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Your Driver's License Is A Contract

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The document discusses various court cases and their rulings around drivers licenses, vehicle registration, and the difference between rights to travel versus operate motor vehicles.

Several court cases are discussed that address the state's ability to require drivers licenses and vehicle registration. It is also noted that legal ownership of a vehicle may reside with the state rather than the individual based on how titles are handled.

The courts have ruled that the 'right to travel' is different than the 'right to operate a motor vehicle', with the latter being a revocable privilege granted by the state rather than a constitutionally protected right.

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Driver's License is a Contract

between you and the Motor Vehicle Department
Author/researcher unknown

relating to traffic laws: state govt can restrict driving on the public roads to drivers with valid current
licenses, and restrict drivers to vehicles registered as having passed inspection, notwithstanding argument
about a "right to travel". Hendrick v. Maryland (1915) 235 US 610 (a state may restrict the use of its
highways to drivers who have complied with the license, insurance and vehicle registration laws of this state
or, if the driver is a non-resident, of his home state)

1. This case isolates "right to travel" defense only The court only addressed the very narrow "right to
travel" issue. Not a valid case when Property Rights and other rights of choice are the issue.

Bell v. Burson (1971) 402 US 535 (state statute which denies or suspends drivers license for failure to carry
insurance or comparable financial responsibility does not violate constitution) (this authority to prescribe
reasonable requisites for the "privilege" of driving on the public highways is inherent in state and local govts)

2. Where a state issues a permission, it is reasonable that such permission can be revoked by issuer for any
reason it chooses. This case does not address any element of the right of an individual. It only addresses
contractural elements of licensing and has no effect on a Rights defense.

State v. Booher (Tenn.Crim.App 1997) 978 SW2d 953 ("the appellant asserts that the state ... has unduly
infringed upon his 'right to travel' by requiring licensing and registarion .... However, contrary to his
assertions, at no time did the State of Tennessee place constraints upon the appellant's exercise of this right.
His right to travel ... remains unimpeded.... Rather, based upon the context of his argument, the appellant
asserts an infringement upon his right to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways of this state. This
notion is wholly separate from the right to travel. The ability to drive a motor vehicle on a public highway is
not a fundamental 'right'. Instead, it is a revocable 'privilege' that is granted upon compliance with statutory
licensing procedures.")

3. This court addressed two elements; one. Right to travel. And two. Right to operate a motor vehicle. For
#one see response 1 above. For #two,,,,,, we don't assert that a right to operate a "motor vehicle" (as defined
federally and as this court is using the term) as a right that is protected by the constitution. The federal
definition SW2d is using is;

Title 18 USC 31:

"Motor vehicle" means every description or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical
power and used for commercial purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, or
passengers and property.

"Used for commercial purposes" means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or
other considerations, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended
for profit.

This definition of "motor vehicle" does not include "private motor Vehicles" as distinguished from the 18
USC 31 "motor vehicle" definition and as was clearly distinguished in Bowman vs City of Kansas City. As a
consequence to this fact, this court has not addressed the issue we promote on property rights.

Quackenbush v. Superior Court (1997) 60 Cal.App.4th 454, 70 Cal.Rptr.2d 271 (state can require insurance
for drivers licenses) ditto (state has legitimate interest in requiring financial responsibility of drivers)
Berberian v. Lussier (1958) 87 RI 226, 139 A2d 869 (this crank, a lawyer who was evidently his own favorite
client and eventually got himself disbarred for threatening to bomb the courthouse, Carter v. Berberian (RI
1981) 442 A2d 1263, later got his 13 year old son to sue over the age requirement for learners permits, see
below) see generally essay, Validity of Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act, 35 ALR2d 1011 & suppl.

