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Stability Analysis of Steep Nailed Slopes Under Seismic Condition Using 3-D Finite Element Method

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Stability analysis of steep nailed slopes under

seismic condition using 3-D finite element
Smrutirekha Sahoo*, B. Manna and K. G. Sharma
This paper presents the behavior of steep nailed soil slopes under seismic conditions by numerical
studies. Three-dimensional solid numerical models have been developed to simulate steep nailed
soil slopes by finite element (FE) method. The real-time history analyses are carried out to study the
seismic response of steep-nailed soil slopes. The effect of various influencing parameters such as
the nail inclination, nail length, frequency amplification factor, and the slope angles on the seismic
resistance and failure mechanism of the nailed slopes is studied in details. All the numerical models
developed have been used to examine the shaking table test results of steep nailed slopes (Hong et
al., 2005). The numerical results such as maximum lateral displacements at various heights of the
facing are compared with the test results for two different nail inclinations, nail lengths, frequency
amplification factors, and the slope angles at various peak amplitudes of accelerations.
Keywords: Steep nailed soil slopes, 3-D models, Finite element approach, Seismic response, Facing displacement

Introduction (Bathurst and Alfaro, 1996) because of Earthquakes

showed how vulnerable the nailed soil structures are to
Soil nailing is one of the most competent as well as cost- ground motions. Hence, more research is required to
effective technique for the stabilization of slopes, excava- properly understand how the nailed soil structures behave
tions, and retaining walls. For the first time, application of under seismic conditions.
soil nailing technique for improving the stability of slopes A series of laboratory shaking table tests were
was started in Versailles (France) in 1972. The basic conducted on five model nailed soil slopes with various
concept of soil nailing method lie in the insertion of steel nail and slope arrangements (Hong et al., 2005). In this
reinforcing bars in the ground to increase the overall shear paper, an attempt is made to back-analyze all those five
strength of the in situ soil, and hence, restrain displace- models for different input peak amplitudes of accelera-
ment and limit decompression of soil during and after tions (g) such as 0?118, 0?188, 0?221, 0?598, and 0?818
excavation. It has also been proved in the literature (Hong (chosen from each of the models from shaking table test),
et al., 2005) that the performance of nailed soil slopes is which are summarized in Table 1. The input peak
quite excellent than the gravity retaining structures under amplitude of accelerations (g) depicted with bold number-
seismic conditions. The literature on the nailed soil ing in Table 1 in case of each of the model slope are the
structures bring out the fact that lots of work have been matching accelerations to the respective model slopes
done on the design and construction methodologies, during the shake table testing. The numerical models using
laboratory modeling and numerical modeling of nailed finite element software, MIDAS GTS are developed
slopes, and excavations under static load condition. Hong to examine the effect of nail inclinations, nail lengths,
et al. (2005) investigated the performance of nailed soil frequency amplification factors, and the slope angles on
slopes under seismic condition in the laboratory. Lou and the seismic response of steep nailed soil slopes.
Ye (2008) and Sabahit et al. (1996) studied theoretically
the performance of such structures under seismic condi-
tions. The failure or distress reported in the literature
Details of the numerical model
Three-dimensional solid numerical models for the simula-
tion of steep nailed slopes with different nail inclinations,
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New nail lengths, and slope angles are developed using the same
Delhi 110016, India geometry as per the dimensions of the laboratory shaking
*Corresponding author, email; smruti_5010@yahoo. table test (Hong et al., 2005). The nails are modeled as one-dimensional beam elements and the facing plate is

2014 W. S. Maney & Son Ltd

Received 15 July 2014; accepted 9 October 2014 International Journal of
DOI 10.1179/1939787914Y.0000000084 Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000 1
Sahoo et al. Steep nailed soil slopes under seismic conditions

a Front view and b isometric view. (All dimensions are in millimeters)

