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Dust - Xxiii Paper 10

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158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE


Norbert Jaeger
Syngenta Crop Protection Munchwilen AG., Breitenloh 5, CH 4333 Munchwilen, Switzerland

The new engineering guideline was published in 2011 and describes the state of the art in regards to
fire and explosion protection measures in spray dryers where, during specified normal use, combus-
tible dust/air mixtures, vapor/air-mixtures or hybrid mixtures occur or maybe formed.
The paper will outline the contents of this new engineering guideline in detail. Special focus will
be given to the area of Fire and Explosion risks associated with spray drying operations. The rel-
evant safety characteristics, necessary for a risk assessment, the zoning and consideration of poten-
tial ignition sources will be explained in detail. The final part of paper describes equipment specific
protective measures to afford protection against fire and explosion hazards.

1. INTRODUCTION . Atomization of a liquid feedstock into a spray of dro-

In 1986 the VDI published the first Guideline on Dust Fires plets. The small droplets are created by an atomizer
and Dust Explosion Hazards. Guideline 2263 Part 1 was the (rotary wheel or a high pressure nozzle).
start of several Guidelines within the 2263 series addressing . The droplets are introduced into a hot airstream, which
a variety of relevant topics associated with Dust Fire and is cooled down due to the evaporation of the water or a
Dust Explosion Hazards. As of today most of the VDI chemical solvent from the concentrate.
2263 guidelines are recognized and acknowledged through- . This now cooler and humid air is discharged from the
out European and International standards. In 2002 it was dryer through a cyclone, bag filter or a combination of
decided to continue the VDI 2263 series and to address the two.
equipment specific dust fire and explosion hazards com- . After separation of the now dry particles, the air is
bined with practical information and solutions trials for discharged into the atmosphere.
those specific types of equipments. Due to the complexity . The dry particles can be cooled and bagged off after
always two parts were prepared for each equipment specific separation from the process air.
topic in which the first part summarizes the basics (e.g.
The following two figures are showing a typical set up
description of the installation; risk assessment; protective
of spray dryers used in the processing industry:
measures) in general. As a continuation the second part out-
lines practical information and equipment specific solutions
trials for protective measures.
As of today the following types of equipment have
been covered within the VDI 2263 series/1-13/: 3. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS
Fires and explosions are a great risk to people, the environ-
. Fluidized Bed Dryer (Part 5/5.1) ment and installations. This is mainly due to the sometimes
. Dust extracting installations (Part 6/6.1) considerable heat and pressure coming into effect and to the
. Spray dryer (Part 7/7.1) combustion products. The temperatures building up inside
. Elevators (Part 8/8.1) spray dryers in the event of fires can result in parts of the
. Dustiness of bulk material (Part 9) installation breaking down and, thus, being destroyed. The
pressures occurring in the event of explosions can exceed
In the following chapters the details of the new VDI
the strength of the installation (unless it is designed to be
2263 Guideline, Part 7, which was officially made available
explosion-resistant) and can, therefore, cause the installa-
to the public in July 2010 will be described in detail.
tion to rupture. Such explosions give rise to additional
hazards of flying debris and of flames exiting the Installa-
tion, which may injure any personnel in the vicinity.
Unless equipment specific safety measures are in place,
Spray drying is a common process for particle formation
fires and explosions can spread throughout the installation
and drying. It is a good solution for the continuous pro-
and to connected installations.
duction of dry solids in powder or agglomerated particle
For a fire or an explosion to occur in a spray dryer, the
form from a liquid feedstock. The feedstock can include
following conditions must be fulfilled:
solutions, emulsions, and suspensions/14/.
During spray drying, a significant heat and mass . combustible dust (either deposited or raised within the
transfer takes place within a short period of time. The differ- explosion limits),
ent stages during a spray drying process can be outlined as . sufficient supply of oxygen and
follows: . an effective ignition source

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE

1 Feed System 6 Drying System (drying chamber)

2 Atomizer System 7 Extract air system with cyclone
3 Supply-air System 8 Downstream fluidized bed as final
drying/cooling chamber
4 Supply air for downstream fluidized bed as final 9 Fines recycling system
drying/cooling system
5 Drying System (air distributor) AE Discharge unit

