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After studying this chapter, you
should be able to:
Tata Steel, the biggest steel producer
in the Indian private sector has acquired
explain the meaning of business
Corus, (formerly known as British Steel)
finance; in a deal worth $8.6 billion. This makes
Tata Steel the fifth largest steel
describe financial management; producer in the world. A financial
decision of this magnitude has
significant implicitness for both Tata
explain the role of financial
Steel and Corus as well as their
management in our enterprise; employees and shareholders. To
mention some of them:
discuss objectives of financial l Tata Steel will become the fifth
management and how they largest producer of steel in the world.
could be achieved; l Tata Steel will raise a debt of over
$ 8 billion to finance the transaction.
explain the meaning and The deal will be paid for by Tata Steel
importance of financial UK, a special purpose vehicle (SPV)
planning; set up for the purpose. This SPV will
get funds from Tata Steel routed
through a Singapore subsidiary.
state the meaning of capital Another company of the Tata group,
structure; Tata Sons Ltd., will invest $ 1 billion
dollars for preference shares along
analyse the factors affecting the with Tata Steel which will invest an
choice of an appropriate capital equal amount.
structure; l Tata Steel, the acquirer company, shall
have to arrange about 36,500 crores
of rupees to finance the take-over.
state meaning of fixed capital
l Tata Steel will have to raise this
and working capital; and
amount through debt or equity or a
combination of both. Some amount
analyse the factors affecting the may come from internal accruals also.
requirement of fixed and This financing decision will affect the
working capital. capital structure of Tata Steel.
l Tata Steel hopes to increase the
production to 40 million tonnes and
revenue to 32 billion US dollars by



l It may affect the competitiveness of Tata Steel because the cost of production of
steel in all probability, will change.
l The dividend paying capacity of Tata Steel may be affected because of this huge
cash outflow and because of a significantly higher debt which would need to be
serviced before paying any dividends to shareholders.
l The degree of risk shall also be affected. Needless to emphasise, decisions like
this affect the future of the organisation. These decisions are almost irrevocable
after they have been formalised.
Source: The Economic Times

INTRODUCTION tangible like machinery, factories,

buildings, offices; or intangible such
In the above case, these decisions as trademarks, patents, technical
require careful financial planning, an expertise, etc. Also, finance is central
understanding of the resultant capital to running the day-to-day operations
structure and the riskiness and of business, like buying material,
profitability of the enterprise. All these paying bills, salaries, collecting cash
have a bearing on shareholders as well from customers, etc. needed at every
as employees. They require an stage in the life of a business entity.
understanding of business finance, Availability of adequate finance is,
major financial decision areas, thus, very crucial for the survival and
financial risk, and working capital growth of a business.
requirements of the business. Finance,
as we all know, is essential for running FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
a business. Success of business
depends on how well finance is All finance comes at some cost. It is
invested in assets and operations and quite imperative that it needs to be
how timely and cheaply the finances carefully managed. Financial
are arranged, from outside or from Management is concerned with optimal
within the business. procurement as well as the usage of
finance. For optimal procurement,
MEANING OF BUSINESS FINANCE different available sources of finance
are identified and compared in terms
Money required for carrying out of their costs and associated risks.
business activities is called business Similarly, the finance so procured
finance. Almost all business activities needs to be invested in a manner that
require some finance. Finance is the returns from the investment exceed
needed to establish a business, to run the cost at which procurement has
it, to modernise it, to expand, or taken place. Financial Management
diversify it. It is required for buying a aims at reducing the cost of funds
variety of assets, which may be procured, keeping the risk under



control and achieving effective amount of debtors and inventory

deployment of such funds. It also aims which in turn affect the total
at ensuring availability of enough funds current assets as well as their
whenever required as well as avoiding composition.
idle finance. Needless to emphasise, the (iii)The amount of long-term and short-
future of a business depends a great term funds to be used: Financial
deal on the quality of its financial management, among others,
management. involves decision about the
proportion of long-term and short-
Importance : The role of financial term funds. An organisation
management cannot be over- wanting to have more liquid assets
emphasised, since it has a direct would raise relatively more amount
bearing on the financial health of a on a long-term basis. There is a
business. The financial statements, choice between liquidity and
such as Balance Sheet and Profit and profitability. The underlying ass-
Loss Account, reflect a firms financial umption here is that current
position and its financial health. liabilities cost less than long term
Almost all items in the financial liabilities.
statements of a business are affected (iv) Break-up of long-term financing into
directly or indirectly through some debt, equity etc: Of the total long-
financial management decisions. Some term finance, the proportions to be
prominent examples of the aspects raised by way of debt and/or equity
being affected could be as under: is also a financial management
(i) The size and the composition of decision. The amounts of debt,
fixed assets of the business: For equity share capital, preference
share capital are affected by the
example, a capital budgeting
financing decision, which is a part
decision to invest a sum of Rs. 100
of financing management.
crores in fixed assets would raise
the size of fixed assets block by this (v) All items in the Profit and Loss
amount. Account, e.g., Interest, Expense,
Depreciation, etc. : Higher amount
(ii) The quantum of current assets and of debt means higher interest
its break-up into cash, inventory and expense in future. Similarly, use
receivables: With an increase in the of higher equity may entail higher
investment in fixed assets, there is payment of dividends. Similarly, an
a commensurate increase in the expansion of business which is a
working capital requirement. The result of capital budgeting decision
quantum of current assets is also is likely to affect virtually all items
influenced by financial in the profit and loss account of
management decisions. In addition, the business.
decisions about credit and It can, thus, be stated that the
inventory management affect the financial statements of a business are



largely determined by financial in the market increases. Those

management decisions taken earlier. decisions which result in decline in the
Similarly, the future financial share price are poor financial
statements would depend upon past decisions. Thus, we can say, the
as well as current financial decisions. objective of financial management is
Thus, the overall financial health of a to maximise the current price of equity
business is determined by the quality shares of the company or to maximise
of its financial management. Good the wealth of owners of the company,
financial management aims at that is, the shareholders.
mobilisation of financial resources at Therefore, when a decision is taken
a lower cost and deployment of these about investment in a new machine,
in most lucrative activities. the aim of financial management is to
ensure that benefits from the
OBJECTIVES investment exceed the cost so that
The primary aim of financial some value addition takes place.
management is to maximise Similarly, when finance is procured,
shareholders wealth, which is referred the aim is to reduce the cost so that
to as the wealth-maximisation the value addition is even higher.
concept. The market price of a In fact, in all financial decisions,
companys shares is linked to the three major or minor, the ultimate objective
basic financial decisions which you will that guides the decision-maker is that
study a little later. This is because a some value addition should take place.
company funds belong to the All those avenues of investment,
shareholders and the manner in which modes of financing, ways of handling
they are invested and the return various components of working capital
earned by them determines their must be identified which will
market value and price. It means ultimately lead to an increase in the
maximisation of the market value of price of equity share. It can happen
equity shares. The market price of through efficient decision-making.
equity share increases, if the benefit Decision-making is efficient if, out of
from a decision exceeds the cost the various available alternatives, the
involved. All financial decisions aim at best is selected.
ensuring that each decision is efficient
and adds some value. Such value FINANCIAL DECISIONS
additions tend to increase the market
price of shares. Therefore, those Financial management is concerned
financial decisions are taken which will with the solution of three major issues
ultimately prove gainful from the point relating to the financial operations of
of view of the shareholders. The a firm corresponding to the three
shareholders gain if the value of shares questions of investment, financing and



divident decision. In a financial

context, it means the selection of best
financing alternative or best
investment alternative. The finance
function, therefore, is concerned with
three broad decisions which are
explained below:

Investment Decision
A firms resources are scarce in
comparison to the uses to which they
can be put. A firm, therefore, has to
choose where to invest these
resources, so that they are able to earn Wealth Maximisation Concept
the highest possible return for their
investors. The investment decision, decisions must be taken by those who
therefore, relates to how the firms understand them comprehensively. A
funds are invested in different assets. bad capital budgeting decision
Investment decision can be long- normally has the capacity to severely
term or short-term. A long-term damage the financial fortune of a
investment decision is also called a business.Short-term investment
Capital Budgeting decision. It involves decisions (also called working capital
committing the finance on a long-term decisions) are concerned with the
basis. For example, making decisions about the levels of cash,
investment in a new machine to inventory and receivables. These
replace an existing one or acquiring a decisions affect the day-to-day working
new fixed asset or opening a new of a business. These affect the liquidity
branch, etc. These decisions are very as well as profitability of a business.
crucial for any business since they Efficient cash management, inventory
affect its earning capacity in the long management and receivables
run. The size of assets, profitability and management are essential ingredients
competitiveness are all affected by of sound working capital management.
capital budgeting decisions. Moreover,
these decisions normally involve huge Factors affecting Capital
amounts of investment and are Budgeting Decision
irreversible except at a huge cost. A number of projects are often
Therefore, once made, it is often almost available to a business to invest in. But
impossible for a business to wriggle out each project has to be evaluated
of such decisions. Therefore, they need carefully and, depending upon the
to be taken with utmost care. These returns, a particular project is either



selected or rejected. If there is only one which are known as capital

project, its viability in terms of the rate budgeting techniques. These
of return, viz., investment and its techniques are applied to each
comparability with the industrys proposal before selecting a
average is seen. There are certain particular project.
factors which affect capital budgeting
decisions. Financing Decision
(a) Cash flows of the project: When a This decision is about the quantum of
company takes an investment finance to be raised from various
decision involving huge amount it long-term sources. Short-term sources
expects to generate some cash are studied under the working capital
flows over a period. These cash management.
flows are in the form of a series of It involves identification of various
cash receipts and payments over available sources. The main sources
the life of an investment. The of funds for a firm are shareholders
amount of these cash flows should funds and borrowed funds. The
be carefully analysed before shareholders funds refer to the equity
considering a capital budgeting capital and the retained earnings.
decision. Borrowed funds refer to the finance
raised through debentures or other
(b) The rate of return: The most forms of debt. A firm has to decide
important criterion is the rate of the proportion of funds to be raised
return of the project. These from either sources, based on their
calculations are based on the basic characteristics. Interest on
expected returns from each borrowed funds have to be paid
proposal and the assessment of the regardless of whether or not a firm
risk involved. Suppose, there are has earned a profit. Likewise, the
two projects, A and B (with the borrowed funds have to be repaid
same risk involved), with a rate of at a fixed time. The risk of default
return of 10 per cent and 12 per on payment is known as financial
cent, respectively, then under risk which has to be considered by
normal circumstance, project B a firm likely to have insufficient
should be selected. shareholders to make these fixed
payments. Shareholders funds, on the
(c) The investment criteria involved: other hand, involve no commitment
The decision to invest in a regarding the payment of returns or
particular project involves a the repayment of capital. A firm,
number of calculations regarding therefore, needs to have a judicious
the amount of investment, interest mix of both debt and equity in making
rate, cash flows and rate of return. financing decisions, which may be
There are different techniques to debt, equity, preference share capital,
evaluate investment proposals and retained earnings.



Financial Decisions
The cost of each type of finance has to pay any dividend on equity shares.
to be estimated. Some sources may be Thus, there is some amount of financial
cheaper than others. For example, debt risk in debt financing. The overall
is considered to be the cheapest of all financial risk depends upon the
the sources, tax deductibility of interest proportion of debt in the total capital.
makes it still cheaper. Associated risk The fund raising exercise also costs
is also different for each source, e.g., it something. This cost is called
is necessary to pay interest on debt and floatation cost. It also must be
redeem the principal amount on considered while evaluating different
maturity. There is no such compulsion sources. Financing decision is, thus,



concerned with the decisions about (d) Cash Flow Position of the Company:
how much to be raised from which A stronger cash flow position may
source. This decision determines the make debt financing more viable
overall cost of capital and the financial than funding through equity.
risk of the enterprise. (e) Fixed Operating Costs: If a
business has high fixed operating
Factors Affecting Financing
costs (e.g., building rent,
Insurance premium, Salaries,
The financing decisions are affected by etc.), It must reduce f i x e d
various factors. Important among financing costs. Hence, lower debt
them are as follows: financing is better. Similarly, if
(a) Cost: The cost of raising funds fixed operating cost is less, more
through different sources are of debt financing may be
different. A prudent financial preferred.
manager would normally opt for a (f) Control Considerations: Issues of
source which is the cheapest. more equity may lead to dilution
(b) Risk: The risk associated with each of managements control over the
of the sources is different. business. Debt financing has no
(c) Floatation Costs: Higher the floatation such implication. Companies
cost, less attractive the source. afraid of a takeover bid would
prefer debt to equity.

India Inc. Issues Bonus Shares and Dividends

Corporate India has opened its purse strings to shareholders with interim
dividends and bonus shares. At least 60 companies have declared interim dividend
or announced plans to do so in the first three weeks of January. In addition, around
12 companies have announced bonus share issues this month, about three times
more than January 2006.
There are range of things that a company can do for maximising shareholder
value and dividend is the most direct and simple form of it. Ideally companies need
to balance it up between paying cash and building value of the stock for total
shareholder returns.
This trend of dividends and bonuses is in synchronisation with the good profits
being posted by companies. Its a way of rewarding shareholders.
A number of companies have also announced plans of bonus shares for their
shareholders. Most of the companies who have already declared bonus issues or
announced that they would be taking it up in their next board meeting are small or
mid-sized companies.
Source: The Economic Times



