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Enhanced Volatile Fatty Acids Production During Anaerobic Digestion

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Bioresource Technology 237 (2017) 139145

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Enhanced volatile fatty acids production during anaerobic digestion

of lignocellulosic biomass via micro-oxygenation
Chayanon Sawatdeenarunat a, Shihwu Sung b, Samir Kumar Khanal a,
Department of Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering (MBBE), University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1955 East-West Road, Agricultural Science Building 218, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM), University of Hawaii at Hilo, 200 W. Kawili Street, Hilo, HI 96720, USA

h i g h l i g h t s

 The effects of micro-oxygenation on volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production during anaerobic digestion was studied.
 Inoculum type, incubation time, and oxygen dosage showed significant interactions.
 Anaerobically digested cattle manure (ADCM) was the ideal inoculum for VFAs production.
 VFAs yield showed a quadratic correlation with oxygen dosage.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A series of batch experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of inoculum type, oxygen (O2)
Received 31 December 2016 dosage, and incubation time on volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production during anaerobic digestion (AD)
Received in revised form 6 February 2017 of Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum), a high yielding energy crop. The results showed that anaerobi-
Accepted 8 February 2017
cally digested cattle manure (ADCM) as an inoculum generated significantly higher VFAs compared to
Available online 10 February 2017
that of anaerobically digested waste activated sludge (ADWAS) as an inoculum. Additionally, the incuba-
tion time of 3 days and O2 dosage of 15 mL/g volatile solidsadded showed the highest VFAs production
when ADCM was used as an inoculum. Moreover, the VFAs production had a quadratic correlation with
Volatile fatty acids
O2 dosage with R2 of 0.86. The Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) images of the digested fiber showed
Anaerobic digestion rough and crumbled surface structures as opposed to that of the undigested fiber, which was further con-
Lignocellulosic biomass firmed by changes in structural composition of the digested fiber.
Energy crop 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ciency could be via an AD-based biorefinery, in which the substrate

can be converted into multiple products, such as biogas, volatile
Anaerobic digestion (AD) has been widely adopted for bioen- fatty acids (VFAs), mixed alcohols, organic fertilizer, etc.,
ergy production from different organic feedstocks, such as forestry (Sawatdeenarunat et al., 2016). VFAs are intermediate products
and agricultural residues, animal manures, organic fractions of produced during the acidogenic step of the AD process, and are
municipal solid wastes, food wastes, and energy crops among precursors to a plethora of products such as biogas via
others. AD has several merits such as generating renewable energy, methanogenesis, alcohol-based fuels (e.g., ethanol and butanol)
remediating wastes, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and pro- via carboxylic acid platform (Agler et al., 2011), and biodegradable
viding energy security. In 2013, there were over 14,500 commer- plastic (i.e., polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs)) via bio-polymerization
cial AD plants in operation in Europe alone (EBA, 2014). The AD (Yu, 2001). VFAs, especially acetic acid, produced during AD, is an
process primarily converts organic feedstocks into a single product, initial substrate for producing polyvinyl acetate (PVA), which is
i.e., biogas. For complex substrates such as lignocellulosic biomass, an adhesive for wood, paper, textile, and ceramic. Moreover, PVA
the conventional AD process does not maximize the substrate con- is an environmentally friendly polymer and has been approved to
version into biogas (Kaparaju et al., 2009; Sawatdeenarunat et al., be used in food and pharmaceutical packaging (Chaabouni and
2015). One approach to maximize the substrate utilization effi- Boufi, 2017). Moreover, VFAs can be used as an alternative to the
organic carbon source in biological nutrient removal (Lee et al.,
2014). VFAs can also be used to grow a lipid-accumulating oleagi-
Corresponding author. nous yeast (i.e., Yarrowia lipolytica) which can further be used as a
E-mail address: (S.K. Khanal). feedstock for biodiesel production (Fontanille et al., 2012). VFAs
0960-8524/ 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
140 C. Sawatdeenarunat et al. / Bioresource Technology 237 (2017) 139145

