermal) on the designed brake disc
by using CAE software.
iii) To produce engineering drawing of
the brake system.
33 Design and analysis of a mini To design a clutch system to be i) To design the clutch disc . En Fudhail
tractor farming clutch system. used in a mini farming tractor. ii) To design the clutch mechanism .
iii) To do analysis (static and linear) on
the designed clutch disc.
iv) To produce engineering drawing of
the clutch
34 Study of flow inside a shear driven 1) To simulate flow inside a shear driven En Fudhail
To study the flow pattern inside a
cavity by using lattice Boltzmann shear driven cavity. The patterncavity by using lattice Boltzmann
method. is important to determine which method
area inside the cavity has the 2) Flow analysis is limited to isothermal
highest pressure due to fluid flow
Lattice Boltzmann Model.
3) Results obtained using this improve
mesh system will be compared to the
benchmark results found in literature
35 The development of an efficient To develop an efficient lattice i) Flow analysis is limited to isothermal En Fudhail
lattice Boltzmann numerical Boltzmann numerical scheme for Lattice Boltzmann Model.
scheme for simulation of shear simulation of lid driven square ii) The problems will be tested with low
driven square cavity cavity to moderate Reynolds number (5000 and
iii) The newly improved mesh system will
be tested for flow inside shear driven
square cavity.
36 The development of an efficient To develop an efficient lattice i) Flow analysis is limited to isothermal En Fudhail
lattice Boltzmann numerical Boltzmann numerical scheme for Lattice Boltzmann Model.
scheme for simulation of shear simulation of lid driven triangular ii) The problems will be tested with low
driven triangular cavity cavity to moderate Reynolds number (100 and
iii) The newly improved mesh system will
be tested for flow inside shear driven
triangular cavity
37 Simulation of flow around a vehicle i) To study flow around a vehicle i) Numerical simulation will be done on a En Fudhail
front windscreen. front windscreen. national car front windscreen
ii) To obtain the flow pattern ii) Simulation will be done for various
around a vehicle front Reynolds number
windscreen iii) Computer Fluid Dynamics software
iii) To investigate the parameter like Fluent will be used in the simulation
involves such as induced
pressure and its effect on
38 Design and analysis of a lightweight To design a clutch disc which is i) To design the light weight clutch disc En Fudhail
clutch disc for EIMA RACE vehicle. light in weight to be used in for specific engine power.
future UTeM EIMA RACE vehicle ii) To do analysis (static and linear) on
the designed clutch disc.
iii) To produce engineering drawing of
the clutch
39 Development of car door lock To design and develop car door To study mechanical behavior of shape En Herdy
actuator using shape memory alloy lock actuator using shape memory alloy (SMA) for actuator
(SMA) material memory alloy material application
- To design and develop a prototype of
car door lock actuator using SMA
40 Development of car wiper lifter To design and develop car wiper To study mechanical behavior of shape En Herdy
using shape memory alloy (SMA) lifter actuator using shape memory alloy (SMA) for actuator
material memory alloy material application
- To design and develop a prototype of
car wiper lifter actuator using SMA
41 Development of automotive louver To design and develop To study mechanical behavior of shape En Herdy
actuator using shape memory alloy automotive louver actuator using memory alloy (SMA) for actuator
(SMA) material shape memory alloy material application
- To design and develop a prototype of
automotive louver actuator using SMA
42 Development of an automotive To design and develop an To study mechanical behavior of shape En Herdy
brake actuator using shape automotive brake actuator using memory alloy (SMA) for actuator
memory alloy (SMA) material shape memory alloy material application
- To design and develop a prototype of
an automotive brake actuator using SMA
43 Development of an automotive To design and develop an To study mechanical behavior of shape En Herdy
clutch actuator using shape automotive clutch actuator using memory alloy (SMA) for actuator
memory alloy (SMA) material shape memory alloy material application
- To design and develop a prototype of
an automotive clutch actuator using SMA
44 Development of car side mirror To design and develop car side To study mechanical behavior of shape En Herdy
actuator using shape memory alloy mirror actuator using shape memory alloy (SMA) for actuator
(SMA) material memory alloy material application
- To design and develop a prototype of
car side mirror actuator using SMA
45 A study on the effect of disc To study the effect of different En Muhd
geometry on thermal capacity of rotor designs on the maximum Ridzuan
disc brake rotor using finite surface temperature and
element analysis. temperature distribution for the . to develop 3D model of rotor design
disc brake rotor using CAD software
ii. to perform load analysis based on
UTeM 2010 Formula Varsity race car
iii. to perform linear transient thermal-
stress analysis using ABAQUS/CAE finite
element software
46 Thermal-Stress Analysis of Cross- To study the thermal capacity, i. To produce detail design of the En Muhd
drilled Disc Brake Rotor for UTeM temperature distribution and component using 3D CAD software Ridzuan
Formula Style Race Car stress distribution of cross-drilled ii. To perform material selection for the
disc brake rotor for UTeM formula component
style race car iii. To calculate the load acting on the
component during operation
iv. To perform linear thermal stress
analysis of the component in transient
condition using ABAQUS Finite Element
Analysis software
47 Design and Fabrication of Space To design, analyze and fabricate chassis using CATIA based on 2010 UTeM En Muhd
Formula Varsity specification and
Frame Chassis for UTeM Formula a new space frame chassis for Ridzuan
Style Race Car UTeM formula style race car regulation
ii. To select suitable material for the
chassis through material selection
iii. To calculate the load acting on chassis
during operation
iv. To evaluate the tortional stiffness for
the chassis based on the load analysis
using CATIA
v. To fabricate the chassis using suitable
manufacturing process
58 A numerical simulation of bubble rise in 1. To develop a lattice Boltzmann code for 1. To develop programming code using FORTRAN base on En Rody
bounded space by using lattice simulating 2 phase flow Lattice Boltzmann method
Boltzmann method 2. To study a bubble rise phenomenon 2. Simulate different number of bubbles
59 Develop and simulate a droplet falling 1. To develop a lattice Boltzmann code for 1. To develop programming code using FORTRAN base on En Rody
from a ceiling by using lattice simulating 2 phase flow Lattice Boltzmann method
Boltzmann numerical scheme 2. To study a droplet falling phenomenon 2. Simulate different number of bubbles
60 Numerical prediction of droplet sliding 1. To develop a lattice Boltzmann code for 1. To develop programming code using FORTRAN base on En Rody
for car wind screen by using Muliphase simulating 2 phase flow Lattice Boltzmann method
2. To study a droplet sliding on car wind screen 2. Simulate the droplet on different angle of solid
flow lattice boltzman method
surface(wind screen)
Bil Tajuk Objektif Skop Pensyarah
1 Design and Fabricate of small scale of Drop To design and fabricate a 500 Nm capacity of Drop A drop hammer is designed to obtain not more than 500 Nm Prof Radzai
Hammer Hammer impact energy. The approximate height is 2 m which can carry
To install 50 kN dynamic Piezo loadcell which can a maximum of 10 kg weight. The weight can be raised up and
capture the dynamic oad down by mean gear & cable system or a simple hoisting
To capture the deforming mode by installing the mechanism. The specimen is located at the bottom/base of the
High Speed Camera hammer and can resist a range of load 10 kN 50 kN. A 50kN-
loadcell Kistler is connected to data logger and high speed
camera to capture the load-time and displacement time
curve , in order to determine the energy absorbed.