1 The mesh and boundary conditions used for the nite element (FE) analysis for model 2

modeled as two-dimensional plate element. The dimen- s r

sions of PMMA tubes (nails) and PMMA plate (facing) lz2G lz2G
Cp ~r:A: ~W :A: ~cp :A (1)
used in finite element (FE) analysis are considered as per r W :9:81
the reported literature (Hong et al., 2005). The Mohr
Coulomb model is adopted for soil to simulate the s r
elastoplastic behavior of soil. The material parameters of : : G : : G
Cs ~r A ~W A ~cs :A (2)
soil and nails adopted for the FE analysis are shown in r W 9:81
Table 2. The material parameters of soil, nail, and facing vE E
plate are also considered same as those adopted for the where l~ (1zv)(1{2v) ; G~ 2(1zv)
shake table testing. The interface elements are created A, cross-sectional area (m2); E, modulus of elasticity
around the nail elements by calculating the normal (kN m22); W, unit weight (kN m23); l, volumetric modu-
stiffness modulus, shear stiffness modulus, cohesion, lus of elasticity (kN m22); G, shear modulus (kN m22);
internal friction angle, and the assumed strength reduction n, Poissons ratio.
factor from the material properties to provide the interface In FE analysis, the meshing for soil elements has been
between soil and nail. done using 10-noded tetrahedron elements. The meshing
In this study, the damping constants, i.e. cp and cs type chosen for the facing plate and nail elements are 8-
required for the time history analysis are calculated as noded quadratic and linear, respectively. The schematic
follows [MIDAS/GTS, 2013 (v1?1)] diagram of geometry and generated mesh of the model no.

Table 1 Summary of numerically developed model slope arrangements

Model No. Slope angle/u Nail length/m Nail inclination/u Frequency amplification factor Input peak amplitude of accelerations/g

1 80 0.4 0 5.0 0.118, 0.188, 0.221, 0?598, 0.818

2 80 0.4 30 5.0 0.118, 0.188, 0.221, 0.598, 0?818
3 80 0.5 0 5.0 0.118, 0?188, 0.221, 0.598, 0.818
4 80 0.4 0 3.5 0?118, 0.188, 0.221, 0.598, 0.818
5 90 0.4 0 5.0 0.118, 0.188, 0?221, 0.598, 0.818

Table 2 Material properties of soil and nail

Parameters Soil Nail

Modulus of Elasticity E/ kN m 45 040 3 270 000
Poissons ratio n 0.25 0.4
Unit weight c/kN m23 15.245 11.8
Cohesion c/kN m22 (assumed apparent cohesion) 0.5
Frictional angle Q 43.7
Model type MohrCoulomb Elastic

2 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000

Sahoo et al. Steep nailed soil slopes under seismic conditions

2 Typical history of input acceleration where the duration of the earthquake compressed by a frequency amplication factor
of ve (time history of the acceleration in the eastwest direction at observatory station TCU074 during the 1999 Chi-Chi

2 is shown in Fig. 1. The other four models are also TCU074 during the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake with
developed similar to this model by adopting the same different peak amplitudes of acceleration for each model
mesh type as well as same element size. In this paper, two slope using the FE software, MIDAS GTS. Figure 2 is a
types of boundary conditions are considered: free-roller plot of the input acceleration with frequency amplification
and full-fixity. The free-roller and the full-fixity boundary factor of five. The duration of the earthquake applied to
condition are considered for the side soil boundary nodes all models, except model 4, has been compressed by a
and the bottom soil boundary nodes, respectively. At the frequency amplification factor of five, i.e. 9018 s. These
free-roller boundary, which is usually used to represent a data are used in FE analysis to provide unidirectional
far field boundary condition, soil particles are free to move (horizontal) seismic excitation, which is similar to the
in the direction ,which is parallel to the wall boundary. On laboratory shaking table test.
the other hand, at the bottom of the slope models, the
elements are fully fixed, and hence, all kind of movements
are restrained.
Results and discussions
All the five models developed using the FE method with The comparison study from the plot between the normal-
different slope and nail arrangements are analyzed with ized accumulated displacements of the facing at the end of
the input peak amplitude of accelerations (g) as mentioned each seismic excitation and the slope height at every
in Table 1. The time history analyses are carried out on all measured location for all the five model slopes has been
the developed FE model slopes using the earthquake divided mainly into two parts as shown in Fig. 3a and b,
history, i.e. the eastwest direction at observatory station which are as follows:

a Effect of different parameters from finite element (FE) analyses and b test results v FE results
3 Normalized accumulated displacements of the facing at the end of each seismic sequence for all the models

