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Frequency Allocation Tables

This appendix provides information on broadcast and cable television NTSC and PAL/SECAM
standards and frequencies used around the world.
There are three standards for transmitting video. They are defined by the method of encoding color onto
a monochrome signal. The methods are defined as:
NTSCNational Television System Committee
NTSC is the current standard used for analog television in the United States and elsewhere. NTSC
supports color television transmission in a 6-MHz channel bandwidth and has 525 interlaced scan
lines. Two fields are interlaced to make one frame with a frame rate of 29.97 frames per second and
a field rate of 59.94 fields per second. A fraction (approximately 8 percent) of the available
bandwidth is used for signal synchronization between the transmitter and the receiver, giving an
effective resolution of 640x480. The aspect ratio, or ratio of picture width to picture height, is 4:3.
PALPhase Alternating Line
PAL is a composite color system similar to NTSC. In PAL, however, the color difference signals
alternate phase at the horizontal line rate. PAL video consists of a 625-line frame, a frame rate of 25
Hz, and a field rate of 50 Hz. As with NTSC, approximately 8 percent of the available bandwidth is
used for synchronization yielding an effective resolution of 768x576. The aspect ratio is 4:3. The
PAL standard and its variants are used primarily in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, Brazil, and
SECAMSEquential Couleur Avec Memoire
SECAM is a color television broadcasting system using 625 picture lines and a 50-hertz (Hz) field
rate, in which the two color-difference signals are transmitted sequentially instead of
NTSC information is covered in Table E-4 on page E-2 and Table E-5 on page E-8. General
PAL/SECAM information is covered in Table E-6 on page E-10. Use the information in Table E-1,
Table E-2, and Table E-3 on page E-2 to compare analog television standards used around the world.
Check these Web sites for more information.

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-1
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Standards Comparisons
The following tables (Table E-1, Table E-2, and Table E-3) include data from Recommendation ITU-R
BT.470.6, Conventional Television Systems (1998) and provide a comparison of the different standards.

Table E-1 Analog Television System Baseband Video Parameters

M N B, B1, D1, G H I D, K K1 L
Lines per frame 525 625 625 625 625 625 625 625
Field rate (Hz) Monochrome: 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Color: 59.94
Horizontal rate (Hz) Monochrome: 15,750 15,625 15,625 15,625 15,625 15,625 15,625 15,625
Color: 15,734.264
Video bandwidth (Mhz) 4.2 4.2 5 5 5.5 6 6 6

Table E-2 Analog Television Chrominance Sub Carrier Frequencies

B, B1, D, D1, G, H, B, D, G, H, K, K1,

Chrominance sub carrier 3,579,545 3,575611.49 4,433,618.75 4,433,618.75 3,582,056.25 fOR =4,406,250
frequency (Hz) 10 10 5 1 5 2,000
fOB =4,250,000
1. This value applies to the combination N/PAL used in Argentina.

Table E-3 Analog Television System RF Parameters

M N B, B1, G H I D, D1, K K1 L
Channel bandwidth at RF (MHz) 6 6 B=7 8 8 8 8 8
B1, G=8
Frequency separation between 4.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 5.9996 6.5 6.5 6.5
visual and aural carrier (MHz)

NTSC Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies

Table E-4 provides information on the NTSC frequency map for standard 6-MHz channels in North,
Central, and South America, as well as parts of Asia. Table E-5 on page E-8 lists NTSC assignments for
Table E-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies

Channel Channel Bandwidth Visual Center Aural Carrier Incrementally Related Harmonically Related
No.1 No., EIA (MHz) Carrier (MHz) Freq. (MHz) Carrier Carrier
Visual Aural Visual Aural
T-7 none 5.75-11.75 7 8.75 11.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
T-8 none 11.75-17.75 13 14.75 17.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-2 OL-5421-01
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)

