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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1192 1195

Automated Pollution Control System in Vehicles: A Review

Aleena Mary Anson1

Corresponding Author: Dr. Priti Singh2
Co-Author: Manish Kataria1, Sachin Dabas1, Mansi Bajaj1,

Dr. Karamjit2
1: UG students, Department of ECE, Amity University Haryana
2: , HOD, Department of ECE and EEE, Amity University
HARYANA,122413 ,Assistant Professor, Department of ECE and EEE, AMITY
University Haryana,122413

I. Introduction Smoke

In developed and developing nations, a large fraction of The darker the smoke is the more serious the problems
people travel daily for work, shopping and social reasons. In grows. A graycolour is a red warning light of possible
modern world, we cannot imagine a life without cars. In transmission fluid burning. Thick, black smoke suggests that
some ways, our life is depended on cars. Like, a coin has the engine is being flooded with gasoline. The white smoke is
two sides vehicles also have negative effects. One of the serious if there appears to be a cracked cylinder head or an
engine block that is showing fissures. The black smoke may
main negative effect of vehicles is air pollution Every
show there is a return fuel line which is obstructed. Fuel
vehicle has its own emission of gases due to combustion of
injectors and sensors might also be damaged. A final problem
fuel. To a certain standard value this emission doesnt cause
which can be diagnosed from black smoke is problem with
pollution. But the problem occurs when the emission is
the air filter.The smoke also gives you a good idea of the kind
beyond the standardized values. The incomplete combustion of repair work that is going to be necessary. Blue smoke will
of fuel supplied to the engine is the primary reason for this suggest piston rings have become faulty and has allowed oil
breach of emission level, which is due to the improper to move from lubricating engine parts. A turbocharged car
maintenance of vehicles. Avoiding this emission will also send out blue smoke whenever the blower has to be
completely is not possible, but in a way we can control it. replaced.

Emissions from Petrol Vehicles: Emissions from petrol Particle pollution, also called particulate matter or PM, is a
cars have been dramatically reduced by the introduction mixture of solids and liquid droplets floating in the air. Some
of catalytic converters, which oxidise pollutants such as particles are released directly from a specific source, while
CO to less harmful gases such as CO 2. When compared others form in complicated chemical reactions in the
to petrol cars without catalysts, catalyst cars have much atmosphere.
lower CO, HC and NOx emissions, at the expense of
CO2 emissions, which increase due to the oxidation of EPAcategorises particle pollutants into categories:
carbon monoxide to CO2. As a consequence of this, a Coarse dust particles (PM10) are 2.5 to 10 micrometres
catalyst car will also use slightly more fuel and become
in diameter. Sources include crushing or grinding
less efficient. However, despite these improvements,
operations and dust stirred up by vehicles on roads.
petrol cars with catalysts still produce more CO and HC
Pleasant particles (or pm2.5) together with those found
than diesel cars, although exhaust emissions of NOx and
particulates are much lower than diesel cars. Infact in smoke and haze have diameters less than 2.5
particulate emissions from petrol cars are so low that microns.
they are not routinely measured. Fine particles (PM2.5) are 2.5 micrometres in diameter
Emissions from Diesel Vehicles: Diesel fuel contains or smaller, and can only be seen with an electron
more energy per litre than petrol and coupled with the microscope. Fine particles are produced from all types
fact that diesel engines are more efficient than petrol of combustion, including motor vehicles, power plants,
engines, diesel cars are more efficient to run. Diesel fuel residential wood burning, forest fires, agricultural
