Conclusion Fluid
Conclusion Fluid
Conclusion Fluid
Flowrates is a quantity of a gas or liquid moving through a pipe which passes per unit
time, usually represented by the symbol of Q. In this experiment, flowrate was
measured by using orifice meter, venturi meter and the rotameter. This measuring
technique operation and characteristics are determined by comparing pressure drop
and related it to the velocity of the fluid in the pipe using Bernoulli and continuity
Based on the result, the orifice meter high pressure drop is unrecovered. This is due to
the flow rate increasing at the opening of the orifice plate and not much energy is lost
but as it flows through and starts slowing down, much of the excess energy is lost.
Then as for the rotameter, the energy loses were significantly higher than the venturi
and orifice flowmeters. This high energy loss is due to the large drop in pressure due
to friction.
For the venturi meter, the value obtained were closer to the actual flow rate. This is
due to the lower pressure drop that results from its streamlined shape and almost
eliminates boundary-layer separation and thus form drag is assumed negligible. It has
a converging and a diverging part of the meter. This meter is good for high pressure
and energy recovery. To be concluded, venture meter was more accurate compared to
orifice meter and rotameter.
Based on the experiment there are many ways to improve the experiment and obtain
an accurate results. Firstly, we must ensure that there is no air bubbles for better
accuracy and to avoid reading errors. We can used a pen or other things in order to
depress the staddle valve at the top right side of manometer board. Depress staddle
valve lightly to allow fluid and trapped air to escape out. Sufficient time is needed in
order to allowed all bubbles escaped. Next, when we take the readings from the
manometer, it should be taken at the eye level which is perpendicular to our eyes in
order to avoid parallax error. We must avoid parallax error to get an accurate results.
We also have to monitor the water level in the manometer board. If the water level in
the manometer board is too high where it is out of visible point, we need to adjust the
water level by using staddle valve. With the maximum measureable flow rate, retain
the maximum readings on manometer. Last but not least, the experiment should be
repeated at least three times in order to get average readings. This will reduce the
deriavation from theoretical results.