Channel Channel Bandwidth Visual Center Aural Carrier Incrementally Related Harmonically Related
No.1 No., EIA (MHz) Carrier (MHz) Freq. (MHz) Carrier Carrier
Visual Aural Visual Aural
T-9 none 17.75-23.75 19 10.75 23.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
T-10 none 23.75-29.75 25 26.75 29.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
T-11 none 29.75-35.75 31 32.75 35.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
T-12 none 35.75-41.75 37 38.75 41.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
T-13 none 41.75-47.75 43 44.75 47.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
TV-IF none 40.0-46.0 45.75 44.0 41.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 2 54.0-60.0 55.25 57.0 59.75 55.2625 59.7625 54.0027 58.5027
3 3 60.0-66.0 61.25 63.0 65.75 61.2625 65.7625 60.0030 64.5030
4 4 66.0-72.0 67.25 69.0 71.75 67.2625 71.7625 66.0033 70.5030
5 5 76.0-82.0 77.25 79.0 81.75 79.2625 83.7625 78.0039 82.5039
6 6 82.0-88.0 83.25 85.0 87.75 85.2625 89.7625 84.0042 88.5042
FM 88.0-108.0
A-5 95 90.0-96.0 91.25 93.0 95.75 91.2625 95.7625 90.0045 94.5045
A-4 96 96.0-102.0 97.25 99.0 101.75 97.2625 101.7625 96.0048 100.5048
A-3 97 102.0-108.0 103.25 105.0 107.75 103.2625 107.7625 102.0051 106.5051
A-2 982 108.0-114.0 109.25 111.0 113.75 109.2750 113.7750 Cannot lock to comb
A-1 99 114.0-120.0 115.25 117.0 119.75 115.2750 119.7750 ref: Refer to FCC
A 142 120.0-126.0 121.25 123.0 125.75 121.2625 125.7625 120.0060 124.5060
B 15 126.0-132.0 127.25 129.0 131.75 127.2625 131.7625 126.0063 130.5063
C 16 132.0-138.0 133.25 135.0 137.75 133.2625 137.7625 132.0066 136.5066
D 17 138.0-144.0 139.25 141.0 143.75 139.2625 143.7625 138.0069 142.5069
E 18 144.0-150.0 145.25 147.0 149.75 145.2625 149.7625 144.0072 148.5072
F 19 150.0-156.0 151.25 153.0 155.75 151.2625 155.7625 150.0075 154.5075
G 20 156.0-162.0 157.25 159.0 161.75 157.2625 161.7625 156.0078 160.5078
H 21 162.0-168.0 163.25 165.0 167.75 163.2625 167.7625 162.0081 166.5081
I 22 168.0-174.0 169.25 171.0 173.75 169.2625 173.7625 168.0084 172.5084
7 7 174.0-180.0 175.25 177.0 179.75 175.2625 179.7625 174.0087 178.5087
8 8 180.0-186.0 181.25 183.0 185.75 181.2625 185.7625 180.0090 184.5090
9 9 186.0-192.0 187.25 189.0 191.75 187.2625 191.7625 186.0093 190.5093
10 10 192.0-198.0 193.25 195.0 197.75 193.2625 197.7625 192.0096 196.5096
11 11 198.0-204.0 199.25 201.0 203.75 199.2625 203.7625 198.0099 202.5099
12 12 204.0-210.0 205.25 207.0 209.75 205.2625 209.7625 204.0102 208.5102
13 13 210.0-216.0 211.25 213.0 215.75 211.2625 215.7625 210.0105 214.5105
J 23 216.0-222.0 217.25 219.0 221.75 217.2625 211.7625 216.0108 220.5108

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-3
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)

