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Chimney Sizing

Project Name:
Type Appliance: Boiler
Hot Water Heater
Type Fuel: Natural Gas
LP Gas
#2 Oil
#6 Oil
Waste (Type_______)
Appliance Input: BTU

Height Above Seal Level, ft

Flue Gas Temperature, F
Ambient Temperature, F
Appliance Outlet Diameter, inches
Total Footage of Pipe, feet (this includes length of
breeching and stack)
Height of Stack, feet Effective Draft (Tee centerline to
Number/Type of Fittings:
90 Elbows
45 Elbows
45 Tees
90 Tees
Barometric Damper
Spark Arrestor
Allowable Back Pressure, inches in H2O

Breeching Description/Notes:

Theoretical Draft

Chimney design involves balancing forces, which tend to produce flow (friction). The
force producing the flow in gravity or natural draft chimneys is termed theoretical draft,
defined as the static pressure resulting from the differences in densities between a
stagnant column of hot flue gases and an equal column of ambient air.

Theoretical draft can be calculated using the following equation:

Dt = .2554 B H 1 _ 1
To Tm
Where: Dt = theoretical draft, inches of water
B = barometric pressure, inches of mercury
H = effective height of chimney, feet
To = outside temperature, (F + 460)
Tm = mean chimney temperature, (F + 460)

Refer to Table 1 for Barometric Pressure vs. Altitude

Refer to Table 2 for Appliance Outlet Temperatures

For more simplified calculation, Table 3 can be used to determine theoretical draft
assuming the density of chimney gas is the same as that of air, the barometric pressure
is at sea level and the ambient temperature is 60F.

Barometric Pressure vs. Altitude

Table 1

(Feet) (Inches of Mercury)
Sea Level 29.92
2000 27.8
4000 25.8
6000 24.0
8000 22.3
10,000 20.6

Theoretical Draft Per Foot of Chimney Height
Table 2

Mean Chimney Theoretical Draft Mean Chimney Theoretical Draft

Temperature of Tm Inches of Water Dt Temperature of Tm Inches of Water Dt
100 0.00105 850 0.00886
150 0.00217 900 0.00907
200 0.00312 950 0.00927
250 0.00393 1000 0.00946
300 0.00464 1050 0.00963
350 0.00526 1100 0.00979
400 0.00581 1200 0.01009
450 0.00629 1300 0.01035
500 0.00673 1400 0.01058
550 0.00713 1500 0.01079
600 0.00748 1600 0.01098
650 0.00780 1700 0.01115
700 0.00810 1800 0.01135
750 0.00837 1900 0.01145
800 0.00862 2000 0.01158

Appliance Outlet Temperatures

Table 3

Appliance Type Outlet Temperature, F

Natural gas-fired heating appliance with
draft hood
LP gas-fired heating appliances with draft
Gas-fired heating appliance, no draft hood 460
Oil-fired heating appliances residential 560
Oil-fired heating appliances, forced draft
over 400,000 BTU/hr
Conventional incinerator 1400
Controlled air incinerator 1800 2400
Pathological incinerator 1800 2800
Turbine exhaust 900 1400
Diesel exhaust 900 1400
Ceramic kilns 1800 - 2400

Mass Flow of Combustion Products
Mass flow in a chimney or venting system may differ from that in the appliance
depending on the type of draft control, or number of appliances operating in a multiple
system. The use of mass flow is preferable (rather than cubic feet) because it remains
constant in any continuous portion of the system regardless of changes in temperature
or pressure. For the chimney gases resulting from any combustion process, mass flow
w, in pounds per hour, can be expressed as:


Where: I = appliance heat input BTU/hr

M = mass flow input ratio, pounds of combustion products per 1000
BTU of fuel burned

Table 4 lists mass flow input ratio values for various fuels and appliances. If a BTU input
rating is not given for the appliance, Table 5 lists conversion factors for other appliance

Mass flow within incinerator chimneys must account for the probable heating value of
the waste, plus its moisture content, plus the use of additional fuel to initiate or sustain
combustion. Where constant burner operation accompanies the combustion of waste,
the additional quantity of products due to the additional fuel should be considered in the
design process. For incinerator chimneys, mass flow can be calculated using a slightly
different formula.