See # 2 above

Guerrero v. Ryan (1995) 272 IL.App.3d 945, 209 IL.Dec 408, 651 NE2d 586 app.denied 163 IL.2d 556, 657
NE2d 621 cert.den 516 US 1180 (state can suspend license already issued if lack of insurance is discovered,
drivers license not a basic constitutional right)

See #2 above

similarly State v. Turk (1982) 197 Mont 311, 643 P2d 224 ditto Berberian v. Lussier (1958) 87 RI 226, 139
A2d 869 (cannot evade insurance requirement by religious objections)

State v. Cosgrove (So.Dak. 1989) 439 NW2d 119 cert.den 493 US 846

similarly State v. Skurdal (1988) 235 Mont 291, 767 P2d 304 ("This is obviously a growing school of thought
which had been misguided.... The notion of right to travel remains wholly separate from the right or privilege
to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways." The court made a point of discussing many of the crank
arguments against requiring drivers licenses evidently the crank notion is not only are the licensing
requirements inapplicable to them but also speed limits)

There is no Right to operate a "motor vehicle" to my knowledge. The privelege matter can be referred to #2

similarly City of Bismarck v. Stuart (No.Dak 1996) 546 NW2d 366 ("No court has ever held that it is an
impermissible infringement upon a citizen's constitutional Right to Travel for the legislature to decree that ...
every person who operates a motor vehicle on public roads must have a valid operator's license.... The
legislature has the constitutional police power to ensure safe drivers and safe roads.")

4. more carefully worded language that does not address private property and individual rights.

similarly City of Salina v. Wisden (Utah 1987) 737 P2d 981 ("Mr. Wisden's assertion that the right to travel
encompasses 'the unrestrained use of the highway' is wrong. The right to travel granted by the state and
federal constitutions does not include the ability to ignore laws governing the use of public roadways. The
motor vehicle code was promulgated to increase the safety and efficiency of our public roads. It enhances
rather than infringes on the right to travel. The ability to drive a motor vehicle on a public roadway is not a
fundamental right it is a privilege that is granted upon the compliance with the statutory licensing

5. This rhetoric is representative of the accepted thinking on the subjects herein addressed. Responding to
("Mr. Wisden's assertion that the right to travel encompasses 'the unrestrained use of the highway' is wrong. I
agree, within the limit of this statement, however, adequate "restraint" exists as a byproduct of the
constitution in two ways; first, restraint in the form of regulation (regulation of traffic is done with signs,
lines, curbs, lanes, speed signs (informing what the expected rate of speed of other citizens fitting the "lowest
common denominator" principle may be doing) all of which inform the individual about what is ahead and
what they should reasonably be able to expect. This is a duty of government as a result of its mandate to
provide for the health and welfare of the people. Regulation is the visible product of that duty). Second,
citizens have a constitutionally mandated self restraining responsibility to harm no other. When harm does
occur, existing regulation is used to determine which citizen was at fault thereby providing the necessary
elements with which to compensate the victim or untangle rights entangled. Regulation has no other purpose.

The right to travel granted by the state and federal constitutions does not include the ability to ignore laws
governing the use of public roadways. Constitutions do not grant rights. Laws governing the use of public
highways are unnecessary in light of the restraints described above. Consequently, vehicle codes that are
being applied to citizens and their use of private property are unconstitutional based upon the fact that no
compelling state interest exists due to the restraints already in place as described above.

The motor vehicle code was promulgated to increase the safety and efficiency of our public roads. This, of
course is propaganda spread by shallow men in support of aspirations of castles (how much marble do you
have in your home?) Society is no better off as a result of vehicle codes. Accidents will happen at generally
the same rate with or without such codes. Hence, these codes are a manifestation of an errant definition of
the words "compelling state interest" which must exist before a state may exert a police power. And which
don't exist here.

similarly ("The right to operate a motor vehicle is wholly a creation of state law it certainly is not explicitly
guaranteed by the Constitution, and nothing in that document or in our state constitution has even the
slightest appearance or an implicit guarantee of that right. The plaintiff's argument that the right to operate a
motor vehicle is fundamental because of its relation to the fundamental right of interstate travel ... is utterly
frivolous. The plaintiff is not being prevented from traveling interstate by public transportation, by common
carrier, or in a motor vehicle driven by someone with a license to drive it. What is at issue here is not his
right to travel interstate, but his right to operate a motor vehicle on the public highways, and we have no
hesitation in holding that this is not a fundamental right.")

