Housing Systems of Poultry
Housing Systems of Poultry
Housing Systems of Poultry
There are four systems of housing generally found to follow among the poultry keepers. The type of housing adopted
depends to a large extent on the amount of ground and the capital available.
A. Battery system
B. Deep litter system
Free range system: This method is oldest of all and has been used for centuries by general farmers, where there is no
shortage of land.
This system allows great but not unlimited, space to the birds on land where they can find an appreciable amount of food
in the form of herbage, seeds and insects, provided they are protected from predatory animals and infectious diseases
including parasitic infestation. At present due to advantages of intensive methods the system is almost absolute.
Semi-intensive system: This system is adopted where the amount of free spare available is limited, but it is necessary to
allow the birds 20-30 square yards per bird of outside run. Wherever possible, this space should be divided giving a run on
either side of the house of 10-15 square yards per bird, thus enabling the birds to move onto fresh ground.
Folding unit System: This system of housing is an innovation of recent years. In portable folding units birds being
confined to one small run, the position is changed each day, giving them fresh ground and the birds find a considerable
proportion of food from the herbage are healthier and harder. For the farmer the beneficial effect of scratching and
manuring on the land is another side effect.
The disadvantages are that food and water must be carded out to the birds and eggs brought back and there is some extra
labor involved in the regular moving of the fold units. The most convenient folding unit to handle is that which is made
for 25 hens. A Floor space of 1 square fool should be allowed for each bird in the house, and 3 square feet in the run, so
that a total floor space to whole unit is 4 square feet per bird, as with the intensive system. A suitable measurement for a
folding house to take 25 birds is 5 feet wide and 20 feet long, the house being 5' X 5', one third of Ibis fun. The part
nearest the house is covered in and the remaining 10' open with wire netting sides and lop.
Intensive system:
In this system the birds are confined to the house entirely, with no access to land outside, and it is usually adopted where
land is limited and expensive.
This has only been made possible by admitting the direct rays of the sun on the floor of the house so that par to the
windows are removable, or either fold or slide down like windows of railway train to permit the ultraviolet rays to reach
the birds. Under the intensive system, Battery (cage system) and deep litter methods are most common.
A. Battery system: This appliance is the inventor's latest contribution to the commercial egg farmer. This is the most
intensive type of poultry production and is useful to those with only a small quantity of floor space at their disposal.
Nowadays in large cities hardly a poultry lover can spare open lands for rearing birds. For all such people this system will
prove worthy of keeping birds al minimum space.
In the battery system each hen is confined to a cage just large enough to permit very limited movement and allow her to
stand and sit comfortably. The usual floor space is 14 X 16 inches and the height, 17 inches. The floor is of standard
strong galvanized wire set at a slope from back to the front, so that the eggs as they are laid roll out of the cage to a
receiving gutter. Underneath is a tray for droppings. Both food and water receptacles are outside the cage. Many small
cages can be assembled together; if necessary It may be multistoried. The whole structure should be of metal so that no
parasites will be harbored and through disinfection can be carried out as often as required. Provided the batteries of cages
are set up in the place which is well ventilated and lighted, is not too hot and is vermin proof and that the food meets all
nutritional needs, this system has proved to be remarkably successful in [lie tropical countries. It may be that as it requires
a minimum expenditure of energy from the bird, which spends its entire item in the shade, it lessens the load of excess
body heat. The performance of each bird can be noted and culling easily carried out. Pullets, which are more often used
than birds of over one year, should be placed in the cages at least one month before they are expected to lay.
The feeding of birds in cages has to be carefully considered, as the birds are entirely dependent on the mash for
maintenance and production. To supply vitamins A and D, cod liver oil, yeast, dried milk powder are useful/ and fish meal
or other animal protein, and balanced minerals and some form of grit must be made available.
As in each cage there will be only pullets so one can never expect fertilized eggs, hence the vegetative eggs will be there,
which can be preserved for a longer time than fertilized eggs at ordinary room temperature but can never be used for
hatching purposes.
B. Deep litter system: In this system the poultry birds are kept in large pens up to 250 birds each, on floor covered with
litters like straw, saw dust or leaves up to depth of 8-12 inches. Deep litter resembles to dry compost. In other words we
can define deep litter, as the accumulation of the material used for litter with poultry manure until it reaches a depth of 8
to 12 inches. The build-up has to be carried out correctly to give desired results, which takes very little attention.
Concrete House
This types of goat houses are fully made with concrete, and slightly expensive. But concrete houses have many
advantages. It is very easy to clean the house, and easy to always keep your goats safe from all types of predators. You
can construct the house over ground or over concrete poles. Both types are easily maintained. Diseases are less in this
housing system. But it is very expensive method of goat housing.
This type of housing is most typical of structures used and is suitable for all cattle on the farm. This is the least expensive
of new structures and very easy to build. Open sheds should face the south for winter sun and block the prevailing winds.
Pole barns of this design can be partitioned for groups of animals without complicated interior construction.
Open sided, clear span pole shed
The clear span provides more space for equipment to remove manure and thus any side of the building can be open to the
environment. The gable end of the barn is recommended to be open so that the discharge of rain and snow is not over the
open side of the building. When the gable end is open, the bays areas are usually deeper and provide more protection from
the wind. The back end of the structure may be dark and damp and may need additional design attention for ventilation
and lighting. This type of housing is more practical for smaller sized herds (under 20 head of cattle).
