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Me6503 Dme Unit 5 Study Notes 2015

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(Dr.VPR Nagar, Manimangalam, Tambaram)

Chennai - 601 301





Prepared by:

1. Classify the types of bearings. (MAY/JUNE 2010)
i. Depending upon the type of load coming upon the shaft:
a. Radial bearing
b. Thrust bearings.
ii. Depending upon the nature of contact:
a. Sliding contact
b. Rolling contact bearings or Antifriction bearings.
2. What are the required properties of bearing materials? (MAY/JUNE 2010)
Bearing material should have the following properties.
i. High compressive strength
ii. Low coefficient of friction
iii. High thermal conductivity
iv. High resistance to corrosion
v. Sufficient fatigue strength
vi. It should be soft with a low modulus of elasticity
vii. Bearing materials should not get weld easily to the journal material
5. State any points to be considered for selection of bearings.(or) List any six types of bearing
materials. (NOV/DEC 2010)
Lead based babbit, tin based babbit, leaded bronze, copper lead alloy, gun metal, phosphor
6. Discuss the forces acting on the connecting rod. Or Under what force the big end bolts and
caps are designed. (NOV/DEC 2011) (NOV/DEC 2012)
The combined effect of (i)load on the piston due to the gas pressure and due to inertia of the
reciprocating parts, and(ii)the friction of the piston rings, piston, piston rod and cross
head.1.inertia of the connecting rod.2.the friction force in the gudgeon and crank pin bearing.
7. List the basic assumption used in the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication?
(NOV/DEC 2011)
a) The lubricant obeys newtons law of viscous flow.
b) The pressure is assumed to be constant throughout the film thickness.
c) The lubricant is assumed to be incompressible.
d) The viscosity is assumed to be constant throughout the film thickness.
e) The flow is one dimensional.
8. Classify the sliding contact bearings according to the thickness of layer of the lubricant
between the bearing and journal. (MAY/ JUNE 2012)
1. Thick film bearing
2. Thin film bearing

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3. Zero film bearing
4. Hydrostatic bearing
9. What are various types of radial ball bearing? (MAY/ JUNE 2012)
1. single row deep groove ball bearing
2. Filling notch bearing
3. Angular contact bearing
4. Double row bearing
5. Self-aligning bearing
3. What is a Journal bearing? List any two applications. (MAY/JUNE 2013)
A journal bearing is a sliding contact bearing which gives lateral support to the rotating shaft.
4. Explain the term Dynamic load carrying capacities of rolling contact bearing.
(NOV/DEC 2012)
Dynamic load rating is defined as the radial load in radial bearings that can be carried for a
minimum life of one million revolutions.
10. What do you meant by life of an individual bearing? (MAY/ JUNE 2013)
The life of individual bearing may be defined as the number of revolution which the bearing runs
before the first evidence of fatigue develops in the material of one of the rings or any of the rolling

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Connecting Rod
1. Design a suitable connecting rod for a petrol engine for the following details, diameter of
the piston = 100 mm, weight of reciprocating parts per cylinder = 20 N, connecting rod
length = 300 mm, compression ratio = 7:1, maximum explosion pressure = 3 N/mm2, stroke =
140 mm, speed of the engine = 2000 rpm.
(APR/MAY 2002, NOV/DEC 2011 & MAY/JUNE 2012)
d = 100 mm, r = 20 N, l = 300 mm, compression ratio = 7:1, p = 3 N/mm2, stroke = 140
mm, N = 2000 rpm.


i. From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.122,

t 5t


a = 11t2
419 4
Ixx = t
k xx2 = 3.18 t2.

ii. Load due to burning of gas (FG): From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.122

d2 1002
FG = p 3 23561.94 N
4 4

iii. Crippling load (Fcr):

Fcr = FOS x FG (Assume FOS = 6)

= 6 x 23561.94 = 141371.67 N

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iv. Crippling load by Rankines formula:

c a
Fcr 2
1 c
k xx
330 11t 2
141371.67 2
1 300
7500 3.18t 2
330 11t 2 3630t 2
141371.67 2
3.77 t 3.77
1 2
t t2
3630t 4
t 2 3.77
141371.67(t 2 3.77) 3630t 4
3630t 4 141371.67t 2 532971.196 0
3630 t 4 38.95t 2 146.824 0

2 (38.95) (38.95) 2 4 1 ( 146.824)

38.95 45.874
t2 42.412
t 6.15mm 7mm
v. Dimensions of Cross section:

Height of I section = 5t = 5 x 7 = 35 mm
Width of I section = 4t = 4 x 7 = 28 mm

vi. Design of small end pin:

1.75 (Assume Pb = 13 N/mm2)
FG = L1 x d1 x Pb

23561.94 = 1.75d1 x d1 x 13
d1= 32.18 mm = 33 mm

L1 = 1.75(33) = 57.75 = 58 mm

vii. Design of Big end pin:

1.375 (Assume Pb = 8 N/mm2)
FG = L2 x d2 x Pb

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23561.94 = 1.375d2 x d2 x 13
d2= 46.28 mm = 47 mm

L2 = 1.375(47) = 64.63= 65 mm

viii. Diameter of bolt:

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.122,


p 2 cos 2

Fi r cos
g l
2 N 2 2000
209.44rad / sec
60 60
l = 300 mm = 0.3 m
r = radius of crank = stroke length / 2 = = 70 mm = 0.07 m
20 1
(209.44) 0.07 1
9.81 0.3
Fi 7720.736 N
d c2
Fi n
d c2
7720.736 4 100
dc 4.95mm 5mm
d 5
Diameter of bolt d c 5.95 6mm
0.84 0.84

ix. Thickness of big end cap (tc):

Fi x
Bending moment mc = (x=1.5d2)
7220.736 1.5 47


Modulus, Z = (b=L2)

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65 tc2
W.K.T., b (Assume b=120N/mm2)
10.83t 2

tc = 8.35 mm
tc = 8.5 mm
2. Design a journal bearing for a centrifugal pump with the following data:
Diameter of the journal = 150 mm
Load on bearing = 40 kN
Speed of journal = 900 rpm (NOV/DEC 2007 & MAY/JUNE 2012)

D = 150 mm, W = 40 kN, n = 900 rpm, Application = Centrifugal pump

i. Diameter of journal is already given in the problem, D = 150 mm

ii. From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.81, D = 1.0 2.0
Bearing pressure allowable = 71014 kgf/cm2,

p min = 2844.5

Take D = 1.5, L = 1.5 D = 1.5 x 150 = 225 mm

iii. Bearing Pressure

W 40103
P = LD = 225150 = 1.185 N/mm2 = 1.185 x 10 kgf/cm2 = 11.85 kgf/cm2.
which is less than allowable, so L/D value is acceptable.

iv. From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.32, Diameter clearance C = 150 microns
= 150 x 10-3 mm
C 150103
Clearance ratio, D = 150 = 1 x 10-3

v. Selection of lubricating oil.

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.31,

P = 2844.5
Z= 900 = 37.45 = 40 centipoise.

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From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.41, for Z = 40 and temperature = 60o (assume). The suitable
lubricating oil is SAE40.

vi. Bearing Characteristics number.

Zn 40900
P = 11.85 = 3037.97
It is higher than the minimum value given in PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.31.

vii. Calculation of .

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.34, = 1010

Zn D 1
P = 3037.97, C = 1103 ,
K = 0.0025 (for L/D = 1.5, from PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.34)

10 10 3037.97

Hg and Hd

Hg = .w .v Watts

w in Newton,
v = 60 in m/min,
D in meters,
n in rpm
Hg = 0.0126 x 4000 x 60 = 3562.56 W

t 182 L D
Hd = k

L in meters
D in meters
K constant, assume = 0.484 heat dissipation

t = temperature of bearing surface

Form ambient temperature

t = 2 (to ta )
to = oil temperature, ta = ambient temperature

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t =
60o 28o 16o C

16182 0.2250.15
Hd 0.484

Hd = 80.61 W
Here Hg > Hd so artificial cooling is required to carry away the excess heat.

Diameter of the bearing Db = D+C = 150 + 150 x 10-3 = 150.15 mm

Material of Bearing
From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.30, for pump application material is rubber or moulded
plastic laminate.