W= (# waste burned) x (# combustion products)

(per hour) (per # waste)

Table 6 gives the values for # combustion products based on the type of waste being

In order to determine the losses in the chimney, the velocity must first be calculated.
Velocity can be computed using the following equation.

V= W

Where: V = velocity, feet/second

W = mass flow, pounds/hour
Pm = flue gas density, pounds/cu. ft.
d = diameter, inches

If the diameter is unknown, a reasonable estimate can be determined using a velocity of

17 feet per second.

If the volume of flow in the chimney is required, possibly for fan selection, the following
formula can be used.


Where: Q = cubic feet per minute

A = area, square feet
V = velocity, feet/minute

Mass Flow Input Ratio

Table 4

Fuel Appliance Mass Flow Input Ratio

Natural Gas Draft Hood 1.60
Natural Gas No Draft Hood 0.90
LP Gas Draft Hood 1.64
Oil All 1.24
Oil #2 Over 400,000 BTU/hr 0.85
Oil #6 Over 400,000 BTU/hr 0.86
Coal (Bituminous) All 1.54

Conversion Factors
Table 5

BTU/hr Input = Boiler Horsepower @100% efficiency x 33475

Boiler Horsepower @ 80% efficiency x 42000
Boiler Horsepower @75% efficiency x 44500
Boiler Horsepower @70% efficiency x 47800
Gallons per hour oil (#1 & #2) x 140,000
Gallons per hour oil (#4, #5, & #6) x 150,000
Cubic feet per hour natural gas x 1000
Pounds per hour coal x 13,000
Watts x 3.412
Pounds of steam x .9704 x 1000

Mass Flow for Incinerator Chimneys
Table 6

Combustion Products
Type of Waste BTU/lb Waste CFM/lb Waste @1400F lb/hr per lb Waste
Type 0 8500 10.74 13.76
Type 1 6500 8.40 10.80
Type 2 4300 5.94 7.68
Type 3 2500 4.92 6.25
Type 4 1000 4.14 5.33

System Losses

Flow losses due to friction may be estimated by means of several methods using
formulas for flow in pipes or ducts. These include the equivalent length method and the
loss coefficient or velocity head method. Primary emphasis will be placed in this
treatment on the loss coefficient method, because in chimney systems, fittings usually
cause the greater portion of system pressure drop, and conservative loss coefficients
(which are practically independent of piping size) provide an adequate basis for system

Using the velocity head method for resistance losses, a fixed numerical coefficient
(independent of velocity) or k factor is assigned to every turn in the flow circuit, and to
piping as well. Table 7 offers design values for the resistance loss coefficient for various

Once the loss coefficients for the system have been evaluated, the system losses can
be calculated using the following formula.
p = mV2
5.2 (2g)

Where: p = system loss, inches of water

K = loss coefficient
m = density of flue gas, pounds/cubic foot
V = chimney velocity, feet/second
g = gravitational constant, 32 feet/second

Refer to Table 8 for Density vs. Temperature

To determine the losses in a rectangular system, an equivalent circular diameter for

equal friction and capacity can be used. A sample of these equivalent diameters is
given in Table 9.

Resistance Loss Coefficients
(Velocity Heads, Dimensionless)
Table 7

Suggested Design
Component Estimated Span/Notes
Gas vent with draft
1.5 1.0 3.0
Barometric regulator 0.5 0.0 0.5
Also dependent on blocking damper
Direct connection 0.0
Round elbow, 90 0.75 0.5 1.5
Round elbow, 45 0.3 -
Tee or 90 breeching 1.25 1.0 4.0
Y breeching 0.75 0.5 1.5
Cap top
Open straight 0.0 -
Low resistance (UL) 0.5 0.0 1.5
Other - 1.5 4.5
Spark Screen 0.5 -
Converging exit cone (d1/d2) 4-1 System designed using d1
Tapered reducer
1- (d2/d1) 4 System designed using d2
(d1 to d2)
0.4 L, ft
Piping d, in Numerical coefficient from 0.2 0.5
See Figure 1 for friction factors

Friction Factor for Piping

Figure 1






0.2 40

4 5 6 7 8 10 12 18 24 36 48 60

Density vs. Temperature
Table 8

Temperature F Density #/cu. ft. Temperature F Density #/cu. ft.