2 Stress distribution in loading structure To understand the strain gauges work Student should learn the theory of strain gauges and know Prof Radzai
To learn and study the data logger. how to fit. This includes type of strain gauges, gauge factor
To design the variation of loading using H- Frame and bridge system. Learning and utilization of data logger is
available needed.
To find the maximum and minimum principal as the data logger is used to obtain the strain & stress. Various
stresses in the 3T jack loading is applied on Jack and Mohrs circle method is used to
obtain maximum and minimum. H- Frame is modified and used
to obtain the pressure and load.
3 The plastic folding of tube(square/circular) To perform tensile and hardness test to obtain the The empty rectangular and circular tubes/specimens are Prof Radzai
subjected to quasi-static loading with controller mechanical properties prepared by cutting 100-200 mm length from 20 foot tube
To differentiate the diamond and concentina then compressed to 1- 5 mm/min. The mechanical properties
plastic folding are obtained from tensile and hardness test. Isotropic material
To measure the plastic folding,mean load and should be checked and tested.
peak load The load-displacement curves are obtained from experiment
To verify the mean load/energy is depend on and determine the mean load. The result is compared from
plastic wavelength previous study. The deformed and undeformed is also cut and
To compare the mean load with the analytical captured to find the plastic wavelength.
To perform with controller
4 Quasi-static axial crushing of tube To perform tensile and hardness test to obtain the The empty rectangular and circular tubes/specimens are Prof Radzai
(square/circular) with triggering system mechanical properties prepared by cutting 100-200 mm length from 20-foot tube
(chamfering or buckling initiator) To differentiate the diamond and concentina then compressed to 1- 5 mm/min. The mechanical properties
plastic folding are obtained from tensile and hardness test. Isotropic material
To measure the plastic folding, mean load, peak should be checked and tested.
load, energy The load-displacement curves are obtained from experiment
To verify the mean load/energy is depend on and determine the mean load. The result is compared from
plastic wavelength previous study.The deformed and undeformed is also cut and
To compare the mean load with the analytical captured to find the plastic wavelength
5 Structural dynamic analysis of an engine valve To demonstrate the principles of experimental Scope of project titled Structural dynamic analysis of an Dr Azma
cover. modal analysis on an industrial structure using engine valve cover.:
basic measurement technique.
Experimental modal analysis (EMA) is part of vibration control
analysis used to determine the behavior of a vibrating
structure. This project is proposed to apply a simple
measurement technique on an engine valve cover to
determine its natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping
factor. The structure will be excited by an impact hammer and
the response (acceleration) will be measured in several
locations on its surface. All measured data will be processed
using MATLAB or other softwares available in UTeM.
6 Analysis of the effect of engine orders on the a. To measure the engine orders from a motor Scope of project titled Analysis of the effect of engine orders Dr Azma
car interior noise vehicle. on the car interior noise:
b. To analyse the effect of the orders into noise
inside in the car cabin. Low noise level inside a car interior has become an attribute to
judge a performance of a commercial car. Among the sources
of noise is the noise radiated from the engine. This is
transmissted either through the air (airborne) or through the
structural vibration (structure borne). The engine order
depends on the rotational speed of the engine.
7 Design of a noise enclosure for a portable To design and manufacture a simple enclosure for Scope of project titled Design of a noise enclosure for a Dr Azma
electric generator. reducing environmental noise from a portable portable electric generator:
electric generator.
In area where electricity supply is limited, a portable electric
generator is frequently used. This practice causes disturbance
to the environment due to noise produced by the equipment.
8 Identification of noises sources using principal To implement signal processing technique to Scope of project titled Identification of noises sources using Dr Azma
component analysis technique identify possible noise sources inside a noisy room principal component analysis technique:
10 Measurement of sound radition from a panel a. To study theory of the reciprocity technique to Dr Azma
using a reciprocity technique in an measure sound radiation. Scope of project titled Measurement of sound radition from a
unconditioned room b. To conduct experiment validation to measure panel using a reciprocity technique in an unconditioned room.:
sound radiation from a panel using this technique.
A reciprocity technique is known as a convenience method to
measure sound radiation. A structure is excited by a sound
field and its vibration acceleration is measured. The radiated
sound power is proportional to the ratio between the
acceleration and the sound pressure level of the sound field.
Usually this is carried out in a special conditioned room,
namely anechoic chamber or reverberation chamber. This
project is aimed to conducted the technique in an
unconditioned room or with minimum treatment. Some
reflective panels will be located around the measure object to
increase the diffuse field. Its effect to the measured result will
be analysed by comparing this with theory.
11 Investigation on a technique in separating To develop a technique to separate airborne and Scope of project titled Investigation on a technique in Dr Azma
airborne and structure-borne sources in a structure-borne sources in a car using sound separating airborne and structure-borne sources in a motor
motor vehicle using sound transmission loss. excitation. vehicle using sound transmission loss:
Low noise level inside the interior has become one parameter
to judge performance a car. The interior noise is transmitted
from two paths, i.e. from airborne and structure-borne.
Airborne noise is caused by noise propagation through air, for
example through leaking from passenger car compartment.