production using mixed microbial cultures, however, requires sup- 2. Methods

pression of VFAs consumers, especially methanogens. Several
methods have been applied to suppress or eliminate methanogen- 2.1. Substrate
esis. Chemicals such as 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES) and iodo-
propane have been widely used as methanogens inhibitors (Chae Napier grass was cultivated for three months and harvested
et al., 2010; Zhu and Bland, 2006). However, the continual expo- from the University of Hawaiis Waimanalo Research Station (Wai-
sure of these chemicals to the methanogens resulted in their adap- manalo, HI, USA). The hand-harvested biomass was shredded using
tion to the chemicals thereby requiring higher dosage of chemicals a commercial cutting mill (Vincent Corporation, Tampa, FL, USA) to
during long-term operation. The cost of chemicals and their resid- a size of about 2 cm. Later, it was air-dried to a total solids (TS) con-
ual concentration in the digestate could be an impediment for a tent of over 90%, to facilitate storage at room temperature without
large-scale VFAs production. Heat-shock and acid treatment of degradation. The dried biomass was then passed through a labora-
inoculum were also reported to suppress methanogenic activity tory cutting mill (Retch SM2000, Haan, Germany) with a screen
(Agler et al., 2011; Khanal et al., 2006; Zhu and Bland, 2006). Such size of 6 mm. The milled biomass was then stored in vacuum bags
approaches also suffer from scalability and operating cost. Thus, for further analysis and was used as a feedstock for the entire
there is a need of a benign yet scalable and low cost approach experiments. The TS, volatile solids (VS), and fiber composition
for effective control of methanogenic activity to maximize VFAs including Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF), Acid Detergent Fiber
yield. Micro-oxygenation is one of the most environmentally (ADF), and Acid Detergent Lignin (ADL) of the prepared biomass
friendly methods that inhibits obligate anaerobes such as metha- were also analyzed using the methods discussed in the latter
nogens (Chae et al., 2010). Fortuitously, micro-oxygenation also sections.
facilitates the growth of cellulolytic microbes that produce hydro-
lytic enzymes thereby improving hydrolysis (Botheju and Bakke,
2.2. Inoculum
2011). Several studies reported the positive effects of micro-
oxygenation on hydrolysis of various substrates including primary
Two different inocula, namely anaerobically digested cattle
sewage sludge (Johansen and Bakke, 2006), fresh market wastes
manure (ADCM) and anaerobically digested waste activated sludge
(Nguyen et al., 2007), brown water and food wastes (Lim and
(ADWAS), were used to investigate the effect of inocula on VFAs
Wang, 2013), and vegetable and flower wastes (Zhu et al., 2009).
yield. ADWAS was collected from an anaerobic digester treating
Lim et al. (2014) reported more diverse bacterial communities in
waste activated sludge (Hawaii Kai, Honolulu, USA) at mesophilic
the AD system with micro-aeration than for non-aerated condi-
conditions. Similarly, ADCM was taken from a 20-L mother reactor
tions. The authors further observed that, compared to an anaerobic
fed with cattle manure and operated at mesophilic conditions. The
system, a micro-aerated AD system contained a higher proportion
reactor contents were withdrawn from the digester after 42 days of
of populations belonging to the Firmicutes phylum, which resulted
digestion and sieved using a #8 sieve (ASTM 2.36 mm, Thermo
in a higher substrate hydrolysis rate. In another study, Lim and
Fisher Scientific Inc., USA) with opening of 2.38 mm to remove
Wang (2013) demonstrated the positive effects of micro-aeration
the fibers, which could interfere with the compositions of experi-