See #2 above

Berberian v. Petit (RI 1977) 374 A2d 791, 86 ALR3d 468 (this case was a 13-year-old boy challenging the
age requirement for learners permits, the court quoted from a 1958 decision involving his father's challenge
to the requirement for motorists insurance) similarly Jones v. City of Newport (1989) 29 Ark.App 42, 780
SW2d 338

similarly Azubuko v. Registrar of Motor Vehicles (1st Cir unpub 9/3/96) cert.den 520 US 1157 ditto (state
can require drivers license, vehicle registration, display of license plate, etc., notwithstanding argument about
"right to travel") State v. Weisman (Minn.App unpub 11/1/88) cert.den 489 US 1080 ditto Maxfield v.
Corwin (WD Mich unpub 3/17/87) ditto ("While there exists a fundamental right to travel, neither this court,
nor our [state] supreme court, nor the US Supreme Court has ever held that there exists a fundamental right to
drive a moter vehicle." State can require display of official registration tag, and that driver present police
with valid license and car registration, even against purported religious objections, and can punish for use of
homemade license plate)Terpstra v. State (Ind.App 1988) 529 NE2d 839

No compelling state interest. See #5 above.

ditto City of Spokane v. Port (1986) 43 Wash.App 273, 716 P2d 945 revw.den 106 Wash.2d 1010 State v.
Patterson (Kan.App unpub 2/14/92) review den (Kan. Supm 1992) 250 Kan 807 ditto US ex rel Verdone v.
Circuit Court for Taylor County (7th Cir 1995) 73 F3d 669

similarly Commonwealth v. Levy (1961) 194 Penn.Super 390, 169 A2d 596 see especially essay, Validity of
statute making it a criminal offense for operator of motor vehicle not to carry or display his license or
registration, 6 ALR3d 506 & suppl.)

similarly (right to "property" does not enable perp to drive his car despite its lack of registration, safety
inspection, license plate, drivers license, etc., nor to prevent it from being impounded until he complies with
the licensing laws) Wisden v. City of Salina (Utah 1985) 709 P2d 371

This is perplexing language.. the first to mention Right to property. I suspect a definition of that right must
be part of this decision and therefore I will get the entire case for assessment. In any case,,,,,, the decision, if
it actually comes down to this is defective for the reasons stated in #5 above..

similarly (perp already had an SSN but refused, supposedly on religious grounds, to provide it to apply for
drivers license and thereby refused to renew or carry drivers license on religious grounds "The appellant
advised [the policewoman] that he could not be arrested because her God was not as big as his God. He
referred to her as 'an agent of the socialist govt ...", court held the state had sufficient reasons to require SSNs
for drivers licenses and that, since driving without a license is a crime, religious fastidiousness could not
excuse a criminal act) State v. Loudon (Tenn.Crim.App 1993) 857 SW2d 878 similarly (when cranks already
have SSNs but refuse to reveal them for drivers licenses applications, supposedly on religious grounds)
Penner v. King (Mo.Supm 1985) 695 SW2d 887

I need to get these cases as well, maybe it will provide the "compelling state interest" element we are looking
for. And, I am yet to see the origin of the duty that a citizen has to the state to license. I can understand the
potential duty to other citizens to have insurance but not license.

similarly (refused to reveal SSNs for drivers license on privacy grounds, citing various laws on non-
disclosure of SSNs, court held that state could require disclosure of SSN on license application) Nowlin v
DMV (1997) 53 Cal.App.4th 1529, 62 Cal.Rptr.2d 409 if state law requires the SSN on the license
application then the use of the SSN is not optional and an applicant who fails to provide his SSN will thereby
be refused a license. Schmidt v. Powell (IL App 1972) 4 IL.App.3d 34, 280 NE2d 236 Ostric v. Board of
Appeals on Motor Vehicle Policies (Mass 1972) 361 Mass 459, 280 NE2d 692

I wonder how this case would do before the US Supreme Court?

similarly (crank claimed to have unilaterally revoked his SSN and tried to invoke state law that would permit
an individual without an SSN to obtain a drivers license upon submission of a federal govt document
attesting to the lack of a Soc.Sec. number or account for that person, at least the individual's own assertion
without the federal documentation was insufficient the court noted that driving on the public roads is a
privilege, not a right nor a contract, and the state may impose reasonable conditions upon that privilege and
someone too fastidious to meet those conditions would not obtain the privilege) Hershey v. Commonwealth
Dept of Transportation (Penn.Commonw.Ct 1995) 669 A2d 517 app.den 544 Penn 664, 676 A2d 1202

