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N 1
Read the text. Then answer the questions.
Looking for work is something most people will have to deal with at some point in their life. Many
teenagers begin this process early and start their search during the summer when school is out and
they have more free time, or when they are in university. 1)___ When searching for a job, however,
it is a good idea to have a plan. Job hunting can be hard work and a good attitude and proper
planning can certainly increase the chances of finding something that suits you.
Before beginning your search, there are some questions you should ask yourself:
What are you really interested in? If you know the answer to this question it will help you
knock on the right doors. Also, you are less likely to be upset once you start working. 2) ___
Do I want to find a job in a field that I will work in after I finish school or university? The
job you find can be work you do just to make extra money, gain a sense of responsibility or
experience and meet new people. Or, it may be work that is related to what you are planning
to do after you finish secondary school or university. 3) ___
How much free time do I have and how many hours do I want to work? Students schedules
can be very busy. Take a look at how much extra time you have before looking for work. 4)
Do I want to work somewhere near home, or near school? Location is very important.
People very often spend almost as much time getting to their work as they do working.
When you begin your search it is a good idea to speak with your parents, friends and teachers. They
may have ideas to give you or may know people you can get in touch with about work. Search the
employment section of your local newspapers and any announcements posted on boards in your
university. Before you contact possible employers write an outline with information about yourself
which you think is appropriate for the job you are applying to. 5) ___ This way if you feel you
made any mistakes, you can correct them for the next time you call or see someone for work. If you
do not get a job somewhere be sure to thank them anyway and leave your contact information. This
will make a good impression and they may get in touch with you in the future for work.

EX1 Match the sentences to the numbers in the text.

a Your first work experiences are very important, which is why it is preferable that your first job is
something you find interesting.
b Any job you find should not make finding time to complete your schoolwork more difficult for
c Also, after speaking with employers, take notes on how things went.
d Starting early has many advantages, like developing a sense of responsibility and pride, as well
as earning extra spending money.
e For example, if you are interested in technology you might look for part-time work at a shop
which sells computers.

EX2 Complete with these words.

well-organized, moody, reliable, creative, cheerful, aggressive
1 Sarah is very ___________. She has not missed a day at work all year.
2 It is important to be ___________. Otherwise you spend too much time looking for your things.
3 I dont like playing games with John. He gets very ___________ when he wants to win at
4 One minute she is happy and the next she sad. She is very ___________.
5 I knew Maria would become an artist. She was always very ___________.
6 I like being around Mike. He is a very ___________ person.
EX3 Choose the correct answer.
1 Stop telling everyone what to do. Youre too ____! a arrogant b bossy
2 I try not to be ____ and criticise other people. a energetic b arrogant
3 He thinks he is the best at maths. Hes very ____. a big-headedb efficient
4 They always think of the hard way of doing things. They arent ____ at all! aefficientb bossy
5 It is a good idea for ____ people to take up a sport. a moody b energetic
6 ____ people think they are better than everyone else. a Arrogant b Cheerful

EX4 Tick the words that are correct and correct the ones that are wrong.
1 inambitious 2 unattractive 3 disconsiderate 4 unimaginative
5 unpolite 6 unresponsible 7 disorganized

EX5 Choose the correct answer.

tired, sorry,helpful,angry, proud, anxious
My son, John, is working at a caf this summer. I told him that I wouldnt give him money to go out
with his friends unless he got a part-time job somewhere for the summer. At first he was very 1)
_____________and would not stop shouting and complaining about my decision. Then, when he
found a caf to work at, he became very 2) _____________about it. He was worried that he would
not do a good job. Sometimes when he comes home after work he feels a bit 3) _____________and
relaxes on the couch while watching TV. But after working there for a few weeks he has made new
friends and his boss made him feel 4) _____________when he told him that he does a very good
job! He has even become more 5) _________in the house and does not expect me to do everything!

EX6 Choose the correct answer.

Michael: Hi, Janet. What 1)do you work / are you working on?
Janet: I 2)paint/ am painting a picture for my art class.
Michael: It looks very pretty. 3) Do you paint / Are you painting often?
Janet: No not really. 4) ButI am enjoying / enjoy it now.
Michael: Well I think it looks great! 5) You should consider / considering doing it more often.
Janet: Thanks. I 6)think / am thinking of taking another art class next year too.

EX7 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form .
1 ______________ (you come) to the party tonight?
2 Megan ______________ (write) a composition for her class tomorrow.
3 Robert ______________ (play) guitar in a rock band every weekend.
4 ______________ (you think) Real Madrid will win the championship this year?
5 Matt cant come to the phone right now. He ____________ (work) in the garden at the moment.

EX8 Complete the following sentences using be used to.

1 My uncle _____________________________________________.
2 My friend _____________________________________________.
3 Footballers ___________________________________________.
4 Actors _______________________________________________.

EX9 Put the verb into the correct form. Use either the present simple or the present
1 Please turn off the radio. I __________________ (study).
2 How many languages __________________ (you speak)?
3 George says he got all the questions right, but I __________________ (not/believe) him.
4 Hurry! The movie is starting. I __________________ (not/want) to miss it.
5 You can borrow my bicycle. I __________________ (not/need) it at the moment.
6 I am glad we invited Grandpa to the birthday party. He ______________ (really enjoy) himself.

N 2
Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
Not all people live in houses and stay in the same place throughout the year. People who move
from one location to another make up what is known as a nomadic culture. Although nomadic
cultures are becoming rarer in the modern world, there are still about thirty to forty million people
who continue to move and set-up their homes where they next choose to settle.
The Bedouin of the Middle East are traditionally nomadic and many today still continue to live their
lives moving from one place to the next. The lands of the Sinai, Arabia and Negev where the
Bedouin come from are mostly very dry and consist of deserts. This makes it very difficult for
people to remain in the same place and survive; especially in the older days when advances of the
modern world did not exist. Many Bedouins have herds of sheep, goats and camels and as such
they need to go where the animals can graze and drink water. Once there is no food in one place for
the herd, they move to the next.
Because the Bedouin who continue the nomadic culture know how difficult it is to survive in the
lands they live in, they share a deep respect for each other. They have a very strong sense of
hospitality and are well known for their celebratory reception of guests. The desert is also a very
quiet and lonely place. Seeing a new face, especially in the older days, creates a sense of happiness,
interest and generosity.
Because Bedouins move from place to place their homes are tents which they set up. They weave
the hair from their goats or camels to make the cloth they need for their tents. The Bedouin tents
are usually made up of two areas which are divided by a curtain called a manad. One area is used
by the men and also to welcome most guests and is called the magad. The other is section is called
the maharama and is reserved for the women and to receive female guests.
Guests who are welcomed by the Bedouins enjoy a wonderful experience. This is especially true if
you are not familiar with their culture. It is an opportNy to escape the modern world you know.
Guests are fed delicious food, listen to music and poetry and sometimes get to watch traditional
dances. The instruments the Bedouins mostly use are the shabbaba which is something like a flute
and the rababa which is a one string violin. The singing is mostly done by the Bedouin women who
sit across from each other and it looks like they are speaking to each other while they sing.
The world is changing and becoming more modern. This has affected most Bedouins and the lands
they live on so many no longer live nomadic lives. However, many still continue their traditional
ways and there are lots of people who are happy they do and plan trips to visit them.

EX1 Write true (T) or false (F).

1 There are more nomads in the world today than in the past.
2 Not all Bedouin today are nomads.
3 The Bedouin move around because they need to find water for their farms.
4 The Bedouin are very kind to people they invite into their tents.
5 Bedouin tents have three areas: one for guests, one for the men and one for the women.
6 When guests come the Bedouin women sit across from each other and speak to each other.

EX2 Complete the text with these words.

peaceful, country house, multiplex cinema, block of flats, shopping centre
My family moved to the countryside from the city last year. Things are very different here, but I
like it better. Firstly, we now live in a big 1) _________not in a
2) _________ like we did in the city. There arent many cars, buses, houses and people in the
countryside. It is much more 3) _________ here and it is really nice to do things outdoors, like go
on walks. There are things that I miss about the city. I really like watching films and in the
countryside there is no 4) _________ nearby. Also when I want to shop I often need to drive to the
nearest town. In the city I would just go to the 5) _________ nearby.

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

1 It is very dangerous / depressing to drive to fast.
2 The movie was so exciting / dull that it put me to sleep.
3 We listened to romantic music all evening and had a lovely / lively time.
4 That church has been in this city for hundreds of years. It is a historic / modern building.
5 We were waiting a long time for the train at the station / border.

EX4 Complete the sentences with these words.

skyscraper, public park, field, farmhouse, gym
1 Although we live in a large city, there is a _______ in which take walks and do sport on the grass.
2 There are many cows in the _________ in the countryside.
3 That _________ is the tallest building in city.
4 After work I go to a _________ and exercise 4 times a week.
5 I love getting away from the city when I visit my uncles _________.

EX5 Choose the correct answer.

1 Every evening my parents tell me to ____ the rubbish out. clear take load
2 My father ____ his vegetable garden twice a day. waters loads lays
3 On Monday I ___ the shopping and on Fridays I pay the bills. take do make
4 I must ____ the laundry today. I have no clean clothes left! make tidy do
5 After our family eats dinner, my sister and I ____ the table. take do clear
6 People who have dogs should ____ them every day. walk water make

EX6 Choose the correct answer.

1 It snowed / was snowing a lot last year.
2 He was talking / talked on the phone for hours with his girlfriend.
3 Did you go / Were you going to the theatre last night?
4 I was hearing / heard a strange sound and went downstairs to see what it was.
5 As I was jogging / jogged in the park in the morning, I saw my friend Tim.
6 My father cooked / was cooking dinner when he realized that we had run out of salt.

EX7 Complete with the correct possessive pronoun.

Sandra: Maria! Why is 1) ___ Lady Gaga CD in your room?
Maria: What are you talking about Sandra? The CD isnt 2) ___!
Sandra: I remember going to the shopping centre last week and buying it. I am sure its 3) ___.
Maria: It isnt 4) ___ CD. You didnt go to the shopping centre alone. I went with you and you
didnt have enough money to buy the CD. I lent you eight euro so, actually, its 5) ___ CD.
Sandra: Youre right, Im sorry. I really should learn to share more.
1 A my B mine 2 A yours B your 3 A my B mine
4 A your B mine 5 A ours B our

EX8 Choose the correct answer.

1 Hurry up!____ movie starts in twenty minutes! - An A The
2 My friend Bob is ___ mathematician. - an a the

3 ___Tokyo is such an exciting city to visit! - An A The

4 If you see ___ orange in the fridge, can you please bring it to - an a the
5 I think playing ___ sports is a great way to exercise. - an a the

6 Please try and remember where you left ___ keys. - an a the

EX9 Choose the correct answer.

1 I used to / use to love going to the fun park with my parents.
2 My brother would / use to watch cartoons every Saturday morning.
3 She didnt use to / used to listen to rock music. Now she loves it.
4 Did he would / use to play football as well as he does now?

N 3
Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
The main purpose of an education is to teach children to socialize and work with other people their
age and provide them with the tools necessary to succeed in life. Not all countries have the same
culture, which is why schools often work differently in different countries. The way children learn
and what they learn also changes as time passes. Students in Greece today, for example, are
learning new things in ways their parents didnt when they were in school. In Greece, these changes
have been taking place for thousands of years. Education in ancient Sparta was very different from
what made up an education in ancient Athens. Life in Athens, for example, was very different from
life in Sparta. This made education in the two city-states different from each other. Spartans
strongly believed in following rules, living very simple lives and becoming part of a well-trained
army. The main reason for an education was to prepare children to become soldier-citizens.
Spartan boys began their education when they were six or seven years old. However, they didnt go
to school in the morning and come back in the afternoon. They would leave home to join groups of
other children their age. Older officers would train them until they were 18 years old. Every year of
training would become more difficult. The courses they took were very toughand often very painful.
They learned to fight and wrestle. Some Spartans learned to read and write as well, but they didnt
learn science or maths because it was not considered as important as becoming good soldiers ready
to die for the Spartan state. Music and dancing, however, were a part of their classes. When they
turned 20, they finally became soldier-citizens ready to fight for the Spartan state if necessary. Only
when a Spartan became 60 could he live at home with his family.
Although other Greek states did not provide an education for the girls, the Spartans did. The girls
didnt have to leave home, but they learned many of the same things the boys did. They also learned
to run, jump, wrestle and fight with weapons.

