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Over The Counter Drugs

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Unit-wise course material

4.1.1.Unit IX OTC Medication

Definiton, OTC medication list and counselling

4.1.1 Unit Objectives:

After reading this Unit, you should be able to understand:

- Non prescription medicines

- Types of OTC medications.
- Rational use of OTC medications.
- Role of pharmacist in OTC medications.
- OTC medications in India

4.1.2 Unit Outcomes:

- Give an outline of significance of OTC drugs.

- Explain the rules for the proper use of OTC drugs.
- Elucidate the OTC products liable for misuse.
- Debate on prescription and non prescription products.
- Trace the key steps to use opioid analgesics.
- Give the meaning of rational use of OTC drugs.
- List out the findings of OTC drug marketing
- Explain the doctors view points on OTC drugs..
- Bring out patient counseling for proper use of OTC drugs
4.1.3 Unit Lecture Plan
Lecture Topic Methodology Quick reference No of hrs
no. required
1. a) Definition, Chalk & Board Internet
significance and 1
types of OTC
2. b)label info., rules Chalk & Board Internet
for the proper use, 1
specific patient
3. c) misuse and Chalk & Board Internet 1
abuse, OTC
products liable to
4. d) Rational use of Chalk & Board Internet 3
OTC drugs
5. e) Patient Chalk & Board Internet 1
6. f) OTC in India Chalk & Board Internet 2

4.11.1Teaching Material / Teaching Aids as per above lecture plan. Lecture-1

OTC drugs are those drugs which are safe and effective for use by the general public without a

doctors prescription. It is also called prescription de controlled drugs.

These drugs are the non prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

These have little significant pharmacological activity and therefore the physician need not to

be very much concerned about their use by the patients themselves.

It is used primarily for symptomatic relief and not as substitutes for prescription drugs.

Comparatively cheaper

Chemist himself may prescribe OTC

Consumers are able to Self diagnose Self treat Self manage

OTC considered as time saving medications. Some patients do not want to spend much time at

physicians clinic. Lesser number of side effects compared to prescription medications.


Over-the-counter drug products account for 55 percent of drugs used by Indians. Prescription

Drugs 45%OTC Drugs 55% Drugs Used by Indians.












Topical Antibiotic

Topical Antibiotics are medicines applied to the skin to kill bacteria. They are used to treat or

prevent infections that occur on minor cuts, scrapes, and burns due to presence of bacteria.

Cough Suppressants

Cough Suppressants are medicines that prevent or stop coughing. A cough suppressant is used

for treating dry coughs (antitussives). It helps to suppress the body's urge to cough. Cough

suppressants are different from cough expectorants. Cough expectorants help in treating

productive coughs (coughs that produce phlegm).

Anti Acne Drugs

Anti-acne drugs are medicines are used in the treatment of various acne problems like pimples,

whiteheads, blackheads, and other serious forms of acne.

Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are medicines that are used to treat inflammation, mild to

moderate pain, and fever. They are basically drugs with analgesic and antipyretic effects and

with higher doses, they have anti-inflammatory effects.


Medicine Antiseptics in the form of lotions, creams, ointment are medicines that slow or stop the

growth of germs and help prevent infections in cuts, scrapes, and burns.
Analgesics Drugs

Analgesics are medicines that relieve pain.


Decongestants are the drugs or medicines used to relieve nasal congestion, which in common

terms, refer to stuffy nose.


Antacids are the medicines or drugs that neutralize the stomach acids.


Anti-Histamines are medicines that relieve or prevent the symptoms of allergy like Hay Fever,

itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose and other kinds of allergy.

Anti Fungal Drug

Anti-Fungal Drugs are used to treat infections caused by a fungus.

Smoking Cessation Drug

Smoking-cessation Drugs are medicines that are used to help people stop smoking cigarettes or

using other forms of tobacco. Lecture-2
Label information controlled by the FDA


Product name - OTC

Identity- Antacids

Active ingredients - Ingredients

Quantity - 12 fl. oz.

Manufacturer- GOTCHA, INC.

When to use- Indications

How to use- Directions:

What to watch for - Warnings

Possible drug interactions- Precautions

Expiration date: When drug should no longer be used


Always know what you are taking.

Know the effects.

Read and heed the warnings and cautions.

Dont use anything for more than 1 to 2 wks.

