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Welcome Back 2017 Edition of The Daily Tar Heel

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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Welcome Back Fall 2017

The scandals newest chapter Center

UNC coaches athletes were given the impermissi- for Civil
Rights in
ble benefit of being in easy courses,

and officials then the organizations July letter

implies UNC will be accordingly
penalized for violating NCAA policy.
were called to In its most recent Notice of

Allegations, the NCAA presented

TN for NCAA a total of five allegations against

the University, and it added mens
basketball and football to the list of
hearing programs in question after those
programs had been removed from A Board of Governors
an earlier notices.
By James Tatter The NCAAs Committee on committee recommended
Infractions took part in the
Assistant Sports Editor
Nashville hearings. Their task was a litigation ban.
Nashville, Tenn. Six years and to decide if and to what extent the
three notices of allegations since University violated existing NCAA By Nic Rardin
the first reports of a possible ath- policy and if so, what the accord- Assistant University Editor
letic-academic scandal at UNC, the ing punishment would be.
NCAA held a Nashville-based hear- The Universitys chief defense In a 5-1 decision, the Board
ing on Wednesday and Thursday going into the hearing was that of Governors' Committee on
one with coaches and university the rigor of the courses, which Educational Planning, Policies
representatives on the roster. already led to sanctions from the DTH/NATHAN KLIMA and Programs voted on Aug. 1
The hearing follows a July 17 let- Universitys academic accrediting Mens basketball coach Roy Williams walks alongside senior associate athletic to recommend a litigation ban
ter to Carol Folt from the NCAA agency, does not fall under the pur- director Steve Kirschner at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention. against the UNC Center for Civil
director of enforcement, in which view of the NCAA. Rights.
the NCAA challenged UNCs No special arrangements were ing and very little work are really Infractions hearing. This decision has been
claim that so-called easy courses made for student-athletes in viola- pretty OK, Smith said in an email. Bringing up the rear of the group months in the making, despite
in the African-American Studies tion of NCAA extra-benefit legisla- present in Nashville was mens bas- protests from University and
Department were available to all tion. Student-athletes made up Sitting in a Nashville Hallway ketball coach Roy Williams, who community members. It will go
students, not just athletes. 29.4 percent of the enrollments in flashed his yellow entry wristband before the full body of the board
The argument is incorrect and the courses, the Universitys third Airport-style security ropes upon entering the meeting room. for a final decision on Sept. 8.
mischaracterizes the clear state- response to the NCAAs notice of separated the media from the UNC The coaches were joined by UNC Chancellor Carol Folt opened
ments of numerous individuals with allegations said. athletics delegation as they walked officials and legal counsel, including the meeting with a speech about
personal knowledge of the special This response drew criticism from through the paneled glass doors of Chancellor Carol Folt and Athletic the center and its role in UNC's
arrangements, the July response Jay Smith, a UNC history professor a conference room at the Gaylord Director Bubba Cunningham. Law School.
from the NCAA said. who taught a course on the NCAA Opryland Resort & Convention The coaches, administrators and "The Center for Civil Rights
The NCAAs case calls into ques- and college athletics that was canceled Center on Wednesday morning. additional University members pres- is the point of training for litiga-
tion a period of time that included at the end of the fall 2016 semester. The NCAA requested for rep- ent were officially informed of the tion at our law school," she said.
two mens basketball national cham- They have signaled for all to resentatives of UNC athletics, like hearing in the NCAAs July notice to "I think our report clearly shows
pionships and predated this years see that, at UNC, courses with no womens basketball coach Sylvia the University. that all schools have some sort
UNC senior class. instruction, no professorial presence, Hatchell and football coach Larry of litigation training for their
If the NCAA were to determine no expert evaluation of student learn- Fedora, to attend the Committee on SEE NCAA, PAGE 10 students. Since that takes place
in the center, we would have no
other way to train students in

Artis reinstated to UNC football team Folt said she and other
administrators believe that the
center is vital to the education of
law students at UNC, and that a
Artis court case was dismissed on June 29. He was rein-
stated to the team on July 6 after
Orange County district attor-
ney Jim Woodall said the decision
friends and focus on moving forward
with his life and getting a job.
litigation ban would remove it as
a resource for students.
dismissed in a mutual meeting with athletic director Bubba
Cunningham and football head
to dismiss Artis case was agreed
upon mutually by both Artis and
Im just thankful that this process
is finally over, Artis said. Its been a
"The solution that has been
most often brought forward is
decision with Robinson. coach Larry Fedora. Robinsons legal teams. long time, and its a bit overwhelm- to create a clinic," Folt said. "But
This will mark the conclusion I hope that they are able to move ing right now. that will take funding we don't
By Rebecca Ayers and Rachel Jones of a legal battle which began in past this, these cases are very dif- Denise Branch, Robinsons lawyer, have, staff we don't have and will
Senior Writers September 2016, when then-sopho- ficult, but theyre both young and said both parties came to the conclu- need to go through our accred-
more Delaney Robinson held a press theyve got bright futures and I hope sion to dismiss the charges. iting process, which will take
A version of this article previously conference in which she said she that they fulfill those bright futures, The parties worked diligently at quite some time."
ran in the July 12 edition of The was sexually assaulted by Artis on Woodall said. mediation to resolve this matter to Speaking on behalf of herself
Daily Tar Heel. Valentines Day and that investiga- Artis held a press conference with their mutual satisfaction resulting in and the University, Folt asked
UNC football player Allen Artis, tors had mishandled her case. Artis his attorney, Kerry Sutton, and her a dismissal of the charges, Branch the committee to not recom-
who was suspended from the foot- was found not responsible through law partner, Stephen Lindsay, at the said in a statement. The resolution mend the ban.
ball team after he was charged with UNCs Title IX office in an original Old Well to discuss the dismissal. is confidential. Delaney has suffered "This new policy will force us
a misdemeanor assault on a female ruling and an appeal by Robinson. Artis said that he was going to deal with a significant chal-
and sexual battery, had his case His trial was set for July 18. spend more time with his family and SEE ARTIS, PAGE 10 lenge and obstacle as we move
forward," she said.
Center Director Ted Shaw

What makes a true community newspaper? spoke after Folt, and said the ban
was an attack on the center. He
referenced Steve Long, the board
member who proposed the ban.
The DTH wants to I hope to earn these newcom-
ers' trust and be among the first to
which means we're going to make
mistakes as we learn. But I give you "I've come to think of him as
be Orange Countys welcome them. My advice would be:
don't let someone else define com-
my promise that our staff does not
take our roles or responsibilities
a moving assassin, because his
justifications continue to change
community paper. munity for you. lightly. overtime," Shaw said. "In spite
of repeated statements to the
We should celebrate our dif- We're printing three days a week

ver the past two weeks I've ferences, not reduce ourselves to this year, but your expectations of our contrary, I'm not going to bite
had the privilege of work- feel-good slogans equating different day-to-day coverage shouldn't change. my tongue. With all due respect,
ing with some of the best experiences to one standard idea and We will be in our office until late hours this is an ideological hit on the
student journalists in the world at marginalizing those outside of the to keep you informed, but to do that, Center of Civil Rights. Everyone
one of the oldest institutions in our Tyler Fleming norm. Sure, we're all members of a we need your help. We need your sup- knows why we're here."
community. community, but we're also unique. I port and we need your ideas to pro- Shaw said the ban would take
A few months ago while I was want to use the DTH to reflect that duce content that you want to read. away the ability of professors
running for the position I am cur- Senior history major from Randleman diversity by featuring communities You have more than one way to to educate students, as well as
rently in, I said I wanted The Daily Email: that are often overlooked and by engage with us. Write us a letter and damage the reputation of one of
Tar Heel to be the community paper. making sure all people, regardless of email it to opinion@dailytarheel. its founders, Julius Chambers.
My ambition hasn't changed, but I've region we all occupy as a singular background, know that their leaders com; email me directly at editor@ "The center's mission is to
thought hard about what is commu- unit of people, then the DTH would are being held accountable.; come visit us on train the next generations of civil
nity this summer. Every time I read never become a community paper After all, as the editor of a com- Rosemary. rights lawyers and to advocate for
a "we're all Tar Heels" whether it worth reading. munity paper, I don't want to define If the DTH is to be a community poor and disadvantaged people,"
be about UNC or North Carolina I This weekend, several thousand the community for our readers I paper, we ultimately need everyone he said. "Julius Chambers knew
cannot help but roll my eyes. new people will be finding what want to be a platform of information from every community engaging this, and it was for that reason
I am even now beginning to hate communities they want to belong to. for the community. with our content regardless if you that he created the center."
myself for referring to the UNC- Even beyond the college, new resi- My staff is all young adults trying agree with it at all times. We're here Shaw said centers such as the
Chapel Hill-Carrboro community as dents are coming from all over to call to do the job typically occupied by for you. We want to help this com- one at UNC exist in almost every
a singular entity. Frankly, if I saw this Orange County home. full-time, professional journalists, munity. major university in America and
that this ban would be seriously
deviating from the norm.