ditto Kocher v. Bickley (Penn.Commonw.Ct 1999) 722 A2d 756 similarly (state can insist on SSN to obtain
a drivers license and apparently not required to offer alternatives to someone with religious objections to
having an SSN) McDonald v. Alabama Dept of Public Safety (Alab.Civ.App unpub 4/9/99) ditto Miller v.
Reed (9th Cir 1999) 176 F3d 1202 (and quoting from Bowen v. Roy, 1986, 476 US 693, which upheld an
AFDC requirement that welfare payments would not be paid for children whose parents did not provide the
child's SSN, notwithstanding the parents' religious objections to SSNs, and without offering an alternative)
requirement of SSN to obtain a drivers license did not infringe on religious rights, because the "plaintiffs may
preserve their religious scruples intact by foregoing this privilege [of driving on the public roads]. It is for
them to balance the resulting inconvenience." Penner v. King (Mo. 1985) 695 SW2d 887

I'm not fully informed on SSN's so I will pass this one accept to say,,,,,,, where is the compelling state interest
when #5 above is a consideration?

similarly, "The state of Missouri, by making the licensing requirements in question, is not prohibiting Davis
from expressing or practicing his religious beliefs or from traveling throughout this land. If he wishes, he
may walk, ride a bicycle or horse, or travel as a passenger in an automobile, bus, airplane or helicopter. He
cannot, however, operate a moto vehicle on the public highways without ... a valid operator's license." State v.
Davis (Mo.App 1988) 745 SW2d 249

There we go again with the carefully constructed "motor vehicle" language. One has to wonder if this court
recognizes the difference between their definition of a motor vehicle and that of the states?

(on the other hand, some states have made provision for issuing drivers licenses in special circumstances in
which an SSN is unavailable, such as lawfully admitted aliens, with their green cards, who are ineligible for
Soc.Sec.) Lauderbach v. Zolin (Cal.App 1995) 35 Cal.App.4th 578, 41 Cal.Rptr.2d 434

similarly (accepting the IRS's Taxpayer Identification Number [TIN] as a substitute for the SSN) Devon Inc.
v. State Bureau (Ohio App 1986) 31 Ohio App.3d 130, 508 NE2d 984

ditto (state would accept TIN as a substitute for the SSN and not obliged to create any more alternatives)
Kocher v. Bickley (Penn.Commonw.Ct 1999) 722 A2d 756

[the state may also give applicants the option of not having their SSNs appear on their drivers license and the
public registry but may stil require the SSN on the applications. Doe v. Registrar of Motor Vehicles
(Mass.Super unpub 6/8/93) 1 Mass.L.Rptr 156, 21 Media L.Rptr 2041 and if the drivers license does not
display the SSN, a policeman stopping the driver may insist on seeing the driver's Soc.Sec. card when the
SSN is required on traffic citations. State v. T.N. Hill (Ohio App. unpub 2/6/92)] neither right to migrate nor
right to a job implies a right to unlicensed driving. Maher v. State (Ind.App 1993) 612 NE2d 1063 (ditto,
when crank sent the state letters "rescinding his signature" to all drivers license papers assenting to the state's
statutory consent to breathalyzer test this had the effect of cancelling his drivers license, and he was charged
with unlicensed driving moreover, the state's refusal to return his car until he presented a valid license and
registration was not a taking without due process) Maxfield v. Corwin (WD Mich unpub 3/17/87) {Note:
There are reasons, other than dangerous driving, that a court may use to suspend or revoke drivers licenses
e.g. non-payment of taxes

Wells v. Malloy (D Vt 1975) 402 F.Supp 856 aff'd 538 F2d 317 failure to pay court fines City of Milwaukee
v. Kilgore (Wis.App 1994) 185 Wis.2d 499, 517 NW2d 689 failure to pay child support Richey v. Richey
(La.App 1997) 704 So.2d 343 generally essay, Revocation or Suspension of Drivers License for Reason
Unrelated to Motor Vehicle, 18 ALR5th 542 & suppl.

