Laminin Therapy
Laminin Therapy
Laminin Therapy
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Muscle regeneration is essentially due to activation of satellite cells, which can be isolated and
Received 13 August 2015 amplified ex vivo, thus representing good candidates for cell therapy. Accumulating data show that
Revised 25 September 2015 the local microenvironment plays a major role during muscle regeneration. In the satellite cell
Accepted 6 October 2015
niche, a major extracellular matrix protein is laminin. Human myoblasts transplanted into immun-
Available online 10 October 2015
odeficient mice are preferentially located in laminin-enriched areas. Additionally, laminin-111
Edited by Wilhelm Just enhances myoblast proliferation in vitro and increases expression of the a7b1 integrin-type laminin
receptor. Intramuscular injection of laminin-111 ameliorates muscular pathology in mdx mice, pro-
tecting muscle fibers from damage. Moreover, transplantation of human myoblasts with laminin-
Laminin 111 into Rag/mdx immunodeficient recipients improved efficacy of myoblast transplantation,
Muscle regeneration increasing the number of human dystrophin-positive myofibres. Taken together, these data strongly
Laminin therapy indicate that exogenous laminin can ameliorate the regeneration process in different models of
Muscular disease muscular dystrophies and can be instrumental for improving cell therapy aiming at repairing the
Myoblasts transplantation degeneration/regeneration process in skeletal muscle.
2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
0014-5793/ 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.
3450 I. Riederer et al. / FEBS Letters 589 (2015) 34493453
our knowledge of muscle stem cell biology accumulated over the a network where type IV collagen binds LM via entactin/nidogen,
years, no clear-cut benefits for the patients have been shown so thus structuring the muscular BM. Adhering to this initial BM,
far [9,10], and improvements for cell therapy are necessary. other ECM components, such as collagens and proteoglycans, will
The fact that the injected myoblasts do not fulfill their expected form the interstitial matrix [23]. The long arm of the LM cross is
function efficiently when injected into patients, is an important an a-helical coiled coil structure composed of the three chains.
issue that needs to be explored. The results obtained from animal The C-terminal part of the a chain extends into the long arm and
models and in clinical trials using myoblasts as the cell source to has 5 LM G-like domains, representing a very important binding
be grafted, have already highlighted some of the hurdles involved: site for cell surface receptors. CellLM interactions are mediated
cell death, limited proliferation and migration of the transplanted by integrin-type as well as non-integrin receptors, including dys-
myoblasts, and the immune response against the donor cells in troglycan, syndecans and lutheran blood group glycoprotein. The
allografts [2,1113]. Interestingly, freshly isolated SC present a integrins a1b1, a2b2, a3b1, a6b1, a6b4, a7b1, a9b1, avb3, aMb2
much more efficient regenerative capacity than myoblasts ampli- are known to bind LM, and most of them recognize the globular
fied in culture [14]. Since in vitro amplification is necessary to domain of the long arm [20,22,24]. However, only four of these
obtain the necessary numbers of cells prior to cell therapy, integrins are considered to be highly selective LM receptors:
improvement in cell culture conditions is essential [10]. a3b1, a6b1, a6b4 and a7b1 [2527].
The injection site where cells are to be transplanted also needs
to be considered in myoblast transfer therapy. Once transplanted, 3. Laminin in normal skeletal muscle and regeneration
myoblasts will be in contact with a local microenvironment that
is ultimately able to modulate their fate. Previous data show that As mentioned above, LM are major BM components, and LM-
this microenvironment plays a major role during muscle regenera- 211 and LM-222 are the main isoforms present in adult skeletal
tion, by modulating the muscle progenitors and their interaction muscle, linking muscle fibers and SC to other BM components
with other cell types present during tissue regeneration. The mus- such as collagens, glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycosamino-
cle microenvironment includes extracellular matrix (ECM) mole- glycans [23]. LM-211 is located within the BM that surrounds the
cules, secreted factors produced by either muscle progenitors sarcolemma, whereas LM-221 predominates in the neuromuscu-
themselves, or differentiated/regenerating fibers, or also by non- lar and myotendinous junctions [28]. The importance of these
muscle cells such as fibroblasts and/or inflammatory cells present a2-containing LM isoforms is emphasized by the fact that
in dystrophic or degenerating muscle. Cell fate, such as differenti- mutations in the a2 LM chain causes severe congenital muscular
ation versus proliferation, or self-renewal, will be the result of mul- dystrophies in both humans and animals [29]. The muscle fiber
tiple interactions that will end up modifying the environment and binds to LM via two major receptors: b-dystroglycan [30] and
eventually the epigenetic status of the target cells. Modifications the integrin a7b1 [31]. During skeletal muscle regeneration, LM
observed in conditions such as aging or muscular dystrophy, dis- isoforms in addition to LM-211 and LM-221 are also expressed.