International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000 3

Sahoo et al. Steep nailed soil slopes under seismic conditions

(i) The effect of various parameters has been obtained displacement at all the measured points is greater in case
from the results of FE analyses, which has been of the model slope having slope angle of 90u than that of
shown in Fig. 3a for all the input peak amplitude of model slope having slope angle of 80u at all the input peak
accelerations (g) as depicted in Table 1. amplitude of accelerations. The difference in magnitude of
(ii) A comparison study has been made between the facing displacement at all the measured locations increases
shake table test results and the FE results as with increase in input peak amplitude of acceleration.
depicted in Fig. 3b for the respective input peak Therefore, it can be concluded from these plots that the
amplitude of accelerations (g). steep slope having slope angle of 80u is safer than slope
having slope angle of 90u.
Effect of various parameters
Effect of nail inclination Comparison of FE analysis and shake table test
The effect of nail inclination on the seismic response of results
steep slopes is studied from model 1 and model 2 at the The comparison of test results with the FEM results from
end of each seismic excitation as shown in Fig. 3a having the plot between the normalized accumulated displace-
two different nail inclinations, i.e. 0u and 30u, respectively, ments of the facing and the slope height at every measured
keeping all other parameters as constant. The outward location for all models is shown in Fig. 3b. It can be seen
convex tendency shown in both the models is an evidence that there is no or a very less variation found in the
of a combination of translational and rocking movement magnitude as well as the deformation pattern of facing
with rocking movement as more predominant at all input displacement between the FEM results and the shaking
loading conditions. It can also be seen from the plot that table test results for model 3 than the rest of the models.
the magnitude of facing displacement at all the measured There is a large variation found in the magnitude as well as
points is greater in case of horizontally placed nails than the deformation pattern of facing displacement between
that of inclined nails at higher input peak amplitude of the FEM results and the shaking table test results for
acceleration. Therefore, it can be concluded from these model 2 than the rest of the models. It can also be seen
plots that the inclined nail for steep slopes is a better that the magnitude of facing displacement of the FEM
option than the horizontally placed nails. results is found ahead of the test results for model 4 while
Effect of length of nails for model 1, model 2, and model 5, it is vice versa. From
the plots of all these five models under the respective peak
The effect of nail length on the seismic response of slopes
amplitude of accelerations (g), it has been found that there
is studied from model 1 and model 3 at the end of each
is a variation in the magnitude of facing displacement as
seismic excitation as shown in Fig. 3a having two different
well as in the deformation pattern between the FEM
nail lengths, i.e. 0?4 and 0?5 m, respectively, keeping all
results and the shaking table test results. It has been shown
other parameters as constant. It has been found that there
in the results of FE modeling (Cai and Bathurst, 1995;
is no variation in the magnitude as well as pattern of
Segrestin and Bastick, 1988) that the seismic response of
facing displacement though there is a combination of
reinforced soil walls is a function of peak ground acce-
translational and rocking movement with rocking move-
leration, peak velocity, duration of the ground motion,
ment as more predominant in both the slopes at all input
frequency content, distance from the source, and other
loading conditions.
factors. Hence, the variation in the results of shake table
Effect of frequency amplification factor test and the current numerical analysis may be due to
The effect of frequency amplification factor on the seismic the variation in any one or more of these parameters
response of slopes is studied from model 1 and model 4 at considered during the FE analysis and shake table testing.
the end of each seismic excitation as shown in Fig. 3a The initial and final displacement diagram of model 2 at
having two different frequency amplification factors, i.e. the end of the final sequence of seismic excitation during
5?0 and 3?5, respectively, corresponding to 18?0 and 25?7 s shake table test and at the end of the seismic sequence
of excitation keeping all other parameters as constant. It having apeak50?818g during FE analysis has been depicted
has been found that there is no variation in the magnitude schematically in Fig. 4a and b, respectively. The critical
as well as pattern of facing displacement though there is a amplitude of acceleration for the model 2 at the end of a
combination of translational and rocking movement with range of seismic sequences has already been found as
rocking movement as more predominant in both the 0?805g from the shaking table test. In the FE analysis, the
slopes at all input loading conditions. peak amplitude of acceleration is considered as
apeak50?818g, which is greater than the critical amplitude
Effect of slope angle of acceleration (0?805g) obtained from the test. This may
The effect of slope angle on the seismic response of two be the reason for the variation in the deformation pattern
model slopes such as model 1 and model 5 at the end of of the model slope obtained in FE analysis.
each seismic excitation having slope angle of 80u and 90u,
respectively, keeping all other parameters same is shown in
Fig. 3a. The outward convex tendency shown in both the
models is an evidence of a combination of translational The FE analysis has been conducted on the nailed soil
and rocking movement with rocking movement as more slope models as per the geometry as well as the material
predominant at all input loading conditions. It can also parameters adopted in shaking table test (Hong et al.,
be seen from the plot that the magnitude of facing 2005). Some of the important conclusions drawn on the

4 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 2014 VOL 000 NO 000

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seismic sequence having apeak50?818g during finite element (FE) analysis (displacement in x-direction)
4 Initial and nal displacement diagram of model 2

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