on easily degradable substrates (i.e., brown water and food wastes)
mental samples. The filtrate after sieving was used as an inoculum
with increase in VFAs production by nearly 330% after 4 days of
for the experiments. The TS and VS contents of the ADWAS were
micro-oxygenation. The positive effects might be due to the
2.96 0.04% and 2.00 0.04%, respectively. Corresponding TS and
increased activity of facultative hydrolytic and acidogenic microor-
VS contents of the ADCM were 3.63 0.35% and 2.71 0.26%,
ganisms under the micro-aerobic condition. Zhu et al. (2009) also
respectively. The prepared inocula were purged with nitrogen
reported that the efficiency of acidogenesis depends on the degree
gas and stored at 4 C under anaerobic condition and were reacti-
of oxygenation. Thus, the synergistic effect of inhibition of metha-
vated for 3 days at 37 1 C, before being used in the batch
nogens and enhancement of facultative microorganisms by micro-
oxygenation could effectively increase VFAs production. In this
study, a high-yielding energy crop (Napier grass) was used as a lig-
nocellulosic feedstock for VFAs production. Napier grass (Pennise- 2.3. Experimental design and statistical analyses
tum purpureum) is a perennial herbaceous crop which is native to
Africa, and can be cultivated in other regions with a tropical or The experiments were performed following a Randomized
sub-tropical climate including Hawaii (Takara and Khanal, 2011). Complete Block Design (RCBD). Three factors were considered in
This crop, typically used as a forage for livestock, could be a the RCBD including inoculum source, O2 dosage, and incubation
promising feedstock for second-generation bioenergy and bio- time. The inoculum source had two levels, while the O2 dosage
based products generation because of its high biomass yield and incubation time had three levels as shown in Table 1. In total,
(Zewdu et al., 2003). Osgood et al. (1996) reported an annual yield 18 different treatment combinations were tested in each replica-
of 94 dry metric tons per hectare from ratoons, when cultivated on tion. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with a threshold value (a) of
the Hawaiian island of Molokai. The reported yield is more than 0.05 followed by a post hoc Tukeys test of experimental data
double the biomass yield of switch grass (Panicum virgatum) which was conducted. Biogas and VFA yields were used as response vari-
is a common energy crop for biofuel production in the continental ables for the different treatment conditions. All the statistical anal-
United States. (McLaughlin and Adams Kszos, 2005; Takara and yses were performed using JMP statistical software (JMP Pro 12.0.1,
Khanal, 2011). The annual methane production potential of Napier SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
grass is estimated to be approximately 8000 m3/acre (Osgood et al.,
1996; Surendra and Khanal, 2014). Although micro-oxygenation 2.4. Batch experimental setup
has been reported to enhance VFAs production during AD of sev-
eral substrates, there is a lack of studies using lignocellulosic bio- A series of batch experiments were conducted using a 250-mL
mass, especially Napier grass. Thus, the overall goal of this study Erlenmeyer flasks with a working volume of 160 mL. The dried
was to examine the feasibility of micro-oxygenation for enhanced and milled Napier grass was used as the substrate. A substrate-
VFAs production using lignocellulosic biomass and to evaluate the to-inoculum ratio was maintained at 1:1 based on VS. TS content
interactive effects, if any, of oxygen dosage, inoculum type, and in each flask was adjusted to 4% using distilled water. Controls
incubation time on VFAs yield from Napier grass. were set up in the same way as the samples except Napier grass
C. Sawatdeenarunat et al. / Bioresource Technology 237 (2017) 139145 141