turb the subtle balance between the cell compartments that ensure For example during the regenerative process induced by crush
proper tissue function and repair, leading to impaired regeneration injury in normal and in dy/dy mice (a mouse model for the LM
and fibrosis [15,16]. Considering the issues briefly discussed above, alpha 2 mutation), a4 and a5 LM chains are transiently
it is obvious that improving the pre-transplantation culture and expressed in the BM of small diameter myofibers (that corre-
injection conditions, as well as increasing our understanding of spond to the newly regenerated muscle fibers), suggesting their
the regenerative microenvironment where muscle differentiation involvement in early myogenic differentiation. a4 and a5 LM
takes place, will provide essential clues to ameliorate the efficiency chains are also present during the early fusion process [32] in
of this strategy. regenerating muscles of BALB/c mice. Alpha-7 integrin chain
can also be detected in myoblasts and newly formed myotubes.
2. Laminin and basement membrane In the dy/dy mouse, a6 integrin chain is also detected in the
newly formed myotubes [33].
LM is a major component of the BM and comprises a glycopro- In DMD patients and in mdx mice (the mouse model for DMD)
tein family with a cross-shaped structure. In vertebrates five alpha a7 integrin chain is upregulated, while the levels of this molecule
(a) chains, three beta (b) chains and three gamma (c) chains have are reduced in patients with LM a2 chain congenital muscular dys-
been identified [17]. Alpha, beta and gamma chains combine to trophy and in dy/dy mice [34]. The increase in a6 integrin chain
form heterotrimeric isoforms, with a molecular weight between observed in the newly formed myotubes of dy/dy mice may poten-
400 and 900 Da. Presently, eighteen LM isoforms have been tially compensate the decrease in a7 or the absence of a2. More-
described, although the in vivo existence of some of them still over transgenic overexpression of a7 integrin chain in a2 LM
needs to be confirmed [18]. These isoforms are named according chain deficient mice reduces muscle pathology [35]. These results
to their chain composition [19]: for example, the LM 111 (LM- indicate that although LM-211 and the integrin a7 (together with
111) is composed of the a1, b1 and c1 chains. the dystroglycan complex) predominate in the BM of muscle fibers,
Laminins are widely distributed throughout the body, mainly in other LM isoforms and other integrins are modulated during regen-
BM, playing important roles in tissue structure and maintenance, eration, suggesting that these molecules also play a relevant role
cell signaling, adhesion, migration, among other functions during muscle repair.
