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A Novel Approach To The Calculation of Pothole-Induced Contact Forces in MDOF Vehicle Models

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A novel approach to the calculation of

pothole-induced contact forces in MDOF

vehicle models

A. V. Pesterev a , L. A. Bergman b, C. A. Tan c, ,

a Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. 60-letiya
Oktyabrya 9, Moscow, 117312 Russia
b Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, 104 S. Wright St., Urbana, IL 61801
c Department of Mechanical Engineering, Wayne State University, 5050 Anthony
Wayne Drive, Detroit, MI 48202


A technique is developed to predict the dynamic contact forces arising after passing
road surface irregularities by a vehicle modeled as an undamped multiple-degrees-
of-freedom (MDOF) system. An MDOF system moving along an uneven profile is
decomposed into an aggregate of independent oscillators in the modal space, such
that the response of each oscillator can be calculated independently. An equation re-
lating the contact forces in the physical space to the modal forces is established. The
technique developed is applied to the calculation of the coefficients of the harmonic
components of the contact forces arising after the passage of a cosine pothole.
The application of the technique to various problems, such as evaluation of the ef-
fect of parameter modifications on the vehicle dynamics and reduction of vehicle
models in bridge related problems, as well as its extension to the damped case, are
also discussed. One interesting phenomenon reported in the DIVINE project [1],
regarding the replacement of a steel suspension by an air suspension resulted in
increase of the maximum response of short-span bridges is explained by applying
the technique suggested. The discussion is amply illustrated by examples of the ap-
plication of the technique to the calculation of the tire forces due to a pothole for
two simplequarter-car and half-carvehicle models.

Corresponding author. Tel.: Tel: +1-313-577-3888; E-Fax: +1-313-578-5932; Fax:

Email addresses: (A. V. Pesterev), (L.
A. Bergman), (C. A. Tan).
URLs: (L. A. Bergman), (C. A. Tan).

Preprint submitted to Journal of Sound and Vibration 28 April 2003

1 Introduction

The paper is concerned with the assessment of dynamic tire forces that arise
after the passage of a road surface irregularity by a vehicle. This problem is
of great importance as it is well known that dynamic loads produced by ve-
hicles considerably affect damage of the infrastructure (pavement or bridges),
a significant portion of which in many countries is either aging or reaching
the end of its life. The recently concluded multinational DIVINE (Dynamic
Interaction Between Vehicles and Infrastructure Experiment) project [1] indi-
cates that trucks wear pavements at a rate which is dependent not only on
the static load carried by the vehicle, but also on the dynamic performance of
the vehicle, on the longitudinal profile of the road and on the structural vari-
ability of the pavement. The outcomes of this project suggest that current
understanding of the dynamic interactions between moving vehicles and the
infrastructure carrying them is inadequate.

This study originated from our earlier works on examination of vibration of

bridges traversed by heavy vehicles and was motivated by results of field and
numerical experiments reported in some publications (e.g., [13]) that showed
great values (more than 100%) of the dynamic increment (in some publica-
tions, dynamic load factor (DLF)), defined as [2]

(dyn static )
DI = 100%,
where dyn and static are peak dynamic and static deflections, respectively.
Such great values of the DI cannot be explained in the framework of simple
moving force or moving massvehicle models. Indeed, the dependence of the
maximum deflection of a simply supported beam on the speed of the traveling
force presented in [4] shows that the maximum DI (about 70%) occurs at
very high speed and, for the vehicle speeds of interest, it does not exceed 10
15%. The inertia effect of the moving mass in this speed range is also small
and can be neglected. Moreover, as can be concluded from many publica-
tions, as well as from our numerical experiments, such great values of the DI
cannot be obtained in the framework of more complicatedmultiple-degrees-
of-freedommodels if the bridge surface is assumed to have flat longitudinal
profile (as noted in [1], for a smooth profile, the influence of the truck sus-
pension is insignificant). The above arguments lead us to speculate that the
high values of the DI measured in some field experiments can be explained only
by the presence of road irregularities on the bridge and its approaches. Then
it follows that the examination of the effect of uneven road profile is crucial
in the analysis of high-magnitude bridge vibration.

The effect of road surface irregularities on the bridge vibration has been ex-
amined by many researchers (see, e.g., [13,58] and references therein), and

many methods for numerical solving the problem of a vehicle moving along a
bridge with an uneven surface have been developed (e.g., [611]). The main
difficulty associated with this problem is in the large number of parameters
involved. As a result, the majority of studies reported in the literature are
confined to extensive numerical modeling or field experiments. An obvious
disadvantage of these approaches is that results of numerical or field exper-
iments are often valid only for a particular bridge and vehicle and cannot
easily be generalized to other configurations. It is then not surprising that
results reported in the literature are sometimes contradictory. This point is
well illustrated by the following examples. In both [2] and [5], short-span
bridges are considered. However, [2] shows large values of the dynamic incre-
ment measured in field experiments (up to 137%), whereas [5] reports that
the analytical simulations and field tests showed that DLF is considerably
lower than code-specified values (the latter are around 30% depending on
the code and bridge length) and recommends to reduce the design values of
DLF. Another example of this kind can be found in [3]. The authors explore
how different factors influence bridge behavior. Based on results of numerical
experiments with elaborate finite-dimensional models of a bridge and vehicle,
they conclude that, in terms of the maximum bridge deflection, the initial
vehicle suspension oscillation had the greatest effect and the bridge-surface
roughness was found to have negligible effect. On the other hand, they justly
note that road surface irregularities on the bridge approaches is the princi-
pal cause of the initial suspension oscillation, which means, in fact, that it is
road roughness (road surface irregularities) that had the greatest effect on the
maximum bridge deflection.