The main purpose of education in Athens was different. They prepared themselves for both times of
war and times of peace. Boys mostly went to private schools and did not get an education from the
state like in Sparta. Education began at home and was given by either a parent or a male slave. At
around the age of 6 or 7 boys were sent to elementary school and would follow lessons until they
were about 14 years old. Like the Spartans, Athenians also received a physical education. Some of
what they learned included running, jumping, boxing, wrestling, javelin, gymnastics and discus.
However, they also learned to play musical instruments, sing, solve maths problems, read and write.
Literature was considered the most important lesson. Students who learned to read and write would
study Homers Odyssey and the Iliad. Girls did not go to school, but often learned how to read and
write at home. For the Athenians, the education of the mind was just as important as that of the

EX1 Read the statements below and answer either S (for Sparta), A (for Athens), or B (for
1 Children didnt live at home when they were getting an education. ____
2 Exercise was an important part of the education. ____
3 Boys learned music at school. ____
4 All boys learned to read and write. ____
5 The state provided an education for all boys and girls. ____
6 They believed the arts and sciences were just as important as being a good soldier. ____

EX2 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

got, get into, work, lose, pay, show
1 Students who _________ attention in class usually get better marks.
2 Our teacher asks our parents to see her when we_________ trouble.
3 Michael _________ sick yesterday, so he isnt at school today.
4 I find maths boring and I _________ interest in class easily.
5 Although I find maths boring, I try to _________ interest in class.
6 Sandra decided to _________ hard this year and her marks are very high!

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

1 Violets parents are rich, so they send her to an state private individual
expensive____ school.
2 My parents are going to meet my favourite teacher this open public vocational
Monday on _day.
3 The _ course I am taking has taught me a lot about occupational vocational seasonal
fixing cars.
4 The ____ is tomorrow and I havent even started yet! endline finish line deadline
5 I have to wear a _at my school. Im not happy about that suit costume uniform
at all!

EX4 Complete the dialogue with a phrasal verb in the correct form.
break up, mark down, give back, hand in, hand out, take up
Last week I was very nervous when our teacher 1) ________the tests to everyone in the class. I had
studied, but sometimes I forget things when I take a test. I 2) ________ the test when I finished
answering all the questions. When I sat down, I realised that I had forgotten to write my name at the
top of the test. I have done that before and my teacher 3) ________ my test! He 4) ________ the
test and I wrote in my name. I am sure that I did well this time. When school 5) ________ for
summer I am going to do something I enjoy and 6) _________ windsurfing lessons.

EX5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

peers, assistant, adolescents, siblings, principle
1 People in the same age group are _________.
2 This is too much work for one person. I really need a/an_________.
3 The new _________ has made many good changes to the school.
4_________ often fight with each other when they are younger.
5 When children become _________ they become more independent.

EX6 Complete the text with the present perfect or present perfect continuous.
I 1) ________ (take) karate lessons with my friends for a year now and I love it! My friends 2)
________ (take) lessons before and are a bit better than me. We 3) ________ (train) really hard for
a competition next week. I dont care if our school wins or loses, as long as we all try our best. My
classmates 4) ______ (be) very helpful because they know that I 5) _____ (never compete) before.

EX7 Choose the correct answer.

1 They have never eaten / have never eating a mango before.
2 I have studied / have been studying guitar playing for ten years.
3 Michael has been waiting / has waited for three hours to buy a ticket to the movie.
4 Dont worry about that, Erika. Jim and Julia have brought / have been bringing the wine.
5 She has been / has been being to Thailand before.

EX8 Choose the correct answer.

1 Michael cant come to the phone right now. Hes gone / been to the supermarket.
2 Im so excited. I have never been / gone to Paris before!
3 Have you been / gone to that new restaurant yet?
4 Shhh! Be quiet. Your father has been / gone to bed.
5 She has been / gone to Lefkada and wont be back for a week.

EX9 Complete with the present perfect or past simple using the words in brackets.
1 Last year I _________ (break) my leg playing football.
2 She doesnt want to go to the movie because she _________ (see) it.
3 She _________ (be) there before, so I dont think she will want to go.
4 When was the last time that you _________ (visit) your grandmother?
5 I am so upset. I _________ (drop) my mobile phone and it broke!

N 4
Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
For centuries people believed that the sun, the stars and the planets all move in a circle around the
earth. This is what is called a geocentric theory in astronomy. The word comes from the ancient
Greek, geo which means earth and centro which means middle or centre. This theory was
believed by great minds like Ptolemy, Aristotle and most ancient Greek philosophers as well as
thinkers in ancient China.

Although geocentrists were wrong in the end, they were people who depended on scientific
observation. The geocentric belief in ancient Greece was based on observations of natural
phenomena. By watching the stars, planets and sun, it looks like they are moving around the earth.
Also, it is easy to believe that if something we are standing on is moving, we would feel it.
Geocentrists, did not get everything wrong. They also believed that the earth is round and not flat
like we have read about in mythology. The ancient Greeks believed that the planets and stars
moved around the earth in circles. However, after observing them they saw that that they do not
move perfectly this way. In the 1600s, Polish astronomer Copernicus, was able to better explain the
motion of the planets and stars by saying that the sun, and not the earth, was the centre of the
universe. This is what we call a heliocentric solar system. This word also comes from the Greek
language, helios meaning sun and centro meaning centre. This theory was difficult to accept as
people, and the church in particular, wanted to believe that man is at the centre of the universe and
space. Galileo also believed in the heliocentric theory and was able to further prove this theory by
using a telescope he had built. With it, he was able to better observe the motion of the planets and
stars in space. He saw, for example, that the moons of Jupiter moved around Jupiter and not the
earth. At the same time that Galileo was observing space with his telescope, a German
mathematician and astronomer, Johannes Kepler, was doing his own work to prove the heliocentric
theory. He was able to explain the motion of planets by proving mathematically that the planets and
the stars move in ellipses and not in circles. As years passed, more and more scientists, such as
Isaac Newton, were able to give more information proving that the Earth moves around the sun and
not the other way around. Copernicus was not the first astronomer to believe in a heliocentric
theory. The ancient Greek Aristarchus of Samos believed this as well. He was able to prove that the
sun is larger than the earth, so he thought that the earth must go around it.
It often takes a long time to prove a theory and scientists may begin with one that is wrong.
However, by asking questions or trying to explain the world around us, scientists and philosophers
have answered many questions and have helped us to better understand the world around us.

EX1 Choose the correct answer.

1 People who believed in a the earth moved the sun moved moons moved
geocentric theory thought that around the sun. around the earth. around Jupiter.
2 People who believed in a the earth was flat. the earth was round. the earth was an
geocentric theory thought that. ellipse.
3 A heliocentric solar system the planets move the sun moves moons move
means that... around the sun. around the earth. around Jupiter.
4 ... used a telescope to prove the Ptolemy... Copernicus... Galileo...
heliocentric theory.
5 ...believed in a heliocentric Aristarchus... Copernicus... Galileo...
solar system first.

EX2 Choose the correct answer

1 We learned about the geocentric theory in our astronomy / chemistry class.
2 We learn about different gases and liquids in our chemistry / geology class.
3 She always gets high marks in geology / mathematics. She is very good with numbers.
4 I find biology / astronomy very interesting. I like understanding how the body works.
5 If he wasnt good at physics/ geology, he wouldnt have found the volcano.

EX3 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

theory, weight, liquids, breakthrough, invention, width
1 It is a good idea to drink lots of _________ during the summer.
2 After you measure the length, measure the _________ too.
3 The scientist is not sure, but she has a _________.
4 The _________ of the telescope was very helpful to astronomers.
5 What is the _________ of that elephant? Its huge!
6 Most scientists dream of making a _________ in science.

EX4 Choose the correct answer.

1 I should buy a ____ because I travel a lot and it would make things easier for me.
a desktop b laptop c keyboard
2 I dont like typing on this ____. I am going to get a new one.
a keyboard b screen c scanner
3 You can use a ____ to copy all your old photographs on to your computer.
a keyboard b scanner c screen
4 My brother spends too much time on the ____. He needs to find a hobby outdoors.
a printer b online c internet
5 I love my new monitor. The ____ is 17 inches long!
a mouse b printer c screen

EX5 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrases given.
hack into, set up, log into, click on, plug (sth) into, back up
I just bought a new desktop computer yesterday. I had to throw out my old one because someone 1)
_____________ it and filled it with viruses. I couldnt even 2) _____________ anything with my
mouse. It was an old computer anyway. Ive asked my friend to 3) _____________ my new
computer because I dont know how. I cant wait to 4) __________ it __________ the socket and
start using it. This time I am going to be careful when I 5) _________ websites I dont know. I am
also going to 6) ________ all my files so I dont lose them again if something goes wrong.

EX6 Choose the correct answer.

1 He had been working / had worked on his paper all day when the monitor broke.
2 He had studied / had been studying and didnt feel nervous about his maths test.
3 Someone hacked into / had hacked into my computer yesterday and now it doesnt work.
4 Tom had been researching / had researched his theory when another scientist found the answer
to it.
5 When Jane looked through her telescope, she realised that someone had broken / broke it.
6 They had beenprogramming / had programmed the computer gamefor months before they
presented it to the public.

EX7 Choose the correct answer

1 Adam had ____ finished getting dressed when he realised that the dinner had been cancelled.
a just b already c since
2 I havent seen her ____ we were in university.
a soon b already c since
3 It is a good idea to do some stretches ____ you play sport.
a just b already c before
4 You shouldnt swim ____ you eat a big meal.
a for b after c before
5 You should be careful with the equipment ____ you go to the laboratory.
a soon b just c when
6 I cant believe he finished his homework ____! He started only an hour ago.
a already b just c before

EX8 Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative

1 The sun is ______________ (big) the planets in our solar system.
2 Lionel is ______________ (intelligent) student in the class.
3 The Knock Nevis is ______________ (long) ship in the world.
4 Light travels ______________ (fast) sound.
5 Research is ______________ (good) method of finding answers to questions.
6 That was ______________ (funny) movie I have ever seen. Im still laughing!

EX9 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 The train takes longer to get to Thessaloniki than the plane. FAST
The plane gets to Thessaloniki __________________________ the train.
2 What is the length of that couch? HOW
__________________________ is that couch?
3 No one in the class is as good as Sandra at biology. BEST
Sandra__________________________ in the class at biology.
4 He will meet us at the park as soon as he finishes his work. WHEN
He will meet us at the park __________________________ his work.
5 He started jogging at 4 oclock and he still hasnt stopped. SINCE
He has been __________________________ and still hasnt stopped.

N 5
Read the text. Then do exercise 1.
My friends and I had been talking about taking a trip to Peru for years until we finally decided to do
it. This spring well be flying over the Atlantic on our way to Lima, the capital city of Peru. Well
spend the next twelve days visiting places weve only seen in pictures. To say that we are excited
would be an understatement. Weve booked a four-star hotel in Lima, where well be staying for
two days. We wanted to rent rooms somewhere safe in the city. Lima could be a bit dangerous,
especially if you are carrying expensive camera equipment with you in unknown neighbourhoods.
1) __ However, we have hired a guide who is going to give us a tour of the city sites and its
museums. From there, we are going to travel to Cuzco by bus. Its going to be a long and tiring
trip, as it takes anywhere between 17-23 hours to get from one city to the other.
2) ___Cuzco has a long history and is a very popular tourist destination. It used to be the greatest
city of the Inca Empire and is the oldest populated city in South America. 3) ___ Tourism is good
for its economy but, on the down side of it, the structure of the city has changed quite a bit because
of this. Many of the buildings in the city are either, hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops, travel
agencies, or Internet cafs. 4) ___ The city walls built by the Incas can still be seen today. Among
the cobble stone streets and city squares, one can see how the people of the city live their day-to-
day lives. Cuzco is also where we are going to begin our trek to Machu Picchu.
On the first day of the trek, our local guide will take us through the SacredValley and we will visit
the picturesque town and Inca ruins of Ollantaytambo. The next four days will be spent walking
along the ancient trail of the Incas. 5) ___ The last day will be the most exciting. We are going to
reach the steps that take us to Intipunku, the Sun Gate. From here, we will walk through the ruins
of Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu is an ancient city of the Incas tucked high away in the mountains.
6) ___ It is the most popular archaeological site in South America. The next day we will return to
Cuzco and begin our trip back home.

EX1 Complete the text with these sentences.

AIm sure it will also be a great way to see the countryside, though.
BHowever, Ive read that, fortunately, much of its interesting past can still be seen and felt.
CFor many years, people in the west did not know of its existence until 1911 when American
historian, Hiram Bingham, discovered it.
DTwo days is enough for us because we do not want to spend too much time in the crowded city.
EToday, it is the archaeological capital of North and South America.
F We are going to see amazing ruins and beautiful mountain scenery every day.

EX2 Complete with the words below.

palace, museum, monument, cathedral, archaeological site
1 The Notre Dame is the most famous _________ in France. It is very old but people still go there
to pray.
2Knossos in Crete is a very old and famous _________.
3 We want to visit every _________ in Rome. Like the Colosseum!
4 The _________ that the king lives in is so much larger than all the houses in the city.
5 There are so many amazing works of art to see inside the new Acropolis _________.

