01.coefficient of Finess
01.coefficient of Finess
01.coefficient of Finess
S= 1.7 L.d+ Am=B.d.Cm
01. A ship 150 m long and 20.5 m beam floats at a draught of 8 m and displacement of 19500 ton.
The TPC is 26.5 and mid ship section area Coefficient 0.94.Calculate the block , prismatic and water
plane area coefficient.(0.7734, 0.8227, 2585.3659 m2)
given; L=150 m, B=20.5 m, d=8 m, W= 19500 ton, TPC= 26.5 ,Cm= 0.94
to find; Cb=?, Cp=?, Cw=?
Working; W = s.L.B.d.Cb
W 19500
Cb = = =0.7733
s .L.B.d 1.025 x150 x 20.5 x 8
C b 0.7733
Cp= = =0.8227
Cm 0.94
wa ter plane is 1925 m2 and the area of the immersed mid ship section 130 m2.Calculate(a)Cw(b)Cm (c)
05. A ship having displacement 8856 tons has block coefficient of 0.8 and mid ship section area of
81 m .If beam = 0.125 length = 2.5 x draught ,find (1) length of ship (2) prismatic coefficient.
(120m, 0.8888)
given; W=8856 tons, Cb=0.8, Am=81 m2, B=0.125L=2.5d
to find; L=?,Cp=?
Working; B=0.125L, d= =0.05L
W = s.L.B.d.Cb
Lx0.125Lx0.05L =
1.025 x 0.8
L = 3 1728000 = 120 m --------Ans.1
d = 0.05x120 = 6 m, B=0.125x120=15 m
Am =B.d.Cm
Am 81
Cm = = = 0.9
B.d 15 x 6
Cb 0.8
Cp = = = 0.8889 ----------Ans.2
Cm 0.9
06. A ship displacement 9450 ton and has a block coefficient of 0.7 the area of immersed midship
section is 106 m2.If a beam = 0.13 x length = 2.1 x draught , calculate length of the ship and the
prismatic coefficient.(117.8455 m, 0.7381 )
07. A ship having displacement 13120 ton has beam (B) = 0.125 L = 4d with block coefficient 0.8. If