Channel Channel Bandwidth Visual Center Aural Carrier Incrementally Related Harmonically Related
No.1 No., EIA (MHz) Carrier (MHz) Freq. (MHz) Carrier Carrier
Visual Aural Visual Aural
K 24 222.0-228.0 223.25 225.0 227.75 223.2625 227.7625 222.0111 226.5111
L 25 228.0-234.0 229.25 231.0 233.75 229.2625 233.7625 228.0114 232.5114
M 26 234.0-240.0 235.25 237.0 239.75 235.2625 239.7625 234.0117 238.5117
N 27 240.0-246.0 241.25 243.0 245.75 241.2625 245.7625 240.0120 244.5120
O 28 246.0-252.0 247.25 249.0 251.75 247.2625 251.7625 246.0123 250.5123
P 29 252.0-258.0 253.25 255.0 257.75 253.2625 257.7625 252.0126 256.5126
Q 30 258.0-264.0 259.25 261.0 263.75 259.2625 263.7625 258.0129 262.5129
R 312 264.0-270.0 265.25 267.0 269.75 265.2625 269.7625 264.0132 268.5132
S 32 270.0-276.0 271.25 273.0 275.75 271.2625 275.7625 270.0135 274.5135
T 33 276.0-282.0 277.25 279.0 281.75 277.2625 281.7625 276.0138 270.5138
U 34 282.0-288.0 283.25 285.0 287.75 283.2625 287.7625 282.0141 286.5141
V 35 288.0-294.0 289.25 291.0 293.75 289.2625 293.7625 288.0144 292.5144
W 36 294.0-300.0 295.25 297.0 299.75 295.2625 299.7625 294.0147 298.5147
AA 37 300.0-306.0 301.25 303.0 305.75 301.2625 305.7625 300.0150 304.5150
BB 38 306.0-312.0 307.25 309.0 311.75 307.2625 311.7625 306.0153 310.5153
CC 392 312.0-318.0 313.25 315.0 317.75 313.2625 317.7625 312.0156 316.5156
DD 40 318.0-324.0 319.25 321.0 323.75 319.2625 323.7625 318.0159 322.5159
EE 41 324.0-330.0 325.25 327.0 329.75 325.2625 329.7625 324.0162 328.5162
FF 42 330.0-336.0 331.25 333.0 335.75 331.2625 335.7625 330.0165 334.5165
GG 43 336.0-342.0 337.25 339.0 341.75 337.2625 341.7625 336.0168 340.5168
HH 44 342.0-348.0 343.25 345.0 347.75 343.2625 347.7625 342.0171 346.5171
II 45 348.0-354.0 349.25 351.0 353.75 349.2625 353.7625 348.0174 352.5174
JJ 46 354.0-360.0 355.25 357.0 359.75 355.2625 359.7625 354.0177 358.5177
KK 472 360.0-366.0 361.25 363.0 365.75 361.2625 365.7625 360.0180 364.5180
LL 48 366.0-372.0 367.25 369.0 371.75 367.2625 371.7625 366.0183 370.5183
MM 49 372.0-378.0 373.25 375.0 377.75 373.2625 377.7625 372.0186 376.5186
NN 50 378.0-384.0 379.25 381.0 383.75 379.2625 383.7625 378.0189 382.5189
OO 51 384.0-390.0 385.25 387.0 389.75 385.2625 389.7625 384.0192 388.5192
PP 52 390.0-396.0 391.25 393.0 395.75 391.2625 395.7625 390.0195 394.5195
QQ 53 396.0-402.0 397.25 399.0 401.75 397.2625 401.7625 396.0198 400.5198
RR 54 402.0-408.0 403.25 405.0 407.75 403.2625 407.7625 402.0201 406.5201
SS 55 408.0-414.0 409.25 411.0 413.75 409.2625 413.7625 408.0204 412.5204
TT 56 414.0-420.0 415.25 417.0 419.75 415.2625 419.7625 414.0207 418.5207
UU 57 420.0-426.0 421.25 423.0 425.75 421.2625 425.7625 420.0210 424.5210
VV 58 426.0-432.0 427.25 429.0 431.75 427.2625 431.7625 426.0213 430.5213

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-4 OL-5421-01
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)