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

I am travelling alone this year and I need to book a simple 1) ____room at a hotel.The
cheapestplace I found is at a 2) ____, but there isnt a bathroom 3) ____. I am not picky, but I do
like to have my own bathroom. I never book a room at a 4) ____ hotel. I think that their 5) ____ are
far too expensive for what is offered. I dont care about satellite TV, Internet access or mini bars. I
would rather spend that money visiting the museums in the city. Next year, I am going to stay at a
6) ____ for two weeks in the summer. It will be so cool! Its going to be just me, my tent and the
1 a double b single c en suite d luxury
2 a youth hostel b luxury c en suite d five star hotel
3 a double b rates c en suite d tent
4 a luxury b guest c youth hostel d campsite
5 a singles b rates c doubles d luxuries
6 a campsite b youth hostel c hotel d rate

EX4 Choose the correct answer.

1 Hi. I would like to book / close adouble room for the 23rd to the 28th.
2 I am too lazy to get dressed and drive to the restaurant. I am going to eat out / in tonight.
3 I find staying at a bed / tent and breakfast is cosier than staying at a large hotel.
4 I cant believe I missed / lost my plane to Jordan. Now I will never see Petra!
5 It took him a lot longer to get here because he came on / by foot.
6 I want to go somewhere different this time. Every year we spend / go our holiday at the village.

EX5 Fill in the gaps with these words.

walking, stop, station, guided, sightseeing
1 Its raining and Ive been waiting at the bus _________ for half an hour.
2 The train_________ is on the other side of town and our train leaves in forty minutes!
3 I am going to go on a_________ tour of Geneva. It is a small city.
4 It is very difficult to get around in Saigon if you do not speak Vietnamese. I am arranging a
_________ tour of the city.
5 This was a very tiring year for me. I dont want to go _________, I just want to go somewhere
and do nothing but sit on the beach.

EX6 Choose the correct answer.

1 I bought tickets and will go / am going to the Shakira concert next Friday.
2 Someone is knocking on the door. Dont get up. I am going to / will get it.
3 Hurry up! The ferry leaves / will leave at 5 oclock.
4 They are playing so poorly! They arent going to / wont win the game.
5Shall / Will you be able to bring some food over on Sunday?
6 She has never taken any acting lessons, but she believes she will / is going to be a star one day.

EX7 Complete the sentences using will, going to, the future perfect or the future perfect
continuous and the verbs in brackets.
1 When she graduates from medical school, she ______________ (spend) 7 years studying to be a
2 I know! I ______________ (have) the party at my house! There is plenty of space.
3 We took our vacation early this year. We______________ (work) in the office when Jim leaves
for his days off.
4 Emanuel has been working hard in his garden. It ______________ (be) beautiful this spring.
5 I want to make this trip special for my wife. I ______________ (book) a room at a five-star hotel.
6 By tomorrow evening, he ______________ (finish) reading the book.

EX8 Choose the correct answer.

1As soon as / Until the plane lands, I will go straight to the pyramids for a tour.
2 He will be a very talented scientist as soon as / when hegrows up.
3 You need to get here before / until John, or you will miss the surprise.
4 She will continue working on her project until / when she gets hungry.

EX9 Rewrite the second sentence with a question tag.

1 I dont think she likes me. She __________________________________?
2 Is he crazy enough to jump from that cliff? Hes not ____________________________?
3 Could he actually be that rude? He __________________________________?
4 Dont you like the new building the architect designed? You ___________________________?
5 Isnt he going to be ready in time for the opening? He ____________________________?

N 6
Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
This should have been the most exciting day of Claire Winterbournes life. She had picked up
painting as a hobby six years ago and today she had a meeting with destiny. Instead, she was sitting
at the airport, terrified and waiting for her flight. When she first got the message to fly to Berlin to
show her work, she was the happiest person in the world. But then she realized, Berlin, she
would have to fly to Berlin. That was one thing Claire had had no intention of doing.
Claire had always been very artistic ever since she was a child. At school her teachers encouraged
her to take up art lessons. But when she finished school and went to study at university, she began
to paint less and less. She got a degree in business management and started working in an office for
a big company. She enjoys her work there and likes the challenge of business. But after she had
worked there for 5 years, she realized that she should make time for other things that interest her,
and thats when she started painting again. At first, she only showed her family and friends her
work. They were all very impressed and encouraged her to start a website and upload some pieces.
She got lots of messages from people she didnt know telling her how much they liked her work.
One day she got a message that she will always remember. The man wrote, Hello Claire. I have
become a huge fan of your work and would like to meet you to discuss exhibiting at my art gallery
here in Berlin, Germany. Please contact me for details if you are interested.
Claire did, and arranged to have an exhibit at his gallery. She was so excited that she forgot about
her fear of flying. When she calmed down, she realised what she was in for. She started to sweat
and became very nervous. She tried to find a different way of getting to Berlin from Edinburgh,
Scotland. She saw that she could get there by taking the train to London and then by taking the
Eurostar train to Brussels in Belgium. Then she would have to take yet another train to Berlin. That
would take far too long and would cost a lot more. Horrified, she realised that she had no other
options but to go by plane.
So here she was at Heathrow airport waiting for her flight. Instead of imagining her artwork
hanging on gallery walls in a city famous for its support of the arts, she was imagining her plane
falling to the ground with her in it. It was almost time to board and Claire had to make a decision.
Either she would let her fear defeat her and she would go home, or she would beat her fear, get on
the plane and reach for her dreams. After taking a deep breath, she gave in her plane ticket and
boarded the plane.

EX1 Write true (T), false (F), or not stated (NS) if the answer isnt in the text.
1 After thinking about the message to go to Berlin, Claire was happy. ____
2 People noticed Claires talent in art six years ago. ____
3 Claire got lots of messages, but one message she will never forget. ____
4 There is more than one way to go to Berlin from Edinburgh. ____
5 Claire allowed her fear to win. ____

EX2 Complete the sentences with these words.

audience, practise, practice, rehearsal, stage, keyboards
I started taking music lessons in September and I chose the piano as my instrument. I love the way
it sounds. I go to lessons 3 times a week, but I 1) _________________ at home every day. My
teacher always says, 2) _________________ makes perfect. I dont have a piano at home, but I
do have 3) _________________ that my parents bought me for my birthday. We have a big concert
next week and in class today we are having a 4) _________________ to make sure we are ready for
the 5) _________________ we are going to play for. I am really excited and I hope I dont get too
nervous when I am on 6) _________________.

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

1 The film did very well because it had a very interesting ____.
a set b role c plot
2 There are so many beautiful ____ in the Acropolis museum.
a sculptors b sculptures c actors
3 He was a very talented theatre ____.
a sculptor b sculpture c actor
4 Sandra really hoped that the director would give her a ____ in the film.
a part b role c composer

5 Even though the film had a very strong ____ with actors like George Clooney and Angelina Jolie
in it, the movie was boring. a composer b conductor c cast

EX4 Choose the correct answer.

1 You shouldnt be afraid to speak out / turn out about something if you disagree with it.
2 We werent able to see the play because the tickets were gone out / sold out.
3 Tom and Mary have been going out / sorting out since they met at the Christmas party.
4 Look out! / Turn out! Youre going to hit that tree!
5 I was really nervous when I was cooking the food for the dinner. But in the end, it turned out /
carried out really tasty!
6 What a mess! Its going to take me ages to bring out /sort out everything.

EX5 Complete with these words.

criticises, comedies, landscapes, awards, performances, portraits
1 I had such a good time at the theatre today. The actors ______________ were excellent!
2______________are my favourite type of film. I love to laugh.
3 Julie was never interested in ______________, only in the respect of the audience.
4 I love painting ______________. Nothing is more beautiful to me than the sky and mountains.
5 Good ______________ show the real character of the person painted.
6 I hate going to the movies with him. He______________ every movie he watches.

EX6 Choose the correct answer.

1 I am going to travel by plane.
He said that he is going / was going to travel by plane.
2 Ill pick everyone up and drive them there.
She said that she will pick / would pick everyone up and drive them there.
3 I am painting a new piece for the exhibit.
Mario said he was painting / had been painting a new piece for the exhibit.
4 I couldnt read the rest of the book.
She said she couldnt read / had couldnt read the rest of the book.
5 I had eaten all the sweets.
She said she ate / had eaten all the sweets.
6 We were driving for hours in the snow.
They said that they had been driving / drove for hours in the snow.

EX7 Rewrite the first sentence in reported speech. [6 points]

1 Where is the TV controller? Dad __________________.
2 I will see you tomorrow in class. She __________.
3 Tanya, whose jacket is this? He _________________.
4 The phone is ringing. She _________________.
5 Do you see your brother often? She ________________.
6 We left for New York yesterday. They ______________.

EX8 Choose the correct answer.

1 Janet told / said / asked that she hated the class.
2 We told / said / asked if it was a long journey.
3 They told / said / asked me the museum was closed.
4 The artist told / said / asked that he used iron to make the statue.
5 Georgiatold / said / asked her friends that she would be late.
EX9 Report what the people say using the reporting verbs below.
advise, promise, complain, deny, warn
1 My house is always a mess, said Magda.
2 I will be there tomorrow for sure, Mike said.
3 Be there on time if you want to get good seats, Peter said.
4 Dont order the salmon, said Mandy.
5 I didnt take your mobile phone, said Bob.

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
The worlds tallest building officially opened on 4 January 2010 with a dramatic fireworks
ceremony in Dubai. The Burj Khalifa, standing at an amazing 828 metres, high is by far taller than
any skyscraper or structure built before it. Although it is not completed on the inside, it is officially
open for the public by Dubai's ruler, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Construction of the Burj Khalifa began in 2004 and, five years later, all 160 floors of the structure
were completed. The building has a mind-boggling 28,000 glass panels and more than 500,000
square metres of office space spread across 47 floors. The tower also has the worlds highest
observation deck, the highest mosque (on the158th floor) and the highest swimming pool (on the
76th floor). Because the size of the building is so tremendous, it has 57 different lifts to
accommodate people. At the foot of the tower, there is a 300 metre fountain which is also the
worlds tallest performing fountain. Before the Burj Khalifa was completed, the tallest building was
the Taipei 101 in Taiwan, standing at 508 metres tall. The difference between the two is more than
300 metres. The tallest building in America is WillisTower in Chicago standing at 442 metres tall.
The Burj Khalifa is almost twice as tall! The top of the tower can be seen from 95 kilometres away!
Just imagine, if the tower were built in Athens, you would be able to see it from Corinth!
The design of the Burj Khalifa uses a lot of ideas from traditional Islamic architecture and the open
petals of a desert flower were the inspiration for the base of the tower. There are 1,044 luxury
apartments, 49 floors of offices and, in the future, a 160-room Armani hotel. About 12,000 people
are expected to live and work in the tower.
Building such a tall skyscraper was not an easy task by any means. There were a lot of technical
challenges that the architects and engineers had to overcome. Bill Baker, the towers structural
engineer, said they hadnt been sure how high they could go and that they learned a lot as they went
along. His job was very important, as he was responsible for the stability of the building. There
were a lot of things the architects and engineers had to consider when building the tower.
Obviously, building something so tall is very challenging, but the height of the tower was not the
only thing they had to worry about. Dubai is also known for being very windy and the surface under
the tower moves a bit. Mohamed Ali Alabbar said that the tower had been hit by lightning twice, an
earthquake in Iran shook the land in Dubai and they have experienced all types of strong winds.
None of these phenomena have affected the building.
Besides engineering difficulties, the tower also faced economic ones. In 2004, the economy of
Dubai was doing very well. However, a few years later, the crisis that hit countries worldwide also
hit Dubai. There was a problem of finding enough money to complete the project. Abu Dhabi, a
neighbouring and rich country, gave Dubai 8 billion euro to help their economy. The name of the
tower was supposed to be Burj Dubai, but as a sign of appreciation it was changed and named after
the leader of Dubai, Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed.

EX1 Write true (T), false (F), or not stated (NS) if the answer isnt in the text.
1 The Burj Khalifa was completed on 4 January 2010.____
2 Over half a million square metres will be used for offices. ____
3 The WillisTower is the third tallest building in the world. ____
4 The tower holds several world records. ___
5 The engineers working on the tower had a very clear picture of what it would look
like before they would finish building it. ____
6 Besides the environment, the tower also faced financial problems before its completion. ____

EX2 Circle the correct option.

