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Product Catalog: AWBPC0001-7

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Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division

Parker Aerospace
Publication Number: AWBPC0001-7/USA
Issue 7, Dated: April 01, 2007

Refer to the Component Maintenance Manual for detailed maintenance / overhaul procedures. Consult the Aircraft
Maintenance Manual and Airframe Log Books (for optional installations) to confirm the approved part numbers for the
particular aircraft application. If any inconsistencies are observed in this data, please notify Cleveland Customer Support.

The warranty clause for the Wheel and Brake Commercial Product Line is found on the inside back cover of the current
Cleveland Wheel & Brake Price List.

Use of other manufacturers components with original Cleveland Wheel & Brake assemblies will void the Cleveland Wheels
& Brakes warranty.


This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product
and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your
application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product
catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis
and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety
and warning requirements of the application are met.

The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject
to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

Offer of Sale
The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized
distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the Offer of Sale.

2007 Parker Hannifin Corporation AWBPC0001-7 04/2007

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Revision Service
Registration Cards!

Just clip out one of Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

Product Catalog
these cards, fill out Wheels & Brakes Component Maintenance
Manual - contains complete maintenance,
installation instructions and specs on all
the information and Cleveland systems and kits.

return it with your Both for One Low Price!

Print Version - $2500 or CD-ROM Version - $1000
check or money Fill in the information on the back and mail to:
Parker Hannifin Corporation
order to Cleveland Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
1160 Center Road
Avon, OH 44011
so we can keep you
Enclosed is my check or
fully informed about money order for your:
New Product Catalog - $1500
new products, Maintenance Manual - $1500 Revision
Both / Print Version - $
2500 Service Card
specification changes
CD-ROM - $
and the very latest
Name_____________________________________ Title____________________________________

wheels and brakes Company__________________________________________________________________________


maintenance City_ __________________________________ State_________________ Zip_ __________________

Phone_ ______________________ Fax________________________E-mail_ ____________________

information. Parker Hannifin Corporation
Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
1160 Center Road Technical Service Hotline 1-800-BRAKING
Avon, OH 44011

Parker Hannifin Corporation Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division

1160 Center Road Avon, Ohio 44011
Web site: or E-mail:
Fax (440) 937-5409 Technical Service Hotline: 1-800-BRAKING (1-800-272-5464) (440) 937-1315
Enclosed is my check or
money order for your:
New Product Catalog - $1500

Maintenance Manual - $1500
Both / Print Version - $
2500 Service Card

CD-ROM - $
Name_____________________________________ Title____________________________________



City_ __________________________________ State_________________ Zip_ __________________

Phone_ ______________________ Fax________________________E-mail_ ____________________

Parker Hannifin Corporation
Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
1160 Center Road Technical Service Hotline 1-800-BRAKING
Avon, OH 44011

Everything you need to know about

aircraft WHEELS & BRAKES!
Cleveland Wheels & Brakes
Product Catalog
Wheels & Brakes Component Maintenance
Manual - contains complete maintenance,
installation instructions and specs on all
Cleveland systems and kits.

Both for One Low Price!

Print Version - $2500 or CD-ROM Version - $1000
Fill in the information on the back and mail to:
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
1160 Center Road
Avon, OH 44011

Parker Hannifin Corporation Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division

1160 Center Road Avon, Ohio 44011
Web site: or E-mail:
Fax (440) 937-5409 Technical Service Hotline: 1-800-BRAKING (1-800-272-5464) (440) 937-1315
Aircraft Wheel and Brake Division
Commercial Offer of Sale and Product Line Warranty
The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries. This offer and its acceptance
are governed by the provisions stated below.
This and other information from Parker provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. Before you
select or use any product or system, it is important that you analyze all aspects of your application and review the information concerning the product
in the current product catalog. The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and
components and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. NOTE: All quotations are subject to the
terms listed below.
Offer of Sale
The items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries are hereby
offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries. This offer and its acceptance by any customer
(Buyer) shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyers order for any such items, when communicated to Parker Hannifin
Corporation and its subsidiary (Seller) verbally or in writing, shall constitute acceptance of this offer and the Terms and Conditions on this document.
1. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, the aircraft, but in all events within the applicable warranty period
proposals, offers, acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of specified above; and (4) no substitute parts shall be installed
Sellers products are subject to and shall be governed exclusively in the product without the prior written authorization of Seller.
by the terms and conditions stated herein. Buyers acceptance of The sole responsibility and liability of Seller and exclusive remedy
any offer to sell is limited to these terms and conditions. Any terms under any claim arising out of, connected with, or resulting
or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with those stated herein, from, this sale or the performance or breach of any condition or
proposed by Buyer in any acceptance of an offer by Seller, are hereby warranty thereunder, or from the manufacture, delivery, or use of
objected to. No such additional, different or inconsistent terms and the products shall be the repair of, replacement, or credit for the
conditions shall become part of the contract between Buyer and Seller original purchase price of the defective product at Sellers option.
unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Sellers acceptance of
Any claims under this warranty should be made through an authorized
any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyers
distributor for Seller, freight prepaid, to Parker Hannifin Corporation,
assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any
Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division, 1160 Center Road, Avon, Ohio 44011.
terms in addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyers
offer. Acceptance of Sellers products shall in all events constitute The warranty shall not apply to any product(s) which shall have
such assent. been disassembled, repaired, or altered outside the Sellers
2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date Service Department unless express prior written authorization
of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Amounts not timely was granted; nor shall this warranty apply to any product that
paid shall bear interest at the maximum rate permitted by law for each has been subjected to misuse or accident or damage to the
month or portion thereof that the Buyer is late in making payment. product(s) after the date of shipment from Sellers facility.
Any claims by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall LIMITATIONS OF REMEDY: SELLERS LIABILITY ARISING FROM
be waived unless Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after OR RELATED TO THE ITEMS SOLD OR ON THE CONTRACT
3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ITEM SOLD, OR REFUND
be made F.O.B. Sellers plant. Regardless of the method of delivery, OF THE ORIGINAL PURCHASE PRICE PAID BY BUYER, AT
however, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Sellers delivery to a SELLERS SOLE OPTION.
carrier. Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller IN NO EVENT, WHETHER AS A RESULT OF A BREACH OF
shall have no liability for any delays in delivery. CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR
Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth below, Seller EXPENSES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT,
warrants that the new products sold hereunder shall be free from GOODWILL, OR REVENUES, LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT
defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service for OR ANY ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, DAMAGE TO ASSOCIATED
a period of two (2) years from date of installation of the product on the EQUIPMENT, COST OF CAPITAL, COST OF SUBSTITUTE
aircraft, provided that the product is installed on the aircraft within two PRODUCTS, FACILITIES OR SERVICES, DOWNTIME, COSTS
(2) years from the date of manufacture. ASSOCIATED WITH PRODUCT REMOVAL OR REPLACEMENT,
Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth below, Seller
warrants that each Seller-overhauled product shall be free from THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF
defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service ALL OTHER WARRANTIES OR REMEDIES WHETHER WRITTEN,
for a period of one (1) year from date of installation of the product ORAL OR IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, ANY AND ALL EXPRESS
on the aircraft, provided that the product is installed on the aircraft OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO
within two (2) years from the date of overhaul by the Seller. MERCHANTIBILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,
NOTE: This warranty does not apply to brake discs and brake linings,
for which the seller gives no warranty, expressed or implied.
Acceptance of this product shall constitute acknowledgement and
Conditions, Limitations, and Exclusions
acceptance of the terms, provisions, limitations and exclusions set
The warranties stated above are valid if, and only if, the following forth herein. Such terms, limitations and exclusions shall not be
conditions are met: (1) the product shall be installed into the modified, deleted or supplemented except by an express written
aircraft within 24 months of the date of product manufacture; acknowledgement of Parker Hannifin Corporation, Aircraft Wheel &
(2) installation, maintenance and operation of the product shall Brake Division.
have been in accordance with the specifications and instructions
IMPORTANT NOTE: Use of other manufacturers
provided by Seller; (3) the written warranty claim, with all requested
components with original Aircraft Wheel & Brake
information properly supplied, has been returned to Seller within
Division assemblies will void the warranty.
30 days of the date of removal of the malfunctioning product from

a Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Aircraft Wheel and Brake Division
Commercial Offer of Sale and Product Line Warranty
5. Inspection: Seller shall be given the opportunity to correct or replace Buyer, or directed to items delivered hereunder for which the designs
defective products prior to cancellation. Final acceptance by Buyer are specified in whole or part by Buyer, or infringements resulting
shall take place not later than 90 days after shipment. Seller shall have from the modification, combination or use in a system of any item sold
Material Review Board authority for all Type II material discrepancies hereunder. The foregoing provisions of this Part 10 shall constitute
on Seller-designed products. Sellers sole and exclusive liability and Buyers sole and exclusive
6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyer may request remedy for infringement of Intellectual Property Rights. If a claim
to modify the designs or specifications for the items sold hereunder is based on information provided by Buyer or if the design for an
as well as the quantities and delivery dates thereof, or may request item delivered hereunder is specified in whole or in part by Buyer,
to cancel all or part of this order, however, no such requested Buyer shall defend and indemnify Seller for all costs, expenses or
modification or cancellation shall become part of the contract between judgments resulting from any claim that such item infringes any
Buyer and Seller unless accepted by Seller in a written amendment patent, trademark, copyright, trade dress, trade secret or any similar
to this Agreement. Acceptance of any such requested modification right.
or cancellation shall be at Sellers discretion, and shall be upon such 11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not
terms and conditions as Seller may require. be liable for delay or failure to perform any of Sellers obligations by
7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special reason of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Seller
tooling, including without limitation, dies, fixtures, molds and patterns, (hereinafter Events of Force Majeure). Events of Force Majeure
acquired to manufacture items sold pursuant to this contract. Such shall include without limitation, accidents, acts of God, strikes or
special tooling shall be and remain Sellers property notwithstanding labor disputes, acts, laws, rules or regulations of any government
payment of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire or government agency, fires, floods, delays or failures in delivery of
any interest in apparatus belonging to Seller which is utilized in the carriers or suppliers, shortages of materials and any other cause
manufacture of the items sold hereunder, even if such apparatus beyond Sellers control.
has been specially converted or adapted for such manufacture and 12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law/Arbitration: The terms
notwithstanding any charges paid by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, and conditions set forth herein, together with any amendments,
Seller shall have the right to alter, discard or otherwise dispose of any modifications and any different terms or conditions expressly accepted
special tooling or other property in its sole discretion at any time. by Seller in writing, shall constitute the entire Agreement concerning
8. Buyers Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings, the items sold, and there are no oral or other representations or
confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other agreements which pertain thereto. This agreement shall be governed
items which become Buyers property, may be considered obsolete in all respects by the law of the State of Ohio without consideration
and may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years of Ohios law provisions. No actions arising out of the sale of the
have elapsed without Buyer placing an order for the items which are items sold hereunder or this Agreement may be brought by either
manufactured using such property. Seller shall not be responsible for party more than two (2) years after the cause of action accrues. Any
any loss or damage to such property while it is in Sellers possession disagreement, controversy or claim arising from or in any way related
or control. to this purchase order or the goods or services procured hereunder
9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and (Claim) which cannot be resolved by the parties shall be submitted
charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational to final binding arbitration as the exclusive dispute resolution process
or like taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the by giving written notice of such demand to the other party. In the
manufacture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such event of a demand for arbitration, Buyer and Seller shall each select
taxes must be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of one arbitrator from the American Arbitration Associations (AAA)
such tax, the amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the panel of arbitrators within ten (10) business days after the date of
items sold. Buyer agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller such demand. If either Buyer or Seller shall fail to select an arbitrator
therefore upon receipt of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from and such selection shall be binding on the parties. A third arbitrator
any sales, use or other tax imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer from the AAAs panel of arbitrators shall be jointly selected by the two
shall save Seller harmless from and against any such tax, together arbitrators within twenty (20 business days of the appointment of the
with any interest or penalties thereon which may be assessed if the second arbitrator and the selection shall be binding on the parties.
items are held to be taxable. If the third arbitrator is not selected as provided in the previous
10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Seller sentence, either Buyer or Seller may apply to the AAA for the
shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trademarks, appointment of the third arbitrator by the AAA. The arbitration shall
copyrights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as take place in Cleveland, Ohio in accordance with the rules of the AAA
provided in this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer and, notwithstanding any other choice of law clause to the contrary
against allegations of infringement of U.S. patents, U.S. trademarks, in this contract, the arbitration shall be governed by the United
copyrights, trade dress and trade secrets (hereinafter Intellectual States Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. 1 16. The arbitrators shall have the
Property Rights). Seller will defend at its expense and will pay the power to determine the merits of the Claim or Claims, the scope and
cost of any settlement or damages awarded in an action brought limits of discovery and to enforce the rights, remedies, procedures,
against Buyer based on an allegation that an item sold pursuant duties, liabilities and obligations of discovery by the imposition of
to this contract infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of a third the same terms and conditions, consequences, liabilities, sanctions
party. Sellers obligation to defend and indemnify Buyer is contingent and penalties as may be imposed on the like circumstances in a
on Buyer notifying Seller within ten (10) days after Buyer becomes civil action by a Common Pleas Court of the State of Ohio under
aware of such allegations of infringement, and Seller having sole the provision of the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. Each party shall
control over the defense of any allegations or actions including all absorb its own costs of arbitration, including attorneys fees, except
negotiations for settlement or compromise. If an item sold hereunder that the non-prevailing party shall pay 100% of any arbitrators fees.
is subject to a claim that it infringes the Intellectual Property Rights Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered
of a third party, Seller may, at its sole expense and option, procure in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Notwithstanding anything in
for Buyer the right to continue using said item, replace or modify said the Section 22, the parties shall have recourse to the courts of Ohio
item so as to make it noninfringing, or offer to accept return of said for the purpose of obtaining any provisional or equitable remedy as
item and return the purchase price less a reasonable allowance for permitted by the laws of the State of Ohio.
depreciation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Seller shall have no 13. Overhauled Products: Products that are overhauled by seller will
liability for claims of infringement based on information provided by be done to a manual and/or FAA approved data.

b Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Product Catalog
Record of Temporary Revisions Cleveland Wheels & Brakes



AWBPC0001-7 Refer to Technical Publication Notice TPN_AWBPC0001-7.0 04-01-2007

AWBPC0001-7.1 Refer to Technical Publication Notice TPN_AWBPC0001-7.1 07-31-2007

AWBPC0001-7.2 Refer to Technical Publication Notice TPN_AWBPC0001-7.2 11-30-2007

AWBPC0001-7.3 Refer to Technical Publication Notice TPN_AWBPC0001-7.3 04-01-2009

i Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Product Catalog
Table of Contents Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................4
Typical Installation
Internal Wheel & Brake.......................................................................................................................6
External Wheel & Brake......................................................................................................................7


Original Equipment
Applicability Data................................................................................................................................1-3
Original Equipment - Floats
Applicability Data................................................................................................................................1-29
FAA-PMA Replacement Equipment
Applicability Data................................................................................................................................1-32


Conversion Kit
Applicability Data
Single Engine...............................................................................................................................2-2
Twin Engine..................................................................................................................................2-5
Kit Plane.......................................................................................................................................2-10
Wheel & Brake Ship Set...............................................................................................................2-15


Part Number Index....................................................................................................................................3-1
Design Information....................................................................................................................................3-3
Illustrated Parts List
Push Type...........................................................................................................................................3-6
Push Type with Parking Brake............................................................................................................3-18
Push Type with Reservoir...................................................................................................................3-19
Pull Type.............................................................................................................................................3-24


Part Number Index....................................................................................................................................4-1
Illustrated Parts List
Drum Type..........................................................................................................................................4-3
External Design..................................................................................................................................4-5
Internal Design...................................................................................................................................4-76


Part Number Index....................................................................................................................................5-1
Illustrated Parts List
Auxiliary Type
Tail ...............................................................................................................................................5-6
Main Wheels
External Design............................................................................................................................5-32
Internal Design.............................................................................................................................5-83

1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Product Catalog
Table of Contents Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

Part Number Index....................................................................................................................................6-1
Illustrated Parts List..................................................................................................................................6-3
Design Information....................................................................................................................................6-8


Part Number Index ...................................................................................................................................7-1
Illustrated Parts List
Shimmy Damper.................................................................................................................................7-6

2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Product Catalog
Introduction Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

How to find the part number for your wheel and brake
Locate your aircraft, model number, year of manufacture or serial number in the Aircraft / Product Directory or
Kit Directory. You will find the wheel and brake assembly number applicable to your aircraft. After determining the
required assembly numbers, turn to the Table of Contents on pages 1 and 2 for all Cleveland Wheels & Brakes
products, to locate the proper section and page number.

NOTE: Illustrations in this catalog are not necessarily exact and should be used as a guide only.

Catalog Updates
Effective July 1, 1997, this catalog has been converted to a bound printed publication format. This catalog is now
identified by a document number AWBPC0001-x, which is located in the upper left corner of each page. The -x
suffix indicates the catalog issue number, where -1 is the first issue. AWBPC0001-1 (dated July 1, 1997) supersedes
catalog Revision K (dated July 1, 1996).
The revision service for this publication, as had been offered in the past, is no longer available. Whenever an interim
revision to the publication is required the information will be listed on the Record of Revisions page, which precedes
the Table of Contents page. The Technical Publication Notice (TPN) provides detailed revision information to selective
sections of the parent publication. Each TPN is identified with the parent publication number and a sequentially
assigned revision number indicating the revision level of the parent publication it has been issued against. For example:
TPN_AWBPC0001-7.1 will be the first interim revision issued against AWBPC0001-7. TPN_AWBPC0001-7.2 would
be the second interim revision and so forth. Whenever a general revision of the parent document is required, the
publications revision number is advanced and the TPN process will begin again.
Consult the Cleveland Wheel & Brakes web site for current service publications and any TPNs that have been issued
against it. For additional information regarding publication availability please contact the Cleveland Wheels & Brakes
Technical Support Team. Product Information Cards located at the front of this publication can also be used to order
the CMM and the Product Catalog.

For technical assistance, contact the

Fax: 440-937-5409
1-800-BRAKING (272-5464)

NOTE: This catalog, along with the Component Maintenance Manual (CMM), is also available as
part of a Parker General Aviation Product Information CD-ROM.

3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Product Catalog
Introduction Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

Part Numbering System

Two part numbering methods have been used by Cleveland over the years to identify products. The long form is
an eight-digit (computer friendly) number and is used to identify detail and subassembly parts. The short form can
contain both alpha and numeric characters. Past practices used the short form number on all of the products. Current
practice is the use of the eight-digit format to identify all detail and subassembly components. Top assemblies are
identified using the FAA-TSO approval. These are usually short form numbers, but occasionally are long form, or
neither form, depending on the era in which the approval was granted.

To convert from the short form to the long form, use the following method:

1. Examples of converting older short version part numbers to the current eight-digit format is shown below:

Example: 65-144 becomes 065-14400

2. For numbers not ending in 00, replace the last two digits with a letter using the table below as a reference.

Example: 65-144C becomes 065-14403

The following table shows the cross reference of numeric to alpha characters:

01 = A 06 = F 11 = L 16 = R 21 = W
02 = B 07 = G 12 = M 17 = S 22 = X
03 = C 08 = H 13 = N 18 = T 23 = Y
04 = D 09 = J 14 = P 19 = U 24 = Z
05 = E 10 = K 15 = Q 20 = V
Letter I and O are deleted, so as not to be confused with the numbers 1 and 0.

4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Product Catalog
Typical Installation Internal Wheel & Brake

5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Product Catalog
Typical Installation External Wheel & Brake

6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA

7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Introduction Original Equipment

- STOP -
Unless otherwise noted, listed Wheels and Brakes are FAA TSO C26 Approved.
For a product to be TSO qualified, it has to have successfully demonstrated its ability to meet minimum
performance standards in accordance with FAA recognized rating methods. The TSO approval of a
product does not constitute installation approval or applicability on an FAA Type Certificated Aircraft. It
is the responsibility of those installing these products to determine that the aircraft installation and its
wheel and brake performance requirements are compatible for the TSO ratings of the wheel and brake.
TSO approved products must have separate approval for installation in a FAA type certificated aircraft.
TSO Approved Products may be installed only if performed under Title 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable
airworthiness requirements.
Consult the Airframe maintenance manual, parts catalog, or equipment list (for optional installations), to
confirm the approved part number for a particular application. It is the responsibility of the installer to
assure that only approved parts have been used. Prior to installing replacement parts, please verify that the
wheel and brake assembly numbers as listed match the model numbers as indicated on the nameplates.
If unable to identify the parts, contact the Technical Services Hotline.
For quick reference, disc and lining part numbers are listed in the directory. Manufacturers and aircraft
are listed alphabetically with models listed numerically. For other replacement parts on your assemblies,
turn to the numerical assembly listing for a particular parts breakdown.
Actions affecting a particular assembly will be noted below each applicability data table. Always check for
additional information such as superseding equipment, applicable upgrades and other pertinent information
in the numerical assembly listing parts breakdown.

For technical assistance, contact the

Fax: 440-937-5409
1-800-BRAKING (272-5464)

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Notes Original Equipment

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Aerofab (1)
LA-4 1963 and on 40-113X (4)(5) 164-14000 164-14000 30-75X (4)(5) 066-10500 N/A
40-74 (2)(5) 164-00700 164-10700 30-51 (3)(5) 066-10600
LA4-180, -200 40-113X (4)(5) 164-04000 164-14000 30-75X (4)(5) 066-10500 40-87C
1974 40-74A (5) N/A 164-04700 30-51 (3)(5) 066-10600
1975 40-74B (5) 164-00700 164-10700
30-51B (5) 066-10600
1977 and on
LA-250 40-418 (6) 164-24500 N/A 30-241 (6) 066-10500 40-87C
LA-270 40-418 (7) 164-24500 N/A 30-241 (7) 066-10500 D-30500-1
Turbo Renegade

(1) Formerly Lake Aircraft, Inc. (2) 40-74 is interchangeable with 40-74B.

(3) Superseded by 30-51B. (4) Replacement for aircraft equipped with Gerdes Wheels & Brakes.
Requires modifications prior to installation. See Airframe manufacturer.

(5) For heavy duty option, order Main Wheel Assy 40-418 and Brake Assy (6) High corrosion-resistant, amphibious equipment. Replaces Main Wheel
30-241, which is also high corrosion-resistant equipment. Assy 40-74B and Brake Assy 30-51B on new production aircraft.
See Airframe manufacturer for applicability.

(7) High corrosion-resistant, amphibious equipment. Replaces Main Wheel

Assy D-30660-7 and Brake Assy D-30793-4 on new production aircraft.
See Airframe Manufacturer for applicability.

Aerospatiale / Socata
100, 110, 125 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63J 066-10500 40-77A
150, 180 Series
110ST Calopin, 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63J 066-10500 N/A
160ST Garnement,
180T Galrien,
180GT Gailaard
220, 235 Series, 40-84 (5) 164-01900 164-11900 30-41B (3) 066-10600
235G Guerrier (1),
235GT Gabrier,
235CA Gaucho,
TB9 Tampico 40-97E (4) 164-02601 164-12601 30-63J 066-10500 40-77B
TB10 Tobago
TB20, 21 Trinidad 40-84 (5) 164-01900 164-11900 30-41B (3) 066-10600 40-77B
TB30 Epsilon 40-90B 164-02201 N/A 30-23B (3) 066-06500 pp 40-76C
066-06200 bp
TBM700 1 thru 204 40-270 (2) N/A 30-191 (2) 40-262A
206 thru 239
241 thru 243
205, 240, 40-434 (2) N/A 30-191 (2) 40-262A
244 and up
TBM850 All 40-434 (2) N/A 30-191 (2) 40-262A

(1) Was Rallye Series aircraft. (2) Internal Wheel & Brake. See Brake Section for lining/heat stack components.

(3) Use with airframe supplied torque plate. (4) Upgrade to 40-97F per SB7050. (5) Upgrade to 40-84B per SB7059.

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Aerostar Aircraft (1)

600, 601, 601P 171 and on 40-124 164-05006 N/A 30-88 (2) 066-02200 40-76B
PA-600A, -601B
PA-601P, -60, 1975 and on 40-76F
(1) T.C. formerly held by Piper Aircraft. (2) Use with airframe supplied Torque Plate (075-10100 LH and 075-10150 RH).

Ag-Cat Corp. (American Agviation) (1)

G164 Ag-Cat 1 thru 399 40-47 (2) N/A 164-01100 30-32C (2) 066-10600 40-112
G164A 400 and on 40-101 (3) N/A 164-03006 30-67 (3) 066-10800
Super Ag-Cat
450, 600 1 and on
G164B, C 1 and on 40-133 (4) N/A 164-05806 30-84 (4) 066-10800
G164D Turbine

(1) T.C. formerly held by Schweizer. (2) Aircraft equipped with 8.50-6 tires.

(3) Aircraft equipped with 8.50-10 tires. (4) Aircraft equipped with 29 x 11.00-10 tires.

Agusta / Caproni Vizzola

C22J 40-151 164-08500 N/A 30-133 066-10500 N/A
30-164 066-06200

Agusta / Siai Marchetti - see Siai Marchetti / Agusta / Aermacchi

Air Tractor
AT-300 40-101 (1) N/A 164-03006 30-67X 066-10800 N/A
AT-301, -302, 40-101 (1) N/A 164-03006 30-89 066-10800 40-168
-302A, -400A
AT-400, -402, 40-133 (2) N/A 164-05806 30-98C 066-10800 40-168
-501, -502, -503,
AT-401, -401A 40-234 (3) N/A 164-05606 30-184 LH (3) 066-10800 40-168
30-184 RH (3) 066-10800
AT-602 40-403 164-22202 N/A 30-231 066-06600 40-140C
AT-802 40-279 (4) (6) (7) 164-23001 (5) N/A 30-210 (4) 066-13100 40-140C
40-279A (6) (7) 164-23002 N/A 30-210A 066-13100

(1) 8.50-10 Tire. (2) 29 x 11.00-10 Tire. (3) Not TSO approved - order from airframe manufacturer only.

(4) Upgrade to 40-279A and 30-210A per SB7067 (TSO approved). (5) Supersedes 164-23000.

(6) Refer to SB7082 for product improvement information. (7) Refer to SB7089 for inspection information.

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
American Champion Aircraft (1)
7AC to 7EC, 3050 (2) 169-00201 N/A C7000 (2) 066-00504 (6) N/A
7GC Traveller
7GCA, 7GCB, 3040 (5) 169-00101 N/A C2000 (5) 066-00504 (6)
7EC, 7FC 3040 (5) 169-00101 N/A C2000 (5) 066-00504 (6) 40-2 (4)
7ECA, 7GCAA, 1964 and on 40-28D 164-00500 164-10500 30-19A 066-10600 N/A
7ACA Champ Thru 1970 40-28D 164-00500 164-10500 30-19A 066-10600
1971 and on 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600
8GCBC Scout 40-47 (3) N/A 164-01100 30-32B 066-10600
8KCAB 40-28D 164-00500 164-10500 30-19A 066-10600
T-250 Aries 40-75G 164-01501 164-11501 30-52S 066-10500 40-77C

(1) Formerly Bellanca/Champion. (2) Mechanical Drum Brake. (3) 8.50-6 Tire.

(4) Inactive. (5) Hydraulic Drum Brake. (6) Brake Shoe, Includes Rivets.

American General - see Grumman American

Arctic Aircraft
S1B2 Arctic Tern 001 - 1021 40-28 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600 N/A
1022 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500

Aviat / Pitts / Christen

S-1, S-2 Pitts 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 N/A
Special Series
A-1 Husky 40-60 164-06700 164-16700 30-60 (1) 066-10600

(1) Inactive - superseded by 30-60A.

Avions Pierre Robin (Constructions Aeromatiaques De Bourgogne)

140, 160 (1) 164-03601 164-13601 30-52T 066-10500 N/A
DR400 Series 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63E 066-10500 40-77A
HR100/120, 200 (1) 164-02601 164-12601 30-63D (2) 066-10500 N/A
30-63E 066-10500
HR100/200, 210 (1) 164-03601 164-13601 30-52N 066-10500
HR400 Series (1) N/A N/A 30-52T 066-10500 40-77A
R1000 Series (1) N/A N/A 30-63E 066-10500 N/A
R2000 Series
R3000 Series (1) N/A N/A 30-63E 066-10500 40-77A

(1) Order complete main wheel from airframe manufacturer only. (2) Inactive.

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Ayres (1)
S2R-600 Thrush 1939R thru 217R 40-129 (2) N/A 164-05606 30-94 (2) 066-10800 40-112 (3)
2173R thru 2529R 40-129 N/A 164-05606 30-94 066-10800
40-133 (2) N/A 164-05806 30-98D (2) 066-10800
2530R and on 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98D 066-10800
S2R-660 40-403 164-22202 N/A 30-231 066-06600 40-76H
Turbo Thrush
S2R-800 5000R thru 5082R 40-129 (2) N/A 164-05606 30-94 (2) 066-10800 40-112 (3)
5083R and on 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98 066-10800
S2R-PZL600 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98D 066-10800 40-112 (3)
S2R-T15 T15-001 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98 066-10800
T15-002 and on 30-98D 066-10800
S2R-T34 6000 thru 6023 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98 066-10800
6024 and on 30-98D 066-10800
S2R-T41 T41-089 and -090 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98D 066-10800
(1) Applications may vary on all models due to manufacturer (2) Heavy duty option. (3) Tail Wheel - not original equipment until 1977
kit changes and field modifications. however, it is interchangeable on all models.

Beech - see Raytheon Aircraft Company

Bell Helicopter
AH-1T, 214 40-117A (3)
UH-1H 40-103 (3)
214ST (4) 1984 and on 40-181B (5) N/A 30-154A (5) 40-115B (1)
222 40-115A (2)(6)
230 40-276 (5) N/A 30-208 (5) 40-115B (1)
430 40-276 (5) N/A 30-208A (5) 40-115B (1)

(1) Nose Wheel, eligible to use 10 ply tire. (2) Nose Wheel, use 6 ply tire only. (3) Dolly Wheel, 4 per helicopter - Not TSO approved.

(4) Helicopter equipped with optional landing gear. (5) Internal Wheel & Brake, see Brake Section for (6) Superseded for this application
lining/heat stack components. by 40-115B per SB7033.

Bellanca Aircraft Corporation

17-30A, 17-31A 40-75E 164-01501 164-11501 30-52M 066-10500 40-76C
17-31ATC, 300A

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Burkhart Grob - see Grob

Caproni Vizzola - see Agusta

150A, B 1961 to 1962 40-12 (1) 164-00400 N/A 30-9 (1) 066-10600 40-77 (1)
150-59119 thru
150C 1963 40-19 (1) (3) 164-00400 N/A 30-9 (1) 066-10600 40-77A (1)
40-57 (2) (3) 164-00500 164-10500 30-40 (2) 066-10600
150D, E 1964 to 1965 40-78 (1) 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 (1) 066-10600 40-77 (1)
40-79A (2) 164-01600 N/A 30-40 (2) 066-10600 40-76A (2) (4)
150F, G, 1966 to 1967 40-97 (3) (6) N/A N/A 30-63 (3) (5) 066-10500 40-77 (1)
F150F, G
150H, J, K 1968 to 1970 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500
F150H, J
A150K 1970
150L 1971 and on 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 40-77 (1)
A150L 1971 and on
F150K 1970 and on
FA150K, L 1970 to 1971
FRA150L 1972 and on
152 1978 and on
A152 1978 and on
F152, FA152 1978 and on
(1) 5.00-5 Equipment (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) Starting with S/N 150-60477. (5) Superseded by 30-63A. (6) Superseded by 40-97A.

150, 152, A150 1971 to 1973 D-30063 (3) (4) N/A N/A C-30018 (4) 066-30026 D-30053 (3)
F150, F152 1973 to 1976 D-30260 (3) (4) 164-30195 N/A C-30174 (3)
FA152 (Reims) 1976 D-30580 (3) (4) 164-30195 N/A C-30018-4 (4) 066-30026 D-30480 (3)
(Aircraft equipped
1976 to 1977 D-30291-6 (4) 164-30440 164-23600
with McCauley)
1977 D-30600-1 (3) (4) N/A N/A C-30018-5 (4) 066-30026 D-30500
1978 to 1981 D-30660-1 (4) 164-30615-1 164-30804-1

1982 and on C-30764-5 (4) 066-30026

(1) 5.00-5 Equipment. (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) Superseded equipment - refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and Cessna Service Kit SK182-120 for replacement wheels and brakes.

162 SkyCatcher 40-308 164-01700 N/A 30-308 066-14800 40-307

1-7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Cessna - continued
172, 172A, B, C 172-46421 thru 40-77 (1)
Skyhawk 172-49544
172D 172-49545 thru 40-55 (2)(5)
172E thru M 172-50573 thru 40-76A (2)
172F 172-51823 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-56 (3)(6) 066-10500 40-77 (1)
172F, G, H 172-52809 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63 (3)(6) 066-10500 40-77 (1)
172I, K 172-56513 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 40-77 (1)
172L thru 172R 1971 and on 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75A 066-10500 40-77 (1)
172-59224 and on
F172D F172-0001 thru 40-55 (2)(5)
F172E thru M F172-0019 thru 40-76A (2)
F172F F172-0086 thru 40-77 (1)
F172F, G F172-0096 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-56 (3)(6) 066-10500
F172G, H F172-0205 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500
F172K F172-00755 and on 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75A 066-10500
F172RG Cutlass 172RG0001 and on 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 40-77 (1)
172, R172 1971 to 1973 D-30063 (3)(7) N/A N/A C-30018-2 (7) 066-30026 D-30053 (3)
F172 (Reims) 1973 D-30260 (3)(7) 164-30195 N/A C-30018-2 (7) 066-30026 D-30204 (2)(4)
FR172 (Reims) 1973 to 1974 C-30174 (1)(3)
(Aircraft equipped 1973 to 1975 D-30255 (2)(4)
with McCauley)
1976 D-30585 (2)(4)
1976 D-30580 (7) 164-30195 N/A C-30018-2 (7) 066-30026 D-30480 (1)(3)
1977 D-30600-1 (3)(7) N/A N/A C-30018-6 (7) 066-30026 D-30625 (2)(4)
1978 to 1981 D-30660-1 (7) 164-30615-1 164-30804-1 C-30018-6 (7) 066-30026 D-30500 (1)
1978 D-30665 (2)
1982 and on C-30764-6 (7) 066-30026 D-30500 (1)
172RG Cutlass 1980 to 1981 D-30660-1 (7) 164-30615-1 164-30804-1 C-30018-6 (7) 066-30026 D-30500 (1)
1982 and on C-30764-5 (7) 066-30026

(1) 5.00-5 Equipment (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) Superseded by D-30665. (5) Superseded by 40-76A. (6) Superseded by 30-63A.

(7) Superseded equipment refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and Cessna Service Kit SK182-120 for replacement wheels and brakes.

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Cessna - continued
175 Skylark 175-55876 thru 40-18 (1)(3)
177A, B Cardinal 177-01165 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63 (5) 066-10500 40-77 (1)
177B 177-01531 and on 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 40-77 (1)
177A, B 177-01165 and on 40-76A (2)
177RG, F177RG 1971 and on 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 40-77 (1)
177, 177RG 1972 to 1973 C-30053 (3)
F177RG (Reims) 1973 to 1974 C-30174 (1)(3)
(Aircraft equipped 1975 D-30580 (3)(6) 164-30195 N/A C-30018-4 (6) 066-30026 D-30480 (1)(3)
with McCauley) 1976 D-30291-6 (6) 164-30440 164-23600 C-30018-4 (6) 066-30026 D-30500 (1)
1977 D-30600-1 (3)(6) N/A N/A C-30018-5 (6) 066-30026
1978 and on D-30660-1 (6) 164-30615-1 164-30804-1
180G 180-51313 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 N/A
180H 180-52011 thru 40-75D 164-03601 164-13601 30-52D (3) 066-10500
180H 180-52196 and on 30-52N 066-10500
180H 180-51775 thru 40-66 (3) 164-00700 N/A 30-21 (3) 066-10600
180 Series 1973 to 1974 D-30063-1 (3)(6) N/A N/A D-30118-1, -2 066-30026 D-30380
Skywagon (3) (6)
(Aircraft equipped D-30291-3 (6) 164-30414 164-23900 066-30026
with McCauley) 1974 D-30063-4 (3)(6) N/A N/A D-30118-5, -6 (6)
1974 to 1978 D-30291-1 (6) 164-30388 164-24100
1978 and on D-30660-2 (6) 164-30615-2 164-30804-2
182B, C, D, E 182-51887 thru 40-35 (3)
182E, F 182-53599 thru 40-55 (2)(3) or
182-55058 40-76A (2)
182G thru P 182-55059 thru 40-77 (1)
182G thru N 182-55059 thru 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-56A 066-10500 40-77 (1)
30-63 (5) 066-10500 40-76A (2)
30-63A 066-10500
182N 182-60446 thru 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 40-77 (1)
182S 1996 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52U 066-10500 40-77 (1)

(1) 5.00-5 Equipment (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) Superseded by D-30665. (5) Superseded by 30-63A.

(6) Superseded equipment refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and Cessna Service Kit SK182-120 for replacement wheels and brakes.

1- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Cessna - continued
182 Series 1971 to 1973 D-30053 (3)
F182 (Reims) 1973 D-30204 (2)(4)
(Aircraft equipped
1973 to 1974 C-30174 (1)(3)
with McCauley)
1973 to 1975 D-30255 (2)(4)
1976 D-30291-6 (7) 164-30440 164-23600 C-30018-4 (7) 066-30026 D-30585 (2)(4)
C-30018-4 (7) 066-30026 D-30480 (1)(3)
1977 D-30600-1 (3)(7) N/A N/A C-30018-5 (7) 066-30026 D-30625 (2)(4)
1978 to 1980 D-30660-1 (7) 164-30615-1 164-30804-1 C-30018-5 (7) 066-30026 D-30500 (1)
1978 D-30665 (2)
T182 1981 and on D-30660-3 (7) 164-30615-3 164-30804-3 C-30118-3, -4 (7) 066-30026 D-30500 (1)
R182, TR182, 1978 and on 40-75B (8) 164-01501 164-11501 30-52U (8) 066-10500 D-30500 (1)
FR182 (Reims)
185, 185A 185-0001 thru 40-32 (3) 164-00700 164-10700 30-21 (3) 066-10600 N/A
185B 185-0513 thru 40-66 (3) 164-00700 N/A 30-21 (3) 066-10600
185C, D, E 185-0654 thru 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500
A185E, F 185-1096 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500
A185E, F 185-1471 and on 40-75D 164-03601 164-13601 30-52D (3) (6) 066-10500
A185E 185-1150 thru 40-66 (3) 164-00700 N/A 30-21 (3) 066-10600
185 Series 1973 to 1974 D-30063-1 (3)(7) N/A N/A D-30118-1, -2 (3)(7) 066-30026 D-30380
Skywagon D-30291-3 (7) 164-30414 164-23900 D-30118-5, -6 (7) 066-30026
(Aircraft equipped
1974 D-30063-4 (3)(7) N/A N/A
with McCauley)
1974 to 1978 D-30291-1 (7) 164-30388 164-24100
1978 and on D-30660-2 (7) 164-30615-2 164-30804-2

(1) 5.00-5 Equipment (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) Superseded by D-30665. (5) Superseded by 30-63A. (6) Superseded to 30-52N.

(7) Superseded equipment refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and Cessna Service Kit SK182-120 for replacement wheels and brakes.

(8) Replaces Main Wheel Assembly D-30660-3 and Brake Assembly D-30118-3, -4 per Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and Cessna Service Kit Sk182-120.

188, A188, 188A, 1966 to 1972 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52B 066-10500 N/A
A188A, 188B, 40-101A (2) 164-03106 N/A 30-67A 066-10800
A188B, T188C
1973 and on 40-101 (1)(2) N/A 164-03006 30-67C 066-10800 D-30380
40-98A (3) 164-02707 N/A 30-66A 066-11000

(1) Chrome Disc is Standard Equipment. (2) Aircraft equipped with 8.50-10 tire. (3) Aircraft equipped with 22 x 8.00-8 tire.

205 205-0001 thru 40-67 (3) 164-00700 164-10700 30-35 (3) 066-10600 40-55 (2)(3)
205-0480 40-77 (1)
205A 205-0481 to 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 40-76A (2)
(1) 5.00-5 Equipment. (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

1-10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Cessna - continued
206 206-0001 thru 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 40-76A (2) or
206-0275 40-77 (1)
U206 U206-0276 thru 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 40-77 (1)
U206-1257 and on 40-75D (5) 164-03601 164-13601 30-52N (5) 066-10500 40-77 (1)
P206 P206-0001 thru 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 40-77 (1)
P206-0567 and on 40-75D (5) 164-03601 164-13601 30-52N (5) 066-10500 40-77 (1)
206H, T206H 1996 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52U 066-10500 40-76A (2) or
40-75T (5) 164-08300 164-18300 30-52W (5) 066-10500 40-77 (1)

206 Series 1971 to 1973 D-30053 (3)

(Aircraft equipped 1973 D-30204 (2)(4)
with McCauley)
1973 to 1974 C-30174 (1)(3)
1973 to 1975 D-30255 (2)(4)
1974 D-30063-2 (3)(6) N/A N/A D-30118-3, -4 (6) 066-30026 N/A
1974 to 1978 D-30291-2 (6) 164-30398 164-24000
1978 and on D-30660-3 (6) 164-30615-3 164-30804-3
1974 D-30063-4 (3)(6) N/A N/A D-30118-5, -6 (5)(6) 066-30026
1974 to 1978 D-30291-1 (5)(6) 164-30388 164-24100
1978 and on D-30660-2 (5)(6) 164-30615-2 164-30804-2 D-30118-5, -6 (5)(6) 066-30026 D-30665 (2)
1976 D-30585 (2)(4)
D-30480 (1)(3)
1977 D-30625 (2)(4)
1976 and on D-30500 (1)
207 Series 207-00001 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52F 066-10500 40-77 (1)
40-75D (5) 164-03601 164-13601 30-52E (5) 066-10500 40-76A (2)
207 Series 1971 to 1973 D-30053 (3)
(Aircraft equipped 1973 D-30204 (2)(4)
with McCauley)
1973 to 1974 C-30174 (1)(3)
1973 to 1975 D-30255 (2)(4)
1976 D-30585 (2)(4)
1977 D-30625 (2)(4)
1974 to 1976 D-30480 (1)(3)
1978 and on D-30665 (2)
1976 and on D-30500 (1)

(1) 5.00-5 Equipment (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) Superseded by D-30665. (5) Optional - for 8.00-6 tire usage.

(6) Superseded equipment refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and Cessna Service Kit SK182-120 for replacement wheels and brakes.

1-11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Cessna - continued
208 Caravan 1 1 thru 138 40-179 164-22201 N/A 30-163 066-03300 40-177A
139 and on 30-182 066-03300
208B 1 thru 53 40-179 164-22201 N/A 30-163 066-03300 40-177A
54 and on 30-182 066-03300
210A, B 210-57734 thru 40-35 (2)
210C 210-58086 thru 40-21 (2) 164-00900 164-10900 30-45 (2) 066-11100 40-68 (2)
210D thru M 210-58221 thru 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 40-77 (1)
T210F T210-0001 and on
P210 1984 40-142 164-07800 N/A 30-127C 066-06200
210N 210-62955 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52V 066-10500
P210N 1979 and on
210 Series 1971 to 1973 D-30053 (2)
(Aircraft equipped
1973 to 1974 C-30174 (1)(2)
with McCauley)
1974 D-30063-2 (2)(3) N/A N/A D-30118-3, -4 (3) 066-30026 N/A
1974 to 1978 D-30291-2 (3) 164-30398 164-24000
1978 and on D-30660-3 (3) 164-30615-3 164-30804-3
1976 D-30480 (1)(2)
1976 and on D-30500 (1)

(1) 5.00-5 Equipment. (2) Inactive. (3) Superseded equipment refer to Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 and
Cessna Service Kit SK182-120 for replacement wheels and brakes.

303, T303 1982 and on 40-142 164-07800 N/A 30-127A 066-06200 40-76A
40-98H (1) 164-08406 N/A 30-66F 066-04400 N/A
305A, B, C, D, 1951 and on 40-97E 164-02601 164-12601 30-63K 066-10500
E (3), F 40-75F 164-01501 164-11501 30-52L (2) 066-10500

(1) 6.50-8 Equipment. Optional. (2) Used with 075-07500 (Left Hand) and 075-07600 (Right Hand) Torque Plates - order from airframe
manufacturer only.

(3) Ref: USAF O-1A, -1E, -1G/-1D and 1F (for conversions) all except Model F.

1-12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Cessna - continued
310 Series 1976 to 1981 40-40A 164-00806 N/A 30-28B 066-03300 N/A
1981 and on 40-40D 164-20206 N/A
1976 to 1977 D-30288 (1)(4)
1978 to 1980 D-30665 (4)
1981 and on D-30665-1 (4)
335 1979 and on 40-40A 164-00806 N/A 30-28B 066-03300 N/A
336 Skymaster 336-0001 thru 40-67 (1) 164-00700 164-10700 30-35 (1) 066-10600 40-55 (1)
336-0099 and on 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 40-76A
337, 337A 1965 to 1966 40-96A (2) 164-02504 164-12504 30-61 066-10500 40-76A
337-0001 thru
337B 1967 40-96A (2) 164-02504 N/A 30-61A (3) 066-03600 N/A
337-0526 thru
337B thru D 337-0620 thru 40-96A (2) 164-02504 164-12504 30-61D 066-10500
337E 337-01194 and on 40-98A 164-02707 N/A 30-69B 066-02200
337 Series, F337 1973 D-30204 (4)
FT337 (Reims) 1973 to 1975 D-30255 (4)
1976 D-30585 (4)
1977 D-30625 (4)
1978 and on D-30665 (4)

(1) Inactive. (2) Superseded to 40-96E. (3) Superseded by 30-61D for this application.

(4) Superseded by 40-140A.