Table 1 conductivity detector (GC-TCD) (GC2014, Shimadzu, Japan) with

Experimental design pattern. a packed column (80/100 Hayesep D column, 2 m length  3.2 mm
Factor Type Levels Types or values Unit outer diameter  2.1 mm inner diameter, Supelco, USA). The indi-
Inoculum source Fixed 2 ADCM, ADWAS vidual VFAs (i.e., acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric
Oxygen dosage Fixed 3 0, 10, 15 mL/gVSadded and valeric acids) were quantified using GC equipped with flame
Incubation time Fixed 3 1, 3, 5 day(s) ionization detector (GC-FID) (GC2014, Shimadzu, Japan) with a
capillary column (ZB-Wax Plus column 30 m length  0.25 mm
inner diameter  0.25 mm film thickness, Phenomenex, USA). For
to measure VFAs and biogas production from inocula alone during Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) analysis, the fiber specimens
the experiments. The flasks were then injected with O2 following were mounted on a conductive carbon tape with aluminum stubs
the experimental design just prior to the start of the incubation. and the sputter was coated with gold/palladium in a Hummer
All the experiments were conducted in an incubator shaker (New 6.2 sputter coater. Then the specimens were viewed with a field
Brunswick Scientific ExcellaTM E25, New Brunswick Scientific Co., emission SEM (Hitachi S-4800, japan) at an accelerating voltage
Inc., USA), where the temperature and shaking speed were main- of 5.0 kV.
tained at 37 1 C and 100 rpm, respectively. The experiments
were terminated at different time periods based on the experimen- 3. Results and discussion
tal design. After each incubation period, the content from each
flask was sieved through a 0.85-mm screen. The filtrate of the sam- AD of Napier grass for VFAs production was evaluated in batch-
ples following sieving was centrifuged and subsequently analyzed mode under micro-oxygenation condition. A series of experiments
for individual VFAs. The produced biogas was quantified and the were conducted based on a RCBD to investigate the VFAs yield
composition was analyzed. Based on the results from the 250-mL using two different inocula, and at three different O2 dosages and
flask experiments, the conditions that resulted in the highest, med- three different incubation periods. The major findings of this study
ium, and the lowest VFAs for each inoculum type, were retested in are discussed in the following sections.
a series of 2-L bottles with a working volume of 1.5 L to collect
enough digested biomass samples for composition analysis of fiber.
The selected conditions were significantly different from each 3.1. Effect of inoculum on VFAs yield
other. All the experiments were conducted in triplicates to confirm
the repeatability and reproducibility of the results. The statistical ADCM as an inoculum produced significantly (a = 0.05) higher
correlation between VFAs production and the O2 dosage was also total VFAs under different O2 dosages and incubation times as
evaluated. The physical morphology of digestate fiber was com- shown in Fig. 1 and Table S1 in Supplementary Information (SI).
pared with untreated biomass samples using Scanning Electron The lowest VFAs yield from ADCM batch at O2 dosage of 30 mL/
Microscopy (SEM) to examine the structural changes that occurred gVSadded and incubation time of 1 day was twofold higher than
during AD. the highest VFAs yield when ADWAS was used as an inoculum
under similar conditions. Overall, the batch tests using ADCM as
an inoculum resulted in nearly 13-fold higher VFAs yield compared
2.5. Optimization studies and experimental verification
with the tests using ADWAS as an inoculum during the incubation
time of 3 days. In general, cattle manure have phylogenetically
The results obtained from the batch experiments with different
diverse microbial communities including many cellulolytic bacte-
O2 dosages, incubation times and inoculum types were modeled
ria that release hydrolytic enzymes capable of enhancing hydroly-
using a quadratic regression. The first-degree derivative of the
equation from the quadratic regression was performed with
respect to O2 dosage and was set to zero to predict the O2 dosage
which gives the maximum VFAs production as illustrated in Eq.

YVFAs AX2ox BXox C 1

where, YVFAs is VFAs yield (mg/gVSadded), Xox is O2 dosage (mL/

gVSadded), and A, B and C are regression coefficients.
A series of batch tests were then reconducted in a 250-mL
Erlenmeyer flask to test the prediction model using the predicted
O2 dosage obtained from the model that resulted in the maximum
VFAs yield. The experiment was conducted in triplicate. Further-
more, the predicted and experimental values were statistically

2.6. Analytical methods

pH was measured using a bench top pH meter (Accumet AB15,

Fisher, Fairlawn, USA). TS and VS were analyzed following the
Standard Methods (APHA et al., 2005). Fiber compositions (i.e.,
NDF, ADF, and ADL) were analyzed before and after AD using a cell
wall fractionation method, according to Van Soest (Faithfull, 2002).
Biogas production was quantified using a milligas counter (Ritter
US LLC. NY, USA), which works based on the principle of buoyancy.
The biogas compositions, including methane and carbon dioxide,
were analyzed using gas chromatography equipped with thermal Fig. 1. Total volatile fatty acids yield from Napier grass.
142 C. Sawatdeenarunat et al. / Bioresource Technology 237 (2017) 139145