contains no lead and emissions of the regulated burning, and some industrial processes
pollutants (carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen
oxides) are lower than those from petrol cars without a The primary pollutants emitted from the motors are
catalyst. However, when compared to petrol cars with a hydrocarbons, lead/benzene, carbon monoxide, sulphur
catalyst, diesels have higher emissions of NOx and much dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate remember. The
higher emissions of particulate matter. main motive of vehicular pollutants is the unexpectedly
IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1192 1195
growing quantity of cars. The opposite factors of vehicular the controller. The idea suggests the control system in
pollution inside the urban areas are 2-stroke engines, poor accordance with the level increase pollution level, i.e. the
fuel best, vintage automobiles, insufficient protection, system slowdowns on vehicle touching certain
congested traffic, poor avenue circumstance and antique predefined pollution level, and a fan automatically gets-
automotive technologies and site visitors management on when it crosses the threshold. PWM is used for
gadget. In India, the range of vehicles expanded from 0.3 controlling the speed of DC motor. By means of
million in 1951 to 58.three million in 2001-02. MATLAB with the help of PID and PWM, its verified.
A Novel Approach to Implement Self-Controlled Air
The vehicle owner has to check the emission from the
Pollution Detection in Vehicles using Smoke Sensor:
vehicle in authorized centers. Computerized facilities for
This paper is mainly concentrated on controlling the air
checking of pollution levels and issue of PUC (Pollution
pollution caused by the vehicles. It can be done by using
Under Control) Certificates (to vehicles meeting emission
semi-conductor gas sensor, which is used to detecting
standards) are available at many petrol pumps/workshops.
emission level from vehicles. In vehicles, emission-level
These authorized Pollution Checking Centers are spread all
of pollution becomes higher than the standard emission
over India. In case the vehicle is found polluting beyond
level because vehicles do not get service regularly. To
prescribed norms, necessary repairs/ tuning in the vehicle
detect the level of gases they have used gas sensor. If the
would be required.
level of the pollution is more than the standard value
When vehicles emit excess levels of smoke, chances are that given by the government than it will give an alarm
it is not properly tuned or maintained since long time. In through LCD by using microcontroller. By using GSM
case a vehicle is poorly tuned or maintained, the other parts module, it will send the signal of pollution level to the
on the vehicle may also not work properly. The Smoke service station through a text message. Timer will be
emitted from petrol engine vehicles (most cars) is mainly activated which tell after how much time the vehicle will
due to excessive wear, form diesel vehicles (most trucks) it stop. Within that time interval GPS will find the location
may from poor injector maintenance, excessive fuel delivery of the vehicle and display it on LCD. The service station
rates or poor driving technique (for example, lugging which gets the GPS value which is send by GSM through a text
is labouring the engine in too high a gear). Emission of message. The fuel supply to the engine will be cut off as
smoke means that the vehicle is wasting fuel and engine soon as the time in the timer gets over and vehicle will
damage is getting damaged. Servicing according to stop this process is done by microcontroller with the help
company norms will eliminate many problems that cause of relay. The service station tracks the GSM value of the
smoke emissions and save the environment and your vehicle vehicle and services it. The vehicle should be registered
from getting damaged early. with service station by sending text message.

