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Animal Models: An Important Tool in Mycology: Review

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Medical Mycology December 2007, 45, 657684


Animal models: an important tool in mycology

California Institute for Medical Research, San Jose; Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, Santa Clara Valley
Medical Center, San Jose, and Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, USA

Animal models of fungal infections are, and will remain, a key tool in the
advancement of the medical mycology. Many different types of animal models of
fungal infection have been developed, with murine models the most frequently
used, for studies of pathogenesis, virulence, immunology, diagnosis, and therapy.
The ability to control numerous variables in performing the model allows us to
mimic human disease states and quantitatively monitor the course of the disease.
However, no single model can answer all questions and different animal species or
different routes of infection can show somewhat different results. Thus, the choice
of which animal model to use must be made carefully, addressing issues of the
type of human disease to mimic, the parameters to follow and collection of the
appropriate data to answer those questions being asked. This review addresses a
variety of uses for animal models in medical mycology. It focuses on the most
clinically important diseases affecting humans and cites various examples of the
different types of studies that have been performed. Overall, animal models of
fungal infection will continue to be valuable tools in addressing questions
concerning fungal infections and contribute to our deeper understanding of how
these infections occur, progress and can be controlled and eliminated.
Keywords fungi, animal models, antifungal drugs, host-response, fungal
virulence, fungal vaccines, pathogenesis, mice, rabbits

Introduction animals in experimental studies, follow governmental

mandates and strive to determine whether or not the
The use of various animals in medical, biological and
questions being raised can be answered by other means.
microbiological research has been ongoing since the era
Thus, scientists must answer the simple, yet elusive,
of Pasteur and before. Many of the advances made in
question of Why are animal models needed?.
medicine, infectious diseases and immunology stem
As the field of Medical Mycology progresses and
directly from the use of one animal species or another
matures, those scientists investigating the areas of
as a model system. Although historical precedent exists
pathogenesis, therapeutics, and immune response
for their use, there is strong opposition to the use of
must determine whether in vivo studies using animal
laboratory animals. As a scientist in todays society, one
models are necessary. Why are animal models of
must be attuned to the ethics of the care and use of
infection performed? This question has been answered
in part above, but these models provide us the means to
make significant progress in the direction of ultimately
Received 23 April 2007; Accepted 22 August 2007 understanding fungal infections, allow investigations
Correspondence: Karl V. Clemons, Division of Infectious Diseases,
into the evolution and progression of disease (i.e.,
Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, 751 South Bascom Avenue, San
Jose, CA 95128, USA. Tel: 1 408 998 4557. Fax: 1 408 998 2723. pathogenesis), studies of what makes a particular
E-mail: fungus virulent and able to cause disease, aspects of
2007 ISHAM DOI: 10.1080/13693780701644140
658 Capilla et al.

