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Tamil Nadu Minor Inams (Abolition and Conversion Into Ryotwari) Act, 1963 PDF

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Act 301

A/!;t/or l r i o ~ j ~( A
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'[TAMIL NA I l U j ACT No. 30 01 1')632.
AMlL NADUI MINOR INAMs i A ~ 0 L . l -lcI ,N
the assent of the ~reGdenton the 28th January
, first published in the Fort St. George Gazetic,
he 5th February 1964 (Magha 16, 1885).]
rr to provine for the ncqrlisition of the rights q / itlcrrn-+
dnrs i~zminor inams in tlze 3[Smre of T{//lli/~ ~ ~ , t a),[/h!]
the i~trodl/ctio??of r } ~~ fw r settlemeil
i f ill ,311c/1 i~~:r,i,.s.

nacted by the Legislature of the "[State ctf' '('eltnil

in the Fourteenth Ycar of the Rcpuhlic of' India

. (1)
This Act may be callecl the l[Tamjl ?.latiu] bl Inor ~ h ~ 1 . t title
ms (Abolition and Conversion into R y o 11 ~ ari) Act, extent,
iIll(1 C(1
e\viw;c "::he ''[Stat(- ot' f8'i~ini1

(3) I t nl7plicstlo :1,1 I~IOI+ ~II~IYIS.

(4) It shall come into force on c ~ i ~date
h a!, riita
overnment may, b!r notification, appoint:
_ - I

I~ h e words
s were sut,stituted for the word "Ma(iras" by t kc
N a ~ uAdaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as rttnenciet! by the
&milNadu Adaptation of' taws (Second Amend mcnt) Or~ter,2969.
nd Reasons, see P'irt TV-Section 3 of
xtraorctin?ry, dated the 27th April
port of th: Joint S .ic ct Commit tee,
Fort S t . George Gnzetre E\-trnorc;li-
t 1963, pages 189 i !) 225.
substituterl for the expression "State of
Nadu Adujltatian of 1,;ibts Order, 1969, as
adu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amci~d-

t the Kanyakumnri district and tl-te

Tirunelveli district '- was on~itlcd 1)y
Nadu Mit1orInam3 (rtbolition aatl C'on-
ienJ111ent Act, 1964 (Tamil' Nadu Act 33

t11;it ill respcct ol' thc LI-ar~sTc~.rcd

'[E'~.oviclc~J tet'l-itory,
it shall come into force on a date to be appointed by the
Goven~mentwhich date sllall be after the publication
o!' ihc "Tnnlil Nadu] Minor Xna,rns (Abolition ail(! Con-
vcr*+iun into Ryotwari) Arnenclruent Act, 1?64, in the
* /<)rt St. George Gazette.]
(5) The Assistant Settlement Officer shall, immediately
after t h date
~ of the publication of the notification under
fjub-sect or. (4), publish in the District Gazette, a copy
of the notification under sub-section. (4) and skall also
cause to be published in a conspicuous place in the village
in which the minor ina~nis situated a copy of the notifie
cation under sub-section (4) together with such pnrti-
ct:lars as ]nay be prescribed.
Dafi~itiurrs, 2. 111 this Act, unkss the context otherwise requiies,-
( 1 ) " Abolition Act " means the 2[Tamil Nadu]
Estates (Abolition and Conversion illto Ryotwari) Act,
1048 ("r'~c?mil Nadu] Act XXVI of 1948) ;

(2) " appointed day " means the date appointed

hy the Government under sub-section (4) of section 1 :

(i) in the case of a millor in: m in the merged tcrri-

tory o f Pud~rkkoltai,the sdtlc~nei,ilof which is published
t111der sub-scctiolr (2) of section 3 of the Pudukkotiai
(Settlement 3f Inams) Act. 1955 ('rramil Nndu] Act XXITT
or 1955) cbn n date subsequent to the date appointed trnder
sub-scction (4) of section 1 , " appointed day " means
such sub equent date ;

This pl-rlviso was added b\, s e c t i o ~2(ii)

~ of the Zitnil Nadu hilinor
Conversion into R~otsv::ri) Amendmeilt Act, ~ I I S( A b ~ l i t i nand
1564 (Ta~nilNadu Act 33 of 1961).

rTl?ccc \vorcfu w2rc substitt~talfor tllc n.c>rif ''\f:~dras'' t\y the

. : .. A ! ! t i f L r e . 6 . ,ii xn~ended by t
.; : Secr>n,l >.r~.:i?dm: - 3 : ) ol.,jel-,
.,, ;? 'N.:,!:: -\?.iiY..iion of h\\ \t-\i.J

XOWtht 7 bmii Agradi;irrGovgi.nrr:erzt Ga::ertt

i14i~zorl/zclllzs ( A ~ U I ~ L~Il iO! :IiCotlve

itzto Ryof~vur!')
in the cabc of a land govcrncd by ci;~use (h) ot
sub-section (2) of section f 7 of 1.11s
use ( h ) of sub-secticn j 1) and igb-
4 of Ihe lnain Estatec; Abolition
order of tllc competent authority recog~~ising
nd to be a rninor i l ~ a l n j sP;LFSC~. o n ;I date W ~ I -
to the date nppointerl under sub-scctiotl (4, OS
1, " rlppointcd t h y " means such sul?.;equcnt date ;

f a minor inam in 1 1 7 ~transfer~.ed

calls the date appctinted by
he proviso to sub-section (4) of

'Assistant Settlement Officer' means 31.1Assistant

t Officer a p p ~ : ~ l t eunder
d section 5 a r ~ dhaving

n t " lneans the Statc G O V C I ~ ~ ;I I ~ C ~ I ;

(5) " inam " mean1:,--
(i) a grant of the rnelvnram in ally inam land ;
(ii) a grant of t o t h thc lnelvaram arlrl the k~ldi-
m in aay inain Iatid ;
11 rnacle, confirtned or rccogniscd by

6) " inamdar " in respect of any inam means the

n who held the inan immediately before the appointed

eans any land comprised in r,

"Inaln Estates Abolition Act" meam thc

Nadu] Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion
otwari) Act, 1963 ;
____ ...____ _- -- - _ _
__.-- ..
is item was added by scctioi~3(a) of the Ta1111:Nadu Minor
(Aboli~ion and Conversion into Ryotwari) Arncndment Act,
amil Nadu Act 33 of 1964).
for the following clai sc (3) by
u Minor lnams (hbr lition and
i) Amendment Act, I964 (Tamil Nadu Act

ttlerrlent Officier " means an Assistant

ted under section 5 ;"
ubstituted for the word " Madras " by
Laws Order, 1969, as amended
ticn of Laws (Second Amendtnent) Order,

jn) anestate withill the meitnilrg of sub-clause ( d )

o; ciause (2) of sectio~l3 of the l[?'amil Nadu] Estates
Land Act, 1908 ('[Tatnil Nadu] Act 1 of 1908 ; or >
(b) a ilew inam estate as defined in clause (9)
of' c;eciion 2 o f the lnaln Estatc-s Abo!liion Act ; or

(c) an cstate withi11the ~neanitlgof sub-clause ( t l )

or clause ( 2 ) of section 3 of the l[Tanlil Nadu] Estates
Lanti Act, 1908 (l[TamiI Nndu] Act I of 1908), as in force
specifjeci in the Second Schedlzle to the
ir-1 tlle tet*sit~>ries
A I I C I I ~Pradcsh
~;L and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries)
Act, 1959 (C'sntral Act 56 of 1959) ;

(ii) lalthiraj te11u1.e~

of land ;

(iii) m y inam recogniscd and confwmed under

section 2 of tke Pudukkottai (Settlemel-it of Inams) Act,
1955 (l[Tamil Nadu] Act XXIII of 1955), but not including
:I riew inair1 estate as defined in clause (9) of section 2 of'
the Inam Estates Abolition Act and situated in the merged
territory of Pudukkottai.

2[(iv) any inam in the transferred territory includ-

ing any illaln governed by the Service Inams Proclamation,
dated ths 13th itfay 1893 or by section 22 of the ICTarnil
Nadu] (Transferred Territory) Incorporated and Un-
ir~corparated Devasworns Act, 1959 fl[Tamil Nad !I]

Tl?cc:. y~lordswere subctituted for the wcxd " Madras " by

the Tamil N:tdt~ '4 d a ~ l a t i o n p fLaws Order, 1969, as amendcd by
the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,

"his sab-claus? was inserted by section 3 (c) of the Tamil

Nadu Minor Innrns :Al-i.lition and Conversion into Ryotwari]
.Act, 1964 (firnil Nadu Act 33 c.f 1961.)

of 1959) ; but nor irlcluding h d s held ou ;il~y

ures specified belo\v, nitrnely :-
(a) Sreepandatavak a, 4

(b) Sreepadam, and

(c) Thir~.uppuvaranl,J

'1 of sub-section (1) alld sub-

he Abolition Act, or by clause
b-sectjon (2) of section 14 of
ct shall be deemed to be 8

f " means a Settlement

appointed under section 4 and having jurisdiction ;]
ry' means the Kauyakumari
aluk of the Tirunelveli

11)" Tribunal " means a Tribunal constituted under

n 7 and having jurisdiction.
With effect on and from the appointed day and save Ve9ting
therwise expressly provided in this Act- minor
clause (b) of sub-section (1) and sub-secti~n(2)
on 17 of the Abolition Act and clause (6) of sub&
ion (I) and sub-section (2) of section 14 of the
_ ____..--._.---
-___ --j-- - -.--
clause (10) by
s (Al~olitianand
1964 (Tarnil Nadu

