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Diagnostic Descriptions, Troubleshooting Tables,

and Control Component Overview
for Water-Cooled CenTraVac Chillers with
Tracer AdaptiView Control

Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating, and air-
conditioning equipment can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge and training. Improperly installed, adjusted or altered equipment
by an unqualified person could result in death or serious injury. When working on the equipment, observe all precautions in the literature and
on the tags, stickers, and labels that are attached to the equipment.

August 2015 CTV-SVD03D-EN

Read this manual thoroughly before operating or servicing
this unit. WARNING
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices Proper Field Wiring and Grounding
Safety advisories appear throughout this manual as Failure to follow code could result in death or serious
required. Your personal safety and the proper operation of injury. All field wiring MUST be performed by qualified
this machine depend upon the strict observance of these personnel. Improperly installed and grounded field
precautions. wiring poses FIRE and ELECTROCUTION hazards. To
avoid these hazards, you MUST follow requirements for
field wiring installation and grounding as described in
The three types of advisories are defined as follows: NEC and your local/state/national electrical codes.

Indicates a potentially hazardous

WARNING situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous
CAUTIONs situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury. It
could also be used to alert against
unsafe practices.
NOTICE: Indicates a situation that could result in
equipment or property-damage only

Important Environmental Concerns

Scientific research has shown that certain man-made
chemicals can affect the earths naturally occurring
stratospheric ozone layer when released to the
atmosphere. In particular, several of the identified
chemicals that may affect the ozone layer are refrigerants
that contain Chlorine, Fluorine and Carbon (CFCs) and
those containing Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine and
Carbon (HCFCs). Not all refrigerants containing these
compounds have the same potential impact to the
environment. Trane advocates the responsible handling of
all refrigerants-including industry replacements for CFCs
and HCFCs.

Important Responsible Refrigerant Practices

Note: Graphic labels (shown above) are used for CE
Trane believes that responsible refrigerant practices are
application only.
important to the environment, our customers, and the air
conditioning industry. All technicians who handle Important:
refrigerants must be certified according to local rules. For Before servicing, disconnect all power sources and
the USA, the Federal Clean Air Act (Section 608) sets forth allow at least 30 minutes for capacitors to discharge.
the requirements for handling, reclaiming, recovering and All electrical enclosuresunit or remoteare IP2X.
recycling of certain refrigerants and the equipment that is
used in these service procedures. In addition, some states
or municipalities may have additional requirements that
must also be adhered to for responsible management of
refrigerants. Know the applicable laws and follow them.

2015 Trane All rights reserved CTV-SVD03D-EN


All trademarks referenced in this document are the
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) trademarks of their respective owners.
Installing/servicing this unit could result in exposure to Revision History
electrical, mechanical and chemical hazards.
Before installing/servicing this unit, technicians CTV-SVD03D-EN (19 Aug 2015)
MUST put on all PPE required for the work being Added SI conversions throughout
undertaken (Examples; cut resistant gloves/sleeves, Graphic updates for clarity
butyl gloves, safety glasses, hard hat/bump cap, fall
protection, electrical PPE and arc flash clothing). Added Sensor Checkout Procedure, p. 64
ALWAYS refer to appropriate Material Safety Data
Sheets (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and OSHA Content and Structure of This
guidelines for proper PPE.
When working with or around hazardous chemicals,
ALWAYS refer to the appropriate MSDS/SDS and This document provides three types of reference
OSHA/GHS (Global Harmonized System of information that support technicians who are
Classification and Labelling of Chemicals) guidelines troubleshooting the Tracer AdaptiView Control system
for information on allowable personal exposure of the Trane CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CVHL, CVHH, CVHS,
levels, proper respiratory protection and handling CDHF, CDHG, CDHH, and CVGF chiller units.
The three main sections present the following
If there is a risk of energized electrical contact, arc, or information:
flash, technicians MUST put on all PPE in accordance
Tracer AdaptiView Control diagnostic messages by
with OSHA, NFPA 70E, or other country-specific
major category, (for example, Starter or
requirements for arc flash protection, PRIOR to
MP - Sensor/LLID)
servicing the unit. NEVER PERFORM ANY
SWITCHING, DISCONNECTING, OR VOLTAGE UC800 troubleshooting tables that list the symptoms
TESTING WITHOUT PROPER ELECTRICAL PPE AND and causes of various problems you may encounter
ARC FLASH CLOTHING. ENSURE ELECTRICAL An overview of the Tracer AdaptiView Control complex
METERS AND EQUIPMENT ARE PROPERLY RATED components and features that explains how the
FOR INTENDED VOLTAGE. different features and sensing mechanisms are wired,
Failure to follow instructions could result in death or the sequence of operations, and how protective and
serious injury. adaptive mechanisms function

Refrigerant May Be Under Positive
Failure to recover refrigerant to relieve pressure or the
use of non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant
substitutes, or refrigerant additives could result in an
explosion which could result in death or serious injury
or equipment damage. System contains oil and
refrigerant and may be under positive pressure.
Recover refrigerant to relieve pressure before opening
the system. See unit nameplate for refrigerant type. Do
not use non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant
substitutes, or refrigerant additives.

This document and the information in it are the property of
Trane, and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in
part without written permission. Trane reserves the right
to revise this publication at any time, and to make changes
to its content without obligation to notify any person of
such revision or change.
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 HGBP Hot Gas Bypass Option . . . . . . . . . .58
Warnings, Cautions, and Notices . . . . . . . . 2 TRMM TRM4 Tracer Comm4 Interface . . .58
Important Environmental Concerns . . . . . 2 Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Output
(CDRP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Important Responsible Refrigerant Practices
................................... 2 Enhanced Protection (EPRO) . . . . . . . . . . .59
Content and Structure of This Manual . . . . 3 CDRP Refrigerant Pressure Output Option
1A15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables . . . . 6
External Chilled Water Setpoint (ECWS) .60
Table Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
External Hot Water Setpoint (EHWS) . . . .60
Message Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 External Current Limit Setpoint (ECLS) . .61
Starter Diagnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Evaporator Differential Water Pressure . .61
Adaptive Frequency Drive Diagnostics . . 12 Condenser Differential Water Pressure . .61
Main Processor, Defective Sensor, or LLID Di- Module Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
agnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Unit Mounted Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Main Processor Purge Diagnostics . . . . . . 24
Control Sequence of Operation . . . . . . . . . .68
Main Processor Unit Level Diagnostics . . 25 Electrical SequenceWye-Delta Starter .68
Main Processor Communication Diagnostics Control Panel and Wye-Delta Starter Control
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
Special Troubleshooting and Informational Machine Protection and Adaptive Control 74
Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Momentary Power Loss (MPL) Protection 74
Section 2: Troubleshooting the UC800 Control-
Current Overload Protection . . . . . . . . . . .75
ler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Current Limit Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Base Loading Control Algorithm . . . . . . .76
Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Reverse Rotation Protection . . . . . . . . . . .77
Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Differential to Start or Stop . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Compo- Softloading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
nent Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Evaporator Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Interprocessor CommunicationThe IPC3
Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Leaving Water Temperature Cutout . . . . .78
Control System Components . . . . . . . . . . . 52 High Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature
Cutout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Control Panel Internally Mounted Devices 52
Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature
Chilled and Condenser Water Flow Interlock Cutout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Evaporator Variable Flow Compensation 79
OPST Operations Status Option . . . . . . . 57
Condenser Limit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Head Relief Request Output . . . . . . . . . . 57
Restart Inhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Compressor Motor Winding Temp Sensor
Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Restart Inhibit Free Starts . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Maximum Capacity Relay . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Restart Inhibit Start to Start Time Setting 80
Compressor Running Relay . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Clear Restart Inhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Chiller Latching Alarm Indicator . . . . . . . 57 Controls Chilled Water Reset (CWR) . . . .81
EXOP Extended Operation Option . . . . . 58 Constant Return . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82
Refrigerant Monitor Input 1A17 . . . . . . . 58
FRCL Free Cooling Option . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Table of Contents

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Best PracticesTemperature Sensor Removal
and Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Removing Temperature Probe from Bulb
Well . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Installing Temperature Probe into Bulb Well
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables
The tables in this section list diagnostic messages that The label Circuit X and Purge X are used for the
encompass the chiller unit, its major components, and the Duplex chiller target information. X can be either 1 or 2.
Tracer AdaptiView control system.
Column 5: Target Severity
Table Columns Defines the severity of the above affected target.
Immediate Shutdown
The diagnostic reference information in this document is
presented in tabular format. For each of the main Is the immediate shutdown of the affected portion.
diagnostic tables, the columns list the three-digit code (if Normal Shutdown
applicable), diagnostic name, target, severity, persistence,
Is the normal or friendly shutdown of the affected
active (inactive) modes, criteria, and reset level. Additional
information is included in supporting tables of varying
structures. Warning
Is a informational note or warning issued by the
Column 1: Unit Type
Identifies the type of CTV chiller to which the diagnostic
See Column 8: Criteria, p. 6
Is used when multiple severities exist. For example, if
Unit Type Associated Model Numbers the target is Free Cooling, a Normal Shutdown means
Simplex CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CVHH(a), CVHL that Free Cooling is shut down. The chiller is still
allowed to do powered cooling.
Duplex CDHF, CDHG, CDHH(a)
Gear Drive CVGF Column 6: Target Persistence
Chillers upgraded to Tracer AdaptiView display Specifies either (1) that the diagnostic and its effects must
Panel Upgrade (refer to associated CVRE Installation literature for
more information) be manually reset (Latching), or (2) that it can be manually
or automatically reset (Nonlatching).
Series S CVHS
(a) Certain diagnostics refer only to Series E CenTraVac chillers (mod- Column 7: Active Modes [Inactive Modes]
els CVHH and CDHH) and are labeled accordingly.
States the modes or periods of operation during which the
Column 2: 3DC Hex diagnostic is active. The inactive modes are enclosed in
brackets, [ ]. Note that the modes used in this column are
Contains the three digit hexadecimal code used on all past
internal and not generally transmitted to any of the formal
products to uniquely identify diagnostics.
mode displays.
Column 3: Diagnostic Name Column 8: Criteria
Presents the name of the diagnostic and its source. Note
Quantitatively defines the criteria used by the controller in
that this is the exact text used in the Tracer AdaptiView
generating the diagnostic and, if Nonlatching, the criteria
display and the Tracer TU service tool display.
for auto reset. If more explanation is necessary, a product
Column 4: Affects Target support case may be referenced.
Specifies the target (the component or subsystem) that Column 9: Reset Level
is affected by the diagnostic. The target is usually either
Defines the lowest level of manual diagnostic reset
the entire Chiller, or a particular Circuit (the same circuit as
command that can clear the diagnostic. The manual
the source). However, in special cases, functions are
diagnostic reset levels in order of priority are: Local and
modified or disabled by the diagnostic. In some cases, the
Remote. For example, a diagnostic that has a reset level of
affected subtarget, for example, chilled water reset is listed
Remote, can be reset by either a remote diagnostic reset
in parenthesis ( ).
command or by a local diagnostic reset command.
Possible targets are:
Chiller Message Table
Circuit (only applicable for Duplex chiller items)
Special Troubleshooting and Informational Messages,
Purge p. 48 presents messages in a two-column message and
Free Cooling explanation format.
Hot Gas Bypass
Ice Building
Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Starter Diagnostics
These diagnostics are called out by the Starter module and
communicated to the Main Processor.
Table 1. Starter diagnostics

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Simplex, Starting
For all electromechanical
Duplex, Compressor:
starters: The Starter Module did
Gear Starter Did Not Chiller Immediate On the first
0F0 Latching not receive a transition complete Local
Drive, Transition Circuit X Shutdown check after
signal within 2.5 seconds from
Panel initiate
its command to transition.
Upgrade transition.
For non-communicating SSS and
non-communicating AFD: The
Starter Module did not receive
Gear Starter Did Not Chiller Immediate Starting
1F5 Latching an Up to Speed (from SSS) or At Local
Drive, Fully Accelerate Circuit X Shutdown Compressor
Speed (from AFD) signal within
the Maximum Acceleration
Setting setpoint.
Phase Reversal Protection
disabled: No effect
Simplex, Compressor Phase Reversal Protection
Duplex, energized to enabled: A phase reversal was
Gear EM Phase Chiller Immediate transition detected on the incoming
0E5 Latching Local
Drive, Reversal Circuit X Shutdown command current. On a compressor
Panel [All Other startup, the phase reversal logic
Upgrade Times] must detect and trip in a
maximum of 0.7 seconds from
compressor start.
Phase Reversal Protection
disabled: No current was sensed
on one or two of the current
transformer inputs while running
or starting (See Nonlatching
Compressor Power Loss Diagnostic for all
Start three phases lost while running).
Sequence and Trippoint is 10% RLA. Design trip
Gear Chiller Immediate
0E4 EM Phase Loss Latching Running and time is 2.64 seconds. Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown
Stopping Phase Reversal Protection
Upgrade enabled: Current is not sensed
on one or two of the current
transformer inputs. Logic will
detect and trip in a maximum of
0.7 seconds from compressor
start. Trippoint is 10% RLA.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 1. Starter diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
The compressor had previously
established currents while
running and then all three
phases of current were lost.
Design: Less than 10% RLA, trip
in 2.64 seconds. This diagnostic
will preclude the Phase Loss
Diagnostic and the Transition
Complete Input Opened
All compressor
Simplex, Diagnostic from being called out.
running modes
Duplex, Note: This diagnostic does not
Gear Chiller Immediate protect motor/compressor from
0D9 EM Power Loss Nonlatching compressor Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown uncontrolled power
starting and
Panel reapplication. See Momentary
Upgrade Power Loss Diagnostic for this
protection. This diagnostic is not
active during the start mode
before the transition complete
input is proven. Thus a random
power loss during a start would
result in either a Starter Fault
Type 3, Phase Loss or a Starter
Did Not Transition latching
All compressor
Momentary Power Loss option
Simplex, running and
disabled: No effect
Duplex, stopping
Momentary Power Loss option
Gear EM Momentary Chiller Immediate modes [all
0E2 Nonlatching enabled: A loss of power on Local
Drive, Power Loss Circuit X Shutdown compressor
three line cycles or more was
Panel starting and
detected. Diagnostic is reset in
Upgrade non-running
30 seconds.
A motor Current Unbalance has
Simplex, been detected on one line
Duplex, relative to the average of all
All modes
Gear Severe Current Chiller Immediate 3 lines that exceeds the Current
7F7 Latching compressor is Local
Drive, Unbalance Circuit X Shutdown Unbalance Trip Point setpoint for
Panel a continuous time longer than
Upgrade the Current Unbalance Grace
Period setpoint.
Contactor Integrity Test
disabled: No effect
Contactor Integrity Test
enabled: This is a specific
starter test where 1M(2K1) is
Duplex, Starting
closed first and a check is
Gear Starter Fault Chiller Immediate Compressor.
1E9 Latching made to ensure that there are Local
Drive, Type I Circuit X Shutdown Y Delta
no currents detected by the
Panel Starters Only
CTs. If currents are detected
when only 1M is closed first at
start, then one of the other
contactors is shorted or a
wiring error exists.
Contactor Integrity Test
disabled: No effect
Contactor Integrity Test
enabled: This is a specific
Simplex, starter test where the
Duplex, Starting Shorting Contactor S(2K3) is
Gear Starter Fault Chiller Immediate Compressor individually energized and a
1ED Latching Local
Drive, Type II Circuit X Shutdown All types of check is made to ensure that
Panel starters there are no currents detected
Upgrade by the CTs. If current is
detected when only S is
energized at Start, then 1M is
shorted or a wiring error

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 1. Starter diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Contactor Integrity Test
disabled: No effect
Contactor Integrity Test
enabled: As part of the normal
start sequence to apply power
Simplex, Starting to the compressor, the
Duplex, Compressor Shorting Contactor S(2K3)
Gear Starter Fault Chiller Immediate [Adaptive and then the Main Contactor
1F1 Latching Local
Drive, Type III Circuit X Shutdown Frequency 1M(2K1) were energized.
Panel Drive Starter 1.6 seconds later there were
Upgrade Type] no currents detected by the
CTs for the last 1.2 seconds on
all three phases. The test
above applies to all forms of
starters except Adaptive
Frequency Drives.
The Transition Complete input
Transition was found to be shorted before
Gear Chiller Immediate Waiting to
3D5 Complete Input Latching the compressor was started. Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown Start
Shorted This is active for all
electromechanical starters.
Simplex, The At Speed input was found to
Duplex, be shorted before the
Gear At Speed Input Chiller Immediate Waiting to compressor was started. This is
3D6 Latching Local
Drive, Shorted Circuit X Shutdown Start active for all non-communicating
Panel SSS and non-communicating
Upgrade AFDs.
Simplex, The Transition Complete input
All compressor
Duplex, was found to be opened with the
Transition running modes
Gear Chiller Immediate compressor motor running after
3D7 Complete Input Latching after Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown a successful completion of
Opened successful
Panel transition. This is active for all
Upgrade electromechanical starters.
Simplex, For non-communicating Solid
All compressor
Duplex, State Starters: The At Speed
running modes
Gear At Speed Input Chiller Immediate input was found to be opened
3D8 Latching after Local
Drive, Opened Circuit X Shutdown with the compressor motor
Panel running after successfully
Upgrade obtaining at speed condition.
Compressor current exceeded
Compressor overload time vs. trip
EM Motor running in characteristic.
Gear Chiller Immediate
0EC Current Latching Running and For electromechanical, non- Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown
Overload Preparing to communicating solid state
Shut Down starters and non-
communicating AFDs.
Acceleration Time Out Action set
to Shutdown: Compressor motor
Compressor Did current did not drop below 85%
Gear Chiller Immediate Compressor
7F2 Not Accelerate: Latching RLA within the Maximum Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown Accelerating
Shutdown Acceleration Setting setpoint.
Compressor motor de-

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 1. Starter diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Acceleration Time Out Action set
to Transition: Compressor motor
current did not drop below 85%
RLA within the Maximum
Acceleration Setting setpoint.
Simplex, Compressor motor put across
Duplex, the line.
Compressor Did
Gear Chiller Compressor Overloads need to be verified to
7F3 Not Accelerate: Warning Latching Local
Drive, Circuit X Accelerating determine if the chiller system is
Panel set up properly. Improper
Upgrade settings could make the current
that was sensed appear over the
85%. (Other reasons may exist
as well.) See diagnostic for
Compressor Did Not Accelerate:
Welded starter contactor
Detected compressor currents
greater than 10% RLA on any
or all phases when the
compressor was commanded
off. Detection time shall be
5 seconds minimum and
10 seconds maximum for all
electromechanical, solid state
Simplex, Starter
starters and non-
Duplex, Contactor not
EM Starter communicating AFDs. On
Gear Chiller Immediate Energized
0CA Contactor Latching detection and until the Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown [Starter
Interrupt Failure controller is manually reset:
Panel Contactor
generate diagnostic, energize
Upgrade Energized]
the appropriate alarm relay,
continue to energize the Evap
Water and oil Pump Outputs,
continue to command the
affected compressor off, fully
unload the effected
compressor and command a
normal stop to all other
compressors (Duplex)
Welded starter contactor
The Compressor Running
input is in the Running state
when the compressor was
commanded off. Detection
time shall be 5 seconds
minimum and 10 seconds
Simplex, Starter
maximum. On detection and
Duplex, Contactor not
Starter until the controller is manually
Gear Immediate Energized
850 Contactor Chiller Latching reset: generate diagnostic, Local
Drive, Shutdown [Starter
Interrupt Failure energize the appropriate
Panel Contactor
alarm relay, continue to
Upgrade Energized]
energize the Evap Water and
oil Pump Outputs, continue to
command the affected
compressor off, fully unload
the effected compressor and
command a normal stop to all
other compressors (Duplex).
Duplex, Checksum on RAM copy of the
Starter Module
Gear Chiller Starter LLID configuration failed.
825 Memory Error Warning Latching All Local
Drive, Circuit X Configuration recalled from
Type I

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 1. Starter diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, Checksum on EEPROM copy of
Starter Module
Gear Chiller Immediate the Starter LLID configuration
826 Memory Error Latching All Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown failed. Factor default values
Type II
Panel used.
Simplex, The Starter module detected a
Duplex, continual loss of communication
Starter Comm
Gear Chiller Immediate with the main processor for
820 Loss: Main Latching All Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown greater than the
Panel Communications Loss Time
Upgrade bound setpoint.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Adaptive Frequency Drive Note: Diagnostics in Table 4, p. 14 are called out for a
Starter Type of AFD3 or AFDN and communicated
Diagnostics to the Main Processor.

Diagnostics in Table 2 are called out for a Starter Type of

UAFD or RAFD and communicated to the Main Processor.
Table 2. UAFD/RAFD Adaptive Frequency Drive diagnostics
Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
When power is lost for a longer
period such that drive operation
is impaired, the drive shall take
action based on the Power Loss
Mode and wait an adjustable
Simplex, All Compressor
Power Loss Time before setting a
Duplex, Chiller Immediate Starting and
7A0 AFD Power Loss Nonlatching Power Loss Diagnostic that will Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown Running
keep the drive in the stop mode.
Upgrade modes
When power is restored, the
drive shall wait an adjustable
Power Loss Reset Time and then
automatically clear this
The drive may inhibit starts due
Duplex, AFD Start Chiller Normal Waiting to
7A3 Nonlatching to internal conditions such as Local
Panel Inhibited Circuit X Shutdown Start
Simplex, Compressor
AFD Motor Compressor motor current
Duplex, Chiller Immediate Starting and
79C Current Latching exceeded overload time vs. trip Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown Running
Overload characteristic.
Upgrade modes
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
79D AFD Motor Short Latching All Motor or power stage is shorted. Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Simplex, AFD
Duplex, Instantaneous Chiller Immediate The drive itself detected
79A Latching All Local
Panel Current Circuit X Shutdown instantaneous overcurrent.
Upgrade Overload
The drive transistor temperature
Duplex, AFD High Chiller Immediate
798 Latching All was detected to be above a safe Local
Panel Temperature Circuit X Shutdown
Simplex, A greater than 15% current
Duplex, AFD Output Chiller Immediate unbalance is detected for more
79E Latching All Local
Panel Phase Loss Circuit X Shutdown than 5 seconds while running or
Upgrade starting.
Duplex, AFD Ground Chiller Immediate The drive detected ground fault
796 Latching All Local
Panel Fault Circuit X Shutdown current.
The Gate Kill input to the AFD
opened. The devices that may
HPC/High AFD open this circuit are the
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
807 Heat Sink Water Latching All condenser high pressure cutout Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Pressure switch N.C. contact opening or
the heat sink water pressure
switch opening.
The AFD detected a continual
Simplex, AFD
loss of communication with the
Duplex, Communication Chiller Immediate
790 Latching All main processor for greater than Local
Panel Loss: Main Circuit X Shutdown
the Communications Loss Time
Upgrade Processor
bound setpoint.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 2. UAFD/RAFD Adaptive Frequency Drive diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, AFD High Bus Chiller Immediate High DC bus voltage was
797 Latching All Local
Panel Voltage Circuit X Shutdown detected on the drive.
AFD Control Checksum on the EEPROM on the
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
791 Board Memory Latching All Control board configuration Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Error Type II failed. Factory defaults used.
A failure within the AFD exists.
Duplex, AFD General Chiller Immediate
795 Latching All Clear the diagnostic. Local
Panel Failure Circuit X Shutdown
If persists, contact tech support
A fatal software fault has
Duplex, AFD Fatal Chiller Immediate
794 Latching All occurred. Cycle power. Local
Panel Software Error Circuit X Shutdown
If persists, contact tech support
A failure has occurred on the I/O
Duplex, AFD I/O Board Chiller Immediate
799 Latching All board. Clear the diagnostic. Local
Panel Failure Circuit X Shutdown
If persists, contact tech support
Simplex, A failure has occurred on the
AFD Power Intfc
Duplex, Chiller Immediate Power Interface Controller (PIC)
79F Controller Board Latching All Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown board. Clear the diagnostic.
Upgrade If persists, contact tech support
Simplex, A failure has occurred on the
AFD Power
Duplex, Chiller Immediate Power Structure board. Clear the
7A1 Structure Board Latching All Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown diagnostic. If persists, contact
Upgrade tech support
AFD DPI A failure has occurred with the
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
792 Communication Latching All internal DPI communications Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Failure interface.
AFD RS485 Checksum on the EEPROM on the
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
7A2 Board Memory Latching All RS485 board failed. Factory Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Error Type II default values used.