innate and acquired immunity, how disease transmis- genetics (e.g., inbred or outbred mice) and control over
sion might occur through fomites, contact or aerosols, the route of infection to emulate different types of
and methods of prevention, and lastly, studies on clinical disease. The control over the route of admin-
therapeutics and diagnostics that might improve pa- istration and duration of antifungal therapy when
tient care and outcome. performing efficacy studies is also a benefit. Our
The complexity of the host-parasite interaction capacity to use age and sex matched experimental
cannot be mimicked by in vitro studies. Data obtained animals also contributes to reproducibility. Animal
from animal experimentation aid us in demonstrating models also are useful for the development of diag-
events or interactions that, up to the present time, we nostic assays. Thus, we are able to address issues in vivo
have no reliable alternative way to obtain. Although that cannot be answered by in vitro tests.
there are significant differences between the experimen-
tally infected animals used in fungal models and
Weaknesses of animal models of fungal
naturally infected human beings, in numerous aspects
the animal models mirror human infections remarkably
well. This review will address a variety of issues One also needs to be aware of the inherent weaknesses
including the philosophy of studying animal models, of an animal model. No single model of infection can
how the results derived from them are used and be used to answer all questions. There can be sub-
evaluated, the various types of models performed using stantial variability from one experiment to the next,
different pathogenic fungi and what those studies are which must be minimized if possible. Many murine
used for. We will document, from the work of others, models have the drawback of being too acute in the
but relying heavily on our own experiences, examples of progression of disease, and some fungal models include
engagement with these issues. Review articles are the involvement of organs that are not prominent target
preferentially cited, as they may be used by the reader tissues in patients. In addition, mice are difficult to use
as a source for further examination of original articles, when repeated samplings of blood, for example, are
and to avoid repetition of points made in earlier desired from the same animal, if larger volumes of
reviews. Articles in English are preferentially used. blood are needed. However, one may compensate for
this in mice by adding extra animals to experimental
groups and sacrificing cohorts at desired intervals
Strengths and benefits of animal models of
during the experiment to obtain blood [1]. When
fungal infection
performing therapeutic studies in animals there may
Animal models have a number of strengths and be differences in drug penetration or metabolism from
benefits. These include mimicking clinical diseases, one species to the next and differences from that
being predictive of clinical results, summation of in observed in humans. Lastly, as mentioned above, the
vitro data on drug activity, pharmacology, safety and model must be affordable to perform, and if the costs
drug interactions; affordability, the capacity to examine are too high whether in purchase price or personnel
various questions rapidly and the capacity to control a time and effort, the utility of the model is limited.
multitude of variables. Animal models, particularly
murine models, can be performed affordably using
Parameters to follow
numbers sufficient to obtain valid statistical data, and
mice (other than special congenitally or therapeutically Because no single model can be relied on to answer the
immunocompromised mice) require less specialized many questions one asks in experimental studies or
animal care, support facilities and personnel. mimic all the various diseases seen clinically, it is often
The capacity to control different variables is the necessary to use multiple models. The question in these
greatest benefit to performing animal models. Among studies becomes what parameters should be followed to
the variables that can be controlled are the strains of obtain the best information. Two primary parameters
organisms used, and increase or decrease of the of infection are followed, survival and fungal burden in
inoculum size to control severity of infection. Further- the tissues. Survival studies result in clear data sets, but
more, the choice of animal species is critical. The death as an end point is often not allowed by Animal
course of the disease in some species may mimic human Care and Use Committees, with ethical questions
disease better than others. Other animal model vari- arising concerning the humane care and use of animals
ables under the control of the investigator include the for survival studies. Many institutional committees now
use of different immunosuppressive regimens to sup- require euthanasia of the animals prior to death from
press particular host-cell types, choice of host and its disease. The criteria for euthanasia must be evaluated
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carefully on an individual basis, since subjective judg- laboratory animals, reduces the number of animals
ments can skew the data (i.e., euthanizing animals too required or refines existing procedures to minimize the
soon makes the infection appear more severe that it level of stress produced to the animal [7].
truly is). Thus, criteria for euthanasia have to be as Defining the term alternative model is difficult.
quantitative as possible, applied objectively and repro- Strictly, it can be defined as a model that replaces a
ducibly to ensure accuracy, and the judgements on living animal with a non-animal system. In these terms,
individual animals made without knowledge of their in vitro systems (chemical or biological), plants, micro-
study group, wherever possible. Statistical evaluation of organisms or computer simulations should be the only
these data are appropriately done by survival analyses alternative models used for medical research. Using a
using a logrank test or Gehans Wilcoxon tests; where broader interpretation of the term, the use of non-
there are no censored data points a Wilcoxon rank vertebrates or cold-blooded animals also is considered
sums test also can be used. an alternative model.
The determination of infectious burden in the target In vitro systems using chemical components are one
organs is another common, and sensitive, assay related of the most extensively used alternative models in
to the severity of disease. For infections due to yeast medical mycology. In vitro tests for drug efficacy is a
(e.g., Cryptococcus, Candida, etc.) the quantification of first step in pre-clinical trials and permits us to
CFU from the target organs by homogenization of the determine the concentrations of drug that are effective
organ followed by serial dilution and plating is a useful against an organism by the use of a well-defined culture
and straightforward methodology. Infectious burden media where microorganism growth is tested in the
can be a sensitive parameter for studies of drug efficacy, presence of differing concentrations of the drug.
comparative virulence or disease progression. Benefits However, in vitro activity does not necessarily accu-
of performing assays of infectious burden include rately reflect subsequent in vivo activity nor have the
shortened experimental durations and avoidance of majority of antifungal drugs in vitro activity been
survival studies. However, for hyphal organisms, like correlated with clinical outcome. Thus, it remains
Aspergillus, the best method of infectious burden necessary to determine the efficacy of new antifungal
determination is controversial. Some investigators use drugs using one or more of the available animal models
a qPCR methodology or chitin assay, while others use of fungal infection prior to testing in humans.
CFU determinations [26]. Each method has benefits In vitro systems that include biological material, i.e.,
and drawbacks. The assay of chitin in the tissues [6] can cultured cells, have been used extensively in mycological
be a tedious assay and does not indicate whether the research to study the interaction of the microorganism
organisms present were viable. A qPCR assay applied and a target tissue or specific cell-type or vice versa.
to the determination of Aspergillus burden [4] requires Cell-cultures permit us to simplify an infectious event
specialized equipment and reagents, and specialized in a well-controlled environment. However, the in vitro
sample preparation. These are drawbacks for some system is a simple environment and does not reproduce
laboratories and commercial assay can be cost-prohi- the extreme complexity of an in vivo environment. The
bitive. development of more complex cell cultures, where more
Statistical evaluation of the data obtained from than one type of cell is present can more accurately
determination of infectious burden is critical. A variety mimic the events in vivo. Another more sophisticated
of statistical tests have been used by various investiga- cell culturing system is based in three-dimensional
tors. These include parametric and nonparametric tests, (3-D) cultures, consisting in a rotating-wall vessel that
including: ANOVA with or without tests used for generates low turbulence, allowing cells to associate,
multiple comparisons such as a Tukeys or Student and form 3-D structures. It will be of interest to see
Neuman-Kuels, Kruskal-Wallis followed by a Dunns how the use of these types of culture systems can be
test and Mann-Whitney U or Wilcoxon rank sums incorporated into mycological research.
tests. The advice of a professional statistician should be Although extensively used in other disciplines, the
sought to determine the most appropriate statistical use of non-mammalian models has been minimal in
test for the types of experiments being done. mycology. The fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), the
helminth, Caenorhabditis elegans, the amoeba, Acatha-
moeba castellanii, the slime mold, Dictyostelium dis-
Alternative models
coideum and the Lepidoptera, Galleria mellonella are
In the United States, The Office of Technologies the non-mammalian systems that have been used in
Assessments (OTA) defined an alternative method as mycology. Reviews on the use of these species in
the protocol or technology that replaces the use of medical mycology studies have been published recently
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[8,9]. The use of simple organisms is a helpful tool in and birds [3443] and rarely other as toads, cats or bats
the study of the host-parasite interactions by analogy [4447].
to common processes conserved in mammalian cells. D. The mouse (Mus musculus) is the species of choice in
melanogaster has been used as model to study cellular mycology due to its similarity to the human physiology,
defense mediated by macrophages against C. albicans, as well as the ease of availability, cost and other benefits
as well as virulence [1012]. A. castellanii [1318] and D. discussed earlier. Both mice and humans have simila-
discoideum [9,1922] have served as models to under- rities in organ systems, biochemistries, pathologies, and
stand the phagocytic process, due the similarity of the similarities extend to their genomes as well. The mouse
process used by mammalian macrophages, but also and human genome have approximately 30,000 genes
may be relevant to interactions of the organisms in encoding proteins and the proportion of genes with no
their natural ecological environments [16]. New genes homology between them is less that 1% [48]. In
involving pathogenesis of C. neoformans have been addition, the production of many genetically defined
identified using the worm Caenorhabditis as screening (i.e., inbred), genetically manipulated (e.g., gene knock-
method [23]. Similarly, Drosophila and Galleria models outs) strains and the large numbers of immunological
of aspergillosis have been described for use in patho- and genetic tools allow us to simulate and quantify
genesis, host-response and therapeutic screening [24 what occurs during infection and be closer to human
33]. infection than models using other animal species. Mice
The use of these types of alternative models in have been used primarily as the model for systemic,
mycology is in its infancy and although their use may pulmonary and central nervous system (CNS) infec-
be highly desirable, the applicability of the results to tions by the most clinically important fungi.
human or animal infections is for the most part Rabbits are the next most common species used in
unknown. How the fungi differ in behavior in the animal models of fungal infection. Rabbit models allow
environment of the Drosophila or other non-mamma-
us to evaluate physical and physiological data unavail-
lian system where thermal environment, organ systems
able or difficult to obtain with small mammals; for
and immunological processes differ significantly from
example, multiple large volumes of blood can be
those of the mammalian or avian host remains to be
obtained from individual animals; serial bleeding is
determined. Thus, as with the results derived from
easier than in mice. Rabbits are also useful for the study
conventional animal models of fungal infection, the
of CNS infections because of the relative ease in
results derived from alternative models should be
obtaining high quality (i.e., without blood contamina-
interpreted cautiously.
tion) volumes of CSF (0.5 ml to 1 ml per sample time)
from the same animal multiple times; this CSF is useful
Studies of pathogenesis for determination of biochemical (e.g., glucose or
Mimicking clinical disease protein) and cellular parameters (e.g., WBC counts).
In contrast, the volume of CSF obtained from mice
The purpose in the development of animal models in usually does not exceed 5 to 7 ml and is often a terminal
clinical mycology is to mimic, as closely as possible, the procedure. The size of organs and internal structures
progression and the clinical signs of the infection in makes possible more accurate and specific observation
human patients. This allows us to understand the in rabbits than the mouse. For example, in our model of
mechanisms involving the infectious process, host- coccidioidal meningitis, the development and histolo-
resistance to that pathogenic process and potentially, gical appearance of arteritis and vasculitis closely
the cure for the infection. In this section we discuss the mimics that of humans [49]. Other models of CNS
most common animal species used in mycology as infection in rabbits include those using infection with
models of infection. C. neoformans [50] and C. albicans [51]. In addition, the
use of larger animals, such as rabbits, allows for
Types of animals thorough clinical observations of signs and symptoms.
A first step is to choose the correct animal species, Rabbits have been used extensively as a model for
which is one that will simulate the human infection as mycoses affecting the eye due its size and similarity to
closely as possible, or if studying veterinary fungal the human anatomy and physiology. Experimental
diseases one may actually opt to use the same animal. models of keratitis and endophthalmitis due to A.
As described in several review papers, a variety of fumigatus [52], C. albicans [5356], C. neoformans [57],
animals have been used in mycological research and Histoplasma [58], Fusarium solani [59,60] or P. boydii
include: mice, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, dogs [61] have been developed in rabbits.
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Models of systemic fungal infection have also been aspergillosis is beneficial in that therapeutics or vac-
described in rabbits and include C. albicans [62], A. cines against aspergillosis can be studied directly in the
fumigatus [6366] and S. prolificans [67]. Other models affected species rather than trying to translate results of
including pulmonary aspergillosis [68,69], candidiasis therapy or vaccine work from rodents or other animals.
[70,71] and cryptococcosis [72], sinusitis [7375], en-
docarditis caused by Aspergillus [76] or Candida [77,78].
Routes of infection
Rabbit models of Aspergillus have been reviewed in
greater detail elsewhere [35,7981]. When performing an animal model of fungal infection
Although rabbit models are quite useful for the study one must consider what route of infection to use. The
of fungal infections, and their treatment, they are more various routes of infection include, pulmonary (intra-
expensive to purchase, their husbandry requires special nasal or intratracheal), intraperitoneal, intravenous,
installations and careful monitoring, and greater efforts intracranial, intrathecal or intracisternal, mucosal (va-
from support and animal care personnel, there are few ginal or orogastric), dermal (skin or cornea) and
immunological and biomolecular reagents available subcutaneous. Each of these routes of infection has
and there is a lack of genetically defined animals. been used to study particular infections [34
Each of these factors needs to be considered and each 36,38,41,107,108]. It is important to point out that
can impose limits on the use of this species as an animal animal hosts may differ in their susceptibility to
model for studies that includes these topics. challenge with the same pathogen by different routes.
The next most commonly used species in medical Our laboratory reported differences in mouse suscept-
mycology is the guinea pig. Guinea pigs are primarily ibility to Blastomyces dermatitidis between intranasal
used as a model for experimental cutaneous infections and intraperitoneal infection. The same strain of B.
by C. albicans [82,83] Trichophyton mentagrophytes dermatitidis at the same dose (30 CFU per animal)
[84,85] and seborrheic dermatitis caused by Malassezia caused death of 50% of C3H/HeJ mice after intranasal
sp. [86]. In a model of tinea unguium in guinea pigs, infection vs. 17% when infection was made intraper-
inoculation with T. mentagrophytes between the toes itoneally. However, DBA/1J mice were more susceptible
resulted in nail collapse [87]. Guinea pigs have been to intraperitoneal (83% mortality) than to intranasal
used in therapeutic studies including systemic aspergil- infection (25% mortality). Thus, these data demon-
losis [8892], cryptococcosis [93] and scedosporiosis strate that both route and mouse strain play a decisive
[94]. Other models involving guinea pigs include a role in modeling experimental fungal infection [109].
model of endocarditis caused by A. fumigatus [95], and The majority of serious fungal infections are ac-
a model of pulmonary histoplasmosis induced by quired by inhalation of infectious elements or by a
aerosolized microconidia and hyphal fragments of H. breakdown of the natural body barriers i.e., skin and
capsulatum [96]. Guinea pigs are often used to test mucosa. Thus, in many instances a pulmonary route of
voriconazole (VCZ) efficacy [88,94,9799] because, infection would be optimal to initiate the model
according to different authors, VCZ reaches therapeu- because it mimics the natural entry into the human
tic serum levels in this species comparable to those in body. For example, pulmonary inoculation with C.
humans [100102] whereas, the drug is rapidly meta- neoformans showed generalized dissemination of the
bolized in mice and induces its metabolism. A draw- fungus, with the brain and lungs heavily infected 42
back to the use of guinea pigs is that these animals have days after challenge [110], mimicking human crypto-
a complex social structure and are easily stressed under coccosis. However, the development of infection and
unfamiliar environments or housing conditions or the the resulting affected organs potentially can differ
manipulations required during the course of the between animals and humans due to differential organ
experimentation [103,104]. They are relatively expen- tropism of the infecting microorganism, the organisms
sive to maintain and board, and lack congenic strains. greater ability to grow in a particular organ environ-
The use of birds in models of aspergillosis deserves ment or host factors. An example is substantial renal
mention, since naturally acquired aspergillosis in the involvement in various models of aspergillosis, which is
absence of immunosuppression is an important disease less common in human infection [35]. In light of
in avian medicine [35,105,106]. Both intravenous in- differences in pathogenesis and organ tropism, we
oculation and pulmonary routes (intratracheal or have the option to mimic the infectious process, which
aerosol) have been used to infect the animals, which is the goal of the animal modeling, by modifying the
include Japanese quail, turkeys, guinea fowl and route of infection.
chickens for studies of pathogenesis, therapy and Several models of systemic or localized infection have
vaccines [35,105]. The use of birds as a model for been described. Systemic infections using intravenous
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
662 Capilla et al.