(10) settlement Oficer " means the Settlement Cirfiocr

inted unii:t section 4 ; "
ction 3(e) of the Tanlit Nndu
t w u i ) Amladnrent


228 Ni,lor h~urns(Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 30

Colt vt'r'sioiz irl to Ryot wnri)

lnam Estates Abolition Act, sections 2 and 12

of ifie' Madras City Land Revenue Act, 1851 (Central
~ of 1 SSl), the Pudukkottai (Settlement -of Inams)
Act, 1955 (I[ Tamil Nadu] Act XXLll of 1955), 2[ section
22 of the '[Tamil Nadu] (Transferred Territory) Incorpo-
rated and Unincorporated Devaswoms Act, 1959 (l[TamiI
Nadu]Act 30 of 1959), clause (i) of section 3 of the 1LTamil
Nndu] (Transferred Territory) Ryotwari Settlelnent Act,
1964, the Service lnarns Proclamation, dated the 13th
May 1893, add all other enactments applicable to minor
inamsJ as such shall be deemed to have been repealed in
their application to 111ii30r illams ;
(bJ every minor innm including all co~nmunalIan.!.
and posarnbokes, waste lands, pasture lands, forests,
]nines and ~nicerals,quarries, r.vers and streams, 3[tanks
and ooranies (iucluding private tanks and ooranies)
and irrigr+,tion~ o r k s ]fisheries
, and fcrries, situated within
the boundasie; :klel-nnf ~ i ~ a lstandl transferred to thc.
Goveriiinent and vest i n t l ~ e ~free
n of all encumbrances,
arid 'the' Madras City Tdand P.evcnuc Act, 1851 (Central
cZ'ct 'X 1 of 1851) except ssctior~s2 and 12, the Madras
City L.and Revenue (An1enc1me1:t) Act, 1867 (Madras
V1 of 1867), the ~[TamilNadu] Revenue Recovery
Act; 186'4(l['ramnil Nadu] Act1 1 oi' i 8631, the l[Tainil Nndu]
lrrigatisr~Cess Act, 1865 (I[Tamil Naduf Act V11 of 1865);
"the l[Tamil Nadu] (Transferred Territory) Ryotwari
Settlement Act, 1964. and zll other enactment. applicable
to ryotcvari lands] sl~allapply to the minor inan1 ;
I (c) all rights and interests created by the iiiamdar
. , , in or. over his i n a ~ nbefore the appointed day, shall, as
against the Government, cease- and
_ - - - - - -- _
determine ; ___
__.___________- __
These wurds were substituted fa the word " Madras '' by
" thc Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lawc Q1-der, 1969, as amended by
the Tamil N:-tdu Adaptation of Law.; (Secot~d Amendment)
O r 1969.
"This su?r~ssion\\\-dl j ~ l 5 j t i t ~ t e ifar i \he e~przssion '* -ri1J. all
othcr <Ta;:j;-i:-:s appli:;ihie r -r nrinpr in;^.; " by sscrion -fti) of the
'r c:*;,:! ';ir': . 1 l ! r 0 T 1 ~ ( .4b~t!l!i:z
L C '
3 ~ ~7 1 C3:L;;lr.;~n j l l l ~Ryo;lv81i)
Arne:lcirrrcr!l ,:ct, 1964 ( J d r r i j i \.c,J.J [-A,,',, 3 3 $7. 1.g6.1).
' 'These $;iords mi br,ck t s were substituted, ,,na \%reredeemed
~ I W ~ to Y Shave be.m s ~ l ~ s t::i ed, t for the tvords tanks an 3
i!.:ijption works " by section 4 (1 ) of I l i t Tamil Nadu Tnam
L. l~;ltCS, Idease-holds and ik?inor Inanis (Abolition and Convrrsjo,

into R~otwari).4rn~ndmentAcl, 1975 CEii~lilNadu ~~t 2 of 1976).
This expscssion was substi~ilted for the expression Jn,j
;ti1 i c e~lac!rnen:s applic,:hl.: iu r y ~ : ~ . : rlands i by hection
4 (ii) of the Tamil Nadu Minar Innms (Abolition and c ~ ~ , ~
sioii inlo Rydwnri). Ajncutl~nentAct, 19614 (Tamil 4:,du 4ct 33
cil' 364).

p:T N Act 30)

F '
i W i n o r l i t r u ~ i s j d b e l i t i o ~ ~ i o ~ a C ~ ! r . v229:
ikztoI<yotwa~i) - .-_ I. . .-. ..I
. . --.-A.

- - . . .. I .
(d)the Governlrlent may, after removing: an~vobst!*~c= - C/ r.
.. : F ."
ay be offered, foithwitl~take possession of
and all accounts, regi&ers, pattas, muchllikas,
r docunlents relating to the. minor
rnment may- require for the adminisc

..rl.:!? >er*-
movided that the Government shall not dispossess, .. :
E ~ f i o nwho is personally cultivating any land in the' . ::--.
9 L

inam, wtii the ~ s s i s t & tsettlement officer and the'

a1 and the Special Appellate Tribunal, on appeal,
decide that such peri6n is not actually entitiid to
ari patta in respect of that land undei the provisions

Expianation.-For the purposes of this proviso; a

s said to personally cultivate a land wh:n he '

tes his own physical labour or that of the members

- "
family in th6 &ultivation of that land];
Ia) the inamdar and any other person whose rights . . ,,J.~ r cu
transferred under clause .(b) or cease a ~ determine
d rs. -, '* .!L,
clause (c) shaJ1,be entitled olily t s such rights. and * r+t**q
s as are recognisecl or co~lferredon him by or

obligations of the inamdar as slicl?

) any rights and privileges which may have accrued

minor inam to any person before the aypoil~tctlday
mst the inamdar shall- cease and determine and shall
It .b" enforceable against the Governmellt or against
toamdar, and every such person shall be entitled only
b rigl;ts and p6vileges-as are recogniscd 0;. con-
on him, by or under this Act.
-^_ _ - - --..-_ --.- -----

is proviso was substituted for the foliowing proviso bv

1 qf !lie Tumil Nadu Minor Inams (Abolition and
d ilcn t
ion 111to Ryotwarj) A!?~ert Act, 1971 (Tamil Nadu
of 1971). which was deeriie,l. to have ccawlt: into forcz

Provided that tllc Governmc~ll sllnll not c(ispc)s~;css any

11c minor inam in respect of wSicl1 tilcy
tim fircie C r l l i i l c t I 10 a ryotwari patta
he appropriate aul hority urlder this ~ c t
whetiter such person is entitlcd to sue11 natfa."

2% Minor fnams ( Aballtion and 11963 : T.N. Act 30

into R.yotwari)
~ppointr~,t;r~t 114. As soon as inav be, after the publication of this
and functions Act in t l ~ eFort St. George G~!zctte-1,the Government
of shall appoint one or more Settlement OfGcers to carry out
busvcy ::nd sclt,lement operations in respect of minor
innrns and intr~duce ryotwari settlelnent therein. Every
Settlen~e~lt Oflicer sliali be subordillate to the "Board of
kppoint~ne~~t 5. (1) As soon as lnay be, after the publication of this
and functions Act in the $Fort St. George Gazette. the Governlnent
ofAssistant shall appoiilt one or more Assistant Settlement Officers
. . OflBcers. to carry out the functions and duties assigned to them
by or under this Act.
(2) Every Assistant Settlement Oficer shall be sub
ordinate to the Settlement Officer anu shall be guided b
such lawful instructions as he may issue, from time t
time, and the Settlement Officer shall also have power t
revise, within such period as may be prescribed, any o
the orders, acts or proceedings of the Assistant Settlemen
Officer, other than those in respect of which an appea
lies to .he Tribunal.
Powem of 6. Tjne *Board of Revenue shall have power-
control of t he
?Boatd of (a11to give effect to the provisions of this Act ;
Revenue. (b) to issue instructions for the guidance of " t
Settlement OflGce~}and Assistant Settlement Officers ;
(c) to cancel or revise, within such period as may
prescribed, any of the orders, acts or proceedings of 2[ti
Settlement Officers], other than those in respect of whi
an ilp~lcal Iics to the Tribunal.
- ---- - .- - - - - - - . .. - _ -_ _ ---
I- _______I_

This sccl ion was sLrbsritutedfor the fi?llowing scctio114 b

section 5 of the Tamil Nadu Minor Inams (Abolition an
Conversion into Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 1964 (Tamil Nad
Act 33 of 1964):-
'4.Ap poiizttnent urrd flnction s of' Settlement Officers.
- ..
5 Ts.5
->- -.
5s 7 ; k_
-C - -- ,.-,. -
~ 3 f . s ~ '2.: ;
- 1 %
,--p.-9 f ?
-:p-y -%:*=-:
. :2 b-z-> - 2 s--3r:\ - - > y -:;,T=v*: %

, 5-:QP_" f ,. TT?;T1\7;: T,;z,; &: .:.:- :;*>:,; 2 ;!s:.:
tfrtrerr-. 1ae Settienen: t?E3-:: s.~;. 2 ~u>or&j;la?e1 0 ,...
Board oi R - v ~ Y - I I ; ~ , ' '
= TTh expression was subs; itut :d f o r the expression '' the
Sr!rlcmtnr 0ffic;r" by;,'ticc il)n 6 vf t h e Tamil Nadu Mi
Ii~arns(Abolition and C'ontcrsion into cdyotwari) Amcndm
Act, 1964 (Taluil Nadu Acl 33 of 1964).
f brow the Tumil rvnd~rcloverdnme~rtGtrzette.
* l3y v i r . 1 ~of~ s~ciior.~10 ( 1 ) oi' thc Ti,mil Nadii Ro:!rti 0
Reveil JL' Abolit 1c)11 Act, J 980 (Tamil Nadu Ac8t36 @S 1980), :
r.afere3i06 lo the Board of Revertuc s?:;~Il be d c e a ~ t d to b
rcfereiicc to thc State G o ~ e c n r n ~ ~ ; t .
- ' ..