Welcome back Carolina College Long said he is in favor of the

ban because he believes it will
Square hookups help UNC adhere more closely to
its academic mission and that the
to UNC! See reaches its adapt to the ban will not hurt the University's
Target modern age reputation.
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whats inside: See page 13 See page 5

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2 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel
Established 1893
DSI closes amidst allegations
124 years of editorial freedom Owner Zach Ward He took advantage
RACHEL JONES has been accused of of that community
sexual misconduct. and he used it how-
BRINLEY LOWE ever he wanted to.
FEATURES EDITOR By Rebecca Ayers and Rachel Vinny Valdivia
REBECCA AYERS Jones Former DSI comedian
DIGITAL EDITOR Owner Zach Ward similar experiences working
JENNI CIESIELSKI announced on July 12 that with Ward.
OPINION EDITOR Chapel Hill's DSI Comedy "And nobody wanted to say
OPINION@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Theater will shut down per- anything, and I think people
BROOKLYNN COOPER manently on Aug. 28. didn't say anything, they were
DESIGN EDITOR Ward had promised to have worried that people would get
a transition plan in place on sued, so I made it as easy as
GABI PALACIO July 10 following allegations possible," Valdivia said. "I just
of sexual misconduct and said, 'Here's a place where
discrimination from former you can talk and let's do that.'
employees. And then it got way bigger
While summer camps and than I imagined."
classes at the theater will There are now over 100
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. continue, shows will be post- comments on Valdivia's
Chapel Hill, NC 27514 poned for the summer. post. Former DSI comedian
Rachel Jones, Summer Editor, 962-4086
Advertising & Business, 962-1163 Ward, who also runs a Grace Carnes described in a
News, Features, Sports, 962-0245 company called YesAndLife Facebook post a "sexual mis-
One copy per person; and serves as the orga- conduct gray area" experience
additional copies may be purchased nizer for the North Carolina she had with Ward in 2014,
at The Daily Tar Heel for $.25 each.
Please report suspicious activity at
Comedy Arts Festival, stated during which he led her to his
our distribution racks by emailing that he hopes his employees office after a show at the the- don't receive the same treat- ater and penetrated her with
2012 DTH Media Corp. ment he has. the lights off.
All rights reserved "While I have lost the Carnes, who originally DTH/RACHEL JONES
business I loved due to these intended to leave her post Chapel Hills DSI Comedy Theater owned by Zach Ward will shut down permanently on Aug. 28.
CORRECTIONS attacks, it is completely as a comment on Valdivia's
unfair to subject DSI's thread, said that she hopes from the conversation. It's being silent are starting to taking it apart and putting it
instructors to the same her story doesn't dominate building on the phrase "Yes, speak up and we're all finding back together as something
The Daily Tar Heel reports any inac- personal attacks and public the coverage of Ward's step- and," which serves as a start- that we have a lot of com- new."
curate information published as shaming simply for being ping down. ing point for many improv mon thread, and everyone is Valdivia said he'll never be
soon as the error is discovered. loyal to the commitments "Everyone's stories should scenes. starting to connect the dots," able to support DSI Comedy
Editorial corrections will be they have made to their stu- be heard and weighed equal- Kate Harlow, a former Harlow said. as a brand because of the alle-
printed on this page. Errors com- dents," Ward stated. ly," she said in a Facebook member of DSI Comedy, said Harlow said DSI Comedy gations against Ward.
mitted on the Opinion Page have Vinny Valdivia, a former message. "And the ultimate it's difficult to pinpoint exact has garnered an increasingly "He took advantage of that
corrections printed on that page. comedian at DSI, made a instances of abuse and to negative reputation. community and he used it
goal of all of this should be
Corrections also are noted in the Facebook post on July 2 as healing for those who are identify the negative behav- "Again, to keep going back however he wanted to, that
online versions of our stories.
a way to discuss the "toxic" hurting and a continued com- ior. to the same analogy, they're name and even the building
Contact Summer Editor Rachel environment at the comedy passionate call for Zach to "The reason that this seems the snotty kids," Harlow said. I personally won't be able
Jones at managing.editor@dai- club. Facebook commenters seek help and therapy." to be coming to light now is "And they're bullies. And I to walk into there," Valdivia with issues about from Boston said they had that the people who've been said.
The hashtag #yesandwe- RECONNECTING don't thinkEMERGING
there's really a LEADERS
this policy.
shared and said they had believeyou has also arisen scared or intimidated into way to reconcile that without


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The Daily Tar Heel News Fall 2017 3

DTH appeals Carrboro passes Sunday brunch bill

By Sophia Wilhelm ing the bill and waiting for it terms of sales and economic a.m. brunch alcohol sales,

records ruling
Staff Writer to be passed by the General development, it also helps but deferred the decision on
Assembly and signed by the people who work at busi- whether to allow earlier alco-
Carrboro voted unani- governor. She said they called nesses, like waiters and wait- hol sales in stores until fall.
mously July 3 to be the first a special meeting for the bill resses, that also earn tips," The council will wait until
local government in the state since their next meeting was she said. more of the community is in
to enjoy alcohol with their scheduled for September. Former Carrboro resident town to get a larger public
A judge ruled federal We believe Judge Sunday brunch.
Governor Roy Cooper
"We thought it made good
economic sense to enact this
Juliet Flam-Ross said she
understood why the bill was
"Every jurisdiction in the
public records law Baddour has signed the new law which as soon as we could," she passed and that it was a good state has kind of different

superseded state law. already ruled cor- permits restaurants and

shops to sell alcohol after
Including North Carolina,
step for Carrboro.
"It's a poor separation of
rules about how they come
into session and how they
rectly in this case. 10 a.m. if local governments 48 states have similar liquor church and state if you can't take up new ordinances,
By Rebecca Ayers Joel Curran
approve on June 30. laws that don't treat Sundays buy alcohol on Sundays," how they make amendments
Breaking Editor Carrboro Board of differently than every other Flam-Ross said. to their town codes, so I
Vice Chancellor of Communications Aldermen member Damon day of the week. Carrboro resident Melissa think it really just depends
A version of this article pre- Seils said they passed the "It's beneficial all around, Hornbeck said she was not on a case-by-case basis how
viously ran in the May 17 edi- Herald Company. law almost directly after the especially a town like surprised that Carrboro was each jurisdiction is meant
tion of The Daily Tar Heel. John Drescher, the execu- governor signed the bill, not Carrboro, where our local the first town to pass this bill. to consider the issue," Seils
The Daily Tar Heel filed tive editor of The News & having a reason to delay the restaurants are a really big "It doesn't really surprise said.
an appeal of the Superior Observer, said in a statement decision. part of our local economy," me that they're the first Hornbeck said because
Court judges ruling on May The News & Observer sup- "We were just beginning Seils said. because this is kind of their Carrboro is such a huge "food
3 that UNC is not required ports its media colleagues to our summer recess and we Lavelle said they learned industry and how they get and entertainment" spot, the
to provide public records provide public records. wanted our local restaurants that when restaurants don't the money out of this town is bill will do well for the com-
for students or employees Not releasing those names and other businesses to be serve alcohol until noon, a lot from students and families munity.
found responsible for rape mean students dont know able to benefit over the sum- of people will wait to make that come and visit over the "Having a mimosa with
or sexual assault through the if another student has been mer," he said. their reservations. weekend," she said. your meal, who doesn't want
Universitys procedures. found to have engaged in Carrboro Mayor Lydia "We found that not only The Chapel Hill Town that?"
Allen Baddour, a Wake and sexual misconduct, Drescher Lavelle said they were track- would that help businesses in Council approved the 10
Orange County judge, had said in the statement. If the
ruled on the State Human student transfers to another
Resources Act that employees school, students at the other
are protected from having school would not know that
their information released to another student has been
the public, and that federal found to have engaged in
law overrides state law in pro- sexual misconduct.
tecting students records. Betsy ODonovan, the exec-
We believe Judge Baddour utive director at The Daily
already ruled correctly in Tar Heel, said in a statement
this case by affirming the that North Carolina students
Universitys responsibility and parents have the right to
to protect the privacy rights know who is responsible in
and educational records of all cases of sexual assault or rape.
students, Vice Chancellor of We are appealing this deci-
Communications Joel Curran sion because the question of
said in a statement. We look whether and which records are
forward to presenting the available for public scrutiny is
Universitys arguments and not the privilege of University
evidence during the appeal employees, ODonovan said.
process and bringing this case Our democratically elected
to a fair conclusion. legislators are responsible
The appeal was filed along- for public safety. They wrote
side The Capital Broadcasting North Carolinas open records
Company, the Charlotte laws, and they have already
Observer Publishing answered this question.
Company and The Durham

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4 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

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School of Medicine Office of Undergraduate Admissions
School of Nursing Office of the University Registar
The Daily Tar Heel News Fall 2017 5