Meanwhile structure-borne noise is due to vibrating
components which then radiate noise, either caused by sound
or mechanical excitations. However, the first is dominant at
mid to high frequencies and the later dominates at low
12 Measurement of the transmission loss of a a. To optimise the function of a constructed Scope of project titled Measurement of the transmission loss Dr Azma
double partition using an impedance tube impedance tube. of a double partition using an impedance tube.:
b. To validate the experiment with theoretical data
The double-leaf partition is known as an important part of
modern lightweight structures such as aircraft fuselages, car
doors, windows and lightweight partition walls in buildings. The
project is aimed to first optimise the function of a hand-made
impedance tube, i.e. a device used to measure the
transmission loss of a partition. Experiment will then be carried
out to measure the transmission loss of a double-panel and
validate this data against the theory.
13 Determination of vibration input power from a a. To model vibration input power to a structure Scope of project titled Determination of vibration input power Dr Azma
structure-borne source based on mobility and impedance concepts from a structure-borne source:
b. To predict the uncertainty of the input power
due to location, phase and amplitude of the The treatment of structure-borne sound sources remains a
excitation force. challenging problem. Structural excitation to a building floor,
for example, by active components like pumps, compressors,
fans and motors is an important mechanism of noise
generation. Therefore an accurate prediction of the injected
input power from such sources is required.
14 Ranking of vibration sources using principal To implement signal processing technique to Dr Azma
component analysis technique identify possible vibration sources from a motor Scope of project titled Ranking of vibration sources using
vehicle principal component analysis technique:
15 Measurement and monitoring technique To measure and define the cracks growth and Literature and theoretical reviews of NDT-UT Method in PM Salam
of Mode I fatigue cracks growth by using length by using Ultrasonic Testing (UT) Method for detecting and sizing defects of the components / structurutes.
Ultrasonic NDT-Testing Method the compact tension (CT) specimens under - Identify the suitable steel to prepare CT- specimens (in
various fatigue loading conditions. accordance with ASTM Standard) that will be used to conduct
fatigue tests under various loading conditions. Basic
mechanical properties of the type of steel used must also be
defined experimentally.
- Conduct fatigue crack initiation & propagation tests under
specific stress-ratio (R) and use NDT-UT method to monitor and
measure the crack length during the fatigue test.
- Method to capture crack length data and number of cycles
for the cyclic loads must also be established.
- Define the mode I fatigue crack growth threshold (Kth)
and crack growth rate (da/dN) of the test material to be
compared with results obtained by previous workers in this
16 Mode I and Mixed-mode (I+II) fatigue To determine the fatigue crack growth threshold Literature and theoretical reviews of fatigue crack growth PM Salam
crack growth threshold of low and (Kth) under Mode I and Mixed-mode (I+II) of low concept and various methods to conduct fatigue tests. Method
medium carbon steels defined under four- and medium carbon steels (as avaiable in the 4PB should be focused since this method will be used for the
point bend (4PB) loading conditions. local market) by using 4PB Method proposed study.
- Identify the avaiable metallic materials in FKM store or local
markets (to be purchased in a small amount) if it could not be
obtained from FKM store.
- Conduct fatigue crack initiation tests under atleast 2
different stress-ratio (R)conditions and fatigue test can be
stopped once the initial crack start to propagate.
- Define the mode I and mixed-mode (I+II) fatigue crack
growth threshold (Kth) for the test materials to be compared
with results obtained by previous workers in this field.
17 Design and development of a low cost To develop a low cost of vacuum and shredding Conduct the feasibility study to establish the needs of having PM Salam
gardening vacuum and shredding machine which can be used either by the local such proposed machine or product to meet the requirement of
machine council workers , consumers or individual for the targeted consumers or users in the local market.
purposes of cleaning and maintaining healthty - Propose the preliminary concepts and design to be
environment. produced and applied for the development of the final
prototype. Material selections, manufacturing methods and
cost must also be taken into consideration. Machine of 2 -3
levels of capability/power and mobility/portability aspect could
also be considered at the design stage.
- Develop the prototype based on the final design / drawing
and model. The use of recycle materials and parts will be
highly preferable and recommended.
- Conduct test for its functionality, capability and efficiency.
- Develop or produce the real product or machine if the
cost is permissible or within the affordable range. Otherwise
this will be done at the later stage.
18 Stress-strain and failure analyses of steel pipe To investigate and define stress-strain Conduct the literature study on stress-strain and failure PM Salam
or tube with stress concentration factors (SCFs) distributions and failure analysis of steel pipe or analysis of structures in general. This includes the effect of
under static 3 and 4 point bend conditions tube with different stress concentration factors different type of stress concentration factors (SCFs) such as
(SCFs) subjected to static 3 and 4 point bend circular or elliptical holes and notches.
loads - Design the test specimens from the steel tube that
contains the proposed SCFs.
- Determination of theoretical SCFs (Kt) by using analytical
or FE method.
- By using the strain gages, measure the strains at the
selected and critical locations to investigate and validate the
theoretical analysis and predictions.
- The use of finite element (FE) method may also be
considered to verify or validate the measured and analytical
stress-strain data.
- Define the actual failure stress / collapsed load of the
proposed design by conducting the real 3 and 4 point bend
until the specimen fail.
19 A study of fatigue crack growth of Aluminium To investigate and define fatigue crack growth Conduct the literature study on fatigue and fracture mechanics PM Salam
Alloys (Grade 2024 & 7075) under pure mode I behaviour of Al-alloys when subjected to pure concepts or theory to define fatigue crack growth of the
and mode II loadings. mode I and mode II loading by using compact material.
tension (CT) specimen and 3 or 4 point bend - Design the test specimens according to ASTM standards
specimen and suitable to be used for the fatigue machine avaiable under
FKM lab.
- Develop the technique to capture the crack growth data
(crack length, a (mm) versus number of load cycle, N) during
the crack propagation test.
- Analyse the test data and develop Paris Law curve (da/dN
versus K curve).
- Conduct the fractography study on the fracture surface of
the test specimens.