(g) State of Capital Market: Health of Some of the important factors are
the capital market may also affect discussed as follows:
the choice of source of fund. During (a) Amount of Earnings: Dividends are
the period when stock market is paid out of current and past
rising, more people invest in equity. earning. Therefore, earnings is a
However, depressed capital market major determinant of the decision
may make issue of equity shares about dividend.
difficult for any company. (b) Stability Earnings: Other things
remaining the same, a company
Dividend Decision having stable earning is in a better
The third important decision that position to declare higher
every financial manager has to take dividends. As against this, a
company having unstable earnings
relates to the distribution of dividend.
is likely to pay smaller dividend.
Dividend is that portion of profit
which is distributed to shareholders. (c) Stability of Dividends: Companies
The decision involved here is how generally follow a policy of
stabilising dividend per share.
much of the profit earned by company
The increase in dividends is
(after paying tax) is to be distributed
generally made when there is
to the shareholders and how much of
confidence that their earning
it should be retained in the business.
potential has gone up and not
While the dividend constitutes the just the earnings of the current
current income re-investment as year. In other words, dividend per
retained earning increases the firms share is not altered if the change
future earning capacity. The extent of in earnings is small or seen to be
retained earnings also influences the temporary in nature.
financing decision of the firm. Since (d) Growth Opportunities: Companies
the firm does not require funds to the having good growth opportunities
extent of re-invested retained retain more money out of their
earnings, the decision regarding earnings so as to finance the
dividend should be taken keeping in required investment. The dividend
view the overall objective of in growth companies is, therefore,
maximising shareholders wealth. smaller, than that in the non
growth companies.
Factors Affecting Dividend Decision (e) Cash Flow Position: The payment
How much of the profits earned by a of dividend involves an outflow of
company will be distributed as profit cash. A company may be earning
and how much will be retained in the profit but may be short on cash.
business is affected by many factors. Availability of enough cash in the



company is necessary for considered by the management

declaration of dividend. while taking a decision about it.
(f) Shareholders Preference: While (i) Access to Capital Market: Large and
declaring dividends, managements reputed companies generally have
must keep in mind the preferences easy access to the capital market
of the shareholders in this regard. and, therefore, may depend less on
If the shareholders in general retained earning to finance their
desire that at least a certain growth. These companies tend to
amount is paid as dividend, the pay higher dividends than the
companies are likely to declare the smaller companies which have
same. There are always some relatively low access to the market.
shareholders who depend upon a (j) Legal Constraints: Certain
regular income from their provisions of the Companies Act
investments. place restrictions on payouts as
(g) Taxation Policy: The choice between dividend. Such provisions must be
the payment of dividend and adhered to while declaring the
retaining the earnings is, to some dividend.
extent, affected by the difference (k) Contractual Constraints: While
in the tax treatment of dividends granting loans to a company,
and capital gains. If tax on dividend sometimes the lender may impose
is higher, it is better to pay less by certain restrictions on the payment
way of dividends. As compared to of dividends in future. The
this, higher dividends may be companies are required to ensure
declared if tax rates are relatively that the dividend does not violate
lower. Though the dividends are free the terms of the loan agreement in
of tax in the hands of shareholders, this regard.
a dividend distribution tax is levied
on companies. Thus, under the
present tax policy, shareholders are
likely to prefer higher dividends. Financial planning is essentially the
(h) Stock Market Reaction: Investors, preparation of a financial blueprint of
in general, view an increase in an organisations future operations.
dividend as a good news and stock The objective of financial planning is
prices react positively to it. to ensure that enough funds are
Similarly, a decrease in dividend available at right time. If adequate
may have a negative impact on the funds are not available the firm will
share prices in the stock market. not be able to honour its commitments
Thus, the possible impact of and carry out its plans. On the other
dividend policy on the equity share hand, if excess funds are available, it
price is one of the important factors will unnecessarily add to the cost and



Rising Dividends can Support Valuations

Over the next few years, companies cannot afford to ignore dividends. Investors are
looking for higher payouts and need the assurance of a stated dividend policy.
In India, though, there are few companies that are as consistent in dividend
payments, even over the past five years.
The dividend yield, though, has steadily declined and is now at an average of 1.1
per cent for a set of 800 companies. These companies form part of the various BSE
and NSE indices. Not only has the dividend yield gone down, there is not one company
in this list that has increased dividends in line with profit growth in each of the past
five years.
Among companies in the set, those that have steadily increased the payout over
the years include a number of multinational companies that also earn a high return
on net worth. Companies such as Astrazeneca Pharma, Nestle India, Hindustan
Lever, Clariant, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline Consumer and Cummins India have
enhanced dividends to deliver value to shareholders. These companies do not seem
to be constrained for growth, either. Some Indian companies that have also shown
the way forward include Automotive Axles, Ranbaxy Labs, Hero Honda Motors,
Asian Paints, Thermax and a number of banking and non-banking finance
companies. These companies, too, are growing fast, and the declaration of dividends
has not dampened prospects.
Companies that have held on to profits and not declared dividends include e-
Serve, Cranes Software, Sesa Goa, Tata Motors, Moser Baer, ABB, MICO, Aztec
Software, Havells India, Amtek India and Sterlite Industries. This is only an indicative
list and includes many more. The dividend payout ratio in the case of the indicated
companies is less than 20 per cent. Investors, however, need dividends to rise and
they also need a stated dividend policy. The earnings yield (inverse of PE ratio) is
now at about 6 per cent. If the payout ratio were stepped up to 40 per cent then the
dividend yield would rise to about 2.5 per cent.

may encourage wasteful expenditure. availability in the light of financial

It must be kept in mind that financial decisions. For example, if a capital
planning is not equivalent to, or a budgeting decisions is taken, the
substitute for, financial management. operations are likely to be at a higher
Financial management aims at scale. The amount of expenses and
choosing the best investment and revenues are likely to increase.
financing alternatives by focusing on Financial planning process tries to
their costs and benefits. Its objective forecast all the items which are likely
is to increase the shareholders wealth. to undergo changes. It enables the
Financial planning on the other hand management to foresee the fund
aims at smooth operations by focusing requirements both the quantum as
on fund requirements and their well as the timing. Likely shortage and



surpluses are forecast so that period. Financial planning includes

necessary activities are taken in both short-term as well as long-term
advance to meet those situations. planning. Long-term planning relates
Thus, financial planning strives to to long term growth and investment.
achieve the following twin objectives. It focuses on capital expenditure
(a) To ensure availability of funds programmes. Short-term planning
whenever required: This include a covers short-term financial plan called
proper estimation of the funds budget.
required for different purposes Typically, financial planning is
such as for the purchase of long- done for three to five years. For longer
term assets or to meet day-to-day periods it becomes more difficult and
expenses of business etc. Apart less useful. Plans made for periods of
from this, there is a need to one year or less are termed as budgets.
estimate the time at which these Budgets are example of financial
funds are to be made available. planning exercise in greater details.
Financial planning also tries to They include detailed plan of action
specify possible sources of these for a period of one year or less.
funds. Financial planning usually begins
with the preparation of a sales
(b) To see that the firm does not raise forecast. Let us suppose a company is
resources unnecessarily: Excess making a financial plan for the next
funding is almost as bad as five years. It will start with an estimate
inadequate funding. Even if there of the sales which are likely to happen
is some surplus money, good in the next five years. Based on these,
financial planning would put it to the financial statements are prepared
the best possible use so that the keeping in mind the requirement of
financial resources are not left funds for investment in the fixed
idle and dont unnecessarily add capital and working capital. Then the
to the cost. expected profits during the period are
Thus, a proper matching of funds estimated so that an idea can be made
requirements and their availability is of how much of the fund requirements
sought to be achieved by financial can be met internally i.e., through
planning. This process of estimating retained earnings (after dividend
the fund requirement of a business payouts). This results in an estimation
and specifying the sources of funds is of the requirement for external funds.
called financial planning. Financial Further, the sources from which the
planning takes into consideration the external funds requirement can be met
growth, performance, investments and are identified and cash budgets are
requirement of funds for a given made, incorporating these factors.