1 Jim forgot to bring my book again. Im starting to get tired / annoyed.
2 Christina takes tennis too seriously and is a very selfish / aggressive player.
3 Your hair has grown far too long / curly. You really should have it cut.
4 I get sad when I see so many people who are houseless / homeless in the city.
5 I am tired of moving from one place to another. I really just want to stay in one place and call it
house / home.
6 Heather never thinks she is wrong. She is really bigheaded / well-organized.

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

1 I used to have curly hair when I was younger, now its ____.
a thin b thick c straight d fair
2 I like watching TV ____ I eat my dinner.
a during b while c for d as
3 My girlfriend fell asleep ____ the football match.
a during b while c for d as
4 I dont mind getting dressed for work. I ____wearing a suit and tie.
a would b am used to c use to d used to
5 Michaels paintings are beautiful. He was always very____.
a energetic befficient c cheerful d creative

EX4 Choose the best answer.

1 ___is the study of the stars, planets and universe.
a Chemistry b Geology c Astronomy
2 I did well in vocabulary, but ___ for grammar.
a broke up b got marked down c gave back
3 You should drink lots of___ in summer.
a liquids b gases c solids
4 What is the ___ of that skyscraper?
a height b length c volume
5 Who was the first person to ___ the automobile?
a discover b invent c conduct

EX5 Complete with these words.

already, just, still, most, than, yet
1 By the time I got to the party, everyone had ______________ left.
2 I think that Maradona is ______________the best player ever to have played football.
3 My parents had ______________ come in when I broke the vase.
4Even though it isnt a science, ______________ of my classmates enjoy talking about astrology.
5 I havent seen the movie ______________, but I am going to this weekend.
6 I would rather listen to my favourite band in concert ______________ on the stereo.

EX6 Choose the best answer.

1 I like to travel ___ when I get a chance.
a abroad b a foreign country c a country d a holiday
2 I couldnt wait to ___ the train after 12 hours of travelling.
a set off b start off c get off d go off
3 I dont want you in my room. ___
a Look out! b Speak out! c Go out! d Get out!
4 I was so upset when I ___ that my computer had a virus.
a found out b went out c turned out d carried out
5 Although I had my doubts, the movie ___ to be really good!
a sold out b carried out c found out d turned out
6 Tim is in a really bad mood, ___ ?
a arent he b is he c isnt he d he is
7 You wouldnt tell on me, ___ ?
a would you b wouldnt you c do you d dont you
8 I wish Samantha would ___ me the truth.
a tell b told c say to d said to
9 If ___ where you are, well come meet you.
a tell us if b you told us if c you tell us if d you tell us

EX7 Complete with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1 ___________ this school ___________ (offer) computer courses?
2 She ___________ (watch) too much television after school.
3 Can you please get the door? I ___________ (talk) on the phone.
4 Hurry up! Our plane ___________ (take-off) at 5 oclock.
5 Dont get up. I ___________ (answer) the phone.
6 When I ___________ (be) younger, I ___________ (jog) everyday.

EX8 Complete with a/an, the or .

1 Galileo made ______________ very interesting observation.
2 Once you heat ______________oven, put the pie in for 20 minutes.
3 His house was completely burned down in the fire because it was made of______________ wood.
4 Its not a good idea to drink ______________ every day.
5 We always have ______________ interesting conversation with our cousins.
6 ______________ painting I like best, is hanging in the Louvre gallery.

EX9 Complete each sentence with a preposition.

1 I wish Samantha would give me __________ my CDs. Shes had them forever.
2 Put the bags __________ the car.
3 I am going to take __________ karate for self-defence.
4 Things are too quiet. Should I put some music __________?
5 Henry has set __________ a Facebook account to keep in touch with his friends.
6 Our ski instructor handed __________ safety procedure pamphlets.
7 Watch __________! That car is coming right at us!

EX10 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use
the word given.
1 Computer programming is harder than Id thought. AS
Computer programming
2 I have never played such an exciting computer game before. EVER
This is the most
3 He hasnt handed in his assignment yet. STILL
4 Juliet started studying the stars when she graduated. SINCE
5 Kim will be able to use the car when her husband gets back. UNTIL
Kim wont

EX11 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.

1 Judy is visiting the doctor tomorrow. John told me _________________.
2 They were recording their new album. Paul said they _____________.
3 Have you ever been deep-sea diving? Janice _________________________.
4 I will drive you to the airport tomorrow. Mum ______________________.
5 Do you surf the Internet at home? Olga ________________________.
6 Wash the dishes! Mum told me ___________________.

EX12 Choose the correct answer.

1 After I graduate from secondary school, I will / am going to go to university.
2 Dont get up. I ll / am going to answer the door.
3 Hurry up everybody! The ferry leaves / is going to leave at five.
4Will / Shall I pick up a DVD on the way home?
5 I cant make it this Saturday. I will have / am having relatives over for dinner.
6 I am going to / will get fit in time for summer.
7 Hi. I am going to / ll have the Cobb salad and a cheeseburger.

N 1 Test N 2 Test N 3 Test
1 1d 2a 3e 4b 5c 1 1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 1 1S 2B 3B 4A 5S 6A
2 2 2
1 reliable 1 country house 1 pay
2 well-organized 2 block of flats 2 get into
3 aggressive 3 peaceful 3 got
4 moody 4 multiplex cinema 4 lose
5 creative 5 shopping centre 5 show
6 cheerful 3 6 work
3 1b 2b 3a 4a 5b 6a 1 dangerous 3 1b 2a 3b 4c 5c
4 2 dull 4
1 unambitious 3 lovely 1 handed out
2 correct 4 historic 2 handed in
3 inconsiderate 5 station 3 marked down
4 correct 4 4 gave back
5 impolite 1 public park 5 breaks up
6 irresponsible 2 field 6 take up
7 correct 3 skyscraper 5
5 4 gym 1 peers
1 angry 5 farmhouse 2 assistant
2 anxious 5 3 principle
3 tired 1 take 4 Siblings
4 proud 2 waters 5 adolescents
5 helpful 3 do 6
6 4 do 1have been taking
1 are you working 5 clear 2 have taken
2 am painting 6 walk 3 have been training
3 Do you paint 6 4 have been
4 am enjoying 1 snowed 5 have never competed
5 consider 2 was talking 7
6 am thinking 3 Did you go 1 have never eaten
7 4 heard 2 have been studying
1 Are you coming 5 was jogging 3 has been waiting
2 is writing 6 was cooking 4 have brought
3 plays 7 5 has been
4 Do you think 1 my 8
5 is working 2 yours 1 gone
8 3 mine 2 been
Students own answers. 4 your 3 been
9 5 our 4 gone
1 am studying 8 5 gone
2 do you speak 1D 2C 3A 4B 5A 6D 91 broke
3 dont believe 9 1 used to 2 has seen
4 dont want 2 would 3 has been
5 dont need 3 use to 4 visited
6 is really enjoying 4 use to 5 dropped

N 4 Test N 5 Test N6 Test

1 1b 2b 3a 4c 5a 1 1D 2A 3E 4B 5F 6C 1 1F 2F 3T 4T 5F
2 2 2 1 practise

1 astronomy 1 cathedral 2 Practice
2 chemistry 2 archaeological site 3 keyboards
3 mathematics 3 monument 4 rehearsal
4 biology 4 palace 5 audience
5 geology 5 museum 6 stage
3 3 1b2a3c4a5b6a 3
1liquids 41 book 1c2b 3a 4a 5c
2 width 2 in 41speak out
3 theory 3 bed 2 sold out
4 invention 4 missed 3 going out
5 weight 5 on 4 Look out!
6 breakthrough 6 spend 5 turned out
4 51 stop 6 sort out
1b 2a 3b 4c 5c 2 station 51performances
5 3 walking 2 Comedies
1 hacked into 4 guided 3 awards
2click on 5 sightseeing 4 landscapes
3 set up 6 5 portraits
4 plug (it) into 1 am going 6 criticises
5 log into 2 will 61was going
6 back up 3 leaves 2 would pick
6 4 arent going to 3 was painting
1had been working 5 Will 4 couldnt read
2 had studied 6 will 5 had eaten
3 hacked into 7 6 had been driving
4 had been researching 1 will have spent 71 asked where the TV
controller was.
5 had broken 2 will have 2 said (that) she would see
me the next day in class.
6 had been programming 3 will be working 3 asked Tanya whose jacket
that was.
7 4 is going to be 4 said that the phone was
1a 2c 3c 4b 5c 6a 5 am going to book 5 asked me if I saw my
brother often.
81 bigger than 6 will have finished 6 said that they had left for
New York the day before.
2 the most intelligent 81 As soon as 81 said
3 the longest 2 when 2 asked
4 faster than 3 before 3 told
5 the best 4 until 4 said
6 the funniest 9 5 told
91 faster than 1 doesnt like me, does she? 91 Magda complained that
her house was always a
2 How long 2 crazy enough to jump 2 Mike promised that he
from that cliff, is he? would be there the next day.
3 is the best 3 couldnt actually be that 3 Peter advised us to be
rude, could he? there early if we wanted to
get good seats.
4 when he finishes 4 like the new building the 4 Mandy warned me not to
architect designed, dont order the salmon.
5 jogging since 4 oclock 5 is going to be ready in 5 Bob denied that he had
time for the opening, isnt taken my mobile phone.

1 1F 2T 3NS 4T 5F 6T
2 1 annoyed
2 aggressive
3 long
4 homeless
5 home
6 bigheaded
3 1c 2b 3a 4b 5d
4 1c2b3a4a5b
5 1already
2 still
3 just
4 Most
5 yet
6 than
6 1a 2c3d 4a 5d 6c 7a 8a 9d
1 Does (this school) offer
2 watches
3 am talking
4 takes off
5 will answer
6 was (younger, I) used to jog
2 the 3 -
4 - 5 an
6 The
9 1 back
2 into 3 up
4 on 5 up
6 out 7 out
1 isnt as easy as Id thought.
2 exciting computer game I have ever played.
3 still hasnt handed in his assignment.
4 has been studying the stars since she graduated.
5 be able to use the car until her husband gets back.
1 (that) Judy was visiting the doctor tomorrow.
2 (that) had been recording their new album.
3 asked us/me if we/I had ever been deep-sea diving.
4 told us/me that she would drive us/me to the airport the next day.
5 asked me if I surfed the Internet at home.
6 to wash the dishes.
1 am going to
2 ll 3 leaves
4 Shall
5 am having
6 am going to
7 ll

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
In 1998, director James Cameron won the Oscar for Best Picture for the film Titanic. Fifteen years
later, he is sure to be a contender again for a number of awards. His latest film, Avatar, has been
in theatres for a month now and the public response to this brilliant fantasy has been overwhelming.
There are a number of reasons responsible for the popularity of this film. James Cameron has
developed a plot that is an allegory to the problems we have today, such as fighting wars and
damaging the environment for money. The film tries to give viewers the message that we have a
responsibility to respect nature and the relationship it has with us and other animals. He does this by
combining a story of romance and adventure. He has created a beautiful fantasy world using the
latest in 3D technology.
The movie takes place in the year 2154 on the planet of Pandora. Humans on Pandora are trying to
take material they need from the planet to save the environment on Earth. To do this, they need to
communicate with the Navi who live on Pandora. The Navi are 3 metres tall with blue skin and
have a special relationship with the environment they live in. Dr. Grace Augustine (played by
Sigourney Weaver) creates what is called an Avatar to help the humans gain the trust of the Navi.
Avatars look exactly like the Navi and are controlled by a human mind. She wants to form a
peaceful relationship with them before the human soldiers come in and destroy their land. Joining
Graces team is Sully (played by Sam Worthington), a soldierwho cannot walk and is in a
As an Avatar, Sully can walk and run, as he is no longer handicapped. When he is on Pandora, he
comes into contact with Neytiri (played by Zoe Saldana), a princess of the Na'vi tribe. At first she is
very suspicious of this soldier but then she decides to teach him about her culture and the world she
lives in. From the start, Sully reports back to the soldiers but, as time passes, he finds himself torn
between the two worlds.
The humans lose patience with Dr. Augustine and her methods and, eventually, decide to attack the
Navi people who are trying to protect their planet. Sully, then, has to make a decision. Is he a
soldier or is he now a Navi? He chooses the latter and together with Neytiri and the other Navi he
fights for the planet of Pandora, against the human soldiers.
Avatar is the most expensive film ever made, reaching a budget of close to 400,000,000 euro! Most
of the film budget has gone to the special effects in the movie and the result is absolutely amazing.
The alien world of Pandora, the creatures that live there and the Navi are all stunning to look at.
WETA Digital, which also worked on the highly successful The Lord of the Rings trilogy, has
brought the planet of Pandora and the Navi to life using 3D technology and the most advanced
special effects to date.
Of course, the film is not only about the special effects, since one cannot deny the fact that the cast
does a great job as well. Sam Worthington is very convincing and I am sure we will see him in
many more films in the future. As usual, Sigourney Weaver is superb. Stephen Lang, who plays the
Colonel, is a character you will love to hate as he leads the soldiers into Pandora. We never see Zoe
Saldana, but we do hear her. She is the amazing voice of Neytiri, the Navi princess. Neytiri is a
CGI character, meaning that she is not real but computer-animated.