inoculation are used often in models of infection to organs [121,122]. In the example of aspergillosis,
reproduce in the animal a mimic of human dissemina- hyphal growth and development of abscesses and
tion, independent of the natural entry of the pathogen necrotic areas mimic the common complications ob-
on the host. Systemic infections inoculating a suspen- served in clinical cases of cerebral aspergillosis
sion containing different fungal elements intravenously [119,123]. Intracerebral models of infection also have
have been tested with the most common pathogenic been used to test therapeutic options for treatment of
fungi. Systemic infections of Aspergillus spp. [3], aspergillosis, coccidioidomycosis, scedosporiosis, histo-
Cryptococcus spp. [111], Candida spp. [35,36,38,107], plasmosis and cryptococcosis [121,122,124128]. An-
Coccidioides immitis [34,39], Histoplasma capsulatum other route of infection to establish CNS infection in
[34,39], Scedosporium spp. [98,112,113], Sporothrix mice is intrathecal inoculation, which has been used in
schenkii [114], Paracoccidioides brasiliensis [115], Peni- a model of coccidioidomycosis to simulate the menin-
cillium marneffei [116], Hansenula anomala [117], Fusar- gitis and vasculitis associated with CNS complications
ium sp. [118] or Trichosporon asahii [97] have been caused by hematogenous dissemination of the fungus in
described in the literature using different mammalian human disease [129]. The technique requires a skin
species. The intravenous route depends on anatomic incision over the lumbar vertebrae and inoculation of
characteristics of the animal species. In mice or rats an arthroconidial, spherule or endospore suspension
systemic infection is performed most often by using the into the subarachnoid space via lumbar puncture [129].
lateral tail veins. However, in other animals where tail Via this route of infection, the fungus can be recovered
veins are not easily accessible or do not exist, other from brain and meninges as early as three days after
routes are used. The lateral ear vein and the penile vein infection, and by 8 days postinfection, the histopatho-
are the choose routes for infection in rabbits and guinea logic abnormalities found in the brain or spinal cord
pigs, respectively. include acute meningitis, vasculitis and polymorpho-
Localized or site-specific infections have been devel- nuclear cells infiltrates [129]. Similar to the intracer-
oped over the years of animal modeling to simulate the ebral route of infection, extrameningeal dissemination
pathology in the target organs associated with one site is observed; however, CNS involvement is greater than
of infection in humans. With this purpose, pulmonary, that reached in systemic or pulmonary infections [129].
brain, intraperitoneal, ocular, superficial, vaginal or Intracisternal inoculation for the establishment of
subcutaneous models have been developed. infection in the CNS has been used as route of infection
CNS is a common site of hematogenous dissemina- in rabbit models of meningitis by C. neoformans and C.
tion of fungi such as A. fumigatus, C. neoformans C. immitis [49,50].
immitis, Scedosporium prolificans and some phaeohy- Pulmonary diseases can be initiated using different
phomycetes in humans and infection there can result in techniques. The most common technique is by intra-
high mortality. Mimicking the natural pulmonary nasal instillation of a fungal suspension. However, the
establishment of a pathogen does not always result in number of fungal elements arriving in lung tissue can
dissemination to the CNS in animals. In the case of be uncertain, depending on the anesthesia used and
cerebral aspergillosis direct intracranial inoculation of experience of the person doing the procedure. In early
conidia results in high tissue burdens in the brain, with studies, our laboratory found that, using a standardized
the histopathological lesions and cellular host-response procedure, 1 h after intranasal inoculation with B.
similar to the observations in human infections invol- dermatitidis yeasts, 33.5% of the inoculum CFUs could
ving the CNS, although this is not the natural route by be routinely recovered from lungs, and results in a
which humans acquire the infection [119]. consistent model of pulmonary blastomycosis [130].
Different techniques such as the intracerebral (or This technique is easy to perform and several repro-
intracranial), intrathecal or intracisternal inoculation ducible models of fungal infection have been estab-
are available for the study of fungal infections asso- lished including pulmonary aspergillosis [3,35],
ciated with the CNS. Intracranial infection is per- cryptococcosis [131], histoplasmosis [34,39,46], blasto-
formed by direct inoculation in the brain parenchyma mycosis [34,39], paracoccidioidomycosis [39] and zygo-
through the midline of the cranium in mice [120]. mycosis [38,75,132] in different mammalian species.
However, as mice mature the sutures between the Some investigators prefer to use inhalation of dry
frontal and parietal plates fuse, making the bregma fungal conidia as the method of pulmonary infection.
more difficult to locate. Thus, injecting through the A comparative study using titanium dioxide particles
fontanelle is useful only for mice up to about 8-weeks showed that inhalation results in a more homogenous
of age. Although infection spreads to other organs, distribution of the particles in lungs than does the
CNS fungal burdens remain higher than in other instillation technique [133]. In another study, delivery
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by inhalation was compared to intranasal instillation tion carries over to resistance to the establishment of
for the establishment of pulmonary aspergillosis in rats; experimental vaginal candidiasis [151,152]. Thus,
higher fungal burdens with smaller standard deviation choice of mouse strain can be critical to the success
and more homogenous pneumonia was reported in of the model. The use of the vaginal model has included
animals infected by inhalation than by instillation pathogenesis, therapeutic and host-response studies
[108]. The use of aerosol chambers reproduces, with [38,146,153158].
the exception of higher numbers of fungal conidia
inhaled, the natural entry of the microorganism in the
Organ specificity
respiratory tract. Separate studies have demonstrated
the reproducibility of delivering A. fumigatus conidia to As mentioned before, when performing a model of
the lungs using inhalation [108,134,135]. The third fungal infection one must be aware that each fungus
method used for inoculation for pulmonary infection may preferentially grow in a particular organ system in
is the intratracheal route. Although better for the the animal and these may not be the same as the
consistency of inoculum administration, it requires a primary tissues infected in humans. These tropisms
minor surgical procedure. An incision needs to be made may be apparent regardless of the route of infection or
and organisms injected directly into the trachea. can also be determined by the route of infection as
Various models using this method have been reported discussed above.
such as those using Penicillium marneffei [116], and C. For example, in most murine models of candidiasis
albicans [70,71], as well as others [35,36,38,39]. using outbred or inbred mice infected intravenously, the
Mucosal sites of infection include oral, gastrointest- kidney is the primary organ infected, with lungs, brain,
inal tract and vaginal and have been used primarily in liver and spleen infected more transiently [159].
rodents for studies of C. albicans [136,137]. Establish- Although kidney infection is not so prominent in
ment of gastrointestinal infection is done by gavage humans, renal infection in mice does mimic the course
with a suspension of the yeast, allowing the animals to of sepsis in humans [1]. However, the use of a
drink from a suspension of yeast or by feeding the genetically deficient mouse strain, beige mice, shows a
fungus in pellets. Immunocompetent, immunosup- change in tissue tropism with the liver and spleens
pressed, congenitally immunodeficient, germ-free and having progressive disease [160].
antibiotic-treated mice have all been used in this type of Infection of mice with C. neoformans provides an
model [137]. In addition, adult and infant mice have excellent example of a fungal model that demonstrates
been used [136,138]. The model can be manipulated to the same organ involvement, CNS, as is found in
mimic different patient populations at risk for devel- humans. Although the reasons are not entirely eluci-
opment of mucosal candidiasis by altering the immu- dated, C. neoformans requires exogenous substrates to
nosuppressive regimen or changing the strain of mouse synthesize melanin, and some suggest than the tropism
used. Several studies have used neutropenic mice to of C. neoformans for the brain could be due to its
examine Candida translocation from the gut as a source capacity to make melanin from catecholamines. Ob-
of disseminated disease [38,137,139143], a syndrome servations showing that areas of the brain rich in
that occurs in neutropenic and chemotherapy patients. catecholamines are frequently infected by C. neofor-
In contrast, AIDS patient develop mucocutaneous mans support this suggestion. Recently, we have
candidiasis, but the yeast do not disseminate. Orogas- reported differences in organ involvement between C.
trointestinal candidiasis in SCID mice shows a similar gattii and C. neoformans var. grubii in a systemic model
lack of dissemination from the gut and thus provides a of cryptococcosis in BALB/c mice [161]. Infection with
good model for studies of therapy and host-interaction C. grubii showed a temporal increase of CFU in brain
[144,145]. and liver but no yeast were recovered from the brain of
Studies on vaginal candidiasis are also done in animals infected with C. gattii. Interestingly, and
rodents and primarily in mice, although other species reported for first time, long-term infection with C.
have been used [38,146148]. Infection of animals is gattii resulted in unusual skin and intestinal mucosal
easily done by lavaging a suspension of yeast into the lesions in hydrocortisone-suppressed and in immuno-
vagina. To establish and maintain vaginitis in mice it is competent BALB/c mice, whereas these types of lesions
a requisite that estrogen be administered to induce were not found in C. grubii infected mice [161].
estrus [38,149]. Interestingly, not all mouse strains are Murine models of blastomycosis provide examples
equally responsive to the effects of exogenous estrogen for tissue involvement based on routes of infection. In
treatment, with CD-1 mice being particularly resistant humans, primary pulmonary disease with dissemina-
to estrogenization [150]. This resistance to estrogeniza- tion occurs; cutaneous lesions are common sites of
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
664 Capilla et al.