IMPORTANCE business situations. By doing so,

it helps the firms to face the
Financial planning is an important part
eventual situation in a better way.
of overall planning of any business
In other words, it makes the firm
enterprise. It aims at enabling the
better prepared to face the future.
company to tackle the uncertainty in
For example, a growth of 20% in
respect of the availability and timing of
sales is predicted. However, it may
the funds and helps in smooth
functioning of an organisation. The happen that the growth rate
eventually turns out to be 10% or
importance of financial planning can
be explained as follows: 30%. Many items of expenses
shall be different in these three
(i) It helps in forecasting what may situations. By preparing a
happen in future under different blueprint of these three situations
Cutting Back on Debt
Even successful businesses have debt, but how much is too much? Learning how
to manage debt is what can put you ahead.
Taking on the right amount of debt can mean the difference between a business
struggling to survive and one that can respond nimbly to changing economic or
market conditions. A number of circumstances may justify acquiring debt. As a
general rule, borrowing makes the most sense when you need to bolster cash flow
or finance growth or expansion. But while debt can provide the leverage you need to
grow, too much debt can strangle your business. So the question is: How much
debt is too much?
The answer, experts say, lies in a careful analysis of your cash flow as well as
your industry. A business that doesnt grow dies. Youve got to grow, but youve got
to grow within the financial constraints of your business.. What is the ideal capital
structure a business needs in its industry to remain viable? The higher the
volatility (in your industry), the less debt you should have. The smaller the volatility,
the more debt you can afford.
Although banks and other financial institutions look for a satisfactory debt-to-
equity ratio before agreeing to make a loan, dont assume a creditors willingness to
extend funds is evidence that your business is in a strong debt position. Some financial
institutions are overzealous lenders, particularly when trying to lure or hold on to
promising business customers. The bank may be looking more at collateral than
whether the (businesss) earnings are going to come in to justify the debt service.
To avoid these and other credit pitfalls, its up to you to get the financial facts
on your business and make sound borrowing decisions. Unfortunately, many
entrepreneurs fail to recognise how important financial analysis is to running a
successful business. Even business owners who receive detailed financial statements
from their accountants often do not take advantage of the valuable information
contained in the documents.



the management may decide what share capital, preference share capital
must be done in each of these and reserves and surpluses or retained
situations. This preparation of earnings. Borrowed funds can be in the
alternative financial plans to meet form of loans, debentures, public
different situations is clearly of deposits etc. These may be borrowed
immense help in running the from banks, other financial institutions,
business smoothly. debentureholders and public.
(ii) It helps in avoiding business Capital structure refers to the mix
shocks and surprises and helps between owners and borrowed funds.
the company in preparing for the These shall be referred as equity and
future. debt in the subsequent text. It can be
(iii) If helps in co-ordinating various calculated as debt-equity ratio
business functions, e.g., sales and Debt
production functions, by providing i.e., Equity or as the proportion of
clear policies and procedures.
debt out of the total capital i.e.,
(iv) Detailed plans of action prepared
under financial planning reduce Debt
waste, duplication of efforts, and Debt + Equity .
gaps in planning.
Debt and equity differ significantly
(v) It tries to link the present with the in their cost and riskiness for the firm.
future. The cost of debt is lower than the cost of
(vi) It provides a link between equity for a firm because the lenders risk
investment and financing decisions is lower than the equity shareholders
on a continuous basis. risk, since the lender earns an assured
(vii) By spelling out detailed objectives return and repayment of capital and,
for various business segments, it therefore, they should require a lower
makes the evaluation of actual rate of return. Additionally, interest paid
performance easier. on debt is a deductible expense for
computation of tax liability whereas
CAPITAL STRUCTURE dividends are paid out of after-tax
profit. Increased use of debt, therefore,
One of the important decisions under is likely to lower the over-all cost of
financial management relates to the capital of the firm provided that the cost
financing pattern or the proportion of of equity remains unaffected. Impact
the use of different sources in raising of a change in the debt-equity ratio
funds. On the basis of ownership, the upon the earning per share is dealt with
sources of business finance can be in detail later in this chapter.
broadly classified into two categories Debt is cheaper but is more risky
viz., owners funds and borrowed for a business because the payment of
funds. Owners funds consist of equity interest and the return of principal is



obligatory for the business. Any default Capital structure of a company,

in meeting these commitments may thus, affects both the profitability
force the business to go into liquidation. and the financial risk. A capital
There is no such compulsion in case of structure will be said to be optimal
equity, which is therefore, considered when the proportion of debt and
riskless for the business. Higher use of equity is such that it results in an
debt increases the fixed financial increase in the value of the equity
charges of a business. As a result, share. In other words, all decisions
increased use of debt increases the relating to capital structure should
financial risk of a company. e m p h a s is e o n i n c r e a s i n g t h e
Financial risk is the chance that a shareholders wealth.
firm would fail to meet its payment The proportion of debt in the
obligations. overall capital is also called financial

Example I
Company X Ltd.
Total Funds used Rs. 30 Lakh
Interest rate 10% p.a.
Tax rate 30%
EBIT Rs. 4 Lakh
Situation I Nil
Situation II Rs. 10 Lakh
Situation III Rs. 20 Lakh