In view of complexity of the problem of coupled bridgevehicle vibration asso-

ciated with a large number of parameters affecting the solution in a nontrivial
way, it is advisable to start examination from certain typical isolated (local)
irregularities. Moreover, it is important, in our opinion, to examine first the
problem of finding vehicle response due to the passage of an irregularity lo-
cated on the rigid foundation. To justify this point, we note that the local
character of an irregularity suggests shortness of the passage time and, in
view of considerable inertia of the bridge, its dynamics cannot be noticeably
changed during that time. In addition, analysis of results of field and numerical
experiments reported in the literature, as well as our numerical experiments,
show that dynamic contact forces arising when a vehicle passes typical road
surface irregularities are considerably greater than those caused by coupled
bridgevehicle vibration in the case of ideally smooth road surface. Hence,
neglecting the bridge dynamics, we find adequate approximations of the addi-
tional vehicle oscillations and dynamic forces that arise during, or immediately
after, the passage of a road surface irregularity. The effect of these additional
forces on the bridge dynamics depends on the frequencies and magnitudes
of these forces. Thus, in order to predict the effect of an irregularity on the
bridge vibration, we basically need to know whether the frequency spectrum

of the vehicle oscillations due to the irregularity contains frequencies that
match fundamental frequency of the bridge and whether the magnitudes of
the corresponding harmonic forces are sizeable.

The problem of calculation of the dynamic forces arising after passing an irreg-
ularity is very important also in studies related to pavement damage [1,1216].
Based on experimental results reported in the literature, Potter et al. [12] con-
clude that the peak damage due to dynamic loads can be between 1.5 and 12
times the level of damage caused by a static load and note that, at highway
speeds, the parameter which causes the greatest variation in dynamic tyre
forces, and the largest changes in ranking of suspensions, is the road roughness
level. Moreover, as indicated in [14], there is an evidence that fatigue failure
of pavements is likely to be governed by peak dynamic forces, and not by the
average dynamic forces. Then it follows that, both in bridge and pavement-
damage related applications, it is critically important to establish dependence
of the peak tire forces arising after passing an irregularity on the irregularity
parameters, suspension characteristics, and vehicle speed.

The general idea of the approach discussed in this paper is to decouple equa-
tions governing vibration of an MDOF vehicle model moving along uneven
road, to solve the uncoupled equations in the modal space, and to transform
back the results obtained into the physical space. The fact that the model is
decomposed into independent SDOF oscillators makes it possible to find so-
lution for each oscillator analytically (or semi-analytically). The crucial step,
when transforming back to the physical space, is to calculate not the contact
forces themselves but rather the Fourier coefficients of their harmonic compo-
nents. This allows us to represent the results obtained in a form suitable for
subsequent analysis. Moreover, in many cases (e.g., when applied to problems
of bridge vibration), the Fourier coefficients of the harmonic components of
the contact forces give us more valuable information than just magnitudes of
the total dynamic forces.

In this paper, we consider the case of undamped vehicle models, although the
approach discussed is applicable to damped vehicles as well (see Section 5.2).
The format of the presentation is as follows. In Section 2, we reduce the prob-
lem of vibration of an MDOF vehicle moving along uneven road to that of
independent SDOF oscillators in the modal space. A technique for the calcu-
lation of contact forces arising after the passage of an isolated cosine pothole
is presented in Section 3. In Section 4, an interesting phenomenon reported in
[1,2] is discussed and explained by applying the technique suggested. Section 5
discusses extensions of the approach suggested to damped vehicle models, to
local irregularities of different types, and to bridge-related problems.

To conclude the introduction, let us cite the DIVINE report [1]: There is now
a need for a higher level of scientific knowledge about the interaction between

trucks and pavements, and between trucks and bridges, in order to introduce
regulations based on vehicle performance in terms of road friendliness. It is
achieving this goal that the work presented is aimed at.

2 Decomposition of mdof vehicle model moving along an uneven


Consider an undamped MDOF vehicle model with n degrees of freedom and

m contact points, schematically shown in Fig. 1. Let z(t) Rn be a vector
of its physical coordinates such that z(t) = 0 corresponds to the equilibrium
state (the springs are loaded by the vehicle weight) and zcont Rm be a
vector of vehicle coordinates (in the general case, linear combinations of the
coordinates) that take part in the interaction with the ground. Denote by li ,
i = 1, . . . , m, the distance between the first and ith contact points such that
l1 = 0 and li+1 li is the distance between the (i + 1)th and ith contact
points (distance between two adjacent axles). Let M be the mass matrix and
K be stiffness matrix of the free-free (i.e., without the springs connected to
the ground) vehicle. Denote by Sv the mn matrix (sensor operator) that
chooses contact coordinates, zcont = Sv z, and by Kint a symmetric mm
matrix describing the interaction of the vehicle with the ground.

To exemplify the above notation, let us consider a quarter-car and half-car

models depicted in Fig. 2. For the quarter-car model (Fig. 2a), we have

n = 2, m = 1, l1 = 0, Kint = 2k2 , Sv = [0, 1].

For the half-car model (Fig. 2b), the parameters are as follows:

k2 0 0 0 1 0
n = 4, m = 2, l1 = 0, l2 = l, Kint = , Sv = .
0 k2 0001

The vehicle mass and stiffness matrices are written in a standard way and
not presented here. The order of numbering the coordinates can be easily
understood from the form of the matrices Sv .

