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Chapter 8 Test Development (Unfinished)

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The passage discusses the process of developing tests, including conceptualizing, constructing, trying out, analyzing, and revising tests.

The five stages of developing a test discussed are: test conceptualization, test construction, test tryout, item analysis, and test revision.

Some considerations when analyzing test items discussed include examining for guessing, speed effects, qualitative analysis approaches like think-aloud protocols, and sensitivity reviews.

Chapter 8

Test Development

The process of developing a test occurs in five stages:

1. Test conceptualization
2. Test construction
3. Test tryout
4. Item analysis
5. Test revision

Self-talk, in behavioral terms.
ought to be a test designed to measure a particular construct
Review of the available literature on existing tests designed to measure a particular construct
might indicate that such tests leave much to be desired in psychometric soundness.

Some Preliminary Questions

What is the test designed to measure?
how the test developer defines the construct being measured
how that definition is the same as or different from other tests purporting to measure the same

What is the objective of the test?

What goal will the test be employed?
What way or ways is the objective of this test the same as or different from other tests with
similar goals?
What real-world behaviors would be anticipated to correlate with testtaker responses

Is there a need for this test?

Are there any other tests purporting to measure the same thing?
In what ways will the new test be better than or different from existing ones?
Will there be more compelling evidence for its reliability or validity?
Will it be more comprehensive? Will it take less time to administer? In what ways would this
test not be better than existing tests?

Who will use this test?

Educators? Others?
For what purpose or purposes would this test be used

Who will take this test?

Who is this test for?
Who needs to take it?
Who would find It desirable to take it?
For what age range of test takers is the test designed?
What reading level is required of a test taker?
What cultural factors might affect test taker response?

What content will the test cover?

Why should it cover this content?
Is this coverage different from the content coverage of existing tests with the same or similar
How and why is the content area different?
To what extent is this content culture-specific?

How will the test be administered?

Individually or in groups?
Is it amenable to both group and individual administration?
What differences will exist between individual and group administrations of this test?
Will the test be designed for or amenable to computer administration?
How might differences between versions of the test be reflected in test scores?

What is the ideal format of the test?

Should it be truefalse, essay, multiple-choice, or in some other format?
Why is the format selected for this test the best format?

Should more than one form of the test be developed?

On the basis of a costbenefit analysis, should alternate or parallel forms of this test be created?

What special training will be required of test users for administering or interpreting the test?
What background and qualifications will a prospective user of data derived from an
administration of this test need to have?
What restrictions, if any, should be placed on distributors of the test and on the tests usage?

What types of responses will be required of test takers?

What kind of disability might preclude someone from being able to take this test?
What adaptations or accommodations are recommended for persons with disabilities?

Who benefits from an administration of this test?

What would the test taker learn, or how might the test taker benefit, from an administration of
this test?
What would the test user learn, or how might the test user benefit?
What social benefit, if any, derives from an administration of this test?

Is there any potential for harm as the result of an administration of this test?
What safeguards are built into the recommended testing procedure to prevent any sort of harm
to any of the parties involved in the use of this test?

How will meaning be attributed to scores on this test?

Will a test takers score be compared to others taking the test at the same time?
To others in a criterion group?
Will the test evaluate mastery of a particular content area?
issues related to test development with regard to norm- versus criterion-referenced tests.
Norm-referenced versus criterion-referenced tests: Item development issues


good item on this test is an item for which high scorers on the test respond correctly. Low scorers
on the test tend to respond to that same item incorrectly
typically insufficient and inappropriate when knowledge of mastery is what the test user
this same pattern of results may occur: High scorers on the test get a particular item right
whereas low scorers on the test get that same item wrong. However, that is not what makes an
item good or acceptable from a criterion-oriented perspective
each item on a criterion-oriented test addresses the issue of whether the testtakera would-be
physician, engineer, piano student, or whoeverhas met certain criteria.
first in the class does not count and is often irrelevant.
commonly employed in licensing contexts
mastery of particular material must be demonstrated before the student moves on to advanced
material that conceptually builds on the existing base of knowledge, skills, or both.
instruments derives from a conceptualization of the knowledge or skills to be mastered.
the required cognitive or motor skills may be broken down into component parts.
procedure may entail exploratory work with at least two groups of testtakers: one group known
to have mastered the knowledge or skill being measured and another group known not to have
mastered such knowledge or skill
The items that best discriminate between these two groups would be considered good items