While the chiller is in the diagnostic state (not yet reset) screen and look for the AFD Last Diagnostic Code
and an AFD Fault Exists, attach the Tracer TU service tool (decimal) property. Then compare it to the following drive
and go to the AF expanding box on the Unit Status tab fault table for additional information.
Table 3. UAFD/RAFD fault codes

No. Fault No. Fault No. Fault

2 Auxiliary Input 77 Volts Range 216 Rctfr Gnd Fault
3 Power Loss 78 FluxAmps Rang 217 Rctfr Base Temp
4 Under Voltage 79 Excessive Load 218 Rctfr IGBT Temp
5 Over Voltage 80 AutoTune Aborted 219 Rctfr IT Overld
7 Motor Overload 81-85 Port 1-5 DPI Loss 220 Rctfr 12T Overld
8 Invtr Base Temp 87 IXo Voltage Range 221 Ride Thru Abort
9 Invtr IGBT Temp 100 Parameter Chksum 222 High AC Line
12 HW OverCurrent 101 UnserSet1 Chksum 223 Low DC Bus
13 Ground Fault 102 UserSet2 Chksum 224 Rctfr Over Volt
24 Decel Inhibit 103 UserSet3 Chksum 225 Input I Imbalance
25 OverSpeed Limit 104 Pwr Brd Chksum1 226 Input V Imbalance
29 Analog in Loss 105 Pwr Brd Chksum2 227 AC Line Lost
Note: Fault numbers not listed are reserved for future use.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 3. UAFD/RAFD fault codes (continued)

No. Fault No. Fault No. Fault

30 NTC Demux Fail(a) 106 Incompat MCB-PB 228 Line Feq Lost
31 Inv Temp Switch(a) 107 Replaced MCB-PB 229 Rctfr Checksum
33 Auto Rstrt Tries 120 I/O Mismatch(b) 230 Invtr HW Unk
35 Current Fbk Lost 121 I/O Comm Loss 231 Rctfr HW Unk
36 SW OverCurrent 122 I/O Board Fail(b) 232 Rctfr Not OK
37 Motor I Imbalance 123 Invtr Unk IO Brd(a) 233 Precharge Closed
38 Phase U to Grnd 197-199 Invtr Dsat U-, V-. W-(a) 234 Precharge Opened
39 Phase V to Grnd 200-202 Invtr Dsat U, V, W(b) 235 Rctfr Pwr Board
40 Phase W to Grnd 200-202 Invtr Dsat U+, V+, W+(a) 236 Rctfr IO Board
41 Phase UV Short 203-205 Invtr Over Cur U, V, W 237 Not at Voltage
42 Phase VW Short 206 Invtr HW Unused(b) 238 Rctfr Not Login
43 Phase WU Short 207 Invtr Gate Kill 239 Power Phased ACB
48 Params Defaulted 208-210 Rctfr Dsat R, S, T(b) 240 Rctfr Gate Kill(a)
63 Shear Pin 208-210 Rctfr Dsat R+. S+. T+(a) 241-243 Rctfr Dsat R-, S-, T-(a)
64 Drive Overload 211-213 Rctfr Over Cur R, S, T 244 Rctfr NTC Demux(a)
70 HW Fault 214 Reactor Temp 245 Rctfr Unk IO Brd(a)
71-75 Port 1-5 Adapter 215 Rctfr HW Unused(b) 246 Rctfr DPI Comm(a)
Note: Fault numbers not listed are reserved for future use.
(a) Fault available on Frame 4 drive only
(b) Fault available on Frame 3 drives only

Diagnostics in Table 4 are called out for a Starter Type of Note: Diagnostics in Table 2, p. 12 are called out for a
AFD3 or AFDN and communicated to the Main Processor. Starter Type of UAFD or RAFD and communicated
to the Main Processor.
Table 4. AFD3/AFDN Adaptive Frequency Drive diagnostics

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Before each start, the A/D
converters are calibrated against
a known zero-voltage
AFD A/D Chiller Immediate measurement. If the
Panel 878 Latching Starting Local
Calibration Error Circuit X Shutdown measurement reads more than
3% of full scale, the AFD asserts
Series S
this A/D Calibration Error
The sensed input frequency is
Duplex, AFD AHD
Chiller Compressor outside of the 47 Hz to 63 Hz
Panel 870 Frequency Out Warning Nonlatching Local
Circuit X Running range for greater than one
Upgrade, of Range
Series S
AFD AHD Sync Chiller Compressor The AFD is detecting unexpected
Panel 86C Warning Nonlatching Local
Signal Error Circuit X Running problems on the sync signal.
Series S
Duplex, During the bump operation, the
AFD Bump Chiller Immediate Bump Test
Panel 867 Latching motor current exceeded Bump Local
Failure Circuit X Shutdown Mode
Upgrade, Cutout Current.
Series S
Bus overvoltage indicated the
AFD Bus Over Chiller Immediate Compressor high bus voltage cut out has
Panel 86A Nonlatching Local
Voltage Circuit X Shutdown Running been exceeded while the AFD is
in a non-stopped mode.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 4. AFD3/AFDN Adaptive Frequency Drive diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, The dc-link voltages ripple
AFD Bus Ripple Chiller Immediate
Panel 860 Latching All exceeds the drives capability to Local
Too High Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, safely operate.
Series S
The bus voltage dropped below
AFD Bus Under Chiller Immediate Compressor the Low Bus Cutout threshold
Panel 85E Nonlatching Local
Voltage Circuit X Shutdown Running and there is not enough voltage
to safely operate the load.
Series S
Simplex, The AFD detected a continual
Duplex, AFD Comm loss of communication with the
Chiller Immediate
Panel 790 Loss: Main Latching All main processor for greater than Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Processor the Communications Loss Time
Series S (bound setpoint).
Self testing indicates a current
sensor is not working. Either it
Duplex, AFD Current
Chiller Immediate has hit the top or bottom rail, or
Panel 85D Sensor Self Test Latching Starting Local
Circuit X Shutdown it significantly deviates from the
Upgrade, Failure
expected current trajectory on
Series S
Excessive on-state voltage
Simplex, detected across the associated
Duplex, AFD power transistors. This could be
Chiller Immediate
Panel 875 Desaturation Latching All caused by short circuit sufficient Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Detected to drive transistor gate into
Series S desaturation or a problem with
the output connections
Simplex, Occurs when frame size
Duplex, identification does not match the
AFD DSP Board Chiller Immediate
Panel 85A Latching All drive software. May occur upon Local
ID Error Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, DSP board replacement.
Series S Requires rebind.
Simplex, This results from address bus
Duplex, AFD DSP Board checking, data bus checking, line
Chiller Immediate
Panel 85B Initialization Latching All sync test, RAM test, each Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Failure performed during the
Series S initialization.
Duplex, AFD DSP Board One of the AFD internal power
Chiller Immediate
Panel 85F Low Voltage Nonlatching All supplies has dropped below a Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Failure safe operating threshold.
Series S
Duplex, DSP board thermal switch
AFD DSP Board Chiller Immediate
Panel 85C Nonlatching All resulted in a temperature above Local
Over Temp Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, 185.0F (85.0C).
Series S
AFD Emergency Chiller Immediate The emergency stop input was
Panel 871 Latching All Local
Stop Fault Circuit X Shutdown activated.
Series S
Duplex, AFD Estimated The AFD has exceeded the
Chiller Immediate
Panel 876 Junction Over Latching All allowed IGBT junction Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Temp temperature.
Series S
The VFD is repeatedly inhibiting
AFD Excessive Chiller Compressor AHD operation: greater than
Panel 86B Warning Latching Local
AHD Inhibit Circuit X Running 3 times within one minute or
10 inhibits within one hour.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 4. AFD3/AFDN Adaptive Frequency Drive diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, AFD Gate Drive Thermal switch on gate-drive
Chiller Immediate
Panel 861 Board Over Nonlatching All board indicates its temperature Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Temp exceeds 210.2F (99.0C).
Series S
Duplex, Gate-drive board faults: One of
AFD Gate Drive Chiller Immediate
Panel 857 Nonlatching All the gate drive module power Local
Fault Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, supplies is out of range.
Series S
Duplex, AFD Gate Drive The 24V to the gate drive module
Chiller Immediate
Panel 879 Low Voltage Nonlatching All has dropped below a safe Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Failure operating threshold.
Series S
Duplex, AFD Gate Drive Loss of IMC communication
Chiller Immediate
Panel 872 Module Comm Latching All between DSP module and Gate Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Loss Drive Module.
Series S
Duplex, The gate-kill circuitry was
AFD Gate Kill Chiller Immediate
Panel 864 Latching All activated. This may be the high Local
Active Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, pressure cut out.
Series S
AFD General Chiller Immediate Drive fault not listed in these
Panel 795 Latching All Local
Failure Circuit X Shutdown diagnostic bytes. Catch-all.
Series S
Duplex, Measured ground current
AFD Ground Chiller Immediate
Panel 796 Latching All exceeds ground current Local
Fault Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, sensitivity.
Series S
AFD IGBT Self Chiller Immediate Self testing indicates one or
Panel 865 Latching Starting Local
Test Failure Circuit X Shutdown more IGBTs is not working.
Series S
Duplex, AFD IMC 24V
Chiller Immediate The AFD detected no 24Vdc
Panel 86E Detection Nonlatching All Local
Circuit X Shutdown power on the IMC link
Upgrade, Failure
Series S
Instantaneous Chiller Immediate Instantaneous current exceeded
Panel 79A Latching All Local
Current Circuit X Shutdown drive capacity.
Series S
Duplex, The unit controller (UC) has
AFD Invalid Chiller
Panel 86F Warning Nonlatching All commanded an invalid state Local
Drive Command Circuit X
Upgrade, transition in the AFD.
Series S
Duplex, AFD Inverter The IGBT heatsink temperature
Chiller Immediate
Panel 863 Heatsink Over Nonlatching All exceeded the cut out Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Temp temperature.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 4. AFD3/AFDN Adaptive Frequency Drive diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, The AFD cannot sense the
AFD Loss of AHD Chiller Compressor
Panel 86D Warning Nonlatching synchronization signal with the Local
Sync Signal Circuit X Running
Upgrade, utility.
Series S
AFD Low Rotor Chiller Immediate Compressor The estimated rotor flux dropped
Panel 79C Latching Local
Flux Feedback Circuit X Shutdown Running below the minimum threshold.
Series S
Duplex, AFD Motor
Chiller Immediate Compressor
Panel 868 Current Latching Motor Overload Curve exceeded. Local
Circuit X Shutdown Running
Upgrade, Overload
Series S
NV Memory does not pass CRC
checks during initialization. Fault
Duplex, AFD Non-
Chiller Immediate will occur upon firmware
Panel 859 Volatile Memory Latching All Local
Circuit X Shutdown upgrades or restore to defaults.
Upgrade, Failure
This should be cleared when
Series S
firmware is upgraded.
Simplex, Drive sensed an output phase is
Duplex, missing. Output phase loss is
AFD Output Chiller Immediate Compressor
Panel 79E Latching defined as greater than 15% Local
Phase Loss Circuit X Shutdown Running
Upgrade, output current imbalance for
Series S more than 5.0 seconds.
The motors speed either
Chiller Immediate Compressor exceeded Absolute Maximum
Panel 877 AFD Overspeed Latching Local
Circuit X Shutdown Running Speed, or the drive has lost
Series S
AFD Panel Chiller Immediate Circuitry for panel interlock fault
Panel 873 Nonlatching All Local
Interlock Fault Circuit X Shutdown was activated.
Series S
Duplex, AFD Panel
Chiller Circuitry for panel interlock
Panel 874 Interlock Warning Nonlatching All Local
Circuit X warning was activated.
Upgrade, Warning
Series S
Duplex, AFD Rectifier The diode heatsink temperature
Chiller Immediate
Panel 862 Heatsink Over Nonlatching All exceeded the cut out Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Temp temperature.
Series S
The motor failed to start. This is
AFD Start Chiller Immediate most likely due to load torque
Panel 866 Latching Starting Local
Failure Circuit X Shutdown (possibly transients) exceeding
the torque capability.
Series S
Duplex, AFD
Chiller One of the AFD temperature
Panel 869 Temperature Warning Nonlatching All Local
Circuit X sensors has stopped working.
Upgrade, Sensor Warning
Series S
AFD Watchdog Chiller Immediate Watchdog timer overflowed.
Panel 858 Latching All Local
Timer Overflow Circuit X Shutdown Requires power cycle.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 5 coordinates the chillers Tracer AdaptiView drive Table 5. Tracer AdaptiView and MV drive diagnostics
diagnostics and the Rockwell MV drive diagnostics fault
Chiller Tracer AdaptiView MV Drive Drive Fault
and reference MV drive fault code. For additional
Diagnostic Diagnostic Code
information on the faults, refer to the Rockwell PowerFlex
High Bus Line OvrVolt 116
7000 MV AC Drive Technical Data section (Chapter 3) of the
High Bus Rec OvrVolt 117
manual that shipped with the drive. Only qualified
technicians should attempt any troubleshooting of the I/O Board DC Neut VSB 461
drive and chiller. Contact your local Trane Service agency I/O Board Idc HECS Con 191
to request service and/or additional support. Trane can I/O Board Inv A2D Conv 189
contact the appropriate technical service group for I/O Board InvAnaSlfTst 186
additional support if necessary.
I/O Board Main VSB 459
Table 5. Tracer AdaptiView and MV drive diagnostics I/O Board Fault Rec A2D Conv 131
I/O Board Fault RecAnaSlfTst 128
Chiller Tracer AdaptiView MV Drive Drive Fault
Diagnostic Diagnostic Code Ignore Slv1VolUnBal 121
Drive Overcurrent DCLnkOvrCur 113 Ignore Slv2VolUnBal 122
Drive Overcurrent Line OvrCur 112 Motor Overload Mtr OvrLoad 101
Drive Overcurrent Mtr OvrCur 96 Motor Short Motor Protn 35
Drive Overcurrent RNeut OvrCur 115 Output Phase Loss Mtr CurUnbal 100
Drive Overtemp DCLinkOvrTmp 34 Output Phase Loss Mtr FlxUnbal 99
Drive Overtemp InvHSnkOvTmp 178 Power Interface Controller InvFbrOptCfg 187
Drive Overtemp RecHSnkOvTmp 146 Power Interface Controller InvHSnkFbrOp 180
Drive Overtemp TxReacOvrTmp 33 Power Interface Controller RecFbrOptCfg 129
Drive Overtemp (when available) Amb OvTmp 182 Power Interface Controller RecHSnkFbrOp 148
Fatal InvHeartbeat 132 Power Loss MstrCurUnBal 123
Fatal RecHeartbeat 190 Power Loss MstrVolUnBal 120
General Amb LoTmp 183 Power Structure MV Gate Test 165
General Aux Protn 37 Power Structure MV Sys Test 164
General Drv OvrLoad 144
General Inp IsoClsd 173
General Inp IsoOpen 170
General InpCtctrOpen 166
General Input Protn1 32
General Input Protn2 36
General InvHSnk Sens 181
General InvHSnkLoTmp 179
General LineHarmonic 119
General Mtr LoadLoss 104
General Mtr OvrSpeed 102
General Mtr OvrVolt 97
General Mtr Stall 103
General MtrNeuOvrVol 98
General MtrSlipRange 106
General No Out Ctctr 169
General Out IsoClsd 174
General Out IsoOpen 171
General OutCtctrOpen 167
General RecHSnk Sens 149
General RecHSnkLoTmp 147
General RNeutOvrLoad 145
Ground Fault Gnd OvrCur 114
Ground Fault LineNeuOvVol 118
High Bus Inv OvrVolt 160

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Main Processor, Defective Sensor, Level Intelligent Device (LLID) is invalid or the LLID itself is
indicating its data is invalid. This section includes the
or LLID Diagnostics Purge sensor and LLID diagnostics.

These are diagnostics that the Main Processor calls out

after determining the data it is receiving from the Low
Table 6. Main processor defective sensor or LLID diagnostics
Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
This diagnostic will handle either
functions of Ext. Chilled Water or
Ext. Hot Water setpoint.
Simplex, Function Not Enabled: no
Duplex, diagnostics.
Gear External Chiller (Ext. Function Enabled: Out-Of-
Drive, 087 Chilled/Hot Chilled Water Warning Nonlatching All Range Low or Hi or bad LLID, Remote
Panel Water Setpoint Setpoint) set diagnostic. External CWS
Upgrade, (or HWS if selected) command
will withdraw from decision to
Series S
do CWS (or HWS if selected).
This warning diagnostic will
automatically reset if the input
returns to the normal range.
Not Enabled: no diagnostics.
Enabled: Out-Of-Range Low
Simplex, or Hi or bad LLID, set
Duplex, diagnostic. External current
Gear Chiller (Ext limit command will withdraw
External Current from decision to do current
Drive, 089 Current Limit Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Limit Setpoint limit. This warning diagnostic
Panel setpoint)
will automatically reset if the
Upgrade, input returns to the normal
Series S range.
See Operation Maintenance
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Chiller in mode other than Ice
Building: Severity is warning,
persistence is latching, reset is
Simplex, If chiller in Return or Constant
Chiller Return Chilled Water Reset, set
(Chilled CWS equal to the next higher
Gear Evaporator
Water Reset, priority chilled water setpoint See
Drive, 08E Entering Water See Criteria See Criteria All Feed forward control is
Feed forward Criteria
Panel Temp Sensor disabled.
control, Ice
Upgrade, Display invalid value for
Series S temperature.
Hot water operation: No effect
on controls.
If Chiller in Ice Building mode:
Severity is Normal, persistence
is Latching, reset is Remote.
Gear Evaporator Defective Sensor or LLID.
Drive, 0AB Leaving Water Chiller Latching All Display invalid value for Remote
Panel Temp Sensor temperature.
Series S

Simplex, Defective Sensor or LLID.

Duplex, Normal heating operation: feed
Gear Condenser forward control is disabled.
Drive, 09A Entering Water Chiller Warning Latching All Chilled water operation: No Remote
Panel Temp Sensor effect on controls.
Upgrade, Display invalid value for
Series S temperature.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 6. Main processor defective sensor or LLID diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Simplex, Defective Sensor or LLID.
Duplex, Chilled water control: Severity
Gear Condenser is Warning.
Drive, 09B Leaving Water Chiller See Criteria Latching All Hot water control: Severity is Remote
Panel Temp Sensor Normal Shutdown.
Upgrade, Display invalid value for
Series S temperature.
Simplex, Defective Sensor or LLID.
Duplex, Evaporator Diff
Display invalid value.
Panel 2EB Water Pressure Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Flow calculation shall be
Upgrade, Xdcr
Series S
Simplex, Defective Sensor or LLID.
Duplex, Condenser Diff
Display invalid value.
Panel 2EC Water Pressure Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Upgrade, Xdcr Flow calculation shall be
Series S disabled.

Condenser Defective Sensor or LLID.
Panel 2E9 Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Entering Water Display invalid value.
Temp Sensor
Condenser Defective Sensor or LLID.
Panel 2EA Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Leaving Water Display invalid value.
Temp Sensor
Gear Defective Sensor or LLID.
Saturated Chiller Normal
Drive, 0AD Latching All Display invalid value for Remote
Refrigerant Circuit X Shutdown
Panel temperature.
Temp Sensor
Series S
If the Condenser Refrigerant
Pressure Transducer option is
Simplex, not installed, Target Severity is
Duplex, Normal Shutdown.
Gear If the Condenser Refrigerant
Saturated Chiller (See
Drive, 08F Latching All Pressure Transducer option is Remote
Refrigerant Circuit X criteria)
Panel installed, Target Severity is
Temp Sensor
Upgrade, Warning.
Series S Defective Sensor or LLID.
Display invalid value for
Duplex, Condenser
Chiller Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
Panel 0AC Refrigerant Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Upgrade, Pressure Xdcr
Series S
Oil Tank
Gear Chiller Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
0A9 Temperature Latching All Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Simplex, Oil Pump
Duplex, Discharge Chiller Immediate Defective Sensor or LLID.
2F1 Latching All Remote
Panel Pressure Circuit X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Upgrade Transducer
Lube Pump
Discharge Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
Series S 2F1 Chiller Latching All Remote
Pressure Shutdown Display invalid value.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 6. Main processor defective sensor or LLID diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Oil Tank
Duplex, Chiller Immediate Defective Sensor or LLID.
2F3 Pressure Latching All Remote
Panel Circuit X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Lube Pump
Suction Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
Series S 2F3 Chiller Latching All Remote
Pressure Shutdown Display invalid value.
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Simplex, Display invalid value. A High
Duplex, Motor Winding Temperature
Gear Motor Winding Normal Severity setpoint has been added
Drive, 0A4 Temperature 1 Shutdown/ Latching All that will cause the first instant of Remote
Circuit X
Panel Sensor Warning A4, A7 or A8 to have a severity of
Upgrade, Warning rather than normal
Series S shutdown. Later occurrences will
be a Normal shutdown.
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Simplex, Display invalid value. A High
Duplex, Motor Winding Temperature
Gear Motor Winding Normal Severity setpoint has been added
Drive, 0A7 Temperature 2 Shutdown/ Latching All that will cause the first instant of Remote
Circuit X
Panel Sensor Warning A4, A7 or A8 to have a severity of
Upgrade, Warning rather than normal
Series S shutdown. Later occurrences will
be a Normal shutdown.
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Display invalid value. A High
Motor Winding Temperature
Severity setpoint has been added
Motor Winding Normal that will cause the first instant of
Gear Chiller
0A8 Temperature 3 Shutdown/ Latching All A4, A7 or A8 to have a severity of Remote
Drive, Circuit X
Sensor Warning Warning rather than normal
shutdown. Later occurrences will
be a Normal shutdown. The Third
motor winding temperature is not
present on Series S.

Simplex, Defective Sensor or LLID.

Inboard Bearing
Duplex, Chiller Normal Display invalid value.
0AF Temperature Latching All Remote
Panel Circuit X Shutdown Bearing temp sensors not
Upgrade present on Series S.

Simplex, Outboard Defective Sensor or LLID.

