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Fourier Transforms More Dirty Tricks An Unattractive But Highly Useful Example

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03 at ESG Supplemental Notes

Fourier Transforms
More Dirty Tricks
an Unattractive but Highly Useful Example
Lets start with B&B Problem 2.12(a), with a slight variation. In statisticians
1 2 2
N (, ) = e(x) /2 .
Note that the independent variable x is not included in writing N (, ); the idea
is that N , a normal distribution, is completely characterized by the parameters
and . The normal distribution has the following neat properties, any of which you
can verify:
i) N is maximized at x = ,

ii) N dx = 1,

iii) x N dx = , and

iv) (x )2 N dx = 2 ,
where the integrals in (ii), (iii) and (iv) are over the entire range of the independent
variable, in this case from to . The quantities and are known as the mean
and standard deviation of the distribution. The intergral in (iv) may be obtained in
any number of ways; an almost-too-clever way will be given shortly in these notes.
For now, we might be content to look it up in a table.
The result obtained in (iv) is written as x2  = 2 . So, we have two funny
notational things; N , which is a function of x, is written without an x, and x2 ,
which is not a function of x, is written like one. Actually, whats happening is a
special case of 
f  = f (x) N dx,

which is a linear mapping, known as a linear functional, from the space of functions
to the reals; If, frinstance, f = x2 , what we have is the image of the function f ,
which we choose to label x2 ; hence the terminology. Youll get used to it.

Anyhow, lets nd the Fourier transform of N (, ),

F (k) = N eikx dx

1 2 2
= e(x) /2 eikx dx

1 2 2
= ey /2 eik(y+) dy

1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2
= e ik
e 2 ((y/) i2ky( k )) e 2 k dy

1 ik 12 2 k2 1 2
= e e e 2 (y/ik) dy

1 1 2 2 2 2
= eik e 2 k ez /2 dz
1 2 2
= eik e 2 k
Note that two changes of variables were made, y = x and z = y ik 2 ,
and that the standard form for the last integral was used, as in the integral in
(ii), above. One sneaky thing; in making the change of variable from y to z, the
limits, strictly speaking, become + ik 2 to + ik 2 . This really is legitimate,
although a detailed explanation and justication takes some time. What we are
doing is changing our path of integration from the real axis to a contour in the
complex plane that is parallel to the real axis, and as long as we dont cross any
singularities of the integrand, were okay. The integrand has no singularities except
at i, so we dont come close to making the integral angry.
Also note a more general result: If g(x) = f (x ), and G(k) and F (k) are
the Fourier transforms of g(x) and f (x), G(k) = eik F (k).
Anyhow, we have the result that the Fourier transform of a Gaussian is a
Gaussian. We may also see why some of us prefer to dene the transform with the
factor of 1 ,
to preserve the symmetry. In addition, if
F (k) = N (x) e dx,
F (k)F (k) dk = N (x)N (x) dx.

(This is shown in the notes Normalization of Fourier Transforms.)

Either way, we get k2 = k 2  = 12 immediately, and the amazing result that
k = 1. It can be shown that for any function f (x) and the transform F (k),
k 1, with equality holding only for a Gaussian, and that unless f is really
pathological, the product k will never be very far from unity; it may be 6 or

2 ln 2, or something similar, but not 1023 .

Now, then, for any reasonable function f , consider
dF ikx dn F
=i xe f (x) dx, ... = (i)n xn eikx f (x) dx,
dk dk n

so that 
n dn F  n
x f (x) dx = (i)  .
dk n k=0
For this reason, F (k) is sometimes known as the Power Spectrum of f (x). To
check for N (0, ), with n = 2,

k2 /2 d2 F 2 2  
F (k) = e , 2
= 2 e k /2 2 k 2 1 ,

so (i)2 ddkF2 k=0 = 2 , as before. This is similarly true for the inverse transform;

n (i)n d2 f 
k F (k) dk =  .
2 dx2 x=0

This condition may give some insight into what we mean by reasonable f (x) or
F (k); for instance, check out your answer to B&B 2.12(b) and see what you can
say about k 2 F dk and ddxf2 x=0 .
Okay, so what good are Fourier transforms? Lots! Heres an example from
physics; it aint 8.03, its a bit beyond 18.03, but its a real problem, a really good
problem, and we can do it. Consider the Heaty Quation,

2 T = D . (1)

Here, T is temperature and D is a constant,

(mass density) (specic heat)

D= .
(thermal conductivity)

In one dimension, (1) becomes

2T T
=D .
x t

Our boundary conditions will be at t = 0; that is, we know T (x, 0). Note that
since (1) is only rst-order in time ((1) is not the Wavy Quation), we need only
one boundary condition. We will need to assume realistic conditions; as x ,

T (x, 0) 0, T 
x t=0 0.