Summary of Design

Material = Rubber or Moulded plastic laminate

Cooling = Artificial cooling required
Diameter of journal = 150 mm
Length of journal L = 225 mm
Diameter of bearing Db = 150.15 mm
Diameter of clearance C = 150 microns
Lubricating oil suitable = SAE40
Operating temperature = 60oC
Atmospheric temperature = 28oC

3. Following data is given for a 360o hydro dynamic bearing:

Journal diameter = 100 mm, Radial clearance = 0.12 mm, Radial load =50 kN,
Bearing length = 100 mm, Journal speed = 1440 rpm, Viscosity of lubricant = 16 centipoise.
Calculate: 1. Minimum film thickness
2. Co-efficient of friction
3. Power cost in friction. (MAY/JUNE 2009)

Given: D= 100 mm, Radial clearance = 0.12 mm, W = 50kN, L=100 mm, n = 1440 rpm, Z=16
centipoise = 16 x 10-3 Ns/m2.


i. Minimum film thickness

W.K.T. Radial clearance = Diameteral clearance /2 = C/2

0.12 = C/2,
C = 0.24 mm
D 2
Z 'n '
From PSG DDB Pg. No., Sommerfield number s = p
Z = viscosity in Ns/m
n = speed of jouranal in rps
p = bearing pressure in N/m2.

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n = 1440/60 rps
W 5010
Bearing pressure p = L D 0.1 0.1
p = 5 x 106 N/mm2.

16103 1440
s= 5106

s = 0.013

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.40, for = 360o, s = 0.013 and corresponding to L/D =1,
2 ho
the minimum film thickness variable = C = 0.071
ho = 2 = 8.52 x 10-3 mm = 0.00852 mm

ii. Co-efficient of Friction ():

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 7.40, for = 360o, L/D = 1, s = 0.013

CD = 1, 1 CD = 0.24
100 = 2.4 x 10

iii. Power cost due to friction:

Hg = w v
= 2.4 x 10-3 x 50,000 x 60
Hg = 904.8 W

4. Select a bearing for a 40 mm diameter shaft rotates at 400 rpm. Due to a bevel gear
mounted in the shaft. The bearing will have to withstand a 5000 N radial load of the bearing
thrust load. The life of the bearing expected to be at least 1000 hrs.

Given: d= 40mm, n=400 rpm, Fr = 5000N, Fa = 3000N, Lh = 1000 hrs


Select Series 62 and for d = 40 mm, From PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.13, bearing basic design no.
SKF 6208. The values of Co, C are

Co = 1600 kgf = 1600 x 10 = 16000 N

C = 2280 kgf = 2280 x 10 = 22800 N

i. Equivalent diameter load (P):

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P = (X.Fr + Y.Fa) x s

For X and Y values, from PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.4, Fa and e are given

Fa/Co e
0.13 0.31
0.12 0.06
0.25 0.37

0.12 0.06
0.012, and 0.006
10 10

Fa 3000 F
For 0.1875 0.19 , For value of a 0.19 0.13 5(0.012)
Co 16000 Co

Similarly, For e value = (5 0.006 0.31) 0.03 0.31 = 0.34

a 0.19
e 0.34

Fa 3000
0.6 > e,
Fr 5000

So, X value = 0.56, s value from PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.2
Y value = 1.2

Therefore, P = [(0.56 x 5000) + (1.2 x 3000)] x 1.2

P = 7680 N

ii. Dynamic Load capacity(C):

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.6 (Ball bearing), For 400 rpm and 1000 hrs life

C/P = 2.88

C = 2.88 x 7680 = 22118.4 N

This dynamic load is less than the tabulated (allowable) value i.e. 22800 N. So the suitable
bearing designation is SKF 6208.

5. Select a suitable ball bearing to support the overhung countershaft. The shaft is 60 mm
diameter and rotating at 1250 rpm. The bearing is to have 99% reliability corresponding to a
life of 4000 hrs. The bearing is subjected to an equivalent radial load of 6000N.

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d = 60 mm, n = 1250 rpm, Reliability = 99% = 0.99 = probability = p, L = 4000 hrs, Fr =

1/ b
L ln(1 / p)
From PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.2
L '10 ln(1/ p10 )
Here, ln(1/ p10 ) = 0.1053, L = 4000 hrs, b = 1.34, p = 0.99

Substitute all value,

(0.09544) 0.7463
L '10
L10 = 23.093 hrs

From PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.6, For life 23.093 hrs and 1250 rpm,

The value is 12.40
P 12.40 =C/P
C 2500 hrs
= 12.4
C = 12.4 x Fr
C = 12.4 x 6000
C = 74400N
1250 rpm
Select the bearing for C = 74400 N or C = 7440 kgf, and the diameter of the shaft is 60
mm. (From PSG DDB Pg. No. 4.15, series 64)

SKF 6412 is suitable bearing,
Co = 7100 kgf,
C = 8450 kgf.