Pilot Work
Pilot work, pilot study, and pilot research refer,
in general, to the preliminary research surrounding the creation of a prototype of the test.

pilot studied (or piloted)

to evaluate whether they should be included in the final form of the instrument
pilot study
might involve physiological monitoring of the subjects (such as monitoring of heart rate) as a
function of exposure to different types of stimuli
pilot research
In developing a structured interview to measure introversion/extraversion, for example, may
involve open-ended interviews with research subjects believed for some reason (perhaps on the
basis of an existing test) to be introverted or extraverted
interviews with parents, teachers, friends, and others who know the subject might also be

Pilot work
the test developer typically attempts to determine how best to measure a targeted construct
entail the creation, revision, and deletion of many test items in addition to literature reviews,
experimentation, and related activities.
Once pilot work has been completed, the process of test construction begins
Pilot work is a necessity when constructing tests or other measuring instruments for publication
and wide distribution
pilot work need not be part of the process of developing teacher-made tests for classroom use (

as the assignment of numbers according to rules
May be defined as the process of setting rules for assigning numbers in measurement.
is the process by which a measuring device is designed and calibrated and by which numbers (or
other indices)scale valuesare assigned to different amounts of the trait, attribute, or
characteristic being measured.

L. L. Thurstone
( Figure 82 ) is credited for being at the forefront of efforts to develop methodologically sound
scaling methods
He adapted psychophysical scaling methods to the study of psychological variables such as
attitudes and values

Types of scales
may also be conceived of as instruments used to measure.
There is no one method of scaling.
There is no best type of scale.
Test developers scale a test in the manner they believe is optimally suited to their conception of
the measurement of the trait (or whatever) that is being measured.

Scaling methods
The higher or lower the score, the more or less of the characteristic the testtaker presumably

SUMMATIVE SCALE/Produce Ordinal Data

Rating scale
which can be defined as a grouping of words, statements, or symbols on which judgments of the
strength of a particular trait, attitude, or emotion are indicated by the testtaker
used to record judgments of oneself, others, experiences, or objects, and they can take several
Summative scale
Because the final test score is obtained by summing the ratings across all the items
Likert scale
is used extensively in psychology, usually to scale attitudes.
Likert scales are relatively easy to construct.
Each item presents the test taker with five alternative responses (sometimes seven), usually on
an agreedisagree or approvedisapprove continuum
usually reliable which may account for their widespread popularity.
The use of rating scales of any type results in ordinal-level data.
Rating scales differ in the number of dimensions underlying the ratings being made
meaning that only one dimension is presumed to underlie the ratings.
meaning that more than one dimension is thought to guide the testtakers responses

Method of paired comparisons.

Test takers are presented with pairs of stimuli (two photographs, two objects, two statements),
which they are asked to compare.
They must select one of the stimuli according to some rule; for example, the rule that they agree
more with one statement than the other, or the rule that they fi nd one stimulus more
appealing than the other
The test score would reflect the number of times the choices of a testtaker agreed with those of
the judges
Deriving ordinal information:
In these approaches, printed cards, drawings, photographs, objects, or other such stimuli are
typically presented to test takers for evaluation.

Comparative scaling
One method of sorting
entails judgments of a stimulus in comparison with every other stimulus on the scale
Testtakers would be asked to sort the cards from most justifi able to least justifiable.
Comparative scaling could also be accomplished by providing testtakers with a list of 30 items
on a sheet of paper and asking them to rank the justifi ability of the items from 1 to 30
Categorical scaling
Stimuli are placed into one of two or more alternative categories that differ quantitatively with
respect to some continuum.
testtakers might be given 30 index cards on each of which is printed one of the 30 items.
Testtakers would be asked to sort the cards into three piles: those behaviors that are never
justifi ed, those that are sometimes justifi ed, and those that are always justifi ed.