[20,21]. Each LM isoform is differently expressed in the body. For
instance, LM-211 and LM-221 have been identified in the neuro- 4. Laminin in myoblast transplantation
muscular system, whereas LM-332 is the most abundant isoform
in the skin. LM isoforms containing a4 chain are the major isoform In an ideal configuration for cell therapy to ensure efficient
present in the BM of blood vessels and the isoforms-containing a5 repair, the transplanted myoblasts will survive, proliferate and
chains are widely distributed through the body. LM-111, despite migrate substantially before differentiating and ultimately regen-
being the most studied isoform, is restricted in adults to some erate the damaged muscle. In addition, a pool of healthy SC must
epithelial BM [22]. be created to ensure future cycles of regeneration. Since LM can
In the skeletal muscle tissue, LM short arms essentially play a protect different cell types from death, promote proliferation and
structural role, interacting with other LM short arms, thus creating migration and influence differentiation, the various LM isoforms
I. Riederer et al. / FEBS Letters 589 (2015) 34493453 3451
may represent important tools in protocols aiming to improve cell an increased lifespan. The injected LM-111 isoform could be iden-
therapy for muscular diseases. tified within the ECM surrounding the muscle fibers. One possible
Using a model where human myoblasts were transplanted into mechanism explaining the positive effect of LM is apoptosis reduc-
damaged and/or irradiated tibialis anterior muscle of immunodefi- tion, since TUNEL-positive muscle nuclei were decreased in LM-
cient mice, we demonstrated that injected myoblasts were prefer- 111 treated animal when compared to the group treated with
entially located in LM-enriched areas. The regenerative capacity of PBS. Interestingly, primary myogenic cells isolated from a2 LM
human myoblasts transplanted into irradiated and cryodamaged (also called merosin) deficient congenital muscular dystrophy type
muscles was higher, as compared to muscles that were only cryo- 1A (MDC1A) patients, presented a reduced apoptosis when treated
damaged. Local irradiation increased muscular LM deposition, as with murine or human LM-111, indicating that the LM-111 effect is
well as the number of donor cells and most importantly, the num- conserved between mouse and human [48]. The same group also
ber of human fibers one month after transplantation [36]. More observed that an improved regeneration of the muscles of dyw
recently, we showed that LM (detected with a polyclonal antibody mice was observed after injection of LM-111 (with an increase in
that does not discriminate a particular isoform) is present at the numbers and size of myofibers), resulting in enhanced expression
site where human myoblasts were injected into damaged tibialis of myogenin, embryonic myosin heavy chain and a7b1 integrin,
anterior muscle as early as the first hours after transplantation, and overall an improvement of muscle regeneration [49].
forming pocket-like structures where transplanted cells were a7 integrin chain deficient mice present defective muscle
concentrated. This expression was increased as a function of time regeneration and a reduced expression of a2 LM chain in the BM
post-transplantation [13]. However, despite the increase of LM of their muscle fibers [50]. In these animals, a1 LM chain could
deposition within these pockets, the proliferation rate decreased be detected surrounding the muscle fibers after LM-111 treatment,
and cell migration stopped as early as 3 days post-injection, a time which restored muscle regeneration [51].
point when differentiation was observed, indicating that the LM It is important to note that LM treatment can also influence
present around the cells was not sufficient to stimulate the prolif- other cell types distinct from muscular progenitors. LM-111 treat-
eration and dispersion of the injected human myoblasts. ment, 1 week before eccentric exercise, resulted in an increase in
As discussed above, the major hurdles hampering the success of the number of proliferating SC, but also in a decrease in gene
myoblast transplantation are a rapid cell death, a low proliferation expression of proinflammatory cytokines by muscle-derived mes-
of the transplanted cells and, possibly linked to the former, a enchymal stem cells [52].
reduced migration within the hosts tissue [11,37]. LM can trigger
cellular signals, potentially influencing processes such as survival, 6. Conclusions and perspectives
proliferation and migration [22,38]. This is also true concerning
SCs and myoblasts: LM stimulates cultured myoblasts to survive, The data summarized above strongly indicating that LM plays a
proliferate and migrate [36,3944]. role in the survival, proliferation and dispersion of transplanted
human myogenic precursors suggest that manipulation of LM-
5. Exogenous LM treatment improves muscle regeneration and mediated interactions can be envisaged as a strategy for improving
efficiency of myoblast transplantation cell therapy in skeletal muscle degeneration/regeneration pro-
cesses, as illustrated in Fig. 1. However, a detailed knowledge of
In vitro, treatment with LM-111 increased a7 integrin expres- which myogenic precursor-derived genes are transcribed or
sion in murine and human DMD patient myoblasts. Moreover, repressed along with or because of such interactions are lacking,
intramuscular injection of LM-111 increased a7 integrin in muscle and a better understanding of the complex signaling underlying
fibers and ameliorated the dystrophic phenotype in mdx mice. LM this whole process, including identifying parameters involved in
a1 chain was still detected in the BM of muscles from mdx mice the progression of the dystrophic process, which in turn may rep-
28 days after intra-peritoneal injection of this isoform in ten-day- resent therapeutic targets, is essential.