340 Series 1972 to 1981 40-40A 164-00806 N/A 30-28B 066-03300 N/A
1981 and on 40-40D 164-20206 N/A
1976 to 1977 D-30288 (1)(2)
1978 to 1980 D-30665 (2)
1981 and on D-30665-1 (2)
401 Series All 40-40A 164-00806 N/A 30-28B 066-03300 40-76A
402 Series All 40-135 (1) 164-06406 N/A 30-100 066-06600 N/A
1981 and on 40-135A 164-20306 N/A
1976 to 1977 D-30288 (1)(2)
1978 to 1980 D-30665 (2)
1981 and on D-30665-1 (2)
404 Titan 404-00001 and on 40-132 164-09100 N/A 30-97 066-06400 N/A
1976 to 1977 D-30288 (1)(2)
1978 to 1980 D-30665 (2)
1981 and on D-30665-1 (2)
411, 411A 1965 to 1968 40-40A 164-00806 N/A 30-28B 066-03300 40-76A
414 Chancellor 40-40A 164-00806 N/A 30-28B 066-03300 40-76A
414A 1981 and on 40-135 (1) 164-06406 N/A 30-100 066-06600
40-135A 164-20306 N/A
414 Series 1976 to 1977 D-30288 (1)(2)
1978 to 1980 D-30665 (2)
1981 and on D-30665-1 (2)

(1) Inactive. (2) Superseded by 40-140A.

1-13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Cessna - continued
421C 1976 to 1980 40-135 (1) 164-06406 N/A 30-100 066-06600 N/A
1981 and on 40-135A 164-20306 N/A
421 Series 1976-1977 D-30288 (1) (3)
1978-1980 D-30665 (3)
1981 and on D-30665-1 (3)
425-0001 and on 40-138 (1) 164-05500 N/A 30-113 (1) 066-06400 D-30665 (3)
40-138A 164-05500 N/A 30-113A 066-06400
441 1978 and on D30665-1 (3)
552 (T-47A) 40-202 (2) N/A 30-161 (1) (2) N/A
S550 Citation SII 40-202 (2) N/A 30-161A (2)
A-37, T-37 D-30570
(1) Inactive. (2) Internal Wheel & Brake. See Brake Section for lining/heat stack components. (3) Superseded by 40-140A.

Christen - see Aviat

Cirrus Design Corp.

SR-20 40-414 (1) 164-24400 N/A 30-239 (1) 066-14100
SR-20 1601 and on 40-75P 164-01501 164-11501 30-52AB 066-10500
SR-22 40-75P (2) 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 (2) 066-10500
SR-22 1740 and on 40-406 164-02504 N/A 30-233B 066-06200

(1) Upgrade to 40-75P/30-52AB per Cirrus Service Bulletin SB2X-32-13. Reference Parker Service Bulletin SB7084.

(2) Upgrade to 40-406/30-233B per Cirrus Service Bulletin SB2X-32-13. Reference Parker Service Bulletin SB7085.

Classic Aircraft
YMF-5 Waco F5001 and on 40-223 164-03106 N/A 30-176 066-10800 40-199A (1)

(1) Not TSO approved - order from airframe manufacturer only.

Columbia Aircraft
Columbia 40-406A 164-02504 N/A 30-233A 066-06200 40-77G
Model 300

Commander - see Grumman American

Daimler Benz / M.B.B.

B.O. 208 40-12 164-00400 N/A 30-9 066-10600 40-18 (1)
B.O. 209 Monsun 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 40-77A

(1) Inactive.

Diamond Aircraft
DA20 Katana 40-78E 164-24200 N/A 30-9D 066-10600 N/A
DA40 40-414A 164-24400 N/A 30-239A 066-10600 40-77
DA42 Twin Star 40-75Z 164-01501 N/A 30-52Z (1) 066-10500 N/A

(1) Use with 075-22800 (L.H.) or 075-22850 (R.H.) torque plate.

1-14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Eagle Aircraft Co.
220, 300 Eagle (1) 1 and on 40-101 N/A 164-03006 30-89A (2) 066-10800 N/A

(1) Originally produced by Bellanca Aircraft for Eagle Aircraft (1979 thru 1981).

Ector Aircraft Co., Inc.

Civil version of 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 N/A
Cessna L-19 Bird
Dog, Mountaineer,
Super Mountaineer

Edgley Aircraft Ltd. - see Lovaux

Emair AG Aircraft Co.

MA-1B Diablo 1200 1978 and on 40-139 (1) N/A 164-07306 (1) 30-111 (1) 066-10800 N/A

(1) Not TSO approved - order from airframe manufacturer only.

EMB-312 (T-27) 40-130 164-07906 N/A 30-95B (1) 066-06600 40-77B (2) or
Tucano 40-77G

(1) Specify LH or RH when ordering. (2) Upgrade to 40-77G is required for 10 ply tire usage.

Fairchild Aircraft (1)

SA226, SA227 All models 40-212 (2)(3)

(1) Formerly Swearingen. (2) Alternate, for spares only. (3) Use existing aircraft axle spacers in place of 067-08800 spacers
furnished with the 40-212 wheel.

FFA Flugzeugwerke Altenrhein AG

AS202-18A4 224 and on 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 40-77B

Found Brothers
100 Centennial 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 N/A

GAF - Australia
N22, N24, N22B 40-75T (1) 164-08300 164-18300 30-52Q 066-10500 40-140A (2)

N24A 40-143 (3) 164-08200 N/A 30-129 (3) 066-06200

(1) Supersedes 40-75S. (2) Supersedes 40-76D. (3) Heavy-duty option.

General Avia (Italy)

F.20, F.20TP 40-75G 164-01501 164-11501 30-52P 066-10500 N/A

F.22 40-151 164-08500 N/A 30-164 066-06200 40-77C

F.1300 40-131 164-05700 N/A 30-96 066-06200 40-77C

1-15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Great Lakes Aircraft Co. (1)

2T-1A, 2T-1A-1, 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 N/A
(1) Resumed production in 1984.

Grob - Subsidiary of Grob Werke GMBH

G103, G103C 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 N/A
G109 Series 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600
G115, -A, -B, -C 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 40-77B
G115-T 40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41B (1) 066-10600 40-77B
G115-TA 40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41B (2) 066-10600 40-77B

(1) Use with 075-15600 torque plate. Order from airframe manufacturer only. (2) Use with 075-19700 (L.H.) or 075-19750 (R.H.) torque plate.
Order from airframe manufacturer only.

Group Genesis Inc.

Genesis 2 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9E 066-10600 N/A

Grumman American (Gulfstream Aerospace)

AA1, A, B, TR-2 All models thru 40-86A 164-02000 164-12000 30-55B 066-10500 40-77A
1975 and on 40-88C 164-02000 164-12000 30-56B 066-10500
AA-5 All models thru 40-86A 164-02000 164-12000 30-55B 066-10500 40-77A
AA-5A, -5B (1) 1975 and on 40-88C 164-02000 164-12000 30-56B 066-10500 40-77A
GA-7 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-23B (3) 066-06500 pp 40-76G
066-06200 bp
112, 112A, B (2) 1 thru 495 40-113A 164-04300 164-14300 30-79 066-10500 40-77A
500 and on 40-75H 164-01501 164-11501 30-52H 066-10500
112TC, 112TCA, 13000 and on 40-75H 164-01501 164-11501 30-52H 066-10500 40-77A
114, 114B (2)
(1) TC currently owned by American General Aviation. (2) TC currently owned by Commander Aircraft.

(3) Use with Airframe supplied Torque Plate (075-05801).

Gulfstream Aerospace (1)

690B, 690C, 695, 1980 and on 40-107A 164-07200 N/A 30-107 (3)
695A, (2) 30-107B (3)
840, 980, 1000
30-107A (3)(4) 066-09000 N/A
30-107C (5)
30-107D (4)(6)
700 40-128C 164-05006 N/A 30-93A 066-02200 40-76E

(1) Formerly Rockwell International. (2) TC Currently owned by Twin Commander. (3) Inactive.

(4) Uses Skydrol Fluid only. (5) Supersedes 30-107 and 30-107B. (6) Supersedes 30-107A.

1-16 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Helio Aircraft Ltd.
H-250, H-295, 40-75E 164-01501 164-11501 30-52A 066-10500 N/A
391, 395 Courier
40-75D 164-03601 164-13601 30-52N 066-10500
40-75T 164-08300 164-18300
40-98A (1) 164-02707 N/A 30-66A (1) 066-11000

(1) For aircraft equipped with 6.50-8 Main Wheels and Brakes.

Hunting Firecracker Aircraft Ltd. (1)

NDN 1T (2) 40-120C 164-21600 N/A 30-83A 066-06200 40-77B

(1) Purchased design from NDN Aircraft Ltd. (2) Military Trainer.

Industria Unidas SA (Mexico) (1)

A-9B 40-99 164-02800 N/A 30-41 (2) (3) 066-10600 N/A

(1) Produced by Aeronuatica Mexicana S.A. (2) Use with Airframe supplied Torque Plate (3) Inactive - Superseded by
(either 075-02900 or 075-00500). 30-41B.

PA-25 Pawnee 25-1 thru 3070 159-00100 (2) N/A 3000-250 (3) 066-10600 N/A
PA-25-235, 25-2000 thru 40-61 164-01300 N/A
PA-25-235B 25-2136
25-2137 thru 40-61 164-01300 N/A 30-41 (3)(4) 066-10600
PA-25-235C, D 25-4172 thru 40-84A 164-03300 164-13300
PA-25-260C, D 25-7656119
25-7656120 40-84A 164-03300 164-13300 30-41B (3) 066-10600
and on
(1) LAVIASA (Latino Americana de Aviacion S.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina) has purchased the (2) For replacement order 159-00104, includes rivets..
Piper Pawnee Type Certificate, and now provides Spares Support.

(3) Use with airframe supplied torque plate (075-02400). (4) Superseded by 30-41B.

Lovaux (1)
EA7 Optica 1 and on 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77

(1) Formerly Edgley Aircraft Ltd.

1-17 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

M.B.B. - see Daimler Benz

Marsh Aviation Co.

S2R-T 40-129 N/A 164-05606 30-94 066-10800 40-112
40-133 (1) N/A 164-05806 30-98 (1) 066-10800
G-164C-T 40-133 (1) N/A 164-05806 30-84 066-10800 40-112

(1) Aircraft equipped with 29 x 11.00-10 tires.

Maule Air Inc.

M4 Series 3040 (1) 169-00101 N/A C2000 (1) 066-00504 (3) N/A
40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63E 066-10500
M5 , M6 Series 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63E 066-10500
M7 Series 40-75D (2) 164-03601 164-13601 30-52N (2) 066-10500
M9 Series 40-75D 164-03601 164-13601 30-52AC (4) 066-10500 N/A
MXT-180 40-76B

(1) Aircraft Equipped with Drum-type brakes. (2) Heavy duty option (2 piston brake). (3) Brake shoes, includes rivets.

(4) Use with 075-23800 (L.H.) or 075-23850 (R.H.) torque plate.

J-2 Helicopter 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 40-112 (1)

(1) Some models equipped with 40-77 nose wheel.

MU2B-20, -25, -26, 40-87
-26A -30, -35, -36,
-36A, -40, -60

Mooney Aircraft Corp.

M10 Cadet (1) 690001 and on 40-97 (2) 164-02601 164-12601 30-63 (2) 066-10500 40-17 (3)
M20, M20A 1001 thru 1400 3040 (4) 169-00101 N/A C2000 (4) 066-00504 (5) N/A
M20A, M20B, 1401 thru 3466 40-24 (3) 164-00900 164-10900 30-5 (3) N/A 40-33 (3) (7)
Mark 20,
M20C, M20D 101 thru 260
M20E Super 21 101 thru 1308
M20C 670001 & on 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-56A 066-10500 40-87
M20E 670001 & on
M20F 660003 & on
M20G 680001 & on
M20J 24-0001 & on
M20K 25-0001 & on
M20 Series 40-86E (6) N/A 164-12000 30-56D (6) 066-10500
All models
listed above
M20M All S/N 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-87

(1) Ercoupe. (2) 40-97/30-63 superseded by 40-97A/30-63A. (3) Inactive.

(4) Drum-type brake. (5) Brake shoe, includes rivets. (6) Chrome disc equipment.

(7) Superseded by 40-87.

1-18 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
NDN Aircraft Ltd. (1)
NDN6 40-175 164-21100 N/A 30-149 066-06600 N/A

(1) TC currently held by Croplease PLC.

Pacific Aerospace Corp., Ltd. (1)

FU24 Fletcher 1978 and on 40-47 164-01100 N/A 30-32 (2) N/A N/A
FU24-954 30-32C 066-10600
08-600 Cresco 40-101 164-03006 N/A 30-89E (3) 066-10800 40-140A
CT/4E Airtrainer S/N 200 and on 40-97F 164-02601 164-12601 30-63S 066-10500 40-77
750XL 40-179A (4) 164-03006 N/A 30-182 066-10800 40-140A

(1) Formerly New Zealand Aerospace Ind. Ltd. (2) Inactive, replaced by 30-32C (both brakes must be changed over).

(3) Supersedes 30-89. (4) Supersedes 40-179.

P.64B, P.66B 1970 and on 40-28 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600 40-77B
P.66C-160, P.66T 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
P.68, P.68B, 40-96E 164-02504 164-12504 30-61E 066-10500 40-77B
P.68C, P.68C-TC
40-142 (1) 164-07800 N/A 30-127 (1) 066-06200
Series 300 40-163 164-20500 N/A 30-139 066-06200 40-77B

(1) Heavy duty option.

Pilatus Britten-Norman Ltd.

BN-2, BN-2A 1969 thru 1979 40-90 (6) 164-02201 N/A 30-23A (1) (2) N/A 40-76C
BN-2B, BN-2T 1979 and on 40-90B (6) 164-02201 N/A 30-23C (2) (3) 066-06500 40-76D
(6) 066-06200
BN-2 Series ALL 40-90F (4) 164-01506 N/A 30-23D (2) (4) 066-06500
BN-2A Mk111 40-98F 164-02706 N/A 30-66H (5) 066-02200 40-76D
BN-2A Mk111-2
BN-2A Mk111-3
Defender 4000 40-128E 164-23300 N/A 30-93E 066-04400 40-76D

(1) Inactive. (2) Used with 075-06800 (R.H.) or 075-06900 (L.H.) torque plate. Order from airframe
manufacture only.

(3) Supersedes 30-23A. (4) For aircraft equipped with 7.00-6 tires.

(5) Supersedes 30-66D per Service Bulletin SB7053. (6) 199-202 Wheel & Brake Upgrade Kit converts 40-90 or 40-90B/30-23C to 40-90F/30-23D.
TSO approved per PRM57.

1-19 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Piper (The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.)

PA-18-150, 18-7609137 & on 40-60 164-06700 164-16700 30-60 (3) (4) 066-10600 N/A
PA-22 Tri-Pacer 3040 (1) 169-00101 N/A C2000 (1) 066-00504 (2) 40-8
PA-22-108 Colt 40-28 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600 40-8

(1) Aircraft equipped with Drum-type brakes. (2) Brake Shoe, includes rivets. (3) Inactive.

(4) Superseded by 30-60A. 30-60A superseded by 30-60B.

PA-23-150, -160 3080A 159-00200 (1) N/A 3000-500 066-10600 38501 (2)
PA-23-235 27-1 thru 3080B 164-00206 N/A 37-200-2 066-10600 38501 (2)
PA-23-250 27-3738 thru 3080D 164-03206 N/A 37-200A 066-06500 pp 38501 (2)
27-7554137, 066-06200 bp
27-7554141 thru
27-7554138 40-131 164-05700 N/A 30-96 066-06200 40-76B

(1) For replacement order 159-00204, includes rivets. (2) Aircraft manufactured after 1971 are equipped with 40-76B nose wheel.

PA-24-180, -250, 24-1 thru 3070 159-00100 (1) N/A 3000-250 (5) 066-10600 38501 (2)
Comanche -260 24-3295
24-3296 thru 3070 159-00100 (1) N/A 30-41 (3) (4) 066-10600
24-3307 and on 40-58 164-00900 164-10900
40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41B (3) 066-10600
PA-24-400 24-130 and on 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-23 (3) 066-06500 pp
066-06200 bp
(1) For replacement order 159-00104, includes rivets. (2) Aircraft manufactured after 1971 are equipped with 40-76B nose wheel.

(3) Use with airframe supplied torque plate (075-02900). (4) Inactive - superseded by 30-41B.

(5) Use with airframe supplied torque plate (075-02400)

PA-25 Pawnee
Series (1)
(1) See LAVIASA.

1-20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Piper (The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.) - continued
PA-28-140 28-20002 thru 40-28 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600 38501
Cherokee/Crusier 28-20520
28-20521 thru 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500
28-7725335 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76B
and on
1974 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76F
PA-28-150 28-1 thru 1760 40-28 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600 38501
PA-28-160 28-1761 and on 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500
PA-28-151 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77A
1979 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
PA-28-161 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
Cherokee Warrior II
1977 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 D-30500
(1) Heavy duty option. (2) Superseded by 30-41B.

PA-28-180 28-1 thru 40-28 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600 38501

Cherokee/Archer 28-1760
28-1761 thru 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500
28-7205245 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76B
and on
1974 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76F
PA-28-181 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76F
Cherokee/Archer II
1979 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-56
PA-28-235 28-10487 and on 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76B
1974 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-76F
PA-28-236 Dakota 28-7911001 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-56
and on
28-8111001 40-90A (1) 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 (1) 066-10500
and on
PA-28R-180 28R-30005 thru 40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41 (2) 066-10600 40-77A
Cherokee/Arrow 180 28R-71300005
28R-7130006 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77A
and on
1974 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
1977 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 D-30500
PA-28R-200 28R-35001 thru 40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41 (2) 066-10600 40-77A
Cherokee/Arrow 200 28R-7135109
28R-7135110 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500
and on
1974 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
1977 and on 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 D-30500
PA-28-201T, 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
PA-28R-201T (McCauley) 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 D-30500

(1) Heavy duty option. (2) Superseded by 30-41B.

1-21 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Piper (The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.) - continued

PA-30 Twin 30-2 thru 30-845 40-34 164-01000 N/A 30-23 (1) 066-06500 pp 38501
Comanche 066-06200 bp
30-845 and on 40-90 164-02201 N/A
1971 and on 40-90 164-02201 N/A 40-76B

(1) Use with Airframe supplied Torque Plate (075-02900).

PA-31-300, -310 31-5 thru 40-102 164-03506 N/A 30-68 066-03300 40-76B or
Navajo 31-7300962 40-140 (1)
PA-31-325 31-7300963 and on 40-102A 164-04406 N/A 30-68A (2) 066-03300 40-76B or
Navajo C/R 40-140 (1)
PA-31-350 Chieftain 31-5001 thru 40-102A 164-04406 N/A 30-68A (2) 066-03300 40-76B or
31-7652075 40-140 (1)
31-7812001 and on 40-130 (1) 164-07906 (3) N/A 30-95A (1) (4) 066-06600
31-7652076 and on 40-130 164-07906 (3) N/A 30-95 (4) (5) 066-06600
T-1020 40-130 164-07906 N/A 30-95A (4) 066-06600 40-140
40-141 (1) 164-07700 N/A 30-123 (1) 066-06800
PA-31T 31-780015 and on 40-106 164-03906 N/A 30-106 066-06800 40-140
Cheyenne I, IA, II 40-106A (6) 164-03906 N/A
PA-31T2 40-140
Cheyenne IIXL
T-1040 40-167 164-20600 N/A 30-142 066-07300 40-140

(1) Heavy duty option. (2) Inactive - superseded by 30-68B. (3) 164-07906 supersedes 164-05200.

(4) When ordering, specify LH or RH. (5) Inactive - superseded by 30-95A. (6) 40-106A has provisions for attachment dust shield.

PA-32-260 32-1 thru 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-65 066-10500 38501

Cherokee Six 260 32-7200029
32-7200030 and on 40-76B
1974 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 40-76F
All 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
PA-32-300 32-40000 thru 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-65 066-10500 38501
Cherokee Six 300 32-7240100
32-7240101 and on 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-65 066-10500 40-76B
1974 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-76F
All 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
PA-32R-300 1976 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-77B
40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
1977 and on 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200 D-30500
PA-32RT-300 7885002 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-77B
Lance II
40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
1978 and on 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200 D-30500
PA-32RT-300T 7887001 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-77B
Turbo Lance II
40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
1978 and on 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200 D-30500
(1) Heavy duty option.

1-22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Piper (The New Piper Aircraft, Inc.) - continued
PA-32-301, 301T 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-77B
Saratoga and
40-120C (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83A 066-06200
SP Series
PA-34-200 7250001and on 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-65 066-10500 38501
7250217 and on 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-65 066-10500 40-76B
1974 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-76F
All 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
PA-34-200T 7570001 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-56B (2)
Seneca II
40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
PA-34-220T 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-56B or
Seneca III 40-77B
40-120C (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83A (1) 066-06200

(1) Heavy duty option. (2) Supersedes D-30665 and D-30265.

PA-36 40-101 N/A 164-03006 30-67B 066-10800 N/A

Pawnee Brave
PA-38-112 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9B (2) 066-10600 40-77C
Tomahawk 40-59D (1) 164-06900 N/A 30-53A (1) 066-11200 40-56 (1)

(1) Used on early 1980 Aircraft - those equipped with 6.00-6 main and nose wheels. (2) Inactive - superseded by 30-9.

PA-39 Twin 40-90 164-02201 N/A 30-23 (1) 066-06500 pp N/A

Comanche 066-06200 bp
(1) Use with airframe supplied Torque Plate (075-02900).

PA-42 40-140
Cheyenne III, IIIA
PA-42-1000 (400LS) 40-176 (1) N/A 30-150 (1) 40-140
Cheyenne IV
(1) Internal Wheel & Brake - See Brake Section for lining/heat stack components.

PA-44-180 Seminole 7995001 and on 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65 066-10500 40-77B or
40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200
PA-44-180T 1 and on 40-120 (1) 164-21600 N/A 30-83 (1) 066-06200

(1) Heavy duty option.

PA-46-310P , -350P 40-120C 164-21600 N/A 30-83A 066-06200 40-77B

PA-46-500 Meridian 40-77B
PA-46-500TP 40-142 164-07800 N/A 30-127D 066-06200 40-77G (1)
(1) Upgrade from 40-77B per SB7083. Refer to SB7083 for applicability.

Piper Aerostar - see Aerostar Aircraft

Pitts - see Aviat

1-23 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Raytheon Aircraft Company (5)

23, 24 1971 and on 40-113C 164-04300 164-14300 30-79A 066-10500 40-87A (4) or
40-113B (2)
B19, C33, 24R 1974 to 1977 30-75B 066-10500
1978 and on 40-59 164-06900 N/A 30-59 066-11200 40-87A (4)
33, A33 CD-1 thru 387 40-1 (3) 164-00900 164-10900 30-1 (3) 066-11100 N/A
B33 CD-388 thru 639 40-37 (3) 164-00700 164-10700 30-24 (3) 066-10600
G33, F33A, CD-1272 thru 1304 40-83 164-02504 164-12504 30-54 066-10500 40-87D
F33C, CE-301 thru 634
V35BTC, CJ-31 thru 124
36 D-9193 thru 9861
E-1 thru 824
D-9862 and on 30-54A 066-10500 40-77E
F33A, F33C CE-635 thru 1071 40-83A 164-02505 164-12505 30-54A 066-10500 40-87D
CJ-125 thru 155
A36, A36TC E-825 thru 1802
EA-1 thru 186
F33A, F33C CE-1072 and on 30-54C 066-10500 40-77E
CJ-156 and on
A36, A36TC E-1803 thru 2254 40-83B 164-02505 164-12505 30-54A 066-10500 40-77E
EA-187 thru 442
A36, B36TC E-2255 and on 30-54C 066-10500
EA-443 and on
C55 TE-1 and on 40-98 164-02706 N/A 30-66 066-04400 N/A
D55 TE-452 and on
E55 TE-768 and on 40-87A (4)
56TC TG-1 thru TG-83 30-69A 066-02200
A56T TG-84 and on
58 TH-1 and on 30-66 066-04400
B55, E55, 58 1978 40-128 (1) 164-06106 N/A 30-93B (1) 066-04400 N/A
1979 and on 40-98G 164-02706 N/A 30-66G 066-09700
40-128D (1) 164-06106 N/A 30-93C (1) 066-09700
58P, 58TC 1984 and on 40-171 164-20806 N/A 30-145 066-09700
B60 1984 and on 40-171 164-20806 N/A 30-145 066-09700 40-56C
76 40-83 164-02504 164-12504 30-54B 066-10500 40-87A (4)
77 40-59 164-06900 N/A 30-59D 066-11200 40-87A (4)
T34C 40-111A 164-06506 N/A 30-74B 066-06700 40-110

(1) Heavy duty option. (2) 6.00-6 Equipment. Optional. (3) Inactive.

(4) 40-87D, equipped with rubber lip seals, is interchangeable. (5) Formerly Beech.

1-24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
RFB Rhein-Flugzeugbau GmbH (1)
RFB 400/600 40-96E 164-02504 164-12504 30-61E 066-10500 N/A
Fantrainer (2)

(1) Subsidiary of MBB. (2) Military Trainer.

MF1-15, MF1-17 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63D (1) 066-10500 40-77A
Supporter AC,

(1) Inactive - Superseded by 30-63E.

Sadler Aircraft Corp.

A-22 Lasa 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 40-77
18-100 OPV

Schaefer Aircraft Modifications, Inc. (1)

PA-31T 40-106 164-03906 N/A 30-106 066-06800 N/A
Comanchero 750
PA-31-350 40-195 164-21900 N/A 30-158 066-06800
Comanchero 500

(1) FAA STC approved modifications of Piper Navajo, Cheiftain, and Cheyenne II, currently manufactured by Embraer.

ASW20, 21, 22, 23 40-78B 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 40-77C

Schweizer (1)
SGS2-53, 2-33A 3050 (2) 169-00201 N/A C7000 (2) 066-00504 (3) 40-112

Sailplane 3050A (2) 169-00201 N/A C7000A (2) 066-00504 (3)

I-36 Glider 40-78 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 40-112

(1) For G-164 series Agricultural Aircraft, see Ag-Cat Corp. (2) Aircraft equipped with Drum-type brakes. (3) Brake Shoe, includes rivets.

Siai Marchetti / Agusta / Aermacchi

SF.205 40-97E 164-02601 164-12601 30-63M 066-10500 N/A

SF.260, SF.260C 3080A 159-00200 N/A 3000-500 066-10500 40-77A

SF.260M SF.260W 3040 (1) 169-00101 N/A C2000 066-00504 (2) 40-77A
SF.260SW 40-90A 164-02300 164-12300 30-65A 066-10500 40-77A

S.211 40-205 (3) (4) N/A 30-165 (3) (4) 40-152

SF.600TP 40-75G 164-01501 164-11501 30-52P 066-10500 40-113B

(1) Aircraft equipped with Drum-type brakes. (2) Brake Shoe, includes rivets. (3) Not TSO approved - order from airframe
manufacturer only.
(4) Internal Wheel & Brake, see Brake Section for lining/heat stack components.

1-25 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Slingsby Aviation Ltd.

T67C, T67M, 40-86B 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77B
200 Firefly 40-86F (1)
T-3A 40-407 164-24400 N/A 30-236 066-10500 40-77B
(1) Alternate wheel approved for use with 30-55 Brake must be used with Slingsby Stock Code Numbers 126-35-623 Spacer and 126-35-622 Collar.

S M E Aerospace
MD3-160 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 40-77

Socata - see Aerospatiale

Sportavia (1)
RF6C/RS180 40-86A 164-02000 164-12000 30-55B 066-10500 40-76A (2)
Sportsman 40-77A (3)
(1) Owned by RFB, Subsidiary of FVW-Fokker GmbH. (2) Aircraft equipped with 6.00-6 nose wheel.

(3) Aircraft equipped with 5.00-5 nose wheel.

Stol Aircraft Corp.

UC-1 Twin Bee (1) 40-74 164-00700 164-10700 30-51A 066-10600 40-50

(1) Complete TC modification of Republic Seabee.

Swearingen Aircraft
SX300 40-151 164-08500 N/A 30-133 066-10500 40-87

Taylorcraft Aviation Corp.

F-19 3050 (1) 169-00201 N/A C7000A (1) 066-00504 (2) N/A
Sportsman 100
40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500
F-21, F-21A 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500
F-22 40-86 164-02000 164-12000 30-55 066-10500 40-77

(1) Aircraft equipped with Drum-type brakes, mechanically operated. (2) Brake Shoe, includes rivets.

1-26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
A2, A2A Alon (1) 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 N/A
415-C, CD, D, 40-41 164-00300 N/A 30-30 066-10500
E, G (1) Ercoupe
F1, F1A Forney
M10 Mooney 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500
Cadet (1)
J-3, 40-60 164-06700 164-16700 30-60 (2) 066-10600
PA-11, PA-12, (10)
PA-14, PA-16,
PA-18, PA-20
Piper Cub
PA-18, PA-20, 40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41 (4) 066-10600
Piper Cub (10) (3)
108, 108-1, -2, 3040 (5) (7) 169-00101 N/A C2000 (5) 066-00504 (6)
-3, -5 (1) 40-28 (8) 164-00500 164-10500 30-18 066-10600
Stinson 40-97E (9) 164-02601 164-12601 30-63Q (9) 066-10500

(1) TC currently owned by Univair. (2) Inactive - superseded by 30-60A. (3) Aircraft equipped with 1 1/2 inch axles.

(4) Inactive - superseded by 30-41B. (5) Aircraft equipped with Drum-type Brakes. (6) Brake shoe, includes rivets.

(7) Aircraft equipped with 6.00-6 tires. (8) Aircraft equipped with 7.00-6 tires. (9) May be used to retrofit earlier models.

(10) STC Approved modification of original aircraft.

L-70 Militrainer 40-75S (1) 164-04800 164-14800 30-52K 066-10500 40-77C
L-90 TP Redigo 40-142 164-07800 N/A 30-127 066-06200 40-110B

(1) Inactive - superseded by 40-75T.

2150A/218 40-97E 164-02601 164-12601 30-63E 066-10500 40-77B

Meteor, Minerva, 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 40-77

1-27 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel

Weatherly Aviation Co.

201A, 201B 40-101 N/A 164-03006 30-67D (2) 066-10800 40-112
201C, 620
620A, 620TP, 1520 thru 1584 40-101 N/A 164-03006 30-89B (1) 066-08000 40-112
620B 1585 and on 40-101E N/A 164-03006

(1) Order from airframe manufacturer only. (2) 30-89B is heavy duty option for model 620.

Wing Aircraft
D-1 Derringer 40-84 164-01900 164-11900 30-41B (1) 066-10600 40-77A

(1) Use with airframe supplied torque plate.

WTA Inc.
PA-18-150, 40-60 164-06700 164-16700 30-60 (2) 066-10600 N/A
Super Cub (1)

(1) Acquired rights from Piper Aircraft. (2) Inactive - superseded by 30-60A.

1-28 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Aircraft/Product Directory
Applicability Data Original Equipment - Floats

Model/ Year/ Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake Lining Auxiliary

Name Serial Number Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Wheel
Aerocet, Inc.
3500 Series N/A 40-418A (1) 164-24500 N/A 091-21600 (2) 066-10500 N/A
40-418C (3)

(1) Contains chrome-plated bearings. (2) Brake cylinder assembly (part of 30-241 brake assembly).
(3) Contains standard bearings. Use with manufacturer supplied torque plate.

Baumann Floats, Inc.

BF2150 N/A 40-78A 164-01700 164-11700 30-9C 066-10600 N/A
BF2750 N/A 40-418A (1) 164-24500 N/A 30-241 066-10500 N/A

(1) Contains chrome-plated bearings.

Wipaire, Inc.
2100/2350 Series N/A 40-78A 164-01700 164-11700 30-9C 066-10600 D-30380
3730/4000 Series
3000/3450 Series N/A 40-418 (1) (3) 164-24500 N/A 30-241 066-10500 D-30380
40-418B (2)
6000/8000 Series N/A D-30500-1

13000 Series N/A 40-101D 164-03006 N/A 30-67C 066-10800 40-426 (1)

(1) Contains chrome-plated bearings. (2) Optional replacement for the 40-418. Contains standard bearings.

(3) Also available as an optional replacement for the 40-418

is a standard bearings/chrome disc wheel. Contact the
Cleveland Technical Hotline for additional information.

1-29 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Notes Replacement Equipment

1-30 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Introduction Replacement Equipment

- STOP -

The FAA-PMA Product Directory is a listing of FAA-PMA aircraft/model eligibility of all Cleveland PMA
hydraulic products. The list is based on Cleveland Product Reference Memo PRM71.

When ordering replacement parts for the listed assemblies, refer to the numerical assembly listing
for the parts breakdown. It is the responsibility of the installer to assure that only approved parts
are used. Prior to installing replacement parts, verify that the model numbers as listed herein match the
model numbers as indicated on the nameplates of the assemblies to be repaired. If any questions arise,
contact the Technical Services Hotline.

For technical assistance, contact the

Fax: 440-937-5409
1-800-BRAKING (272-5464)

1-31 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Applicability Data Replacement Equipment

Master Cylinder Parking Valve Actuator Shimmy Damper

Model/ Year/ Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces
Name Serial Number P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N

American Champion Aircraft Corp.

8KCAB All 10-54 (A-110-10) 60-5 (A850-1) N/A N/A N/A N/A
8GCBC (010-05400) (060-00500)

Diamond Aircraft Industries

DA40 All N/A N/A 60-5D 60-5D N/A N/A N/A N/A

General Avia (2)

F22 All 10-55B (1) 10-55B N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(1) Supersedes 10-55A (010-05501) (2) Formerly General Avia Costruzioni Aeronautiche

Grob Aircraft
G115A, G115B All N/A N/A 60-5 60-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
G115C, G115C2 (060-00500)
G115D. G115D2

Maule Air Inc.

M-5-235C, All 10-54 A-110-10 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
M-6-235, M-7-235 (010-05400) (10-54)

Mooney Aircraft Corp.

M20J, M20M All 10-24D 10-24D 60-14 (A-850-16) N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02404) (060-01400) (880040-501)
M20L All N/A N/A 60-14 (A-850-16) N/A N/A N/A N/A
(060-01400) (880040-501)

Note: Manufacturer Code Numbers shown in Parenthesis ( ).

1-32 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Applicability Data Replacement Equipment

Master Cylinder Parking Valve Actuator Shimmy Damper

Serial Number
Raytheon Aircraft Company (Beech)
19A, B19, A23-19, All 10-55 169-380100-3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
A23-24, A23A, (010-05500)
B23, C23, A24,
A24R, B24R,
C24R, 76, 77
F33A, F33C, G33, All N/A N/A 60-10 (A-850-8) N/A N/A N/A N/A
V35B, 36, A36, (060-01000) (60-10)
A36TC, B36TC, 77 (060-01000)

Slingsby Aviation
T67 GRP Series All 10-30C 10-30C N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper)

PA-24-180, All 10-5 10-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
PA-24-250, (010-00500) (455 929)
PA-24-260 All 10-5 10-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-00500) (455 929)
10-19 10-19
(010-01900) (455 931)
PA-25-235 All A-049-8 A-049-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(455 952)
PA-25-260 25-5349 & on A-049-8 A-049-8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(455 952)
PA-28-140 28-21037 & on 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)
28-20002 thru 10-30 10-30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
28-7325684 (010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28-150, All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
PA-28-160 (010-02200) (455 938)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28-151, All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-8 15-8
PA-28-161 (010-02200) (455 938) (456 015)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28-180 28-2701 & on 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)
28-1 thru 10-30 10-30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
28-7305611 (010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28R-180 28R-30005 thru 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
28R-7130019 (010-02200) (455 938)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)

Note: Manufacturer Code Numbers shown in Parenthesis ( ).

1-33 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Applicability Data Replacement Equipment

Master Cylinder Parking Valve Actuator Shimmy Damper

Model/ Year/ Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces
Name Serial Number P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N

The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper) - continued

PA-28-181 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-8 15-8
(010-02200) (455 938) (456 015)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28R-200 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)
28R-30482 10-30 10-30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-03000) (455 968)
28R-35001 thru N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
PA-28-201T All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28R-201, All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A SFA232-5 96860-02 15-9 15-9
(010-02200) (455 938) (011-00504) (455 994) (456 016)
10-30 10-30 11-16 35797-03
(010-03000) (455 968) (455 997)
PA-28R-201T All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A SFA232-5 96860-02 15-9 15-9
(010-02200) (455 938) (011-00504) (455 994) (456 016)
10-30 10-30 11-17 35797-05
(010-03000) (455 968) (455 987)
PA-28RT-201 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A SFA232-5 96860-02 N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938) (011-00504) (455 994)
10-30 10-30 11-16 35797-03
(010-03000) (455 968) (455 997)
PA-28RT-201T All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A SFA232-5 96860-02 N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938) (011-00504) (455 994)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28-235 28-10698 & on 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)
28-10003 thru 10-30 10-30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
28-7310187 (010-03000) (455 968)
PA-28-236 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A 15-10 15-10
(010-02200) (455 938) (456 017)
10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)
PA-30 All 10-5 10-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-00500) (455 929)
10-19 10-19
(010-01900) (455 931)

Note: Manufacturer Code Numbers shown in Parenthesis ( ).

1-34 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Applicability Data Replacement Equipment

Master Cylinder Parking Valve Actuator Shimmy Damper

Serial Number
The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper) - continued
PA-31P All 10-17 10-17 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-01700) (455 943) (060-00301) (492 152)
PA-31T All N/A N/A 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(060-00301) (492 152)
31T-7400002 thru 10-17 10-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A
31T-7920004 (010-01700) (455 943)
31T-792005 & on 10-23A 10-23A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02301) (455 971)
PA-31T1 All N/A N/A 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(060-00301) (492 152)
31T-7804001 thru 10-17 10-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A
31T-780411 (010-01700) (455 943)
31T-7904001 thru 10-23A 10-23A N/A N/A N/A N/A
31T-8304003 (010-02301) (455 971)
31T-1104004 & on N/A N/A N/A N/A

PA-31T2 All 10-23A 10-23A 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02301) (455 971) (060-00301) (492 152)
PA-31-300 All 10-17 10-17 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-01700) (455 943) (060-00301) (492 152)
PA-31-310 All 10-17 10-17 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A 015-00100 015-00100
(010-01700) (455 943) (060-00301) (492 152) (456 014)
10-23A 10-23A N/A N/A
(010-02301) (455 971)
PA-31-325 31-407 & on N/A N/A 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(060-00301) (492 152)
31-5 thru 10-17 10-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
31-7812099 (010-01700) (455 943)
31-7812100 & on 10-23A 10-23A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02301) (455 971)
31-8112046 & on N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 015-00100 015-00100
(456 014)
PA-31-350 All N/A N/A 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(060-00301) (492 152)
31-5001 thru 10-17 10-17 N/A N/A N/A N/A
31-7852127 (010-01700) (455 943)
31-7852128 & on 10-23A 10-23A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02301) (455 971)
31-8152125 & on N/A N/A N/A N/A 015-00100 015-00100
(456 014)
PA-31P-350 All 10-23A 10-23A 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02301) (455 971) (060-00301) (492 152)
PA-32-260 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)
10-30 10-30 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-03000) (455 968)

Note: Manufacturer Code Numbers shown in Parenthesis ( ).

1-35 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA FAA-PMA Product Directory
Applicability Data Replacement Equipment

Master Cylinder Parking Valve Actuator Shimmy Damper

Model/ Year/ Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces Cleveland Replaces
Name Serial Number P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N P/N OEM P/N

The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. (Piper) - continued

PA-32-300 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
PA-32R-300 (010-02200) (455 938)
PA-32RT-300T 10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)

PA-32-301 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
PA-32-301T (010-02200) (455 938)

10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)

PA-32R-301(SP) All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A SFA232-5 96860-02 15-9 15-9
PA-32R-301(HP) (010-02200) (455 938) (011-00504) (455 994) (456 016)
10-30 10-30 11-17 35797-03
(010-03000) (455 968) (455 997)

PA-34-200 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
PA-34-200T (010-02200) (455 938)

10-30 10-30
(010-03000) (455 968)

PA-34-220T All 10-30 10-30 60-3C 60-3C N/A N/A N/A N/A
(III and IV) (010-03000) (455 968) (060-00303) (491 978)

PA-38-112 All 10-22 10-22 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-02200) (455 938)

PA-39 All 10-5 10-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
(010-00500) (455 929)

10-19 10-19
(010-01900) (455 931)

PA-42 All 10-75 10-75 60-3A 060-00301 N/A N/A 015-00100 015-00100
PA-42-720 (465 705) (060-00301) (492 152) (456 014)
PA-44-180, All 10-30 10-30 60-3A 060-00301 SFA232-5 96860-02 N/A N/A
PA-44-180T (010-03000) (455 968) (060-00301) (492 152) (011-00504) (455 994)

11-17 35797-03
(455 997)

PA-46-310P All 10-73 82805-03 60-3C 60-3C N/A N/A N/A N/A
(558 003) (060-00303) (491 978)

4608008 & on N/A N/A N/A N/A 11-22 83769-03

(552 609)

PA-46-350P All 10-73 82805-03 60-3C 60-3C N/A N/A N/A N/A
(558 003) (060-00303) (491 978)

4622001 & on N/A N/A N/A N/A 11-22 83769-03

(552 609)

Note: Manufacturer Code Numbers shown in Parenthesis ( ).

1-36 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Kit Directory
Introduction Conversion Kit

- STOP - 2

Unless otherwise noted, listed Wheels and Brakes are FAA TSO C26 Approved.
For a product to be TSO qualified, it has to have successfully demonstrated its ability to meet minimum
performance standards in accordance with FAA recognized rating methods. The TSO approval of a
product does not constitute installation approval or applicability on an FAA Type Certificated Aircraft. It
is the responsibility of those installing these products to determine that the aircraft installation and its
wheel and brake performance requirements are compatible for the TSO ratings of the wheel and brake.
TSO approved products must have separate approval for installation in a FAA type certificated aircraft.
TSO Approved Products may be installed only if performed under Title 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable
airworthiness requirements.

Prior to installing kits, please verify that the wheel and brake assembly numbers as listed match the model
numbers as indicated on the nameplates.

For quick reference, disc and lining part numbers are listed in the directory. Manufacturers and aircraft
are listed alphabetically with models listed numerically. For other replacement parts on your assemblies,
turn to the numerical assembly listing for a particular parts breakdown.

Actions affecting a particular kit will be noted below each applicability data table. Always check for
additional information such as superseding equipment, applicable upgrades and other pertinent information
in the numerical assembly listing parts breakdown.

For technical assistance, contact the

Fax: 440-937-5409
1-800-BRAKING (272-5464)

2- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Single Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

Aero Commander
Lark 100-180 199-188 6.00-6 40-86A 164-02000 164-12000 30-56F 066-10500 O

Installation per FAA STC SA1635GL.

S-2R (Thrush) 199-68A 29 x 11.00-10 40-133 N/A 164-05806 30-98A 066-10800 O

Replaces surplus 27 W & B. Installation per FAA STC SA162GL. Use Automotive Brake Fluid
only. Kit also includes hydraulic hoses and mounting hardware.

120, 140 (S/N 8004 thru 13399), 199-46 (1) 6.00-6 40-97A 164-02601 164-12601 30-63A 066-10500 O
120, 140, 140A (S/N 13400 & up),
170, 170A, 170B, 172, 172A thru 172E, Converts Goodyear to Cleveland; Cannot be used with crosswind landing gear. Installation per
175, 175A, 175B, 175C, P172D, FAA STC SA13GL.
180, 180A thru 180F, 182, 182A thru 182G.

180, 180A thru 180H, 180J, 180K, 199-62 (1) 8.00-6 40-75D 164-03601 164-13601 30-52N 066-10500 O
185, 185A thru 185E, A185E, A185F,
206, P206, U206, U206F, U206G, TU206E, 199-62A (1) 8.00-6 40-75T 164-08300 164-18300 30-52N 066-10500 O
TU206F, TU206G
These kits to be used only with Cessna Axle P/N 0541124 and 1441003-1. Not for use on
aircraft equipped with crosswind landing gear. Installation per FAA STC SA63GL.

180, 180A thru 180F, 180H, 180J, 199-60 (1) 6.00-6 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 O
185, 185A, 185B, A185E, A185F, 15 x 6.00-6
206E, 206F, TU206E, TU206F,
210, 210A, 210B, 210C, 210K, 210L, 210M, This kit is to be used only with Cessna Axles P/N 0541124 and 1441003-1. Not for use on
T210C, T210K, T210L, T210M aircraft equipped with crosswind landing gear. Installation per FAA STC SA52GL and SA62GL.

P210N (S/N P21000001 thru P21000150) 199-60A (1) 6.00-6 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52U 066-10500 O

Installation per FAA STC SA52GL.

190, 195, 195A, 195B 199-61 6.50-10 40-40C 164-00806 N/A 30-28C 066-03300 M

This kit is not for use on aircraft equipped with crosswind landing gear. Installation per FAA
STC SA54GL. Kit also includes hydraulic hoses.

(1) Also available with chrome plated brake discs. To order, specify kit number followed by CHROME.

2-2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Single Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

Chipmunk DHC-1-21, -22, -22A 199-79 (1) 6.00-6 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63P 066-10500 O
DHC-1B-2-S3, -S5
Installation per FAA STC SA748S0, SA1011S0. Kit also includes axle spacers and mounting

Beaver DHC-2 Mk.I, Mk II, Mk. III 199-95 8.50-10 40-134 164-06306 N/A 30-99 066-06600 M
Installation per FAA STC SA1402GL or Canadian STA SA90-1. Kit also includes brake inlet
fitting and mounting hardware.

(1) Also available with chrome plated brake discs. To order, specify kit number followed by CHROME.

E, G, 415-C, 415-D & 415-CD (S/N 813 & up) 199-69 6.00-6 40-41 164-00300 N/A 30-30 066-10500 O
Installation per FAA STC SA120GL, SA127GL.

Globe Swift
GC1A, GC1B 199-48 (1) 6.00-6 40-113C 164-04300 164-14300 30-79B 066-10500 O

Installation per FAA STC SA2GL. Kit also includes axle spacers.

(1) Also available with chrome plated brake discs. To order, specify kit number followed by CHROME.

