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Modeling and Optimization of A Semiregenerative Catalytic Naphtha Reformer

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Reactors. Kinetics.

and Catalvsis

Modeling and Optimization of a Semiregenerative

Catalytic Naphtha Reformer
Unmesh Taskar and James B. R i g s
Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409

Modeling and optimization of a semiregenerativecatalytic naphtha reformer has been

cam'ed out considering most of its key constituent units. A detailed kinetic scheme
involving 35 pseudocomponents connected by a network of 36 reactions in the C, - C,,
range was modeled using Hougen-Watson Langmuir-Hinshelwood-typereaction-rate
expressions. Deactivation of the catalyst was modeled by including the corresponding
equations for coking kinetics. The overall kinetic model was parameterized by bench-
marking against industrialplant data using a feed-characterizationprocedure developed
to infer the composition of the chemical species in the feed and reformate from their
measured ASTM distillation data. For the initial optimization studies, a constant reac-
tor inlet temperature configurationthat would lead to optimum operation over the entire
catalyst life cycle was identified. The analysis was extended to study the time-optimal
control profiles of decision variables over the run length. In addition, the constant oc-
tane case was also studied. The improvement in the objective function achieved in each
case was determined. Finally, the sensitivity of the optimal results to uncertainty in
reactor-modelparameters was evaluated.

Catalytic naphtha reforming is practiced extensively in the there is ample potential for optimization of a catalytic naph-
petroleum-refining industry to convert gasoline boiling-range tha reformer. A proper selection of operating conditions
low-octane hydrocarbons to high-octane gasoline compounds within plant constraints is essential to maximize the prof-
for use as high-performance gasoline fuel. This is accom- itability of the reformer. Due to the catalyst deactivation with
plished by conversion of n-paraffins and naphthenes in naph- time, the process assumes a transient nature and its optimiza-
tha to isoparaffins and aromatics over bifunctional catalysts tion results in a time-optimal problem. This makes the opti-
such as Pt/AI,O, or Pt-Re/Al,O,. Recent environmental mization problem more challenging to solve. However, in the
legislation in the United States has banned the use of lead as absence of an analysis of this kind, the unit may remain un-
an additive for boosting antiknock properties of motor fuel. der suboptimal operating conditions, resulting in significant
Coupled with these stricter environmental regulations, there economic losses.
has been a consistent increase in the demand for higher fuel Use of mathematical models as a tool for either off-line or
efficiency standards of engines. This requires the use of higher on-line optimization analysis is growing rapidly in the refin-
compression ratios in engines, and therefore motor fuel with ing and petrochemical industries. A mathematical model re-
an even greater octane number. These considerations have quires various amounts of process knowledge and investment
continually forced the refiner toward producing higher-oc- of time and effort, depending upon the level of complexity
tane-number products from their catalytic naphtha reform- incorporated into these models. The advantage of utilizing
ers. This can be achieved by reforming the naphtha under rigorous mathematical models as compared to empirical ap-
more severe conditions, but this will also cause an increase in proaches is related to the fact that the prediction accuracy of
the rate of coke deposition, resulting in the reduction of cycle rigorous models can be significantly superior over a wide op-
lengths of the catalyst. Due to these trade-offs and others, erating range. Hence, detailed mathematical models are fre-
quently employed for optimization studies. In this work, a
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to J. B. R i g s
rigorous mathematical model of a semiregenerative catalytic
Current address of U.Taskar: Aspentech, Inc., Houston, TX. reformer, based on fundamental physicochemical concepts,

740 March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 AIChE Journal

Recycle compressor

Separalor gas

Reactor No. 1 Reaclor No. 2 Reaclor No. 3

Naphlha charge
from feed
preparation unil I-@-Healer Healer Healer

Reactor ellluenl-lo-feed
exchanger (I
Separalor Stabilizer

Figure 1. Process flow scheme of the catalytic naphtha reformer.

has been developed and utilized to conduct optimization the carbon number range C , to C,,,.The reformer-reactor
studies. The model parameters were estimated on the basis charge is combined with a recycle gas stream containing 60 to
of data obtained from an industrial unit. The modeling of the 90 mol % hydrogen. The total reactor charge is heated, at
complex chemical reactions occurring on the surface of the first by exchange with effluent from the last reactor, and then
bifunctional catalytic naphtha reforming catalyst during re- in the first charge heater. The inlet temperatures of the beds
forming was the most intricate part of the overall modeling vary between 750 to 790 K, and the reactors are operated at
effort. Appropriate kinetic modeling of these reactions was pressures of about 20 to 30 atm. The molar recycle ratio stated
imperative in achieving the desired prediction accuracy of the in terms of hydrogen to pure hydrocarbon feed varies from
model. A number of different approaches of varying levels of 4 1 to 8:l.
sophistication have been developed in the past to model the The major reactions in the first reactor, such as dehydro-
reforming chemistIy (e.g., Smith, 1959; Krane et al., 1960; genation of naphthenes, are endothermic and very fast, caus-
Kmak, 1972; Marin et al., 1983; Ramage et al., 1987). In ad- ing a very sharp temperature drop in the first reactor. For
dition, a variety of modeling schemes have been attempted to this reason, catalytic reformers are designed with multiple re-
represent the deactivation phenomena on the surface of the actors and with heaters between the reactors to maintain re-
reforming catalyst (DePauw and Froment, 1974; Beltramini action temperature at operable levels. As the total reactor
et al., 1991). The kinetic scheme employed in this modeling charge passes through the sequence of heating and reacting,
work was largely based on previously published studies. the reactions become less and less endothermic and the tem-
perature differential across the reactors decreases. The efflu-
ent from the last reactor, at temperatures from 750 to 790 K,
is cooled to 315 to 320 K, partly by heat exchange with the
Catalytic Naphtha Reforming-Process and reactor charge. The stream then enters the product separator
Chemistry where flash separation of hydrogen and some of the light hy-
The process flow diagram of the reformer modeled in this drocarbons (primarily methane and ethane) takes place. The
work is shown in Figure 1. At the core of the reforming flashed vapor, containing 60 to 90 mol % hydrogen, passes to
process are three or four fixed-bed adiabatically operated re- a compressor and then circulates to join the naphtha charge.
actors in series that conduct the solid catalyzed vapor-phase Excess hydrogen from the separator is sent to other hydro-
reforming reactions. This is a semiregenerative type of unit, gen-consuming units in the refinery. The separator liquid,
that is, the catalyst is regenerated periodically to compensate comprised mostly of the desired reformate product but also
for the loss in activity of the catalyst due to coke deposition. containing light gases, is pumped to the reformate stabilizer.
The naphtha used as a catalytic reformer feedstock usually Reformate off the bottom of the stabilizer is sent to storage
contains a mixture of paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics in for gasoline blending.

AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 741

Most of the catalytic reactions in reforming involve rear- rived by Krane et al. (1960) contained a reaction network of
rangement of the hydrocarbon skeleton, within the same car- twenty different components. All the models constructed up
bon number group, except for the hydrocracking reactions, to this time were pseudohomogeneous in nature. Kmak (1972)
which crack the high carbon molecules into two lower-molec- presented the first endeavor to incorporate the catalytic na-
ular-weight molecules. The dominant reaction types preva- ture of the reactions by deriving a reaction scheme with
lent in catalytic reforming are dehydrogenation of naph- Hougen-Watson Langmuir-Hinshelwood type of kinetics.
thenes, isomerization of paraffins and naphthenes, dehydro- Rate equations derived from this type explicitly account for
cyclization (ring closure) of paraffins, and hydrocracking of the interaction of chemical species with the catalyst. In an-
paraffins. All the reactions produce an increase in octane other notable effort, Ramage et al. (1987) developed a de-
number and all the reactions except isomerization of paraf- tailed kinetic model based on extensive studies of an indus-
fins, result in a decrease in reformate yield. The fastest reac- trial pilot-plant reactor.
tions are dehydrogenation, isomerization is moderately fast, The Kmak (1972) model was later refined by Marin and
while dehydrocyclization and hydrocracking are the slowest. coworkers (1983), who presented the reaction network for the
The most rapid reactions (dehydrogenation) reach thermody- whole naphtha, containing hydrocarbons in the carbon-num-
namic equilibrium, and the others are kinetically controlled. ber fraction from C, to Cl,. The reaction network included
A high process temperature and a low pressure favor the 23 pseudocomponents and used Hougen-Watson-type rate
thermodynamic feasibility as well as the reaction rate in the equations. Marin and Froment (1982) and Van Trimpont et
two most important reactions: dehydrogenation and dehydro- al. (1988) also conducted separate studies on C, and C, car-
cyclization. bon-number fractions, respectively, and developed the corre-
Deactivation of catalysts by carbonaceous deposits is pri- sponding Hougen-Watson-type rate equations. Various possi-
marily caused by the blockage of active sites due to coke gen- ble reaction paths and mechanisms were systematically evalu-
erated from the olefinic intermediates formed during the ated before choosing the one that best fit the experimental
course of the main reforming reactions. Higher hydrogen data on a laboratory-scale reactor.
pressures suppress the diolefin formation, reducing the coke The lumping criteria discussed by Kuo and Wei (1969) was
formation. However, higher pressures reduce the selectivity used for defining kinetic lumps for the complex-reaction sys-
to aromatics in the desired product. Overall, high tempera- tem. Even though these expressions are quite complex in na-
tures and low pressures would seem most desirable for the ture, it was perceived that the construction of reaction paths
main reforming reactions, but the same conditions favor de- and rate expressions as illustrated by Marin and Froment
activation of the catalyst. For this reason the process condi- (1982) and Van Trimpont et al. (1988) would incorporate the
tions should be a compromise between attaining a high- mechanistic insight to a maximum extent within the model.
octane-number product and controlling the rates of catalyst This would be expected to result in better overall prediction
deactivation. capabilities of the model. Therefore, this kinetic scheme was
chosen to represent the reforming kinetics in the present
study. In this work, the form of the rate expressions for C,
and C, used were similar to those published (Marin and Fro-
Kinetic Modeling of Reactions ment, 19881, while the rate expressions for carbon-number
An effective kinetic reforming model must properly repre- fractions from C, to C,, used in this work are based on using
sent all the major types of reactions, recognize the fact that rate expressions that have the same form as the C, and C,
this is a solid catalyzed gas phase reaction system, and ac- rate expressions.
count at least for the most important classes of chemical Finally, the complete, detailed reaction model symbolizing
species present in the reaction mixture. The large number of the main reforming reactions of the components of naphtha
reactions and hundreds of components taking part in the ac- with carbon numbers from C, to C,, consisted of a total of
tual reaction system make this a rather complex problem. In 35 pseudocomponents connected together by a network of 36
view of the kinetic models ability to significantly affect the reactions. The pseudocomponents are listed in Table 1. The
accuracy of predictions over a wider operating range, a care- paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics within each carbon
ful consideration was applied in selecting an adequate kinetic number fraction were treated separately. The paraffins in
scheme. To reduce the complexity of the model to a manage- each carbon-number group were divided into three individual
able level, the large number of chemical components are as- pseudocomponents: straight chain, single branched, and
signed to a smaller set of kinetic lumps, each composed of multibranched. The five-carbon ring naphthenes were consid-
chemical species grouped together according to some criteria. ered differently than the six-carbon ring naphthenes. As an
The first significant attempt at delumping naphtha into dif- example of the type of reaction network, and the form of rate
ferent constituents (Smith, 1959) considered naphtha to con- expressions employed, Table 2 lists the reaction rate equa-
sist of three basic components: paraffins, naphthenes, and tions for the C, carbon number fraction. As an additional
aromatics. Due to its simplicity, this model has been used in example, Figure 2 shows the reaction scheme for C,. All the
some recent reformer modeling work (Bommannan, 1989). rate equations are nonlinear pseudomonomolecular in na-
However, the fact remains that it oversimplifies the nature of ture, with the rate coefficients obeying the Arrhenius law.
the process. In a more extensive attempt to model reforming The thermochemical properties of each lump were computed
reactions of whole naphtha, Krane et al. (1960) recognized by taking a simple arithmetic average of the properties of the
the presence of various carbon numbers from C, to C,, as corresponding pure chemical components constituting the
well as the difference between paraffins, naphthenes, and lump. Microscopic reversibility is satisfied with equilibrium
aromatics within each carbon number group. The model de- constraints calculated from free-energy data by using the vant