60 0.07656 300 0.05237
70 0.07512 350 0.04914
80 0.07373 400 0.04628
90 0.07238 450 0.04374
100 0.07109 500 0.04146
110 0.06984 550 0.03940
120 0.06864 600 0.03754
130 0.06747 650 0.03585
140 0.06635 700 0.03431
150 0.06526 800 0.03158
175 0.06269 900 0.02926
200 0.06031 1000 0.02725
225 0.05811 1500 0.02030
250 0.05606 2000 0.01617
275 0.05415

Masonry Chimney Liner Dimensions with Circular
Table 9

Inside Inside Diameter Typical Outside

Nominal Liner Equivalent Area,
Dimensions of or Equivalent Dimensions of
Size, in. sq. in.
Liner, in. Diameter, in. Casing, in.
4x8 2x6 4 12.2
5 19.6
6 28.3
7 38.5
8x8 6x6 7.4 42.7 16 x 16
8 50.3
8 x 12 6 x 10 9 63.6 16 x 21
10 78.5
12 x 12 9x9 10.4 83.3 21 x 21
11 95.0
12 x 16 9 x 13 11.8 107.5 21 x 25
12 113.0
14 153.9
16 x 16 13 x 13 14.5 162.9 25 x 25
15 176.7
16 x 20 13 x 7 16.2 206.1 15 x 29
18 254.4
20 x 20 16 x 16 18.2 260.2 29 x 29
20 314.1
20 x 24 16 x 20 20.1 314.2 29 x 34
22 380.1
24 x 24 20 x 20 22.1 380.1 34 x 34
24 452.3
24 x 28 20 x 24 24.1 456.2 34 x 38
28 x 28 24 x 24 26.4 543.3 38 x 38
27 572.5
30 x 30 25 x 25 27.9 607.0 48 x 48
30 706.8
30 x36 25 x 31 30.9 749.9 48 x54
33 855.3
36 x 36 31 x 31 34.4 929.4 54 x 54
36 1017.9

Balancing The System
Equipment or appliances can be placed in three broad categories: Negative Pressure
appliances which require a negative pressure at the outlet to induce combustion air flow
into the combustion zone, Atmospheric appliances which require a neutral pressure at
the outlet without need for chimney draft, for example, draft hood type of gas appliances
in which the combustion process is isolated from chimney flow variations, and Forced
Draft appliances which operate at above atmospheric pressure and have sufficient
pressure to force the products of combustion through the appliance resulting in either a
slight positive pressure or a zero pressure at the outlet.

Depending on the type of appliance, a different formula is needed to balance the


Pressure Equation
Appliance Type (Loss = Draft Notes
Do is the amount of
Negative Pressure p = Dt - Do
negative pressure needed
Atmospheric p = Dt Neutral pressure at outlet
Do is the amount of positive
pressure at the outlet due
Forced Draft p = Dt + Do
to the force draft system (if

Where: p = system losses, inches of water

Dt = theoretical draft, inches of water
Do = appliance outlet pressure, inches of water

The values previously calculated for the system should be evaluated using these
equations. In all three cases, if the system losses exceed the draft requirements, the
system will not properly exhaust the combustion products. At this point, using an
interactive process, the stack and breeching diameters should be increased (or
decreased) until the system balances. Another solution for an undersized system would
be the inclusion of a draft inducer in the chimney system. For a system with a draft
inducer, the static pressure supplied by the inducer should be added to the draft
requirements in the pressure equation.

In reverse, a draft inducer can be selected based on the additional draft required to
balance the pressure equation. Knowing the volume of flow in the system and the static
pressure required, the fan selection for the inducer is simplified.

Multiple Systems
The most common configuration is the individual vent, stack, or chimney, where one
continuous system carries the products from appliance to terminus. Other configurations

include the combined vent serving a pair of appliances, the manifold serving several,
and branched system with two or more lateral manifolds connected to a common
vertical system.

