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Corespondenta Comerciala in Limba Engleza

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The document discusses an English marketing course and its objectives, topics, required readings and example exercises.

The main objective of the course is to develop advanced oral and written communication skills in business English.

The main topics covered include commercial correspondence, negotiations, contracts, and protocol.

Limba englez Marketing Anul III

Manual recomandat: Commercial Correspondence, Ruxandra Vasilescu, Editura

Fundaiei Romnia de Mine 2006

Obiectivulprincipalalcursului: Cursul vizeaza insusirea competentelor de comunicare

orala si scrisa pe teme cu continut economic si de afaceri la nivel avansat si competente
de intelegere si traducere a textelor cu caracter economic si de afaceri.

1. Crearea unei bune imagini a firmei. Calitatile unui bun profesionist al relatiilor
2. Utilizarea tehnicilor de comunicare prin imagini si articole scrise despre firma.
3. Redactarea de materiale publicitare (anunturi, comunicate de presa, articole etc.)
4. Redactarea scrisorilor si documentelor de afaceri folosind terminologia specifica.

Coninutultematicalcursului: Commercial Correspondence: types of letters (pre-

contract letters); The specific language of negotiations: verbal-non-verbal and cross-
cultural communication in negotiations; Protocol; Contracts: types of contracts;
clauses; post-contract letters; Instru
ments of payment; shipping documents; insurance
Bibliografie obligatorie

1. R. Vasilescu Commercial Correspondence, Ed. Fundatiei Romania de Maine, 2006

1. D. Palmer Business Assignments, Oxford University Press, 1993
2. M. Wilson Writing for Business, Longman, 1991
3. L. Muresan, Al. Corespondenta de afaceri in limbile romna si engleza, Ed. Teora 1996
Hollinger et al.
4. Francis Radice Banking Transactions, Macmillan, 1991

Prezentarea cursului/Rezumatul cursului: Students acquisition of the following oral

and writing skills in advanced Business English: writing routine letters used in office
communication/business; writing fax, e-mail messages, memos, minutes, reports using a
proper style and selecting the proper tone and form of the message; writing advertising
materials (announcements, press releases, articles etc.); development of the negotiation
skills by acquisition of the techniques of the dialogue and of the functions of the
language; acquiring ethno-cultural and behavioural knowledge to cross cultural barriers
by means of the language instruments.

Lista subiectelor posibile

1. What is the role of commercial correspondence ?
2. What are the standard parts of a business letter ?
3. What is the layout of a business letter ?
4. What is the structure of a letter of inquiry/offer/order ?
5. What are the characteristics of the letter of complaint ?
6. What is a reminder ?
7. How many types of negotiators are there ?
8. What are the main elements of a contract (sales contract) ?

Aplicaii Teste pentru autoevaluare la tema tratat

1. Match the following openings with the right endings:

a) Dear Mr. Wang 1. Best regards


b) Dear Daniel
2. Truly yours,
Wiliam Blake
c) Dear Sir or Madam

d) Dear Ms Caroll
3. Yours faithfully
Robert Brown
e) Dear Madam
4. Yours sincerely
H. Trout
f) Dear Helen

g) Dear Mrs. Long

h) Gentlemen

2. Choose the best alternative:

1. We ................. from Messrs. Blake & Sons that you export furniture.

a. understand b. advise c. inform

2. We are ............ for your name and address to your Commercial Agency in our

a. told b. indebted c. interested

3. I am .................... a prompt reply.

a. thanking you for b. looking forward to c. counting on

4. If you ........... right away from stock, we would be prepared to place an order.

a. can supply b. could supply c. supply

5. It is always a pleasure to ......... from an old friend.

a. hearingb. hear c. having heard

6. We .......... be obliged to you if you gave us a call.

a. could b. should c. might

7. ................ to your letter, here is our opinion.

a. to answer b. as a reply c. in reply

8. Your letter .........15 July arrived yesterday.

a. of b. from c. at

3. Match the specimen sentences of column A to the appropriate Romanian

translations of column B:

1. We are glad to hear that ...... a. Folosim acest prilej pentru a v mulumi
pentru scrisoarea dvs. din ...
2. We take this opportunity to thank you b. Suntem ncntai c suntem n posesia
for your letter of .... scrisorii dvs. din ...
3. We are very pleased to have your letter c. La aceast scrisoare vei gsi ataat ....
of ...
4. We would greatly appreciate a prompt d. Suntem bucuroi s aflm c ....
5. You will find enclosed to this letter .... e. V-am fi ndatorai dac am primi un
rspuns urgent

