Astm Cod d1252
Astm Cod d1252
Astm Cod d1252
Designation: D 1252 06
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
at pH < 2 by addition of concentrated sulfuric acid. The users of the test method to ensure the maximum holding time
addition of 2 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid per litre at the for their samples.
Supporting data were taken from Method Research Study 3 (1971) and
Water Pollution Laboratory Performance No. 8 (1982), Environmental Protection
Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Analytical Quality Control
FIG. 1 Test Method A, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Precision Laboratory, Cincinnati, OH. These documents are available from ASTM Headquar-
of Determination as Overall Standard Deviation ters as RR:D 19-1044.
Prepared Bias, Statistically
COD, % Bias
COD, mg/L mg/L Significant
12.30 12.34 +0.04 +0.33 no
40.2 37.9 2.3 5.7 yes
92.0 88.6 3.4 3.7 yes
270 257 13 4.8 yes
18. Scope 19.3 After sealing, the ampule or tube is heated in an oven,
18.1 This test method is essentially equivalent to Test sand bath, or heated block at 150 6 2C for 2 h. The COD
Method A, but it utilizes micro volumes of the same reagents concentration is determined spectrophotometrically after di-
contained in a sealable ampule or a screw-top culture tube and gestion. In the low COD range (5 to approximately 50 mg/L),
a spectrophotometer or filter photometer to measure absor- the loss of hexavalent chromium is measured at 420 nm, while
bance or transmittance at selected wavelengths. This test for the high range (50 to approximately 800 mg/L), the
method is applicable where only small sample volumes are increase in trivalent chromium is measured at 600 nm. The
available and where large numbers of samples need to be ampule or tube serves as the absorption cell.
analyzed. This test method requires less space per analysis and
uses less of the reagents, minimizing costs and volume of 20. Interferences
wastes discharged. 20.1 Interferences identified in Section 6 are also applicable
18.2 This test method was tested on Type II reagent water. to the micro procedure.
It is the users responsibility to ensure the validity of this test
method for waters of untested matrices. 20.2 Volatile materials will be lost if the sample is mixed
with the reagents before the ampule or tube is sealed. Volatile
19. Summary of Test Method materials will also be lost during sample homogenization.
19.1 The dichromate reagent and silver catalyst used in this 20.3 Potentially, the loss of volatile organics in the micro
test method are similar to those used in Test Method A, but the procedure will be less than that which may occur in Test
volumes employed are 120 th of those in Test Method A. Method A. Thus, results between the two methods may differ if
19.2 A sample aliquot is introduced carefully into an ampule volatile materials are involved.
or screw-top tube so that the sample is layered on top of 20.4 Spectrophotometric interferences may exist due to
previously introduced reagents and remains there until the turbidity of precipitated salts that are too colloidal to settle in
ampule or tube is sealed. This technique limits evolution of a reasonable period of time. Centrifugation may be used to
heat of solution until the container is sealed, minimizing the speed separation of the salts. This test method does not address
loss of volatile organics. a titration procedure for the micro-volume, but if the digested
22. Reagents 23.3 Use the procedure in Section 24 to analyze the pre-
22.1 Silver Sulfate Catalyst SolutionDissolve 22 g of pared standard solutions and a procedural blank of water. For
silver sulfate (Ag2SO4) in a 4.09 kg (9 lb) bottle of concen- the high COD range, determine the spectrophotometric absor-
trated sulfuric acid (H2SO4). bance of each standard and blank at a wavelength of 600 nm.
22.2 Potassium Acid Phthalate Solution, Standard (1
mL = 1 mg/L)See 14.5.
22.3 Potassium Dichromate Digestion Solution:
22.3.1 High RangeAdd 10.216 g of potassium dichromate
(K2Cr2O7) dried at 103C for 2 h, 167 mL of concentrated
sulfuric acid (H2SO4) (sp gr 1.84) and 33.3 g of mercuric
sulfate (HgSO4) to about 750 mL of water, mix, and let cool.