EX1 Choose the correct answer.

1 Avatar is a successful film people can understand its a great both of the above.
because... the problems the film romance-action
talks about. film.
2 Why does Doctor To steal resources from To better To report back to
Augustine develop Avatars? the planet Pandora. understand the soldiers about
Navi without Pandora.
fighting them.
3 What does the critic mean Sully feels close to the Sully is reporting to Sully is travelling
when he says Sully is torn Navi and must decide both the Navi and from one place to
between the two worlds? whose side he is going the humans. another a lot.
to take.
4 The writer believes that... the film was expensive, the film was too more of the
but the result was worth expensive for what budget should
it. is has to offer. have gone to the
5 What does the writer mean Stephen Lang does a bad Stephen Lang does None of the
by you will love to hate, in job as the bad Colonel. a good job as the above.
the last paragraph? bad Colonel.

EX2 Fill in the gaps with the words in the correct form.
articles, subscribers, reporter, viewers, watch, documentary
My cousin is a 1) ____for an Australian newspaper called The Times. He loves his job because he
gets to meet a lot of interesting people and be in exciting situations. The Times is a very popular
newspaper in Australia. There are also a lot of 2) ____ who read the newspaper online in Australia
and in other countries. He writes lots of 3) ____ on the environment. He is also working on a 4)
____, which will be shown on TV next week. I am going to 5) ____ it. The TV station expects there
will be a lot of other 6) ____, too.

EX3 Complete the sentences with these words.

chat show, game show, documentary, reality show, sitcom, soap opera
1 I have been invited to a morning ___________ to talk about my new movie.
2 Next Top Model is a very popular___________.
3 There is a very good ___________ about animals every Wednesday night on television.
Unfortunately, not too many people watch it.
4 My neighbour moved because he won a lot of money on a___________.
5 I like watching a good ______ in the afternoon. Its relaxing to just watch and have a good laugh.
6 The Bold and the Beautiful is the oldest ___________ on television. Its amazing because all
the characters have married each other 2-3 times.

EX4 Circle the correct answer.

1 My best friend is moving to Belgium. I hope we keep in / lose touch.
2 I lost the documents you emailed me. I need to download / upload them again.
3 I spend too much time searching / surfing the Internet without really looking for anything
4 I have made a lot of online friends through search engines / social networking sites.
5 My uncle doesnt buy newspapers. He justglances at / hits the headlines.

EX5 Circle the correct answer.

1 Have you seen / watched Lilith lately? I hope she is OK.
2 See / Look at all those reporters. They really want an interview with the politician.
3 Im sorry, have you seen / looked at thisfilm before?
4 Did you see / watch the performance at the Apollo theatre, yet? Its excellent.
5 I always watch / look at the news first thing in the morning.
6 Wait a just one minute. I am looking / watching through these papers for the information you

EX6 Complete the sentences using the words in brackets and the tense given in the passive.
1present simple This program (show) ______________ every Friday.
2present continuous New software (design) ______________for work.
3 present perfect That film (show) ______________in the theatres.
4past simple I (taken) ______________ on a tour of the university.
5past continuous Our car (wash) ______________ while we had coffee.
6 past perfect The reporter (inform) ______________ of the events.
7 will The bridge (complete) ______________ by next year.
8 going to The statue (display)______________ at the square this Sunday.
9 modal verb Some attention (should give) ______________to the safety of the building.

EX7 Rewrite these sentences in the passive.

1 Iris had shown me the new offices.
2 The software can help you with your work.
3 The reporters are going to inform the public about the floods.
4 Sam hasnt set up their network yet.
5 They had given Monica a job as a computer programmer.
6 The Academy gave the award to the actor.
7 No one has ever seen a live giant squid.

EX8 Complete with the causative form.

1 I cant email you for the next two days. I m____________ my computer ______________ (fix).
2 Theyre ______________ their house ______________ for summer. (paint)
3 He is ______________ the software ______________ in India. (program)
4 I am ______________ my food ______________ tonight. (deliver)
5 The director is ______________ his new film ______________ by the critics. (review)
6 Were ______________ the house ______________ (clean). It was such a mess after the party.

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
Ever since I was a child I loved the sea. I would anxiously wait for school to break up so that my
family and I could go to our summerhouse in Mani, in the Peloponnese. Once there, I would spend
hours every day underwater with my snorkel and mask. I enjoyed team sports like football and
volleyball, but not as much as many of my classmates. During the winter months my parents signed
me up to a pool in a gym. I quickly got bored. I enjoy swimming, too, of course, but that isnt what
primarily attracts me to water. Its observing life underwater that fascinates me most. It wasnt long
before I convinced my parents to sign me up for scuba diving lessons.
After watching many documentaries about the deep sea on television, I realised that I wanted to do
what the deep-sea divers who film sea life were doing. Many people consider scuba diving an
extreme sport and, at first, my parents didnt want to sign me up for lessons. They were afraid that
scuba diving would be too dangerous and too expensive as well. I researched diving and presented
my parents with facts that prove scuba diving is not more dangerous than other sports and that it is
also affordable. I found out, for example, that the number of accidents which occur while cycling is

seven times that of diving. Of course, like with most sports, it is not danger free and there are many
safety rules and procedures one must follow.
I signed up for an open water diving course at a diving school in Anavisos. A certified instructor
taught me the basics and all the safety signals and practices a diver needs to understand. I also
learned about injuries and common mistakes that divers make. I spent six Saturdays getting
certified. It was fun because most of the training was done underwater. At the end I took a written
test and I passed! I also met a lot of interesting people at the diving school. Some were beginners
like me, while others were more experienced divers who rented out diving equipment like oxygen
tanks, flippers and wet suits from the school. It is good to make friends with other divers because,
this way, you can easily find someone to go diving with. You are not allowed to go diving by
yourself; you must go with at least one buddy.
Today my diving buddies are my dad and mum! After taking me for lessons and hearing me talk
about the experiences of diving, they decided that they wanted to get certified too! They have even
organised a diving trip to Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt in this summer. It is going to be fantastic.
Sharm el Sheikh is a coastal city located on the shores of the Red Sea. The Red Sea is famous for its
rich underwater sea life and divers from all over the world travel there for the experience to
encounter uncountable varieties of fish, corals and other sea life. I cant wait!

EX1 Choose the correct answer.

1 The narrator finds very exciting. boring. enjoyable
swimming and team sports
2 The narrator considers scuba doesnt consider considers scuba
diving an extreme scuba diving an diving a dangerous
sport. extreme sport. sport.
3 The narrator found out that is not more is more dangerous is not dangerous at
scuba diving dangerous than other than other sports. all.
4 At diving school the made a lot of was taught how not none of the above
narrator mistakes and got to get injured or
injured. make mistakes.
5 The narrator found training fun. difficult. boring.
before getting his certificate
6 The country the narrator is Sharm al Sheikh. Egypt. the Red Sea
going to dive in is

EX2 Complete with these words

basketball, athletics, boxing, deep-sea diving, tennis
1 He was never into team sports. He preferred running and other _________.
2 She took up _________ to learn how to better defend herself.
3 There are so many amazing things to see underwater when you go _________.
4 She prefers individual sports and decided to begin _________ lessons.
5 Even though he is short, he is an amazing _________ player.

EX3 Complete the sentences using the words in the right form.
ring, track and field, court, hoop, goal, net
1 Its raining, so I dont think I will meet my friends at the basketball _________.
2 I love watching Olympic _________ events. The ten-thousand-metre race is my favourite.
3 If my team doesnt score a _________, we will lose the match.
4 The ball didnt go over the _________ and I lost the tennis match.
5 My friend is very tall. When he plays basketball, he can jump and grab the ___________.
6 All boxers get a little nervous when they step into the _________.

EX4 Choose the correct answer.

My cousin was always a good athlete and very strong. When he was a teenager, his dad advised him
to 1) ____ boxing. He loves it. While other kids are 2) ____ at the mall, my cousin goes to the gym
and 3) ____ for hours. Last weekend he had a match against the city champion in his age group. My
cousin hadnt 4) ____ on time and I thought maybe he wasnt going to come. He was just late
because of traffic. It was a very exciting match and my cousin won! He 5) ____ his opponent in the
3rd round!
1 a take up b make up c turn up
2 a hanging out b knocking out c working out
3 a turns up b plays out c works out
4 a turned up b worked up c hanged up
5 a hung out b knocked out c dropped out

EX5 Choose the correct answer.

1 At first Jim was nervous about the boxing match. His competitor /opponent seemed very strong.
2 Everyone at the football stadium booed the referee / umpire.
3 All the viewers / spectators at home really enjoyed watching their national team play.
4Barcelonabeat / wonSeville in the cup final.
5 Even though I beat / won the game today, my sister is a better tennis player overall.

EX6 Complete the sentences using the proper conditional form.

1 If you ____________ (eat) properly, you ___________ (feel) better.
2 If she____________(not train) better, her time ____________ (not be) good.
3 If I ____________ (practise), I ___________ (play) better.
4 If she____________(feel) better, she ____________ (walk) to school.
5 If she ________ (come) to the party, she ________ (have) a great time.
6 If we ________ (have) a basketball court, our friends ________ (visit) us everyday.

EX7 Tick the sentences that are correct and correct the ones that are wrong.
1If you will see Tim, you can tell him. ______
2 If he studied for the test, he would have a better chance of passing. ______
3 If I was taller, I will be a great basketball player. ______
4 If you dont hurry up, you would be late. ______
5 If you dont try, you will never know. ______
6 If you dont listen, you wouldnt understand. ______

EX8 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
1 If you saw a celebrity on the street, would you ask for an autograph? IF
What _____________________________ on the street? Would you ask for an autograph?
2 I wouldnt visit Egypt in the summer. UNLESS
I would _____________________________ summer.
3 If there isnt much traffic, we can make the 8 oclock movie. AS
We can make the 8 oclock movie ____________________________ traffic.
4 I will call everyone about the party unless you dont want me to. IF
I will call everyone _____________________________ me to.
5 Jonathan will bring the food if you ask him to. UNLESS
Jonathan wont ____________________________________ him to.

EX9 Choose the correct answer.

1 He is acting as / like he has never seen food before.
2 It seems as / like if it might rain tonight.
3 She looks as / like she had a very tiring day.
4 We used the volleyball as / like a football and played on the pitch.
5 As / Like most people, I prefer to watch science fiction movies at the cinema.

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
If asked what the driest place on earth is, most people would probably answer the SaharaDesert in
Africa or the GobiDesert in Asia. Although these are much bigger deserts, with the Sahara being the
biggest in the world, both of these answers would be wrong. The driest place on earth is neither in
Africa nor in Asia, it is in South America. Thats right, South America does not only have
rainforests, rivers and green mountains, it also has the driest place on earth and it is called the
Atacama Desert in the country of Chile.
The Atacama Desert is located along the coast of Chile right next to the Pacific Ocean. It is a bit
ironic that the driest place on earth would be located right next to the largest body of water on earth,
isnt it? When we think of deserts, we imagine scorching temperatures coming from a sun that beats
down on us. Generally, this is true, but not at Atacama. Most of the desert is located on a high
altitude, as much of it extends up into the AndesMountains. The average elevation is at about 4,000
meters above sea level. Not only is Atacama the highest desert in the world, it is also one of the
coldest with temperatures ranging from about 0C to 25C.
How hot a place is does not determine whether or not it is a desert. What matters is how dry the
place is, and Atacama is the driest. Climatologists call the centre of Atacama an absolute desert.
Ever since people have been recording the amount of rainfall in different regions, none has ever
been measured this area. Areas beyond the centre of Atacama do get some water with an annual
average of 0.6 millimetres to 2.1 millimetres. This is an extremely small amount of rain. Compare
it, for example, to the annual rainfall that the Sahara receives, which measures between 100
millimetres to 200 millimetres! Atacama used to have more water in the distant past during the Ice
Age. When the ice melted, lakes formed in the AndesMountains. However, because Atacama is so
dry, the water in the lakes is evaporating. As it evaporates, mineral salts get left behind making the
water very salty.
Although it is a desert, Atacama really is a beautiful place with a lot of variety. High up in the
mountains of Atacama you can see patches of snow that never melted because it never got hot
enough. Amongst the snow-capped mountains, one can also see five volcanoes. Although
conditions are very difficult for most animals to survive, there are some that do. There arent any
forests or lush plains, but there are patches of vegetation where some insects and animals survive.
Red algae live in the salt lakes, which is why one can see flocks of flamingos eating them.
People have been living the in Atacama for thousands of years. The Chinchorro mummies found in
Atacama are the oldest mummies in the world. The oldest of them are dated between 5,000BC to
3,000BC, making them about 2,000 years older than the Egyptian mummies! Because of the climate
there, the buried bodies of the Indians dried perfectly. Today, very few people live in the desert.
Yet, there is a town called Calama located in the middle of the desert with a population of about

EX1 Choose the correct answer.