Be particularly cautious if also taking prescription drugs.

If you have questions, ask a pharmacist.

If you dont need it, dont use it!


Many patient groups may be particularly susceptible to adverse events that are caused by OTC

products. They include: Children Women who are pregnant or breast feeding Geriatric

patients People taking prescription drugs & people having health problems. Lecture-3
OTC Medications Are Safe But Not Risk-Free

As with all medications, there can be risks with use. The risks of OTC use include:

Delay in seeking medical advice for a serious illness.

Risk of drug-drug/herbal/dietary supplements interactions.

Risk of adverse events.

Potential for dependence, misuse and abuse.


Physical dependence

Psychological dependence

Nonprescription products that can be severely habit-forming: decongestants, laxatives,

antihistamines, sleep aids, antacids and ephedrine.

Only 16% reads the entire product label.

If they read them they do not follow the directions on the label.

Abuse is most common in adolescents aged 10-17 years.

Adolescents are 18% times more likely to dies from an OTC overdose than from a illicit

drug dose overdose.


Product type examples

Solvents methylated and surgical spirit

Propellants pain relieving sprays

Chemicals citric acid

Opioids codeine, morphine

Laxatives senna

Overdosing has occurred with non prescription medicines, particularly those that contain

paracetamol. Adverse reactions can also occur but rare. Pharmacist should therefore ensure that

advice and information are available on the safe and effective use of medicines.

In what way the OTC drugs can be Harmful.

OTC drugs can change the effect of prescription medications.

OTC drugs can mask symptoms of disease.

OTC drugs can lead to overdose.

If misused even common over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin, vitamins, or cold remedies

can be harmful. Lecture-4


Pain relief medicines (also known as "analgesics" and "painkillers") are regulated by the Food

and Drug Administration (FDA).

Some analgesics, including opioid analgesics, act on the body's peripheral and central nervous

systems to block or decrease sensitivity to pain. Others act by inhibiting the formation of certain

chemicals in the body.

These relieve the minor aches and pains associated with conditions such as headaches, fever,

colds, flu, arthritis, toothaches, and menstrual cramps.

There are basically two types of OTC pain relievers:


non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Acetaminophen is an active ingredient found in more than 600 OTC and prescription medicines,

including pain relievers, cough suppressants, and cold medications.

NSAIDs are common medications used to relieve fever and minor aches and pains. They

include aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen, as well as many medicines taken for colds, sinus

pressure, and allergies. They act by inhibiting an enzyme that helps make specific chemicals.

Use as Directed

Pain medications are safe and effective when used as directed. However, misuse of these

products can be extremely harmful and even deadly.

Consumers who take pain relief medications must follow their health care professional's

instructions carefully. If a measuring tool is provided with your medicine, use it as directed.

Do not change the dose of your pain relief medication without talking to your doctor first.

Also, pain medications should never be shared with anyone else. Only your health care

professional can decide if a prescription pain medication is safe for someone.

Key points to remember.

With acetaminophen:

Taking a higher dose than recommended will not provide more relief and can be dangerous.
Too much can lead to liver damage and death. Risk for liver damage may be increased in

people who drink three or more alcoholic beverages a day while using acetaminophen-

containing medicines.

Be cautious when giving acetaminophen to children. Infant drop medications can be

significantly stronger than regular children's medications. Read and follow the directions on the

label every time you use a medicine. Be sure that your infant is getting the infants' pain formula

and your older child is getting the children's pain formula.

With NSAIDs:

Too much can cause stomach bleeding. This risk increases in people who are over 60 years of

age, are taking prescription blood thinners, are taking steroids, have a history of stomach

bleeding or ulcers, and/or have other bleeding problems.

Use of NSAIDs can also cause kidney damage. This risk may increase in people who are over

60 years of age, are taking a diuretic (a drug that increases the excretion of urine), have high

blood pressure, heart disease, or pre- existing kidney disease.

With opioids:

Use of opioids can lead to drowsiness. Do not drive or use any machinery that may injure you,

especially when you first start the medication.

The dose of an opioid pain medication that is safe for you could be high enough to cause an

overdose and death in someone else, especially children.

Know the Active Ingredients

A specific area of concern with OTC pain medicines is when products sold for different uses

have the same active ingredient. A cold and cough remedy may have the same active ingredient

as a headache remedy or a prescription pain reliever.