742 March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 AIChE Journal

Table 1. Chemical Species Considered in the Study Table 2. Reaction-rate Equations Obtained by Analyzing
Chemical Component
Experimental Conversions for C, Hydrocarbons
C, fraction Type of Reaction Reaction-Rate Expression
Isomerization of paraffins r = A,e - 'RT(PA- PB/Ka - B)/r
Hydrocracking of single- r = A,e - - RT( PAPH)/r
C, fraction branched and multiple-
Multibranched hexanes branched paraffins
Single-branched hexanes Ring closure of n-paraffins r = Aoe- EpT(PAPsPH/K4 B)/T
Five-carbon ring C, naphthenes Ring expansion of r = Aoe-E/RT(PA-PB/KA-B)/r
Benzene alkylcyclopentanes
to alkylcyclohexanes
C , fraction
Multibranched heptanes Dehydrogenation of r = A e-'RT(PA-PBP&'KA-B)/
Single-branched heptanes methylcyclohexane (PJ2
Five-carbon ring C, naphthenes Source: Van Trimpont et al., 1988.
Six-carbon ring C, naphthenes Adsorption term for the acid function
Toluene r = ( p H+ K ~ pC6-~ +- K ~ + K~N , , P NP~ + K ~T O L P~T ~ L )
Adsorption term for the metal function
C, fraction 0 1 + KMcH PMCH+ K M C H A P M C ~ P H ~ )
n-Octane A, = PreexpoAential factor
Single-branched octanes E = Exponential factor
Multibranched octanes P, = Partial pressure of component I
Five-carbon ring C, naphthenes K, = Equilibrium constant for i 0 j
A = Reactant
Six-carbon ring C, naphthenes E = Product
C, aromatics H Hydrogen
C , ,fracrion
Single-branched nonanes function c $ ~which
, varies between 0 and 1, is used to multiply
Multibranched nonanes the rates of the main reforming reactions calculated without
Six carbon C, naphthenes
C, aromatics deactivation. The deactivation function is related to the coke
content by an exponential function of the type 4c=
C,, fraction
n-decane where a is the deactivation constant and Cc is the coke con-
Single-branched decanes tent described as the weight of coke per unit catalyst weight.
Multibranched decanes The coke content is evaluated by integrating the following
Six-carbon ring C,, naphthenes differential equation in time:
Cracked lkht cases dCc
-= (1)
dt *"
Hoff equation (Sandler, 1989). The heats of reactions are where rc describes the rates of coking reactions (Van Trim-
computed by utilizing the heats of formation of each species pont et al., 1988). An important fact to be considered here is
at standard temperature, and then computing them at the that the deactivation function depends on time, since coke
reaction temperature by using constant-pressure-specific heat continues to deposit with time, as well as on the local tem-
coefficients of the gases. The distribution of individual gases perature, pressure, and composition in the vicinity of the cat-
like methane, ethane, propane, butanes, iso- and n-pentanes alyst site. Thus, the deactivation function also varies axially
in the cracked products was decided on the basis of cracked-
product distribution data published by Van Trimpont et al.
(1988). The reformate octane was calculated as a molar aver-
age of the component octane numbers (Maples, 1983). Rina Closure Dehvdroaenation
A considerable effort has been directed in the past on the
study of the coking of platinum/alumina reforming catalyst
(e.g., Beltramini et al., 1991). De Pauw and Froment (1974)
developed a methodology of characterizing the deactivation
of a catalyst by coke deposition in the isomerization reaction
of n-pentane. Marin and Froment (1982) and Van Trimpont
et al. (1988) applied this methodology to characterize the de-
activation of the catalyst for reforming of C , and C7 hydro-
carbons, respectively. The distinctive feature of the approach
used by the authors is that the deactivation functions are re-
lated to the real cause of deactivation, which is the actual
amount of coke formed on the surface of the catalyst and not
the process on-stream time as is usually done. This deactiva-
tion model was adopted in the present work for modeling the
I Hvdrocrackinq

coking kinetics on the surface of the catalyst. A deactivation Figure 2. Reaction patch for C8.

AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 743

along the reactor length. For the purposes of simulation in
this work, considering each bed to consist of two to three
different regions of finite dimension, with each region repre-
sented by an average coke content, was found to be a reason-
able way to accommodate the axial variation of coke content. This set of ordinary differential equations, 35 component bal-
The temperature profile in each bed is steeper at the en- ances, and two state variables, was solved simultaneously with
trance and flattens toward the end. This fact was taken into Eq. 1. Gear's (1971) numerical integration scheme for solving
account by considering the coke regions at the entrance of stiff ordinary differential equations was employed to inte-
the catalyst bed to be smaller in dimension than the coke grate the equations through each fixed-bed reactor. This in-
regions placed at the end of the beds. More details of the tegration approach was found to be considerately more effi-
kinetic modeling approach used in this work can be found in cient than using a fourth-order Runge-Kutta integrator
Taskar (1996). (Riggs, 1994) due to the stiffness resulting from high operat-
ing temperatures. This model of the fixed-bed reactors was
integrated with models of other key units in the flow sheet,
The Process Model
The product separator, which separates the hydrogen and
The kinetic model and the process model discussed in the some lighter gases from heavier products, was modeled as an
last section were incorporated into an overall fixed-bed adia- isothermal flash operation. This involved solving a set of ma-
batic reactor model that forms the heart of the reformer terial-balance and vapor/liquid equilibrium equations simul-
model. The change in the activity of the catalyst with time taneously. The formulation of these equations is fairly
causes the process to exhibit dynamic characteristics. Hence straightforward and is illustrated in standard texts (Holland,
the rigorous mathematical description of the reforming reac- 1981). A modified Redlich-Kwong equation-of-state ap-
tor would lead to the following set of coupled nonlinear par- proach (Soave, 1972) was used to compute the vapor/liquid
tial differential equations in space and time; equilibrium constants.
The modeling of the recycle gas compressor and the reac-
tor effluent-to-feed exchanger was required mainly for esti-
mating the compression cost and the fuel cost in the first
charge heater, respectively. The rigorous modeling of these
components was not deemed to be necessary; macroscopic
energy balances were used to model these units. The recycle
dT gas compressor is used to compensate for the pressure drop
-= g , ( T , P , C c , f ). (2) in the loop. The power consumption of the compressor was
estimated on the basis of calculated adiabatic head and flow
rate of recycle gases:
This complex system would be difficult to solve directly.
However, the equations are separable by taking advantage of
the widely different time scales of conversion and deactiva-
tion. Therefore, a quasi-steady-state approach was adopted,
that is, mole and energy balance equations were solved at
steady state assuming constant catalyst activity for the calcu-
lation. A macroscopic energy balance of the reactor effluent-to-feed
Under the usual reactor operating conditions, radial and exchanger was utilized to compute the temperature of the
axial dispersion effects were found to be negligible. The un- reactor feed before entering the first charge heater. The fuel
certainty associated with diffusion effects in the catalyst pel- cost of the first charge heater could then be easily calculated
lets was lumped into the kinetic-rate parameters. Thus a per- as the sensible heat required to heat the gaseous stream from
fect plug-flow behavior could be assumed. The following or- the outlet of the exchanger to the inlet of the first reactor.
dinary differential equations, which describe the steady-state The strategy implemented for flow-sheet computation is
variation of the 35 chemical species and the temperature, also known as the sequential modular approach (Reklaitis,
were integrated through each reactor bed: 1983). There are certain advantages to writing the model in
this manner because it simplifies the analysis of the problem
and directly determines the calculation sequence. Each block
uJ i
-yi,jlj i = 1 , 2 )...,12, (3) of equations involves only a few streams associated with that
unit. However, the disadvantage is that an iterative solution
n. may be required, as in this case where a recycle is present,
which significantly increases the computation time. It was de-
termined that using the alternative open-equation-based
(4) method (Reklaitis, 1983) was not feasible due to the restric-
tions of the computing system regarding the maximum man-
i= 1 ageable number of simultaneous equations.
The overall program flow chart depicting the calculation
The Ergun equation (Fogler, 1992) for computing differential sequence is shown in Figure 3. Once the recycle is converged,
pressure drop in the fixed bed was added with these equa- the product properties, such as volumetric reformate yield,
tions: and octane number of the reformate, are calculated. The re-