20 Fatigue strength and behaviour of To determine and develop the S-N curve and FDM Identify the suitable steel materials as avaiable in Store FKM / PM Salam
notched steel specimens (Fatigue Damage Map) of the test materials and local market.
generate useful information and data for the - Design the test specimens for notched and unnotched
design of engineering components or structures condition. Method of fatigue test, type & size of notches to be
based on the damage tolerant concept / proposed by the student based on the literature study.
approach - Define the stress concentartion factors (SCFs) applied to
notched specimens either analytically or numerically (FE
- Conduct fatigue tests to study the effects of stress ratios
R, notch geometry and size.
- Develop S-N curve and FDM of the test material.
- Examine the faceted fracture surface (fractographic
analysis) and establish its relationship with the effects of R-
ratios and three different stages of the crack propagation.
21 The effect of notch depth on J-Integral (JIC) and To determine experimetally the effect of notch Identify the suitable carbon steels as avaiable in Store FKM / PM Salam
Critical Fracture Load made of low and medium depth on the J-Integral ( a cracked materials local market.
carbon steel plates resistance to ductile failure) and fracture critical - Design the test specimens (CT or SEN type) with various
load of the proposed materials and compare the depth of notch. Method of tests, type & size of notches to be
results with the analytically predicted data. proposed by the student based on the literature study and
based on ASTM E813 & E1737.
- Define the stress concentartion factors (SCFs) applied to
notched specimens either analytically or numerically (FE
- Conduct monotonic and fatigue tests to study the effects
of notch depth and geometry /size. - Define JIC (Fracture
Mechanics equivalent of strain energy consumed to grow
crack) from the test graphs (Load vs displacement) and
convert it to equivalent KIC.
22 Design and Development the Low Effect Noise 1. To design the suitable high-rise building using 1. The numerical approach is using ABAQUS or relevant En Azli
and Vibration on High-Rise Building during numerical approach software
Earthquake 2. To develop an experimental rig on high-rise 2. The analytical study is necessary
building 3. The development of high-rise building is based on scale on
actual building
23 Design and Development Automotive Wiper 1. To design the suitable experimental rig using 1. Develop an experimental rig on full scale model En Azli
System Experimental Rig the open literature data 2. Selection a suitable material for developing the
experimental rig
3. The result of this result (experimental) need to be compared
with numerical result
24 The Experimental Study on Unmanned 1. To design and analysis the Unmanned 1. Develop two dimensional mathematical model of UUV using En Azli
Underwater Vehicle (UUV) Underwater Vehicle (UUV) using analytical and open literature.
experimental approach. 2. Selection a suitable material to develop a UUV prototype
3. Stability analysis via MATLAB is necessary to show the
performance of UUV.
25 Experimental Study on Wireless Technology in 1. To design and analysis suitable aerospace 1. Develop an aerospace vehicle model using ABAQUS or En Azli
Aerospace Vehicle vehicle using numerical and experimental relevant software.
approach 2. Analysis in model is only limited to force effect.
3. Selection a suitable material to develop an aerospace
vehicle and wireless technology.
26 Analysis on Noise and Vibration in Longitudinal 1. To design low effect on noise and vibration 1. Analysis the bridge model using numerical method. En Azli
Bridge using Mobility Measurement using passive control method. 2. Develop the laboratory bridge using suitable material.
3. Propose a new design using passive control method to
dampen a noise and vibration under the bending load.
27 Design the Macro-Size Crawler for Oiling and 1. To design and develop the small scale of 1. The design of crawler is necessary using numerical En Azli
Gas Industry crawler for oiling and gas industry approach.
2. To study and select the suitable material to develop the
3. The mechanism of crawler must be done using PIC.
28 Design and Development of Fire Fighting Robot 1. To design and development of low cost fire 1. Design and fire fighting robot using numerical approach. En Azli
fighting robot 2. Select the suitable material to develop the robot.
3. The developing of programming is necessary to develop a
mechanism of the robot
29 Development of Ceramic Foam Block as an Development of alternative insulation material for The scope this final project is limited only to the problem of Dr Hady Effendy
Alternate to Insulating Material For sound absorber fabrication and characterization of ceramic foam
Acoustic Absorber Obtain the value of the coefficient thermal
conductivity and sound absorption coefficient of
30 Development of Lightweight Porous Concrete Development of alternative insulation material for The scope this final project is limited only to the problem of Dr Hady Effendy
as a Wall Insulation Material wall insulation fabrication and characterization of lightweight porous concrete
Obtain the value of the coefficient thermal
31 The Effects of Cold Working on Corrosion The research aims to investigate the influence of The goal of the project to be achieved are: Knowing the Dr Hady Effendy
Resistance of Implant Materials deformation that occurs through a process of cold influence of cold working (rolling) of deformation to change in
(Case Study Stainless Steel 316L) working (rolling) on the corrosion resistance of structure of the microstructure, hardness and corrosion
316L stainless steel as an implant material. resistance expressed by the rate of corrosion.
32 Effect of Oxide in Non Asbestos Organic Brake Development of alternative raw material for The scope this final project is limited only to relation to Dr Hady Effendy
Friction Materials friction materials formulation, friction performance and friction surface.
Obtain the value of the friction coefficient
To analysis of friction surface and relationships
between friction layers and performance
33 Application of Palm Waste Product for Raw Development of alternative raw material (palm The scope this final project is limited only to relation to Dr Hady Effendy
Materials in Organic waste) for friction materials (brake pad) formulation, friction performance and friction surface.
Brake Friction Materials Obtain the value of the friction coefficient
To analysis of friction surface and relationships
between friction layers and performance
34 Flow Accelerated Corrosion in Conventional Calculate the corrosion rate of boiler pipe using The scope this final project is limited only to detect a defects in Dr Hady Effendy
Plant Ultra Sonic Method boiler pipes with Ultra Sonic Method. Prepare sample for
To understand the mechanism of corrosion observation defects using optical and scanning electron
process microscope.