To minimize the risks of an accidental overdose, consumers should avoid taking multiple

medications with the same active ingredient at the same time.

All OTC medicines must have all of their active ingredients listed on the package. For

prescription drugs, the active ingredients are listed on the container label.

Talk with your pharmacist or another health care professional if you have questions about using

OTC medicines, and especially before using them in combination with dietary supplements or

other OTC or prescription medicines.

Misuse and Abuse

Misuse and abuse of pain medications can be extremely dangerous. This is especially so in

regard to opioids. These medications should be stored in a place where they cannot be stolen.

According to the National Institutes of Health, studies have shown that properly managed

medical use of opioid analgesic compounds (taken exactly as prescribed) is safe, can manage

pain effectively, and rarely causes addiction.

But the abuse of opioids is a significant public safety concern. Abusers ingest these drugs orally,

and also crush the pills in order to snort or inject them.

Commonly abused opioid pain medicines include prescription drugs such as codeine, and the

brand-name products Oxycontin (oxycodone),Vicodin (hydrocodone with acetaminophen), and


Addiction is just one serious danger of opioid abuse. A number of overdose deaths have resulted

from snorting and injecting opioids, particularly the drug OxyContin, which was designed to be a

slow- release formulation.

Key Steps to Use Opioids Safely:

Keep your doctor informed. Inform your health care professional about any past history of

substance abuse. All patients treated with opioids for pain require careful monitoring by their

health care professional for signs of abuse and addiction, and to determine when these analgesics

are no longer needed.

Follow directions carefully. Opioids are associated with significant side effects, including

drowsiness, constipation, and depressed breathing depending on the amount taken. Taking too

much could cause severe respiratory depression or death. Do not crush or break pills. This can

alter the rate at which the medication is absorbed and lead to overdose and death.

Reduce the risk of drug interactions. Don't mix opioids with alcohol,antihistamines,

barbiturates, or benzodiazepines. All of these substances slow breathing and their combined

effects could lead to life-threatening respiratory depression


The role of cough medicine is to ease symptoms while your body heals.

OTC cough medicines are only three basic types:

Expectorants help thin mucus, making it easier to cough up. Main ingredient is the


Suppressants help cut the number of times you cough. The active ingredient listed is usually

dextromethorphan (DM). Other cough suppressants include camphor, eucalyptus oil, and


Combination cough products have more than one active ingredient. They have both

guaifenesin and dextromethorphan. Cough medicines may also contain ingredients to help coat

and soothe the throat.

Combination products may have medicines to ease other symptoms, that may include

decongestants for stuffy nose, antihistamines for allergies or a runny nose, or painkillers. Choose

a medicine that matches your symptoms.

Cough drops can also help relieve a cough and may ease a sore throat.

Cough suppressants containing opioid should be taken with extreme caution. The main

ingredient of opioid cough suppressants are dextromethorphan.

How to Use Cough Medicine Safely

Look at the ingredients.

Check the label. Is it a suppressant or an expectorant? Is it both? Make sure you're getting what

you need.

Don't use medicine for more than 7 days.

Always measure the correct dose.

Because even safe medicines in high doses can be very dangerous. High doses of cough

medicine can cause serious problems, including brain damage, seizure, or death.

Be careful with combination medicines. Many OTC cough medicines have multiple

ingredients -- expectorants and suppressants along with decongestants, antihistamines, or

painkillers. Select products with only the medicines that treat your symptoms. If your symptom

is only a cough, for instance, you don't need a decongestant or painkiller. If you need to treat

multiple symptoms, check other medicines you take to see if they contain the same ingredients.

Don't take two medicines that have the same ingredients. If you have any questions, ask your

pharmacist or doctor.
Keep away from young children. Make sure to choose the right medicine based on your

child's age. Don't give cough and cold medicine to children under age 4. For kids 4 to 6, ask your

doctor first. And always make sure to follow the dosing directions on the label.

Consider doing nothing. Waiting out a cough is the simplest option. Remember that most

coughs don't need treatment. You don't have to take any medicine. Give your body a week and

your cough will probably go away on its own. If it doesn't, see your doctor.

Read the label. After you choose the right medicine for you, read the label carefully, so you

understand how to take it, common side effects, and any warnings you need to be aware of.


NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

NSAIDs are one of two major types of OTC pain relievers. The other is acetaminophen


A few different types of NSAIDs are available over the counter:

Aspirin (Bayer, Bufferin, Excedrin)

Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB)

Naproxen (Aleve)

NSAIDs are used to reduce fever and relieve mild aches and pains. They can be used for

everything from a mild toothache or headache to cramps. Many people also use NSAIDs to

relieve the pain of arthritis or to treat the aches and pains of the common cold and flu.

NSAIDs work by blocking enzymes in the body that help make chemicals that signal pain. When

these enzymes are blocked, you feel less pain.


Talk with your doctor before taking any NSAID if you:

Are over age 60

Are pregnant or nursing

Have three or more drinks of alcohol every day

Have bleeding problems

Have liver or kidney disease

Have heart disease

Take a medicine to thin the blood, such as warfarin (Coumadin)

Take a medicine for high blood pressure

Children and teenagers who are recovering from a viral infection such as the flu or chickenpox

should not take aspirin. It has been linked to Reyes syndrome, a serious but rare condition that

can result in brain, kidney, and liver damage.

Naproxen sodium is not recommended for children under.

Ibuprofen is considered safe for children 6 months and older in the right dose

To reduce your risk of problems with NSAIDs, try these tips:

Dont drink alcohol. Drinking alcohol while youre taking an NSAID increases your risk of


Take NSAIDs with food and water.

If you have a history of stomach problems, ask your doctor about taking a drug that blocks

stomach acid with the NSAID. When choosing pain relief medication, its most important to take

the lowest dose that works for you and to take it as directed. And if your pain continues for more

than a 10 days or isnt controlled by the OTC NSAID, its a good idea to talk with your doctor.



Counseling patients about self-care and nonprescription drugs is not the same and cannot follow

the same procedure as for prescription drugs. That is why OTC counseling requires much more

exploratory open or close- ended questions on the part of the pharmacist which are especially

useful to clarify information gathered about the patients condition. It allows gathering the most

abundant amount of information.

These questions usually start with who, what, how, why or where. For example:

Which of the prescription medications do you take on regular basis?

Which of the nonprescription and herbal medications do you use?

What types of conditions do you routinely see your doctor for?

Some other questions are also possible:

Have you ever experienced any side effects after taking the OTC medication?

Have you taken this OTC medication before? Lecture-5

Step l

Every pharmacist should begin the OTC counseling session by introducing himself/herself by

name which identifies him/her as the pharmacist. He/she should try to relax the patient by

beginning the session with a friendly smile and a handshake. The pharmacist should also explain

that he/she can provide assistance with OTC product selection and explain how to use such


Step 2
In order to elicit key information the pharmacist should first and foremost try to obtain relevant

information about patients demographic (e.g. sex, age, pregnant, nursing, weight, allergies,

social history etc), disease (e.g. history of present illness, current symptoms, course of illness,

past history, other underlying medical conditions) and drug (e.g. current medication, medication

taking history, OTC history etc.) Moreover, by using suitable verbal and written communication

techniques, the pharmacist should inform, educate, and counsel patients about the following:

Drug name (generic and/or brand name)

Route, dosage form, dosage and administration schedule;

Special directions for preparation and administration as well as precautions to be taken during

the process;

Techniques for self-monitoring of drug therapy;


Potential drug-drug or drug-food interactions or other therapeutic contraindications ; and

Accordingly other Information "peculiar to the specific patient or drug etc.

In addition, it is of vital importance to demonstrate to patients- how to use medications in

various forms such as inhalers, patches, drops, ointments, lozenges, gargles etc.


Ask them to demonstrate making sure that patients understand which route of administration

should be used thus ensuring that patients have all the necessary instructions in writing and that

they understand how to schedule their medications in accordance with meals and other

medications. Lecture-6
Otc in india

OTC drugs means drugs legally allowed to be sold over the counter by pharmacists

they do not require the prescription of a Registered Medical Practitioner

the phrase OTC has no legal recognition in India, but all the drugs not included in the

list of prescription-only drugs are considered to be non-prescription drugs (or OTC


Rx drugs

Prescription-only drugs are those medicines that are listed in Schedules H and X of the

Drug and Cosmetics Rules.

Drugs listed in Schedule G (mostly antihistamines) do not need prescription to purchase

but require the following mandatory text on the label: Caution: It is dangerous to take

this preparation except under medical supervision.