A t / ' U:)F i ~ t t r ! l t(~'4 '7 ,!ifion a ~ d 23 f

COIL v;rsiort ivtto R,votutari)

The Cbernlnent shall constitute as lnnily Tribu- Comstil o l i o n r;f

may be necessary for the purposes of thif r l c : 3'ribun:tri

'[Every Tribunal shall subject to tile provisiol~s(1f

4 7 4 1 have the sarnc: powers ; I S are vcsecd in a
Court under the Code of Civil Prbcecturc, 190s

<<NAx'I Oli llYOl'WAl<I l>/ipi T A S

A -- . - - - A - -
1'rhis expression was :;r:bstitu!cit for the c\pt.~c?ic>ii " "Ever.y
unal shall" by section 3(1) of thc Tamil Nadil I11w-i :,laces
Mit1l.r I : ( A !)()lit i$)it and C ' c l l ~ t \ ~ r \ i O ~illto
l I:)i<,;\y:;ri)
\c[* 107 5 { ~ : \ Ii !I ? I ~ ! ( ~ I { Act 22 01' !9?5),

I {,il Q ~ , ,,,u , , ~ , , I \ \ ) , I % 11th21 1ctl section 7 of thl: Talnll N : ~ ( I ~ I

,,,I , , : , , , ~ ~
~:\\,,,\~t I,\II , ~ I I L \ <'LII\\ c t - s i o into
~ ~ Ryot\vatl) Ai~;e:lO~r:~~t
\9,,4 (el':ulli\ N;\JII Act 1 ' 15'6 1).

232 &fino? ;rianl.i (Abolilion ~ n d (1963 : T.N. Acf 30

irzto .i\'j70tlr7nui)

(ilrTan~ili*]Act 30 of 1959)], the following provisio IS

chall apply i t ] thc case of 1:lnds in an iruvai-am minor inam
grantcd f ~ illc ~ l lac c religious
r suppoli u i i l ~ a i l - ~ ~ u n ~of
institution c;r for the ppcrt'ormnncc of a charity or service
~onu3ctcdthcrewi th or of L7.ny other religioi,~char ity -

(i) where the land has been transferred by way of

sale and t l ~ ctransferee or his heir, assignee, legal represen-
tativc o r pci:;oli deriving rights througli hi111 had been in
exclusive possession oC s u c l ~land-
fol- a continuous period 01' sixty years
inimctfiatcly before the 1st day of' April 1960, such person
shall, wit11 elkct 011 and fro111the appointed day, be entitled
to a ryotwari patta in respect of that land ;

(Ir) fol a continuous pcrioci of twelve years

inimcdiatcly before the 1 st day of April 1960, such person
shall, with clrt'cct on and from the appointed day, be sntitled
to a ryotwari patta if he pays as consideration to the
Govcrnmcnt in such manner and in such number of
instalinents as may be prescribed a n amount eqi~alto twenty
t i m e s the dill;m-cnce between the fixit- rent in respect of such
larid detci,mi,~edin accorda~lcewi t11 the provisions con-
ta'-*o(lin the Schedule and the land revelllie due on such
!and ;
(ii) in tlze case ol' a n y olllcr Ii~nd,tllc institutiutl
or t l ~ cindividrlal rendering scrvicc sl~all,w i t h clrect on and
L':-m the appointed day, be entitled to a ryotwari patta in
respect of' that land.
I5inkanniir.n.-For the purposes ol' this sub-section,
"land revenue" means the ryotwari assessment including
the additional assessment, water-cess and additional
(3) Any arrear of the amout due froin any person
under clause (i)(b) of sub-section (2) shall be recovered
together with such interest as may be prescribed as if it
were an arrear of land reveque.
----- - - ------I--- 4

for the woi-d " Mad1.a~"hy the

'These wofdg wcla substit~~ted
Toillil N u l u Adaptation of Laws Order, 1 969, as ame11de3 hy t I te
f zmi: Nardu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amenjlncnt) 01 .T(;r, I :>by.

Minor /k atns (~'bolitionand

Conversic intt Ryotwari)

5 ) In the case of a minor inam held immediately

the appointed day by an individual on condition of
ng service to a religious, educational or charitable
ion, the grant of ryotwari patta under sub-section (1)
) shall be subject to tbe provisions of section 21.

lowing order of preference :---

(ii) secondl):, if there is no such person as is referred

in clause (i), then, a person who had been lawfully
rnitted into possccsion of such land on or after the 27th
y of Scptcmhcr 1955 and w h o had been personally
Itivating such land evcr since ; and
(iii) thirrllj~;if there is no such person as is referred
n clauses (i) and (ii), then, a person who had beeo
onally cultivating thct land on the 26th day of Septem-
1955 and for a period of cwelve years immediately

Provided thr-rt no person shall be ent;tled to a

-- _- ------__
T k s e words wc1.c yubsIjtL,:cd for the wurtls '"within unc
r froin ih- ;?pf,c,il~t(:~l
1'~:y'' hy sl-cti~n2 o f th13 T:lmil Nadtr
nor Inam%(Aboli~io~lTI i Conv5::sion in'o kyotw~iri)AEellci-
nt Act, 3966 (Tamil r T,&.I Ac: 26 of 1966)-

234 Afinor Ilzams (Abclition nrld [ I 9 8 : TON.Act 3O

Conversion iizto Xyotwciri)

Expluwtion [.--In this section 'person' includes an

Explanation 11.-For the purposes of this sub-section,
a person is said to personally cultivate a land when hc
contribute: his own physical labour ot. that of the melnbew
of his family in the cultivation of that land.

;2) Ainong the persons specified ill sub-section (1)

ihose specified in clause (i) of that sub-section shall bc
entitled to a ryotwari patta to the exclusion of the persons
specified in clauses (ii) and (iii) of that sub-section and those
specified in clause (ii) of that sub-section shall be entitled
to a ryotwari patta to the exclusion of the persons
specified in clause (iii) of thai ,ub-sectlon
(31 Any ryotwari patta grarlted under this section d~all
take e f h t on and from the date of the grant of such patta.
n d ~ 10. Notwithstanding anything contained in sections
~ ~ in respect
of which no 8 and 9 no ryotwari patta shall be grui3ted in respect of any
ryotwari patia land falling under any of the categories specilied below
' grnn'el. and situated within the limits of a n y r n i ~ o inaln
r :--

(a) forests ,

(b) beds and bunds ol'tanlts allif cl'suppiy, drainage

surplus or irrigation cl~annels,
(c) tl~reshingrloor, cattle starids, village sites, cart-
tracks, rold:;, tenlple sites and such other lands situated
in any mii~orinax 3s are set npart for the comlnon use of
the villages :
\ti) trlvcrs, strearns and othcl poram bokes.
Ryotwarl '[lo-A. (I j Notwithstanding anythin;; contained i l l this
patla not lo Act, no ryotwari pattn sh:31! be wanted in respect of any
granted in
rcspcc t of private tank c;r oorani. L:,

'private tank
oora ni. B

- --- A - .- - - -- ---..-..
1 -I _-_ _- -- ----..."..___
This S C C ~ n~ ( m''s i11s.itc31 : rill w;iS emc(l :i:wfiys ha\[,:
1.;3n chi b y \ L C ion 4 ( 3 ) of I he Ta~nilA'a , i . Inam Estalcs,
Le . ?e-l-oiCs :ind h l i n ~ l '11li.111s (Abclit ;on ;,nI Conver-sic11inao
1t~crn:lrb)22nicn r??cn: Ac*, i :75 (T;rr?Il S. 'a Ac of 1976).

Ms'nor Iftarlt r (Abo!ition and 23 5

Cuvtversiorz it~zto R y o twari)

(2) Any ryotw~ripatta granted in respect of any

ate tank or oorani under this Act betore the date of ;l: e
ication of' the Tamil Nady Iuam Estnt;s, 1,easc
anti Minor lnan~s(Abolition and Conversion into

of compet~satio~~
under this Act, the private tank
i shall be deemed to be land in respect of which no
otwari patta under section 8.1
I I. (1) The Assistant Settlement Officer shall, subject lancls
in respecf
the previsions of sub-section (2), inquire into the claims of any
any person for a ryotwari patta under this Act in respect person is entitb
any inam land and decide in respect of which land the cd to ryotwari
im should be allowed. ~ ata.:

(i) if th3 person in occupation of the lami is

ot the inamdar, to the occupant ;

or to all ofliccr specified

_______-__ ll--------I-

I These words were substituted for the word " Madras " by the
mil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by thc
mil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amend~aent)Order, 1969.

Minor I?zanzs (Abolitiolz and [I963 : TON.Act 30

Conversion into K j w t ~ ~ ~ d r i )

'[(ivj to such other persons as iliay be specified

in the rules made by the Government in this behalf.]

(b) The Assistant Settlement Officer shall also

publish in the prescribed manner in the village the notice
referred to ill clause (a) and after giving the parties who
appear before him an opportunity ta be heard and to
adduce their evidence, give his decision.

( 3 ) Against a decision of the Assistant Settlenlent

Officer under sub-section (2), the Covcrnlneilt may, within
one year from the date of' thc decisior.~,and any person
aggrieved by such decision may, withiii three months of
the said date, appeal to the Tribunal :

Provided that the Tribunal may, in its discretion,

allow further time not exceeding two months for the filing
of any such appeal :

Provided Surther that the Tribunal may, in its discre-

tion, entertain an appeal by the Government at any time
if it appears to the Tribunal that the decision of the Assis-
tant Settlement Officer was vitiated by f r a d or by mis-
take of fact.

Liability to pay 12. (1) (a) Every person, whether an inamdar -or not
Idad revenuelo who becomes entitled to a ryotwari patta under this Act
Government. (other than under section 9) in respect of any inam land
shall, for each fasli year commencing with the fasli year in
which the appointed day falls ; and

(b) every person who becomes entitled to a ryotwitri

patta under section 9 in respect of any inam land-shall;
for each fasli year commencing with the fasli year in which
such patta is granted,
1 This sub-clausc Wis addcc! by section 8 of the Tamil Nadu
Minor Inams (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwarj) Amend-
ment Act, 1964 (Thmil Nadu Act 33 of 1964).