sis of lignocellulosic biomass (Gupta et al., 2016). Thus, ADCM

inoculum plays key role in enhanced VFAs production from ligno-
cellulosic feedstocks. Similar results were also reported by Gu et al.
(2014) when digested dairy manure and digested municipal sludge
were compared as inocula for AD of lignocellulosic biomass (i.e.,
rice straw). The study showed an 8-fold higher specific methane
yield with a shorter lag phase when the digested cattle manure
was used as an inoculum compared to digested municipal sludge
as an inoculum. The higher enzyme activities (i.e., cellulases and
xylanases) and the availability of suitable nutrients in anaerobi-
cally digested dairy manure were the likely contributor to the
higher VFAs yield with ADCM inoculum over ADWAS in this study
(Gu et al., 2014). Surendra and Khanal (2014) also reported higher
methane yield when ADCM was as an inoculum for AD of Napier Fig. 2. Methane yield at various incubation times.
grass in a series of batch studies to examine biomethane produc-
tion potential. In the United States alone, over 120 million dry tons
of cattle manure is produced annually (Yue et al., 2010), which 3 days of incubation period. The highest VFAs yield observed in this
could be used in co-fermentation with lignocellulosic feedstocks study was 107.3 2.6 mg/gVSadded at O2 dosage of 15 mL/gVSadded,
for VFAs production in full-scale AD plants. This apparently sug- incubation time of 3 days and ADCM as an inoculum. The VFAs
gests that cattle manure-derived inoculum is ideal for VFAs pro- yield was not significantly different from that at O2 dosage of
duction from lignocellulosic feedstocks 30 mL/gVSadded and incubation time of 3 days. Thus, micro-
oxygenation can be used as an environmentally friendly approach
3.2. Effect of oxygen dosage and incubation time on VFAs yield of inhibiting methanogenesis for enhanced VFAs production.
The highest VFAs yield obtained in this study (i.e.,
O2 dosage by itself did not show a significant difference in VFAs 107.25 2.19 mg/gVSadded) was lower than that reported by
yield between the two inocula. However, incubation time as well Jagadabhi et al. (2010) (i.e., 139.50 mgVFAs/gVSadded,) when grass
as the interaction between O2 dosage and incubation time showed silage was used as the substrate. The higher yield of VFAs from
a significant difference. This could be attributed to an increase in the grass silage compared to raw Napier grass used in this study
the population of facultative microorganisms (Botheju and Bakke, was attributed to ensiling, which often serve as a biological pre-
2011) and the enhancement of hydrolytic extracellular enzymes treatment at acidic conditions (i.e., pH 4.0 to 4.5), which further
produced (Johansen and Bakke, 2006) during micro-oxygenation. enhanced the hydrolysis during AD.
The incubation time is also an important factor, which could affect
VFAs yield and composition (Bengtsson et al., 2008). Zhu et al.
(2009) investigated the importance of incubation time for microor- 3.3. VFAs composition
ganisms to acclimate and adapt to the ADs operating conditions
under micro-oxygenation in the leach-bed reactor using fresh veg- As shown in Fig. 3, the use of ADCM as an inoculum generated a
etable and flower wastes as the substrates without inoculation. The more diverse variety of individual VFAs compared to ADWAS as an
VFAs production in the micro-oxygenated reactor increased from inoculum. For both inocula, acetic and propionic acids dominated
day 2 to day 5 and then started to decrease. However, in this study, the VFAs profile. However, with ADWAS as an inoculum, acetic
the VFAs yield of batch tests with ADCM as inoculum reached a and propionic acids were the major individual VFAs accounting
plateau on day 3, even though Napier grass has a higher lignin for 50 to 100% of the total VFAs. Zhu et al. (2009) also reported a
(ADL) content compared to the mixture of flower and vegetable similar pattern with the dominance of acetic, propionic, and buty-
wastes (i.e.,10.2% and 2.3% of TS, respectively). The enhanced and ric acids during AD of fresh vegetable and flower wastes under suf-
sustained VFAs yield at a shorter incubation time in this study ficient micro-aerated conditions. Similarly, acetic and butyric acids
could be attributed to a well-acclimated inoculum used in this were the major VFAs produced during AD of grass silage (Jagadabhi
study. Moreover, Zhu et al. (2009) also reported that VFAs pro-
duced during oxygenation is dependent on the amount of O2 input.
The authors further reported that insufficient micro-aeration could
negatively affect the development of facultative microorganisms
thereby resulting in poor system performance. Contrary to this,
an appropriate micro-aeration rate could promote the hydrolysis
process and result in higher VFAs yield. Jagadabhi et al. (2010)
reported over 4-fold increase in VFAs production during AD of
grass silage using leach-bed reactors, when aeration was supplied
at a flow rate of 1 L/min compared to non-oxygenated conditions.
As presented in Fig. 2, with batch tests using ADCM as inoculum,
the average daily methane yield between day 1 and day 3 of incu-
bation period was 10.3 3.0 mL/gVSadded-d, which was less than
half of the yield between day 3 and day 5. Thus, it is apparent that
methanogens started to grow during longer incubation time.
On the other hand, the batch tests using ADWAS as an inoculum
had the average daily methane yield of 29.8 2.6 mL/gVSadded-d
between day 1 and day 3 of incubation period which was higher
than the methane yield of 16.5 5.9 mL/gVSadded-d for the incuba-
tion period between day 3 and day 5. Thus, the use of ADWAS
resulted in higher conversion of VFAs into methane in the first Fig. 3. The distribution of individual VFAs.
C. Sawatdeenarunat et al. / Bioresource Technology 237 (2017) 139145 143