Guttmann scale
is yet another scaling method that yields ordinal level measures. Items on it range sequentially
from weaker to stronger expressions of the attitude, belief, or feeling being measured.
that all respondents who agree with the stronger statements of the attitude will also agree with
milder statements.
this were a perfect Guttman scale, then all respondents who agree with a (the most extreme
position) should also agree with b, c, and d. All respondents who disagree with a but
agree with b should also agree with c and d, and so forth.
The resulting data are then analyzed by means of scalogram analysis, an item-analysis
procedure and approach to test development that involves a graphic mapping of a testtakers
where an objective may be to learn if a consumer who will purchase one product will purchase
another product.

Equal-appearing intervals,
first described by Thurstone (1929), is one scaling method used to obtain data that are
presumed to be interval in nature
is an example of a scaling method of the direct estimation variety.

indirect estimation
there is no need to transform the test takers responses into some other scale.

particular scaling method employed in the development of a new test depends:

including the variables being measured,
the group for whom the test is intended (children may require a less complicated scaling
method than adults, for example),
the preferences of the test developer

Writing Items
Test developer/item writer immediately faces three questions related to the test blueprint:
What range of content should the items cover?
Which of the many different types of item formats should be employed?
How many items should be written in total and for each content area covered?

First draft contain approximately twice the number of items that the final version of the test
will contain. Because approximately half of these items will be eliminated from the tests final
version, the test developer needs to ensure that the final version also contains items that
adequately sample the domain.
Another consideration here is whether or not alternate forms of the test will be created and, if
so, how many Multiply the number of items required in the pool for one form of the test by the
number of forms planned, and you have the total number of items needed for the initial item
How does one develop items for the item pool? The test developer may write a large number
of items from personal experience or academic acquaintance with the subject matter. Help
may also be sought from others, including experts For psychological tests designed to be used in
clinical settings, clinicians, patients, patients family members, clinical staff, and others may be
interviewed for insights that could assist in item writing.
Item pool
is the reservoir or well from which items will or will not be drawn for the final version of the
A comprehensive sampling provides a basis for content validity of the final version of the test.

Item format
the form, plan, structure, arrangement, and layout of individual test items
Selected-response format
require testtakers to select a response from a set of alternative responses.
achievement and if the items are written in a selectedresponse format, then examinees must
select the response that is keyed as correct
Constructed-response format
require testtakers to supply or to create the correct answer, not merely to select it.

MULTIPLE-CHOICE FORMAT has three elements:
a stem,
a correct alternative or option, and
several incorrect alternatives or options variously referred to as distractors or foils

the testtaker is presented with two columns:
premises on the left and
responses on the right
The testtakers task is to determine which response is best associated with which premise.
young test takers = direct line
other than young children = write letter
two columns contain different numbers of items.
If the number of items in the two columns were the same, then a person unsure about one of
the actors roles could merely deduce it by matching all the other options first.
A perfect score would then result even though the testtaker did not actually know all the
Providing more options than needed minimizes such a possibility
wording of the premises and the responses should be fairly short and to the point
two columns contain different numbers of items
No more than a dozen or so premises should be included; otherwise, some students will forget
what they were looking for as they go through the lists
The lists of premises and responses should both be homogeneousthat is, lists of the same
sort of thing


multiple-choice item that contains only two possible responses is called a
Truefalse item
Most familiar binary-choice item is the.
this type of selected-response item usually takes the form of a sentence that requires the
testtaker to indicate whether the statement is or is not a fact.

