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01.coefficient of Finess

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Ton per cm(TPC)

AW . S
Aw= L.B.Cw 100

S= 1.7 L.d+ Am=B.d.Cm

1. Aw = L.B Cw ,Cw = water plane coefficient

2. Am = B.d Cm , Cm = midship area coefficient
3. = L.B.d Cb , Cb = block coefficient
4. displacement(W) = s. L.B.d. Cb (ton) s=density of sea water= 1.025 ton/m3
5. prismatic coefficient(Cp) =
Aw . s
6. TPC = (mass to be added to sink down by 1 cm)
L .B .d .C b
7. Dennys formula, Wetted surface area(S) = 1.7 L.d + = 1.7 L .d +
d d
S = 1.7 L.d + L.B.Cb

01. A ship 150 m long and 20.5 m beam floats at a draught of 8 m and displacement of 19500 ton.
The TPC is 26.5 and mid ship section area Coefficient 0.94.Calculate the block , prismatic and water
plane area coefficient.(0.7734, 0.8227, 2585.3659 m2)
given; L=150 m, B=20.5 m, d=8 m, W= 19500 ton, TPC= 26.5 ,Cm= 0.94
to find; Cb=?, Cp=?, Cw=?
Working; W = s.L.B.d.Cb
W 19500
Cb = = =0.7733
s .L.B.d 1.025 x150 x 20.5 x 8
C b 0.7733
Cp= = =0.8227
Cm 0.94

Aw x s 100TPC 100 x 26.5

TPC= Aw = = = 2585.3659 m2
100 s 1.025
Aw =L.B.Cw
Aw 2585.3659
Cw = = = 0.8408
L.B 150 x 20.5
02. A ship having 120 m long, beam 15 m at draught of 6 m has block coefficient of 0.8 and midship
area of 81 m2.Find (1) displacement (2)prismatic coefficient.(8856 t, 0.8888)
03. A ship having length 125 m, beam 20 m, draught of 6.4 m has block coefficient of 0.8 and
midship area of 121.6 m2. Find (1) displacement of ship (2)prismatic coefficient.(2050 t, 0.8421)
04. A ship 135 m long, beam 18 m, draught 7.6 m has displacement of 14000 ton. The are of load

wa ter plane is 1925 m2 and the area of the immersed mid ship section 130 m2.Calculate(a)Cw(b)Cm (c)

Cb(d) Cp.(0.7922, 0.9503, 0.7396, 0.7783)

05. A ship having displacement 8856 tons has block coefficient of 0.8 and mid ship section area of
81 m .If beam = 0.125 length = 2.5 x draught ,find (1) length of ship (2) prismatic coefficient.
(120m, 0.8888)
given; W=8856 tons, Cb=0.8, Am=81 m2, B=0.125L=2.5d
to find; L=?,Cp=?
Working; B=0.125L, d= =0.05L
W = s.L.B.d.Cb
Lx0.125Lx0.05L =
1.025 x 0.8
L = 3 1728000 = 120 m --------Ans.1
d = 0.05x120 = 6 m, B=0.125x120=15 m
Am =B.d.Cm
Am 81
Cm = = = 0.9
B.d 15 x 6
Cb 0.8
Cp = = = 0.8889 ----------Ans.2
Cm 0.9

06. A ship displacement 9450 ton and has a block coefficient of 0.7 the area of immersed midship
section is 106 m2.If a beam = 0.13 x length = 2.1 x draught , calculate length of the ship and the
prismatic coefficient.(117.8455 m, 0.7381 )
07. A ship having displacement 13120 ton has beam (B) = 0.125 L = 4d with block coefficient 0.8. If

midship area is 85 m2.Find (1) L = ? (2) Prismatic coefficient.

08. A ship 120m long, 17m beam and 7.2 m draught has a block coefficient 0f 0.76. A parallel section
6m long is added to the ship a midships. The midship sectional area coefficient is 0.96. Find the new
displacement and block coefficient.


Given; L1= 120m, B=17m, d=7.2m, Cb=0.76,Cm=0.96

To find; WT=? , Cb=?
Working; W1 = .L1.B.d.Cb
W1 = 1.025x120x17x7.2x0.76= 11441.952 ton
W2 = .L2.B.d.Cm
W2 = 1.025x6x17x7.2x0.96 = 722.6496 ton
New displacement(WT) = W1 + W2 = 11441.952+722.6496 = 12164.6016 ton------Ans
LT = 120 + 6 = 126 m
WT = .LT.B.d. Cb
WT 12164.6016
Cb= = = 0.7695 -------Ans
.LT .B.d 1.025 x126 x17 x 7.2

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