744 March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 AIChE Journal

Table 3. Feed and Reformate Analysis and Flows from the
Industrial Data
Units Feed Reformate
ASTM distillation data
1 0% "F 230 112
10% "F 246 178
Reactor Inlet - Integration of
Mass and Energy Balance 30%
Conditions over Single Reactor
I~ ~~

70% "F 289 290

90% "F 320 323
100% "F 356 406
Next Reactor API Gravity 52.4 42.4
PNA Analysis
Paraffins (P) mol % 49.67 34.36
Naphthenes (N) mol% 29.72 1.93
Aromatics (A) mol % 20.06 63.71
Flow bbl/h 626 499
SI conversion: "C = CF - 32)A.E; L = bbl x 159.
Calculate Product h p e R i S
Reactor-bed Temperatures, Pressure, and Catalyst-bed
Units First Second Third Fourth
Bed Bed Bed Bed
Inlet temperature OF 921 920 920 920
Outlet temperature "F 812 880 909 916
No Pressure drop psi 3.3 3.1 3.0 5.0
Catalyst weight Ib 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000
Figure 3. Program flow chart for the catalytic naphtha
reformer. SI conversion: "C = CF - 32)/1.8; kPa = psi x 6.89; kg = Ib x 0.454.

formate octane number is computed as a volumetric average

The Of feed naphtha is reported in terms
research octane number of the species present in the re-
formate. of its ASTM distillation curve and API gravity. Since the phe-
- model was written in terms of lumped chemi-
cal species, a feed characterization technique was imple-
Model Parameter Estimation mented to infer the composition of the lumped species from
The objective of this study was to use the model, whose the supplied naphtha analysis. The major steps followed in
development has been outlined, to analyze the optimization the characterization technique are listed below:
issues relevant to an industrially operating catalytic naphtha 1. The ASTM distillation data were first converted to true
reforming unit. It was therefore essential to benchmark the boiling point (TBP) data.
model against data obtained from an industrial unit. The 2. The whole TBP curve was discretized into a number of
choice of kinetic-rate parameters as adjustable parameters in volume fractions. Based on the reported API gravity of the
the model was quite obvious since their values are seldom whole mixture the specific gravity of each volume fraction
known exactly for a given system. Even the few cases where was evaluated by means of the Watson-K-factor approach
the values could be estimated directly from the published lit- (Lion and Edmister, 1975).
erature serve at best as good initial guesses for the parame- 3. Based on the average TBP of each fraction and its spe-
terization procedure. The main adjustable parameters in the cific gravity, certain thermophysical properties, such as
model were activation energies and preexponential factors of molecular weight, critical properties, and liquid molar vol-
the main reforming reactions and coke formation reactions, ume, could be predicted by using the correlations of the form,
and the adsorption equilibrium constants. Commercial data 8 = aTtyS,where 8 represents any of the properties just
at start-of-cycle conditions were obtained from the Phillips mentioned. The values of constants a, p, and S required for
Petroleum Company for one of their semiregenerative cat- computation of each property are given Riazi and Daubert
alytic reformers. (1980a).
A major limitation encountered with the data was the fact 4. Each TBP fraction would actually consist of a mixture of
that all the data sets were clustered within a veIy narrow chemical species whose boiling points would fall within the
operating window rather than being spread over a wide oper- TBP range of the corresponding fraction. A nonlinear opti-
ating region. This essentially amounted to having a single data mization search was applied to seek the compositions of
set at the base-case operating point. An overall material bal- chemical species that would give the best match between the
ance, as well as hydrogen-balance closure, was checked to predicted and observed properties in each volume fraction.
make sure that the chosen data set was internally consistent. Once the composition of a chemical species in each of the
The base-case operating conditions chosen for model-param- volume fractions was known, its composition in the entire
eter estimation are listed in Table 3. mixture could be easily calculated.

AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 745

Table 4. Comparison between Calculated and Predicted PNA Table 5. Parameter Values Computed by Least-Squares
Analysis of the Feed Regression on Data in Table 1
Mole Fraction Rel. Abs. Activation Pre-exp.
Calc. Given Error Energy (A) Factor
~~ ~~
kJ/mol kmol/kg c a t h
ParaffinF(i) 48.2 49.67 3.04%
Naphthenes (N) 30.12 29.72 1.33% Paraffin isomerization
Aromatics (A) 21.68 20.06 7.47% c5 0.778 X l o 8
c, 3.1 13 X 10'
Cl 87.75 1.241 X 10'
Cn 1.312X 10'
c9 2.184 X 10'
Based on the calculated compositions of lumped chemical
species in the feed, the total paraffin (P), naphthene (N), and
c 10 3.1 14 X 10'
Ring closure for C, 200.7 1.639X 10''
aromatic (A) content of the stream was computed. A compar-
ison to the P, N, and A analysis provided with the given data Naphthene isomerization
Cl 256.4 6.994 X lo2'
indicated a good match, with relative errors ranging from 1% Cn 7.012 X lo2'
to 7% (Table 4).
Since we only had a limited amount of data available for 3.645 X 10ls
benchmarking, the number of unknown coefficients was more c, 5.252X 10"
than the number of independent measurements available. c7 220.8 7.293 X 10"
Therefore, the number of unknown kinetic-rate parameters C8 2.187X 10I6
in the model had to be reduced. This was accomplished by c, 2.551 X 10''
C," 9.112X 10''
following certain guidelines or heuristic rules that were de-
Adsorption equilibrium constant
veloped from the large amount of information published in Paraffins 21.9
the past on the chemistry and relative rates of various re- Naphthenes 659.0
forming reactions (Hettinger et al., 1955; Parera and Figoli, Aromatics 70.3
1994; Little, 1985; Turpin, 1994). These guidelines are: Cracked light gases 107