Duplex, Bearing Chiller Normal Display invalid value.
0B0 Latching All Remote
Panel Temperature Circuit X Shutdown Bearing temp sensors not
Upgrade Sensor present on Series S.
Simplex, Compressor
Duplex, Discharge
Chiller Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
Panel 284 Refrigerant Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Upgrade, Temperature
Series S Sensor
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Operation other than outdoor
chilled water reset: No effect
Simplex, on controls
Duplex, See Operation Maintenance
Gear Outdoor Air Chiller Manual for additional
Drive, 0A1 Temperature (Chilled Warning Nonlatching All information. Remote
Panel Sensor Water Reset) Display invalid value for
Upgrade, temperature
Series S This warning diagnostic will
automatically reset if the
temperature returns to the
normal range.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 6. Main processor defective sensor or LLID diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Simplex, Purge
Duplex, Compressor
Purge Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
Panel 2A3 Suction Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Upgrade, Refrigerant
Series S Temp Sensor
Purge Carbon
Tank Purge Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
Panel 815 Latching All Remote
Temperature Purge X Shutdown Display invalid value.
Series S
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Display invalid value.
External base load Not
Simplex, Enabled: no diagnostic.
Duplex, Function Enabled: Out-Of-
Gear External Base Range Low or Hi or bad LLID,
Chiller (Base
Drive, 7F9 Loading Warning Nonlatching Base Loading set diagnostic, default base Remote
Panel Setpoint load setpoint to next level of
Upgrade, priority (e.g. Front Panel
Series S Setpoint). This warning
diagnostic automatically resets
if the input returns to the
normal range.
Panel Normal Out-Of-Range Low or Hi or bad
84D RLA Input Chiller Latching All
Upgrade Shutdown LLID.
Motor Coolant
Panel Normal Defective Sensor or LLID.
843 Temperature Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Shutdown Display invalid value.
The Vibration sensor has been
detected to be out-of-range
because the raw mA signal read
Vibration Sensor low or high. If out-of-range low,
Series S Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Input the sensor was measured below
2 mA. If out-of-range high, the
sensor was measured greater
than 22 mA.
The flow sensor has been
detected to be out-of-range
because the raw mA signal read
Bearing Lube
Normal low or high. If out-of-range low,
Series S Flow First Stage Chiller Latching All Remote
Shutdown the sensor was measured below
Sensor Input
2 mA. If out-of-range high, the
sensor was measured greater
than 24 mA.
The flow sensor has been
detected to be out-of-range
Bearing Lube because the raw mA signal read
Flow Second Normal low or high. If out-of-range low,
Series S Chiller Latching All Remote
Stage Sensor Shutdown the sensor was measured below
Input 2 mA. If out-of-range high, the
sensor was measured greater
than 24 mA.
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Display invalid value.
If the Outboard Bearing Pad
Normal Temperature Sensor Warning
Outboard Shutdown/ Diagnostic Setpoint is set to
Series E 880 Bearing Pad Chiller Warning Latching All Sensor 1, this diagnostic will be Remote
Temp 1 Sensor (IFW a warning. Otherwise, it will be a
Setpoint) Normal Shutdown. See the
Outboard Bearing Pad
Temperature Protection spec for
more information.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 6. Main processor defective sensor or LLID diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Display invalid value.
If the Outboard Bearing Pad
Normal Temperature Sensor Warning
Outboard Shutdown/ Diagnostic Setpoint is set to
Series E 881 Bearing Pad Chiller Warning Latching All Sensor 2, this diagnostic will be Remote
Temp 2 Sensor (IFW a warning. Otherwise, it will be a
Setpoint) Normal Shutdown. See the
Outboard Bearing Pad
Temperature Protection spec for
more information.
Defective Sensor or LLID.
Display invalid value.
If the Outboard Bearing Pad
Normal Temperature Sensor Warning
Outboard Shutdown/ Diagnostic Setpoint is set to
Series E 882 Bearing Pad Chiller Warning Latching All Sensor 3, this diagnostic will be Remote
Temp 3 Sensor (IFW a warning. Otherwise, it will be a
Setpoint) Normal Shutdown. See the
Outboard Bearing Pad
Temperature Protection spec for
more information.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Main Processor Purge Diagnostics Note: The diagnostics for the Purge Defective Sensor or
LLIDs are listed in Table 6, p. 19.
These are diagnostics that the Main Processor calls out
pertaining to the Purge functions.
Table 7. Main processor purge diagnostics
Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Simplex, Normal The level switch was open for
Duplex, Purge Liquid Shutdown more than 20 minutes.
Panel 817 Level Too High Nonlatching All Diagnostic self-resets if switch is Remote
Purge X
Upgrade, Warning closed 20 minutes after the
Series S diagnostic occurs.
The liquid level switch is still open
20 minutes after the initial liquid
Duplex, Purge Liquid
Purge Normal level diagnostic, or the initial
Panel 816 Level Too High Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown liquid level diagnostic has
Upgrade, Continuously
occurred more than 4 times in
Series S
4 hours.
The carbon tank temperature did
not reach the required minimum
Simplex, temperature -30F (-34.4C)
Purge Carbon
Duplex, within 4 hours after energizing
Regen Purge
Panel 813 Warning Nonlatching All the carbon tank heater. This is Remote
Temperature Purge X
Upgrade, intended to identify a failing
Not Satisfied
Series S insulation system. The diagnostic
should not disable any purge
The carbon tank temperature
Purge Carbon exceeded 120% of the
Regen Purge Normal regeneration temperature
Panel 812 Latching All Remote
Temperature Purge X Shutdown setpoint. The diagnostic should
Limit Exceeded disable the purge and open the
Series S
exhaust solenoid valve.
Simplex, The carbon tank temperature did
Duplex, Purge Regen not get below the required
Purge Normal
Panel 818 Cooldown Temp Latching All cooldown temperature within Remote
Purge X Shutdown
Upgrade, Too High 4 hours after deenergizing the
Series S tank heater.
Simplex, The 24-hour average pumpout
Duplex, Purge Daily exceeded the daily pumpout limit
Purge Normal
Panel 2AA Pumpout Limit Nonlatching All setpoint. Diagnostic will clear Remote
Purge X Shutdown
Upgrade, Exceeded when pumpout limit is no longer
Series S exceeded.
The purge carbon temperature
did not increase more than 25F
(-3.9C) in the first two hours
after a carbon regeneration cycle
Carbon was initiated. This is intended to
Regeneration Purge identify a failed heater or
Panel 814 Warning Latching All Remote
Temperature Purge X temperature sensor. The
Too Low diagnostic should disable future
Series S
regeneration cycles, but allow all
other purge algorithms to
function. Indicates a status of
Carbon Regeneration Disabled.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Main Processor Unit Level

These are diagnostics that the main processor calls out,
excluding those listed in Table 6, p. 19, Table 7, p. 24,
Table 9, p. 37, and Table 10, p. 48.
Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics
Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, The Evaporator Saturated
Gear Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature dropped
Chiller Immediate
Drive, 0FB Refrigerant Latching All below the Low Refrigerant Local
Circuit X Shutdown
Panel Temperature Temperature Cutout Setpoint for
Upgrade, 30 sec.
Series S
If Oil Temperature exceeds 180F
(82.2C) for CVHE/F/G, CDHE/F
Gear High Oil Chiller Immediate
0F4 Latching All and 165F (73.9C) for CVGF for Remote
Drive, Temperature Circuit X Shutdown
more than 120 seconds this
diagnostic is issued.
The evaporator leaving water
temp. fell below the leaving
evaporator water temp cutout
Simplex, Low Evap setting for 30 seconds while the
Unit in Stop
Duplex, Leaving Water Chiller is in the Stop mode, or in
Mode, or in
Gear Temperature: Chiller Auto mode with no compressors
Auto Mode and
Drive, 0C5 Unit Off (Evap Warning Nonlatching running. Energize Evap Water Remote
No Ckts
Panel (Unit in auto but Pump) pump Relay until diagnostic auto
Energized (Any
Upgrade, not starting or resets, then return to normal
Ckt Energized)
Series S running) evap pump control. Automatic
reset occurs when the temp rises
2F (1.1C) above the cutout
setting for 2 minutes.
The evaporator leaving water
temp. fell below the cutout
setpoint for 30 seconds while the
Any Ckt(s) compressor was running.
Gear Low Evap
Immediate Energized (No Automatic reset occurs when the
Drive, 0C6 Leaving Water Chiller Nonlatching Remote
Shutdown Ckts temperature rises 2F (1.1C)
Panel Temp: Unit On
Energized) above the cutout setting for
2 minutes. This diagnostic shall
Series S
not de-energize the Evaporator
Water Pump Output.
Evaporator water flow was not
proven within 4.25 minutes of
the Evap. water pump relay
being energized.
The diagnostic will de-energize
Simplex, the Evaporator Water Pump
Estab. Evap. It will be re-energized if the
Gear Evaporator
Normal Water Flow on diagnostic clears with the
Drive, 384 Water Flow Chiller Nonlatching Remote
Shutdown going from return of flow and the chiller
Panel Overdue
STOP to AUTO will be allowed to restart
normally (to accommodate
Series S external control of pump)
In manual pump control,
whether in auto or stop mode,
This diagnostic shall be called,
however the pump will remain

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
The evaporator water flow switch
input was open for more than
6 contiguous seconds.
This diagnostic does not de-
energize the evap pump output.
(Is in Evap. Water Pump
Transitioning from auto to stop
Simplex, de-energizes the Evap Water
Duplex, pump even if in Evap. Water
Gear Pump Override. The Evaporator
Evaporator Immediate
Drive, 0ED Chiller Nonlatching All Stop Modes Water Flow Lost Diagnostic is Remote
Water Flow Lost Shutdown
Panel then cleared.
Upgrade, 610 seconds of contiguous flow
Series S shall clear this diagnostic.
Even though the pump times out
in the STOP modes, this
diagnostic shall not be called out
in the STOP modes.
In manual pump control, whether
in auto or stop mode, this
diagnostic shall be called, and the
pump will remain energized.
Condenser pressure exceeded
the trip point of the form C HPC
switch causing it to open its N.C.
contacts removing power from
the compressor motor contactors
and closing its N.O. contacts
Simplex, supplying a signal to the Tracer
Duplex, AdaptiView controls that it was
Gear the HPC switch that shut down
Condenser High Chiller Immediate the compressor.
Drive, 0F5 Latching All Local
Pressure Cutout Chiller X Shutdown
Upgrade, and CDHF, the available HPC trip
Series S points are 15 and 25 psig (103.4
and 172.4 kPaG); check sales
The Condenser Refrigerant
temperature or pressure sensors
are not used to initiate a high
pressure shutdown.
If the condenser pressure
transducer has detected a
condensing pressure in excess of
96% of the high pressure cutout
High (HPC), which is an MP
Series S 0F5 Condensing Chiller Latching All Configuration setting whose Local
Pressure value is based on the physical
HPC switchs setting in gauge
pressure, the High Condenser
Pressure diagnostic will be
Duplex, Emergency Stop input is open. An
Gear external interlock has tripped.
Drive, 0FD Emergency Stop Chiller Latching All Time to trip from input opening to Local
Panel unit stop shall be 0.1 to
Upgrade, 1.0 seconds.
Series S
MP recalled a configuration from
nonvolatile memory that is not
MP: Invalid Immediate compatible with installed
Drive, 80C Platform Latching All NA
Configuration Shutdown application, i.e. new software
downloaded does not match
configuration in MP.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
The main processor has
successfully come out of a reset
MP: Reset Has and built its application. A reset
Drive, 80A Platform Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Occurred may have been due to a power
up, installing new software or
Series S
Chiller not in Ice Building
mode: An extended surge
condition was detected and the
Surge Protection feature was
enabled. An extended surge
Simplex, condition is defined as being in
Duplex, a continuous surge condition
for 7 minutes 10%. Severity
Gear Extended
Chiller Normal Running and is Normal, persistence is
Drive, 0DA Compressor See Criteria Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Stopping Latching.
Panel Surge
Chiller in Ice Building mode: An
extended surge condition was
Series S detected while in Ice Building
Mode. Severity is Normal,
persistence is Nonlatching.
This diagnostic clears when the
Ice Building command is
Over/Under voltage option not
selected: No effect
Over/Under voltage option
Simplex, This diagnostic is called when
Duplex, the average of the three line
Starting and
Gear Chiller Normal voltages is greater than
0D7 Over Voltage Nonlatching any Ckt(s) Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown 112.5% of the Unit Line
Panel Voltage setpoint for
Upgrade 60 seconds.
Diagnostic cleared when the
average of the three line
voltages is 110% or less of the
Unit Line Voltage setpoint.
Over/Under voltage option not
selected: No effect
Over/Under voltage option
Diagnostic called when the
Starting and average of the three line
Gear Chiller Normal
0D8 Under Voltage Nonlatching any Ckt(s) voltages is less than 87.5% of Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown
Energized the Unit Line Voltage setpoint
for 60 seconds.
Diagnostic cleared when the
average of the three line
voltages is 90% or greater of
the Unit Line Voltage setpoint.
The evaporator water flow
measurement option was
installed and the flow dropped to
or below the Evaporator Low
Simplex, Water Flow Warning Setpoint in
Chiller Auto,
Duplex, Tracer TU. This IFW shall be
Low Evaporator manual water
Panel 2F4 Chiller Warning Nonlatching Auto Reset and reset Remote
Water Flow pump and All
Upgrade, 0.1 gpm/ton (0.0018 L/s per
Running Modes
Series S kW) above the adjustable trip
point or when the evaporator
water pump is turned off. (See
Evaporator Variable Flow
Compensation, p. 79.)

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Condenser water flow was not
proven within 4.25 minutes of
Simplex, the Condenser water pump relay
Duplex, being energized. The diagnostic
Gear Condenser will de-energize the Condenser
Normal Waiting to
Drive, 0DC Water Flow Chiller Nonlatching Water Pump output. It will be re- Remote
Shutdown Start
Panel Overdue energized if the diagnostic clears
Upgrade, with the return of flow and the
Series S chiller will be allowed to start
normally (to accommodate
external control of pump)
The condenser water flow
switch input was open for more
than 6 contiguous seconds.
In cooling mode, this
diagnostic de-energizes the
Simplex, Cond. Water pump output.
Starting (after
Duplex, In hot water mode, this
Gear diagnostic does not de-
Condenser Normal flow running
Drive, 0F7 Chiller Nonlatching energize the Cond. Water Remote
Water Flow Lost Shutdown and stopping)
Panel pump output.
[All Stop
Upgrade, 610 seconds of contiguous
Series S flow clears this diagnostic.
In hot water mode, even
though the pump times out in
the STOP modes, this
diagnostic is not called out in
the STOP modes.
Simplex, Free Cooling The FC valve closed limit switches
Free Normal
Panel 7FC Actuators Not Latching Free Cooling did not open within 3 minutes Remote
Cooling Shutdown
Upgrade Open after energizing the FC relays.
Simplex, Free Cooling
Free Normal The FC valve limit switches closed
Panel 7FA Actuators Not Latching Free Cooling Remote
Cooling Shutdown while in the Free Cooling mode.
Upgrade Open During FC
Simplex, Free Cooling The FC valve closed limit switches
Free Normal
Panel 7FB Actuators Not Latching Free Cooling did not close within 3 minutes Remote
Cooling Shutdown
Upgrade Closed after de-energized the FC relays.
Free Cooling
Simplex, The FC valve limit switches are
Actuators Immediate
Panel 7FD Chiller Latching Free Cooling open while not in a free cooling Remote
Unexpectedly Shutdown
Upgrade mode.
All Cprsr
Simplex, The Starter module status
Duplex, reported back that it is stopped
Unexpected modes,
Gear Chiller Normal when it should be running and no
82B Starter Nonlatching Starting, Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown Starter diagnostic exists. This
Shutdown Running and
Panel diagnostic will be logged in the
Preparing to
Upgrade history buffer and then cleared.
Starter failed to arm or start
Gear Starter Failed to Chiller Normal
822 Latching All within the allotted time Remote
Drive, Arm/Start Circuit X Shutdown
(10 minutes).

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
A fault condition was detected on
the non-communicating Solid
State Starter or the non-
communicating AFD. The fault
relay contacts on the SSS or AFD
opened while the SSS or AFD had
control power. The contact must
Gear Solid State Chiller Immediate
854 Latching All be open for 15 continuous Local
Drive, Starter Fault Circuit X Shutdown
seconds for the diagnostic to be
called. Also filtering of the fault
signal must allow for an
approximate 2-second delay time
from when the SSS or AFD is
powered to when the fault relay
contacts are valid.
When the compressor is
running, if the differential oil
pressure falls below the Low
After Differential Oil Pressure Cutout
Simplex, setpoint for more than
Duplex, cutout*3 psid-seconds
Diff. Oil Press in
Gear Low Differential Chiller Immediate (cutout*20.7 kPaD-seconds),
0F2 Latching Starting. Also then this diagnostic is issued. Remote
Drive, Oil Pressure Circuit X Shutdown
at all times in
Panel However, for any listed mode, if
Running and
Upgrade the differential pressure ever
Stopping. falls below 3/4 of the Low
Differential Oil Pressure
Cutout, this diagnostic is
issued within 2 seconds.
When the compressor is
running, if the differential lube
pressure falls below the Low
Differential Lube Pressure
Cutout setpoint for more than
cutout*3 psid-seconds
Diff. Lube Press
Low Differential Normal (cutout*20.7 kPaD-seconds)
Series S 0F2 Chiller Nonlatching in Starting. Remote
Lube Pressure Shutdown then this diagnostic is issued.
Also at all times
However, for any listed mode, if
in Running and
the differential pressure ever
falls below 3/4 of the Low
Differential Lube Pressure
Cutout, this diagnostic is
issued within 2 seconds.
When the compressor is running,
the protection becomes active
after the Low Bearing Flow Ignore
time expires.
This diagnostic is triggered when
the first stage bearing lube flow
Low Bearing Diff. Lube Press
Normal falls below Low Bearing Lube
Series S Lube Flow First Chiller Latching in Starting. Remote
Shutdown Flow Setpoint for more
Stage Also at all times
cutout*5 gpm-seconds
in Running and
(cutout*0.32 L/s-seconds).
The Low Bearing Lube Flow
Setpoint is not viewable in
Tracer TU and is hard-set at
1 gpm (0.06 L/s).
Once three Low Lube Flow First
Low Brg Lube
Normal Running or Stage Diagnostics occur this
Series S Flow Lockout Chiller Latching Remote
Shutdown Stopping lockout will result in a latching
First Stage

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
When the compressor is running,
the protection becomes active
after the Low Bearing Flow Ignore
time expires.
This diagnostic is triggered when
the first stage bearing lube flow
Low Bearing Diff. Lube Press
Normal falls below Low Bearing Lube
Series S Lube Flow Chiller Latching in Starting. Remote
Shutdown Flow Setpoint for more
Second Stage Also at all times
cutout*5 gpm-seconds
in Running and
(cutout*0.32 L/s-seconds).
The Low Bearing Lube Flow
Setpoint is not viewable in
Tracer TU and is hard-set at
1 gpm (0.06 L/s).
Once three Low Lube Flow
Low Brg Lube
Normal Running or Second Stage Diagnostics occur
Series S Flow Lockout Chiller Latching Remote
Shutdown Stopping this lockout will result in a
Second Stage
latching diagnostic.
This override is only available
when the compressor is not
running and not in Pre-Lube or
The low differential pressure is
ignored for the first 2 minutes of
manual override.of manual
Warning When the compressor is
running, if the differential lube
Lube Pump
Special Manual Pump pressure falls below the Low
Series S Override: Low Chiller Nonlatching Remote
Action: Turn Override Differential Lube Pressure
Diff Press
off Lube Cutout setpoint for more than
Pump cutout*3 psid-seconds
(cutout*20.7 kPaD-seconds),
then this diagnostic is issued.
However for any listed mode, if
the differential pressure ever
falls below 3/4 of the Low
Differential Lube Pressure
Cutout, this diagnostic is
issued within 2 seconds.
This override is only available
when the compressor is not
running and not in Pre-Lube or
The low differential pressure is
Lube Pump ignored for the first 2 minutes of
Special Manual Pump
Series S Override: Low Chiller Nonlatching manual override. Remote
Action: Turn Override
Flow 1st Stage This diagnostic is triggered when
off Lube
the first stage bearing lube flow
falls below Low Bearing Lube
Flow Setpoint for more
cutout*5 gpm-seconds
(cutout*0.32 L/s-seconds).
This override is only available
when the compressor is not
running and not in Pre-Lube or
The low differential pressure is
Lube Pump ignored for the first 2 minutes of
Special Manual Pump
Series S Override: Low Chiller Nonlatching manual override. Remote
Action: Turn Override
Flow 2nd Stage This diagnostic is triggered when
off Lube
the second stage bearing lube
flow falls below Low Bearing Lube
Flow Setpoint for more
cutout*5 gpm-seconds
(cutout*0.32 L/s-seconds).