Hookup culture defies stereotypes as undergrads seek love

By Sophia Wilhelm wealthy males, according to
Staff Writer Wades research.
Kuperberg said there is
A version of this article pre- societal pressure to hook up
viously ran in the May 17 edi- in college.
tion of The Daily Tar Heel. So the rule used to be that
The average undergraduate you had to say no; now the
student hooks up or has rule is that you have to say
a casual, probably meaning- yes, she said.
less, sexual encounter eight And some UNC students
times while in college. feel that pressure.
Do college students want I feel like when I dont
something more, or do they want to hook up, its frowned
like to get it on, get off and upon, junior Lauren Ogg said.
get out? Sophomore Colleen Royal
said she thinks hookup cul-
Student flings arent ture can be bad for women.
new things Society tells them its
empowering, but I think it
Despite the hoopla sur- pressures (women) to the point
rounding hookup culture, of making them not make the
todays college students arent best decisions, she said.
the first to sleep around. Kuperberg said students
The normalization of casu- arent having more sex than
al sex originated in the 1960s their parents did in college,
free love movement, when but some of the social norms
some people thought it was are different.
liberating to have sex with (The interesting thing)
whomever they wanted, said about hookup culture is that its
UNC-Greensboro sociology freedom is premised on a lot of
professor Arielle Kuperberg. repression repression on a
The popularity of sex lot of anxiety of sex, repression
without commitment slowed on your worry that its more
down as AIDS awareness rose dangerous, repression that you
in the 1980s but casual sex might have more feelings for
came back during the 1990s somebody, she said.
sex-positivity movement, Others say hookup culture
which told women its OK to is an opportunity for sexual DTH PHOTO ILLUSTRATION/GABI PALACIO
like sex, she said. freedom and exploration. I feel like when I dont want to hook up, its frowned upon, says junior Lauren Ogg on the topic of hookup culture at UNC.
Lisa Wade, a sociology pro- When I was in sixth grade
fessor at Occidental College, and they took us to the sex ture) is probably prevalent used to performing better Its careless. I think (the orgasm gap)
said that during the sexual course, they put the tampon among a smaller percentage than their male counterparts College students associate exists, but in my instance,
revolution, women wanted in the male mannequin, of the student body than and getting worse results in caring with monogamous I try to get my partner to
two things: for femininity to sophomore Chichi Osunkwo the amount of attention it the bedroom. relationships and the oppo- orgasm before I do to make
be valued and masculine traits said. We were not taught receives, graduate Connor Coming doesnt always site with non-monogamous sure she gets her needs, grad-
to be acceptable for everyone. very well about how to handle Haines said. come with hookups for col- relationships, she said. uate Oliver Hodge said.
They only got the latter. our own bodies. Osunkwo said she thought lege women. For each orgasm Because of the stigma of Despite hookup culture, 73
College women get to She said she thinks hook- she would have to catch up a college woman gets from a caring, there is no communi- percent of college men want a
campus and they apply that ing up is a way for people to sexually in college, but was hook up, a college man gets cation in a hookup making relationship, Wade said.
logic to sexuality, Wade said. figure out what they like. surprised by the amount of three orgasms, Wade said. it hard for women to orgasm. Kuperberg said college
What we have is a whole I think that if you go and people who arent interested But the problem might be Wade said because not men are not able to find
campus of people who are figure it out for yourself in a in hooking up or are abstain- more complicated than gen- communicating boundaries is relationships because college
trying to enact stereotypical safe way, thats better than any ing from sex until marriage. der inequity. the norm with hookups, the women are looking for men
masculinity. textbook or 30-minute lecture I think that (hooking I dont know that (the lines of consent are blurred. who are older and financially
could teach you, she said. up) is definitely part of the orgasm gap) is anyones She said it is hard to hold stable. This leads to more
Social pressure or sexual Kuperberg said hookup American college experi- fault. Its kind of a biological perpetrators of sexual assault hookups for men in college.
culture is not as horrible or ence, and nobody should be thing that people cant help, accountable when boundaries Luckily for these men,
freedom? extreme as the media portrays ashamed of whether they do Kristin Isbell, a sophomore havent been discussed. hookups can lead to long-last-
I think theres this pres- it. Her research shows that it or not, she said. biology major, said. I mean, However, while communi- ing relationships, she said.
sure, Why am I not hooking people are just as likely to go guys should know about it cation may not be the norm, When the next generation
up more? Kuperberg said. on dates as they are to hook up. The Orgasm Gap and be educated about it, but there are exceptions. of children ask their parents
About 15 percent of col- The vast majority of peo- I wouldnt necessarily say There are times where Im how they met, some college
lege students prefer hookups ple do not regret their hook Women are paid 80 cents that guys are evil because its like, You got yours, its time sweethearts might have to
to relationships. Most of ups, she said. for every dollar a man makes, harder. for me to get mine, Osunkwo turn their R-rated love story
the people in this category About one-third of students according to the Institute for Wade said that the casual said. into something a little more
are heterosexual, white and wont hook up in college. Womens Policy Research, but sex college students are par- And some men screw the PG.
I think that (hookup cul- female students are already ticipating is not just carefree. patriarchy between the sheets.

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6 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

NC tobacco addicted to its profits

The industry makes I feel strongly that regulators should be
staggering donations influenced by science and fact.
to state politicians. Rebecca Williams
Researcher, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
By Rebecca Ayers
Breaking News Editor we have that rich history of Cancer Center. In the 2016
tobacco, Weason said. We are election cycle, Reynolds gave
A version of this article pre- a tobacco state. $482,737 to Republicans and
viously ran in the July 12 edi- Higher taxes incentivize $32,310 to Democrats.
tion of The Daily Tar Heel. people to lower their tobacco Last year, the FDA started
Tobacco companies dont intake. However, NC has to assert authority over cigars
necessarily have the same some of the lowest taxes in the and e-cigarettes through the
influence in North Carolina country on tobacco products, Family Smoking Prevention
that they did decades ago, but Weason said. and Tobacco Control Act,
they still have an important NC politicians get sizable said Gregg Haifley, the direc-
voice in legislation and contrib- donations by tobacco com- tor of federal relations for
ute hundreds of thousands of panies. In his career, Sen. the American Cancer Society
dollars to political campaigns, Richard Burr has received more Cancer Action Network.
aiding politicians into office than $190,000 in campaign And so thats one major
and continuing their cycle contributions from Reynolds area where the FDA just got
of influence in public health American, an NC-based tobac- the authority for the first
policy. co company. In 2014, former time in the history of the
The cash crops influence U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan received United States back in 2009,
on North Carolina can be seen $78,806 from Lorillard Tobacco and already the industry is
in the nicknames of its cit- Company, also based in NC. maneuvering to undercut the
ies and neighborhoods, from Burr and Hagan voted FDAs authority, Haifley said.
places like American Tobacco against the Family Smoking The New York Times report-
Campus in Durham to Camel Prevention and Tobacco ed in 2016 that it received doc- DTH/GABRIELLE PALACIO
City in Winston-Salem. But Control Act, passed in 2009, uments showing that Altria, a Were a tobacco state, says Cancer Action Network government relations director Christine Weason.
its also seen in the healthcare which allows the Food and Virginia tobacco company, gave
costs of residents. Drug Administration to regu- congresspeople a draft of a ing such sizable campaign by campaign contributions. annually in NC.
Tobacco costs NC $3.81 bil- late the tobacco industry. Hagan law removing the requirement contributions from tobacco Haifley said that tobacco Haifley said the influence of
lion in health care dollars every was the only Democrat in the that e-cigarettes already on the companies that it may unduly companies aggressively try to tobacco companies isnt going
year. According to Cancer Senate to vote against the bill. market must be found appro- influence their regulatory thwart public health efforts at away anytime soon.
Action Network government The top 20 tobacco priate for public health. The support and voting decisions, the state and local levels too. Its an industry that is
relations director Christine industry campaign donors bill was introduced by a con- that it may actually influence Weason said NC minors addicted to its profits and those
Weason, $931.4 million of contributed over $5 mil- gressperson two weeks later. the outcome of health policy have increased their e-cigarette are tied to their product and
those are Medicaid dollars lion in the last election cycle, Reynolds American endorsed legislation, Williams said. As usage by 888 percent between behavior addicting the public
spent on medical treatment as said Rebecca Williams, Altrias lobbying. a scientist, I feel strongly that 2011 and 2015 and the tobacco and causing disease and death
a result of tobacco products. a researcher at the UNC I think its a shame that regulators should be influ- industry spends almost $380 throughout the nation, he said.
The challenge is that Lineberger Comprehensive our regulators are receiv- enced by science and fact, not million dollars on marketing

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The Daily Tar Heel News Fall 2017 7

Shuford family makes historic gift

The entrepreneurship Preparing these people for the future it Technologies and Dorothy
Shuford Lanier of Bedford,
program at UNC will just seemed like the logical thing to do. New York are siblings
and fifth-generation UNC
double in size. Jim Shuford
CEO of Stm Industries
graduates. Their grand-
father, Abel Alexander
By Lidia Davis at UNC. members, entrepreneur-in- Shuford Jr., graduated from
Staff Writer Theyre helping us greatly residence and an administra- UNC in 1900.
expand the footprint of one of tive staff position. Guskiewicz The graduates of 1900
A version of this story ran our fastest growing programs said UNC Entrepreneur-in- could not imagine this world,
in the May 31 edition of The and minors in the College of Residence Bernard Bell will I dont think. And we cant
Daily Tar Heel. Arts and Sciences, said Kevin serve as the first Shuford imagine the one that 30 years
The Shuford family from Guskiewicz, dean of UNCs Executive Director in the from now the students that
Charlotte, North Carolina College of Arts and Sciences, program. are benefiting from this pro-
made an $18 million dona- at the presentation of the Im a big believer in gram will be creating, Folt
tion to the College of Arts donation. donating large amounts said at the presentation.
and Sciences Tuesday to more The donation will help of private money to the Folt said the programs
than double the size of UNCs create a program with up to University now, if we expansion would help foster DTH FILE/GABRIELLE THOMPSON
undergraduate entrepreneur- four faculty fellows, three could get the legislature to the innovative thinkers of Jim Shuford speaks at the presentation of the Shuford Program
ship program. additional entrepreneurs- catch up, we could go fur- the future by becoming part in Entrepeneurship in front of Carroll Hall on June 22, 2017.
The donation is the larg- in-residence, 70 student ther, said Hodding Carter, of the UNC experience as
est single one-time gift internship opportunities former UNC professor a whole, as most students program, and as you heard School because of the poten-
from a living family or indi- and a lecture series on of leadership and public spend their first two years in from Kevin, there are a lot tial for a broader reach, as
vidual to the college. At a innovation and entrepre- affairs. the college and more than 75 of students that are unable these entrepreneurial skills
presentation unveiling the neurship. The name of the The Shuford family percent of undergraduates to do it that are just thirsty can prepare all students for
donation on Tuesday after- entrepreneurship minor runs the fifth-generation graduate from the College for this opportunity that their futures, not just busi-
noon, Chancellor Carol Folt was formally changed to North Carolina company of Arts and Sciences. The is really exciting to us, Folt ness majors.
said there are goals for the the Shuford Program in Shurtape Technologies, expanded entrepreneurship said. Preparing these people for
money to be anchored to Entrepreneurship. LLC of Hickory. The donors program will also collabo- Jim Shuford said the dona- the future it just seemed
a $35 million fundraising The college will pro- Jim Shuford, CEO of rate with over 30 different tion went to the College of like the logical thing to do,
campaign to further innova- vide additional support for Stm Industries, Stephen majors. Arts and Sciences rather than Shuford said.
tion and entrepreneurship three more full-time faculty Shuford, CEO of Shurtape It doubles the size of this the Kenan-Flagler Business