Another essay deals with putting conditions upon the reinstatement of a suspended license, such as requiring
proof of financial responsibility. 2 ALR5th 725.} ("The right to travel on public highways is not absolute.
It is subject to reasonable regulation by the state, pursuant to the police power granted by the Constitution.
We have previously held that the motor vehicle codes are a valid use of police power. We have also
previously held that requiring automobile insurance coverage and the registration of vehicles is a valid use of
the police power and does not violate the due process requirements of the US Constitution.") State v. R.E.
Wilson (Mont.Supm unpub 12/3/98) {The references to the "right to travel" in this propaganda turn out to
refer to court cases that dealt with restrictions on passports, or on restrictions on out-of-state visitors or
newcomers to a state obtaining employment or benefits such as food stamps cf. G.B. Hartch, Wrong Turns: A
critique of the Supreme Court's right to travel cases, 21 Wm. Mitchell Law Rev. 457 (1995). The exercise of
state and municipal police powers to regulate and restrict traffic on public roads predates the automobile by at
least a half-century, when bicycle riding was restricted to avoid frightening horses cf. R.D. Perry, The
Impact of the Sport of Bicycle Riding on Safety Law, 35 Amer. Business Law Jrnl 185 (1998). In France, the
registration of automobiles goes back to 1893, before the first US automobile factory, and in the US,
registration of cars dates back to 1901 and the licensing of drivers to 1916, and by the mid-1920s there were,
in almost every state, age requirements and other limitations on who could be licensed to operate an
automobile, even for personal use for example, see J. Simon, Driving Governmentality: Automobile
accidents, insurance, and the challenge to social order in the inter-war years, 1919 to 1941, 4 Conn. Insur.
Law Jrnl 521 (1998). As the US Supreme Court noted in 1915, "The movement of motor vehicles over the
highways is attended by constant and serious dangers to the public, and is also abnormally destructive to the
[high]ways themselves. ... [A] state may rightfully prescribe uniform regulations necessary for public safety
and order in respect to the operation upon its highways of all motor vehicles - those moving in interstate
commerce as well as others. ... This is but an exercise of the police power uniformly recognized as belonging
to the states and essential to the preservation of the health, safety, and comfort of their citizens." Hendrick v.
Maryland (1915) 235 US 610

See #3 above.. this case clearly makes the distinction between "motor vehicles" (per fed definition) and
private property.

and in 1927, "Motor vehicles are dangerous machines, and even when skillfully and carefully operated, their
use is attended by serious dangers to persons and property. In the public interest the state may make and
enforce regulations reasonably calculated to promote care on the part of all, residents and non-residents alike,
who use its highways. ... The state's power to regulate the use of its highways extends to their use by non-
residents as well as by residents." Hess v. Pawloski (1927) 274 US 352.

See #5 regulations above. The states are taking this case completely out of context. Notice the court said
"promote" not mandate.

There is nothing in the cranks' reliance on a "right to travel" to try to exempt themselves from driver license
and traffic laws that limits their theory to wheeled vehicles and they might eventually claim an unregulated
right to pilot aircraft over cities! Courts have already held that driving without a license or registration is, by
itself, indicative of reckless driving

see essay, 29 ALR2d 963 & suppl.} (enforcement of traffic laws is not governed by the UCC speed limits
and their enforcement is not a violation of the "right to travel") Barcroft v. State (Tex.App 1994) 881 SW2d

very cleverly worded see #'s 3 and 5 above.

ditto (UCC inapplicable to case involving driving unregistered vehicle) Gipson v. Callahan (WD Tex 1997)
18 F.Supp.2d 662 (state can require that vehicle be maintained with current inspection and registration
stickers and tags) State v. Kuball (Minn.App unpub 8/15/89)

state can require that drivers carry a drivers license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance. City of
Billings v. Skurdal (1986) 224 Mont 84, 730 P2d 371 cert.den 481 US 1020

I suspect the entire case will provide a more specific statement here as is,,,, this doesn't say anything as it
does not carry necessary qualifications we see in other US decisions.

Nowlin v. Dept of Motor Vehicles (1997) 53 Cal.App.4th 1529, 62 Cal.Rptr.2d 409 (state can require
applicants for new or renewed license to provide their Soc.Sec numbers and refuse licenses until applicant
obtains a Soc.Sec number) ditto Miller v. Reed (9th Cir 1999) 176 F3d 1202 ditto McDonald v. Alabama
Dept of Public Safety (Alab.Civ.App unpub 4/9/99)

ditto Hersshey v. Commonwealth (Commonw.Ct of Penn 1996) 669 A2d 517 app.denied (Penn Supm unpub
6/4/96) 544 Pa 664, 676 A2d 1202