Figure 1. Spray dryer using a vertical airflow, with cone-bottom drying chamber

The less compact a deposited combustible dust is, the . Evaluate the risk.
more violent the combustion reaction will occur after . Consider the measures for reducing the risk.
ignition. Most dusts will combust fairly slow when depos-
The analysis must cover all parts/installation of the
ited. Glowing and smoldering combustion are characteristic.
spray dryer as well as protective systems and components.
In spray dryers, the airflow will accelerate combustion up to
The risk assessment shall take into account:
flaming. Raised dust/air mixtures will combust at such an
extreme rate that an explosion is most likely to occur. . spray dryers, the protective systems and the components
A fire in a spray dryer can be the immediate conse- proper
quence of an explosion, although the main causes are . interaction between the spray dryers, the protective
other ignition sources. On the other hand, an explosion systems and the components as well as the substances
can also occur during a fire due to fire gases or because of handled
dust being raised. . the operations taking place in the spray dryers
In contrast with the EU Directives and the pertinent . interactions between the individual processes in the
harmonized European standards, this VDI guideline various parts of the spray dryers, the protective
addresses not only the manufacturers but the users as well. systems and components
The fire and explosion safety of an installation is also deter- . environment of the spray dryers and potential inter-
mined by risk factors at the installation site and, particularly, actions with neighboring processes.
by the properties of the product(s) processed in each case.
During the planning phase the manufacturer and user must
agree on the design of the safety equipment. The user
shall then ensure, later on, that only such products are pro- 3.1 GUIDANCE FOR MANUFACTURER/USERS
cessed in the context of specified normal use as per the It is the obligation of the manufacturer to conduct a risk
design of the spray dryer. assessment to identify all hazards associated with their
A risk assessment of each individual case has to be spray dryer. They shall design and construct the spray
carried out and should contain the following elements: dryer taking into account the results of their analysis.
Safety characteristics will help to identify the hazards The manufacturer shall carry out the risk assessment
by indicating whether the substances are combustible and on the basis of the intended use also to be specified by them-
how susceptible to ignition they are. selves, i.e. that use for which they declare the spray dryer to
be suited. They shall furthermore check whether the entire
. Determine whether potentially explosive atmospheres spray dryer or only individual systems of the installation,
must be expected to form and determine their likelihood such as the drying system, or individual equipment, such
of occurrence and expected volume. as fans, fall within the scope of the EU Directive 94/9/
. Determine the presence of any ignition sources capable EC/15/. If so, their equipment shall fulfill the basic require-
of igniting combustible substances or potentially explo- ments as well as the supplementary requirements applicable
sive atmospheres, including the likelihood that these to equipment of the categories 1, 2 or 3, depending on the
ignition sources will be present. frequency and likelihood of occurrence of the potentially
. Determine the potential effects of a fire or explosion. explosive atmosphere.

1 Feed System 6 Drying System (drying chamber with

integrated fluidized bed)
2 Atomizer System 7 Extract air system with bag filter
3 Supply-air System 8 Downstream fluidized bed as final
drying/cooling chamber
4 Supply air for final drying/cooling system 9 Fines recycling system
5 Drying System (air distributor) AE Discharge unit

Figure 2. Spray dryer using a vertical or rotating airflow, cone-bottom drying chamber with extract-air outlet in ceiling of drying