1 The largest desert in the the Sahara. the Gobi. Atacama.
world is...
2 Atacama is the... highest and coldest highest and driest coldest and driest desert
desert in the world. desert in the world. in the world.
3 Last year, the absolute no rainfall. less than 2.2 between 100 to 200
desert received... millimetres of millimetres of rainfall.
4 The salt lakes in are getting bigger are the same size they are getting smaller
Atacama... as the ice melts. have always been because they are losing
5 In Atacama... animals, insects only insects survive. only insects and animals
and plants survive. survive.

EX2 Circle the correct answer.

1 Ever since John met Sally, hes been rain or shine / on cloud nine. I think hes in love.
2 He didnt expect to get the sack. It really was a bolt from the blue / bolt of thunder.
3 Dont make a big deal out of it. Its just a storm in a teacup / storm in a teaspoon.
4 I dont think Ill play today. Im a bit under the weather / under the thunder.
5 He had a face like weather / like thunder when I told him I forgot to bring the tennis racket.
6 Come clouds or shine / rain or shine I will finish this project today!

EX3 Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first letter has been provided.
1 This is the worst b_______ that has hit Alaska in years. I cant even see my car from all the snow.
2 It is so hot! Meteorologists say that this h____________ will last for another five days.
3 The h____________ was so powerful. There was so much rain and winds were travelling at 150
kilometres per hour!
4 Farmers are worried that if it doesnt rain, the d____________ will destroy their crops.
5 The t____________ destroyed five houses in our town. It actually lifted our car and dropped it
500 metres from where it was parked!
6 The f____________ really made life difficult for everyone. There was water everywhere!

EX4 Complete with these words.

becoming extinct, wildlife reserve, environmentally friendly,
global warming, endangered species
I had been planning a trip to South Africa for a year and I am so excited that I am finally going!
What I am really looking forward to is visiting the Sanbona 1)_________. There are so many
amazing animals to see there. It is protected and hunting is not allowed. It is home to many 2)
_________, like the white lion. Places like Sanbona help prevent these animals from 3) _________.
It is sad to think that because of our actions a lot of these animals may not be here tomorrow. We
should all try to be more 4) _________ in order to try and stop 5) _________.

EX5 Choose the correct answer.

1 I never swim in April. The water is freezing / frozen!
2 Id take my sunglasses if I were you. Its really bright / light out.
3 Nothing to worry about when youre travelling. Just light / soft showers.
4 I am going to pull the car over. I cant see anything through this thick / heavy rain.
5 I hope your father doesnt go sailing today. The winds are very force / strong today.
6 You call this cold? Back home in Moscow it is 25C under / below zero.
EX6 Choose the correct answer.
1 You dont have to / cant make dinner tonight. We can always order.
2 If we are not careful, many animals may / are able to become extinct.
3 You mustnt / cant go in the jungle without a guide, its dangerous.
4 I think you should / have to walk more rather than use your car every time you leave the house.
5 A giraffe should / can reach a height of 5.5 metres tall.
6 We might / can leave town if the tornado comes near.

EX7 Use a modal verb to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
1 It is forbidden to smoke in this restaurant. Youll have to go outside.
You __________________ in this restaurant. Youll have to go outside.
2 I suggest you run one kilometre the first week then add a kilometre every other week.
You __________________ the first week then add a kilometre every other week.
3 I am positive that I left my wallet on the table at the restaurant.
I __________________ on the table at the restaurant.
4 They must finish fixing the roof today. Its going to rain tonight.
They __________________ fixing the roof today. Its going to rain tonight.
5 A cheetah is able to run 114 kilometres per hour!
A __________________ 114 kilometres per hour!
6 There is a possibility it will snow tonight.
It __________________ tonight.

EX8 Choose the correct answer.

1 If they _____ polluted the river, there would be more fish in it.
a hadnt b wasnt c isnt
2 The farmers crops _____ have grown if it hadnt rained in spring.
a wont b would c wouldnt
3 Their voyage _____ a lot smoother if the weather had been calmer.
a would be b would have been c wouldnt have been
4 If they had been careful with their cigarettes, they _____ the forest fire.
a can prevented b could prevented c could have prevented
5 If the sun _____so strong, I wouldnt have had to sit in the shade.
a wasnt b hadnt been c had been

EX9 Make third conditional sentences about these situations.

1 There were so many people smoking and the room was smoky. If there hadnt been ______
2 There were no bicycle lanes, so people didnt ride their bikes to work. If there had been ___
3 The weather got so bad and I couldnt go sailing. If the weather hadnt ___________.
4 They reacted quickly and were able to save the whale. If they ___________________.
5 We didnt prevent hunters from shooting eagles and they became endangered. If we _____.

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
There are many diets people can choose to follow and they do so for many different reasons. 1) __ I
have been following a vegetarian diet for two years now. I love the taste of meat, so it hasnt been
easy! There are many reasons for becoming a vegetarian. Some people do so because they feel that
following a diet that is low in fat and high in fibre is the most nutritious way to eat. But most people
decide to follow a vegetarian diet for a combination of reasons.

The answer that the majority of people gave when asked about why they are following a vegetarian
diet was that they didnt approve of the conditions animals are kept in and the way they are treated
and killed for food. Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, poultry or products that come from animals
after they are slaughtered for their meat. They mostly eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes, such as
peas and beans, and grains. Vegetarians also eat some animal products like eggs, milk and cheese,
but they usually look for these to be free-range, meaning that the animals are not kept in small
cages and live a life where they have space to move around and are not treated badly. 2) ___
Cutting down on meat is also good for the environment. F. M. Lappe wrote in his book, Diet for a
Small Planet, that it takes 16 pounds of grain, 8,000 litres of water and at least 4 litres of petrol to
produce only half a kilo of meat. In the US, over 70% of the grain farmland is used to feed the
animals we eat. Because we eat so much meat, people are cutting down trees to grow grains to feed
these animals. 3) ___ Many people think that becoming a vegetarian is not a healthy lifestyle to
follow. 4) ___ It has been proven that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer,
diet-related diabetes, putting on too much weight from fattening foods and high blood pressure.
Another myth is that vegetarian food is boring and tasteless. Although I like the taste of meat and
do miss it, there are many delicious vegetarian recipes to choose from. There are thousands of
recipes from hundreds of different vegetables, grains, legumes and fruit to choose from. Also,
vegetarian food tends to be cheaper than a meat-based diet! Going out to eat shouldnt be a problem
either. Most restaurants have vegetarian options in their menus. 5) ___

EX1 Complete the text with these sentences.

AThere are some people who do not eat any animal products. They are called vegans.
B This is a myth. In fact, people who follow a well-balanced vegetarian diet actually eat most of the
food that doctors recommend to us.
CThis is true especially here in Greece where there are so many traditional vegetarian dishes to
choose from.
D Some people follow the diet they believe is the healthiest for them and others follow diets only to
lose weight in time for beach weather.
E Factory farms, where the animals we eat are kept, produce hundreds of millions of tons of
animal waste every year, which leaks into and pollutes rivers and streams.

EX2 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the right form.
cut, sprain,break,pull,get,have
1 Jonathan ______________ his ankle playing basketball the other day.
2 She is going to ______________ a bone if she keeps on skiing so fast.
3 Charlotte is so happy to ______________ her leg out of a cast in time for summer.
4 It really is a good idea to stretch before doing sport, otherwise you might ___________ a muscle.
5 Even though I _____________ a black eye, Im glad I stood up to him.
6 Careful with that knife! Its very sharp and you might ______________ yourself.

EX3 Complete with these words.

cut down on, get over, go off, put on, take care of
After my last visit to the doctor, I have decided to make some changes in the way I eat and the
lifestyle I lead. Firstly, I need to 1)________ the bad habit of smoking. If I can do this alone, it will
be a huge step towards a healthier life. Secondly, I must
2) _________ fattening foods. I eat way too much food that contains a lot of sugar and fat. Over the
years, I have 3) _________ over 15 kilos! I also need to eat the fruit and vegetables that I buy,
instead of letting them 4) _________ and throwing them out. If I dont 5) _________ myself today,
who knows what tomorrow will bring?
EX4 Choose the correct answer.
1 I dont like eating at my cousin Annes house. She is a vegan and the food is so
tasty / bland.
2 I dont think I am going to pick the apples yet. They arent ripe and will be too
sweet / sour.
3 I love spicy / mild food. Thats why Mexican cuisine is my favourite, especially when they use a
lot of jalapeo peppers!
4 I dont understand why sparkling / still water is so popular in other countries. I like it straight
from the tap.
5 I prefer crisps when they are a bit burnt and crisp / soft.
6 You should add some more sugar in this lemonade, it still tastes sweet / bitter.
7 I am having trouble sleeping because there was so much food and all the dishes were so light /
8 My uncle is from Texas and he likes his meat rare / well-done. If he sees blood, he turns it back.
9 If the vegetables you eat are raw / cooked,they lose a lot of vitamins.
10 I love salty / sweet foods like potato chips.
11 Dont add too much salt, just two teaspoons / cups, please.
12 My uncle hardly cooks the meat he eats. He likes his steaks well-done / rare.

EX5 Choose the correct answer.

1 Thats the waiter who / which took our order.
2 Thats the cafe where / which we ate that amazing cheesecake.
3 He didnt explain why / which raw vegetables are healthier.
4 This is the bakery where / which has delicious pastries.
5 Ill never forget when /where Chef Pierre cooked dinner just for me!
6 John, whos / whose father owns Hallahans Steak House, is having a BBQ this weekend.

EX6 Join these sentences using non-defining relative clauses.

1 Thats the cook from Casa Pasta. He makes amazing spaghetti dishes.
2Every other Sunday we go on picnic at Sounion. We meet our friends there.
3 I like to have a glass of wine with my food. Its also good for me.
4 Our mums are baking cakes for our birthdays. They both make great desserts.
5 Last Sunday we went for dinner. We saw Angela and Mark.

EX7 Choose the correct answer.

1 I wish I hadnt / havent eaten all the dessert.
2 Id love to visit New Zealand. If only they would sell / had sold the tickets cheaper.
3 I wish I didnt boil / hadnt boiled the vegetables.
4 Its about time they started / start watching their diet.
5 Id prefer it if we dont / didnt eat meat everyday.
6 If only I could cook / cooked Italian food.

EX8 Write sentences about each situation beginning with the words given.
1 If I hadnt eaten it all, I wouldnt have felt so bad. If only _____________.
2 Its annoying that my neighbours play loud music all the time. I wish ________.
3 Slow down! You drive way too fast. I wish ______
4 Its too bad that I didnt go to the market today. If only _________.
5 I really regret spending money on that awful movie. I wish ____________.
6 Dont order any food because I am cooking dinner tonight. Id rather __________.
Read the text. Then do Exercises 1 and 2.
The IsabellaGardnerMuseum art theft still remains the largest on record. On March 18, 1990, two
men who had dressed up as police officers knocked on the back doors of the
IsabellaGardnerMuseum. 1) ___ Although the museum has a strict rule of not opening the doors for
anyone when the museum is closed, the security guards on duty did. It didnt take long for them to
realise that the two men they let in were not police officers.
A few minutes after they let them in, the men disguised as cops quickly overpowered the guards,
handcuffed their hands and tied them up using duct tape. Then, they put them in the basement of the
museum. 2) ___ In the Dutch room, the thieves stole 3 works of art by the famous Dutch painter
Rembrandt, including Storm on the Sea of Galilee, which is the only seascape ever painted by the
artist. The Concert, by Vermeer, was also stolen. At the other end of the floor, the thieves stole
the works of the French artists Degas and Manet. Five sketches were stolen from the first, as was a
portrait painted by the latter. Aside from the loss of this art, what is also painful to those who
appreciate the arts is that the thieves cut into the paintings in order to steal them. 3) ___
4) ___ They believed that a job this big could not have been committed by small-time burglars.
They suspected the Boston mafia and the IRA. One theory was that a crime this big could not have
happened without James Whitey Bulger knowing about it. He was the head of the Boston mafia.
They werent able to prove his involvement in the theft and since 1995 he remains on the run from
the authorities for other crimes he committed. Art investigator Harold Smith believed that the IRA
was behind the crime because it had a history of involvement in art theft to financially support its
cause. Harold Smith continued to investigate this crime even after he went into retirement. The FBI
also investigated known criminals like Myles Connor, a well-known art thief. Myles Connor was in
a Rhode Island prison at the time of the theft, but he was, nevertheless, considered a suspect. At
present, years after his release from prison and on strict parole, he still remains a prime suspect.
The investigation continues all over the world to solve the mystery of who stole the works of art.
Museum officials will not speak to anyone concerning the theft, as it may damage the investigation
efforts. 5) ___Isabella Stewart Gardner herself asked for them to remain there to remind visitors of
the museums past. The museum has issued a $5 million reward to anyone who has information
regarding the paintings whereabouts. The total worth of what was stolen is estimated at $300

EX1 Complete the text with the sentences A-E.