Other varieties of binary-choice items

include sentences to which the testtaker responds with one of two responses, such as agree or
disagree, yes or no, right or wrong, or fact or opinion.
good binary choice contains a single idea,
is not excessively long, and is not subject to debate;
the correct response must undoubtedly be one of the two choices

Similarities Multiple vs Binary

are readily applicable to a wide range of subjects.
Difference Multiple vs Binary
multiple-choice items, binary-choice items cannot contain distractor alternatives
binary-choice items are typically easier to write and can be written relatively quickly than

Disadvantage of Binary
probability of obtaining a correct response purely on the basis of chance (guessing) on any one
item is .5, or 50% (multiple choice is 25%)

requires the examinee to provide a word or phrase that completes a sentence, as in the
following example
should be worded so that the correct answer is specifi
Completion items that can be correctly answered in many ways lead to scoring problems.
The correct completion here is variability. )
An alternative way of constructing this question would be as a short-answer item:
What descriptive statistic is generally considered the most useful measure of variability?

completion item may also be referred
to be written clearly enough that the testtaker can respond succinctlythat is, with a short
There are no hard-and-fast rules for how short an answer must be to be considered a short
answer; a word, a term, a sentence, or a paragraph may qualify.

as a test item that requires the test taker to respond to a question by writing a composition,
typically one that demonstrates recall of facts, understanding, analysis, and/or interpretation.
useful when the test developer wants the examinee to demonstrate a depth of knowledge
about a single topic
the essay question not only permits the restating of learned material but also allows for the
creative integration and expression of the material in the testtakers own words
Essay vs other types of response
latter types of items require only recognition an essay requires recall, organization, planning,
and writing ability
tends to focus on a more limited area than can be covered in the same amount of time when
using a series of selected-response items or completion items
can be subjectivity in scoring and inter-scorer differences


Two advantages of digital media:
the ability to store items in an item bank
the ability to individualize testing through a technique called item branching.

Item bank
is a relatively large and easily accessible collection of test questions.
Instructors who regularly teach a particular course sometimes create their own item bank of
questions that they have found to be useful on examinations
accessibility to a large number of test items conveniently classified by subject area, item
statistics, or other variables
And just as funds may be added to or withdrawn from a more traditional bank, so items may be
added to, withdrawn from, and even modified in an item bank

Computerized adaptive testing (CAT)

Refers to an interactive, computer-administered testtaking process wherein items presented to
the testtaker are based in part on the testtakers performance on previous items
computer may not permit the testtaker to continue with the test until the practice items have
been responded to in a satisfactory manner and the testtaker has demonstrated an
understanding of the test procedure
the test administered may be different for each testtaker, depending on the test performance
on the items presented

Advantages of CAT
only a Sample of the total number of items in the item pool is administered to any one test
On the basis of previous response patterns, items that have a high probability of being answered
in a particular fashion (correctly if an ability test) are not presented, thus providing economy
in terms of testing time and total number of items presented.
has been found to reduce the number of test items that need to be administered by as much as
50% while simultaneously reducing measurement error by 50%
CAT tends to reduce floor effects and ceiling effects
Floor effect
refers to the diminished utility of an assessment tool for distinguishing test takers at the low end
of the ability, trait, or other attribute being measured
Ceiling effect
Refers to the diminished utility of an assessment tool for distinguishing test takers at the high
end of the ability, trait, or other attribute being measured.
Returning to our example of the ninth-grade mathematics test, what would happen if all of the
test takers answered all of the items correctly? It is likely that the test user would conclude that
the test was too easy for this group of test takers and so discrimination was impaired by a ceiling

Item branching
The ability of the computer to tailor the content and order of presentation of test items on the
basis of responses to previous items
achievement but also of personality. For example, if a respondent answers an item in a way that
suggests he or she is depressed, the computer might automatically probe for depression-related
symptoms and behavior. The next item presented might be designed to probe the respondents
sleep patterns or the existence of suicidal ideation.
Item-branching technology may be used in personality tests to recognize non purposive or
inconsistent responding
For example, on a computer-based truefalse test, if the examinee responds true to an item
such as I s ummered in Baghdad last year, then there would be reason to suspect that the
examinee is responding nonpurposively, randomly, or in some way other than genuinely. And if
the same respondent responds false to the identical item later on in the test, the respondent is
being inconsistent as well.
Should the computer recognize a nonpurposive response pattern, it may be programmed to
respond in a prescribed wayfor example, by admonishing the respondent to be more careful
or even by refusing to proceed until a purposive response is given.

