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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Modeling of Tesla Rooms based on Wireless Power Transfer

Atharva Saswade1, Jayashree Ubale 2, Meenu Mary Samuel 3, Shweta Suryawanshi4
1 Atharva
Saswade, Student, B.E. (E&TC), DYPIEMR-Akurdi, Pune
Jayashree Ubale, Student, B.E. (E&TC), DYPIEMR-Akurdi, Pune
3 Meenu Mary Samuel, Student, B.E. (E&TC), DYPIEMR-Akurdi, Pune
4 Shweta Suryawanshi, Asst. Professor, E&TC, DYPIEMR-Akurdi, Pune

Abstract We introduce Tesla Rooms that has the transmission. Later remarkable advancements were
capability of powering all the devices in the room achieved through research in this field of which one of the
wirelessly. As we know, we are surrounded by a huge honorable mention goes to the experiments of Marin Soljacic
Croatian-American physicist and electrical engineer known
number of gadgets and electronic devices that either
for wireless non-radiative energy transfer i.e. resonance
require wired supply from the mains or are powered based inductive coupling. In this paper, we will have a
by a chemical battery source. Wires lead to messy comparative study of various methods of wireless power
structures which in turn lead to loss of mobility of transmission and how efficiently we can utilize them to build
devices while on the other hand batteries are a big Tesla Room.
hurdle towards efficient and durable handy electronic
devices. We are trying to build a room using most
1.1 Inductive coupling mechanism for wireless
popular conventional as well as advanced methods to
transmission of electricity:
develop a room that focuses on various wireless power
transfer technologies. Inductive coupling works on principles of
electromagnetism. The source and transmitter in this method
Key Words: Tesla Room; WiTricity; WPT; Class D & E are very close to each other but stand isolated. The distance
amplifiers; Coils; Magnetic resonance; Resonant Frequencies. between transmitter and receiver is very short and hence this
method is also known as the short range transmission
1. INTRODUCTION In this method as soon as the primary coil is applied with
an A.C. source EMF is generated in the coil which in turn leads
In an era of booming electronic products, we are flooded to mutual induction on the secondary coil. Due to the action
with a huge number of electronic gadgets that either of mutual induction, an inductive coupling mechanism is
requires a wired power supply or has a battery-powered formed between transmitter and receiver leading to a
system to power these devices. Wired devices have the wireless flow of power. The amount of power transmitted in
this method largely depends on the turns ratio and material
biggest disadvantage of messy wiring and limitations in
of the coil. The transformers used in electronic appliances are
mobility where on the other hand battery-powered devices
a good example of inductive coupling. This method is also
like cell phone and other wearable electronic products face very efficient and useful for close contact power transmission
the problem of shortage of battery capacity. Though there of devices placed in Tesla Room.
are advancements in increasing capacity of battery there will
always be a need for more, with growing functionalities and The main disadvantage of this technique is the high power
importance of these products in our daily activities. The dissipation in terms of heat.
wireless medium of power transmission overcomes all of
these disadvantages. 1.2 Highly resonant wireless power transmission:
Wireless power transmission techniques have greatly
evolved in recent times and Tesla Room is an outcome of Resonance is the phenomenon in which an object vibrates
these evolutions. This room consists of a combination of on a particular frequency, which is applied to it by an
most conventional and advanced methods of wireless power external source. Highly resonant wireless power
transmission i.e. inductive coupling and resonance based transmission system two basic principles are involved, firstly
inductive coupling. The name Tesla Room is given to pay inductive coupling mechanism and secondly the resonance.
tribute the great scientist Nikola Tesla whose pioneering After a research, it was observed that the distance can be
ideas and experiments laid the foundation of wireless power increased from short range to medium range in inductive
coupling by using the principle of resonance.
2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 176
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

those transmitting coils which are in the range if receiver

In this system along with the phenomenon of mutual while disabling the other at the same time. Tesla Room not
induction, both the transmitter and receiver are tuned to only focuses on the midrange power transmission methods
same frequencies to achieve a comparatively longer distance but a combination of all the methods to improve the power
of wireless power transmission. This method was brought transfer efficiency depending upon the distance between
up by Marin Soljacic Croatian-American physicist and transmitter and receiver.
electrical engineer. In one of his experiments, he
demonstrated powering of 60W bulb wirelessly at a distance
of 3 feet using 5 turns copper coil at both transmitter and
receiver end at a rough efficiency of 90%. This was greatly
achieved due to strong resonant coupling between
electromagnetic resonant objects. Nowadays this technique
is also known as WiTricity.

This method used is a nonradiative method and can be

efficiently used for power transmission up to few meters. No
power loss is caused due to the interacting objects placed
between source and receiver and also isnt harmful to a
human being in any case.

2. Designing and Structural implementation of

Tesla Room.

Considering the various methods of wireless power transfer

every method has few common flaws such as the size of I
transmitting coil and losses due to heating of coils. These
flaws could be tackled using cooling techniques for the coil Flow Chart -1: Energy transfer from transmitter to the
but this in return would increase the dimension of the receiver.
transmitter. To solve this problem we have emerged with the
structuring of Tesla Rooms. Working of Tesla room can be explained using Fig-1 and flow
chart-1. As soon as the wireless transmission system is
turned on it will have an AC mains 230 V input. This input is
then rectified using rectifiers and given to RF generator for
generating the resonance. Further impedance and frequency
matching networks are used to tune the circuit of transmitter
and receiver to increase the efficiency of power transfer. As
soon as the resonance is generated and frequency and
impedance matched the coil is charged and resonated at the
tuned frequency. At the receiver end, as soon as the
frequencies of transmitter and receiver are matched we have
efficient wireless power transmission taking place. For the
receiver to receive the power transmitted it is mandatory for
the receiver end coil to match the frequency and impedance
parameters of a transmitter. No other objects in the room are
affected due to this technique because there is no power
Fig -1: Block Diagram of Wireless Power Transfer used transmission taking place until the frequency matching.
in Tesla Room.
Tesla Room mainly focusses on the problem of the huge size
of the coil and its heating tendency. In the structuring of tesla
room, the huge coils are embedded inside the walls in the
form of grids along with the cooling elements involved in
keeping the coil at room temperatures. As we are embedding
the coils in the walls of the room it gives us the advantage of
more availability of free space in the room and also increase
in a range of the power transmission increases considerably
making the room truly wireless. Also the grid structure for
embedding the coil give us the advantage to activate only

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 177
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 01 | Jan -2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Fig -2: The Ideal image of Tesla Room consisting of various

Wireless Power Transmission techniques.


Implementation of Tesla Room can increase the scope of

wireless power transfer without any hurdles of the size of
the coil. Also, the problem of excessive heating of coil can be
efficiently solved using cooling techniques to minimize the
losses in wireless power transmission leading to a higher
efficiency. Tesla Rooms are the representation of our
futuristic homes.


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2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 178

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