3[(i-A) in case ~1.1~11

land is situated in the transferred
manner as for

(ii) in any other case, at the same rate and in the

:. (2) In this section, 'building' inclutLes the site on

*kith it stands aml an); adjna nt prcmiscs occupicd as



a These words were substituted for the word " Madras " by the
il Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
il Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 19G9.
his itom,was inserted by section 9 (ii) of the ~ a l o i lNni:,~
nor 11lafns (Abol~iionind Convcrsiol~into Ryotwnri I Amend*
a: Act, 1964 (Tamil N ~ r l uAct 3 3 of 1964).
k i n o r Inams (Abolilion anti
Conversion illto Ryot wcrri)
l dct med
quarries, fislltric s, or ferries, the transaction d ~ a lbe
to be valid; and all rights and obligations arising there-
under, on or n f w the appointed clay, shall bc cnforccable
by or against the Government :
Provided that the transaction was not void or ilk gal
undor any law in force at the time and that t n y such right
was ci-czted fcr a period no; exctcding one year.
(2) (a) Where any such right was crea~ed before
the 30th day of September 1961 for a pcriod excetd-ing
onc ycar, rhc Government may, if in their opinion it is in
the public interest to do so, by notice given to the prrscn
concernsd, terminate the right with effect from sucll date
as may be specified in the notice, not b:jng rarlicr than
tliroe months from the date thereof.
(b) I'he pzrson whosc right has been so tcrminatcd
shall be entitled 1-0compensation from the Government
whiz11 shad be determined by the Bcard of Reven~~c* in
sue11 manncr as may be preacrib~d,having rcgcrd to tht
vuluc of t h e right and thc pcriod for which the right w:.s
(c) Where any such right created bcfore the 30131
ciay o f Scptvmber 1961 is not det~rminedunder illis sub-
sect ion, ~ h t ::ransaction wl~crcbysue11 rigl:t was c~'c;it~d
shall be dmmed l o be valid and all rights and obliga~io~ls
arising iIicreunder, on or afier t h t appcinkd day, slzall
bc cnf'orctbablc by or against .the Government :

Providcd ihat the transzction was not void or illegal

under any law in force at thc time.
(3) The Government may, if in their opinion, it is
in tf1e public interest to do so, impose reasonable restric-
tici~son the exercise of any right continued under this
scct ion.
ExpZuization. - Ally rights granted in Ftrpctuity sl~all
ci -.r and detirmini. and be dcalt with under sect ion 3 (c)
s n ~ not
i undet this sect-ion.

* By virtr~cof sccticrl 10 (1) of the Tamil Nadu Board of Revenue

Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu Act 36 of 1980) any reference t:,
the Raard of Revenue shall bc deemed to be a reference to the
State G O V C ~ uf.

(Abolition m d
Minor Irl~~t~rs i39
Coflversio~inlo Ryot wari)


1 - (1) '[Any iili?lll h n d . oth!:r than 21-i ji1i.m ]:-tnd Sur\.er of inam
ia :he transferred i.rri~cry,m i y b~ s u l v c y ~el, jf i i l?;,:, I ~ ~ I J , ,
brtn survc ytci bf fol c r h~ tippc illl~(ii 5 y, m:.~bi r C - S I I r ~ C . Y -
2 s if it Wcrc ~ c v ~ - r ~ mk~-t&.,
n n l in a~corc!s1.(:~q:jlll ~-l,(:

Provided that ZIIY re-SUSV, y nz::bc I:S,G,~1his ~;~~'o-secl j01.i

? be limiicd to w h ~isi necrssary fcr t l ~ cj-yotwarj s e t t l e
nt of thc inanz lanrj.,

Tljj~~ x p r ~ f i s i oW:LS
l ~ substitut~dfor the expression " Any inam
lllily \h+LIIIVC'YULI " by I of the Tamil N a d ~ Minor
S C C ~ ~ O I10
3 \r\h,lltlo~\ tllld <:OOVC~S/OII imo Ryotwari) Amendr lent Act,
(Trlmil Nadu Act 33 of 1964).

P ~h~~ words were substituted for the word " Madras " by tllc
mil Nadu ~daptatiotlof L8aws Order, 1969, as mnended by the
mil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 19690
246 , Mitror Kti~rus(dbolitiutl slid 11963 : T.N. Act 30
Cot', ;iotl Ll/o Xyotwuri)

(2) (i) Tn the case of t lic City o f Madras, ~ I I L said

nntific?~iov sllal] embotiy i hc pricciplf F. :!tlcptcd in ini?king
ryotwari :;:;ttlc.ncntin t 1 1 ~:~c!jc ining dis~riclit nc! s l ~ z l;idopt
such I-atr:; of assessm+snti : s nwy bc xp~cific~d by tlzt: Gcvcrn-
mcnt having regard to :11i: ro tcs l ~ n d r rillc M ~ d r a sCity
L::nd R ~ ~ v c ~Act,~ u 1851
e (Ccn~r;iiAm X1T af 1851) and
thc s=dt!cincnt notification in f ~ r c till ' IIIC a d j ~ i n i n gdistrict;

(ii) in the else ofother ilreasiil the State, l[except

t h:: transfGrred taritoryj the said notification shall embody '
the principl:~ adopted in making I yutwari settlcments
in ryotwdri Areas and ahall adopt-
(a) the rates of assessment set out in the r~escttle-
rnent notification in ferc: on the date of the publication
of tkis Act in the *Fort St. George Gazette i n tile district
i n whi(:h the inam laud is situated ; cr

( b ) if more than one sucL notification is in force

in the ciist rict, the rates set out in one of those notifica-
tions which t he Gove~nrnentconsider to be the most appro
priate to tht case.

(3) All rates of asscsslne~~t i inposed at ryotwilriL*
settlement under this sect ion shdl be liable to revision
from time to ti me as laid down in th.: settlement or re-
settlement notification aforesaid, ns the case may be.

(4) Notning in this section shall be construed -

( i ) a s entitljng any pel son t o a ryotwari patta
tbr any land in respect of which he has not made any claim
under section 11 ; or

(ii) a s empowering the appropriate officer or

authority to reopen any decision ~ n a d eunder section 1 1 .

Minot 1nnrn.r (Aboli~ionosJ 24 1

Conversion b l o &,wtwari

(2) Nothing in this section shall be mnstrued -
(0as entitling:any petson to a ryotwari patta for
y land in respect of which he has ~ o made
t any claim
der section 1 1 ; or
if)' as e mpowering the appropriate oEcer oy autho.
reopen any de~isionmade un&t section 11.1


as a whole.

_ ..^."I-.-."_.- --- -
1 n i s sectior was inserrcd by section 12 of the Tarnil Nadu Minor
5 (Abolition and Conversion into Ryotwnri) Amendment Act,
(Tamil Nadu Act 33 of 1964).
F . \ I ,.- . i

1198 : T.N. Act 30

2 42 . . ~ i Inants
~ (Abolition
b ~ and
Conversion into R,Yotwari)

: .if that day was first clay uf ;Llly, Jr on the fi;st day of
immcdi?tely succeeding the appointed day if that I
daywas nt he first day of July and the next fasli ear in
r y o t w ~ r xttlement
j is effected in that year or tL next
two fi:sli ye21-sin other cases.
( i i ) 'rhe co~npensaticnpayable i o MY inamdar under
this bhall be twenty limes he average net annual

Piyrnent of tas- 20. (1)W'fiere the inamdar of an iruvaram minor inam

dik allowance to is a religio~s,educationai or charitable inbil~tion,or
rdigious, educa- individual holding the inam on condition of rendering
ional. Or. ch?ri- ser vim lo a lcli gious, educ~iiollal
or ckiritable insititution,
the Government shall pay to the institution every fa&
p a r commencing with t he fasli year iu which the ap ointed
day f;rlls, as a tasdik :~llowancean amount equa to the
average net annual miscellaneous revenue as wlculated
under ~ection19.

(2) Where the inamdar of a melvaram minor inam

:- a religious, educational or charitable institution or an
indl vidual holding t ne iu:~m on condition of rendering
service to n religious, cducai0n2~lor charitable institution
the Cravernaent shall pay i o the institution every fasli p a
comtncncing wi:h the fasli year in which the appointed
di:y f:~lI:., :m ~:rnountequi 1 to the net tasdik allowance as
alci11ilcd undcr sub-sect i ~ (3).n

(3) Tile net t ~ s d i kallowance shall be the difference

1 x 1ween -- -
(i) the aggregdte of thz tasdik allowance deter-
ruined under sub-section (1 ) and of the appropriate fair
~.mntin respzct of the lmd covered by thz mino* inam,
determined in accordance with I. he p visions wntained
ir, the Schedule ;and

(ii)t hz quit-rent, jodi, k:tttubedi or other arnouft

of a like nature, togetne with the cess and additioni.1 s
charge payable for the fasli year immediately before
a [)pointed day in respec.: of the whole of the minor in

(4) Tllc psyme~rtshall .llc li~lrdeto the instjtutiao

uudel: t&s scction so long as it exists.
-.4 .*
*$'-9-+T"- * ,.

r . .