Scoring Items
cumulative model
most commonly used modelowing, in part, to its simplicity and logic
that the higher the score on the test, the higher the testtaker is on the ability, trait, or other
characteristic that the test purports to measure.
Class or category scoring
testtaker responses earn credit toward placement in a particular class or category with other
testtakers whose pattern of responses is presumably similar in some way.
This approach is used by some diagnostic systems wherein individuals must exhibit a certain
number of symptoms to qualify for a specifi c diagnosis. A
ipsative scoring
departs radically in rationale from either cumulative or class models.
is comparing a test takers score on one scale within a test to another scale within that same
The test does not yield information on the strength of a test takers need relative to the
presumed strength of that need in the general population

WHO. The test should be tried out on people who are similar in critical respects to the people
for whom the test was designed
HOW MANY An informal rule of thumb is that there should be no fewer than fi ve subjects and
preferably as many as ten for each item on the test. the more subjects in the tryout the better
phantom factorsfactors that actually are just artifacts of the small sample sizemay emerge.
WHEN/WHERE executed under conditions as identical as possible to the conditions under which
the standardized test will be administered all instructions, and everything from the time limits
allotted for completing the test to the atmosphere at the test site, should be as similar as
endeavors to ensure that differences in response to the tests items are due in fact to the items,
not to extraneous factors.

What Is a Good Item?

Like good test is reliable and valid, a good test item is reliable and valid
helps to discriminate testtakers
that is answered correctly by high scorers on the test as a whole.
An item that is answered incorrectly by high scorers on the test as a whole is probably not a
good item.
is one that is answered incorrectly by low scorers on the test as a whole, and an item that is
answered correctly by low scorers on the test as a whole may not be a good item
item analysis
statistical scrutiny that the test data can potentially undergo at this point are referred to
collectively as
tends to be regarded as a quantitative endeavor, it may also be qualitative

Statistical procedures used to analyze items may become quite complex, and our treatment of
this subject should be viewed as only introductory
The criteria for the best items may differ as a function of the test developers objectives.

Among the tools test developers might employ to analyze and select items are:
an index of the items difficulty
an index of the items reliability
an index of the items validity
an index of item discrimination


Note that the larger the item-difficulty index, the easier the item
The statistic referred to as an item-difficulty index in the context of achievement testing
may be an item-endorsement index in other contexts, such as personality testing
the statistic provides not a measure of the percent of people passing the item but a measure of
the percent of people who said yes to, agreed with, or otherwise endorsed the item.
however, that the possible effect of guessing must be taken into account when considering
items of the selected-response variety
selected-response variety
the optimal average item difficulty is usually the midpoint between 1.00 and the chance success
proportion, defined as the probability of answering correctly by random guessing
true-false item
the probability of guessing correctly on the basis of chance alone is 1/2, or .50.
provides an indication of the internal consistency of a test, the higher this index, the greater the
tests internal consistency
Factor analysis and inter-item consistency
factor analysis
statistical tool useful in determining whether items on a test appear to be measuring the same
thing(s) is
If too many items appear to be tapping a particular area, the weakest of such items can be
items that do not load on the factor that they were written to tap (that is, items that do not
appear to be measuring what they were designed to measure) can be revised or eliminated.
factor analysis can be useful in the test interpretation process, especially when comparing the
constellation of responses to the items from two or more groups
Thus, for example, if a particular personality test is administered to two groups of hospitalized
psychiatric patients, each group with a different diagnosis, then the same items may be found to
load on different factors in the two groups. Such information will compel the responsible test
developer to revise or eliminate certain items from the test or to describe the differential fi
ndings in the test manual.


is a statistic designed to provide an indication of the degree to which a test is measuring what it
purports to measure
The higher the item-validity index, the greater the tests criterion-related validity.
Calculated once the following two statistics are known:
The item-score standard deviation
the correlation between the item score and the criterion score


Indicate how adequately an item separates or discriminates between high scorers and low
scorers on an entire test.