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE

On the basis of this information, the user shall then The following safety characteristics should be known
conduct their own installation-specific risk assessment for drying safety:
taking into account the same elements as mentioned
above. They have to document the result in an explosion Assessing combustion characteristics
protection document. . determination of the combustion class at 208C and at an
The user of a spray dryers is responsible for determin- elevated temperature, usually 1008C
ing which areas of the spray dryer involve explosion
hazards, taking into account the design data supplied by Assessing thermal stability
the manufacturer of the installation, the safety character- . exothermal-decomposition test in an open cup (accord-
istics of the products to be processed and the operating ing to Lutolf ), including combustibility test of the
conditions. decomposition gases and measurement of the volume
The user is also responsible for zoning the environ- of decomposition gases
ment of the spray dryer. To this end, the manufacturer . test for self-ignition in the airflow (according to Grewer)
shall make available data of the potential emissions of the
spray dryer. In addition to these potential emissions of the The temperature range over which these tests are
spray dryer, the user shall also consider other emission carried out depends on the selected drying technique, the
sources that may lead to the occurrence of potentially explo- type of dryer and the users requested drying conditions.
sive atmospheres in the area to be assessed.
Assessing explosion hazard
. minimum ignition temperature of a dust cloud
. minimum ignition energy
. lower explosion limit
Spray dryers processing combustible products as specified
in DIN EN 1127-1/16/ must be assumed to create a fire
hazard as a matter of principle. The fire hazard depends Additionally, where explosion protection by design is
on the quantity of product and its combustion character- required
istics. Fires can occur as a consequence of an explosion . test of the maximum explosion overpressure
or, as is the general rule, independently of explosions. . test of the maximum pressure rise over time

Determination of fire hazard

3.3 EXPLOSION HAZARDS . determination of the combustion class at 208C and at an
When processing dust-like combustible substances which elevated temperature, usually 1008C
may form explosive mixtures with air, potentially explosive . determination of minimum ignition temperature of a
dust/air mixtures must be expected to occur within the 5 mm dust layer
spray dryer as a matter of principle. An additional explosion . temperature of exothermic decomposition
hazard can result from combustible liquids being sprayed. The following table (Table 1) shows ignition sources
When dust exits the installation (e.g., due to leakages that may be present in a spray dryer, and the safety charac-
in the duct returning dust under overpressure, or during teristics that must be known to determine whether the
cleaning activities), the environment may be at risk of product can be ignited by these ignition sources or not.
explosion, too. Process parameters such as, in particular, temperature and
The result of the hazard assessment provides infor- pressure are to be considered in addition to this. Self-
mation on where potentially explosive atmospheres are to ignition is caused by oxidation reactions with oxygen,
be expected and on the likelihood of occurrence and the occurring particularly in dust deposits or on caking.
expected volume of such potentially explosive atmospheres Testing the potential for the formation of gases from
(zoning). the smoldering of products requires the ignition point to be
Zoning is an obligation for all users of spray dryers. determined. If such smoldering gases are formed then
This classification shall be recorded in the explosion protec- further determination of the volume and flammability of
tion document. Zones must be assessed for the inside and them is required, i.e. to give appropriate consideration to
the outside of the installation. the formation of hybrid mixtures.
Safety characteristics relevant to avoiding potentially
explosive atmospheres are compiled in Table 2.
3.4 SAFETY RELEVANT CHARACTERISTICS If the result of the risk analysis shows that residual
Knowledge of the safety characteristics of the product to be risk is not tolerable, additional measures for explosion pro-
dried is a prerequisite to the specification of safe process tection must be applied as outlined in Table 3.
conditions. The user shall determine these characteristics
unless sufficient data are available on which to do this.
The sample to be tested must represent the worst case in 3.5 ZONING
terms of the fine dust content, i.e. the smallest particle Dust explosions are only possible in dust/air mixtures or in
size fraction possible during operation. dust/air/inert-gas mixtures above the limiting oxygen

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE

Table 1. Safety characteristics relevant to avoiding effective ignition sources

Principal factors influencing

Ignition Sources Potential causes Corresponding Characteristics the characteristics

Hot surfaces Glowing nest, friction of Minimum ignition temperature of a Layer thickness, size and shape
rotating parts dust cloud, minimum ignition of the hot surface, grain size
temperature of a dust layer,
combustion class
Flames and hot gases Excessive air inlet temperature, Minimum ignition temperature of a Solvent content, combustible
(including hot direct heating dust cloud, self-ignition smoldering gases
particles) temperature
Mechanically Disk rupture Minimum ignition energy, minimum Temperature, solvent content,
generated sparks ignition temperature of a dust cloud combustible smoldering
Static Electricity Hazardous electrostatic charges Minimum ignition energy gases, humidity, grain size
in components isolating
Exothermal reaction Excessive air inlet temperature, Minimum ignition temperature of a Temperature, layer thickness,
including self- deposits on surfaces dust layer, combustion class, size and shape of dust
ignition decomposition temperature accumulation, grain size