ditto (and also pretending that accepting a benefit from the state, in the form of a license, is against his
religion) Terpstra v. State (Ind.App 1988) 529 NE2d 839

ditto State v. Clifford (1990) 57 Wash.App 127, 787 P2d 571 review denied 114 Wash.2d 1025, 792 P2d 535
ditto State v. Booher (Tenn.Crim.App 1997) 978 SW2d 953 ditto (claiming that his religious beliefs were
against registering for a drivers lic) Schmidt v. Powell (IL App 1972) 4 IL.App.3d 34, 280 NE2d 236

ditto (and also pretending that violation of license and registration laws is a victimless crime) State v. Yoder
(Ohio App unpub 6/7/95)

pretending? I see nothing in this page that would demonstrate just what manner of victim does exist in such

(police request that driver show them his license and registration and proof of insurance is not a "search"
under the Fourth Amendment, the law requires a driver to keep these documents, and driver cannot insist on
search warrant) State v. Reed (1984) 107 Ida 162, 686 P2d 842 (ditto, does not violate Fifth Amendment)
Sherman v. Babbitt (9th Cir 1985) 772 F2d 1476 (ditto, does not violate First Amendment religious rights)
Terpstra v. State (Ind.App 1988) 529 NE2d 839

compelling state interest? Probable cause?

(as part of a justifiable traffic stop, the police can instruct the driver to step out of his car) Pennsylvania v.
Mimms (1977) 434 US 106 (thought that posting No Trespassing notices on his truck was a sufficient
substitute for having license plates - and was surprised when the police had his truck towed away) Fenili v.
Calif. Dept of Motor Vehicles (ND Cal unpub 6/16/98) (homemade license plate, saying "Freeman", not
acceptable, and state may impound car until perp presents current and valid

license, registration, etc.) Maxfield v. Corwin (WD Mich unpub 3/17/87) (mere use of homemade license
plates is indicative that car is not properly registered and is sufficient to justify police stop) Granse v. State
(Minn.App unpub 7/1/97)

I recognize the problem to be in the judiciary and the legislature. As such, I see no need to educate every
policeman about what is not correct about his state mandate. Always give the cop a break. He really
doesn't know any better.

State v. French (1994) 77 Haw 222, 883 P2d 644 (required to comply with license and traffic laws event
though perp believes that Hawaii is still an independent kingdom, there is no federal legislation that overrides
the state's authority to regulate driving) driving is a privilege not an inherent right and may be regulated by
the state for public safety reasons: Jones v. City of Newport (1989) 29 Ark.App 42, 780 SW2d 338

There's that word Regulate again.

(driving not synonymous with "right to travel") Azubuko v. Registrar of Motor Vehicles (1st Cir unpub
9/3/96) cert.den 520 US 1157 ditto City of Spokane v. Port (1986) 43 Wash.App 273, 716 P2d 945 revw.den
106 Wash.2d 1010 similarly (including driver license laws and requirement for vehicle registration and
insurance) Goode v. Foster (D. Kan unpub 10/21/96) ditto Gordon v. State (1985) 108 Ida 178, 697 P2d 1192
ditto State v. Von Schmidt (1985) 109 Ida 736, 710 P2d 646 ditto Endsley v. State (1987) 184 Ga.App 797,
363 SE2d 1 similarly Lebrun v. State (1986) 255 Ga 406, 339 SE2d 227 ditto Humphreys v. State (Okla.
Crim. App 1987) 738 P2d 188 ditto State v. Booher (Tenn.Crim.App 1997) 978 SW2d 953 (privilege of
operation a motor vehicle on the public streets is "wholly separate from the right to travel"


perp refused to identify himself to police, tried to present policeman with his own version of "Miranda
warning" claims to be immune to license & registration requirement as an "unenfranchised citizen of
Tennessee", etc. held "No person in the State of Tennessee may exempt himself or herself from any law
simply by declaring that he or she does not consent to its applying to them")