A, B, D, E, F, G, H 199-52 7.00-8 40-98D 164-02701 N/A 30-66B 066-11000 O
(Main) (Main)
6.00-6 40-76B
(Nose) (Nose)

Main and Nose wheel. Installation per FAA STC SA36GL. Kit also includes NLG and MLG
axle spacers, dust shield and hardware, and hydraulic hoses.

A, B, D, E, F, G, H 199-52A 7.00-8 40-98D 164-02701 N/A 30-66B 066-11000 O

Mains only. Installation per FAA STC SA46GL. Kit also includes axle spacers, dust shield and
hardware, and hydraulic hoses.

2-3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Single Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

Raytheon Aircraft Company (1)

A-23,19, 19A, M19A, B19 199-124 (2) 6.00-6 40-113C 164-04300 164-14300 30-75B 066-10500 O
(S/N MB-1 thru MB-521),
23, A23, A23A, B23, C23 Installation per FAA STC SA718GL. Kit also includes axle spacers and washers, and mounting
(S/N M-2 thru M1361), hardware.
A23-24, A24 (S/N MA-1 thru MA-268),
A24R (S/N MC-2 thru MC-97)
35, A35, B35, C35, D35, E35, F35, G35, 35R, 199-49 (2) 6.00-6 40-83 164-02504 164-12504 30-54 066-10500 O
35-33, 35-A33, 35-B33, 35-C33, 35-C33A, 7.00-6
E33A, F33, F33A, F33C, G33, H35, J35, K35,
M35, N35, P35, S35, V35, V35A, V35B, A36 Installation per FAA STC SA11GL. Kit also includes axle spacers, mounting hardware,
hydraulic hoses, and bulkhead fittings.

35, A35, B35, C35, D35, E35, F35, G35, 35R, 199-50 6.50-8 40-98 164-02706 N/A 30-66 066-04400 M
H35, J35, K35, M35, N35, P35, S35,
45(TY-34), A45 (T-34A, B-45), D45 (T-34B) Installation per FAA STC SA19GL. (Also applicable to Beech Baron-Twin Engine). Kit also
includes axle spacers, mounting hardware, hydraulic hoses, and bulkhead fittings.

(1) Formerly Beech. (2) Also available with chrome plated brake discs. To order, specify kit number followed by CHROME.

108 Series 199-87 (1) 7.00-6 40-97D 164-02601 164-12601 30-63Q 066-10500 O

This kit available only from Univair. Installation per Univair TC approval. Kit also includes
mounting hardware and hydraulic hoses.

(1) Also available with chrome plated brake disc. To order, specify kit number, followed by CHROME.

2-4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Twin Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

310, 310A thru 310H, E310H, 310I, 310J, 199-64 6.50-10 40-40B 164-01406 N/A 30-28D 066-03300 M
310J-1, E310J, 310K, 310L, 310N, 310P,
T310P, 310Q, T310Q, 310R, T310R, 320, Installation per FAA STC SA110GL, SA111GL.
320-1, 320A, 320B, 320C, 320D, 320E, 320F
340, 340A, 401, 401A, 401B, 402, 402A, 199-72 6.50-10 ---- 164-06406 N/A 30-100 066-06600 M
402B, 411, 411A, 414
Upgrades existing Cleveland wheel & brake 40-40A/30-28B to heavy duty 40-135/30-100.
Installation per FAA STC SA167GL, SA281GL. Kit also includes axle spacers and hydraulic

340, 340A, 401, 401A, 401B, 402, 402A, 199-76 6.50-10 40-135A 164-20306 N/A 30-100 066-06600 M
402B, 402C, 411, 411A, 414, 414A, 421,
421A, 421B, 421C Installation per FAA STC SA197GL, SA664GL. Kit also includes axle spacers and hydraulic

404 199-78 22 x 7.75-10 40-132 164-09100 N/A 30-97 066-06400 M

Installation per FAA STC SA781GL. Kit also includes mating hardware.

441 199-115 22 x 7.75-10 40-169 164-20700 N/A 30-143 066-07300 M

Installation per FAA STC SA644GL. Kit also includes master cylinder assemblies and axle
mounting hardware.

500, 501, 550, 551, S550 199-137 18 x 4.4 40-212 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Nose Wheel conversion kit. Installation per FAA STC SA882GL, SA883GL.

500, 501, 550, 551 199-164 22 x 8.0-10 40-239 159-03500 N/A 30-189A 109-00100 ----

For aircraft with power assist brakes only. Installation per FAA STC SA1297GL, SA1298GL.
Kit also includes hydraulic expander fittings.

S550 199-177 22 x 8.0-10 40-202 159-03500 N/A 30-161A 109-00100 ----

Installation per FAA STC SA1441GL. Kit also includes axle spacers, washers and hydraulic

Twin Otter DHC-6-1, -100, -200, -300 199-92 11.00-12 040-21101 164-22400 N/A 30-170 066-10000 M

Installation per FAA STC SA1065GL. Kit also includes axle spacer, mounting hardware, and
hydraulic inlet hose.

EMB-110 P1, EMB-110 P2 199-128 6.50-8 40-193 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Nose Wheel conversion kit. Installation per FAA STC SA814GL.

2-5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Twin Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

G21, G21A 199-65 32 x 8.8 40-127 N/A 159-00700 30-91 066-11300 O

Installation per FAA STC SA99GL.

Widgeon G44, G44A, Scan Type 30 199-4 7.50-10 40-46 N/A 159-00300 30-31 066-11700 O

Installation per FAA STC SA121EA.

Mallard G-73 and Turbo Conversions 199-113 32 x 8.8, 40-174 N/A 159-00900 30-148 066-11300 O

Installation per FAA STC SA651GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware.

24, 24A, 24B, 24B-A, 24C, 24D, 24D-A, 24E, 199-175 18 x 4.4 40-212 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
24F, 24F-A, 25, 25A, 25B, 25C, 25D, 25F, 35, (Nose)
35A, 36, 36A, 55
Nose Wheel Conversion Kit. Installation per FAA STC SA1459GL.

MU-2B, MU-2B-10, -15, -20, -25, -26, -26A, 199-101 8.50-10 40-148 164-07200 N/A 30-131 066-09000 M
-30, -35, -36, -36A, -40, -60
Installation per FAA STC SA648GL, SA652GL or Canadian STA SA90-118. Kit also includes
mounting hardware and hydraulic hoses and hardware.

MU-2B-20, -25, -26, -26A, -35, -36, -36A, 199-121 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
-40, -60
Upgrades existing 40-87 Nose Wheel to 40-87F. Provides improved bearing seals. Installation
per STC SA684GL, SA685GL. Kit also includes axle spacers.

Aztec Series 199-63 (1) 7.00-6 ---- 164-05700 N/A 30-96 066-06200 M

Upgrades existing Cleveland wheels and brakes to 40-131/30-96. Installation per ESB 7000-4.

PA-31T, PA-31T1 199-89 (1) 6.50-10 40-106 164-03906 N/A 30-106 066-06800 M

Installation per Piper service kit #764-039. Kit also includes mounting hardware.

PA-31-310, PA-31-325, PA-31-350 199-66 (1) 6.50-10 ---- 164-07906 N/A 30-95A 066-06600 M

Upgrades aircraft from standard Cleveland 3-piston 40-102/30-68 series to 4-piston

40-130/30-95A. Installation per service kit #761-064.

PA-31P (425 HP), PA-31-350 199-83 6.50-10 40-141 164-07700 N/A 30-123 066-06800 M

For aircraft with 1 5/8 axle. Installation per FAA STC SA284GL, SA295GL.

(1) Order from airframe manufacturer only.

2-6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Twin Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

Piper (continued)
PA-31, PA-31-300, PA-31-325, PA-31-350 199-100 6.50-10 40-162 164-07700 N/A 30-138 066-06800 M

For aircraft with 1 1/2 axle. Installation per FAA STC SA563GL.

PA-31T2 199-111(2) 6.50-10 40-167 164-20600 N/A 30-142 066-07300 M

Installation per FAA STC SA599GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware, hydraulic hoses and 2
fittings, aluminum hydraulic tubing, and fittings.

PA-42, PA-42-720 199-112 6.50-10 40-166 164-07400 N/A 30-141 066-07300 M

Installation per FAA STC SA600GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware and hydraulic fittings.
NOTE: Use only with original equipment tires - Goodrich (Piper P/N 551 652) or McCreary
(Piper P/N 551 604).

(2) SB7034-1 Service Bulletin Kit, for replacement of landing gear emergency extension air line. STC approved per SB7034.

Raytheon Aircraft Company (1)

D18C, D18S, E18S, E18S-9700, G18S, H18, 199-127 8.50-10 40-170 164-20900 N/A 30-144B 066-09000 M
C45G, TC-45G, RC-45J, C-45H, TC-45H, 8 or 10 ply
TC-45J, JRB-6, 3N, 3NM, 3TM
Applicable to Tricycle landing gear with 10 main wheel & brake. Installation per FAA STC
SA788GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware and aluminum fillers for gear door modification.

199-129 5.00-5 40-168 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


Converts Tail Wheel to 5.00-5 Type III. Installation per FAA STC SA829GL. Kit also includes
axle spacer.

199-141 11.00-12 040-21101 164-22400 N/A 30-170 066-10000 M

Applicable to aircraft equipped with 12 main wheel & brake. Installation per FAA STC
SA1222GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware, axle spacers, hydraulic hoses, and shuttle
valve relocation hardware.

D55,D55A, E55, E55A, 95, B95, B95A, D95A, 199-50 6.50-8 40-98 164-02706 N/A 30-66 066-04400 M
E95, 95-55, 95-A55, 95-B55, 95-B55A,
95-B55B, 95-C55, 95-C55A Uses 2 piston brake. Installation per FAA STC SA19GL. (Also applicable to Beech Bonanza -
Single Engine). Kit also includes axle spacers, mounting hardware, hydraulic hoses, and bulk-
head fittings.

D55, D55A, E55, E55A, 58, 58A, 95, B95, 199-138 6.50-8 40-128D 164-06106 N/A 30-93C 066-09700 M
B95A, D95A, E95, 95-55, 95A-55, 95-B55, 19.5 x 6.75-8
95-B55A, 95-B55B, 95-C55, 95-C55A
Uses 3 piston brake. Installation per FAA STC SA912GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware
and hydraulic fittings.

50, B50, C50, D50, D50A, D50B, D50C, 199-88 8.50-10 40-134A 164-06306 N/A 30-99 066-06600 M
D50E, E50, F50, G50, H50, J50
Applicable only to models modified per Excalibur STC SA75SW. Installation per FAA STC
SA390GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware and hydraulic fittings.

58P, 58TC, 60, A60, B60 199-73 6.50-8 40-128 164-06106 N/A 30-93 066-04400 M
19.5 x 6.75-8

Installation per FAA STC SA178GL, SA179GL. Kit also includes axle spacers, hydraulic hoses,
and hydraulic fittings.

2-7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Twin Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

Raytheon Aircraft Company (1) (continued)

65, A65, 70, 65-80, 65-A80, 65-B80, 65-88 199-123 8.50-10 40-170B 164-22900 N/A 30-144A 066-09000 M

Installation per FAA STC SA673GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware, bearing washer,
brackets and fillers for wheel well modification, and hubcaps.

A90, B90, C90, C90A, E90, H90, 65-A90-1, 199-90 8.50-10 40-170A 164-20900 N/A 30-144 066-09000 M
Installation per FAA STC SA619GL or Brazilian STC 9910-04. Kit also includes mounting
hardware, bearing washer, brackets and fillers for wheel well modification, and hubcaps.

F90, 99, 99A, A99A, B99, C99, 100, A100, 199-110 18 x 5.5 40-289 164-21000 N/A 30-146 066-09100 M
B100, 200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, A200, 066-09200
A200C, A200CT, B200, B200C, B200CT,
B200T For aircraft equipped with standard landing gear. Installation per FAA STC SA646GL, SA650GL,
SA890GL. Kit also includes hydraulic hoses.

199-168 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Hot Air Manifold Kit for aircraft equipped with brake deice. Installation only in conjunction with Kit

F90, 99, 99A, A99A, B99, C99, 100, A100, 199-125 6.50-10 40-203 159-01200 N/A 30-162 109-00200 M
B100, 200, 200C, 200CT, 200T, B200, 22 x 6.75-10
B200C, B200T, B200CT
For aircraft equipped with High Flotation Landing Gear. Installation per FAA STC SA757GL,
SA1509GL, SA1510GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware, axle spacer, swivel kit replace-
ment O-rings, and brake de-ice bracket.

65, A65, 65-80, 65-A80, 65-B80, 70, 90, A90, 199-126 6.50-10 40-204 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
B90, C90, E90, F90, 99, A99, A99A, B99, 22 x 6.75-10 (Nose)
C99, 100, A100, B100, 200, 200C, 200CT,
200T, B200, B200C, B200T, B200CT, 300 Nose wheel conversion kit. Installation per FAA STC SA757GL, SA1061GL, SA1077GL,
SA1242GL, SA380CH.

1900C, 1900D 199-184 6.50-10 40-273A 159-04000 N/A 30-204 109-00201 M

22 x 6.75-10

Installation per FAA STC SA1789GL. Inactive, superseded by 199-220 Kit.

199-220 6.50-10 40-273A 159-05900 N/A 30-204A 109-00201 M

22 x 6.75-10

Installation per FAA STC SA1789GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware, swivel kit
replacement O-rings, brake de-ice manifold kit 199-213.

199-256 6.50-8 40-450 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

19.5 x 6.75-8 (Nose)

Nose wheel conversion kit. Installation per FAA STC SA02204CH.

199-213 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Brake De-ice manifold kit. Installation only in conjunction with kit 199-220 or 199-220A. For
aircraft equipped with Beech brake de-ice manifold P/N 114- 810088-5. 2 Kits required per

1900D 199-220A 6.50-10 40-273B 159-05900 N/A 30-204A 109-00201 M

22 x 6.75-10

For aircraft equipped with anti-skid. Installation per FAA STC SA1789GL. Kit also includes
mounting hardware, swivel kit replacement O-rings, axle nut hardware, and brake de-ice
manifold kit 199-213.

1900C 199-212 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Brake De-ice manifold support kit. Installation only in conjunction with kit 199-220. For aircraft
with Beech brake de-ice manifold P/N 101-810071-1. 2 kits required per aircraft.

(1) Formerly Beech.

2-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Conversion Kit Twin Engine

Model/ Kit Tire Main Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Name Number Size Assembly Disc Disc Assembly Lining Type

Schafer Aircraft Modifications Inc.

Piper Model PA-31-350 modified by Schafer 199-119 6.50-10 40-195 164-21900 N/A 30-158 066-06800 M
STC SA4678SW. (1)
Installation per FAA STC SA721GL. Kit also includes hydraulic hoses and fittings.

(1) Design sold to EMBRAER - to become EMB 820, N-821.

Shorts Brothers Ltd.
SD3-30, SD3-60, SD3 Sherpa, 199-139 9.00-6 40-210 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
SD3-60 Sherpa
Nose Wheel Conversion Kit. Installation per FAA STC SA910GL or Canadian STA SA91-111.

Swearingen Aircraft
Merlin SA26-T, -AT 199-150 8.50-10 40-170 164-20900 N/A 30-144A 066-09000 M

Installation per FAA STC SA1009GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware, axle washer, and

Twin Commander Aircraft Corp. (1)

500, 500A, 500B, 500S, 500U 199-122 8.50-10 40-198 164-22000 N/A 30-159B 066-09000 M

Installation per FAA STC SA706GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware.

199-122A 8.50-10 40-198 164-22000 N/A 30-159C 066-09000 M

For aircraft using Skydrol brake fluid. Installation per FAA STC SA706GL. Kit also includes
mounting hardware.

560F, 680F, 680FL, 680FL(P), 680T, 680V, 199-80 8.50-10 40-107A 164-07200 N/A 30-107E 066-09000 M
680W, 681, 685, 690, 690A, 690B, 690C,
690D, 695, 695A, 695B Installation per FAA STC SA497GL. Kit also includes mounting hardware.

199-80A 8.50-10 40-107A 164-07200 N/A 30-107D 066-09000 M

For aircraft using Skydrol brake fluid. Installation per FAA STC SA497GL. Kit also includes
mounting hardware.

500, 500A, 500B, 500S, 500U, 560A, 560E 199-174 6.00-6 40-140 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Nose Wheel conversion kit. Installation per FAA STC SA1457GL.

560F, 680, 680E, 680FL, 680FL(P), 680F, 199-174 6.00-6 40-140 ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
680V, 680W, 681, 685, 690, 680W, 681, 685,
690, 690A, 690B, 690C, 690D, 695, 695A, Nose Wheel conversion kit. Installation per FAA STC SA1458GL.
695B, 720

(1) Formerly Gulfstream Aerospace.

2-9 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Kit Plane

Aircraft Make and Model Kit Main Wheel Main Brake Nose Wheel Master Cylinder Parking Brake
Number Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Valve

Aircraft Designs
Stallion 199-60 40-75B 30-52 ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- 40-87 10-19J 199-505 Seal Kit ----

American Homebuilts
John Doe STOL 199-104C 40-59A 30-59A ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

199-105C 40-113X 30-75X ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

Aviation Maintenance Limited (1)

Stearman 75 199-167 40-256 30-195 ---- 10-30A 199-512 Seal Kit ----

(1) Formerly Redline Aviation.

D and J Harmon
Harmon Rocket 199-152 40-151 30-133 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

D.F.L. Holdings
Tango 199-152 40-151 30-133 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- 40-77 10-19 199-505 Seal Kit ----

10-35 199-513 Seal Kit

Dean Wilson
Whitney Boomerang 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- 40-77 10-55B 199-516 Seal Kit 60-5 199-527 Seal Kit

Explorer Aeronautique
Private Explorer Standard 199-62 40-75D 30-52N ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-22A 199-507 Seal Kit ----

Private Explorer Float Equipped ---- 40-101 30-67B ---- ---- ----

If your make & model aircraft is not on the aplicability chart, please contact the Cleveland Technical Hotline at (800) 272-5464 for help.

Most of the kits are available with chrome brake discs.

For a 5-inch dust shield order 157-00900. For a 6-inch dust shield order a 157-00800.

WARNING! The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all
performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

2-10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Kit Plane

Aircraft Make and Model Kit Main Wheel Main Brake Nose Wheel Master Cylinder Parking Brake
Number Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Valve

Express Aircraft
CT, S90, Express 2000 / 2000RG 199-60 40-75B 30-52 ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-20 199-505 Seal Kit ----

Four Winds Aircraft

192 / 210 / 250T 199-60 40-75B 30-52 ---- ---- ----
---- ---- ---- 40-77G 10-19J 199-505 Seal Kit ----

Hensley Aircraft
F-19 Wolf Aerobatic 199-46 40-97A 30-63A ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes torque plate bushings.

F-19 Wolf Utility 199-62 40-75D 30-52N ---- ---- ----

Lancair IV Standard 199-208 40-96E 30-61E 40-77 10-19J 199-505 Seal Kit ----

Lancair IV High Energy 199-224 40-406 30-233 40-77 10-19J 199-505 Seal Kit ----

Lancair IV High Energy Upgrade 199-224A ---- 091-21200 ---- ---- ----

Legacy FG / RG 199-152 40-151 30-133 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-88 ---- ----

Legacy 2000 199-152 40-151 30-133 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- 40-77 10-88 ---- ----

10-19J 199-505 Seal Kit

Murphy Manufacturing
Rebel, 199-71 40-60 30-60A ---- ---- ----
SR2500 Super Rebel,
Maverick Renegade Spirit,

New Glasair Contact New Glassair for applicability

GlaStar, Glasair Super II FT,
Glasair III and Super III

If your make & model aircraft is not on the aplicability chart, please contact the Cleveland Technical Hotline at (800) 272-5464 for help.

Most of the kits are available with chrome brake discs.

For a 5-inch dust shield order 157-00900. For a 6-inch dust shield order a 157-00800.

WARNING! The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all
performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

2-11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Kit Plane

Aircraft Make and Model Kit Main Wheel Main Brake Nose Wheel Master Cylinder Parking Brake
Number Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Valve

Pacific Aerosystems
Sky Aero 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

F300 199-60A 40-75B 30-52U ---- ---- ----

Performance Aircraft
Legend ---- 40-96E 30-61E 40-77 ---- ----

S1-C, 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----
S1-S (Pitts Special)
Kit also includes dust shields.

199-103 40-78J 30-9C ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-20 199-505 Seal Kit ----

S-7C 199-104 40-59A 30-59A ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-54 199-516 Seal Kit ----

199-204 40-281 30-214 ---- ---- ----

S-16 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

SkyStar Aircraft
Kit Fox 199-215 40-281 30-224 ---- ---- ----

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-88 ---- ----

Pulsar 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-20 199-505 Seal Kit ----

If your make & model aircraft is not on the aplicability chart, please contact the Cleveland Technical Hotline at (800) 272-5464 for help.

Most of the kits are available with chrome brake discs.

For a 5-inch dust shield order 157-00900. For a 6-inch dust shield order a 157-00800.

WARNING! The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all
performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

2-12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Kit Plane

Aircraft Make and Model Kit Main Wheel Main Brake Nose Wheel Master Cylinder Parking Brake
Number Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Valve

Steen Aero Lab

Skybolt 199-104 40-59A 30-59A ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-19 199-505 Seal Kit ----

10-19H 199-505 Seal Kit

199-105 40-113X 30-75X ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-19 199-505 Seal Kit ----

10-19H 199-505 Seal Kit

Stop Starduster
V-Star SA-900, Starlet SA-500, 199-103 40-78J 30-9C ---- ---- ----
Starduster Too SA-300, Kit also includes dust shields.
Acroduster Too SA-750,
---- ---- ---- ---- 10-20 199-505 Seal Kit ----
SA100 Starduster One,
SA101 Super Starduster, 199-104 40-59A 30-59A ---- ---- ----
SA-500 Starlet, SA-900 V-Star, Kit also includes dust shields.
SA101 Super Starduster
---- ---- ---- ---- 10-21 199-506 Seal Kit ----

Ultravia Aero Intl

Pelican PL912/914 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- 40-77C 10-20 199-505 Seal Kit ----

Vans Aircraft
RV-3 thru RV-9 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- 40-77C 10-30 199-512 Seal Kit ----

RV-10 199-104 40-59A 30-59A ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- 40-77C 10-30 199-512 Seal Kit ----

Velocity Aircraft
SE / XL 199-60 40-75B 30-52 ---- ---- ----

If your make & model aircraft is not on the aplicability chart, please contact the Cleveland Technical Hotline at (800) 272-5464 for help.

Most of the kits are available with chrome brake discs.

For a 5-inch dust shield order 157-00900. For a 6-inch dust shield order a 157-00800.

WARNING! The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all
performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

2-13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Kit Plane

Aircraft Make and Model Kit Main Wheel Main Brake Nose Wheel Master Cylinder Parking Brake
Number Assembly Assembly Assembly Assembly Valve

Sport Trainer, Observer, Acro Trainer, 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----
Acro Sport I & II, Wag-a-bond Classic,
Kit also includes dust shields.
Super Sport, Wag-a-bond Traveler,
Sportsman 2+2, Wag-a-bond 199-103 40-78J 30-9C ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

199-104 40-59A 30-59A ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

199-105 40-113X 30-75X ---- ---- ----

Kit also includes dust shields.

---- ---- ---- ---- 10-34 199-513 Seal Kit ----

10-55 199-516 Seal Kit
7ECA, 7GCAA, 7GCBC, 7KCAB ---- ---- ---- ---- 10-5 199-502 Seal Kit ----
1ACA, 7EAC, 7GCAA, 7GCBC, 7KCAB, ---- ---- ---- ---- 10-54 199-516 Seal Kit ----
8KCAB, 8GCBC, 7AC, 7EC, 7FC, 7GC,
Exclusive to Wag Aero (Safe Air) who 199-211 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
holds the STC

6.00 x 6: CH200, 250, 300 (Tri-Z), 199-102 40-78B 30-9 ---- ---- ----
Zipper, Cricket MC-15, Stol CH-701
Kit also includes dust shields.
---- 40-59A ---- 40-77C 10-35 199-513 Seal Kit 60-5 199-527 Seal Kit
10-54 199-516 Seal Kit
5.00 x 5: CH-100 (Mono-Z), CH-150, ---- ---- ---- ---- 10-19 199-505 Seal Kit ----
180, Zodiac CH-600

If your make & model aircraft is not on the aplicability chart, please contact the Cleveland Technical Hotline at (800) 272-5464 for help.

Most of the kits are available with chrome brake discs.

For a 5-inch dust shield order 157-00900. For a 6-inch dust shield order a 157-00800.

WARNING! The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all
performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.

2-14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory
Applicability Data Wheel & Brake Ship Set

Order Code Tire Wheel Standard Chrome Brake

Description Number Size Assy Disc Disc Assy Lining Type Comments

Kit Built/Experimental and General Usage

199-09300 (4) Magnesium wheel
Heavy Duty Upgrade Kit 5.00-5 40-230 164-09900 N/A 30-181A 066-10600 O
P/N 199-93 Aluminum brake (3)
Kit Built/Experimental 199-10200 (2)
5.00-5 40-78B (4) 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 (4) 066-10600 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
Standard Energy Brake P/N 199-102
Kit Built/Experimental
199-10203 (1)(2) 40-78B
CHROME 5.00-5 164-01700 164-11700 30-9 066-10600 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
Standard Energy Brake
Kit Built/Experimental
P/N 199-102
199-10300 (2)
5.00-5 40-78J 164-01700 164-11700 30-9C 066-10600 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
1-1/4 Axle P/N 199-103
Kit Built/Experimental
199-10303 (1)(2) 40-78A
CHROME 5.00-5 164-01700 164-11700 30-9C 066-10600 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
P/N 199-103 CHROME
1-1/4 Axle
Kit Built/Experimental 199-10400 (2)
6.00-6 40-59A 164-07500 164-17500 30-59A 066-11200 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
1-1/2 Axle P/N 199-104
Kit Built/Experimental
199-10403 (1)(2) 40-59A
CHROME 6.00-6 164-07500 164-17500 30-59A 066-11200 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
P/N 199-104 CHROME
1-1/2 Axle
Kit Built/Experimental 199-10500 (2)
6.00-6 40-113X 164-04000 164-14000 30-75X 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
1-1/2 Axle P/N 199-105
Kit Built/Experimental
199-10503 (1)(2) 40-113X
CHROME 6.00-6 164-04000 164-14000 30-75X 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
P/N 199-105 CHROME
1-1/2 Axle
Kit Built/Experimental 199-15200 (2)
5.00-5 40-151 164-08500 N/A 30-133 066-10500 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
High Energy Brake P/N 199-152
Kit Built/Experimental 199-15201 (2)
5.00-5 40-151A 164-08500 N/A 30-133 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
High Energy Brake P/N 199-152A
Kit Built/Experimental 199-15600 (2)
5.00-5 40-230 164-09900 N/A 30-181A 066-10600 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
Increased Energy Brake P/N 199-156
General Usage 199-08400 (6) 6.00-6 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)

General Usage 199-08401 (6) 6.00-6 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75A 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)

General Usage 199-08403 (1)(6) 6.00-6 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)

General Usage 199-08413 (1)(6) 6.00-6 40-113 164-04000 164-14000 30-75A 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)

Kit Built/Experimental 199-19700 (2)(6) 5.00-5 40-151 164-08500 N/A 30-164 066-06200 M Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
Kit Built/Experimental
199-20400 (2)(6) 6.00-6 40-281 164-23400 N/A 30-214 066-10500 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
1-1/4 Axle
Kit Built/Experimental 199-22300 (2)(6) 6.00-6 40-281 164-23400 N/A 30-214B 066-10500 O Magnesium wheel/brake (3)
Kit Built/Experimental
199-25301 (5)(7) 6.00-6 40-75B 164-01501 164-11501 30-52 066-10500 O Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
1-1/2 Axle
General Usage 199-26500 (6) 14.5 x 5.5-6 40-412 N/A N/A 30-242 159-07100 M Aluminum wheel/brake (3)
(1) Wheels are equipped with chrome plated brake discs. (2) For detail design/rating information, refer to Cleveland drawing 50-76, general
arrangement - Wheels & Brakes, 5 & 6.
(3) Wheels and Brakes are FAA TSO C26 Approved. NOTE! For a product to be TSO qualified, it has to have successfully demonstrated its ability to
meet minimum performance standards in accordance with FAA recognized rating methods. The TSO approval of a product does not constitute
installation approval or applicability on an FAA Type Certificated Aircraft. It is the responsibility of those installing these products to determine that the
aircraft installation and its wheel and brake performance requirements are compatible for the TSO ratings of the wheel and brake. TSO approved products
must have separate approval for installation in a FAA type certificated aircraft. TSO Approved Products may be installed only if performed under Title 14 CFR
Part 43 or the applicable airworthiness requirements.
(4) 199-93 Wheel & Brake Upgrade Kit converts wheel and brake to Heavy Duty.

(5) The Cleveland Wheels & Brakes as listed are FAA TSO C26 approved, quantity are furnished in pairs for replacement of existing equipment or initial
installation on an experimental non FAA Type Certificated Aircraft. This ship set of parts also includes a spare set of brake linings, rivets and a Rebate
Coupon (for when both linings and discs need to be replaced). See AWBCMM0001 Component Maintenance Manual for guidance of when and how to
replace worn linings and discs.
(6) Be advised that the Order Code Number is used to identify a grouping of a pre-packaged ship set of TSO Approved wheels and brakes for customer
ordering and shipping convenience. At time of installation of parts contained within, the installer is to refer only to the Part Number of each listed wheel and
brake assembly to indicate what parts have been installed on the aircraft. Do not refer to the order code number for installation purposes, as it is not an FAA
recognized part number.
(7) Be advised that the Order Code Number is used to identify a grouping of a pre-packaged ship set of TSO Approved wheels and brakes along with TSO
Approved spare parts for customer ordering and shipping convenience. At time of installation of parts contained within, the installer is to refer only to the
Part Number of each listed wheel and brake assembly to indicate what parts have been installed on the aircraft. Do not refer to the order code number for
installation purposes, as it is not an FAA recognized part number.

2-15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Kit Directory

2-16 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Part Number Index All


10-5 ....................................... 3-18 10-24C................................... 3-9 010-05700 ............................. 3-23

10-5B ..................................... 3-18 10-24D................................... 3-9 010-05701 ............................. 3-23
10-5C..................................... 3-18 10-30 ..................................... 3-9 10-58D................................... 3-13
10-5E ..................................... 3-18 10-30A ................................... 3-9 10-58E ................................... 3-13
10-17 ..................................... 3-25 10-30B ................................... 3-9 10-58F ................................... 3-13
10-19 ..................................... 3-7
10-19A ................................... 3-7
10-30C................................... 3-10
10-30D................................... 3-9
010-06000 ............................. 3-15
010-06500 ............................. 3-23
10-19B ................................... 3-7 10-34 ..................................... 3-21 010-06600 ............................. 3-15
10-19D................................... 3-7 10-35 ..................................... 3-21 10-69 ..................................... 3-21
10-19F ................................... 3-7 10-36 ..................................... 3-21 10-70 ..................................... 3-9
10-19G .................................. 3-7 10-38 ..................................... 3-21 10-70A ................................... 3-9
10-19H................................... 3-7 10-39 ..................................... 3-21 10-70B ................................... 3-9
10-19J ................................... 3-7 10-45 ..................................... 3-21 10-73 ..................................... 3-16
10-20 ..................................... 3-7 10-46 ..................................... 3-13 10-75 ..................................... 3-25
10-20A ................................... 3-7 10-49 ..................................... 3-14 10-78 ..................................... 3-17
10-21 ..................................... 3-19 10-50 ..................................... 3-14 10-78A ................................... 3-17
10-21A ................................... 3-19 10-51 ..................................... 3-13 10-78B ................................... 3-17
10-22 ..................................... 3-7 010-05101 ............................. 3-13 10-86 ..................................... 3-25
10-22A ................................... 3-7 10-52 ..................................... 3-13 10-86A ................................... 3-25
10-22B ................................... 3-7 10-54 ..................................... 3-14 10-88 ..................................... 3-14
10-23 ..................................... 3-25 10-54A ................................... 3-14 10-89 ..................................... 3-9
10-23A ................................... 3-25 10-55 ..................................... 3-14 10-95 ..................................... 3-13
10-23C................................... 3-25 10-55A ................................... 3-14
10-23F ................................... 3-25 10-55B ................................... 3-14

3-1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Master Cylinder

3- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Design Information All

Bore Stroke Displ. Cleveland Installed Type Port Size Wt. Comments
(inch) (inch) (cu. P/N Length (lbs)
inch) (inch)
.552 1.94 .43 10-30 7.63 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .58 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.
Upgrade to 10-30D per SB7093.
.552 1.96 .46 10-30A 8.41 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .58 Same as 10-30, but uses rod end clevis.

.552 2.00 .43 10-30B 7.50 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .58 Obsolete design, superseded by 10-30D per
.552 1.25 .278 10-30C 6.81 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .73 Uses a custom mount with pivot pins on the side of
the housing, adjacent to the inlet fitting.
.552 2.00 .43 10-30D 7.528 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .58 Upgrades 10-30. Supersedes 10-30B.

.562 1.25 .31 10-5B 8.37 Push 7/16-20 .65 Without parking valve, ports 180 apart, fitting 45.

.562 1.25 .31 10-5C 8.37 Push 7/16-20 .65 With parking valve, ports 180 apart, fitting 45 and
.562 1.25 .278 10-5E 8.37 Push 7/16-20 .65 With parking valve, ports 180 apart, fitting 45

.563 1.29 .31 10-5 8.35 Push Outlet, 7/16-20 .63 With parking valve, ports 90 apart, fitting 45.
Inlet, 1/8-27 N.P.T.
.563 1.64 .39 10-19 8.35 Push 7/16-20 .58 Ports in-line, fittings 90, extruded aluminum body.
See note 1.
.563 1.64 .39 10-19D 8.35 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .53 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.
See note 1.
.563 1.64 .39 10-19F 8.35 Push Outlet, 7/16-20 .55 Ports in-line, straight fitting, extruded aluminum
Inlet, 1/8-27 N.P.T. body. See note 1.
.563 1.64 .39 10-19G 8.01 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .53 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.
See note 1.
.563 1.64 .39 10-19H 8.36 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .58 Ports in-line, fittings 90, extruded aluminum body.
See note 1.
.563 1.64 .39 10-19J 8.33 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .53 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.
See note 1.
.563 1.64 .39 10-20 7.48 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .52 Ports in-line, no fittings, no rod clevis,
extruded aluminum body.
.563 1.64 .39 10-20A 7.37 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .52 Ports in-line, no fittings, no rod clevis,
extruded aluminum body.
.62 .875 .26 010-05701 8.610 Push 7/16-20 .65 Reservoir - capacity: 3.0 cu. in.
Bell P/N 222-380-011-103.
.625 1.09 .306 10-34 7.96 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .59 Reservoir - capacity: 3.41 cu. in.,
mounting hole: .190 Dia.
.625 1.09 .306 10-35 7.96 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .59 Reservoir - capacity: 3.41,
mounting hole: .250 Dia.
.6245 1.25 .36 10-38 7.85 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .59 Reservoir - capacity: 3.0

.625 1.20 .36 10-39 7.82 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .60 Reservoir - capacity: 3.0

.625 1.20 .36 10-45 7.45 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .52 Reservoir - capacity: 3.0 cu. in.,
mounting hole: .190 Dia.
.625 1.50 .46 10-46 7.34 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .48 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.625 1.50 .46 10-49 8.30 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .60 Ports in-line, no fittings.

3-3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Design Information All

Bore Stroke Displ. Cleveland Installed Type Port Size Wt. Comments
(inch) (inch) (cu. P/N Length (lbs)
inch) (inch)
.625 1.50 .46 10-50 8.75 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .53 Beech P/N 96-380034-25.

.625 1.50 .46 10-55A 7.90 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .50 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.625 1.50 .46 10-55B 7.68 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .46 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.625 1.50 .46 10-58D 8.28 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .48 Obsolete design, superseded by 10-58E.

.625 1.50 .46 10-58E 8.28 Push 7/16-20 .44 Supersedes 10-58D.

.625 1.50 .46 10-58F 8.28 Push 7/16-20 .46 Upgrade from 10-58E per SB7068.

.625 1.43 .46 10-73 9.80 Push 3/8-24 Piper P/N 82805-3-F.

.625 1.50 .42 10-88 6.83 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .42 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.626 1.62 .47 10-54 7.88 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .45 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.626 1.62 .47 10-55 7.90 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .45 Beech P/N 169-380100-3.

.6265 1.53 .45 10-54A 7.37 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .45 Same as 10-54, except for shorter installed length.

.690 1.384 .516 10-36 7.95 Push 7/16-20 .59 Reservoir - capacity: 3.41 cu. in.,
mounting hole: .250 & .190 Dia.
.750 1.25 .55 10-70 7.37 Push 7/16-20 .69 Beech P/N 104-384061-1.

.750 1.25 .55 10-70A 7.37 Push 7/16-20 .63 Beech P/N 104-384061-3.

.750 1.38 .60 10-70B 7.50 Push 7/16-20 .85 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.751 1.52 .66 10-24D 8.41 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .53 Same as 10-24C, except body mounts are rotated
.750 1.50 .66 10-52 7.50 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .50 Ports in-line, no fittings.

.750 1.50 .662 10-89 11.06 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. Ports in-line, no fittings.

.750 1.59 .68 10-22B 7.26 Push Outlet, 7/16-20 .50 Ports 180 apart.
Inlet, 1/8-27 N.P.T.
.750 1.75 .77 10-21 12.87 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. 1.05 Reservoir - capacity: 2.88 cu. in., with parking lever.

.750 1.75 .77 10-21A 12.87 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .98 Reservoir - capacity: 2.88 cu. in., no parking brake.

.750 1.59 .68 10-22 7.25 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .50 Inlet - 90, .250 Dia. hole.

.750 1.75 .77 10-22A 7.20 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .50 No fittings.

.751 1.52 .63 10-24C 8.20 Push 1/8-27 N.P.T. .53 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.

.801 1.00 .50 010-06500 10.69 Push 7/16-20 .90 Reservoir - capacity: 2.15 cu. in.,
Bell P/N 214-076-320-101.
.801 1.00 .50 010-06600 10.69 Push 7/16-20 .83 Bell P/N 214-076-327-101.

3-4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Design Information All

Bore Stroke Displ. Cleveland Installed Type Port Size Wt. Comments
(inch) (inch) (cu. P/N Length (lbs)
inch) (inch)
.810 1.50 .77 10-78 11.535 Push 7/16-20 .80 90 male ports.

.812 1.50 .74 10-78A 11.535 Push 7/16-20 .80 90 male ports.

.812 1.50 .74 10-78B 11.535 Push 7/16-20 .74 90 male ports.

.864 1.408 .824 10-69 7.88 Push 7/16-20 .59 Reservoir - capacity: 3.41 cu. in.

.875 1.23 .59 10-17 5.25 Pull 7/16-20 .62 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.
See note 2.
.875 1.25 .66 010-06000 8.61 Push 7/16-20 .65 Bell P/N 222-380-012-101.

.925 1.25 .69 10-75 5.25 Pull 7/16-20 .62 Piper P/N 465-705. 3
.927 1.25 .75 10-23 5.25 Pull 7/16-20 .65 No fittings.

.927 1.22 .67 10-23A 5.21 Pull 7/16-20 .65 Same as 10-23, except with extruded aluminum
.927 1.25 .71 10-23C 5.25 Pull 7/16-20 .60 Extruded aluminum body.

.927 1.195 .71 10-23F 6.25 Pull 7/16-20 .81 Equipped with high strength clevis.

1.00 1.35 1.015 10-95 7.50 Push 3/8-24 Ports in-line, no fittings, extruded aluminum body.

1.0025 1.30 .95 010-05101 Push M10 x 1 (metric) .32 Flange mount.

1.117 1.06 .94 10-86 5.25 Pull 7/16-20 1.0 Large bore version of 10-23 series.

1.117 1.10 .94 10-86A 6.25 Pull 7/16-20 .90 Equipped with high strength clevis.


1. The 10-19 Series master cylinders have been redesigned from a steel body configuration to an extruded aluminum configuration. Listed Design Information is for
the extruded aluminum body master cylinder. Design Information for the steel body master cylinder is the same except for the following:
Stoke = 1.25 inches
Displacement = .31 cubic inches
Weight = .50 lbs.

2. The 10-17 master cylinder has been redesigned from a steel body configuration to an extruded aluminum configuration. Listed Design Information is for the extruded
aluminum body master cylinder. Design Information for the steel body master cylinder is the same except for the following:
Stoke = 1.25 inches
Displacement = .75 cubic inches
Weight = .70 lbs.

3-5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-19, 10-19A, 10-19B, 10-19D, 10-19F, 10-19G, 10-19H, 10,19J, 10-20, 10-20A, 10-22, 10-22A, 10-22B

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order master cylinders and components listed.













144-01204 Cylinder Body (3) 1 1
144-01206 Cylinder Body (4) 1 1 1
1 (2) Cylinder Assembly 1 1
144-01201 Cylinder Body 1
144-01203 Cylinder Body 1 1
1A 189-00900 Cylinder Assembly 1
1B 189-00901 Cylinder Assembly 1
1C 144-13600 Cylinder Body 1
(Continued on next page)

3- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-19, 10-19A, 10-19B, 10-19D, 10-19F, 10-19G, 10-19H, 10-19J, 10-20, 10-20A, 10-22, 10-22A, 10-22B

(Continued from previous page)


10-19A (1)

10-19B (1)








182-00300 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 1 1
182-00700 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 1
182-02600 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 1
182-04100 Piston Rod Assembly 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1
142-00900 Rod-Piston 1 1 1
142-02800 Rod-Piston 1
4 141-00500 End Gland 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4A 141-01000 End Gland 1 1 1
5 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 101-01200 O-Ring (MS28775-114) 1 1 1
8 095-01100 Washer-Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 148-00900 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9A 148-01000 Piston 1 1 1
10 101-00800 O-Ring-Piston (MS28775-110) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10A 101-01100 O-Ring-Piston (MS28775-113) 1 1 1
11 082-00800 Spring-Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 145-01500 Bushing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 155-00500 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 082-00900 Spring-Return 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 1 1 1 1 1
16 223-00100 Roll-Pin 1 1 1 1 1
17 094-03000 Nut-Check (AN316-4) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 143-00400 Clevis 1 1 1
18A 143-00900 Clevis 1 1 1 1
19 155-01000 Snap Ring 1 1 1
20 104-00300 Tube Fitting (AN816-4D) 1
21 104-00400 Tube Fitting (MS20822-4D) 2 2 1 2
22 104-00500 Tube Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1
23 104-06900 Fitting 1
24 101-20400 O-Ring 1

199-505 Repair Kit (5, 8, 10, 10A) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

199-507 Repair Kit (5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15) 1 1 1

(1) Inactive Assembly - Spares support only for parts listed.
(2) Inactive Part - No longer available for spares support.
(3) Extruded body formerly used steel body P/N 189-00500 which is no longer available.
(4) Extruded body formerly used steel body P/N 189-00501 which is no longer available.

3- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-24C, 10-24D, 10-30, 10-30A, 10-30B, 10-30D, 10-70, 10-70A, 10-70B, 10-89

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact the airframe manufacturer to order master cylinders and components listed.







(1) (2)




144-03200 Cylinder Body 1 1
144-03700 Cylinder Body 1
144-03701 Cylinder Body 1
144-06800 Cylinder Body 1
144-07300 Cylinder Body 1 1
144-11900 Cylinder Body 1 1
1A 144-11500 Cylinder Body 1
182-02000 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1
182-02200 Piston Rod Assembly 1
2 182-07500 Piston Rod Assembly 1
(3) Piston Rod Assembly 1
182-08500 Piston Rod Assembly 1
3A 142-03700 Rod-Piston 1 1 1 1
142-03900 Rod-Piston 1
(3) Rod-Piston 1
(Continued on next page)

3-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-24C, 10-24D, 10-30, 10-30A, 10-30B, 10-30D, 10-70, 10-70A, 10-70B, 10-89

(Continued from previous page) PER ASSY.







(1) (2)


3C 142-13700 Rod-Piston 1
3D 142-07900 Rod-Piston 1 1 1
141-01200 End Gland 1 1 1
141-02500 End Gland 1 1 1
4 141-04400 End Gland 1 1
141-04401 End Gland 1
141-09000 End Gland 1
101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1 1
101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1 1 1 1
6 101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 095-01300 Washer-Wiper 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
082-00900 Spring-Return 1 1 1
8 082-05200 Spring-Return 1 1 1
082-14500 Spring-Return 1
9 101-00100 O-Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1
9A 095-02600 Washer-Seal 1 1 1 1
148-02300 Piston 1 1 1
148-02500 Piston 1 1 1
148-03800 Piston 1 1 1
148-09200 Piston 1
101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1 1 1 1
101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1 1 1 1 1 1
082-02100 Spring-Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
082-05600 Spring-Piston 1 1 1
145-01500 Spring Guide 1
145-05800 Bushing 1 1 1 1 1 1
13A 145-06500 Spring Guide 1 1 1
14 155-04800 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1
14A 155-00500 Snap Ring 1
15 155-05000 Snap Ring-Rod 1 1 1
16 143-00400 Clevis 1 1 1
16A 143-01300 Clevis 1 1 1
095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 1 1 1
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 1
18 095-15600 Washer-Star (MS35333-40) 1 1 1
19 094-03000 Nut-Check (AN316-4) 1 1 1 1
19A 094-04300 Nut-Check (AM316-5) 1 1 1
20 082-07400 Spring-Return 1 1 1
155-01200 Snap Ring 1 1 1
21 155-04700 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1
155-05500 Snap Ring 1 1 1

199-510 Repair Kit (5, 6, 9) 1 1

199-512 Repair Kit (5, 6, 7, 9, 9A, 12, 14, 14A, 15) 1 1 1 1
199-521 Repair Kit (5, 6, 9A) 1 1 1

(1) Inactive Assembly - Spares support only for parts listed.
(2) SB7093-1 Service Bulletin Kit upgrades 10-30 and 10-30B to 10-30D configuration per SB7093.
(3) Inactive Part - No longer available for spares support.