Today there are many unused dairy barns due to dairy farmers either retiring or dispersing. The renovation costs are
usually less than the cost of a new structure. Lighting and ventilation are usually adequate in former dairy facilities for use
by beef cattle. Manure removal is a major piece of the renovation plan. Conventional tie stalls that are used on New
England dairy farms with a gutter are not recommended. Free stall barns are the ideal dairy facility for use with beef cattle
since the manure handling is already set-up.
Hoop Barns
One of the least expensive structures for housing cattle is the hoop barn. Hoop barns are similar to greenhouses. One
disadvantage is the heat and ventilation problems during the summer months, but this should not pose an issue if you are
planning on grazing your cattle during the warmer climate months.
Also known as the Easter Egg Chicken, this breed originally came from Chile in South America, discovered by the
Araucana Indians. They are prolific egg layers (200 280 per year). The color of their egg shells vary from pale blue to
dark blue, to various shades of green and a few light brownish/pink eggs. Ameraucana chickens are wonderful backyard
flock members. They are friendly and can sometimes be shy, but enjoy human company. Ameraucanas tend to be hardy in
both cold and hot climates and come in a variety of colors, including white and gray, buff, and dark brown. Ameraucanas
also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
Leghorns are known for their hardiness and egg laying abundance; around 300 per year. For this reason the Leghorn is
one of the most common commercial breeds in the U.S. Most of the white eggs in grocery stores are laid by Leghorns.
These birds make a striking presence in your backyard. They possess a single red or rose colored comb which needs to be
protected from frostbite in the winter (a little Vaseline will do the trick).
The Brahma breed comes in several varieties: Light Brahma, Buff and Dark Brahma. Brahma chickens are an excellent
breed for backyard flocks. Non-aggressive, gentle, and large, Buff Brahmas and Dark Brahmas lay medium size brown
eggs and enjoy being around people. Because of their copious feathers, Brahma breeds tend to do better in colder
climates. Brahma chickens also have feathered legs. The gentle Brahma personality makes this chicken breed an excellent
choice for children. Buff and Dark Brahmas also have a bantam (miniature) counterpart.
This is the most popular breed. This breed is large, has long, wide, pendulous ears, and a roman nose. Goats of this breed
usually are brown, but can be almost any color. The Nubian breed originated in the United Kingdom from British and
Near-East descendants. Nubians have a high butterfat content in their milk. Nubian milk is therefore good for cheese
Saanens are another Swiss breed. These goats are large, kind, and friendly. This breed of goats is generally all-white, with
forward-facing ears.
The Toggenburg or Toggenburger is a Swiss breed of dairy goat. Its name derives from that of the Toggenburg region of
the Canton of St. Gallen, where it is thought to have originated. It is among the most productive breeds of dairy goat.
Jersey cows originated from English Channel Island of Jersey, a few kilometres from the coast of France. They were first
introduced to Australia in 1829 and spread throughout Australia with the Australian Jersey Herd Society being formed in
the early 1900s. Jersey cattle are generally characterised as being a hardy, small breed with high milk composition
(protein and butterfat percentage) and medium milk yield. They are typically a light cream to dark brown in colour.
Holstein Fresian
Holstein Friesian cows can be traced back more than 2000 years. They were first imported into Australia in the mid
1800s. The name Holstein Friesian is derived from the province of Friesland in the Netherlands and Schleswig-Holstein
in the Rhine delta region. They are characterized as being a versatile,
large breed with medium milk composition and high milk yield. The breeds colour is typically black and white, ranging
from almost totally white to totally black. They are the most numerous dairy breed in Australia making up more than 60
% of commercial milking cows in Australia.
Ayreshire cows originated from Ayr in the southwest of Scotland. They were first imported into Australia in the 1850s.
The breeds coat colour can vary greatly from any shade of red or brown with white or mahogany. They are characterized
as having a medium to high milk composition and medium to high milk yield. There are only few whole Ayreshire herds
being commercially milked in Australia.
Other Breeds
Numerous other pure breeds exist making up a minor proportion of the total commercial milk cows in Australia. Some
other breeds include milking shorthorns, Guenseys, Devons and Brown Swiss. However, there is a large amount of
commercial dairy cows in Australia that are a cross between any combinations of the breeds above.
A free ranging hen will be good at finding protein by foraging for meaty insect such as worms, slugs and snails. But lots
of hens today dont have the ability to find those insect on a daily basis so need a feed that has all nutrition she needs. The
type of feed you give to your chickens is dictated by the age:
Chicks - From hatching to 5 weeks old chicks will need to be fed chick crumbs. These are roughly 19% protein, and
suitable for chicks.
Pullet - From 6 weeks to 18 weeks, chickens do lots of growing so will need a type of feed to help them do that. This feed
is called growers pellets or growers mash. This feed is typically 15-16% protein.
Laying hens - When your chickens start to lay eggs they will needs to be fed layers pellets or layers mash. This is
usually 15-17% protein and will help them to regularly lay eggs.