Undergraduate senate redraws districts

New districts will ing first-generation students,
transfer students, majors cat-
creating Greek Life district, so
that we can add seats and do
district instead of the one
they were running in."
concerning the Board of
Governor's meeting she
Public relations
consider housing and egorically split up according to
the UNC website, undeclared
not have to proportionate to
the number of people living in
Shriver said she was excit-
ed the bill was passed, but is
attended July 14 in Asheville.
She stated her support for the
Shriver is also sending out
Undergraduate Senate news-
student status. majors, Greek life, off-campus Greek Housing." expecting it to change with UNC Center for Civil Rights letters that update the Student
housing and on-campus hous- The Greek Life district has amendments over the years. and is against a proposal that Government on the agenda of
By Rebecca Ayers ing that includes Granville five seats open. "But at the spot where we would ban the Center's right the senate. She said she hopes
Breaking News Editor Towers. In total there are 13 Molesworth said students are now, and where I want to litigate, represent clients to have it reach more students
districts, while three of the dis- running for a senate seat are it to go, it's a good stepping and act as legal counsel. once fall semester starts,
On July 20, the tricts have over two seats. not allowed to switch majors, point for this upcoming year," "I crafted a letter in sup- to spread awareness about
Undergraduate Student Ashley Molesworth, a add a second major or misrep- Shriver said. "It's a step in the port of the UNC Center for Undergraduate Senate and fix
Senate passed a bill that member of the rules and resent a constituency to take a right direction. I think that Civil Rights that we mailed the stigma surrounding the
would redraw senate district- judiciary committee, co- seat. If a student is found uti- I'm excited to finally start to every BOG member and branch and its perceived inef-
ing lines and discussed their sponsored the bill with Tarik lizing these methods, they will the beginning processes of shared with local news outlets fectiveness.
plans for various initiatives Woods, committee chairper- be subject to an investigation recruiting new members for and on social media," Adkins "And I want them to see
they want to implement in son of rules and judiciary by the ethics committee. undergraduate senate. I want stated. "The BOG's meeting this by this newsletter that
the upcoming school year. committee. Senate Speaker "That way there's no really new faces. I want more than on August 1st to consider the we're more than just the legis-
Katharine Shriver shared a strict rules that really limits 15 members." proposal in a special session lative branch and we're more
Redistricting the senate statement from Woods con- students if they do want to and we plan to make a public than just oh we can pass a bill
cerning the bill. switch majors, generally, it Center for Civil Rights comment in support of the here and there, we can actu-
A bill was passed that would "One of the largest concerns just allows them to be free Center at that meeting." ally impact students lives,"
redraw the senate district lines, was about the Greek Housing with their studies and also The Student Body There is a special session that Shriver said. "So that's really
and will be effective started the district, because of the lack of participate," Molesworth said. President's Chief of Staff will be held Aug. 1 to discuss the the core of the newsletter, is
first day of class. The restruc- representation," Woods stated. "And then obviously the next Sarah Leck shared a state- proposal, and the vote will take to actually show people what
tured senate will have 44 open "We amended this part from session they were running for ment from Student Body place in early September. we're doing over the year. "
seats, with districts represent- Greek Housing district, in they would run in their new President Elizabeth Adkins

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8 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

UNC wins million dollar Cooke Prize

The prize will grow Every kid out there wants a chance, and works to help low-income
students achieve academic
UNC outreach efforts they just need somebody to say, We want to success, and that their moti-

in low-income areas. give you that chance. vation and desire to obtain
an education is the real
Carol Folt reason the program is so suc-
By Nic Rardin UNC Chancellor cessful.
Senior Writer Once we find these stu-
students. Carolina pledges to raise $1 dents, 97 percent of them not
A version of this article was Im delighted to million in private funding to only finish a four-year degree
published online on June 20. announce today that the match the Cooke Prize, he but go on to obtain a graduate
UNC has been chosen to University of North Carolina said. degree, Levy said. And we
receive the Cooke Prize for at Chapel Hill has been We pledge to use the com- stick with them.
Equity in Educational Access selected as this years recipi- bined money to extend our Levy said that the
and will receive $1 million ent, he said. Chapel Hill is recruitment into low-income University received the award
from the Jack Kent Cooke doing an outstanding job of areas and help prospective because the work it does
Foundation. admitting and graduating students thrive at Carolina focuses on helping students
The University was high-achieving, low-income and later in life. throughout their entire edu-
selected over Stanford, Brown students. Levy said the programs cation, not just at the admis-
and Berkeley for this years Vice Provost for help students pay for college sions office.
award, which was presented Undergraduate Admissions and navigate the challenges UNCs outreach starts DTH FILE/NIC RARDIN
to Chancellor Carol Folt by Steve Farmer said he and the that come with it. as early as middle school, Executive Director of the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Harold O.
the foundations Executive University are dedicated to This University awards 93 and Levy said that program Levy speaks at a press conference on June 19, 2017.
Director Harold O. Levy. The accessible education for low- percent financial aid based on should be an example for
foundation provides scholar- income students and said need, he said. Very few col- other colleges around the College Advising Corps have students graduating debt-
ships and grants to further UNC plans to show it. leges do that. world. been providing college coun- free.
the education of low-income The University of North Levy said his foundation Chancellor Folt said UNCs seling and information to Only 40 percent of the
students in low-income areas seniors in the class of 2015
throughout North Carolina accumulated any debt at all,
during their primary educa- Folt said. Thats compared
tion. to well over 70 percent as the
She says this has caused national average.
more of them to apply and be Levy said UNC stood out
accepted to colleges and uni- as an organization that truly
versities. invested not only in public

learn The Carolina Advising

Corps serves 23 percent
education for the betterment
of the public but in people

how to of low-income students in

the state through advising.
and their families.
Everyone wants a

They identify and help them chance, Folt said. Every kid
apply to colleges, Levy said. out there wants a chance,
Thats truly extraordinary. and they just need somebody
Folt said UNC leads the to say, We want to give you nation in meeting the finan-
cial needs of low-income
that chance. Its that com-
mitment to opportunity that
and first-generation stu- were celebrating today.
dents, with almost half of its

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The Daily Tar Heel News Fall 2017 9

Justin Jackson Isaiah Hicks, Kennedy

goes 15th in draft Meeks find NBA homes
By Chapel Fowler age, making 57.6 percent of He ended his UNC career
Senior Writer his shots. Hicks had 13 points with 1,482 points, 1,052
By Chapel Fowler and nine rebounds in North rebounds (fifth in UNC histo-
Senior Writer A version of this article Carolinas national-champi- ry) and 154 blocks. Meeks had
previously ran online on June onship win over Gonzaga. the game of his life against
A version of this article 23. After looking lost at the Oregon in the Final Four with
previously ran in the June 28 North Carolina senior small-forward position as a 25 points on 11-13 shooting,
edition of The Daily Tar Heel. forwards Isaiah Hicks and first-year, Hicks settled into and his title-game block on
After three years in a North Kennedy Meeks will have his role as a high-energy Nigel Williams-Goss landed
Carolina uniform, Justin a chance to continue their big man and ended up him on the cover of Sports
Jackson has found his next careers at the next level after scoring 1,112 points in his Illustrated.
home in Sacramento. being passed on in Thursday UNC career. He was one of With Hicks and Meeks
The Kings selected the nights NBA Draft. twelve Tar Heels to play in signings, UNC has now
6-foot-8 junior forward with Hicks will sign with the two national-championship produced four NBA play-
the No. 15 pick in the NBA Los Angeles Clippers and games. ers from its championship
Draft on Thursday night. Meeks will sign with the Meeks was UNCs third- team. In last nights draft, the
Jackson is the 111th draft Toronto Raptors. leading scorer this year at Sacramento Kings selected
pick in UNC history and the Hicks, a 6-foot-9 native 12.5 points per game and was Justin Jackson at No. 15, and
22nd under head coach Roy of Oxford, North Carolina, the only Tar Heel to play in the Utah Jazz chose Tony
Williams. Hes also the 17th started 39 games for UNC and start all 40 games this Bradley at No. 28.
first-round pick Williams this season. He averaged 11.8 season. He just missed a Senior guard Nate Britt
has coached. First-year Tony DTH FILE/ALEX KORMANN points and 5.5 rebounds per double-double, averaging 9.5 will play on the Atlanta
Bradley went to the Utah Jazz Forward Justin Jackson (44) shoots a floater over an Oregon play- game. He also led the Tar rebounds per game, and shot Hawks summer-league team.
with the No. 28 pick. er in the teams Final Four matchup in Phoenix on April 1, 2017. Heels in field-goal percent- 55.5 percent from the floor.
Jackson, a Tomball,
Texas, product, leaves North most in school history.
Carolina as one of the most His durability and consis-
decorated players in school tency over the past two years
history. Last season, he aver- were unmatched. He was one
aged a team-high 18.3 points of six players in UNC history to
per game along with 4.7 start two national champion-
rebounds per game and 2.8 ships and was the only Tar Heel
assists per game. He made to play in all 80 games over
105 3-pointers on 37 percent the last two seasons. Jacksons
shooting, breaking a record 239 career NCAA Tournament
that had stood for 20 years. points rank second behind
He was the ACC Player of Tyler Hansbrough (325).
the Year, a first-team All-ACC Jackson also entered the
selection and a consensus NBA Draft last season before
first-team All-American. withdrawing his name tak-
He averaged 19.5 points ing advantage of an NCAA
per game, again, a team rule in its first year of exis-
high, during the Tar Heels tence. His return to UNC,
six-game run to their sixth which gave him a national
national championship. After title and an improved draft
scoring 22 points against stock, is a perfect example of
Oregon in the Final Four, he how the new rule can help
scored 16 against Gonzaga in players test the waters then
the national championship refine their game before going
and limited Nigel Williams- pro. Jacksons decision to
Goss, the Bulldogs best play- enter the draft this year was a
er, to 5-17 shooting. His 117 no-brainer.
total points in the 2017 NCAA @chapelfowler
Tournament were the fourth

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10 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

CCR itself in court.