The free vertical vibration of the vehicle resting on the rigid foundation is
governed by the equation

M z(t) + Kz(t) = SvT Kint Sv z(t). (1)

By introducing the notation

K = K + SvT Kint Sv (2)

for the stiffness matrix of the supported vehicle, equation (1) reduces to

M z(t) + Kz(t) = 0. (3)

Let now the vehicle move with a speed v along a road with a longitudinal
profile r(x). In this case, the vehicle is subject to external forces acting on it
at the contact points due to variation in the road profile r(x). Introduce the
notation Sr for the operator defined by the relation

r(x l1 )

r(x l2 )
Sr r(x) = .. . (4)


r(x l
m )

Then, it can be checked directly that the equation governing vertical vibration
of the moving vehicle is given by

M z(t) + Kz(t) = SvT Kint Sr r(vt). (5)

Solving equation (3), we find vehicle eigenfrequencies i (fi = i /2), i =

1, . . . , n (note that they all are nonzero since K is the stiffness matrix of the
supported vehicle) and the matrix of vehicle eigenvectors . Representing z as
z(t) = (t), where is a vector of modal coordinates, and multiplying both
sides of (5) by T from the left, we get the uncoupled equations in the modal
f + K
M f = T S T K S r(vt), (6)
v int r
f T
where M = M diag[m f T e
fi ] and K = K diag[ki ] are diagonal matri-

Introducing the notation

f T S T K
v int

re(x) = ASr r(x), (8)
where A is a dimensionless nm matrix, we rewrite equation (6) in the form
f + K
M f =K
fre(vt), (9)

or, in a scalar form,

m e ( re (vt)), i = 1, . . . , n,
fi i = k (10)
i i i

where rei is the ith component of the vector re.

Remark 1 Note that the case where the vehicle traverses a beam with an
uneven profile r(x) is treated in exactly the same way. In this case, the function
r(x) in all equations is to be replaced by w(x, t) + r(x), where w(x, t) is the
displacement of the beam point x at time t.

As can be easily seen, the ith equation in (10) governs vibration of the 1-DOF
oscillator with the modal mass m fi and the spring coefficient k e moving along
the profile rei (x). The matrix A transforms the input profile for the original
MDOF vehicle model into the profiles rei (x) for the independent oscillators and
is further referred to as model scaling matrix. Thus, we reduced the problem
of an MDOF system moving along a profile r(x) to n independent problems
for 1-DOF oscillators, with the profiles rei (x) being different for each oscillator.
Solving n independent equations (10), we find the vector of modal coordinates

To derive a relationship between the vector of the dynamic contact (tire) forces

Fc (t) = Kint [Sv z(t) Sr r(vt)]. (11)

and the modal force vector Fe (t) = K((t)

f re(vt)), we take advantage of the
following result.

Lemma 1 For any linear vehicle model, the following matrix identity holds:
f K .
AT KA (12)

The lemma can be proved by considering conditions of static equilibrium for

an MDOF vehicle resting on a road with an uneven profile. The proof is
straightforward and is omitted here.
Substituting z(t) = (t) into equation (11), rewriting it as Fc (t) = AT K(t)
Kint Sr r(vt), and substituting Fe (t) + Kfre(vt) for K(t)
f into the last equation,
we get
Fc (t) = AT Fe (t) + AT KAS r r(vt) Kint Sr r(vt).

By virtue of identity (12), it reduces to the following simple equation

Fc (t) = AT Fe (t). (13)

The implementation of the above-described decomposition technique for cal-

culating forces acting on the road from an MDOF vehicle is very simple and
is summarized as follows.

(1) Solve the eigenvalue problem (K 2 M ) = 0 to decouple the MDOF

(2) Calculate the model scaling matrix A by formula (7).

(3) Transform the input Sr r(x) of the original problem into that for the
uncoupled problem by means of the matrix A: re(x) = ASr r(x).
(4) Solve uncoupled system of equations (9) to get the forces Fe .
(5) Transform these forces to the contact ones by means of the matrix AT :
Fc = AT Fe .

The decomposition of the MDOF model into an aggregate of independent

oscillators not only reduces the amount of computation. This technique can
successfully be applied to solving various problems. One of them is briefly
discussed in Section 5.3. In this paper, we will consider the application of the
above technique to the calculation of contact forces arising after the passage
of a local road surface irregularity by an MDOF vehicle. We will extend the
results obtained in [17] for an SDOF moving oscillator to the case of a linear
undamped MDOF vehicle model.

3 Effect of a pothole on the dynamics of an MDOF vehicle

3.1 Problem statement

We will consider an isolated irregularity, further referred to as a pothole, of

the form h i

1 a 1 cos 2x , 0 x b,
r(x) = 2 b
0, x < 0, x > b;
where a and b > 0 are the pothole depth and width, respectively. A
negative value of a corresponds to a bump. As discussed in [6], this function
is capable of expressing diverse types of irregularities. We set the problem of
finding magnitudes of the harmonic components of the contact forces arising
after the passage of the pothole (14) as functions of the vehicle speed and the
pothole size.

To solve the problem, we will apply the technique discussed in the previous
section. Denote by Ai the ith row of the scaling matrix A and by aij its entries.
Consider the ith equation (10). The longitudinal profile for the ith oscillator
can be written as

rei (x) = Ai Sr r(x) ai1 r(x l1 ) + + aim r(x lm ). (15)

As can be seen, the modal representation of the system implies that

each oscillator passes m potholes (which, generally, may overlap). All
these potholes have the same width b but different depths: the depth
of the jth pothole passed by the ith oscillator is equal to ae ij = aij a.

After the passage of a pothole, the modal forces Fej are harmonic ones. De-
note by |Fej | their amplitudes. Expanding the vector of contact forces into the
Fourier series,
Fc = Cj cos( j t + j ) (16)

and applying equation (13), we get the Fourier coefficients as

Cj = ATj |Fej |. (17)

Thus, the problem of determining the dynamic effect of a pothole on

an MDOF vehicle reduces to that of finding the amplitude of the
force acting on a 1-DOF oscillator after passing m potholes.

It will be shown later in this section that m potholes of the same length can
be replaced by one equivalent pothole. Thus, the key point in finding the
dynamic effect of a pothole on an MDOF vehicle is to be able to efficiently
calculate the magnitude of the contact force arising after passing one pothole
by an SDOF oscillator.