ditto State v. D.R. Gibson (1985) 108 Ida. 202, 697 P2d 1216 (perp claimed that as a "free man" who had not
"accepted" a drivers license, he is exempt from all traffic laws) similarly Terpstra v. State (Ind.App 1988)
529 NE2d 839 similarly State v. Stuart (No.Dak 1996) 544 NW2d 158 similarly (including argument that
his driving is not "commercial" or not connected to govt activity and therefore not susceptible to any state
controls) State v. Skurdal (1988) 235 Mont 291, 767 P2d 304 ("That claim is baseless in Montana and we find
no law in any other jurisdiction to support it either.") ditto (tried to argue that registration and licensing laws
only apply if the vehicle is "for extraordinary use" "We see no reason why we should place any limitations
on the application of the registration statute when the legislature decided not to.") Slye-Nelson v. State
(Tex.App 1993) 862 SW2d 628

ditto ("completely frivolous and meritless") J.M. Anderson v. State of Michigan (WD Mich unpub 3/18/93)
ditto City of Spokane v. Port (1986) 43 Wash.App 273, 716 P2d 945 revw.den 106 Wash.2d 1010

ditto City of Belton v Horton (Mo.App 1997) 947 SW2d 104



I will say, REGULATION (as defined above) is an appropriate use of state police powers, codes mandating
the robbing citizens at gunpiont who have harmed no one is not.

Anyone,,,,,,,,, please feel free to provide compelling state interests in support of vehicle codes.. that are
not already covered in #5 above.

This state police power really can't work any other way than is described here. If it did, the bill of rights
would not have been necessary. Not to speak of the constitution itself and while we are
enumerating the unnecessary,,,,, the war of independence comes to mind I wish the states would get
their heads out of their pocket books and really try to provide for the health and welfare of the people


ditto Humphreys v. State (Okla. Crim. App 1987) 738 P2d 188 ditto (claimed "it is a legal impossibility for
the state or anyone to collect a civil penalty for non-registration of a private vehicle" and wanted $2.5M in
damages "completely frivolous and meritless") J.M. Anderson v. State of Michigan (WD Mich unpub
3/18/93) ditto (also that this was a "victimless crime") City of South Euclid v. Carroll (Ohio App unpub
10/6/88) app.dism 42 Oh.St.3d 706, 537 NE2d 225 similarly (tried to argue that limiting driving to those able
to afford car insurance was discriminatory) Maher v. State (Ind.App 1993) 612 NE2d 1063 ditto State v. J.S.
Smith (Minn.App unpub 6/11/96) (tried to argue that he could not be required to pay a fine nor pay for a
license nor for registration in the absence of gold and silver coiage) Lowry v. State (Alask.App 1982) 655
P2d 780

(tried to argue that a traffic ticket required the same tedious red tape, such as notarization or accompanying
papers, as a formal indictment or a complaint in a lawsuit) State v. Gibson (Ohio App unpub 6/19/95)
(seemed to think that by denying US citizenship could immunize himself from drunk driving laws and from
traffic court) T.J. Johnson v. State (Ark.App unpub 10/7/92)

ditto (as "a 'free' man who is no longer a 14th Amendment citizen, he is not required to register his vehicle,
wear a seatbelt or maintain liability insurance, ... also asserts that he is not required to abide by any state or
federal laws.") State v. Folda (Mont 1994) 267 Mont 523, 51 Mont St.Rep 1149, 885 P2d 426 ditto State v.
Skurdal (1988) 235 Mont 291, 767 P2d 304 ditto (argued that his unregistered truck was not a vehicle but a
"religious conveyance" and as a "natural citizen" rather than an enfranchised citizen he was exempt from
licensing law) Terpstra v. State (Ind.App 1988) 529 NE2d 839 ditto (also tried to argue that his unregistered
automobile was not a "motor vehicle" unless and until it was registered) State v. Booher (Tenn.Crim.App
1997) 978 SW2d 953

similarly (altho alone in his truck, tried to deny that he was "driving a motor vehicle" but rather "traveling in
a conveyance". "His reasoning for this premise ... is not based on any relevant statute or case precedent, and
has no merit. [State law] defines an operator as a person ... 'who is in actual physical control of a motor
vehicle upon a highway.' ... Since Davis was in actual physical control of the pickup truck, he was operating a
motor vehicle.") State v. Davis (Mo.App 1988) 745 SW2d 249