Board member Walter
also said students work along-
side these attorneys, which is
the ban.
"Regardless of what side
the meeting, while Chancellor
Carol Folt sent a five-page let-
zens of North Carolina and
in honor and celebration of
FROM PAGE 1 Davenport challenged Long's how they gain litigation experi- you stand on, there is some- ter to Nelson opposing the ban. leaders who have gone before.
hurts their reputation, which claim, raising the question of ence while still in school. thing greater at risk the UNC-system president And we want to make sure
is what faculty will always whether or not the center is Board member Joe Knott University," she said. "It Margaret Spellings released a this important work contin-
tell you when they don't like responsible for the legal fees voted for the ban. He said he would seem to me that this statement after the meeting. ues at all of our institutions."
something," he said. incurred by the people it liti- believes universities should board's energies would be "As a University, we are "This will betray but not
Long referenced a spe- gates against. teach instead of litigating. better spent elsewhere." resolute in defending civil diminish the legacy of Julius
cific case the Center for Civil Shaw said that the center "Stick to your knitting," he The ban passed committee rights, facilitating opportuni- L. Chambers, one of the
Rights assisted with against a does assist lawyers who are said. "Law schools have stu- and will be voted on by the ties for civil discourse and greatest North Carolinians,"
county school board, in which already litigating through dents, law firms have clients." entire board on Sept. 8. teaching students through Shaw said. "I hope that they
he claimed the county was research, but there are also law- Anna Nelson, who serves UNC Student Body service and experiential do not do lasting damage to
forced to use $500,000 from yers who work on behalf of the as chairperson of the commit- President Elizabeth Adkins learning," she said. "We the University and the state."
its textbook budget to defend center to litigate themselves. He tee, was the one vote against spoke at a protest outside of do this in service to the citi-

ARTIS Branch.
Lindsay said Artis aca-
later than he had anticipated,
so it has changed the future
FROM PAGE 1 demic performance declined for him in a lot of ways.
immeasurably and hoped that because of the trial. Several former and current
todays resolution could begin Certainly we can also say UNC football players took to
her healing. too, it has had an impact social media to express their
Sutton said she was suspi- as far as being able to be a satisfaction with the dismissal
cious of photo manipulation student, maintain the grades prior to Artis reinstatement.
with a photo of Robinsons that he has historically done, Im glad everyones realizing
neck that had circulated hes a wonderful student but what we already knew, defen-
around the media. She said his grades have suffered, sive tackle Aaron Crawford
it was a possibility she might Lindsay said. Hes had to tweeted. Love you fam.
take legal action against postpone a graduation date

NCAA the involved school, can speak

about the contents of the case
ly after the hearing, as well.
FROM PAGE 1 until it is concluded to help The clock starts ticking
Due to NCAA rules, nei- protect the integrity of that
ther party was allowed to process, Osburn said. The University now heads
comment on specifics of the A Tennessee educator into the waning stages of the
hearing including its loca- attending a neighboring case with the expected goal
tions and the specific compo- conference in the convention of emerging free of sanctions
sition of those present. center posed a question that under the defense that the
Despite the circumstances highlighted just how seriously NCAAs case was an overreach
of the hearing, cameras and both sides regarded the main- into a purely academic mat-
microphones still lined the tenance of privacy throughout ter. The wide range of NCAA
hallways surrounding the the case. The educator asked consequences possible could
hearing room, as reporters about the possibility of get- range from a vacation of past
hoped to glean any bit of ting Roy Williams autograph, wins to loss of scholarships
information from participants but she said she was not or the stripping of a national
as they shuffled in and out allowed to greet the coach. championship.
throughout the day. Such limitations added Whatever they decide to
According to Stacey Osburn, another layer of secrecy to a do will have been dictated by
director of Public and Media process that has often been their calculations about how
Relations for the NCAA, the criticized for its lack of trans- it will all look in the end,
hearing locations are decided parency. The NCAA clarified Smith said.
in advance before the at the beginning of proceed- From Thursdays end, the
organization even knows who ings Wednesday morning that clock started ticking on what
might be participating in the it would not make a statement could be the final phase of the
potential hearing. on the hearings to reporters in years-long process.
No one besides the NCAA Nashville, even after the hear- Osburn said the deliberation
and pre-selected UNC offi- ings adjourned on Thursday. and sentencing process wont
cials were permitted in the Jon Duncan, vice presi- culminate in a final public
hearing room, and both the dent of enforcement at the report for 60 to 90 days
NCAA and the University are NCAA, said in an interview typically, at which point, the
prohibited from discussing at the organizations head- University could appeal the
the specifics of UNCs hearing quarters in Indianapolis that decision. Details of the case will
while investigations are pend- the investigation and hearing continue to be restricted until a
ing, according to Article 19 of procedures are consistently final resolution is reached.
the NCAA rulebook. reviewed in processes driven Enterprise Editor Corey
No one involved, from by both member institutions Risinger contributed reporting.
the enforcement staff to the and the organization.
committee on infractions to The University chose not to @James_Tatter
the coaches or anyone from issue a statement immediate-
The Daily Tar Heel News Fall 2017 11

UNCs streaking tradition turns 40

The spectacle began Its really like body positive, and accepting taxpayer money supporting
a school where people were
streaking as a big display of
campus spirit.
things you know about,
Harper said. Youre like okay,
as a competition of all body shapes. gonna be streaking, Graham Since then, streaking in youre gonna rush Franklin
said. The letters were like Davis the night before finals when we win and youre also
between schools. Rachel Maguire
UNC graduate
that. They were pretty funny. start has become just another going to see streakers in the
Even after the letters came norm at Carolina. library.
By Montana Gramer in, the University left the tra- Junior Katy Harper took Her friend Kaitlyn
Staff Writer to Davis Library. students at the University of dition alone. Administrators a study break to watch the Goodson, who watched the
Apparently, undressing on Georgia also broke the record. encouraged students to stay streakers. Harper believed streakers with her, agreed.
A version of this article pre- the eighth floor of Davis isnt According to a 2005 article on campus and not to bother that the Davis streakers Even if it is streaking, it
viously ran in the May 17 edi- as uncomfortable as it sounds. of The Red and Black, UGAs anyone, but other than that, wasnt too out of the ordi- really brings everyone togeth-
tion of The Daily Tar Heel. Its really like body posi- school newspaper, 1,543 nude they stayed out of it. In fact, nary in comparison to other er, junior Goodson said. I
It was just a couple minutes tive, and accepting of all body students streaked across Dean Boulton Dean of Carolina traditions. think its very much like a
past midnight on May 1, 2017 shapes, Maguire said. UGAs campus, beating UNCs Student Affairs at the time of I feel like its pretty similar community thing.
when the rumbling started. Despite the absurdity, he turnout. the controversy referred to in terms of like one of the
The students lined up on the said that streaking through I think that UNC should
first and second floors of Davis the library was exhilarating. try to get the record back
Library grew anxious as they Its pretty freeing, he said. from the University of
Its just kind of like, Im Georgia, Graham said.

opened Snapchat. Within sec-
onds, about 100 naked UNC actually doing this. It was In 1977, students started
students came running. kind of like a high. streaking for the traditions
To any bystander, the sight And once the high wears true reason to honor finals.

of college kids running naked off, its still no big deal. That spring, students from
through a library would be Walking back after finish- UNCs chapter of St. Anthony
shocking. But at UNC, its just ing the event is such an incred- Hall, the co-ed art fraternity,
a beloved tradition. ibly humanizing moment. decided to streak through

no more.
There is a certain degree Everyone is comfortable with the Undergraduate Library
of secrecy amongst streakers, each other at that point, and on the last day of classes.
so I cant quite explain how we suddenly its no big deal to be Graham said as far as he
know where to meet and go, naked in public. Its like one could tell, students have been
graduate Justine Schnitzler giant taboo you get to break. streaking in the library before
said. The idea is generally This past semester marked finals every semester since.
that folks hear about the event the 40th anniversary of the Judy Panitch, director of
as UNC lore and find their tradition at Carolina. library communications, said
way with friends who have According to Nick Graham, that the library neither spon-
participated before. the University archivist, sors nor plans the event.
Schnitzler has participated streaking first occurred at Our main concern is, as
in the streaking for the past UNC on March 7, 1974. it always is, that whoever is
three semesters. It was part of a national in the library is safe, and that
I figure you only get a few trend, Graham said. It was the people who are here to
chances in life to run com- happening at college campus- use the library for research
pletely naked through your es all over the country, but it and study are able to do so,
university library, so I jumped seems to have been especially Panitch said.
each semester at the chance popular in North Carolina She said if the libraries
to be ridiculous for a few and I have no idea why. wanted to stop streaking, it

Well take care of them.