3.2 Earlier results on an SDOF oscillator

The effect of a pothole/bump on the dynamics of vibration of a 1-DOF un-

damped vehicle model has been examined in [17]. It was shown there that the
magnitude of the harmonic contact force acting on the road after passing a
pothole is given by
Fc = k0 a(), (18)
where is the dimensionless parameter,

b0 bf0
= , (19)
2v v
0 (f0 = 0 /2) and k0 are the oscillator eigenfrequency and spring coefficient,
respectively. The function

| sin |
() = , (20)
| 2 1|

called the dynamic amplification factor for a pothole (see [17] for detail), is
shown in Fig. 3. By means of the dynamic amplification factor, one can imme-
diately estimate magnitude of the contact force acting on the road from the
oscillator after passing the pothole. As can be seen, it linearly depends on the
spring stiffness and the pothole depth, and the remaining three parameters
(v, b, and 0 or f0 ) are combined through the function of one variable ().

3.3 An MDOF vehicle with one contact point passing a pothole

We begin the examination of an MDOF vehicle model with the simplest case
where a vehicle has one contact point, m = 1. In this case, the contact force
Fc is a scalar, and A is a vector of length n: A = [a11 , . . . , an1 ]T . The jth
independent oscillator passes one pothole of width b and depth ae j = aj1 a, and
we can immediately apply the results of [17] to find amplitudes of the forces
Fej by equation (18),
|Fej | = ae j ke j (j ), (21)
where () is given by (20) and

fj b
j = . (22)
The Fourier coefficients Cj given by (17) are calculated analytically as

Cj = aj1 aej kej (j ). (23)

Thus, given the parameters of the uncoupled system, the function (), shown
in Fig. 3, bears all required information about the behavior of the MDOF
system after passing a pothole.

Note that in the case of an MDOF vehicle, it is more convenient to plot all
functions Cj in one figure in order to get better idea of the contribution of
each oscillator into the dynamics of vehicle vibration. These curves can be
plotted versus the parameter b/v for a fixed value of the pothole depth a (the
dependence on which is trivial).

As an illustration, consider the quarter-car model (Fig. 2a) with the fol-
lowing parameters: m1 = 3.6104 kg, m2 = 2.0103 kg [7,18], k1 = 4106 ,
k2 = 1.2107 N/m, and c1 = c2 = 0. Applying the technique described in the
previous section, we obtain masses and frequencies of the modal oscillators,
f1 = 3.404104 kg, m
m f2 = 0.403104 kg, f1 = 2.05 Hz, f2 = 14.3 Hz, and the
entries of the scaling matrix A, a11 = 1.05 and a21 = 0.74.

Figure 4 shows dependence of the Fourier coefficients C1 (dashed line) and C2

(solid line) of the dynamic contact force acting on the road (vehicle) on the
parameter b/v for a = 1 cm. As can be seen, for short-wavelength potholes, the
high-frequency component (14.3 Hz) associated with the axle-hop vibration
is much greater than that due to body-bounce vibration (2.05 Hz), which, in
turn, dominates for a middle- to long-wavelength potholes (takes its maximum
value when b/v 0.4). For example, for v = 20 m/s, the largest value of the
tire force (about 3 105 N) is expected when the pothole width is around 1.2
m (b/v 0.06); the peak value of the force associated with the body bounce
is about three times less and occurs for b 8 m at the same speed.

3.4 General case of an MDOF vehicle

3.4.1 Arbitrary number of contact forces.

Let now the number of contact points be arbitrary, m 6= 1. In this case, Fc

is an m-vector of contact forces. Since each contact force generally has its
own Fourier expansion, the total number of the Fourier coefficients is equal
to mn. The basic difference of this case from the case of one contact point
is that each independent oscillator in the modal space passes m, rather than
one, potholes. As follows from equation (15), all potholes have the same width
but different depths.

Let us show that several potholes of identical widths can be replaced by one
equivalent pothole, which reduces the problem to that considered in the
previous section. We consider an oscillator moving along the horizontal rigid
surface with m potholes (bumps) as shown in Fig. 5 and set the problem of
finding the amplitude of the oscillator free vibration after passing all potholes.
The potholes are assumed to be of form (14), have the same width b but
different depths aj , and the jth pothole is located at the distance lj from the
first one. If lj+1 lj < b, the (j + 1)th and jth potholes overlap.

Theorem 1 The response of a linear undamped oscillator due to m potholes

of width b and depths as , s = 1, . . . , m, is equal to that due to one pothole of
width b and depth |ae|, where ae is the complex number
ae = as ei0 ls /v . (24)

PROOF. The equation governing vibration of the oscillator can be written

in the form
z(t) + 20 z(t) = 20 rs (vt). (25)

By the superposition principle, the solution to equation (25) can be repre-

sented as z(t) = ms=1 zs (t), where zs (t) is a solution of the equation

zs (t) + 20 zs (t) = 20 rs (vt), s = 1, . . . , m. (26)

Denote by Ts the moment when the oscillator leaves the sth pothole, Ts =
T + ls /v, where T = b/v. For t Ts , rs (vt) = 0, and the solution to equation
(26) represents the oscillator free vibration,

zs (t) = Zs cos(0 (t Ts ) + 0 ) Zs Re[ei(0 (tTs )+0 ) ]. (27)

It has been proven in [17] that

Zs = as (), (28)

where and () are defined by (19) and (20), respectively. The phase angle 0
is determined by the oscillator parameters and the pothole width but does not
depend on as ; hence, 0 is the same for all zs (t). When t Tm , representation
(27) is valid for all s and we have
" m
z(t) = Zs Re[ei(0 (tT )+0 0 ls /v) ] = Re () ei(0 (tT )+0 ) as ei0 ls /v .
s=1 s=1
Then, it follows that the magnitude of the oscillator free vibration after passing
m potholes is

Z= as ei0 ls /v (). (30)


Comparing this with (28), we get (24).