M ~ ? o rhanls (Abolition and

conversion into Ryotwari)
his section shall Service
m which was held immediately
ividual (h;reinafter
ce-holder) art con&-
gious, educatjonal or

shall subject to the provisions

t 0 continue to render the service

is entitled to h ryot-
resp~ctof any land, 3-je shall

ligious institution the

on (4) and on such payment
shall, not wit bstanding anything contained in
on (7), be discharged from the condition of the

to hold the land and continue f o render scr-

ained in sub-sections

d to in clause (i) shall bt

m t he appointed day, and
anner as may be prescribed.
o in sub-stction (3) shaP
nty iirnzs the diff:rence between the fair rent i n
of sbch land dttermined in accordance with the
ons contained in the Schedrrle and I he land revenue

r has exercised his option

ub-secticn (4). th ? i ~ e d i k
ce retf21~edto in ~ub-section:( 6 ) in respec1 cjf the
sukequent to the dsts of the exercise of such
be the absc lut e property cf the institutim
2 instituticn shall hz a t liberty to make such mange-
as it thinks fit for th: performa,nce of t hz se~vice.

ser vim-iic 3dc~ rc_riJets

ay ~c the service-holdel
h,: Government ullder
# -
244 Minor Tnams (Abolition and
Conversiun in to Ryo twari)
[I963 : T.N. Act 30 1
( t )If the service-hold~rfails to render
t h 2 pr-xribed offiw sh~11.rftei such inquiry
such no: ice. 10 the service-hclder as may be
in this behalf, notify such failure in such mi.nner as
be prescribed. He s h d l titen declare that th,- t
allowance p~.y.yableto the institution in res
period subsequent -to the f a i l u ~ eshall be ih
properly of the institution 2nd rh, institution shzll b~
at li5er1y to make such a~rangemcnta.s it thir.ks EI 1(
the performance of the service.

(7) (a) For so long as the service-holder re

servict, hc shall be entitled lo cccupy pcrm
lands in respect of which he is clliitlcd ro 2. p
section 8, subject, however, to the payment of the asse
men. 5 x ~ dI[under section 16 or under section 16-
as the case may be] in respect of such lands.

(b) If the service-holder fcils to idnder the xivice,

the presc: i bed officer shall, aftar such inquiry and after
such notice to the service-holder as rnzy be prescxibrd
in this behalf. notify such fzilure in such mannex as may
be prescribed. He sllall then declare that the service-
holder's right to occupy permirnently the land undqr'
clause (a) sh211 cecse and determine, 2nd lht institu~ioo
sha.11 be a t liberty to make such arrangement as it tbiqks
fit for the perform an^ of the service and shall be entiad
t 0 hold i hc k n d as its ebsolut e property subject, howl
ever, t o the payment of the assessment fixed therefor
l[under section 16 or under section 16-A, as the case
may be].
fixplunotion I.-For the purposes of this section,- '

( i ) service-holder includes his heirs ;

i ) non perfarrnc?.nce of the service due to illness

or o:]-ic; cc:nporaJy tiisi:bility shall not bc dcemt d to
f;liIU1-;: L !; l - ~ ~ l ds:rvIce,
er provided I 11;tt the service-holder
~ J I ~rendering the servi
; ( for
mp.rcL:; ;.l:,:cnativc : : . S ~ : : I I ~ ~ ~ :,
d u r i n ~.hc period of,such illnes, or of other tempora
&is.ibill:y. #

-.----I --__ --

1 This expression w2s sub?! i i u t c i i for the eupression

section 1 6" by section 1.; of the Tanul Nada Minor hams
tion and Conversion into Ryotwari) Amendment Act, 19&4
Nadu Act 33 of 1964).

Minor hams (Abolition a& 245

Conversion ifito Ryotw~rj)

or the purposes cf sub-section (4)

nue" means the ryot wari assessnlent including
t ,wat er-ce~s
and adciit ional water-

t Officer shall, by order in w siting, Determination

inam, the ~ompzn~ation of compensation
, or, as the case ma> be, the aUo tasdik
lIowanoe payable under s s t i o n 20. payable.
person interested, may
b: prescri~edor sucl~fiirther
,in his discretion allow,
for a copy of the data
pcszs to dctermine the tasdik
nce or compensation pa yablz.
cation, the Settlement
re said to thz applicant
ssing an] or&r under sub-
t a reasonable opportunity
in regard thereto, in writicg

A wpy of evcry ordcr passed under gib-section

11 & communicated to tl;e inamdar and also t o
applicant und21 sub-section (2).
r) (i) The Settlcmcnt ofliccl- may, at any time,
suo motu or on the appl~cationof any person, re-
an order pasad by him under s~b-section(1) on
ne or more of the following grounds, namdy :-
viiiatd by any clerical
n o r apparenl on the face

the passing of tne said

lation of the tasdik zllow-
come available, or
) that the said order requires to be rncdifigd
of the final orGr of any competent autho-

-9 . &,'

246 Minor fnan is (Abolition ~ 1 4 6 ; [I963 : T.N. Act 30

Conversion into Ryo fwari)
I'rovided that L l ~ cSettl;.menL O f b r shall not exer-
cise the powers under tnis sub-section in respyct of any
inam withut giving the inamdar concerned and every
applicant under this sub-section and sub-section (21, a
reasonable opportunity of bei-iig heard.
L (ii) 1,copy of every ord,er passed uneer this sub- 1
section shall be co~nmunicatedto the Board of Revenuc* I
and also to the inalndar concerl~ed and every applicant !
under this sub-section 2nd sub-section (2).
(6) Any person deeming himself aggrieved by an
order made under sub-section (1) or sub-section (9,may,
within one month from the date of the order or such
further time as the "Board of Revenue may, in its dis-
cretion, allow, appeal to the Board ; and the Board shall,
after giving the applicant a reasonable opportunity of
being heard, pass such orders on the a p ~ e aas i it thinks
(7) The *Board of Revenue may also, in its discre-
r;on, at any time, either suo motu or on thz applirition
of any person, call for and examine the record of any
order passed, or proceeding taken, by the Settlement
Ofic{:r under this section, for the purpose of satisfying
itself as to the legality, regularity or propriety of such
order or pro~eedingand pass such order in reference
thereto as it thinks fit :
Provided that the tasdik allowance or the compen-
sation gayable in respect of any inam shall not be altered
by the Board without giving the inerndzr and every p:r-
son who has made an application under sub-section (2)
a reasonable opportunity of being heard.
(8) Not withstanding a
tion (6) or sub-section (7
on application made to i
by any other person in
passed by it under sub-se
if it is of the opinion that
error in the decisiondm a
and may make such order
.fit :

*By virtue of section 10 (1) of

Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nadu
the Board of Revenue shall be d

ikfih~rIi?iuns (Aholitio1r-z and 247

conver.rion into Ryol 'WUri)
r;; iet;s. 5
out p;evious notice
, to enable them to
of the order, a review

the Settlement Officer under

n (5) shall he liable to be
by the Board of Revenue*
sed by the *Board of
ub-section (7) or sub-
cancelled or modified
Government or any other authority.
compensation paya- Compensation,
such form and manner, ctc,, to be paid
in ,;escribed
at such time or times, and in one or ]nore jmctal- manner.
nts, as may be prescribed.


24. (1) Thc Govcrr~lnent shall deposit: in the office Compensatfon

of the Tribunal, the compensation payable utldcr section to be
19 as finally determincd under section 22 in such form deposited in
cffice of the
d manner andat such time or times and in one or more Ttibdnal.
d by rulcs rrzade under

Provided that the Govermnent shall be entitled to

d all moiicys, if any,

i or other dues of a

m which wzs secured

(lnv by a mortgage of,
portion therwf :
--..... - - . L - - _
adu Board of Revenue
1980) any r.zference to
be a reference to the State

Miqur Inams (Abolition and T,N, Act 30

Conversion into Ryotwari)
Provided further that, ~ l ~ c the
r e amount of the com-
pensation payable in respect of any inam stands altered
after the deposit referred to above has already been
made, the Government may deposit the difference or 'dwifh-
draw the same fsom the deposit already made or otherwise
adjust the same, in such manner and at such time or times
as may be prescribed and the provisions of sections 25,
26, 27, 28, 30 and 31 shall apply to the amount finally
under deposit, and to this extent, the Tribunal, or the
Special Appellate Tribunal, as the cd3e may be, shall
be cJmpetent to revise its orders, if any, already passed.

(2) On tht, making of such deposit, the Government

shall be deemed to have been completely discharged in
respect of all claims to, or enforceable against, the corn-
I pensation aforesaid.

Claims to be
25. (1) Every person making a claim to, or enforceable
made withi againft, the compensation deposited under any of the
three months. psovisions of this Act or any portion thcreof, shall apply
to the Tribunal within three months from t h date on
which the amount was deposited or within such further
time not exceeding thres months as the Tribunal may,
in its disetetion, allow.
(2) Every claim to, or enforcca ble against, the com-
pensation or any portion thereof which is not made to
the Tribunal within the time aforesaid shall,-
(i) in so far as it relates to the amount paid by the
Tribunal under section 32 ;or
(iij subject to the provisions of section 35, in so
fitr a5 jt rclatec; to the amount in respect of which cn order
for payment h;is been made by the Tribunal or the
Special Appellate Tribunal in favour of any person,
wise to be enforceable.
Duty of 26. The Tribunal shall, after giving notice to all
Tribunal. persons who have appliRl under section 25 and to any
others whom it considers to be interested, make inquiry
into the validity of the claims received by it, and deteI-
mine the pcrsons who, in its opinion, are entitled to the
compensation deposited and the amount to which each
sf t k m is entitled.

Minor Inat?ts (Abolitt'o~:and

Conversiorz into Ryotwari)
(1) As a prelilliinary to such determi~ii..tion,the Compensa-
1 shall apportion the compensat;on among the appor-tion to be
~ n any
d other persons whose rights o; interests in tioned
III stand iransferred to the Gover nmznt under by the
(b) of section 3, or cea& and determine under Tribunal.
(e) of section 3, as far as possible, in accordance
the value ~f their respective interests in the inan;.
(2)The va!ue of those interests shall be sscertaitied
rdance with such rules as may be made by the
Jnent in this behalf.