3-9 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type



1 144-12000 Cylinder Body 1
2 142-12000 Piston Rod 1
3 148-02500 Piston 1
4 141-02500 End Gland 1
5 145-05800 Bushing 1
6 082-02100 Spring 1
7 155-04800 Retaining Ring 1
NOTES: 8 082-13700 Spring 1
9 101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1
(1) Master Cylinder 10-30C is FAA PMA Approved for use on 10 101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 2
Slingsby Aviation Ltd. Aircraft Models T67 GRP series. The
master cylinder and all components listed are available for 11 101-00100 O-Ring 1
sale thru distribution. 12 095-01300 Washer, Wiper 1
13 095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 1
14 095-15600 Washer, Star (MS35333-40) 1
15 094-03000 Nut, Jam (AN316-4) 1
16 143-03100 Clevis 1
17 111-10900 Bracket Assembly 2
18 102-17500 Screw (MS24694-S49) 4
19 230-05500 Insert, Locking (MS21209F1-15L) 4
20 155-04700 Ring, Retaining 1
21 104-09300 Elbow, Male 1
22 104-00300 Tube Fitting (AN816-4D) 1

199-512 Repair Kit (9, 10, 11) 1

3 - 10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

This page intentionally left blank

3 - 11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-46, 10-51, 010-05101, 10-52, 10-58D, 10-58E, 10-58F, 10-95

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact the airframe manufacturer to order master cylinders and components listed.

10-58E (6)
(1) (2) (4)
10-51 (1)






144-04600 Cylinder Body 1 1
1 144-04601 Cylinder Body 1 1
144-05000 Cylinder Body 1
1A 144-04900 Cylinder Body 1 1
1B 144-13100 Cylinder Body 1
111-04700 Piston Rod Assembly 1
111-04900 Piston Rod Assembly 1
111-05400 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1
182-03700 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1
2A 142-08201 Piston Rod 1
2B 142-13200 Piston Rod 1
141-02600 End Gland 1 1 1 1
141-02800 End Gland 1
141-04000 End Gland 1 1
(3) End Gland 1
(Continued on next page)

3 - 12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-46, 10-51, 010-05101, 10-52, 10-58D, 10-58E, 10-58F, 10-95

(Continued from previous page) PER ASSY.


10-58E (6)
(1) (2) (4)
10-51 (1)




101-26800 O-Ring 1 1 1 NOTES:
101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1 1 1 1
(1) Inactive assembly - spares support
5 100-20006 Ring, Back Up (MS28782-6) 1 1 only for parts listed.
101-20200 O-Ring (MS28775-014) 1 1 1 1 (2) 10-58C replaced by 10-58D.
6 101-27000 O-Ring 1 1 1
(3) Inactive part - No longer available for
101-50343 O-Ring (MS28775-016) 1 spares support.
7 155-05100 Snap Ring 2 1 1 1 2 2 1
(4) 10-58D superseded by
7A 155-07200 Snap Ring 1 1 10-58E.
067-05000 Spacer 1

067-05400 Spacer 1
(5) The following Cleveland
Master Cylinders were 3
067-05500 Spacer 1 1 1 formerly manufactured
067-07300 Spacer 1 1 1 by Gerdes Product Co.
101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1 1 C.W.B. GERDES
101-26700 O-Ring 1 1 1
10-46 A-110-27
148-02800 Piston 1
10-51 A-110-18
148-03700 Piston 1 10-52 A-110-12
10 148-04500 Piston 1 1 (6) SB7068-1 Service Bulletin Kit Parts
(3) Piston 1 List upgrades master cylinder to
148-04900 Piston 1 1 1 10-58F per Cleveland Service Bulletin
11 095-03400 Washer Seal 1 1
11A 095-03401 Washer Seal 1
101-00900 O-Ring (MS28775-111) 1 1 1 1
101-26900 O-Ring 1 1
101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1
(3) O-Ring 1
082-05500 Spring, Piston 1 1 1 1 1
082-05501 Spring, Piston 1 1 1
14 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 1 1
082-06000 Spring, Return 1 1 1
15 082-06001 Spring, Return 1 1
082-06300 Spring, Return 1 1 1
16 067-07100 Spacer 1 1 1
155-01200 Snap Ring 1
17 155-01300 Snap Ring 1 1 1
155-05400 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1
18 094-04300 Nut, Lock (AN316-5) 1 1 1
18A 094-03000 Nut 1
19 143-01000 Clevis 1
19A 143-01400 Clevis 1
19B 143-03500 Clevis 1
20 223-03200 Pin, Roll 1
21 200-02400 Retainer, Spring 1

199-515 Repair Kit (4, 6, 9, 12) 1

199-518 Repair Kit (4, 5, 6, 7, 7A, 9, 12) 1 1
199-523 Repair Kit (4, 6, 9, 12) 1
199-524 Repair Kit (4, 6, 7, 11,12) 1 1
199-524A Repair Kit (4, 6, 11A, 12, 20) 1

3 - 13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-49, 10-50, 10-54, 10-54A, 10-55, 10-55A, 10-55B, 10-88

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order
master cylinders and components listed.

10-55A (2)

10-55B (2)




144-04700 Cylinder Body 1 1 1
NOTES: 144-04800 Cylinder Body 1 1 1 1
(1) The following Cleveland master cylinders were 182-02800 Piston Rod Assembly 1
formerly manufactured by Gerdes Products Co. 2 182-02801 Piston Rod Assembly 1
C.W.B. GERDES 182-02802 Piston Rod Assembly 1
NUMBER NUMBER 142-05500 Piston Rod 1 1 1
10-49 A-110-37 142-05300 Piston Rod 1
10-50 A-110-39 3
142-05400 Piston Rod 1 1
10-54 A-110-10
142-05502 Piston Rod 1
4 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) Master Cylinder 10-55B replaces 10-55A. Both
are FAA PMA Approved for use on General 5 148-03400 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Avia Aircraft Model F22. The master cylinder 6 101-00900 O-Ring (MS28775-111) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
and all components listed are available thru 7 082-05600 Spring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 145-06500 Guide-Spring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 067-13300 Spacer 1 1
9 141-02700 Gland-End 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 101-01000 O-Ring (MS28775-112) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 155-05400 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 082-06100 Spring-Return 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 094-04300 Nut-Check (AN316-5) 1 1 1 1 1 1
143-01000 Clevis 1 1 1 1
16 143-01200 Clevis 1
143-01300 Clevis 1

199-516 Repair Kit (4, 6, 10, 11) 1 1 1 1 1 1

3 - 14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

010-06000, 010-06600

(1) 010-06600 and spares are available thru distribution; PMA
approved part used in 199-15301 Wheeled Landing Gear
Kit for Bell 412.
(2) The following Cleveland master cylinders were formerly
manufactured by Gerdes Product Co.
NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe 010-06000 A-2160-1
manufacturer to order master cylinders and PER PER
components listed. ASSY. ASSY.

010-06600 (1)
010-06600 (1)



144-05300 Housing Assembly 1 10 155-06500 Snap Ring 1
189-09400 Body Assembly 1 10A 155-05700 Snap Ring 1
2 182-03000 Piston Rod Assembly 1 11 067-05600 Spacer 1
3 142-07500 Rod Piston 1 12 139-06200 Thrust Collar 1
3A 142-05900 Shaft 1 13 141-03400 End Gland 1
4 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 1 13A 141-03200 End Gland 1
4A 101-50349 O-Ring (MS28775-007) 1 14 101-50369 O-Ring (MS28775-017) 1
5 148-04400 Piston 1 14A 101-20200 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1
5A 148-03900 Piston 1 15 100-20008 Backup Ring (MS28782-8) 1
6 100-20012 Back Up Ring (MS28782-12) 1 16 101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1
6A 100-10143 Back Up Ring (MS28774-111) 1 16A 101-50341 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1
7 101-50357 O-Ring (MS28775-114) 1 17 155-06700 Snap RIng 1
7A 101-00900 O-Ring (MS28775-111) 1 17A 155-05400 Snap Ring 1
8 082-07100 Spring 1 18 082-06900 Spring-Return 1
8A 082-05500 Spring 1 18A 082-06400 Spring-Return 1
9 155-07100 Snap Ring 1
9A 095-13100 Washer (AN960C10) 1 199-532 Repair Kit (4, 6, 7, 14, 15, 16) 1
199-569 Repair Kit (4A, 6A, 7A, 14A, 16A, 17A) 1

3 - 15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type


NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe

manufacturer to order master cylinders and
components listed.


1 144-08800 Cylinder Body 1
2 182-04300 Piston Rod Assembly 1
3 142-09100 Piston Rod 1
4 141-05200 Packing Gland 1
5 095-04000 Washer 1
6 148-05300 Piston 1
7 101-01200 O-Ring (MS28775-114) 1
8 095-01100 Washer-Seal 1
9 155-00500 Snap Ring 1
10 082-00800 Spring 1
11 082-00900 Spring 1
12 145-01500 Bushing 1
13 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1
14 101-00900 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1
15 155-09000 Retainer Ring 1
16 143-02000 Clevis 1
17 094-04300 Nut (AN316-5) 1

199-548 Repair Kit (7, 8, 13, 14) 1

3 - 16 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type

10-78, 10-78A, 10-78B

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order master
cylinders and components listed.


1 189-04100 Cylinder Body 1 1 1
2 182-04800 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 1
3 142-10400 Piston Rod 1 1 1
4 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 1 1 1
5 148-04100 Piston 1 1 1
6 101-01200 O-Ring (MS28775-114) 1 1 1
7 082-05600 Spring-Piston 1 1 1
8 145-06500 Spring Guide 1 1 1
9 141-03000 End Gland 1 1 1
10 101-50117 O-Ring (MS28775-117) 1 1 1
11 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1
12 082-06100 Return Spring 1 1 1
13 155-05500 Retaining Ring 1 1 1
14 094-03000 Nut, Jam (AN316-4) 1 1 1
15 143-02200 Clevis 1 1 1
16 214-82600 Spherical Bearing 1 1 1
104-03100 Fitting 2 2 1
104-06900 Fitting 1
18 101-20400 O-Ring (MS28778-4) 2 2 1

199-555 Repair Kit (4, 6, 10, 11, 18) 1

3 - 17 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type with Parking Brake

10-5, 10-5B, 10-5C, 10-5E

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order master cylinders and components listed.


10-5B (1)

10-5B (1)



189-00100 Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly 1 1 16 181-00200 Cam Assembly 1 1 1
189-01200 Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly 1 17 101-00500 O-Ring (MS28775-010) 2 2 2
1A 189-02300 Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly 1 18 145-00700 Bushing 1 1 1
182-00300 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 19 082-01000 Spring 1 1 1
182-02600 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 20 095-10300 Washer (AN960-10) 1 1 1
3 142-00500 Rod 1 1 1 1 21 094-10200 Nut (AN364-1032) 1 1 1
4 141-00500 Gland-End 1 1 1 1 22 145-00900 Bushing 1 1 1
5 101-00700 O-Ring-Gland (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 23 102-00100 Screw-Set (#8-32x1/8) 1 1 1
6 101-01100 O-Ring-Gland (MS28775-113) 1 1 1 1 24 146-00200 Valve 1 1 1
7 095-01100 Washer-Seal 1 1 1 1 25 101-00100 O-Ring 1 1 1
8A 148-00900 Piston 1 1 1 1 26 082-01100 Spring 1 1 1
8B 101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1 1 1 1 27 104-00500 Tube Fitting (MS20823-4D) 2 2 1 2
9 082-00800 Spring 1 1 1 1 28 104-00400 Tube Fitting (MS20822-4D) 1
10 145-01500 Bushing 1 1 1 1
11 155-00500 Ring-Snap 1 1 1 1 199-502 Repair Kit (5, 6, 7, 8B, 17, 25) 1 1 1
12 082-00900 Spring-Return 1 1 1 1 199-503 Repair Kit (5, 6, 7, 8B, 11, 13) 1
13 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 1 1 1 1
14 094-00300 Nut-Jam (AN316-4) 1 1 1 1 NOTES:
15 143-00400 Clevis 1 1 (1) 10-5B does not include Parking Brake.
15A 143-00900 Clevis 1 1

3 - 18 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type with Reservoir

10-21, 10-21A

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer

to order master cylinders and components listed.

1 189-01100 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
182-00900 Piston Rod Assembly 1
182-01900 Piston Rod Assembly 1
142-03600 Piston Rod 1
218-00100 Piston Rod 1
141-01100 End Gland 1
141-01101 End Gland 1
4 213-00100 Fitting (Gits 502 "G") 1 1
5 154-01500 Feld-Rod 1 1
6 067-01300 Spacer-Piston 1 1
7 095-01100 Washer 1 1
8 148-01000 Piston 1 1
9 101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1 1
10 145-01500 Bushing 1 1
11 082-00800 Spring 1 1
12 155-00500 Ring-Snap 1 1
13 082-00900 Spring 1 1
14 149-00100 Lever-Parking 1
15 082-01800 Spring 1
16 067-01200 Spacer 2
17 145-02300 Bushing 2
18 229-00100 Plate-Spring Retainer 1
19 102-05700 Screw-Fil. Hd. (AN500-10-10) 4
20 095-15400 Washer-Lock (AN936-A10) 4
21 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 1 2
22 223-00100 Rollpin 1 1
23 102-05200 Screw-Fil. Hd. (AN500-6-4) 3 3
24 095-16000 Washer-Lock (MS35338-41) 3 3

199-506 Repair Kit (5, 7, 9) 1 1

3 - 19 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type with Reservoir

10-34, 10-35, 10-36, 10-38, 10-39, 10-45, 10-69

3 - 20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type with Reservoir

10-34, 10-35, 10-36, 10-38, 10-39, 10-45, 10-69

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact the airframe manufacturer
to order master cylinders and components listed. PER ASSY.

10-34 (2)

10-35 (2)

10-36 (2)

10-38 (2)

10-39 (2)

10-45 (2)

10-69 (1)
144-03800 Cylinder Body 1 1 1 NOTES:
144-03900 Cylinder Body 1 (1) 10-69 and spares are available thru distri-
1 144-04000 Cylinder Body 1 bution. PMA approved details of 199-115
kit for Cessna 441.
144-04200 Cylinder Body 1
144-06700 Cylinder Body 1 (2) The following Cleveland master cylinders
were formerly manufactured by Gerdes
082-05400 Spring-Return 1 1 1 1 1 Products Co.
082-05700 Spring-Return 1 1
3 182-05000 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 1 NUMBER NUMBER
4 142-04000
Piston Rod
Piston Rod
1 1

4A 10-36 A-049-6
142-08000 Piston Rod 1
10-38 A-049-8
5 101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1 1 1 1 1 10-39 A-049-9
6 095-12800 Washer 1 1 10-45 A-049-35
7 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 1 1
148-02800 Piston 1 1 1 1 1
8 148-02900 Piston 1
148-04700 Piston 1
101-00900 O-Ring, Piston (MS28775-111) 1 1 1 1 1
9 101-01300 O-Ring, Piston (MS28775-115) 1
101-01000 O-Ring, Piston (MS28775-112) 1
082-05500 Spring-Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1
082-05600 Spring-Piston 1
11 155-05100 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
12 145-06500 Spring Guide 1 1
13 155-07200 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
14 094-04300 Nut-Check (AN316-5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
143-01000 Clevis-Rod 1 1 1 1 1
143-01100 Clevis-Rod 1
16 111-04300 Screw & Washer Assembly 1 1 1
16A 102-20200 Screw 1 1 1 1
16B 095-10300 Washer 1 1 1 1
17 101-60001 O-Ring, Reservoir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 111-04600 Cover Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
18A 147-00700 Cover Plate 1 1
18B 145-06400 Bushing-Bronze 1 1
18C 155-06900 Retaining Ring 1 1
19 140-01900 Filler Plug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20 155-06300 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
21 110-05200 Adapter-Clevis 1
22 094-12300 Nut-Lock (AN365-1031) 1
23 139-06200 Thrust Collar 1 1 1

199-513 Repair Kit (5, 9, 17) 1 1 1 1 1

199-514 Repair Kit (6, 7, 9, 16A, 16B, 17) 1
199-577 Repair Kit (7, 9, 17) 1

3 - 21 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type with Reservoir

010-05700, 010-05701, 010-06500

3 - 22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Push Type with Reservoir

010-05700, 010-05701, 010-06500

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact the airframe manufacturer
to order master cylinders and components listed. PER ASSY.


(1) (4)

189-09600 Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly 1 1
189-06500 Hydraulic Cylinder Assembly 1
2 182-03300 Piston Rod Assembly 1
2A 182-02700 Piston Rod Assembly 1
142-05800 Piston Rod 1 1 NOTES:
142-07600 Piston Rod 1 (1) Inactive assembly - spares support only for parts listed.
4 155-05600 Snap Ring 1 1
(2) 010-06500 and spares are available thru distribution;
4A 155-06500 Snap RIng 1 PMA approved part used in 199-15301 Wheeled Landing
5 139-06200 Thrust Collar 1 1 Gear Kit for Bell 412.
6 101-50349 O-Ring (MS28775-007) 1 1 (3) Inactive part - no longer available for spares support.
6A 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 1 (4) The following Cleveland master cylinders were formerly
148-03901 Piston 1 manufactured by Gerdes Product Co.
7 148-04200 Piston 1 C.W.B. GERDES
148-03900 Piston 1 NUMBER NUMBER
101-00900 O-Ring (MS28775-111) 1 1 010-05700 A-1880-1
101-01200 O-Ring (MS28775-114) 1
100-10143 Back Up Ring (MS28774-111) 1 1
100-20012 Back Up Ring (MS28782-12) 1
082-05500 Spring 1 1
082-07100 Spring 1
11 095-13100 Washer 1 1
11A 155-07100 Retaining Ring 1
147-00700 Cover Plate 1 1
147-00900 Cover Plate 1
13 140-02000 Plug-Vented 1 1 1
141-03101 Gland 1
(3) Gland 1
14A 145-07100 Bushing 1
155-06900 Retaining Ring 1
155-07300 Retaining Ring 1
101-50341 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1
101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1
17 100-20008 Back Up Ring (MS28782-8) 1
18 101-60001 O-Ring 1 1
155-05200 Retaining Ring 1 1
155-06300 Retaining Ring 1
20 102-20200 Button Head Screw 1 1 1
095-13100 Washer (AN960-C-10) 1 1
095-10300 Washer (AN960-10) 1
22 111-04500 Reservoir Valve Assembly 1 1 1
22A 101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1 1 1
23 101-20800 O-Ring (MS28778-4) 1 1 1
082-06400 Return Spring 1 1
082-06900 Return Spring 1

199-531 Repair Kit (6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 22A) 1

199-568 Repair Kit (6, 8, 9, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22A, 23) 1

3 - 23 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Pull Type

10-17, 10-23, 10-23A, 10-23C, 10-23F, 10-75, 10-86, 10-86A

NOTE: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order master cylinders and components listed.








1 189-02500 Cylinder Body 1
144-03600 Cylinder Body 1 1 1 (1) Extruded body formerly used steel
body P/N 189-01000 which is no
144-09400 Cylinder Body 1 longer available.
144-11300 Cylinder Body 1 1
144-12300 Cylinder Body (1) 1

(Continued on next page)

3 - 24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Master Cylinder
Illustrated Parts List Pull Type

10-17, 10-23, 10-23A, 10-23C, 10-23F, 10-75, 10-86, 10-86A

(Continued from previous page)







182-00800 Piston Rod Assembly 1
182-02400 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1 1
182-02402 Piston Rod Assembly 1
182-04600 Piston Rod Assembly 1
182-07300 Piston Rod Assembly 1
182-07301 Piston Rod Assembly 1
142-00700 Rod-Piston 1 1 1 1 1
142-09900 Rod-Piston 1
3A 142-00702
End Gland 1 1 1 1
1 3
4 141-06001 End Gland 1
141-07600 End Gland 1 1
101-01400 O-Ring (MS28775-116) 1 1 1 1 1
5 101-50117 O-Ring (MS28775-117) 1
101-50119 O-Ring (MS28775-119) 1 1
101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
101-50110 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1
148-00800 Piston 1
7 148-02600 Piston 1 1 1 1 1
148-06900 Piston 1 1
101-01300 O-Ring (MS28775-115) 1
101-01400 O-Ring (MS28775-116) 1 1 1 1
101-50116 O-Ring (MS28775-116) 1
101-27200 O-Ring (MS28775-212) 1 1
082-01900 Spring-Return 1 1 1 1 1 1
082-12400 Spring-Return 1 1
10 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 095-25100 Washer Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 146-00500 Valve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 082-01000 Spring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 095-10300 Washer (AN960-10) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
094-10200 Nut (AN364-1032 1 1 1 1 1 1
094-14000 Nut 1 1
155-01100 Ring, Snap 1 1 1 1 1
17 155-01600 Ring, Snap 1
155-12500 Ring, Snap 1 1
18 143-03200 Clevis 1 1
19 094-04300 Nut 1 1

199-551 Repair Kit (5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17) 1

199-504 Repair Kit (5, 6, 8, 14) 1
199-508 Repair Kit (5, 6, 14) 1 1 1 1
199-567 Repair Kit (5, 6, 8, 11, 14) 1 1

3 - 25 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Master Cylinder

3 - 26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, OH
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly
Part Number Index All


Unless otherwise noted, listed Wheels and Brakes are FAA TSO C26 Approved.
For a product to be TSO qualified, it has to have successfully demonstrated its ability to meet minimum
performance standards in accordance with FAA recognized rating methods. The TSO approval of a
product does not constitute installation approval or applicability on an FAA Type Certificated Aircraft. It
is the responsibility of those installing these products to determine that the aircraft installation and its
wheel and brake performance requirements are compatible for the TSO ratings of the wheel and brake.
TSO approved products must have separate approval for installation in a FAA type certificated aircraft.
TSO Approved Products may be installed only if performed under Title 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable
airworthiness requirements.

30-4 .............................. 4-7 30-52 ............................ 4-27 30-58A .......................... 4-31 30-67A .......................... 4-51
30-5 .............................. 4-7 30-52A .......................... 4-27 30-58B .......................... 4-31 30-67B .......................... 4-51
30-6 .............................. 4-7 30-52B .......................... 4-27 30-59 ............................ 4-13 30-67C.......................... 4-51
30-7 .............................. 4-7 30-52D.......................... 4-27 30-59A .......................... 4-13 30-67D.......................... 4-51
30-9 .............................. 4-5 30-52E .......................... 4-27 30-59D.......................... 4-13 30-67E .......................... 4-63
30-9A ............................ 4-5 30-52F .......................... 4-27 30-59E .......................... 4-13 30-67X .......................... 4-51
30-9C............................ 4-5 30-52G ......................... 4-27 30-60 ............................ 4-23 30-68 ............................ 4-55
30-9D............................ 4-5 30-52H.......................... 4-27 30-60A .......................... 4-23 30-68A .......................... 4-55 4
30-9E ............................ 4-5 30-52K .......................... 4-27 30-60B .......................... 4-23 30-68B .......................... 4-55
30-18 ............................ 4-9 30-52L .......................... 4-27 30-61 ............................ 4-31 30-69A .......................... 4-42
30-19 ............................ 4-9 30-52M ......................... 4-27 30-61A .......................... 4-34 30-69B .......................... 4-42
30-19A .......................... 4-9 30-52N.......................... 4-27 30-61B .......................... 4-34 30-74B .......................... 4-42
30-21 ............................ 4-23 30-52P .......................... 4-28 30-61D.......................... 4-31 30-75 ............................ 4-16
30-23 ............................ 4-33 30-52Q ......................... 4-28 30-61E .......................... 4-31 30-75A .......................... 4-16
30-23A .......................... 4-33 30-52S .......................... 4-28 30-61F .......................... 4-31 30-75B .......................... 4-16
30-23B .......................... 4-33 30-52T .......................... 4-28 30-63 ............................ 4-15 30-75X .......................... 4-16
30-23C.......................... 4-33 30-52U.......................... 4-28 30-63A .......................... 4-15 30-79 ............................ 4-11
30-23D.......................... 4-33 30-52V .......................... 4-28 30-63B .......................... 4-15 30-79A .......................... 4-11
30-24 ............................ 4-23 30-52W ......................... 4-28 30-63D.......................... 4-15 30-79B .......................... 4-11
30-28B .......................... 4-55 30-52X .......................... 4-28 30-63E .......................... 4-15 30-83 ............................ 4-34
30-28C.......................... 4-55 30-52Y .......................... 4-28 30-63F .......................... 4-15 30-83A .......................... 4-34
30-28D.......................... 4-55 30-52Z .......................... 4-28 30-63J .......................... 4-15 30-84 ............................ 4-57
30-30 ............................ 4-11 30-52AA ....................... 4-28 30-63K .......................... 4-15 30-88 ............................ 4-46
30-31 ............................ 4-87 30-52AB ....................... 4-28 30-63M ......................... 4-15 30-89 ............................ 4-53
30-32 ............................ 4-25 30-52AC ....................... 4-28 30-63P .......................... 4-15 30-89A .......................... 4-53
30-32A .......................... 4-25 30-53 ............................ 4-13 30-63Q ......................... 4-15 30-89B .......................... 4-53
30-32B .......................... 4-25 30-53A .......................... 4-13 30-63S .......................... 4-15 30-89C.......................... 4-53
30-32C.......................... 4-25 30-54 ............................ 4-31 30-65 ............................ 4-31 30-89E .......................... 4-53
30-32E .......................... 4-25 30-54A .......................... 4-31 30-65A .......................... 4-31 30-91 ............................ 4-89
30-35 ............................ 4-23 30-54B .......................... 4-31 30-65E. ......................... 4-31 30-93 ............................ 4-45
30-40 ............................ 4-9 30-54C.......................... 4-31 30-66 ............................ 4-42 30-93A .......................... 4-45
30-40A .......................... 4-9 30-55 ............................ 4-11 30-66A .......................... 4-41 30-93B .......................... 4-45
30-41 ............................ 4-23 30-55B .......................... 4-11 30-66B .......................... 4-41 30-93C.......................... 4-45
30-41A .......................... 4-23 30-56 ............................ 4-15 30-66C.......................... 4-42 30-93D.......................... 4-45
30-41B .......................... 4-23 30-56A .......................... 4-15 30-66D.......................... 4-42 30-93E .......................... 4-45
30-45 ............................ 4-9 30-56B .......................... 4-15 30-66F .......................... 4-42 30-94 ............................ 4-57
30-51 ............................ 4-23 30-56C.......................... 4-15 30-66G ......................... 4-42 30-95 ............................ 4-59
30-51A .......................... 4-23 30-56D.......................... 4-15 30-66H.......................... 4-42 30-95A .......................... 4-59
30-51B .......................... 4-23 30-56F .......................... 4-15 30-67 ............................ 4-51 30-95B .......................... 4-59

4-1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly
Part Number Index All

30-96 ............................ 4-40 30-165 RH .................... 4-77 McCauley Product Line

30-97 ............................ 4-60 30-170 .......................... 4-74
30-98 ............................ 4-70 30-176 .......................... 4-51 C-30018........................ 4-19
30-98A .......................... 4-70 30-181A ........................ 4-5 C-30018-1 .................... 4-19
30-98B .......................... 4-70 30-182 .......................... 4-62 C-30018-2 .................... 4-19
30-98C.......................... 4-70 30-184 LH..................... 4-57 C-30018-3 .................... 4-19
30-98D.......................... 4-70 30-184 RH .................... 4-57 C-30018-4 .................... 4-19
30-99 ............................ 4-59 30-189 .......................... 4-85 C-30018-5 .................... 4-19
30-100 .......................... 4-59 30-189A ........................ 4-85 C-30018-6 .................... 4-19
30-103 .......................... 4-89 030-18902 .................... 4-85 C-30018-7 .................... 4-19
30-106 .......................... 4-73 30-191 .......................... 4-79 D-30118-3 .................... 4-32
30-107 .......................... 4-65 30-195 .......................... 4-51 D-30118-4 .................... 4-32
30-107A ........................ 4-65 30-204 .......................... 4-81 D-30118-5 .................... 4-32
30-107B ........................ 4-65 30-204A ........................ 4-81 D-30118-6 .................... 4-32
30-107C........................ 4-66 30-208 .......................... 4-76 D-30118-7 .................... 4-32
30-107D........................ 4-66 30-208A ........................ 4-76 D-30118-8 .................... 4-32
30-107E ........................ 4-66 30-210 .......................... 4-75 D-30118-9 .................... 4-32
30-111 .......................... 4-57 30-210A ........................ 4-75 D-30118-10 .................. 4-32
30-113 .......................... 4-60 30-214 .......................... 4-11 C-30764-5 .................... 4-20
30-113A ........................ 4-60 30-214B ........................ 4-11 C-30764-6 .................... 4-20
30-123 .......................... 4-71 30-220 .......................... 4-49 C-30764-7 .................... 4-20
30-127 .......................... 4-35 30-224 .......................... 4-11 D-30793-3 .................... 4-32
30-127A ........................ 4-35 30-231 .......................... 4-72 D-30793-4 .................... 4-32
30-127C........................ 4-35 30-233 .......................... 4-36 D-30793-5 .................... 4-32
30-127D........................ 4-35 30-233A ........................ 4-36 D-30793-6 .................... 4-32
30-129 .......................... 4-36 30-233B ........................ 4-36
30-131 .......................... 4-61 30-236 .......................... 4-17
30-133 .......................... 4-6 30-239 .......................... 4-18
30-138 .......................... 4-71 30-239A ........................ 4-18
30-139 .......................... 4-40 30-239B ........................ 4-18
30-141 .......................... 4-68 30-241 .......................... 4-37
30-142 .......................... 4-68 30-308 .......................... 4-5
30-143 .......................... 4-56 35-200A (30-1) ............. 4-7
30-144 .......................... 4-69 37-200-2 (30-8) ............ 4-39
30-144A ........................ 4-69 37-200A (30-72) ........... 4-39
30-144B ........................ 4-69 3000-250 (30-12).......... 4-21
30-145 .......................... 4-45 3000-500 (30-13).......... 4-21
30-146 .......................... 4-49 C2000 (30-2) ................ 4-3
30-146A ........................ 4-49 C7000 (30-3) ................ 4-4
30-148 .......................... 4-89 C7000A (30-3A) ........... 4-4
30-149 .......................... 4-72
30-150 .......................... 4-82
30-154A ........................ 4-78
30-154B ........................ 4-78
30-158 .......................... 4-73
30-159 .......................... 4-65
30-159A ........................ 4-65
30-159B ........................ 4-66
30-159C........................ 4-66
30-161 .......................... 4-85
30-161A ........................ 4-85
30-162 .......................... 4-80
30-163 .......................... 4-62
30-164 .......................... 4-6
30-165 LH..................... 4-77

4-2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" Drum Type
Illustrated Parts List Hydraulic

C2000 (30-2)

Organic Lining


075-01100 Torque Plate Assy. 1
1 065-00600
2 097-00102
Plate-Torque 1
Brake Adjuster Eccentric Assy. LH 1 4
096-00102 Eccentric-Brake Adjuster 1
3 094-90100 Nut 1
4 094-03000 Nut-Jam (AN316-4) 1
5 095-15600 Washer-Lock (MS35333-40) 1
6 097-00101 Brake Adjuster Eccentric Assy. RH 1
096-00101 Eccentric-Brake Adjuster 1
3 094-90100 Nut 1
4 094-03000 Nut-Jam (AN316-4) 1
Assy. Number
5 095-15600 Washer-Lock (MS35333-40) 1
A) C2000 (30-2) 7 172-00102 Shoe Assy. LH 1
066-00500 Lining (1) (2) 1
8 145-00200 Bushing 1
NOTES: 105-00300 Rivet (MS16536-93) 6
9 172-00101 Shoe Assy. RH 1
(1) When ordering lining, order
066-00504 which includes 066-00500 Lining (1) (2) 1
rivets. 8 145-00200 Bushing 1
(2) Refer to the latest revision 105-00300 Rivet (MS16536-93) 6
of AWBCMM0001 Compo- 10 091-00300 Cylinder Assy. 1
nent Maintenance Manual 11 167-00100 Tube Assy. 1
for lining installation instruc- 12 092-00100 Piston Assy. 2
062-00200 Piston-Brake 2
089-00100 Plate-Wear 2
13 101-01600 O-Ring (MS28775-211) 2
14 101-00500 O-Ring (MS28775-010) 1
15 082-00300 Spring 1
16 093-00100 Plate-Anchor Bolt 3
17 103-20300 Bolt (AN5-15A) 2
18 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 2
19 095-15700 Washer-Lock 1
20 094-03700 Nut-Jam 1
21 087-00100 Bleeder Assy. 1
22 077-00100 Body-Bleeder 1
23 079-00100 Screw-Bleeder 1
24 101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1

4- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" Drum Type
Illustrated Parts List Mechanical

C7000 (30-3), C7000A (30-3A)

Organic Lining


1 065-00800 Plate-Torque 1 1
2 172-00202 Shoe Assy. LH 1 1
066-00500 Lining (1) (2) 1 1
4 145-00300 Bushing 1 1
105-00300 Rivet (MS16536-93) 6 6
089-00200 Plate-Wear 1 1
Assy. Number 3 172-00201 Shoe Assy. RH 1 1
066-00500 Lining (1) (2) 1 1
A) C7000 (30-3) 4 145-00300 Bushing 1 1
B) C7000A (30-3A) 105-00300 Rivet (MS16536-93) 6 6
089-00200 Plate-Wear 1 1
5 174-00100 Pulley-Bracket Assy. 1
NOTES: 6 179-00100 Pulley Cable 1
(1) When ordering lining, order 7 173-00100 Bracket Pulley 1
066-00504 which includes 8 145-00400 Bushing 1
rivets. 9 145-00500 Bushing 1
(2) Refer to the latest revision of 10 103-00200 Bolt (AN3-7A) 1
AWBCMM0001 Component 11 094-10200 Nut (NASM21083N3) 2 1
Maintenance Manual for lin- 12 103-10600 Bolt (AN4-23A) 1
ing installation instructions.
13 103-10400 Bolt (AN4-15A) 1 2
14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 3 2
15 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2
16 093-00200 Plate-Anchor Bolt 2 2
17 181-00100 Cam Assy. 1 1
18 176-00200 Clip-Washer 1 1
19 176-00100 Clip-Washer 1 1
20 103-00100 Bolt (AN3-5A) 1 1
21 082-00300 Spring 1 1
22 082-00400 Spring 1 1
23 102-25100 Screw (AN526-1024-8) 1 1
24 095-00200 Washer 1 1
25 145-00600 Bushing 1 1

4- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 5" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-9, 30-9A, 30-9C, 30-9D, 30-9E, 30-181A, 30-308

Organic Lining






091-00702 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1
091-04800 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
091-17401 Cylinder Assembly 1
Cylinder Assembly
Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1
1 061-03901 Cylinder 1
NOTES: 061-20100 Cylinder 1
092-00200 Piston Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1) 199-200 Kit Upgrade converts 30-181 to 30-181A. TSO
approved per PRM58. 2 062-00300 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) Inactive superseded by 30-9C. 101-02300 O-Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
5 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 2 2 2 2 2 2 4
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 2 2 2 2
8 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-00300 Pressure Plate Assy 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-12200 Pressure Plate Assy 1
11 063-00500 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
066-10600 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1
066-14800 Lining 1
13 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
074-00200 Back Plate Assy 1 1 1 1 1 1
074-08300 Back Plate Assy 1
14 064-00500 Back Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
066-10600 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1
066-14800 Lining 1
13 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
15 068-00401 Shim 1
103-12100 Bolt (AN4H15A) 2 2 2 2 2 2
103-11500 Bolt 2
075-00800 Torque Plate Assy 1 1 1 1 1
17 075-19300 Torque Plate Assy 1
075-19900 Torque Plate Assy 1

4-5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 5" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-133, 30-164

Organic Lining
Metallic Lining



(2) (3)
091-15800 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-12800 Cylinder Assembly 1
1 061-09600 Cylinder 1 1
092-01700 Piston Assembly 1
092-08100 (3) Piston Assembly 1
062-01600 Piston 1
062-09800 Piston 1
2A 088-00100 Insulator 1
3 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1
073-07200 Pressure Plate Assy 1
073-03600 Pressure Plate Assy 1
4 063-01200 Pressure Plate 1 1
6 177-00300 Pin 2
105-00200 Rivet 2
066-06200 Lining 1
066-10500 Lining 1
(1) Organic lining. 074-05600 Back Plate Assy 1
(2) Metallic lining. 074-02900 Back Plate Assy 1
(3) 199-214 Insulator Kit retrofits brake to add insulator shims and pistons. 5 064-00500 Back Plate 1 1
6 177-00300 Pin 2
105-00200 Rivet 2
066-06200 Lining 1
066-10500 Lining 1
8 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 2
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2
10A 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2
11 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
12 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
14 103-11700 Bolt 2 2
15 075-00800 Torque Plate Assy 1 1
16 068-05300 (3) Shim, Insulator 1

4-6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

35-200A (30-1), 30-4, 30-5, 30-6, 30-7

Organic Lining

091-00200 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1 1
091-00600 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-00200 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1
2 062-00100 Piston 1 1 1 1 1
3 101-02900 O-Ring (MS28775-326) 1 1 1 1 1
4 069-00200 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2
Assy. Number
5 094-10100 Nut (MS21042-6) 2 2 2 2 2
A) 35-200A (30-1) (1) (2) 6 095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 2 2 2 2 2
095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 2 2 2 2 2
B) 30-4 (1) (3) 8 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
9 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
C) 30-5 (1) (3)
10 183-00100 Cap 1 1 1 1 1
D) 30-6 11 104-00300 Fitting (AN816-4D) 1 1 1
073-00100 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1
E) 30-7 (1) (2)
(4) Pressure Plate Assy. 1
12 063-00200 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
13 066-11100 Lining 1 1 1 1
(4) Lining 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares sup-
14 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3 3 3
port only for parts listed.
074-00100 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1
(2) Superceded by 199-49 Kit.
074-00300 Back Plate Assy. 1
(3) Superceded by 30-56A brake (4) Back Plate Assy. 1
and 40-86 wheel.
15 064-00300 Back Plate 1 1 1 1
(4) Inactive part no longer avail- 064-00700 Back Plate 1
able for spares support.
13 066-11100 Lining 1 1 1 1
(4) Lining 1
14 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3 3 3
16 103-20700 Bolt (AN5H14A) 2 2 2 2 2
075-01200 Torque Plate Assy. 1
17 075-00200 Torque Plate Assy. 1
(4) Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
075-00500 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-18, 30-19, 30-19A, 30-40, 30-40A, 30-45

Organic Lining

4- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-18, 30-19, 30-19A, 30-40, 30-40A, 30-45

Organic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 30-18
091-00701 Cylinder Assy. 1 1
091-00702 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 B) 30-19
1 061-00601 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1
C) 30-19A
(3) Cylinder 1
092-00200 Piston Assy. 1 1 1 1 D) 30-40
(3) Piston Assy. 1 1
2 062-00300 Piston 1 1 1 1 E) 30-40A (1)
(3) Piston 1 1
F) 30-45 (1) (2)
3 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 1 1 1 1 1
(3) O-Ring 1
4 069-00200 Anchor Bolt 2
(1) Inactive assembly spares sup-
069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2
port only for parts listed.
5 094-10100 Nut (AN364-624C) 2
(2) 199-60 supersedes 30-45.
094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2
6 095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 2 (3) Inactive part no longer avail-
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 2 2 2 2 2
able for spares support.
7 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 2
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2 2 2 2
8 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
104-00400 Fitting (MS20822-4D) 1 1
11 104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1
104-00300 Fitting (AN816-4D) 1 1
073-00100 Pressure Plate Assy. 1
073-00300 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
12 063-00200 Pressure Plate 1
063-00500 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
13 066-11100 Lining 1
066-10600 Lining 1 1 1 1 1
14 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3 3 3 3
074-00200 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
15 064-00300 Back Plate 1
064-00500 Back Plate 1 1 1 1 1
13 066-11100 Lining 1
066-10600 Lining 1 1 1 1 1
14 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3 3 3 3
103-20700 Bolt (AN5H14A) 2
16 103-12100 Bolt (AN4H15A) 2 2
103-11500 Bolt 2 2 2
075-01600 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-04900 Torque Plate Assy. 1
17 075-02500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-00600 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-01700 Torque Plate Assy. 1
(3) Torque Plate Assy. 1
18 145-01000 Bushing 2 2

4- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-30, 30-55, 30-55B, 30-79, 30-79A, 30-79B, 30-214, 30-214B, 30-224

Organic Lining

4-10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-30, 30-55, 30-55B, 30-79, 30-79A, 30-79B, 30-214, 30-214B, 30-224

Organic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number
A) 30-30
091-02300 Cylinder Assy. 1 1

091-05500 Cylinder Assy. 1 B) 30-55
091-07000 Cylinder Assy. 1
091-07100 Cylinder Assy. 1 C) 30-55B

091-12000 Cylinder Assy. 1
D) 30-79
091-20400 Cylinder Assy. 1
091-21100 Cylinder Assy. 1 E) 30-79A
061-01900 Cylinder 1 1 1
F) 30-79B
1 061-02100 Cylinder 1 1 1

061-14200 Cylinder 1 1 1 G) 30-214
092-01700 Piston Assy. 1 1 1
092-01600 Piston Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 H) 30-214B

2 062-01500 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1
062-01600 Piston 1 1 1 I) 30-224 (3)
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 1 1 1 1 1 1
101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1
Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pressure Plate Assy. 1
(1) Bleeder Assy. special
4 063-01200 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 for 30-79B, not shown.
5 066-10500 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (2) Hardware also used on
6 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 075-12100 Torque
074-01000 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Plate Assy.
074-02900 Back Plate Assy. 1 (3) This brake is not
7 064-01500 Back Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FAA-TSO Approved
Order from Airframe
5 066-10500 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Manufacturer only.
6 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2

069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2

9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) (2) 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
10 A 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) (2) 6
11 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
081-00300 Seat-Bleeder (1) 1
101-00100 O-Ring (MS28775-006) (1) 1
079-00500 Screw-Bleeder (1) 1
104-00300 Fitting (AN816-4D) 1
14 104-00400 Fitting (MS20822-4D) 1
104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1 1
15 103-11600 Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
075-01600 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-05600 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-07700 Torque Plate Assy. 1
16 075-07800 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-07900 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-09100 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-14200 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-19500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
17 075-12100 Torque Plate Assy. 1
18 103-61100 Screw-Sock. Hd. (2) 6

4-11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-53, 30-53A, 30-59, 30-59A, 30-59D, 30-59E

Organic Lining

4-12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-53, 30-53A, 30-59, 30-59A, 30-59D, 30-59E

Organic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number


A) 30-53 (1)
091-09600 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1
091-09800 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 B) 30-53A LH & RH
091-11100 Cylinder Assy. 1
C) 30-59
1 061-07300 Cylinder 1 1

061-07500 Cylinder 1 1 1 D) 30-59A
1 A 061-08900 Cylinder 1
092-01700 Piston Assy. 1 E) 30-59D
092-03200 Piston Assy. 1 1
F) 30-59E
092-04000 Piston Assy. 1 1
2 062-03000 Piston 1 1
062-03900 Piston 1 1 1

2 A 062-01600 Piston 1
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 1 1 NOTES:
101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1 1 (1) Inactive assembly spares
support only for parts listed.
4 069-00400
5 094-10300
Anchor Bolt
Nut (MS21044-N4)
2 (2) Inactive part no longer 4
6 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4 4 available for spares support.
7 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-04600 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 063-03400 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 066-11200 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2
074-03600 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 064-02900 Back Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 066-11200 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2
103-11600 Bolt 2 2
14 103-11700 Bolt (ABP4-20AM) 2 2 2
103-12300 Bolt (AN4H17A) 2
15 104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1
075-07800 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
16 075-03700 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
075-14200 Torque Plate Assy. 1
(2) Torque Plate Assy. 1
17 145-01000 Bushing 2

4-13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-56, 30-56A, 30-56B, 30-56C, 30-56D, 30-56F, 30-63, 30-63A, 30-63B,

30-63D, 30-63E, 30-63F, 30-63J, 30-63K, 30-63M, 30-63P, 30-63Q, 30-63S

Organic Lining

4-14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-56, 30-56A, 30-56B, 30-56C, 30-56D, 30-56F, 30-63, 30-63A, 30-63B,

30-63D, 30-63E, 30-63F, 30-63J, 30-63K, 30-63M, 30-63P, 30-63Q, 30-63S

Organic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 30-56 (1)
091-02200 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
091-02201 Cylinder Assy. 1 B) 30-56A
091-15900 Cylinder Assy. 1 1
091-05000 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 C) 30-56B

091-08400 Cylinder Assy. 1 D) 30-56C
091-11900 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1 1
091-12200 Cylinder Assy. 1 E) 30-56D
1 061-01900 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
F) 30-56F
092-01700 Piston Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 062-01600 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 G) 30-63 (1)
3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-01100 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H) 30-63A
073-03600 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1
I) 30-63B (1)
4 063-01200
5 066-10500
Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J) 30-63D (1) 4
6 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
K) 30-63E
074-01000 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
074-02900 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 L) 30-63F (1)
7 064-01500 Back Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 066-10500 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M) 30-63J
6 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
N) 30-63K
8 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2 0) 30-63M
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
P) 30-63P
10 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
11 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q) 30-63Q
12 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 R) 30-63S
14 104-00300 Fitting (AN816-4D) 1 1

14 A 104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1 1 1 1
15 103-11600 Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
103-12300 Bolt (AN4H17A) 2 2
075-01600 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 (1) Inactive Assembly
- spares support
075-03700 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
only for parts
075-05600 Torque Plate Assy. 1 listed.
075-06701 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-07400 Torque Plate Assy. 1
16 075-07700 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-09400 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-14000 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-05500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-03701 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-09100 Torque Plate Assy. 1
17 145-01000 Bushing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
145-04500 Bushing 4

4-15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-75, 30-75A, 30-75B, 30-75X

Organic Lining



091-04400 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1
Assy. Number 091-06400 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-14100 Cylinder 1 1 1 1
A) 30-75 092-07500 Piston Assy. 1 1 1 1
2 062-08000 Piston 1 1 1 1
B) 30-75A LH & RH
3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1 1