Channel Channel Bandwidth Visual Center Aural Carrier Incrementally Related Harmonically Related
No.1 No., EIA (MHz) Carrier (MHz) Freq. (MHz) Carrier Carrier
Visual Aural Visual Aural
WW 59 432.0-438.0 433.25 435.0 437.75 433.2625 437.7625 432.0216 436.5216
XX 60 438.0-444.0 439.25 441.0 443.75 439.2625 443.7625 438.0219 442.5219
YY 61 444.0-450.0 445.25 447.0 449.75 445.2625 449.7625 444.0222 448.5222
ZZ 62 450.0-456.0 451.25 453.0 455.75 451.2625 455.7625 450.0225 454.5225
63 456.0-462.0 457.25 459.0 461.75 457.2625 461.7625 456.0228 460.5228
64 462.0-468.0 463.25 465.0 467.75 463.2625 467.7625 462.0231 466.5231
65 468.0-474.0 469.25 471.0 473.75 469.2625 473.7625 468.0234 472.5234
66 474.0-480.0 475.25 477.0 479.75 475.2625 479.7625 474.0237 478.5237
67 480.0-486.0 481.25 483.0 485.75 481.2625 485.7625 480.0240 484.5240
68 486.0-492.0 487.25 489.0 491.75 487.2625 491.7625 486.0243 490.5243
69 492.0-498.0 493.25 495.0 497.75 493.2625 497.7625 492.0246 496.5246
70 498.0-504.0 499.25 501.0 503.75 499.2625 503.7625 498.0249 502.5249
71 504.0-510.0 505.25 507.0 509.75 505.2625 509.7625 504.0252 508.5252
72 510.0-516.0 511.25 513.0 515.75 511.2625 515.7625 510.0255 514.5255
73 516.0-522.0 517.25 519.0 521.75 517.2625 521.7625 516.0258 520.5258
74 522.0-528.0 523.25 525.0 527.75 523.2625 527.7625 522.0261 526.5261
75 528.0-534.0 529.25 531.0 533.75 529.2625 533.7625 528.0264 532.5264
76 534.0-540.0 535.25 537.0 539.75 535.2625 539.7625 534.0267 538.5267
77 540.0-546.0 541.25 543.0 545.75 541.2625 545.7625 540.0270 544.5270
78 546.0-552.0 547.25 549.0 551.75 547.2625 551.7625 556.0273 550.5273
79 552.0-558.0 553.25 555.0 557.75 553.2625 557.7625 552.0276 556.5276
80 558.0-564.0 559.25 561.0 563.75 559.2625 563.7625 558.0279 562.5279
81 564.0-570.0 565.25 567.0 569.75 565.2625 569.7625 564.0282 568.5282
82 570.0-576.0 571.25 573.0 575.75 571.2625 575.7625 570.0285 574.5285
83 576.0-582.0 577.25 579.0 581.75 577.2625 581.7625 576.0288 580.5288
84 582.0-588.0 583.25 585.0 587.75 583.2625 587.7625 582.0291 586.5291
85 588.0-594.0 589.25 591.0 593.75 589.2625 593.7625 588.0294 592.5294
86 594.0-600.0 595.25 597.0 599.75 595.2625 599.7625 594.0297 598.5297
87 600.0-606.0 601.25 603.0 605.75 601.2625 605.7625 600.0300 604.5300
88 606.0-612.0 607.25 609.0 611.75 607.2625 611.7625 606.0303 610.5303
89 612.0-618.0 613.25 615.0 617.75 613.2625 617.7625 612.0306 616.5306
90 618.0-624.0 619.25 621.0 623.75 619.2625 623.7625 618.0309 622.5309
91 624.0-630.0 625.25 627.0 629.75 625.2625 629.7625 624.0312 628.5312
92 630.0-636.0 631.25 633.0 635.75 631.2625 635.7625 630.0315 634.5315
93 636.0-642.0 637.25 639.0 641.75 637.2625 641.7625 636.0318 640.5318

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-5
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)