- (3) After the con~pensation has been apportioned

ng the persolls referred to in sub-section (I), or where
s more convenient so to do pel-.ding such apportionment,
Tribunal shall take into considtn.ticjn the applications
ditors and decide the amc L.nt f o M hich each of such
ors is entitled a n d the 1-c.1scn c r p e l s o ~ ~out
s of
Ffiose share or shares of the cc rnpensation such amount
I&ould be paid.

. Where it is alleged t11a.t the interest of any person De.,ollr-

tion of
. .

in cc3m-
evolution of the interest, and if so, on whom it ha8

kb:,29. (1) En cases falling under scction 19, if the compensa- ~ , ~ ~ d ~

payable is not finally determined and deposited in payments
mrsnpmce o f this Act before the clcse of the fasli year in to lnamda'
-- ---- ---
of the T1ibunal every fasii year prior to the fasli
jn which th3 deposit is made.

(7) respect of the Fasli year in which the appointed

11s. the interim payment to be deposited shall be

income from the inam actually derived by the inamdar

the appointed day in respect of that fasii year.

250 - Minor Imms (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 30

Conversion into Ryot wari)
(3) In respect of each of the subsequent fasli years,
the interim payment to be deposited. shall be one-twentieth
of the payable, roughly estimated as afore-
(4) The Government shall deposit all such amounts
in the oEce of the Tribunal and the Tribunal shall after
such inquiry,'if any, as it thinks fit, apportion the amounts
among the persons ciltitled to any portion thereof, as
far as possible in accordance with the value of their
respective interests.

(5) 3 n the making of such a deposit, the Government

shall bc tfcenred to hdvc bccl~colllpletely discharged in
respect 14' all claims to, or cnforccable against, the
a mount so deposited.

(6) Mter the compensation has been finally deter-

mined, the Government shall ascertain the aggregate
interim payment which would have been due i n respec(
of the inam under sub-sections (2) and (3) for thr fasli
ycars concerned, if the compensation as finally determined
had been adopted instead of the compensatipn as~oughl
estimated. ,

(7) If the aggregate interim prym1;nt thus determine

exceed 1s the aggregate interim payment elready deposited
the bsLlancewith interest the1 aorr at three per cent
amurn shall be deposited by the Government with
Tribunal along with the compensation as finally de

(8) If the aggregate interim payment determine

utlder sub-section (6) is l e s ~than the aggregttte amo
already deposited, the excess amoust deposited ,hall
deducted by the Government from the amount of c~
p e n s tion finally deter mined and the balance sh~. ll
deposited in rn: office of the Tribunal.
(9) No interim payment made under this secti
shall be deemed to constitute any part of the corn
rlon which the Government are liable to deposit
sa aion 24, or to any extent to be in lieu of such conspea
t ion.

Mirror liznins (Abolition a]

Conversion info Kyot war

111s with refere ncc to the aggregate

ally dcte'rmined by the Govcrx~ment
make the necessarypdjustments when apportion-
the compensgtion as finally determin~d.

,sccricn 26, scciicr: 27, section 28,

lzin three inontlzs from the date
t o the Special Appellate Tribunal
sting of two Judges of the High Cour, nominated
time to time by the Chief Justice in this bchalf:
Provided that the Special Appellat c 'rribu nal may,
in its discretion, allow furtlter time not three
months for the filing of such appeal.

ndcr t h Code of Civil

sons cleiming a n interest

g that any such person

252 Minor Inams (Abclition avd

Conversion into Ryor wan')
has not preferred any application or filed any statement
or adduted any evidence OF appeared or participated in
anyprocfediny before the Tribunal 0:.the Special Appellate
Tribunal, as the case may be.
Restriction on 31. In respc-ct of cornpensat iol 1 finally determined
thejurjsdicti*on under section 22 and the inierim yaymcnrs made under
of and section 29, th5 jurisdiction c f the Tribunal and the Special
Appellate Appellate Tribunal sh-11 hf: limited to the apportion-
Tribunal. ment thereof among the persons referred to in section 26
or sub-sec:io11 (4) of section 29, as the case may be, and
neitlar thc Tribunal nor the Special Appellate Tribunal
shall have jur:sdiction to go into thc question of thc cor-
rectness of the determination or the adequacy of the

Disburjemmt of 32. All payments made out of the compensation depo-

compensation. sited in the office of the Tribunal under section 34 s b l l
b3 made by i t in accordanci: with its ordcrs and decisions
subject to the modifications, if any, made on appeal under
section 30.
Interim payment 33. (1) In cases falling under section 20, if the tasdik
to institutions. allowance payable under that section is not finally deter-
mined and paid in pursuance of this kc: beibre the close
of the fasli year in which the app3intr.d day falls, interim
payments in respect c f each inam shzll b~ made by the
Government every fasli yt cr prior lo the fasli year in
which the tasdik ellcwmcc as finelly determined is
(2) 'Inrespect of the fasli year in which the appointed
day ialls, the interim payment to be made shall be the
tasdik allowance payable under sect ion 20 as roughly
estimated by the Governm-nt aftel cl.cdvc ing therefrom
the income from the inam actually c! rived by the inamdar
b fore the appointed day in respect f that fdsli year.

nt fasli years,
(3) In respect of each of th:: subseq~,
the interim payment to & made shall b; the tasdik allo-
wance payable under sefhion 20 rcughly estinated as

4-.-;. -
-.S ,.*,,-


Minor lnarns (Abolition and

Con~crsr'oninto Ryolwari)

paylixcnt d.=termined
aggregate interim pay-

34. Every person in whose favour an order for pay- Limitation

t has been made by the Tribunal shall make an forby mmclaims
ication for payment within thrta mcnths from the ,titled
of such order : ro payment.

ecial Appellate Tribunal on the appeal.

'T.N. Act 30
Minor Inams (Abolition and
Conversion in to Ryo t w ari)
(b) all amounts deposited as afcresaid and re-
maining unpaid after the expiry of a pericd of six months
from the date of disposal of the application under
section 34,
shall be witlldrawn by tlw Tribunal and deposited in the
District Court having jurisdiction over the minor inam
concerned in the name of thtt minor inam sr, as the case
may be, in the namn9 of the perscn or persons in whose
favour an Tor payment has been made by the
Tribunal or the Special Appellate Tribunal.

(2) All amcunts deposited by the Tribunal in the

Xstrict Court undcr sub-section (1) shall be dealt with by
tlie District Court in accordance with such N ~ Sas may
b: made by tlre Government in this bhalf.

(3) Zirery person making a claim to, or enforceable

against, any amount held in deposit under sub-section (1)
shall apply to thc District Court in thc prescribed form
setting forth his claim.

(4) The District Court shall, aficr giving notice to

all persons who have applicd undcr sub-scciion (3) and
to any others whom it consid-ers to be interested; make
inquiry into tlx ~ a l i d i l yc f r hs c l p ims rectivrd by it and
subject to the provisions ~ b sub-seciion (5) determine

the persons WSG are entitl~dto the 41munrheld in deposit

and the amount to which each of them is entitled,

(5) Evt ry order for pr;ymcnt mnde by the Tribunal

or t& Speci:11Appellatc TI ibunnl in fp-vcur of any person
s b l l be binding c;n tl:: "';,:?-ictCourt.

wrong ?6, \\here any pay~ncntmade 10 any person is sub-

and excess sequently fcund to bc no; d ~ i eto him or to be in excess
payments of the amounts due lo Idm, rbe arnTunt which is found
to be
ncoverabie to be no1 duc or which i \ in cxc-s::, :IS the case may be,
as land with intwc:.I ill.: n:on :it 1 lrrcc PLI. C! 111 mr annum, or any
t evenue, portion ~ l l ~ l which ~ u f c s n n ~ lbr o~l~crwise adjusted bv .
&;duction r ' l - h ~ f i a n y amount ciuc icr .;uch person shall
be reco~cr:tblr::is i f it wc r-c- :tn arrc :ir o f I;~tulrcvcnuc,

Minor I n m r (Abolition and

Conversion into Ryotwuri)

bad.i or otllcr amount of a Quit-rent,
ar was liable lo pay every jodi and.
y to thc Gc,v;rnment or to
te in which t lie ins nl was situated,
cease to a c m e with effect from the cnd of the fas!!
immediately preceding the appointed day.
section, ' estate ' shall have t h
se (2) of section 3 uf the l[Tamjl
1908 (l[Tamil Nadu] Act I of
erritories sp~cififdin the Second
ade sh and Mcdras (Alteration
(Ccniral Act 56 of 1959) and
rest of the State and shall include a new inam estate
section 2 of the Inam Estates

(1) No court shall, before the date oil .which the Stay of
t deposit in pursuance of this Act is made in the C x ~ t i ~
of the Tribunal, order or mntinuc execution in ::yd'""'
ct of any decree or order passed against the inamdar, prohil.itiort
st his interest in the inzm or against his other immo- ofcert3.h
or against him personally by arrest and *m~''/":.
with effect on and from such date, exe-
in the cases aforesaid may be ordered or continued
cified in, and in accordance with, the provisions

exec~ticnc i any decree

tic n in prisc n of the inanr-
day shall st r 14 dismiss<cf
ar is detained in a prison
ecree or order, be shall be

nding anything contained in any

being in h c e , no inamdar shall,
.;appointed 6.2 y I. r <b bc f ~ r the
c date on which
.- .-- ----- ------ ----..---'
These words were substituted tile word "Mridras" I,, ' - 3
Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as ctmendefl by the:
Nadu Adaptation of Lzws (Second Amendment) Grder, 1969,

256 Minor Inams (Abolition and 11963 : T.N. Act 30

Corlversiova ivlto Ryotwar i)

the earliest deposit as aforesaid is made, sell, mortgage,

lease or otherwise assign, or alienate ally of his immovable
property, and any transaction of the nature hereby prohi-
bited shall be void and iiiopcrative and shall not confer or
take away any right whatever on or from any party to the
lra llsa ct ion.