Observe the micro and macro structure of the
corrosion products with fractography
35 Defects characterization of welded plate 1. To locate location of defects in welded plate 1. Plate PL 15052 and PL 15053 Pn Zakiah
specimens using Ultrasonic Testing specimens using Ultrasonic Testing 2. ASME Article 4 and Article
2. To determine the defect length using different
method (6dB, 20dB and DAC)
3. To identify type of defects found in plate welded
4. To give evaluation on the defect based on
rejection criteria according to ASME Article 4 and
36 Defects characterization of welded pipe 1. To locate location of defects in welded pipe 1. P 15054, P 15106 and P15294 Pn Zakiah
specimens using Ultrasonic Testing specimens using Ultrasonic Testing 2. ASME Article 4 and Article 5
2. To determine the defect length using different
method (6dB, 20dB and DAC)
3. To identify type of defects found in pipe welded
4. To give evaluation on the defect based on
rejection criteria according to ASME Article 4 and
37 Defects characterization of TY welded 1. To locate location of defects in TY welded 1. T 15057, T 15058 and Y 13554 Pn Zakiah
specimens using Ultrasonic Testing specimens using Ultrasonic Testing 2. ASME Article 4 and Article 5
2. To determine the defect length using different
method (6dB, 20dB and DAC)
3. To identify type of defects found in TY welded
4. To give evaluation on the defect based on
rejection criteria according to ASME Article 4 and
38 Defects height measurement using Ultrasonic 1. To fabricate specimen containing different 1. Beam profile technique Pn Zakiah
Testing orientation and length defects
2. To locate location of defects in machined
specimen using Ultrasonic Testing
3. To determine the defect length using different
method (6dB, 20dB and DAC)
39 Development of Natural Fiber Composite Mengenalpasti jenis fiber semulajadi (natural Projek ini merangkumi proses review mengenai penggunaan En Nur Azmi
Materials in Malaysia fiber) yang boleh dibangunkan di Malaysia untuk bahan komposit terutamanya yang mengandungi natural fiber
kegunaan industri tempatan. amnya, dan aplikasi komposit di Malaysia. Berdasarkan
maklumat dari proses review, hasil projek ini akan
mencadangkan jenis natural fiber yang sesuai/boleh
dibangunkan dan pengaplikasiannya pada sektor industri di
40 Fabrication of Bast Fiber type Composite Mengenalpasti langkah-langkah/methodology Projek ini merangkumi proses review mengenai langkah- En Nur Azmi
Material yang sesuai untuk fabrikasi natural fiber jenis langkah fabrikasi natural fiber. Projek ini akan mencadangkan
bast. langkah fabrikasi bagi natural fiber jenis bast dan akan
mengaitkan dengan pengaplikasian komposit dalam
menentukan langkah fabrikasi yang sesuai. Spesimen untuk
tujuan eksperimental akan turut dihasilkan di akhir hasil kajian.
41 Tensile Properties of Bast Fiber type Composite Mengenalpasti sifat/tensile properties bagi natural Projek ini adalah lanjutan dari PSM Fabrication of Bast Fiber En Nur Azmi
fiber jenis bast. type Composite Material. Bahan spesimen komposit yang
dihasilkan akan diuji untuk menentukan sifat/tensile
properties. Hasil kajian akan membentangkan mengenai sifat
yang terhasil dari langkah fabrikasi yang dikaji.
42 Relation of Micro-structure with Tensile Mengenalpasti hubungkait antara sifat/tensile Projek ini merangkumi proses review bagi pengaplikasian dan En Nur Azmi
Properties of Nanocomposites properties dengan struktur mikro di dalam bahan fabrikasi nanocomposite. Seterusnya, analisa data
komposit pemprosesan imej dilakukan. Hasil dari analisa data
pemprosesan imej akan dibandingkan dengan hasil
eksperimental untuk mengkaji hubungkait antara struktur dan
sifat bahan.
43 Analysis on Micro-structure of Nanocomposites Menganalisa kesan dan menaksir/menilai Projek ini merangkumi proses review bagi micro-structure En Nur Azmi
from Image Processing Result pembentukan kluster yang berskala mikro dari dalam nanocomposites. Analisis data mengenai micro-
keputusan image prosessing. structure dari keputusan image processing dijalankan. Hasil
projek akan mentakrifkan definisi kluster dari analisa data
yang dijalankan.
44 Effect of Nanoclay Loading on the Matrix of Mengkaji kesan penambahan/pemuatan nanoclay Projek ini merangkumi proses review mengenai pemuatan En Nur Azmi
Bast Fiber type Composites ke dalam matrix bahan komposit. nanoclay di dalam matrix sesuatu komposit bahan. Spesimen
dihasilkan mengikut peratusan pemuatan nanoclay yang
berbeza dan eksperimental/tensile test dijalankan ke atas
spesimen yang difabrikasi dari penambahan/pemuatan
nanoclay di dalam matrix.
45 Analisa mengenai pengaruh ketebalan seramik Memberi pengetahuan tentang penggunaan Merangkumi proses literature review, kemahiran menggunakan Cik Nor Liana
(inorganic polymer composite) sebagai FEM kepada pelajar FEM dan melakukan analisa terhadap pengaruh ketebalan
pelekat(adhesive) antara 2 logam dengan Mengkaji pengaruh ketebalan seramik terhadap adhesive.
menggunakan FEM kekuatan pelekat(adhesive)
46 Mengkaji pengaruh ketebalan seramik sebagai Mengkaji pengaruh ketebalan seramik terhadap Merangkumi proses literature review, melakukan eksperimen, Cik Nor Liana
pelekat (adhesive) secara eksperimental kekuatan pelekat(adhesive) melalui eksperimen. dan membanding kan keputusan eksperimen dengan
Membandingkan keputusan analisa dan keputusan analisa
47 Analisa mengenai pengaruh panjang logam Memberi pengetahuan tentang penggunaan Merangkumi proses literature review, kemahiran menggunakan Cik Nor Liana
yang di gunakan dengan menggunakan FEM FEM kepada pelajar FEM dan melakukan analisa terhadap pengaruh panjang logam
Mengkaji pengaruh panjang logam terhadap terhadap kekuatan adhesive
kekuatan pelekat(adhesive)
48 Mengkaji pengaruh panjang logam yang di Mengkaji pengaruh panjang logam terhadap Merangkumi proses literature review, melakukan eksperimen, Cik Nor Liana
gunakan secara eksperimental kekuatan pelekat(adhesive) melalui eksperimen. dan membanding kan keputusan eksperimen dengan
Membandingkan keputusan analisa dan keputusan analisa
49 Mengkaji secara microskopik permukaan Mencari punca kemusnahan (fracture) pelekat Merangkumi proses literature review, mengkaji permukaan Cik Nor Liana
pelekat seramik(adhesive) dengan seramik melalui permukaan seramik itu sendiri seramik yang di gunakan menggunakan SEM, dan mencari
menggunakan SEM faktor2 kemusnahan (fracture) seramik tersebut
50 Development of new welding technology and Mengetahui teknologi-teknologi baru dan juga Mecari jurnal-jurnal baru yang berkaitan dengan proses En Rozaimi
welding method in Malaysia cara yang lebih berkesan dalam proses welding welding dan mengkaji selidik proses welding yang boleh
dan pelajar dapat memberi cadangan mengenai diaplikasi untuk teknologi baru dalam proses welding.
cara welding yang lebih berkesan untuk kegunaan
akan datang.