Equation (24) suggests the following way of calculation of the depth of the
equivalent pothole. Each of the m potholes is assigned a complex depth by
multiplying the real value as by exp(i0 ls /v), which accounts for the time
lag between the passage of the pothole by the sth and first contact points.
The depth of the equivalent pothole is then the magnitude of the sum of the
complex depths obtained.

By means of Theorem 1, the calculation of the Fourier coefficients reduces to

the case considered in Section 3.3. Indeed, given one pothole of depth a in
the physical space, the jth oscillator in the modal space passes m potholes
of depths aj1 a, . . . , ajm a, where aji are entries of the scaling matrix A (see
equation (15)), which, by Theorem 1, is equivalent to passing one pothole of
depth |aej | calculated by (24),
aej =a ajs eij ls /v . (31)

Then, the modal forces |Fej | are calculated by (21) with the substitution of |aej |
for aej and the vector Cj of the Fourier coefficients, by equation (17).

Remark 2 The scalar equation (23) obtained for the case of one contact point
can be used to calculate components of the vector Cj . The pth component of Cj
(the jth Fourier coefficient of the pth contact force) is obtained by substitution
of ajp for aj1 into (23).

3.4.2 Multiple eigenfrequencies

Finally, we need to consider the case of multiple vehicle eigenfrequencies, which

seems to be rather typical for real vehicles. Let j1 = j2 = j . We have two
harmonics with the same frequency in the expansion (16), which are to be
considered as one harmonic. Thus, we need to find the Fourier coefficient of
the harmonic corresponding to the repeated eigenfrequency j . Since the j1 th
and j2 th eigenvectors are different, the j1 th and j2 th rows of the matrix A are
also different, and, hence, the depths of m potholes passed by two oscillators
are generally different. This implies that complex depths of the equivalent
potholes for the j1 th and j2 th modal oscillators are different as well, and the
oscillator vibrations are generally not in phase such that we cannot simply
add two corresponding Fourier coefficients in (16).

Consider free vibration of the j1 th and j2 th oscillators in the modal space after
passing all m potholes. By equation (29), we have
h i
jk (t) = Re ae jk ei(j (tT )+j ) (j ), k = 1, 2,

where ae jk is complex depth of the equivalent pothole for the jk th modal

oscillator given by (31). The modal forces acting on the road are given by
Fej1 = kej1 j1 and Fej2 = kej2 j2 . Transforming them into the physical space by
means of (13) and adding together, we find the harmonic component of the
contact force Fc (t) corresponding to the frequency j ,
h i
ATj1 Fej1 (t) + ATj2 Fej2 (t) = Re (ATj1 kej1 aej1 + ATj2 kej2 aej2 ) ei(j (tT )+j ) (j ).

Noting that the right-hand side of the last equation represents the harmonic
function with the amplitude |ATj1 kej1 aej1 + ATj2 kej2 ae j2 |(j ) and extending this
to the case of arbitrary multiplicity of a repeated eigenfrequency, we arrive at
the following theorem.

Theorem 2 If a vehicle eigenfrequency j has multiplicity p such that j1 =

j2 = . . . = jp j , the Fourier coefficient of the corresponding harmonic
component in the expansion of the contact force is

Cj = |ATj1 kej1 aej1 + + ATjp kejp ae jp |(j ). (32)

The last result implies that the case of repeated eigenfrequencies presents, in
fact, almost no additional difficulties. Indeed, in the general case, we simply
need to perform all calculations in the complex plane: to find complex depths
aej (rather then only their magnitudes |aej |) for all oscillators in the modal
space and to calculate complex Fourier coefficients as ATj kej aej (j ) for all n
harmonics (without regard to whether they are single or multiple). Then, if
some eigenfrequencies are identical (or close to each other), we add the corre-
sponding complex Fourier coefficients. And only after this, we take absolute

values of the Fourier coefficients obtained to get real coefficients of the expan-
sion (16).

3.4.3 Algorithm for the general case

Summing up the discussions in this section, we arrive at the following algo-

rithm for calculation of the Fourier coefficients of the expansion of the contact
forces arising after passing a pothole (14).

Step 1. Decompose the vehicle model into an aggregate of independent SDOF

oscillators in the modal space to get vehicle eigenfrequencies and eigenfunc-
tions and the real-valued nm scaling matrix A.

Step 2. Calculate complex depths of the equivalent potholes for all modal
oscillators by (31).

Step 3. Calculate complex magnitudes of the modal forces by (21).

Step 4. Get n complex m-vectors of the Fourier coefficients by (17).

Step 5. Check if there are multiple eigenfrequencies. If such eigenfrequencies

exist, reduce the number of the coefficients by adding together those that
correspond to one repeated eigenfrequency.

Step 6. Take absolute values of the complex Fourier coefficients obtained.

As a result of this procedure, we get nd real vector functions Cj Rm of the

Fourier coefficients, where nd is the number of different eigenfrequencies. The
rth component of the jth vector is the function showing the dependence of
the magnitude of the jth harmonic component of the rth contact force on the
vehicle speed and pothole width. As in the case of one contact force, it is more
illustrative to depict all Fourier coefficients corresponding to one contact force
in one figure as functions of b/v for a fixed value of the pothole depth a.

The basic difference of the general case from the case of one contact point
is that the Fourier coefficients in the former case depend on two parameters
rather than on one parameter as it was in the latter case. Indeed, (j ) is a
function of the ratio b/v, and the depth of the equivalent pothole given by (31)
is a function of vehicle speed v. The shape of each curve Cjr plotted versus
b/v and the abscissa of its peak depend only on the eigenfrequency of the
corresponding oscillator and are determined by the function (j ). However,
the height of the curve is determined by the ae j , which now depends on the
speed. Thus, if we want to examine the dependence of the Fourier coefficients
on both vehicle speed and pothole width, we have to consider a family of plots
parametrized by the values of the vehicle speed. Note that one can choose a

different pair of independent parameters, e.g., b and v; however, the pair b/v
and v seems to be more convenient.