concentration. Dust whirled up from deposits may give rise . the volume of product supplied to the installation via the
to explosive dust/air mixtures, posing serious hazards if fines recycling system and the additives feed system
effective ignition sources are present. These hazards . the lower explosion limit (LEL) of the dust, taking into
depend on the frequency and duration of explosive atmos- account the influence of the air temperature on the LEL
phere. Depending on the likelihood of occurrence and the . the distribution of the product in the air streams within
duration of explosive atmosphere, areas are classified into the spray dryer
zones 20, 21 and 22. Appropriate explosion-protection . the air routing within the drying chamber (diverting the
measures shall be selected according to this classification. extract air towards the ceiling of the drying chamber
In spray dryers, explosive dust/air mixtures can occur increases the dust concentration in the drying chamber)
in the drying system, the extract-air system, the internal . the shape of the drying chamber (in the conical part of
powder handling system, the final-drying/cooling system, the drying chamber, the dust concentration will increase
the fines recycling system and the additives feed system. if the extract air is discharged upstream of the cone
Where combustible liquids are used, explosive gas/
air mixtures can also occur in the feed system. Moreover, Zoning of the spray dryer environment must take into
the possibility of hybrid mixtures occurring in the other account the location of the installation. Provided that the
systems cannot be excluded in this case. The presence of spray dryer operating in negative-pressure mode is suffi-
an explosive dust/air mixture in a spray dryer depends on ciently dust-tight, the area around the installation would
not have to be considered at risk of explosion unless other
. the volume of product and the volume flow rate of the air influencing factors at or near the installation site call for
in which the product is dried the classification into a zone. As a rule, increased hygiene

Table 2. Safety Characteristics relevant to avoid an explosive atmosphere

Process and installation parameters capable of

Preventive measure Safety characteristics required influencing safety

Limiting the concentration Lower Explosion Limit As a rule, the protective measures limiting the
concentration cannot be realized in dust-
carrying parts of a spray dryer
Inerting Limiting oxygen concentration Tightness of installation, temperature, solvent
vapours, combustible decomposition gases
Reducing the release of combustible Lower Explosion Limit Tightness of installation, positive or negative-
substances into the environment of pressure mode
the installation
Avoiding dust deposits inside and Lower Explosion Limit Optimisation of air routing, preventive measures
outside the installation such as air brooms, beaters, etc.; tightness of
installation, cleaning activities

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE

Table 3. Safety characteristics needed to apply explosion protection by design

Measure for explosion Important factors influencing the

protection by design Safety characteristics explosion characteristics

Explosion Pressure Maximum explosion overpressure (Pmax) Temperature, solvent vapors,

resistant combustible smoldering gases,
Explosion suppression Kst value, Maximum explosion overpressure positive or negative pressure,
(Pmax), Minimum Ignition temperature of a dust jet ignition, oxygen
cloud concentration, humidity
Explosion venting Kst value and Maximum explosion overpressure
Explosion decoupling Kst value, Maximum explosion overpressure
(Pmax), Minimum Ignition temperature of a dust
cloud, Maximum experimental safe gap (MESG)

requirements apply in the food-processing industry. Thanks conditions. If appropriate safety measures are not
to the mandatory cleaning management in this case, no implemented then there is a serious risk of damage/destruc-
hazardous dust deposits are to be expected here. tion of equipment and potential for injury or fatalities to per-
The following example exclusively deals with hazar- sonnel in the vicinity of the operation. To assess the
dous explosive atmospheres consisting of dust/air mixtures. likelihood and the severity of an explosion/fire a risk assess-
Where combustible solvents are used, a separate assessment ment has to be done. Based on the likelihood of occurrence
will have to be conducted to clarify whether hybrid mixtures determined and the estimation of possible effects of an
can occur in the installation. It shows a spray dryer using a explosion/fire measures must be defined and applied to
vertical airflow (Figure 3). reduce the risk to a tolerable level.
The manufacturer/user should plan explosion protec-
tion measures as summarized below to reduce the risk of an
3.6 CONSIDERATION OF IGNITION SOURCES explosion/fire to a tolerable risk:
As part of the risk assessment process, all potential ignition
sources must be analyzed with regard to the ignition sensi- . Explosions
W Avoidance of explosible atmospheres
tivity of the explosive atmosphere and the likelihood of
W Avoidance of effective ignition sources
W Limiting the effects of explosions through explosion
The analysis should not just cover the normal oper-
ation cases but should also take process related deviations protection by design (construction explosion protec-
into consideration. tion measures)
The risk assessment should include equipment . Fires
W Avoidance of effective ignition sources
inherent ignition sources and those which are introduced
W Limiting the effects of fires
or acting from outside as well as ignition sources arising
from the dust. The following table (Table 4) outlines the Table 5 will summarize typical examples of measures
different type of ignition sources linked to a spray dryer. applicable for a spray dryer.