Channel Channel Bandwidth Visual Center Aural Carrier Incrementally Related Harmonically Related
No.1 No., EIA (MHz) Carrier (MHz) Freq. (MHz) Carrier Carrier
Visual Aural Visual Aural
94 642.0-648.0 643.25 645.0 647.75 643.2625 647.7625 642.0321 646.5321
100 648.0-654.0 649.25 651.0 653.75 649.2625 653.7625 648.0324 652.5324
101 654.0-660.0 655.25 657.0 659.75 655.2625 659.7625 654.0327 658.5327
102 660.0-666.0 661.25 663.0 665.75 661.2625 665.7625 660.0330 664.5330
103 666.0-672.0 667.25 669.0 671.75 667.2625 671.7625 666.0333 670.5333
104 672.0-678.0 673.25 675.0 677.75 673.2625 677.7625 672.0336 676.5336
105 678.0-684.0 679.25 681.0 683.75 679.2625 683.7625 678.0339 682.5339
106 684.0-690.0 685.25 687.0 689.75 685.2625 689.7625 684.0342 688.5342
107 690.0-696.0 691.25 693.0 695.75 691.2625 695.7625 690.0345 694.5345
108 696.0-702.0 697.25 699.0 701.75 697.2625 701.7625 696.0348 700.5348
109 702.0-708.0 703.25 705.0 707.75 703.2625 707.7625 702.0351 706.5351
110 708.0-714.0 709.25 711.0 713.75 709.2625 713.7625 708.0354 712.5354
111 714.0-720.0 715.25 717.0 719.75 715.2625 719.7625 714.0357 718.5357
112 720.0-726.0 721.25 723.0 725.75 721.2625 725.7625 720.0360 724.5360
113 726.0-732.0 727.25 729.0 731.75 727.2625 731.7625 726.0363 730.5363
114 732.0-738.0 733.25 735.0 737.75 733.2625 737.7625 732.0366 736.5366
115 738.0-744.0 739.25 741.0 743.75 739.2625 743.7625 738.0369 742.5369
116 744.0-750.0 745.25 747.0 749.75 745.2625 749.7625 744.0372 748.5372
117 750.0-756.0 751.25 753.0 755.75 751.2625 755.7625 750.0375 754.5375
118 756.0-762.0 757.25 759.0 761.75 757.2625 761.7625 756.0378 760.5378
119 762.0-768.0 763.25 765.0 767.75 763.2625 767.7625 762.0381 766.5381
120 768.0-674.0 769.25 771.0 773.75 769.2625 773.7625 768.0384 772.5384
121 774.0-780.0 775.25 777.0 779.75 775.2625 779.7625 774.0387 778.5387
122 780.0-786.0 781.25 783.0 785.75 781.2625 785.7625 780.0390 784.5390
123 786.0-792.0 787.25 789.0 791.75 787.2625 791.7625 786.0393 790.5393
124 792.0-798.0 793.25 795.0 797.75 793.2625 797.7625 792.0396 796.5396
125 798.0-804.0 799.25 801.0 803.75 799.2625 803.7625 798.0399 802.5399
126 804.0-810.0 805.25 807.0 809.75 805.2625 809.7625 804.0402 808.5402
127 810.0-816.0 811.25 813.0 815.75 811.2625 815.7625 810.0405 814.5405
128 816.0-822.0 817.25 819.0 821.75 817.2625 821.7625 816.0408 820.5408
129 822.0-828.0 823.25 825.0 827.75 823.2625 827.7625 822.0411 826.5411
130 828.0-834.0 829.25 831.0 833.75 829.2625 833.7625 828.0414 832.5414
131 834.0-840.0 835.25 837.0 839.75 835.2625 839.7625 834.0417 838.5417
132 840.0-846.0 841.25 843.0 845.75 841.2625 845.7625 840.0420 844.5420
133 846.0-852.0 847.25 849.0 851.75 847.2625 851.7625 846.0423 850.5423

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-6 OL-5421-01
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-4 NCTA Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies (continued)