3.5 Example

To illustrate the technique described in the previous section, we applied it

to calculation of the Fourier coefficients of the contact forces arising after
passing a pothole of form (14) by the 4-DOF vehicle model with two contact
points shown in Fig. 2b. The values of the masses m1 and m2 and the spring
coefficients are the same as those considered in Section 3.3, the second order
mass moment of inertia I1 = 1.44105 kgm2 [7], and the distance between
axles l = 3 m. As in the previous case, the damping was set zero.

Applying the decomposition technique described in Section 2, we find the

eigenfrequencies f1 = 1.54, f2 = 2.05, f3 = f4 = 14.3 Hz. The first and sec-
ond eigenfrequencies correspond to the pitch and body-bounce vibrations, re-
spectively. The repeated eigenfrequency 14.3 Hz corresponds to two axle-hop
vibrations. The scaling matrix A is as follows

0.3827 0.3827

0.5427 0.5427


0.5262 0.5262

0.5229 0.5229

Figures 6 and 7 show the amplitudes of the pitch (dashed line), body-bounce
(bold solid line), and axle-hop (thin solid line) components of the first contact
force after passing a pothole of depth a = 1 cm versus b/v for two values of
the vehicle speed: 10 and 30 m/s, respectively. In view of the model symmetry,
the results related to the second contact force are the same and not presented.
As can be seen, the Fourier coefficient corresponding to the repeated axle-hop
eigenfrequency is not affected by the vehicle speed and depends only on the
parameter b/v, whereas the pitch and axle hop do depend on both parameters.

In certain circumstances, e.g., when a road surface is known to have irregular-

ities of a fixed wavelength, it may be advisable to plot the Fourier coefficients
as functions of vehicle speed for that value of b in order to be able to determine
dangerous values of speed, for which the contact forces are especially large.
Figures 8 and 9 show the Fourier coefficients of the first contact force after the
passage of the short- and long-wavelength potholes, respectively. As can be
seen, the low-frequency body-bounce and pitch forces arising after the passage
of the short pothole are negligibly small compared to the high-frequency axle-

hop force in the whole interval of speed values of interest. On the contrary, in
the case of the long pothole, the body-bounce and pitch forces are considerably
greater than the axle-hop force. Figure 9 also demonstrates that, although the
peak values of the body-bounce and pitch forces are almost the same for the
given pothole, the contributions of these forces in the total contact force in
different intervals of speed are considerably different.

3.6 Another form of representation of the results

There is another way to represent the results, which seems to be more appro-
priate when we want to examine a wide range of vehicle speeds and to avoid
drawing many figures. Indeed, the jth Fourier coefficient can be written in the
Cj (b, v) = ATj kej aej (j ) j (v)j (b/v). (33)
(Here, Cj (b, v) and j (v) are m-vectors; however, in the following discussion,
we consider (33) as a scalar equation associated with a certain contact point,
in which, for simplicity of notation, the subscript denoting a particular con-
tact point is dropped). Thus, each Fourier coefficient is obtained from the
unique function () by scaling the variable b/v, j (b/v) (j ), where
j = fj b/v, and by multiplying it by the corresponding speed-dependent co-
efficient j (v) = ATj kej aej . Then, instead of drawing figures of the Fourier coef-
ficients for different speeds (or different potholes), we can confine ourselves to
two figures: one figure with the plots of the functions j (b/v), j = 1, . . . , nd
and the other with the plots of the multipliers j (v). Under such a represen-
tation, the first figure shows the shape and relative locations of the curves
representing the Fourier coefficients. In particular, it shows the regions of the
parameter b/v where the harmonic forces take their maximum values or, vice
versa, can be neglected. The second figure shows dependence of the multipliers
j on the vehicle speed. The use of both figure allows us to accurately evaluate
the Fourier coefficients for any values of the pothole width b and vehicle speed

To illustrate the above-said, this way of representation of the results is applied

to the half-car model considered in Section 3.5. Figure 10 depicts three
dimensionless functions j (b/v), which show how the axle-hop, body-bounce,
and pitch forces depend on b/v and where they take their maximum values.
The dependence of the magnitudes of these forces on the vehicle speed is shown
in Fig. 11. As can be seen, the axle hop does not depend on the speed (to be
more precise, it depends only on b/v); the dependence of the body-bounce and
pitch forces on the speed, known as the wheelbase filtering phenomenon (see,
e.g., [12,15,16]), is considerable and cannot be neglected.

4 On one phenomenon reported in the DIVINE

The DIVINE report [1] defines air suspension as more road-friendly than steel
suspension and recommends using it instead of the latter, but notes that For
short-span bridges (10 meters) with poor profiles, large dynamic responses
occur for both air-suspended and steel-suspended vehicles. By taking into
account that the basic difference between two suspensions is in the body-
bounce natural frequencies whereas the vibration of short-span bridges are
affected by axle hop (fundamental frequencies of such bridges are in the range
of axle-hop frequencies), this observation sounds quite natural.

It is further noted, however, that [1, p. 11] The highest measured responses
were for short-span bridges . . . traversed by air-suspended vehicles where axle
hop was excited by short-wavelength roughness. This observation seems to
rely on results of field experiments reported in the work [2], which also states:
Generally the peak bridge deflections were smaller when the air suspensions
were fitted except when axle hop was induced by roughness. At first glance,
the phenomenon observed in [2] sounds strange and raises the question: How
could softening of the suspension (reduction of the body-bounce frequency)
increase the bridge response affected by axle hop? The conclusion of the paper
[2] that vehicles fitted with air suspension can couple with short span bridges
does not answer the question and explains nothing.