1. Due to the very fast nature of the dehydrogenation reac-

tions of naphthenes, they were considered to be at equilib-
rium at all times. squares approach was adopted to regress the model coeffi-
2. Within a given carbon number fraction, rate constants cients by minimizing the weighted sum of squares between
for all paraffin isomerization reactions were assumed to be the observed and predicted values of molar flow rates of
equal. Similarly, rate constants for all the hydrocracking reac- species at the outlet of the last reactor, and the temperature
tions within a carbon number fraction were considered to be drops in each bed. The model parameters evaluated by the
equal. parameter-estimation algorithm are given in Table 5.
3. The relative rates of dehydrocyclization reactions of The rate parameters for coke-formation reactions were ac-
paraffins increase almost linearly with the carbon number. quired directly from the literature. The deactivation constant
CY was adjusted to match the predicted and observed decline
The rate constants for carbon number fractions from C, to
C,, were considered to be at a fixed ratio to the rate con- in the activity of the catalyst based on the Phillips Petroleum
stants for C, fraction. In other words, once rate parameters plant data, which covered one month of operation.
for dehydrocyclization in C, fraction were determined, the
rate parameters for dehydrocyclization reactions in all the
other carbon-number fractions were set as fixed ratios of the Modeling Results
rate constants for the C, fraction. The temperature and composition profiles of paraffins,
4. The activation energies of the paraffin isomerization re- naphthenes, and aromatics along the reactor system are
actions were considered to be equal irrespective of the car- shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. These plots are based
bon number. Similar arguments were also extended for naph- upon the base-case operating conditions in Table 3. The
thene isomerization and paraffin hydrocracking reactions. nearly instantaneous occurrence of dehydrogenation of naph-
5. The rate expressions accounted for adsorption of chemi- thenes results in a sharp temperature drop at the entrance of
cal species on the catalyst surface. A single adsorption equi- the first bed and a corresponding sharp decrease in naph-
librium coefficient was used to describe the adsorption of all thenes concentration. The reaction mixture is reheated be-
paraffins in the reaction mixture. Similarly, unique adsorp- fore entering the second bed, where most of the remaining
tion equilibrium constants were utilized to describe adsorp- naphthenes are dehydrogenated and a moderate temperature
tion of naphthenes, aromatics, and cracked products on the drop is observed. Paraffin dehydrocyclization reactions and
catalyst surface, respectively. accompanying hydrocracking reactions are the main reactions
After conducting the analysis just presented, the size of the taking place in the third and fourth reactor, leading to the
parameterization problem was reduced to an extent where decrease in C,+ paraffin concentration and an increase in
the number of unknown kinetic-rate parameters were re- cracked products present. The temperature and composition
duced to 22 and could be fitted with the amount of data profiles predicted by the model agree quite well with those
available. The available data were described in terms of the observed industrially (Mudt et al., 1995; Ramage et al., 1987).
species flow rates at the outlet of the last reactor, which The coke content on the surface of the catalyst in each bed
amounted to 28 data points. A standard nonlinear least- for a sustained operation of 8,000 hours (approximately one

746 March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 AIChE Journal




02 04
08 1
750 755 760 765 770
775 780 785
Thrd bed miet temperature. K
Figure 4. Temperature profile through reactor system.

year) was noted. The operating conditions prevalent at the 4

lli Hydrogen
base case (Table 3) were maintained over the entire period. 10:
As expected, the tendency for coke formation increases in II
going from the first to the last bed due to higher average 9:
temperatures in each successive bed and the accumulation of 8-
coke-forming components.
The sensitivity of the model output variables, such as oc-
tane number and reformate yield, to variations in process
variables was studied over a wide operating range. A sensitiv-
ity analysis of this type provides an estimate of the gain of
the process with respect to each of the process variables. Due
750 755 7M, 765 770 775 780 785 790
to the lack of available operating data in different operating mlrd bed mlet temperature. K
ranges, it was important to at least ensure that the process
gains predicted by the model were in the proper direction. As Figure 6. Sensitivity of products to third-bed inlet
an example, Figure 6 indicates the model-predicted varia- temperature.
tions for the research octane number and the volumetric re-
formate yield, with changes in the third-bed inlet tempera-
ture at the start-of-cycle conditions. As is usually observed, maintaining the operating conditions that would achieve a
the octane number of the reformate rises with inlet bed tem- proper balance between severity and catalyst activity.
perature, but at a loss of the reformate yield. Figure 7 plots
the octane number over the entire run length of the catalyst,
but at different third-bed inlet temperatures with other con- Formulation of the Optimization Problem
ditions being maintained constant. At higher inlet bed tem- The objective function was equated to the profitability of
peratures, the octane number is higher in the beginning, but the unit by considering the prices of products and costs of
drops more rapidly later during the run. This is the result of utilities (Table 6). However, only the terms that could be in-
significantly higher rates of coke formation expected at ele- fluenced by varying the operating variables were included.
vated temperatures. These results indicate the importance of The most significant product was the reformate, whose price
was related to the quality, that is, the octane number. Other
by-products in the process, such as hydrogen and cracked light
gases, were also considered. The fuel cost and compression
cost in the recycle gas compressor were accounted for in the
objective function. The total objective-function value was
evaluated by integrating the instantaneous value of the objec-
tive function from start of cycle till shutdown. The CPU time
on a DEC-Alfa 150-MHz PC, required for computation of
the total objective function over a one-year cycle length, was
15-20 min, depending on the operating conditions employed.
The objective in the optimization analysis was to find the
operating policies within operational constraints such that the
formulated objective function would be maximized. The deci-
sion variables for each optimization run were the four reactor
0 0.2 0.4 66 68 1 inlet temperatures and the total recycle ratio. Some of the
F r w W cawyst
commonly encountered constraints in the actual operation of
Figure 5. Profile of main component types through the catalytic naphtha reformer were enforced. The upper
reactor system. bounds of 790 K were considered on the reactor inlet tem-

AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 747

I Optimization Approach
Initially, the optimization analysis was conducted to opti-
mize the plant only at start-of-cycle conditions. In other
words, the issue that was handled was the possible trade-off
between the octane number and the reformate yield. Obvi-
ously, deactivation of the catalyst did not feature in this prob-
lem. The results of optimization studies predicted all the in-
let bed temperatures at the upper constraints, that is, the
most severe operation was predicted as the optimum way to
80 - operate. However, it was quite clear that this mode of opera-
,I tion would seriously deactivate the catalyst in a very short
0 i @ Y 2 a x , s o o o 4 o o o K K x ) 6 o o o 7 d o o &
Tune. hours time. In practice, the aim is to keep operating the unit until
the planned shutdown, and maximize the overall profits. Thus
consideration of the dynamic nature of the system caused by
deactivation is essential to carrying out any meaningful opti-
mization analysis of the problem.
-- I Having concluded this, the optimization problem could still
be viewed from several distinctly different perspectives. For
the first one, which is referred to as the time-invariant mode
of operation, the decision variables are maintained constant
throughout the entire period of operation. The optimizer
sought the five decision variables, four bed inlet tempera-
tures, and total recycle ratio in this case, such that the objec-
tive function value over the entire run period was maximized.
In actual practice, this would hardly be the preferred mode
of operation. However, the analysis was useful from the point
of view of addressing the following issue. Would it be advan-
75 tageous to operate with a staggered reactor inlet temperature
0 1 M x ) 2 o o o J o o o 4 o o o K K x ) M M o 7 ~ ~
Tune. hours
profile as compared to a uniform profile? In other words, the
attempt was to locate the optimum inlet temperature config-
Figure 7. Sensitivity of products to third-bed inlet uration, rather than just the flat one, as is practiced some-
temperature over the catalyst life. times in the industry.
The second optimization problem investigated, referred to
as the time-optimal mode of operation, involved determining
peratures, which correspond to the metallurgical constraints the optimal control profiles for the decision variables over
on the materials of construction. The upper bound of 8.0 was the run length of the operation. The loss in activity of the
considered on the hydrogen-to-hydrocarbon feed recycle ra- catalyst with time causes the process to behave in an un-
tio. This is typical of the limits observed when recycle-gas- steady-state manner, requiring the solution of a dynamic pro-
compressor capacity starts limiting the recycle flow. The time gramming problem. The most widely used numerical tech-
from startup to shutdown was considered to be predeter- niques to solve dynamic optimization problems are the collo-
mined. In other words, the catalyst life was imposed as an cation method (Biegler, 1990) and the control vector parame-
equality constraint for the problem. For a given optimization terization (CVP) method (Farhat et al., 1990). A review of
run, the feed conditions were assumed to remain constant the relative advantages and disadvantages of each method has
over the entire run length. Also for a given optimization run, been published in a number of references (e.g., Macchietto
the separator pressure, which controls the pressure in the and Mujtaba, 1992).
loop, was assumed to remain constant. The product prices Collocation methods discretize both the control functions
and utility costs were also assumed to remain constant over and the ordinary differential equations in the original simula-
the run length. tion model using collocation over finite elements. This ap-
proach approximates the state variables by a series of orthog-
onal polynomials in time. This converts a differential alge-
Table 6. Product Values and Operating Costs braic system to a large system of nonlinear algebraic equa-
tions, which together with the objective function and con-
Product Values Operating Costs straints, can be solved simultaneously using nonlinear pro-
Reformate $150/m3 at 95 gramming (NLP) optimization techniques. A major advantage
Octane value $ ~ . ~ / o cm3
T of this approach is the ease of incorporating constraints cor-
Hydrogen $71.8/KNM3
Methane/ethane $7.8/gCAL responding to the state and control variable profiles. The ma-
Propane $70/m3 jor difficulties of this approach are the size of the resulting
Butane $87.5/m3 NLP formulation and convergence reliability.
Fuel gas $7.8/Gcal The control-vector parameterization method assumes a
Compressor $0.08/kWh
functional form for the input variables (polynomials, expo-
SI conversion: J = cal x 4.19; MJ = kWh x 3.60. nential, etc.), thus defining the time behavior of the input