minutes. There was a friendly would not be something they
This semester, Schnitzler streaking competition could decide or do on their
was able to convince her between North Carolina own.
friend, junior Rachel universities, such as Duke, That would certainly have
Western Carolina University, more involvement from the
Maguire, to do it with her.
I thought it would be real- N.C. State and Wake Forest. University and Public Safety,
Med Access is a locally-owned, off-campus alternative
ly fun to participate in like UNC students decided they she said. Quick in and out when you use online check in
such an iconic Carolina tradi- wanted to break the record for Graham said records from
tion, and Justine had hyped it most streakers to turn out on Chancellor Ferebee Taylor,
up a lot, Maguire said. a college campus. The evening who was chancellor from 1972
Graduate Daniel Farrell of March 7, 1974, just under - 1980, include a folder desig-
wasnt a veteran streaker either. 1,000 students gathered nated only for campus streak-
It was my first time and nude in Mangum and Joyner ing. The file contains letters
(its) senior year, so I said, residence halls and made their from people in North Carolina The absolute best customer service in medicine
Why not? he said. way down Raleigh Street, complaining about the event.
Farrell said the streakers through the Undergraduate People were angry at the dis- Near Harris Teeter and the ABC Store Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 7 pm
met at the flagpole on the Library and South Building, play of nudity, and that the 1840 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
quad at 11:45 p.m., a meeting around the Old Well and back University was not doing more
spot he said he heard about to the dorms. to crack down on it. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 919-510-6679 Sat & Sun: 9 am - 3 pm
from a friend. They then head However, that same night, They didnt want their


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12 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

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The Daily Tar Heel Business Fall 2017 13

Pizzerias populate Target opens in

Franklin Street Carolina Square
By Chantal Shine
Lotsa Pizza will open still here," he said. "Since we
have been open for so long,

as Old Chicago closes we must be doing something

right." Artisan Pizza Kitchen Walking down West
Franklin Street on a
its doors. Benny Cappella's' general Wednesday afternoon, it can
manager Chase Sessoms said feel like a food desert. Before
By Maryam Mohamed
Staff Writer
that although rent is expen-
sive on Franklin, the location
Benny Cappellas this summer, there were no
places to buy many essential
justifies the price tag because items every college student
Beauty comes in all
shapes and sizes. Small,
Benny's is near bars and the
only pizza place open until 3 Brenz Pizza Co. needs throughout their aca-
demic career.
large, circle, square, thin a.m. Then, Target opened
crust, stuffed crust or with "We are the best pizza Tuesday on West Franklin
extra toppings.
Pizza is a college student's
in Chapel Hill and the only
place that sells pizza slices
I Love NY Pizza Street in Chapel Hill.
There is a reason for the tall
best friend. Whether you are this large," Sessoms said. gray fences, hard hat construc-
grabbing a bite to eat after a
late night out or are simply
Sophomore business major
Salihah Siddiqui said that she Italian Pizzeria III tion workers and unfinished
buildings next to Target. It is
too lazy to cook, pizza will chooses to get her pizza from part of the larger progressive DTH/GABRIELLE PALACIO
always be there to save the Artisan Pizza Kitchen because development, Carolina Square. Robert Fowler (right) of Chapel Hill and Alex Beddingfield (left)
day. Thankfully, Franklin
Street with its eight pizze-
of their range of food choices
and moderate prices.
Lotsa Pizza Target is the first com-
mercial opening in the large
are both new employees of the recently opened Target on Franklin.
rias doesn't disappoint. "I normally get my pizza development. Carolina attractive and a better place get her from her residence
Recently, the occupant
of the eighth pizzeria has
from Artisan Pizza Kitchen
because it is halal and has Mellow Mushroom Square will have residential
spaces, retail shops, restau-
for its students."
Carolina Square is being
near University Lake to the
newly opened Target.
changed. Old Chicago several different options," rants and office space. The completely developed by pri- "I parked right in front
served its last pizzas on she said. "Also, the prices are office space is expected to vate companies Northwood of the store," Buckley said.
July 23, and Lotsa Pizza
will open where Jasmin
really fair."
Siddiqui said the abun-
Toppers Pizza open around mid-August, the
residential spaces by the end
Ravin and Cousins Properties.
According to Dwight Bassett,
"Today (parking) was really
easy, but I will definitely be
Mediterranean was. dance of pizzerias in Chapel of August and the retail shops Chapel Hill's economic returning even if the parking
Ashley Conn, gen- Hill isn't really an issue may seem over-saturated with in the next 6-8 months. development officer, Carolina might not be so great."
eral manager at Mellow because there are still other pizza places, it's only the tip "The reality is this type of Square is costing the town In total there will be 880
Mushroom, said the amount food choices within close of the iceberg for students' development doesn't work nothing and will bring in taxes parking spaces. Furman said
of pizzerias on Franklin proximity. options. everywhere because of the collected on the property. some of the difficulties with
hasn't changed. "I never realized that Brenz Pizza Co. is a rela- population density," said Jeff "The previous building was such an "intense" project as
"Since we have been here, there are too many pizza tively new pizzeria located Furman, the vice president set back," Bassett said. "It did this one. Modifications for
it has been one up, one down places because I am able to on Environ Way. One of of development and direc- not feel like it was a part of the Target store alone cost
so it's been pretty consistent," get anything that I am in the its employees, Kyle Rosch, tor of Raleigh operations the urban environment. This upwards of seven figures.
she said. mood for," she said. "There represented the U.S. Pizza for Northwood Ravin. "So feels like it is more part of Despite several various
Store owner Angelo is already a good variety of Team for the World Pizza we were so excited when we the urban environment and sections in the store, Buckley
Marrone of Italian Pizzeria food places including Desi, Championship in Parma, learned of this opportunity in creates a better Chapel Hill was missing the one thing for
III said the pizza market is Mexican and Chinese." Italy. downtown Chapel Hill. To be experience for the students, her family.
over-saturated in Chapel Hill Sophomore Rachael Head "I would say that our pizza on the edge of such a vibrant faculty and staff." "(My daughter) was disap-
and Carrboro. said that I Love NY Pizza is comes from scratch, we use University, it allows us to Furman said the new cen- pointed that there were no
"If you start from Carrboro her favorite. fresh produce and ingredients bring together office workers, ter helps decrease the use of toys," Buckley said. "I think
and go all the way down the "I get my pizza from I daily," general store manager retailers and residents." automobiles. we've seen the whole thing
street, you will find a pizza Heart NY Pizza because it's Frank Sanders said. "We brag Target's current location was "Again, the resident and we didn't see toys unless
place," Marrone said. "The good New York style pizza, about our dough because it is previously known as University doesn't have to rely on the there's a really tiny section."
competition is so high, and and to be honest, most people so excellent." Square, which was privately automobile as much because Furman said Target is a
we are here because we are go there after a night out," He said that the competi- owned by UNC real estate it's a very pedestrian-friendly benefit not only because of
the best." Head said. tive pizza market in Chapel holders. Furman said the area place," Furman said. "Same the store itself, but because
Marrone said that more She said there are never Hill does not affect them. used to be "dilapidated. thing for the retail. The hope of where it's located and the
pizzerias have popped up too many pizza places. "We don't worry about "(Northwood Ravin) said in these types of centers is other buildings around it.
over the years, but that his "I love pizza so I'm not sure competition because we this could be something that you expand the opportu- "When it all comes together
store has managed to remain how other people feel," she have so much confidence in better," Furman said. "The nities in the short area so that like this, the variety of spaces
open for 37 years because of said. "Everyone I've talked our pizza and dough that we University recognized by revi- we don't have to rely so much really complement each other,"
their homemade pizza dough, to about the new pizza place, know one slice will get our talizing this part of Franklin on our automobiles." Furman said. "The sum of the
sauce and flour. Lotsa, is really excited about customers hooked and they'll Street, but ultimately comple- However, for Chapel Hill whole is much greater than the
"They keep opening up, it so I hope it's good." come right back." menting the downtown area resident Kim Buckley, she sum of the individual parts."
so thank God that we are And while Franklin Street makes the University more relied on her automobile to

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14 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Supreme Court upholds lower court gerrymandering ruling

By Natalie Short dering issue was introduced supported the creation of an body by decentralizing power
Senior Writer with 39 bipartisan cospon- independent redistricting sys- and providing additional
sors from the NC House in tem for years. checks and balances is a fun-
A version of this article was February, but it has not been Just because lawmakers damentally conservative posi-
previously published on June brought to the committee yet. can draw election maps the tion, he said. Theres no real
6 online. Common Cause NC, a way they have for decades reason not to support these
On Monday, the U.S. nonprofit and nonpartisan doesnt mean they should, bills, but if youre a conserva-
Supreme Court upheld a organization, held a public he said. A fundamental prin- tive, you must support them.
lower courts ruling that hearing in the NC legislative ciple of our representative Sandy Bundgaard, from
found North Carolinas leg- office building in Raleigh to government is popular sover- Greensboro, said she talked to
islative districts were racially draw attention to the bill. eignty. People should choose a representative about gerry-
gerrymandered in 2011. After the Supreme Court their elected representatives, mandering and was not satis-
Though the Court affirmed ruling, Bob Phillips, director not the other way around. fied with their response.
the ruling that the gerryman- of Common Cause, said in a Jennifer Rudolph, a rep- I asked one of our rep-
dering was racially motivated, statement that the bill would resentative from Stronger resentatives early on about
it was critical of an NC fed- allow for fair, nonpartisan NC, said elected officials redistricting and was told that
eral district courts order that redistricting by creating an refusal to vote on the bill they were going to keep it as
special elections be held in advisory commission inde- stems from their worry it is, because thats the way it
2017 to fix the gerrymandered pendent of the party politics about being reelected. had been done before they got
districts. Neither documents of the General Assembly. Fair maps create competi- here, she said. That doesnt
were signed by any of the This common-sense tive campaigns. So if theyre sit well with me, thats very DTH FILE/NATALIE SHORT
justices, and no dissents were reform would spare our worried about that, then childish. Thats playground Common Cause NC public hearing on June 5 to raise awareness
noted. state from prolonged court we should be worried about language. of a bill that creates a nonpartisan redistricting commission.
That same day, Common battles and instead give North democracy, Rudolph said. Kokai said a problem with
Cause NC held a public hear- Carolina citizens greater con- Peter Holfelder, from Cary, the current redistricting pro- North Carolina deserves bet- by then brazenly gerryman-
ing on gerrymandering to fidence in the integrity of our said at the hearing he hoped cess is how the government ter, he said. dering along partisan lines
support a bill that would cre- elections, he stated. to offer an argument in sup- leaders benefit directly from Common Cause NC is part with similar effect cre-
ate a nonpartisan redistrict- Mitch Kokai, a senior polit- port of the bill from his con- drawing favorable maps for of a separate lawsuit that will ating voting districts that
ing commission in the NC ical analyst at the conserva- servative point of view. their own partys political challenge the constitutional- continue to deprive North
legislative office building. tive John Locke Foundation, Distributing districting goals. ity of partisan gerrymander- Carolinians of a voice in
A bill to fix the gerryman- said his organization has power with an independent Its a flawed process and ing, given that racial ger- choosing their representa-
rymandering in the state has tives, the statement said.
already been struck down by We are hopeful that, like
the federal courts. racial gerrymandering, the
OFFICIAL RETAIL PARTNER OF UNC ATHLETICS We have seen Republican federal courts will ultimately
legislative leaders respond to ban partisan gerrymander-
previous court rulings against ing.
their racial gerrymandering