4. This letter is completely mixed up. Put the sentences in the correct order:

To: Tiny Tots Toy Company

15456 Pyramid Way
College Park, FL 33133

Dear Customer Service Representative,

a) I have purchased other toys manufactured by your company in the past, and
have always been impressed with the quality and selection that Tiny Tots has
made available to its customers.

b) I recently purchased one of your Tiny Tents for my three-year old.

c) I sincerely hope this is a one-time incident, and that any future purchases I
make will live up to the standard my family has come to expect from your

d) Unfortunately, after viewing the components that came with the tent are in
Portuguese and Russian, not in English. These two unforeseen problems have
resulted in the tent remaining unassembled and unacceptable as a toy for my

e) If reasonable arrangements are not made within ten business days, I will
return the tent to the store and expect a refund.

f) I am writing to request replacements for the missing parts, and a copy of the
full set of assembly instructions in English.


Clara Winters
5. Match the specimen sentences from column A with the appropriate Romanian
translations of column B:

1. You will be interested to hear ... a. Urmare a convorbirii noastre ...
2. We have pleasure in advising you ... b. n legtur cu scrisoarea dvs. din ...
3. Following up our conversation... c. Pentru informarea dvs. v comunicm
4. We regret that we were not able to d. Avem plcerea de a v aduce la
answer your letter in due time cunotin ...
5. With regard to your letter of ... e. Ne pare ru c nu am putut rspunde la
timp scrisorii dvs.

6. What type of letter is the letter below? Fill in the missing parts of this letter:

Dear Mr.....


The prices are understood CIF Constanta, shipment in containers via Hamburg
Port and are valid until 1 April 200_
Irrevocable L/C payable at sight on presentation of shipping documents,
opened through a correspondent bank of the Romanian Merchant Bank,
Shipments could start within 30 days after your firm order and L/C are


Yours sincerely,

7. Match the following INCOTERMS in column A with their definition in column B:

1. EXW (Ex works) a. the seller must pay the costs and freight
necessary to bring the goods to the port of
2. F.O.B b. the seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when
the goods have been made available at the named
place in the country of importation
3. DDU (delivered duty unpaid) c. the seller has the same obligations as under CFR
but with the addition that he has to procure marine
4. CFR (cost and freight) d. the seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when
the goods have passed over the ships rail at the
named port of shipment
5. CIF (cost, insurance and freight) e. the seller fulfills his obligation when he has made
the goods available at his premises to the buyer
6. CIP (carriage and insurance paid f. the seller fulfills his obligation when the goods
to..) have been made available at the named place in the
country of destination. The seller has to bear the
risks and costs including duties, taxes and other
charges of delivering the goods
7. DDP (delivered duty paid) g. the seller has the same obligations as under CPT
(carriage paid to...) but with the addition that the
seller has to procure cargo insurance against the
buyers risk of loss and damage to the goods during
the carriage

8. Match the phrases from column A to functions from column B:

1. We are writing in connection with ... a. Apologizing
2. I am pleased to inform you that... b. Requesting action
3. We are unable to... c. Giving reasons
4. This is as a result of... d. Say what you can and cannot do
5. We would be grateful if you could... e. Referring
6. We are so sorry that... f. Giving good news

9. Match the phrases in the left-hand column with the purpose in the right-hand

1. I was interested to know how you see A. Saying that you need to check on
the ... information before you can give an answer
2. Yes, we have one main point of B. Stating an observation made on the
concern, certainly... basis of experience
3. Over the last year weve noticed C. Making a polite request for action
4. ... I think its fair to say... D. Asking for a persons point of view
5. OK, I see. But unfortunately... E. Indicating that you are not absolutely
sure what you are saying is correct
6. I believe we... F. Indicating that what you are saying is
7. I cant say offhand G. Saying that there is a fact or situation
which worries you
8. What Id like to ask you to do, if I H. Expressing understanding and a regret
may, is to...

10. Match the words in column A to the definitions in column B below:

a. injured party 1. someone who has a lease or who pays
money for a property he leases
b. license 2. declaring a contract as a binding document
c. affirmation of a contract 3. payment by installments
d. lessor 4. a person who has been caused a prejudice
e. hire-purchase 5. official permission to do something

11. Choose the best alternative:

1. The entities/persons entering into a contract are called:

a. signatories b. parts c. parties

2. A breach of contract may be:

a. committed b. made c. done

3. A sleeping partner is:

a. a partner who sleeps b. an idle partner c. a passive partner

4. A contract is a:
a. legally binding document b. an understanding c. a business document

5. To terminate a contract means:

a. to finish b. to end c. to treat as discharged

6. What does a Preamble of a contract contain:

a. the object b. data on the parties c. introductory words

7. Settlement of litigation means:

a. establish litigation b. solve litigation c. deal with litigation

8. The elements of a contract are called:

a. provisions b. paragraphs c. clauses

12. Compare the two lists of expressions commonly used in complaints. Match the
informal phrases in the first list with their formal equivalents in the second.