old mdx pups. This systemic LM-111 treatment resulted in an Another important issue to consider is the large variety of LM
important reduction in serum creatine-kinase levels in mdx mice isoforms. So far, only LM-111 has been applied in cell therapy pro-
after 3 weeks [45]. It was also demonstrated that both intramuscu- tocols in regenerating skeletal muscle tissue, and we do not know
lar and intraperitoneal LM-111 injection protected muscle fibers of if other isoforms may be more efficient than LM-111. Knowing
mdx mice from damage induced by eccentric contractions [40]. which LM isoforms are expressed over time following myoblast
Finally, the transplantation of human myoblasts with LM-111 in transplantation would be instrumental, in order to better design
tibialis anterior muscles of Rag/mdx mice improved the efficiency experiments using other isoforms as adjuvant in myoblast therapy
of myoblast transplantation, with more human dystrophin- experiments.
positive myofibers 24 days after grafting [40]. Both cell and gene therapy approaches are hampered by the dif-
When a large number of, myoblasts are injected, concentrated ficulty to reach the targets within a dystrophic and fibrotic tissue,
within adapted medium, they cannot anchor with ECM, and this and a modified LM network may play a relevant role in these pro-
may lead to anoikis, a programmed cell death secondary to cell dis- cesses. We hypothesize that disturbances in the complex signaling
placement from ECM [46]. Human myoblasts cultured in condi- networks regulating LM are involved, at least partly, in the devel-
tions preventing adhesion showed an important percentage of opment of fibrosis, which is a major pathological event in the evo-
apoptotic cells (anoikis), and the addition of fibronectin diminished lution of muscle dystrophies, and which gradually blocks access to
significantly this percentage. When human myoblasts were or dispersion of transplanted cells applied as a therapeutic
injected together with fibronectin in immunodeficient mice, the strategy.
presence of this molecule significantly increased the survival of In terms of translating the experimental data into therapeutic
injected cells as compared to those injected without fibronectin protocols to be applied in humans, a further important step to
[47]. This raises the hypothesis that injection of myoblasts with overcome is the immune response of the host. As we described
LM may also somehow nurse the cells in the first hours after trans- above, in human-mouse xenograft models used for transplanting
plantation, although this still needs to be demonstrated. human myogenic precursors, the recipients are immunodeficient
Treating a2 LM chain deficient (dyw) mice with LM-111 animals, unable to elaborate a cell-mediated immune response.
resulted in a reduction of the muscle pathology, in parallel with In mouse/mouse models, isogeneic transplantation conditions are
3452 I. Riederer et al. / FEBS Letters 589 (2015) 34493453
Fig. 1. Hypothetical role of laminin as a therapeutic co-factor for improving cell therapy in muscular lesions. The diagram shows in A the fate of the transplanted myogenic
precursors after injection. Among the population of transplanted myoblasts (blue cells), many cells die, but some proliferate. At later time points after transplantation,
proliferation decreases, as well as cell death. Cells reach proliferative arrest and differentiation, correlated with a poor dispersion. In line B we hypothesize that co-injection of
myoblasts with laminin (LM) may enhance early myoblast survival in the first hours post-engraftment, probably avoiding anoikis. LM can also increase proliferation and
migration, and consequently delay myoblast differentiation, which will result in bringing a therapeutic effect to a larger area of the damaged muscle. *Line A was based on Ref.
usually used, again bypassing the adaptive immune response issue. contre les Myopathies (AFM), DPP-Nl and EU (FP7 Myoage project,
Ongoing experiments in our laboratory indicate that we can induce contract HEALTH-F2-2009-223576).
immunological tolerance to human myoblast antigens in immuno-
competent recipients. This will hopefully allow us to further study References
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