51 A new method to reduce quantity of spatters in Mengkaji cara yang berkesan untuk Menggunakan dan mengubahsuai algorithm di dalam En Rozaimi
welding process by image processing mengurangkan penghasilan spatter yang boleh pengaturcaraan imej yang digunakan sebagai pengantara
menghalang pengesanan oleh pengesan visual di kepada pengesan visual untuk tujuan welding secara
dalam proses welding automatik. automatic.
52 An algorithm for the detection of welding torch Membuat algorithm untuk mengesan welding Pelajar dikehendaki mempelajari dahulu pengaturcaraan imej En Rozaimi
in welding process torch yang berfungsi mengeluarkan wayar yang penting untuk membuat satu program untuk
welding dan ini merupakan elemen penting untuk menghasilkan sistem untuk proses welding secara automatik.
melakukan proses welding tanpa melakukan
kesilapan walaupun dilakukan secara automatik.
53 An algorithm for the detection of welding line in Membuat algorithm untuk mengesan welding Pelajar dikehendaki mempelajari dahulu pengaturcaraan imej En Rozaimi
butt welding. line di mana struktur tempat yang telah yang penting untuk membuat satu program untuk
diwelding itu lebih kukuh dan ini merupakan menghasilkan sistem untuk proses welding secara automatik.
elemen penting untuk melakukan proses welding
dengan struktur yang kuat walaupun dilakukan
secara automatik
54 A development for automation in welding Membina satu sistem di mana proses welding Projek ini merupakan asas kepada penghasilan sistem untuk En Rozaimi
system by the application of visual sensor dapat dilakukan secara automatik dengan proses welding secara automatik. Kamera berkelajuan tinggi
menggunakan pengesan visual yang telah akan bertindak sebagai pengesan visual dan akan disistemkan
diprogramkan. supaya dapat beroperasi serentak ketika proses welding
55 Design mold for composite material fabrication. Membuat rekabentuk dan membina acuan untuk Projek ini akan menggunakan program seperti CAD/CAE En Rozaimi
fabrikasi bahan komposit. bertujuan merekabentuk dan membuat acuan yang sesuai
untuk fabrikasi bahan komposit. Skop projek ini lebih kepada
merekabentuk dan membuat fabrikasi untuk rekabentuk
56 Effect of Size of Bolt on the Relative Critical To find the effect of size of bolt on the relative 1. Literature review on deformation behavior of bolt-nut joint under En Hairul
Slippage of Bolt-Nut Joint Under Transverse critical slippage, Scr of bolt-nut joint/fastener transverse loading
2. Design and conduct experiment to obtain Scr for various sizes of bolt.
Loading experimentally 3. Investigate and conclude the effect of bolts size on Scr when transverse
applied to the joint.
57 Effect of Length of Bolt on the Relative Critical To find the effect of length of bolt on the relative 1. Literature review on deformation behavior of bolt-nut joint under En Hairul
Slippage of Bolt-Nut Joint Under Transverse critical slippage, Scr of bolt-nut joint/fastener transverse loading
2. Design and conduct experiment to obtain Scr for various length of bolt.
Loading experimentally. 3. Investigate and conclude the effect of length of bolt on Scr when
transverse load
applied to the joint
58 Analytical Modeling of Bolt-Nut Fastener Under To design a simple and accurate numerical model 1. Literature review on deformation behavior of bolt-nut joint under En Hairul
Transverse Loading for bolt-nut joint when transverse load applied to transverse loading
2. Design simple numerical model and conduct simulation using Finite
the joint. Element Method.
3. Comparison between experimental results and simulation result to check
the accuracy
of proposed model.
59 Analytical Study on Control of Buckling Lobe To design an appropriate numerical model using 1. Literature review on buckling mechanism and method to control buckling. En Hairul
Onset for hollow circular tube Under Axial FEM in order to control the deformation of hollow 2. Design numerical model and conduct numerical analysis on controlling the
impact circular tube when axial impact applied deformation of hollow circular tube
3. Investigate and conclude the mechanism of deformation of hollow circular
60 Analytical Study on Control of Buckling Lobe To design an appropriate numerical model using 1. Literature review on buckling mechanism and method to control buckling. En Hairul
Onset for hollow rectangular tube Under Axial FEM in order to control the deformation of hollow 2. Design numerical model and conduct numerical analysis on controlling the
impact rectangular tube when axial impact applied deformation of hollow rectangular tube
3. Investigate and conclude the mechanism of deformation of hollow
rectangular tube
Bil Tajuk Objektif Skop Pensyarah
1 Design and fabrication of Dustless Smoke Box The objective of the project is to design a Scopes of the project: a) Study current practice of PM Ir Mus
for food industry commercially viable and complete smoke box food smoking b) Design complete smoke box system
which can produce smoked food in a c) Implement control on hygiene, smoke particle,
controllable dustless and hygienic smoke distribution and temperature control
2 Design and fabrication of vacuum fry dryer using To design basic commercially viable vacuum a) Study and analyse safe vacuum vessel design b) PM Ir Mus
gas heating complete with control. fry dryer complete with frying control and Using existing vacuum pump to generate vacuum
failsafe vacuum system. Heating will be by effect in the vessel and design failsafe control of
conventional cooking gas stove vacuum and frying operation c) Design and fabricate
thermally efficient heating using cooking gas stove
3 Study and simulation on heat flux variation due To study variation in heat distribution in the a) Study passive cooling theories against forced PM Ir Mus
to temperature, humidity and ventilation flow model house due to change of temperature, cooling system b) Study and simulate heat build-up
for a model house for a cenrtain continous humidity and ventilation design in order to in model house in order to formulate methods of
period establish passive cooling methods minimizing it by natural means c) Use the simulation
technique to confirm effectiveness of the methods
4 Design and fabrication of a model vertical To study various design of vertical windmill a)To study wind flow profile in Melaka Tengah and PM Ir Mus
windmill for domestic application and design and fabricate the most efficient windmill design and in particular vertical windmill
profile to capture low speed wind to produce b)To design and fabricate the prototype of vertical
viable power for domestic use. windmill for domestic installation
5 Feasibility study on harnessing daylight for To study the feasible method of effectively a) Study the characteristics of sunlight transmission PM Ir Mus
short distance curved transmission for room harnessing the sunlight as substitute to power and illumination b) Study and experiment on
lighting lighting transmitting the sunlight through curved and bent
6 Feasibility study on capturing wind for effective Wind normally blows in haphazard directions a) To study the characteristic of wind blows in term of PM Ir Mus
natural ventilation and therefore will not necessarily useful for speed and direction throughout the year at the low
ventilation. This project will study and design level b) To design methods and hardware to capture
methods and hardware to harvest the wind in the natural wind for model house ventilation c) The
whatever direction it blows so as to be always effect of this harvested wind on heat flux of the
useful for ventilation in a model house model house.