Multiple-choice item on an achievement test

is a good item if most of the high scorers answer correctly and most of the low scorers answer
If most of the high scorers fail a particular item, these testtakers may be making an alternative
interpretation of a response intended to serve as a distractor
the test developer should interview the examinees to understand better the basis for the choice
and then appropriately revise (or eliminate) the item
This estimate of item discrimination, in essence, compares performance on a particular item
with performance in the upper and lower regions of a distribution of continuous test scores
the higher the value of d, the greater the number of high scorers answering the item correctly.
A negative d- value on a particular item is a red flag because it indicates that low-scoring
examinees are more likely to answer the item correctly than high-scoring examinees. This
situation calls for some action such as revising or eliminating the item.
Analysis of item alternatives
The quality of each alternative within a multiple-choice item can be readily assessed with
reference to the comparative performance of upper and lower scorers


can be a powerful tool not only for understanding how test items perform but also for creating
or modifying individual test items, building new tests, and revising existing tests
Item characteristic curves (ICCs)
can play a role in decisions about which items are working well and which items are not
is a graphic representation of item difficulty and discrimination.
The steeper the slope, the greater the item discrimination
An easy item will shift the ICC to the left along th ability axis, indicating that many people will
likely get the item correct.
A difficult item will shift the ICC to the right along the horizontal axis, indicating that fewer
peoplewill answer the item correctly


is one that has eluded any universally acceptable solution.
Biased test item
is an item that favors one particular group of examinees in relation to another when differences
in group ability are controlled

Speed tests
Item analyses of tests taken under speed conditions yield misleading or uninterpretable results
closer an item is to the end of the test, the more difficult it may appear to be.


is a general term for various no statistical procedures designed to explore how individual test
items work


innovative approach to cognitive assessment entails having respondents verbalize thoughts as they

Expert panels
may also provide qualitative analyses of test items
sensitivity review
is a study of test items, typically conducted during the test development process, in which items
are examined for fairness to all prospective testtakers and for the presence of offensive
language, stereotypes, or situations.

Test Revision as a Stage in New Test Development

Having conceptualized the new test, constructed it, tried it out, and item-analyzed it both
quantitatively and qualitatively, what remains is to act judiciously on all the information and
mold the test into its fi nal form.
Ways of approaching test revision
One approach is to characterize each item according to its strengths and weaknesses
The next step is to administer the revised test under standardized conditions to a second
appropriate sample of examinees.
Once the test items have been finalized, professional test development procedures dictate that
conclusions about the tests validity await a cross-validation of findings.

Test Revision in the Life Cycle of an Existing Test

No hard-and-fast rules exist for when to revise a test. The American Psychological Association
(APA, 1996b, Standard 3.18) offered the general suggestions that an existing test be kept in its
present form as long as it remains useful but that it should be revised when signifi cant
changes in the domain represented, or new conditions of test use and interpretation, make
the test inappropriate for its intended use.

refers to the revalidation of a test on a sample of test takers other than those on whom test
performance was originally found to be a valid predictor of some criterion
validity shrinkage
The decrease in item validities that inevitably occurs after cross-validation of fi ndings is referred
to as.
shrinkage is expected and is viewed as integral to the test development proces
may be defi ned as a test validation process conducted on two or more tests using the same
sample of testtakers.
Co-validation is benefi cial to test publishers because it is economical.
When used in conjunction with the creation of norms or the revision of existing norms, this
process may also be referred to as
co-validate and/or co-norm tests
current trend among test publishers who publish more than one test designed for use with the
same p opulation

differential item functioning (DIF).

This phenomenon, wherein an item functions differently in one group of testtakers as compared
to another group of testtakers known to have the same (or similar) level of the underlying trait,
is referred to as

DIF analysis
test developers scrutinize group-by-group item response curves, looking for what are termed
DIF items
DIF items
are those items that respondents from different groups at the same level of the underlying trait
have different probabilities of endorsing as a function of their group membership.

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