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After Practicum

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It has been a remarkable month for I had gain many experiences and
knowledge from the teachers of SK Seri Penanti and from my lecturer, Mr Eng Lean
Teik. We must always be prepared and move one-step ahead. For the first week, I
learned a lot about time management, which was my biggest problem during practicum.
During the second week, no matter how hard I try, I will always poor in inserting many
interesting activities for my pupils. I was very disappointed but I realized my mistake. I
was too ambitious and I tried to instill too many activities in one lesson. I took my time
and started to focus even harder when writing my lesson plan so that my teaching and
learning session will run smoothly. Sometimes, I would refer to my cooperating teacher
to ask for more wonderful ideas and activities that suitable for my pupils. This has
brought me to a better level and helped me during carried out the teaching and learning.

Apart from time management, using different teaching aids is also crucial in
order to make the classroom more alive and interesting. One of my weakness was I
love to use more hands-on activities and power point slides. I realized my pupils were
bored and I know they were expecting something new every day. I told myself in order
to gain my pupils attention, I need to make more interesting teaching aids so my pupils
will have the spirit to learn. Instead of using power point, I used mahjong papers and
flash cards. I even used realia where I brought and wore a real jacket when I was
teaching the Year 5 pupils and brought real fruits for teaching Language Arts. They
were very excited and they had a lot of fun. I felt so accomplished and satisfied when I
saw my pupils enjoying their learning.

Voice projection and assertiveness are very crucial in managing the

classroom. I was glad I had a very loud voice, which enabled me to project my voice
and gained pupils attention when they are not paying attention. I made sure I was firm
but fun at the same time so pupils will understand my expectation from them. It is
actually a win-win situation. I made sure they understand my rules and routine so I can
manage my class well when I am conducting my teaching and learning sessions.
Sometimes, I failed to give clear instructions to the pupils, so to combat that problem, I
had written down the instructions that Im going to say to them without any grammar
errors and mispronunciations which were suggested by my lecturer and my cooperating

Furthermore, the most important thing I achieved during this practicum was
patience. To be honest, I am a very hot-temper person and I do not tolerate problematic
behaviours. During the first two weeks of my practicum, I chose hostile mode when I
had to relieve the last classes especially the last classes. They were too noisy, stubborn
and refused to listen to anyone. I used to waste my energy by scolding them. I then
realized my approach did not bring any good impact. When I changed and be more
patient when handling them, the class was more controlled.

Moreover, I learned a lot in carrying out extra-curriculum activities. I learned

how to organize and train pupils for a marching competition for the Kadet Remaja
Sekolah uniform. Most of the teachers are friendly and they taught me a lot in carrying
out extra-curriculum activities. Not only that, I also learn how to organized an astronomy
camp. This was the first time I witnessed such a fun program, which allow pupils to
explore in the world of science and astronomy. Besides that, I had done some project
for the year 3 which was self-access cards as exercises for the lower primary pupils.

It was a good experience and I am glad I did my second practicum in this

school. I obtained all sorts of new information and knowledge and I wish I will be given
the chance to carry all the lessons I have learnt into my professional field.
DATE : 24 AUGUST 2015

TIME :11.05 A.M 12.05 P.M




Giving Instructions to the pupils

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