7 Feasibility study and design of natural Instead of using conventional air-conditioning a) Study the psychrometry of air b) Study the PM Ir Mus
dumidification method using desiccant for model method to to cool and dehumidify the room characteristic and behavior of various desiccant
house air, application of desiccants will be studied under low air pressure c) Design and test the
and a mobile equipment will be designed for desiccant based dehumidification equipment
room application
8 Design & Development of a boiler system using To study several biomass produced by several Literature review on the boiler system using biomass. PM Ir Talib
biomass as a fuel manufacturers delevop a boiler using the Analysis of biomass fuel boiler system using CFD.
biomass as the boiler fuel Design and develop a boiler prototype using biomass.
9 Performance Analysis and Improvement of Study the existing performance of UTeM's Literature review on water wheel for electric PM Ir Talib
UTeM's water wheel for mini power generation water wheel and find all possiblities for generator. Computer simulation for water wheel
plant improvement movement/torque. Identify aspect for improvement
and design of improved water wheel
10 Design & Development of an Automatic bicycle To design and develop an automatic bicycle Literature review on the automatic gear transmission. PM Ir Talib
which do not need to change the gear. The Analysis on the torque required based on bicycle
gear would change automatically based on speed. Design using autocad of the system
the amount of torque required.
11 Design & Development of an aeration system for To study a method to provide maximum Literature review on water quality especially on PM Ir Talib
sungai Melaka treatment project aeration to sungai melaka using a sungai melaka water. Design basedon computer
compressed air network of underwater piping. simulation of compressed air blowed into the
underwater piping network.
12 Design & development of vertical wind turbine To study & develop a vertical wind turbine Literature review on vertical wind turbine. Compute PM Ir Talib
for mini power generation plant using slow wind using slow wind speed less then 2.7 m/s and simulation and analysis of verticle wind turbine.
speed consequently design and develop a prototype Develop a prototype for a slow wind speed vertical
wind turbine
13 Design & Develop a pneumatic telescopic arm To study and analysis the characteristic of a Literature review of the pneumatic telescopic arm. PM Ir Talib
moving at constant speed for variable loading pneumatic telescopic arm and design and Computer simulation of the pneumatic telescopic
develop a system control to achieve the arm. Develop a control system to achieve the
constant speed for variable loading objective
14 Ergonomic Study of Cockpit Arrangement in To study the cockpit arrangement (seat, En Shafizal
UTeM Formula Varsity Race Car steering wheel, gear lever, gas and brake
pedal) in term of ergonomics for UTeM
Formula Varsity race car
15 Design and Development of Biogas Plant System En Shafizal
Develop and characterization a new house ventilator with the smart Develop and fabricate an innovation model of house Design new concept of house ventilator and study their En Asri
installation method. ventilator and analyze their characteristics. Design a characteristics through experiment. Compare the characteristic
smart installation method to support the new house with existing ventilator.
Failure time analysis of manufacturing product using Monte Carlo To get a failure time for manufacturing product by En Asri
simulation analyzing the limited data using Monte Carlo simulation
Collect failure datas for any manufacturing product.
Use Monte Carlo simulation to analyze the time base data.
The analysis of statistical distributions on the reliability prediction To predict the reliability of product base on various type En Asri
for manufacturing product. of statistical distribution.
Collect raw data from manufacturing sector and the data are the
time based type.
Analysis datas using statistical tools to define the distributions.
Do the analysis of reliability for each distribution and do
Develop an innovation machine to produce keropok lekor. To fabricate an innovative machine purposely to produce En Asri
keropok lekor.
Renewable &
Alternative energy
Energy generation
& fluid power
Vehicle dynamic,
control & electrical
Energy generation
& fluid power
Energy generation
& fluid power
Product development &
2 Vibration Based Energy Harvesting Using Tunable Devices To investigate and design a resonance
tuning mechanism
3 Frequency-up conversion for low frequency vibration based To investigate and design a mechanism to
energy harvesting devices convert low excitation frequency to a
much higher frequency
4 Non-resonant mechanism for low frequency energy harvesting To investigate and design a non-resonant
devices mechanism for energy harvesting device
which is suitable for low frequency
5 Generating square wave response for energy harvesting To investigate and design a mechanism to
devices using negative stiffness under harmonic excitation convert sinusoidal input into a square
wave response for vibration based energy
harvesting application
6 Linear-rotary mechanism for space-contrained vibration based To investigate and design a mechnism to
energy harvesting devices convert linear translational motion into
rotary motion for space-constrained
energy harvesting devices
8 Design and Fabrication of Circular Flat Tube Louvred Fins To improve the design and performance of Conduct experimental
Automotive Radiator automotive radiator system. heat transfer performance
analysis of different
radiator design. Fabricate
a suitable configuration of
a circular automotive
radiator. Conduct
Numerical Modelling. Test
in a wind tunnel. Identify
best performance and
compare costs
9 Design and Fabrication of Automotive Radiator Fan To improve the design and performance of Conduct experimental
automotive radiator fan system heat transfer performance
analysis of different Fan
designs of radiator system.
Design a suitable
automotive radiator fan.
Conduct Numerical
Modelling. Fabricate
using suitable materials.