et al., 2010). With ADWAS as an inoculum, acetic acid concentra- 3.5. Changes in structural composition of biomass
tion increased with increasing incubation time and contributed
over 80% of VFAs at an incubation time of 5 days in the micro- The best, the median, and the worst operating conditions for
oxygenated batches. This was mainly due to conversion of higher VFAs productions using both ADCM and ADWAS inocula were
carbon VFAs into acetic acid by the acclimated acetogenic microor- selected (Table 2) to investigate the changes in structural composi-
ganisms in ADWAS. Under non-oxygenated conditions, the pro- tion of biomass during AD.
duced acetic acid was not significantly different. Conversely, the The structural carbohydrates (i.e., cellulose and hemicellulose)
amount of acetic acid produced with ADCM as an inoculum and lignin (ADL) contents of Napier grass before and after AD are
decreased at longer incubation time. Acetic acid, which is the only summarized in Table 3. Compared with raw Napier grass, the fibers
VFAs that methanogens can consume, was converted into methane obtained from the batch tests with ADCM as inoculum showed sig-
during long incubation time, which facilitated the growth of nificantly lower amount of hemicellulose (i.e., 2534%) and cellu-
methanogens as evident from the increasing methane yield as lose (i.e., 218%). Conversely, for the fibers obtained from batch
shown in Fig. 2. Thus, the distribution of individual VFAs strongly tests using ADWAS as inoculum, there were no significant differ-
depended on the types of inoculum used. ence in both hemicellulose and cellulose contents in the biomass
before and after AD (Table 3 and Table S2 in SI). The higher cellu-
lose and hemicellulose degradation of fibers obtained from the
3.4. Statistical prediction model for VFAs yield
batch tests using ADCM as inoculum thus resulted significantly
higher VFAs yields compared with the batch tests using ADWAS
As seen from Fig. 1, the optimum condition for high VFAs yield
as an inoculum. Gu et al. (2014) also presented a similar discussion
was obtained when ADCM was used as an inoculum for the incuba-
when digested dairy manure and digested municipal sludge, and
tion time of 3 days. The correlation between VFAs yield and O2
rice straw were used as the inoculum and substrate, respectively
dosage under the selected condition was further studied by apply-
for methane production. The authors reported an increase in cellu-
ing quadratic regression model. The VFAs yield showed a close fit
lose and hemicellulose degradation resulting in higher specific
to the quadratic model with the coefficient of determination (R2)
methane yield. For the batch tests using ADWAS as an inoculum,
of 0.86. The predicted model was found to be YVFAs = 0.06X2-
there were no significant differences in biomass composition after
ox + 2.65Xox + 81.20, where YVFAs and Xox represent VFAs yield
AD among all operating conditions. This further showed that
and O2 dosage, respectively. The optimum O2 dosage was then cal-
ADWAS was the least effective inoculum in the AD of Napier grass.
culated from the first-order differentiation of the equation. The
Surendra and Khanal (2014) also observed high methane yield
predicted optimum O2 dosage in this study was found to be
from Napier grass, when ADCM was used as an inoculum. Typi-
22 mL/g VSadded, which resulted in the maximum VFAs yield of
cally, the macromolecules, such as lignocellulose are degraded dur-
110.05 5.46 mg/g VSadded. To further prove that the predicted
ing hydrolysis step of AD to produce monomeric sugars, which are
value truly reflects the actual value, a series of batch experiments
subsequently converted into VFAs and then to methane. Thus, the
was conducted in triplicate using the O2 dosage of 22 mL/g VSadded,
higher the rate of degradation of these compounds, the higher the
incubation time of 3 days, and ADCM as inoculum. The experimen-
product yield (i.e., VFAs and/or methane) would be. Based on the
tal results showed that the VFAs yield of 112.70 5.15 mg/gVSadded,
compositional analysis, it was apparent that the microorganisms
was not significantly different from the predicted value (i.e.,
preferably consumed hemicellulose while leaving cellulose and lig-
110.05 5.46 mg/gVSadded) obtained using above equation. Thus,
nin in the digestate during AD. Approximately 2534% and 2123%
the proposed model was precise enough to effectively predict the
of hemicellulose were degraded from the raw Napier grass using
VFAs yield during AD of Napier grass using ADCM as inoculum dur-
ADCM and ADWAS as inoculum, respectively. However, the respec-
ing incubation time of 3 days. Since using ADCM as inoculum and
tive cellulose degradations were only 218% and 918% of total
incubation time of 3 days was the optimum operating condition in
cellulose using ADCM and ADWAS as inoculum. Yue et al. (2010)
this study, the constructed model could effectively predict the
studied the composition change of cow manure fiber during AD
required O2 dosage to obtain the expected VFAs production with-
and reported that hemicellulose was the favorable component of
out performing additional experiment.