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Check Oil Filter Diagnostic
Oil Pump disabled: No diagnostic
Simplex, Running and Check Oil Filter Diagnostic
Duplex, Chiller Feature enabled: The calculated
7A5 Check Oil Filter Warning Latching Remote
Panel Circuit X Enabled differential oil pressure fell
Upgrade [Manual oil below the Check Oil Filter
pump] Setpoint for the specified psid-
seconds (kPaD-seconds).
Check Lube Filter Diagnostic
Lube Pump disabled: No diagnostic
Running and Check Lube Filter Diagnostic
Check Lube Feature enabled: The calculated
Series S 7A5 Chiller Warning Latching Remote
Filter Enabled differential lube pressure fell
[Manual lube below the Check Lube Filter
pump] Setpoint for the specified psid-
seconds (kPaD-seconds).
All modes in
which the oil
The calibration error between the
Simplex, pump is not
Oil Pressure Oil Tank and Oil Discharge
Duplex, Chiller Normal running nor
2E7 Sensor Latching Pressure sensors exceeded the Remote
Panel Circuit X Shutdown has been
Calibration Differential Pressure Calibration
Upgrade running in the
Limit (the limit is not a setpoint.)
previous five
All modes in
which the lube The calibration error between the
pump is not Condenser Pressure and Lube
Lube Pressure
Normal running nor Pump Discharge Pressure
Series S 2E7 Sensor Chiller Latching Remote
Shutdown has been sensors exceeded the Differential
running in the Pressure Calibration Limit (the
previous five limit is not a setpoint).
The oil tank pressure is at or
below the High Vacuum Lockout
Limit. A high vacuum lockout
mode is entered and a timed
recovery is attempted. If the
High Vacuum Chiller Immediate Waiting to recovery is unsuccessful, the
Panel 287 Latching Remote
Lockout Circuit X Shutdown Start High Vacuum Lockout diagnostic
is called.
Series S
For Series S, the Lubrication
Pump Suction Pressure is used to
recognize if the evaporator is in
high vacuum.
If the oil temperature is at or
Simplex, below the Low Oil Temperature
Duplex, Cutout (Not a setpoint), this
Gear Low Oil Chiller Immediate All Running diagnostic will be issued stopping
482 Latching Local
Drive, Temperature Circuit X Shutdown Modes the compressor. This diagnostic is
Panel ignored for the first 10 minutes of
Upgrade compressor run.
Not Applicable to Series S.
If the oil temperature is below the
Simplex, Low Oil Temperature Start Inhibit
Gear All non- Sepoint continuously for the
Drive, 844 Check Oil Heater Warning Nonlatching Running Check Oil Heater setpoint time,
Circuit X
Panel modes call out the informational
Upgrade diagnostic.
Not Applicable to Series S.
The Inboard Bearing
High Inboard temperature sensor exceeded
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
0EA Bearing Latching All 180F 5F (82.2C 2.8C) for Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Temperature 0.5 to 2 seconds.
Not Applicable to Series S.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
The Outboard Bearing
High Outboard temperature sensor exceeded
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
0EB Bearing Latching All 180F 5F (82.2C 2.8C) for Local
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Temperature 0.5 to 2 seconds.
Not Applicable to Series S.
Shutdown for
Simplex, The discharge temp. exceeded
Simplex, High Duplex, and the High Discharge Temp Cutout
Duplex, Compressor Panel setpoint. Time to trip from trip
Panel 1C2 Discharge Upgrade Nonlatching All value exceeded shall be 0.5 to Remote
Circuit X
Upgrade, Refrigerant 2.0 seconds. The diag. shall reset
Series S Temperature automatically 50F (27.8C)
Normal below the trip point.
Shutdown for
Series S
Shutdown for
Simplex, Simplex,
Duplex, Gear The motor winding temp. at
Drive, and sensor #1 exceeded the High
Gear High Motor
Chiller Panel Motor Winding Temperature
Drive, 18B Winding Latching All Local
Circuit X Upgrade cutout (motor voltage
Panel Temperature 1
dependent). Instantaneous time
to trip.
Series S Normal
Shutdown for
Series S
Shutdown for
Simplex, Simplex,
Duplex, Gear The motor winding temp. at
Drive, and sensor #2 exceeded the High
Gear High Motor
Chiller Panel Motor Winding Temperature
Drive, 18C Winding Latching All Local
Circuit X Upgrade cutout (motor voltage
Panel Temperature 2
dependent). Instantaneous time
to trip.
Series S Normal
Shutdown for
Series S
The motor winding temp. at
Simplex, sensor #3 exceeded the High
Duplex, Motor Winding Temperature
High Motor
Gear Chiller Immediate cutout (motor voltage
18D Winding Latching All Local
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown dependent). Instantaneous time
Temperature 3
Panel to trip.
Upgrade The third motor winding temp is
not used on Series S.
Defective Sensor or LLID
Display invalid value
Refrigerant The generic refrigerant monitor
Drive, 2F2 Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Monitor Input input read a value that was out of
range. < 2mA/1Vdc or >22mA/
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
The differential oil pressure did
Simplex, not fall far enough below the
Duplex, Differential Oil Pressure Cutout
Unexpected Idle Oil
Gear Chiller Immediate after waiting the required time
82A Differential Oil Latching Management Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown after the oil pump was shut off.
Pressure Mode
Panel (Could be due to a defective
Upgrade pressure transducer or stuck oil
pump relay.)
The differential lube pressure did
not fall far enough below the
Differential Lube Pressure Cutout
Unexpected Idle Lube
Immediate after waiting the required time
Series S 82A Differential Lube Chiller Latching Management Remote
Shutdown after the lube pump was shut off.
Pressure Mode
(Could be due to a defective
pressure transducer or stuck lube
pump relay.)
Duplex, Waiting to Sufficient differential oil pressure
Differential Oil
Gear Chiller Immediate Start; was not established within the
1FF Pressure Latching Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown Establishing specified time of starting the oil
Panel Oil Pressure pump.
Sufficient differential lube
pressure was not established
within the specified time of
Waiting to starting the lube pump.
Differential Lube
Immediate Start;
Series S 1FF Pressure Chiller Latching Remote
Shutdown Establishing
Overdue Resetting this diagnostic also
Lube Pressure
resets the Startup Lubrication
Differential Pressure Threshold
setting to the default value.
The BAS did not communicate
with the Comm4 interface
module within two minutes after
Simplex, Comm4 LLID came out of reset.
Duplex, This is also the same time MP
Gear BAS Failed to comes out of reset. Set default
Chiller At power up or
Drive, 390 Establish Warning Nonlatching setpoints to next level of priority Remote
Circuit X rebuild
Panel Communication (e.g. Front Panel Setpoint). Refer
Upgrade, to Section on Setpoint Arbitration
Series S to determine how setpoints may
be effected. Diagnostic is cleared
when successful communication
is received from the BAS.
The local BAS Comm4 interface
module lost communications with
the BAS for 15 continuous
minutes after it had been
established. This is a warning
Gear BAS
Chiller diagnostic. Use last valid BAS
Drive, 398 Communication Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Circuit X setpoints. Refer to Section on
Panel Lost
Setpoint Arbitration to determine
how setpoints may be affected.
Series S
Diagnostic is cleared when
successful communication is
received from the BAS.
Simplex, Hot Gas Bypass The HGBP Valve was commanded
Normal When exiting
Panel 3B6 Valve Closure HGBP Latching to close and did not close in the Remote
Shutdown HGBP, on reset
Upgrade Overdue three minutes allowed for closure
The HGBP valve opened
Hot Gas Bypass Normal or
Simplex, unexpectedly. Also if in manual,
Valve Normal Manual HGBP
Panel 806 HGBP Latching and switch closes and opens Remote
Unexpectedly Shutdown [in HGBP
Upgrade without an Open command, a
Open mode]
diagnostic is issued.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
The HGBP Valve was commanded
Simplex, Hot Gas Bypass
Normal When starting to open and did not open in the
Panel 805 Valve Opening HGBP Latching Remote
Shutdown HGBP, on reset three minutes allowed for
Upgrade Overdue
Duplex, Generator Fault Chiller Normal The generator fault relay input
7FE Latching All Remote
Panel Relay Open Circuit X Shutdown has opened.
Simplex, The generator on line input was
Duplex, Generator Chiller Normal not closed within 4.25 minutes of
7FF Latching All Remote
Panel Ready Overdue Circuit X Shutdown the generator run relay being
Upgrade energized.
Panel Safety String Normal
83D Chiller Latching All The safety string input is open Remote
Upgrade Tripped Shutdown
Panel Normal The MTC switch input is open.
841 MTC Sensor Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Shutdown Trip time is instantaneous
Upon a call for cooling, the start
Panel Starter Interlock Normal
831 Chiller Latching Starting interlock did not pull in within Remote
Upgrade Failed to Close Shutdown
40 minutes.
Once a call for cooling drops out,
Panel Starter Interlock Normal
832 Chiller Latching Stopping the start interlock did not drop Remote
Upgrade Failed to Open Shutdown
out within 10 seconds.
Once the call for cooling and the
start interlock are established,
Starter Interlock
Panel Normal the diagnostic is issued if the
833 Unexpectedly Chiller Latching Running Remote
Upgrade Shutdown start interlock drops out for more
than 2 seconds while there is a
call for cooling.
Starter Interlock
Panel Normal If there is no call for cooling, if the
853 Unexpectedly Chiller Latching Stopped Remote
Upgrade Shutdown start interlock makes.
The %RLA is below 10% RLA for
Panel Immediate Running,
852 Current Loss Chiller Latching more than 30 continuous
Upgrade Shutdown Running Limit
The Inlet Guide Vanes were
Panel IGV Closure All non running commanded to close and did not
848 Chiller Warning Latching Remote
Upgrade Overdue modes close in the 3 minutes allowed for
The neuron software in the LCI-C
module does not match the chiller
type. Download the proper
Gear LCI-C Software
software into the LCI-C neuron.
Drive, 837 Mismatch: Use Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Remote
To do this, use the Rover service
Panel BAS Tool
tool, or a LonTalk tool capable of
downloading software to a
Series S
Neuron 3150.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
AFD starting or running when
commanded off.
Detected compressor currents
(as communicated for the AFD)
greater than 10% RLA on any or
all phases when the AFD was
commanded off. Detection time
for Adaptive Frequency Drives
AFD not
Simplex, shall be 7 seconds minimum and
commanded to
Duplex, 9 seconds maximum. On
AFD Interrupt Chiller Immediate start of run
Panel 79B Latching detection and until the controller Local
Failure Circuit X Shutdown [AFD
Upgrade, is manually reset: generate
commanded to
Series S diagnostic, energize the
start or run]
appropriate alarm relay, continue
to energize the Evap Water, Cond
Water, and oil Pump Outputs,
continue to command the
affected AFD off, fully unload the
effected compressor, and
command a normal stop to all
other AFDs (Duplex).
This diagnostic satisfies the
ASHREA rupture disk warning
If the Evaporator Refrigerant
Simplex, Temperature exceeds 110F
Duplex, (43.3C) for R-123 or 131F
Gear High Evaporator (55C) for R-134a for
Drive, 803 Refrigerant Information Nonlatching All 15 continuous seconds, a
Circuit X
Panel Temperature nonlatching warning shall be
Upgrade, executed.
Series S If the Evaporator Refrigerant
Temperature drops 5F (2.8C)
below the high setpoint, the
warning should be cleared.
There is no time delay here.
The leaving water temperature
exceeded the High Evaporator
Water Temperature Cutout
(Tracer TU setpoint default
105F [55C]) for 15 continuous
seconds. The evaporator water
pump relay will be de-energized
to stop the pump but only if it is
running due to one of the
diagnostics listed on the left . The
diagnostic will auto reset and the
Only effective if pump will return to normal
Gear High Evaporator Info and
Evap Wtr Flow control when the temperature
Drive, 804 Water Chiller Special Nonlatching Remote
Loss diagnostic falls 5F (2.8C) below the trip
Panel Temperature Action
is active. setting. The primary purpose is to
stop the evaporator water pump
Series S
and its associated pump heat
from causing excessive waterside
temperatures and waterside
pressures when the chiller is not
running but the evap pump is on
due to either Evap Water Flow
Overdue or Evaporator Water
Flow Loss. This diagnostic will
auto clear due to the clearing of
the enabling diagnostic.
The motor winding temp.
High Motor
Panel Immediate exceeded the High Motor Coolant
840 Coolant Chiller Latching All Local
Upgrade Shutdown Temperature cutout for
2.0 continuous seconds.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 8. Main processor unit level diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Duplex, The condition of no evaporator
Gear Software Error water flow when any
Drive, 82F 1001: Call Trane Chiller Latching All compressors are running was Local
Panel Service Chiller detected. The UC shall reset and
Upgrade, log this error.
Series S
Duplex, The condition of low differential
Gear Software Error oil pressure when any
Drive, 830 1004: Call Trane Chiller Latching All compressors are running was Local
Panel Service Chiller detected. The UC shall reset and
Upgrade, log this error.
Series S
Chiller The amount of restart inhibit free
Drive, 28C Restart Inhibit Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Circuit X starts has been exceeded.
Series S
The differential pressure is above
28 psid (193.1 kPaD) for more
than 10 continuous minutes.
For Series E chillers, the
Maximum System Differential
Pressure Setpoint is adjustable.
The default value is 34 psid
(234.4 kPaD).
Differential pressure =
High Differential Chiller, (condenser pressure -
Refrigerant Circuit X Normal All Running evaporator pressure);
Panel Latching Local
Pressure (pink for Shutdown Modes High and low side system
Overdue Duplex) pressures will be separately
Series S
based from pressure
conversion from the measured
Refrigerant Temperature.
If the Condenser Refrigerant
Pressure Sensor is installed,
then the condenser pressure
will be directly based from the
pressure sensor.
The outboard bearing pad
High Outboard temperature sensor #1 exceeded
Series E 87D Bearing Pad Chiller Latching All the High Outboard Bearing Pad Local
Temperature 1 Temperature Cutout.
Instantaneous time to trip.
The outboard bearing pad
High Outboard temperature sensor #2 exceeded
Series E 87E Bearing Pad Chiller Latching All the High Outboard Bearing Pad Local
Temperature 2 Temperature Cutout.
Instantaneous time to trip.
The outboard bearing pad
High Outboard temperature sensor #3 exceeded
Series E 87F Bearing Pad Chiller Latching All the High Outboard Bearing Pad Local
Temperature 3 Temperature Cutout.
Instantaneous time to trip.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Main Processor Communication Communication diagnostics (with the exception of

Excessive Loss of Comm are named by the Functional
Diagnostics Name of the input or output that is no longer being heard
from by the Main Processor. Many LLIDs, such as the Quad
These are diagnostics that the Main Processor calls out Relay LLID, have more than one functional output
when it does not hear from a particular device (functional associated with them. A communication loss with a
ID) for the specified duration. multiple function board generates multiple diagnostics.
The following communication loss diagnostics do not Refer to the chillers wiring diagrams to relate the
occur unless that input or output is required to be present occurrence of multiple communication diagnostics back to
by the particular configuration and installed options for the physical LLID boards to which they have been assigned
the chiller. (bound).

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
Gear Comm Loss:
Normal between the MP and the
Drive, 7BD External Chiller Latching All Remote
Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Panel Auto/Stop
3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: Normal between the MP and the
Drive, 7B2 Chiller Latching All Remote
Emergency Stop Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
3540 second period.
Series S
Simplex, Continual loss of communication
Duplex, between the MP and the
Comm Loss:
Gear Functional ID has occurred for a
External Ice Ice Building Normal
Drive, 7C0 Latching All 3540 second period. Chiller will Remote
Building Mode Shutdown
Panel revert to normal (non-ice
Upgrade, building) mode regardless of last
Series S state.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Functional ID has occurred for a
Duplex, 3540 second period. If Tracer
Gear Comm Loss: Chiller not installed or has an invalid
Drive, 7DE Outdoor Air Chiller (Chilled Latching All outdoor air temperature, default Remote
Panel Temperature Water Reset) to chilled water reset of zero. If
Upgrade, using a valid Tracer outdoor
Series S temp, no effect.
Display invalid value for
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Gear Comm Loss:
Normal Functional ID has occurred for a
Drive, 7B5 Evap Leaving Chiller Latching All Remote
Shutdown 3540 second period.
Panel Water Temp
Display invalid value for
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
3540 second period.
Chiller in mode other than Ice
Severity is warning,
persistence is latching
Simplex, If chiller in Return or Constant
Duplex, Return Chilled Water Reset, set
Gear Comm Loss: CWS equal to the next higher
Reset, Feed
Drive, 7B4 Evap Entering See Criteria See Criteria All priority chilled water setpoint Remote
Panel Water Temp Feed forward control is
control, Ice disabled.
Series S Display invalid value for
Hot water operation: No effect
on controls
Chiller in Ice Building mode:
Severity is Normal, persistence
is latching. This diagnostic shall
clear when the Ice Building
command is withdrawn.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
Comm Loss: 3540 second period.
Condenser Chilled water control: Severity
Drive, 7AE Chiller See Criteria Latching All Remote
Leaving Water is Warning
Temp Hot water control: Severity is
Normal Shutdown
Series S
Display invalid value for
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
3540 second period. Default to
Comm Loss: a chilled water reset of zero if in
Condenser load based chilled water reset.
Drive, 7AD Chiller Warning Latch All Remote
Entering Water Normal heating operation: feed
Temp forward control is disabled.
Series S Chilled water operation: No
effect on controls
Display invalid value for
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, Comm Loss: Sec between the MP and the
Panel 7EE Cond Leaving Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Upgrade Water Temp 3540 second period.
Display invalid value
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, Comm Loss: Sec between the MP and the
Panel 7ED Cond Entering Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Upgrade Water Temp 3540 second period.
Display invalid value
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: Oil between the MP and the
Gear Chiller Normal
7DB Tank Latching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown
Temperature 3540 second period.
Display invalid value

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Functional ID has occurred for a
Duplex, 3540 second period.
Chiller (Ext.
Gear Comm Loss: Ext External CWS (or HWS if
Drive, 7BB Chilled/Hot Wtr Warning Nonlatching All selected) command will withdraw Remote
Panel Setpoint from decision to do CWS (or HWS
Upgrade, if selected). This warning
Series S diagnostic will automatically
clear when successful
communication is reestablished.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
Chiller (Ext. 3540 second period. External
Gear Comm Loss: Ext
Chilled current limit command will
Drive, 7BC Current Limit Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Water withdraw from decision to do
Panel Setpoint
Setpoint) current limit. This warning
diagnostic will automatically
Series S
clear when successful
communication is reestablished.

Simplex, Continual loss of communication

Duplex, between the MP and the
Gear Comm Loss: Functional ID has occurred for a
Chiller Normal 3540 second period.
Drive, 7A9 Cond High Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Note: Is not called out for a
Panel Pressure Cutout
StarterType = Unit Mount
AFD or Remote Mount Comm
Series S AFD.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Evaporator Normal between the MP and the
Drive, 7B7 Chiller Latching All Remote
Water Flow Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Switch 3540 second period.
Series S
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Condenser Normal between the MP and the
Drive, 7AF Chiller Latching All Remote
Water Flow Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Switch 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Gear Comm Loss:
Chiller Immediate between the MP and the
Drive, 7B6 Evap Saturated Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Panel Rfgt Temp
3540 second period.
Series S
If the Condenser
Refrigerant Pressure
Transducer option is not
installed, Target Severity is
Simplex, Normal Shutdown.
If the Condenser Refrigerant
Gear Comm Loss: Pressure Transducer option is
Drive, 7AC Cond Saturated (See criteria) Latching All installed, Target Severity is Remote
Circuit X
Panel Rfgt Temp Warning.
Upgrade, Continual loss of communication
Series S between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
3540 second period.
Display invalid value

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Simplex, Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Duplex, between the MP and the
Cond Chiller Normal
Panel 7AA Latching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Refrigerant Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, 3540 second period.
Series S Display invalid value
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Duplex, Comm Loss: Oil Chiller Immediate
7DA Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Panel Tank Pressure Circuit X Shutdown
a 3540 second period.
Display invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
between the MP and the
Lube Pump Normal
Series S 7DA Chiller Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Suction Shutdown
a 3540 second period.
Display invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: Oil between the MP and the
Duplex, Chiller Immediate
7D6 Pump Discharge Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Panel Circuit X Shutdown
Pressure a 3540 second period.
Display invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
between the MP and the
Lube Pump Normal
Series S 7D6 Chiller Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Discharge Shutdown
a 3540 second period.
Display invalid value.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Evaporator between the MP and the
Drive, 7B8 Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Water Pump Functional ID has occurred for
Relay a 3540 second period.
Series S
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Condenser between the MP and the
Drive, 7B0 Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Water Pump Functional ID has occurred for
Relay a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, between the MP and the
Duplex, Functional ID has occurred for
Comm Loss: Ice Normal
Panel 7CD Ice Building Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Building Relay Shutdown
Upgrade, shall revert to normal (non-ice
Series S building) mode regardless of last
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: EM Chiller Immediate between the MP and the
Drive, 2AD Latching All Local
Starter Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Chiller Immediate between the MP and the
Panel 7A6 Adaptive Latching All Local
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Frequency Drive
a 3540 second period.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for
Simplex, a 3540 second period.
Duplex, Use last valid BAS setpoints.
Gear Comm Loss: Diagnostic is cleared when
Drive, 7D1 Local BAS See Criteria Warning Nonlatching All successful communication is Remote
Panel Interface established with the Comm LLID.
Upgrade, Comm4, Master: Target is
Series S Chiller
Comm4, Slave: Target is
Circuit (Duplex)
Comm5: Target is Chiller
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Functional ID has occurred for
Panel 7B3 Evap Diff Water Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
a 3540 second period. Flow and
Upgrade, Pressure
tons calculation shall be disabled.
Series S
Display invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Functional ID has occurred for
Panel 7A8 Cond Diff Water Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
a 3540 second period. Flow
Upgrade, Pressure
calculation shall be disabled.
Series S
Display invalid value.
Duplex, Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Gear Chiller between the MP and the
7AB Cond Rfgt Warning Latching All Remote
Drive, Circuit X Functional ID has occurred for
Pressure Output
Panel a 3540 second period.
Duplex, Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Gear Compressor Chiller between the MP and the
7A7 Warning Latching All Remote
Drive, Motor % RLA Circuit X Functional ID has occurred for
Panel Output a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Gear Comm Loss:
Functional ID has occurred for
Drive, 7EC Refrigerant Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
a 3540 second period.
Panel Monitor Input
Display out of range value
Series S
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Comm Loss:
Simplex, Functional ID has occurred for
External Free Free Normal
Panel 7BE Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Cooling Cooling Shutdown
Upgrade shall revert to normal (non-free
cooling) mode regardless of last
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, Comm Loss:
Immediate between the MP and the
Panel 7C1 Free Cool Actrs Chiller Latching All Remote
Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade Closed Input
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Comm Loss:
Simplex, Functional ID has occurred for
Free Cool Liq Free Normal
Panel 7C3 Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Line Actuator Cooling Shutdown
Upgrade shall revert to normal (non-free
cooling) mode regardless of last

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Comm Loss: Functional ID has occurred for
Free Normal
Panel 7C2 Free Cool Gas Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Cooling Shutdown
Upgrade Line Actr Relay shall revert to normal (non-free
cooling) mode regardless of last
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, Comm Loss:
Free between the MP and the
Panel 7C4 Free Cooling Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Cooling Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade Auxiliary Relay
a 3540 second period.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Purge Cprsr Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E5 Latching All Remote
Suction Rfgt Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Temp a 3540 second period.
Series S
Simplex, Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Duplex, between the MP and the
Purge Carbon Purge Normal
Panel 7E2 Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Tank Purge X Shutdown
Upgrade, a 3540 second period.
Series S Display invalid value
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E7 Purge Liquid Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Level Switch
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E9 Purge Pumpout Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Relay
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Purge Carbon Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E1 Latching All Remote
Tank Heater Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Relay a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7EB Purge Regen Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Solenoid Relay
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E0 Purge Alarm Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Relay
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7EA Purge Pumpout Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Solenoid Output
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E6 Purge Exhaust Latching All Remote
Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Solenoid Output
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Purge Purge Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7E4 Latching All Remote
Condensing Unit Purge X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Relay a 3540 second period.
Series S

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for
Gear Comm Loss:
Chiller Immediate a 3540 second period.
Drive, 855 Solid State Latching All Local
Circuit X Shutdown This applies to the fault binary
Panel Starter Fault
input LLID as used on the Non-
comm Solid State Starter and the
Series S
Non-comm AFD.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Panel Comm Loss: Chiller Functional ID has occurred for
7DF Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Upgrade PFCC Relay Circuit X a 3540 second period.
Diagnostic is cleared when
communications is reestablished.
Duplex, Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: Oil/
Gear Chiller Immediate between the MP and the
7DC Refrigerant Latching All Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Pump Relay
Panel a 3540 second period.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Lube/ Normal between the MP and the
Series S 7DC Chiller Latching All Remote
Refrigerant Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Pump Relay a 35-40 second period.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Evap Lube Normal between the MP and the
Series S Chiller Latching All Remote
Source Valve Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Relay 3540 second period.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Cond Normal between the MP and the
Series S Chiller Latching All Remote
Lubrication Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Source Valve 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Normal between the MP and the
Series S Bearing Lube Chiller Latching All Remote
Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Flow First Stage
3540 second period.
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Bearing Lube Normal between the MP and the
Series S Chiller Latching All Remote
Flow Second Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for a
Stage 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
between the MP and the
Series S Vibration Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Functional ID has occurred for a
Sensor Input
3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Functional ID has occurred for
Comm Loss: Oil
Duplex, Chiller a 3540 second period.
7D9 Tank Heater Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Panel Circuit X Compressor allowed to start if oil
Upgrade temperature is okay. If oil
temperature is not okay to enter
a start, this diagnostic is called.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for
Comm Loss: Oil
Gear a 3540 second period.
7D7 Tank Heater 4E1 Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Drive Compressor allowed to start if oil
temperature is okay. If oil
temperature is not okay to enter
a start, this diagnostic is called.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for
Comm Loss: Oil
Gear a 3540 second period.
7D8 Tank Heater 4E2 Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Drive Compressor allowed to start if oil
temperature is okay. If oil
temperature is not okay to enter
a start, this diagnostic is called.
Duplex, Continual loss of communication
Gear Comm Loss: between the MP and the
Chiller Normal
Drive, 7D2 Motor Winding Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Circuit X Shutdown
Panel Temperature 1 a 3540 second period.
Upgrade, Display invalid value
Series S
Duplex, Continual loss of communication
Gear Comm Loss: between the MP and the
Chiller Normal
Drive, 7D3 Motor Winding Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Circuit X Shutdown
Panel Temperature 2 a 3540 second period.
Upgrade, Display invalid value
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: between the MP and the
Gear Chiller Normal
7D4 Motor Winding Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Drive, Circuit X Shutdown
Temperature 3 a 3540 second period.
Display invalid value
Simplex, Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss: between the MP and the
Chiller Normal
Panel 7D0 Inboard Bearing Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, Temperature a 3540 second period.
Series S Display invalid value
Simplex, Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Duplex, between the MP and the
Outboard Chiller Normal
Panel 7DD Latching All Functional ID has occurred for Remote
Bearing Circuit X Shutdown
Upgrade, a 3540 second period.
Series S Display invalid value
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7B1 Cprsr Discharge Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Rfgt Temp
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss: IGV
Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7CE First Stage Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Actuator
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss: IGV
Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7CF Second Stage Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Actuator
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, between the MP and the
Duplex, Functional ID has occurred for
Gear Comm Loss: Ext Chiller a 3540 second period.
Drive, 7BA Base Loading (Base Warning Nonlatching All Chiller shall discontinue use of Remote
Panel Setpoint Loading) the External Base Loading
Upgrade, Setpoint source and revert to the
Series S next higher priority for setpoint

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, between the MP and the
Duplex, Functional ID has occurred for
Gear Comm Loss: Ext Chiller a 3540 second period.
Drive, 7B9 Base Loading (Base Warning Nonlatching All Chiller shall discontinue use of Remote
Panel Command Loading) the External Base Loading
Upgrade, Setpoint source and revert to the
Series S next higher priority for setpoint
Continual loss of communication
Simplex, between the MP and the
Duplex, Functional ID has occurred for
Comm Loss:
Gear a 3540 second period.
External Hot Chiller (Ext.
Drive, 7BF Warning Nonlatching All Chiller shall discontinue use of Remote
Water Hot Water)
Panel the External Hot Water Setpoint
Upgrade, source and revert to the next
Series S higher priority for setpoint
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Comm Loss: Hot Functional ID has occurred for
Panel 7CB Gas Bypass HGBP Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Upgrade Load Relay shall revert to normal (non-
HGBP) mode regardless of last
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Comm Loss: Hot Functional ID has occurred for
Panel 7CC Gas Bypass HGBP Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Upgrade Unload Relay shall revert to normal (non-
HGBP) mode regardless of last
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Simplex, Comm Loss: Hot Functional ID has occurred for
Panel 7CA Gas Bypass Actr HGBP Latching All a 3540 second period. Chiller Remote
Upgrade Closed In shall revert to normal (non-
HGBP) mode regardless of last
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7C7 Generator Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Start/Stop Relay
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Comm Loss: Continual loss of communication
Generator Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7C6 Latching All Remote
Speed Signal Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Output a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7C8 Generator Up To Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Speed Input
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Duplex, Comm Loss:
Chiller Normal between the MP and the
Panel 7C5 Generator Fault Latching All Remote
Circuit X Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade, Input
a 3540 second period.
Series S
Simplex, Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Gear between the MP and the
839 Cond Head Press Chiller Warning Nonlatching All Remote
Drive, Functional ID has occurred for
Control Output
Series S a 3540 second period.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
Comm Loss:
3540 second period. MP will
Duplex 856 External Circuit Circuit X Warning Latching All Remote
non-volatily hold the lockout
state (enabled or disabled) that
was in effect at the time of comm
Gear Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: Oil
Drive, Immediate between the MP and the
7D5 Diff Pressure Chiller Latching All Remote
Panel Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Upgrade a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: Immediate between the MP and the
83E Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade MTC Input Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: Immediate between the MP and the
84B Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade RLA Input Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: Immediate between the MP and the
84F Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Starter Relay Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: Immediate between the MP and the
84E Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Starter Running Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: IGV Immediate between the MP and the
847 Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Control Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: IGV Immediate between the MP and the
846 Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Closed Switch Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Panel Normal between the MP and the
83F Winding Temp Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: Oil Normal between the MP and the
845 Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Lite Status Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel AFD Speed
Normal between the MP and the
Upgrade 851 Signal Comm Chiller Latching All Remote
Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
Series S Loss
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss: Call
Panel Normal between the MP and the
82D for Cooling Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Panel Comm Loss: Normal between the MP and the
82E Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Starter Interlock Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Panel Immediate between the MP and the
83C Safety String Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Shutdown Functional ID has occurred for
a 3540 second period.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Table 9. Main processor communication diagnostics (continued)

Unit 3DC Diagnostic Effects Target Target [Inactive Reset
Type (Hex) Name Target Severity Persistence Modes] Criteria Level
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
Gear between the MP and the
7C9 High Lift Unload Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
Drive Functional ID has occurred for
Valve Relay
a 3540 second period.
Continual loss of communication
Gear Comm Loss:
between the MP and the LLID has
Drive, 83A Programmable Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
occurred for a 3540 second
Panel Relay Board 1
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Gear Comm Loss:
between the MP and the LLID has
Drive, 83B Programmable Chiller Warning Latching All Remote
occurred for a 3540 second
Panel Relay Board 2
Series S
Continual loss of communication
Motor Coolant
Panel Normal between the MP and the LLID has
842 Temp Comm Chiller Latching All Remote
Upgrade Shutdown occurred for a 3540 second
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
between the MP and the
Outboard Normal
Series E 87A Chiller Latching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Bearing Pad Shutdown
3540 second period. Display
Temp 1
invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
between the MP and the
Outboard Normal
Series E 87B Chiller Latching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Bearing Pad Shutdown
3540 second period. Display
Temp 2
invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
Comm Loss:
between the MP and the
Outboard Normal
Series E 87C Chiller Latching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Bearing Pad Shutdown
3540 second period. Display
Temp 3
invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Comm Loss: Oil Normal
Series E 87D Chiller Latching All Functional ID has occurred for a Remote
Cooler Solenoid Shutdown
3540 second period. Display
invalid value.
Continual loss of communication
between the MP and the
Functional ID has occurred for a
3540 second period. Display
invalid value.
The diagnostic will result in a
normal shutdown if not running
Comm Loss: Oil
Normal or starting AND the evaporator
Vent Line Nonlatching/
Series E 883 Chiller Shutdown/ All water temperature is greater Remote
Actuator Signal Latching
Warning than 50F (10C). This shutdown
diagnostic will automatically
clear when successful
communication is re-established
or the evaporator entering water
temperature falls below 45F
(7.2C). All other occurrences
will result in a warning.