C) 30-75B 073-01100 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1
4 063-01200 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1
D) 30-75X 5 066-10500 Lining 1 1 1 1

6 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2
074-01000 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1
7 064-01500 Back Plate 1 1 1 1
NOTES: 5 066-10500 Lining 1 1 1 1
(1) Position of bushing varies 6 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2
with installation. 8 069-02500 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2
10 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4
11 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
12 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
14 103-11600 Bolt 2 2 2 2
15 104-00400 Fitting (MS20822-4D) 1
075-03700 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
16 075-06700 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-07800 Torque Plate Assy. 1
17 145-01000 Bushing (1) 2 2

4-16 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston


Organic Lining

Assy. Number

1 061-16200 Cylinder 1
2 062-08001 Piston 1
3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1
4 063-01200 Pressure Plate 1
5 066-10500 Lining 1
6 105-00200 Rivet 2
7 064-01500 Back Plate 1
8 069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2
10 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4
11 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1
12 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1
14 104-00300 Fitting (AN816-4D) 1
15 103-11600 Bolt 2

4-17 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

30-239, 30-239A, 30-239B

Organic Lining



NOTES: 091-21500 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
(1) Uses 075-20100 Torque Plate Assy. for left hand brake and 091-21501 Cylinder Assembly 1
075-20150 for right hand brake.
1 061-16200 Cylinder 1 1 1
2 062-08001 Piston 1 1 1
3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1
073-11200 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1
4 063-00500 Pressure Plate 1 1 1
5 066-14100 Lining 1 1 1
6 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3
074-07700 Back Plate Assembly 1 1 1
7 064-00500 Back Plate 1 1 1
5 066-14100 Lining 1 1 1
6 105-00200 Rivet 3 3 3
8 069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2
10 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4
11 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1
12 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1
104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1
104-00900 Fitting (MS20822-3D) 1
15 103-12300 Bolt 2 2 2
(1) Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-07700 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1

4-18 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

C-30018, C-30018-1, C-30018-2, C-30018-3,

C-30018-4, C-30018-5, C30018-6, C30018-7

Organic Lining

Assy. Number

A) C-30018 (3) (4)

B) C-30018-1(3)

C) C-30018-2 (3) (4)

091-30018 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
E) C-30018-4 (3) (4)
(5) Cylinder Sub-Assy. (1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
F) C-30018-5 (3) (4) 1 (5) Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 062-30022 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
G) C-30018-6 (3) (4) 3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

H) C-30018-7 (3) 4 069-30644 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
5 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
NOTES: 6 094-15200 Nut 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 103-14300 Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(1) Cylinder sub-assembly includes
anchor bolts, nuts and washers 8 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
to attach. 9 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) All brake assemblies listed were 10 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
formerly manufactured by Mc- 073-30024 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cauley Industrial Corporation. 11 063-30025 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(3) Inactive assembly spares sup- 12 066-30026 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
port only for parts listed. 13 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(4) Superseded equipment refer to 074-30027 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5 14 064-30028 Back Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
and Cessna Service Kit SK182- 12 066-30026 Lining 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
120 for replacement wheels and
13 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
075-30166 Torque Plate Assy. 1
(5) Inactive part no longer available
for spares support.
15 075-30649 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1
075-30650 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
075-30824 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-19 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Single Piston

C-30764-5, C-30764-6, C-30764-7

Organic Lining


091-30764 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1
A) C-30764-5 (3) (4) (5) Cylinder Sub-Assembly (1) 1 1 1

1 (5) Cylinder 1 1 1
B) C-30764-6 (3) (4)
2 062-30022 Piston 1 1 1
C) C-30764-7 (3) 3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 1 1 1
4 069-30644 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2
NOTES: 5 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4
(1) Cylinder sub-assembly includes 6 094-15200 Nut 2 2 2
anchor bolts, nuts and washers 7 103-14300 Bolt (ABP4-22A) 2 2 2
to attach. 8 101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1 1
(2) All brake assemblies listed were 9 081-30169 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1
formerly manufactured by Mc- 10 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1
Cauley Industrial Corporation.
11 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1
(3) Inactive assembly spares sup- 073-30024 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1
port only for parts listed.
12 063-30025 Pressure Plate 1 1 1
(4) Superseded equipment refer to 13 066-30026 Lining 1 1 1
Cessna Service Bulletin SEB00-5
14 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2
and Cessna Service Kit SK182-
120 for replacement wheels and 074-30027 Back Plate Assy. 1 1 1
brakes. 15 064-30028 Back Plate 1 1 1
(5) Inactive part no longer available 13 066-30026 Lining 1 1 1
for spares support. 14 105-00200 Rivet 2 2 2
075-30649 Torque Plate Assy. 1
16 075-30650 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-30824 Torque Plate Assy 1

4-20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

3000-250 (30-12), 3000-500 (30-13)

Organic Lining

091-00400 Cylinder Assy. 1
091-00500 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-00300 Cylinder 1
092-00200 Piston Assy. 2 2
2 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 2 2
3 062-00300 Piston 2 2
Assy. Number 073-00200 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1
4 066-10600 Lining 2 2
A) 3000-250 (30-12)
5 105-00200 Rivet 6 6
B) 3000-500 (30-13) 6 184-00100 Plate Assy. 1 1
074-00200 Back Plate Assy. 2 2
7 064-00500 Back Plate 2 2
4 066-10600 Lining 2 2
5 105-00200 Rivet 6 6
8 069-00200 Anchor Bolt 2 2
9 094-10100 Nut (MS21042-6) 2 2
10 095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 2 2
11 071-00100 Cylinder-Retract 1 1
12 067-00400 Spacer 1 1
13 095-00200 Washer 1 1
14 082-00500 Spring 1 1
15 094-10200 Nut (NASM21083N3) 1 1
16 068-00200 Shim 1
068-00800 Shim 1
17 103-12100 Bolt (AN4H15A) 4
103-12300 Bolt (AN4H17A) 4
18 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4
087-00200 Bleeder Body Assy. 1 1
19 077-00200 Body-Bleeder 1 1
20 079-00200 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
21 079-00100 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
22 101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 2 2
23 101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1 1
24 075-00300 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-21 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-21, 30-24, 30-35, 30-41, 30-41A, 30-41B,

30-51, 30-51A, 30-51B, 30-60, 30-60A, 30-60B

Organic Lining

4-22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-21, 30-24, 30-35, 30-41, 30-41A, 30-41B,

30-51, 30-51A, 30-51B, 30-60, 30-60A, 30-60B

Organic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 30-21 (1)
091-08800 Cylinder Assy. 1

091-08901 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 B) 30-24 (1)
091-12100 Cylinder Assy. 1 1
061-06600 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 C) 30-35 (1)
1 061-06701 Cylinder 1 1
D) 30-41 (1) (2)
061-07100 Cylinder 1 1
(5) Cylinder 1 1 1 E) 30-41A (1)
092-00200 Piston Assy. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
F) 30-41B
092-00700 Piston Assy. 2 2 2 2
2 062-00300 Piston 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 G) 30-51 (1) (6)
062-00600 Piston 2 2 2 2
3 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 H) 30-51A
101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2
I) 30-51B
4 069-00200 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Nut (MS21042-6)
Washer (AN960-616L)
2 2
2 2
J) 30-60 (1) (4) 4
073-00400 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 K) 30-60A
073-00900 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 L) 30-60B
073-04100 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
7 063-00600 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 066-10600 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

9 105-00200 Rivet 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
068-01200 Shim 1 NOTES:
10 068-00800 Shim 1 1 (1) Inactive assembly
(5) Shim 1 1 1 spares support only
for parts listed.
10 A 068-01100 Shim-Insulating 1
074-00200 Back Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (2) 30-41 superseded by
074-02700 Back Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2 2
11 064-00500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (3) Check position of bush-
ing for proper replace-
8 066-10600 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ment.
9 105-00200 Rivet 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
(4) 30-60 superseded by
103-12200 Bolt (AN4H16A) 4 4 4 4 4 4 30-60A. 30-60A super-
12 103-12100 Bolt (AN4H15A) 4 4 4 4 4 seded by
103-11500 Bolt 4 30-60B.
13 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 (5) Inactive part no longer
14 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 available for spares
15 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 support.
16 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (6) 30-51 superseded by
104-00300 Fitting (AN816-4D) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30-51B.
17 104-00400 Fitting (AN822-4D) 1
104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1
075-00500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-01500 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
075-02700 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
18 075-03900 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-08501 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-12500 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
(5) Torque Plate Assy. 1
19 145-01000 Bushing (3) 2 2

4-23 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-32, 30-32A, 30-32B, 30-32C, 30-32E

Organic Lining

4-24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-32, 30-32A, 30-32B, 30-32C, 30-32E

Organic Lining


Assy. Number
A) 30-32 (1)
091-10200 Cylinder Assy. 1 1

091-19800 Cylinder Assy. 1 B) 30-32A (1)
1 061-08300 Cylinder 1 1 1
(2) Cylinder 1 1 C) 30-32B
092-00900 Piston Assy. 2 2 2 2 2
D) 30-32C
2 062-00800 Piston 2 2 2 2 2
3 088-00200 Insulator 2 2 2 2 2 E) 30-32E
4 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 2 2 2 2 2

5 073-00400 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1
(2) Pressure Plate Assy. 1
6 063-00600 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
7 066-10600 Lining 2 2 2 2 (1) Inactive assembly spares
support only for parts listed.
(2) Lining 2
8 105-00200 Rivet 6 6 6 6 (2) Inactive part no longer
available for spares support.
(2) Pin 4
9 074-00200 Back Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2
(2) Back Plate Assy. 2
10 064-00500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2
11 066-10600 Lining 2 2 2 2
(2) Lining 2
8 105-00200 Rivet 6 6 6 6
(2) Pin 4
12 069-00200 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2
069-02600 Anchor Bolt 2
13 094-10100 Nut (MS21042-6) 2 2 2 2
14 095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 2 2 2 2
15 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1 1
16 068-01200 Shim-Back Plate 1 1
17 103-12000 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4
18 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4
19 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1
20 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
21 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
22 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
075-02100 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 1
23 075-02101 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-05401 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-25 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-52, 30-52A, 30-52B, 30-52D, 30-52E, 30-52F, 30-52G, 30-52H, 30-52K, 30-52L, 30-52M, 30-52N

Organic Lining

(1) Use with 075-11700(LH) and 075-11750(RH) Torque Plates.
(2) 30-52 supersedes 30-52G.
(3) When reordering, specify LH or RH.
(4) 30-52N supersedes 30-52D when reordering.
(5) Use with 075-07500(LH) and 075-07600(RH) Torque Plates order from airframe manufacturer only.
(6) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
(7) Inactive part no longer available for spares support.

4-26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-52, 30-52A, 30-52B, 30-52D, 30-52E, 30-52F, 30-52G, 30-52H, 30-52K, 30-52L, 30-52M, 30-52N








(4) (6)

(2) (6)

(1) (3)

091-02100 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
091-02101 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02103 Cylinder Assembly
091-05100 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-01800 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
061-01801 Cylinder 1
061-03600 Cylinder 1
092-01600 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 062-01500 Piston 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 073-01000 Pressure Plate Assy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 063-01100 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 066-10500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Back Plate Assy
9 064-01500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 066-10500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
103-11800 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
103-12400 Bolt (AN4H21A) 4
11 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1
104-02000 Fitting (AN837-4D) 1
19 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1
20 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 1
075-01500 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1 S
075-01501 Torque Plate Assembly 1 E
075-04400 Torque Plate Assembly 1 E
075-05300 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-05301 Torque Plate Assembly 1 N
21 075-05401 Torque Plate Assembly O 1
075-05402 Torque Plate Assembly T
075-07300 Torque Plate Assembly E 1
075-08600 Torque Plate Assembly S
075-13600 Torque Plate Assembly 1
(7) Torque Plate Assembly 1
22 145-01000 Bushing 2 2 2 2 3 2

4-27 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-52P, 30-52Q, 30-52S, 30-52T, 30-52U, 30-52V, 30-52W, 30-52X, 30-52Y, 30-52Z,
30-52AA, 30-52AB, 30-52AC

Organic Lining

(1) Use with 075-09200(LH) and 075-09300(RH) Torque Plates. (5) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
(2) Use with 075-13800(LH) and 075-13850(RH) Torque Plates. (6) Use with 075-22800 (LH) and 075-22850 (RH) Torque Plates.
(3) When reordering, specify LH or RH. (7) Use with 075-23100 (LH) and 075-23150 (RH) Torque Plates.
(4) 30-52Y to be used with 40-75J corrosive resistant equipment. (8) Use with 075-23800 (LH) and 075-23850 (RH) Torque Plates.








(2) (3)

(3) (6)

(3) (7)

(3) (8)




091-02100 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1
091-02103 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02104 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02105 Cylinder Assembly 1
1 091-05300 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-05800 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
091-10600 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-10601 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
091-10602 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-01800 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1
061-01802 Cylinder 1 1
061-01804 Cylinder 1
061-04200 Cylinder 1
061-08500 Cylinder 1
061-08501 Cylinder 1 1 1

(Continued on next page)

4-28 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-52P, 30-52Q, 30-52S, 30-52T, 30-52U, 30-52V, 30-52W, 30-52X, 30-52Y, 30-52Z,
30-52AA, 30-52AB, 30-52AC

(Continued from previous page)









(2) (3)

(3) (6)

(3) (7)

(3) (8)


092-01600 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
092-07200 Piston Assembly 2
092-08500 Piston Assembly 2
062-01500 Piston 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
062-07300 Piston 2
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
101-34500 O-Ring (M83461/1-222) 2
073-01000 Pressure Plate Assy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-04200 Pressure Plate Assy 1 1
5 063-01100 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 066-10500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Back Plate Assy
Back Plate Assy
2 2 2 2 2
2 2
2 2 2 2 4
9 064-01500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 066-10500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
10 103-11800 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
11 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
12 069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2
069-03100 Anchor Bolt 2 2
13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
081-00500 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1 1 1
19 104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1
19A 104-11200 Fitting 1
075-01500 Torque Plate Assembly S 1 S S S 1 S
075-01501 Torque Plate Assembly E E E E E
075-04400 Torque Plate Assembly E E E E E
075-05300 Torque Plate Assembly
20 075-05301 Torque Plate Assembly N N 1 N N N
075-05401 Torque Plate Assembly O 1 O 1 1 O O O
075-05402 Torque Plate Assembly 1 T T T T T
075-07300 Torque Plate Assembly E E E E E
075-08600 Torque Plate Assembly 1 S S S S S
21 145-01000 Bushing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

4-29 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-54, 30-54A, 30-54B, 30-54C, 30-58A, 30-58B, 30-61, 30-61D, 30-61E, 30-61F, 30-65, 30-65A, 30-65E

Organic Lining













091-02100 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02400 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02401 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02501 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
091-02800 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-03800 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-04100 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-09200 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-15200 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-01800 Cylinder 1
1 061-01802 Cylinder 1
061-02400 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
092-01600 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
092-02100 Piston Assembly 2
062-01500 Piston 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
062-01900 Piston 2

(Continued on next page)

4-30 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-54, 30-54A, 30-54B, 30-54C, 30-58A, 30-58B, 30-61, 30-61D, 30-61E, 30-61F, 30-65, 30-65A, 30-65E

Organic Lining

(Continued from previous page)












3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 082-02000 Spring-Friction 2
073-01000 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-04200 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1
073-06700 Pressure Plate Assembly 1
(2) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1
5 063-01100 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
066-10500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(2) Lining 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
074-01000 Back Plate Assembly 2 2 2
074-01001 Back Plate Assembly 2 2
Back Plate Assembly
Back Plate Assembly 2
2 2 2 4
074-05100 Back Plate Assembly 2
(2) Back Plate Assembly 2 2 2
8 064-01500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 066-10500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(2) Lining 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2 2
10 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
11 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 2
12 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 4 4 4
13 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
104-00300 Fitting (AN8164D) 1 1 1 1
104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1 1 1 1 1
103-11800 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
103-12400 Bolt (AN4H21A) 4 4
075-00500 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-01500 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1
075-03300 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-03301 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
075-03900 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-12600 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-13000 Torque Plate Assembly 1
(2) Torque Plate Assembly 1
19 145-01000 Bushing 2 2 2 2

(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
(2) Inactive part no longer available for spares support.

4-31 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

D-30118-3, D-30118-4, D-30118-5, D-30118-6, D-30118-7, D-30118-8,

D-30118-9, D-30118-10, D-30793-3, D-30793-4, D-30793-5, D-30793-6

Organic Lining

Assy. Number

A) D-30118-3 (3) (4)

B) D-30118-4 (3) (4)

C) D-30118-5 (3) (5)

D) D-30118-6 (3) (5)

E) D-30118-7 (3)

F) D-30118-8 (3)

G) D-30118-9

H) D-30118-10

I) D-30793-3 (3) (6)

J) D-30793-4 (3) (6)

K) D-30793-5 (3)

L) D-30793-6 (3) PART QTY. PER ASSY.

NOTES: 091-30118 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(1) Cylinder sub-assembly 091-30793 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1 1
includes anchor bolts, (7) Cylinder Sub-Assembly (1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
nuts and washers to
attach. 1 (7) Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 062-30161 Piston 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(2) All brake assemblies
listed were formerly
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
manufactured by 4 069-30644 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
McCauley Industrial 5 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Corporation. 6 094-15200 Nut 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(3) Inactive assembly 073-30113 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
spares support only 7 063-30112 Plate-Pressure 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
for parts listed.
8 066-30026 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(4) Superseded by 30-52U 9 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
per Cessna Service Bul-
074-30027 Back Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
letin SEB00-5. Also su-
perseded by conversion 10 064-30028 Plate-Back 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
kit. See Conversion Kit 8 066-30026 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Directory for applicable 9 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Aircraft model.
11 103-14300 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
(5) Superseded equipment 12 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
refer to Cessna Ser-
13 101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
vice Bulletin SEB00-5
and Cessna Service 14 081-30169 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Kit SK182-120 for 15 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
replacement wheels and 16 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
075-30107-1 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
(6) Superseded by 30-241. 075-30107-2 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
(7) Inactive part no longer 17 075-30107-3 Torque Plate Assy. 1
available for spares sup- 075-30107-4 Torque Plate Assy. 1
port. 075-30278-1 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 1
075-30278-2 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 1

4-32 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-23, 30-23A, 30-23B, 30-23C, 30-23D

Metallic Lining

Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 30-23 (3) (4)
091-01300 Cylinder Assy. 1
B) 30-23A (1) (2) (4) 091-08600 Cylinder Assy. 1
C) 30-23B (4) 091-19100 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-06500 Cylinder 1 1 1 1
D) 30-23C (4)
(5) Cylinder 1
E) 30-23D (4) 092-00800 Piston Assy. 2 2 2 2 2
2 062-00700 Piston 2 2 2 2 2
3 088-00100 Insulator 2 2 2 2 2
NOTES: 4 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2 2
(1) Inactive assembly 073-03800 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
spares support only 5 063-00600 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
for parts listed. 6 066-06500 Lining 2 2 2 2 2
(2) 30-23C supersedes 7 177-00300 Pin 4 4 4 4 4
30-23A. 074-02300 Back Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2 2
(3) 30-23: 061-06500 8 064-00500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2
Cylinder supersedes 9 066-06200 Lining 2 2 2 2 2
061-01000 Cylinder & 7 177-00300 Pin 4 4 4 4 4
068-01200 Shim.
10 069-00200 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2
(4) Torque plate, Item 21, 069-02600 Anchor Bolt 2
supplied by airframe
11 094-10100 Nut (MS21042-6) 2 2 2 2 2
12 095-10100 Washer (AN960-616L) 2 2 2 2 2
(5) Inactive part no longer
13 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1 1
available for spares sup-
port. 14 103-12200 Bolt (AN4H16A) 4 4 4 4 4
15 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 4 4 4
16 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
17 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
18 0183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
19 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2 2 2 2 2
20 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1 1
104-02200 Fitting (AN919-2D) 1 1 1

4-33 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-61A, 30-61B, 30-83, 30-83A

Metallic Lining


091-03600 Cylinder Assy. 1 1
091-08100 Cylinder Assy. 1
091-12900 Cylinder Assy. 1
061-01800 Cylinder 1 1
1 061-02500 Cylinder 1
061-10000 Cylinder 1
092-01800 Piston Assy. 2 2 2
Assy. Number 092-02000 Piston Assy. 2
2 062-01700 Piston 2 2 2
A) 30-61A (1) 062-01800 Piston 2
B) 30-61B (2) 3 088-00100 Insulator 2 2 2 2
4 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2
C) 30-83
5 082-02000 Spring-Friction 2
D) 30-83A 073-01600 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1
073-02700 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1
6 063-01100 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1
074-01400 Back Plate Assy. 2 2
074-03000 Back Plate Assy. 2 2
7 064-01500 Back Plate 1 1 1 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 8 177-00300 Pin-Lining 8 8 8 8
support only for parts listed.
9 066-03600 Lining 4 4
(2) This brake is not FAA-TSO 066-06200 Lining 4 4
approved order from
10 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1
airframe manufacturer only.
11 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2
12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2
103-11700 Bolt 4 4
13 103-11800 Bolt 4
103-12400 Bolt (AN4H21A) 4
14 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6 6 6
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
17 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
18 075-01500 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
075-03900 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
19 145-01000 Bushing-T.P. 2 2

4-34 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-127, 30-127A, 30-127C, 30-127D

Metallic Lining


091-11500 Cylinder Assy. 1
091-12700 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1
061-01802 Cylinder
1 061-08500 Cylinder 1 1 1
061-09100 Cylinder 1
092-02000 Piston Assy. 2 2 2 2
2 062-01800 Piston 2 2 2 2
3 088-00100 Insulator 2 2 2 2
4 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2
5 082-02000 Spring-Friction 2 2 2 2
Assy. Number 073-05800 Pressure Plate Assy 1 1 1 1
6 063-04500 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1
A) 30-127 074-03000 Back Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2
B) 30-127A 7 064-01500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2
8 177-00300 Pin-Lining 8 8 8 8
C) 30-127C (1) (2) 9 066-06200 Lining 4 4 4 4
D) 30-127D 10 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1
11 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 1
12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2
13 103-11800 Bolt 4 4 4 4
14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 6
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
(1) Uses 075-13800 Torque Plate 16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
Assy. for left hand brake and 075-
17 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1
13850 for right hand brake.
081-00500 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1
(2) When reordering, specify LH
18 101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1 1
or RH.
075-20200 Torque Plate Assy. 1
19 075-14300 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-14500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
20 145-01000 Bushing-T.P. 2

4-35 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-129, 30-233, 30-233A, 30-233B

Metallic Lining








091-12300 Cylinder Assembly 1 10 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1
091-21200 Cylinder Assembly 1 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2
091-21201 Cylinder Assembly 1 11 069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2 2
091-21202 Cylinder Assembly 1 069-02500 Anchor Bolt 2
1 061-01802 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2
092-02000 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 13 103-11800 Bolt 4 4 4 4
092-08600 Piston Assembly 2 14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 2 2 2 2
2 062-01800 Piston 2 2 2 2 15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
3 088-00100 Insulator 2 2 2 2 16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 17 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1
101-34500 O-Ring 2 18 104-00500 Inlet Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1 1 1
5 082-02000 Spring-Friction 2 2 2 2 075-01500 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
073-02700 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 19 075-05402 Torque Plate Assembly 1
6 063-01100 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 075-20400 Torque Plate Assembly 1
8 177-00300 Pin-Lining 4 4 4 4 20 145-01000 Bushing-Torque Plate 2
9 066-06200 Lining 2 2 2 2
074-03000 Back Plate Assembly 2 2 2 2
7 064-01500 Back Plate 2 2 2 2
8 177-00300 Pin-Lining 4 4 4 4
9 066-06200 Lining 2 2 2 2

4-36 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston


Organic Lining

Assy. Number
091-21600 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-16600 Cylinder 1
NOTES: 2 062-10700 Piston 2
(1) High corrosion resistant, 3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2
amphibious equipment 4 073-04200 Pressure Plate Assy. 1
5 063-01100 Pressure Plate 1
6 066-10500 Lining 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4
8 074-02900 Back Plate Assy. 2
9 064-01500 Back Plate 2
6 066-10500 Lining 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4
10 103-85500 Bolt (MS21250H04026) 4
11 095-14300 Washer (MS20002C4) 4
12 069-03100 Anchor Bolt 2
13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2
14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 2
15 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1
17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1
18 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2
19 104-04700 Fitting 1
20 075-20700 Torque Plate Assy. 1
21 145-01000 Bushing 2

4-37 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

37-200-2 (30-8), 37-200A (30-72)

Organic Lining
Metallic Lining

4-38 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

37-200-2 (30-8), 37-200A (30-72)

Organic Lining
Metallic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 37-200-2 (30-8) (1)
1 091-00100 Cylinder Assy. 2
091-03401 Cylinder Assy. 2 B) 37-200A (30-72) (2)
2 061-00400 Cylinder 2
061-03000 Cylinder 2
092-00200 Piston Assy. 4
092-00900 Piston Assy. 4
(1) Organic lining.
3 062-00300 Piston 4
062-00800 Piston 4 (2) Metallic lining.
4 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 4 4
5 088-00200 Insulator 4

Pressure Plate Assy.
Pressure Plate Assy.
2 4
7 184-00100 Pressure Plate 2 2
8 066-10600 Lining 4
8 A 066-06500 Lining 4
9 105-00200 Rivet 12
10 177-00300 Pin 8
074-00200 Back Plate Assy. 4
074-02300 Back Plate Assy. 4
11 064-00500 Back Plate 4 4
8 066-10600 Lining 4
12 A 066-06200 Lining 4
9 105-00200 Rivet 12
10 177-00300 Pin 8
13 068-00600 Shim 2 2
14 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 2
15 103-12400 Bolt (AN4H21A) 8 8
16 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 8 8
17 071-00100 Cylinder-Retract 2 2
18 067-00400 Spacer 2 2
19 095-00200 Washer 2 2
20 082-00500 Spring 2 2
21 094-10200 Nut (NASM21083N3) 2 2
22 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 2
081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 2
23 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 2 2
24 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 2 2
25 069-00300 Anchor Bolt 4 4
26 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 8 8
27 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 8 8
31 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 2
28 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 4
29 075-00900 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
30 065-01000 Torque Plate 1 1

4-39 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 6" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-96, 30-139

Metallic Lining


091-07400 Cylinder Assy. 2
091-13400 Cylinder Assy. 2
1 061-05300 Cylinder 2 2
092-03000 Piston Assy. 4 4
2 062-02500 Piston 4 4
Assy. Number 3 082-02000 Friction Spring 4
4 088-00200 Insulator 4 4
A) 30-96 073-02700 Pressure Plate Assy. 2 2
B) 30-139 5 063-01100 Pressure Plate 2 2
6 066-06200 Lining 4 4
7 177-00300 Pin 8 8
074-02300 Back Plate Assy. 4
074-04400 Back Plate Assy. 4
8 064-00500 Back Plate 4
064-03700 Back Plate 4
6 066-06200 Lining 4 4
7 177-00300 Pin 8 8
9 068-01100 Shim-Insulator 2 2
10 103-12400 Bolt (AN4H21) 8 8
11 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 12
12 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4 4
13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4 4
14 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 2 2
15 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 4 4
16 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 4 4
17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 2 2
18 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 2 2
19 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 2 2
20 075-10200 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1

4-40 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-66A, 30-66B

Organic Lining





091-03500 Cylinder Assembly 1 11 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2
091-05200 Cylinder Assembly 1 12 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2
1 061-02200 Cylinder 1 1 13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2
092-01600 Piston Assembly 2 2 14 103-11800 Bolt 4 4
2 062-01500 Piston 2 2 15 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 4 4
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 16 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1
4 073-02100 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 17 104-02300 Fitting (AN833-4D) 1
5 063-01400 Pressure Plate 1 1 18 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 1
6 066-11000 Lining 2 2 19 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 20 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
8 074-01700 Back Plate Assembly 2 2 21 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
9 064-01700 Back Plate 2 2 22 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2 2
6 066-11000 Lining 2 2 075-08800 Torque Plate Assembly 1
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 075-09800 Torque Plate Assembly 1
10 068-02500 Shim-Back Plate 1 1

4-41 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-66, 30-66C, 30-66D, 30-66F, 30-66G, 30-66H, 30-69A, 30-69B, 30-74B

Metallic Lining

Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA
Illustrated Parts List







(2) (3)


091-02700 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02701 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-02900 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-04200 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-06500 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
091-12500 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-13200 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-15400 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-02200 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 061-06100 Cylinder 1
061-09500 Cylinder 1
069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2
3 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
4 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
092-01800 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 2
092-02000 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 2 2
5 062-01700 Piston 2 2 2 2
062-01800 Piston 2 2 2 2 2
6 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 082-02000 Spring-Friction 2 2 2 2 2
8 088-00100 Insulator 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(Continued on next page)

4-42 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-66, 30-66C, 30-66D, 30-66F, 30-66G, 30-66H, 30-69A, 30-69B, 30-74B

Metallic Lining
(Continued from previous page)






(2) (3)
073-01300 (5) (6) (7) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-03300 Pressure Plate Assembly 1
063-01400 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
063-02900 Pressure Plate 1
11 177-00300 Pin-Lining 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
074-01200 (8) (9) (10) Back Plate Assembly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
074-02800 Back Plate Assembly 2
10 064-01700 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
11 177-00300 Pin-Lining 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 068-01700 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 068-02500 Shim-Back Plate 1
066-02200 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
066-04400 Lining 4 4
066-06700 Lining 4
15 103-11700 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
103-11800 Bolt 4
101-00600 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1
101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
081-00500 Seat-Bleeder 1
18 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1 1 1 1
104-02200 Fitting (AN919-2D) 1 1
21 104-02300 Fitting (AN833-4D) 1
22 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 1
075-04000 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
075-05100 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-05700 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-09900 Torque Plate Assembly 1
(4) Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-12000 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-14700 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-19800 Torque Plate Assembly 1
145-02700 Bushing 2
145-14700 Bushing 2
(1) Assemblies manufactured after 12/76 use 066-04400 lining, was 066-02200. (2) Inactive assembly - spares support only for parts listed.
(3) 30-66D superseded by 30-66H per SB7053 (4) Inactive part - no longer available for spares support.
(5) 073-01301 is the spares replacement for 073-01300 used on 30-66C, -66H, -69A, and 30-69B, and includes items 9, 11, and 14.
(6) 073-01302 is the spares replacement for 073-01300 used on 30-66 and 30-66F, and includes items 9, 11, and 14.
(7) 073-01304 is the spares replacement for 073-01300 used on 30-66G and includes items 9, 11, and 14.
(8) 074-01201 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 used on 30-66 and 30-66F, and includes items 10, 11, and 14.
(9) 074-01202 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 used on 30-66C, -66H, -69A, and 30-69B, and includes items 10, 11, and 14.
(10) 074-01203 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 used on 30-66G and includes items 10, 11, and 14.

4-43 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-93, 30-93A, 30-93B, 30-93C, 30-93D, 30-93E, 30-145

Metallic Lining






(1) (2)


091-06800 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-06801 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1
091-13700 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-15500 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-19600 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-05200 Cylinder 1
1 061-05201 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1
061-14900 Cylinder 1
2 101-23200 O-Ring (MS28775-132) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
092-02800 Piston Assembly 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 062-02600 Piston 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 082-02000 Friction Ring 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 088-00100 Insulator 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
073-02500 (3) (4) (5) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1
073-06100 (6) Pressure Plate Assembly 1
6 063-02400 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 177-00300 Pin 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

(Continued on next page)

4-44 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-93, 30-93A, 30-93B, 30-93C, 30-93D, 30-93E, 30-145

Metallic Lining

(Continued from previous page)







(1) (2)
074-01200 (7) (8) (9) Back Plate Assembly 3 3 3 3 3 3
074-04600 (10) Back Plate Assembly 3
064-01700 Back Plate 3 3 3 3 3 3
064-03900 Back Plate 3
8 177-00300 Pin 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
066-02200 Lining 6
9 066-04400 Lining 6 6 6 6
066-09700 Lining 6 6
10 068-02700 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2
069-02500 Anchor Bolt 2

095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 8 8 8 8 8 2 8 4
095-14600 Washer (MS14144-4) 6
13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
103-11700 Bolt 6 6 6 6 6 6
103-85500 Bolt (MS28775-012) 6
15 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
16 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 104-02200 Fitting (AN919-2D) 1
075-10900 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-10901 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-12700 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
20 075-15400 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-18700 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-17700 (1) Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-17750 (1) Torque Plate Assembly 1
21 145-13600 Bushing 2

(1) Uses 075-17700 for left hand brake and 075-17750 for right hand brake.
(2) When reordering, specify LH or RH.
(3) 073-02501 is the spares replacement for 073-02500 used on 30-93A and includes items 6, 8, and 9.
(4) 073-02502 is the spares replacement for 073-02500 used on 30-93, -93B, -93D, and 30-93E and includes items 6, 8, and 9.
(5) 073-02503 is the spares replacement for 073-02500 used on 30-93C and includes items 6, 8, and 9.
(6) 073-06101 is the spares replacement for 073-06100 used on 30-145 and includes items 6, 8, and 9.
(7) 074-01201 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 used on 30-93, -93B, -93D, and 30-93E and includes items 7, 8, and 9.
(8) 074-01202 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 used on 30-93A and includes items 7, 8, and 9.
(9) 074-01203 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 used on 30-93C and includes items 7, 8, and 9.
(10) 074-04601 is the spares replacement for 074-04600 used on 30-145 and includes items 7, 8, and 9.

4-45 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston


Metallic Lining


091-06200 Cylinder Assembly 2
1 061-04800 Cylinder 2
2 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 4
092-02600 Piston Assembly 4
3 062-02500 Piston 4
4 082-02000 Spring-Friction 4
5 088-00200 Insulator 4
073-01300 (2) Pressure Plate Assembly 2
6 063-01400 Pressure Plate 2
(1) Uses 075-10100 Torque Plate for left hand Brake; 075-10150 Torque
Plate for right hand Brake order separately from airframe manufacturer. 8 177-00300 Pin 8
074-01200 (3) Back Plate Assembly 4
(2) 073-01301 is the spares replacement for 073-01300 and includes items
6, 8, and 9. 7 064-01700 Back Plate 4
8 177-00300 Pin 8
(3) 074-01202 is the spares replacement for 074-01200 and includes items
7, 8, and 9. 9 066-02200 Lining 8
10 068-01700 Shim-Insulator 2
11 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4
12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4
13 103-11800 Bolt 8
14 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 12
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 2
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 2
17 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2
18 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 2
075-10100 Torque Plate Assembly (ref) Note (1)
075-10150 Torque Plate Assembly (ref) Note (1)

4-46 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

This page intentionally left blank 4

4-47 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-146, 30-146A, 30-220

Metallic Lining

4-48 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Brake Assembly 8" External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-146, 30-146A, 30-220

Metallic Lining



091-14000 Cylinder Assembly 2 2
091-20600 Cylinder Assembly 2
1 061-10700 Cylinder 2 2 2
2 101-26500 O-Ring (MS28775-225) 4 4 4
092-05200 Piston Assembly 4 4 4
3 062-05600 Piston 4 4 4
4 088-00200 Insulator 4 4 4
5 082-02000 Friction Spring 4 4 4
6 139-09300 Piston Guide 4 4 4
7 103-00100 Bolt (AN3-5A) 4 4 4
8 095-10800 Washer (AN960-10L) 4 4 4

9 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 4 4 4
069-02000 Anchor Bolt 4 4
069-02700 Anchor Bolt 4
11 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 12 12 4
11A 095-14300 Washer (MS20002C4) 8
12 103-10100 Bolt (AN4H5A) 4 4 4
066-09100 Pressure Plate/Lining Assembly 2 2
066-13500 Pressure Plate/Lining Assembly 2
066-09200 Back Plate/Lining Assembly 2 2
066-13700 Back Plate/Lining Assembly 2
15 068-04100 Shim-Insulator 2 2 2
103-11800 Bolt 8 8
103-85500 Bolt (MS21250H04026) 8
17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1
18 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1
19 101-24600 O-Ring 3 3 3
20 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1
21 104-04900 Fitting 2 2 2
207-01600 Hose Assembly 1 1
207-00400 Hose Assembly 1
23 104-03100 Fitting 1 1
24A 075-17300 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-16200 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
075-16201 Torque Plate (1) 1 1
25 110-05800 Torque Backup Plate 1 1
26 103-10300 Bolt (AN4-10A) 6 6
27 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6

(1) 075-16201 Torque Plate is for spares replacement only. It does not include item 25, 110-05800
Torque Backup Plate; item 26, 103-10300 Bolts; or item 27, 095-10400 Washers.

4-49 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-67, 30-67A, 30-67B, 30-67C, 30-67D, 30-67X, 30-176, 30-195

Organic Lining

4-50 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-67, 30-67A, 30-67B, 30-67C, 30-67D, 30-67X, 30-176, 30-195

Organic Lining








091-03000 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1 1 NOTES:
091-03001 Cylinder Assembly 1 (1) This brake uses automotive brake fluid.
091-03100 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
091-04900 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-02800 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 1
061-02900 Cylinder 1 1
092-01600 Piston Assembly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
092-02100 Piston Assembly 2
092-07100 Piston Assembly 2
2 062-01500 Piston 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
062-01900 Piston 2
Friction Spring
O-Ring (MS28775-222) 2 2
2 2 2 2 2
101-23100 O-Ring 2
073-01500 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 063-01500 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 066-10800 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
074-01300 Back Plate Assembly 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
8 064-01600 Back Plate 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 066-10800 Lining 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
9 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
103-11600 Bolt 4 4
103-11700 Bolt 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
13 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 2 1 1 1
101-23000 O-Ring 1
17 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 1
18 104-02300 Fitting (AN833-4D) 1
075-04100 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-04200 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
075-07200 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
075-10000 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-10300 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-17400 Torque Plate Assembly 1

4-51 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-89, 30-89A, 30-89B, 30-89C, 30-89E

Organic Lining

4-52 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-89, 30-89A, 30-89B, 30-89C, 30-89E

Organic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 30-89 (1) (2)
091-07700 Cylinder Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
1 061-05800 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1 B) 30-89A (3)
092-02900 Piston Assy. 3 3 3 3 3 C) 30-89B (3)
2 062-02700 Piston 3 3 3 3 3
D) 30-89C
3 082-02000 Friction Spring 3 3 3 3 3
4 073-03000 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 E) 30-89E (4)
5 063-01300 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
6 066-10800 Lining 3 3 3 3 3
7 105-00200 Rivet 6 6 6 6 6
Back Plate Assy.
Back Plate
(1) Uses 075-11500 Torque Plate
Assy. for left hand brake and
075-11550 for right hand brake.
6 066-10800 Lining 3 3 3 3 3
7 105-00200 Rivet 6 6 6 6 6 (2) When reordering, specify LH or
10 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2
11 094-10003 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 (3) This brake is not FAA TSO
approved order from airframe
12 103-11700 Bolt 6 6 6 6 6 manufacturer only.
13 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 8 8 8 8 8
(4) Uses 075-11502 Torque Plate
14 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 Assy. for left hand brake and
15 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 075-11552 for right hand brake.
16 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
17 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1
18 101-23200 O-Ring (MS28775-132) 3 3 3 3 3
075-10000 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-04100 Torque Plate Assy. 1
19 075-18200 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-11500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-11502 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-53 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-28B, 30-28C, 30-28D, 30-68, 30-68A, 30-68B

Metallic Lining

4-54 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-28B, 30-28C, 30-28D, 30-68, 30-68A, 30-68B

Metallic Lining





(1) (2)
091-01002 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-01003 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-01004 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-01100 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-06100 Cylinder Assembly 1
061-02600 Cylinder 1 1 1
1 061-03400 Cylinder 1 1
061-03401 Cylinder 1
092-00800 Piston Assembly 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 062-00700 Piston 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 088-00100 Insulator 3 3 3 3 3 3
073-00500 (4) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1
Pressure Plate
074-00500 (5) Back Plate Assembly 3 3 3 3 3
074-02500 (6) Back Plate Assembly 3
6 064-02700 Back Plate 3 3 3 3 3 3
7 177-00400 Pin 6 6 6 6 6 6
8 066-03300 Lining 6 6 6 6 6 6
9 068-01600 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 (3) Shim-Back Plate 3
103-12000 Bolt 6 6 6
11 103-12100 Bolt (AN4H15A) 6
103-12200 Bolt (AN4H16A) 6 6
12 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 8 8
12A 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2 2 8
13 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2 2
15 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 2 1 1 1 1
20 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1
075-01902 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-01903 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-04300 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1 1
075-08900 Torque Plate Assembly 1

(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
(2) 30-68A superseded by 30-68B.
(3) Inactive part no longer available for spares support.
(4) 073-00501 is the spares replacement for 073-00500 and includes items 5, 7, and 8.

(5) 074-00501 is the spares replacement for 074-00500 and includes items 6, 7, and 8.
(6) 074-02501 is the spares replacement for 074-02500 and includes items 6, 7, and 8.

4-55 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston


Metallic Lining


091-13600 Cylinder Assembly 1
1 061-10400 Cylinder 1
092-05100 Piston Assembly 3
2 062-05300 Piston 3
3 082-02000 Friction Spring 3
4 088-00100 Insulator 3
5 139-08100 Piston Guide 3
6 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 3
7 095-10800 Washer (AN960-10L) 3
(1) Use 075-15300 Torque Plate Assy. for left hand brake and 8 103-00100 Bolt (AN3-5A) 3
075-15900 for right hand brake.
9 101-25700 O-Ring (MS28775-229) 3
(2) When reordering, specify LH or RH. 073-06000 Pressure Plate Assembly 1
10 063-04700 Pressure Plate 1
11 177-01600 Pin 9
12 066-07300 Lining 3
074-04500 Back Plate Assembly 3
13 064-03800 Back Plate 3
11 177-01600 Pin 9
12 066-07300 Lining 3
14 068-04000 Shim-Insulator 1
15 103-22500 Bolt (AN5H-22A) 6
16 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6
17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1
18 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1
19 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1
20 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2
21 069-01200 Anchor Bolt 2
22 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 2
23 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 2
24 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1
25 (1) Torque Plate Assembly 1

4-56 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston

30-84, 30-94, 30-111, 30-184 LH, 30-184 RH

Organic Lining

Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 30-84
091-07200 Cylinder Assy. 1
B) 30-94 091-07201 Cylinder Assy. 1
C) 30-111 (1) (2) 091-17600 Cylinder Assy. 1 1
1 061-05500 Cylinder 1 1 1 1 1
D) 30-184 LH (2)
2 101-23200 O-Ring (MS28775-132) 4 4 4 4
E) 30-184 RH (2) 101-23400 O-Ring 4
092-02900 Piston Assy. 4 4 4 4 4
3 062-02700 Piston 4 4 4 4 4
NOTES: 4 082-02000 Friction Spring 4 4 4 4 4
(1) This brake uses automotive 5 073-02600 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
type brake fluid. 6 063-02500 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
(2) This brake is not FAA TSO 7 066-10800 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
approved order from airframe 8 105-00200 Rivet 8 8 8 8 8
manufacturer only.
9 074-02200 Back Plate Assy. 4 4 4 4 4
10 064-01600 Back Plate 4 4 4 4 4
7 066-10800 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
8 105-00200 Rivet 8 8 8 8 8
11 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2 2
12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2
13 103-11800 Bolt 8 8 8 8 8
14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 10 10 10 10 10
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
18 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1
101-23000 O-Ring 1
075-11000 Torque Plate Assy. 1
19 075-11501 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-13500 Torque Plate Assy. 1
075-11551 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-57 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston

30-95, 30-95A, 30-95B, 30-99, 30-100

Metallic Lining

4-58 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston

30-95, 30-95A, 30-95B, 30-99, 30-100

Metallic Lining

(1) (2) (3)



(3) (4)

(3) (4)

091-08000 Cylinder Assembly 1
(1) 30-95 superseded by 30-95A LH.
091-09100 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-10100 Cylinder Assembly 1 (2) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
091-13800 Cylinder Assembly 1 (3) Uses 075-11100 Torque Plate Assy. for left hand brake
061-04900 Cylinder 1 1 1 and 075-11150 Torque Plate Assy. for right hand brake.

1 061-05400 Cylinder 1 (4) When reordering, specify LH or RH.