disseminated disease. In mice infected intranasally with a virulence factor and contributes to the severity of the
B. dermatitidis, pulmonary disease is quite severe and disease. Nonpigmented strains of C. neoformans, gen-
lethal [39,41,130]. Although the organism does not erated by UV spontaneous mutation, were shown less
disseminate from the lungs to other tissues in the acute virulent than pigmented strains in animal models, but
infection produced in the mouse, cutaneous blastomy- the mutation did not result in avirulence [165]. Simi-
cosis is mimicked by using subcutaneous inoculation as larly, melanin-deficient Wangiella dermatitidis [166,167]
the route of infection [39,41]. and A. fumigatus [168,169] showed loss of virulence in
comparison to their respective parental wild-types in
murine models. Important roles have been attributed to
Virulence studies
the melanin as a virulence factor, contributing protect-
Historically, the comparative virulence of strains of ing the organism from oxidative stress and macrophage
fungi (e.g., a mutant and the parent, or multiple isolates digestion in mammalian tissues and give higher resis-
of the same species) has been studied in these models tance to antifungal agents [170,171].
and comparisons made based on lethality or fungal
burden in the target tissues. Animal modeling is a Strains of fungi
useful method to determine the severity of the experi-
Studies of comparative virulence among isolates of a
mental infection as a correlate of the virulence of the
fungal species have shown, for many organisms, that
infecting fungus. Severity is primarily evaluated by
when inoculated into an animal in equal numbers of
mortality and quantitative recovery of the fungus in
organisms, some isolates are more pathogenic than are
affected organs, while histopathology of affected tissues
others. Differences among these may be large or
and the host response give us a picture of the
relatively small depending on the organism. Thus, it is
interaction between host and pathogen in vivo. Under-
crucial to determine the relative virulence of the fungal
standing the mechanisms regulating fungal virulence
strain under study prior to embarking on additional
and the interaction with the host is necessary for a
studies looking for virulence factors or pathogenic
better understanding of the infectious process. The
mechanisms. Studies on virulence and host-resistance
ability of the fungus to survive, grow, and evade the
most often are done using one strain of fungus and
immune system in mammalian tissues seems to be a
several strains of mice or several strains of fungus and
strain attribute that depends on the expression and
one strain of mice. An example of how this approach
regulation of various genes (e.g., virulence factors).
can be troublesome comes from our experience with
Classically, virulence factors have been considered to
studies on the pathogenicity of Saccharomyces cer-
be those traits that are present in the microorganism
evisiae. Using a murine model studied in CD-1 mice we
that are needed to cause disease and when absent, the
surveyed 28 clinical and nonclinical isolates of S.
microorganism loses its ability to produce disease, but
cerevisiae for their capacity to proliferate and persist
the loss of the virulence factors does not alter the
in the brain [172]. A continuum of virulence was found
ability of the organism to grow under other conditions.
ranging from those able to proliferate by about 5-fold
In bacteria, adhesion, colonization, invasion, immune-
to those that were rapidly cleared from the tissues [172].
response evasion, capsule formation and toxin release
In a subsequent set of studies we examined these same
are strongly related to virulence. Although capsule
isolates in a different strain of mouse, DBA/2, and
formation by Cryptococcus spp. is clearly a virulence
found that some of the isolates were lethal (increase in
factor [162], other factors, responsible for virulence in
virulence), but that the rank-order of virulence was not
fungi, are not as well defined.
the same in DBA/2 mice as it was in CD-1 mice [173].
Because most fungi have a free living saprobic phase,
These differences indicate the potential for multiple
not requiring a host to complete its biological cycle, it
strategies of virulence [173]. Thus, one should not
would seem that infection is merely an accidental
assume that because an organism appears virulent or
encounter between the fungus and the host. As a
nonvirulent in one model that it will appear the same
consequence, we can postulate that fungal physiology
way when used in a different model of infection.
has developed as a result of a natural selection outside
of human tissues, and the mechanisms that give the
Molecular tools and fungal gene knockouts
fungus the ability to cause infection may be cross-
linked to the necessity of survival, in the environment. With the advent of molecular biological techniques,
For example, melanin is a hydrophobic pigment studies of virulence factors have routinely used a gene
present in several species of pathogenic fungi knockout approach, where one or more genes are
[163,164]. Melanin seems to play an important role as removed or inactivated or replaced and the virulence of
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
Use of animal models in mycology 665

this strain is compared with the wild-type parental sion technology (IVET) or constructing fusion proteins
strain [174]. Numerous studies have been done to tagged with green fluorescent protein (reviewed in
identify virulence factors and mechanisms that mediate [203,204]). IVET has been successfully used for C.
the pathogenesis of the fungi and have been presented albicans [205] and Histoplasma capsulatum [206]. In
in detail elsewhere [3,9,35,41,75,115,163,164,175186]. Candida albicans IVET demonstrated that SAP2 was
Examples of these types of studies follow. Filamen- expressed during systemic, but not mucosal murine
tous growth of C. albicans is important in establishing infection. For A. fumigatus, Langfelder et al. [207]
mucosal infection [187]. Disruption of genes involved in formed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion with
filamentation resulted in decreased virulence in animal polyketide synthase (pksP-egfp) and followed the in
models. Mutation of int1, a gene involved in filamenta- vivo expression of this GFP-fusion protein during
tion and adherence in C. albicans [188] showed reduced pulmonary infection in corticosteroid-suppressed
mortality in a systemic murine model, but fungal mice. They showed expression of pksP in the hyphae
burden demonstrated higher persistence in kidneys of germinating conidia in the lungs of infected animals.
than did the wild-type strain [189]. Cph1 and efg1 are A second method of assessing virulence is that of
transcriptional regulators in controlling filamentous inoculating animals with a pool of mutants and letting
growth in C. albicans that activate different pathways the mouse eliminate those that are not virulent. In
involving filamentation. Efg1 seems to drive the major studies on S. cerevisiae, pools of isogenic strains were
pathway for filamentation and cph1 has a lesser role. used to infect mice to determine genes important to
However single mutants for each of these regulators survival in vivo by determining which of the isogenic
and double mutants still showed capacity to form strains was recovered from the animals [208]. Signature
filaments as a function of the medium used, suggesting Tagged Mutagenesis (SMT) has been applied success-
that additional genes are involved in filamentation fully to the study of in vivo gene expression of
[190]. Double cph1 and efg1 mutants were found to Cryptococcus [209] and A. fumigatus [210] in murine
be avirulent in a mouse model [191]. models. This methodology uses a transposon mutagen-
Several genes and proteins of A. fumigatus have been esis system in which each transposon mutant is tagged
also been linked to pathogenesis. Genes involved with with a unique DNA sequence that is to be followed
cell wall integrity, evasion of the immune response, using PCR and Southern blotting. To examine in vivo
toxins and extracellular enzymes related to direct attack expression, a pool of individually tagged mutants is
of the host tissues have been recently and extensively prepared and inoculated into mice and organisms
reviewed [192]. Aspergillus strains defective in particu- recovered at various times postinfection. In the Asper-
lar genes involved may demonstrate a reduction of gillus studies pools consisted of 84 or 96 unique
virulence, but can still retain pathogenic capability. For mutants, which increases the number of mutants that
instance, double chitin synthase mutants (chsC-/chsG-) can be screened in one experiment [210]. The use of this
showed reduced chitin synthase activity (required for methodology for A. fumigatus resulted in the identifica-
cell wall assembly), as well as anomalous growth in A. tion of PABA synthase as an essential gene for
fumigatus. However, the double mutant, despite show- virulence [210]. Similarly, the Cryptococcus work re-
ing reduced pathogenicity in comparison to the wild- sulted in the identification of 5 strains with reduced
type strain, still caused pulmonary disease in a virulence and one strain with increased virulence [209].
neutropenic mouse [193]. Similar results were found Lastly, in vivo gene profiling is a desirable method to
in chsE mutants [194]. Deletions of rhbA, fos-1 and use for the detection of genes potentially relevant to
pksP genes also show reduction of virulence in models virulence. Comparisons of A. fumigatus transcription in
of murine aspergillosis [195197]. Histidine kinases vivo, during pulmonary infection of mice, to in vitro
[198,199], and calcineurin [200202] serve as additional transcription, demonstrated higher transcription of
examples of genes linked to virulence by studies done in rhbA, a RAS-related protein and fos-1, a gene encoding
animal models. histidine kinase protein in vivo than in vitro. Interest-
As should be evident, using the approach of studying ingly, expression of pksP related to conidial pigmenta-
single genes and their impact on virulence is a slow and tion was only detected in pulmonary infection, but was
tedious process, requiring many animals. More recent not detected in vitro [211]. In vivo gene expression has
advances in the study of virulence factors have taken also been examined by serial analysis of gene expres-
other approaches. One method to assess virulence is sion (SAGE) technology in elegant studies done on C.
that of in vivo gene expression and there are two related neoformans in a rabbit model of meningitis [212].
methodologies for gene-profiling of fungi during infec- Generation of sequence tags (ca. 14 bp) for each
tion that use reporter genes. These are in vivo expres- cryptococcal gene allowed for RNA expression of the
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
666 Capilla et al.