1. its not our fault a. we are sending the consignment to you
carriage forward
2. you should make it right b. we are not responsible for the error
3. we want our money back c. we would like to complain about
4. you have to pay when the goods are d. we will have to take legal action
returned to you
5. we will sue you e. you seem to have made an error
6. you made a mistake f. the products are not satisfactory
7. we wont buy anything from you again g. we will not re-order
8. the goods are rubbish h. you have not followed our instructions
9. were complaining about i. please correct the error
10. why dont you pay attention? j. we would like a refund

13. Read these sentences and match the words in italics with the words in the box.

cannot come to more here are tell for you

because tell need am sorry ask had to

a) I am writing to inquire about your prices.

b) This is due to the fact that our costs have risen.
c) If you require any further information, please contact me.
d) I regret to advise you that the delivery will be delayed.
e) Unfortunately, I have to inform you that I will not be able to attend the meeting.
f) Please find enclosed some brochures describing our products.
g) We have been forced to increase our prices.
h) We have opened a letter of credit in your favour.

14. Match the services in the box with the list of clients requirements:

1. A client has a lot of bills to be paid this month a. business loan
and does not have enough funds in the account to
pay for them
2. A manufacturing company wants to buy new b. credit card
3. A casino needs to deposit large amounts of c. executor
money at 4 a.m. every morning.
4. A client wants to invest money in several d. night safe
banking products and needs advice.
5. A client has to pay several bills on a regular e. safe deposit box
6. A client wants a bank to act on his/her behalf. f. cash card
7. A client wants her jewellery to be kept in the g. deposit account
8. Ms. Massant wants to send $5,000 to her son h. SWIFT transfer
in New York as quickly as possible.
9. A client travels a lot and has to pay hotel and i. overdraft
restaurant bills regularly.
10. A client works irregular hours and does not j. standing order
have time to visit the bank to withdraw money
from his/her account.
11. A client wants to withdraw money against a k. cheque encashment
personal cheque.
12. A client wants to earn a higher rate of interest l. direct debit
by depositing money for a fixed period of time.
13. A client wants a long-term loan to purchase a m. mortgage
14. A client allows a creditor to withdraw money n. personal loan
from his account at regular intervals to pay for
goods and services.
15. A client wants to borrow money to renovate o. portfolio services
his house.

15. Match the phrases from column A with their Romanian translation from column

1. this would suit us a. pentru a atenua efectele
2. fail to deliver b. n numele/din partea
3. to smooth out the effects c. aceasta ne-ar conveni
4. to claim damages d. nu livreaz
5. on behalf of e. s pretinde daune/despgubiri

Rezolvri i rspunsuri
Ex 1: a-4; b-1; c-3; d-4; e-3; f-1; g-4; h-2
Ex 2: 1-a; 2-b; 3-b; 4-b; 5-b; 6b; 7c; 8a
Ex. 3: 1d; 2a; 3b; 4e; 5c
Ex 4: b-a-d-f-c-e
Ex. 5: 1c; 2d; 3a; 4e; 5b
Ex 6: 1-e; 2-d; 3-b; 4-a; 5-c; 6-g; 7-f
Ex. 7: 1-e; 2-f; 3-d; 4-c; 5-b; 6-a
Ex. 8: 1-D; 2-G; 3-B; 4-E; 5-H; 6-F; 7-A; 8-C
Ex 9: a-4; b-5; c-2; d-1; e-3
Ex 10: 1-c; 2-a; 3-c; 4-a; 5-c; 6-b; 7-b; 8-c
Ex 11: 1-b; 2-I; 3-j; 4-a; 5-d; 6-b; 7-g; 8-f; 9-c; 10-h
Ex 12: a) inquire - ask; b) due to the fact that - because; c) require further - need; d)
regret - are sorry; advise - tell; e) inform - tell; will not be able to attend - cannot come to;
f) please find enclosed - here are; g) been forced - had to; h) in your favour - for you.
Ex 13: 1-i; 2-a; 3-d; 4-o; 5-j; 6-c; 7-e; 8-h; 9-b; 10-f; 11-k; 12-g; 13-m; 14-l; 15-m
Ex. 14: 1c; 2d; 3a; 4e; 5b

Teme de cas: Redactare de scrisori comerciale.

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