A In total, they made off with 13 paintings.
B Detectives and the FBI investigating the crime scene considered different scenarios.
C They said that they were there because they got a call about a disturbance in the museum.
D Today, visitors at the museum can still see the empty frames where the paintings were hanging on
the wall.
E The thieves spent the next 90 minutes, in the museum, cutting into priceless paintings to remove
them from their canvases.

EX2 Write true (T), false (F), or not stated (NS) if the answer isnt in the text.
1 Although the security guards followed the rules, the thieves got into the museum. ____
2 The thieves were careful when they stole the paintings. ____
3 The thieves also stole the works of an English artist. ____
4 Investigators believed that a small-time crook couldnt have been responsible for the theft. ____
5 Investigators still have suspects but cannot prove their guilt. ____
6 The museum today tries to hide the fact that they were robbed.____
EX3 Choose the correct answer.
My brother was caught 1)____ at an expensive jewellery store last week. The shop assistant saw
him putting a necklace in his jacket pocket. She called the police and he was arrested. I was so
shocked when the police told me. My brother had never broken the 2)____ before. I cant
understand what his 3)____might have been. Our family is rich! My brother says he didnt do it,
but it is difficult for him to prove his 4)___,as the police have5)____that he did it. He was caught
on video. The court case is tomorrow and the 6)__will decide what his punishment will be.
1 a vandalising b robbing c shoplifting d burgling
2 a law b robbery c clue d jury
3 a culprit b motive c alibi d suspect
4 a cover-up b alibi c guilt d innocence
5 a evidence b alibi c innocence d arson
6 a law b motive c jury d judge

EX4 Complete the sentences with these words.

guilty, mystery, weapon, alibi, crime, pick-pocketing
1 The murderer used a wine bottle as a(n) ______________ to kill his victim.
2 Armed robbery is a very serious ______________.
3 Keep your wallet in a safe place when you are walking in the centre. There has been a lot of
______ lately.
4 After twenty years in prison, Jim Thornton still says he isnt ______________.
5 No one knows how the thief got into the bank safe. It remains a(n) ______________.
6 The police cant arrest her because she has a(n) ____ that says she was at the movies last night.

EX5 Complete the sentences with these words.

for, of, with, to, with
1 My next door neighbour was accused ______________ driving drunk.
2 I always get blamed ______________ anything that breaks in the house.
3 I cant believe the gang got away ______________ murdering that man.
4 She was sentenced ______________ 2 years in prison for fraud.
5 Mick was charged ______________ assault after he hit his girlfriend.

EX6 Complete the table below with the appropriate words.

Noun Adjective Adverb


EX7 Write sentences about these situations. Use the modal perfect form and the verb given.
1 Maria didnt call. She was stuck in traffic. (must / stuck)
Maria didnt call.
2 John went bungee jumping from the CorinthBridge. You think that is the craziest thing hes ever
done. (may / be)
3 The cook didnt put any salt in the food and it tastes bland. (should / put)
4 You are sure that your neighbour vandalised your car. (must / vandalise)

EX8 Complete these sentences with a modal verb and the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 I am going to fail my exam. I (study) __________________________________.
2 No one saw the thieves enter the store. They (break in) ____________ from the back.
3 All the good seats are taken. We (come early) ____________.
4 The car cant be repaired. You (drive) _______________________ too fast.
5 The movie hasnt come out yet. You (see) _______________________ it yet.
6 Daniel was complaining about money problems. He (steal) _________ the money.

EX9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below.
visit, go, take, spend, steal, set up
1 I cant afford ______________ anymore money on clothes.
2 He hopes ______________ Paris one day and study under one of the great chefs.
3 There is no way that he will admit ______________ the gold.
4 The shopkeeper intends ______________ an alarm system in the near future.
5 The Johnsons dislike ______________ on picnics.
6 Melissa mentioned ______________ a trip to Egypt this year.

EX10 Make sentences from the notes.

1 my father / let / drive / his car
2 smoking / not / allow / in / restaurant
3 my parents / made / tidy / my room
4 they / let / people / have a picnic / on the grass?
5 not bring / Spot / because / they / not allow / dogs

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
The increased availability of the Internet in households has changed the way consumers shop. Many
people now purchase things online, as opposed to leaving their homes and hitting high street shops
or going to the mall. There are advantages and disadvantages for each way of shopping. Which is
better largely depends on the individual.
One reason people shop online is that their lives have become busier and, between the
responsibilities at home and at work, shopping online saves them a lot of time and reduces stress.
The hassle of driving forever looking for parking, or taking public transport is enough to prevent
many people from venturing from their homes in search of products. Once at a shopping district or
mall, you often have to wait in long lines, race from store to store comparing prices or searching for
bargains and deal with pushy shop assistants. Online shopping, however, can be done from the
comfort of your own home. With just a few clicks, consumers can browse through different stores
and pick any items they want to buy.
Others, however, like having an excuse to leave their homes. They enjoy walking about the high
street shops, window shopping and looking at things displayed in store windows with their friends.
To them, it is an opportunity to go outside, shop, see friends, have a coffee and catch up. Also,
many people find that online shopping can be a hassle too. To them, waiting for a denim jacket or
high heels to be delivered, or going to the post office to pick them up if no one was home when they
were being delivered, also causes stress.
Aside from stress, a major factor in determining how someone will shop is cost. Many people find
that it is all too easy to go to the centre or the mall and get carried away. When consumers go to
stores to shop, they often return home with more than they had intended. Initially, theyll buy
something that they need. Along the way, however, theyll see other items in the stores around them
and will very often make more purchases. Also, the price of items online is usually cheaper than in
stores. Stores have more costs, such as paying rent and employees, and this usually pushes up the
price of items.
On the other hand, although the above is true, there are other factors to consider which support the
argument that shopping at stores is actually cheaper. Some people feel that because shopping online
is so easy, people will generally buy more things. If someone doesnt have to leave their house to
purchase an item, it is easier for them to go online more often and buy things without thinking much
about whether they really want them or not. Also, although the price of items is generally cheaper
online, there are other costs to consider. Items bought online are sent to consumer by post. The
shipping and handling charges added to the cost of the product often make it more expensive than
what it is being sold for in shops.
In the end, there are arguments for and against each method of shopping. Which is best really does
depend on what kind of a consumer you are.

EX1 Choose the correct answer.

1 Why has the way many More people have Shopping online is More people do not
people shop changed? access to the cheaper. want to leave their
Internet. homes
2 Why is shopping at stores Items at stores are They dont like to It adds time to their
stressful for some people? too expensive buy things. already busy
3 Many people who like eat at restaurants. also socialise. dont mind long
shopping at stores... lines.
4 People who shop at stores buy more than they find items for less catch up with pushy
often... need. expensive prices shop assistants.
5 Shopping online is... generally more generally less better depending on
expensive. stressful. your habits.

EX2 Complete the sentences with these words.

scarf, belt, waterproof jacket, trainers, ring, high heels
1 Good thing I bought this ______________. Theyre expecting a storm tomorrow.
2 You should take a ______________ with you. Its freezing outside.
3 My fianc bought me a beautiful engagement ______________. I cant wait until were married.
4 I lost a lot of weight this summer. I need to buy a ______________ for my pants.
5 Im going to take up jogging. I really should get a new pair of ______________.
6 Those ______________ really match your new dress.

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

1 That dress really fits / suits you well. I dont think its tight at all.
2 Ive lost a bit of weight and need to have my skirt taken in / taken up a bit.
3 How could they sell a dress with a stain on it to you?You should take it back / try it on.
4 I dont mind buying the shoes for you, but what size / number do you wear?
5 I prefer loose / tight -fitting clothes. I like to feel comfortable.
6 Those pants are too long. You should have them taken in / taken up.

EX4 Choose the correct answer.
brand, buy, cash desk, logo, take them back, product receipt
I need to 1) ____ a pair of jeans because the ones I have are very old. I really dont care if they are a
famous 2)____or not, as long as they fit me and the quality is good.
I think that many times people pay extra money just for the 3)____ that other people will see. My
brother, for example, only wears clothes by expensive designers. I am the complete opposite.
When I pay for something at 4)____ I always feel bad if I think I paid too much. The last time I did
I was shocked because they didnt even offer to give me a 5)____. I had to ask for it. If you dont
have one for the clothes buy, you cant 6)____ if they have a problem!

EX5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs given.
have more money than sense, ripped off, be broke, be made of money, be loaded
1 My children keep asking me to buy things for them. They must think I ________________.
2 Even though he doesnt know how to ride one, John bought a very expensive motorbike. He ____.
3 Three hundred euro is way too expensive for that jacket. You got ________________.
4 Id love to leave the city for holiday, but I cant. I ________________.
5 Carl ________________. He buys a new car every year.

EX6 Choose the correct answer.

1 How many cup / cups of milk a day did you drink when you were younger?
2 I like to drink a lot of / many orange juice in the summer.
3 I dont have many / much time to finish my project.
4 How many / much sandwiches did you make for the party?
5Oh no!We do not have much / many food to offer our guests tonight.

EX7 Choose the correct answers.

a character, pieces, good, oil
1 so ________ 2 such _______ 3so much _______ 4 so many ___________

EX8 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

all, and, both, each, every, neither ,none, nor
1 I get along great with _______________ dog I meet.
2 _______________ the soup _______________ the rice taste good.
3 _______________ the fans had a good time at the concert.
4 _______________ my brother _______________ my sister are musicians.
5 _______________ time I see Bob I have a good laugh.
6 Im going to stay in tonight._______________ of the movies in the theatres interest.

EX9 Choose the correct option.

1 Oh no! Someone / Anyone stole my wallet this afternoon.
2 I wish I had somewhere / anywhere exciting to go to this summer.
3 He is so lazy. He wont do anything / something to help me.
4 The phones ringing, but I dont think anybody / somebody ishome
5 I love living in the city. There is always nothing / something to do.

Read the text. Then do Exercise 1.
When most people think of the word crime they think of tough criminals that are either stealing
from or harming other people. There is, however, another category of criminals called cyber-
criminals. Computer crime, or cyber-crime, can be a very serious offence and it seems to be
growing each year.
There are many different types of cyber-crime, some more serious than others. There are two basic
categories of cyber-crime. The first are crimes that directly target computers and devices and the
latter are crimes done with computers which target people. For example, in the first case, as a
consequence of the crime, your computer may have a problem working. Whereas, in the second
case, someone using a computer may trick you into losing lots of money. What follow are some
examples of cyber-crime.
A. Spam Spam refers to the flooding of un-asked-for emails to computer users with
messages and advertisements. Peoples emails are stolen from the Internet and are then used to mail
unwanted emails. The majority of spam sent is illegal and anti-spam laws have been put into effect.
B. Fraud Computer fraud is when one user uses lies and misrepresentation to trick
another user into losing their money. There are two basic ways in which this is done. One way is to
be approached by email and tricked into paying for something that is not true. For example, you
may receive an email telling you about a great opportunity to buy a digital camera but, after you pay
for it, you dont get the camera. Another type of fraud is when someone hacks into your computer
and steals information about you, like your address, birthday and credit card number. They then use
all this information to buy things with your money.
C. Obscene or offensive content There are millions and millions of websites on the Internet.
There are many that we like to visit and others which we choose not to; its a matter of personal
taste. There are, however, some which are downright obscene and offensive. Some websites may
have racist messages which influence people to commit violent crimes, for example. Others may be
blasphemous in that they incite hate against certain religions. Illegal pornography is also a big
problem. Different countries have different laws against obscene or offensive content on websites.
D. Harassment There are cases when one computer user specifically targets another user and
harasses them with hateful mail and chat messages. They may do this because they do not like the
other persons race, religion, nationality or gender. People are usually targeted after they have
expressed something about themselves or an opinion that someone else doesnt like on a public
forum, like a chat room.
E. Drug Trafficking Drug traffickers also use the Internet to help their businesses. A
reason for the rise in Internet drug trafficking may be that the seller and the buyer never meet face-
to-face. They communicate by email and the dealer arranges to have the drugs sent by post. Also,
certain drugs have recipes. By using the web, drug dealers share this information with each other.
Whether you are walking down a dark alley late at night, or sending emails and surfing the web you
should always be careful.