Section 1: Diagnostic Reference Tables

Special Troubleshooting and

Informational Messages
Table 10. Special troubleshooting and informational messages

Tracer AdaptiView Display Message Description//Troubleshooting

This message can have the following meanings:
This UC800 probably has only the backup application. Download the latest UC 800 software
The UC800 does not have a valid configuration. Download a configuration using the Tracer
The Page Cannot Be Found TU service tool.
You need to cycle power to the OD and UC800. Remember to disconnect the USB cable and
wait long enough for the UC800 to boot (10 seconds) before plugging USB cable in.
The UC800 could be in binding view. If so, get out of binding view by navigating to another
screen in Tracer TU.
UC800 Configuration is Invalid Update the UC800 configuration with the Tracer TU service tool.
This message can have the following causes:
The Ethernet cable is not connected between the display and UC800.
The UC800 is not powered.
Communication Lost with UC800
The UC800 has an invalid configuration. Download a valid configuration using the Tracer TU
service tool.
The UC800 is in Binding View. When you exit Binding View, select Restart on this message.
Screen partially populated. Auto and Stop A valid configuration is not present. Download a valid configuration using the Tracer TU service
button graphics display, no text. tool.
The Ethernet cable is not connected between the display and the UC800.
The UC800 is not powered.
Display Failed to Establish Communication The UC800 just has the backup application running as received from the vendor. Download the
CTV application software.
The UC800 has an invalid configuration. Download a valid configuration using the Tracer TU
service tool.
File Not Found Update the UC800 software with the Tracer TU service tool.
The display is low on memory, and needs to re-start. Select Yes to restart. Selecting Yes will not
Display Is About to Restart
affect the UC800 operation. Only the Operator Display is reset.
This error message is displayed when the MP code finds itself in an illegal location. These assertion
points are placed in code locations to aid the software team in identifying why the MP locked up
as a result of vectoring to an invalid location.
When this message occurs, copy down the file name and line number and have this information
Error Resulted From Invalid Configuration -
ready to provide Trane Technical Service.
Record Condition and Call Trane Service
This message remains on the screen for two minutes. After two minutes, the watchdog times out
Assertion: File Name Line Number
and a Watchdog Error message is displayed. The watchdog then resets the MP. The MP heads
into a boot and configuration mode the same as it does on a power up.
These error messages are displayed on the Tracer AdaptiView display screen and do not appear
in the Tracer TU service tool nor in the diagnostic logs.

Section 2: Troubleshooting the UC800 Controller
identify the symptoms your Tracer UC800 is experiencing
WARNING and find the likely causes and possible solutions to the
Hazardous Service Procedures!
Failure to follow all precautions in this manual and on the Communication
tags, stickers, and labels could result in death or serious
injury. Use Table 11, p. 50 to help you identify and resolve
Technicians, in order to protect themselves from communication issues.
potential electrical, mechanical, and chemical hazards,
MUST follow precautions in this manual and on the tags,
stickers, and labels, as well as the following instructions:
Unless specified otherwise, disconnect all electrical
power including remote disconnect and discharge all
energy storing devices such as capacitors before
servicing. Follow proper lockout/tagout procedures to
ensure the power can not be inadvertently energized.
When necessary to work with live electrical components,
have a qualified licensed electrician or other individual
who has been trained in handling live electrical
components perform these tasks.


Note: Graphic labels (shown above) are used for CE

application only.
Before servicing, disconnect all power sources and
allow at least 30 minutes for capacitors to discharge.
All electrical enclosuresunit or remoteare IP2X.
The Tracer UC800 may experience problems under certain
conditions. Use the tables in the following sections to

Section 2: Troubleshooting the UC800 Controller

Table 11. Troubleshooting communication problems

Symptom (what occurs) Likely causes Possible remedies

Tracer TU does not connect. It could connect
at one time but then lost the connection (e.g., USB cable not properly connected. Connect the USB cable.
there is an unstable connection).
There is no communication on the following
Ethernet (error at display) There are open connections on any conductor
Fix the open connections on the conductors.
(Power, Ethernet, USB, IMC).
USB (nothing) Fix the polarity.
Polarity is reversed on the Link terminals.
IMC (nothing)
MBUS (Comm. Loss with LLIDS)
When using Tracer TU, a download stops before Communication is cut to the Tracer TU service
Reconnect and re-download.
it is complete. tool during a download.
Experiencing communication failures or there is
The Frame LLID is plugged into the IMC bus. Correct the wiring.
no activity on the MBUS LEDs.
There are communication errors or there is no The UC800 has the same address as another
Set the rotary switches to a new unique ID.
device seen through the BAS. device on the network.
The USB cable becomes disconnected during
Progress stops during a download Reconnect the cable and re-start the download.
configuration download.
The USB cable becomes disconnected while
Progress stops during an upgrade Reconnect the cable and re-start the upload.
upgrading device.
There is a communication loss error on the The Tracer AdaptiView displays Ethernet cable
Reconnect the cable.
Tracer AdaptiView display. is disconnected.
The UC800 fails (lockup, power fail, etc.), but
The marquee LED on the UC800 is solid red. Cycle power on the UC800.
the Tracer AdaptiView display does not.

Use Table 12 help you identify and resolve hardware
Table 12. Troubleshooting hardware problems

Symptom (what occurs) Likely causes Possible remedies

The communication LEDs activity on the UC800 The communication lines are reversed (wired to
Fix the wiring terminations.
is not correct. the wrong terminals).
There will be no symptom until power is cycled, Either re-map the building automation system,
The rotary switch address changed while the
then the BAS might show communication or set the switches back to their original
UC800 was powered up.
errors. positions.
The rotary switch address changed while the Either re-map the building automation system,
The UC800s device ID changes on power up. UC800 is off. If not soft-set, on power up, the or set the switches back to their original
device ID will change. positions.
An internal failure is disabling an individual
The Marquee LED is solid red Cycle Power

Use Table 13 to help you identify and resolve power
Table 13. Troubleshooting power problems

Symptom (what occurs) Likely causes Possible remedies

Tracer TU lost power while connected to the
Tracer TU wont work. Re-power Tracer TU
There is an inadequate power supply, or there
The marquee light is solid red Fix Power supply.
has been a power droop.
The UC800 loses power while upgrading the There may be loose power connections or there
Reconnect and re-download.
device. may have been a power failure.

The laptop computer turns off during 1. Power loss. 1. Reconnect and re-download.
configuration download or while upgrading the 2. There is a dead battery in the laptop 2. Restore power or recharge battery.
device. computer.

Section 2: Troubleshooting the UC800 Controller

Note: The UC800 controller receives 24 Vdc power, which

is factory-wired.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component
This section provides an overview of the Tracer The following table lists and describes essential IPC3
AdaptiView control system components for terms.
CenTraVac chillers. It explains how the different features
and sensing mechanisms are wired, the sequence of Table 15. IPC3 terminology
operations, and how protective and adaptive mechanisms Term Description
The Tracer AdaptiView UC800 provides the
For AWG/MCM equivalents in mm2, refer to Table 14: bus management that restarts the link, or fills in
for missing nodes when the normal
Table 14. Wire sizing reference communication has been degraded. This
Bus Management
involves reassigning node addresses and filling
AWG/MCM mm2 equivalent in for nodes that are off-line. The Tracer
AdaptiView UC800 always has a node number of
22 0.32 01.
21 0.35 When a unit is factory commissioned, the Low
Level Intelligent Devices (LLIDs) must have
20 0.5
their node addresses assigned to them for
Node Assignment
18 0.75 storage in non-volatile memory. The node
addresses are normally assigned sequentially
17 1.0
during factory commissioning.
16 1.5
Node number zero is a special node assignment
14 2.5 that is reserved for devices that are service
selected. A LLID communicating on node
12 4 Node Zero
address zero also communicates on an assigned
10 6 node address. A LLID only communicates on
node address zero if it is service selected.
8 10
Binding is the process of assigning a node
6 16
number and functional IDs to a LLID. Binding is
4 25 a simple process involving:
3. Service selecting the LLID with a magnet.
2 or 1 35 4. Assigning functional IDs to that LLID with
1/0 50 Tracer TU.

2/0 70 When each LLID on the bus is bound, its inputs

and outputs are given a functional ID. The
2/0 or 3/0 95 Frame LLIDS have only one functional ID, but
4/0 or 250 120 most Panel LLIDs have more than one functional
ID. A dual high voltage binary input has two
300 150 functional IDs, a quad relay output has four
functional IDs.
350 or 400 185
450 or 500 240
The Tracer AdaptiView control with its Machine bus
Note: AWG = American Wire Gauge communicates to the control panel devices, unit mounted
devices, and any remote devices on the IPC3 bus network.
Important: Customers are responsible for all field The various devices are discussed in the upcoming
wiring in compliance with local, national, subsections.
and/or international codes.

Interprocessor Communication Control System Components

This subsection lists the standard and optional control
The IPC3 Network panel devices.
When using the Tracer UC800, you are not required to
know all the details about the structure of the IPC3 bus.
Control Panel Internally Mounted Devices
However this page gives detailed information about the For visual identification, internal control panel mounted
system for those of you that are really interested in how it devices are identified by their respective schematic
works. The IPC3 protocol is based on RS485 signal designation number. Control panel items are marked on
technology. IPC3 was designed to be very efficient. It the inner back panel in the control panel. The Control Panel
communicates at 19.2 Kbaud. Devices table (Table 16, p. 56) that follows corresponds to
This data rate allows for three rounds of data per second the same device designators shown at the right side of
on a 64-device network. A typical CVHE control network Figure 1, p. 53, Figure 2, p. 54, and Figure 3, p. 55.
has less than 50 devices. IPC3 allows for a maximum of Modules 1A1, 1A4, 1A5, 1A6, 1A7, and 1A13 are standard
255 devices per network. and present in all configurations. Other Modules vary

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

depending on machine optional devices. Refer to Figure 1,

p. 53, Figure 2, p. 54, and Figure 3, p. 55 on the following OPSTOperating Status GBASGeneric Building
page, along with Table 16, p. 56 through Table 25, p. 61 in Systems
this section for main panel locations and descriptions. EXOPExtended CDRPCondenser Pressure
Optional controls are present when a specific optional operation
controls package is specified, as listed in the second TRMMTracer WPSRWater Flow
column of Table 17 through Table 25 that follow in this communications Pressure sensing
subsection. Optional controls packages are:
FRCLFree Cooling HGBPHot Gas Bypass

The main panel diagrams are shown on the following

three pages.

Figure 1. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: Standard control panel assembly and device designations

30 Volt Maximum 30115 Volt Maximum

Note: Do not mix 30 V to 115 V wiring into 30 V MAX areas.

Doing so can cause electrical signal problems.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 2. CDHF, CDHG: Standard left-hand control panel assembly device designations

30 Volt Maximum 30115 Volt Maximum

Note: Do not mix 30 V to 115 V wiring into 30 V MAX areas.

Doing so can cause electrical signal problems.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 3. CDHF, CDHG: Standard right-hand control panel assembly device designations

30 Volt Maximum 30115 Volt Maximum

Note: Do not mix 30 V to 115 V wiring into 30 V MAX areas.

Doing so can cause electrical signal problems.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Table 16 lists the standard devices.

Table 16. Control panel devices (standard devices)
Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A1 Power Supply Standard #1 Converts 24 Vac to 24 Vdc not for field use
(as required)
1A2 Power Supply Converts 24 Vac to 24 Vdc not for field use
1A4 Dual High Voltage Input Standard High Pressure Cutout not for field use
Standard Condenser water pump control
1A5 Quad Relay Output modules J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, J2-3 common
Relay #1 (Relay #1)
1A5 Quad Relay Output Modules Chilled water pump (Relay #2) J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC, J2-6 common
Relay #2
1A5 Quad Relay Output modules Oil Heater Relay J2-7 NO, J2-8 NC, J2-9 Common
Relay #3
1A6 Dual High Voltage Input Condenser Flow Input J2-2 Condenser water flow switch
Input 1
1A6 Dual High Voltage Input Evaporator Flow Input J3-2 Chilled water flow switch
Input 2
1A7 High Power Output Relay Standard Oil Pump and Refrigerant Pump not for field use
Standard J2-1 Binary Input Signal #1, J2-2
1A13 Dual LV Binary input module External Auto Stop
Signal #1 Ground
Standard J2-3 Binary Input Signal #2, J2-4
1A13 Dual LV Binary input module Emergency stop
Signal #2 Ground
Compressor Motor Winding Temp Sensor
1A26(a) Standard not for field use
(Duplex: Compressor Motor)
LLID Power Supply Transformer Primary
1F1 Standard not for field use
Circuit protection
Control Panel Power Transformer ;
1T1 Standard not for field use
Circuit Breaker - Compressor Motor
1Q1 Standard not for field use
Controller Control Power - Branch Circuit
Circuit Breaker Purge System Branch
1Q2 Standard not for field use
Circuit BreakerModule [- LLID] Power
1Q3 Standard not for field use
Supply Branch Circuit
Circuit BreakerOil System Control
1Q4 Standard not for field use
Branch Circuit
1Q5 Standard Oil Pump Motor Branch Circuit protection not for field use
1X1-5 Chilled water flow flow switch
Control Panel Terminal Block, Flow switch
1X1 Terminal Block Standard input 1X1-6 Condenser water flow switch
(a) Previously located in Purge Control Panel.

Chilled and Condenser Water Flow

Interlock Circuits
Proof of chilled water flow for the evaporator is made by
the closure of flow switch 5S1 and the closure of auxiliary
contacts 5K1 on terminals 1X1-5 and 1A6-J3-2. Proof of
condenser water flow for the condenser is made by the
closure of flow switch 5S2 and the closure of auxiliary
contacts 5K2 on terminals 1X1-6 and 1A6-J2-2.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

OPST Operations Status Option

Table 17. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: OPST operations status option

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Running Indicator J2-10 NO, J2-11 NC, J2-12 common
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Latching Alarm Indicator J2-7 NO, J2-8 NC, J2-9 common
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Limit Mode Indicator J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC, J2-6 common
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Nonlatching Alarm Indicator J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, J2-3 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Purge Alarm Indicator J2-7 NO, J2-8 NC, J2-9 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Head Relief Request Indicator J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC to J2-6 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Maximum Capacity Indicator J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, to J2-3 common

Table 18 lists relay output modules 1A8 and 1A9 defaults Maintenance: CDHF and CDHG Water-Cooled CenTraVac
for Duplex CenTraVac chillers (CDHF, CDHG). For other Chillers with Tracer AdaptiView Control
selections, refer to Installation, Operation, and (CDHF-SVX01*-EN).

Table 18. CDHF, CDHG: OPST Operations status option for duplex CenTraVac chillers

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Running Indicator J2-10 NO, J2-11 NC, J2-12 common
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Latching Alarm Indicator J2-7 NO, J2-8 NC, J2-9 common
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Limit Mode Indicator J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC, J2-6 common
1A8 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Nonlatching Alarm Indicator J2-1 NO, J2-21 NC, J2-3 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Circuit 1 Purge Alarm Indicator J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, to J2-3 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Circuit 2 Purge Alarm Indicator J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC, to J2-6 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Head Relief Request Indicator J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC to J2-6 common
1A9 Optional Quad Relay Output Status OPST Chiller Maximum Capacity Indicator J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, J2-3 common

Head Relief Request Output This module is located in the control panel where the
module is connected to the IPC bus.
When the chiller is running in Condenser Limit Mode or in
Surge Mode, the head relief request relay (1 minute Maximum Capacity Relay
default) on the 1A9J2-6 to J2-4 will be energized and can
be used to control or signal for a reduction in the entering When the chiller has been operating at maximum capacity
condenser water temperature. This feature is designed to for 10 minutes, this relay activates. (Use Tracer TU to
prevent high refrigerant pressure trip-outs during critical adjust the number of minutes between 1 and 60.) Also
periods of chiller operation. upon being less than maximum capacity for 10 minutes,
this relay will deactivate.
If the unit is not equipped with the CDPR Enhanced
Condenser Limit Option the unit uses the condenser Compressor Running Relay
refrigerant temperature sensor (input converted to
saturated refrigerant pressure) to perform the Standard Relay activates while compressor is running.
Condenser Limit function, without the head relief request
Chiller Latching Alarm Indicator
relay, by limiting inlet guide vane stroke and chiller
capacity. Relay activates when a latching shutdown diagnostic is
Keep in mind that Condenser Limit Control supplements present.
the protection provided by the condenser pressure high
pressure cutout switch 3S1.

Compressor Motor Winding Temp Sensor

The motor temperature module 1A26 connects through
unit wiring to the three motor winding temperature

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

EXOP Extended Operation Option

Table 19. EXOP extended operation option (including 1A5, 1A17, 1A18, 1A19)

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
J2-10 NO, J2-11 NC
1A5 Quad Relay Output Modules(a) EXOP Ice Building Relay (Relay #4)
J2-12 common
1A17 Optional Dual Analog Input/Output J2-2 Input
EXOP External Base Loading Setpoint input
Module J2-3 Ground
1A17 Optional Dual Analog Input/Output J2-5 Input
EXOP Refrigerant Monitor inputs
Module J2-6 Ground
External Base Loading Enable or Disable J2-1 Binary, Input
1A18 Optional Dual LV Binary input Module EXOP
input points J2-2 Ground
External Hot Water Control Enable or J2-3 Binary Input
1A18 Optional Dual LV Binary input Module EXOP
Disable input J2-4 Ground
Ice Building Control Enable or Disable J2-1 Binary Input
1A19 Optional Dual LV Binary input Module EXOP
input point J2-2 Ground
(a) Previously this was 1A10.

Refrigerant Monitor Input 1A17 FRCL Free Cooling Option

Analog type input 210 mA or 420 mA input signal to the HGBP Hot Gas Bypass Option
1A17 J2-5 to J2-6 (ground); ppm are selectable for each
mA range.
Table 20. HGBP Hot gas bypass option

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A7 Dual High Voltage Binary Input HGBP Hot Gas Bypass input Not for field use
1A20 Optional Dual LV Binary Input Module HGBP Auxiliary Relays Not for field use

TRMM TRM4 Tracer Comm4 Interface

Table 21. TRMM TRM4 Tracer Comm4 interface

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A14 Optional Communication Interface TRM4 or J2-1 COMM+, J2-2 COMM
Tracer Communications
Module LCI-C -J2-3, COMM +, J2-4 COMM -

Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Output

Table 22. Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Output(a) (CDRP)

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A15 Optional Dual Analog Input/Output CDRP or
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Output J2-4 Output, J2-6 Ground
Module GBAS
(a) See the Engineering Bulletin: Condenser Water Temperature Control (CTV-PRB006*-EN).