(5) Cylinder 1 (5) Inactive part no longer available for spares support.
092-02800 Piston Assembly 4 (6) 073-03201 is the spares replacement for 073-03200 and
092-03400 Piston Assembly 4 includes items 6, 8, and 9.
092-03700 Piston Assembly 4 4 4 (7) 073-04001 is the spares replacement for 073-04000 and
includes items 6, 8, and 9.
062-02600 Piston 4 (8) 074-02501 is the spares replacement for 074-02500 and
062-03200 Piston 4 4 4 4 includes items 7, 8, and 9.
3 082-02000 Friction Spring 4 4 4 4 4 (9) 074-03201 is the spares replacement for 074-03200 and
includes items 7, 8, and 9.
4 088-00100
O-Ring (MS28775-132)
4 4
(10) 074-03401 is the spares replacement for 074-03400 and
includes items 7, 8, and 9.
101-26200 O-Ring 4
073-03200 (6) Pressure Plate Assembly 1
073-04000 (7) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1
6 063-02600 Pressure Plate 1 1 1 1 1
177-00400 Pin-Lining 8
177-01600 Pin-Lining 8 8 8 8
066-03300 Lining 4
066-06600 Lining 4 4 4 4
074-02500 (8) Back Plate Assembly 4
074-03200 (9) Back Plate Assembly 4 4 4
074-03400 (10) Back Plate Assembly 4
7 064-02700 Back Plate 4 4 4 4 4
177-00400 Pin-Lining 8
177-01600 Pin-Lining 8 8 8 8
066-03300 Lining 4
066-06600 Lining 4 4 4 4
068-02800 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1 1
068-03100 Shim-Insulator 1
069-00400 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2 2
069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2
12 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 10 10 10 10 10
13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2 2 2 2
103-10400 Bolt (AN4-15A) 8
14 103-11800 Bolt 8 8
103-12400 Bolt (AN4H-21A) 8 8
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
18 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1 1 1
075-01902 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-11800 Torque Plate Assembly 1

4-59 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston

30-97, 30-113, 30-113A

Metallic Lining


(1) (2)
091-10700 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1
1 061-08600 Cylinder 1 1 1
092-04300 Piston Assembly 4 4 4
2 062-03200 Piston 4 4 4
3 082-02000 Friction Spring 4 4 4
4 088-00100 Insulator 4 4 4
073-04900 (3) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1
5 063-03600 Pressure Plate 1 1 1
7 177-01600 Pin 8 8 8
NOTES: 074-02400 (4) Back Plate Assembly 4 4 4
6 064-02400 Back Plate 4 4 4
(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
7 177-01600 Pin 8 8 8
(2) 30-113 superseded by 30-113A.
8 066-06400 Lining 8 8 8
(3) 073-04901 is the spares replacement for 073-04900 and 9 068-02900 Shim-Insulator 1 1 1
includes items 5, 7, and 8.
(4) 074-02401 is the spares replacement for 074-02400 and 10 069-01200 Anchor Bolt 2 2 2
includes items 6, 7, and 8. 11 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 2 2 2
12 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 2 2 2
13 103-14300 Bolt 8 8 8
14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 8 8 8
15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1
17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1
18 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 4 4 4
19 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1 1
20 104-03100 Fitting 1
075-11300 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-13900 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1

4-60 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston


Metallic Lining

091-13000 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-10100 Cylinder 1
2 101-24200 O-Ring 4
092-05300 Piston Assy. 4
3 062-05400 Piston 4
4 082-02000 Friction Spring 4
5 088-00100 Insulator 4
073-05700 Pressure Plate Assy. 1
6 063-04400 Pressure Plate 1
074-04700 Back Plate Assy. 4
Assy. Number 7 064-03200 Back Plate 4
8 177-01600 Pin 24
A) 30-131 9 105-00200 Rivet 8
10 066-09000 Lining 8
11 068-03300 Shim-Insulator 2
12 069-01800 Anchor Bolt 2
13 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 2
14 094-10100 Nut (MS21042-6) 2
15 103-14500 Bolt 12
16 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12
17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1
18 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1
19 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1
20 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1
21 104-03100 Fitting 1
22 075-15000 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-61 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston

30-163, 30-182

Metallic Lining



091-16100 Cylinder Assembly 1 1
1 061-11800 Cylinder 1 1
2 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 4 4
092-06700 Piston Assembly 4 4
3 062-06700 Piston 4 4
4 088-00100 Insulator 4 4
NOTES: 5 082-02000 Friction Spring 4 4
(1) When reordering, specify LH or RH. 073-08500 (2) Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1
6 063-02500 Pressure Plate 1 1
(2) 073-08501 is the spares replacement for 073-08500 and includes
items 6, 7, and 8. 8 177-00300 Pin 8 8
(3) 074-06601 is the spares replacement for 074-06600 and includes 7 066-03300 Lining 4 4
items 7, 8, and 9.
074-06600 (3) Back Plate Assembly 4 4
9 064-01600 Back Plate 4 4
8 177-00300 Pin 8 8
7 066-03300 Lining 4 4
10 069-01900 Anchor Bolt 2 2
11 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 2 2
12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 2 2
13 068-02800 Shim-Insulator 1 1
14 103-14300 Bolt 8 8
15 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 8 8
16 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
17 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
18 081-00500 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
19 101-50011 O-Ring (MS28775-011) 1 1
075-16800 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-17100 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-11300 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-13900 Torque Plate Assembly 1

4-62 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston


Organic Lining

Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 30-67E
091-03000 Cylinder Assy. 2
1 061-02800 Cylinder 2
092-01600 Piston Assy. 4
2 062-01500 Piston 4
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 4
073-01500 Pressure Plate Assy. 2
4 063-01500 Pressure Plate 2
5 066-10800 Lining 4
6 105-00200 Rivet 8
074-01300 Back Plate Assy. 4
7 064-01600 Back Plate 4
5 066-10800 Lining 4
6 105-00200 Rivet 8
8 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4
10 103-11700 Bolt 8
11 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12
12 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 2
13 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 2
14 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 2
15 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2
16 075-15800 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-63 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-107, 30-107A, 30-107B, 30-159, 30-159A

Metallic Lining

4-64 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-107, 30-107A, 30-107B, 30-159, 30-159A

Metallic Lining

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 30-107 (1) (3)
1 061-11400 Cylinder 2 2
061-09000 Cylinder 2 2 2 B) 30-107A (1) (2) (4)
092-04500 Piston Assy. 4 4
C) 30-107B (1) (3)
092-04800 Piston Assy. 4
2 062-04700 Piston 4 4 4 D) 30-159 (1) (7) (10) (11)
(9) Piston 4 4 E) 30-159A (1) (2) (8)
3 088-00100 Insulator-Piston 4 4 4 4 4
4 101-24900 O-Ring 4 4 4
101-25000 O-Ring 4 4 NOTES:
101-24200 O-Ring 4 4
(1) Inactive assembly spares
5 101-24500 O-Ring 4 support only for parts listed.
101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224 4
(2) Used Skydrol Fluid.
101-21500 O-Ring 4
073-06200 Pressure Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2 2 (3) 199-130 Brake Upgrade Kit
converts 30-107 or 30-107B to
Pressure Plate
30-107C. TSO approved per
PRM 36.
9 066-09000 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
10 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 (4) 199-130A Brake Upgrade Kit
converts 30-107A to 30-107D.
074-04700 Back Plate Assy. 4 4 4 4 4 TSO approved per PRM 38.
7 064-03200 Back Plate 4 4 4 4 4
(5) Stud Assy. replaced by items
8 177-01600 Pin-Lining 12 12 12 12 12
17, 18 and 19 after 11/83.
9 066-09000 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
10 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4 (6) O-ring is part of Fitting Assy.
For replacement O-ring, order
11 068-03300 Shim-Insulator 4 4 4 2 2
P/N 101-24600.
12 069-01200 Anchor Bolt 4 4 4 4 4
13 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 4 4 4 4 (7) 30-159 superseded by
095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 4
14 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 4 4 4 4 4 (8) 30-159A superseded by
15 103-14500 Bolt 12 12 12 30-159C.
103-14200 Bolt 12 12 (9) Inactive part no longer avail-
16 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 12 able for spares support.
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 12 12 12 12 (10) 199-94 Brake Retract Kit ret-
16 A 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4 rofits 30-159 brake to use new
17 103-11500 Bolt 4 4 style retracts. TSO approved
per PRM 49.
(9) Bolt 4 4 4
18 (9) Washer 4 4 4 4 4 (11) 199-173 Brake Retract Kit
19 (9) Guide-Spring 4 4 4 4 4 same as 199-94, except does
not include new cylinders and
20 (9) Washer-Bellville 56 56 44 48 48
21 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
22 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
23 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
24 101-23000 O-Ring 4 4
101-24600 O-Ring 2 2 2
25 (6) 104-03100 Fitting 2 2
104-05500 Fitting 2 2 2
26 104-04900 Fitting 1 1 1 1 1
27 207-01100 Hose Assy.-Link 1 1 1 1 1
28 207-01300 Hose Assy.-Inlet 1 1 1 1 1
29 075-13400 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1 1
075-16700 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
30 (5) (9) Stud Assy. 4 4 4

4-65 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-107C, 30-107D, 30-107E, 30-159B, 30-159C

Metallic Lining







091-16600 Cylinder Assembly 2
091-17000 Cylinder Assembly 2
NOTES: 091-15102 Cylinder Assembly 2
(1) O-ring is part of Fitting Assy. 091-15103 Cylinder Assembly 2
For replacement O-ring, order P/N 101-24600. 091-22000 Cylinder Subassembly, Leading 1
(2) Uses Skydrol Fluid. 091-22001 Cylinder Subassembly, Trailing 1
061-09000 Cylinder 2 2
061-11400 Cylinder 2 2 2
092-04500 Piston Assembly 4
092-04800 Piston Assembly 4
092-07800 Piston Assembly 4 4
092-07801 Piston Assembly 4
062-04700 Piston 4 4
062-08500 Piston 4 4 4
3 088-00100 Instulator 4 4 4 4 4
101-24900 O-Ring 4 4 4
101-25000 O-Ring 4 4
101-24200 O-Ring 4 4
101-24500 O-Ring 4
101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 4
101-21500 O-Ring 4
(Continued on next page)

4-66 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-107C, 30-107D, 30-107E, 30-159B, 30-159C

Metallic Lining

(Continued from previous page)







073-06200 Pressure Plate Assembly 2 2 2 2 2
6 063-03500 Pressure Plate 2 2 2 2 2
8 177-01600 Pin-Lining 12 12 12 12 12
9 066-09000 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
10 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4
074-04700 Back Plate Assembly 4 4 4 4 4
7 064-03200 Back Plate 4 4 4 4 4
8 177-01600 Pin-Lining 12 12 12 12 12
9 066-09000 Lining 4 4 4 4 4
10 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 4 4
11 068-03300 Shim-Insulator 2 2 2 2 2
12 069-01200 Anchor Bolt 4 4 4 4 4
13 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 4 4 4 4 4 4
14 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 4 4 4 4 4
103-14500 Bolt 12 12
103-14200 Bolt 12 12 12
16 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 12 12 12 12
17 139-13100 Stud Assembly 4 4 4 4
18 139-12900 Stud 4 4 4 4
19 139-12700 Friction Sleeve 4 4 4 4
20 139-12800 Friction Sleeve 4 4 4 4
21 103-01300 Bolt 4 4 4 4
22 067-08000 Spacer 4 4 4 4
23 139-13300 Cup Assembly 4 4 4 4 4
24 139-13400 Cup 4 4 4 4 4
25 095-03700 Disc Spring 32 32 32 32 32
26 095-03600 Washer 4 4 4 4 4
27 155-08200 Snap Ring 4 4 4 4 4
28 -------- Lockwire (MS20995C32) AR AR AR AR AR
29 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
30 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
31 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
32 101-23000 O-Ring 4 2
33 101-24600 O-Ring 2 2 2
104-03100 Fitting (1) 2 2 2 2
104-05500 Fitting (1) 2
36 104-04900 Fitting 1 1 1 1 1
37 207-01100 Hose Assembly Link 1 1 1 1 1
38 207-01300 Hose Assembly Inlet 1 1 1 1 1
075-13400 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
075-16700 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1 1
40 111-11600 Retract Stud Assembly 4
41 200-02300 Return Collar Spring 2
42 203-00500 Friction Ring 2
43 177-04400 Friction Pin 2

4-67 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-141, 30-142

Metallic Lining


091-10400 Cylinder Assy. 2
091-13500 Cylinder Assy. 2
1 061-07700 Cylinder 2
061-10300 Cylinder 2
092-04100 Piston Assy. 4
092-05400 Piston Assy. 4
Assy. Number 2 062-04100 Piston 4
062-05500 Piston 4
A) 30-141 3 088-00100 Insulator 4 4
B) 30-142 4 082-02000 Friction 4 4
5 139-08100 Piston Guide 4 4
6 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 4 4
NOTES: 7 095-10800 Washer (AN960-10L) 4 4
(1) Illustrated assembly is 30-142. 8 103-00100 Bolt (AN3-5A) 4 4
9 101-24200 O-Ring 4
101-27300 O-Ring (MS28775-223) 4
073-05900 Pressure Plate Assy. 2 2
10 063-04600 Pressure Plate 2 2
11 066-07300 Lining 8 8
12 177-01600 Pin 24 24
074-04500 Back Plate Assy. 4 4
13 064-03800 Back Plate 4 4
14 068-03900 Shim-Insulator 2 2
15 069-01200 Anchor Bolt 4 4
16 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 4 4
17 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 4 4
18 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 8
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 8
19 103-22500 Bolt (AN5H-22A) 8 8
20 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 1 1
21 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1 1
22 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1 1
23 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 3 3
24 104-03100 Fitting 2 2
25 207-00800 Hose Assy. 1 1
26 075-13700 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1

4-68 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston

30-144, 30-144A, 30-144B

Metallic Lining






091-13900 Cylinder Assembly 2 2 15 068-03300 Shim-Insulator 2 4 2
091-13901 Cylinder Assembly 2 16 103-14200 Bolt 12 12 12
1 061-10600 Cylinder 2 2 2 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 12
092-07300 Piston Assembly 4 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 12
092-04100 Piston Assembly 4 4 069-02400 Anchor Bolt 4
2 062-04100 Piston 4 4 069-01200 Anchor Bolt 4
3 088-00100 Insulator 4 4 4 19 069-02100 Anchor Bolt 4
4 082-02000 Friction Spring 4 4 4 20 103-20100 Bolt 4
5 139-08100 Piston Guide 4 4 4 21 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 4 8 4
6 095-10300 Washer (AN960-10) 4 4 4 22 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 4 4
7 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 4 4 4 23 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1
8 103-00200 Bolt (AN3-7A) 4 4 4 24 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1
9 101-24200 O-Ring 4 4 4 25 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1
073-06200 Pressure Plate Assembly 2 2 2 26 101-24600 O-Ring 1 1 1
10 063-03500 Pressure Plate 2 2 2 27 104-03100 Fitting 2 2 2
12 177-01600 Pin 12 12 12 28 104-04700 Fitting 1 1
13 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4 29 104-04900 Fitting 1
14 066-09000 Lining 4 4 4 207-00700 Hose Assembly 1 1 1
074-04800 Back Plate Assembly 4 4 4
075-15500 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
11 064-03200 Back Plate 4 4 4 31
075-16900 Torque Plate Assembly 1
12 177-01600 Pin 12 12 12
13 105-00200 Rivet 4 4 4
14 066-09000 Lining 4 4 4

4-69 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Three Piston

30-98, 30-98A, 30-98B, 30-98C, 30-98D

Organic Lining


091-07900 Cylinder Assy. 2 2 2
091-07901 Cylinder Assy. 2
091-11000 Cylinder Assy. 2
Assy. Number 1 061-06000 Cylinder 2 2 2 2 2
092-03300 Piston Assy. 6 6 6 6 6
A) 30-98 2 062-03100 Piston 6 6 6 6 6
B) 30-98A (1) 3 082-02000 Friction Spring 6 6 6 6 6
073-03000 Pressure Plate Assy. 2 2 2 2 2
C) 30-98B
4 063-01300 Pressure Plate 2 2 2 2 2
D) 30-98C 5 066-10800 Lining 6 6 6 6 6
E) 30-98D 6 105-00200 Rivet 12 12 12 12 12
074-02200 Back Plate Assy. 6 6 6 6 6
7 064-01600 Back Plate 6 6 6 6 6
NOTES: 5 066-10800 Lining 6 6 6 6 6
(1) This brake uses 6 105-00200 Rivet 12 12 12 12 12
automotive type 8 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4 4 4 4 4
brake fluid. 9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4 4 4 4 4
10 103-11800 Bolt 12 12 12 12 12
11 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 16 16 16 16 16
12 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
13 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
14 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1 1 1 1
15 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 2 2 2 2
16 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 3 3 3 2
101-23000 O-Ring 4
17 101-23500 O-Ring 6
101-50128 O-Ring (MS28775-128) 6 6 6 6
18 207-00600 Hydraulic Line Assy.-Inlet 1 1 1 1
19 104-02000 Fitting (AN837-4D) 1
20 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 1
075-11900 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
21 075-11901 Torque Plate Assy. 1 1
075-11902 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-70 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Three Piston

30-123, 30-138

Metallic Lining





091-10800 Cylinder Assembly 2 2 11 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4 4
1 061-08700 Cylinder 2 2 12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4 4
092-03600 Piston Assembly 6 6 13 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4
2 062-03400 Piston 6 6 14 103-11800 Bolt 12 12
3 101-02700 O-Ring (MS28775-222) 6 6 15 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 12
4 088-00200 Insulator 6 6 16 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
5 082-02000 Friction Spring 6 6 17 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
073-03700 (1) Pressure Plate Assembly 2 2 18 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
6 063-03000 Pressure Plate 2 2 19 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2 2
8 177-01600 Pin 12 12 20 104-03100 Fitting 2 2
074-03200 (2) Back Plate Assembly 6 6 24 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1 1
7 064-02700 Back Plate 6 6 21 207-00800 Hose Assembly 1 1
8 177-01600 Pin 12 12 22 207-01400 Hose Assembly, Inlet 1
9 066-06800 Lining 12 12 075-14100 Torque Plate Assembly 1
10 068-03000 Shim 2 2 075-15100 Torque Plate Assembly 1

(1) 073-03701 is the spares replacement for 073-03700 and includes items 6, 8, and 9.
(2) 074-03202 is the spares replacement for 074-03200 and includes items 7, 8, and 9.

4-71 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Three Piston

30-149, 30-231

Metallic Lining





091-14100 Cylinder Assembly 2 10 068-01600 Shim 2 2
091-21000 Cylinder Assembly 2 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4
1 061-06000 Cylinder 2 069-02800 Anchor Bolt 4
061-15900 Cylinder 2 12 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4 4
092-05500 Piston Assembly 6 103-11800 Bolt 12
092-05501 Piston Assembly 6 103-14300 Bolt 12
2 062-05700 Piston 6 6 14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 16 16
3 101-50128 O-Ring (MS28775-128) 6 6 15 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
4 088-00200 Insulator 6 6 16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
5 082-02000 Friction Spring 6 17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
073-06600 (1) Pressure Plate Assembly 2 2 18 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 4 3
6 063-00700 Pressure Plate 2 2 19 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1 1
8 177-01600 Pin 12 12 20 104-03100 Fitting 2
074-03400 (2) Back Plate Assembly 6 6 207-01300 Hose Assembly 1
7 064-02700 Back Plate 6 6 207-00600 Hose Assembly 1
8 177-01600 Pin 12 12 075-16000 Torque Plate Assembly 1
9 066-06600 Lining 12 12 075-11903 Torque Plate Assembly 1

(1) 073-06601 is the spares replacement for 073-06600 and includes items 6, 8, and 9.
(2) 074-03401 is the spares replacement for 074-03400 and includes items 7, 8, and 9.

4-72 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Four Piston

30-106, 30-158

Metallic Lining





091-09400 (1) Cylinder Assembly 1 1 9 068-03100 Shim-Insulator 2 2
061-07000 (1) Cylinder 1 1 10 104-14400 Bolt (AN4H23A) 16 16
1A 091-09401 (2) Cylinder Assembly 1 1 11 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 16 16
061-07001 (2) Cylinder 1 1 12 069-00400 Anchor Bolt 4 4
092-03900 Piston Assembly 8 8 13 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 4 4
2 062-03800 Piston 8 8 14 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 4 4
3 088-00400 Insulator 8 8 15 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
4 082-02000 Friction Spring 8 8 16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
074-03400 (4) Back Plate Assembly 8 8 17 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
5 064-02700 Back Plate 8 8 18 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1
7 177-01600 Pin 8 8 19 101-02500 O-Ring (MS28775-220) 8 8
073-04300 (3) Pressure Plate Assembly 2 2 20 104-03100 Fitting 2 2
6 063-03100 Pressure Plate 2 2 21 207-00800 Hose Assembly 1 1
7 177-01600 Pin 8 8 075-12800 Torque Plate Assembly 1
8 066-06800 Lining 16 16 075-16600 Torque Plate Assembly 1

(1) 091-09400 Cylinder Assembly leads on LH Gear, trails on RH Gear.
(2) 091-09401 Cylinder Assembly trails on LH Gear, leads on RH Gear.
(3) 073-04301 is the spares replacement for 073-04300 and includes items 6, 7, and 8.
(4) 074-03402 is the spares replacement for 074-03400 and includes items 5, 7, and 8.

4-73 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 12 External
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston


Metallic Lining


091-17300 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-12300 Cylinder 1
2 139-20000 Boot-Piston 4
3 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 4
092-06900 Piston Assy. 4
4 062-06800 Piston 4
5 088-01400 Insulator 4
6 082-02000 Friction Spring 4
Assy. Number 073-07400 Pressure Plate Assy. 1
7 063-05800 Pressure Plate 1
A) 30-170 8 105-00200 Rivet 4
9 177-01600 Pin 12
10 066-10000 Lining 4
074-06000 Back Plate Assy. 4
11 064-03200 Back Plate 4
8 105-00200 Rivet 4
9 177-01600 Pin 12
10 066-10000 Lining 4
12 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1
13 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1
14 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1
15 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 1
16 104-03100 Fitting 1
17 103-16700 Bolt (MS21250H04036) 4
18 103-16800 Bolt (MS21250H04024) 8
19 095-14300 Washer (MS20002-C4) 12
20 068-04600 Shim-Backplate 2
21 069-02300 Anchor Bolt 2
22 094-10100 Nut (MS21042-6) 2
23 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 2
24 075-17000 Torque Plate Assy. 1

4-74 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Brake Assembly 12 External
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Four Piston

30-210, 30-210A

Organic Lining


30-210 (1)

091-19200 Cylinder Assembly 1
1 061-14500 Cylinder 2 2
2 101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 8 8
3 062-09301 Piston 8 8
NOTES: 073-09201 Pressure Plate Assembly 2 2
5 063-05801 Pressure Plate 2 2
(1) SB7067-1 Service Bulletin Kit upgrades brake to 30-210A
configuration per SB7067. 6 105-06700 Rivet 24 24
7 066-13100 Lining 8 8
074-07200 Back Plate Assembly 8 8
8 064-03200 Back Plate 8 8
6 105-06700 Rivet 24 24
7 066-13100 Lining 8 8
9 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1
10 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1 1
11 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1 1
12 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 1 1
13 104-03100 Fitting 1 1
14 104-04900 Fitting 2 2
15 101-24600 O-Ring 2 2
16 207-01600 Hose Assembly 1 1
17 103-16700 Bolt (MS21250H04036) 8 8
18 103-16800 Bolt (MS21250H04024) 16 16
19 095-14300 Washer (MS20002-C4) 24 24
069-02300 Anchor Bolt 4
069-02301 Anchor Bolt 4
21 094-12900 Nut (MS21042-6) 4 4
22 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 4 4
23 075-18500 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1

4-75 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Three Piston

30-208, 30-208A

Metallic Lining

Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 30-208 (1) (2)
1 061-14300 Cylinder 1 1

B) 30-208A 2 230-03700 Insert 6 6
3 062-09100 Piston 3 3
4 101-34500 O-Ring 3 3
5 100-14300 Backup Ring 3 3
NOTES: 6 (3) Insulator 3
(1) Inactive assembly spares 088-01201 Insulator 3
support only for parts listed. 7 (3) Lining 2
(2) Superseded by 30-208A per 066-12901 Lining 2
SB7039. 8 (3) Brake Disc 1
(3) Inactive part no longer avail- 159-06201 Brake Disc 1
able for spares support. 9 064-05901 Back Plate 1 1
10 103-25100 Bolt (MS21250-05034) 4 4
11 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 4 4
12 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1 1
13 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 1 1
14 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1 1
15 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1 1
16 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 2 2
17 094-10402 Nut (MS21045-5E) 4 4
18 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 4 4

4-76 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Four Piston

30-165 LH, 30-165 RH

Metallic Lining


091-16200 Cylinder Assy. 1 1
1 061-11900 Cylinder 1 1
2 062-05900 Piston 4 4
3 101-02100 O-Ring (MS28775-216) 4 4
4 088-01100 Insulator 4 4
5 102-15900 Screw (AN510-416-6) 4 4
Assy. Number 6 139-12300 Lining Indicator Pin 1 1
7 082-06700 Spring 1 1
A) 30-165 LH (1) (2)
8 155-08000 Retaining Ring 1 1

B) 30-165 RH (1) (2) 9 065-15700 Torque Plate 1
10 065-15750 Torque Plate 1
11 069-02200 Anchor Bolt 2 2
12 095-10500 Washer (AN960-524C) 2 2
NOTES: 13 094-10401 Nut (MS21045-5S) 2 2
(1) Used with 40-205 Wheel Assem- 14 103-15400 Bolt (AN4-27A) 7 7
blies. 15 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 14 14
(2) This Brake is not FAA TSO 16 094-10301 Nut (AN365-428C) 7 7
approved order from airframe 074-05800 Back Plate Assy. 1 1
manufacturer only.
17 064-04600 Back Plate 1 1
18 109-00100 Wear Pad 7 7
19 105-01400 Rivet 7 7
20 105-01500 Rivet 7 7
21 159-01400 Disc 2 2
22 232-00600 Stator 1 1
073-07300 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1
23 063-05700 Pressure Plate 1 1
18 109-00100 Wear Pad 7 7
24 105-01100 Rivet 14 14
25 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1 1
26 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 1 1
27 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1 1
28 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1 1

4-77 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 8 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Six Piston

30-154A, 30-154B

Metallic Lining



091-14400 Cylinder Assembly 1
091-18900 Cylinder Assembly 1
1 061-11000 Cylinder 1 1
092-05600 Piston Assembly 6 6
2 062-05800 Piston 6 6
3 088-00200 Insulator 6 6
4 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 6 6
NOTES: 5 065-14700 Torque Plate 1 1
(1) 199-187 Brake Friction Stack Kit provides the components for 063-05000 Pressure Plate 2
the replacement of wearable friction stack components. 6
063-05001 (1) Pressure Plate 2
159-01000 Disc 2
159-01001 (1) Disc 2
232-00100 Center Stator 1
232-00101 (1) Center Stator 1
9 074-05600 Back Plate 1 1
10 094-10300 Bolt (MS21250-05022) 6 6
11 095-02800 Washer (MS20002-C5) 6 6
12 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 1 1
13 094-13100 Nut (MS21042-L5) 6 6
14 104-00200 Fitting (AN815-4D) 1 1
15 101-24600 O-Ring 1 1
16 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1 1
17 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1 1
18 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 1 1
19 101-00700 O-Ring (AN6227-7) 1 1
20 067-06400 Spacer 1 1

4-78 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 8 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Six Piston


Metallic Lining



091-17900 Cylinder Assy. 1 14 103-16900 Bolt (MS21250-04004 10
091-23700 Cylinder Assy. 15 095-14600 Washer (MS14155-4) 10
2 062-08300 Piston 6 16 205-03000 Torque Liner 2
3 088-01800 Insulator 6 17 102-07100 Screw (AN501A10) 2
4 101-50122 O-Ring (MS28775-122) 6 18 101-20800 O-Ring (MS28778-4) 2
5 107-03100 Wiper Ring 6 19 104-02000 Elbow (AN837-4D) 1
073-08300 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 20 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 1
073-11800 Pressure Plate Assy. 21 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1
7 063-06400 Pressure Plate 1 22 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1
109-01500 Wear Pad 16 23 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 1
109-03800 Wear Pad
105-00900 Rivet (MS16535-360) 32
105-00901 Rivet (NASM16535-429)
159-02700 Disc 1
159-00800 Disc
074-06400 Back Plate Assy. 1
074-08100 Back Plate Assy.
12 064-05101 Back Plate 1
109-01500 Wear Pad 16
109-03800 Wear Pad
105-00900 Rivet (MS16535-360) 32
105-00901 Rivet (NASM16535-429)

4-79 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Five Piston


Metallic Lining


1 091-23900 Cylinder Assembly 1 074-05500 Back Plate Assembly 1
2 062-07400 Piston 5 14 064-04300 Back Plate 1
3 101-02100 O-Ring (MS28775-216) 5 10 109-00200 Wear Pad 5
4 088-01500 Insulator 5 11 105-00901 Rivet (NASM16535-429) 10
5 065-15401 Torque Ring 1 15 103-24400 Bolt (MS21250-05-040) 5
6 139-11500 Lining Indicator Pin 1 16 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 5
7 155-04800 Retaining Ring 1 17 094-10401 Nut (MS21045-5S) 5
8 139-11400 Lining Indicator Seat 1 18 104-05000 Plug (AN814-4) 1
073-07100 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 19 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012 3
9 063-05500 Pressure Plate 1 20 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 2
10 109-00200 Wear Pad 5 21 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 2
11 105-00901 Rivet (NASM16535-429) 10 22 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 2
12 159-01200 Disc 2 23 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 5
13 232-00300 Stator 1

4-80 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Five Piston

30-204, 30-204A

Metallic Lining


1 061-14000 Cylinder 1 1
2 062-08900 Piston 5 5
3 101-02300 O-Ring (MS28775-218) 5 5
4 088-01500 Insulator 5 5
5 073-07101 Pressure Plate Assy. 1 1
6 063-05501 Pressure Plate 1 1
7 109-00201 Wear Pad 16 16
8 105-06700 Rivet 32 32
9 (2) Disc 2
159-05900 Disc 2
Assy. Number 10 242-01200 Stator Assy. 1 1
11 232-01201 Stator 1 1
A) 30-204 (1) (3)
12 109-00201 Wear Pad 36 36
B) 30-204A 13 105-06800 Rivet 36 36
14 074-07000 Back Plate Assy. 1 1

15 064-04303 Back Plate 1 1
16 109-00201 Wear Pad 18 18
17 105-06700 Rivet 36 36
(1) Inactive assembly spares sup- 18 065-15401 Torque Ring 1 1
port only for parts listed.
19 103-25100 Bolt (MS21250-0503) 5 5
(2) Inactive part no longer available 20 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 5 5
for spares support.
21 081-00200 Bleeder Seat 2 2
(3) Refer to Service Bulletin SB7041 22 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 2 2
for upgrade to 30-204A.
23 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 3 3
24 104-05000 Plug (AN814-4) 1 1
25 111-10300 Adjuster Assy. 4 4
26 139-21500 Stud 4 4
27 139-12000 Friction Sleeve 4 4
28 139-11900 Sleeve Retainer 4 4
29 067-13200 Spacer 4 4
30 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 4 4
31 155-07800 Snap Ring 4 4
32 082-10400 Spring 4 4
33 111-08301 Retract Base Assy. 4 4
34 230-03300 Insert 4 4
35 139-22101 Retract Base 4 4

4-81 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Six Piston


Metallic Lining


091-14600 Cylinder Assy. 1
1 061-11100 Cylinder 1
Assy. Number 2 062-07100 Piston 6
3 101-02100 O-Ring (MS28775-216) 6
A) 30-150
4 088-01500 Insulator 6

5 103-22900 Bolt (MS21250-05042) 6

6 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 6
7 073-06500 Pressure Plate Assy. 1
(1) Indicated assemblies have
8 063-05200 Pressure Plate 1
lining permanently bonded.
9 109-00200 Wear Pad 6
10 105-00900 Rivet (MS16535-360) 12
11 159-01100 Disc Assy (1) 2
242-00300 Stator Assy. 1
12 232-01200 Stator 1
9 109-00200 Wear Pad 18
22 105-02400 Rivet (MS16535-364) 18
13 065-14800 Torque Plate 1
14 074-05000 Back Plate Assy. 1
15 064-04200 Back Plate 1
9 109-00200 Wear Pad 6
10 105-00900 Rivet (MS16535-360) 12
16 094-12700 Nut-Lock (MS21042-5) 6
17 081-00200 Bleeder-Seat 1
18 079-00300 Bleeder-Screw 1
19 183-00100 Bleeder-Cap 1
20 101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 1
21 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 6

4-82 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Six Piston

This page intentionally left blank 4

4-83 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Six Piston

30-189, 30-189A, 030-18902, 30-161, 30-161A

Metallic Lining

4-84 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Single Cylinder, Six Piston
30-189, 30-189A, 030-18902, 30-161, 30-161A
Metallic Lining

(1) (3) (5) (6)

(1) (2) (6)




091-17800 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 1 NOTES:
091-15600 Cylinder Assembly 1 1 (1) Inactive Assembly - spares support only for parts
145-10200 Bushing 1 1 1
2 (2) 30-189 has been superseded by 30-189A
145-08500 Bushing 1 1
3 062-06300 Piston 6 6 6 6 6 (3) 30-161 has been superseded by 30-161A
088-01900 Insulator 6 6 6 6 (4) Inactive Part - no longer available for spares
(4) Insulator 6 support.
5 101-27900 O-Ring (NAS1611-220) 6 6 6 6 6 (5) 199-165 Brake Retract Kit retrofits brake to use
6 107-03700 Wiper Ring 6 6 6 6 6 improved retracts.
7 205-00900 Torque Liners 2 2 2 2 2 (6) 199-169 Brake Upgrade Kit converts 30-161
8 102-07100 Screw (AN501A10-6) 4 4 4 4 4 brake to 30-161A and 30-189 to 39-189A. TSO
approved per ESB7018 & ESB7022.
9 073-08200 Pressure Plate Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
(7) 199-206 Brake Bolt Kit retrofits brake assembly
10 109-00100 Wear Pad 12 12 12 12 12
to use safety wired bolts. TSO approved per
11 105-01100 Rivet 24 24 24 24 24 ESB7028.
12 242-00700 Center Stator Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
10 109-00100 Wear Pad 32 32 32 32 32
13 105-01200 Rivet 32 32 32 32 32
14 075-17600 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1 1 4
14A (4) Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
10 109-00100 Wear Pad 12 12 12 12 12
15 105-01300 Rivet 24 24 24 24 24
16 (4) Back Plate Assembly 1 1
10 109-00100 Wear Pad 12 12
15 105-01300 Rivet 24 24
159-03500 Disc 2 2 2
(4) Disc 2 2
18 103-85300 Bolt (MS21250H05022) 5 5 5
18A (4) Bolt 5 5
19 095-02800 Washer (Countersunk) (MS20002C5) 5 5 5
19A (4) Washer (Countersunk) 5 5
20 (4) Washer 5 5
21 (4) Nut 5 5
22 081-00600 Bleeder Seat 1 1 1 1 1
23 101-28000 O-Ring 1 1 1 1 1
24 104-05400 Plug (AN814-4K) 1 1 1 1 1
25 101-28200 O-Ring (NAS1612-4A) 2 2 2 2 2
26 079-00300 Bleeder Screw 1 1 1 1 1
27 183-00100 Bleeder Cap 1 1 1 1 1
111-09801 Shuttle Valve Assembly 1 1 1
(4) Shuttle Valve Assembly 1 1
29 101-28100 O-Ring (NAS1611-13) 1 1 1 1 1
23 101-28000 O-Ring 1 1 1 1 1
30 111-07900 Retract Assembly 3 3 3 3 3
31 111-08400 Retract Housing Assembly 3 3 3 3 3
32 071-00200 Retract Housing 3 3 3 3 3
33 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 3 3 3 3 3
34 155-07800 Snap Ring 3 3 3 3 3
35 082-10400 Spring 3 3 3 3 3
36 111-08200 Adjuster Assembly 3 3 3 3 3
37 111-08300 Retract Base Assembly 3 3 3 3 3
38 104-05200 Fitting (AN815-4K) 1 1 1 1 1

4-85 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston


Organic Lining

4-86 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 10 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Dual Piston


Organic Lining

Catalog AWBPC0001-6.2/USA
Illustrated Parts List
PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number
A) 30-31
091-02000 Cylinder Assy. 2
1 061-01500 Cylinder 2
092-01300 Piston Assy. 4
2 062-01201 Piston 4 NOTE:
3 101-02500 O-Ring (MS28775-220) 4 (1) Used with 40-46
4 202-00101 Bolt-Spring 4 Wheel Assembly.
5 082-01400 Spring-Retract 4
6 203-00100 Ring-Friction 4
7 101-00500 O-Ring (MS28775-010) 4
8 094-10200 Nut (NASM21083N3) 4

9 065-02000 Torque Plate 1
10 066-11700 Lining - Torque Plate 4
11 204-00100 Plate-Carrier 2
12 066-11900 Lining -Carrier Plate 4
13 064-01300 Back Plate 2
14 066-11800 Lining - Back Plate 4
15 061-01502 Cylinder Shim 2
16 159-00300 Disc-Brake 2
17 067-00701 Neoprene Shim 2
18 067-00900 Spacer 2
19 103-30300 Bolt (AN6H-25A) 2
20 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 2
21 103-12600 Bolt (AN4H-26A) 4
22 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 4
23 104-00400 Fitting (MS20822-4D) 2
24 104-00500 Fitting (MS20823-4D) 1
25 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 1
26 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 1
27 081-00100 Seat-Bleeder 1
28 207-00600 Hydraulic Line Assy. 1
29 067-00700 Spacer 2
30 102-15100 Screw (MS24672-2) 2

4-87 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 16 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Two or Three Piston

30-91, 30-103, 30-148

Organic Lining

4-88 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Brake Assembly 16 Internal
Illustrated Parts List Dual Cylinder, Two or Three Piston

30-91, 30-103, 30-148

PER ASSY. Organic Lining


(2) (3)
091-06600 Cylinder Assembly 2
091-09700 Cylinder Assembly 2 2
1 061-07800 Cylinder (3-piston) 2 2
1A 061-05100 Cylinder (2-piston) 2 (1) This brake uses automotive type brake fluid.
101-05200 O-Ring (MS28775-224) 6 6 (2) 30-103 superseded by 30-148.
101-21500 O-Ring 4 (3) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
3 139-02300 Boot-Piston 4 6 6
092-02500 Piston Assembly 4 * Not illustrated.
092-05700 Piston Assembly 6 6
4 062-02400 Piston 4 6 6
082-02000 Friction Spring 4
082-05300 Friction Spring 6 6
073-02400 Pressure Plate Assembly 4
073-05400 Pressure Plate Assembly 4 4
063-02300 Pressure Plate 4
063-04100 Pressure Plate 4 4
6 066-11300 Lining 12 16 16
7 105-00200 Rivet 24 32 32 4
074-02100 Back Plate 2
074-03800 Back Plate 2 2
9 069-01100 Anchor Pin 4 4
10 103-22800 Bolt (MS21250-05048) 4
11 103-30500 Bolt (AN6-30A) 6
103-40200 Bolt (AN7-34A) 6 6
12 094-10100 Nut (MS2142-6) 6
12A 094-12200 Nut (AN365-720) 4 10 6
12B 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 4
13 095-12400 Washer-Seal 12
13A 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 4
13B 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 4
13C 095-12300 Washer (AN960-716) 12
13D 095-12700 Washer-Seal 8 20
* 145-02701 Bushing 6
14 145-08200 Bushing 4
15 081-00200 Seat-Bleeder 2 2 2
16 079-00300 Screw-Bleeder 2 2 2
17 183-00100 Cap-Bleeder 2 2 2
101-23000 O-Ring 5
101-00700 O-Ring (MS28775-012) 4 4
19 094-90500 Nut (AN924-4D) 3 2 2
20 104-02300 Fitting (AN833-4D) 2 1 1
104-02900 Fitting (AN784D4) 1
104-02700 Fitting (AN804D4) 1 1
207-00500 Hydraulic Line Assembly 1
207-01300 Hydraulic Line Assembly 1 1
075-10800 Torque Plate Assembly 1
075-13300 Torque Plate Assembly 1 1
159-00700 Brake Disc 1
159-00900 Brake Disc 1 1

4-89 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA

4-90 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly
Part Number Index All


Unless otherwise noted, listed Wheels and Brakes are FAA TSO C26 Approved.
For a product to be TSO qualified, it has to have successfully demonstrated its ability to meet minimum
performance standards in accordance with FAA recognized rating methods. The TSO approval of a
product does not constitute installation approval or applicability on an FAA Type Certificated Aircraft. It
is the responsibility of those installing these products to determine that the aircraft installation and its
wheel and brake performance requirements are compatible for the TSO ratings of the wheel and brake.
TSO approved products must have separate approval for installation in a FAA type certificated aircraft.
TSO Approved Products may be installed only if performed under Title 14 CFR Part 43 or the applicable
airworthiness requirements.