Test in a wind tunnel.
Identify best performance
and compare costs.
10 Fabrication of a permanent magnetic motor To develop a permanent magnetic motor Conduct design analysis of
to generate motive power which can drive electric generators.
an alternator Construct a magnetic
motor device generating
rotational output shaft
and incorporate an
alternator to generate
electricity. Assemble a
complete working model
11 Fabrication of a Wave Energy Generator To develop a machine that is able to Obtain sample
generate electricity converted from measurements of
eastern shoreline wave of peninsula shoreline wave strength.
Malaysia. Model these wave
characteristics in a wave
tank. Perform analysis of
current designs of the
wave energy generator.
Fabricate the
mechanisms. Assemble a
complete working model.
12 Fabrication of a Wind Turbine To develop wind turbine stationed in the Collect coastal wind data.
eastern coast of peninsula Malaysia. Undertake measurements
of wind speed and
blowing frequencies.
Conduct design analysis
including numerical
modelling. Fabricate
models of wind turbine
blades. Test in a wind
tunnel. Identify best
design and produce a
complete working model.
13 Development of a Solar Energy System To develop the current system of Compare the latest photo-
electricity production and battery storage voltaic technology.
that uses photo-voltaic solar panels. Acquire a panel of suitable
size and develop a system
model for domestic
electricity consumption
14 Development of a Solar Energy Collector To develop a solar reflector system Design a suitable solar
producing useful heat reflective system and
collect solar radiation heat
energy data. Fabricate a
useful heating device.
15 Fabrication of an Automatic Wave Generator Paddle To incorporate a motor driven paddle to Obtain sample
an existing wave tank which is able to measurements of
model shoreline waves. shoreline wave
characteristics. Conduct
design analysis of a motor
and gearing mechanism
that generate wave form
model in an existing tank.
Fabricate the mechanism.
Assemble a complete
working model.
16 Solar powered Beca To incorporate solar power in the energy Study the torque required
input of peddling a beca to peddle a beca. Select
suitable solar photo
voltaic panel, motor and
gearing system. Assemble
and test a working model.
17 Design and fabricate a brake system for UTeM personal electric To design and fabricate an optimized brake i) To design an optimized
vehicle system for UTeM personal electric vehicle brake system
ii) To do analysis (static,
linear, isothermal) on the
brake system
iii) To install the brake
system on the chassis of
personal electric vehicle.
iv) To do performance
analysis of the brake
18 Design and fabricate chassis of personal electric vehicle for To design and fabricate the chassis for a i) To design the chassis of
UTeM personal mobility device. the personal electric
ii) To do analysis (static,
linear, isothermal) on the
designed chassis.
iii) To fabricate the chassis.
iv) To do performance
analysis of the chassis
19 Design and fabricate chassis of personal electric vehicle for To design and fabricate an optimized i) To do feasibilities studies
UTeM propulsion system for UTeM personal on motor selection
electric vehicle ii) To do analysis (static,
linear, isothermal) on the
selected motor.
iii) To install the motor
into a newly designed
personal electric vehicle
27 Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation of racing car wings To determine downforce at different To construct the CFD car
angles of attack wings geometry
To validate the CFD simulation result To simulate air flow
with experimental data through the wings using
CFD-Fluent code program
28 An Aerodynamics study of racing car wings using Wind Tunnel To determine downforce at different To fabricate the wings
angles of attack with using rapid-
To compare the experimental result with prototyping machine
simulation result To set-up the
experimental work
To analyze the
experimental data
29 Flow investigation around NACA aerofoils in Subsonic Wind To determine the drag and lift forces for To fabricate the NACA
Tunnel NACA 2412 and NACA 4412 aerofoils. aerofoils with using rapid-
To validate the CFD simulation result prototyping machine
with experimental data To set-up the
experimental work.
To analyze the results
30 An Aerodynamics study of NACA aerofoils using Computational To determine the drag and lift forces for To construct the CFD car
Fluid Dynamics method NACA 2412 and NACA 4412 aerofoils. wings geometry
To compare the CFD simulation result To simulate the air flow
with experimental data around the aerofoil using
CFD-Fluent code program.
To analyze the results
Design improvement for sepak takraw launcher mechanism 1.Redesign current sepak takraw launcher Development proceeds
mechanism 2. Design selection 3. until prototyping
Fabrication stage.Control system is
using PLC
Design improvement for takraw ball feeding system 1 Redesign current takraw ball feeding Development proceeds
system. 2 Design selection 3. Fabrication until prototyping stage.
Control system is using
Development of automated dispenser system by using water 1. Design system component 2. Assembly Project runs until
hydraulic for SME food industry. 3. Testing functional 4. Find efficiency prototyping and testing
Improvement of low pressure water hydraulic system 1. Redesign system component 2. Project runs until testing
Assembly 3. Testing functional 4. Find stage
Efficiency of mini type shell heat exchanger for car air 1. Modify mini type shell hx 2. Testing Project runs until testing
conditioning system product 3. Find efficiency stage. Carry out by using
proton wira air
conditioning system
Efficiency of double pipe internal heat exchanger for car air 1. Design double pipe ihx 2. Fabricate Project runs until testing
conditioning system product 3. Testing product 4. Find stage. Carry out by using
efficiency proton wira air
conditioning system
Flow and pressure study on hydraulic gate valve by using 1. Find effects of flow to valve opening Simulation. Software that
FLUENT software 2Find effects of bulid up pressure to valve will be used is FLUENT.
opening Gate valve will be the
subject of study
Study on solar-powered refrigerant compressor 1 Calculation of power 2 Component Final product is proposal.
selection 3Design component layout 4 On analysis, will be gigen
Proposal to the effects of RPM and
PM Juhari
Dr Roszaidi
Dr Roszaidi
Dr Roszaidi
Dr Roszaidi
Dr Roszaidi
Dr Roszaidi
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Yusoff
Dr Zahir
Dr Zahir
Dr Zahir
En Ruztamreen
En Ruztamreen
En Ruztamreen
En Ruztamreen
En Ruztamreen
En Ruztamreen
En Ruztamreen
En Shamsul
En Shamsul
En Shamsul
En Shamsul
En Faizil
En Faizil
En Faizil
En Faizil
En Faizil
En Faizil
En Faizil
En Faizil