Drugs falling in these three schedules are currently not advertised directly to the public

under a voluntary commitment by the pharmaceutical industry.

Current situation in Rx

today, many brands have reached a stagnation as far as prescription growth is concerned

owing to emergence of newer therapies for the same ailment and high incidence of repeat

purchase / chemist push

at the same time, legalities or internal policies may not permit direct communication of

the brand to the patients

hence, clients resort to trade incentives / loading / schemes, and loyalty programs for

Rx vs. OTC: doctors view points

doctors feel serious medicines require medical supervision & should not be advertised


OTC medicines are acceptable in non-serious ailments and are cited to be favoured

because of ease of availability

doctors are perfectly okay with the idea of OTC products being promoted to them

however, concerns are expressed with respect to medicine abuse and they feel that

chemist should play the role of an advocate in guiding patients while recommending

OTC medicines

Market statistics

India currently ranks 11 th in the global OTC market size

it is estimated that it will reach 9 th position within five years

in 2009, the Indian OTC market was approximately USD 1.8 BN with CAGR 0f

nearly 10%

typical OTC products include digestives, antacids, antiflatulents, cold rubs and

analgesic balms/creams, vitamins/tonics/health supplements, medicated skin

treatment, analgesic /cold tablets, antiseptic creams/liquids, glucose powders,

cough liquids, throat lozenges, medicated dressings (band-aids), baby gripe water,

Ayurvedic medicines and preparations.

Other findings

increasing consumer confidence in OTC for common ailments

70 % self medication in these categories

45 % influenced by chemist

natural is better ,a strong belief in Indian homes

more than 30% of the time consumers use home remedies

major usage of home remedies found in cough, cold, heartburn and indigestion categories

increasing consumer confidence in OTC for common ailments

70 % self medication in these categories

45 % influenced by chemist

natural is better ,a strong belief in Indian homes

more than 30% of the time consumers use home remedies

major usage of home remedies found in cough, cold, heartburn and indigestion categories

doctors favour time tested, trusted OTC products used in common ailments

doctors would like to be active mediators where possible

- simultaneous communication to doctors essential

many ignored categories ripe for OTC products

emerging categories include cuts & wounds , burns, muscle pains & strains, diarrhoea,


doctors not much involved in vitamin prescriptions, but consumers not knowledgeable to

take the OTC decision

significant vacancy in vitamin supplements

Marketing authorization
the major legislation for pharmaceutical regulation is the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940

(DCA) and its subordinate legislation, the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,1945 (DCR)

the legislations apply to the whole of India and to all categories of medicines (e.g.,

allopathic, ayurvedic, siddha, unani and homeopathy), whether imported or manufactured

in India

the legislation is regulated by the Central Government ( Ministry of Health & Family

Welfare) in New Delhi, which is responsible for its overall supervision and enforced by

State Government through its Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

power to provide manufacturing and selling licences - which are the two main stages

required to manufacture and sell a drug - belongs to each individual State Government

through its Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which also carry out enforcement of

the DCA and the DCR


price controls are exercised on certain drugs by virtue of the Drugs (Prices

Control) Order 1995 (DPCO), in the framework of the Essential Commodities Act


the DPCO is the responsibility of the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers and is

supervised by the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

only a few OTC actives, e.g. acetylsalicylic acid and ephedrine and its salts, fall

under the current DPCO price control

there are no price controls on Ayurvedic Medicines

prices of non-scheduled drugs are subject to a maximum increase of 10% on the

prevailing price over a 12-month period.

Test Questions
True /false

1. Topical Antibiotics are medicines applied to the skin to kill bacteria. (True)

2. Chemist himself may prescribe OTC (True)

3. Analgesics are medicines that clear throat. (False)

4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs basically drugs with analgesic and

antipyretic effects and with higher doses, they have anti-inflammatory effects.