21-100D (40-2) ............. 5-10 40-59 ............................ 5-44 40-77E .......................... 5-12 40-97D.......................... 5-52
27-100D (40-1) ............. 5-35 40-59A .......................... 5-44 40-77F .......................... 5-12 40-97E .......................... 5-52
3040 (40-6) ................... 5-38 40-59D.......................... 5-44 40-77G ......................... 5-11 40-97F .......................... 5-52
3050 (40-7) ................... 5-38 40-59E .......................... 5-44 40-78 ............................ 5-33 40-98 ............................ 5-63
3050A (40-7A) .............. 5-38 40-60 ............................ 5-45 40-78A .......................... 5-33 40-98A .......................... 5-63
3070 (40-5) ................... 5-36 40-60A .......................... 5-45 40-78B .......................... 5-33 40-98D.......................... 5-63
3080A (40-3) ................ 5-36 40-61 ............................ 5-43 40-78E .......................... 5-33 40-98E .......................... 5-63
3080B (40-4) ................ 5-37 40-66 ............................ 5-43 40-78J .......................... 5-33 40-98F .......................... 5-63
3080D (40-116) ............ 5-37 40-67 ............................ 5-39 40-79A .......................... 5-48 40-98G ......................... 5-63
38501 (40-8) ................. 5-17 40-74 ............................ 5-46 40-83 ............................ 5-48 40-98H.......................... 5-63
40-12 ............................ 5-33 40-74A .......................... 5-46 40-83A .......................... 5-48 40-98N.......................... 5-63
40-12A .......................... 5-33 40-74B .......................... 5-46 40-83B .......................... 5-48 40-98P .......................... 5-63
40-18 ............................ 5-10 40-75B .......................... 5-47 40-84 ............................ 5-48 40-99 ............................ 5-52
40-19 ............................ 5-34
40-19A .......................... 5-34
40-75D.......................... 5-47
40-75E .......................... 5-47
40-84A .......................... 5-48
40-84B .......................... 5-48
40-101 .......................... 5-79
40-101A ........................ 5-79
40-21 ............................ 5-39 40-75F .......................... 5-47 40-86 ............................ 5-49 40-101D........................ 5-79
40-24 ............................ 5-39 40-75G ......................... 5-47 40-86A .......................... 5-49 40-101E ........................ 5-79
40-28 ............................ 5-39 40-75H.......................... 5-47 40-86B .......................... 5-49 40-102 .......................... 5-71
40-28D.......................... 5-39 40-75J .......................... 5-47 40-86E .......................... 5-49 40-102A ........................ 5-71
40-30A .......................... 5-17 40-75P .......................... 5-47 40-86F .......................... 5-49 40-103 .......................... 5-3
40-32 ............................ 5-35 40-75S .......................... 5-47 40-87 ............................ 5-11 40-103A ........................ 5-3
40-33 ............................ 5-10 40-75T .......................... 5-47 40-87A .......................... 5-11 40-106 .......................... 5-73
40-34 ............................ 5-40 40-75W ......................... 5-47 40-87C.......................... 5-11 40-106A ........................ 5-73
40-37 ............................ 5-43 40-75Z .......................... 5-47 40-87D.......................... 5-11 40-107A ........................ 5-81
40-40A .......................... 5-71 40-76A .......................... 5-17 40-87F .......................... 5-11 40-110 .......................... 5-13
40-40B .......................... 5-71 40-76B .......................... 5-17 40-87G ......................... 5-11 40-110B ........................ 5-13
40-40C.......................... 5-71 40-76C.......................... 5-17 40-87H.......................... 5-11 40-111 .......................... 5-64
40-40D.......................... 5-72 40-76D.......................... 5-18 40-88C.......................... 5-49 40-111A ........................ 5-64
40-41 ............................ 5-49 40-76E .......................... 5-18 40-90 ............................ 5-50 40-112 .......................... 5-6
40-46 ............................ 5-90 40-76F .......................... 5-18 40-90A .......................... 5-50 40-113 .......................... 5-53
40-47 ............................ 5-62 40-76G ......................... 5-18 40-90B .......................... 5-50 40-113A ........................ 5-53
40-50 ............................ 5-6 40-76H.......................... 5-18 40-90D.......................... 5-50 40-113B ........................ 5-17
40-55 ............................ 5-17 40-76P .......................... 5-17 40-90E .......................... 5-50 40-113C........................ 5-53
40-56 ............................ 5-18 40-76-1 ......................... 5-4 40-90F .......................... 5-50 40-113X ........................ 5-53
40-56B .......................... 5-18 40-77 ............................ 5-11 40-96A .......................... 5-51 40-115 .......................... 5-13
40-56C.......................... 5-19 40-77A .......................... 5-11 40-96E .......................... 5-51 40-115A ........................ 5-13
40-57 ............................ 5-43 40-77B .......................... 5-11 40-97A .......................... 5-52 40-115B ........................ 5-13
40-57A .......................... 5-43 40-77C.......................... 5-12 40-97B .......................... 5-52 40-115C........................ 5-13
40-58 ............................ 5-40 40-77D.......................... 5-12 40-97C.......................... 5-52 40-117A ........................ 5-27

5-1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly
Part Number Index All

40-120........................... 5-54 40-199........................... 5-7 McCauley Product Line

40-120A......................... 5-20 40-199A......................... 5-7
40-120C......................... 5-54 40-202........................... 5-91 C-30174-1..................... 5-14
40-124........................... 5-65 40-203........................... 5-89 C-30179......................... 5-22
40-127........................... 5-92 40-204........................... 5-30 D-30204......................... 5-22
40-128........................... 5-65 40-205........................... 5-87 D-30255......................... 5-22
40-128C......................... 5-65 40-210........................... 5-24 D-30260......................... 5-57
40-128D......................... 5-65 40-211........................... 5-82 D-30260-1..................... 5-57
40-128E......................... 5-65 040-21101..................... 5-82 D-30291-1..................... 5-58
40-129........................... 5-79 40-212........................... 5-29 D-30291-2..................... 5-58
40-130........................... 5-71 40-223........................... 5-79 D-30291-3..................... 5-58
40-131........................... 5-37 40-230........................... 5-33 D-30291-4..................... 5-58
40-132........................... 5-73 40-234........................... 5-79 D-30291-5..................... 5-58
40-133........................... 5-80 40-239........................... 5-91 D-30291-6..................... 5-58
40-134........................... 5-79 040-23901..................... 5-91 D-30380......................... 5-8
40-134A......................... 5-79 40-240A......................... 5-84 C-30480......................... 5-14
40-135........................... 5-71 40-255........................... 5-68 D-30500......................... 5-15
40-135A......................... 5-72 40-256........................... 5-71 D-30500-1..................... 5-15
40-137........................... 5-92 40-258........................... 5-67 D-30570......................... 5-22
40-138A......................... 5-74 40-259........................... 5-83 D-30580......................... 5-57
40-139........................... 5-80 40-260........................... 5-25 D-30585......................... 5-22
40-140........................... 5-20 40-262A......................... 5-10 D-30660-1..................... 5-59
40-140A......................... 5-20 40-262AA...................... 5-10 D-30660-2..................... 5-59
40-140C......................... 5-20 40-270........................... 5-84 D-30660-3..................... 5-59
40-141........................... 5-73 40-273........................... 5-89 D-30660-4..................... 5-59
40-142........................... 5-54 40-273A......................... 5-89 D-30660-5..................... 5-59
40-142A......................... 5-54 40-273B......................... 5-89 D-30660-6..................... 5-60
40-143........................... 5-55 40-276........................... 5-84 D-30660-7..................... 5-60
40-148........................... 5-81 40-279........................... 5-82 D-30660-8..................... 5-60
40-151........................... 5-33 40-279A......................... 5-82 D-30660-9..................... 5-60
40-151A......................... 5-33 40-281........................... 5-45 D-30660-10................... 5-60
40-152........................... 5-11 40-289........................... 5-67 D-30665......................... 5-23
40-162........................... 5-75 40-307........................... 5-12 D-30665-1..................... 5-23
40-163........................... 5-55 40-308........................... 5-33
40-166........................... 5-77 40-403........................... 5-80
40-167........................... 5-77 40-406........................... 5-51
40-168........................... 5-9 40-406A......................... 5-51
40-169........................... 5-77 40-407........................... 5-61
40-170........................... 5-81 40-414........................... 5-61
40-170A......................... 5-81 40-414A......................... 5-61
40-170B......................... 5-81 40-417........................... 5-5
40-171........................... 5-66 40-418........................... 5-56
40-172........................... 5-67 40-418A......................... 5-56
40-174........................... 5-92 40-418B......................... 5-56
40-175........................... 5-80 40-418C......................... 5-56
40-176........................... 5-89 40-426........................... 5-21
40-177A......................... 5-28 40-426A......................... 5-21
40-179........................... 5-79 40-434........................... 5-85
40-179A......................... 5-79 40-450........................... 5-26
40-181B......................... 5-86 40-455........................... 5-31
40-181C......................... 5-86
40-193........................... 5-28
40-195........................... 5-75
40-196........................... 5-71
40-198........................... 5-81

5-2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Dolly
Illustrated Parts List 4.10/3.50-6

40-103, 40-103A


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-103 (1)
1 161-03700 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
B) 40-103A (1) 161-11300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01600 Bearing 1 1
3 101-04600 O-Ring 1 1
NOTES: 4 162-03700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(1) Service equipment only these 162-10300 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
wheels are not FAA-TSO ap- 2 214-01600 Bearing 1 1
3 101-04600 O-Ring 1 1
5 213-00200 Grease Fitting 1 1
6 103-10300 Bolt (AN4-10A) 3 3
7 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6 6
8 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Dolly
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-76-1 (1) (2)
1 (3) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1

3 (3) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
(1) Service equipment only these
wheels are not FAA TSO ap-
4 103-10900 Bolt (AN4-35A) 3
proved. 5 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3
6 095-00200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6
(2) Inactive assembly spares
support only for parts listed. 7 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 2
8 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 2
(3) Inactive part no longer avail-
able for spares support. 9 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 2
10 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
11 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Dolly
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-4



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-417 (1)
1 161-19800 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

2 214-00300 Cup Bearing 1

3 214-00400 Cone-Bearing-Inboard 1
4 162-19800 Outer Wheel Hald Assy. 1
(1) Service equipment only this
wheel is not FAA-TSO ap-
5 214-12400 Cup Bearing 1
proved. 6 214-12300 Cone-Bearing-Outboard 1
7 103-86100 Bolt (MS21250-04042) 5
8 095-14500 Washer (MS14155-4) 10
9 094-13800 Nut 5
10 154-07700 Seal, Bearing-Inboard 1
11 154-07800 Seal, Bearing-Outboard 1
12 155-13700 Ring, Retaining-Inboard 1
13 155-13800 Ring, Retaining-Outboard 1
14 101-60800 Packing, Preformed 1
15 160-02000 Valve Assy, Inflation 1
16 140-04000 Plug 1
17 101-61700 Preformed Packing (MS28778-3) 1

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Tail
Illustrated Parts List 10.00 S.C./4-1/2 x 12-1/2

40-50, 40-112



1 161-04800 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00900 Cup-Bearing 1
Assy. Number 3 162-04600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
A) 40-50 (1) (3) 214-00900 Cup-Bearing 1
4 201-00100 Wheel Body Assy. 1
B) 40-112 (2) (4) 5 214-00500 Cup-Bearing 2

6 214-00600 Cone-Bearing 2
7 153-01100 Ring-Grease Seal 2
8 226-00100 Grease Seal 2
(1) Size 10.00 S.C. 9 155-00800 Snap Ring 2
(2) Size 4-1/2 x 12-1/2 10 197-00100 Flange-Wheel 1
(3) Fits 5/8" axle 11 198-00100 Ring-Lock 1
12 217-00100 Grommet 1
(4) Fits 1" axle
13 103-13500 Bolt (AN4-47A) 3
14 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6
15 094-10300 Nut-Lock (MS21044-N4) 3
16 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 2
17 153-01700 Ring-Grease Seal 4
18 154-02100 Felt-Grease Seal 2
19 155-00600 Snap Ring 2

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Wheel Assembly Tail
Illustrated Parts List 10 x 3.50-4

40-199, 40-199A



(1) (2) (3)

(1) (2) (4)

NOTES: 40-199
(1) This wheel is not FAA-TSO approved order from
airframe manufacturer only. 161-12200 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(2) Additional tire sizes: 161-14400 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
4.10/3.50-4, 2.80/2.50-4, 214-00500 Bearing Cup 1
8 x 3.00-4. 214-82700 Bearing Cup 1
(3) Fits 5/8" axle. 162-11200 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-13200 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
(4) Fits 1/2" axle.
214-00500 Bearing Cup 1
214-82700 Bearing Cup 1
4 103-10600 Bolt (AN4-23A) 3 3
5 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6
6 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3
214-00600 Bearing Cone 2
214-82800 Bearing Cone 2
8 217-00100 Grommet 1 1
9 226-00100 Grease Seal 2 2
10 153-01100 Grease Seal Ring 2 2
11 155-00800 Snap Ring 2 2

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Tail
Illustrated Parts List 2.75 x 4.00



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) D-30380
1 161-30382 Wheel Half Assy. 2
2 214-30371 Bearing 2
3 103-14700 Bolt (AN4-7A) 3
NOTES: 4 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6
(1) All wheel assemblies were 5 094-15300 Nut 3
formerly manufactured by 6 067-30372 Spacer 2
McCauley Industrial Corpo- 7 068-30373 Gasket 1

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Tail
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-168 1 161-10400 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00900 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-09700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00900 Cup-Bearing 1
4 217-00100 Grommet 1
5 103-10500 Bolt (AN4-22A) 3
6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6
7 094-01200 Nut (MS21042-4) 3
8 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 2
9 067-06200 Spacer 2
10 154-03500 Grease Seal-Molded 2
11 153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 2
12 102-05100 Screw-F.H. Cap (AN500-8-8) 6
13 095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 6
14 213-00600 Fitting-Grease 1
15 101-25300 O-Ring (MS28775-134) 1

5- Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

21-100D (40-2), 40-18, 40-33, 40-262A, 40-262AA



21-100D (40-2)

(1) (2)

(1) (2)

(2) (3)

162-00500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
1 162-15200 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
(4) Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
214-03200 Cup-Bearing 1 1
NOTES: 161-00500 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
3 161-16300 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
(1) Use tubeless tire with needle inflation.
(4) Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(2) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
(3) 40-33 superseded by 40-87. 2
214-03200 Cup-Bearing 1 1
(4) Inactive part no longer available for spares support. 101-07200 O-Ring (MS28775-244) 1 1
101-50242 O-Ring (MS28775-242) 1 1
103-10800 Bolt (AN4-31A) 3 3 3
5 103-17800 Bolt 3
103-17600 Bolt (MS21250-0434 3
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6
6 095-73400 Washer (MS14177-4) 6
095-71400 Washer (MS14177-4 6
094-10300 Nut (NAS21042-4) 3 3 3
7 094-10100 Nut 3
094-13800 Nut 3
153-00100 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4
153-00800 Ring-Grease Seal 4
9 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2
154-00100 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2
10 154-00600 Felt-Grease Seal 2
154-03200 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2
214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
214-03300 Cone-Bearing 2 2
12 160-01900 Air Valve (MS27436-1) 1 1

5-10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

40-77, 40-77A, 40-77B, 40-77G, 40-87, 40-87A

40-87C, 40-87D, 40-87F, 40-87G, 40-87H, 40-152

Tube - Type










162-02800 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1

162-03600 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
1 162-03900 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-03901 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-05300 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
3 217-00100 Grommet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
161-03100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
161-03800 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
4 161-04100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-04101 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-05500 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
103-10500 Bolt (AN4-22A) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 103-15100 Bolt (NAS6604-30) 3
103-85600 Bolt (MS21250-04030) 3
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
095-14600 Washer (MS14155-4) 6
094-01200 Nut (NAS21042-4) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
094-10301 Nut (MMS21045-4S) 3
094-13800 Nut 3
153-00100 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4 4 4 4
153-00800 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4 4 4
9 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10 154-00100 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2 2
154-00600 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2
154-03200 Molded Grease Seal 2 2 2
11 214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
12 067-04900 Spacer 1
13 217-30653 Grommet 1

5-11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

40-77C, 40-77D, 40-77E, 40-77F, 40-307







(1) (2)

162-07200 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
162-07201 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
162-08200 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed. 162-24000 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(2) 40-77E supersedes 40-77D. 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1
(3) Inactive part no longer available for spares support. 214-03200 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
(4) 199-261 Tiebolt Service Kit available for this wheel. Refer to PRM 83. 3 217-00100 Grommet 1 1 1 1 1
161-07700 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
(5) 199-263 Tiebolt Service Kit available for this wheel. Refer to PRM 83.
161-07701 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
161-08800 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
161-24000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1
214-03200 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
5 103-10500 Bolt (AN4-22A) 3 3 3 3 3
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6 6 6
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6
094-01200 Nut (MS21042-4) 3 3 3 3
094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3
8 153-00800 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4
9 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2
154-00600 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2
(3) Felt-Grease Seal 2
11 154-03200 Molded Grease Seal 2 2
214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2
214-03300 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2

5-12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

40-110, 40-110B, 40-115, 40-115A, 40-115B, 40-115C









161-05500 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
1 161-06500 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
161-12900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
NOTES: 162-05300 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
3 162-06100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
(1) Inactive Assembly - spares support only for parts listed.
162-11900 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
(2) 40-115B supersedes 40-115 and 40-115A. 2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 217-00100 Grommet 1 1 1 1 1 1
103-10500 Bolt (AN4-22A) 3 3 3
103-85600 Bolt (MS21250-0403) 3 3 3
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6
095-14300 Washer (MS20002C4) 6 6 6
094-01200 Nut (MS21042-4) 3 3
7 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3
094-10301 Nut (MS21045-4S) 3 3 3
8 214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2
9 153-00100 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4 4 4
10 154-00100 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2
154-04100 Molded Grease Seal 2 2
11 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2

5-13 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

C-30174-1, C-30480



(2) (3)

(2) (3)
(1) All wheel assemblies listed were FIG. PART NO. DESCRIPTION
formerly manufactured by McCauley 1 (4) Hub Assembly 1
Industrial Corporation.
(4) Hub Assembly 1
(2) Inactive assembly spares support 2 (4) Bearing 2 2
only for parts listed. 3 (4) Wheel Flange 2
(3) Superseded by D-30500. (4) Wheel Flange 1
(4) Inactive part no longer available for 4 (4) Wheel Flange 1
spares support. 5 (4) Spacer 2 2
6 (4) Bolt 6
6A (4) Screw 12
7 (4) Washer 12
8 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12
9 153-00800 Ring 4 4
10 (4) Felt 2 2
11 155-11800 Snap Ring 2 2

5-14 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

D-30500, D-30500-1


(1) All wheel assemblies listed were formerly manufactured by

McCauley Industrial Corporation.

(2) Inactive assembly - spares support only for parts listed.


(3) Superseded by 40-77 per PRM 88.
1 (5) Wheel Half Assembly 2
(4) Superseded by 40-87H per PRM 88. (5) Wheel Half Assembly 2
214-03200 Cup-Bearing 2
(5) Inactive part - no longer available for spares support. 2
214-30794-1 Cup-Bearing 2
214-03300 Cone-Bearing 2
214-30794-2 Cone-Bearing 2
4 103-17300 Bolt 3 3
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6
6 094-15100 Nut 3 3
7 153-00800 Ring 4 4
8 154-00600 Felt 2 2
9 155-11800 Snap Ring 2 2

5-15 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

38501 (40-8), 40-30A, 40-55, 40-76A, 40-76B, 40-76C, 40-76P, 40-113B







(1) (2)




161-00800 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-14200 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(4) Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
161-03011 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-04900 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(Continued on next page)

5-16 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

38501 (40-8), 40-30A, 40-55, 40-76A, 40-76B, 40-76C, 40-76P, 40-113B


(Continued from previous page) PER ASSY.






(1) (2)


162-00600 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-13000 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
(4) Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
162-04700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-02711 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3 3
4 103-11200 Bolt (AN4-37A) 3 3
103-20400 Bolt (AN4-35A) 3 3 3 3
094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3 3 3
094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 6
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6
153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 4
153-01400 Ring-Grease Seal 3
7A 156-00300 Plate-Grease Seal-Inner Wheel Half 1
7B 153-01000 Ring-Grease Seal 2
8 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2 1

8A 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal-Inner Wheel Half 2
9 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 1
10 154-01200 Felt-Grease Seal 2
10A 154-00400 Felt-Grease Seal-Inner Wheel Half 1
10B 154-00500 Felt-Grease Seal-Outer Wheel Half 1
10C 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal-Inner Wheel Half 1
11 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2 2 1
11A 154-00900 Felt-Grease Seal 2
12 102-05100 Screw (AN500-8-8) 6 6 6
095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 6 6
095-15300 Washer-Lock (AN936A8) 6
14 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2
15 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
16 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2

(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed.
(2) 40-76A supersedes 40-55.
(3) 40-76A supersedes 40-76H.
(4) Inactive part no longer available for spares support.

5-17 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-56, 40-56B, 40-76D, 40-76E, 40-76F, 40-76G, 40-76H






161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
1 161-08300 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-09400 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-13700 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
162-06900 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-08800 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3 3 3
103-21800 Bolt (AN5-34A) 3 3
5 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 1 2
7A 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2
8 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 1 2
9 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2 1 2
10 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
11 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2
214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2
13 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2 2 2

5-18 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-56C
1 161-08300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1

3 162-06900 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1
4 103-21800 Bolt (AN5-34A) 3
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6
6 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3
7 154-03000 Molded-Grease Seal 2
8 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
9 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2

5-19 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-120A, 40-140, 40-140A, 40-140C





161-08200 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
1 161-08202 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-09302 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing 1
162-07700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
3 162-07702 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-08702 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6 6 6
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12
095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 12 12 12
094-10401 Nut (MS21045-5S) 6
094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6 6 6
214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
214-01200 Cone-Bearing 2
8 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 2
9 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 2
10 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 2
11 154-07500 Grease Seal 2
12 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2 2
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
14 213-00400 Grease Fitting (MS15720-1) 1

5-20 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-426, 40-426A




(1) High corrosion resistant, amphibious equipment. 161-19901 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-19904 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
162-19901 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-19904 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 067-14700 Grease Dam Spacer 1 1
5 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12 12
7 094-12700 Nut (MS21042-5) 6 6
214-01200 Cone-Bearing (chrome plated) 2
214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
9 154-08300 Molded Grease Seal 2 2
10 155-14300 Snap Ring 2 2

5-21 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

C-30179, D-30204, D-30255, D-30570, D-30585



Assy. Number 201-30203 Hub Assy. 1
1 (3) Hub Assy. 1
A) C-30179 (1) 201-30256-1 Hub Assy. 1 1
201-30568 Hub Assy. 1
B) D-30204 (1) (2) 2 (3) Bearing 2 2 2 2
(3) Bearing 2
C) D-30255 (1) (2)
(3) Wheel Flange 1
D) D-30570 (1) (3) Wheel Flange 1
3 (3) Wheel Flange 1
E) D30585 (1) (2) (3) Wheel Flange 1

(3) Wheel Flange 1
(3) Wheel Flange 1
NOTES: (3) Wheel Flange 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 4 (3) Wheel Flange 1
support only for parts listed. (3) Wheel Flange 1
(2) Superseded by D-30665 (5). (3) Wheel Flange 1
5 067-30076 Spacer 2 2 2 2 2
(3) Inactive part no longer avail-
able for spares support. (3) Screw 12
6 (3) Bolt (AN4-41A) 6
(4) All wheel assemblies listed
were formerly manufactured by (3) Screw 12 12
McCauley Industrial Corpora- 102-18400 Screw 12
tion. 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12 12
(5) D-30665 is inactive. See 7 (3) Washer 12
Airframe manufacturer for ap- (3) Washer 12 12
proved replacement. 8 153-30014 Ring 2 2 2 2 2
9 153-30015 Ring 2 2 2 2 2
10 154-30010 Felt 2 2 2 2 2
* Not illustrated.
11 155-11900 Snap Ring 2 2 2
155-11800 Snap Ring 2 2
* 094-15300 Nut 6

5-22 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

D-30665, D-30665-1



Assy. Number 1 (4) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
(4) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
A) D-30665 (2) (3) 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2
B) D-30665-1 (2) (3)
4 (4) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1

(4) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1

NOTES: 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
5 103-25900 Bolt 3
(1) All wheel assemblies listed
were formerly manufactured
103-17200 Bolt 6
by McCauley Industrial 6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12
Corporation. 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 3
(2) Inactive assembly spares 7 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 3
support only for parts listed. 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 12
(3) Inactive. See Airframe 8 094-15100 Nut 3 6
manufacturer for approved 9 153-30015 Ring 2 2
replacement. 10 154-30010 Felt 2 2
(4) Inactive part no longer 11 153-30014 Ring 2 2
available for spares support. 12 155-11900 Snap Ring 2 2

5-23 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 9.00-6



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-210
1 161-13200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-04800 Cup-Bearing 1
3 214-04700 Cone-Bearing 1
4 162-12300 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
5 214-04800 Cup-Bearing 1
6 214-04900 Cone-Bearing 1
7 103-23300 Bolt (MS21250-05062) 6
8 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 6
9 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 6
10 094-10400 Nut-Lock (MS21044-N5) 6
11 154-03800 Molded Grease Seal 2
12 155-08100 Snap Ring 2
13 160-01900 Air Valve Assy. 1
14 138-85400 Valve Extension 1
15 101-50249 O-Ring (MS28775-249) 1

5-24 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 16 x 4.4



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-260
1 162-15000 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
3 161-16100 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 1
5 103-17500 Bolt (MS21250-04022) 9
6 095-71400 Washer (MS14177-4) 18
7 094-13800 Nut 9
8 154-03600 Grease Seal 2
9 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
10 101-26600 O-Ring (MS28775-261) 1
11 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1

5-25 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-8


Tubeless (1)/Tube-Type

(1) Tubeless tire configuration requires the use of optional 40-450
inflation air valve assembly. Inflation air valve assembly
must be ordered separately. FIG. PART NO. DESCRIPTION
1 161-22500 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-06300 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-22500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-01100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
5 103-19300 Bolt (MS21250-04014) 9
6 095-14600 Washer (MS14155-4) 18
7 094-17700 Nut (NAS1804-4N) 9
8 154-09600 Seal 2
9 155-14100 Snap Ring 2
10 101-50263 Preformed Packing 2
11 160-03500 (1) Inflation Air Valve Assembly 1

5-26 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-117A
1 161-02300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-04800 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12
6 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6
7 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
8 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2
9 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1
11 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2

5-27 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8

40-177A, 40-193


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-177A
1 161-06402 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
B) 40-193 161-11700 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 162-06002 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
162-10700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
4 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12 12
6 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6 6
7 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
8 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2
154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 2
9 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2
10 067-07000 Spacer-Axle 1

5-28 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 18 x 4.4



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-212
1 161-13400 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-03700 Cup-Bearing 1

NOTES: 3 162-12500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-03700 Cup-Bearing 1
(1) Optional balance kit 199-135
available for use with this 4 214-03800 Bearing-Cone & Seal 2
wheel. 5 103-23500 Bolt (MS21250-05030) 8
(2) 095-02800 Washer is installed 6 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) (2) 8
under the bolt head. 7 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 8
8 094-10401 Nut-Lock (MS21045-5S) 8
9 160-00700 Air Valve 1
10 101-09700 O-Ring (MS28775-269) 1
11 067-08800 Axle Spacer 2

5-29 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-204
1 161-12500 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-11500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
5 103-31200 Bolt (MS21250-06034) 8
6 095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 8
7 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 8
8 094-91500 Nut (MS21045-6S) 8
9 154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 2
10 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
11 160-01200 Air Valve Assy. 1
12 101-25800 O-Ring (MS28775-267) 1

5-30 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Nose
Illustrated Parts List 7.50-10




1 161-12800 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-11800 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1
4 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2
5 103-21400 Bolt (AN5-37A) 9
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 18
7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9
8 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2
9 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
10 067-06300 Axle Spacer 1

5-31 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

40-12, 40-12A, 40-78, 40-78A, 40-78B, 40-78E, 40-78J, 40-151, 40-151A, 40-230, 40-308

Tubeless and Tube-Type








(2) (4)

(2) (4)

(2) (4)

(2) (4)









161-00500 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
161-03100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
1 161-14300 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
161-04100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
161-24000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 214-05100 Cup-Bearing 1
214-03200 Cup-Bearing 1
162-00500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
162-02800 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
3 162-13100 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-03900 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
162-24000 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 214-05100 Cup-Bearing 1
214-03200 Cup-Bearing 1
4 217-00100 Grommet 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(Continued on next page)

5-32 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

40-12, 40-12A, 40-78, 40-78A, 40-78B, 40-78E, 40-78J, 40-151, 40-151A, 40-230, 40-308

Tubeless and Tube-Type

(Continued from previous page) PER ASSY.








(2) (4)

(2) (4)

(2) (4)

(2) (4)







5 101-07200 O-Ring (MS28775-244) 1 1
164-00400 Brake Disc 1 1
164-01700 Brake Disc 1 1 1 1 1
164-08500 Brake Disc 1 1
6 164-09900 Brake Disc 1
164-11700 (3) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1 1 1
164-24200 Brake Disc 1
(5) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1 1 1 1
214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 214-05000 Cone-Bearing 2
214-03300 Cone-Bearing 2
103-10500 Bolt (AN4-22A) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
103-10800 Bolt (AN4-31A) 3 3
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 3
9A 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 3 3
094-01200 Nut (MS21042-4) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Nut (MS21044-N4)
Ring-Grease Seal
2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
12 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
13 154-00600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 158-00500 Hub Cap 1 1
15 102-25100 Screw (AN526-1024-8) 1 1
16 095-15400 Washer-Lock (AN936A10) 1 1
17 157-00500 Dust Shield 1
18 154-03200 Molded Grease Seal 2
19 217-30653 Grommet 1

(1) Use Tubeless Tire with needle inflation. (2) Use Tube-Type Tires. (3) Alternate chrome plated disc.
(4) Also available with chrome plated disc. To order, specify assembly number followed by CHROME.
(5) Performance gold disc no longer available.

5-33 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 5.00-5

40-19, 40-19A


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-19 (1) (2) (4)
1 (3) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
B) 40-19A (1) (2) (4) 2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 (3) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
NOTES: 4 164-00400 Brake Disc 1 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 5 103-10800 Bolt (AN4-31A) 3 3
support only for parts listed. 6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6
(2) 40-19 and 40-19A have been 7 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3
superseded by 40-78A. 8 153-00800 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
(3) Inactive part no longer avail- 9 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2
able for spares support. 10 154-00600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
(4) This wheel assembly is not FAA 11 158-00500 Hub Cap 1 1
TSO approved. 12 214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2 2
13 102-25100 Screw-Slotted (AN526-1024-8)
14 095-15400 Washer-Lock (AN936A10) 1 1
15 157-00500 Dust Shield 1

5-34 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

27-100D (40-1), 40-32


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.
A) 27-100D (40-1) (1) (2)
1 (4) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1

B) 40-32 (1) (2) 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 (4) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
NOTES: 4 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
(1) Inactive assembly spares 164-00900 Brake Disc 1
support only for parts listed. 5 164-00700 Brake Disc 1
(2) Use tubeless tire with needle 164-10700 (3) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
inflation. 164-10900 (3) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
(3) Alternate chrome plated disc. 6 103-11300 Bolt (AN4-40A) 3 3
7 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6
(4) Inactive part no longer avail-
able for spares support. 8 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3
9 (4) O-Ring (MS28775-252) 1 1
10 158-00100 Hub Cap 1
(4) Hub Cap 1
11 157-00100 Shield-Dust 1
157-00300 Shield-Dust 1
12 156-00100 Plate-Grease Seal 1 1
13 153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
14 154-00500 Felt-Grease Seal 1
154-00400 Felt-Grease Seal 1
15 102-05100 Screw (AN500-8-8) 6 6
16 095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 6 6
17 102-25100 Screw (AN526-1024-8) 1
18 095-15400 Washer-Lock (AN936A10) 1 1

5-35 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

3080A (40-3), 3070 (40-5)



1 162-00600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
162-00700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
Assy. Number
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
A) 3080A (40-3) 3 161-01000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
161-00900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
B) 3070 (40-5)
4 159-00200 (1) Brake Disc 1

159-00100 (1) Brake Disc 1
5 105-00100 Rivet (AN425-AD6-7) 8 8
NOTES: 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
6 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
(1) Brake discs sold only as
159-00204 and 159-00104 7 103-10300 Bolt (AN4-10A) 6
with rivets. 103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3
8 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 6
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 6 3
10 157-00400 Dust Shield 1
11 155-00300 Snap Ring 1
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
13 158-00300 Hub Cap 1
14 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
15 154-00400 Felt-Grease Seal 2
16 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2
17 153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 4
18 102-05100 Screw-F.H.C. (AN500-8-8) 6
19 095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 6

5-36 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

3080B (40-4), 3080D (40-116), 40-131


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 3080B (40-4)
1 162-00700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
B) 3080D (40-116) 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
3 161-06900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
C) 40-131 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1

164-00206 Brake Disc 1
4 164-03206 Brake Disc 1
NOTES: 164-05700 Brake Disc 1
5 103-10100 Bolt (AN4H-5A) 3 3 3
(1) To obtain inner wheel half
assy. with disc & hardware, 6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6
order the following: 7 094-10301 Nut (MS21045-4S) 3 3 3
3080B order 161-00300 8 103-10200 Bolt (AN4-6A) 6 6 6
3080D order 161-05000 6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6
40-131 order 161-05800
9 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
10 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2
11 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
12 158-00300 Hub Cap 1 1 1
13 157-00400 Dust Shield 1 1 1
14 155-00300 Snap Ring 1 1 1
15 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2

5-37 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

3040 (40-6), 3050 (40-7), 3050A (40-7A)



(40-7) (2)


1 161-01600 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
169-00101 (1) Brake Drum Assembly 1
169-00201 (1) Brake Drum Assembly 1 1
4 162-00600 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
5 103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3 3 3
6 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3 3
NOTES: 7 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 3 3 3
(1) Brake drum assembly must be purchased separately. 8 157-00200 Dust Shield 1 1
(2) 199-2 Grease Seal Kit converts wheel to 3050A (40-7A). 9 153-00500 (2) Ring-Grease Seal 2 4
10 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1
154-00400 (2) Felt-Grease Seal 1 2
154-00500 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 158-01000 Hub Cap 1 1
13 102-25100 Screw (AN526-1024-8) 1 1
14 102-05100 (2) Screw (AN500-8-8) 6 3 6
15 095-15400 Lock-Washer (AN936A10) 1 1
16 095-15100 (2) Lock-Washer (MS35333-38) 6 3 6
17 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
18 067-00300 Spacer-Inner Shoulder 1

5-38 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-21, 40-24, 40-28, 40-28D, 40-67



1 (2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1

161-01600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
162-02300 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
3 (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
162-00600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
Assy. Number 4 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2
164-00900 Brake Disc 1 1
A) 40-21 (1)
164-00700 Brake Disc 1
B) 40-24 (1) 5 164-00500 Brake Disc 1 1
164-10500 (3) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1
C) 40-28 164-10700 (3) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
D) 40-28D
164-10900 (3) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1
6 103-11300 Bolt (AN4-40A) 3 3 3
E) 40-67 (1) 103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3 3
7 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 3 3 6
8 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3 3 3 3
NOTES: 9 158-01000 Cap-Hub 1 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 10 157-00300 Shield-Dust 1
support only for parts listed. 157-00200 Shield-Dust 1
(2) Inactive part no longer avail- 11 156-00100 Plate-Grease Seal 1 1 1
able for spares support. 12 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
(3) Alternate chrome plated disc. 13 153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 2 4 1
153-01000 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
154-00500 Felt-Grease Seal 2
14 154-00400 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
154-00900 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
15 102-05100 Screw (AN500-8-8) 6 6 6 6 6
16 095-15100 Washer Lock (MS35333-38) 6 6 6 6 6
17 095-15400 Washer Lock (AN936A10) 1 1
18 102-25100 Screw-F.H.C. (AN526-1024-8) 1 1

5-39 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-34, 40-58


Assy. Number
A) 40-34

1 161-02100 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
B) 40-58 161-01600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 162-01900 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
NOTES: 162-00600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(1) Alternate chrome plated disc. 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
164-01000 Brake Disc 1
4 164-00900 Brake Disc 1
164-10900 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
5 103-11300 Bolt (AN4-40A) 6
103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3
6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 12 3
7 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 6 3
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
9 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 4
10 153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 4
11 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 2
154-00400 Felt-Grease Seal 2
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
13 102-05100 Screw (AN500-8-8) 6
14 095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 6

5-40 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List

This page intentionally left blank

5-41 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-37, 40-57, 40-57A, 40-61, 40-66


5-42 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-37, 40-57, 40-57A, 40-61, 40-66


PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 40-37 (1) (3)
161-01600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

1 (4) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 B) 40-57 (1)
161-02900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 C) 40-57A
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1
D) 40-61
162-00600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
3 (4) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 E) 40-66 (1)
162-02600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1 NOTES:
164-00500 Brake Disc 1 1 (1) Inactive assembly spares
164-00700 Brake Disc 1 1 support only for parts listed.
4 164-01300 Brake Disc 1 (2) Alternate chrome plated disc.
164-10500 (2) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1 (3) Use tubeless tire with needle
164-10700 (2) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 inflation.
5 103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3 (4) Inactive part no longer avail-
103-11300 Bolt (AN4-40A) 3 3 3 3 able for spares support.
6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 6 6
7 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3 3 3 3
8 (4) O-Ring (MS28775-252) 1
9 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 5
214-01200 Cone-Bearing (chrome plated) 2
10 158-00100 Hub Cap 1
158-01000 Hub Cap 1 1 1
157-00100 Dust Shield 1
11 157-00200 Dust Shield 1
157-00300 Dust Shield 1 1
12 156-00100 Plate-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
13 153-00500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 2 1
153-01000 Ring-Grease Seal 1
14 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1
154-00400 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
15 154-00500 Felt-Grease Seal 1
154-00900 Felt-Grease Seal 1
16 102-05100 Screw (AN500-8-8) 6 6 6 6 6
17 102-25100 Screw (AN526-1024-8) 1 1 1 1
18 095-15100 Washer (MS35333-38) 6 6 6 6 6
19 095-15400 Washer-Lock (AN936A10) 1 1 1 1

5-43 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-59, 40-59A, 40-59D, 40-59E






1 161-07400 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
3 162-06900 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
164-06900 Brake Disc 1 1 1
(1) Alternate chrome plated disc. 164-07500 Brake Disc 1
(2) Also available with chrome plated disc. To order, 164-17500 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
specify assembly number followed by CHROME. (3) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1
(3) Performance gold disc no longer available. 5 103-21800 Bolt (AN5-34A) 3 3 3 3
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6
7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3
8 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
9 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2
14 095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 3
15 102-00600 Screw 3
16 157-00900 Dust Shield 1
17 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2

5-44 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-60, 40-60A, 40-281



(2) (3) (4)

(2) (3) (4)


(2) (3)
161-07000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
(1) Alternate chrome plated disc. 1
161-07001 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(2) To be used with 1-1/4 axle. 2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
(3) Use with: 162-06500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
6.00-6 4- and 6-ply, 3
162-06501 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
7.00-6 4- and 6-ply,
8.00-6 4-, 6- and 8-ply 2 214-00300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
(4) Also available with chrome plated disc. To order,
4 103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 6 6 6
specify assembly number followed by CHROME. 5 095-72600 Washer (MS20002-4) 12 12 12
(5) Performance gold disc no longer available. 6 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 6 6 6
7 214-00400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
8 153-00200 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4 4
9 154-00200 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 2
10 154-02800 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
11 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2
164-06700 Brake Disc 1 1
164-16700 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1
164-23400 Brake Disc 1
(5) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1 1

5-45 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-74, 40-74A, 40-74B


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-74
161-02900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

B) 40-74A 1 161-05101 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
161-05102 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
C) 40-74B 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1

214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1 1

162-02600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
3 162-04901 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
162-04902 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(1) Alternate chrome
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
plated disc.
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1 1
164-00700 Brake Disc 1 1
4 164-04700 Brake Disc - Chrome 1
164-10700 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1
5 103-11300 Bolt (AN4-40A) 3 3 3
6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6
7 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3 3
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
214-01200 Cone-Bearing (chrome plated) 2 2
9 156-00300 Plate-Grease Seal 1 1 1
10 153-01400 Ring-Grease Seal 3 3 3
11 154-01200 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2 2
12 102-05100 Screw (AN500-8-8) 6 6 6
13 095-15100 Washer-Lock (MS35333-38) 6 6 6
14 213-00400 Fitting-Grease 1 1

5-46 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-75B, 40-75D, 40-75E, 40-75F, 40-75G, 40-75H,

40-75J, 40-75P, 40-75S, 40-75T, 40-75W, 40-75Z



40-75G (6)
40-75B (6)

40-75D (6)

40-75H (6)
40-75E (6)

40-75P (6)

40-75S (3)
40-75F (6)

40-75T (6)

40-75Z (6)
40-75J (2)

161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
161-03001 Inner Wheel Half Assy 1
1 161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assy 1 1
161-08700 Inner Wheel Half Assy 1
161-11100 Inner Wheel Half Assy 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing 1
162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
162-02701 Outer Wheel Half Assy 1
162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assy 1 1
162-08100 Outer Wheel Half Assy 1 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Brake Disc 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 5
164-03601 Brake Disc (4) 1
164-04800 Brake Disc 1
164-08300 Brake Disc 1
164-11501 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
164-13601 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome (5) 1 1
164-14800 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
164-18300 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1
164-21200 Brake Disc 1
(7) Brake Disc - Perfor. Gold 1 1 1 1 1 1
(7) Brake Disc - Perfor. Gold 1
(7) Brake Disc - Perfor. Gold 1
103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3
103-20500 Bolt (AN5-36A) 3
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3
095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 3 3 3
(1) Alternate chrome plated disc. 7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 3
(2) 40-75J to be used with 30-52Y
214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
corrosive resistant equipment. 214-01200 Cone-Bearing 2
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2
(3) Inactive assembly spares sup-
9 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 4
port only for parts listed.
153-02600 Ring-Grease Seal 2
(4) Supersedes 164-03600 per 9A 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PRM 61.
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(5) Supersedes 164-13600 per 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
PRM 61. 11 154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 2
(6) Also available with chrome plated 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1
disc. To order, specify assembly 12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
number followed by CHROME. 13 155-00200 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(7) Performance gold disc no longer 14 157-00900 Shield, Dust 1 1 1
available. 15 095-15100 Washer, Lock 3
16 102-00600 Screw 3

5-47 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-79A, 40-83, 40-83A, 40-83B, 40-84, 40-84A, 40-84B



40-83 (6)

40-84 (7)




161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
164-01600 Brake Disc 1
164-02504 Brake Disc (1) 1
164-01900 Brake Disc 1 1
NOTES: 164-03300 Brake Disc 1
4 164-02505 Brake Disc (2) 1 1
(1) Supersedes 164-02501 per
PRM 61. 164-11900 (3) Brake Disc-Chrome 1 1
(2) Supersedes 164-02502 or
164-12504 (3) Brake Disc-Chrome (5) 1
164-02503 per SB7033 and 164-12505 (3) Brake Disc-Chrome (4) 1 1
PRM 61. 164-13300 (3) Brake Disc-Chrome 1
(3) Alternate chrome plated disc. 5 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
(4) Supersedes 164-12502 per 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 3 3 3
SB7033 and PRM 61. 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 3 3 3 3
(5) Supersedes 164-12501 per 7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
PRM 61. 8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(6) Also available with chrome 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 4
plated disc. To order, specify 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 4 4
assembly number followed by 9
CHROME. 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 2
(7) SB7059-1 Service Bulletin Kit
upgrades wheel to 40-84B 10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
configuration per SB7059. 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 2
11 154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 2 2
154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
12A 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5-48 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-41, 40-86, 40-86A, 40-86B, 40-86E, 40-86F, 40-88C



(3) (4) (5)









161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
2 214-00100
Outer Wheel Half Assembly
1 1
1 1
162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
(1) Alternate chrome plated disc.
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) Performance gold disc no longer available. 164-00300 Brake Disc 1
(3) Also available with chrome plated disc. To 164-02000 Brake Disc 1 1 1 1 1 1
order, specify assembly number followed by 4
164-12000 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1 1 1 1 1 1
(4) SB7057-1 Service Bulletin Kit upgrades
5 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
wheel to 40-407 per SB7057.
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
(5) SB7058-1 Service Bulletin Kit upgrades
wheel to 40-86F per SB7058. 7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
* Not illustrated
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 4 2 4 4 2
9 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 2 1 2 2 1
154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
14 067-03800 Spacer-Axle 1
* 157-00900 Dust Shield 1
* 095-15100 Washer (MS35333-38) 3
* 102-00600 Screw 3
15 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2

5-49 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-90, 40-90A, 40-90B, 40-90D, 40-90E, 40-90F


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-90
1 161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1

B) 40-90A 161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
C) 40-90B 3 162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1
D) 40-90D
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
E) 40-90E 164-01506 Brake Disc 1
164-02201 Brake Disc 1 1
F) 40-90F
4 164-02300 Brake Disc 1

164-12300 Brake Disc - Chrome 1

164-23100 Brake Disc 1
5 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 103-20500 Bolt (AN5-36A) 3 3 3 3 3 3
7 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6 6 6
8 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3 3 3
9 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 4 2 2
9 A 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1
11 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 2 1 1
12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2

5-50 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-96A, 40-96E, 40-406, 40-406A


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-96A
1 161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
B) 40-96E 161-03024 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
C) 40-406 3 162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
D) 40-406A 162-02724 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
4 164-02504 Brake Disc (1) 1 1 1 1
NOTES: 5 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
(1) Supersedes 164-02501 6 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3 3
per PRM 61. 7 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 3 3 3 3
8 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2
9 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
11 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2

5-51 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-97A, 40-97B, 40-97C, 40-97D, 40-97E, 40-97F, 40-99








(1) (2)

(1) (3)





161-03000 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1
NOTES: 1 161-02100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for 161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
parts listed. 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) 40-97A supersedes 40-97B. 162-02700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1
(3) 40-97D supersedes 40-97C. 3 162-01900 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
(4) Alternate chrome plated disc.
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(5) Also available with chrome plated disc. To
164-02601 Brake Disc 1 1 1 1 1 1
order, specify assembly number followed by
CHROME. 164-02800 Brake Disc 1
(6) Performance gold disc no longer available. 164-12601 (4) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1 1 1 1 1
(6) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1 1 1 1
5 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3 3 3 3
103-11200 Bolt (AN4-37A) 6
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 3 3 3 3 3 3
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 6
094-10500 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3 3 3 3 3 3
094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 6
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2 2
153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 2
9A 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 2 1 1 1 1
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 2 1 1 1 1
11 158-00300 Cap-Hub 1
154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1
154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1
13 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 2 1 1 1 1
14 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

5-52 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-113, 40-113A, 40-113C, 40-113X









1 161-04900 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
3 162-04700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1
NOTES: 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
(1) Alternate chrome plated disc. 164-04000 Brake Disc 1 1
164-04300 Brake Disc 1 1
(2) Also available with chrome plated disc. To order, specify
assembly number followed by CHROME. 164-14000 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1
(3) Performance gold disc no longer available. 164-14300 (1) Brake Disc - Chrome 1 1
(3) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1 1
(3) Brake Disc - Performance Gold 1 1
5 103-11000 Bolt (AN4-36A) 3 3 3 3
6 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 6 6 6 6
7 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 3 3 3 3
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
9 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 4 2
153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
10 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 2 1
13 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
14 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2

5-53 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-120, 40-120C, 40-142, 40-142A



40-120C (1)
40-120 (1)

40-142 (3)

(1) 199-118 Wheel Disc Kit (items 4, 6, 8) 161-06102 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
retrofits 40-120 or 40-120C wheel to use 1
161-09302 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
slotted disc. TSO approved per PRM 33.
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
(2) Install washer per PRM 33. 162-08702 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
(3) 199-262 Tiebolt Service Kit available for 162-05702 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
this wheel. Refer to PRM 84. 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
164-21600 Brake Disc (Slotted) (1) 1 1

4 164-07800 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
164-08100 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
5 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6 6 6
6 095-03000 Washer (1) (2) 6 6
7 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6
094-12700 Nut (MS21042-5) (1) 6 6
094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6 6
9 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
10 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
11 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2
12 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1
13 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
14 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
15 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
16 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2

5-54 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-143, 40-163


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-143
1 161-08700 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
B) 40-163 161-10000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 162-08100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
4 164-08200 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
164-20500 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
5 103-21600 Bolt (AN5-45A) 6
103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6
6 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 6
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6
7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6 6
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
9 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
10 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
11 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
12 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
13 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
14 155-00100 Ring-Snap 2 2

5-55 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-418, 40-418A, 40-418B, 40-418C







(1) High corrosion resistant, amphibious 161-19900 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
equipment. 1 161-19903 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(2) Alternate chrome plated disc. 161-19905 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1 1
(3) Same as 40-418A except equipped with 2
standard bearings.
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
162-19900 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
162-19903 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-19905 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
214-01100 Cup-Bearing (chrome plated) 1 1
214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
4 067-14700 Grease Dam Spacer 1 1 1 1
164-24500 Brake Disc 1 1 1 1
164-24501 (2) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1 1 1
6 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6 6 6
7 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6
8 094-12700 Nut (MS21042-5) 6 6 6 6
214-01200 Cone-Bearing (chrome plated) 2 2
214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
10 154-08300 Molded Grease Seal 1 1
10A 154-08200 Molded Grease Seal 1 1
11 154-08900 Molded Grease Seal 2 2
12 155-14300 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2

5-56 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

D-30260, D-30260-1, D-30580


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) D-30260 (1) (2)
1 201-30256-1 Hub Assy. 1 1 1
B) D-30260-1 (1) (2) 2 (3) Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
3 (3) Wheel Flange 1 1
C) D-30580 (1) (2) (3) Wheel Flange 1
(3) Wheel Flange 1
4 (3) Wheel Flange 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares (3) Wheel Flange 1
support only for parts listed.
5 164-30195 Brake Disc 1 1 1
(2) Superseded equipment refer 6 067-30076 Spacer 2 2 2
to Cessna Service Bulletin 7 (3) Screw 12 12 12
SEB00-5 and Cessna Service
Kit SK182-120. for replacement 8 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6
wheels and brakes. 9 (3) Washer 6 6 6
(3) Inactive part no longer avail- 10 153-30014 Ring 1 1 1
able for spares support. 11 153-30015 Ring 1 1 1
(4) All wheel assemblies listed 12 153-30013 Ring 2 2 2
were formerly manufactured 13 154-30010 Felt 1 1 1
by McCauley Industrial Cor- 14 (3) Felt 1 1 1
poration. 15 155-11900 Snap Ring 2 2 2

5-57 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

D-30291-1, D-30291-2, D-30291-3, D-30291-4,

D-30291-5, D-30291-6


Assy. Number
A) D-30291-1 (3) (4)
B) D-30291-2 (3) (4) 1 201-30256-1 Hub Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2
C) D-30291-3 (3) (4)
3 (5) Wheel Flange 1 1 1 1 1 1
D) D-30291-4 (3) (5) Wheel Flange 1
(5) Wheel Flange 1
E) D-30291-5 (3) 4 (5) Wheel Flange 1
(5) Wheel Flange 1
F) D-30291-6 (3) (4)
(5) Wheel Flange 1
(5) Wheel Flange 1
164-30388 Brake Disc 1 1
(1) All wheel assemblies listed 164-30398 Brake Disc 1
were formerly manufactured
by McCauley Industrial Cor- 164-30414 Brake Disc 1
poration. 5 164-30440 Brake Disc 1 1
(2) Alternate chrome plated disc. 164-23600 (2) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1
164-23900 (2) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1
(3) Inactive assembly spares
support only for parts listed. 164-24000 (2) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1
164-24100 (2) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1
(4) Superseded equipment refer
to Cessna Service Bulletin
6 067-30076 Spacer 2 2 2 2 2 2
SEB00-5 and Cessna Service 7 102-18400 Screw 12 12 12 12 12 12
Kit SK182-120. for replacement 8 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12 12 12 12 12 12
wheels and brakes. 9 153-30014 Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1
(5) Inactive part no longer avail- 10 153-30015 Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1
able for spares support. 11 153-30013 Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2
12 154-30010 Felt 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 154-00300 Felt 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 155-11900 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2
15 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2