Dilute the solution to 1 L with water and mix thoroughly.
22.3.2 Low RangeAdd 1.022 g of potassium dichromate,
(K2Cr2O7) (dried at 103C for 2 h), 167 mL of concentrated
Messenger, A. L., Comparison of Sealed Digestion Chamber and Standard
Method COD Tests, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, Vol 53, Number FIG. 3 Typical COD Calibration Curve for Spectrophotometric
2, February 1981, pp. 232236. COD Method, Ampule Technique (Test Method B)
during a batch: analyst, instrument, and day. Recommended tion of stock solutions used to prepare calibration standards.
maximum batch sizes are specified in the table below These results will verify the accuracy of the calibration
Batch type Maximum batch size standards.
Method A 20 27.2 Initial demonstration of laboratory capability
Method B 50
An initial demonstration of capability must be performed if a
27.1 Calibration and calibration verification laboratory has not performed the test before or reperformed if
27.1.1 Instrumentfor Method B. either the instrument or analyst changes to assure that results A calibration curve must be prepared with each equivalent to those obtained in the method collaborative study
batch of samples as specified in section 23. The calibration can be achieved.
standards must be digested with the samples in the batch. 27.2.1 For method A and method B, high range, prepare a Calibration must be verified at the end of the batch 100 mg/L standard of primary grade potassium acid phthalate
by checking a mid-range standard. The measured COD must be (as in section 23.3). For method B, low range, prepare a 30
within 10 % of the rated value of the standard. mg/L standard (as in section 23.2). Analyze seven replicates of If the calibration check fails, check for and resolve the appropriate standard.
any spectrophotometer problems. Recalibrate the spectropho-
27.2.2 Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the
tometer and re-measure the absorbance of the ampules or
seven values and compare to the acceptable ranges of precision
and bias in the following table. The demonstration must be
27.1.2 Standardizationfor Method A
repeated until the single operator precision and the mean Ferrous Ammonium sulfate Solution titrant (sec-
recovery are with the limits given.
tion 14.1) must be re-standardized with each batch of samples
Acceptable range Acceptable range
analyzed. The batch must be completed with one preparation of Method/Level
of recovery of precision
titrant. Method A (100 mg/L) 86106 mg/L <6.9 mg/L
27.1.3 Independent reference material (IRM) Method B, High Range (100 mg/L) 69135 mg/L <20 mg/L
Method B, Low Range (30 mg/L) 2337 mg/L <5 mg/L
Analyze a certified reference material following the prepara-
FIG. 7 Test Method B, Correlation of Collaborative Test Data COD
Determination by Micro Procedure Type II Water Plus 1000 mg/L
Chloride Ion
If a concentration other than that specified above is used for distilled water, especially when a new lot of reagents is used.
laboratory capability testing, refer to D 5847 for information Any significant increase in blank absorbance should be inves-
on applying the F test and t test in evaluating the acceptability tigated.
of the mean and standard deviation. 27.5 Sample spiking and replicates
27.3 Laboratory control sample (LCS) 27.5.1 Spiking
To insure that the performance of the test method is in control,
Chemical Oxygen Demand is a composite, procedurally
one LCS must be analyzed with each batch of samples to
defined analyte. Recovery of constituents is a composite
assure continued performance within the limits established by
function of the recoveries of each compound present. For this
the method collaborative testing.
reason, spiking a sample with a pure material with an experi-
The LCS will be the same material and concentration used mental COD does not reveal anything about the absolute level
for the initial demonstration of capability and must be taken
of recovery of the constituents in the original sample. Com-
through all of the steps of the analytical method, including
parison of matrix specific results across various oxygen de-
preservation and pretreatment. The result obtained for the LCS
mand methods and calculations of theoretical COD from
must fall within the limits in the table below.
constituent analysis may reveal the presence of refractory
Batch type LCS acceptance range compounds.