Channel Channel Bandwidth Visual Center Aural Carrier Incrementally Related Harmonically Related
No.1 No., EIA (MHz) Carrier (MHz) Freq. (MHz) Carrier Carrier
Visual Aural Visual Aural
134 852.0-858.0 853.25 855.0 857.75 853.2625 857.7625 852.0426 856.5426
135 858.0-864.0 859.25 861.0 863.75 859.2625 863.7625 858.0429 862.5429
136 864.0-870.0 865.25 867.0 869.75 865.2625 869.7625 864.0432 868.5432
137 870.0-876.0 871.25 873.0 875.75 871.2625 875.7625 870.0435 874.5435
138 876.0-882.0 877.25 879.0 881.75 877.2625 881.7625 876.0438 880.5438
139 882.0-888.0 883.25 885.0 887.75 883.2625 887.7625 882.0441 886.5441
140 888.0-894.0 889.25 891.0 893.75 889.2625 893.7625 888.0444 892.5444
141 894.0-900.0 895.25 897.0 899.75 895.2625 899.7625 894.0447 898.5447
142 900.0-906.0 901.25 903.0 905.75 901.2625 905.7625 900.0450 904.5450
143 906.0-912.0 907.25 909.0 911.75 907.2625 911.7625 906.0453 910.5453
144 912.0-918.0 913.25 915.0 917.75 913.2625 917.7625 912.0456 916.5456
145 918.0-924.0 919.25 921.0 923.75 919.2625 923.7625 918.0459 922.5459
146 924.0-930.0 925.25 927.0 929.75 925.2625 929.7625 924.0462 928.5462
147 930.0-936.0 931.25 933.0 935.75 931.2625 935.7625 930.0465 934.5465
148 936.0-942.0 937.25 939.0 941.75 937.2625 941.7625 936.0468 940.5468
149 942.0-948.0 943.25 945.0 947.75 943.2625 947.7625 942.0471 946.5471
150 948.0-954.0 949.25 951.0 953.75 949.2625 953.7625 948.0474 952.5474
151 954.0-960.0 955.25 957.0 959.75 955.2625 959.7625 954.0477 958.5477
152 960.0-966.0 961.25 963.0 965.75 961.2625 965.7625 960.0480 964.5480
153 966.0-972.0 967.25 969.0 971.75 967.2625 971.7625 966.0483 970.5483
154 972.0-978.0 973.25 975.0 977.75 973.2625 977.7625 972.0486 976.5486
155 978.0-984.0 979.25 981.0 983.75 979.2625 983.7625 978.0489 982.5489
156 984.0-990.0 985.25 987.0 989.75 985.2625 989.7625 984.0492 988.5492
157 990.0-996.0 991.25 993.0 995.75 991.2625 995.7625 990.0495 994.5495
158 996.0-1002.0 997.25 999.0 1001.75 997.2625 1001.7625 996.0498 1000.5498
1. This column is for historical channel listings.
2. Aeronautical channels visual carrier frequency tolerance +/5 kHz.

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-7
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

NTSC (M) Cable Television Frequencies for Japan

Japan uses NTSC (M) but has different channel assignments.

Table E-5 Japanese Channel Assignments

Bandwidth Visual Carrier Aural Carrier

Channel Number (MHz) (MHz) Center Frequency (MHz)
1 90.0-96.0 91.25 93.00 95.75
2 96.0-102.0 97.25 99.00 101.75
3 102.0-108.0 103.25 105.00 107.75
4 170.0-176.0 171.25 173.00 175.75
5 176.0-182.0 177.25 179.00 181.75
6 182.0-188.0 183.25 185.00 187.75
7 188.0-194.0 189.25 191.00 193.75
8 192.0-198.0 193.25 195.00 197.75
9 198.0-204.0 199.25 201.00 203.75
10 204.0-210.0 205.25 207.00 209.75
11 210.0-216.0 211.25 213.00 215.75
12 216.0-222.0 217.25 219.00 221.75
C13 108.0-114.0 109.25 111.00 113.75
C14 114.0-120.0 115.25 117.00 119.75
C15 120.0-126.0 121.25 123.00 125.75
C16 126.0-132.0 125.25 129.00 131.75
C17 132.0-138.0 133.25 135.00 137.75
C18 138.0-144.0 139.25 141.00 143.75
C19 144.0-150.0 145.25 147.00 149.75
C20 150.0-156.0 151.25 153.00 155.75
C21 156.0-162.0 157.25 159.00 161.75
C22 164.0-170.0 165.25 167.00 169.75
C23 222.0-228.0 223.25 225.00 227.75
C24 230.0-236.0 231.25 233.00 235.75
C25 236.0-242.0 237.25 239.00 241.75
C26 242.0-248.0 243.25 245.00 247.75
C27 248.0-254.0 249.25 251.00 253.75
C28 254.0-258.0 253.25 257.00 257.75
C29 258.0-264.0 259.25 261.00 263.75
C30 264.0-270.0 265.25 267.00 269.75
C31 270.0-276.0 271.25 273.00 275.75
C32 276.0-282.0 277.25 279.00 281.75