748 March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 AIChE Journal

variables over the entire run length. For example, a simple The last mode considered is identical to the second mode,
polynomial form may be used to represent the time-optimal except that the product octane is constrained to a fixed value.
path of an input variable u , such as, That is, this mode involves the time-optimal allocation of the
degrees of freedom for a fixed run time with the added con-
straint of a specified reformate octane level.
~ ( t=)b, + b1t + b2t2+ *.. + bptP. (7)
Optimization Algorithm
The entire control profile is then defined by parameters from As mentioned earlier, one objective function evaluation
b, to b,, and these form the decision variables of the opti- took 15 to 20 minutes of CPU time. Therefore, it was neces-
mization problem. The optimal control problem is then solved sary to choose an optimizer that, in general, required fewer
using the following sequential approach (Biegler and Cuthrell, functional evaluations for convergence. Sequential quadratic
1985). A simulator of the process works sequentially with the programming (SQP) was used to solve this nonlinear pro-
NLP optimizer in order to provide information to compute gramming problem. It typically requires a smaller number of
the objective and constraint values and their gradients. The iterations than other comparable techniques, such as succes-
optimizer provides the values of the decision variables to the sive linear programming (SLP). SQP is usually much faster
simulator, which defines the time history of the each input overall, particularly in cases where the optimum is not at a
variable. The simulator then performs the simulation, calcu- vertex of the constraints (Edgar and Himmelblau, 1988). Gill
lates the objective function or constraint values as required, et al. (1986) have given a brief review of the theory behind
and returns them to the optimizer. The same procedure is the sequential quadratic-programming technique available as
illustrated by means of a simple block diagram in Figure 8. NPSOL 4.0, which was used in this work. At every major iter-
The advantage of this strategy lies in the reduced dimension- ation of NPSOL, a quadratic programming subproblem is
ality of the optimization problem. However, it is difficult to solved to find the search direction using a quasi-Newton ap-
enforce state- and control-variable constraints directly. proximation of the full Hessian. NPSOL is believed to be an
For the purpose of solving the time-optimal problem in this extremely reliable code capable of handling up to several
work, the control vector parameterization technique was uti- hundred constraints and variables (Nash, 1995). NPSOL 4.0
lized with a slight modification from the procedure described was found to provide efficient and reliable performance for
earlier. The continuous profile for each control variable is the optimization problem of the catalytic naphtha reformer
expressed in terms of node values at specific points in the at hand.
time domain connected together by a smoothly varying inter-
polating polynomial. The optimizer uses these node values as
decision variables, and as a result specifies each degree of
Optimization Results for Time-Invariant Mode
freedom over the full range of time. The intermediate values The optimum value of the objective function found in ev-
for any particular control variable required by the simulator ery case is presented as a percent improvement over the one
are provided by applying cubic spline interpolation (Riggs, obtained at the base-case operating conditions, that is, as-
1994) between the node values for each control variable. Thus suming that the start-of-cycle conditions listed in Table 3 re-
the entire path of each control variable is represented by a main constant over the whole period of operation. The opti-
third-order polynomial with a spline. One advantage gained mum operating conditions for the time-invariant mode of op-
by this approach is that successive values of decision vari- eration are given in Table 7. NPSOL typically required 50-60
ables are connected by a smoothly varying function, and do function evaluation in order to solve the five-degree-of-free-
not vary discontinuously over the operating region in a ran- dom time-invariant case. The optimum objective function
dom fashion. It is also simpler to implement constraints on showed an improvement of 4.8% over the base-case opera-
the decision variables because constraints on the original in- tion (where inlet temperatures to all the beds are equal). This
put variables just transform to constraints on the optimiza-
tion decision variables (node values).
Table 7. Optimum Operating Conditions for the Time
Invariant Mode of Operation for Varying Feed Types
Feed Type
Base Heavy* Light**
First-bed inlet temp. 790 790 790
Second-bed inlet temp. 779.7 777.6 780.1
Third-bed inlet temp. 766.8 765.9 767.3
Fourth-bed inlet temp. 766.9 763 767.1
Recycle ratio 9.96 10.85 9.53
% improvement in 4.8% 4.5% 5.4%
I profitability over
nomind' operation

*Heavy means 10% increase in aromatics and 10% decrease in paraffins
in feed.
**Light means 10% decrease in aromatics and 10% increase in paraffins
in feed.
'Nominal operation involves using same inlet bed temperatures (767 K)
for all the beds and a recycle ratio of 8.73 over the entire period of
Figure 8. Optimization procedure. operation.

AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 749

clearly indicated the advantage of maintaining a staggered 800

reactor inlet temperature configuration over the uniform pro- 795 I

file. The maximum inlet temperature was predicted for the
first bed with successively lower inlet temperatures for each
bed in series. This operation corresponds to the scenario
where the coke buildup on all the beds proceeds at almost
the same rate. The implication is that the optimum operation
corresponds to the case where the catalyst activity in each
bed is consumed almost equally.
Results were obtained at three different types of feed qual-
ities: the base-case feed, the feed with a 10% increase in aro-
matics and a corresponding 10% decrease in paraffins, and
the feed with 10% decrease in aromatics and a corresponding
10% increase in paraffins. It should be noted that despite
small variations predicted in the operating conditions, the l3
overall trend expected in each case remains the same, that is,
maximum severity for the first bed and lower severity for each
successive bed. The more aromatic feed seemed to favor
slightly lower inlet temperatures than the lower aromatic
feeds. This could be the result of higher coke-formation
tendencies due to the more aromatic presence in the reactor.
Also note that the lighter feed resulted in a more profitable
optimum operation due to the resulting higher rate of re- 'i I
formate production. 6i

Optimization Results for the Time-Optimal Mode

Figure 9. Time-optimal model of operation with in-
The control vector parameterization method based on cu- creased node points.
bic spline interpolation was used to solve the time-optimal
problem. The first issue to be addressed was the determina-
tion of the number of node points for the time domain in the The plot of octane number and volumetric reformate yield
cubic spline interpolation for each degree of freedom. Ini- with time (Figure 10) provides additional insight into the op-
tially, the analysis was performed with just three nodes, one erating mode selected by the optimizer. The operating condi-
each at the beginning and end of the cycle and one at the tions are varied in a manner such that the octane number
middle of the run. With three nodes for each of the five con- remained more or less constant for a large part of the cycle.
trol variables, that is, the reactor inlet temperatures and the The continuous loss of catalyst activity during this period was
total recycle ratio, there were fifteen decision variables. The compensated for by gradually raising the bed inlet tempera-
analysis was later extended to consider the case with four tures. Toward the end of the catalyst life, the temperatures
nodes for each control variable, that is, twenty decision vari- start increasing rapidly and the total recycle ratio drops, indi-
ables to search for. A slight improvement in performance was cating the most severe operation. This can be explained by
observed due to the increased maneuverability achieved be- the following argument: since the time to shut down has been
cause of a larger number of nodes. Any attempt to extend the predetermined, it seems quite logical to use up all the avail-
size of the problem beyond four nodes was found to increase able activity so as not to leave any unused activity before the
the computational burden enormously without gaining any
significant additional benefit. The predicted optimum-control
profiles with four nodes are presented in Figure 9. NPSOL w 110
typically required 130 to 150 function evaluations in order to
solve the 20-degree-of-freedom case using four node points
for each input variable. Node placement is unequal with the I
nodes placed closer together toward the end of the run, due 85-

to more nonlinearity of the profiles in that region. The con-

tinuous line connecting the nodes indicates the optimum path
predicted for each variable. The common trend observed for
each bed inlet temperature is that the conditions at the start
of the cycle are of lower severity, gradually moving toward I r*fo-e
higher severity, and almost reaching the upper inlet bed tem-
perature constraint by the end of the cycle. Also, in terms of
the severity of the inlet bed temperatures, the trend demon- 0 l o o o 2 o o o 3 o o o 4 o O 0 5 o o o s c a , 7 o o o a o o o ~
lime. hours
strated was similar to the one displayed for the time-invariant
case, that is, in general, going from the first to the last bed, Figure 10. Product profiles for time-optimal mode of
inlet bed temperatures decreased. operation.