The owner of the vehicle shall get his vehicle checked for Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Gas Sensors in
emission in authorized centers that have computerized Environmental Monitoring: The gas sensor, which is
facilities for checking the pollution levels and issue of PUC used in variety of different role and in different industry,
(Pollution Under Control) Certificates (to vehicles meeting is metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors. It is relatively
emission standards) are available at many petrol cheaper than the other sensing technologies. The
pumps/workshops. The pollution centers are spread all over response time is also faster than the other. The gases that
India. In case the vehicle is found emitting pollution beyond can sense by this gas sensor are carbon monoxide, LPG,
defined standard values, the vehicle should get checked and i-butane, propane, methane, alcohol, Hydrogen, smoke
serviced. and nitrogen dioxide. In this project, nature of gas and
the basic structure is being explored. It also tells about
II. Literature Survey
the effect of gases on the surface structure. An outlook
The previously proposed ideas for tackling this problem are: has been done for the imperative aids and some
researches on advancement are done for the utilization of
Automated System for Air Pollution Detection and metal oxide semiconductor sensors for the recognising of
Control of Speed in Vehicles:Various automobiles various gases, such as, CO, NOx, NH3 and mainly typical
comes with various scales for gas emission, however it case of CO2.
becomes the matter of concern when it crosses the
threshold scale level. This paper focuses on pursuing Automated Control System for Air Pollution
monitoring and controlling the unwanted polluting waste Detection in Vehicles: Inadequate fuel combustion
in the automobile by incorporating pollution control supply for engine, which is the result of inappropriate
circuit. This particular control circuit consists of sensor automobile maintenance leads to the defilement of
circuit containing sensors like gas sensor and emission standard. Fully ignoring the unwanted emission
temperature sensor, and the wide concept of GSM and cannot surely be the matter to escape from; rather the
pulse width modulation (PWM), altogether attached to measures could be done to control it. Semiconductor
IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1192 1195
sensors evolution for spotting different gases. This maximum limit is reached and the vehicle will come to
models objective is incorporating those semi-conductors an halt after certain specified time i.e. safety time given
at the outlets of automobile, which spots the level of to the driver to park his/her vehicle. The GPS starts
unwanted gases, by indicating it with meter. On the locating the position of the nearest service station within
reaching the level above the predefined threshold, an that specified period. In case the time elapses, supply of
alert will generate in the car and it will stop after some fuel to the engine is cut off and is required to be towed to
decided time, which has been decided by taking flexible the nearest service station. This whole process is
time to park the car safely and then the supply of fuel to controlled using microcontroller.
the engine cuts off. The model uses micro controller for
monitoring and controlling. Automated System for Air Pollution Detection and
Control:Nowadays air pollution has become a threat to
Automated System for Air Pollution Detection and human life. Vehicles and industries have become the
Control in Vehicles: In this paper the aim is to made an main source of air pollution. Emissions from vehicles
automated system for air pollution detection and control and industries cannot be stopped, but the problem arises
in vehicle. Pollution occurs due to improper maintenance when these emission becomes harmful due to improper
and check-up of vehicle. Therefore they proposed a maintenance of machineries. The solution to above
system which controls the air pollution with the help of problem is to build an automated system that controls
detection from the motor vehicle. In this system there is and detects the air pollution. When the pollution level
a smoke sensor which continuously checks the pollution. shoots beyond the set threshold value then there will be
Smoke sensor is used to measure the percentage of alarm in the vehicles or industry that indicates them that
carbon pollutants present in the smoke which is the the limit has reached and this information will sent to
cause of the air pollution. The output is in the analog environmental control room along with the vehicle
form then it will be converted in the digital form using number and the details of the owner. If this information
the Atmega 8 microcontroller. As the pollution reaches is received more than 3 times to the government, a
to threshold value the system will be trigged and engine challan will be generated and will be sent to the owner
goes on to the off state. directly. This will put a pressure on the owner to get his
Automated System for Air Pollution Detection and vehicle serviced on time.
Control: Vehicle and industry are the major sources of
pollution. However, due to improper emission of fuel the Smart Pollution Detection and Tracking System
problem is increasing and we have to control this. To Embedded with AWS IOT Cloud:Our air system is
resolve this problem in this paper they build an depleting day by day and main cause of this is pollution
automated control system for emission level detection in from vehicles which is very harmful to our harmful to
vehicles and industries. When the pollution level us. With the existing infrastructure The Internet of
increases and pass the threshold level a alarm will buzz Things (IOT) is the most uniquely identifiable
and to industry to indicate that the limit has been interconnection. The IOT mainly deals with the
reached after the system send information to connection of physical devices (smart phones, cars,
environmental control room .the information include home lighting, smart meters, and tide sensors) to the
vehicle number and owner detail after that a challan will Internet.The main aim of this paper is to incorporate IOT
be generated and send directly to the owner. Before for measuring pollution emitted from vehicles using
challan a message will be send to the owner that your MQ7 Arduino which may be sensitive for Carbon
pollution level crosses limit take necessary steps and Monoxide. The location of the vehicle is found out by
control this. This paper help society and country from GPS. The emission of Carbon Monoxide is checked once
pollution. in (like 20 km) and also the location of vehicle is used to
find the area which is most polluted by the vehicle.
Automated Control System for Air Pollution These parameters are combined to the Amazon Cloud
Detection in Vehicles:Vehicles play very important role IOT which is much secure and along with this many
to travel from one place to another. Nowadays almost all services of AWS can be used. This will send a message
trucks and cars operate using internal combustion to the mobile phone incase if vehicle is emitting higher
engines that burn gasoline and other fossil fuels. level of pollution.
Pollutants are released into the atmosphere that causes
air pollution due to the process of burning gasoline that Development of an Active Vehicle Air Pollution-
powers trucks and cars. Primary source of vehicular Control System (activAPS):Major source of air
pollution is the release of pollutants directly from the pollution these days is CO, HC, and NOx. In order to
tailpipes of trucks and cars into the atmosphere. When curb the problem of air pollution an Active Vehicle Air
the level of pollution exceeds beyond a set threshold Pollution-control System (ActivAPS) can be used to
value, an indication is given to the driver that the minimize the negative aspects of pollution from vehicles.
IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 5 1192 1195
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IJRITCC | May 2017, Available @

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