As noted in [1, p. 53], in the case of short-span bridges, the dynamics of the
bridgevehicle system is completely different from that in the case of medium-
to long-span bridges, and true interaction no longer occurs. Under these
conditions, the model of a bridge being forced to vibrate by external forces
i.e., dynamic wheel loadswithout taking the vehicle masses into account
should be adopted. Then, in view of matching of the fundamental frequency
of the bridge and the axle-hop frequency, the increase in the bridge vibration
can be explained by an increase in the axle-hop force. We applied the technique
developed in this paper to check whether the replacement of a steel suspension
by an air suspension results in an increase in the axle-hop force.

In terms of the 2-DOF model shown in Fig 2a, replacement of a steel suspen-
sion by an air suspension is modeled by softening the spring k1 supporting
the vehicle body. The other spring k2 is not changed since we assume that
the tires remain the same. Considering the 2-DOF model with the body-
bounce frequency 2.05 Hz used in the experiment described in Section 3.3
(Fig. 4) as steel-suspended, we reduced the spring coefficient k1 by two
times, k1 = 2 106 N/m, which, in turn, reduced the body-bounce and axle-
hop frequencies to 1.55 Hz and 13.3 Hz, respectively. The modified model
was assumed to represent the air-suspended vehicle. The masses of the
f1 = 3.53104 kg and
modal oscillators for the air-suspended model are m

f2 = 0.401104 kg, and the entries of the scaling matrix A are a11 = 1.02 and
a21 = 0.85. The amplitudes of the body-bounce and axle-hop forces for the
air-suspended model are depicted in Fig. 12 by the dashed and solid lines,
respectively. As could be predicted, the reduction of the suspension frequency
considerably reduced the force associated with the body bounce. However, at
the same time, this increased the magnitude of the high-frequency force asso-
ciated with the axle-hop by about 15% (in spite of the fact that the axle-hop
frequency diminished!). Since the axle-hop and bridge eigenfrequencies are as-
sumed to match well, the increase of the axle-hop force immediately results in
the increase of the bridge response.

Note that the result obtained is not specific to the example considered but
is rather general. Softening of vehicle suspension decreases magnitude of the
low-frequency force associated with the body bounce but increases the ampli-
tude of the high-frequency axle-hop force. From the physical standpoint this
phenomenon can be explained as follows. By softening the suspension spring
coefficient, we permit the axle (which vibrates between the road and vehicle
body) vibrate with greater amplitude. Since the force transmitted to the road
is determined by the amplitude of the axle vibration and by the spring coeffi-
cient k2 , which has not been changed (the tires are the same), its magnitude
increases. This implies that an air-suspended vehicle is potentially dangerous
for short-span bridges with fundamental frequencies in the range of vehicle
axle-hop frequencies. Moreover, although air-suspended vehicles are consid-
ered as road-friendly ones, they can produce a greater pavement damage
compared to steel-suspended vehicles in the case of uneven road surface with
short-wavelength irregularities, which excite the axle-hope vibration.

We believe that the above explanation of the phenomenon discussed is more

realistic (and simpler) than that given in the DIVINE report [1, p. 77]: A
probable explanation for this is the fact that the very limited dynamic load
sharing in air suspension allows the axles in a group to vibrate in phase at
axle-hop frequencies. Cross-talk between conventional steel leaf suspension
limits this possibility.

5 Discussion of possible extensions and applications of the tech-


5.1 Other local irregularities

The results discussed in Section 3 are not specific to the pothole described
by function (14). We used this particular pothole simply because its dynamic
amplification factor, the function (), is available in the analytical form [17].

As can be seen, the technique is easily adopted to any other local irregularity
if its dynamic amplification factor, which shows the dependence of an SDOF
oscillator response on the oscillator and irregularity parameters, can be cal-
culated. The only thing that is required to do when considering a pothole of
a different form is to replace one function () by another. In particular, one
can take advantage of the dynamic amplification factor
s () = | cos |
|1 4 2 |
given in [17] to obtain the Fourier coefficients of the contact forces due to
passage of a half-sine pothole

a sin x
, 0 x b,
r(x) =

0, x < 0, x > b

(which differs from the cosine pothole (14) in that the derivative of r(x) at
x = 0 and x = b have jumps) by an MDOF vehicle.

If an irregularity can be represented as a linear combination of potholes (14),

its dynamic amplification factor can be obtained as a combination of functions
() for individual potholes by applying the superposition principle. If all
potholes representing the given irregularity have the same width, one can
apply the technique used in Section 3.4 and to replace the irregularity by a
pothole (14) of variable depth depending on the vehicle speed.

5.2 Damped vehicle models

The key point in the approach suggested is the decomposition of the moving
MDOF system into an aggregate of independent moving oscillators. In the
undamped case, the governing equations can always be uncoupled by trans-
forming to modal coordinates. In the damped case, this transformation does
not uncouple the equations, except for a special case of proportional damping,
and we have two following possibilities.

(1) Approximate decomposition in the modal space. By transforming

to the modal coordinates with the use of the eigenvectors of the corresponding
undamped vehicle model and neglecting the off-diagonal entries of the modal
damping matrix, we get an approximate decomposition of the system into
an aggregate of independent damped oscillators in the modal space. As in
the undamped case, each modal oscillator moves along its own profile, which
is determined by means of the same model scaling matrix A, and we have
the same equation (13) relating physical and modal contact forces. Numerical
experiments show that the error of the approximation is not high from the

practical standpoint (the system dynamics is determined, in the first turn,
by the diagonal elements of the modal damping matrix). The quality of the
approximation depends not on the level of damping in the system but rather
on the degree of damping nonproportionality (this notion can be defined
in strict terms), such that even a highly damped system can perfectly be
approximated in this way.