EBIT-EPS Analysis

Situation I Situation II Situation III

EBIT 4,00,000 4,00,000 4,00,000
Interest NIL 1,00,000 2,00,000
EBT 4,00,000 3,00,000 2,00,000
(Earnings before taxes)
Tax 1,20,000 90,000 60,000
EAT 2,80,000 2,10,000 1,40,000
(Earnings after taxes)
No. of shares of Rs.10 3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000
EPS 0.93 1.05 1.40
(Earnings per share)



leverage. Financial leverage is debt is lower than the return that

D D company is earning on funds employed.
computed as or D + E when D is The company is earning a return on
the Debt and E is the Equity. As the investment (RoI)
financial leverage increases, the cost EBIT
of 13.33% 100 ,
of funds declines because of Total Investment
increased use of cheaper debt but the
financial risk increases. The impact 100 . This is higher than
of financial leverage on the
profitability of a business can be seen the 10% interest it is paying on debt
through EBIT-EPS (Earning before funds. With higher use of debt, this
Interest and Taxes-Earning per difference between RoI and cost of debt
Share) analysis as in the following increases the EPS. This is a situation
example. of favourable financial leverage. In such
Three situations are considered. cases, companies often employ more of
There is no debt in situation-I i.e. cheaper debt to enhance the EPS. Such
(unlevered business). Debt of Rs. 10 practice is called Trading on Equity.
lakh and 20 lakh are assumed in Trading on Equity refers to the
situations-II and III, respectively. All increase in profit earned by the equity
debt is at 10% p.a. shareholders due to the presence of
The company earns Rs. 0.93 per fixed financial charges like interest.
share if it is unlevered. With debt of Rs. Now consider the following case of
10 lakh its EPS is Rs. 1.05. With a still Company Y. All details are the same
higher debt of Rs. 20 lakh, its, EPS rises except that the company is earning a
to Rs. 1.40. Why is the EPS rising with profit before interest and taxes of
higher debt? It is because the cost of Rs. 2 lakh.

Example II

Company Y Ltd.
Situation I Situation II Situation III
EBIT 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000
Interest NIL 1,00,000 2,00,000
EBT 2,00,000 1,00,000 NIL
Tax 60,000 30,000 NIL
EAT 1,40,000 70,000 NIL
No. of shares of Rs.10 3,00,000 2,00,000 1,00,000
EPS 0.47 0.35 NIL



In this example, the EPS of the flows must not only cover fixed cash
company is falling with increased use payment obligations but there must be
of debt. It is because the Companys rate sufficient buffer also. It must be kept
of return on investment (RoI) is less than in mind that a company has cash
the cost of debt. The RoI for company Y payment obligations for (i) normal
2Lakh business operations; (ii) for investment
is 100 , i.e., 6.67%, whereas in fixed assets; and (iii) for meeting the
the interest rate on debt is 10%. In such debt service commitments i.e., payment
cases, the use of debt reduces the EPS. of interest and repayment of principal.
This is a situation of unfavourable 2. Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR): The
financial leverage. Trading on Equity is interest coverage ratio refers to the
clearly unadvisable in such a situation. number of times earnings before
Even in case of Company X, interest and taxes of a company covers
reckless use of Trading on Equity is the interest obligation. This may be
not recommended. An increase in debt calculated as follows:
may enhance the EPS but as pointed
out earlier, it also raises the financial ICR =
risk. Ideally, a company must choose
that risk-return combination which The higher the ratio, lower shall be
maximises shareholders wealth. The the risk of company failing to meet its
debt-equity mix that achieves it, is the interest payment obligations. However,
optimum capital structure. this ratio is not an adequate measure.
A firm may have a high EBIT but low
Factors affecting the Choice of cash balance. Apart from interest,
Capital Structure repayment obligations are also relevant.
Deciding about the capital structure
3. Debt Service Coverage Ratio
of a firm involves determining the
(DSCR): Debt Service Coverage Ratio
relative proportion of various types of takes care of the deficiencies referred
funds. This depends on various
to in the Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR).
factors. For example, debt requires
The cash profits generated by the
regular servicing. Interest payment operations are compared with the total
and repayment of principal are cash required for the service of the debt
obligatory on a business. In addition
and the preference share capital. It is
a company planning to raise debt must calculated as follows:
have sufficient cash to meet the
Profit after tax + Depreciation + Interest + Non Cash exp.
increased outflows because of higher
Pref. Div + Interest + Repayment obligation
debt. Similarly, important factors
which determine the choice of capital A higher DSCR indicates better ability
structure are as follows: to meet cash commitments and
1. Cash Flow Position: Size of consequently, the companys potential
projected cash flows must be to increase debt component in its
considered before borrowing. Cash capital structure.



Who funds Indian industry, why it matters?

Using data on listed Indian firms from the mid-1980s to the 1990s, several
issues relating to Indian industry were investigated. One aspect then was the
extremely limited extent to which promoters and entrepreneurs actually owned
shares in the various companies they had control of
Proportions of the total capital of the firm
Percentage Share
Where did the borrowing come from?
Borrowing from Commercial Bank 26.69
Borrowings from Financial Institutions 19.89
Debentures 7.78
Fixed deposits 3.86
Other borrowings 8.78
Who owned the shares?
Shares held by the public at large 10.88
Foreign shareholding 3.54
Government shareholding 5.49
Institutional shareholding 8.44
Directors shareholding 2.81
Top 50 shareholders shareholding 1.85
Total Debt and Equity Capital of a Company 100

Nevertheless, in spite of the relative lack of ownership, the majority of listed

entities, mostly private sector companies, were managed by these founders, their
successive family members and other promoters as if they were fiefdoms.
By and large, Indian companies were essentially financed by debt. This was
unlike in the West. If the total debt plus nominal equity capital in the average.
Indian company was 100, then 67 per cent of that amount came in the form of debt
capital while equity capital contributed only 33 per cent.
If the share of government ownership in corporate equity and the share of
financial institutions equity was added, then over 60 per cent (26.69 + 19.89 +
5.49 + 8.44) of firms finances were funded by the state in one form or another.
Foreign shareholders, in spite of a lot a clamour about their role in Indias
corporate economy, hardly owned more than 4 per cent (3.54) of the shares in
Indias listed companies. While the public at large provided about 11 per cent of the
finances of an average Indian listed company, the share of the Top 50 shareholders
was less than 2 (1.85) per cent.
It is within this particular shareholding category that promoters, entrepreneurs and
the other large shareholders equity stakes fall under for the purposes of classification.
The public at large provides five times as much money for the company as the
entrepreneurs. Yet, a group of individuals, whose financial contributions towards a
company are exceedingly small in magnitude, effectively control the company.