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-8 OL-5421-01
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-5 Japanese Channel Assignments (continued)

Bandwidth Visual Carrier Aural Carrier

Channel Number (MHz) (MHz) Center Frequency (MHz)
C33 282.0-288.0 283.25 285.00 287.75
C34 288.0-294.0 289.25 291.00 293.75
C35 294.0-300.0 295.25 297.00 299.75
C36 300.0-306.0 301.25 303.00 305.75
C37 306.0-312.0 307.25 309.00 311.75
C38 312.0-318.0 313.25 315.00 317.75
C39 318.0-324.0 319.25 321.00 323.75
C40 324.0-330.0 325.25 327.00 329.75
C41 330.0-336.0 331.25 333.00 335.75
C42 336.0-342.0 337.25 339.00 341.75
C43 342.0-348.0 343.25 345.00 347.75
C44 348.0-354.0 349.25 351.00 353.75
C45 354.0-360.0 355.25 357.00 359.75
C46 360.0-366.0 361.25 363.00 365.75
C47 366.0-372.0 367.25 369.00 371.75
C48 372.0-378.0 373.25 375.00 377.75
C49 378.0-384.0 379.25 381.00 383.75
C50 384.0-390.0 385.25 387.00 389.75
C51 390.0-396.0 391.25 393.00 395.75
C52 396.0-402.0 397.25 399.00 401.75
C53 402.0-408.0 403.25 405.00 407.75
C54 408.0-414.0 409.25 411.00 413.75
C55 414.0-420.0 415.25 417.00 419.75
C56 420.0-426.0 421.25 423.00 425.75
C57 426.0-432.0 427.25 429.00 431.75
C58 432.0-438.0 433.25 435.00 437.75
C59 438.0-444.0 439.25 441.00 443.75
C60 444.0-450.0 445.25 447.00 449.75
C61 450.0-456.0 451.25 453.00 455.75
C62 456.0-462.0 457.25 459.00 461.75
C63 462.0-468.0 463.25 465.00 467.75

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-9
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

PAL/SECAM Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies

Table E-6 provides information on the Phase Alternating Line (PAL) and SEquential Couleur Avec
Memoire (SECAM) frequency map for standard 7- and 8-MHz channel bands in Europe.
The FCS (reference subaltern frequency) for color integration is different for different countries. Also,
the channel and frequency designations are different for different countries. For a summary of the ITU
designations for PAL and SECAM systems and Recommendation ITU-R BT.470.6 standards, refer to
Table E-1, Table E-2, and Table E-3 on page E-2. These tables provide general information that may help
determine frequency allocations for specific countries. Table E-6 is a frequency allocation table for PAL
B and G locations. Also note that some countries use different schemes for VHF and UHF.
More information can be found at the Websites listed on page E-1.

Note The downstream frequency plan includes all center frequencies between 112 and 858 MHz on 250-kHz
increments. It is up to the operator to decide which frequencies to use to meet national and network

Table E-6 Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies, PAL B and G

Channel Bandwidth Visual Carrier Aural Carrier

Number (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
E2 47.0-54.0 48.25 53.75
E3 54.0-61.0 55.25 60.75
E4 61.0-68.0 62.25 67.75
S3 118.0-125.0 119.25 124.75
S4 125.0-132.0 126.25 131.75
S5 132.0-139.0 133.25 138.75
S6 139.0-146.0 140.25 145.75
S7 146.0-153.0 147.25 152.75
S8 153.0-160.0 154.25 159.75
S9 160.0-167.0 161.25 166.75
S10 167.0-174.0 168.25 173.75
E5 174.0-181.0 175.25 180.75
E6 181.0-188.0 182.25 187.75
E7 188.0-195.0 189.25 194.5
E8 195.0-202.0 196.25 201.75
E9 202.0-209.0 203.25 208.75
E10 209.0-216.0 210.25 215.75
E11 216.0-223.0 217.25 222.75
E12 223.0-230.0 224.25 229.75
S11 230.0-237.0 231.25 236.75
S12 237.0-244.0 238.25 243.75
S13 244.0-251.0 245.25 250.75

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-10 OL-5421-01
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-6 Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies, PAL B and G (continued)