Operating a spray dryer unit safely can be achieved by 4. PROTECTIVE MEASURES
measures to avoid either the generation of dangerous explo- 4.1 FIRE PROTECTION
sive atmospheres or ignition sources under all circum- It is the users responsibility to specify organizational
stances. Appropriate preventive explosion protective measures for avoiding fires and for reducing the effect of
measures must be used to ensure safety under all processing fire. Such measures have to be documented and summarized

1 Feed System 6 Drying System

2 Atomizer System 7 Bag filter
3 Supply-air System 8 Downstream fluidized bed as final
drying/cooling system
4 Supply air for final drying/cooling systems 9 Fines recycling system
5 Extract air system

Figure 3. Spray dryer using a vertical airflow, with cone-bottom drying chamber

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE

Table 4. Ignitions source categories and associated ignition sources

Ignition Source Category Ignition sources

Equipment inherent ignition sources Hot surfaces

Mechanically generated sparks
Electrical equipment
Static electricity
Ignition sources introduced or Flames or hot gases (including hot particle)
acting from the outside
Ignition arising from the dust Exothermal reactions
Electrostatic discharges

within a written work instruction. In defining fire protective damage shows, that due to operational requirements,
measures it must be ensured that not just the normal oper- reliable fire prevention cannot always be ensured. Damage
ation but also start-up/shut-down phases, maintenance and control measures within the spray dryer are therefore
standstill phases, are included into the decision process. required. It is crucial to detect the start of a fire as soon as
In the event of a fire the following actions should be possible to ensure that within a sufficient time period
carried out: counter measures are activated to fight the fire. Options
for fire detection within spray dryers are:
. Always shut off the heat supply to the spray dryer
. In case of combustible dusts, the fire extinguishing
agents shall be applied in such a manner as to prevent . Maximum Temperature detectors
dusts from being raises (explosion hazard) . Differential detectors
. Shut off the product feed . Temperature measurements
. Shut-off the supply and extract air-fans . Radiation detectors
. Gas monitoring
The prevention of fire is an essential part of preven- . Smoke-gas density meters
tive fire protection in spray dryers. Experience with . Aspiration fire detectors

Table 5. Examples of measures for limiting the effects of explosions/fires

Type of measure Explosions Fires

Avoidance of explosible Selection of a process that operates safely

atmosphere outside the explosion range (e.g. inerting)
Avoidance of ignition sources proper earthing of all conductive installation
proper installation of the electrical equipment
selection of electrical components and
equipment approved for the use in the respective
hazardous zone
selection of suitable materials
Limiting of the maximum surface temperature
temperature monitoring
maintenance schedules
lightning protection
instruction and training of plant operators
Explosion protection by design explosion resistant design
explosion venting
explosion suppression
explosion decoupling
Fire protection system automatic fire alarm system
stationary fire-extinguishing system
with automatic or manual triggering