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Enhanced Protection (EPRO)

Table 23. Enhanced Protection (EPRO)

Description Package Purpose
4R22 EPRO Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Transducer
Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature Sensor. (This is also included with
4R1 EPRO Inboard Bearing Temperature Sensor
4R2 EPRO Outboard Bearing Temperature Sensor

CDRP Refrigerant Pressure Output Option Figure 4. Condenser pressure based output

Output Voltage (Vdc)

Refrigerant Pressure Output can be configured at 10 Vdc
commissioning to correspond to either: A) the absolute
condenser pressure, B) the differential pressure of the
condenser to evaporator pressures, or C) Condenser
Water Temperature Control. This Vdc output is located at
1A15 J2 4 (+) to J2-6 (Ground).
2 Vdc
The Voltage DC Output can source a maximum of 22 mA
of current. 0 psia 15 psig HPC in psia
(0 kPaA) (103.4 kPaG) (kPaA)
This output is Voltage DC only, 420 mA is not supported. 0% 100%
Condenser Pressure
A) Condenser Pressure Output
Two to 10 Vdc corresponds to 0 psia (0 kPaA) to the HPC (in
psia) setting. B) Refrigerant Differential Pressure Indication
Note: The Tracer UC800 control allows for Delta Pressure,
condenser pressure, or condenser head pressure, A 2 to 10 Vdc analog output is provided instead of the
but only allows one to be selected at a time. previous condenser pressure output signal. This signal
corresponds to predetermined minimum and maximum
Temperature Based pressure settings, which are set up at the commissioning
On standard machines the Percent Condenser Pressure of this feature. You can alter this relationship using the
Indication is based on the Saturated Condenser Tracer TU service tool, if required. The Minimum Delta
Refrigerant and a temperature to pressure conversion is Pressure is typically set to 0 psi (0 kPa) and will then
made. If the Condenser Saturated Temperature goes out of correspond to 2 Vdc. The Maximum Delta Pressure is
range due to an open or short, a pressure sensor typically set to 30 psi (206.8 kPa) and corresponds to
diagnostic is called and the output goes to 1.0 Vdc. 10 Vdc.
The Minimum Delta Pressure Calibration setting has a
Pressure Based
range of 0 to 30 psid (0 to 206.8 kPaD) in increments of
With the Enhanced Protection (EPRO) option, a condenser 1 psid (6.9 kPaD). The Maximum Delta Pressure
pressure transducer is installed and the pressure is Calibration setting has a range of 1 to 30 psid (6.9 to
measured. If the Condenser Pressure sensor goes out of 206.8 kPaD) in increments of 1 psid (6.9 kPaD). The
range due to either an open or short, a pressure sensor condenser refrigerant pressure is based on the Condenser
diagnostic is called and the output goes to 1.0 Vdc. Refrigerant Temperature sensor if the Condenser Pressure
Option is selected as Not Installed at the display.
The evaporator refrigerant pressure is based on the
Saturated Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature Sensor.
Refer to Engineering Bulletin: Condenser Water
Temperature Control (CTV-PRB006*-EN) for additional
information about condenser water temperature control.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

In this example, 2 Vdc corresponds to 0 psi (0 kPa)

Figure 5. Delta pressure settingdifferential pressure differential and 10 Vdc corresponds to 30 psi (206.8 kPa)
based output (defaults shown) differential. The min value of 0 psi (0 kPa) and the max
value of 30 psi (206.8 kPa) are individually adjustable
10 Vdc using the Tracer TU service tool.
Output Voltage (Vdc)

Note: Typical settings for CVHE, CVHF, and CVHG with

refrigerant pumps are as follows.
Min pressure 0 psid (0 kPaD) = 2 Vdc
Max pressure 6 psid (41.4 kPaD) = 10 Vdc
Target tower control at 4 psid (27.6 kPaD)
2 Vdc C) Condenser Heat Pressure Control Output
See Engineering Bulletin: Condenser Water Temperature
Min Delta Max Delta
Pressure Pressure
Control (CTV-PRB006*-EN) for additional information
Setting Setting about condenser water temperature control.
(Default (Default
0 psi [0 kPa]) 30 psi
[206.8 kPa];
6 psi [41.4 kPa]
is recommended)

Table 24. Generic Building Automation System (GBAS)

Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A15 Optional Dual Analog Input/Output GBAS
Percent RLA Compressor Output J2-1 Output, J2-3 Ground
Module or CDRP
1A16 Optional Dual Analog Input/Output
GBAS External Current Limit Setpoint J2-2 Input, J2-3 Ground
1A16 Optional Dual Analog Input/Output External Chiller Water Setpoint, or
GBAS J2-5 Input, J2-6 Ground
Module External Hot Water Setpoint

Percent RLA Output External Chilled Water Setpoint (ECWS)

Two to 10 Vdc corresponding to 0 to 120 percent RLA. The The External Chilled Water Setpoint allows the chilled
Percent RLA Output connections are on the terminals 1A15 water setpoint to be changed from a remote location. The
J2-1 (+) to J2-3 (Ground). The Percent RLA Output is External Chilled Water Setpoint is found on 1A16 J2-5 to
polarity sensitive. J2-6 (Ground).
Note: 0 percent RLA = 2 Vdc 120 percent RLA = 10 Vdc ECWS Minimum Temperature can be set in the range of
Example: If RLA is 500 amps then 10 Vdc = 600 0F to 49F (-17.8C to 9.4C); default is 34F (1.1C); ECWS
amps. Maximum Temperature can be set to in the range of 50F
Figure 6 illustrates the output: to 75F (10C to 23.9C); default is 65F (18.3C).
Perform the following steps to install ECWS:
Figure 6. Percent RLA versus output voltage
1. Configure and bind 1A16 for 210 Vdc or 420 mA.
2. Select setpoints for minimum and maximum
temperature that correlate to the analog signal.
3. Select the proper setpoint source of Ext/FP.
4. Enable this setpoint on the Field Startup, Feature
Settings tab screen within the Tracer TU service tool

Equipment Utility.

External Hot Water Setpoint (EHWS)

The External Hot Water Setpoint allows the chilled water
setpoint to be changed from a remote location. The
External Hot Water Setpoint is found on 1A16 J2-5 to J2-6
Output Voltage (Vdc)

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

EHWS Minimum Temperature can be set in the range of ECLS Minimum percent RLA range of 2 percent RLA
80F to 100F (26.7C to 37.8C); default is 80F (26.7C); 69 percent RLA (default is 40 percent RLA) and ECLA
EHWS Maximum Temperature can be set to in the range of Maximum percent RLA range of 70 percent RLA
101F to 140F (38.3C to 60C); default is 140F (60C). 100 percent RLA (default is 100 percent RLA). Adjustable
Perform the following steps to install EHWS: using the Tracer TU service tool.

1. Configure and bind 1A16 for 210 Vdc or 420 mA. Note: To use external inputs, the setpoint source setting
on the Tracer AdaptiView display must be set to
2. Select setpoints for minimum and maximum Ext/FP.
temperature that correlate to the analog signal.
The ECWS or ECLS LLID reports either a very low or very
3. Select the proper setpoint source of Ext/FP. high value when there is either an open or short in the
4. Enable this setpoint on the Field Startup, Feature system. When an open or short is detected (or the signal
Settings tab screen within the Tracer TU service tool is severely beyond the valid range) on the 210 Vdc or 4
Equipment Utility. 20 mA inputs, and when the ECWS or ECLS option is
installed, an informational diagnostic is generated. The
External Current Limit Setpoint (ECLS) Active Chilled Water Setpoint or Active Current Limit
setpoint defaults to the panel (or next priority) setpoint.
The External Current Limit is an option that allows the
Open and short criteria is set as close to the end of the
Current Limit setpoint to be changed from a remote
range values as possible while maintaining the ability to
location. The External Limit Setpoint is found on 1A16 J2-
reliably detect an open and short.
2 to J2-3 (ground), 210 Vdc and 420 mA corresponds to
Table 25. WFC Water Pressure Sensing Option (WPSR)
Description Package Purpose Field Connection Point Terminals
1A21 Optional Dual Analog Input or Output
WPSR = WFC Evaporator Differential Water Pressure J2-1 Power, J2-2 Input
1A21 Optional Dual Analog Input or Output
WPSR = WFC Condenser Differential Water Pressure J2-4 Power, J2-5 Input

Evaporator Differential Water Pressure 4 mA is 0 psid (0 kPaD)

The Evaporator Differential Water Pressure interfaces with 20 mA is set to the range 0 psid to 50 psid (0 kPaD to
a 420 mA differential water pressure transducer. This 344.7 kPaD); default is 30 psid (206.8 kPaD)
input is used to sense evaporator differential water The conversion of differential pressure to flow are found in
pressure and convert it to water flow. The 420 mA is set Tracer TU Service Setpoints, Chiller Setpoints tab. They
up in Tracer TU Configuration tab as: are set up as follows:
4 mA is 0 psid (0 kPaD) Condenser Water Flow Point 1
20 mA is set to the range 0 psid to 50 psid (0 kPaD to Condenser Pressure Drop Point 1
344.7 kPaD); default is 30 psid (206.8 kPaD) Condenser Water Flow Point 2
The conversion of differential pressure to flow are found in Condenser Pressure Drop Point 2
Tracer TU Service Setpoints, Chiller Setpoints tab. They
are set up as follows:
Evaporator Water Flow Point 1
Evaporator Pressure Drop Point 1
Evaporator Water Flow Point 2
Evaporator Pressure Drop Point 2
Evaporator Fluid Specific Gravity
Evaporator Fluid Specific Heat
Evap Low Water Flow Warning Setpoint

Condenser Differential Water Pressure

The Condenser Differential Water Pressure interfaces with
a 420 mA differential water pressure transducer. This
input is used to sense condenser differential water
pressure and convert it to water flow. The 420 mA is set
up in Tracer TU Configuration tab as:

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Module Characteristics 1A5, 1A8, 1A9, 1A11, 1A12 Quad Relay Output
1A1, 1A2 Power Supply:
Relay Output J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, J2-3 common
Unit Control Converts 27 Vac to 24 Vdc.
Power Supply Relay Output J2-4 NO, J2-5 NC, J2-6 common
Module Relay Output J2-7 NO, J2-8 NC, J2-9 common
Power Input 23VRMS minimum, 27VRMS Relay Output J2-10 NO, J2-11 NC, J2-12 common
Voltage Nominal, 30VRMS maximum
Relay Outputs at 7.2 Amps resistive, 2.88 Amps pilot
Input Frequency 5060 Hz 120 Vac duty, 1/3 hp, 7.2 FLA at 240 Vac: 5
Input Current Full load 27 Vac 4.30 A (RMS) Amps general purpose, 1426 AWG
with a maximum of two 14 AWG.
Input Inrush 27 Vac (RMS) ~ 30 A (RMS)
Current Input Power 24 Vdc 10 percent, 60 mA maximum,
Trane IPC3 protocol.
Power Output Class II Voltage 24 Vdc 5 percent,
Rated Current 2.44 Amps. J1-1 +24Vdc, J1-2 Ground, J1-3
COMM + J1-4 COMM -
Fused @ 3 amps (FUS01513)

1A13, 1A18, 1A19, 1A20 Dual Binary Input

1A4, 1A6 Dual High Voltage Binary Input Module
Binary Inputs Looks for a dry contact closure. Low
Binary Input J2-1 to 2 Voltage 24 V 12 mA,
Signal 1426 AWG with a maximum of two 14
Binary Input J3-1 to 2 AWG
Signal Input Power
High Voltage Off Voltage: 0 to 40 Vac RMS
Binary Input On Voltage: 70 to 276 Vac RMS 1A14 Communication Interface Module -
1426 AWG with a maximum of two 14 Comm 4
Input Power 24 Vdc 10 percent, 20 mA maximum. Link J2-1 Comm +
Trane IPC3 protocol. J1-1 +24 Vdc, J1- Communications J2-2 Comm -
2 Ground, J1-3 COMM +, J1-4 COMM -
J2-3 Comm +
1A7 High Power Relay J2-4 Comm -
1426 AWG with a maximum of two 14
Relay output 16.0 Amps resistive, 6.4 Amps pilot AWG.
contacts at duty, 1 hp, 16.0 FLA
120 Vac Input Power 24 Vdc 10 percent, 50 mA maximum,
Trane IPC3 protocol.
J2 1426 AWG with a maximum of two 14
AWG J2-1 NO, J2-2 NO, J2-3 NC, J2-4 J1-1 +24Vdc, J1-2 Ground, J1-3
COM, J2-5 COM COMM + J1-4 COMM -

Input Power 24 Vdc 10 percent, 60 mA max. Trane

IPC3 protocol.
J1-1 +24 Vdc, J1-2 Ground, J1-3
COMM +, J1-4 COMM -

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

1A14 Communication Interface ModuleLCI-C

Analog J2-2 Signal, J2-3 Ground
Link JJ2-1 Comm Port A
Communications J2-2 Comm Port B Analog J2-5 Signal, J2-6 Ground
Input 1428 AWG with a maximum of two
J2-3 Comm Port A
14 AWG.
J2-4 Comm Port B
Input 24 Vdc 10 percent, 65 mA maximum, Trane
1426 AWG with a maximum of two 14 Power IPC3 protocol.
J1-1 +24Vdc, J1-2 Ground, J1-3 COMM +
Input Power 24 Vdc 10 percent, 70 mA maximum, J1-4 COMM -
Trane IPC3 protocol.
J1-1 +24Vdc, J1-2 Ground, J1-3 Unit Mounted Devices
COMM + J1-4 COMM - Vane Actuator Control
The Stepper Module within the stepper vane actuator
1A15, 1A16, 1A17, 1A21 Dual Analog Input/ (4M2) (and 4M4 extended capacity) pulses a DC voltage to
Output Module the windings of the Stepper Motor Actuator(s) to control
inlet guide vane position. While operation of this stepper
Analog Outputs motor is automatic, manual control is possible by going to
Note: The Analog Output is a voltage only signal. Two to the Mode Overrides settings menu within the Tracer
10 Vdc at 22 mA. AdaptiView display. Compressor Control Signal allows
the operator to manually increase or decrease the
Analog J2-1 Signal, J2-3 Ground compressor load by adjusting the compressor control
Output signal.
Analog J2-4 Signal, J2-6 Ground Note: If the chiller is operating in a limit mode (current
Output limit, condenser limit, evaporator limit, and so on),
1428 AWG with a maximum of two 14
the limit operation has priority over all Tracer
AdaptiView display manual modes of operation.
The maximum recommended length to run this signal is On each control panel power-up, the inlet guide vanes are
included in Table 26. driven full closed to recalibrate the zero position (Steps) of
Note: This table applies to copper conductors only. the Stepper motor vane actuator.

Table 26. Recommended length to run external output Standard Range Temperature Sensors
The following sensors are used on CenTraVac chiller
Ohms Per Length Maximum Length models:
Gauge Feet (Feet) (Meters) Evaporator water sensors 4R6 and 4R7 (entering and
14 0.00 2823 1062.7 324 leaving, respectively)
16 0 0.004489 668.3 203.8 Condenser water sensors 4R8 and 4R9 (entering and
18 0.007138 420.3 128.1 leaving, respectively)
20 0.01135 264.3 80.6 Bearing temperature sensors 4R1, 4R2,
22 0.01805 166.3 50.7
Oil temperature sensor 4R5
24 0.0287 104.5 31.9
Outdoor air temperature 4R13
26 0.04563 65.7 20
28 0.07255 41.4 12.6
Evaporator saturated refrigerant temperature sensor
Analog Inputs Condenser saturated refrigerant temperature sensor
The analog input can be software switched between a 4R11
voltage input or a current input. When used as a current Compressor Discharge Refrigerant Temperature 4R16
input a 200 Ohm load resistor is switched in. Second Condenser Entering Water sensor 4R14
Two to 10 Vdc or 420 mA Analog Inputs Second Condenser leaving Water sensor 4R15
The control panel accepts either a 210 Vdc or 420 analog Purge Compressor Refrigerant Suction Temperature
input suitable for customer external control. The type is 3R1
determined at unit commissioning during feature Purge Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature
installation. 3R3

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Probe Operating Temperature Range: -40F to 250F (-40C b. Determine why the offset is present as this may be
to 121C) mitigation for water stratification issues in
Accuracy: 0.45F (0.25C) over the range -4F to 122F waterboxes or piping.
(-20C to 50C), 1.80F (1.00C) over the range -40F to c. Use the Tracer TU offset setpoint to calibrate the
250F (-40C to 121C) sensor to another accurate temperature device.
Power and Communications and Terminations Power: 4. If the sensor is bound correctly but doesnt approach
24 Vdc 10 percent, 20 mA maximum. 32F 1F (0.0C 0.56C) and cannot be corrected with
Communications: Trane IPC3 protocol an offset entry:
a. Check for water and corrosion when looking at the
Sensor Checkout Procedure pins in the global or butterfly-style connectors.
Is the sensor bound and communicating? b. To ensure that water does NOT get inside the
connector, dry the connecter before opening.
Connect Tracer TU and get into Binding View. Place the
chiller into Local Stop or this will shut the chiller down. c. If moisture is found:
Once in Binding View, verify that the Temperature Sensor i. For butterfly-style connectors, replace sensor.
is bound.
ii. For global connectors, replace sensor with
Note: Please refer to Service Tool for questions global connector and replace the connection
concerning binding LLIDs and getting into Binding section of the global connector cable.
d. Repeat ice-bath test.
If there are multiple LLIDs that are not verified go to IPC
troubleshooting. 5. If the temperature does approach 32F (0.0C), re-
install the sensor in the well with suitable heat transfer
If the sensor is not bound, try to bind it. If the sensor will paste.
not bind it could be a problem with the connector or the
sensor itself. Take a close look at the connector to make High Range Temperature Sensors
sure that all four wires are securely in place. Purge Carbon Tank Temperature 3R2
If the sensor is bound, try to turn the LED on with a magnet. Probe Operating Temperature Range: -40F to 450F (-40C
If the light will not turn on there could be a problem with to 232C)
the sensor. Try to turn the light on in Binding View. With the
light on hold the magnet to the LED. The LED should get Accuracy: 1.17F (0.65C) over the range 32F to 212F
brighter. If it doesnt get brighter, this may indicate a (0C to 100C), 2.48F (1.38C) over the range 212F to
problem with the sensor or the connector. Take a close 450F (100C to 232C)
look at the connector to make sure that all four wires are Power and Communications and Terminations Power:
securely in place. 24 Vdc 10 percent, 20 mA maximum
If there is no problem found with the connector and the Communications: Trane IPC3 protocol
sensor will not bind, replace the sensor.
Pressure Sensors
Is the sensor reading accurately?
Versions are as follows:
All temperature sensors on CenTraVac chillers are in
Oil tank sump 4R4
thermal wells. Cycle the chiller off prior to testing the
sensor. Oil pump discharge 4R3
1. Remove the sensor with strain relief from the well; Condenser refrigerant pressure 3R4
refer to Appendix, p. 86 for more information. Working Pressure Range: 0 to 50 psia (0 to 344.7 kPaA)
2. Place the sensor, while still connected to the LLID bus, Accuracy: 0.3 percent of full scale output at 68F (20C)
in an ice bath.
Power and Communications and Terminations Power:
Note: Because ice baths can vary for many reasons 24 Vdc 10 percent, 25 mA maximum
(altitude, stirring, water and ice impurities, the
Communications: Trane IPC3 protocol
accuracy of test instruments, etc.), do NOT
replace the sensor unless it reads more than 1F Starter Module
(0.56C) from expected value.
In the hierarchy of modules the Starter module 2A1 (1A23
3. Monitor the temperature on the display or service tool. when customer supplied starter specified) is second only
The temperature should approach 32F (0.0C). to the Tracer AdaptiView display. The starter module is
a. If not at 32F (0.0C), check if an offset is set within present in all starter selections (except Unit Mount and
Tracer TU settings. This may explain the errors. Remote Mount Comm AFD).This includes Wye Delta,
Across the Line, and Solid State whether remote unit
mounted or supplied by others. The starter module

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

provides the logic to provide the motor protection for

Current overload, phase reversal, phase loss, phase
imbalance, and momentary power loss. These functions
are discussed in Machine Protection and Adaptive
Control, p. 74.
Relay outputs @ 120 Vac: 7.2 amps resistive 2.88 amps Pilot
Duty 1/3 hp, 7.2 FLA
Relay outputs @ 240 Vac: 5 amps general purpose
14 - 26 AWG with a maximum of two 14 AWG

Input 24 Vdc 10 percent, 160 mA maximum,

Power Trane IPC3 protocol.
J3-1 +24Vdc, J3-2 Ground, J3-3 COMM +
J3-4 COMM -

EarthWise Purge
Trane has also revolutionized its controller-integrated
purge, which features an automatic regeneration system
for high-efficiency, maintenance-free refrigerant
containment. Air and noncondensables are pumped out
faster, and the lower temperature refrigeration system
enhances the base purge efficiency. See EarthWise
Purge System with Tracer AdaptiView Control for Water-
Cooled CenTraVac Chillers (PRGD-SVX01*-EN) for
Figure 7, p. 66 and Figure 8, p. 67 illustrate the typical
location of various standard and optional unit mounted
control and sensor devices on Duplex CenTraVac

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 7. CDHF, CDHG side view with panel: location of unit-mounted control and sensor devices

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 8. CDHF, CDHG top view: location of unit-mounted control and sensor devices

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Control Sequence of Operation condenser water pump relay (5K2) at 1A5 module output
at 1A5 J2-1.
This section will acquaint you with the control logic Based on the Restart Inhibit function and the Differential to
governing CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CDHF, and CDHG chillers Start setpoint, the oil/refrigerant pump (4M3) is energized
equipped with the Tracer AdaptiView control system. by 1A7 Module (1A7-J2-1). The oil pressure must be at
least 12 psid (82.7 kPaD) for 60 continuous seconds
Electrical SequenceWye-Delta Starter (CVGF: 30 continuous seconds) and condenser water flow
When reviewing the step-by-step electrical sequences of verified within 4 minutes and 15 seconds for the
operation, refer to the typical wiring schematics for the compressor start sequence to be initiated.
unit- mounted Wye-Delta starter shown in the installation
manual shipped with the chiller.
Note: The typical wiring diagrams are representative of
standard units and are provided only for general
reference. They may not reflect the actual wiring of
your unit. For specific electrical schematic and
connection information, always refer to the wiring
diagrams that shipped with the chiller.
With the supply power disconnect switch or circuit breaker
(2Q1 or 2K3) closed, 115-volt control power transformer
2T5 and a 40-amp starter panel fuse (2F4) to terminal
(2X1-1) starter panel to terminal 1X1-1 in the control panel.
From this point, control voltage flows to:
1. Circuit Breaker 1Q1 which provides power to the
starter module (2A1) relay outputs and the High
Pressure Cutout switch (3S1).
2. Circuit Breaker 1Q2 which provides power to the Purge
3. Circuit Breaker 1Q3 which provides power to
Transformer (1T1) which steps down the 115 Vac to
27 Vac. This 27 Vac then powers the 24 Vdc power
supply 1A1, and 1A2 if present. The 24 Vdc is then
connected to all modules via the Interprocessor
communications Bus providing module power.
1Q3 also provides power to the external chiller water
proof of flow device connected between terminal block
1X1-5 to 1A6-J3-2, and condenser water proof of flow
device connected at 1X1-6 to 1A6-J2-2.
4. Circuit Breaker 1Q4 which provides power to the Oil
Heater 4HR1 circuit and to Circuit Breaker 1Q5 oil and
refrigerant pump circuits.
5. The Tracer AdaptiView display module, receives
24 Vdc power from the IPC bus.