Channel Bandwidth Visual Carrier Aural Carrier

Number (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
S14 251.0-258.0 252.25 257.75
S15 258.0-265.0 259.25 264.75
S16 265.0-272.0 266.25 271.75
S17 272.0-279.0 273.25 278.75
S18 279.0-286.0 280.25 285.75
S19 286.0-293.0 287.25 289.75
S20 293.0-300.0 294.25 299.75
S21 302.0-310.0 303.25 308.75
S22 310.0-318.0 311.25 316.75
S23 318.0-326.0 319.25 324.75
S24 326.0-334.0 327.25 332.75
S25 334.0-342.0 335.25 340.75
S26 342.0-350.0 343.25 348.75
S27 350.0-358.0 351.25 356.75
S28 358.0-366.0 359.25 364.75
S29 366.0-374.0 367.25 372.05
S30 374.0-382.0 375.25 380.75
S31 382.0-390.0 383.25 388.75
S32 390.0-398.0 391.25 396.75
S33 398.0-406.0 399.25 404.75
S34 406.0-414.0 407.25 412.75
S35 414.0-422.0 415.25 420.75
S36 422.0-430.0 423.25 428.75
S37 430.0-438.0 431.25 436.75
S38 438.0-446.0 439.25 444.75
S39 446.0-454.0 447.25 452.75
S40 454.0-462.0 455.25 460.75
S41 462.0-470.0 463.25 468.75
21 470.0-478.0 471.25 476.75
22 478.0-486.0 479.25 484.75
23 486.0-494.0 487.25 492.75
24 494.0-502.0 495.25 500.75
25 502.0-510.0 503.25 508.75
26 510.0-518.0 511.25 516.75
27 518.0-526.0 519.25 524.75

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-11
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-6 Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies, PAL B and G (continued)

Channel Bandwidth Visual Carrier Aural Carrier

Number (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
28 526.0-534.0 527.25 532.75
29 534.0-542.0 535.25 540.75
30 542.0-550.0 543.25 548.75
31 550.0-558.0 551.25 556.75
32 558.0-566.0 559.25 564.75
33 566.0-574.0 567.25 572.75
34 574.0-582.0 575.25 580.725
35 582.0-590.0 583.25 588.75
36 590.0-598.0 591.25 596.75
37 598.0-606.0 599.25 604.75
38 606.0-614.0 607.25 612.75
39 614.0-622.0 615.25 620.75
40 622.0-630.0 623.25 628.75
41 630.0-638.0 631.25 636.75
42 638.0-646.0 639.25 644.75
43 646.0-654.0 647.25 652.75
44 654.0-662.0 655.25 660.75
45 662.0-670.0 663.25 668.75
46 670.0-678.0 671.25 676.75
47 678.0-686.0 679.25 684.75
48 686.0-694.0 687.25 692.75
49 694.0-702.0 695.25 700.75
50 702.0-710.0 703.25 708.75
51 710.0-718.0 711.25 716.75
52 718.0-726.0 719.25 724.75
53 726.0-734.0 727.25 732.75
54 734.0-742.0 735.25 740.75
55 742.0-750.0 743.25 748.75
56 750.0-758.0 751.25 756.75
57 758.0-766.0 759.25 764.75
58 766.0-774.0 767.25 772.75
59 774.0-782.0 775.25 780.75
60 782.0-790.0 783.25 788.75
61 790.0-798.0 791.25 796.75
62 798.0-806.0 799.25 804.75

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-12 OL-5421-01
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Table E-6 Cable Television Channels and Relative Frequencies, PAL B and G (continued)

Channel Bandwidth Visual Carrier Aural Carrier

Number (MHz) (MHz) (MHz)
63 806.0-814.0 807.25 812.75
64 814.0-822.0 815.25 820.75
65 822.0-830.0 823.25 828.75
66 830.0-838.0 831.25 836.75
67 838.0-846.0 839.25 844.75
68 846.0-854.0 847.25 852.75
69 854.0-862.0 855.25 860.75

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

OL-5421-01 E-13
Appendix E Frequency Allocation Tables

Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Router Hardware Installation Guide

E-14 OL-5421-01

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