5-58 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

D-30660-1, D-30660-2, D-30660-3, D-30660-4, D-30660-5


Assy. Number 1 (2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
(2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
A) D-30660-1 (1) (5) 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
214-30795-1 Cup-Bearing 1 1
B) D-30660-2 (1) (5)
3 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1
C) D-30660-3 (1) (5) 214-30795-2 Cone-Bearing 1 1
4 153-30013 Ring 2 2 2 2 2
D) D-30660-4 (1) 5 154-00300 Felt 1 1 1 1 1
E) D-30660-5 (1) (5) 6 155-11900 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
164-30615-1 Brake Disc 1

NOTES: 164-30615-2 Brake Disc 1 1
7 164-30615-3 Brake Disc 1 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares
support only for parts listed. 164-30804-1 (4) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1
164-30804-2 (4) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1
(2) Inactive part no longer avail-
able for spares support. 164-30804-3 (4) Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1
8 (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
(3) All wheel assemblies listed
were formerly manufactured by (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
McCauley Industrial Corpora- 9 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
tion. 214-30795-1 Cup-Bearing 1 1
(4) Alternate chrome plated disc. 10 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1
214-30795-2 Cone-Bearing 1 1
(5) Superseded equipment refer
to Cessna Service Bulletin 11 153-30014 Ring 1 1 1 1 1
SEB00-5 and Cessna Service 12 153-30015 Ring 1 1 1 1 1
Kit SK182-120. for replacement 13 154-30010 Felt 1 1 1 1 1
wheels and brakes.
14 155-11900 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
15 103-17200 Bolt 3 3 3 3 3
16 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 6 6 6 6 6
17 094-15100 Nut 3 3 3 3 3

5-59 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

D-30660-6, D-30660-7, D-30660-8, D-30660-9, D-30660-10


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) D-30660-6 (1)
1 (2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
B) D-30660-7 (1) (4) (2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
C) D-30660-8 (1) 214-30795-1 Cup-Bearing 1 1
D) D-30660-9 (1) 3 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1
214-30795-2 Cone-Bearing 1 1
E) D-30660-10 (1) 4 153-30013 Ring 2 2 2 2 2
5 154-00300 Felt 1 1 1 1 1
6 155-11900 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
NOTES: 164-30804-1 Brake Disc (Chrome) 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 7 164-30804-2 Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1
support only for parts listed. 164-30804-3 Brake Disc (Chrome) 1 1
(2) Inactive part no longer avail- 8 (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
able for spares support. (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
(3) All wheel assemblies listed 9 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
were formerly manufactured by 214-30795-1 Cup-Bearing 1 1
McCauley Industrial Corpora-
10 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1
214-30795-2 Cone-Bearing 1 1
(4) Superseded equipment refer
11 153-30014 Ring 1 1 1 1 1
to Cessna Service Bulletin
SEB00-5 and Cessna Service 12 153-30015 Ring 1 1 1 1 1
Kit SK182-120 for replacement 13 154-30010 Felt 1 1 1 1 1
wheels and brakes. 14 155-11900 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
15 103-17200 Bolt 3 3 3 3 3
16 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 6 6 6 6 6
17 094-15100 Nut 3 3 3 3 3

5-60 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.00-6

40-407, 40-414, 40-414A




NOTES: 1 161-04700 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
(1) For use with tire size 15 x 6.00-6 only. 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
3 162-04500 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
4 164-24400 Brake Disc 1 1 1
5 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 3 3 3
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 3 3 3
094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 3
094-10401 Nut (MS21045-5S) 3 3
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
9 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 4
10 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 2
11 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
12 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2 2

5-61 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 8.50-6



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-47
1 161-02200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-02000 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 164-01100 Brake Disc Assy. 1
5 103-20600 Bolt (AN5-50A) 6
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12
7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
9 158-00300 Hub Cap 1
10 153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2
11 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 2

5-62 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8

40-98, 40-98A, 40-98D, 40-98E, 40-98F,

40-98G, 40-98H, 40-98N, 40-98P


161-02300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 161-05300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
Assy. Number
161-02311 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
A) 40-98 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
162-02100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
B) 40-98A
3 162-08500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
C) 40-98D 162-04800 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
162-05100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
D) 40-98E 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
E) 40-98F
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
F) 40-98G 6 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
G) 40-98H
153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2
H) 40-98N (1) 8 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2
I) 40-98P 153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 4
9 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1
10 A 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 11 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
support only for parts listed.
11 A 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2
12 155-00100 Snap-Ring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
164-02706 Brake Disc 1 1 1
13 164-02707 Brake Disc 1 1 1
164-05006 Brake Disc 1
13 A 164-08406 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1

5-63 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8

40-111, 40-111A


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-111 (1) (3)
1 (2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

B) 40-111A 161-06401 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
NOTES: 162-06001 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1
support only for parts listed. 4 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 6 6
(2) Inactive part no longer avail- 5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6
able for spares support. 6 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6 6
(3) 40-111 superseded by 7 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2
40-111A. 8 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
8 A 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
8 B 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
9 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
9 A 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
10 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2
11 164-06506 Brake Disc 1 1
067-03400 Axle Spacer (not shown) 1 1

5-64 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8

40-124, 40-128, 40-128C, 40-128D, 40-128E



1 161-02301 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
161-05300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
162-02101 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
3 162-05100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
Assy. Number
162-04800 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
A) 40-124 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
4 103-21700 Bolt 6 6 6 6 6
B) 40-128
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6 6 6 6
C) 40-128C 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 6
6 094-10400 Nut-Lock (MS21044-N5) 6 6 6 6 6
D) 40-128D 7 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2 2
8 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
E) 40-128E
153-00400 Ring-Grease Seal 2
8 A 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2

9 153-01500 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
* Note dust shield and 10 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
attaching hardware not 154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
shown in illustration.
11 154-01300 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
12 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 2
14 164-05006 Brake Disc 1 1
164-23300 Brake Disc 1
14 A 164-06106 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1
15 067-03400 Axle Spacer 1 1
* 102-00600 Screw 3
* 157-01000 Dust Shield 1
* 095-15100 Washer (MS35333-38) 3

5-65 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-171
1 161-10300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-09500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 103-21700 Bolt 6
5 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 6
6 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6
7 214-00200 Cone Bearing 2
8 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2
9 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
10 164-20806 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
11 067-03400 Axle Spacer 1

5-66 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 18 x 5.5

40-172, 40-258, 40-289



1 (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
162-18000 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
214-06300 Cup-Bearing 1
3 (2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
161-18000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
Assy. Number 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
214-06300 Cup-Bearing 1
A) 40-172 (1)
4 164-21000 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1 1

B) 40-258 (1) 5 103-32300 Bolt (MS21250-06042) 6 6
103-32900 Bolt (MS21250-06044) 6
C) 40-289 (3) 5 A 095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 6 6

095-14900 Washer (MS14155-06) 6
6 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 6 6
095-14900 Washer (MS14155-06) 6
(1) Inactive assembly spares 7 094-91500 Nut (MS21045-6S) 6 6
support only for parts listed.
094-15800 Nut (NAS1804-6N) 6
(2) Inactive part no longer avail- 8 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2
able for spares support.
214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
(3) 40-289 supersedes 40-172. 9 153-00300 Ring-Grease Seal 1 1
153-04200 Ring-Grease Seal 1
10 154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 1 1 1
11 158-02000 Hub Cap-Sealed 1 1 1
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
13 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1 1 1
14 101-26600 O-Ring (MS28775-261) 1 1 1

5-67 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 18 x 4.4



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-255
1 162-14800 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1
3 161-15900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
4 214-03700 Cup-Bearing (Inner) 1
5 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1
6 214-03800 Cone-Bearing (Inner) 1
7 101-09700 O-Ring (MS28775-269) 1
8 164-03106 Brake Disc 1
9 103-00400 Bolt (AN4H-20A) 9
10 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 9
11 094-01200 Nut (MS21042-4) 9
12 158-00300 Hub Cap 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 1
14 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1

5-68 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List

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5-69 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-40A, 40-40B, 40-40C, 40-102, 40-102A,

40-130, 40-135, 40-196, 40-256


5-70 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-40A, 40-40B, 40-40C, 40-102, 40-102A,

40-130, 40-135, 40-196, 40-256


PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 40-40A
1 161-01900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1
161-01901 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1 1 B) 40-40B
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
C) 40-40C
3 162-01700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
162-03500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1 D) 40-102
4 214-00900 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 E) 40-102A
5 067-00600 Spacer 1 1 1 1 1
F) 40-130
067-12000 Spacer 1 1 1 1
164-00806 Brake Disc 1 1 G) 40-135 (1) (2)
164-03506 Brake Disc 1
H) 40-196 (3)
6 164-04406 Brake Disc 1
164-03106 Brake Disc 1 I) 40-256
164-01406 Brake Disc 1
164-03006 Brake Disc 1
6 A 164-06406 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 NOTES:
164-07906 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 (1) Inactive assembly spares
7 103-11400 Bolt (AN4-32A) 9 9 9 9 support only for parts listed.
103-15500 Bolt 9 9 9 9 9 9 (2) 40-135 superseded by
8 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 9 9 9 9 (3) This wheel is not FAA TSO
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 9 9 9 9 approved order from airframe
094-10301 Nut (MS21045-4S) 9 9 9 9 9 manufacturer only.
10 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2
154-00300 Felt-Grease Seal 1
11 154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
11 A 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 1 1
154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 1
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1
13 155-00600 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1
14 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 1
15 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1
16 158-00800 Hub Cap 1 1 1 1 1
158-00300 Hub Cap 1 1 1 1

5-71 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-40D, 40-135A


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-40D
1 161-09900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1

B) 40-135A (1) 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 162-09300 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
4 214-03400 Cup-Bearing 1 1
NOTES: 5 164-20206 Brake Disc 1
(1) Optional high strength hardware: Qty 5 A 164-20306 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
103-24200 Bolt (MS21250-05044) 9 6 103-22400 Bolt (AN5-32A) 9 9
095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 18 7 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 9 9
094-13200 Nut 9
8 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9 9
Above hardware must be used together to 9 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 1 1
maintain proper grip on bolts DO NOT mix
10 155-00100 Snap Ring 1 1
with AN hardware.
11 155-00600 Snap Ring 1 1
Refer to PRM41 for installation instructions.
12 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 1 1
12 A 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1
13 158-00800 Hub Cap 1 1

5-72 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-106, 40-106A, 40-132, 40-141

Tube-Type & Tubeless

1 161-05900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
161-07200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
2 214-02900 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
Assy. Number 162-05500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
3 162-06701 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
A) 40-106 (1)
162-06700 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1

B) 40-106A (1) 2 214-02900 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
4 067-03900 Spacer 1 1 1
C) 40-132 (2) 5 101-09700 O-Ring (MS28775-269) 1
6 164-03906 Brake Disc 1 1
D) 40-141 (1)
6 A 164-09100 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
164-07700 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
NOTES: 7 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 9 9 9
103-21400 Bolt (AN5-37A) 9
(1) Use tube-type tires.
8 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 18 18 18
(2) Use tubeless tires.
095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 18
9 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9 9 9 9
10 153-01900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2
11 154-02600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
12 155-04400 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2
13 214-02800 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
14 158-01300 Hub Cap 1 1 1 1
15 160-01900 Air Valve Assy. 1
16 101-50354 O-Ring (MS28775-010) 1

5-73 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-138A (1)
1 161-11200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1

NOTES: 3 162-10200 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
4 214-03400 Cup-Bearing 1
(1) 40-138A supersedes 40-138.
5 067-00600 Spacer 1
6 164-05500 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
7 103-21800 Bolt (AN5-34A) 9
8 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 9
9 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9
10 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2
11 154-00800 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 1
13 155-00600 Snap Ring 1
14 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 1
15 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1
16 158-00800 Hub Cap 1

5-74 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-162, 40-195


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-162
1 161-09500 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
B) 40-195 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 162-08900 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
4 164-07700 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
164-21900 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
5 103-20400 Bolt (AN5-35A) 9 9
6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 18 18
7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9 9
8 153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
9 154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
10 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2
11 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2
12 158-00300 Hub Cap 1 1

5-75 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-166, 40-167, 40-169

Tube-Type & Tubeless

5-76 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-166, 40-167, 40-169

Tube-Type & Tubeless

PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 40-166 (1)
161-07300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. (2) 1

161-08000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. (3) 1 1 B) 40-167 (4)
1 161-10100 Inner Wheel Half Assy. (2) 1
161-10200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. (2) 1 C) 40-169 (1)

161-10900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. (3) 1
2 214-02900 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
3 094-00600 Spline-Nut 8 8 16
3 A 094-00800 Spline-Nut 8 8 (1) Use tubeless tires.
162-07500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 (2) Inner wheel half assy. with disc.
4 162-09600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 (3) Inner wheel half assy. without disc.
162-09400 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(4) Use type-type tires.
2 214-02900 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
5 067-03900 Spacer 1 1
6 101-09700 O-Ring (MS28775-269) 1 1
164-07400 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
7 164-20600 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
164-20700 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
Bolt (AN5-15A)
Bolt (AN6-20A)
8 8
8 8
103-22600 Bolt (MS21250-05016) 8
10 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 8 8
095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 8
10 A 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516L) 8 8
11 153-01900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2
12 154-02600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1
154-03400 Molded Grease Seal 1
13 155-04400 Snap Ring 2 2 2
14 214-02800 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
15 158-01300 Hub Cap 1 1 1
16 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1 1
17 101-50354 O-Ring (MS28775-010) 1 1

5-77 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 7.50-10

40-101, 40-101A, 40-101D, 40-101E, 40-129,

40-134, 40-134A, 40-179, 40-179A, 40-223, 40-234


5-78 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 7.50-10

40-101, 40-101A, 40-101D, 40-101E, 40-129,

40-134, 40-134A, 40-179, 40-179A, 40-223, 40-234


PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 40-101
161-03600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1
161-03601 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 B) 40-101A (3)
1 161-05700 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
C) 40-101D
161-06300 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
161-12800 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 D) 40-101E
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
214-30795-1 Cup-Bearing 1 E) 40-129
162-03400 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1 1 1
F) 40-134 (1) (2)
162-03401 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
3 162-05400 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 G) 40-134A (1) (2)
162-05900 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
162-11800 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 H) 40-179
4 214-00900 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 I) 40-179A
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
214-30795-1 Cup-Bearing 1 J) 40-223
5 067-00600 Spacer 1 1 1
K) 40-234 (3)
067-06300 Spacer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
164-03006 Brake Disc 1 1 1
6 164-03106 Brake Disc 1 1
164-05606 Brake Disc 1 1 NOTES:
6 A 164-22201 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1
(1) Wheel size is 24 x 7.7;
164-06306 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1 also suitable to use
103-11300 Bolt (AN4-40A) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7.50-10 and 8.50-10
7 103-20800 Bolt (AN5-41A) 9 9 tires.
103-22300 Bolt (AN5-40A) 9 9 (2) Tubeless/Tube-Type
8 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 convertible wheel.
095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 9 9 9 9 (3) This wheel is not
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 FAA TSO approved
order from airframe
094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9 9 9 9 manufacturer only.
10 153-00900 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2 4 2
153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2
11 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 2 1
154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1
11 A 154-03000 Molded Grease Seal 2 1
12 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
13 155-00600 Snap Ring 1 1 1
14 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1
214-30795-2 Cone-Bearing 2
15 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
158-00300 Hub Cap 1 1 1 1
16 158-00800 Hub Cap 1 1
158-01400 Hub Cap Assy. 1
158-02000 Hub Cap 1 1
17 101-09700 O-Ring (MS28775-269) 1 1
18 160-00900 Air Valve Assy. 1 1
19 067-06700 Spacer (Outboard) 1 1

5-79 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 29 x 11.00-10

40-133, 40-139, 40-175, 40-403



1 161-06200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
161-07900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
Assy. Number 2 214-03000 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
3 162-05800 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 1
A) 40-133 162-07400 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1

B) 40-139 (1) 4 214-00700 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
5 214-00800 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1 1
C) 40-175 6 214-03100 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1 1
7 067-03500 Spacer 1 1 1 1
D) 40-403
8 067-03700 Axle Spacer 1 1
164-05806 Brake Disc 1

NOTES: 9 164-07306 Brake Disc 1
164-21100 Brake Disc 1
(1) This wheel is not FAA TSO
approved order from airframe 164-22202 Brake Disc 1
manufacturer only. 10 103-21500 Bolt (AN5-71A) 9 9 9
103-21900 Bolt (AN5-65A) 9
11 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 9 9 9 9
12 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 9 9 9 9
13 153-02000 Ring-Grease Seal 2 2 2 2
14 154-02700 Felt-Grease Seal 1 1 1 1
15 155-04400 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1
16 155-04500 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1
17 158-01300 Hub Cap 1 1 1 1

5-80 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 24 x 7.7

40-107A, 40-148, 40-170, 40-170A, 40-170B, 40-198



(1) (2) (3)






Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 5
161-14900 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
162-09100 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
162-13700 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
(1) 40-107A supersedes 40-107. 4 214-03400 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
(2) Wheel qualified for usage with 24 x 7.7 or 8.50- 5 067-04100 Spacer 1 1 1 1 1 1
10, 10-ply; use tubeless or tube-type tires. 164-07200 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1
(3) 199-172 Bolt Retorque Kit provides increased bolt 164-20900 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1 1
torque requirements. TSO approved per PRM48. 6
164-22000 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
164-22900 Brake Disc (Slotted) 1
103-32500 Bolt (MS21250-06056) 8 8 8 8 8
103-31500 Bolt (NAS6606-56) 8
095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 16 16 16 16 16
095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 16
094-15800 Nut (NAS1804-6N) 8 8 8 8 8
094-12900 Nut (MS21042-6) 8
10 153-01600 Ring-Grease Seal 2
11 154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1
12 154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 1 1 1 1 1
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1
13A 155-00600 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 214-01000 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
14A 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 067-06500 Spacer 1
16 158-01900 Hub Cap 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 160-01100 Air Valve Assembly 1 1 1 1 1 1
18 101-24100 O-Ring (MS28775-266) 1 1 1 1 1 1

5-81 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Wheel Assembly Main, External
Illustrated Parts List 11.00-12

40-211, 040-21101, 40-279, 40-279A



40-279A (5)
(1) (2) (4)

(5) (6)
161-13301 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
(3) Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts 2 214-39412 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
162-12401 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1 1
(2) Superseded by 040-21101. 3
(3) Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
(3) Inactive part no longer available for spares 2 214-39412 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1
support. 4 160-01100 Air Valve Assembly 1 1 1 1
(4) 199-181 Wheel Upgrade Kit converts wheel to 5 214-09200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
040-21101. TSO approved per ESB7024.
164-22400 Brake Disc 1 1
(5) Refer to Parker Service Bulletin SB7082 for 6 164-23001 Brake Disc 1
replacement hubcap and seals.
164-23002 Brake Disc 1
(6) SB7067-1 Service Bulletin Kit upgrades wheel to 7 154-03900 Molded Grease Seal 2 2 2
40-279A configuration per SB7067.
7A 154-10600 Molded Grease Seal 1
8 155-08300 Snap Ring 2 2 2 2
9 158-01700 Hub Cap 1 1 1
9A 158-02600 Hub Cap 1
10 110-09700 Grease Dam 1
103-31600 Bolt (AN6-55A) 9
103-32800 Bolt (MS21250-06080) 9 9 9
095-73200 Washer (MS14177-6) 9
095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 9 9 9
12A 095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 9 9 9
(3) Nut 9
094-15800 Nut (NAS1804-6N) 9 9 9
14 101-50272 O-Ring (MS28775-272) 1 1 1 1
15 095-25900 Washer, Axle 1

5-82 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 16 x 4.4



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-259
1 161-16200 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
3 205-02900 Key Drive 18
4 102-07700 Screw (MS35266-59) 18
5 162-15100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
6 214-00200 Cone Bearing 2
7 103-17500 Bolt (MS21250-04022) 9
8 095-71400 Washer (MS14177-4) 18
9 094-13800 Nut 9
10 154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 2
11 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
12 101-26600 O-Ring (MS28775-261) 1
13 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1

5-83 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 18 x 5.5

40-240A, 40-270, 40-276



162-17900 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
1 162-17100 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
Assy. Number (2) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
A) 40-240A (1) 161-17900 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

B) 40-270 3 161-17100 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
(2) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
C) 40-276 2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
4 205-02900 Drive Key 18 18
205-04101 Drive Key 9
NOTES: 5 102-07700 Screw (MS35266-59) 18 18
(1) Inactive assembly spares 102-07100 Screw (MS35266-61) 18
support only for parts listed. 7 103-24500 Bolt (MS21250-05032) 9 9
(2) Inactive part no longer avail- 103-17600 Bolt (MS21250-04034) 9
able for spares support. 8 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 9 9
095-71400 Washer (MS14177-4) 9
9 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 9 9
095-71400 Washer (MS14177-4) 9
10 094-13200 Nut 9 9
094-13800 Nut 9
11 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
12 154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 2 2
154-03000 Grease Seal 2
13 155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
14 160-01900 Air Valve Assy. (MS27436C1) 1 1 1
15 101-26600 O-Ring (MS28775-261) 1 1 1

5-84 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 18 x 5.5




1 161-21100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1
3 162-21100 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1
4 067-15100 Spacer, Grease Dam 1
5 101-62700 Packing, Preformed (MIL-P-83461/1-145) 2
6 103-86400 Bolt (MS21250-06030) 6
7 095-14900 Washer (MS14155-06) 12
8 094-15800 Nut (NAS1804-6N) 6
9 214-01400 Cone-Bearing 2
10 154-03600 Grease Seal, Molded Rubber 2
11 155-00100 Retaining Ring 2
12 101-61200 Packing, Preformed (MIL-P-83461/1-261) 1
13 205-02900 Key, Drive 18
14 102-07700 Screw (MS35266-59) 18
15 139-06500 Lockwire (MS20995-C20) --
16 160-01900 Valve Assembly, Inflation 1

5-85 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-8

40-181B, 40-181C


Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-181B
1 161-11500 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
B) 40-181C 2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
3 162-10500 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
2 214-01300 Cup-Bearing 1 1
4 103-22800 Bolt (MS21250-05048) 6 6
5 095-13600 Washer (MS20002-5) 6 6
6 095-02800 Washer (MS20002C5) 6 6
7 094-10401 Nut (MS21045-5S) 6 6
8 214-04400 Cone-Bearing 2 2
9 101-26600 O-Ring (MS28775-261) 1 1
10 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1 1
11 205-00400 Key Liners 18 18
12 102-07700 Screws (MS35266-59) 18 18
13 --- Lockwire (MS20995-C32) --- ---

5-86 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 7.00-8



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-205 (1) (2)
1 161-13000 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1

2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
NOTES: 3 162-12000 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
(1) Use with 30-165 LH or RH.
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1
4 067-04600 Spacer 1
(2) This wheel is not FAA TSO
5 103-21700 Bolt 6
approved order from airframe
manufacturer only. 6 095-10500 Washer (AN960-516) 12
7 094-10400 Nut (MS21044-N5) 6
8 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2
9 153-02600 Ring-Grease Seal 4
10 154-01600 Felt-Grease Seal 1
10 A 154-01400 Felt-Grease Seal 1
11 155-00100 Snap Ring 2
12 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1
13 101-23300 O-Ring 1
14 205-00400 Key Drive 18
15 102-07700 Screw (MS35266-59) 18
16 106-00200 Fuse Plug 3
17 101-20700 O-Ring (MS28778-2) 3
18 --- Lockwire ---

5-87 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-176, 40-203, 40-273, 40-273A, 40-273B


5-88 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 6.50-10

40-176, 40-203, 40-273, 40-273A, 40-273B


PART QTY. PER ASSY. Assy. Number

A) 40-176 (2)
161-11600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
1 161-12400 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 B) 40-203 (1)
(4) Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
161-17301 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1 C) 40-273 (1) (3) (5)
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 D) 40-273A (1)
214-02900 Cup-Bearing 1
3 205-00600 Key Drive 18 18 18 18 E) 40-273B
205-00700 Key Drive 18
4 102-07700 Screw (AN501A10-4) 18 18 18 18 18
154-03400 Molded Grease Seal 1 NOTES:
5 154-03600 Molded Grease Seal 2 2 (1) Convertible Tubeless/Tube-Type
154-05100 Molded Grease Seal 2 2 wheel.
162-10600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 (2) Tubeless only.
162-11400 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 (3) Inactive assembly spares
6 (4) Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 support only for parts listed.
162-17301 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 (4) Inactive part no longer avail-
162-17302 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 able for spares support.
2 214-00100 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1 1 (5) 40-273 superseded by
214-02900 Cup-Bearing 1 40-273A.

7 214-00200 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2 2
214-02800 Cone-Bearing 2
8 103-31200 Bolt (MS21250-06034) 8 8 8 8 8
9 095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 8 8 8 8 8
9 A 095-10600 Washer (AN960-616) 8 8 8 8 8
10 094-91500 Nut (MS21045-6S) 8 8
094-15800 Nut (NAS 1804-6N) 8 8 8
11 158-01300 Hub Cap 1
155-00100 Snap Ring 2 2
12 155-04400 Snap Ring 2
155-13600 Snap Ring 1
13 067-03900 Spacer 1
14 160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1
160-01200 Air Valve Assy. 1 1 1 1
15 101-25800 O-Ring (MS28775-267) 1 1 1 1 1
16 Lockwire (MS20995-C32) A/R A/R A/R A/R A/R
17 106-00300 Fuse Plug
18 101-20700 O-Ring (MS28778-2)
19 158-02500 Hub Cap Assy. 1
20 157-03200 Hubcap 1
21 139-34400 Drive Coupling 1
22 105-12000 Rivet 2
23 095-10300 Washer (AN960-10) 3
24 102-33500 Screw (MS35207-263) 3

5-89 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 7.50-10



Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 40-46 (1)
1 161-02600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-01700 Cup-Bearing, Chrome Plated 1

NOTES: 3 205-00100 Key-Drive 8
4 102-15100 Screw-Drive Key (MS24693-S272) 8
(1) Used with 30-31 brake assem-
bly. 5 162-02400 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
6 214-01900 Cup-Bearing, Chrome Plated 1
(2) 159-00300 brake disc is a
component of the 30-31 brake; 7 103-10300 Bolt (AN4-10A) 8
shown for reference only. 8 095-10400 Washer (AN960-416) 16
9 094-10300 Nut (MS21044-N4) 8
10 214-01800 Cone-Bearing, Chrome Plated 1
11 214-02000 Cone-Bearing, Chrome Plated 1
12 226-00200 Ring-Grease Seal 1
13 157-00700 Dust Shield 1
14 102-11000 Screw-Fil. Hd. Cap (AN500-6-5) 3
15 095-18300 Washer-Lock (AN936A6) 3
16 213-00500 Fitting-Lubricator 1
17 154-02300 Grease Seal 1
18 159-00300 Brake Disc (Ref.) (2) ---

5-90 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 22 x 8.0-10

40-239, 040-23901, 40-202







161-15400 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
161-12600 Inner Wheel Half Assy. 1
NOTES: 2 214-04600 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
3 205-04400 Key Drive 18 18 18
(1) 199-189 Wheel Heat Shield Kit retrofits wheel assembly
to use latest heat shield configuration. TSO approved per 4 157-01600 Heat Shield Clip 9 9 9
ESB7032. 4A 157-01900 Heat Shield 9 9 9
5 105-09900 Rivet (MS20426-AD4-9) 36 36 36
6 106-00200 Fuse Plug 3 3 3
7 101-20700 O-Ring (MS28778-2) 1 1
162-14300 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1 1
162-11600 Outer Wheel Half Assy. 1
2 214-04600 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
160-01900 Air Valve Assy. (MS27436C1) 1 1
160-00700 Air Valve Assy. 1
10 214-04500 Cone-Bearing 2 2 2
11 103-31400 Bolt (MS21250-06030) 9 9 9
12 095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 9 9 9
13 095-03500 Washer (MS20002-6) 9 9 9
14 094-14900 Nut 9 9 9
158-02101 Hub Cap Assembly 1 1
158-01501 Hub Cap Assembly 1
16 102-07100 Screw (AN501A10-6) 3 3 3
17 154-06200 Grease Seal 2 2
154-03700 Grease Seal 2
18 101-24100 O-Ring (MS28775-266) 1 1 1
19 155-07500 Snap Ring 2

5-91 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Wheel Assembly Main, Internal
Illustrated Parts List 32 x 8.8

40-127, 40-137, 40-174





(1) (2)
NOTES: 161-05400 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1
(1) Inactive assembly spares support only for parts listed. 161-07100 Inner Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
(2) 40-137 superseded by 40-174. 2 214-39422 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
(3) Inactive part no longer available for spares support. 3 205-00300 Key-Drive 5 5 5
102-15100 Screw-Drive Key (MS24693-S272) 5
102-35400 Screw-Drive Key (NASM35191-271L) 5 5
162-05200 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1
162-06600 Outer Wheel Half Assembly 1 1
6 214-18337 Cup-Bearing 1 1 1
7 213-00400 Fitting-Grease (MS15720-1) 1 1 1
8 214-39250 Cone-Bearing, Inner 1 1 1
9 214-18200 Cone-Bearing, Outer 1 1 1
103-32400 Bolt (MS21250-06036) 10 10
(3) Bolt 10
094-15800 Nut (NAS1804-6N) 10 10
(3) Nut 10
095-03100 Washer (MS20002C6) 20 20
(3) Washer 20
13 101-06300 O-Ring (MS28775-235) 1 1 1
14 153-01800 Grease Seal 1 1 1
15 158-01200 Hub Cap 1 1 1
16 154-02500 Seal-Hub Cap 1 1 1
17 102-00600 Screw-Hub Cap 4 4 4
18 095-15100 Lock Washer-Hub Cap (MS35333-38) 4 4 4
19 067-03300 Axle Spacer 1 1 1

5-92 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Parking Valve
Part Number Index All


60-3A....................................... 6-3 060-00800............................... 6-4 60-16....................................... 6-7

60-3C....................................... 6-3 60-9......................................... 6-5 60-17....................................... 6-6
60-5......................................... 6-5 60-9B....................................... 6-5 60-21....................................... 6-6
60-5A....................................... 6-5 60-10....................................... 6-6 060-02200............................... 6-4
60-5B....................................... 6-5 60-13....................................... 6-6 60-25....................................... 6-6
60-5C....................................... 6-5 60-14....................................... 6-5 60-25A..................................... 6-6
60-5D....................................... 6-5 60-15....................................... 6-6 60-41....................................... 6-6
60-6......................................... 6-5 60-15A..................................... 6-6

6-1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Notes All

6-2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Parking Valve
Illustrated Parts List Series Noted

60-3A, 60-3C

Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order parking valve
and components listed.
Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.
A) 60-3A
1 195-00400 Body-Valve 1 1
B) 60-3C 2 177-00200 Pin 2 2
3 181-00301 Camshaft Assy. 1 1
4 101-00300 O-Ring, Camshaft (MS28775-008) 1 1
4 A 101-00500 O-Ring, Camshaft (MS28775-010) 1 1
4 B 101-00600 O-Ring, Camshaft (MS28775-011) 1 1
5 095-10300 Washer (AN960-10) 2 2
6 145-00700 Bushing 1 1
7 082-01000 Spring 1 1
8 094-10200 Nut (NASM21083N3) 1 1
9 101-00100 O-Ring, Valve 2 2
10 146-00200 Valve 2 2
11 082-04400 Spring 2 2
12 104-00800 Fitting, Tube (AN816-3D) 2
104-00300 Fitting, Tube (AN816-4D) 2

199-526 O-Ring, Replacement Kit 1 1

6-3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Illustrated Parts List Series Noted

060-00800, 060-02200

Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order parking valve
and components listed.

Assy. Number PART QTY. PER ASSY.

A) 060-00800 (1)
1 195-02500 Body, Valve 1
B) 060-02200 (2) 195-02900 Body, Valve 1
2 223-02000 Roll Pin 1
223-02400 Roll Pin 1
NOTES: 3 181-01300 Camshaft Assembly 1
(1) Cleveland Valve 060-00800 181-01400 Camshaft Assembly 1
was Gerdes Products Co. 4 101-00500 O-Ring, Camshaft (MS28775-010) 3 3
5 155-05800 Snap Ring 1 1
(2) 060-02200 and spares are 6 101-50353 O-Ring, Poppet (2-006-N507-90) 2 2
available thru distribution; PMA
7 190-00900 Poppet 2 2
approved details of 199-15301
Kit for Bell 412. 8 082-06700 Spring 2
082-07200 Spring 2
9 101-20400 O-Ring, Fitting (MS28778-4) 2 2
10 104-03400 Fitting 2 2
11 139-06500 Lockwire (MS20995-C20) A/R A/R

199-528 O-Ring, Replacement Kit 1 1

6-4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Parking Valve
Illustrated Parts List Series Noted

60-5, 60-5A, 60-5B, 60-5C, 60-5D, 60-6, 60-9, 60-9B, 60-14

Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer

to order parking valve and components listed. PER ASSY.
(1) The following Cleveland







parking valves were formerly
manufactured by Gerdes FIG. PART NO. DESCRIPTION
Products Co. 1 195-02400 Body, Valve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Camshaft Assembly
Camshaft Assembly 1 1 1
1 1
60-5 A-850-1
2 181-01001 Camshaft Assembly 1
60-6 A-850-2
60-9 A-850-5 181-01200 Camshaft Assembly 1 1
60-14 A-850-16 181-02900 Camshaft Assembly 1
3 101-00500 O-Ring, Camshaft (MS28775-010) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 155-05800 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 190-00800 Poppet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 101-50353 O-Ring, Poppet (2-006-N507-90) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
7 139-06800 Dowel Pin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
082-06600 Spring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
082-06700 Spring 2 2
9 101-00700 O-Ring, Fitting (MS28775-012) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
104-03300 Fitting 2 2
10 104-03400 Fitting 2 2
104-03500 Fitting 2 2 2 2 2
11 104-00400 Fitting (MS20822-4D) 2 2
12 104-00900 Fitting (AN822-3D) 2 2 2 2 2

199-527 Repair Kit (4,7,10) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6-5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Parking Valve
Illustrated Parts List Series Noted

60-10, 60-13, 60-15, 60-15A, 60-17, 60-21, 60-25, 60-25A, 60-41

Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer

to order parking valve and components listed. PER ASSY.
(1) Inactive Assembly spares support


(1) (3)
only for parts listed. 60-10









(2) Inactive parts no longer available FIG. PART NO. DESCRIPTION
for spares support. 195-02600 Body, Valve 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(3) The following Cleveland parking 195-03500 Body, Valve 1 1
valves were formerly manufactured
2 223-02000 Roll Pin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
by Gerdes Products Co.
181-00700 Camshaft Assembly 1 1 1 1
181-00800 Camshaft Assembly 1 1 1 1 1
60-10 A-850-8 4 101-00500 O-Ring, Camshaft (MS28775-010) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
60-13 A-850-15 5 155-05800 Snap Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
60-15 A-850-18 6 139-06800 Dowel Pin 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
60-17 A-850-8 (Cessna)
60-21 A-850-19 7 101-50353 O-Ring, Poppet (2-006-N507-90) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
190-00800 Poppet 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(2) Poppet 2
9 082-06600 Spring 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10 101-00700 O-Ring, Fitting (MS28775-012) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
104-03300 Fitting 2 2 2
104-03500 Fitting 2 2 2 2
104-08400 Fitting 2
104-12200 Fitting 2
12 104-03700 Fitting 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
12A 104-04300 Nipple 1
12B 104-03600 Fitting (MS20823-3D) 1 1

199-527 Repair Kit (4,7,10) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

6-6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Illustrated Parts List Series Noted


Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order parking valve
and components listed.

Assy. Number
A) 60-16
1 195-02600 Body, Valve 1
2 193-01500 Camshaft 1
3 101-00500 O-Ring (MS28775-010) 3
NOTES: 4 155-05800 Snap Ring 2
(1) Fitting has external metric 5 139-06800 Dowel Pin 2
threads M10X1. 6 101-50353 O-Ring, Poppet (2-006-N507-90) 2
(2) Cleveland Valve 60-16 was 7 190-00800 Poppet 2
Gerdes Products Co. A-850-30. 8 082-06600 Spring 2
9 101-00700 O-Ring, Fitting (MS28775-012) 2
10 104-03800 Fitting (1) 2

199-527 O-Ring, Replacement Kit 1

6-7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Design Information Series Noted

60-3A, 60-3C

60-3A AND10050-4 MS33656-4
60-3C AND10050-4 MS33656-3

General Notes:
1. Max Operating Pressure = 1,500 PSI.
2. Operating Fluid = MIL-H-5606 or MIL-H-83282 Oil.
3. Operating Temperatures = -65F to 165F.
4. Weight = .55 lb.

6-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Parking Valve
Design Information Series Noted

60-5, 60-5A, 60-5B, 60-5C, 60-5D, 60-6, 60-9, 60-9B, 60-14


NUMBER (ref.) (ref.) (ref.) NUMBER (ref.) (ref.) (ref.)
60-5 7/16-20 7/16-20 .198 2.25 .192 60-6 3/8-24 3/8-24 .198 2.25 .254
60-5A 3/8-24 3/8-24 .198 2.25 .192 60-9 --- 7/16-20 .198 2.25 .192
60-5B 3/8-24 3/8-24 .198 2.25 .254 60-9B --- 7/16-20 .198 2.25 .192
60-5C 7/16-20 7/16-20 .198 2.25 .192 60-14 3/8-24 3/8-24 .198 2.25 .254
60-5D 3/8-24 3/8-24 .198 2.25 .192

General Notes:
1. Maximum Operating Pressure = 1,500 PSI.
2. Operating Fluid = MIL-H-5606 Oil.
3. Operating Temperatures = -65F to +165F
4. Maximum weight = .35 lb. (varies according to fittings).

6-9 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Design Information Series Noted

060-00800, 060-02200

060-00800 MS33649-4 MS33514-4 1.00 2.95 .189 - .193 1.50 60 122 1.82 1.250
060-02200 MS33649-4 MS33514-4 1.25 2.90 .189 - .193 1.50 60 122 1.82 1.375

General Notes:
1. Maximum Operating Pressure = 800 PSI.
2. Operating Fluid = MIL-H-5606 Oil.
3. Operating Temperatures = -65F to +125F.
4. Maximum Weight = .50 lb.
5. Fittings supplied per customer requirements.

6-10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Design Information Series Noted

60-10, 60-13, 60-15A, 60-16, 60-17, 60-21, 60-25, 60-25A

1/8-27 NPTF
(Note 5)
60-15A 1/8-27 NPTF MS33656E3 1.00 2.28 .190 1.50 110 45
60-16 1/8-27 NPTF M10X1 1.00 2.05 (Note 6) (Note 6) (Note 6) (Note 6)
60-17 1/8-27 NPTF MS33656E4 1.00 2.20 .190 1.50 105 45
60-21 (Note 5) AND10056-3 1.00 2.20 .190 2.00 135 45
60-25 1/8-27 NPTF AND10056-3 1.00 2.20 .190 2.00 135 45
60-25A 1/8-27 NPTF MS33656E4 1.00 2.20 .190 2.00 135 45

General Notes:
1. Maximum Operating Pressure = 1,500 PSI.
2. Operating Fluid = MIL-H-5606 Oil.
3. Operating Temperatures = -65F to +165F
4. Maximum Weight = .35 lb.
5. Supplied with -3 fittings.
6. Camshaft lever not supplied.

6-11 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Parking Valve
Notes All

6-12 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Part Number Index All



SFA232-5 (011-00504)........... 7-3

011-01600.............................. 7-4
011-01700.............................. 7-4
011-02200.............................. 7-5

Shimmy Damper

015-00100.............................. 7-6 15-9........................................ 7-9 15-14...................................... 7-9

015-00101.............................. 7-6 15-10...................................... 7-9 15-16...................................... 7-9
15-2........................................ 7-9 15-11...................................... 7-9 015-02000.............................. 7-6
15-8........................................ 7-9 15-13...................................... 7-9

7-1 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Notes All

7-2 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List Actuator Series Noted

SFA232-5 (011-00504)


SFA232-5 (1)
(1) Refer to Parker SB7076 Service Bulletin Kit for replacement


1 155-02900 Retainer 1
2 141-01901 Gland, End 1
Rod, Piston
O-Ring (MS28775-113)
1 7
5 214-80900 Bearing, Swivel 1
6 144-03500 Cylinder, Body 1
7 101-01100 O-Ring (MS28775-113) 1
8 101-63500 Assembly, Seal 1
9 067-15600 Ring, Wear 1
10 100-20031 Retainer, Backup (MS28774-113) 2

199-538A Repair Kit (1, 4, 8, 9, 10) 1

7-3 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List Actuator Series Noted

11-16, 11-17



1 144-13400 Cylinder Body 1 1
2 214-83000 Bearing 1 1
3 155-07400 Ring, Snap (MS16625-1131) 1 1
4 141-04800 Gland, End 1 1
142-08400 Rod, Piston 1
142-08500 Rod, Piston 1
6 148-04800 Piston 1 1
7 095-10700 Washer (AN960-516l) 1 1
8 095-03200 Washer Seal, Thread 1 1
9 094-12700 Nut (MS21042-5) 1 1
10 101-01800 O-Ring, Piston (MS28775-213) 1 1
11 101-01800 O-Ring, End Gland O.D. (MS28775-213) 1 1
12 101-00800 O-Ring, End Gland I.D. (AS28775-110) 1 1
13 100-20008 Ring, Backup (MS28782-8) 1 1

199-533 Repair Kit (8, 11, 12, 13) 1 1

7-4 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List Actuator Series Noted



1 189-04000 Subassembly, Cylinder Body 1
2 144-09200 Housing 1
3 145-09500 Bushing 1
4 182-04400 Assembly, Piston Rod 1
5 142-09500 Rod, Piston 1
6 148-06500 Piston 1
7 107-01000 Washer Seal, Thread 1
8 095-10200 Washer (AN960-416L) 1
9 094-12500 Nut (MS21042-L4) 1
10 111-07400 Assembly, End Gland 1
11 141-05700 Gland, End 1
12 139-16000 Rod, Nylon 1
13 145-09300 Bearing-Sleeve 1 7
14 101-60500 Seal, Piston 1
15 101-00300 Packing, Preformed (MS28775-008) 1
16 139-01300 Filter, Oleo 1
17 155-08400 Ring, Snap (MS16625-1031) 1

7-5 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List Shimmy Damper Series Noted

015-00100, 015-00101, 015-02000

Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order
shimmy dampers and components listed.

015-00101 (1)


(1) 015-00101 is identical to 015-00100 except that the Piston
Rod Assy. (Item 2) exits the Cylinder from the oppposite FIG. PART NO. DESCRIPTION
end as shown.
1 144-06600 Cylinder Body 1 1 1
182-03800 Piston Rod Assembly 1 1
182-07400 Piston Rod Assembly 1
3 101-01400 O-Ring (MS28775-116) 3 3 3
4 100-10145 Backup Ring (MS28774-116) 2 2 2
5 141-04300 End Cap Bearing 1 1 1
6 101-00800 O-Ring (MS28775-110) 1 1 1
7 100-20008 Backup Ring (MS28782-8) 1 1 1
8 141-04200 End Cap 1 1 1
9 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal 1 1 1
10 102-20400 Screw 1 1 1
11 155-01100 Snap Ring 2 2 2
12 185-00200 Clamp Assembly 1 1 1
13 145-07900 Bushing 1 1 1
14 103-00100 Bolt (AN3-5A) 1 1 1
15 095-13100 Washer (AN960C10) 2 2 2
16 094-10200 Nut (NASM21083N3) 1 1 1

199-500 Repair Kit (3, 4, 6, 7, 9) 1 1 1

7-6 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List

This page intentionally left blank

7-7 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.2/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List Shimmy Damper Series Noted

15-2, 15-8, 15-9, 15-10, 15-11, 15-13, 15-14, 15-16

7-8 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.3/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Illustrated Parts List Shimmy Damper Series Noted

15-2, 15-8, 15-9, 15-10, 15-11, 15-13, 15-14, 15-16

Note: Parts list for reference only. Contact airframe manufacturer to order
shimmy dampers and components listed.







144-10100 Cylinder Body 1 NOTES:

1 144-08400 Cylinder Body 1 1 1 1 1 1 (1) Item not illustrated.

144-10000 Cylinder Body 1
142-08600 Piston Rod 1 (2) Qty. AR: As Required.
2 142-08800 Piston Rod 1 1 1 1 1 1
142-10600 Piston Rod 1
148-05000 Piston 1
148-05100 Piston 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 148-05200 Piston-Floating 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 141-05000 End Gland 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 155-08500 Snap Ring (MS16625-1112) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 155-08400 Snap Ring (MS16625-1031) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
8 082-08100 Spring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 095-03800 Washer 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 223-02900 Roll Pin (MS171500) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 139-13700 Glyd Ring 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12 095-02600 Stat-O-Seal (600-001-10) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13 102-20400 Screw (MS51958-59) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 101-00300 O-Ring (MS28775-008) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
15 101-01000 O-Ring (MS28775-112) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
16 101-01400 O-Ring (MS28775-116) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
17 101-01500 O-Ring (MS28775-210) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
185-00300 Clamp Assembly 1 1 1 1
18 185-00700 Clamp Assembly 1 1
185-00900 Clamp Assembly 1
18A 111-08500 Clamp Assembly 1
145-08900 Bushing 1 1 1 1 1
145-08900 Bushing 1 1
19A 145-07900 Bushing 1
20 103-00100 Bolt (AN3-5A) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
20A 102-01900 Bolt (MS24678-13) 2
21 095-13100 Washer (AN960C10) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
22 094-12300 Nut (AN365-1032) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
23 110-10600 Clamp-Upper 1

(1) 139-06500 Lockwire (2) AR

199-535 Repair Kit (6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

7-9 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Catalog AWBPC0001-7.1/USA Miscellaneous Hydraulic Assembly
Notes All

7-10 Parker Hannifin Corporation

Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio
Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Avon, Ohio

Cleveland Wheels & Brakes

Parker Aerospace Headquarters
Irvine, California

Parker Hannifin Corporation Headquarters

Cleveland, Ohio
Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division
Parker Aerospace
Parker Hannifin Corporation
1160 Center Road
Avon, Ohio 44011
Customer Support Fax: (440) 937-5409
Literature Request: (440) 937-1315
Technical Service Hotline: 1-800-BRAKING

2007 Parker Hannifin Corporation AWBPC0001-7 04/2007

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