SYMPOSIUM SERIES NO. 158 Hazards XXIII # 2012 IChemE

Any detection of a fire must result in an alarm in order REFERENCES

to allow that fire fighting actions are activated immediately. 1. VDI 2263, Part 1, Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards,
A fire fighting system includes: assessment, protective measures; test methods for the deter-
mination of the safety characteristic of dusts, May 1990.
. separate fire extinguishing systems 2. VDI 2263 Part 2, Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards,
W water-spray extinguishing system assessment, protective measures; inerting, May 1992.
W gas extinguishing system 3. VDI 2263 Part 3, Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards,
W powder extinguishing system assessment, protective measures; pressure-shock-resistant
W foam extinguishing system vessels and apparatus; calculation, construction and tests,
. integrated fire-extinguishing systems May 1990.
W water supply via the cleaning system of the spray 4. VDI 2263 Part 4, Dust fires and dust explosions; hazards,
dryer (CIP system) assessment, protective measures; suppression of dust
W water supply via the product feed system (older explosions, April 1992.
installations) 5. VDI 2263 Part 5, Dust fires and dust explosions Hazards,
assessment, protective measures Explosion protection in
fluidized bed dryers, March 2005.
6. VDI 2263 Part 5.1, Dust fires and dust explosions hazards
4.2 EXPLOSION PROTECTION Assessment, protective measures Explosion protection
As it has been mentioned earlier a fundamental measure of in fluid bed dryers; Hints and examples of operation,
preventive explosion protection focuses on the avoidance of February 2004.
explosive atmosphere or at least reducing the likelihood that 7. VDI 2263 Part 6, Dust fires and dust explosions Hazards,
explosive atmosphere will occur. In addition the identifi- assessment, protective measures Dust fires and
cation and the reliable elimination of effective ignition explosion protection in dust extracting installations,
sources must be ensured at all time. September 2007.
Avoidance of ignition sources can be applied nor- 8. VDI 2263 Part 6.1, Dust fires and dust explosions
mally as the sole protective measure where only explosive Hazards assessment protective measures Dust fires
dust/air-mixtures with a temperature related minimum and explosion protection in dust extracting installations;
ignition energy of 10 mJ or more (measured with additional Examples, October 2009.
inductance) occur in spray dryers. 9. VDI 2263 Part 7, Dust fires and dust explosions Hazards
Note: This assumes all other potential ignition assessment protective measures Dust fires and
sources have been addressed appropriately, i.e. thermal explosion protection in spraying and drying integrated
decomposition/smoldering particle, earthing of all conduct- equipment, July 2010.
ing items, etc. 10. VDI 2263 Part 7.1 Draft, Dust fires and dust explosions
Product with a temperature-related minimum ignition Hazards assessment protective measures Dust fires
energy of less than 10 mJ or in case of hybrid mixtures and explosion protection in spraying and drying integrated
usually require additional explosion protection by design equipment Examples, October 2011.
such as: 11. VDI 2263 Part 8, Dust fires and dust explosions Hazards
. Explosion pressure resistant design Assessment Protective measures Fire and explosion
. Explosion venting protection on elevators, December 2008.
. Explosion suppression 12. VDI 2263 Part 8.1, Dust fires and dust explosions
. Explosion decoupling (e.g. quick acting gate valve, Hazards assessment protective measures Fire and
rotary air lock, extinguishing barrier, . . .) explosion protection on elevators Examples, March
13. VDI 2263 Part 9, Dust fires and dust explosions Hazards
assessment protective measures Determination of
5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS dustiness of bulk materials, May 2008.
The new VDI guideline 2263, Part 7.0 describes the state of 14. Spray Drying Information from GEA Niro; GEA Niro,
the art in regards to fire and explosion protection measures GEA Process Engineering A/S, Gladsaxevej 305 P.O.
in spray dryers where, during specified normal use, combus- Box 45 2860 Sborg, Denmark, 2010.
tible dust/air mixtures, vapor/air-mixtures or hybrid mix- 15. EU Directive 94/9/EC, Directive of the European Parlia-
tures occur or maybe formed. It provides the user with ment and the council from March 23rd 1994 on the approxi-
process related details on fire and explosion hazards includ- mation of the laws of the Member States concerning
ing basic measures on how to address them. The VDI 2263 equipment and protective systems intended for use in
guideline 2263, Part 7.1 will provide two examples of a potentially explosive atmospheres.
thoroughly risk assessment for two spray dryers from differ- 16. DIN EN 11271, Explosive atmospheres Explosion pre-
ent industrial areas (dairy/pigment drying process) and vention and protection Part 1: Basic concepts and meth-
applied explosion protection measures. odology, October 2011.


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