organism to be followed. The results of the study specific. Animal models provide us the means with
indicated that C. neoformans in vivo showed over 300 which to address different issues.
highly expressed sequence tags (i.e., genes), involved in
a variety of cellular functions [212] and will allow more Laboratory manipulations
focused efforts on particular pathways and gene sets.
As the reader will remember from the introductory
remarks, no single model can be used to answer all
questions. Therefore, the investigator may need to
Studies of host response perform a manipulation of the animals to address a
particular immunological question. These manipula-
Infection can be considered as an imbalance between
tions include, but are not limited to administration of
the host-defenses and the infectious agent, with the
an immunosuppressive regimen (e.g., cytotoxic che-
host unable to control the proliferation of the infectious
motherapy or glucocorticoids) given alone or in
agent. How the host is able to fend off fungal infectious
combination with antibiotic regimens to prevent sec-
or why the host is susceptible to fungal infections is an
ondary bacterial infections, antibodies to interfere with
area of intense study, for which animal models of
or inactivate a cell population (e.g., anti-PMN) or
infection have proven invaluable.
particular cytokine (e.g., anti-IL-12), administration of
Historically the use of animal models, and particu-
a chemical or drug to induce a metabolic change (e.g.,
larly murine models, has been crucial to our under-
streptozocin to induce type II diabetes or estrogen to
standing of host-response to fungal infection. The
induce estrus), surgical alteration of animals (e.g.,
greater susceptibility of immunosuppressed animals to
thymectomy, orchidectomy, or ovariectomy), gamma-
the mycoses, the increased refractoriness of immuno-
irradiation, and changes in diet (e.g., amino acid
suppressed animals to antifungal therapy, and, in
deficiency). Each of these manipulations affects the
aspergillosis, the requirement for immunosuppression
host-response to infection and those effects should be
in order for progressive invasive pulmonary disease to
defined. For example, in recent studies on orogastroin-
develop, corroborate findings in clinical medicine.
testinal candidiasis we found that administration of
Various methodologies and strains of mice have been
5-fluorouracil resulted in dissemination of C. albicans
used to correlate the importance of various cell types
from the gut tissues to visceral organs, nicely emulating
(e.g., PMNs, macrophages, different lymphocyte popu-
a clinical situation of the cancer chemotherapy patient
lations, antibodies, etc.) [39,213,214]. Good examples
that develops systemic candidiasis [139]. However,
of these studies are the use of spontaneously occurring
during our preliminary studies we noted that mice
mutations in mouse strains such as athymic nude mice,
were succumbing to secondary bacterial infection
depletion of particular cell populations or cytokines by
rather than fungal disease and found it necessary to
antibody treatment (e.g., anti-PMN, anti-mu, or anti-
include a combination regimen of oral and parenteral
interferon-g) or other means of cell depletion like silica
antibacterials to allow for the development of the
or carageenan treatment or immunosuppressive cyto-
candidal infection [139].
toxic regimens [39,213]. Much progress has been made
with the advent of site-directed mutagenesis for gen-
Genetic manipulations
eration of cytokine or receptor deficient strains of mice,
cloning and availability of specific cytokines for use in Most useful for studies of host response to fungal
vitro or in vivo and in the methods that can be used to infections are animals, particularly mice, with defined
detect and follow the global genesis of the hosts genetic defects in their immune systems. Animals of this
response to infection. These methodologies continue type include T-cell deficient nude mice, beige mice with
to reveal to us the complicated nature of the host- phagocytic cell degranulation defects, chronic granulo-
parasite interaction. Given the vast number of articles matous disease mice with defects in generating reactive
on these subjects, we will only present a brief overview oxygen species by phagocytes, and SCID mice with T
addressing more recent studies and use examples of and B cell defects. Each of these types of animals has
how animal models of fungal infection have been used been used in studies of fungal infection examining host-
to move the field forward. response [35,36,38,39,107,215,216]. However, a draw-
How does the host respond during a fungal infection back to these types of animals is that often the
and which aspects of the immunological response are mutation responsible for the defect has pleiotropic
most important? This question is multifaceted and effects, which may or may not influence the results.
quite complex, and as yet not fully answered as the Although nude mice have no mature T cells, their
host-response can be tissue specific and organism macrophages have been described as being at a higher
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
Use of animal models in mycology 667

basal state of activation and they have increased the genesis of host response can be greatly aided by
numbers of NK cells [217] and have, for example, examination of the cytokine response in vivo
shown paradoxical resistance early during infection [214,219,226229]. Animal models provide the possibi-
with C. albicans [218]. lity of examining specific tissues or organs for cytokine
More desirable and now possible with the advent of expression and the availability of immunological re-
modern molecular techniques is the generation of gene agents for mice and variety of strains of mice make
knockout (KO) mice, which have one or more specific them ideal for these studies. Methodologies include
genes inactivated or deleted. The commercial availabil- ELISA assays for cytokine proteins, cytokine protein
ity of these animals, although quite expensive to macroarrays, RT-PCR assays for individual cytokines
purchase, makes a variety of studies possible. Several and mouse DNA microarray for use in examining the
of these strains of animals have been mentioned global host-response to infection. The use of other
already, but include KO for a specific cytokine, enzyme, animals as models for studies of host-response is more
cell receptor, etc. These types of mice have become limited due to the severely limited availability of
invaluable for determining the role played by a immunological reagents and genetically defined ani-
particular molecule in host response [177,214,219]. mals.
Possibly confounding effects can occur because of Examples of studies examining cytokine expression
redundancy in the immune system (more than one include infection with Aspergillus, Candida, Cryptococ-
gene may control a defense pathway), or compensatory cus, Coccidioides, Histoplasma, Paracoccidioides, and
hyperactivity (up-regulation of gene expression to Pneumocystis [230244]. Each of these used a mouse
compensate for the gene knocked out). model. In contrast, examination of cytokine expression
Genetic susceptibility to fungal infection in humans in rabbit models of fungal infection is extremely limited
is a growing field of study [220], and it benefits due to a lack of reagents. Using a rabbit model of
from observations of genetic susceptibility in mice meningeal coccidioidomycosis our group has examined
[150,173,221224]. In addition, the continued accumu- the temporal expression of mRNA for several cytokines
lation of haplotype polymorphisms into databases for in the basilar artery. We accomplished this by develop-
mouse strains allows investigators to further refine ing our own primers for sequenced rabbit cytokines and
their searches for genes or gene families involved in used PCR methodology to demonstrate up-regulation
susceptibility [220]. Furthermore, the advent of mole- of mRNA encoding for different proinflammatory
cular manipulation has allowed for the insertion of interleukins, as well as MCP-1, iNOS and MMP-9 in
human genes into mice resulting in a transgenic the brain basilar artery [245]. The rabbit will become an
humanized mouse. For example CD13 insertion has even more useful animal for modeling as additional
been studied in relationship to the pathogenicity of immunological reagents become available and research
human coronavirus in mice [225]. These types of studies is done on the immune response of the rabbit.
further refine and extend the potential of murine
models for the study of disease, since they permit study
Innate and adaptive immunity: genesis and
of human-specific molecules and/or cells in an in vivo
regulation of the immune response
environment. Future studies using transgenic mice
humanized by the insertion of a single human gene Innate immunity is phylogenetically the oldest mechan-
(e.g., cytokine or chemokine receptor molecules, Toll- ism of defense and is present in all multicellular
like receptors, etc) will likely be applied to fungal organisms [246]. Soluble proteins made by the host
diseases and will undoubtedly provide extremely inter- play an important role in innate immunity to fungal
esting results. infection. The activation of complement promotes
inflammation via chemotactic subunits as well as
opsonization of fungi [247249]; several fungi activate
Cytokine expression
complement through the alternate pathway [247249].
As we have come to learn over the last 30 years, Studies in murine models have shown the importance
cytokines are the primary cellular signals responsible of complement controlling infection by C. albicans.
for the activation and modulation of the primary innate DBA/2 mice, which are defective in C5, are extremely
cellular host-response, as well as the genesis and sensitive to systemic candidiasis and aspergillosis
development of the adaptive response to infection. [221,222]. Infusion of C5-sufficient serum into DBA/2
The expression of particular cytokines signal whether mice infected systemically with C. albicans increased
the host-response will be protective or nonprotective as survival of the animals, reduced tissue burdens of
they drive it towards a Th1 or Th2 response. Studies on fungus and reduced the severity of lesions in the
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
668 Capilla et al.