For the configurations where one system is used to vent several appliances, the sizing
procedure involves the summation of losses through out the various branches of the
system. The system should be divided into sections based on the number of appliances
venting into that portion of the system. The velocity and loss coefficient are calculated
separately for each branch. Using these values, the losses in each section can be

The draft requirements of each appliance need individual consideration. A pressure

equation for each appliance should be formulated to assure that the system balances at
each connection. If the system does not balance at any point, either a branch size or the
vertical stack size must be changed. Once a size is changed, the pressure equations
should be reformulated to determine if the change leaves the system balanced.

The Fireplace Chimney

Fireplaces, with natural draft chimneys, obey the same gravity fluid flow law as gas
vents and thermal flow ventilation systems. Mass flow of hot flue gases up to some
limiting value is induced in a vertical pipe as a function of rate of heat release, and is
regulated by chimney area, height, and system pressure loss coefficient. A fireplace
may be treated analytically as a gravity duct inlet fitting, have a characteristic entrance
loss coefficient, and an internal heat source. Proper functioning of a fireplace
(prevention of smoking) is achieved by producing adequate intake or face velocity
across those critical portions of the frontal opening in order to nullify effects of external
drafts or internal convection effects.

A minimum mean frontal inlet velocity of 0.8 fps should control smoking adequately, in
conjunction with a chimney gas temperature at least 300 to 500F above ambient. For a
reasonably conservative design, a frontal inlet velocity of 1.0 fps and a temperature of
350F can be used.

To determine the volume of air entering the fireplace at 70F, the following equation can
be used.
Qf = Vc x Af
Where: Qf = volume of air entering the fireplace @ 70F, cu. ft./min.
Vc = capture velocity, fpm
Af = fireplace frontal area, sq. ft.
The volume of flue gas in the chimney can be calculated using the following equation:
Q c = Qf

Where: Qc = volume of gas entering the chimney at the average chimney
temperature, cu. ft./min.
Qf = volume of air entering fireplace @70F, cu. ft./min.
DCF = density correction factor (see Table 10)

The velocity in the chimney is determined by:

Vc = Qc

Where: Vc = velocity in chimney, fpm

Qc = volume of gas entering the chimney at the average chimney
temperature, cu. ft./min.
Ac = area of chimney, sq. ft.

In most applications, the area of the chimney will fall between 1/10th and 1/12th of the
fireplace frontal area.

Once the velocitys computed, the system losses can be calculated following the
procedure previously described. For a fireplace application, there are additional loss
coefficients, which need to be considered. These values can be found in Table 11.

The procedures for calculating theoretical draft and balancing the system follow the
previous sections. Draft inducers can also be used on fireplace chimneys to supplement
the theoretical draft if needed to help prevent smoking.

Density Correction Factor
Table 10

Temperature Altitude, Feet above Sea Level

F 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
0 1.15 1.11 1.07 1.03 0.99 0.95 0.91
70 1.00 0.96 0.93 0.89 0.86 0.83 0.80
100 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.85 0.81 0.78 0.75
150 0.87 0.84 0.81 0.78 0.75 0.72 0.69
200 0.80 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.69 0.66 0.64
250 0.75 0.72 0.70 0.67 .064 0.62 0.60
300 .070 0.67 0.65 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56
350 0.65 0.62 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52
370 0.64 0.61 0.59 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.51
400 0.62 0.60 0.57 0.55 0.53 0.51 0.49
450 0.58 0.56 0.54 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.46
500 0.55 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.45 0.44
550 0.53 0.51 0.49 0.47 0.45 0.44 0.42
600 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.45 0.43 0.41 0.40
650 0.48 0.46 0.44 0.43 0.41 0.40 0.38
700 0.46 0.44 0.43 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.37
750 0.44 0.42 0.41 0.39 0.38 0.36 0.35
800 0.42 0.40 0.39 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.33
850 0.40 0.38 0.37 0.36 .034 0.33 0.32
900 0.39 0.37 0.36 0.35 0.33 0.32 0.31
950 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.34 0.33 0.31 0.30
1000 0.36 0.35 0.33 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.29

System Loss Coefficients

Table 11

Loss k factor
Loss to initiate flow 1.0
Inlet loss
Cone type fireplace 0.5
Masonry damper throat = 2 x flue area 1.0
Masonry damper throat = flue area 2.5


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