EX1 Read the questions and choose either A, B, C, D or E to describe the crime.
1 Omar is Muslim and has been receiving emails by someone calling him a terrorist. ____
2 It takes you forever to delete all these emails that try to sell you things. ____
3 You get a bill by mail that says you owe 200 euro for a necklace you never bought. ____
4 You are looking for information on Africa and you see a site that says nasty things about
Africans. ____
5 Ross is doing time in prison for trying to sell cocaine through the Internet. ____

EX2 Choose the correct answer.
1 I watched an excellent documentary / article on television last night.
2 I can spend hours downtown watching / browsing the shop windows and whats on display.
3 Look / Watch at that! Ive never seen so much lightning before.
4 The painter was very nervous about what the critic / designer would say.
5 You will be safe if you hear / listen to the instructions.
6 The big fire at the factory last night will surely hit the headlines /titles tomorrow morning.

EX3 Choose the correct answer.

1 My friends often come over after school and we ____.
a take out b take up c hang out d knock out
2 I need to buy a racket before I begin ____ lessons.
a tennis b football c volleyball d boxing
3 I really hope we ____ our opponents tomorrow.
a win b take out c compete d beat
4 Ever since I got a camera as a present, I have been very interested in____.
a photography b gardening c sailing d designing
5 ____ is a game of strategy.
a Hockey bSkating c Chess d Hiking

EX4 Complete the sentences with the words below.

wildlife reserve, endangered species, environmentally friendly,
global warming, becoming extinct, acid rain
1 There many animals like lions and giraffes on the______________.
2 Many animals around the world are ______________ because of deforestation.
4 The factory fumes caused the ______________.
5 Is the Siberian tiger a(n) ______________?
6 Are schools working hard to make people more ______________?

EX5 Choose the best answer.

1 Careful you dont ___ yourself with those scissors.
a cut b get c break d pull
2 Jim has had his leg in a ___ for two months now.
a bone b sling c cast d bruise
3 Dont forget to___ before you play volleyball.
a sprain b stretch c graze d break
4 I need to ___ on sweets. Ive gained a lot of weight.
a get over b go down c go off d cut down
5 My brother hit his leg on the table corner and got a ___.
a brute b graze c brew d bruise
6 That cut looks serious. You should ___ it.
a get over b take care of c go off d put on

EX6 Choose the best answer.

detective, jury, lawyer, suspect, victim, got away with, accused of
1 The police had their best ______________ on the case.
2 There is a lot of evidence against him. He better get a really good ______________.
3 The ______________ found the defendant guilty.
4 The police only had one ______________ for the murders.
5 I cant believe he ______________ murder!
6 She was ______________ Internet fraud.
7 Sadly, Mr. Jones was the______________ of a terrible crime.

EX7 Choose the correct answer.

1 My cousin only buys well-known brands / logos when she shops.
2 I really cant understand how women can walk in high heels / trainers.
3 You should buy a bracelet / belt for those pants. Theyre too big for you.
4 My closet is full of jeans. I need to buy a tracksuit / trainer if I am going to start jogging.
5 I bought my girlfriend a nose ring / ring and asked her to marry me.
6 Always ask for a cash desk /receipt when you buy something.
7 I bought my best friend a silver bracelet / scarf.

EX8 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. Use
the word given.
1 Ill onlygo shopping if you come with me.AS
Ill go shopping _________________ with me.
2 The computer technician fixed our network yesterday. HAD
We _____________________________ our network yesterday.
3 You wont win the race if you dont train. UNLESS
You wont ____________________________ for it.
4 Children do not get enough exercise because they play so many computer games. DID
If children ________________________, they would get enough exercise.
5 My sister is a waitress at a restaurant. WORKS
My sister ___________________________________.

EX9 Choose the correct answer.

1 If the car ___, we would never have gotten home.
a hadnt started b doesnt start c wont start d started
2 Thats where my brother has ___.
a fixed his car b been fixed his car c his car fixed d car fixed
3 When you ___ to the country, you breathe fresh air.
a are going b go c will go d went
4 My dream of becoming a scientist is actually ___ happen.
a gone b go to c going d going to
5 There ___ so much pollution if people walked more or cycled more.
a wouldnt be b would be c be d is going to be
6 They ___ house looked after by their neighbour.
a are having their b have had their c are have their d will have had

EX10 Circle the correct answer.

1 If you want to become a successful architect, you really have to / could study more.
2 He has trained very hard. He might / must reach the top of Mt.Everest.
3 Sandra should / ought to tell her sister that she lost her jacket.
4 You cant / mustnt smoke in this restaurant. Its against the law.
5 They mustnt / cant make fun of Bill all the time. He is starting to get upset.
6 People could / need to be nicer to each if we are to get along.

EX11Choose the correct answer.
1 Thats the music shop when / where I bought the CDs.
2 I dont understand why / who people throw rubbish out of their car windows.
3Who / Which shut down the computer without asking me?
4 Do you know when / where mum and dad are coming home?
5 Which / When software do you use for spam protection?

EX12 Choose the correct answer.

1 I am going to the supermarket. Do we need more coffee / coffees?
2 Hurry up! We dont have much / many time left.
3 This store sells electrical goods / good.
4 How many pairs of jeans / pair of jeans do you have?
5 I neither / either have the patience nor the time for foolishness.
6 All / Every person I have spoken to really liked the movie.

EX13 Complete these sentences with a modal verb and the correct form of the verb in
1 The cake is missing. My brother _______________________(eat).
2 The movie has already started. You ______________________ (pick me up) earlier.
3 Maria was shocked by the news. Judy _____________________ (tell) the news.
4 Greg got injured when you tackled him. You _________________ (be) when you play.
5 Harry never exercises. He __________________ (run) ten kilometres.
6 Did you check the car? You _____________(leave) your mobile phone there.


N7 Test N 8 Test
1 1c 2b 3a 4a 5b 1
21 reporter 1c 2a 3a 4b 5a 6b
2 subscribers 21athletics
3 articles 2 boxing
4 documentary 3 deep-sea diving
5 watch 4 tennis
6 viewers 5 basketball
31chat show 31 court
2 reality show 2 track and field
3 reality show 3 goal
4 documentary 4 net
5 game show 5 hoop
6 soap opera 6 ring
41keep in 4 1a 2a 3c 4a 5b
2 download 51opponent
3 surfing 2 referee
4 social networking sites 3 viewers
5 glances at 4 beat
51seen 5 won
2 Look 6
3 seen 1 Conditional 0 eat, feel
4 see 2 Conditional I doesnt train,
wont be
5 watch 3 Conditional I practise, will play
6 looking 4 Conditional I feels, will walk
61is shown 5 Conditional II came, would
2 is being designed 6 Conditional II had, would visit
3 has been shown 71 will
4 was taken 2 correct
5 was being washed 3 will would
6 had been informed 4 would will
7 will be completed 5 correct
8 is going to be displayed 6 dont didnt
9 should be given 8
7 1 if you saw a celebrity
1 I had been shown the new offices by Iris. 2 visit Egypt unless it was
2 Your work can be helped by the software. 3 as long as there isnt much
3 The public is going to be informed about the floods by the 4 about the party if you want
4 Their network hasnt been set up by Sam yet. 5 bring the food unless you ask
5 Monica had been given a job as a computer programmer. 91 like
6 The actor was given the award by the Academy. 2 as
7 A live giant squid has never been seen. 3 like
8 4 as
1 having (my computer) fixed 5 Like
2 having (their house) painted
3 having (the software) programmed
4 having (my food) delivered
5 having (his new film) reviewed
6 having (the house) cleaned

N 9 Test N 10 Test
1 1a 2b 3a 4c 5a 1 1D 2A 3E 4B 5C
21 on cloud nine 21 sprained
2 bolt from the blue 2 break 3 have
3 storm in a teacup 4 pull 5 got
4 under the weather 6 cut
5 like thunder 31get over
6 rain or shine 2 cut down on
31 blizzard 3 put on
2 heat wave 4 go off
3 hurricane 5 take care of
4 drought 41 bland
5 tornado 2 sour 3 spicy
6 flood 4 sparkling 5 crisp
41wildlife reserve 6 bitter 7 heavy
2 endangered species 8 well-done
3 becoming extinct 9 cooked 10 salty
4 environmentally friendly 11 teaspoons
5 global warming 12 rare
5 1 freezing 5 1 who
2 bright 2 where 3 why
3 light 4 which 5 when
4 heavy 6 whose
5 strong 6
6 below 1 The cook, who makes amazing spaghetti, is
from Casa Pasta.
61dont have to 2 We go on picnic at Sounion, where we meet
our friends, every other Sunday.
2 may 3 I like to have a glass of wine, which is also
good for me, with my food.
3 mustnt 4 Our mums, both of whom make great
desserts, are baking cakes for our birthdays.
4 should 5 Last Sunday, when we saw Mark and
Angela, we went for dinner.
5 can 6 might 7
71 cant smoke 1 hadnt
2 should run one kilometre 2 would sell
3 must have left my wallet 3 hadnt boiled
4 have to finish 4 started
5 cheetah can run 5 didnt
6 may snow 6 could cook
81a 8
2c3b4c5b 1 I hadnt eaten it all, I wouldnt have felt so
91 so many people smoking, the room wouldnt 2 my neighbours didnt play loud music all
have been so smoky the time.
2 bicycle lanes, more people would have ridden 3 you didnt drive so fast.
their bikes to work.
3 got so bad, I could have gone sailing. 4 I had gone to the market today.
4 hadnt reacted quickly, they wouldnt have been 5 I hadnt spent money on that awful movie.
able to save the whale.
5 had prevented hunters from shooting eagles, they 6 you didnt order any food since / because I
wouldnt have become endangered. am cooking tonight.

N 11 Test N12 Test

1 1C 2E 3A 4B 5D 1 1a 2c 3b 4a 5c
2 1F 2F 3NS 4T 5T 6F 2
3 1c 2a 3b 4d 5a 6d 1 waterproof jacket
4 1 weapon 2 scarf 3 ring
2 crime 4 belt
3 pick-pocketing 5 trainers
4 guilty 6 high heels
5 mystery 3 1fits
6 alibi 2 taken in
5 1 of 3 take it back
2 for 3 with 4 size
4 to 5 with 5 loose
6 1 crime, criminally 6 taken up
2 dishonesty, dishonest 4 1 buy
3 guilty, guiltily 2 brand
4 innocence, innocently 3 logo
5 mystery, mysterious 4 cash desk
6 legal, legally 5 product receipt
7 6 take them back
1 She must have been stuck in traffic. 5
2 That may be the craziest thing John has ever 1 am made of money
3 The cook should have put some salt in the food. 2 has more money than sense
4 My neighbour must have vandalised my car. 3 ripped off
8 4 am broke
1 should have studied. 5 is loaded
2 must have broken in 6 1 cups
3 should have come earlier. 2 a lot of
4 must have been driving 3 much
5 cant have seen 4 many
6 might have stolen 5 much
9 1 to spend 7 1 good
2 to visit 2 a character
3 to stealing 3 oil
4 to set up 4 pieces
5 going 8
6 taking 1 every
10 2 Neither / nor
1 My father let me drive his car. 3 All
2 Smoking is not allowed in the restaurant. 4 Both / and
3 My parents made me tidy my room. 5 Every
4 Do they let people have a picnic on the grass? 6 None
5 Dont bring Spot because they dont allow dogs. 9 1 Someone
2 somewhere
3 anything
4 anybody
5 something

Final Test
1 1D 2A 3B 4C 5E
2 browsing
3 Look 4 critic
5 listen to
6 headlines
3 1c 2a 3d 4a 5c
1wildlife reserve
2 becoming extinct
3 acid rain
4 endangered species
5 environmentally friendly
5 1a2c3b 4d5d6b
1 detective
2 lawyer
3 jury 4 suspect
5 got away with
6 accused of
7 victim
7 1 brands
2 high heels
3 belt 4 tracksuit
5 ring 6 receipt
7 bracelet
1 as long as you come

2 had the computer technician fix
3 win the race unless you train
4 children did not play so many computer
5 works as a waitress at a restaurant.
9 1a 2c 3b4d5a 6a
10 1 have to
2 might
3 ought 4 cant
5 mustnt6 need
11 1where
2 why 3 Who
4 when 5 Which
12 1 coffee
2 much 3 goods
4 pairs of jeans
5 neither6 Every
131 must have eaten it.
2 should have picked me up
3 must have told her
4 shouldnt be so aggressive
5 cant have run
6 might have left


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