Table 2
The selected conditions to examine the changes in structural composition of biomass.

Operating condition Inoculum

Oxygen dosage (mL/gVSadded) Incubation time (day) Oxygen dosage (mL/gVSadded) Incubation time (day)
Best 15 3 30 1
Median 0 1 30 3
Worse 30 1 30 5

Table 3
The characteristics and structural carbohydrates under the selected conditions.

Sample NDF (% TS) ADF (% TS) Lignin (ADL) (% TS) Hemicellulose (% TS) Cellulose (% TS)
Raw Napier grass 75.0 1.0 49.7 0.6 10.2 0.3 25.3 1.6 39.5 0.9
ADCM,15,3 73.4 0.6 55.4 1.8 23.0 1.0 19.0 1.3 32.3 1.0
ADCM,0,1 73.0 0.6 55.3 2.9 18.9 0.6 17.7 2.2 36.3 0.6
ADCM,30,1 73.3 1.1 56.5 0.9 17.8 2.4 16.8 1.0 38.6 2.4
ADWAS,30,1 66.6 2.4 46.7 0.2 11.0 1.3 19.9 1.4 35.7 1.3
ADWAS,30,3 69.2 4.0 49.6 0.4 13.7 4.7 19.5 1.4 36.0 4.7
ADWAS,30,5 66.7 1.5 46.8 0.2 14.3 3.1 19.9 2.8 32.5 3.1

Based on n = 6 for each sample.

144 C. Sawatdeenarunat et al. / Bioresource Technology 237 (2017) 139145

the fiber to be converted to methane. The digested fiber contained allowing to use his equipment for processing biomass, and Dr.
11% less hemicellulose compared with raw manure (Yue et al., Halina Zaleski for her valuable guidance during data analysis.
2010). The cellulose-rich fiber has undergone partial biological pre-
treatment during AD and could directly be subjected to enzymatic Appendix A. Supplementary data
hydrolysis to release monomeric sugars as a-potential feedstock
for producing other bio-based chemicals via anaerobic biorefinery Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
approach (Sawatdeenarunat et al., 2016). Ethanol is one of such the online version, at
products that could be obtained from cellulose-rich fiber. The etha- 029.
nol production from low-hemicellulose feedstock could avoid the
problem of fermenting five carbon sugar into ethanol, which has References
low ethanol yield and requires specific microorganisms (Lee,
1997). Agler, M.T., Wrenn, B.A., Zinder, S.H., Angenent, L.T., 2011. Waste to bioproduct
conversion with undefined mixed cultures: the carboxylate platform. Trends
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Dr. Brian Turano for providing the feedstock, Dr. Scott Turn for 102, 15871592.
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