kidney, but not in brain [250]; transfer of C5-sufficient The cellular receptor TLR family of proteins recog-
serum to normal and neutrophil-depleted DBA/2 mice nizes microbe-derived molecules and stimulates the
suggested that the complement system plays an im- innate immune response by inducing the production
portant role controlling the proliferation of yeast of proinflammatory cytokines. The inflammatory re-
during initial stages of the infection [250,251]. However, sponse is induced after binding of a TLR with its
based on murine studies of comparative susceptibility, ligand, which subsequently induces, such as through
complement may not play a significant role in host- the MYD88-dependent pathway, transcriptional
resistance in other fungal infections such as histoplas- regulation of TNF-a through the activation of the
mosis, coccidioidomycosis or paracoccidioidomycosis NF-kB pathway in macrophages and dendritic cells
[39,213,247,248]. [26,214,219]. Since this family of proteins was first
Ingestion of microbes into lysosomes and phagolyso- described in Drosophila sp., 10 different TLR have been
somes first requires recognition of antigens, which is identified in mammals based on sequence homology to
mediated by several cell surface receptors. The recep- the Drosophila Toll protein [274]. TLR-4 and TLR-2
tors and the signaling pathways involved have become contribute strongly in signaling responses to A. fumi-
an area of intense study. Pattern recognition proteins gatus and C. albicans, as studies relating deficiencies in
play a significant role and include various molecules TLRs to severity of disease have shown [26,275277].
such as dectin-1, TLR, and collectins [26,27,214,252 Experimentally, peritoneal and alveolar macro-
255]. The following paragraphs provide examples of phages from TLR-2/ mice showed a significant
how animal models have been used to elucidate the role decrease in TNF-a production compared to nave cells
played by these molecules in fungal immunity. following A. fumigatus infection [24]. Experimental
Mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is a triple helix of aspergillosis in TLR2 knockout mice resulted also in
peptides that recognizes terminal mannose residues. low production of TNF-a and IL-12, as well as reduced
MBL binds to the pathogen and activates MBL- survival and higher fungal burdens in the tissues than
associate serine protease-2 (MASP-2), which is in- competent mice [24]. Blease et al. reported that TLRs
volved in activation of C4 and C2 fragments via C3b could be regulated by circulating interleukins, when IL-
through the lectin pathway of complement, stimulating 18 defective mice infected with pulmonary A. fumigatus
the innate response against a spectrum of infectious showed a down-regulation of TLR-2 mRNA in com-
diseases [256,257]. MBL recognition of pathogens parison to that from IL-18 competent animals [278].
stimulates the immune system through the activation Regulatory processes acting on TLRs play an impor-
of complement, promoting the killing of pathogens tant role in orchestrating an adequate innate response
either directly through complement activation or by against specific pathogens, introducing a new concept
opsonization, as well as effects on the pathogen by about specificity of the innate response [279,280].
targeting the ligands [258261]. MBL deficiency has Natural killer (NK) cells are a population of large
been associated with higher risk for infection by virus, granular lymphocytes present in non-immune animals
bacteria and fungi [258,262266]. MBL appears im- and are well known for their capacity to kill tumor cells
portant in resistance to vaginal infection due to C. by cytotoxic mechanisms. NK have also been proposed
albicans and deficiency is associated with recurrent to play a role in innate immunity against virus, bacteria,
episodes of disease [260]. Experimentally, administra- parasites and fungi [281]. Cell wall components from C.
tion of recombinant human MBL to MBL knockout neoformans and C. albicans increase NK activation
mice significantly reduced the number of CFU of C. [282284]. Murphy et al. demonstrated than NK
albicans in vaginal mucosa and potentiated the effect of recognize cell wall components of C. neoformans and
itraconazole therapy [267]. made contact with the microorganism by microvilli,
The soluble collectin surfactant proteins, SP-A and demonstrating differences in the binding mechanisms
SP-D, are important in innate immunity to pulmonary used by NK for C. neoformans and tumor targets [284].
infection, binding to organisms, in some cases killing, Inhibition of NK by anti-NK antiserum increased the
and contributing to regulation of inflammatory re- CFU of C. neoformans in lungs of mice after systemic
sponse in the lung [268,269]. Several studies have infection in comparison to the control animals but not
examined the role of these collectins in innate immunity in liver, kidneys or brain. However, no differences were
and their interactions with fungi [224,270273]. The reported when the intrathecal route of infection was
generation of SP-A and SP-D deficient mice allowed used [285]. From later murine experiments it appears
for ex vivo studies with Blastomyces indicating the SP- that NK cells potentiate macrophage anticryptococcal
D is bound by the organism and thus blunts the host activity by production of IFN-g rather than by direct
reaction and production of TNF-a [272]. killing [286,287].
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
Use of animal models in mycology 669

Lymphocyte T Helper (Th) cells are subsets of the Th2 cytokines principally down-regulate the inflamma-
CD4 T cell lineage that modulate the immune tory response. In systemic aspergillosis in mice, admin-
response by cytokine release. From the CD4  subsets, istration of exogenous administration of IL-12 failed to
Th1 and Th2, differentiation of Th1 cells is the induce resistance, whereas IL-4 cured 70% of the mice
predominant response to infections by invasive fungi and protected them from a second lethal challenge
and Th2 in allergic responses to inhaled fungi on [235]. Stimulation of IgE production and eosinophil
mucosal surfaces [288]. Although these patterns of activation by Th2 cytokines are responsible for the
response are constant in mammals, there are significant prolonged immune response and the hyper-reactivity
differences between human and, for example, mouse reported in allergic aspergillosis [302,303]. Recent
immunology that must be taken into account. Differ- studies suggest members of the IL-17 cytokine family
ences in TLR expression, cytokine secretion, Th1/Th2
as regulators of the Th2 response instead of Th1 in
differentiation, and antigen-presenting functions,
pulmonary aspergillosis [304].
among others, have been extensively reported and
The function of T cells is clear against fungal
should be taken into account to interpret data obtained
infections, but the role of B cells in protection from
from animal modeling [214].
most fungal infections is less certain. Recent studies
Classically, cytokine release by Th1 cells has been
showed the importance of B cells in regulating the
known as pro-inflammatory cytokines, because of their
roles in enhancing macrophage activation and promot- severity of systemic cryptococcosis. B cell defective
ing inflammation. Activated macrophages and dendritic mice showed greater susceptibility to systemic and
cells induce Th1 cell development through a STAT4- pulmonary infection than did C57BL/6J mice suggest-
dependent pathway by major release of IL-12. The ing a protective B response. However, transferring IgG
major effector function of Th1 cells is to promote to B-cell defective animals did not improve the course
activation of macrophages by IFN-g. The use of IL-12 of the infection, but did in C57BL/6J. In addition,
knockout mice has shown them to be highly sensitive to higher levels of IFN-g, MCP1 and MIP-1a and lower
C. albicans, H. capsulatum, C. neoformans and C. levels of IL-12 were found in B cell defective mice than
immitis infection, demonstrating the importance of in C57BL/6J animals after infection [305]. These
this cytokine to resistance to these organisms [289 observations may be due to an over-exuberant Th1
293]. However, the up-regulation of this cytokine can response in response to the infection and suggest
be also responsible for an uncontrolled inflammatory immunomodulatory effects of B cells and antibodies
process that affects the host tissues. It has been reported [305,306]. Similarly, Magee et al. demonstrated by
that administration of exogenous IL-12 induces a less using microarray technology, up-regulation of B-cell
severe infection by P. brasiliensis in mice, but increases related genes in mice immunized with formalin-killed
the severity of inflammation [294]. spherules, and that immunization of B-cell deficient
In contrast to IL-12, IL-10, secreted by Th2 cells, MuMT mice, resulted in no protection against cocci-
plays a role in inhibiting the inflammatory response dioidomycosis, which supports the protective role of B
mediated by Th1 cells and also promotes the Th2 cells [307].
response [295,296]. Down-regulation of Th1 response Although the innate immune response is a primary
results in diminution of resistance to various fungal host-defense mechanism, long-lasting resistance to re-
pathogens. Data from animal models support this
infection due to acquired immunity is also very
inflammatory interaction, since IL-10 KO mice have
important [214,219,226]. Adaptive immunity is the
been shown more resistant than control wild-type mice
result of long-lived memory CD4 and CD8 T cells,
to infection by clinically important fungi [234,297299].
It has been reported that neutralization of IL-10 up- which upon restimulation with a specific antigen
regulates production of nitric oxide, contributing to an initiate the inflammatory immune response, phagocytic
effective fungicidal effect against systemic candidiasis cell activation and enhancement of cellular mechanisms
[300]. However, a reported pivotal function of IL-10 of killing. There is strong evidence that infection and
shows the flexibility of the immune response and its recovery from infection with various systemic fungi,
regulation. For example, physiological levels of IL-10 Histoplasma, Coccidioides, Blastomyces and Paracocci-
were required for Th1 development in IL-12 KO mice dioides, corroborated in animal models, lead to life-long
indicating the relevance of a finely regulated balance in immunity [214,219,226]. In contrast, infection and
cytokine expression [301]. recovery from disease due to an organism such as
Although Th1 cells are viewed as necessary in Candida does not appear to lead to life-long immunity
defending the host against acute fungal infections, and re-infection can occur (e.g., recurrent vaginitis).
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
670 Capilla et al.