5. Antacids are the medicines or drugs that neutralize the stomach acids. (True)

6. Do not Read and heed the warnings and cautionswhile using OTC. (False)

7. Only 16% reads the entire product label. (True)

8. Abuse is most common in adolescents aged 17-23 years. (False)

9. Overdosing has occurred with non prescription medicines, particularly those

that contain paracetamol. (True)

10. Pain medications are not safe and effective when used as directed (False)

11. Pain medications should never be shared with anyone else. (True)

12. Taking a higher dose than recommended will provide more relief and can be

dangerous (False)

13. To minimize the risks of an accidental overdose, consumers should avoid

taking multiple medications with the same active ingredient at the same time. (True)

14. The abuse of opioids is a significant public safety concern. (True)

Fill in the blanks
1. Cough Suppressants are medicines that prevent or stop coughing
2. Over-the-counter drug products account for 55 percent of drugs used by
3. Decongestants are the drugs or medicines used to relieve nasal congestion
4. Anti-Histamines are medicines that relieve or prevent the symptoms of
5. Adolescents are 18% times more likely to dies from an OTC overdose than
from a illicit drug dose overdose.
6. Pain relief medicines (also known as "analgesics" and "painkillers") are
regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
7. Acetaminophen is an active ingredient found in more than 600 OTC and
prescription medicines
8. Use of opioids can lead to drowsiness.
9. Expectorants help thin mucus, making it easier to cough up. Main ingredient
is the guaifenesin.
10. NSAIDs work by blocking enzymes in the body that help make chemicals
that signal pain.
11. Prescription-only drugs are those medicines that are listed in Schedules H
and X of the Drug and Cosmetics Rules.
12. The major legislation for pharmaceutical regulation is the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1940 (DCA)
13. Price controls are exercised on certain drugs by virtue of the Drugs (Prices
Control) Order 1995 (DPCO), in the framework of the Essential Commodities
Act (ECA)

1. OTC drugs are those drugs which are safe and effective for use by the general public without

a. Prescription

b. with prescription.

c. both

d. none

2. which of the following is a significance of OTC

a. cheap

b. consumer access

c. time saving

d. all

3. Overdosing has occurred with non prescription medicines, particularly those that contain

a. paracetamol

b. morphine

c. both

d. none.

4. . medications should be stored in a place where they cannot be stolen.


b. opioids

c. both

d. none

5. Addiction is just one serious danger of .abuse

a. opioid

b. laxatives

c. antacids

d. antiseptics

6. help cut the number of times you cough

a. expectorants

b. suppressants

c. combination cough products

d. None

7. are used to reduce fever and relieve mild aches and pains.


b. opioids

c. antacids

d. laxatives

8. Drugs listed in Schedule .(mostly antihistamines) do not need prescription to purchase

but require the following mandatory text on the label

a. H

b. G

d. P

9. India currently ranks 11 th in the global OTC market size

a. 9

b. 10

c. 11

d. 14

10. The DPCO is the responsibility of the Ministry of and is supervised by the National

Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

a. commerce and industry

b. human resource development

c. Chemicals and Fertilizers

d. science and technology.

Review Questions

Very short

1. What are OTC drugs?

2. List the significance of OTC drugs.
3. List the types of OTC drugs.
4. Define diarrhea.
5. What is topical antibiotic?
6. What is cough suppressant?
7. Define amntiseptic.
8. What is abuse?
9. List out 3 rules for proper use of OTC drugs.
10. Write the specific patient groups of OTC drugs.

1. Write the label information controlled by the FDA for OTC drugs.
2. Write the rules for proper use of OTC drugs.
3. Explain the risks of OTC medications.
4. Write the rational use of analgesics.
5. Write a short note on rational use of NSAIDs.
6. Explain in brief the role of pharmacist in OTC counselling
7. Explain the current situation of Rx drugs.
8. Explain the pricing of OTC drugs in India.


1. Explain in detail the types of OTC drugs.

2. Write in detail the rational use of analgesics.
3. Explain in detail the rational use of cough suppressants.
4. Write in detail the rational use of NSAIDs
5. Explain in detail the patient counseling of OTC drugs.
6. Write the scenario of OTC drugs in India.

4.1.7 Assignments
Prepare a report on commonly used OTC products by community
pharmacist for the treatment of symptoms in your nearby pharmacy.

4.1.8 Previous Questions

1. Define OTC medication. List the categories of OTC


2. Write a short note on points to consider while

selecting OTC for cough and cold.

4.1.9 Reference Text Books / with Journals Chapters etc.

Practice of Hospital,Clinical and Communtiy pharmacy by Mohd.Aqil.
Communtiy pharmacy basic principles & concept by Kamal Dua, Kavitha pabreja.
Health education and community pharmacy by N.S.Parmar.

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