So, let 
F (k, t) = T (x, t) eikx dx,

and consider  
F T ikx 1 2 T ikx
= e dx = e dx.
t t D x2
This last integral is done by parts;

2 T ikx T ikx  T ikx T ikx
e dx = e  ik e dx = ik e dx,
x x x x

where the condition that T

x 0 as x has been used. Similarly,
T ikx
e dx = ik T eikx dx = ikF (k, t).

F k2
= F (2).
t D
This is readily solved; F (k, t) = T (k)ek t/D
, where

T (k) = F (k, 0) = T (x, 0) eikx dx.

Thus, T is obtained from the initial conditions; we have determined F (k, t), and
hence can perform the inverse transform,

T (x, t) = F (k, t) eikx dk
1  ikx 2
= T (x , 0) e dx ek t/D eikx dk.


Note the distinction between x and x ; F (k, t) has no x-dependence. Now comes
the fancy stu; we switch the integrals!
1  (k2 t/D)ik(xx )
T (x, t) = T (x , 0) e dk dx (4).

We can and will rewrite (4) as

T (x, t) = T (x , 0) G(x, x , t) dx , (5)

 1 2
t/D)ik(xx )
G(x, x , t) e(k dk. (6)
But, this is the inverse Fourier transform of ek t/D
, with x x replacing x; we
know that G is a Gaussian in (x x ). In fact,

 2t D (D/4t)(xx )2
G=N x, = e . (7)
D 4t

If you wish, do the integral; its similar to the integral done above, on page 2.
The function G(x, x , t) is a Greens Function (hence the letter G). In general,
if G comes from an equation that is linear, with constant coecients (such as the
Heaty Quation or the Wavy Quation), G(x, x , t) will depend only on x x . You
might have seen something similar in Greens functions for ODEs. The above form,
equation (7), shows this explicitly.
In three dimensions, the integration by parts involves Greens theorem (not a
coincidence on the names), and
D  2

G(x, x , t) = e(D/4t)(xx ) .

Strictly speaking, what we have done is a Fourier-Laplace transform; Fourier

in space, Laplace in time. In this case, the Laplace transform was really simple (see
equation (2) and its solution).
Back to G: G is known as the heat kernel. The term kernel comes from
linear analysis; in operator notation,

D G = 0,
x2 t

and so G the null space of the operator
D t
. Note that in this usage, D
in not dierentiation. From this, we can think of our approach to the problem as
a) Look for T such that x2 = k 2 T and express T as a linear combination of
such functions, or
b) Look for T t = sT and look for a linear combination of these functions.
Doing (a) and (b) simultaneously is the Fourier-Laplace transform.
G(x, x , t) has the following properties:

i) G(x, x , t) dx = 1
ii) If x = x , lim G(x, x , t) = 0

iii) If x = x , lim G(x, x , t)
lim G(x, x , t) = (x x),
the infamous and illegal Dirac delta-function. (x) has the property that

f (x ) (x ) dx = f (0). (8)

Check this in equation (5) above;

T (x, 0) = lim T (x , 0) G(x, x , t) dx = T (x , 0) (x x) dx = T (x, 0),

as it must.
We can generalize this; we have, from the Fourier transform and its inverse,
F (k) in terms of f (x), and f (x) in terms of F (k), so we should be able to write
f (x) in terms of itself. Specically,

f (x) = F (k)eikx dk
1  ikx
= f (x )e dx eikx dk

 1 ik(x x)
= f (x ) e dk dx .
Thus, the term in square brackets in the last line does what a delta-function does,
and is a common representation for the delta-function.
Ive been putting function in quotes for a reason; the residual mathemetician
in me recognizes that (x x ) is not a function at all. In fact, equation (8) is just a
linear mapping from the space of functions into the reals; another linear functional.
Since integrals of functions are a form of inner product, (x) does the same thing
as a function in terms of its use as an inner product, but it cant be a function.
The mapping L(f ) = f (0) is an unbounded linear functional, and (x) is sometimes
known as a distribution. The term distribution was used to describe N (, ),
and they do similar things.
One last stinker; note that
sgn(x) + 1 = 2 (x ) dx ,

so that if sgn(x) were dierentiable,

sgn(x) = 2 (x).

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