4. Return on Investment (RoI): If the beyond that point, cost of equity may
RoI of the company is higher, it can go up sharply and share price may
choose to use trading on equity to decrease inspite of increased EPS.
increase its EPS, i.e., its ability to use Consequently, for maximisation of
debt is greater. We have already shareholders wealth, debt can be used
observed in Example I that a firm can only upto a level.
use more debt to increase its EPS. 8. Floatation Costs: Process of raising
However, in Example II, use of higher resources also involves some cost.
debt is reducing the EPS. It is because Public issue of shares and debentures
the firm is earning an RoI of only requires considerable expenditure.
6.67% which lower than its cost of Getting a loan from a financial
debt. In example I the RoI is 13.33%, institution may not cost so much.
and trading on equity is profitable. It These considerations may also affect
shows that, RoI is an important the choice between debt and equity
determinant of the companys ability and hence the capital structure.
to use Trading on equity and thus the
9. Risk Consideration: As discussed
capital structure.
earlier, use of debt increases the
5. Cost of debt: A firms ability to financial risk of a business. Financial
borrow at a lower rate increases its risk refers to a position when a
capacity to employ higher debt. Thus, company is unable to meet its fixed
more debt can be used if debt can be financial charges namely interest
raised at a lower rate. payment, preference dividend and
6. Tax Rate: Since interest is a repayment obligations. Apart from the
deductible expense, cost of debt is financial risk, every business has some
affected by the tax rate. The firms in operating risk (also called business
our examples are borrowing @ 10%. risk). Business risk depends upon
Since the tax rate is 30%, the after tax fixed operating costs. Higher fixed
cost of debt is only 7%. A higher tax operating costs result in higher
rate, thus, makes debt relatively business risk and vice-versa. The total
cheaper and increases its attraction risk depends upon both the business
vis--vis equity. risk and the financial risk. If a firms
business risk is lower, its capacity to
7. Cost of Equity: Stock owners
use debt is higher and vice-versa.
expect a rate of return from the equity
which is commensurate with the risk 10. Flexibility: If a firm uses its debt
they are assuming. When a company potential to the full, it loses flexibility
increases debt, the financial risk faced to issue further debt. To maintain
by the equity holders, increases. flexibility, it must maintain some
Consequently, their desired rate of borrowing power to take care of
return may increase. It is for this unforeseen circumstances.
reason that a company can not use 11. Control: Debt normally does not
debt beyond a point. If debt is used cause a dilution of control. A public



issue of equity may reduce the should go in for low debt. Thus, the
managements holding in the company management must know what the
and make it vulnerable to takeover. This industry norms are, whether they are
factor also influences the choice following them or deviating from them
between debt and equity especially in and adequate justification must be
companies in which the current holding there in both cases.
of management is on a lower side.
12. Regulatory Framework: Every FIXED AND WORKING CAPITAL
company operates within a regulatory Meaning
framework provided by the law e.g., Every company needs funds to finance
public issue of shares and debentures
its assets and activities. Investment is
have to be made under SEBI
required to be made in fixed assets and
guidelines. Raising funds from banks
current assets. Fixed assets are those
and other financial institutions require
which remains in the business for
fulfillment of other norms. The relative
more than one year, usually for much
ease with which these norms can, be
longer, e.g., plant and machinery,
met or the procedures completed may
furniture and fixture, land and
also have a bearing upon the choice of
building, vehicles, etc.
the source of finance.
Decision to invest in fixed assets
13. Stock Market Conditions: If the must be taken very carefully as the
stock markets are bullish, equity shares investment is usually quite large.
are more easily sold even at a higher Such decisions once taken are
price. Use of equity is often preferred irrevocable except at a huge loss.
by companies in such a situation. Such decisions are called capital
However, during a bearish phase, a budgeting decisions.
company, may find raising of equity Current assets are those assets
capital more difficult and it may opt for which, in the normal routine of the
debt. Thus, stock market conditions business, get converted into cash or
often affect the choice between the two. cash equivalents within one year, e.g.,
14. Capital Structure of other inventories, debtors, bills receivables,
Companies: A useful guideline in the etc.
capital structure planning is the debt-
equity ratios of other companies in the Management of Fixed Capital
same industry. There are usually some Fixed capital refers to investment in
industry norms which may help. Care long-term assets. Management of fixed
however must be taken that the capital involves allocation of firms
company does not follow the industry capital to different projects
norms blindly. For example, if the or assets with long-term implications for
business risk of a firm is higher, it can the business. These decisions are called
not afford the same financial risk. It investment decisions or capital



budgeting decisions and affect the undertaken. This may involve

growth, profitability and risk of decisions like where to procure
the business in the long run. These long- funds from and at what rate of
term assets last for more than one year. interest.
It must be financed through (iii) Risk involved: Fixed capital
long-term sources of capital such as involves investment of huge
equity or preference shares, amounts. It affects the returns of
debentures, long-term loans and the firm as a whole in the long-
retained earnings of the business. term. Therefore, investment
Fixed Assets should never be financed decisions involving fixed capital
through short-term sources. influence the overall business risk
Investment in these assets would complexion of the firm.
also include expenditure on
acquisition, expansion, modernisation (iv) Irreversible decisions: These
and their replacement. These decisions decisions once taken, are not
include purchase of land, building, reversible without incurring heavy
plant and machinery, launching a new losses. Abandoning a project after
product line or investing in advanced heavy investment is made is quite
techniques of production. Major costly in terms of waste of funds.
expenditures such as those on Therefore, these decisions should
advertising campaign or research and be taken only after carefully
development programme having long evaluating each detail or else the
term implications for the firm are also adverse financial consequences
examples of capital budgeting may be very heavy.
decisions. The management of fixed
Factors affecting the Requirement
capital or investment or capital
budgeting decisions are important for of Fixed Capital
the following reasons: 1 . Nature of Business: The type of
(i) Long-term growth: These decisions business has a bearing upon the fixed
have bearing on the long-term capital requirements. For example, a
growth. The funds invested in long- trading concern needs lower
term assets are likely to yield investment in fixed assets compared
returns in the future. These will with a manufacturing organisation;
affect the future prospects of the since it does not require to purchase
business. plant and machinery, etc.
(ii) Large amount of funds involved: 2 . Scale of Operations: A larger
These decisions result in a organisation operating at a higher
substantial portion of capital funds scale needs bigger plant, more space
being blocked in long-term projects. etc. and therefore, requires higher
Therefore, these investments are investment in fixed assets when
planned after a detailed analysis is compared with the small organisation.



3. Choice of Technique: Some and starting a cement manufacturing

organisations are capital intensive plant. Obviously, its investment in
whereas others are labour intensive. A fixed capital will increase.
capital-intensive organisation requires 7. Financing Alternatives: A
higher investment in plant and developed financial market may provide
machinery as it relies less on manual leasing facilities as an alternative to
labour. The requirement of fixed capital outright purchase. When an asset is
for such organisations would be higher. taken on lease, the firm pays lease
Labour intensive organisations on the rentals and uses it. By doing so, it
other hand require less investment in avoids huge sums required to purchase
fixed assets. Hence, their fixed capital it. Availability of leasing facilities, thus,
requirement is lower. may reduce the funds required to be
4. Technology Upgradation: In certain invested in fixed assets, thereby
industries, assets become obsolete reducing the fixed capital requirements.
sooner. Consequently, their replace- Such a strategy is specially suitable in
ments become due faster. Higher high risk lines of business.
investment in fixed assets may, 8. Level of Collaboration: At times,
therefore, be required in such cases. For certain business organisations share
example, computers become obsolete each others facilities. For example, a
faster and are replaced much sooner bank may use anothers ATM or some
than say, furniture. Thus, such of them may jointly establish a
organisations which use assets which particular facility. This is feasible if the
are prone to obsolescence require higher scale of operations of each one of them
fixed capital to purchase such assets. is not sufficient to make full use of the
facility. Such collaboration reduces the
5. Growth Prospects: Higher growth of level of investment in fixed assets
an organisation generally requires for each one of the participating
higher investment in fixed assets. Even organisations.
when such growth is expected, a
company may choose to create higher WORKING CAPITAL
capacity in order to meet the anticipated Apart from the investment in fixed
higher demand quicker. This entails assets every business organisation
larger investment in fixed assets and needs to invest in current assets. This
consequently larger fixed capital. investment facilitates smooth day-to-
6. Diversification: A firm may day operations of the business. Current
choose to diversify its operations for assets are usually more liquid but
various reasons, With diversification, contribute less to the profits than fixed
fixed capital requirements increase assets. Examples of current assets, in
e.g., a textile company is diversifying order of their liquidity, are as under.