similarly (argued that traffic laws, even against driving the wrong way down a one-way street, violated the
10th Amendment ... and sent the traffic judge letters on the letterhead of "The Committee to Save the Judges
from Hanging Even Though They Deserve It" with the printed marginalia that "oppressed people have never
once regained their freedom until they had hung the judges and stoned the tax collectors to death." ) Freeman
v. Town of Lusk (Wyo.Supm 1986) 717 P2d 331 similarly (awarded himself, as "a first class judicial
citizen", a permanent lifetime "travelers authorization" ... "it also means that never again will he have to wait
in line at the Dept of Motor Vehicles for a renewal") Estes-El v. Town of Indian Lake (ND NY unpub
5/11/98) (an international driving permit is not, alone, a sufficient substitute for a drivers license, and
requires additionally a drivers license from that person's country or state of residence) Schofield v. Hertz
Corp. (1991) 201 Ga.App 830, 412 SE2d 853 Dwyer v. Margono (1997) 128 N.C.App 122, 493 SE2d 763
review den (1998) 347 NC 670, 500 SE2d 85 Eskew v. Young (SD IL 1998) 992 F.Supp 1049 someone
whose drivers license had been deliberately suspended or revoked here cannot resume driving by obtaining
an international drivers permit. People v. Platts (1995) 274 Ill.App.3d 753, 655 NE2d 300 where an arrestee
has an international drivers permit in a false name that is a strong indication of an inclination and ability to
flee and adopt false identities for which a high bail may be demanded. US v. Himler (3d Cir 1986) 797 F2d

having organized a small mob to resist law enforcement efforts to arrest him, having denied his citizenship
and denied being susceptible to the laws or courts, and having threatened the judge, all justify the court
refusing to allow him bail or pre-trial release. US v. Kanahele (D Haw 1995) 951 F.Supp 921

{The international driving permit is issued under the authority of the UN Convention on International Road
Traffic, and it serves as an authoritative multi-lingual translation and verification of the person's home drivers
license, which means that it has no legal weight without that home drivers license (and, also, a driver's
international permit has no weight inside the driver's home country). It is good for not more than 12 months
(less in some countries) and the driver is still subject to all the traffic laws. In the US, they are available from
AAA for $10. [AAA wants a SS#.] Apparently there is a lively Internet scam of selling unauthorized or fake
permits and at prices up to $300 cf.

USA Today, 5 March 1999

Business Wire, 20 Jan 1999
Toronto Star, 5 Sept 1998.

Do Your Own Your Vehicle?

On February 10, 1987, Tennessee Department of Revenue Operations Supervisor

Denise Rottero told Judge Geer how Tennessee's auto registration works.
The process begins with the "surrender" of the Manufacturer' s Statement of Origin
(MSO) by the auto dealer to the Department of Revenue in exchange for Certificate of
Title. Asked if a MSO is proof of ownership -Legal title -to the automobile. Ms.
Rottero said, "Yes"

"Are you telling me that the ownership of an automobile is NOT title; it's merely
evidence that title exists. Your car's legal TITLE is the MSO, which the dealer
surrendered to the state. Ms. Rottero said the MSO is put on microfilm for permanent
keeping, the original destroyed.

After the trial, spectators expressed shock that their personal automobiles were actually
owned by the state. "No wonder state law officers stop people for no reason!" said a
housewife. "If your car's got a Tennessee plate, it's theirs, and they can do anything they
like to you." That's the law, but it's volutary, No one but Judge Greer has dared say that
if you don't surrender your car to the state in exchange for plates, you go to jail.

Ed. Note : This is true not only for Tennessee, but for the other 49 states as well. When
purchasing a new automobile, the buyer is required to sign fine print which authorized
the dealer to obtain plates and registration for the vehicle. Purchaser need only to read
this fine print to see that by doing this they are authorizing the dealer to act a power of
attorney, and by doing so the prospective buyer is signing away his rights to that
vehicle. When buying a used vehicle, the title already has been signed over to the state.
-From The Investigative Reporter, October 1996
References - More Reading Materials on Zoning & Property

Modernization of Zoning - A Means to Reform

Property and Freedom - a book review

Property and Freedom, by Richard Pipes; Hardcover, 317pp., ISBN: 0375404988; Publisher: Knopf Alfred
A; April 1999

Alliance for America

Citizens for Constitutional Property Rights
Defenders of Property Rights
Environmental Conservation Organization
Forest Service Theft of Property
National Association of Reversionary Property Owners
Law Research & Registry
Pennsylvania Landowners Association
Property Rights
Siskiyou County Farm Bureau
Take Back Arkansas

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