750 March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 AIChE Journal

n"7 110

75-1 c75
0 1 o 0 o 2 o o o 3 o 0 O 4 o o o x w x ) 8 o o o 7 o 0 o 8 o o o
Figure 11. Coke content profiles for time-optimal model Tme.hours
of operation.
Figure 12. Product profile for fixed-octane mode.

regeneration. At the same time, the coke content in each of

the beds needs to progress almost equally so that by the end over the base case while staying closer to the octane con-
of the run all the beds are almost completely deactivated. straint. The economic objective function for this case was
The coke content profiles under optimal conditions (Figure based on the average profit per time over the full run length
11) support this conclusion. The increase in coke content is and a three week regeneration period. The advantage of the
gradual at first and accelerates toward the end of the run. By optimal approach largely comes from the fact that it was able
the end of the run, the last three beds produce a heavy to maintain the product octane for the full duration of the
amount of coking with 12-15% coke content by weight, indi- run since more of the inlet bed's activity was used. In general,
cating that the catalyst activity is almost completely ex- there is little opportunity for economic optimization, since
hausted. The coke content of the last three beds increases most of the economic maneuverability is consumed by meet-
almost at the same rate. The first bed shows the lowest coke ing the constant reformate octane constraint.
content because its inlet temperature reaches the upper inlet Although these results were developed for a specified run
temperature constraint much earlier in the run and cannot time of 8,000 hours, in general, there will be an upper limit
be raised further. As would be expected, the time-optimal of run time for each specified octane level, where the higher
mode is more profitable than the time-invariant operation. the octane, the shorter the possible run time. An analysis of
The time-optimal mode showed an additional improvement the optimum run-time length was not performed in this study.
of 5.6% in objective function over the time-invariant mode.

Sensitivity Analysis
Fixed-Octane Mode The optimization cases studied here clearly illustrate the
The base case for the fixed-octane mode involved setting potential for improving the profitability of the unit by con-
the inlet bed temperatures at the same value, but allowing ducting an analysis of this sort. However, the results are sub-
that value to vary with time along with the recycle ratio in ject to the accuracy of the model coefficients, particularly the
order to maintain the reformate near 95 octane for the length rate parameters of the reforming and coking reactions. A
of the run. The time-optimal case was solved by using the model-parameter sensitivity study was conducted to assess the
control vector parameterization procedure for the reactor impact of errors in some of the main parameters on the ob-
temperature and the recycle ratio such that the variation be- jective-function value. A 10% relative error was introduced
tween the product octane and the target (95 octane) was min- in each parameter separately. The decision variable values
imized. It was found that the time-optimal case was able to found after the optimization analysis on this model using the
maintain the specified octane only until the time equaled time-invariant mode were substituted back into the original
6,500 hours instead of the full 8,000-hour run length. model (i.e., the model without any errors) and the objective-
The optimal results for the fixed-octane mode were ob- function value was reevaluated. As expected, this objective
tained by setting each of the four inlet bed temperatures in- function value shows some deterioration from the original
dependently. The optimizer searched for the maximum profit objective function value, which was found by performing the
conditions, while the 95 octane constraint was considered by optimization analysis on the error-free model. The results of
adding a penalty function in terms of the reformate octane the sensitivity analysis are presented in Table 8. The uncer-
deviation to the economic objective function. tainties associated with the activation energies of the main
Figure 12 shows the optimal results for the fixed-octane reforming reactions showed a lower level of impact on the
mode. Note that there is some variation in the octane num- value of the objective function. The uncertainties associated
ber of the reformate, but it generally stays close to a 95 oc- with deactivation parameters had the largest effect on the
tane. Note that after 3,000 hours of operation, the reformate results. However, in all cases the magnitude of the deteriora-
yield decreased slowly from 82.5% to 80% in order to main- tion in the objective function indicated that the process prof-
tain the specified octane number. The optimal results showed itability was not unduly sensitive to uncertainty in the model
only a 2.5% improvement in the economic objective function parameters.

AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 751

Table 8. Model Parametric Sensitivity Analysis Notation
Rel. Error Loss in Obj. A, =cross-sectional area of the catalyst bed, m2
Parameter Introduced Function Value* C,, = molar-specific heat of gases at constant pressure,
Activation energy of ring
d =diameter of catalyst particle, m
closure reactions
Activation energy of
10% 0.12% 4 =molar flow rate of species i, kmol/s
hydrocracking reactions f =vector of molar composition of chemical species
10% 0.31% G =superficial mass velocity of gases, kg/m*/s
Activation energy of paraffin
isomerizatioin reactions g =general function
10% 0.05% k =ratio of specific heats of gases
Activation energy of coke formation
(Aromatics +Alkylcyclopentanes) P =pressure in the fixed-bed reactors, bar
10% 0.85%
Activation energy of coke formation Po,, =outlet pressure of the recycle gas compressor
(Aromatics + Alkylcyclohexanes) P,, =inlet pressure of the recycle gas compressor
10% 0.79%
Deactivation parameter, a 10% R =universal gas constant, kJ/kmol/K
0.48% r =rate of reaction of the jth reaction, kmol/kg cat/s
Note that the optimal time-invariant approach resulted in a 4.8% irn- f =temperature in the fixed-bed reactors, K
provement in economic performance. The results listed here are the Tb =boiling point of a true boiling-point curve fraction, K
losses in economic improvement. For example, a 0.8% loss in objective T,,,,, =inlet temperature of the recycle gas compressor, K
function value would have resulted in a 4.0% economic improvement t =time, h
over the base-case operation. w =weight of the catalyst, kg

Greek letters
y =specific gravity of a true boiling-point curve function
Conclusion y,, = stoichiometric coefficient of species i in reaction j
AH,. =heat of reaction of ith reaction. kcal/kmol
A rigorous mathematical model of a semiregenerative cat-
alytic naphtha reformer employing a detailed kinetic scheme
was developed. The model was benchmarked with the indus-

Hadiabatic = adiabatic head

I ,

gas compressor, kl/kmO1

p =density of gaseous mixture through the reactor bed, kg/m3
pc =density of the solid catalyst, kg/m3
trial data to ensure that it adequately represented the actual 6 =bed void fraction
plant variables at a base case operating point. The model be- p = viscosity of gas passing through the bed, Pa * s
havior over a wide operating range was verified by compari-
son with the expected behavior in actual practice. Literature Cited
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AIChE Journal March 1997 Vol. 43, No. 3 753

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