Method A 100 mg/L 6 12 mg/L
Method B, high range 100 mg/L 6 30 mg/L 27.5.2 Replicates
Method B, low range 30 mg/L 6 8 mg/L
It is the responsibility of the method user to assure that
If the result does not fall within these limits, analysis of reported results are of known and acceptable precision. Repli-
samples is halted until the problem is corrected, and either all cates by matrix and level should be run to establish real world
samples in the batch must be re-analyzed, or the results must be sample precision. This should be done by running duplicates in
qualified with an indication that the method was not perform- numerous batches and combining the data to obtain a precision
ing within acceptance criteria. estimate. The collaborative study precision data can be used as
27.4 Method blank (Blank) a benchmark for these results. If the relative standard deviation
Method A, the amount of titrant needed for the blank is of the real world sample results is significantly larger than that
subtracted (blank correction). Analysts should monitor the from the collaborative study, the results should be annotated
amount of titrant used for blanks. Any significant change for end users.
should be investigated. 27.6 Batch control sample (BCS)
For Method B, the method blank is used as the zero 27.6.1 It is strongly recommended that a challenging control
concentration point on the calibration curve. Since the calibra- standard be run in duplicate beginning and end in each
tion standards are taken through the entire analytical process, batch. This material is intended to be responsive to critical
any absorbance due to blank levels is automatically subtracted. performance factors of the method, specifically, chloride inter-
Analysts should monitor the absorbance of the blank against ference and catalyst effectiveness.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Chloride can cause a positive interference when The COD digestion vial can be placed in a small Erlenmeyer
determining the chemical oxygen demand of wastewater flask on an analytical balance. This sample will be used for
samples. Samples with chloride levels up to 4 % can be treated blank correction.
with a styrene based cation exchange resin in the silver form X1.2.4 A small amount of each sample (5 mL) should be
with a capacity of 4.5 meq for the removal of chloride, used to purge the pre-rinsed filters. Each neutralized sample
bromide, and iodide. The pretreatment described in this appen- should be treated as in section X1.2.3.
dix was not evaluated during the interlaboratory study; there- X1.2.5 Prepare the calibration standards in 1 wt. percent
fore, the user of this procedure is responsible for determining sodium chloride (10 g NaCl per liter of reagent water) at the
the actual precision and bias for each particular sample type. COD concentration levels in this standard.
The treated samples are analyzed by Test Method D 1252 as X1.2.6 Digest the samples and standards as directed in Test
described in Test Method B, Micro COD Procedure. The Method B of this standard.
reported result should be designated as dissolved COD since
the sample must be filtered during the pretreatment. X1.3 Discussion
X1.3.1 The supporting data were obtained from a single
X1.2 Procedure
laboratory and were not evaluated according to Practice
X1.2.1 Due to the silver contained in the cation exchange D 2777. The data contained in Table X1.1,Table X1.2, and Fig.
resin filters, samples need to be neutralized prior to filtration to X1.1 show the analytical results for COD using the procedure
prevent leaching, which may interfere with the analysis. Since in this appendix. The data present the percent recovery of KHP
sulfuric acid is the common preservative a NaOH solution can at 20 mg/L and 100 mg/L at various levels of chloride.
be used for neutralization. If the preserved samples are highly
acidic, a more concentrated NaOH solution can be used thus TABLE X1.1 Single Laboratory Evaluation, Chloride
preventing dilution of the sample. Concentration vs. Spike Recoveries
X1.2.2 Rinse the cation exchange resin filter by drawing 10 Chloride Concentration 20 mg/L KHP, 100 mg/L KHP,
mL of reagent water into a disposable syringe and placing the (mg/L) COD Recovery (%) COD Recovery (%)
filter on the end of the syringe. Displace the deionized water 3035 96 106
through the filter into a waste container. Each filter will have to 12 140 84 99
be rinsed with reagent water prior to filtering a sample. 18 210 111 104
24 280 114 100
X1.2.3 Weigh 2 g of reagent water through a prerinsed 36 420 106 104
cation exchange resin filter directly into a COD digestion vial.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website