1. Cash in hand/Cash at Bank make it more difficult for an

2. Marketable securities organisation to meet its payment
obligations. However, these assets
3. Bills receivable provide little or low return. Hence, a
4. Debtors balance needs to be struck between
5. Finished goods inventory liquidity and profitability.
Current liabilities are those
6. Work in progress
payment obligations which are due for
7. Raw materials payment within one year; such as bills
8. Prepaid expenses payable, creditors, outstanding
expenses and advances received from
These assets, as noted earlier, are customers, etc.
expected to get converted into cash or Some part of current assets is
cash equivalents within a period of one usually financed through short-term
year. These provide liquidity to the sources, i.e., current liabilities. The
business. An asset is more liquid if it rest is financed through long-term
can be converted into cash quicker and sources and is called net working
without reduction in value. Insufficient capital. Thus, NWC = CA CL (i.e.
investment in current assets may Current Assets - Current Liabilities.)

Working Capital Position

Its been a rather glamorous 18 months, with sales just huge, says, CFO of PT Astra
International, the US $4 billion in sales Indonesian automaker. Indonesia is on the
growth path again, and a new breed of consumer is eager for a first vehicle motorcycles
as well as Astras more premium brands of Hondas and Toyotas. And one of the
most beautiful parts of the proposition is that working capital management seems to
be taking care of itself. Depending on the business, and counting trade receivables
only, we have between eight and 19 days working capital, which is manageable given
the companys steady growth. One of the reasons that working capital has not expanded
at the rate of the business is inventory, or rather the dearth of it. Were in a market
that responds very strongly to new products, says the manager and the presales of
products are very high. We have advanced orders from four to six months, with
deposits paid, and this helps our cash position. Best of all, as soon as a vehicle is off
the assembly line, its out to the dealer. We have low inventory costs and the product
lines are very easy to move. The salutary role of banks in working capital management
is one reason that cashflow has improved in his business. Better management is a
result of banking competition that has allowed the company to move from traditional
bankers, the state-owned Indian institutions, to more competitive private institutions
and the foreign banks that partner with them. These banks have invested in technology,
allowing a visibility over cashflow unheard of five years ago.



Thus, net working capital may be larger and, therefore, larger amount of
defined as the excess of current assets working capital is required. As against
over current liabilities. this, the requirement for working
capital will be lower during the period
FACTORS A FFECTING THE WORKING of depression as the sales as well as
CAPITAL R EQUIREMENTS production will be small.
4. Seasonal Factors: Most business
1. Nature of Business: The basic
have some seasonality in their
nature of a business influences the operations. In peak season, because of
amount of working capital required. A
higher level of activity, larger amount
trading organisation usually needs a of working capital is required. As
smaller amount of working capital
against this, the level of activity as well
compared to a manufacturing as the requirement for working capital
organisation. This is because there is will be lower during the lean season.
usually no processing. Therefore, there
is no distinction between raw materials 5. Production Cycle: Production cycle
is the time span between the receipt of
and finished goods. Sales can be
effected immediately upon the receipt raw material and their conversion into
finished goods. Some businesses have
of materials, sometimes even before
a longer production cycle while some
that. In a manufacturing business,
have a shorter one. Duration and the
however, raw material needs to be
length of production cycle, affects the
converted into finished goods before
amount of funds required for raw
any sales become possible. Other
materials and expenses. Consequently,
factors remaining the same, a trading
working capital requirement is higher
business requires less working capital.
in firms with longer processing cycle
Similarly, service industries which
and lower in firms with shorter
usually do not have to maintain
processing cycle.
inventory require less working capital.
6. Credit Allowed: Different firms allow
2. Scale of Operations: For organisations different credit terms to their
which operate on a higher scale of customers. These depend upon the level
operation, the quantum of inventory and of competition that a firm faces as well
debtors required is generally high. Such as the credit worthiness of their
organisations, therefore, require large clientele. A liberal credit policy results
amount of working capital as compared in higher amount of debtors, increasing
to the organisations which operate on a the requirement of working capital.
lower scale. 7. Credit Availed: Just as a firm
3. Business Cycle: Different phases allows credit to its customers it also
of business cycles affect the may get credit from its suppliers. To
requirement of working capital by a the extent it avails the credit on
firm. In case of a boom, the sales as purchases, the working capital
well as production are likely to be requirement is reduced.


8. Operating Efficiency: Firms 10. Growth Prospects: If the growth
manage their operations with varied potential of a concern is perceived to
degrees of efficiency. For example, a be higher, it will require larger amount
firm managing its raw materials of working capital so that it is able to
efficiently may be able to manage with meet higher production and sales
a smaller balance. This is reflected in target whenever required.
a higher inventory turnover ratio. 11. Level of Competition: Higher
Similarly, a better debtors turnover level of competitiveness may
ratio may be achieved reducing the necessitate larger stocks of finished
amount tied up in receivables. Better goods to meet urgent orders from
sales effort may reduce the average customers. This increases the working
time for which finished goods inventory capital requirement. Competition may
is held. Such efficiencies may reduce also force the firm to extend liberal
the level of raw materials, finished credit terms discussed earlier.
goods and debtors resulting in lower 12. Inflation: With rising prices,
requirement of working capital. larger amounts are required even to
9. Availability of Raw Material: If the maintain a constant volume of
raw materials and other required production and sales. The working
materials are available freely and capital requirement of a business
continuously, lower stock levels may thus, become higher with higher rate
suffice. If, however, raw materials do of inflation. It must, however, be noted
not have a record of un-interrupted that an inflation rate of 5%, does not
availability, higher stock levels may be mean that every component of
required. In addition, the time lag working capital will change by the
between the placement of order and same percentage. The actual
the actual receipt of the materials (also requirement shall depend upon the
called lead time) is also relevant. Larger rates of price change of different
the lead time, larger the quantity of components (e.g., raw material,
material to be stored and larger shall finished goods, labour cost,) Finished
be the amount of working capital goods as well as their proportion in
required. the total requirement.