Transitio- 39. (1) No claim or liability enforceable immediately

nal before the appointed day against the inamdar or 'against
provision any other person whose rights stand transferred to the
rn regard
to liabili- Government in pursuance of clause (6) of section 3 shall,
ties of on or after that day, be enforceable against the interest
inamdar, he had in the inam ; and all such claims and liabilities
shall, after the date on which the earliest deposit in pur-
suance of this Act is made in the office of the Tribunal,
be enforceable-

(u) against the interim payments or the compen-

sation or other sum or sums paid or payable to him under
this Act to the same tTxtent to which such claims and
liabilities were unforceablc against his interest in the inam
immediately before tlzc appointed day ; and ,

(b) against his other propt. rty, if any, to the same

extent to which such claims and 1ia bilities were enforceable
against such property immediately bsfore the appointed

(2) No court shall, on or after the appointed day,

order or continue execution in rcspect of any decree o
ord.rr pssscd against the inamdar or any other perso against the interest he had in the inam ; an
execution sh11 be ordered or continued in such cases i
confermity with the #ovisions of sub-seciion (1) only
zgainst rhe inte~imp a p m t s or aminst the cornpensat'
c t o t k r sum er sums paid or payable to him as afore&
GT apin.1 his other propmy, if 2ny.

- -

Minor Irrarns (Abolition a

Conversion into Ryotwa

any clnim or liability

rson afcrcsaid, allow

any land in an i l ~ a ~Dccision

n 1(
r as to tlie lintits of questions
ined by the Assistant Settlement regarding
1 to tlte Settlement 0.Aticer within forests.
cribed and also t o revision by
oard of Revenue*.
. .
1. (I) Notwitl~ststanding:nnytl~it~g conlail~cd i n this 111amdar's
right to
in the case of a minor illam all arrears of rent payable collect '

in respect of a n y land in sucli arrears.

and outstanding on the appointed day slzall, to tlze
rs are in cxccss of iltc[due
pcct of that Iitntl, he dcc~ncd
charged wltct Izur or nol a decrce l ~ t boc
s II o btaincd
r if such person pays to the inu~itdartllc u I-rcars
due for a period of any three fasli ye'lrs.

in the c o u ~ or
t before the
paymelzt, of ilze arrcars
three fasli years and on
cted by such decree or
rty thereto, vacate tlx
---- -- - .- ----
* By vittue of section lO(1) of th? Tamil Nnd I Board of
Revenue Abolition Act, 1980 (Tamil Nad r A c ~36 of 19XO), any
rofTrenceto the BoarcI of Rcven~leshall be declncd to bc a 1.cfcrence
.to thc State Gove"~rnrne11:.
- 127-l'i

2512 Minor Inams (Abolition and 11963 : ~ . .Act

Cor version into Ryotwari)

Providcd that nothing contnirled in this section shall

apply to any suit or proceeding in which the decree or
order has been satisfied in full, before the appointed day.
(4) The provisions of this section stall have effe
notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith cont~ine
in theI[Tamil Nadu] Estates hnci (Reduction of Re
Amendment Act, 1963.
Expkmation.--For the remova 1of doubts it is hereby
daclsred that the payment, or deposit, of arrears of rent
for three f' referred to in this section shall be
payment or deposit made after the appointed day.
Rights of owner
or occupier not
42. Where a person- 1
to be affected by (u'r is entitled to the ownership or to
temporary 1 posn ssio 11 or occirpation ol' any land or buildin:
discontinuance imlncdiately before the appointed clay but has transferred
of possession 0' his to tht: possession or c: ccupation therecrf or bas
Wcupation. been tc.lnpol-arily disposscsscd or deprived of his right
to thc occ~~patian thereof ; and
(b) has sot ,:. :!::I' clay lost his right to recover $$
the posscc\.iiotl or occtil~:tiii~n h or builtling,
~ l ' s ~ , c1:tntl P
he shall for tllc purposcsof this Act and suljject to the pro- B
visionstl~cr~col', be cleomcd tc~bcthcownerortobein* ,'3
possr.ssion. or occ~ipatic-nol' such land or br-ilding : $:A1
Pi-,\\ :., ; .r y l i :h.11 sn!. I;;u.:'i.! :rc~-f;-rce of the ri&t to t h
ix~.,,~~;,~ t\r: : f i ~ y i ; p i r i ~ ' : :t ~ Sf L C ~ i ; : ~ j i cr building shJ1,
>:I \ c . ~ h01 ILL.-I \vi$t\ exprc~>11)'PI-01:tft'~iin t h s Act, continue
i o I1:rvc. t h t 8 S;LIIIL' rightb i ~ g ; ? i ~his
i ~ tti.31lskror I:S i ~ ehad
immediately before the appointed d3y :
Pro vidcd fikrsther that :my lawful ira 11 sfesee of the title
to st!ull 1 ; ~ 1 i dor building sllall be entiilctl to all the righta
under this r\ct of his transtkl-or.
Res judicata. 43. (1) The decision of a Tribunal or the Special
Appellate 'rribuna 1 in any proceeding under this Act on
any matter falling within its jurisdiction shall be binding
on the parties thereto and persons claiming under them,
in any suit or prcceedi* in a Civil Ccurt, in so far as
such matter is in issue between the parties or persom
aforesaid in such suit or proceeding.
-- -
1These words were substituted for the word "Madras" Fv
thc dmil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1%9, as amended
by i t e Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second bmdment)
Order, 1969.

l i ~mi
ilfinor h d i n s ( ~ b o joi~
Conversion into &yo ri)

sons claiming under them

ct bef~rea Tribunal or
Tribunal in so far as such matter
n the parties or persons c?forc-said in

In proceedings under this Act relating to any inam!mptiorr in

the case of
for the benefit of any religious, educatioi~al or service
or granted to any individwl for inam*
service to a religious, educational or charitable

in s\t ch inanner

c~n~piitiilg the period of

lrpeal or application for
I* crder, the date o f corn-
decision or order to the
be deemed to be the dzte

s~ciic>ii 4 and sbb-,ti-iit~n (1)

1 12 of' the *Indian Limitation
190s) sl~all,so far iis may bc,
o any appcal or :rppliu;.tion ~UI. revision tinder

ct an appeal or application
o any z~~tbority cr o f i a r
within s~:cll.further time
d as nlby be allowed by
further time aforesaid sha 11
expiry of such prescribed
accordance with the pro-visions uf
.-- ----..--- -
w the Limitation Act, 1263 (Central Act 36 of

260 Minor Inams (Abolition and

Conversion into liyo twari)
Finality of 46. (1) Any order jmssed by any officer. the Ciowrn-
orders passed lnel~t01-otller authosily or itny decision of the Tribullal
under this Act* 0, the Spc~ialAppllaic Trihul~alluder this Act in respcct
of inatters to be determined for the purposes of this Act
shdl, subject only to any appeal or revision provided
under this Act, be final.
(2j No such order or decision s1;all be liable tto be
questioned in any court of law.
Jurisdiction of 4'7. ( 1 ) No suit o r other proceeding shall lie egainst
courts barred the (iov:rn~uen~for atiy act doilc or purporting to be done
i n certaincases*uncier t h i s Act ox any rule ~nndethereunder.

(2j (u) No suit, prosecution, or other proceeding

sll:ill lie ag:~insta n y oflker 01- servant of the Government
for any act done or pol-port;ng to he clone under tbis
or any rule made thereunder ~ i t h o tuthe previous sancti
of the Cil~xyt'rninetIt.
(h) No of3czl- ,,I- scrvz.nt of the Ciovernnlent sha
be liable in respect of any strch ~ t : tin ~ I civil
Y or crirni
proceeding if the act do~lcin good faith in'the cou
ofthe cxcc:ttion of the d~l.ties,or the discharge of the fu
tions inlposed by or under this Act.
(3) No suit, prosecution or other proceeding shall
insti 11 t ed a gains1 any oEcer or ser c ant o f the Gc vern
fdr a.ny act done or p~lrprtrngto bs done under this
c,r ~ l r yrule made therevnder alter tn:: expiry of six mo
fkom tke d2tc cf the act complrlnecl cf.
Tribunal or . 1 [47-A. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained b,':
O'hcr auth?ritJ' sub-section (3) of section 7 or in sub-section (3) of
mt to applnt
~ c e i v e retc.
, -30 or ir? s n y other provision of this Act or in any other
law for the time being in force, no Tribunal or 0th- .
authority under this Act shall have the power to appointi
a receiver or c o r n m i ~ ~ i ~ nine rrespect of any land jn;a@
minor inam and in respect of which any prcceeding i l+

pending before such Tribunal or other authority.

(2) Any person who was personally cultivati
+ .*
such land on the appointed dav and continues to
pbssession of that lwd shall not be dispossessed
land, ulltil it is finally decid1.d that such person
actually entitled to ryotwari patfa in respect of that 14
under t.%e provisions of this

Con version into Ryot~~ari)

- '-
Ib.!-, [3) Where any

receiver or commissioner apnointed

dl,either on an applicatidn made by the aggrlr ~ e d

irhin sixty days from such date, or szio timtu cancel such
tment, and on such cancellation, tIlc possessioa
h land shall stand transferred to the person whd 8
, .

personally cultivating such laid immediately befori

date of the appointment of such receiver ii'such person
n dispossessed of such lancl by the receiver.

~.$rsonally .cultivating any such land (hereinafter in this

. section referred to as the " said person ") is not actually
:' entitled to ryotwari patta iu respect of such land under
! the provisions oC this Act, the persou who has been granted
j:'ryotwari patta in respect 01 such land shall be entitled
R;: fo recover arrears of fair rent in respect. o f such land
determined in accordance with the provisic~t-r!;contained
: in the Schedt~le,li.0111 the said persoll.

yr - ---- -- ., - - -
r u

person shall be deemed to be a cultivathg tena~lt- ond shall

:continue to be a cultivating tenant for the purpores of the
il Nadu Cultivating Tenants Protectioil Act, 1955
1 Nadu Act XXV of 1955) and the Tamil Nadu
ting Tenants (Payment of &air Rent) Act, 1956
Nadu Act XXIV of 1956) and the arrears referred

, - ---- 1 -- -

and within such period as may be prescribed.