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The Daily Tar Heel Sports Fall 2017 15

Spring sports defeated in post-season

missed the cut two years in a back and ended up losing, 8-4. and Brian Miller get drafted
row. Now, playoff baseball was Facing elimination, UNC among the top 36 only rubbed
back at Boshamer Stadium. pulled out two more regional more salt in the wound.
In front of a huge crowd on wins to set up a rematch With frustrating postseason
Friday, June 2, the 47-12 Tar with the Wildcats two days losses leaving bad tastes in
Heels got an absolute dud of later. But playing the same their mouths, both the base-
a performance from pitcher team yielded the same result. ball and women's lacrosse pro-
J.B. Bukauskas, the 2017 ACC Davidson won, 2-1, and, just grams will have something to
Pitcher of the Year. He lasted like that, an incredible regular play for next spring. And con-
just 3.2 innings. He gave up a season went down the drain. sidering what the basketball
season-high six earned runs "You don't expect it to end team used as its motivation
and was a huge reason North like this," senior Adam Pate on the way to a 2017 national
Carolina found itself in an 8-0 said afterward. championship, that may not
hole in the fifth inning. The Tar Seeing Bukauskas and be the worst strategy.
Heels mustered a small come- teammates Logan Warmoth




Marie McCool (4) lays down after the North Carolina womens lacrosse loss to Navy on May 20.

The Crest
By Chapel Fowler Heels have appeared in six joined the team in its fight song.
Senior Writer Final Fours and four cham- "You can have belief, do
pionship games since 2009, everything in your power and
A version of this article with wins in 2013 and 2016. take care of all your details
appeared in the July 26 edi- After an ACC and sometimes it doesn't
tion of The Daily Tar Heel. Championship and first-round work out the way you want it
Every team has those losses bye, North Carolina tore to," Levy said after the loss.
its players and fans would
rather not talk about.
through Virginia, 23-12, in the
round of 16. Those 23 goals set
"And that's life."
The Tar Heels didn't play
Call for current leasing specials
At North Carolina, a few an NCAA record for most in a an awful game the defeat
recent ones come to mind tournament game. So when a was more confusing than any- BLACK APPLIANCES ON-SITE LAUNDRY
easily. Members of the UNC surging, unseeded Navy team thing else. It was supposed
basketball community have came to town on May 20, to be a tune-up for the Final
done their best to purge the there weren't many nerves. Four, but Fetzer Field's final
memories of Austin Rivers The game quickly turned game ended up being the site
in 2012 and Kris Jenkins in into an upset alert as the of an absolute stunner.
2016 from their minds. The Midshipmen led, 8-7, at half- For North Carolina's base-
football team's controversial time. The second-half score ball team, it was a double dose
loss to Clemson in the 2015 remained tight, but it became of hurt. These Tar Heels started
ACC Championship Game clear the Midshipmen were out- off in a very similar situation BUSINESS CENTER BILLIARDS ROOM
will always be a sore spot. working the defending champs. as their lacrosse counterparts
This spring, there were They won key draw controls a No. 2 overall seed host-
two more losses to add to that and key controlled ground balls ing a tournament home game
running list. as a throng of alumni in Fetzer against a red-hot underdog.
The North Carolina wom- Field's bleachers became the The Davidson Wildcats
en's lacrosse program has loudest group at the game. made headlines as they
been a long-standing model A 16-14 Navy win blocked entered Chapel Hill, as any
of consistency and success. UNC, the tournament's No. 2 team making the NCAA
Since its 1996 conception, overall seed, from reaching its Tournament for the first time
UNC has only missed the
NCAA Tournament twice in
22 years. And under head
seventh semifinal in nine years.
North Carolina's players walked
off the field dismally as Navy's
in 115 years would. But UNC
had its own rallying cry. One
of college baseball's best pro-
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16 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Campus construction finishes up

South Road, the Pit We wanted to make access to the lower
and athletic facilities level of the Pit meet the current (Americans
were renovated. with Disabilities Act) requirements.
Anna Wu
By Tallman Boyd Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Services
Staff Writer
lower level of the Pit meet Philosophy PhD graduate
South Road and the the current (Americans with student Eric Sampson said he
Pit have been undergoing Disabilities Act) requirements doesn't mind the work being
improvements and construc- and make that accessible done.
tion this summer for renova- to all of our students and "It's mildly annoying, but
tions, such as replanting new to those who have mobility I understand why they are
trees and smoothing over impairments," Wu said. doing it and I just saw them
pavement to prevent walking Wu said she believed it laying down brand new brick
hazards. The construction was important to collaborate and it looks really good,"
on South Road should be with the Carolina Union, the Sampson said. "I'm glad
completed Aug. 11, and phase Student Stores, the House they're doing it during the
two of the Pit's three phases Undergraduate Library and summer rather than when
of improvements should be Lenoir Dining Hall to help more people are here. It's a
done before the first day of organize the construction mild nuisance, but it's noth-
classes. sites around those areas while ing terrible."
The Pit's construction is they are open. The work being done on
part of a project that started Athletic facilities are also South Road, managed by the
last summer and costs $2.3 seeing repairs and construc- UNC Facilities Services, is a
million, but the costs are tion over the summer more complicated construc-
necessary to create more spa- Fetzer Field is being rebuilt, tion site. Keith Snead, the DTH/GABRIELLE PALACIO
cious and smooth pathways, Kenan Stadium is undergoing construction manager for Fetzer and Navy Field are both under heavy construction this summer and into the school year.
according to Associate Vice a field renovation and field the South Road project, said
Chancellor for Facilities hockey and track and field are the pipelines from South said. "Anything steam related Despite the ongoing con- campus.
Services Anna Wu. receiving new fields. Road to Wilson Library are has to do with heating, so you struction at South Road and "It doesn't seem to be a big
"Also, the lower level of The work being done outdated and are undergo- typically want to address any the Pit, incoming first-year as an impact, but hopefully
the Pit, the ramp into that around the Pit does not seem ing repairs. steam deficiencies during the Joe Lancellotti said the work it will be done by the time
was not compliant. So we to have a serious impact on "All this work is 10 to 15 cooling season so that is what has not been a significant school gets started," he said.
wanted to make access to the some students' daily routines. feet below the surface," Snead we are doing." disruption while he's on


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The Daily Tar Heel News Fall 2017 17

Q&A with Vivienne Benesch of PlayMakers

The company will PlayMakers as a whole is right in the begin-
perform a season On ning period of its own transformation.
the Edge. Vivienne Benesch
Producing Artistic Director, PlayMakers Repertory Company
PlayMakers Repertory
Company has released the that we're investigating is that DTH: Is there anything new
lineup for their 2017 - 2018 they ask really big questions. and noteworthy about this
season, titled "On the Edge." DTH: How did you come up season?
The season blends classic with the edge as a theme? VB: We are taking some
works with contemporary
VB: Last season was a sea- bigger risks than I did
shows, many of which will
son all about transformation, last year. Last year, which
make their world or regional
and once we finished it, I was was "My Fair Lady" and
premiere in Chapel Hill.
like, I'm not done with trans- "Crucible," which are very
Senior writer Alexandra
formation. PlayMakers as a well-known, and "Twelfth
Blazevich spoke with
whole is right in the begin- Night," of course.
Producing Artistic Director
ning period of its own trans- This year, I am taking a
Vivienne Benesch about
formation. I think a season on leap and going to the edge
breaking boundaries, asking
the edge came about because because there was such great
the big questions and taking
we were referring to a plane reaction to our newer work
risks through theater and per-
and jumping off. A season last year that I think we
on the edge also constitutes, are ready for this. So again,
The Daily Tar Heel: Can you like, cutting-edge. We are "Count," "The Cake" and
tell me about this season's starting to do at PlayMakers "Leaving Eden" at the end DTH FILE/PEGGY MULLIN
lineup? a lot more new work, contem- of the season are all either Company Carolinas production of The Producers held at Historic PlayMakers Theater March 24.
world premiere or regional
Vivienne Benesch: We are porary work. We are looking
the classics, like "Sense and premieres.
calling it a season on the
edge. We're calling it back as Sensibility." We are looking DTH: Can you tell me the just the most loving comedy. more and more of them and FALL SCHEDULE
an invitation to what we think through a re-imagined lens significance of the show "The If anyone loves "This Is don't really realize the jewel
is really a season that sort that hopefully makes it feel Cake" and what it means Us," the television show, they that is here. The Count, August 23 - 27
of brings you to the edge of vital and new. to have a show written by a will recognize her voice from We are all competing for
possibility, to the edge of big UNC alum? that in this play. students' attention. For me, The Cake, September 13 -
DTH: Which show are you October 1
questions, to the edge of form what's really important is how
most looking forward to and VB: "The Cake" is our DTH: What are your goals
and style. why? to get it across that this is not Sense and Sensibility,
first main-stage production, for PlayMakers this season?
So, there are a lot of differ- 'eat your vegetable theater.' October 1 - November 5
VB: That's like asking a a regional premiere. It is
ent ways to which it's a season
(Bekah Brunstetter's) North
VB: I have a personal goal This is vital, exciting, cutting-
on the edge, and we thought mother to kill one of her of trying to increase student edge, you-don't-want-to- Dot, November 22 -
babies. Truly, I will tell you Carolina professional debut. December 10
that was a wonderful invita- attendance at PlayMakers by miss-it, you-saw-it-here-first
that I honestly don't have a It is, again, a North Carolina
tion to come and sort of jump 20 percent. I am shocked by kind of theater. A Christmas Carol,
favorite. Each one I am excit- story about very topical,
with us. What really appeals how many alumni never expe- @alexablazeDTH December 13 - 17
ed for different reasons. important issues, but it is also
to me about all of the plays rienced PlayMakers as I meet