Control Panel and Wye-Delta Starter

Control Circuits
Logic circuits within the various modules will determine
the starting, running, and stopping operation of the chiller.
When operation of the chiller is required the chiller mode
is set at Auto. Using customer supplied power, the
evaporator water pump relay (5K1) is energized by the 1A5
Module output at 1A5-J2-4, and evaporator water flow
must be verified within 4 minutes 15 seconds by the 1A6
Module. The main processors logic decides to start the
chiller based on the differential to start setpoint. With the
differential to start criteria met, module 1A5 then energizes

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 9. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CVGF sequence of operation: stopped to starting

Chiller Mode
Set to Auto

or Waiting Starting
Auto Waiting to Start Waiting to Start
Run to Start Compressor

Confirm Wait for Wait for Oil Temperature Prelube

Evaporator Restart Inhibit to Rise Above* CVH: 60 Seconds
Water Flow Timer to Expire CVG: 30 Seconds
(6 Second
Energize Evaporator
Minimum) Energize Condenser
Water Pump Relay
Water Pump Relay

Confirm Evaporator Water Flow

Within 4 Minutes 15 Seconds Confirm Condenser Water Flow
(6 Second Debounce Filter) Within 4 Minutes 15 Seconds
(6 Second Debounce Filter)

Oil Pump Relay

Confirm Presence of
Oil Differential Pressure**
Within 3 Minutes

CVH only: Check for

High Vacuum Lockout

*CVH: Sat Evap + 30F (-1.1C) and 100F (37.8C)

CVG: Sat Evap + 30F (-1.1C) and 105F (40.6C)
95 (35.0C) w/o Enhanced Oil Temp Protection

**CVH: Equal to or Greater Than Low Differential Oil Pressure Cutout; Default 12 psid (82.7 kPaD)
CVG: Closed Differential Oil Pressure Switch

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 10. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CVGF sequence of operation: starting wye delta

Energize Start and

Stop Relays (2K1)

Confirm Proper Compressor Rotation

Within 0.7 Seconds (Phase Reversal)
Confirm No Transition Complete Signal
(Transition Complete Input Shorted)
Confirm >10% RLA Compressor
Currents Within 1.6 Seconds
(Starter Fault Type III)
Energize Start and
Stop Relays (2K1) When Currents Drop Below 85% RLA+1.5
Seconds, Energize Transition (2K4) Relay

Confirm No Compressor Currents

(Starter Fault Type I) De-Energize Shorting
Relay (2K3)

De-Energize Start and

Stop Relays (2K1) Confirm Transition Complete
Input Within 2.5 Seconds
(Starter Did Not Transition)

Energize Run (2K2)

Energize and Hold
Shorting Relay (2K3)

Confirm No Compressor Currents De-Energize Transition

(Starter Fault Type II) Relay (2K4)

Waiting Compressor
Starting Compressor Starting Compressor
to Start Running

Starting Compressor
Starter Contactor Integrity Test in Wye Transition Starter to Delta

Arm/Run Command to Starter Module Acceleration
(664 Seconds)

When less than 2.5 seconds (CDHF, CDHG: 5 seconds) 7. If no diagnostics are generated in the above tests, the
remain before compressor start, a starter test is conducted Stop Relay (2A1-J10) is closed for 2 seconds and the
to verify contactor states prior to starting the compressor. Start Relay (2A1-J8) is closed to energize the start
The following test or start sequence is conducted for contactor (2K1). The shorting contactor (2K3) has
Wye-Delta starters (also refer to Figure 13, p. 73): already been energized from (F) above. The
Note: Step 9 through Step 12 are different for CVHE, compressor motor (4M1) starts in the Wye
CVHF, CVHG and CDHF, CDHG and are labeled configuration, an auxiliary contact (2K1-AUX) locks in
accordingly. the start contactor (2K1) coil. Additionally, for Duplex
CenTraVac chillers 2K11 pulls in to hold the oil pump
1. Test for transition complete contact open on. This is parallel to 1A7 contacts.
(2A1-J12-2)160 to 240 msec. An MMR diagnostic will
be generated if the contact is closed. 8. After the compressor motor has accelerated and the
maximum phase current has dropped below
2. Delay time20 msec. 85 percent of the chiller nameplate RLA for
3. Close start contactor (2K1) and check for no current 1.5 seconds, the starter transition to the Delta
500 msec. If currents are detected, the MMR diagnostic configuration is initiated.
Starter Fault Type I is generated. 9. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: The transition contactor (2K4) is
4. Stop relay (2A1-J10-3 to 1) closes for one second for closed through relay 2A1-J2, placing the transition
test C above. resistors (2R1, 2R2, and 2R3) in parallel with the
compressor motor windings. The run relay (2A1-J6-3
5. Delay time200 msec. (Opens 2K1).
to 1) is closed.
6. Close shorting contactor, (2K3) and check for no current
CDHF, CDHG: The transition contactor (2K4) is closed
- one second. If currents are detected the MMR
through relay 2A1-J2, placing the transition resistors
diagnostic Starter Fault Type II is generated (Starter
(2R1, 2R2, and 2R3) in parallel with the compressor
Integrity Test).
motor windings.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

10. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: The shorting contactor (2K3) is (2K2-AUX) within 2.5 seconds after the shorting relay
opened through the opening of relay 2A1-J4 100 msec (2A1-J4) is opened.
after the closure of the transition relay 2A1-J2, and the CDHF, CDHG: The starter module must now confirm
run relay 2A1-J6. closure of the transition complete contact (2K2-AUX
CDHF, CDHG: The shorting contactor (2K3) is opened into 2A1 J12-2) within 2.32 to 2.38 seconds after the run
through the opening of relay 2A1-J4 100 msec after the relay (2A1-J6) is closed.
closure of the transition relay 2A1-J2. Finally, the transition relay (2A1-J2) is opened de-
11. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: The run contactor (2K2) is closed energizing the transition contactor (2K4) and the
through auxiliary contacts on the shorting contactor compressor motor starting sequence is complete. An
(2K3), shorting out the transition resistors. This places MMR diagnostic is generated if the transition complete
the compressor motor in the Delta configuration and contacts (2K2-AUX) do not close. A diagram of this test or
the starter module waits to look for this transition for start sequence is shown in Figure 13.
about 2.3 seconds through the closure of the transition Now that the compressor motor (4M1) is running in the
complete contacts 2K2-Aux at module 2A1-J12 input). Delta configuration, the inlet guide vanes will modulate,
CDHF, CDHG: The run contactor (2K2) is closed through opening and closing to the chiller load variation by
relay 2A1-J6, shorting out the transition resistors operation of the stepper vane motor actuator (4M2) (CDHF,
260 milliseconds after the opening of the shorting CDHG: 4M4 (extended capacity) to satisfy chilled water
relay 2A1-J4. This places the compressor motor in the setpoint. The chiller continues to run in its appropriate
Delta configuration. mode of operation: Normal, Softload, Limit Mode, and so
12. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: The starter module must now on.
confirm closure of the transition complete contact
Figure 11. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CVGF sequence of operation: running with Tracer UC800 controls
Status is Limit Mode Exit
Running Limit Mode

Starting Chiller is
Chiller is Running Chiller is Running - Limit Chiller is Running
Compressor Running

Modulate IGV/AFD* Modulate IGV/AFD* Modulate IGV/AFD*

for LWT control for Limit control for LWT control

Enforce All Running Mode Diagnostics

*AFD applies to CVH only.

If the chilled water temperature drops below the chilled Figure 12, p. 72 illustrates this sequence.
water set point by an amount set as the differential to
stop setpoint, a normal chiller stop sequence is initiated
as follows:
1. The inlet guide vanes are driven closed up to
50 seconds.
2. After the inlet guide vanes are closed (CDHF, CDHG:
After the 50 seconds has elapsed), the stop relay
(2A1-J10) and the condenser water pump relays
(1A5-J2) open to turn off. The oil and refrigerant pump
motor (4B3) will continue to run for 3 minutes post
lube while the compressor coasts to a stop. The chilled
water pump will continue to run while the Main
processor module (1A22) monitors leaving chilled
water temperature preparing for the next compressor
motor start based on the differential to start setpoint.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 12. CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: sequence of operationsatisfied setpoint

Satisfied Setpoint

Running Preparing to Shutdown Shutting Down Shutting Down Auto

Close IGV (050 Seconds) Post Lube (3 Minutes) De-Energize Oil Pump

Confirm <3 psid (20.7 kPaD)

Command IGV Closed De-Energize Oil Pressure 5 Minutes After
Compressor Oil Pump is De-Energized

Confirm No Compressor Currents

Within 030 Seconds

De-Energize Condenser
Water Pump Relay

Enforce All Running Mode Diagnostics

If the STOP key is pressed on the operator interface, the

chiller will follow the same stop sequence as above except
the chilled water pump relay (1A5-J2) will also open and
stop the chilled water pump after the chilled water pump
delay timer has timed out after compressor shut down.
If the Immediate Stop is initiated, a panic stop occurs
which follows the same stop sequence as pressing the
STOP key once except the inlet guide vanes are not
sequence closed and the compressor motor is
immediately turned off.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 13. Test and start timing sequence

2K1 Closed
Start Open
Stop Open
2K2 Run Open

2K3 Short Open

F Closed
2K4 Transition Open

Transition Dont Care Dont Care Dont Care
Complete Open

Maximum Phase Current


Timing requirements to operate the Stop, Start, transition complete input shall be verified to be open,
Short, Transition, and Run contact closure outputs otherwise an MMR diagnostic is generated.
are shown below. Prior to closing the Short contact, the
Table 27. Timing requirements to operate stop, start, short, transition, and run closure outputs

Interval Minimum Maximum Units Actual Design

Steps A to F: Starter Integrity Test
CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: Steps F to N: Starter Timing
CDHF,CDHG: Steps G to N: Starter Timing
A. (Test for transition complete input open) 160 to 240 milliseconds
B. (Just delay time) 20 milliseconds
(Close 1M (2K1) Contactor and test for no
C. 500 milliseconds
current.) (Starter integrity test)
(Hold 1M (2K1) Contactor and test for no
D. 1 second
current.) (Starter integrity test)
E. (Open 1M (2K1) Delay time 200 milliseconds
(Close Shorting Contactor (2K3) and test for no
F. current, then wait for Start command.) (Starter 100 milliseconds 1 second (Minimum)
integrity test)
(CVHE, CVHF, CVHG: Close 1M 2K1)
G. 2.0 second 2 seconds
(CDHF, CDHG: Close 2K1 and 2K11)
(Wait 1.5 seconds after phase currents drop to 85
H. 1 2 second 1.5 seconds
J. (Begin Transition sequence) 85 100 milliseconds 100 milliseconds
K. (Open S (Shorting) Contactor) 250 300 milliseconds 260 milliseconds
L. (Close 2M (2K2) Contactor 140 milliseconds
M. (Wait to look for Transition complete) milliseconds 2.32 to 2.38 seconds
N. (Filtering time on Transition complete input) milliseconds 160 to 240 milliseconds

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Current passing through fuse 1F2 (CDHF, CDHG: circuit active anytime the compressor is in the running mode.
breaker 1Q5) reaches 2 normally open parallel sets of (The transition complete input has been satisfied).
contacts: those of refrigerant and oil pump relay (1A7-J2- MPL is enabled. However, it can be disabled, if required, by
5 to 1), and the start contactor 2K1-aux (CDHF, CDHG: 2K11 using the Tracer TU service tool.
interlocking relay). Connected at module 1A7-J2-2 to 4.
Note: While the (1A7-J2-5 to 1) relay automatically is
closed by the main processor 1A22 as a part of the
start sequence. It can also be closed manually by
changing the oil pump status to ON in the
manual override settings of the Tracer
AdaptiView display.
Closure of the (1A7-J2-5 to 1), or 2K1 auxiliary (CDHF,
CDHG: 2K11) contacts also allows current to pass through
the coil of the refrigerant pump starter relay (4K8), to the
start windings of the refrigerant pump. When motor 4M3
first starts, current draw is high. This causes current
sensing relay 4K8 to close its normally open contacts and
pull in pump Capacitor 4C1. Increasing motor speed and
related decreasing current through the main winding and
relay coil reduce the magnetic force and the armature
drops out to open the start contacts and disconnect the
start windings and capacitor. Current now flows only to the
run windings of the oil pump motor or refrigerant and oil
pump motor.
Table 28. Maximum acceleration timer setting by starter
Wye-Delta 27 Seconds
Auto-Transformer 16
Primary Reactor 16
Across the Line 6
Solid State 27
AFD 30

Machine Protection and Adaptive

Momentary Power Loss (MPL) Protection
Momentary Power Loss (MPL) detects the existence of a
power loss to the compressor motor and responds by
initiating the disconnection of the compressor motor from
the power source. Tests have shown that short-term power
interruptions can be damaging to the motor and
compressor if the chiller is reconnected to the line while
the motor and line phases do not match. The chiller is shut
down when a MPL is detected and displays a nonlatching
diagnostic indicating the failure. The oil pump is run for
the post-lube time period when power returns. The
compressor and compressor motor are protected from
damage from large torques and inrush currents resulting
from reconnecting the compressor motor to the power
source following a momentary loss of power.
MPLs greater than 2 or 3 cycles are detected resulting in
unit shut down. Disconnection from the line is initiated
within 6 line cycles of the power loss. MPL protection is

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 14. Sequence of operation: momentary power loss (Tracer AdaptiView display and starter module remain

Momentary Power Loss Detected MPL Cleared and Need to Cool

Running Starting
Shutting Down Waiting to Start

Close IGV (050 Seconds) Establish Condenser Water Flow

(6 Second Minimum)

Energize Condenser
Water Pump Relay

Command IGV Closed

Confirm Condenser Water Flow
Within 4 minutes 15 seconds
(6 Second Filter)

Enforce Stop to Start Timer

(5200 Seconds; 30 Seconds is Default)

Confirm No
Compressor Currents
Within 030 Seconds

De-Energize Condenser
Water Pump Relay

(a) Enforce Stop to Start Timer (5 to 200 seconds)

CDHF, CDHG: Default is 7 seconds.
CVHE,CVHF, and CVHG: Default is 30 seconds.

Current Overload Protection Over current protection is based on the line with the
highest current. It triggers a manually resettable
Motor currents are continuously monitored for over diagnostic shutting down the compressor when the
current protection and locked rotor protection. This current exceeds the specified time-trip curve.
protects the Chiller itself from damage due to current
overload during starting and running modes but is The compressor overload time trip curve is expressed as
allowed to reach full load amps. This overload protection a percent of the Rated Load Amps of the compressor and
logic is independent of the current limit. The overload is not adjustable:
protection will ultimately shut the unit down anytime the Overload Must Hold = 102 percent RLA.
highest of the three phase currents exceeds the time-trip Overload Must Trip in 20 (+0 -3) seconds = 112 percent RLA
curve. A manual reset diagnostic describing the failure will
be displayed. (Note the above gives a nominal 20 second must trip point
of 107 percent RLA.)
Starting Over Current Protection Overload Must Trip in 1.5 seconds = 140 percent RLA
For Starter module applications: Upon initiating a start, the (Nominal)
motor current must drop below 85 percent RLA by the The linear time-trip curve is as follows:
Maximum Acceleration time (see Table 28, p. 74). If this
condition is not met, a latching diagnostic Failed to
Transition is called.
For communicating AFD applications: Overload trip time
versus percent RLA as shown in Figure 15.

Running Over Current Protection

In the run mode, a time-to-trip curve is looked at to
determine if a diagnostic should be called. The control
panel continuously monitors compressor line currents to
provide running over current and locked rotor protection.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

will shut down the chiller if any one or two of the three
Figure 15. Overload trip time (s) versus RLA (%) phase currents feeding the motor are lost. The shutdown
results in a latching diagnostic indicating the failure. The
25 motor is protected from over-current during a single-
Nominal phase condition by the Current Overload Protection
Minimum feature. Phase Loss Protection provides redundant
15 Maximum protection and a diagnostic that more accurately describes
the fault.
Base Loading Control Algorithm
This feature allows an external controller to directly
0 modulate the capacity of the chiller. It is typically used in
applications where virtually infinite sources of evaporator
102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150
load and condenser capacity are available and it is
desirable to control the loading of the chiller. Two
The Maximum Acceleration Time Setting and Current
examples are industrial process applications and
Transformer Setting are factory set. However, they can be
cogeneration plants. Industrial process applications might
set with the Tracer TU service tool.
use this feature to impose a specific load on the facilitys
Current Limit Protection electrical system. Cogeneration plants might use this
feature to balance the systems heating, cooling and
Current Limit Protections exist to avoid motor current electrical generation. All chiller safeties and adaptive
overload and damage to the compressor motor during control functions are in full effect when Base Loading
starting and running. Compressor motor current is control is enabled. If the chiller approaches full current, the
continuously monitored and current is controlled by a limit evaporator temperature drops too low, or the condenser
function to prevent running over into current diagnostic pressure rises too high, Tracer UC800 Adaptive Control
trips. logic limits the loading of the chiller to prevent the chiller
The current limit control logic attempts to prevent the from shutting down on a safety limit. These limits may
motor from shutting down on a diagnostic trip by limiting prevent the chiller from reaching the load requested by the
compressor current draw relative to an adjustable current Base Loading signal. Base Loading Control is basically a
limit Tracer AdaptiView display Current Limit Setpoint. variation of the current limit algorithm. During base
This setpoint can also be lowered to provide electrical loading, the leaving water control algorithm provides a
demand limiting on the unit as required. This could also be load command every 5 seconds. The current limit routine
set to allow the chiller to continue to run at a lower load to may limit the loading when the current is below setpoint.
avoid tripping off from a diagnostic. When the current is within the deadband of the setpoint
the current limit algorithm holds against this loading
The Current Limit function uses a PID algorithm (similar to command. If the current exceeds the setpoint, the current
the Leaving Water Temperature control) that allows the limit algorithm unloads. The Capacity Limited By High
chiller to run at the Current Limit Setpoint. At machine Current message normally displayed while the current
startup, or with any setpoint change the new Current Limit limit routine is active is suppressed while base loading.
Setpoint reached after the filtered setpoint softload time
elapses. The minimum current limit setpoint is default set Base loading can occur through Tracer, External signal, or
to 40 percent RLA (20100 percent). The filtering time is front panel.
default set to 10 minutes (0120 minutes), however, these
Tracer Base Loading: Current Setpoint Range:
can be altered using the Tracer TU service tool. This
filtered setpoint allows for stable control if the Current (20100 percent RLA) Requires Tracer and
Limit setpoint is adjusted during a run. Optional Tracer Communications Module
The Current Limit Setpoint (CLS) can be changed from: (LLID)
Front Panel, External Analog input (with GBAS option), or The Tracer commands the chiller to enter the base load
Tracer (Tracer option). However, if present, Tracer Current mode by sending the base load mode request. If the chiller
setpoint has the highest priority, unless disabled in the is not running, it will start regardless of the differential to
Tracer AdaptiView display setpoint Source Override start (either chilled water or hot water). If the chiller is
menu. The External CLS has second priority, and is used if already running, it will continue to run regardless of the
Tracer is disabled or not installed. The Front Panel setpoint differential to stop (either chilled water or hot water), using
has the lowest priority, and is used if Tracer and the the base load control algorithm. While the unit is running
External CLS are both disabled. in base loading, it will report that status back to the Tracer
by setting Base Load Status = true in the Tracer Status
Phase Loss Protection Byte. When the Tracer removes the base load mode
Loss of phase detection protects the chiller motor from request (sets the bit to 0), the unit will continue to run,
damage due to a single-phasing condition. The controls using the normal chilled or hot water control algorithm,

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

and will turn off, only when the differential to stop has If enabled and an overvoltage condition occurs:
been satisfied. Diagnostic called when the average of the three line
External Base Loading: Current Setpoint voltages is greater than 112.5 percent of the unit line
voltage set point for 60 seconds.
Range: (20100 percent) RLA
Diagnostic cleared when the average of the three line
The control panel accepts 2 inputs to work with external
voltages is 110 percent or less of the unit line voltage
base loading. The binary input is at 1A18 Terminals J2- 1
set point.
and J2-2 (Ground) which acts as a switch closure input to
enter the base-loading mode. The second input, an analog If enabled and an undervoltage condition occurs:
input, is at 1A17 terminals J2 1 and 3 (Ground) which sets Diagnostic called when the average of the three line
the external base loading setpoint, and can be controlled voltages is less than 87.5 percent of the unit line
by either a 210 Vdc or 420 mA Signal. At startup the voltage set point for 60 seconds.
input type is configured. The graphs in Figure 13 show the
Diagnostic cleared when the average of the three line
relationship between input and percent RLA. While in base
voltages is 90 percent or greater of the unit line voltage
loading the active current limit setpoint is set to the Tracer
set point.
or external base load setpoint, providing that the base load
setpoint is not equal to 0 (or out of range). If it is out of Differential to Start or Stop
range, the front panel current limit setpoint is used. During
base loading, all limits are enforced with the exception of The Differential to Start setpoint is adjustable from 1F to
current limit. The human interface displays the message 10F (0.6C to 5.6C) and the Differential to Stop setpoint
Unit is Running Base Loaded. Hot Gas Bypass is not run adjustable from 1F to 10F (0.6C to 5.6C). Both setpoints
during base loading. If base loading and ice making are are with respect to the Active Chilled Water Setpoint.
commanded simultaneously, ice making takes When the chiller is running and the LWT (Leaving Water
precedence. An alternative and less radical approach to Temperature) reaches the Differential to Stop setpoint the
Base Loading indirectly controls chiller capacity. chiller goes through its shutdown sequence to AUTO (see
Figure 12, p. 72).
Artificially loading the chiller can be accomplished by
setting the chilled water setpoint lower than it is capable of Softloading
achieving. Then, modify the chillers load by adjusting the
current limit setpoint. This method provides greater safety Softloading stabilizes the startup control during the initial
and control stability in the operation of the chiller because chiller pulldown. Soft loading is used to bring the building
it has the advantage of leaving the chilled water loop temperature from its start value to the Chilled Water
temperature control logic in effect. The chilled water or Hot Water Setpoint in a controlled manner. Without soft
temperature control logic responds quicker to dramatic loading, the chiller controls will load the chiller rapidly and
system changes, and can limit the chiller loading prior to use the full chiller capacity to bring the loop temperature
reaching an Adaptive Control limit point. to setpoint. Although the start temperature of loop may
have been high, the actual system load may be low. Thus,
Reverse Rotation Protection when the setpoint is met, the chiller must unload quickly to
the system load value. If it is not able to unload quickly
This function protects the compressor from being driven
enough, the supply water temperature drops below
in the reverse direction. Incorrect phase rotation detection
setpoint and may even cause the chiller to cycle off. Soft
results in a manually resettable diagnostic. Phase Reversal
loading prevents the chiller from going to full capacity
protection is default to Enable. However it can be disabled
during the pulldown period. After the compressor has
from the Tracer TU service tool. Is active only during a
been started, the starting point of the filtered setpoint is
start mode.
initialized to the value of the Evaporator Leaving Water
Phase Imbalance Protection temperature and the percent RLA.
The Tracer UC800 provides phase imbalance protection There are three independent Softload setpoints:
based on the average three-phase current. The three Capacity Control Softload Time (default to 10 minutes,
phase currents supplied to the motor are monitored for 0120 minutes)
unequal amperage draw. Motor overload is not
This setting controls the time constant of the Filtered
considered to be a problem since each phase of the motor
Chilled Water Setpoint.
is monitored for overcurrent. In addition, since each phase
is monitored for loss of current, the motor will be protected Current Limit Control Softload Time (default
against single phasing. 10 minutes; 0120 minutes)

Under and Over Voltage Protection This Setting controls the time constant of the Filtered
Current Limit Setpoint.
Under/over voltage protection can be enabled (default) or
Current Limit Softload Starting Percent (default is
disabled from the Tracer TU service tool.
40 percent RLA; 20100 percent):
If Disabled: No effect.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

This setting controls the Starting point of the Filtered in the evaporator. The cutout setpoint is factory set
Current Limit Setpoint. however is adjustable with the Service tool.
The Tracer TU service tool provides access to these three The Leaving Water Temperature Cutout Setpoint is
setpoints, if you determine that it is necessary to change independently adjustable from the chilled water setpoint
from the defaults. and factory set. Shutdown of the compressor due to
Softloading is not active during Ice Making or during the violation of the Leaving Water Temperature Cutout results
Ice To Normal Transition. Softloading is enabled after the in an automatically resettable diagnostic (MAR). The
Ice to Normal Transition timer has expired. Leaving Water Temperature Cutout Setpoint and chilled
water setpoint, both active and front panel, are separated
Softloading is not active during Free Cooling, The by a minimum of 1.7F (0.9C). When either difference is
softloading is active during the transition from Free violated, the control panel does not permit the above
Cooling to Powered Operation. differences to be violated and remains at the last valid
Softloading times can be active during Hot Gas Bypass setpoint. After violation of the Leaving Water
Control. Temperature Cutout Setpoint for 30 seconds the chiller
will shutdown and indicate a diagnostic.
Minimum and Maximum Capacity Limit
A Minimum Capacity can be set to limit the unloading High Evaporator Leaving Water
ability of the compressor thus forcing differential to stop to Temperature Cutout
be reached cycling the chillers. Minimum capacity limit
A High Evaporator Water Temperature Diagnostic was
will be displayed when in this limit mode. This indicates
implemented that will turn off the Evaporator Water pump
when the chiller is running fully unloaded.
relay if the relay is being forced on due to a Loss of
Similarly a maximum capacity can be set to limit normal Evaporator Water Flow Lost diagnostic (MAR Diagnostic)
chilled water temperature control, the maximum capacity and the Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature exceeds
relay is energized which is a signal used by generic BAS an adjustable High Evaporator Water Temperature Cutout
systems to start another chiller. for 15 continuous seconds. The High Evaporator Water
The minimum (default at 0 percent) and maximum Temperature diagnostic is an immediate shutdown and is
(default at 100 percent) capacity are adjustable using the nonlatching. The diagnostic will auto reset and the pump
Tracer TU service tool. will return to normal control when the temperature falls
5F (2.8C) below the cutout setting. High Evaporator
Evaporator Limit Water Temperature Cutout is a setpoint that is adjustable
in Tracer TU from 80F to 150F (26.7C to 65.6C). The
Evaporator refrigerant temperature is continuously
default is 105F (40.6C).
monitored to provide a limit function that prevents low
refrigerant temperature trips which allows the chiller to Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature
continue to run at a reduced load instead of tripping off at
the Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature Cutout
Setpoint (LRTC). The purpose of the low evaporator refrigerant
Evaporator limit could occur with an initial pull down of a temperature protection is to prevent water in the
loop where the Condenser is colder than the Evaporator evaporator from freezing. When the Low Evaporator
(Inverted Start), the Evaporator refrigerant temperature Refrigerant Temperature Cutout (LRTC) trip point is
may drop below the Low Refrigerant Temperature Cutout violated, a latching diagnostic indicating the condition is
(LRTC). This limit prevents the unit from shutting down on displayed. The Low Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature
a diagnostic during this type of pulldown. Another Diagnostic is active in both the Running and Stopped
example is a Chiller that is low on refrigerant charge will modes.
run with low Evaporator refrigerant temperatures. This The Low Evaporator Refrigerant Cutout Setpoint is factory
limit allows the chiller to continue to run at a reduced load. set to 36F (2.2C). This can be altered via the Tracer TU
Evaporator Limit uses the Evaporator Refrigerant service tool. A service tool adjustable setpoint that should
Temperature sensor in a PID algorithm (Similar to the be based on the percentage of antifreeze used in the
Leaving Water Temperature control) that allows the chiller customers water loop.
to run at the LRTC + 2F (LRTC + 1.1C). The percent of antifreeze required is a function of the
When actively limiting machine control Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature setpoint and the worse case
Temperature Limit will be displayed as a suboperating (lowest permitted water flow) approach temperatures of
mode. the chillers evaporator design.