. -- r--------- -

vn physical libour or that of the members of his

r in the cultivation of that land.

262 Mimr I . . s (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Acct3fJ

Conversion into Ryotwari)

(6) The said person shall not, be liable to be evicte

under ths Tamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants Protectic-
Act, 1955 (T;tmil Nadu Act XXV of 1955), in resFect o
the arrears referred to in sub-scction (4), except for failur
to pay the said arrears in accordailce with the rules made
in this behalf under sub-section (S).]

power to make 48. (1) The Governlnent may make rules to carry out
rules. the pumotes of this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality

of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for-.
(a) a11 matters expressly required or allowed by
this Act to hc prcscl-ibcd :
( h ) tile prccediirc to be fullowed by the Tribunals,
the Speci:tl Appellate Tribunal, authorities and officers,
appoiii tc11. m- 1iavj11gjurisdiction under this Act ;

(c) the delegation of powers conferred by this

~ c ont t I r ~Govcruineni or ally olhcr authority, officer
or llerson 3
(d) the time withill which appeals and applications
for revision may be presented under this Act in cases for
which no specific provision in that behalf has been
therein ;
(e)the application of the provisions of the Code
of Civil Prcicedure, 1908 (Central Act V of 1908) to applica-
tions, appeals and proceedings under this Act ;

(0 the fees to be paid ill respect of' applications and

appeals under this Act ;

( g ) the transfer of proceedings from one Tribunal,

authority or officer to apother ;

( h ) tbe manner in which and the officer by u h

fa* rent shail be ascertained for the purposes of

. -.,e'-hp-rrms . .
- I

hiifior hams ( Abolitiojz and 263

C012version into KJ f bi,ar 17

A rule 113adc uilder clausc (c) *[

sufi-scctioll (3)
Ide for restriclioas alid condition:; s d 7 j ~ c tto
power delegated illrty be exercised and also fiIr
and revision by the delegating authwity, ritllcr
u or on application, of the orders of t l ~ ca u t l ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~
non to whom the power"is delegated.
r this Act shall be pub]jsllcci
and unless they a;e expressed
a particular day shall come into force
hey are so published.
(b) All notifications issued ilnder this Act shall,
less they are expressed to come into force on a particular
y, come into force on the day on which they are published.
cation issued under
er it is made or issued,
owes of tkc Legislature
e session in which it is so
11 Houses agree in making
ny suck rule or notification or both
es agree that the rule or notification should not be
or issued, the rule or notificatio~~ sllall thcrcnfter
d form or b(: ( I' nocircct,
however, that any sucft il~odificatio~i
vithnut ~rejudiceto the validity of
n ~ h i n gpreviously done under that rule or notification.
49, The provisions of this Act shall ha) e eij'eect *lot-Act to override
inconsistent therewith colltained contract and
my usage or contract. ctc.

ing anything csntai ncd in the Special pro-

eforms (Fixation of' Ceiling on vision relatina
il Nadu] Act 58 of 1961), but ceiling areaof
f sub-section (2), the authorized in r e ~ ~ e of
f the ceiling area of any person inam land.
that Act, exclude any inam land.
-- -
d for the word " Madras " by the
Order, 1969, as amended by the
!kcond Amendment; Order, 1969,

Miilor 4 > ~ m(bAboliri4n dad Act 30

Cor.1V & ~ S ~ it)J ~ Ryot wari)
C it)

(2) As soon as may be, after the ryotwari settl

is brought into force in any Jand referred to in sub-s
(1) and aftei the grant of the ryotwari patta in respect of
such land to any person in accordimce with the provisions
of this Act, the authorized officer sthallcalculate or recal-
culate the ceiling iuea of such person and in so calculating
or recalculating, the authorized officer shall take into
account the extent of the Land in respect of which a ryotwari
patta has been granted to such person under this Act.
(3) E or the purposes of the '[Tamil Nadu] Land
Reforms (Fixation of Ceiling on Land) Act, 1961 ('[Tamil
Nadu] Act 58 of 1961), any ryotwari patta b a t e d under
this Act shall be deemed to have taken effect on the 6th
day of April 1960 and for the purposes of calculating the
standard acre under that Act, " land revenue " shali,
in respect of the land referred to in sub-section (1). mean
the ryotwari assessment payable in pursuance of the ryot-
wari settlement referred to in sub-section (2).
51. (1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the
provisions of this Act, the Government may, as occasion
may require by order, do anything which appears to them
to be necessary for the purpose of rerlloving the dificulty.

(2) Every order issueo under sub-section (1) shall,

ns soon a s possible after it is issued, be placed on. the
table of both l-louses of the Legislaturr: and if, before the
expiry 04' thc session in w h i d ~it is so placed o r the next
sessioll, both Houses agree in nla king any modification
in :my such order or both Housesirgree that the order
should not be iss~~ed, the order shall tl~ere~fter have effect
only in sue11 irlodified I u A A a A 3. 5e CT no effect, as the case
may be, so l~~wever, t h ~ any t such modification or annul-
ment sllrtll b(: without prejudice to the vl~lidity of anything
P ~ ~ V ~1;)
IOL clcIm under tlln t order.

Repeal 52. TIICAndhra Inams (Aboli~iotland Conversion into

Act XXXVll of 1956) i s
liyolw~tri)Act, 1956 (Al~dh~.;r
lwrc by re1x:~lcd. 9r

--.---. -- --,-- -A
These wolds were substirutes for the word " Madras '' 'by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lsws Order, 1969, as amended by the
T~lnilNadli Adaptation of L a h s (Second Amendment) Order, 1969,


Prosisior~srcI12litlg to h e clefrrrlinatiorr rdj;dil-

fen &.

For topes, orcl~ardsand lands used fix non-agri-

1purposes, the fair rent shall be the lease rmount
mined by rules made by the Government in this

2. In respect of lands, other than those ~pecifirdin

agraph 1, the fair rent shall be the aggregate of---

.(ii) in the case of wet land, tile irrigaticn cf wJ:ich

ppkmented by lifting water, 35 per cent of the normal
s produce or its vshw in lncrcy ;
(iii) in the case of la~iclon which crops which do
give any yield within n psricd of ore pesr from the
of cultivation are cultivated, 40 per cent of the norma 1
rodouccor its value in money ;

ded that in the case 01' lands referred to In sub-

phs (ii) and (iv) for the cultivation of which water
bypumpset instzlled 2.t the ccst of the person own-
e kudivararn, the fair rerl t sh211 be increased to 40
Minor 5mnu (Abolition avid
Conversion into Ryotw~ri)

Ex~Z ~ ~I.--In
lion Z this parag1.apl~, "normal pfoss
prod u cc "--a

(d) ili rcslwct of a 1it11d cultivated wit11 any crop

which does iiot give any yield within a riod of one year
from the tilt~eof cultivation, rneans t e gross produce
for olle year if the land were cultivated with paddy ;

(b) in respect of a land cultivated with any other crops

lne?ns the produce which would be obtained for one )'esr
from s land of the same class as the land in question
similarly situated and possessing similar ad vantages if
the rainfall and the seasons were norm~l.

Explarta iiort 11.-111 the ca sc of fa nd on which different

crops are cultivated a t diEeIellt tinlcs c n diflisent polticns
of the Iczrrds, tEe fair relit shall bt: czllculc..tcd with r~f~rellct:
to the w t u 3 1 crops ordinarily cultivated according to the
i ~ crops in the area ill which stlch land
ordinary ~ o t a t i oof
is situated.

Expkination 111.--la 111is pa fagraph, "agricu ltura 1

year " 111~311sthe year commencing on the 1st day of
April, or, ill rcspect of the whole or any part of any district,
or such other date as the Collector of the district may
specify in the t behalf', by noti:fication, in the District

3. In the case of land cultivated by the person owning

the kodivaram, the fair rent shall be tho fair rent as
calculated it1t l ~ einanner specified in paragraph 2 in respect
of a lailc of thz sama class as the land in questicn similarly
situzted and possessing similar ad.vant~ges.

4. ~f the rent actually payable to the person owning

the kudivaram in respedof the land during the fasli yeat
i m d i a t e l y before the fasli y s r in which the appointed
day falls is less than the fair rent ascertained as aforesaid,
the said rent shall be deemed to be the fair rent in respect
of tbe land.

: T.N. Act 331 Minor ham (Abo1iti.m aud Con

into Ryotwdri) Anz,ndr,aent

33 OF 1964.2


sident o1.t the 5tlz Nove1n6t.1.

d irt the Fort S t . George Gazetr e on
1964 (Kartika 27, 1886j.j

Act to amend the I[Tnnzil Nadtr] Minor Inams (Abolition

av~dConversion {nto Ryot wari) Act, 1963.

it enacted by the Lcgislafure of the 3[Statc of Tamil

du] in f he Fifteenth Yt ;tr of the Republic of India as

][Tamil Nada] Minor Short title.

in:o Ryotwa ri) Amc nd-

dc by these sections have

atecI in the prinGipal 4ct, vjz.,

15. Sestion Z (i) 2nd scciiot~13 of thc '[Tamil Nadu]

(Transferred T(rriiory) Ryot wari SE!t lcment Act, 1964, in
so far as they rciatc fo nw lvaram, are here by repealed.
. - -- -
ubstituted for the word " Madras " by the
of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
ti011 of t a u . (Second Amendment) Order,
For Statemcnt of Objccls and Reasons, set? Fort St. George
riatcd the 26th March 1964, Part IV-
was substituted for the expressinn " State of
ainil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Grder, 1969,as
if Madu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amend-

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