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Days Inn, 1312 N. Fordham Blvd.

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with the Heart of Jesus
18 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

Public arts funding helps business

Wilsons whirligig falling into disrepair, with
no one to maintain them as
its proposed 2018 budget.
Founded in 1965, the NEA is
park is among Simpson grew older.
Realizing that Simpsons
a federal agency that funds
the arts in all 50 states.
beneficiaries. farm had become a tourist The NEA gave grants total-
site in the county without ing $1,712,800 to projects
By Natalie Short advertising, a plan to restore and organizations in North
Senior Writer the pieces and create the park Carolina in 2016.
was developed in 2010. Wayne Martin, director of
A version of this article ran A coalition of public and the N.C. Arts Council, said that
in the May 31 edition of The private organizations includ- the NEA funds about 10 per-
Daily Tar Heel. ing the non-profit Wilson cent of the N.C. Arts Councils
Wilson seems, at first, Downtown Development budget, while the state funds
to be the center of a typical Corporation, the National 80 percent and private dona-
Southern small town its Endowment for the Arts and tions fund 10 percent. He said
streets lined with old, red, the N.C. Arts Council formed that eliminating the NEA
brick buildings, formerly to pay for the project. Private would have an impact on how
tobacco warehouses until families, companies and organi- the arts are funded.
you drive up to the unusual zations also donated. It would require a whole
spectacle of the Vollis Justice said hes developed rethinking of the model on
Simpson Whirligig Park. an intimate relationship with which this is based, Martin
The light from the late the sculptures over the years said. When the endowment
afternoon sun bounces off an appreciation reflected was created and all the state
brightly colored reflectors in the community. art agencies were created, the
detailing the 30-foot sculp- A lot of people will drink non-profit model was used as
tures, as pieces made from beer down there and wait for the way that resources would
scrap metal and traffic signs the sun to get low, and they just be distributed to create devel-
spin in the slight breeze blow- sit there and watch, he said. opment in the arts.
ing across the field that covers The arts onlookers sit at 217 Martin said that besides
a downtown block. Brew Works, which opened the personal significance that
By November 2017, the in November. Its on a block art brings to individuals, it
park plans to have 30 restored facing the park among three also has an economic impact.
whirligigs, interconnected buildings also owned by the On what I call a public
moving sculptures made of brewerys owner, Tom Curran, value level, there are all the
odd parts. They resemble any- and his wife, Barbara Conklin. ways that the arts are used in
thing from World War II-style They wanted to invest in the education, to help students
fighter planes to a man riding area around the park to draw succeed, Martin said. Or in
a unicycle to life on a farm in in locals and visitors. downtown revitalization, to When theyre turning and the light hits them, they just take on a different life, Joseph Justice said.
eastern North Carolina. Since the start of the project, assist communities in becom-
When theyre turning about $25 million in private ing places that people want to dollar the federal government brainer, Martin said. port veterans might not exist
and the light hits them, and public development has live and work, and in economic spends directly through the without public funds.
they just take on a different sprung up within a two block development, which is about NEA results in up to $9 in pri- Arts for everyone It results in assistance for
life, Joseph Justice, an art- radius of the park. Curran attracting businesses and peo- vate and public funds. wounded warriors who are
ist working to restore the said Hi-Dollar, an old tobacco ple to North Carolina because Martin pointed to North Advocates for the NEA coming back with traumatic
sculptures for the park, said. warehouse next to the park, is they want to live here. Carolinas flourishing tourism point to the agencys dedica- head injuries and PTSD, and
With the reflectors, theyre being renovated into about 90 Daniel Mayer, director of industry as another way that tion to supporting the arts the arts are helping them
absolutely gorgeous. Its like apartments, four retail shops The Arts Center of Carrboro, the arts attract business and throughout the country, not heal, he said. The private
theyre dancing in the wind. and a restaurant. The project said he agreed that the arts investment to the state. just in urban or affluent areas. sector is not going to do that.
Justice knew Vollis costs about $12 million, and are good for a local economy. We really have forged the Funding for the arts Martin also said that the
Simpson, the artist and World the building will be called the If you spend money on the way as far as taking North through government sources is N.C. Arts Council gives fund-
War II veteran who built the Whirligig Station. arts center, people come here, Carolinas oldest arts tradi- important because it enables ing for projects in all 100
whirligigs on his farm about If that park were not here, people buy meals, people buy tions and organizing those and a more level playing field for counties in the state.
15 minutes from downtown we would not be here, Curran gas, people spend the night combining them in ways that everyone to be able to experi- When were working with
Wilson. Today, Simpsons said. If that park were not at a hotel, people go to a bar attract people to the state that ence the arts, Mayer said. downtowns in small towns
whirligigs appear in museums here, I dont know that other after the show, Mayer said. result in millions of dollars in The NEAs website says to help revitalize their down-
around the world. For the past developments in downtown And if you spend money in economic impact, Martin said. that 40 percent of NEA- town and rebrand themselves,
six years, Justice has worked would be happening as quick- the schools, test scores are The NEA was allotted supported activities take they dont have the resources
as part of the restoration team. ly as they are now. higher, dropout rates are 0.004 percent of the federal place in high-poverty neigh- to hire a big firm to come in
The whirligigs were named lower there are all kinds budget in 2016. borhoods, and 36 percent of and do that, he said. We
the official folk art of the state Quantifiable economic of ways in which the arts are Given the very tiny NEA grants go to organiza- help them because thats our
by the General Assembly returns a multiplier for economic amounts of funding that are tions that use the arts to help mission and we have public
in June 2013, less than a development and prosperity. put in, and then the results populations such as people funds to do that. Otherwise,
month after Simpsons death. The Trump administration Data from the NEA backs from that tiny amount of with disabilities and veterans. how are you going to help
However, only three years has proposed cutting fund- up Mayers claims. A report on funding, if you looked at it Martin said arts programs Wilson get a Whirligig Park?
before, the sculptures were ing for the NEA entirely in the NEAs website says each as an investment, its a no- funded by the NEA that sup-

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ABA certification is available. this is a great op- tion, verifiable year-major. aptinhome@gmail. at
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behavior-based home intervention program. A
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Simulator, Pool, yoga, 24hr Fitness.
Call 919-308-1500 the 1867 signing of 50 Legacy Hartsfield- 19 Bugs 35 It helps you focus
several afternoons per week 12-1pm to 3-4pm
beginning late Aug through school year. Days/ Mill Creek COnDO 2 bedroom, 2 bath, full the British North Jackson tenant 20 Ancient French 36 Many a Balkan
times flexible. Car required. akgrubbs@hot- kitchen, W/D. located on Martin luther king America Act 51 Thinking indicator region 37 Nautical, 703-855-4533 Blvd half-mile to campus. $980 Monthly. 919- QUESTIONS? 962-0252 10 Some Australian 21 It flies off store 40 Plant-ruining genus
carvings Down shelves 42 Make believable
14 Elaborate sci-fi 1 Beardie, for one 24 Artist Picasso 43 Palindromic fellow
costume component 2 Former senator 25 Netanyahus 44 Palindromic bread
16 Supermarket count Specter predecessor 45 Rights org.
17 Old Andorran 3 Twizzlers pieces 26 CBers punctuation 47 Lunch holder
currency 4 Ancient history 27 Friend of Homer 48 In most mammals,
18 Arrive adjective 29 Harold and Maude the upper one has a
19 Dickensian 5 Completed co-star Bud groove called a
denouncement 6 This, that or the other 30 Mover of many philtrum
22 Guided 7 Not soaked yet 31 Misled 49 Memorable time
23 Get out of Dodge 8 Winglike parts
24 Australian Stock 9 Centuries-old Asian
Horses, perhaps wool sources
28 Annex 10 Off-topic
29 11 Out of order
musician 12 Catch from the pier
30 Having a short cut 13 Learners, hopefully
31 Like home, say
33 Hang
36 They may be
37 Didnt miss, as
a bus
38 Gr8 joke!
39 Unisex
40 4/8/74 record
41 Brie who
played Trudy
on Mad Men
20 Fall 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

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