Modulation of host response a lethal challenge [348350]. In the 1960s Levine et al.
demonstrated that injections of formalin killed spher-
There are a number of different methods used to
ules (FKS) of C. immitis protected mice from pulmon-
modulate the host response. The inflammatory response
ary infection [351353]. However, clinical trials done in
can be down-regulated with glucocorticoids, inhibitors
2,867 subjects showed no significant protection in
of TNF-a such as pentoxifylline [308], antibodies to
subjects that received three intramuscular injections
specific cytokines or cytotoxic chemotherapies. Up-
(1.75 mg of FKS each) over the placebo group [354].
regulation or stimulation of the immune response can
Unfortunately, the high incidence of severe reaction at
be done by administration of specific cytokines (e.g.,
the site of injection precluded future studies using doses
TNF-a, IFN-g, IL-12, CSFs), specific antigen admin-
equivalent to those used in the animal studies.
istration, and nonspecific stimulators such as alum,
Today, the focus of vaccine research is on specific
BCG, muramyl dipeptide, CpG DNAs, monopho-
antigens and several have shown protective effects in
sphoryl lipids and saponins. The latter are used most
laboratory animals against different fungal infections.
often as adjuvants in vaccine preparations [309].
The efforts to develop an effective vaccine against
A primary focus of immuno-modulation of fungal
coccidioidomycosis continue, with several different
infections has been in therapy using particular
specific proteins and preparations having shown pro-
cytokines as adjunct to conventional therapy
mise in murine studies [355,356]. A respiratory protein,
[107,227,228,310314]. Administration of exogenous
identified as b-1,3-glucanosyltransferase (Gel1), con-
IFN-g to mice has proven effective in cryptococcosis,
fers protection against pulmonary coccidioidomycosis
histoplasmosis, paracoccidioidomycosis, candidiasis,
by C. posadasii in mice; there was an increase of IL-12
and aspergillosis [115,315324]. Similarly, IL-12 and
and IFN-g as well as IgG in mice receiving rGel1,
IL-18 stimulate mice to be more resistant to crypto-
demonstrating the importance of the Th1 response in
coccosis and histoplasmosis [287,293,325333].
protection against this dimorphic fungus [357,358].
Colony stimulating factors (CSFs) have also been
Proline-rich antigen (PRA), also called Antigen 2
used as adjunctive stimulators of the host response
(Ag2), and a glycoprotein of the lipid-rich outer wall
[107,213,227,228,310,311]. For example, efforts to re-
(SOWgp) layer from C. immitis have also demonstrated
verse neutropenia or enhance PMN production in
protective properties by enhancing Th1 response in
normal mice by exogenous administration of G-CSF
animal models [359,360].
have failed in different models of systemic fungal
The use of Th1 stimulators has demonstrated an
infection. G-CSF in combination with antifungal
increase in the protective effect of vaccines in animal
therapy showed no advantage in comparison to the
models. For example, unmethylated CpG oligonucleo-
antifungal treatment alone in murine models of sce-
tides in combination with A. fumigatus allergens [361],
dosporiosis [334], mucosal and intra-abdominal candi-
or antigens from C. immitis [362] stimulated Th1
diasis [144,335] or meningeal cryptococcosis [336].
response increasing resistance. However, the use of
Similar results have been observed with GM-CSF and
CpG increased the susceptibility of mice to challenge
M-CSF. However, successful enhancement of antifun-
with C. albicans [363]. These contradictory effects on
gal therapy against candidiasis [310,337,338], histoplas-
the use of CpG tell us about the complexity of general
mosis [339] and aspergillosis [340,341] in mice by G-
CSF has been reported.
Other evidence about the activation of acquired
responses against a fungus and production of specific
antibodies and the importance they may play in
coordinating immunity exists [364]. Detection of spe-
A long-term goal in the field of medical mycology has cific antibodies, used for diagnostic and epidemiologic
been the development of preventative vaccines. Ap- purposes [365368], supports this role. Mannans and
proaches using strains defective in virulence or killed glucuronoxylomannan that stimulate protective and
organisms in different forms, i.e., conidia, hyphae or nonprotective IgM production have been associated
yeast, have shown the capacity to induce at least partial with protection against C. albicans and C. neoformans,
protection of animals from many common fungal respectively [369,370], suggesting that individual epi-
pathogens [342347]. topes differ in their ability to elicit protective antibody.
Early studies showed that sub-lethal doses of A. Immunizations with liposomal encapsulated adhesin
fumigatus or viable avirulent and acapsular strains of C. from C. albicans protected BALB/c mice against
neoformans followed by lethal challenge of A. fumigatus systemic candidiasis and polyclonal anti-serum from
or C. neoformans, respectively, protected animals from the immunized mice protected nave BALB/c and SCID
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
Use of animal models in mycology 671

mice [369]. Because SCID mice are defective in B and T experience tells us that additional studies are needed in
cells, these cells appear not to be involved in the order to find more effective drugs, new routes of
protection. The authors suggest that protection could administration or new regimens, and animal models
be transferred by antibody that agglutinates C. albicans play an important role in refining monotherapy with
cells [369]. Similarly, mice immunized with capsular antifungal drugs. Each class of drugs has limitations in
glucuronoxylomannan covalently bound to tetanus spectrum, cidal activity and utility as a result of
toxoid conferred protection against C. neoformans, pharmacodynamics. In addition, the increasing occur-
and antibody titer during the early phase of infection rence of unusual fungi as opportunistic pathogens, such
correlated with clearance of the organisms [371]. The as the Zygomycetes or other filamentous fungi such as
true potential of antibodies may have been recently Fusarium, which are innately resistant to almost all
demonstrated by studies showing that a laminarin- antifungal drugs, places the development of new and
diphtheria toxoid conjugate prolonged survival of mice effective therapies as a prime pursuit [377,378].
infected with C. albicans or A. fumigatus and that In therapeutics, the gold standard is the (double-
transfer of whole immunogenic serum to nave animals blind) randomized clinical trial. However, when per-
resulted in immunoprotective properties ascribed to forming clinical trials one has to know the right
IgM and IgG1 [372]. One may hope that this type of question to address before embarking on a big adven-
study could lead to the goal of having a Universal ture. Moreover, such clinical trials usually require many
Vaccine against clinically important fungi. patients, are expensive, sometimes must compete with
Interestingly, acquired immunity may be tissue other studies for the same patients, usually require
specific and not translate into other organs. In a coordination of multiple centers, take a long time, and
murine model of vaginal candidiasis it was observed are confounded by variations in treatment groups
that once animals cleared the infection a second (different stages of disease when therapy starts, co-
challenge resulted in an enhanced delayed hypersensi-
morbidities not randomly distributed, different ages,
tivity, reduced numbers of Candida in the vagina and
sex, genetic backgrounds).
less hyphal penetration of the mucosa [156]. Further-
When a randomized clinical trial is not possible, the
more, the protective effects of the primary infection did
alternatives are clinical case series and open trials, and
not protect mice from gastrointestinal or systemic
the deficiencies are that the plural of anecdote is not
candidiasis [156]. These studies present the interesting
data. Animal model studies can tell you which clinical
possibility that vaccines should be site directed.
trials you should try to do, can be fashioned to mimic a
A desirable aspect for using a vaccine would be one
variety of human diseases, are relatively inexpensive,
that would remain effective in immunocompromised
provide sufficient subjects for appropriate statistical
patients or could be used in immunocompromised
patients [373]. In murine studies of aspergillosis, Ito analysis, can be relatively easily repeated (at which
et al. [374] demonstrated vaccine efficacy in corticos- time study conditions can be intentionally varied), and
teroid suppressed animals. Although CD4  cells are a give prompt answers (enabling decisions about future
primary cell involved in protective immunity resulting directions). All the subjects can be the same age and sex,
from vaccines, more recent studies have demonstrated be genetically identical, and have the same co-morbidity
that CD8 cells also have a role to play. Long-lived (or none) and same stage of disease at entry. Different
memory CD8 cells could induce and mediate resis- regimens can be studied concurrently to avoid unknown
tance to H. capsulatum and B. dermatitidis in absence external factors (e.g., referral patterns, treatments for
of CD4 subsets [375], as well as Coccidioides [376]. co-morbidities) influencing outcome that are changing
These findings are especially encouraging since poten- over time, as occurs in the clinical setting. The outcome
tiation of CD8 cells could be designed to protect even endpoints can be devoid of subjectivity (not the patient
immunosuppressed patients. is improved/stable/worse). While death can be an
objective endpoint in clinical trials or animal models,
in models the amount of infection after therapy can be
Antifungal therapy quantified, even in survivors. One can do pharmacologic
The ever increasing numbers of fungal infections, and toxicologic studies not possible in patients, includ-
whether primary or opportunistic, especially over the ing sampling parts of or whole organs for histopathol-
last two decades, has proven again and again the ogy and/or drug concentration, and study uncommon
limitations of the antifungal armamentarium. Although conditions that would be difficult or impossible to study
the drugs have demonstrated valuable activity against in a randomized clinical trial, because of insufficient
many mycoses, therapy is not always effective. Clinical numbers of subjects available in a reasonable time frame.
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
672 Capilla et al.