6. A 70mm machine shaft is to supported at ends. If operates continuously for 8 hrs per day
,320 days per year for 8 years the load of speed cycle for one of the hearing are given below,

S.No Fraction of Radial load Thrust Speed rpm Factors

cycle in N X y Z
1. 0.25 3500 1000 600 0.56 1.2 1.5
2. 0.25 3000 1000 800 0.56 1.2 1.5
3. 0.5 4000 2000 900 0.56 1.4 1.5

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Select suitable bearing.


i. Equivalent load (p)




rom pg 4.2:

Cubic mean load Fm = p13n1t1+p23n2t2+p33n3t3


= (4740)3x600x0.25+(4320)3x800x0.25+(7560)3x900x0.5


Fm = 4618.16 N

W.k.t: equivalent load = cubic mean load (p=fm)

!!) Equivalent speed (N)

N = n1t1+n2t2+n3t3

= 600x0.25+800x0.25+900x0.5

N = 800 rpm

!!!) Total life hrs = 8hrs/day , 320day s/yr For F yea

20480 h

= 8x320x8

= 20,480 hrs 800rpm

From pg no 4.6 , For lie 20.480 hrs &800 rpm

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C/P= 9.83

C= 9.83x4618.16 = 45396 N

For, C= 45,396 N & d= 70mm

The suitable size of bearing in skf= 6214

7. A single row deep groove ball bearing no: 6002 is subjected to an axial thrust load of
1000N and a radial load of 2200N. find the expected life that 50% of the bearing will
complete under this condition.


Deep groove ball bearing no: 6002

Fa= 1000N

Fa = 2200N


From DDB:4.12 :- For bearing no. 6002

Co = 255kgf = 255*10N

C = 440kgf = 4400N

Fa/co=1000/2550 = 0.392

From DDB 4.4 for / =0.392 the value of e=0.412

Since, fa/co= 1000/2550 = 0.454>e

The radial load factor X= 0.56

Thrust load factor Y= 1.83

Service factor from DDB 4.2, S=1.1to 1.5 , say S=1.3

.. . Equivalent load

(from DDB: 4.2) P= (XFr+YFa)S

= (0.56*2200+1.83*1000)1.3

= 3980.6N


L= (c/p)b = (4400/3980.6)3 =1.35 million revolution

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Expected life at 50% reliability(L50) is obtained from

L50/L90= ln(1/R50) 1/b


L50/1.35 = ln(1/0.5) 1/b

= (0.693/0.105)0,85 = 4.058


L50= 4.958*1.35

L50= 6.69 million rev

8. The load on the journal bearing is 150KN due to turbine of 300mm diameter running at
1800rpm determine the following
(1) Length of the bearing if the allowable bearing pressure is 1.6N/mm2
(2) Amount of heat to be removed by the lubricant per minute if the bearing temperature
is 600c and viscosity of the oil at 600c is 0.02kg/m-s and the bearing clearance is 0.25.
(NOV/DEC 2011)
W=150KN = 150X103N

D= 300mm=0.3m

N= 1800rpm

P= 1.6N/mm2


C= 0.25mm


1) Length of the bearing:

Let, l = length of bearing(mm)

WKT, projected bearing area


And alloeable bearing pressure (P),

1.6= = =

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l= 500/1.6 = 312.5mm

2) Amount of heat to be removed by the lubricant:

Wkt, co efficient of friction for the bearing

= 33/108 +k

. )
= 33/108 + 0.002
. .

= 0.009+0.002= 0.011

Rubbing velacity,
V= = = 28.3 /

Amount of heat to removed by the lubricant.

Q8 = 0.11x150x103 x28.3

= 46.695 J/s or W

= 46.695kw

9). Design a journal bearing for a centrifugal pump from the following data:
Load on the journal = 20000N
Speed of the journal = 900 rpm
Type of oil is = SAE10
For which absolute viscosity at 55 C = 0.017 kg/ms
Ambient temperature of oil = 15.5oC
Maximum bearing pressure for the pump =1.5N/mm2
W = 20000N

N = 900rpm

To= 55oC,ta=15.5oC

Z = 0.017 kg/ms, p = 1.5 N/mm2


1. To find length of the journal, (l):

Assume, dia and journal d=100mm

Take / =1.6

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L = 1.6d = 1.6 100=160mm

2. Checking of bearing pressure:


P = w/ld = 20000/160x100 = 1.25<1.5N/mm2 (given)

The value of l&d is safe

3. Bearing characteristic number (ZN/P):

ZN/P = 0.017x900/1.25 = 12.24


The minimum value of bearing modules 3K = ZN/P

Bearing module at the minimum point of friction:
K = 1/3(ZN/P) = 1/3x28 = 9.33 [ZN/P = 28 from table]
Since the calculated value13.24 is more than 9.33,
Therefore the bearing is operate under hydrodynamic condition.