(2) Exact decomposition in the state space. By introducing the state

variables z(t) and z(t), the system of n second-order differential equations
governing vehicle vibration is reduced to a set of 2n real state-space equations.
This system can always be diagonalized, resulting in an uncoupled system of
n complex first-order differential equations (or 2n real equations), which can
be solved independently. If a pothole is described by an analytical function,
the first-order complex differential equation can always be solved analytically
resulting in a complex-valued analog of function (), (note that the use
of complex arithmetic considerably simplifies all analytical calculations, such
that the function () can be obtained with much less effort than in the case
of a real second-order equation).

Both above approaches have been already implemented and, at the moment,
are under numerical verification. The advantage of the first approach is in
its physical clearness. Still, the second approach seems to be more promising
since it is exact (no approximations are involved) and because of convenience
of analytical calculations in complex arithmetic.

Note also that, in the damped case, the contact forces are expanded in the
series of the functions ej t cos( j t + j ), where j is the damping coefficient
of the jth modal oscillator. Thus, the Fourier coefficients to be calculated are
magnitudes of the exponentially decaying harmonic functions.

5.3 Reduction of vehicle models

In the problems related to bridge vibration, the use of an SDOF vehicle model
is often justified in view of the fact that only vehicle vibration at a frequency
close to the bridge fundamental frequency considerably affects vibration of the
bridge. The use of an SDOF vehicle model simplifies the analysis and, thus,
is more convenient for the designer. Then, one faces the following problem.
Given an MDOF vehicle model and a bridge, what oscillator is to be chosen
to adequately represent the vehicle model? The technique developed in Sec-
tion 2 perfectly suits this goal. In certain circumstances, especially when stress
calculations are required, it may be advisable to use a reduced system with
more than one degrees of freedom, i.e., to retain some modal oscillators with
eigenfrequencies not matching the fundamental frequency of the bridge that

produce sizable contact forces for a given road surface profile. The additional
information provided by the plots of the Fourier coefficients of the contact
forces due to road surface irregularities can be used to create an elaborate
reduced vehicle model. A technique for the reduction of an MDOF vehicle
model based on the method suggested in this paper is discussed in [19].

6 Conclusions

(1) The technique for decomposition of an undamped MDOF vehicle model

moving along uneven road has been developed. It reduces the problem of
vehicle vibration to finding responses of independent SDOF oscillators,
with each oscillator moving along its own profile.
(2) The decomposition technique has been applied to finding the Fourier co-
efficients of contact forces acting on the road/vehicle after passing an
isolated road surface irregularity. For certain typical potholes (bumps),
the Fourier coefficients are calculated by analytical formulas and explic-
itly show dependence of contact forces on the vehicle speed and pothole
dimensions. Letting any model parameters (lumped masses or spring co-
efficients) vary, one can immediately get the new set of the Fourier coef-
ficients corresponding to the modified model and, thus, to easily observe
the effect of the parameter variation on the vehicle dynamics.
(3) The technique discussed has been applied to explain one interesting phe-
nomenon reported in the multinational DIVINE project [1].
(4) The extension of the technique to the case of a damped vehicle and its
applications to other problems have been discussed.


The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Civil and Mechanical
Systems Division of the National Science Foundation through grant number


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List of Figures

Figure 1. A schematic of an MDOF vehicle moving along uneven profile.

Figure 2. 2-DOF (a) and 4-DOF (b) vehicle models.

Figure 3. Pothole dynamic amplification factor ().

Figure 4. Amplitudes of thebody-bounce (dashed line) and axle-hop (solid

line) forces occurring after traversing the pothole of depth a = 1 cm by the
2-DOF (quarter-car) model.

Figure 5. An SDOF oscillator passing m potholes of the same width b.

Figure 6. Amplitudes of the pitch (dashed line), body-bounce (bold line), and
axle-hop (thin solid line) components of the first contact force after passing
the pothole of depth a = 1 cm for the 4-DOF model moving at v = 10 m/s.

Figure 7. Amplitudes of the pitch (dashed line), body-bounce (bold line), and
axle-hop (thin solid line) components of the first contact force after passing
the pothole of depth a = 1 cm for the 4-DOF model moving at v = 30 m/s.

Figure 8. Dependence of amplitudes of the pitch (dashed line), body-bounce

(bold line), and axle-hop (thin solid line) components of the first contact force
on vehicle speed for the 4-DOF model after the passage of the short pothole
of width b = 1 m and depth a = 1 cm.

Figure 9. Dependence of amplitudes of the pitch (dashed line), body-bounce

(bold line), and axle-hop (thin solid line) components of the first contact force
on vehicle speed for the 4-DOF model after the passage of the long pothole
of width b = 10 m and depth a = 1 cm.

Figure 10. Functions 1 (b/v) (dashed line), 2 (b/v) (bold line), and 3 (b/v)
(thin solid line) for the 4-DOF model.

Figure 11. Magnitudes of the harmonic forces 1 (v) (dashed line), 2 (v) (bold
line), and 3 (v) (thin solid line) for the 4-DOF model.

Figure 12. Amplitudes of the body-bounce (dashed line) and axle-hop

(solid line) forces for the air-suspended model.

Mnn Knn

m 2 1



Fig. 1.

Fig. 2.










0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Fig. 3.

x 10

Amplitudes of harmonics (N)



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Fig. 4.



b a



Fig. 5.

x 10
Amplitudes of harmonics (N)


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Fig. 6.

x 10
Amplitudes of harmonics (N)


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Fig. 7.

x 10
Amplitudes of harmonics (N)


10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Vehicle velocity, v (m/s)

Fig. 8.

x 10


Amplitudes of harmonics (N)




10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Vehicle velocity, v (m/s)

Fig. 9.




( ), j=1, 2, 3





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Fig. 10.

x 10

j(v), j=1, 2, 3, (N)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
v (m/s)

Fig. 11.

x 10

Amplitudes of harmonics (N)



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5

Fig. 12.


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