Animal models have been used extensively to test against different experimental infections [98,101,385].
experimental antifungal therapy against localized or Variability in drug efficacy can also depend on the
systemic infections by clinical important fungi, and animal model used and for this reason data should be
past experience demonstrates that efficacy in one or carefully interpreted, as treatment efficacy in one model
more animal models is predictive of efficacy clinically. may not occur in a different one. For example, we have
Perhaps no other use of animal models can be so previously reported differences in efficacy for several
directly and promptly linked to benefits in the care of antifungal drugs between murine models of systemic
patients. Studies in animals are directed to test the and pulmonary aspergillosis [386,387].
efficacy and safety of new agents, as well as new A true benefit of using animal models for the
indications for licensed molecules. After in vitro tests determination of drug efficacy is that doses and regi-
have shown efficacy against a fungus, animal modeling mens can be easily monitored, and modified in animal
is a mandatory step prior to clinical trials and final models, in order to establish an optimal effect
governmental approval. Once a model of infection has [36,37,388]. Higher dosages of an antifungal are not
been established, demonstrating reproducibility and always more curative, and the use of animal models has
mimicking the clinical disease, determination of the clearly demonstrated this for the lipid-carried ampho-
route and regimen of administration, pharmacokinetic/ tericin B preparations and the echinocandins in murine
pharmacodynamics, efficacy and toxicity of the drug models of CNS aspergillosis [2,5,385,387,389].
may be tested. Varying the time of onset of therapy in As noted previously, animal models are used in lieu
animal models can give valuable clues as to the of clinical trials where those trials may be difficult to
importance of timing of initiation of therapy in clinical perform or put patients at serious risk. A more recent
diseases. The types of studies performed are those of example of the utility of a model is that of a rabbit
monotherapy, combination therapy and pharmacoki- model of indwelling catheter colonization by a biofilm
netic or pharmacodynamics studies. We, and others, of C. albicans, which mimics the very serious clinical
have reviewed these types of studies extensively and will problem of candidal line infections and sepsis. These
thus present only examples of the types of studies done studies demonstrated the effectiveness of using liposo-
[35,36,38,41,42,107,108,312,379382]. mal amphotericin B to clear the biofilm from the
catheter [390] and also demonstrated ethanol inhibition
of biofilm formation by C. albicans in vivo, which may
Monotherapy studies
suggest novel methods of clearing the catheter [391].
Determination of drug efficacy in an animal model is Studies such as this directly address important clinical
assessed by many investigators using the parameters of problems and can be indicative of better methods of
survival and fungal burdens in the tissues, by colony- treatment.
forming units, after a defined period of dosing. Several
aspects of performing these types of studies need to be
Combination therapy studies
considered. Many of these already have been discussed
in the initial sections of this review. Based on in vitro Another strategy in face of serious fungal disease is the
susceptibility studies it is critical to know which organ- use of combinations of drugs. Combination therapy
isms within a genus appear to be susceptible and which can enhance efficacy over monotherapy, avoid toxic
are resistant to the antifungal being tested, as well as effects of one of both drugs by reducing the dosage and
how the organisms behave during the experimental increase the therapeutic benefits against infections
infection. Similarly, one must be aware of differences caused by multi-resistant species. When performing
between the animal species being used for the models, as antifungal combination studies it is critical to know the
the efficacy of antifungal drug can be also species- efficacy of the monotherapies being considered for use
dependent. Because of physiological differences between in combination. Significant enhancement of efficacy by
animal species, the pharmacokinetic and pharmacody- the combination cannot be demonstrated if one or both
namics of the new drug must be considered before drug of the compounds is already curative at the dosage
testing in vivo. The example of VCZ in guinea pigs versus being tested. Thus, if one or both drugs alone show
mice has been discussed in a previous section of this good efficacy, the combination of the two is assessed by
review. However, administration of grapefruit juice in using them at suboptimal dosages [36,37]. The com-
the drinking water of mice, which inhibits gut P450 bined efficacy over the monotherapy must be seen in
enzymes, has been shown to increase the serum con- animal models by comparing the combination and
centration of the drug to therapeutic levels [383,384] and demonstrating a significant enhancement in efficacy
allows the use of murine models to test VCZ efficacy over that of either drug tested alone at the same dosing
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
Use of animal models in mycology 673

concentration. Combination can be done by adminis- effects of azoles [397], drug-drug interactions resulting
tering both drugs simultaneously or sequentially. in toxicity [398] and to study the neurotoxicity of
Recently published examples of combination therapy amphotericin preparations [399], information that
studies demonstrated that lipid-carried AMB in com- would not have been possible to obtain from humans.
bination with VCZ given concurrently or sequentially Toxicological studies in infected animals are also sorely
with AMB for three days followed by VCZ showed needed, largely because of the possibility that disease
greater efficacy against CNS aspergillosis than did the toxicity and drug toxicity may summate, such as that
respective monotherapies [385,387,389]. In another reported in studies of murine blastomycosis [400].
study, liposomal AMB followed by administration of
VCZ was superior to VCZ followed by L-AMB [91].
Developing diagnostic tools
A variety of drugs have been studied in combination
particularly in murine models of candidiasis and Surrogate markers of infection and alternatives to
aspergillosis. The combinations include amphotericin survival or infectious burden assays have included
B preparations with azoles or echinocandins and azoles radiographic imaging techniques applicable to pulmon-
and echinocandins. Of note and discussed earlier in this ary models of aspergillosis in rabbits [3,35,65,81],
review are the use of immunostimulatory cytokines in metabolites [401] and other clinical parameters such as
combination with a conventional antifungal agent such body weight and temperature. In addition to the PCR
as amphotericin B or fluconazole. IL-12, and IFN-g methods, assays for antigenemia (galactomannan and
particularly, have been shown to be useful adjuncts glucan) have been used to study disease progression, as
to conventional therapy in a number of murine well as for diagnostic purposes [401406]. Rabbit studies
models including cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis with aspergillosis have shown that galactomannan
[107,213,228,229,311,312,324,392]. assays are useful for diagnostics and gave results similar
to those from humans [3,402,404,407,408]. The course
of cryptococcal polysaccharide concentrations in ani-
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
mal serum in the presence or absence of therapy
corroborates correlations of the concentrations, fungal
Determination of in vivo pharmacological parameters, load, and disease severity in humans [111,409,410]. In
such as Cmax, t1/2, AUC024, volume of distribution and each example mentioned, the clinical utility of a
elimination and toxicity, is necessary for antifungal particular assay is based on the corroboration of animal
drugs as well. Numerous studies of this type have used data in later clinical experience.
mice and rabbits and are usually performed in uninfected
animals [102,393395]. Less frequent and sorely needed
Summary and conclusions
are pharmacodynamic studies where the same pharma-
cokinetic parameters are determined in infected animals A primary aim of this review has been to demonstrate to
[102,394,395]. Important for the future is the application the reader that animal models in mycology are a useful
of physiologically based pharmacokinetics to antifungal and necessary tool for studies of pathogenesis, host-
agents. These types of studies are done modeling response, clinical infection and therapeutics. We have
pharmacokinetic parameters for two or more animal discussed various aspects of the benefits and weak-
species in order to predict the parameters in humans. nesses, types of data generated and evaluation of these
Studies of this type are very limited with antifungal data. From the numerous fungal animal models dis-
drugs and one example is a study with terbinafine done cussed it should be apparent that each is unique and
in rats showing the modeling from rat data correlated requires careful performance and evaluation before
well with published human data [396]. Additional reasonable conclusions concerning the results can be
studies on other antifungal drugs are much needed. drawn. One cannot make overall generalizations that all
A subdivision of pharmacologic studies is toxicologic fungal infections progress or behave in the same manner
studies. As mentioned in regard to other pharmacologic nor does the host respond in the same way to all fungi.
studies, these are usually performed in uninfected Thus, before embarking on studies utilizing animals a
animals, often the same species in which an efficacy series of questions must be addressed and answered by
trial and/or a pharmacologic study are conducted. the investigator. What is the infection being modeled
Early studies of polyene toxicity to nephrons, and the and is the model well defined and reproducible? What is
localization of the effect, necessarily relied on animal the immune status of the host? Is the fungal infection
models. As examples of more recent studies, we have being modeled an acute or chronic disease? When
utilized animal models to illuminate endocrinological therapeutic studies are the goal, does the investigator
2007 ISHAM, Medical Mycology, 45, 657684
674 Capilla et al.

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