4. Clearance ratio (c/d):

From the table c/d = 0.0013 (for centrifugal pump)
5. Co-efficient of friction():
= +k

= x 12.24 x + 0.002

= 0.0051 Ans

6. Heat generated (Qg):

Qg = wv

= w ( )W

= 0.0051x20000 ( )

= 480.7 W

7. Heat dissipated (Qd):

Qd = CA (tb-ta)

= cld (tb-ta)W

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(tb-ta) = (tb-ta) = (55o-15.5o) = 19.75oC

Qd = 1232 x 0.16 x 0.1 x 19.75

= 389.3 W (l,d in meters)

Amount of artificial cooling required

= Qg-Qd

= 4807.7 389.3

= 91.4 W

10. A journal bearing is to be designed for a centrifugal pump for the following
Load on the journal = 12kN,
Diameter of the journal = 75mm
Speed (N) = 1440rpm
Atmospheric temperature of the oil =16
Operating temperature of the oil = 60
Absolute viscosity of oil at 60 = 0.23 kg/ms
Give the systematic design of the bearing. (MAY-JUNE-2012)

Solution: (Solve this problem as per the procedure of previous problem)

11). A single row deep groove ball bearing is subjected to a radial force of 8kN and a thrust
force of 3kN. the rotates at 1200rpm the expected life L10th of the bearing is 20000hr the
minimum acceptable diameter of having for this application. (MAY/JUNE 2012)

Fn = 8kn

Fa = 3kn

N = 1200rpm

L10h = 20,000

d = 75mm


STEP1: X and Y factor

X = 0.56 , Y= 1.5 , Fr = 8000N

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Fa = 3000N


C = p(L10)1/3 = (8980)(1440)1/3

= 101406.04N

The shaft of 75mm diameter, bearing no.6315 (c= 112000) is suitable for the above data for this

Co = 72000N

, = = 0.375

And = = 0.04167

e = 0.24 (approximately ) and ( )>e

The value of Y is obtained by liner interpolation .

( . . )
Y = 1.8 (( )
x (0.0416 0.04) = 1.79 and X = 0.56
. .


Dynamic load capacity

P =XFr+YF = 0.56(8000)+ 1.79 (3000)

= 9850N

C = p (L10)1/3 = 9850(1440)1/3 = 111230.46N

STEP 3: Selection of bearing

Bearing No.6315 (c= 112000) is suitable for the above application.


The suitable bearing is 6315

12. Design a connecting rod for an I.C. engine running at 1800 r.p.m. and developing a
maximum pressure of 3.15 N/mm2. The diameter of the piston is 100 mm; mass of the
reciprocating parts per cylinder 2.25 kg; length of connecting rod 380 mm; stroke of piston
190 mm and compression ratio 6:1. Take a factor of safety of 6 for the design. Take length to
diameter ratio for big end bearing as 1.3 and small end bearing as 2 and the corresponding
bearing pressures as 10 N/mm2 and 15 N/mm2 . The density of material of the rod may be
taken as 8000 kg/m3 and the allowable stress in the bolts as 60 N/mm2 and in cap as 80
N/mm2. The rod is to be of I-section for which you can choose your own proportions. Draw a
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neat dimensioned sketch showing provision for lubrication. Use Rankine formula for which
the numerator constant may be taken as 320 N/mm2 and the denominator constant 1 / 7500.

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1. List the basic assumption used in the theory of hydrodynamic lubrication?
(NOV/DEC 2011)

2. Classify the sliding contact bearings according to the thickness of layer of

the lubricant between the bearing and journal. (MAY/ JUNE 2012)
3. What are various types of radial ball bearing? (MAY/ JUNE 2012)
4. What do you meant by life of an individual bearing? (MAY/ JUNE 2013)

1. Design of journal bearing for 12 MW, 1000 rpm steam turbine, which is supported by two
bearings. Take atmospheric temperature as 16o C and operating temperature of oil as 60o C.
assume viscosity of oil as 23 Ns/m2. (MAY/JUNE 2012)

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