Geotech - 2
Geotech - 2
Geotech - 2
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
5. If the ratio of width of foundation to the width of
1. Consider the following statements: plate is 5 times, the ratio of corresponding settlements
1. 2/3rd of the final load at which total settlement is in clayey soils is
2. 50% of the final load which causes a settlement a) 1:1 b) 1:5
equal to 10% of the shaft diameter. c) 15:1 d) 5:1
3. 2/3rd of the final load which causes a total
settlement of 10% of the shaft diameter.
4. 50% of the final load which causes total
settlement of 6mm.. 6. Inclination of a clay slope
List 2. 8. During the first stage of triaxial test when the cell
1. Penetration Resistance pressure is increased from 0.10 N/mm2 to 0.26N/mm2,
2. Load-Settlement Data the pore water pressure increases from 0.07 N/mm2 to
3. Point resistance and friction 0.15N/mm2. What is the value of the Skemptons pore
4. In situ torque strength pressure parameter B?
A. 0.5 B. -0.5
a) 1 3 4 2 C. 2.0 D. -2.0
b) 1 2 4 3
9. If is poissons ratio of soil, then the coefficient of
c) 3 4 1 2
active earth pressure at rest is
d) 3 1 4 2 1
A. B.
3. A 3.0m square footing is located in dense sand at a 1+
C. D.
depth of 2m. Water table was at 1m below the level of 1+
footing. The moist unit weight of sand above the water
table is 18KN/m3 and the saturated unit weight is 10. The soil profile at a site for a proposed office
building consists of a layer of fine sand 10.4 m thick
20KN/m3, angle of friction is 350, Nq=33, and N=34.0.
above a layer of soft, normally consolidated clay 2 m
The ultimate bearing capacity of soil in KN/m2 is---------- thick. Below the soft clay is a deposit of coarse sand.
The groundwater table was observed at 3 m below
ground level. The saturated unit weight of sand and
4. Consider the following statements related to triaxial clay are resp 19.3kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3. The building
test. Which of the following statements are correct: will impose a vertical stress increase of 140 kPa at the
1. Failure occurs along predetermined plane. middle of the clay layer. Estimate the primary
2. Intermediate and minor principal stresses are consolidation settlement of the clay if over
equal consolidation ratio of the soil is 1.5. Assume the soil
3. Volume change can be measured above the water table to be saturated, Cc= 0.3, Cr=0.05
4. Field conditions can be simulated and Gs = 2.7.--------------------
A. All wrong B. Only 3
C. 3 and 4 D. 2, 3 4
11. A 6m high retaining wall supports purely cohesive
soil. The top 3m of the backfill has bulk density of
17kN/m3 and apparent cohesion of 15kN/m2. The bulk
density and apparent cohesion of the bottom 3m is
19kN/m3 and 20kN/m2 respectively. If the tension
cracks are develop, the total active force on the wall will