Leaving Water Temperature Cutout

Leaving water temperature cutout is a safety control that
protects the chiller from damage caused by water freezing

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Head Relief Relay Note: There is a Tracer TU programmable Head Relief

Relay Filter Time setpoint. The default is 1 minute.
Surge, condenser limit, and certain conditions in Ice Mode
can energize the head relief relay. (Also refer to Head
Relief Request Output, p. 57.)
Figure 16. Cutout strategy

Chilled Water Setpoint

1.7F (0.9C) 6F (3.3C)

Differential to Stop
Adjustment Range

2F (1.1C)

Leaving Water Temperature Cutout

Integrate to Trip

Evaporator Limit Setpoint

Evaporator Refrigerant Temperature Cutout Integrate to Trip

If the water-pressure transducer fails and the flow switch

Evaporator Variable Flow Compensation continues to prove flow, water-flow compensation will be
disabled and the design delta T will be used.
This option includes transducers for the differential
evaporator and condenser water pressures (psid [kPaD]). For applications designed to operate with variable-
Flow switches or some other means to prove flow are still primary (VPF) water flow, variable flow compensation
required and must be field connected. The following data allows the chiller to respond quickly to accelerating or
will be shown at the Tracer AdaptiView and Tracer TU decelerating water. By automatically adjusting the control
displays and at Tracer Summit. gain, large changes in the water-flow rate can be tolerated.
For details, refer to Product Catalog: EarthWise
Evaporator and condenser differential water pressures
CenTraVac Water-Cooled Liquid Chillers
(psid [kPaD])
Evaporator and condenser gpm (L/s)
Evaporator tons
Low Flow Warning
The default setpoint is calculated internally at 1.2 gpm/ton
How It Works (0.021 L/s per kW). So the default value is 1.2 times the
The Tracer chiller controller uses a patented, variable, PTON set in the configuration. For example, for a
water-flow compensation algorithm to maintain stable, 500 PTON chiller, 1.2 gpm/ton X 500 PTON = 600 gpm (or,
precise capacity control. Variable flow compensation is an in SI units, for a 1700 PkW chiller, 0.021 L/s per kW X
optional control feature for CTV chillers. 1700 PkW = 35.7 L/s).
It will automatically adjust capacity control to: Note: PTON is performance tons whereas NTON in
nominal tons used to define the compressor. Use
Maintain control stability at low flow.
PTON in this calculation.
Reject variable-flow disturbance.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Set the Low Flow Warning at startup as follows: inhibit settings, it will take 60 minutes of run time to
The Low Flow Setpoint should be set to be above the restore the total of three free starts.)
point where the external proof of flow device Opens.
Restart Inhibit Start to Start Time Setting
This allows the warning to be annunciated before the
loss of flow occurs. This setting defines the shortest chiller cycle period
The proof of flow cutout device should cutout at or possible after the free starts have been used. If the number
above the minimum flow point for the machines of free starts is programmed to 1, and the Start to Start
particular bundle. (See the sales catalog for minimum Time Setting is programmed to 10 minutes, then the
flows or submittal.) compressor will be allowed one start every 10 minutes.
The start-to-start time is the time from when the motor was
The reset of the low flow is 0.1 gpm/ton (0.0018 L/s per commanded to energize to when the next command to
kW). In the above example this is: 1.3 gpm/ton (0.023 L/s enter prestart is given.
per kW) X 500 PTON = 650 gpm (or, in SI units, for a
1700 PkW chiller, 0.023 L/s per kW X 1700 PkW = 39.1 L/s). Clear Restart Inhibit
Condenser Limit A Clear Restart Inhibit Timer button is provided on the
Manual Control Settings screen (Equipment Settings
Condenser pressure is continuously monitored to provide column on the Settings screen of the Tracer AdaptiView
a limit function that prevents High Pressure Cutout (HPC) display). You can use this Clear Restart Inhibit Timer
trips. This protection is called Condenser Refrigerant capability to allow a compressor start when there is a
Pressure Limit, or High Pressure Limit. A fully loaded currently active Restart Inhibit that is prohibiting such a
compressor, operating at high Evaporator Leaving Water start. Pressing the button has no other function than to
Temperature (ELWT) and high condenser temperatures remove the restart inhibit if one is active. Clearing a restart
causes high condenser pressures. The purpose of this inhibit does not change the count of any internal restart
limit is to avoid High Pressure Cutout (HPC) trips by inhibit timers or accumulators.
allowing the Chiller to continue to run at a lower load
instead of tripping off through HPC. The Condenser Limit The restart inhibit function, setpoints and clear features
is based from a pressure conversion from the Condenser exist for each compressor and operate independently of
Refrigerant Temperature sensor, unless there is a other compressors on that chiller.
Condenser Refrigerant Pressure sensor installed (CDRP During the time the start is inhibited due to the Start-to-
option). If the Condenser Refrigerant Pressure Sensor is Start Timer, the mode Restart Inhibit along with the time
installed, then the limit is based from the Pressure sensor. remaining for the restart inhibit is shown on the Tracer
When limited by this action, Condenser Pressure Limit AdaptiView display.
is displayed as a sub-operating mode. The Condenser High Vacuum Lockout
Limit Setpoint is factory set (93 percent of HPC). However
it can be altered using the Tracer TU service tool. High Vacuum Lockout is a feature intended to avoid
compressor starts when the evaporator is in high vacuum.
Restart Inhibit For CVHE, CVHF, CVHG, CVHH, and CVHL, the oil sump
pressure is below the lockout setpoint. On CVHS, the
This function provides short cycle protection for the motor, Lubrication Pump Suction Pressure is at or below the High
and indirectly also short cycling protection for the starter Vacuum Lockout Limit.
since the starter is designed to operate the motor under all
the conditions of motor performance. Low Oil Temperature Start Inhibit
The operation of the Restart Inhibit function is dependent The oil temperature is at or below the low oil temperature
upon two setpoints. The Restart Inhibit Free Starts (15, start inhibit setpoint (default 95F [35C]).
3 default), and the Restart Inhibit Start to Start Timer (10
Low oil temperature is indicative of refrigerant dilution in
30 min, 20 default). These settings are adjustable using
the oil. Oil temperature is used to estimate this dilution
the Tracer TU service tool.
since the oil temperature directly corresponds to amount
Restart Inhibit Free Starts of refrigeration dilution in the oil. It is required that oil
contains minimal refrigerant in it. This is accomplished by
This setting allows a number of rapid restarts equal to its boiling the refrigerant out of the oil by maintaining a high
value. If the number of free starts is set to 1, only one start enough oil temperature.
is allowed within the time period set by the Start to Start
If the oil temperature is at or below a given Low Oil
Time Setting. The next start is allowed only after the Start
Temperature Start Inhibit setting (default 95F [35C]), the
to Start Timer has expired. If the number of free starts is
compressor cannot be started. This is an inhibit mode and
programmed to 3, the control allows three starts in rapid
is displayed on the operator interface. The oil heater is
succession, but thereafter, it would hold off on a
energized in an attempt to raise the oil temperature over
compressor start until the Start to Start Timer has expired.
this inhibit temperature setpoint. The compressor is
(For example, with three free starts and 20 minutes restart

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

inhibited from starting until the oil temperature is raised

5F (2.8C) or more above this setpoint. Table 29. Oil management setpoints

The Low Oil Temperature Start Inhibit is tested on every User Specified
start unless a quick restart is being performed during post Setpoint Default Range
lube. Low Differential Oil Pressure 12 psid 935 psid
Cutout Setpoint (82.7 kPaD) (62.1241.3 kPaD)
If the Enhanced Oil Temperature Protection setting is
15 psid 960 psid
enabled, the Low Oil Temperature Start Inhibit value is the Check Oil Filter Setpoint
(103.4 kPaD) (62.1413.7 kPaD)
greater of 100F (37.8C) or the Saturated Evaporator
Check Oil Filter Enable Enable/Disable
Refrigerant Temperature + 30F (+ 16.7C).
Low Oil Temperature Start 95F 80F140F
If the Enhanced Oil Temperature Protection setting is not Inhibit Setpoint(a) (35C) (27C60F)
enabled, the Low Oil Temperature Start Inhibit value is Oil temperature Control 143F 100F160F
settable with the Low Oil Temperature Start Inhibit Setpoint(b) (62C) (38C71C)
Setpoint using the Tracer TU service tool. Enhanced Oil Temp Protection Enable Enable/Disable

Oil Temperature Control Differential Pressure 3 psid

Calibration Limit (20.7 kPaD)
The oil heater is used to maintain the oil temperature 3.1 psia
High Vacuum Lockout Limit N/A
within 2.5F (1.4C) of the oil temperature control (21.4 kPaA)
setpoint. Low Oil Temperature Cutout 80F (27C) N/A
If the oil temperature is at or below the Low Oil High Oil Temperature Cutout (See Note)(c) N/A
Temperature Cutout setpoint, this diagnostic is issued and (a) If Enhanced Oil Temp Protection is enabled, then this setpoint value is
stops the compressor. max(100F, Tsat + 30)F (max[37.8C, Tsat + 16.7]C) for Direct Drive
and max(105F, Tsat + 30)F (max[40.6C, Tsat + 16.7]C) or Gear
This diagnostic is ignored for the first 10 minutes of Drive.
(b) If Enhanced Oil Temp Protection is enabled, then this setpoint value is
compressor run. After that, if the oil temperature falls fixed at 143F (61.7C) for Direct Drive and 136F (57.8C) for Gear
below this cutout temperature for more than Drive.
(c) For a unit type of Direct Drive, this value is fixed at 180F (82.2C).
60 consecutive seconds this diagnostic is issued. For a unit type of Gear Drive, this value is fixed at 165F (73.9C).

High Oil Temperature Cutout

Controls Chilled Water Reset (CWR)
The High Oil Temperature Cutout diagnostic is Latching
and results in an Immediate Shutdown. For a unit type of Chilled water reset is designed for those applications
Direct Drive, this value is fixed at 180F (82.2C); for a unit where the design chilled water temperature is not required
type of Gear Drive, this value is fixed at 165F (73.9C). It is at part-load. In these cases, the leaving chilled water
implemented to avoid overheating of the oil and the temperature setpoint can be reset upward using the CWR
bearings. features.

If the oil temperature is at or above the High Oil When the CWR function is based on return water
Temperature Cutout setpoint this diagnostic is issued, temperature, the CWR feature is standard.
which will stop the compressor. When the CWR function is based on outdoor air
If Oil Temperature violates this temperature cutout for temperature, the CWR feature is an option requiring an
more than 120 seconds this diagnostic is issued. outdoor temperature sensor module installed in the
control panel and a sensor installed outdoors.
Manual Oil Pump Control The type of CWR is selected on the Chilled Water Reset
The oil pump control accepts commands to turn on the oil screen (Equipment Settings column on the Settings screen
pump. The manual oil pump choices will be Auto or On. of the Tracer AdaptiView display) along with the Reset
When the oil pump is commanded On, it reverts to Ratio, Start Reset Setpoint, and the Maximum Reset
Auto in 15 minutes. Setpoint.

Oil Management The following equations and parameters apply for CWR.

The primary purpose of Oil Management is to ensure Return Water

appropriate and sufficient lubrication to the bearings CWS = CWS + RATIO (START RESET - TWE - TWL) and
during compressor operation and to minimize refrigerant CWS > or = CWS and CWS - CWS < or = Maximum
dilution in the oil. Reset.
Outdoor Air Temperature
> or = CWS and CWS - CWS < or = Maximum Reset.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

CWS is the new chilled water setpoint. Table 30.

CWS is the active chilled water setpoint The values for RESET Type are:
before any reset has occurred. Const
Outdoor Air Return Return
RESET is a user adjustable gain. Reset Type Disable Reset Reset Reset
START is a user adjustable reference. The values for RESET RATIO for each of the reset types are:
RESET Reset Type Reset Ratio Range Increment Increment Factory
English SI Units Default
TOD is the Temperature Outdoor Sensor. Units Value
TWE is entering evaporator water Return 10% to 120% 1% 1% 50%
temperature. Outdoor -80% to 80% 1% 1% 10%

TWL is the Leaving Evaporator Temperature. The values for START RESET for each of the reset types are:
Maximum is a user adjustable limit providing the Factory
Reset maximum amount of reset. For all types Increment Increment Default
of reset, CWS - CWS < or = Maximum Reset Type Start Reset Range IP Units SI Units Value
Reset. Return 4F to 30F 0.1F 0.1C 10F
(2.2C to 16.7C) (5.6C)
Both Return and Outdoor Reset do not apply to Heating Outdoor 50F to 130F 0.1F 0.1C 90F
Mode where the control panel is controlling the Leaving (10C to 54.4C) (32.2C)
Condensing Hot Water Temperature.
The values for MAXIMUM RESET for each of the reset types are:
Constant Return Reset resets the leaving water
temperature setpoint so as to provide a constant entering Maximum Rest Increment Increment Default
water temperature. The Constant Return Reset equation is Reset Range IP Units SI Units Value
the same as the Return Reset equation except on selection Return 0F to 20F 0.1F 0.1C 5F
of Constant Return Reset, the control panel automatically (0.0C to 11.1C) (2.8C)
sets RATIO, START RESET, and MAXIMUM RESET to the Outdoor 0F to 20F 0.1F 0.1C 5F
following: (0.0C to 11.1C) (2.8C)

The RATIO = 100 percent

Constant Return
The START RESET = Design Delta Temperature
The equation for Constant Return is as follows:
The MAXIMUM RESET = Design Delta Temperature
CWS = CWS + 100 percent (Design Delta Temperature) -
Table 30 shows the values for the start reset types. (TWE-TWL) and CWS > or = CWS and CWS -CWS < or =
Maximum Reset
Notice that Constant Return is nothing more than a specific
case of Return Reset offered for operator convenience.
When any type of CWR is enabled, the control panel steps
the CWS toward the desired CWS (based on the above
equations and setup parameters) at a rate of 1F (0.6C)
every 5 minutes until the Active CWS equals the desired
CWS. This applies when the chiller is running only.

Using the Equation for Calculating CWR for

Outdoor Air Temperature
Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio*(Start Reset - TOD)
(where * = multiply)
The chiller starts at the Differential to Start value above a
fully reset CWS or CWS for both Return and Outdoor
Figure 17, p. 83 shows the reset function for Outdoor Air
Note: Figure 17 assumes that Maximum Reset is set to
20 degrees.

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Degrees of Reset Example of Calculating Reset for Outdoor Air

Degrees of Reset = Active CWS - Front Panel CWS or Temperature
Degrees of Reset = CWS - CWS If:
To obtain Active CWS from Degrees of Reset: Reset Ratio = 35 percent
Active CWS = Degrees of Reset + Front Panel CWS Start Reset = 80
TOD = 65
Reset Ratio Maximum Reset = 10.5
The Reset Ratio is displayed as a percentage. To use it in How many Degrees of Reset will there be?
the above equation it must be converted to its decimal
Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio*(Start Reset - TOD)
Degrees of Reset = 0.35*(80-65)
Reset Ratio percent /100 = Reset Ratio decimal Degrees of Reset = 5.25
Heres an example of converting Reset Ratio: (where * = multiply)

If the Reset Ratio displayed on the CLD is 50 percent then If:

use (50/100)= 0.5 in the equation Reset Ratio = -70 percent
Start Reset = 90
TOD = Outdoor Air Temperature
TOD = 100
Start Reset = Outdoor Air Start Reset Maximum Reset = 17
How many Degrees of Reset will there be?
Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio* (Start Reset - TOD)
Degrees of Reset = -7* (90-100)
Degrees of Reset = 7
(where * = multiply)

Figure 17. Outdoor air temperature versus degrees of reset

100F (37.8C) Start Reset

90F (32.2C) Start Reset
80F (26.7C) Start Reset
Reset Ratio 70F (21.1C) Start Reset
+10 (5.6) +30 (16.8) +50 (28.0) 60F (15.6C) Start Reset

4.0 (2.2) 12.0 (6.7) 20 (11.2)

3.6 (2.0) 10.8 (6.0) 18 (10.1)
Degrees of Reset, F (C)

3.2 (1.8) 9.6 (5.4) 16 (9.0)

2.8 (1.6) 8.4 (4.7) 14 (7.8)
2.4 (1.3) 7.2 (4.0) 12 (6.7)
2.0 (1.1) 6.0 (3.4) 10 (5.6)
1.6 (0.9) 4.8 (2.7) 8 (4.5)
1.2 (0.7) 3.6 (2.0) 6 (3.4)
0.8 (0.4) 2.4 (1.3) 4 (2.2)
0.4 (0.2) 1.2 (0.7) 2 (1.1)
0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
100 (37.8)

93.5 (34.2)

87 (30.6)

80.5 (26.9)

74 (23.3)

67.5 (19.7)

61 (16.1)

54.5 (12.5)

48 (8.9)

41.5 (5.3)

35 (1.7)

Outdoor Air Temperature, F (C)

Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Figure 18. Reset function for return CWR

20 (11.2)
Positive Reset Ratio
18 (10.1) MR = 17 (9.5) Negative Reset Ratio

16 (9.0)
Degrees of Reset, F (C)

MR = Maximum Reset, F (C)

14 (7.8)

SR = Start Reset, F (C)

12 (6.7)
MR = 10.5 (5.9)
10 (5.6) RR = Reset Ratio
RR = -0.7
8 (4.5)
RR = 0.35 7 (3.9)
6 (3.4)
5.25 (2.9)
4 (2.2)
SR = 80 (26.7)
2 (1.1) SR = 90 (32.2)

0 (0)
35 (1.7)
40 (4.4)
45 (7.2)
50 (10.0)

55 (12.8)

60 (15.6)
65 (18.3)
70 (21.1)

75 (23.9)

80 (26.7)
85 (29.4)

90 (32.2)
95 (35.0)

100 (37.8)
105 (40.6)

110 (43.3)

115 (46.1)
120 (48.9)

125 (51.7)
130 (54.4)

135 (57.2)
Outdoor Air Temperature, F (C)

Figure 19. Reset function for return CWR

30F (16.8C) Start Reset

Reset Ratio
20F (11.2C) Start Reset
+30 (16.8) +50 (28.0) +70 (39.2) +100 (55.6) 10F (5.6C) Start Reset

6.0 (3.4) 10 (5.6) 14.0 (7.8) 20 (11.2)

5.4 (3.0) 9 (5.0) 12.6 (7.1) 18 (10.1)
Degrees of Reset, F (C)

4.8 (2.7) 8 (4.5) 11.2 (6.3) 16 (9.0)

4.2 (2.4) 7 (3.9) 9.8 (5.5) 14 (7.8)

3.6 (2.0) 6 (3.4) 8.4 (4.7) 12 (6.7)

3.0 (1.7) 5 (2.8) 7.0 (3.9) 10 (5.6)

2.4 (1.3) 4 (2.2) 5.6 (3.1) 8 (4.5)

1.8 (1.0) 3 (1.7) 4.2 (2.4) 6 (3.4)

1.2 (0.7) 2 (1.1) 2.8 (1.6) 4 (2.2)

0.6 (0.3) 1 (0.6) 1.4 (0.8) 2 (1.1)

0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)

30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
(16.8) (15.1) (13.4) (11.8) (10.1) (8.4) (6.7) (5.0) (3.4) (1.7) (0)


Section 3: Tracer AdaptiView Control Component Overview

Example of Calculating Return Reset: If:

If: Reset Ratio = 70 percent
Reset Ratio = 50 percent Start Reset = 20
Start Reset = 25 TWE = 60
TWE = 65 TWL = 53
TWL = 45 Maximum Reset = 14
Maximum Reset = 8 How many Degrees of Reset will there be?
How many Degrees of Reset will there be? Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio*(Start Reset - (TWE-TWL))
Degrees of Reset = Reset Ratio*(Start Reset - (TWE-TWL)) Degrees of Reset = 0.7*(20-(60-53))
Degrees of Reset = 0.5*(25-(65-45)) Degrees of Reset = 9.1
Degrees of Reset = 2.5
Figure 20. Return CWR

15 (8.4) MR = 14 (7.8)
Degrees of Reset, F (C)

12.5 (7.0)

10 (5.6)
MR = 8 (4.5)
7.5 (4.2) 70% RR
50% RR
5 (2.8)

2.5 (1.4) SR = 25 (14.0) 2.5

SR = 20 (11.2)
0 (0)
30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0
(16.8) (15.1) (13.4) (11.8) (10.1) (8.4) (6.7) (5.0) (3.4) (1.7) (0)


Figure 21. Constant CWR


10 (5.6)

9 (5.0)
Degrees of Reset, F (C)

8 (4.5)
7 (3.9)
6 (3.4)
5 (2.8)

4 (2.2)
3 (1.7)
2 (1.1)
1 (0.6)
0 (0)
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
(5.6) (5.0) (4.5) (3.9) (3.4) (2.8) (2.2) (1.7) (1.1) (0.6) (0)


Best PracticesTemperature Unthread the crimping nut completely from the bulb
well; see Figure 23.
Sensor Removal and Installation Figure 23.
The temp sensor probe consists of only two 22 AWG wires
and are not as robust as the four 18 AWG machine buss
wires. Refer to the following points best practices for
removing the temperature probe from the bulb well and
for installing the temperature probe into the bulb well.

Removing Temperature Probe from Bulb

Dry off the connector and cables if wet before
disconnecting the sensor to prevent water from getting
into the connector. Moisture in the connector can lead
to corrosion of the leads.
Unthread the spiral strain relief from the crimping nut;
see Figure 22.

Figure 22.

Unless the sensor is being replaced, do NOT pull the

thermistor through the strain relief; see Figure 24.
Figure 24.


Use care when removing the sensor probe from the Ensure that the probe wire is going directly into the
bulb well. Yanking on the sensor probe could break or strain relief. Do NOT attempt to stretch the probe into
damage the wires, or could cause the thermistor to the bulb well; refer to Figure 27. The strain relief should
come off the cable; refer to Figure 25. NOT be bent.

Figure 25. Figure 27.

Installing Temperature Probe into Bulb

Apply the proper amount of thermal grease to the
probe. Ensure that the thermal grease does NOT get
into the connector.
Insert the probe and ensure that it is fully seated into
the bottom of the well.
Thread the crimp nut into the bulb well and secure. If securing the machine bus cabling, do NOT
overtighten wire ties; this can damage the wires.
Thread the spiral strain relief onto the crimp nut to
finger-tight. Using a wrench, apply 1/4 turn to the strain
relief. Do NOT overtighten the strain relief as this can
damage or break the wires; refer to Figure 26. The
spiral strain relief should NOT bottom out against the
crimping nut.

Figure 26.

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Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.

2015 Trane All rights reserved

CTV-SVD03D-EN 19 Aug 2015 We are committed to using environmentally
Supersedes CTV-SVD03C-EN (19 Jan 2015) conscious print practices that reduce waste.

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