Financial Management Wealth Maximisation Investment Decision
Financing Decision Dividend Decision Capital Budgeting
Working Capital Financial Planning Capital Structure
Trading on Equity


Business finance: The money required for carrying out business activities is
called business finance. Almost all business activities require some finance.
Finance is needed to establish a business, to run it, to modernise it, to expand,
and diversify it.
Financial Management: Financial Management is concerned with optimal
procurement as well as usage of finance. For optimal procurement, different
available sources of finance are identified and compared in terms of their costs
and associated risks.
Objectives and Financial Decisions The primary aim of financial management
is to maximise shareholders wealth which is referred to as the wealth
maximisation concept. The market price of a companys shares are linked to
the three basic financial decisions
Financial decision-making is concerned with three broad decisions which are
Investment Decision, Financing Decision, Dividend Decision

Financial Planning and Importance Financial planning is essentially

preparation of a financial blueprint of an organisations future operations. The
objective of financial planning is to ensure that enough funds are available at
right time.
Financial planning strives to achieve the following twin objectives.
(a) To ensure availability of funds whenever these are required:
(b) To see that the firm does not raise resources unnecessarily:
Financial planning is an important part of overall planning of any business
enterprise. It aims at enabling the company to tackle the uncertainty in respect
of the availability and timing of the funds and helps in smooth functioning of
an organisation.
Capital Structure and Factors One of the important decisions under financial
management relates to the financing pattern or the proportion of the use of
different sources in raising funds. On the basis of ownership, the sources
of business finance can be broadly classified into two categories viz., owners
funds and borrowed funds. Capital structure refers to the mix between owners
and borrowed funds.
Deciding about the capital structure of a firm involves determining the
relative proportion of various types of funds. This depends on various factors
which are: Cash Flow Position, Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR), Debt Service
Coverage Ratio (DSCR), Return on Investment (RoI), Cost of debt, Tax Rate,
Cost of Equity, Floatation Costs, Risk Consideration, Flexibility, Control,



Regulatory Framework, Stock Market Conditions, and Capital Structure of

other Companies.

Fixed and Working Capital Fixed capital refers to investment in long-term

assets. Management of fixed capital involves around allocation of firms capital
to different projects or assets with long-term implications for the business.
These decisions are called investment decisions or capital budgeting decisions.
They affect the growth, profitability and risk of the business in the long run.
Factors affecting the Requirement of Fixed Capital are: Nature of Business,
Scale of Operations, Choice of Technique, Technology Upgradation, Growth
Prospects, Diversification, Financing Alternatives and Level of Collaboration.
Apart from the investment in fixed assets, every business organisation
needs to invest in current assets. This investment facilitates smooth day-to-
day operations of the organisation. Current assets are usually more liquid but
contribute less to the profits than fixed assets.
Factors affecting the working capital requirement are: Nature of Business,
Scale of Operations, Business Cycle, Seasonal Factor, Production Cycle, Credit
Allowed, Credit Availed, Operating Efficiency, Availability of Raw Material,
Growth Prospects, Level of competition, and rate of Inflation.


Objectivetype questions
1. The cheapest source of finance is:
a. debenture b. equity share capital
c. preference share d. retained earning
2. A decision to acquire a new and modern plant to upgrade an old one is a:
a. financing decision
b. working capital decision
c. investment decision
d. None of the above
3. Other things remaining the same, an increase in the tax rate on corporate
profits will:
a. make the debt relatively cheaper
b. make the debt relatively the dearer
c. have no impact on the cost of debt
d. we cant say



4. Companies with a higher growth pattern are likely to:

a. pay lower dividends
b. pay higher dividends
c. dividends are not affected by growth considerations
d. none of the above
5. Financial leverage is called favourable if:
a. Return on Investment is lower than the cost of debt
b. ROI is higher than the cost of debt
c. Debt is easily available
d. If the degree of existing financial leverage is low
6. Higher debt-equity ratio results in:
a. lower financial risk
b. higher degree of operating risk
c. higher degree of financial risk
d. higher EPS
7. Higher working capital usually results in:
a. higher current ratio, higher risk and higher profits
b. lower current ratio, higher risk and profits
c. higher equity, lower risk and lower profits
d. lower equity, lower risk and higher profits
8. Current assets are those assets which get converted into cash:
a. within six months b. within one year
c. between one and three years d. between three and five years
9. Financial planning arrives at:
a. minimising the external borrowing by resorting to equity issues
b. entering that the firm always have significantly more fund than
required so that there is no paucity of funds
c. ensuring that the firm faces neither a shortage nor a glut of unusable
d. doing only what is possible with the funds that the firms has at its



10. Higher dividend per share is associated with:

a. high earnings, high cash flows, unstable earnings and higher growth
b. high earnings, high cash flows, stable earnings and high growth
c. high earnings, high cash flows, stable earnings and lower growth
d. high earnings, low cash flows, stable earnings and lower growth
11. A fixed asset should be financed through:
a. a long-term liability b. a short-term liability
c. a mix of long and short-term liabilities
12. Current assets of a business firm should be financed through:
a. current liability only b. long-term liability only
c. both types (i.e. long and short term liabilities)

Short answer questions

1. What is meant by capital structure?
2. Discuss the two objectives of financial planning.
3. What is Financial Risk? Why does it arise?
4. Define Current Assets. Give four examples of such assets.
5. Financial management is based on three broad financial decisions. What
are these?
6. What are the main objectives of financial management? Briefly explain.
7. How does working capital affect both the liquidity as well as profitability
of a business?
Long answer questions
1. What is working capital? How is it calculated? Discuss five important
determinants of working capital requirement.
2. Capital structure decision is essentially optimisation of risk-return
relationship. Comment.
3. A capital budgeting decision is capable of changing the financial fortunes
of a business. Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer?
4. Explain the factors affecting the dividend decision.



5. Explain the term Trading on Equity. Why, when and how it can be used
by a company?
Case Problem
S Limited is manufacturing steel at its plant in India. It is enjoying a buoyant
demand for its products as economic growth is about 7%-8% and the demand
for steel is growing. It is planning to set up a new steel plant to cash on the
increased demand. It is estimated that it will require about
Rs. 5000 crores to set up and about Rs 500 crores of working capital to start
the new plant.
1. Describe the role and objectives of financial management for this company.
2. Explain the importance of having a financial plan for this company. Give
an imaginary plan to support your answer.
3. What are the factors which will affect the capital structure of this company?
4. Keeping in mind that it is a highly capital-intensive sector, what factors
will affect the fixed and working capital. Give reasons in support of your

Project Work
1. Pick up the annual reports of 2 or more companies engaged in the same
line of business. You can access this data on the respective website of the
companies and other sources. Compare their capital structures. Analyse
the reasons for the difference. You can also use ratio analysis for this.
Prepare a report of your findings and discuss it in the class with the help of
your teacher.
2. From the annual reports that you use in activity, analyse the working capital
of the companies. You can use short-term solvency ratios. Study the
operating cycle of the line of business you have choosen and prepare a
report as to the soundness of the working capital management of the
companies you are studying. Prepare a report of your findings and discuss
it in class with the help of your teacher.


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